HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2023-329 - Original - Kent School District - MOU: STEM & Career Connected Project RFQ - 03/01/2023 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: Agreement Routing Form DirAsst: • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Dir/Dep: KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover (optional) W A S H I N G T O N Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: Rhonda Bylin ECD Date Sent: Date Required: c 05/25/2023 05/30/2023 Q Authorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: Q Q Mayor or Designee N/A Budget Account Number;, Grant? Yes❑ No� V00008.64190.6100 Budget?❑Yes❑No Type: N/A Vendor Name: Category Kent School District Interlocal Vendor Number: Sub-Category: 33111 Original O Project Name: Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM) & Career Connected Project 3- Project Details: CoK and KSD to partner in developing a new curricula to prepar and guide students O toward STEM related careers. The City will control its 140K ARPA funds contribution C to directly pay the jointly selected consultant for development of the curricula. C O Agreement Amount 0 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Other E *Memo to Mayor must be atta-h-d J 3- Start Date: �3/23/2023 Termination Date: December 31, 2026 Q Local Business?❑Yes❑No*If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100,please complete'Vendor Purchose-Locol Exceptions"form on Cityspace. Business License Verification: ❑Yes❑In-Process❑Exempt(KCC 5.01.045) ❑Authorized Signer Verified Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: ❑Yes❑No CAG2023-329 Comments: This is only an MOU for partnership in selecting a consultant through RFQ, 3 and outlines expectations for working with that consultant. The contract o IM with the selected consultant will require Council approval at the estimated a� cost of $140k. Vf � Signature needed on pages 5 and 8. Adam Long (sig) a, cc Date Received:City Attorney: Date Routed:Mayor's Office City Clerk's Office adccW22373_1_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20221201 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between the Kent School District And the City of Kent MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING In pursuit of more inclusive prosperity for its young people, and to create a joint plan to act on the multitude of partnerships available in the region, this Memorandum of Understanding sets out the principles which will guide the activities of the Science, Technology, Engineering Math (STEM) and Career Connected Project(the Project). Proiect Partners The Kent School District (the District) and City of Kent (the City) are participating in the Project as partners. They are committed to the purpose of the Project and will work together to achieve its strategic objectives. Other organizations/entities may join the effort at any time, provided that they understand and support the mission and objectives of the Project. Scope of the Proiect The purpose of the Project is to create a plan to guide future investments and activities in career readiness/workforce development and aims to increase access to opportunities for the District's young people through enhanced connections to Kent Valley employers and potential mentors in leading edge skills. A consultant will serve as a project manager to complete the following: i) Supplement the District's own activities to uncover opportunities and build united efforts to resource, correct, and act on areas for continuous improvement to current activities or expansion of career and technical education and STEM offerings at schools; ii) Help build baseline definitional terminology and mutual understanding between the District and the City to engage efficiently in conversations with career connected learning and STEM programs that approach both institutions to serve Kent youth. Help position the District and the City to work in coordinated fashion to on-board relevant opportunities; iii) Institute a strategy with external parties in direct service delivery in realms of internships, pre-apprenticeships, apprenticeship, STEM, and career connection to support students' navigation between required content and optional experiences via various courses, spaces, and careers. Support the District's strategic planning team in its on-going efforts to document and evaluate existing after school programs and career-relevant curricula, i.e., system-wide audit to inform prioritization of resource development supporting staff, students, and community organizations in areas of STEM and career connection; 1 iv) Propose to the City and District recommendations for action and investments that will ensure Pre-K to 12'h grade students experience an intentional and coherent system across all career education courses and STEM opportunities both during and after the school day v) Offer order-of-magnitude cost estimations to increase scale or improvement in adoption of main programs and assessment of ongoing costs to the District. vi) Work in support of the District's measurement practices on efficacy to outcome in both evaluation and creation of deliverables vii) Help staff at the District and the City build a communication plan primarily for families and community partners. The plan will identify and help create transparent communication tools viii) Support presentation of findings and recommendations from the study to the District board and City councilmembers for maintenance and sustainability of increased investment in career readiness and STEM education opportunities. See RFQ attached for more detailed explanations of these activities. FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY AND PAYMENT The City of Kent will contract with a consultant for up to $140,000 for the Project and will maintain all fiscal oversight of the funds. The KSD is not responsible for any charges or payment to CoK or the Consultant team under this MOU. Role of Partners City of Kent will: • Manage the RFQ development and release, and contract with the consultant team • Provide fiscal oversight of the $140,000 in ARPA funds held by the City of Kent • Convene partners in regular meetings as needed • Commit to make available the following information: o Local economic and workforce data—particularly from the Kent Valley submarket o Recommendations of known industry leadership organizations and business leaders operating proximal to the District and support in convening parties in meetings and assuring their attendance and participation o Provide support in identifying economic and workforce development agencies and gathering relevant labor market information • Participate in the development final recommendations in the plan • Support presentation of findings and recommendations from study to the District board and City councilmembers for maintenance and sustainability of increased investment in 2 career readiness and STEM education opportunities. • Provide Communication/marketing in partnership with the District's Communications Manager for all public releases of the plan or any materials associated with the project Role of the KSD: • Participate in the activities to hire the consultant; • Make staff time available for interviews and communication with city and consultant team; • Provide data as needed to consultant team to ensure accuracy of the development Project plan and mutually agreed upon analytical duties of consultant ; • Commitment from the District to make available relevant curricula and standards; • Participate in the development final recommendations in the plan; • Support presentation of findings and recommendations from study to District board and City councilmembers for maintenance and sustainability of increased investment in career readiness and STEM education opportunities. Decision making Consultant will be selected by a committee made up of three designees from the District, and three designees from the City voting based on a scoring system of mutual design. Recommendations made by the consultant are non-binding, and are to be proposed to City Council and the District board at discretion of staff designated by school superintendent and Mayor. Amendments. Any amendments to this Agreement must be by mutual agreement of the parties in writing. TERM OF MOU Subject to its other provisions, the term of this MOU shall commence on March 1, 2023 and end on August 31, 2026, unless terminated sooner as provided herein. This MOU may be extended by mutual agreement of the parties in writing on or before the MOU's completion date of August 31, 2026. TERMINATION OF MOU Either party may terminate this MOU for any reason on thirty (30) calendar days' written notice to the undersigned representative of the other party. PUBLIC RECORDS Because the District is a public Agency in Washington, this MOU and all documents, 3 correspondence, and records generated by the parties pursuant to this MOU are public records subject to Washington's Public Records Act(PRA), chapter 42.56 RCW. All records and documents related to the Project must be available for public inspection and copying upon request unless any record or document falls within a specific exception to the PRA (including confidential or privileged information discussed above). All requests for public records related to this MOU will be referred to the District, which will evaluate the request in consultation with a party to this MOU and determine whether the records sought are subject to disclosure, redaction, or should be withheld under applicable state law. NONDISCRIMINATION Federal Assurances. Each party acknowledges that it is subject to certain requirements and assurances relating to non-discrimination as required by Federal and State laws and regulations as outlined in Exhibit A, attached and incorporated herein. All parties to this MOU assure that no individual shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, subjected to discrimination under, or denied employment in the administration of or in connection with any aspect of this MOU because of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability. The parties agree to abide by the standards of responsibility toward the disabled as specified by the Americans with Disabilities Act and Washington Law Against Discrimination. In the event that one of the parties hereto refuses to comply with the above provision, this MOU may be canceled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part by the other party. 1_0 ENTIRE AGREEMENT This MOU constitutes the entire agreements between these parties with respect to the subject matter of this MOU and all prior negotiations, agreements, and understandings, whether written or oral, are superseded. No provision of this MOU may be changed, waived, or modified except in writing signed by the parties. 2_0 AUTHORITY TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT Each person entering into this MOU represents that s/he has the right and authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the party for whom s/he signs. 3_0 SIGNATURES rThe signatures on this MOU indicate that the parties agree with all stipulations made herein. Kent School District (KSD) 5-94-93 City of Kent Ve-4ti.r._�'�� �,_ 06/01/2023 Superintendent Israel Vela Mayor Dana Ralph (Print&Sign) (Print&Sign) 4 Exhibit A - NON-DISCRIMINATION The Parties are committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity. As such all contractors, subcontractors, consultants, vendors, and suppliers who perform work with relation to this Agreement shall comply with the following: • Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq., 78 stat. 252), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin); • 49 C.F.R. Part 21 (entitled Non-discrimination In Federally-Assisted Programs Of The Department Of Transportation-Effectuation Of Title VI Of The Civil Rights Act Of 1964); • 28 C.F.R. section 50.3 (U.S. Department of Justice Guidelines for Enforcement of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964). • Ch. 49.60 RCW (Washington Law Against Discrimination) The preceding statutory and regulatory cites hereinafter are referred to as "the Acts and Regulations". The following statements specifically identify the requirements each party, and any contractor, subcontractor, or supplier on this specific Agreement, must adhere to. During the performance of this interlocal agreement, each party agrees as follows: A. Compliance with Regulations: Each party will comply with all Acts and the Regulations relative to non-discrimination, including those applicable to Federally- assisted programs of the U.S. Department of Transportation, State-assisted programs through the Washington State Department of Transportation, and generally under Washington's Law Against Discrimination, Ch. 49.60 RCW, as they may be amended from time to time, which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. B. Non-discrimination: Neither party will discriminate on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment. Neither party will not participate directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by the Acts and the Regulations, including employment practices when the contract covers any activity, project, or program set forth in Appendix B of 49 CFR Part 21. C. Solicitations for Subcontracts, Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment: In all solicitations, either by competitive bidding, or negotiation made by either party for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials, or leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier will be notified by the party of the party's obligations under this contract and the Acts and the Regulations relative to non-discrimination on the grounds of race, color, or national origin. D. Information and Reports: Each party will provide all information and reports required by the Acts and Regulations and directives issued pursuant thereto and will permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 1 of 3 facilities as may be determined applicable to party's contract by the Washington State Department of Transportation to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Acts and Regulations and instructions. Where any information required of a party is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish the information, the party will so certify to the other party or the Washington State Department of Transportation, as appropriate, and will set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. E. Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the event of a party's noncompliance with the non-discrimination provisions of this contract, the other party will impose such contract sanctions as it or the Washington State Department of Transportation may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to: a. withholding payments under the contract until the party complies; and/or b. cancelling, terminating, or suspending a contract, in whole or in part. F. Incorporation of Provisions: Each party will include the provisions of paragraphs (A) through (F) above in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Acts and Regulations and directives issued pursuant thereto. The party will take action with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the other party or the Washington State Department of Transportation may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance. Provided, that if the party becomes involved in, or is threatened with litigation by a subcontractor, or supplier because of such direction, the party may request the other party to enter into any litigation to protect its interests. In addition, the contractor may request the United States to enter into the litigation to protect the interests of the United States. During the performance of this contract, each party agrees to comply with the following non- discrimination statutes and authorities; including but not limited to: Pertinent Non-Discrimination Authorities: i. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq., 78 stat. 252), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin); and 49 CFR Part 21. ii. The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, (42 U.S.C. § 4601), (prohibits unfair treatment of persons displaced or whose property has been acquired because of Federal or Federal-aid programs and projects); iii. Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973, (23 U.S.C. § 324 et seq.), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex); iv. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, (29 U.S.C. § 794 et seq.), as amended, (prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability); and 49 CFR Part 27; V. The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, (42 U.S.C. § 6101 et seq.), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of age); vi. Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, (49 USC § 471, Section 47123), as amended, (prohibits discrimination based on race, creed, color, national origin, or sex); vii. The Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, (PL 100-209), (Broadened the scope, coverage and applicability of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, The Age EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 2 of 3 Discrimination Act of 1975 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, by expanding the definition of the terms "programs or activities" to include all of the programs or activities of the Federal-aid recipients, sub-recipients and contractors, whether such programs or activities are Federally funded or not); viii. Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in the operation of public entities, public and private transportation systems, places of public accommodation, and certain testing entities (42 U.S.C. §§ 12131-12189) as implemented by Department of Transportation regulations at 49 C.F.R. parts 37 and 38; ix. The Federal Aviation Administration's Non-discrimination statute (49 U.S.C. § 47123) (prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, and sex); X. Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations, which ensures Non-discrimination against minority populations by discouraging programs, policies, and activities with disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority and low-income populations; xi. Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency, and resulting agency guidance, national origin discrimination includes discrimination because of Limited English proficiency (LEP). To ensure compliance with Title VI, you must take reasonable steps to ensure that LEP persons have meaningful access to your programs (70 Fed. Reg. at 74087 to 74100); xii. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, which prohibits you from discriminating because of sex in education programs or activities (20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq). xiii. Washington Law Against Discrimination (Ch. 49.60 RCW) The submission of the final invoice for this contract will constitute a reaffirmation that the preceding statements were complied with during contract performance. By signing below, each party agrees to fulfill the requirements referenced above. By. For: City of Kent Title: Mayor Date: 06/01/2023 By: 5 For: Kent School District Title: Superintendent Date: 0 51 ay/ 2_ EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 3 of 3 io 'JJJ& KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT KENT Ob EQUITY EXCELLENCE COMMUNITY w..a..1.r is r, City of Kent — Kent School District REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS Advancing STEM and Career & Technical Education in Kent School District The City of Kent (City) in partnership with the Kent School District (District), pursues more inclusive prosperity for its young people and aims to create a joint plan to act on the multitude of partnerships available in the region within the realms of Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) and Career Connected Learning. The Kent School District is the fifth largest in the state of Washington with nearly 26,000 learners. Kent is, by some third-party measures, among the top 10 most ethnically diverse urban areas in the United States. The City's Economic Development Plan calls for on-going investment in workforce development and aims to increase access to opportunities for the District's young people through enhanced connections to Kent Valley employers and potential mentors in leading edge skills. The City's Economic Development and Human Service offices have historically invested in construction and advanced manufacturing apprenticeships, but for the first time looks to create a joint strategic plan with the District to improve long- term performance in career connectivity programs offered to local youth (defined as ages 5 — 21). PLAN DETAILS The consultant-supported "Plan" (to be named) backed by the City's American Rescue Plan Act funding, is intended to: i) Supplement the District's own activities to uncover opportunities and build united efforts to resource, correct, and act on areas for continuous improvement to current activities or expansion of career and technical education and STEM offerings at schools a. Consultant will be an assistant project manager to work already initiated by Community Schools and District STEM and career and technical education staff b. Delineation of roles to be more precisely affixed through interview and on-boarding process of consultant team/project manager. Major deliverable by end of project (to which the consultant will offer a 1 subordinate facilitation role to the internal District processes) is a systemwide STEM mission and vision statement c. This vision, created by the District with on-call help by the consultant, will inform development of means and methods so staff and community organizations will seamlessly know how best to verify and coordinate the many incoming projects, ideas, connections, donations, and programs offered, or being developed, in the region Help build baseline definitional terminology and mutual understanding between the District and City to engage efficiently in conversations with career connected learning and STEM programs that approach both institutions to serve Kent youth. Help position the District and City to work in coordinated fashion to bring on-board relevant opportunities a. Key terms and categorization of efforts will include explication in presentation form the deliverable to lay audiences inclusive of industry associations, chambers of commerce, and elected officials: i. Career Connectivity activities in school and afterschool hours ii. Career and Technical Education 1. List of existing STEM offerings and relevant coursework and how they relate to student career readiness 2. Illustrate the role of Kent's innovation academies in relation to the growth of skills centers in the state (physical or virtual) and in context of changing policy landscape; connect state or regional initiatives for workforce development in industries like maritime, aerospace, construction, or advanced manufacturing and how they may relate to the District's own programs 3. Support District in evaluating curriculum opportunities such as Core Plus, and how onboarding new curricular and/or a further expansion of either existing, related, or similar curricula already in the District and found in Washington state can grow availability of career and technical education choices to students b. Explicate federal, state, and regional efforts in career and technical education—as well as STEM—in the context of District resources and existing programs. Reduce and simplify workforce program descriptors so the whole of the City and District's stakeholders can assess the value of potential projects and better support the City and District to improve educational and career outcomes Institute a strategy with external parties in direct service delivery in realms of internships, pre-apprenticeships, apprenticeship, STEM, and career connection to support students' navigation between required content and optional experiences via various courses, spaces, and careers Support the District's strategic planning team in its on-going efforts to document and evaluate existing after school programs and career- 2 relevant curricula, i.e., system-wide audit to inform prioritization of resource development supporting staff, students, and community organizations in areas of STEM and career connection; a. Identify best practices and opportunities to partner with industry and community stakeholders for applied learning through internships, externships, pre-apprenticeships, registered youth apprenticeships, and mentorships b. Identify best practices and available opportunities to link high school and beyond plans with work-integrated and career-related learning options c. Illustrate viability of regionally available STEM and career readiness offerings in the District and offer case studies and analytical thinking on how to expand iv) Propose for City and District recommendations for action and investments that will ensure Pre-K to 121h grade students experience an intentional and coherent system across all career education courses and STEM opportunities both during and after the school day a. Consult with individuals from public and private sectors with expertise in career and technical education and work-integrated training, including representatives of labor unions, professional technical organizations, business and industry b. Review instructional programs funded from Career Connect Washington program via funds from federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act c. Develop strategies to maximize and optimize District funding for career and technical education for wider adoption and exposure to career connectivity within school day, afterwards, and during summer months v) Offer order-of-magnitude cost estimations to increase scale or improvement in adoption of main programs and assessment of ongoing costs to the District. a. Recommendations and estimates will consider funding in hand as one category of advice b. Secondary recommendations which depend upon joint grant applications by City and District to state or federal agencies should also be made by consultant team c. Inform the City and its community partners on complementary investments in youth preparation for internships, youth employment, and hiring processes that can best add value vi) Work in support of District's measurement practices on efficacy to outcome in both evaluation and creation of: a. Employer engagement methods and establishment of a system of checks on effectiveness of career-connect programs 3 b. Background or literature review research to empower students, families, and community organizations with best available data concerning career and technical education programs c. Identification of barrier reduction or other needed household supports for the student with community partner organizations vii) Help staff at District and City build a communication plan primarily for families and community partners. The plan will identify and help create transparent communication tools to readily explain: a. What activities outside of the school day are needed for success in career readiness and STEM education programs b. How to build on the District's existing programs, as well as those in the region; expectation is consultant has credible subject matter expertise to offer suggestions on how to best present these to residents, employers and interested higher educational institutions c. Formulate transparent tools for families and community partners to see the interlocking connections between credit-bearing and non-credit bearing opportunities viii) Support presentation of findings and recommendations from study to District board and City councilmembers for maintenance and sustainability of increased investment in career readiness and STEM education opportunities. Therefore, the City and District seek a consultant team to help build and manage a Plan inclusive of the following components: i. Project Management a. Production of timeline b. Existing plan and literature review for alignment i. Knowledge: 1. Partnerships to advance youth apprenticeship 2. Career connected learning efforts 3. Road Map Project 4. STEM agencies and networks in Washington state 5. Labor and Industries practices for youth employment 6. Role and performance of regional skills centers 7. Curriculum development in K-12 within Washington state regulatory environment ii. Experiences: 1. Work with federal and state regulatory practices for education providers 2. Workforce development 3. Public policy c. Support for arranging a cadence of meetings and assembly of key staff d. Host workshops with external parties H. Performance measures 4 iii. Public and community outreach a. Encourage proposers to bring on-board local community organization outreach and other partners in sub-contractual arrangements iv. Commitment from City and District to make available the following information: a. Relevant curricula and standards b. Data (local economic and school academic performance) i. Recommendations of known industry leadership organizations operating in the District ii. City and economic and workforce development agencies will provide existing labor market information c. Staff and District administration interviews V. Final reports and deliverables a. District vision, mission statements b. Tools/communication plan for mapping interrelationships for parents and families c. Recommendations to City and District i. Suggested Memorandum of Understanding with interested and relevant external partners ii. Criteria and assessment lenses for District to better examine received requests to partner or adopt curricula, including, but not limited to, skills centers, Core Plus, et. al. iii. Grants and direct investment iv. Systematic measurement methods v. Missing resources and/or facilities for scaling up mentorships, engagements, and best practices District-wide CONSULTANT KNOWLEDGE, QUALIFICATIONS, EXPERIENCE Applicants should provide material to substantiate their knowledge and experience advising: • Career and technical education requirements, standards, and opportunities in Washington state, and within King County • Understanding of best practices for promotion and adoption of STEM principles in the classroom, and as part of a larger strategy of career readiness and connectivity • Ability to navigate terminology between communities of practice in industry groups as well as educators Estimated monthly billing for a calendar years' worth of work: $12,500, or $140,000 in total. Final billing withheld until review of reports and presentation materials. CONSULTANT INSTRUCTIONS 5 A. Pre-Response Information and Questions: Each response received by the submittal deadline will be evaluated on its merits and completeness of all requested information. In preparing responses, firms are advised to rely only upon the contents of this RFQ and accompanying documents and any written clarifications issued by the City. If a Respondent finds a discrepancy, error or omission in the RFQ package, or requires any written addendum thereto, the Respondent is requested to notify the Point of Contact noted in this RFQ, so that written clarification may be provided to all prospective consultants. City staff is not responsible for, and Respondents shall not rely upon, any verbal instructions. B. Plan Development Budget: An overall budget has not been determined and respondents of the RFQ should do their best to price their work accurately and competitively. Puget Sound Regional Council has researched recent pricing for this type of plan across the US and locally. C. RFQ Modifications: Clarifications, modifications, or amendments may be made to the RFQ at the discretion of the City. Any revision(s) to the RFQ will be made available at KentWA.gov. D. For consideration, submit: • Include a project budget based on activities and hourly rate of pay, with project all-inclusive not to exceed $140,000.00 • Submit resumes of anyone who will work on the project and their anticipated percentage contributions • Include one to two examples of work principals have done on a similar project, and short narrative of connection to this request. E. Submittals are due by 5 p.m., Friday, May 12, 2023. • By email: CityClerk@KentWA.gov • By mail: City Clerk City of Kent 220 Fourth Ave. S Kent, WA 98032 TERMS AND CONDITIONS The City reserves the right to reject all responses to this RFQ and to waive irregularities and informalities in the submittal and evaluation process. This 6 solicitation for Consultant Services does not obligate the City to pay any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation and submission of a response. This solicitation does not obligate the City to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services. Furthermore, the City reserves the right to award the contract to the next most qualified Consultant if the selected Consultant does not execute a contract within 30 days after being selected. • Project First Advertised .........................April 11, 2023 • Q&A Period ........................................April 17 - May 1, 2023 • Submittal Deadline............................... May 12, 2023 • Consultant Selected ............................ May 19, 2023 • Contract Negotiations Complete ............ May 31, 2023 • Final Report ....................................... December 15, 2023 CONTACT Bill Ellis, Chief Economic Development Officer City of Kent wellis@KentWA.gov 7