HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 11/14/2022 Approved � Land Use and Planning Board �KENT Land Use Regular Meeting Wp ° °T°° Minutes November 14, 2022 Date: November 14, 2022 Time: 6:01 p.m. Place: Chambers Members: Dione Dittmar, Chair Shane Amodei, Michael Purewal, Sally McDonough, Chris McClain, Sandra Pereira, Agenda: 1. Call to Order 6:01 p.m. Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Dione Dittmar Chair Present Shane Amodei Present Michael Purewal Absent Sally McDonough Excused Chris McClain Present Sandra Pereira Present 3. Changes to the Agenda No changes 4. Approval of Minutes dated May 23, 2022 MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated May 23, 2022 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Chris McClain SECONDER: Sandra Pereira AYES: Dittmar, Amodei, McClain, Pereira ABSENT: Purewal EXCUSED: McDonough 5. Vote to fill LUPB Co-Chair vacancy for remainder of 2022 The Board had a brief discussion where Sandra Pereira's name was brought forward for the Co-Chair position for the rest of 2022. She agreed to take on the position. MOTION: I nominate to be Co-Chair. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 1 of 4 Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular November 14, 2022 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Chris McClain SECONDER: Shane Amodei AYES: Dittmar, Amodei, McClain, Pereira ABSENT: Purewal EXCUSED: McDonough 6. Housekeeping Zoning Code Ordinance 2021/2022 Kaelene Nobis gave an information-only presentation on the housekeeping amendment that will be brought before the board for a vote on November 28, 2022. The City of Kent considers annual housekeeping amendments to the Kent City Code to ensure city codes are clear, accurate, and consistent. The proposed code amendments resulted from staff-identified code issues. BACKGROUND & ANALYSIS: Below is a summary of the proposed code amendments, which are included in the attached draft changes. A formal draft ordinance will be presented at the hearing. 1. 15.02.135: Definition- Family Needs to be updated to comply with new state law which prohibits jurisdictions from limiting the number of persons in a household or family. 2. 15.02.260: Definition- Mixed-use Development Development standards for what percentage of development is required to be commercial are buried in this definition. The change will move the standards to the mixed-use table 15.04.200. 4. 15.02.307: Definition: Opiate substitution treatment facility The existing definition refers to state codes that are no longer active and will be revised to remove outdated references. 5. 15.04.170 and 15.04.180: Clarity Issue- Complicated formula for minimum lot size that is unintentionally more restrictive than the density calculation. Code provides conflicting and confusing development standards for multifamily residential units when applying the maximum density and minimum lot size requirements. This code unintentionally increases the cost of development and therefore the costs of housing. The footnote references for 8,500 for the first two lots and then 3,000 for each lot, limit the number of units allowed on a site in a way that is stricter than density. It also has been interpreted to mean that a developer of townhomes would need to have two lots significantly larger than the others. The code already identifies an appropriate minimum lot size in each zone. The complicated formula will be removed and instead use the already designated maximum density and remaining development standards (such as lot width, lot coverage, setbacks, etc.). ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 2 of 4 Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular November 14, 2022 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes 6. 15.04.050 Footnotes (12, 14, 15, 21): Code error- Footnotes are not referenced in the table. The footnotes are not associated with anything in the use table (15.04.040) and should have been removed during Rally the Valley but were missed. These footnotes will be removed as part of this code audit. 7. 15.04.200 Table: Adding the portion removed from the definition of mixed- use, into this table. • See #2, above. 8. 15.05.040: Clarity Issue- Footnotes 3 and 4 for multifamily parking in MTC-1, MTC-2 and MCR. These footnotes are nearly identical except for the amount of parking required and do not identify which footnote, 3 or 4, should be applied. Footnote 4 was intended for Senior facilities and was accidentally lost during the collapse of the code section in 2012 (Ord 4043). In 2011, footnote 4 was added for senior buildings in MTC-1, MTC-2, and MCR (Ord 4011). When the code section was combined in 2012, this nuance was lost. To clarify, "for senior buildings" will be added. Board Member Dittmar asked if the percent commercial requirements for mixed-use will be reviewed because of the possible limitations they may have on future housing development. Kaelene Nobis agreed with the assessment. Ms. Nobis said the department plans to review those through future efforts. 7. Introduction to the 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update Kristen Holdsworth gave an information-only presentation on the status and process of the 2024 Comprehensive Plan update. The City is required to update its Comprehensive Plan by the end of 2024. ECD staff will lead this project and will coordinate efforts with all departments to review, evaluate, and update policies. A Comprehensive Plan describes a city's long-term vision for growth, infrastructure, and services. It articulates a series of goals and policies intended to guide the day-to-day decisions of elected officials and staff. Comprehensive Plans continually evolve to address long-term opportunities and challenges. The most recent version of Kent's Comprehensive Plan was updated in 2015. The 2024 Comprehensive Plan provides an opportunity for the city to re- evaluate and confirm our goals and policies to achieve a shared vision for Kent's future. Staff provided an overview of the Comprehensive Plan update process, including outreach and community engagement. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 3 of 4 Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular November 14, 2022 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ._............................................................................................................................................................................................................ The Board Members had quite a few questions regarding traffic issues and how they relate to the update of the Comprehensive Plan Update. Ms. Holdsworth discussed reaching out to Public Works to get an update on the Traffic Master Plan. There was another concern brought up about the number of storage facilities that Kent currently has and the future of any more being developed. Ms. Holdsworth explained that the City has been making incremental changes to the code for these uses but that some were already in the process of obtaining permits when those changes were made. The Board also recommended to use Social Media to its full advantage when soliciting feedback from the Public. S. Adjournment 7:00 p.m. Tao,ya,Kasoe Committee Secretary ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 4 of 4