HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 05/22/2023 Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Meeting May 22, 2023 Minutes Held In-Person APPROVED BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Julie Dunn, Erik Jacobs (remote), Prem Subedi, Gordon Dona, Tim Irwin, Allison Hopstad (remote), Connie Stolpp, Wendy Graves, Brian Smith (remote). BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Maria Castro, Jeff Culver (excused). CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Erik Preston, Rob Brown. Guests: Aaron Dent. 1. Call-to-Order - Graves The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm with Wendy Graves presiding. 2. Roll Call - Preston 9 members present, 2 members absent - 1 excused. 3. April 2023 Meeting - Minutes Approval - Graves Connie moved to approve minutes, Prem seconded. 7-0 in favor. Motion passes, draft minutes approved. 4. Purchase RideWithGPS — Jacobs Erik Jacobs introduced the topic and specific website/app. a) There is an ambassador program. b) Cost for Premium Membership is $80/year or $10/month. c) There are two types of accounts. Single user and multi-user. d) Could use single user and share the log-in. e) ROTM could have 3 pictures. f) If we have multiple users, how would we know when we made a change? Have one admin for KBAB. g) Motion to purchase Premium at $80/yr. Gordon moves, Erik J 2"d. Approved unanimous, 9-0. Erik P. will purchase. S. Using SLACK Messaging ADD - Hopstad a) Rob - Not open public meetings but public records for 7 years needed. b) Slack is about collaboration and communications, not meeting oriented like Teams or Zoom. Can create channels and projects on phone or desktop app. One admin, pics and videos, more for projects, doesn't rely on emails. Slack has topics, can have documents, upload and store things. Conversations on Slack flow better. c) Most of the things City needs can be found under Enterprise edition in Teams. d) How do other groups communicate? e) Discussion about how Slack would work. f) Wendy's suggestion: find out if other boards use anything. g) Tim: Can we convince City IT to grant accounts in Teams for shared use? i. Not all Board members have Teams. h) Allison: could be some improvements in Teams. i. Need to make all attendees presenters at start of meeting. 6. Festival & Events Subcommittee Report — Graves Page 1 of 3 a) Bike Rodeo Review a. The execution of the event went well. Well organized. Setup was done well. Didn't forget anything critical. Event went well. Made a lot of improvements over last year b. Major shortcoming was communication and notification to get the attendance. c. Mayor directed all departments to advertise next year. d. Starting to develop checklists for next year. e. Can we advertise more next time? More PeachJar next year? Maybe thru PTA. f. 13 kids attended the rodeo this year g. KSD has a calendar. Can look at getting on the KSD's calendar. h. Maybe get campaign-type signs around the City. i. Were ready for 200 people but they didn't show up. j. We can be more effective with PeachJar next year k. Target the YMCA for advertising I. Leave flyers at the Y next year. Put on the Y's calendars m. Flyers in different parks and trails, dog parks. n. Cascade bikes may be able to help announce o. Is "rodeo" the right event name? Consider alternatives. Focus on helmet giveaway. p. Expand partnerships q. Social media from other organizations. r. Maybe a bike carnival or some other name s. Cascade has a calendar and newsletter. t. Three bike shops in Kent - flyers in all u. Kent Libraries and places where people can see it v. Kent Commons w. Put sponsors on flyers x. Maybe open it up beyond Kent... to be continued y. Start planning in August z. Need to start a binder of information b) Fourth of July Splash a. Last year the Parks Department let KBAB have a table for free. i. Any volunteers for this year? - No. c) Bike Bus Update a. There is a bike bus in Seattle. Community group is leading it. They use bikeways over near Rainier. Adults block the intersection for the kids to ride through. b. Not enough volunteers for afternoon ride back home. Parents need to get bikes from the schools. c. Cascade wants to help us. Will help with training and education. d. Tim: a lot of bike buses are big enough to take the lane e. Tim: pop-up bike lanes? f. Prem: some cities close a street on the weekend for bike riding. Can we do that? g. Connie: do kids have bikes today? Is that part of the problem? h. Prem: not a lot of safe places for kids to ride i. Julie: Maybe instead of Rides of the Month we should highlight rideable neighborhoods. 7. Bike Facility Gaps Subcommittee Report - Jacobs a) Porting 24-29 TIP to gap map. b) Erik J is not sure the map is useful going forward Page 2 of 3 S. Monthly Rides and Promotion — Jacobs a) No ride of the month for June b) KBAB has 21 Rides of the Month c) Is it a recreational ride or helping people get around the City? d) Prem: how many people do the ride of the month e) Erik J: should we develop guidelines for Ride of the Month? f) Erik J: If you have a ride, do it any time. g) Tim: Impression that Ride of the Month is recreational. There may be something to having recommended routes. 20 years ago King Co had a bike route map h) Wendy: do not want to suggest people do bad things on the ride of the month i) Gordon: Maybe ROTM can be separate from ways to get around the City 9. Communications — Preston a) KBAB has spent about $3,000, will share actual amount at next meeting. b) Budget must be spent by Dec 31, 2023. 10.Notice of Upcominq Meetings - Preston a) July meeting will be only on Teams. b) Want to have a test ahead of time. Pick a date and the City will set something up c) Next meeting is June 26 d) July meeting is remote only 11.Items for the Next Meetinq - Graves a) Prem: Improving existing bike lanes b) Communications amongst other boards 12.Adiournment - Graves Wendy Graves adjourned the meeting at 7:10 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Page 3 of 3