HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-029 - Change Order - #9 - Long Painting Company - 6MG1 Reservoir Recoating & Vent Replacement - 07/20/2023 400 Agreement Routing Form • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. WASHINGTON (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: C. Frame PW Engineering Date Sent: Date Required: > 7/11/2023 7/18/2023 0 CL a Authorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: Q ❑Director or Designee 0 Mayor 1/24/2022 Budget Account Number: Grant? ❑Yes 0 No WP0091.64110.330 Budget? 0 Yes ❑ No Type: N/A Vendor Name: Category: Long Painting, Co. Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: c 1589103 Change Order#9 O Project Name: 6MG1 Reservoir Recoating and Vent Replacement E L c Project Details:Sand Clean up c 40 EAgreement Amount: $66,243.85 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Bid 40 40 11. Start Date: N/A Termination Date: 244 Working Days crt Local Business? ❑Yes ❑ No* *Ifineets requirements perKCC3.70.700,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions"form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: ❑Yes 0 No CAG2022-029 Date Received by City Attorney: Comments Im -_V } { l 7/13/23 A p� Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Vf Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements • KENT W A S H I N G T G N CHANGE ORDER NO. 9 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Long Painting Company ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: 6MG1 Reservoir Recoating and Vent Replacement ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: January 24, 2022 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Sand cleanup labor: Long Painting Company sand cleanup labor (LPC- 09-3 partial) $60,166.99. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $3,022,229.32 (including applicable alternates and WSST) Net Change by Previous Change Orders $369,865.63 (incl. applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $3,392,094.95 (incl. Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $60,166.99 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $6,076.86 Order Revised Contract Sum $3,458,338.80 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion 180 working days (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under 234 working days prior Change Orders (insert date) Days Required (f) for this Change Order 10 working days Revised Time for Completion 244 working days (insert date) In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: CITY OF KENT: By: BY JJ (signatur (signs ture� Print Name: William Newcomb Print Name: Dana Ralph Its President Its Mayor (title) (title) DATE: 7-S•Zoe DATE: 07/20/2023 J�2 CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable If Mayor's signature required) Kent City Clerk Kent 22partment C[In this Bald,you may enter the electronic nlepath where the contract has been saved] CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 File No. 200.2 .40 KENT W.,..�.ia.... CHANGE ORDER WORKSH EET NO. 9 Construction Engineering Division - Public Works 6MG1 Reservoir Recoating an Vent Project: Project No: 20-3006 Replacement Project Engineer: Gray & Osborne Fed-Aid No: Capital Projects Brian Shields Contractor: Long Painting Company Manager: Date: 3/27/2023 I. Proposed Change Sand cleanup labor Long Painting Company sand clean up labor (LPC-09-3 partial): $60,166.99 II. Reason and Background for Change A weather event damaged the resevoir containment for the 6MG1 Reservoir Recoating and Vent Replacement project. As a result of the damaged containment, rain water made contact with most of the sand blasting media, which caused it to harden (due to the cementious material it is partially comprised of). Laborers used pick axes to break the hardened media into pieces before removing it with shovels. Through negotiations related to LPC's COP# LPC-09-3, the City of Kent agreed to pay an additional 650 hours at the composite rate of $70.66 on top of the contract bid amount for this item. The change totals, after applicable markup, $60,166.99. III. Method of Payment NEW PAY ITEMS ❑ Notapplicable Sch. Item Description Total Est. Unit Unit Price No Qty Total Estimated Cost of Item I LPC Sand cleanup extra labor 1 LS $60,166.99 $60,166.99 I I New Pay Items Total: $60,166.99 DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEMS) per 1-09.5 0 Notapplicable Sch I Bid Item No. Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Cost of Item No. $ Page 1 INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) 0 Not applicable Sch Bid Item No. Item Descrl No. Ption Qty Unit Unit Price Cost of Item I $ - $ Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay Items Total: $ - *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER: $60,166.99 *Total of the Cost of Item Columns IV. WORKING DAYS Original Contract:1 180 J Due This Change Order: 10 Previous Total: Explanation/]ustlficatlon for Additional Working Days: The work contained within this change order has an anticipated ten (10) working day duration. *TOTAL WORKING DAYS: - 230 *Thls Change Order + Previous Total Capital Projects Manager: Date: Brian Shie ds Construction Engineering Date: Supervisor: L-111- ry Construction Manager: y Date: Eric Connor Page 2 Shields, Brian From: Connor, Eric Sent: Monday,June 26, 2023 1:01 PM To: Shields, Brian Cc: Barry,Jason Subject: FW: 6MG1 - Sand cleanup change order authorization request Eric Connor, Construction Engineering Manager Phone 253-856-5533 1 Cell 253-797-0693 CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL From: Peterson, Kelly<KPeterson@kentwa.gov> Sent: Monday,June 26,2023 12:47 PM To:Connor, Eric<EConnor@kentwa.gov> Cc: Barry,Jason<JBarry@kentwa.gov>; Bieren,Chad<CBieren@kentwa.gov> Subject: RE:6MG1-Sand cleanup change order authorization request Eric- Chad and I discussed this item. Please proceed with the change order in the amount of $60,166.99 for the additional cleanup effort. Thank you, Kelly Kelly Peterson, AICP, Deputy Director-Engineering Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5547 - Cell 253-740-8066 Kpeterson(a)KentWA.gov CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON KentWA.aov Facebook rvvitt+ey YouTube PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL From:Connor, Eric<EConnor@kentwa.gov> Sent: Monday,June 26, 2023 12:11 PM To: Peterson, Kelly<KPeterson@kentwa.gov> Cc: Barry,Jason<JBarry@kentwa.gov> Subject: FW: 6MG1-Sand cleanup change order authorization request 1 Eric Connor, Construction Engineering Manager Phone 253-856-5533 1 Cell 253-797-0693 CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL From:Connor, Eric Sent:Wednesday,June 14, 2023 10:50 AM To: Peterson, Kelly<KPeterson@kentwa.gov> Cc: Barry,Jason<J Barry@ kentwa.gop Subject: FW: 6MG1-Sand cleanup change order authorization request Moving this back up the list— Eric Connor, Construction Engineering Manager Phone 253-856-5533 I Cell 253-797-0693 CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL From:Connor, Eric Sent: Monday, May 15, 2023 2:33 PM To: Peterson, Kelly<KPeterson@kentwa.gov> Cc: Barry,Jason<JBarry kentwa.eo > Subject: FW: 6MG1-Sand cleanup change order authorization request Good Afternoon Kelly, This has gone through some iterations, but our staff feels like we have come to agreement on a fair amount for the additional cleanup of the sandblasting media that hardened after the wind and rain events back in October. Are you okay with proceeding with a change order in the amount of $60,166.99 for the additional cleanup effort? Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information. Thank you, Eric Eric Connor, Construction Engineering Manager Phone 253-856-5533 1 Cell 253-797-0693 CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL 2 From:Shields, Brian<BShields@kentwa.gov> Sent: Monday, May 15,2023 6:27 AM To:Connor, Eric<EConnor@kentwa.gov> Cc: Barry,Jason<JBarrv@kentwa.Rov> Subject: FW: 6MG1-Sand cleanup change order authorization request Eric, Here is my request for authorization to process a CO for Sand Cleanup on 61VIG! in the amounts reflected below. I have included the "snip" from Long's bid that shows their anticipated hours for cleanup at bid-time. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! Brian Shields, capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Main/Cell 253-293-4973 1 Desk 253-856-6510 bsh ields_@ KenLWA.gav CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON KentWA.aov YouTube From:Shields, Brian Sent: Wednesday,April 5,2023 7:55 AM To: Barry,Jason<JBarry@kentwa.gov> Cc:Connor, Eric<EConnor@kentwa.goy> Subject: 6MG1-Sand cleanup change order authorization request Good morning, As a result of the moisture introduced to the sand blasting media following the Oct 27, 2022 weather event when the tank containment was compromised, LPC submitted 1137 hours of sand cleanup labor (COP# LPC-09-3 partial), at a composite rate of $70.66 which, after markups, totaled $105,245.95. During COP cost negotiations, LPC stated they had estimated 420 hours for this at the time of bid. Their estimate at that time seems reasonable when compared to conversations had with both the foreman on site for this project (regarding what he typically sees on this type of project) and discussions with another contractor who performs similar work. The surface water that reached the media caused it to solidify to the extent where pick-axes were used to break it into manageable pieces and then removed with shovels; this is beyond the typical effort necessary for cleaning it up. The difference between LPC's claimed 1137 hours and their estimated 420 hours is 717, which they allege is due to the impacts of the Oct 27, 2022 weather event. Since LPC did not notify the City of Kent prior to proceeding with the extra work (thereby not allowing the City to take an 3 active role in completing the work), LPC has agreed to reduce their COP request to 650 hours at the composite rate of $70.66. The total for this, after markups, is $60,166.99. 650 hrs @ $70.66 = $45,929.00 31% markup = $14,237.99 Total = $60,166.99 I am seeking authorization to process a change order in the amount of $60,166.99 to compensate Long for their labor efforts in cleaning the sand blast media following the aforementioned weather event. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! Brian Shields, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Main/Cell 253-293-4973 1 Desk 253-856-6510 bshields@.KentWA.aov CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON KentWA.aov Facebook Twiitgr YouTube 4 Shields, Brian From: Charles Pham <charlesp1@longpainting.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 3, 2023 10:21 AM To: Shields, Brian Cc: Barry,Jason; Connor, Eric Subject: RE:City of Kent 6MG1 - Sand Cleanup bid time estimate Attachments: COP 9.3 Completion Work REV1.pdf EXTERNAL EMAIL Brian, Based on our conversation this morning I am sending you a redacted version of our original estimate. This shows the methodology used to estimate the sand clean up hours which is also described below. This is a good faith effort on our part,as you know contractor estimates are considered proprietary and confidential. A @ C O E F 1 Job Name: Exterior Shell 2 Location: City of Kent-6N1GReservoar 3 4 SFOf'Workiternsr 41.971 5 Labor 6 Description Quantity Prod Rate Hours 7 Mobilization covered Under separare Tab 8 f 9 t 10 11 F 12 100%Containment&Inspect I Test f 13 14 Maintain Contaiment f 15 16 17 Abrasive Blast SP-10 -Exterior Roof h 18 .Abrasive Blast SP-10 -Exterior Shell 19 ..Abrasive Blast SP-10 -Misc.Steel Stairs.Ladders&Pipe 20 Bl 21 puckOut Spent Abrasive 41971 1 0.01 42 22 23 Apply Primer-Exterior Roof 24 1 Apply Primer-Exterior Shell 25'Apply Primer-Ladders&Walkway 26 Also attached is COP#9.3 which has a few items that we are waiting to resolve. The sand clean up is one component of this. I know we were hyper focused on a few other things. Can we get this all resolved this month? I really hope we do not have to continue following up on the status of this long after the project has been completed. Once we get this settled and finalized we can devote our full time attention to getting the project completed and closed out properly. Thanks, k Charles Pham Industrial Group Manager O LONG PAII'I M OOII MNY charLespl Omlonouinfin.coin 21414 68th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 (800)678-5664 (253)234-8096 Direct (206)718-8745 Cell www.longpainting.com From:Charles Pham chariespl@longpaintine.com Sent: Monday,April 24,2023 1:39 PM To:Shields, Brian<BShields@kentwa.gov> Cc: Barry,Jason<JBarry@kentwa.gov> Subject: RE:City of Kent 6MG1-Sand Cleanup bid time estimate Brian, Per conversation today here is how we come up with our sand clean up hours: 146 DIA x 48'Tall=41,971 SF Tank size(SF)41,971 x.01=420 MHRS Thanks, Charles Pham Industrial Group Manager O LONG PAINPMOON MNY chru•lespl(i4lonw,uttinti►aje.co►ri 21414 68th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 (800)678-5664 (253)234-8096 Direct (206)718-8745 Cell www.longpain ling.com From:Charles Pham <charlespl@longPaintinR.com> Sent:Tuesday,April 11, 2023 4:34 PM To:Shields, Brian <BShields@kentwa.gov> 2 Cc: Barry,Jason<JBarrv@kentwa.gov> Subject: RE:City of Kent 61VIG1-Sand Cleanup bid time estimate Brian, This is based on a tank of that size and total square footage.The factor is usually about the same from job to job and estimate changes based on how big or small the tank is. Thanks, Charles Pham Industrial Group Manager Q LONQ 1'A[lVTlIYG OOANP1�SgY ciaar.1espl(o),1nar,2Dairitft.colar 21414 68th Ave S Kent,WA 98032 (800)678-5664 (253)234-8096 Direct (206)718-8745 Cell www.longpainting.corn From:Shields, Brian<BShields@kentwa gov> Sent:Tuesday,April 11, 2023 3:29 PM To:Charles Pham<charlesI210longgainting.com> Cc: Barry,Jason<JBarrv@kentwa.gov> Subject:City of Kent 6MG1-Sand Cleanup bid time estimate This sender is trusted. 1 Charles, J As it was a piece of the puzzle in our negotiation regarding the extra sand cleanup hours, can you provide back up documentation of the 420 hours LPC had estimated as part of their original contract bid? This information will be helpful in keeping that Change Order request moving. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! Brian Shields, capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Main/Cell 253-293-4973 1 Desk 253-856-6510 3 1/31/2023 6MG 1 reservoir Recoating and vent Replacement LPC Job# L220004 City of Kent Project Number:20-3006 Dale: 1/3112023 mma COP if LPC-09-3 FAIN97N000MPRIVY Change order proposal to summarize costs and Impacts from two weather events: SECTION 3-COMPLETION WORK AND IMPACTS ASSOCIATED WITH CONTAINMENT DAMAGE Completion Activities: IrReinstall center t owe rand supports,reInsoIt shrink wrap,pressurt-wash tanici field supervision forrebnllding scaffolding -and pressure washing. Impacted Activities: Ll- G erior6lasting:-Containment-wassiamagec[durin"c+ofgod-event on October-2.7,1n order to complete wor"PGhad to-build a smaller containment-and condition the space to complete abrasive blasting and prime coating-en IoweF•se°tien-af- tenk. 2)Sand Clean Up-After containment was damaged there were several rain storms and rain water entered the tank. The water from the rain storms mixed with the spent abrasive and created a hardened consistency that required manual labor to remove. 3}Pressure-1Neshing The-spenFebresive•dtj*that-wasceMeinecHn4he work area•beeame•wet-and•herdened on the tank- which required a thorough-pressure wash,thet weseompleted in early-Januery A•smallerpressure washing operatiomi Cost-Labor D scri lion Hours Rate Total Impacted Sand Clean Up-Composite Rate Ma44 $70.W negotiated to 650 hours X$70.66 = $45,929.00 I ed Exterior Blasting-Composite Rate 272-0 $67.30 $1 - 31% marku Impacted -Composite Time 329.0 - 25,997-58 p =$14,237.99 Foreman-Scaffold Re rVt9lgn $79.02 $10.272 6o Total: $60,166.99 Pressure Wash Exterior Tank- 248.0 $51.55 $12,784.40 Pressure Was ank-Future Work $67-30 $6,730.00 ressuro Wash Supervision 20.0 _S7W 1,580.40 Total Cost-Labor 5186,011.00 Mark up an Labor 31 ih $48,363A1 Total for Labor $2 Cost-Materials Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Gal $ $0.00 Gal $ $0-00 Gel $ $0.00 Total Cost-Materials $0.00 Mark op on material 21 R $0.00 Total for Materials $0.00 Cost-EqufpmsnI Description OuanU Unit Rate T ashor-Work In January 2 EA $1.500-00 Pressure Was r• 1 $750-00 $750-00 $0.00 50,00 Tool Cost•EquIpma $2,250.00 Mark up on equlpmant 21% $472.fi0 Total for Equipment $2J2 . Cost-Subcontractors Descdpli°n Quanitty Unit Rate Tot Ma um-Reinstall Center Tower and Supports 1 LS $ 9.600.00 Magnum- dnkwrap 1 73,394-00 $73,394-00 Scaffold Deily Rent:NOV- 0 LS $175.00 $36,750-00 WSST for Scaffold Con Ls S12,273.78 S12,273.76 Total C ontractors $132,017.76 Mark up on Subcontractors 12% 16,842.13 Total for Equipment 5147, Sub Total Labor,Materials,Equipment,Subcontractors GL Insurance&Banding covarad In markup per contract S0.01i Total Cost 113112023 LPC COP 9 3 Sandblast clean up Estimate FA Est Sheet Dates worked on activity Est Total EST 100 Oct 28-Oct 29 $ 7,440.98 EST 101 Oct 30- Nov 5 $ 18,599.00 EST 102 Nov 6-Nov 12 $ 19,129.22 EST 103 Nov 13 - Nov 19 $ 13,534.11 EST 104 Nov 20- Nov 26 $ 5,800.10 EST 105 Nov 27- Nov 29 $ 8,494.28 $ 79,633.82 Total lihor for effected sand clean up $ 72,997.69 4{4-af-e€€ec-ted sandTiean-tip Initial weather event occurred the evening of Oct 27.Weather affected cleanup began Friday 10/28. According to Mark Ficca (CCC) reporting, no blasting occurred From Oct 28th until it resumed on Nov 10th (CCC report no. 51). No blasting occurred from Nov 16th until it resumed on Nov 30(CCC report no. 55). At the time of blasting activites being resumed on Nov 30, crews had built smaller containment to accommodate the blasting activities of the lower ring.This estimte does not account for any cleanup efforts prior to the October 27 weather event or any cleanup efforts occuring after the blasting resumed within the smaller containment. In order to blast the bottommost portion of the tank, sand would have had to have been cleaned from the area to allow blast media to access the bottom of the tank wall. Initial containment repairs concluded November 6th, and a second weather event damaged the tank containment on Nov 17th.Considering that the abrasivie media clean up typically takes"a couple of weeks" (according to another contractor, and confirmed by LPC foreman Troy W.), 1/4th of the time spent cleaning the sand during the weather-event-effected time period is being considered.The laborers cleaning the media were splitting their time between running pick-axes and then shovels to clean the media. Original LPC Schedule of Values shows $94,584.80 for Exterior Abrasive clean up and disposal. FA Sheet No.: EST 100 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKEDEN r Project Name: 6MG1 Project No: 20-3006 Item No.: Date: 10127 to 10129 Description of Work: sand blast clean u Work by Subcontractor?: no Prime Contractor: Long Painting Co. Sub-Contractor: LABOR STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR NAME CODE OCCUPATION Hrs Hourly Rate Hrs OT Rate AMOUNT E Gonsales Painter-Journeyman 56.48 9 77.04 $ 693.36 J James Painter-Journeyman 56.48 22 77.04 $ 1,694,88 R Nelson Painter-Journeyman 56.48 10 77.04 $ 770.40 J Davison-Rahkonen Painter-Journe man 61 56.48 11 77.04 $ 1,186.32 M Tello Painter-Journeyman 5 56.48 77.04 $ 282.40 A Gurrus uieta Painter-Journeyman 10 56.48 77.04 $ 564.80 T Wechselberger No MatcJ Painter-Foreman 59.34 6 81.33 $ 487.98 SUBTOTAL-LABOR: $ 5.680.14 LABOR OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 31% $ 1,760-84 LABOR TOTAL 5 7.440.98 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR Equipment# Equipment Descriptlon I-Irs Hourly Rate Hrs Standby Rate AMOUNT $ SUBTOTAL-EQUIPMENT $ EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 21°% $ EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ - MATERIAM-5ERVICESIRI;N7Af.S - MATERIALS/SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT $ SUBTOTAL $ OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 21% $ TOTAL $ Verification of Hours Worked: TOTAL: $ 7,440.98 12%MARKUP (for prime when subcontract work) $ - Contractor's Representative Date SHEET TOTAL: $ 7,440.98 •Owner's Representative Date Comments FA Sheet No.: EST 101 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Project Name: 6MG1 Project No: 20-3006 Item No.: Date: 10/30 to 11/5 Description of Work: sandblast cleanup Work by Subcontractor?: no Prime Contractor: Long Painting Co. Sub-Contractor: LABOR STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR NAME CODE OCCUPATION Hrs Hourly Rate Hrs I OT Rate AMOUNT J Olivares Painter-Ap rentie 32 44.49 121 63.16 $ 2,181.60 J James Painter-Journeyman 40 56.48 261 77.04 $ 4.262.24 C Hernandez Painter-Journeyman 40 56.48 101 77.04 $ 3,02960 W Alarcon Velasquez Painter-Journeyman 40 56.48 10 77.04 $ 3,029,60 T Wechselber er Painter-Foreman 8 59.34 15 81.33 $ 1,694.67 SUBTOTAL-LABOR: $ 14.197.71 LABOR OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 31% $ 4.401.29 LABOR TOTAL $ 18,599-00 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR Equipment# Equipment Description Hrs Hourly Rate Hrs Standby Rate AMOUNT $ $ - $ $ $ SUBTOTAL-EQUIPMENT $ EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 21% $ EQUIPMENT TOTAL 5 MATERIALSIS ERVtC ESIR E NTALS MATERIALS/SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT $ SUBTOTAL $ - OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 21% $ TOTAL $ Verification of Hours Worked: TOTAL: $ 18,599.00 12%MARKUP (tor prime when subcontract work) $ Contractor's Representative Date SHEET TOTAL: $ 18,599.00 Owner's Representative Date Comments FA Sheet No.: EST 102 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED .�KENT Project Name: 6MG1 Project No: 20-3006 Item No.: Date: 11/6 to 11/12 Description of Work: sand blast clean up Work by Subcontractor?: no Prime Contractor: Long Painting Co. Sub-Contractor: LABOR STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR NAME CODE OCCUPATION Firs Hourly Rate Firs I OT Rate AMOUNT J Olivares Painter-Ap rentie 20 4449 8 63.16 $ 1,395.08 J James Painter-Journeyman 40 56.48 4 77.04 $ 2,567.36 C Hernandez Painter-Journeyman 30 56.48 10 77.04 $ 2.464.80 M Briseno-Cisneros Painter-Journeyman 81 56.48 77.04 $ 451.84 J Davison-Rahkonen Painter-Journeyman 56.48 10 77.04 $ 770.40 W Alarcon Velasquez Painter-Journeyman 30 56.48 10 77.04 $ 2,464.80 T Wechselber er No Match Painter-Foreman 40 59.34 26 81,33 $ 4.488.18 SUBTOTAL-LABOR: $ 14,602,46 LABOR OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 31% $ 4,526,76 LABOR TOTAL $ 19,129.22 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR Equipment# Equipment Description Mrs Hourly Rate Firs I SIa1)dby Rate AMOUNT Is SUBTOTAL-EQUIPMENT $ - EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 21% $ - E.QUIPMENTTOTAL $ - MATERIALSISE VICESEiRENTALS MATERIALS/SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT $ $ SUBTOTAL $ - OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 21% $ TOTAL $ - Verification of Hours Worked: TOTAL: $ 19,129.22 12%MARKUP (for prime when subcontract work) $ - Contractor's Representative Date SHEET TOTAL: $ 19,129.22 Owner's Representative Date Comments FA Sheet No.: EST 103 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKEDtir Project Name: 6MG1 Project No: 20-3006 Item No-: Date: 11113to 11/19 Description of Work: sand blast clean Li Work by Subcontractor?: no Prime Contractor: Long Paintino Co. Sub-Contractor: LABOR STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR NAME CODE OCCUPATION Hrs Houdy Rate Hrs OT Rate AMOUNT ,J James Painter-Journeyman 32 56-48 77.04 $ 1,807,36 C Hemandez Painter-Journeyman 30 56.48 77.04 $ 1.694.40 F Martinez Painter-Journeyman 6 56.48 4 7704 $ 647.04 W Alarcon Velas uez Painter-Journeyman 30 56.48 77.04 $ 1,694.40 T Wechselberger 11painter-Foreman 40 59341 261 81.331 $ 4,488.18 SUBTOTAL-LABOR: S 10,331.38 LABOR OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 31% ; 3,202 73 LABOR TOTAL S 13,534.11 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR Equipment# Equipment Description 1 irs Hourly Rate Firs Standby Rate AMOUNT $ SUBTOTAL-EQUIPMENT $ EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 21% $ EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ MATERIALSISERVICE9MENTALS MATERIALS/SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT $ SUBTOTAL $ OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 21% $ TOTAL $ Verification of Hours Worked: TOTAL: $ 13,534.11 12%MARKUP (for prime when subcontract work) $ Contractor's Representative Date SHEET TOTAL: $ 13,534.11 Owner's Representative Date Comments _ FA Sheet No.: EST 104 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED �� NT Project Name: 6MG1 Project No: 20-3006 Item No.: Date: 11120 to 11126 Description of Work: sand blast clean u Work by Subcontractor?: no Prime Contractor: Long Painting Co. Sub-Contractor: LABOR STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR NAME CODE OCCUPATION Hrs Hourly Rate Hrs OT Rate AMOUNT J Olivarez Painter-Apprentice 20 44.49 1 63.16 $ 952.96 F Martinez Painter-Journeyman 30 56.48 77.04 $ 1,694A0 TWechselberger Painter-foreman 30 59.34 81.33 $ 1,780.20 SUBTOTAL-LABOR: $ 4,427.56 LABOR OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 31% S 1,372.54 LABOR TOTAL 5 5,800.10 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR Equipment# Equipment Description firs Hourly Rate Hrs Standby Rater AMOUNT $ $ SUBTOTAL-EQUIPMENT $ EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 21% $ EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ MATERIALSISERVICESIRENTALS MATERIALS/SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT $ $ $ SUBTOTAL $ OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 21% $ TOTAL $ - Verification of Hours Worked: TOTAL: $ 5,800.10 12%MARKUP (for prime when subcontract work) $ - Contractor's Representative Date SHEET TOTAL: $ 5,800.10 Owner's Representative Dale Comments FA Sheet No.: EST 105 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED �_ T Project Name: 6MG1 Project No: 20-3006 Item No.: Date: 11/27 to 12/03 Description of Work: sand blast clean tip Work by Subcontractor?: no Prime Contractor: Lon[ Painting Co. Sub-Contractor: LABOR STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR NAME CODE OCCUPATION Hrs Hourly Rate Hrs OT Rate AMOUNT W Alarcon Velasquez Painter-Journe man 20 56.48 2 77.04 $ 1.283.68 F Martinez Painter-Journeyman 20 56.48 2 7704 $ 1,283.68 C Cresong Painter-Journeyman 20 56.48 2 77.04 $ 1,283.68 C Hernandez Painter-journeyman 201 56.481 2 77.041 $ 1,283.68 T Wechselber er Painter-foreman 201 59.341 21 81.331 $ 1,349.46 SUBTOTAL-LABOR: $ 6,484.18 LABOR OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 31% $ 2,010.10 LABOR TOTAL $ 8,494.26 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR Equipment# Equipment Description Hrs Hourly Rate Hrs Standby Rate AMOUNT $ SUBTOTAL-EQUIPMENT $ EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 21% $ EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ MATE RIALSISERVi CEMENTALS MATERIALS/SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT is Is SUBTOTAL $ OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 21% $ TOTAL $ - Verification of Hours Worked: TOTAL: $ 8,494,28 12%MARKUP (for prime when subcontract work) $ - Contractor's Representative Date SHEET TOTAL: $ 8,494.28 Owner's Representative Date Comments