HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2023-430 - Original - WA State Dept of Commerce - Innovative Justice Assistance Grant for Community Immersion Law Enforcement Program - 11/01/2023 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: Agreement Routing Form DirAsst: • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Dir/Dep: KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover (Optional) WASHINGTON Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: Sara Wood Police Date Sent: Date Required: c 08/10/2023 8/11/2023 QAuthorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: Q �✓ Mayor or Designee N/A Budget Account Number: Grant? Yes[Z] NoE:] N/A Budget? Yes Type: State Vendor Name: Category: WA State Department of Commerce Grant: Non-Real Property Vendor Number: Sub-Category: Original 0 Project Ndme'' Innovative Justice Assistant Grant(JAG)-Community Immersion Law Enforcement Program(CILEP) 3- Project Details: The attached form is required to be submitted with the grant application.The form asks many legal � questions and requires the Mayor's signature. Should the grant funds be awarded, it will fund one year of C y the Kent PD's CILEP program, expanding the program and research and evaluation of the project. IC Basis for Selection of Contractor: Agreement Amount: $150,000 Interlocal Agreement E i *Memo to Mayor must be attached Start Date: TBD Termination Date: 9/30/2024 a Local Business? Yes PINO*If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions"form on Cityspace. Business License Verification: ❑Yes In-Process F-11Exempt(KCC 5.01.045) FlAuthorized Signer Verified Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: Yes❑No CAG2023-430 Comments: IM C C N C a, a Date Received:City Attorney: 8/10/23 Date Routed:Mayor's Office 8/10/23 6ity Clerk's Office 8/14/23 adccW22373_7_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20221201 401411111, �►i Nlaslliry:on Stale Depa-:rnent of ►ti �CornmeMe Attachment A— RFP Response Form RFP Number: F23-31440-500 JAG Innovation Fund - RFP Response Form Please see section three of the RFP for complete descriptions of each component. Each section needs to be completed or indicated as non-applicable in order to be considered responsive. If your proposal is the Apparently Successful Applicant, COMMERCE will use the information in this form to draft, negotiate and execute the contract. COMMERCE may request additional information from Apparently Successful Applicants. ELECTRONIC PROPOSALS: Proposals must be written in English and submitted electronically to the RFP Coordinator at the following Smartsheet web address: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/ad6daefd57144e33b5fe736Oe93cfcff Table of Contents 1. Letter of Submittal..........................................................................................................................................................2 2. Certifications And Assurances.........................................................................................................................................4 3. Project Proposal (SCORED)..............................................................................................................................................5 4. Budget Proposal (SCORED) .............................................................................................................................................8 S. Diverse Business Inclusion Plan ......................................................................................................................................9 6. Contractor Certification EXECUTIVE ORDER 18-03—WORKERS' RIGHTS WASHINGTON STATE GOODS&SERVICES CONTRACTS....10 7. Small or Veteran-Owned Business Certification...........................................................................................................11 1 V12 s I 1i rig.on Stale Depa-:rnent of Ri►�Commerrle Attachment A— RFP Response Form RFP Number: F23-31440-500 1. Letter of Submittal See RFP Section 3.2 for complete details. Please fill in the blank spaces as applicable. 1. RFP Applicant: 12. Fiscal Sponsor(as applicable) Entity Name: city of Kent Name: Kent Police Department Doing Business as:ICity of Kent Mailing Address: 12204th Avenue South Mailing Address: 2204th Avenue South Physical Address if different than mailin : Physical Address if different than mailing): Email: swood@kentwa.gov Email: dralph@kentwa.gov Phone; 253-856-5856 Phone: 253-856-5700 3. RFP Entity Representative (Primary Point of Contact) 4. COMMERCE Representative Name:sara Wood Anica Stieve Title: lCorrimunity Education Coordinator JAG Program Manager Phone: 253-856-5856 RFP Coordinator Email: swood@kentwa.gov Anica.stieve(c�commerce.wa.gov Name of Authorized Contract Signer (if different than above) Name: IDana Ralph Title: Imayor Phone: 253-856-5700 Email, Idralph@kenlwa.gov 5. Total Amount 6. Funding Source 7. Tentative Start Date 8. Tentative End Requested 11/1/2023 Date $ Federal: X State: ❑ Other: ❑ 9/30/2024 N/A: ❑ 9. Tax ID# 10. State of WA Vendor# (SWV) 11. Unique Business Identifier 12. Unique Entity 91-6001254 SWV0000552 UBI # Identifier UEI # 173-000-002 1GALJSHRB2EM6 Application Purpose (Briefly describe proposal purpose—3-5 sentences): To build program capacity of the Community Immersion Law Enforcement Program in the Kent Police Department enhancing community collaborations and expanding program delivery. Applicant Response Checklist: Representative Submitting this RFP Response: ❑ Letter of Submittal Sara Wood, Community Education Coordinator ❑ Exhibit A—Certifications and Assurances Name, Title ❑ Exhibit B— Diverse Business Inclusion Plan Sara Wood Digitally signed by Sara Wood El Exhibit C—Worker's Rights Certification Date:2023.07.2615:05,42-07'00' Signature ❑ Project Proposal swood@kentwa.gov 253-856-5856 ❑ Budget Proposal Email & Phone (if different than item #1 above) If applicable: August 14,2023 ❑ Proposed contract edits Date ❑ OMWBE Certification 2 r�►i Nlaslliry:on Stale Depa-:rnent of ►ti �Commeire Attachment A- RFP Response Form RFP Number: F23-31440-500 Letter of Submittal (continued) Title of Principle officer: Mayor Dana Ralph 7-20-dth .vent is South,Kent %A/A Name: 98037 753 856 5700 Work Address: Phone Number: Title of Principle officer: Chief Rafa-ci Padilla 72-0 dth Avcn1 is South, Kent W Name: 98037 753 856 5800 Work Address: Phone Number: Title of Principle officer: Name: Work Address: Phone Number: Title of Principle officer: Name: Work Address: Phone Number: Legal status: 1890 Year the entity was organized to do business: Sara Wood Digitally signed by Sara Wood Date:2023,0726 15:06:43-OT00' Signature of Applicant Date Sara Wood Community Education Coordinator Printed Name Title 3 r��i V12sI1irig.on Slale Depa-:rnent of %&,w Commerrle Attachment A— RFP Response Form RFP Number: F23-31440-500 2. Certifications And Assurances I/we make the following certifications and assurances as a required element of the proposal to which it is attached, understanding that the truthfulness of the facts affirmed here and the continuing compliance with these requirements are conditions precedent to the award or continuation of the related contract: 1. I/we declare that all answers and statements made in the proposal are true and correct. 2. The prices and/or cost data have been determined independently, without consultation, communication, or agreement with others for the purpose of restricting competition. However, I/we may freely join with other persons or entities for the purpose of presenting a single proposal. 3. The attached proposal is a firm offer for a period of 60 days following receipt,and it may be accepted by COMMERCE without further negotiation (except where obviously required by lack of certainty in key terms)at any time within the 60-day period. 4. In preparing this proposal, I/we have not been assisted by any current or former employee of the state of Washington whose duties relate (or did relate)to this proposal or prospective contract, and who was assisting in other than his or her official, public capacity. If there are exceptions to these assurances, I/we have described them in full detail on a separate page attached to this document. 5. I/we understand that COMMERCE will not reimburse me/us for any costs incurred in the preparation of this proposal. All proposals become the property of COMMERCE, and I/we claim no proprietary right to the ideas,writings, items, or samples, unless so stated in this proposal. 6. Unless otherwise required by law,the prices and/or cost data which have been submitted have not been knowingly disclosed by the Proposer and will not be knowingly disclosed by him/her prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to any other Proposer or to any competitor. 7. I/we agree that submission of the attached proposal constitutes acceptance of the solicitation contents and the attached sample contract and general terms and conditions. If there are any exceptions to these terms, I/we have described those exceptions in detail on a page attached to this document. 8. No attempt has been made or will be made by the Proposer to induce any other person or firm to submit or not to submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting competition. 9. I/we grant COMMERCE the right to contact references and others who may have pertinent information regarding the ability of the Proposer and the lead staff person to perform the services contemplated by this RFP. 10. If any staff member(s)who will perform work on this contract has retired from the State of Washington under the provisions of the 2008 Early Retirement Factors legislation, his/her name(s)is noted on a separately attached page. 11. I/we are not debarred from doing business with the state of Washington or the United States. I/We have reviewed the Contract and General Terms and Conditions and I/we: (check one) ❑are submitting proposed Contract edits. If proposed Contract edits are being submitted, I/we have attached them to this form. (See Section 2.13) 10 are not submitting proposed Contract edits. (Default if neither are checked) On behalf of the Proposer submitting this proposal, my signature below attests to the accuracy of the above statement as well as my authority to bind the submitting entity. Sara Wood Digitally signed by Sara Wood Date:2023.08.04 10:26:68-07'00' Signature of Applicant Date Sara Wood Community Education Coordinator Printed Name Title 4 V12 s I 1i rig.on Slale Depa-:rnent of Ri►�Commerrle Attachment A— RFP Response Form RFP Number: F23-31440-500 3. Project Proposal (SCORED) Responses to proposal sections A through E combined should be no more than eight (8) pages total, standard margins, single spaced, 12pt. font, in PDF format to be attached in addition to this response form. Proposal sections F and G are required but do not count against the eight (8) page limit. Proposal responses for sections A through E in excess of eight (8) pages may be considered unresponsive and may not be evaluated. Applicants are not required to repeat the question in their responses, however applicants should organize/section their responses with items A— E labeled for ease of evaluation. A. Innovation and Results (SCORED): Include a complete description of the proposed approach and methodology for the project. Applicants are encouraged to address the following components as applicable to the proposed project: a) What is the proposed idea, project, program for which the applicant is seeking funding b) What need does the proposal address? Please use any anecdotal, qualitative or quantitative data to demonstrate need. c) How does the proposed idea/project align with one or more of the JAG Purpose Areas listed in Section 1, Item 1.1? d) How does the proposed idea/project align with one or more of the JAG Innovation Fund Priorities as listed in Section 1, Item 1.2? B. Implementation (SCORED): Please describe how the project/idea will be implemented. Applicants are encouraged to address the following components, as applicable to the proposed project: a) What group/communities will benefit from the proposed project/idea? If the proposal includes direct service provision, please describe the services that will be provided in detail — include who will be served and how many individuals will be served throughout the period. b) Timeline— please describe the timeline for implementation of the proposed work. Include all project requirements and the proposed tasks, services, activities, etc. necessary to accomplish the scope of the project proposed in this RFP. c) Risks, challenges and/or barriers — please identify any risks, challenges or barriers to the proposed project's success. Include any proposed strategies to mitigate these issues. d) Subcontractors—if any subcontracted activities are proposed, include a detailed description of the purpose of subcontracting and the subcontracted services to be provided. Do not select subcontractors until all relevant requirements have been reviewed, including the Code of Federal Requirements if applicable. 5 V12 s I 1i rig.on Slale Depa-:rnent of �i►�Commerrle Attachment A— RFP Response Form RFP Number: F23-31440-500 C. Outcomes and Performance Measurement (SCORED): Describe the impacts and outcomes the proposed project will achieve, including how these impacts and outcomes will be monitored, measured and reported to COMMERCE. Applicants are encouraged to address the following components, as applicable to the proposed project: a) How will the applicant assess or evaluate impact? Impact and outcomes must support the purpose of the JAG Innovation Fund RFP as described in Section 1.1. b) What metrics will be measured to indicate impact and outcomes? c) What tools will be used to measure and report outcomes?(ex. Pre/post surveys,final report,anecdotal data and information, etc.) D. Equity and Collaboration (SCORED): Describe how the proposed project advances equity and collaboration. Please include the following components: a) How does the proposed project work to address and/or reduce racial and economic disparity? How does it promote and strengthen racial equity efforts? b) If applicable, how will the proposed project/approach include meaningful engagement of, or a plan to engage, people with lived experience and those most impacted by the issue that the proposed project/approach will address? c) How does the proposed project leverage resources, collaboration and avoid duplication of work? Please describe any collaborative efforts or partnerships necessary to implement the proposed project. E. Entity Expertise (SCORED): Describe the Applicant's experience and ability to conduct the proposed project. Please include the following components: a) Entity mission, vision and expertise — include a description of the applicant's expertise to carry out the proposed project b) Staff Qualifications and Experience—identify staff who will be assigned to the potential contract and the amount of time each will be assigned to the project. Include any pertinent information on the individual's skills or experience that will be particularly relevant. Staff identified in the Proposal must actually perform the assigned work. F. Related Information (MANDATORY) Please complete using the space provided in this form. If the question is non-applicable please indicate that in the space provided. If the applicant or any known subcontractor contracted with the state of Washington during the past 24 months, indicate the name of the entity, the contract number and project description and/or other information available to identify the contract. 6 r��i V12sI1irig.on Slale Depa-:rnent of Ww Commerrle Attachment A— RFP Response Form RFP Number: F23-31440-500 As a government agency, the City of Kent has had multiple contracts with various departments with the state of Washington. If the applicant's staff or a member of its governing board was an employee of the state of Washington during the past 24 months, or is currently a Washington State employee, identify the individual by name, the entity previously or currently employed by,job title or position held and separation date. Also include this individuals' current position help in the applicant's entity, and responsibilities. If following a review of this information COMMERCE determines that a conflict of interest exists, the applicant may be disqualified from further consideration. N/A If the applicant has had a contract terminated for default in the last five years, describe such incident. Termination for default is defined as notice to stop performance due to the applicant's non-performance or poor performance and the issue of performance was either(a) not litigated due to inaction on the part of the applicant, orb litigated and such litigation determined that the applicant was in default. N/A Submit full details of the terms for default including the other party's name, address, and phone number. Present the applicant's position on the matter. COMMERCE will evaluate the facts and may, at its sole discretion, reject the proposal on the grounds of the past experience. If no such termination for default has been experienced by the applicant in the past five years, so indicate. N/A r��i V12sIIirig.on Slale Depa-:rnent of Ww Commerrle Attachment A— RFP Response Form RFP Number: F23-31440-500 G. References (MANDATORY) List names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three (3) business references for the applicant and three (3) business references for the lead staff person for whom work has been accomplished and briefly describe the type of service provided. Do not include current COMMERCE staff as references. By submitting a Proposal the applicant and any partners or agents authorize COMMERCE to contact these references and any others who, from COMMERCE'S perspective, may have pertinent information. COMMERCE may or may not contact references in its sole discretion. TBD - waiting on info from A/C Grove 4. Budget Proposal (SCORED) The total amount proposed should be up to $150,000. Proposals with budgets in excess of this amount may not be evaluated. Please complete the budget spreadsheet located at this BOX link. For questions regarding allowable and unallowable costs, please see the most current version of the DOJ Grants Financial Guide. 8 401P41111, ��i V12sI1irig.on Slale Depa-:rnent of Ww Commerrtle Attachment A— RFP Response Form RFP Number: F23-31440-500 5. Diverse Business Inclusion Plan Please see Section 2.8 of the RFP for more information regarding the Diverse Business Inclusion Plan. If awarded a contract as a result of this RFP, Yes No Do you anticipate subcontracting with, or is your entity, a State Certified Minority Business? ❑ M Do you anticipate subcontracting with, or is your entity, a State Certified Women's Business? ❑ M Do you anticipate subcontracting with, or is your entity, a State Certified Veteran Business? ❑ M Do you anticipate using, or is your entity, a Washington State Small Business? ❑ If you answered No to all of the questions above, please explain: We answered"no"to these questions because as a government agency,we must follow procurement policies and guidelines.As such,we are unsure what businesses we will enter into contract with. However, because this grant proposal involves the CILEP program which requires officers are immersed with community based and serving organizations,we anticipate some agencies will fall under the state certified minority,women's,and veteran's business. ❑ I/We do not plan to subcontract any of the work described in this RFP. Please list the approximate percentage of work to be accomplished by each group: Minority-Owned Businesses % Women-Owned Businesses % Veteran-Owned Businesses % Small Businesses % Please identify the person in your organization who will manage your Diverse Inclusion Plan responsibility: Name: Andy Grove Title: Assistant Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5828 Email: agrove@kentwa.gov * Please note that subcontracting must be done in accordance with contractual terms and conditions which may include specific subcontractor selection requirements. Do not select subcontractors until you have reviewed all applicable requirements. OMWBE Certification (OPTIONAL AND NOT SCORED) Include proof of certification issued by the Washington State Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises (OMWBE) if certified minority-, women-, or veteran-owned firm(s) will be participating on this project. For more information please visit: htti)://www.omwbe.wa.gov. 9 `091 4 Nleshiry.on Slale Depa anent of Ri►�Commerce Attachment A— RFP Response Form RFP Number: F23-31440-500 6. Contractor Certification EXECUTIVE ORDER 18-03 —WORKERS' RIGHTS WASHINGTON STATE GOODS & SERVICES CONTRACTS Pursuant to the Washington State Governor's Executive Order 18-03 (dated June 12, 2018), the Washington State Department of Commerce is seeking to contract with qualified entities and business owners who certify that their employees are not, as a condition of employment, subject to mandatory individual arbitration clauses and class or collective action waivers. Solicitation No.: F22-31440-500 I hereby certify, on behalf of the entity identified below, as follows (check one): ® NO MANDATORY INDIVIDUAL ARBITRATION CLAUSES AND CLASS OR COLLECTIVE ACTION WAIVERS FOR EMPLOYEES. This entity does NOT require its employees, as a condition of employment, to sign or agree to mandatory individual arbitration clauses or class or collective action waivers. OR ❑ MANDATORY INDIVIDUAL ARBITRATION CLAUSES AND CLASS OR COLLECTIVE ACTION WAIVERS FOR EMPLOYEES. This entity requires its employees, as a condition of employment, to sign or agree to mandatory individual arbitration clauses or class or collective action waivers. OR ❑ This entity certifies it has no employees. I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington, that the certifications herein are true and correct and that I am authorized to make these certifications on behalf of the entity listed herein. Name: Print full legal name of entity By: I . _ Dana Ralph Signature of authorized person Printed Name Title: Mayor Place: Kent, WA Title of person signing certificate Print city and state where signed Date: 08/14/2023 10 `091 4 NNeshiry.on Slale Depa anent of Ri►�Commerce Attachment A— RFP Response Form RFP Number: F23-31440-500 7. Small or Veteran-Owned Business Certification See Section 1.5 for more information about COMMERCE'S award obligation to Small and Veteran-Owned Businesses. Small Business ❑ By checking this box and signing below I/we hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the business represented in this Proposal is a Washington business including a sole proprietorship, corporation, partnership, or other legal entity, that is: (a) Owned and operated independently from all other businesses and has either: (i) Fifty or fewer employees; or (ii) A gross revenue of less than seven million dollars annually as reported on its federal income tax return or its return filed with the department of revenue over the previous three consecutive years; or (b) Is certified with the Office of Women and Minority Business Enterprises under chapter 39.19 RCW. I/we are including a copy of the certification. Veteran-Owned Business ❑ By checking this box and signing below, I/we certify the business represented in this Proposal is certified by the Washington Department of Veteran Affairs. I/we are including a copy of the certification. Failure to return or sign this Exhibit, or failure to check an applicable box, may result in failure to qualify as a responsive and responsible Small or Veteran-Owned Business. Failure to include a copy of the relevant certification may result in failure to qualify as a responsive and responsible Small or Veteran-Owned Business. Additional Representation The following is not required nor scored. Your answers or lack of answers will not impact the outcome of this RFP.This information helps Commerce monitor our level of success in meeting our diverse contracting goals. See Section 2.9 for more information about Commerce's diverse contracting goals. For informational purposes only, the business represented in this Proposal is: ❑ Certified Woman-Owned by the Office of Women and Minority Business Enterprises ❑ Certified Minority-Owned by the Office of Women and Minority Business Enterprises Sara Wood Digitally signed by Sara Wood Date:2023.08.04 10:34:59-07'00' Signature of Proposer Date Sara Wood Community Education Coordinator Printed Name Title 11 Start Date Department Category-Su-Category Nenii, ontract an or ame ro act ame ocument escr pt on ontract Amount 7/1/2021 Public Works Grant:Non-Real Pro ert-Ori inal CAG2022-026 Department of Ecology Downe Slde Channel Restoration Pro ect 3,266,880.00 7/1/2021 Public Works Grant-Or:inal CAG2023-250 Department of Ecology 2021-2023 Biennial Stormwater Ca aci Grant 50 000.00 7/1/2021 Public Works Grant:Non-Real Property CAG2021-537 State of Washington Department of Ecology Solid Waste Management Local Solid Waste Financial Assistance Agreement SWMLSWFA-2021-KentPW-00079 181 010.00 7/1/2021 Police Contract CAG2021-393 WA State Dept of Commerce Community Immersion of Law Enforcement Trainees Program CILETP 47 500.00 7/1/2021 Public Works Grant:Non-Real Property CAG2021-478 Washin ton State De artment of Trans ortatlon WSDOT Transportation Demand Mana ement Grant Im lementatlon Commute TripReduction 106 006.00 7/1/2021 Police Interlocal CAG2021-423 Washin ton State Dept of Commerce Multi-Jurisdiction Dru-Gan Task Force Pro ram 176 196.00 7/1/2021 Police Grant:Non-Real Property CAG2021-308 Washington Traffic Safet Commission DrugRecognition Experts DRE Overtime Fundin 31000.00 7 8 2021 Police Grant:Non-Real Property CAG2021-315 De artment of Justice MOU:2021 Justice Assistance Gran[ 45 521.00 8 17 2021 Finance SharingA reement CAG2021-358 Washington State Auditor's Office(SAO) SAO and City of Kent Data Sharing Agreement 8 23 2021 Public Works Grant:Non-Real Property CAG2021-372 WSDOT Grant funds for City Safety Road Diets program $ 735 000.00 8 23 2021 Public Works Grant:Non-Real Property CAG2021-373 WSDOT Grant funds for Highway Traffic Safet Im ro ement program 900 000.00 10 1 2021 Police Interlocal-Extension PD16-155 DrugEnforcement A en State and Local HIDTA Task Force A reement 10/1 2021 Public Works Interlocal CAG2021-298 Washington Conservation Cor s WCC Clt of Kent Mitigation Sites Maintenance 56 640.00 10 1 2021 Police Grant:Non-Real Property CAG2021-092 Washington Traffic Safet Commission A lication for Pacific Hi hwa SR99 Walker and Roller SafetyProgram 125 000.00 10 1 2021 Law Grant:Non-Real Property CAG2021-419 Washington Traffic SafetyCommission DUI Court Intera en Fundin 100 000.00 10 1 2021 Police Interlocal CAG2021-489 Washington Traffic Safet Commission Target Zero Task Force 2022-HVE-449-Re ion 7 8 Grant 12 900.00 10/19/2021 Finance Other CAG2021-459 State Auditor's Office 2020 Financial Federal Sin le and Accountablli Audit-Engagement Letter 10 19 2021 Police Grant:Non-Real Property-Amendment CAG2021-366 Washington Traffic Safet Commission #1-Target Zero Manager for Region 8-Sala &Benefits 10 000.00 11 22 2021 Public Works Grant:Non-Real Pro a -Amendment CAG2021-434 WA Recreation and Conservation Office Downe Farmstead Side Channel Restoration 23 438.48 12 11 2021 Police Grant:Non-Real Property ro a CAG2021-545 Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission Recreational Boating Safety Federal Financial Assistance Grant MLE 123-121 9,628.00 12/16/2021 Public Works Grant:Non-Real Pro a -Original CAG2022-017 Washington State Department of Trans ortatlon WSDOT Local A en Federal Aid-S 212th St Preservation Green River Rd to Orillla Rd 1,500,000.00 12 16 2021 Parks Contract-Amendment GRA2019-051 Washin ton State Office of Public Defense #1-OPD Im rovin the Quail! of Public Defense 1/1/2022 Parks Grant:Non-Real Pro a CAG2021-506 WA State Office of Public Defense OPD-Public Defense Improvement Pro ram 50 500.00 1/1/2022 Public Works Grant:Non-Real Property CAG2022-030 Washington State De artment of Trans ortation 104th Ave SE SE 240th S Central Ave N Crossing Im rovements 1,163,588.00 1/1/2022 Public Works Contract CAG2021-515 Washington State De t.of Trans ortatlon 2022 Underwater Br10 a Ins ection Agreement varies 1/6/2022 Public Works Grant-Or:final CAG2022-003 Washin ton State Transportation Improvement Board Reith Road Roundabout 1,595,000.00 1/6/2022 Public Works Grant-Or:final CAG2022-004 Washington State Trans ortation Im rovement Board Russell Road Sidewalk 465 000.00 1/6/2022 Public Works Grant-Ori inal CAG2022-005 Washin ton State Trans ortation Im rovement Board S.240th Street Sidewalk 312 000.00 3/17 2022 ECD Grant:Non-Real Property CAG2022-101 Washin ton State De artment of Commerce Housing Action Plan Im lementatlon 100 000.00 3 21 2022 Police Interlocal-Original CAG2022-261 Washin ton Traffic Safety Commission Wl-SC 2022-AG-4301-Kent-Pacific Highway SR99 Walker and Roller Pro ram 25 200 3 21 2022 Public Works Interlocal-Amendment IAG2019-011 WSDOT S 224th St.Improvements LID 363 20 000.00 4/1/2022 Police Contract-Ori final CAG2022-224 Washington State De L.of Corrections MOU:Community Corrections Officer CCO Shared Office Space Agreement K12852 4/9/2022 Public Works Contract-On final CA WA State De artment of Trans ortation(WSDOT) 260th St Pedestrian Lighting Review 7,000.00 5 23 2022 Public Works Gran[:Non-Real Pro a CAG2022-210 Trans ortation Im rovement Board Russell Rd.-Meeker to Hogan Non-motorized Improvements 750 000.00 5/25/2022 Parks A :Ication-Ori Inal CAG2022-226 Washin ton State De artment of Commerce Cityof Kent-2022 Solar Grant Senior Ac[ivi Center Roof 84 760.00 5/1/2022 Emergency Management Grant-Or:inal CAG2023-071 Washin ton State Milita Department Emergency Management Performance Grant E23-153 81 703.00 5/1/2022 Public Works Grant:Non-Real Pro a CAG2022-198 WSDOT Hi hwa s and Local Programs Green River Bridge Repainting 3,238,300.00 5/1/2022 Public Works Grant:Non-Real Property CAG2022-199 WSDOT Hi hwa s and Local Programs Green River Bride Deck Repair 1,246,000.00 6/1/2022 Public Works Contract-Original CAG2022-208 WSDOT/FHWA 76th Ave South North Segment 5,840,368.00 6 15 2022 Public Works License-Ori final CAG2022-331 Washington Department of Natural Resources DNR DowneySide Channel Restoration Project 900.00 6 27 2022 Police Contract-Ori inal CAG2022-359 Washington Traffic Safety Commission WiSC 2022 Kin CountyDistracted DrivingCampaign 3,000.00 7/1/2022 Muni Court Grant:Non-Real Pro a -Ori final CAG2022-394 Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts Re:mbursment for BLAKE decision 1,074,435.00 7/1/2022 Muni Court Grant:Non-Real Pro a -Ori final CAG2022-395 Washin ton State Administrative Office of the Courts Funding for Communit-Based Thera eutic Interventions 125 000.00 7/1/2022 Public Works Grant:Non-Real Property CAG2023-153 Washin ton State De artment of Commerce 2023 Railroad Quiet Zone IMProvements 2,950,000.00 7/1/2022 Police Grant Non-Real Pro a -Ori inal CAG2022-368 Washin ton State De t.of Commerce Justice Assistance Grant JAG F20-31440-206 for Valle Narcotics Enforcement Team VN 226 563.00 9 20 2022 Admin Grant:Non-Real Property CAG2022-376 State of WA Office of the Secrets of State Records Grant Award 35 000.00 10 1 2022 Public Works Contract-Ori inal CAG2022-324 Department of EcologyState of Washington H ek Mitigation Site-4 Weeks of WCC Crew Time 19 840.00 10 1 2022 Police Grant Non-Real Pro a -Ori inal CAG2022-382 Washin ton Traffic Safet Commission 2022-2023 Walker Roller Safe Grant 101 000.00 10 1 2022 Law Grant:Non-Real Property-Original CAG2022-372 Washin ton Traffic Safet Commission Wl-SC Fundin for Traffic Safe Grant Project 2023 Sub-Grants 4700 Kent DUI Court 75 000.00 10 18 2022 Police Grant-Ori final CAG2022-485 Washington Traffic SafetyCommission Target Zero Task Force:High Visibili Enforcement HVE Mobilization 270 000.00 11 1 2022 Finance Grant:Non-Real Pro a -Ori inal CAG2022-441 Washington State De artment of Commerce Energy Division Utility Residential Customer Arrears es Grant Number:22-56104-023 100 000.00 11 IS 2022 Parks Interlocal-Ori final CAG2023-014 Washin ton State De artment of Commerce Kent Senior Center Solar+Feasabili 22-53701-901 11 865.00 11 16 2022 Finance Contract-Ori final CAG2022-433 Washington State Department of Revenue(DOR) DOR and City of Kent Data Sharin A reement 12/19/2022 Public Works Grant-Other PW17-363 WA State Dept of Commerce 228th BikewayGrant 14-93220-01 Closeout 12 21 2022 ECD Grant-Or:inal CAG2022-484 Washin ton State Department of Commerce Growth Management Act Comprehensive Plans 325 000.00 1 1 2023 Public Works Grant-Ori inal CAG2022-474 Washin ton State Department of Transportation Safe Routes to School-School Zone Flashers 398 800.00 2 17 2023 Parks Grant-Ori Ina l CAG2023-099 WA State Department of Commerce Panther Lake Communit Park 1,960,000.00 2/28/2023 Public Works Gr. nt-Ori na: CAG2023-127 WA State Salmon Recovery Funding Board SRFB Boeln Levee Setback Habitat Rehabilitation Grant 300 376.00 3 1 2023 Public Works Grant-Or:inal CAG2023-141 Washington State Department of Trans ortation JOBth Ave SE&SE 264th St Compact Rdbt 885 000.00 3/23/2023 Police Contract CAG2020-406 Washington State Patrol WSP ACCESS User Acknowledgement 6 1 2023 Public Works Contract-Ori final CAG2023-323 WSDOT East Valle Highway Preservation Federal Aid Project Prospectus 3,036,500.00 6/15/2023 Admin Con tract-Orl final CAG2023-361 Office of Washin ton State Auditor Audit of the CI 's Financial Statements Federal Sin le Audit and AccountabilityAudi[ 190 000.00 7 10 2023 Parks Grant:Non-Real Property CAG2023-392 De artment of Ener A lication for ener Efficien and Conservation Block Grant Pro ra UNK Finance Contract-Original CAG2022-409 Office of Washington State Auditor En agement Letter UNK Parks Interlocal-Original CAG2022-153 WA State Department of Enterprise Services I HVAC-Energy Program Public Works Contract-Amendment IN PROGRESS Department of Commerce Mill Creek/76th Avenue South Flood Plain Stabilization Habitat Enhancement 18-96616-113 Public Works IN PROGRESS I WA State Recreation and Conservation Office I Lower Russell Road-Habitat Area A OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Dana Ralph , Mayor 220 4th Avenue South KF N T Kent , WA 98032 W < S H i N a , T O N Fax : 253 - 856 - 6725 PHONE : 253 - 856 - 5700 July 26 , 2023 Washington State Department of Commerce Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Attn : Anica Stieve , Program Manager Thank you for the opportunity to submit this grant application for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program . This letter of submittal is included with a grant application for funding from the Washington State ' s Justice Assistance Grant Innovation Fund . The legal entity for this contract is Mayor Dana Ralph and place of business and contact information is : Mayor Dana Ralph City of Kent 220 4 " Avenue South Kent , WA 98032 253 - 856 - 5700 - phone 253 - 856 - dralphCabkentwa gov The work for this grant project is within the Kent Police Department . While there are no principal officers , the work will fall under Chief Rafael Padilla of the Kent Police Department . Location where this work will take place and Chief Padilla ' s contact information is : Kent Police Department 220 4 " Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 253 - 856 - 5800 - phone 253 - 856 - 6800 - fax rpadilla (c kentwa gov The legal status of the Kent Police Department and City of Kent is a public government agency licensed to conduct business as an entity in 1890 , The City of Kent 's Fe a x ID is # 91 - 6001254 and UBI is # 173 - 000 - 002 . Dana Ralph , Mayo , City of Kent July 26th , 2023 IAYOR DANA RALPH