HomeMy WebLinkAbout4470 ORDINANCE NO. 4470 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Chapter 2.56 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Cultural Communities Board", in order to realign the mission and goals of the Board. RECITALS A. The Cultural Communities Board has had various iterations, serving the Mayor and City Council since the mid-1990s. Recently, members saw the need to refocus the purpose and responsibilities of the Board to align with the implementation of the City's first Race & Equity Strategic Plan. B. To accomplish this goal, this ordinance amends the Kent City Code to realign the purpose and responsibilities of the Board to reflect these ideals more closely. This includes renaming the Cultural Communities Board to the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Board. The new Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Board will play a significant role in the evaluation of the Race & Equity Strategic Plan's implementation and future updates. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 1 Amend KCC 2.56 - Re; Cultural Communities Board ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Amendment - KCC 2.56. Chapter 2.56 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Cultural Communities Board" is amended as follows: CHAPTER 2.56 DIVERSITY EQUITY INCLUSION, AND BELONGING BOARD Sec. 2.56.010. Establishment of board. There is hereby established a Diversity Equity Inclusion and Belonging BoarcleultuFal eeffifflunities beard, which shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Mffi}ayor and Ceity Ceouncil of the Ceity of Kent, subject to the general provisions applicable to boards and commissions as provided for under Chapter 2.50 KCC, except as those provisions are modified by the following provisions specific to the Diversity Equity Inclusion and Belonging Board eenqFflunities beard. Sec. 2.56.020. Purpose. The 'tties beard i ll beard / / The Board will provide recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on the development implementation and evaluation of policies plans, programs, and budget proposals that seek to eliminate racial inequity in the community. 2 Amend KCC 2.56 - Re: Cultural Communities Board Sec. 2.56.030. Responsibilities. The Rboard shall have the following responsibilities: elyen^e a resource relating to the social and civic participation of Kent's multicultural communities. B. To advise on policies plans, and procedures related to effective inclusion and belonging of all residents from Kent's multicultural communities. C. .To provide the Mayor and City Council an annual plan implementation report and progress rating for the City's Race and Equity Strategic Plan. eenqnqunit�- D-E. To serve as a liaison among community members, residents, businesses, and Ceity government on issues that affect the Ceity and its quality of life, including identifying needs, suggesting resources, and connecting cultural and ethnic communities to existing Ceity resources. E. To co-desian future updates to the City's Race and Equity Strategic Plan. Sec. 2.56.040. Composition of the board. The Board will consist of up to 18 members, two of whom will be youth representatives, to the extent reasonably practicable. Membership shall be Kent residents who are representative of the cultural and ethnic diversity of the Kent community. 3 Amend KCC 2.56 - Re; Cultural Communities Board Sec. 2.56.050. Terms of appointment. All members appointed to the Board shall serve two-year terms. Members may only serve up to three consecutive two-year terms, for a total consecutive period of service of six years. A member who is ineligible to serve for having served six consecutive years may again serve: A. After two years have elapsed from the expiration of their last term; or B. After no other qualified applicant applied for the available position and the Mayor requests the member continue serving on the appointive commission. The board chair shall be appointed annually by the Bboard's members. Sec. 2.56.060. Staffing. Repealed by Ord. No. 4406. Sec. 2.56.070. Meetings. Repealed by Ord. No. 4406. Sec. 2.56.080. Attendance and vacancies. Repealed by No. Ord. 4406. SECTION 2. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the Code Reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. 4 Amend KCC 2.56 - Rec Cultural Communities Board SECTION 4, - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage as provided by law. July 18, 2023 61N�ARALPH, MA Date Approved ATTEST: July 18, 2023 KIMBERLEY OMOTO, C CLERK Date Adopted July 21, 2023 Date Published *PE AS TO F RM: HITE, CITY ATTORNEY W f W x!k 5 Amend KCC 2.56 - Re: Cultural Communities Board Classified Proof CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL The following are sum- maries of orrllnancas passed by the Kent City Council on Ally 18. 2023. ORDINANCE NO. 4470 -AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the GYy of Kent. Washirglon. amending Chaater 2.56 of the Kent City Code. ent Ved Cultural Com- munities Solid in order to realign. the mission and goals of the Board. This ordirence ;hat take effect and be in force 30 days from and alter its passage as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4471 -AN ORDINANCE of the CitV Council of the City of Kent. Washinglon. providing for the acquisi- tion by eminent domain of real property needed for the co,!Ftruchon of the Reill-• Road Roundabout Project.. This oramance provides for the condemnation. appropnation. taking. and damaging of real propervt necessary for that project and provides for the payment thereof out of the R:th Road Roundabout Pmjer:l funrl (Fund No.R201231.This ordinance also directs the City Attorney to prosecute the appropri- ate legal condemnation proc�edincs in King Count, Superior Court. to retain any legal coun- sel required and to en- ter into settlernews, stipulations. or other agreements as may be necessary. This ordi- nance shall lake effect Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett,07/14/2023 03:15:44 pin Page:2 Classified Proof anc be ir:force 30 days from ind a`ter its pas sage. as provided by law. A oop, r,f the ;.OMPI'-te text of arr. iri —Mt--Hill be me;!ecf uper. r_queat r,•f'hc Cdv Clerk. t<i:nt;eri;, A. Knmoto. Cli" cI r4 Kkcwooiu�c^,<et.tif,jmi 353-356-57_5 tz 9807'_1 T21 23 Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett,07/14/2023 03:15:44 pm Page:3