HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 11/28/2016 LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD
1. Call to Order
Chair Cornelius called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm
2. Roll Call
• LUPB Members: Frank Cornelius, Chair; Katherine Jones, Vice Chair; Jack
Ottini, and Randall Smith were in attendance. Barbara Phillips was absent
and excused.
• City Staff: Charlene Anderson, AICP, Long Range Planning Manager; Shawn
Gilbertson, Environmental Engineering Supervisor, Tom Brubaker, City
Attorney, and Adam Long, Assistant City Attorney were in attendance.
3. Approval of Minutes
Board Member Smith MOVED and Board Member Jones SECONDED a
Motion to Approve the Minutes of October 24, 2016. MOTION PASSED
4. Added Items
S. Communications
6. Notice of Upcoming Meetings
7. Public Hearing
Chair Cornelius stated that the purpose of the meeting is to conduct a hearing to
consider a proposal to adopt a revised City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual
(SWDM) that adopts the new 2016 King County SWDM with local revisions.
Chair Cornelius opened the public hearing.
Environmental Engineering Supervisor, Shawn Gilbertson submitted five (5) exhibits
for the record. The first 3 exhibits (dated from 11/18/16-11/23/16) are comprised of
email communications between stakeholders with their comments made on the Draft
SWDM. Exhibit 4 is a table of changes to the Kent SWDM, and Exhibit 5 is a proposal
of changes to the Draft SWDM and the adopting ordinance.
Board Member Smith MOVED and Board Member Jones SECONDED a motion
to accept the five exhibits into the record. Motion PASSED 4-0.
Gilbertson stated that adoption of a new Kent SWDM will in turn adopt King County's
2016 SWDM with Kent amendments. Efforts to comply with the State's clean water
laws and the Federal Clean Water Act prompted the update to the SWD Standards
statewide; which is part of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) required under the Federal Clean Water Act, the permitting system to
prevent pollution of storm and surface water. This Federal program is delegated to the
Washington Department of Ecology to oversee.
Gilbertson stated that the municipal storm water permit is the NPDES permit that
most affects Kent; that allows Kent to discharge storm water into the Green River,
lakes and other waters of the state. Kent is covered under the NPDES Phase II
municipal stormwater permit; explaining what the city must accomplish to meet
compliance with the permit. The city must have storm water standards that are
consistent with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) standards. The City's current
Municipal Stormwater Permits are in affect from 2013-2018. A main requirement of
this permit is to adopt updated storm water management standards, including low
impact development. The city is required to have an ordinance by the end of this year
that adopts these new standards. The city is replacing the 1998 King County SWDM
with the new King County SWDM standards and updating Kent's 2002 SWDM with the
2017 Kent SWDM.
The SWDM informs the developer and the City how to use the King County SWDM in
Kent and includes: specific information about developing in King County versus Kent;
different nomenclature, City of Kent code references, departmental structure
references, geographical mapping of Kent illustrating where the SW standards are to
be used in Kent, and including Kent specific approval and development process.
King County made major changes to their manual to keep up with Ecology's
Stormwater Standards requiring implementation of low-impact development (LID)
standards. The City is working to implement these standards now. Gilbertson spoke
about the benefits of low impact development as well as the potential impacts related
to increased costs associated with (LID) both to the development community and in
terms of city staff's plan review process. Gilbertson spoke about Kent specific updates
stating that staff plans to create a development assistance brochure, provide website
technical assistance, pre-app, plan review, inspection assistance, and solicit feedback
from the development community.
Gilbertson stated that the SWDM will go before the Public Works Committee for action
on December 5t" and to full Council on December 13t"
Cornelius opened the Public Hearing. Seeing no speakers, Chair Cornelius closed the
Public Hearing and called for a Motion.
Board Member Ottini MOVED and Board Member Jones Seconded a Motion to
recommend to the full City Council approval of the Ordinance repealing
Section 2 of Ordinance No. 3602 that adopted the May 2002 Surface Water
Design Manual and adopting Kent's new Surface Water Design Manual, dated
January 12, 2017, and approving three additional proposed language
changes to the SWDM: Acknowledgements Section, Page i; Section
Flow Control Facility Implementation Requirements Page 1-39; Section 6,
Page 3 to change the effective date of the ordinance from thirty (30) days to
sixty (60) days. Chair Cornelius than called for the vote. Motion PASSED
Unanimously with 4 Yeas.
Chair Cornelius adjourned the meeting at 7:35 pm.
Charlene Anderson, AICP, Long Range Planning Manager,
LUPB Board Secretary
Land Use & Planning Board Minutes
November 28, 2016
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