HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 05/22/2023 Pending Approval � Land Use and Planning Board �KENT Land Use Regular Meeting Wp ° °T°° Minutes May 22, 2023 Date: May 22, 2023 Time: 6:02 p.m. Place: Chambers Members: Dione Dittmar, Chair Sandra Pereira, Co-Chair Shane Amodei, Bryan Kesterson, Sally McDonough, Justus Phelps, Benjamin Reid Agenda: 1. Call to Order 6:02 p.m. Attendee Name Title Status _ Arrived Dione Dittmar Chair Present Sandra Pereira Co-Chair Present Shane Amodei Present Bryan Kesterson Present Sally McDonough Present Justus Phelps Present Benjamin Reid Present 3. Changes to the Agenda No changes 4. Approval of Minutes dated April 24, 2023 MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated April 24, 2023 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Shane Amodei SECONDER: Bryan Kesterson AYES: Dittmar, Pereira, Amodei, Kesterson, McDonough, Phelps, Reid 5. 2044 Comprehensive Plan: Project Updates for Community Launch and Baseline Conditions Assessment Kristen Holdsworth, Long Range Planning Manager, provided an update on the 2044 Comprehensive Plan relating to the project schedule, recently completed deliverables and upcoming community engagement. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 1 of 4 Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular May 22, 2023 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes A Comprehensive Plan envisions a city's future and describes its long-term vision for growth and accompanying infrastructure and services. Under the Washington State Growth Management Act, cities are required to plan for residential and employment growth over the next 20-years. Through 2044, Kent is expected to accommodate 10,200 housing units and 32,000 jobs. These growth targets were established through efforts and negotiations in previous years to update the King County Countywide Planning Policies. The City is required to adopt a periodic update of the Comprehensive Plan by December 31, 2024. The process to update Kent's Comprehensive Plan will be in four phases. Community engagement will occur throughout the entire project: 1. Launch (Q1-Q2, 2023) Background research and existing conditions analysis Community Kickoff and SEPA Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Scoping - from mid-May through mid-July 2. Frame (Q3-Q4, 2023) Scenarios and Land Use Planning Housing Needs Analysis 3. Refine (Q1-Q2, 2024) Draft Policy Framework and Elements Draft SEPA EIS 4. Adopt (Q3-Q4, 2024) Final EIS Final Comprehensive Plan with Implementation Ms. Holdsworth presented on project progress, including: A baseline conditions and equity analysis, which can inform decisions for the Comprehensive Plan update related to future land use, transportation, and other issues; and Plans for the Community Kickoff/Project Launch, including multiple engagement opportunities and SEPA EIS Scoping. There was a great deal of engagement from the Board Members during the presentation around the maps and statistics. Questions revolved around how and when the statistical numbers were obtained, deeper breakdown of some of the statistics and the distinction between different geographical locations in Kent. The Board members had several recommendations for additional community outreach methods such as informative posters in ethnic groceries, King County Public Health, and the Kent School District. There was a brief discussion at the end of the presentation around four topics that Ms. Holdsworth presented: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 2 of 4 Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular May 22, 2023 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes 1. What are the biggest challenges and opportunities facing Kent in the next 20 years? How should the Comprehensive Plan address these challenges and opportunities? 2. Are there areas you think should be a focus for growth in the future? 3. What do you think residents, businesses, and other community groups will be most concerned about during the Comprehensive Plan update process? 4. What do you think residents, businesses, and other community groups will be most excited about during the Comprehensive Plan update process? Most members concentrated on question 1 and 3. 6. 2023 Legislative Session Recap The Washington state legislative session ended on April 23, 2023 and the governor has completed signing bills and the budget. Staff provided a high- level overview of housing, planning, and land use related bills that were adopted this session. High-level updates included HB 1110 (missing middle) and HB 1337 (ADUs), as well as new requirements for permit streamlining. 7. LUPB Summer Meeting Schedule and Agenda Topics Staff requested input to help prepare for the next few months of LUPB meetings. We are between major deliverable work products and know that several people have pre-planned travel. Please come prepared to discuss the following: 1. We are considering reducing meetings in June through September to one meeting per month. We plan on cancelling the "first" meeting of the month and keeping the meeting on the fourth Monday of the month? Does this present any scheduling conflicts for you? 2. Are there any topics or items you would like additional or background information on as we prepare to dive into deeper discussions for the Comprehensive Plan? 3. We are considering some offsite walking tours/meetings to help us explore different neighborhoods, on-the-ground conditions, and review new development. Would you prefer to have these during our regularly scheduled LUPB meeting, or another time? If another time, please share your suggestion. Members agreed that the second meeting of the month works for their schedules. There is interest in having a presentation or more information about the utility services in Kent, transit planning and issues of a more emergent nature such as the purchase of the Corona Lodge by King County. The group was very interested in doing walking tours and agreed to conduct them during normal LUPB meeting dates and times. S. Adjournment 7:50 p.m. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 3 of 4 Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular May 22, 2023 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Ta wyal Ko-se vv Committee Secretary ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 4 of 4