HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Committee of the Whole - 06/06/2023 Approved Kent City Council - Committee • of the Whole KENT Committee of the Whole - WAS M IN G 7 0 N Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2023 Date: June 6, 2023 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Council President Boyce called the meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL Chair Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Bill Boyce Council President Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Remote Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present Les Thomas Councilmember Present Toni Troutner Councilmember Present 3. AGENDA APPROVAL YES Chair Chief Administrative Officer, Pat Fitzpatrick opened the meeting by providing an overview of the unique format of today's Committee of the Whole. Fitzpatrick conveyed that, as the Council works through these first Committee of the Whole meetings, they may decide to make some changes to the format and adopt an ordinance revising the Council Rules. A. I move to approve the agenda as presented. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Les Thomas, Councilmember SECONDER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner 4. DEPARTMENT PRESENTATIONS Chair A. Operations Chair Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole June 6, 2023 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ._............................................................................................................................................................................................................ A. Approval of Minutes of Prior Committees i. Parks and Human Services Committee - CC Parks Regular Meeting - May 4, 2023 4:00 PM RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner ii. Economic and Community Development Committee - CC ECDC Regular Meeting - May 8, 2023 4:00 PM RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner iii. Public Works Committee - CC PW Regular Meeting - May 15, 2023 4:00 PM RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner iv. Operations and Public Safety Committee - CC Ops and PS Regular Meeting - May 16, 2023 4:00 PM RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner B. Payment of Bills - Approve MOTION: I move to approve the payment of bills received through 5/31/23 and paid on 5/31/23 and approve the checks issued for payroll 5/16/23 - 5/31/23 and paid on 6/5/23, all audited by the Committee of the Whole on 6/6/23. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 2 of 10 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole June 6, 2023 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 6/20/2023 7:00 PM MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner C. Amendment to the Regional Water Supply System Repayment Agreement to Remove Covington Water District - Authorize Deputy Finance Director, Courtney Black provided an overview of the agreement and the technical revisions. The bonds are available for repayment and the City of Covington has decided to pay off their portion of the debt. This will reset the agreement between the Cities of Tacoma and Kent. MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign the Amended Regional Water Supply System Repayment Agreement which removes Covington Water District, who paid off their share of the repayment obligation during the 2023 bond refunding, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 6/20/2023 7:00 PM MOVER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner D. INFO ONLY: April 2023 Financial Report Michelle Ferguson, Financial Planning Manager presented the April 2023 financial report. General Fund revenues are coming in at budget. Ferguson explained the differences in general fund revenues. The overall budget is coming in over target. Ferguson advised that miscellaneous revenues are coming in coming in strong - they are at pre-pandemic levels. Ferguson explained the LTAC variance from 2022 are due to the transfer in from the general fund. Revenues are back to pre-pandemic levels. Variances in the Capital Resources Fund and Special Assessment Debt Service funds were explained. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 3 of 10 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole June 6, 2023 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... :onomic and Community Development, Councilmember Troutner, Chair E. Subject Matter Chair i. ARPA Reallocation; Agreements with National Development Council - Authorize Chief Economic Development Officer, Bill Ellis and Melissa La Fayette, from the National Development Council conveyed information on the ARPA Reallocation and agreements with the National Development Council. Ellis refreshed the Council on definitions on Commercial Affordability and Commercial Displacement. Accesses to capital is one of the barriers for local businesses to participate in new construction. Today's action will improve customer service and access to technical services and affordable spaces. This motion will combine $600,000 for child-care expansion and early learning with $1 million for commercial affordability and pass through the National Development council grant portal. Additionally, $100,000 will be set aside for a two-year technical assistance contract. Ellis suggested there may be 4-8 grants with a sliding scale of $200K. Grants would be selected by NDC after the City has developed scoring criteria with CDFI. Evaluation of grants will take into consideration: Community Impact Project Viability Equity Ellis advised how success will be measured. Ellis provided confirmation that these funds are honoring the Council's original purpose of expending the funds. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 4 of 10 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole June 6, 2023 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ._............................................................................................................................................................................................................ MOTION: I move to reallocate $600,000 of ARPA funds budgeted for expansion and start-up of businesses and non- profit day care and early learning operators to the Commercial Affordability Grant Program, to award to the National Development Council $1,600,000 in ARPA funds to use to award grants to Kent businesses, to contract with National Development Council to establish a Commercial Affordability Grant Program and provide technical assistance at a cost of $100,000, and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the Economic and Community Development Director and the City Attorney. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 6/20/2023 7:00 PM MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember SECONDER: Zandria Michaud, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner iblic Works, Councilmember F. Fincher, Subject Matter Chair Chair i. Agreement with Totem Logistics for On-Call Garbage Cleanup Services - Authorize Conservation Coordinator, Tony Donati provided details on the Agreement with Totem Logistics for on-call garbage clean up services. Donati reviewed all of the locations that have been identified as areas to clean up through this agreement and the budgeted funds available for cleanup. Donati advised of how this project will be funded and detailed how many sites are repeatedly used as illegal dumping sites MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign a Goods and Services Agreement with Totem Logistics, in the amount of $175,000 subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and City Attorney. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 6/20/2023 7:00 PM MOVER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember SECONDER: Bill Boyce, Council President AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner Parks and Human Chair ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 5 of 10 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole June 6, 2023 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Services G. 2024 South King Housing and Homelessness Partners (SKHHP) Work Plan and Operating Budget — Approve Human Services Manager, Merina Hanson indicated that typically this budget and workplan are brought before the Council in the Fall, but this year, due to the need to align with King County's request this budget and workplan need to be approved by July. Hanson reviewed the development process and covered the four goals of the workplan: 1. Fund expansion of affordable housing 2. Develop policies that expand and preserve affordable housing 3. Continue to serve as an advocate on behalf of South King County 4. Manage operations and administration of SKHHP There will be a 15% increase through 2026 to balance budget. Mayor Ralph serves as the chair of the Executive Board and Hanson serves as the Mayor's alternate. Hanson also serves on the staff work group. Between the Mayor and Hanson, the City has a lot of input into the development of the plan. MOTION: I move to Approve the 2024 South King Housing and Homelessness Partners Work Plan and Operating Budget as adopted by the SKHHP Executive Board on May 19, 2023. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 6/20/2023 7:00 PM MOVER: Zandria Michaud, Councilmember SECONDER: Marli Larimer, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner H. Multi-Service Center Housing Navigation SLFRF Agreement - Authorize Senior Human Services Coordinator, Lori Guilfoyle presented on the Multi- Service Center Housing Navigation SLFRF Agreement. Housing Navigation is part of the Building Resiliency Plan. Guilfoyle indicated that rental assistance is good, but not sufficient. This program provides for approximately 90 families: • Assessment that will identify housing/family goals • Crisis intervention • Debt reduction and management ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 6 of 10 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole June 6, 2023 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... • Mediation • Connection to resources This program should help evictions that are filed. The Human Services Commission made this recommendation. MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with the Multi Service Center for the Housing Navigation Program providing up to $255,847 in ARPA funds, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Parks Director and City Attorney. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 6/20/2023 7:00 PM MOVER: Zandria Michaud, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner I. Lower Russell Levee Setback - Memorandum of Agreement with US Army Corps of Engineers and WA Historic Preservation Officer - Authorize Deputy Parks Director, Brian Levenhagen presented information on the Lower Russell Levee Setback Project Memorandum of Agreement between US Army Corps of Engineers and the Washington Historic Preservation Officer. Through the process of construction, some culturally significant artifacts were found that necessitated cultural resource mitigation. Levenhagen detailed the cultural resource mitigation elements included in the agreement: • Native plantings • Interpretive signage • Teaching station • BBQ/First Foods Cooking Station • Marker Stone • Tribal Art • Cultural Resource Training • Japanese Outreach • Web Site MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign the Memorandum of Agreement between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Washington State Historic Preservation Officer, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Parks Director. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 7 of 10 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole June 6, 2023 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 6/20/2023 7:00 PM MOVER: Zandria Michaud, Councilmember SECONDER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner Public Safety Chair J. Regional Agreement Re: Opioid Abatement Council — Authorize City Attorney, Tammy White provided an overview of the King County Regional Agreement for Opioid Abatement. White reviewed the class action lawsuit and detailed the terms of settlements. Kent has received $86,000 and is scheduled to receive $214,000 in 2023. The funds will be retained in a project fund. Part of the settlement agreement includes a requirement to form an Opioid Abatement Council at the county level to ensure jurisdictions comply with spending funds on authorized expenses. The Council will also ensure the annual reports are filed. Finally, a public dashboard will be created to document how the funds are being spent. White provided details of the agreement. White advised that staff will return in July to discuss the funds received and how Council will prioritize spending the funds. MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign an interlocal agreement that creates the King County Opioid Abatement Council to monitor expenditure reporting of settlement funds received through class action lawsuits related to community impacts from opioids, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Chief Administrative Officer and City Attorney. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 6/20/2023 7:00 PM MOVER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember SECONDER: Bill Boyce, Council President AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner K. Purchase of Police Supplies under a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services - Authorize Assistant Chief Stansfield presented information on the purchase of ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 8 of 10 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole June 6, 2023 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ammunition thru the State cooperative purchasing agreement. Stansfied indicated there is a pending purchase of ammunition that will exceed the $100K limit for Mayor to enter into contract without Council approval. Stansfield this agreement will save approximately 20% on future purchases. MOTION: I move to authorize the Police Department to purchase ammunition through the cooperative purchasing agreement the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services has with the San Diego Police Equipment Company, if those purchases are within the City's established budgets and made during the term of the state contract, including any renewals. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 6/20/2023 7:00 PM MOVER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember SECONDER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner L. SOAR Orders, Designated No Racing Zones — Ordinance - Adopt Senior Assistant City Attorney, Victoria Robben provided details on the ordinance amending section 9.43.030 of the Kent City Code relating to no racing zones. The following two locations are being added to the Code: East Valley Highway from 180th - 1901" and 132nd Avenue SE and SE Kent- Kangley, specifically, the Trader Joes parking lot. These two new locations were not previously problem racing areas. Robben provided specifics of SOAR orders. MOTION: I move to adopt Ordinance No. 4467, which amends KCC 9.43.030 by designating two new areas within the City as "No Racing Zones." RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 6/20/2023 7:00 PM MOVER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember SECONDER: Bill Boyce, Council President AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner 5. ADJOURNMENT Chair Council President Boyce adjourned the meeting. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 9 of 10 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole June 6, 2023 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Meeting ended at 5:10 p.m. K ley A. Kowwtcr City Clerk ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 10 of 10 CityCommittee of the of Ke 0 Whole Apr'il June 6, 2023 ' Monthly Report Po� MentM1\V P\vnen�Re PPS\10V�� 6x+°n°ry Prepared by: Michelle Ferguson, Financial Planning Manager Shane Sorenson, Senior Financial Analyst All Revenues SGurces PriGr Year Budgeted Actual si6o,00D 514401>11 January 61113 6r140 6r450 February 5,033 5523 6r204 $izo,DOD March 7,099 7,600 9,524 $iaD,DDD April 21,926 19,548 16,944 ;60,000 May 10,834 9r079 0 $60.000 June 61U13 6,429 0 July 9,739 8509 0 ;40,000 August 7,994 6r240 0 ;zooDD September 6r622 6r327 0 ;0 October 21,272 2Ur657 0 Jan Feb near Apr may Jun Jul Aug Sep out NOV Dec November 11,145 8r764 0 December 20562 12537 0 23 oud fax Prelim t23 Act Total 134,376 117,373 39,122 Prlcw Year Budgeted AGIWW $35,000 S30,oa0 Feb•uary 57 99 L25 $25,000 Mardi 1,209 57B 648 $aD,00a April 12,092 6,037 6,254 May 3,-043 L,276 0 $15,000 June 101 279 0 MOW July 59 69 0 August 214 74 0 $5 September 415 251 0 $0 October Li,i27 5,726 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec November 3,467 1,1132 0 December 147 99 0 23bud t22 Prelim --9-23 Act Total 32,035 15,671 7,027 Prior Year Budgeted ACLWEA Revenues Revenues Reverhugo $3s,aao $30,OOD Febr-y Z329 Z731 2,6D9 $25r000 2= 2,343 2,717 SzO,oao Z� 2,161 2.,711 may L,411 L,J7L it $15,000 June 2,167 2,3134 0 July 21239 2r192 0 August 2,595 2r668 0 ;S/DOD September 2r334 2,528 0 �0 October 2,379 2558 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec November 2,445 2r719 0 December 2rS06 3r098 0 �236ud-0 22 Prelim 023Act Total 27,944 30,324 10,239 Utility Tax $3O,UOB $as,aao Prior Y&ar Budgeted Actual Revenues Revenues Revenues Ferry 118M 2ra39 2,233 $�oaaB lfadF 2M% zM ApFil LM 2,172 2e452 $xS,U00 May 1,745 1r975 0 June 1,690 1rB16 0 $ July 1,713 2r149 0 $S Ali August 1,5B1 Ir677 0 Septem herLr672 2r078 0October 11656 1,874 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 0C Nm oec November 1,575 1,934 0 December 1,B76 1,955 0 �23 Bud+22 Prelim+23 Act Total 21,044 24,350 9,474 Other Taxes Prior Year Budgeted Actual L-Rievenues Revenues Revenues $ul noB January 2 B0 2 $8,000 February 3 3 2 March 79 10 33 $e,Dou April 3,0137 3r211 3373 May 1,549 Ir579 0 $aaoo June 97 200 0 July 3,501 3,902 0 $2Jp00 August 1,493 1,246 0 September 141 154 0 $B October 31591 4,074 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May J1n Jul Aug Sep act Nov Dec Norember 1,234 11113 0 December 5,670 6,025 0 11111111123 Bud-Ar-22 Prelim-+--23 Act Total 20,448 21,599 3,410 Other $35,U00 W Revenues Revenues Revenues S--,- January 2,668 2r595 Ir728 February 755 926 Ir236 $25,U00 March 1,B15 2r352 3r855 April 2,028 1r968 2r154 May 2,OB1 1r725 0 $is,aa0 June 1,957 2r416 0 $xp flpp July 2,227 2r124 0 August 2,110 1512 0 55 September 2r059 2r172 0 $0 Octaher 2,520 2r666 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May J1n Jul Aug Sep act Nov oer November 2,404 IrB91 0 December L0,082 4r753 0 MIkML23 Bud-4-22 Prelim--I�-23 Act Total 32,106 27,102 8,973 2021 2-022 20231 1 i thru April thru April thru April Variance Dmdget Revenues Ta::es; Property 14,873,383 14r237r357 7,026,647 (7,210,710) -50.6% 44.8% Sales&Use 7,6fl51612 8r567r.329 10,238,978 1,671,649 19.5% 33,8% Utility 6,639,025 7,532,844 9,473,529 1,940,606 25.e% 3.0.9% Business EL Occupation 2,992r779 3,086,886 3,352,4432 265r596 17.!M Other 47,854 84r365 57,994 (26r461) -31.4% 7.2% Licenses and Permits 2,390r97U 2,772,342 2,362,864 (409r478) -14.e% 31,645 Intergovernmental Revenue 949r235 960,474 973,739 13r264 1.4% 30.0% Charges for Services 1,219565 1,965,832 2,153,637 187,805 9.6% 32.5% Fines and ForFeitures 314r07$ 203,713 250,811 47eO98 23.1% 3L,0% MiScallaneous Revenue 687,906 478r050 1,279,953 801r903 167.7% 63,5% T-ansfers -n 2,076,762 283,000 1.950.000 1,66.5,000 504.2% 27.9?••b Total Revenues 39,797,166 4Gr174r191 39,120,543 (irGS3r648) -2.6% 33.3OA GF Revenues thru April 16,440,400 14,400,400 - 1z,oa0p00 Iwo,eo0,400 - 8,000,400 ■2421 5,400 400 - U 2022 4,000,400 (i 2423 2,000,000 - 0 Property Sales& utaity Other Taxes Use Taxes Taxes Revenues 2021 2022Y thru April thru April tJhru April Variance Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital project are excluded, Special Revenue Funds S&eef Fund Revenues 4,773,866 5,212,627 4,870,894 (341,733) -6.69b Expenditures 3,218,639 4,235,052 3,245,408 (989,644) -23.4 9b Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,555,227 977,575 1,625,486 LEOFF1 Retiree Benefits Revenues 363r871 344,605 318,650 (25,945) -7.5% Expenditures 515r689 493,498 348,576 (144,922) -29.4% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (151r818) (148,893) (29,916) Lodging Tax Revenues 42,793 345,783 75,624 (270,159) -78.1°1a Expenditures 50,403 25,461 79,773 53,312 209.4% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (7,610) 320,322 (3,149) Youth/Teen Programs Revenues 355,550 374,780 417,151 42,371 11.3% Expenditures 2,600 2,093 2,207 113 5.4% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 352,950 372,687 414,944 Capital Resources Revenues 5,036,052 8,090,784 11,347,300 3,256,516 40.2% Expenditures 1,495,101 525,590 1,735,587 1,209,997 230.2% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 3,540,951 7,565,195 9,611,713 y Revenues v... 2,799,177 3,315,447 3,681,250 365,813 11.0 9b Expenditures 2,043,615 2,648,615 2,838,173 189,562 7.29E Net Revenues Less Expenditures 755,562 666,832 843,082 ShoWare Operating Revenues 855 1,395 1,395 Expenditures 540,461 588,329 297,235 (291,094) -49.5% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (539,606) (588,329) (295,841) Admissions Tax revenues received quaiterly(April,3uly, September,3anuary) Impact Fee Fund Revenues 959,339 659,166 3513,123 (301,042) - 5.7% Expenditures 738,643 646,938 259,359 (387,579) -59.99E Net Revenues Less Expenditures 220,696 12,228 98,754 Other Operatrng Revenues Expenditures 13,261 26,783 1,077 (25,707) -96.0 9b Net Revenues Less Expenditures [13,261) (26,783) (1,077) Combines several small programs, including City Ait Program and Neighborhood Matching Grants i thru April thru April thru April Variance Operating revenues and expenditures only;capital and non-capital projects are excluded. Debt Serwice Funds Councilmanic Debt Service Revenues Expenditures 12,986 13,180 15,935 2,755 20.9% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (12,986) (13,180) (15,935) Special Assessments Debt Service Revenues 142,434 11,016 45,131 34,114 309.7% Expenditures 2,037 2,177 (2,177) -100.0% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 140,397 8,840 45,131 Enterprise Funds Water Utility Revenues 8,310,918 7,978,936 9,223,070 1,249,135 15.7% Expenditures 5,186,972 5,307,113 7,092,010 1,784,897 33.6% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 3,623,946 2,671,822 2,136,060 Sewer Utility Revenues 11,257,571 11,523,306 12,425,142 901,836 7.8% Expenditures 10,038,872 10,646,068 11,525,361 879,293 &.3% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,218,698 877,238 899,781 Drainage Utility Revenues 7,987,020 8,297,153 8,943,745 646,592 7.8% Expenditures 5,710,974 5,432,172 5,333,137 (99,036) -1.8% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 2,276,047 2,864,980 3,610,608 Solid Waste Utility Revenues 224,347 266,571 308,561 41,990 15.8% Expenditures 306,967 423,847 356,361 (67,486) -15.9% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 82,620 157,277 47,801 Golf Complex Revenues 593,690 713,533 696,241 (17,291) -2.4% Expenditures 2,532,970 895,654 986,362 90,708 10.1% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (1,939,280) (182,121) (290,1Z1) Internal Service Funds Fleet Services Revenues 1,386,783 1,902,164 2,699,837 797,674 41.9% Expenditures 1,545,253 1,751,771 2,290,896 539,125 30.8% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 341,531 150,393 406,941 Central Services Revenues 100,606 86,525 105,509 18,983 21.9% Expenditures 108,206 67,293 98,238 30,945 46.0% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (7,6O0) 19,233 7,271 information Technology Revenues 3,116,931 3,208,865 4,08Z,942 874,077 27.2% Expenditures 3,299,167 3,644,210 4,563,162 918,952 25.2% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (182,236) (435,345) (480,220) r thru April thru April thru April Variance Operating revenues and expenditures only;capital and non-capital projects are excluded, Facilities Revenues 1,831,449 1,872,054 2,059,239 187,185 10.0% Expenditures 1,441,393 1,598,849 2,166,961 568,112 35.5% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 39U,056 273,205 (107,721) Unemployment Revenues 52,193 53,585 64,250 10,666 19.9% Expenditures 66,989 38,212 54,775 16,564 43.3% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 14,796 15,373 9,474 Workers Compensation Revenues 35U,848 485,125 665,697 181,572 37.4% Expenditures 654,326 784,197 904,594 120,397 15.4% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (303,479) (299,073) (237,897) Employee Health lk Wellness Revenues 5,314,213 5,431,259 5,664,562 233,303 4.3% Expenditures 4,615,766 4,497,674 4,660,712 163,038 3.6% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 698,447 933,586 1,003,850 Liability Insurance Revenues 5,432,448 1,033,788 1,490,546 456,758 44.2% Expenditures 2,323,025 2,204,499 2,700,579 496,081 22.5% Net Revenues Less Expenditures 3,109,423 (1,170,711) (1,210,033) Property Insurance Revenues 204,929 260,592 317,902 57,209 22.0% Expenditures 308zS27 358,495 420,995 62,400 17.4% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (103,598) (97,903) (103,093) Other Fund Revenues thru April Other Fund Expenditures thru April 35,000,000 25 W0 000 30,000,ow - 2U,000,000 25,000,000 - 20 0Q0 000 15,000,000 M 2021 r 2021 ooa ■z022 ■2022 Y/2023 5,000,000 V 2023 5,000,000 - 0 0 Spedal Ent agxise Intemal Special EMerprise Internal Revenue Funds Servi€e Funds Revenue Funds Service Funds Funds Funds - - n�+o- �_fi• _ _�;�� •�•---�` may—_ .� KENT VALLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT KentValleyWA.com I info@KentValleyWA.com 1253-846-5454 KENT VALLEY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DefinitiorK • Commercial Affordability • Commercial Displacement • Rent at 6% — 10% of Higher rent caused by higher land revenues rule of thumb value is more than local and culturally • However, typically construed appropriate or relevant businesses can more broadly to include afford, and inadvertently force them to move out of a community technical assistance, access to Witnessed and commented upon most formation capital in Rainier Valley with light rail • Inclusive of a range of expansion entrepreneur challenges Most pertinent to long-established businesses pressured by rising real estate valuations KENT KENT VALLEY" ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Commercial Affordability and Displacement Risks Prior presentations made to �5 Zsa.a2■" -�2fi2 A 58.o g 'KLA 19�0 319.11 Se ac cade-Faf � elrnvl ky Council and to Economic fla a `dY �.09 293.04 �y Gurudw8 A/�0 abM of We hing.o Ask Pa 293.05 e s 93.0fi Hi n Development Committee 2g7 23e.o4 283 Wires��Dd 3 8 294.03 294A5 e Maine 91-01 ' More than 80% of commercial 292 291. 292.0 92.;1 '-Z94rA6�' Trail q Tah#A,Nali 1L 01, 0 29 1 11 lands are qualified census tracts, 900 9102 295.08 31707 3170 I wale G ��g7,01 with lower incomes and business o La e unie 0eiil1144 F 295.07 p1�7.09 30P�B8"� 298,04 ��" 297.02 296,03 31708 4i c L7d at presumed disadvantage 2960 0.0 298.96 317_°4 1 305�01 05.0 296.02 u .. r 296.02 Lakeland 2. Capital is barrier to local business 3 °4B 2 49.01 North312,08� 97 99.02 PAort growth into new construction Ri r as Lake Holm 393�14 n 30fi Colle Washln tod12H _�� KENT VALLE' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Commercial Affordability: Size & Capital • Spaces last decade were getting Average Square Foot Per Lease p g g 2010-2019 bigger (more to lease, less 4,500 attainable) while viable space 4,000 requirements were decreasing ...........7, ........ 3,500 3,000 • Lending per capita in south King 2,500 County communities (Kent, White 2,000 Center, Central District, Rainier 1,500 Valley, SeaTa c, Tukwila) was 7.48% 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 1,000 to 60% less than KC as whole Seattle King Co KENT VALLEY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TenantingSpace — Upfront "Soft" Costs Often Hundreds of Dollars per SF COO COMMERCIAL AFFORD ABILITY PILOT COO COMMERCIAL AFFORDABILITY PILOT DEVELOPMENT COMPARISON-INDUSTRY EXAMPLE AND COMMUNITY EXAMPLES-RESTAURANT SPACE DEVELOPMENT COMPARISON-INDUSTRY EXAMPLE AND COMMUNITY EXAMPLES-NON RESTAURANT SPACE Project INDUSTRY ESTIMATE Example 41 m Exaple 92-n Project INDUSTRY ESTIMATE Example Nl Size(Sq.Fr.) 1.000 2,242 2.175 Size(Sq.Ft.) 1,000 449 Shell Portion Costs(per Square Foot)-, ' Cold Shell Costs i Sq-Ft. $00 Shell Portion Costs(per Square Foot)-1 Warm Shen Costs!Sq.Ft. $115 $367 Cold Shell Costs I Sq.Ft. $60 Tenant Improvements.Hard Costs-, Warm Shell Costs i Sq.Ft. $115 $420 Nord Costs/Sq FL $250 §227 ]S773Tenant Improvements-Soft Costs-, ' Tenant Improvements-Hard Costs-zSon Costs/Sq.r7. 580 Nab Costs/Sq.FL $125 $390 Total Tenant Improvements Tenant Improvements-Soft Casts-Total Costf Sq.Ft. $25o $397 Total Commereial Capital CostsSoff Costs/Sq.Ft. $123 TOTAL 53B5,oao $1,511,106 S24 Total Tenant Improvements Tatal Cost i Sq.Ft. $365 S674 Total Cost!Sq.Ft. $125 $513 Potion of Industry Estimate 165% Total Commercial Capital Costs -"Shell"covers hard and soft costsfur external walls of the commercial project plus nominal utility improvements TOTAL $240,000 $418,917 a-"Hard costs"only cover construction of tenant improvements costs typically covered in the general contractor's budget. -"Solt Casts"cover non-construction costs such as design,permits,furnishings,etc. Total Cost!Sq.Ft- $240 $g33 r-Example nz was a slight remodel of existing space- Portion of Industry Estimate 389% -"Shell"covers hard and soft costs for external wails of the commercial project plus nominal utility improvements s-"Nord Costs"only cover construction of tenont improvements casts typically covered in the general contractor's budget. 3-"Soft costs"Cover non-construction casts such as design,permits furnishings,etc. ,> KENT KENT VALLE' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Motion TodayTrnprovernent's Air . • National Development Council Strategic Response Areas . $1.6 million pass through grant of federal funds minus $160,000 in overhead • Improve Permit • Score awards Community Impact, Project Viability, Equity Customer Service ' Catalyze 'but for' expansion projects of existing Kent businesses and non-profits; prioritize portion of funding for childcare and early learning growth • Access to Technical • Expectation is between four and eight awards; dollar amount Assistance of awards will vary by project proposal • Grants for Predevelopment Cost Coverage Examples • Affordable Spaces ' Architecture Analysis, Design, Permits • Engineering Analysis, Design, Permits • Access to Capital ' Financial Planning (Pro-Forma, Advise) • Legal Fees for Deal Structuring KENT KENT VALLEY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Propo,eft ,o-a' 'ion • Combine $600,000 for ' Pass through granting will child-care expansion with be based on City affirmed $ 1,000,000 for scoring criteria commercial affordability • Grants will cover "soft" • $ 100,000 for two-year and design costs — aim at technical assistance capital intensive contract predevelopment phases and space tenanting KENT VALLE' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT National Development Council • Partnered with Kent on the Flex Fund relief low-interest loans (CDFI) • National experts in public-private � partnerships in development • Support city in efforts to establish and then administer grant program ; on-call technical assistance KENT VALLEY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Questions '! W i I I i a m E I I i s, Chief Economic De velopment Officer Economic and Community Development Phone : 253-856-5707 E-mail : wellis@kentwa .gov Agreement with Totem Logistics for On -Call Cleanup Services on City-Owned Property Committee of the Whole June 6, 2023 JS7 ....... ....... Al IL vp � • .mil � -�,L�'•,# -�j�� � � '"'l� tit � �.�.L ram. �.�• j i. _fit 'f- 4� IVAN a , A �1 �;� t aa I, 7 - 3 i - A•t �: t -I ti3i 1 i _ y � "fS1 ' �i� i"t 4'�'�..�;' a 'rkat v w ' ► 1' it = r � '"Ae � '.�- i 4 � r '.M s- i,r �� '� �f - r,+� �i>� ;��" z`4• .y, T_ y; s.. t5. �Paeas � i qi t e� �� � 2 •. p, p-,Pa �`ow,vp -•� ' � 'Y �/ ! _ ` `y��?^ •A 4 it d y�-fir _�5.' Yam•' j -( £� �. + � eal DRIL lac Cascade-Fairwood �r 0 rrs � w 767 BENSON HILL 2 � n DoubleTree by. a L Gurudwara Singh n Seattle-Airport" Sabha of,Washingion m sI Bath st Jj ` r`g SEl Y2nd St An !e Lake P`rwk y s,s Hill Meridian OKentridge High School C Safeway® SE20Rh5t h 1,VinCc Foods N r b SM71r,. , Safeway 3 m a ' 4 Y Grandvie l v pfo par Carpinkto Brolher'si Highline 9 College Soos Creek TrailP 509i 51 J $ z; E r,:,,� SE 2401h St MIDWAY Aw Ken[ 11 HILL lltcll�.l3mr Inl,'y� » � n � W © Kent E`''" y Clark Lake Pk 667 `m SCENIC Ill m Meridian Valley® Country Club river Licensing -= T.J.MaxxY Off 'ice of Kent SE 256th St Lake urt,o Lupot9 a Fenwick Park se a m 167 HIGHPOIN ON y H Lake n Meridian Park s ndsl 'TAR LAKE Carpinito Bros Pumpkin s 6 w S � 4 w. ong,com TOTEM LOGISTICS GOODS & SERVICES AGREEMENT $ 175 , 000 DEPARTMENT OF DRAINAGE UTILITY CAPITAL PROJECTS ECOLOGY LSWFA FUND GRANT RL ' •� Tr is Jr' - ~ _ - f �~ .� t �,y Lower Russell _ :,,r• y�r Levee Setback i xr t 4. t w Memorandum of - � � - : � � .. �� . ����,,�.�� ��,�� �.� ' - ~�� � � �. z _� � �� •��- ��- Y Agreement between 7 USACE and WA = = : _ ` Historic Preservation ,' Officer Committee of the � `'. . : W h I — 2 2 +� + o e 6/6/ 0 3 _ h ��•� � ri• _ ..F�Y R+. } `;� k_ f _ +.+3 r� '�4'.s' yam'/�,- M,•'�7 P { V } _ • w KENT k - - WASHINGTON VC �{S• {~ S'r Cultural Resource Mitigation Elements • Native Plantings • Interpretive S g age i n • Teaching Station • BBQ/First Foods Cooking Station = • Marker Stone • Tribal Art • Cultural Resource Training • Japanese Outreach • Web Site f k , Questions ? : {} r Ak Z' s- ti' t A i .�.� t it� y ,�! g� �,?,fir'.` f Llr•�_. 1 _ _ _ '.' __+���pis. - - � �� .,ig�44•�. � :,,�;�� `� ,