HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 01/26/2015 ECONOMIC and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT
Ben Wolters, Director
Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Planning Director
111� KEN T Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager
Phone: 253-856-5454
Fax: 253-856-6454
220 Fourth Avenue South
Kent, WA 98032-5895
JANUARY 26, 2015
7:00 P.M.
LUPB MEMBERS: Jack Ottini, Chair; Randall Smith, Vice Chair; Frank Cornelius;
Navdeep Gill; Katherine Jones; Barbara Phillips and Binoy Varughese
CITY STAFF: Planning Services: Fred Satterstrom, Planning Director; Charlene
Anderson, Planning Manager
This is to notify you that the Land Use and Planning Board will hold a Workshop on
MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. The workshop will be held in Kent
City Hall, City Council Chambers, 220 Fourth Avenue S, Kent, WA.
No public testimony is taken at LUPB workshops; however, the public is welcome to
attend. The workshop agenda includes the following item(s):
1. Nomination & Election of Officers
2. Open Public Meetings Act - Training Video
3. Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Map Amendments
General Discussion - Charlene Anderson
For documents pertaining to the Land Use and Planning Board, access the City's website at:
Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office in advance
at (253) 856-5725. For TTY/TDD service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at
(800) 833-6388. For general information, contact Economic & Community Development
Department, Planning Division at(253) 856-5454.
Ben Wolters, Director
Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Planning Director
Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager
KENT Phone: 253-856-5454
W A HINGTON Fax: 253-856-6454
220 Fourth Avenue S
Kent, WA 98032-5895
January 20, 2015
TO: Chair Jack Ottini and Land Use & Planning Board Members
FROM: Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager
RE: Open Public Meetings - Training Video
January 26, 2015 Workshop
Summary: The Risk Management Division of the City's Human Resources
Department requested that the Land Use & Planning Board (LUPB) view a video
from the State Attorney General's office regarding the Open Public Meetings Act.
Background: At the January 26, 2015 LUPB meeting the Board will view a
presentation regarding Open Public Meetings. The video lasts about 17 minutes. A
training record is being established for all Board members and this video will
become part of the record.
CA\ah:P:\Planning\LUPB\2015\Meeting Documents\1-26-15\01-26-15_Open_Public_Meeting_LUPB_Memo.doc
cc: Ben Wolters, Economic and Community Development Director
Fred N. Satterstrom,AICP, Planning Director
David Galazin,Assistant City Attorney
Project File
Ben Wolters, Director
Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Director
KENT Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager
Phone: 253-856-5454
Fax: 253-856-6454
220 Fourth Avenue S
Kent, WA 98032-5895
January 20, 2015
TO: Chair Jack Ottini and Land Use and Planning Board Members
FROM: Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager
RE: Land Use Plan and Zoning District Map Amendments [CPA-2011-
3/CPZ-2011-1] [KIVA#2142820/2142822]
For Workshop on January 26, 2015
MOTION: None required — for information only.
SUMMARY: On September 1, 2014, the City of Kent received applications for
docketing Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Map amendments for properties
located in five areas of the City. Staff proposed consideration of additional map
amendments. At their November 10, 2014 meeting, the Economic & Community
Development Committee recommended consideration of four of the docketed map
amendments as well as the staff proposed map amendments during the 2014-15
update to the Kent Comprehensive Plan. On November 18, 2014 the City Council
concurred with that recommendation.
#DKT-2014-4 — Change in Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Map
designations for a 2.3-acre parcel (768280-0195) located at 2526 S 272nd
Street from LDMF (Low Density Multifamily)/MRT-16 (Multifamily
Residential Townhouse) to MU (Mixed Use)/CC-MU (Community
Commercial-Mixed Use).
Applicant (Agent): Baljit Singh and Amritpal S. Sahoter
Land Use Plan Map LDMF (Low Density Multifamily) MU (Mixed Use)
Zoning Districts Map MRT-16 (Multifamily Residential CC-MU (Community
Townhouse) Commercial/Mixed Use
There is a single family residence on the site and the site is otherwise wooded.
Much of the site terrain can be characterized as vegetated and sloped from east to
west. The property abuts S. 272nd St. on the south and 26t" Ave. S. on the east.
Properties immediately north of the site have been the subject of residential
platting activity. Immediately to the west is a multifamily development. The
Saybrook residential condominiums are located to the south across S. 272nd St.
Immediately to the east across 26t" Ave. S. is the Star Lake Park & Ride which is
located adjacent to the I-5/S. 272nd Street off-ramp. Surrounding zoning is single
or multiple family residential in both Kent and Federal Way.
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No Action - Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps remain LDMF/MRT-16
1. The CC-MU zoning district allows both 100% commercial (e.g., retail, office)
uses as well as mixed commercial/residential uses provided the commercial
component encompasses a minimum of 25% of the mixed use development.
2. The surrounding area is residential in character; a determination would be
made that commercial uses would be incompatible with the residential
character of the area.
Option 1 - Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps change to MU/CC-MU
1. The applicant states the property is close to the I-5 freeway exit and is on a
very busy street (S. 272nd St.), so the best use would be consistent with CC-
MU zoning.
#DKT-2014-6 — Change in Zoning Districts Map designation for three
parcels (675670-0050 and -0060, 282205-9153) totaling 1.72 acres
located at the northeast corner of the intersection of 116t" Ave SE and Kent
Kangley Rd from O-MU (Office/Mixed Use) and SR-6 (Single Family
Residential) to CC-MU (Community Commercial/Mixed Use); and change in
Land Use Plan Map designation for one of those parcels totaling 0.416
acres from SF6 (Single Family Residential) to MU (Mixed Use)
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 2
Applicant (Agent): Nick Wecker, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. as agent
for Marty Jones, The Velmeir Companies
Land Use Plan Map MU (Mixed Use) and SF6 (Single Family All MU (Mixed Use)
Zoning Districts Map O-MU (Office/Mixed Use) and SR-6 CC-MU (Community
Sin le Family Residential) Commercial/Mixed Use
Two of the parcels are currently vacant and there is a single family residence on the
third (northeastern) parcel. Trees and scattered vegetation exist on the parcels.
Much of the site terrain can be characterized as flat. The property abuts Kent
Kangley Rd. on the south and 1161h Ave. S. on the west. Properties immediately
north and east of the site are residential. To the west, across 116th Ave. SE are
residential uses. To the southwest, across Kent Kangley Rd., are multifamily
residential condominium developments; to the south, across Kent Kangley Rd., is a
small commercial area with a gas station. Parcels to the north, east, west and
southwest and zoned single and multiple family. Parcels directly to the south,
across Kent Kangley Rd. are zoned CC-MU.
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Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 3
No Action - Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps remain MU/SF6 and
1. The CC-MU zoning district allows both 100% commercial (e.g., retail, office)
uses as well as mixed commercial/residential uses provided the commercial
component encompasses a minimum of 25% of the mixed use development.
2. The surrounding area is residential in character; office/multifamily mixed use
is compatible with and provides a buffer for the adjacent residential uses.
3. Commercial uses would be incompatible with the residential character of the
Option 1 - Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps change to MU/CC-MU
1. The applicant states the concentration of multifamily residential along the
Kent Kangley corridor creates a significant amount of pedestrian and transit
riders and a demand for neighborhood-friendly retail uses.
2. The applicant is proposing a 14,500 square foot retail pharmacy with drive-
through service and surface parking, although the proposal is not a
conditional rezone.
3. One of the City Council's strategic goals is to Create Neighborhood Urban
Option 2 - Expand Option 1.
1. This option would include two adjacent residential parcels (282205-9221 and
-9270) in the MU/CC-MU designation.
2. The CC-MU designation would be more consistent with the extent of the CC-
MU designation directly south across Kent Kangley Rd. and yet not include
properties that are part of the Seven Oaks Terrace and Seven Oaks Division
III plats.
#DKT-2014-7 — Change in split Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Map
designations for two parcels (775780-0225 and -0222) totaling 1.6 acres
located at 22202 and 22204 88th Avenue SE from SF6/SR-6 (Single Family
Residential) and I (Industrial)/CM-1 (Commercial Manufacturing-1) to the
adjacent LDMF (Low Density Multifamily)/MRT-16 (Multifamily Residential
Applicant (Agent): Daniel K. Balmelli, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. as
agent for MPR Holdings, LLC
Land Use Plan Map I (Industrial) and SF6 (Single Family LDMF (Low Density
Residential) Multifamily)
Zoning Districts Map CM-1 (Commercial Manufacturing-1) MR-T16 (Multifamily
and SR-6 Single Family Residential) Residential Townhouse)
Both parcels are currently developed with a single family residence. There are a
significant number of trees on the site. The terrain slopes to the west, with some
slopes reaching 40%. The property abuts 88th Avenue South on the west.
Properties in the immediate vicinity are either vacant or single family residences on
a variety of lot sizes. Farther south of the site is a multifamily development. The
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 4
properties also are zoned for either single or multiple family residences. To the
west, across 88th Avenue South is SR-167.
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No Action — Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps remain I/SF6 and CM-
1. These parcels appear to be remnant land use plan and zoning map
Option 1 — Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps change to LDMF/MR-
1. The applicant characterizes the current designations as 'apparent mapping
2. The applicant is proposing to develop these parcels and adjacent parcels as a
154-unit townhouse development, although the proposal is not a conditional
3. The property is adjacent to the future 2281" St. Corridor project.
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LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 5
#DKT-2014-8 — Change in Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Map
designations for three parcels (779000-0005, 222204-9113 and 212204-
9068) totaling 14.57 acres located at 3101 S. 240th Street and 24481 32nd
Avenue South from C (Commercial)/GC (General Commercial) to TOC
(Transit Oriented Community)/MCR (Midway Commercial-Residential)
Applicant (Agent): Matt Edwards, Edwards Development & Advisors, LLC as agent
for Argus Investment Company, Garth Olsen & Cristina Kapela Dugoni
Land Use Plan Map C (Commercial) TOC (Transit Oriented
Zoning Districts Map GC (General Commercial) MCR (Midway
The parcels are currently undeveloped and contain trees and other vegetation. The
terrain is relatively flat. A wetland is located on the site. The property abuts S.
240t" Street on the north and I-5 on the east. Across S. 240t" Street on the north
are located a utility district property and a multifamily development. To the west
are the Lowe's retail store, industrial uses and a mobile home park. A former
landfill is located to the south. The site and surrounding properties were included in
the Midway Subarea Plan. Zoning to the north is MTC-2 (Midway Transit
Community II), to the west is MCR (Midway Commercial-Residential) and to the
south is CM-2 (Commercial Manufacturing-2) and MHP (Mobile Home Park).
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 6
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No Action — Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps remain C/GC
1. In 2011, the applicant requested the parcels not change to the proposed
Midway land use plan and zoning map designations. A determination would
be made that circumstances have not changed since those designations were
Option 1 — Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps change to TOC/MCR
1. The Transit Oriented Community/Midway Commercial Residential
designations provide additional flexibility in the types of land uses permitted
on the property, consistent with the Midway Subarea Plan.
2. The applicant states the plans for the property are primarily residential,
although the proposal is not a conditional rezone.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 7
A. STAFF PROPOSALS — Expand Commercial Opportunities In Strategic
Locations In The Industrial Area:
Al. Intersection of West Valley Highway/S. 196th Street. Maintain Land
Use Plan Map Designation of I (Industrial) and change Zoning Districts
Maps for 28 parcels totaling 104.7 acres from M-1 (Industrial Park) to
M1-C (Industrial Park/Commercial)
Parcel Numbers: 660021-0010, -0020, -0030, -0040, -0050, -
0060, -0070, -0080, -0090, -0100, -0110, -0120, -0130, -0140;
788880-0220, -0250; 382900-0025, -0030, -0040, -0055, -
0065; 000020-0041; 883660-0140; 331060-0185, -0250, -
0260, -0261, -0285
Land Use Plan Map I (Industrial) No Change
Zoning Districts M1 (Industrial Park) M1-C (Industrial
Map Park/Commercial
Except for approximately 38.7 vacant acres of the Pacific Gateway site
bounded by 62"d and 68th Avenues S. east/west and S. 1961h Street and S.
199th Place north/south, the parcels are developed with a variety of
warehousing, manufacturing and service uses. The 38.7 acres have been
cleared and graded. The terrain of the properties is relatively flat. The
properties generally abut 68th Avenue South (West Valley Highway) between
S. 190th Street and S. 199th Place (if extended east). Surrounding zoning is
generally M1 (Industrial Park District). However, properties north of S. 196th
Street between 62"d and 66th Avenues S. are zoned M2, Limited Industrial.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 8
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No Action — Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps remain I/M1
1. The parcels would be retained for manufacturing, warehousing and
service uses.
Option 1 — Land Use Plan Map remains I (Industrial) and Zoning
Districts Map is changed to M1-C
1. M1-C zoning allows the land uses permitted in the underlying M1
zoning district (including bulk retail with a minimum of one acre in
gross floor area) as well as certain limited commercial land uses at
nodal locations where major arterials intersect. These limited
commercial uses would provide necessary personal and business
services for the general industrial area. The S. 1961" Street/West
Valley Highway intersection is a major nodal location.
2. See also the staff-proposed code amendment to expand the
commercial uses that are allowed in the M1-C zoning areas.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 9
3. The State's Streamlined Sales Tax provisions create significant
structural revenue deficits for Kent's warehousing operations in the
industrial valley. As such, it is prudent to allow additional commercial
uses while maintaining the overall industrial character of the area.
4. With approximately 60,000 daytime employees in the industrial valley,
allowing for additional commercial uses and services providers which
add to the appeal of the area for high-tech companies and the
recruitment of talented people is also desirable.
5. The Economic Development Plan recommends supportive retail and
commercial uses in the industrial area to modernize the district and
contribute to its overall vitality.
6. An analysis of vacant and redevelopable lands in this area indicates
capacity for job growth.
Option 2 — Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps change to MU
(Mixed Use)/GC-MU (General Commercial-Mixed Use)
1. The GC zoning district provides for commercial areas along certain
major thoroughfares. The allowed uses include a range of automobile-
oriented trade, service, entertainment and recreation land uses. With
the GC-MU zoning overlay, residential uses also would be allowed.
Residential uses can provide housing to accommodate the work force
in the industrial area.
2. The State's Streamlined Sales Tax provisions create significant
structural revenue deficits for Kent's warehousing operations in the
industrial valley. As such, it is prudent to allow additional commercial
uses while maintaining the overall industrial character of the area.
3. With approximately 60,000 daytime employees in the industrial valley,
allowing for additional commercial uses and services providers which
add to the appeal of the area for high-tech companies and the
recruitment of talented people is also desirable.
4. The Economic Development Plan recommends supportive retail and
commercial uses in the industrial area to modernize the district and
contribute to its overall vitality.
A2. S. 1801h Street (south side) from 72nd Avenue S. to Lind Avenue (if
extended). Maintain Land Use Plan Map Designation of I (Industrial)
and change Zoning Districts Maps for 16 parcels totaling 52.24 acres
from M-1 (Industrial Park) to M1-C (Industrial Park/Commercial)
Parcel Numbers: 000020-0003, -0006, -0007, -0008, -0012;
125371-0010, -0050; 312305-9121, -9129, -9151; 362304-
9005, -9018, -9086, -9096, -9100, -9101
Land Use Plan Map I (Industrial) No Change
Zoning Districts M1 (Industrial Park) M1-C (Industrial
Map Park/Commercial
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 10
Further, except for the Puget Power and Railroad rights of way, as
well as Springbrook Creek, whose existing designations will be
retained, follow parcel lines and thereby remove split land use plan
and zoning districts map designations by effecting the following
125371-0060: Change Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps
from I (Industrial)/MIC (Manufacturing/Industrial Center) and
M1 (Industrial Park)/M2 (Limited Industrial) to I
(Industrial)/M1-C (Industrial Park/Commercial)
125372-0016: Retain POS (Parks and Open Space) Land Use
Plan Map designation and change Zoning Districts Map
designation from M1 (Industrial Park)/M2 (Limited Industrial)
to M1-C (Industrial Park/Commercial)
125372-0010, 312305-9013, 362304 -9004 and -9103: Change
split Land Use Plan Map designation of I (Industrial)/MIC
(Manufacturing/Industrial Center) to MIC and change Zoning
Districts Map designation from M1 (Industrial Park)/M2
(Limited Industrial) to M2.
This area is located on the south side of S. 180th Street between 72nd Avenue
S. and Lind Avenue (if extended), and is a major east/west arterial.
Springbrook Creek runs through a portion of the area. The properties are
developed with various warehousing, service and bulk retail uses. To the
north, across S. 180th Street, are a variety of bulk retail, offices and food
services. Properties to the east are zoned GC (General Commercial), to the
west M1-C (Industrial Park-Commercial), and to the south M2 (Limited
Industrial). To the north in the cities of Renton and Tukwila, the zoning is
Medium Industrial, Commercial Office, Commercial Arterial, and Commercial
Light Industrial.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 11
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No Action — Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps remain I/M1
1. The parcels would be retained for manufacturing, warehousing and
service uses, and the split designations would be retained.
Option 1 — Land Use Plan Map remains I (Industrial) and Zoning
Districts Map is changed to MI-C. The split designations would be
resolved as noted above.
1. M1-C zoning allows the land uses permitted in the underlying M1
zoning district (including bulk retail with a minimum of one acre in
gross floor area) as well as certain limited commercial land uses at
nodal locations where major arterials intersect. These limited
commercial uses would provide necessary personal and business
services for the general industrial area. The area along S. 1801h Street
is an appropriate area for additional flexibility in uses and is consistent
with the type of uses allowed to the north in adjacent jurisdictions.
2. A recent analysis of buildable lands indicated no vacant or
redevelopable parcels that would contribute additional capacity for
growth in population and employment. There would be additional
flexibility in allowed uses under the M1-C zoning designation.
3. See also the staff-proposed code amendment to expand the
commercial uses that are allowed in the M1-C zoning areas.
4. The State's Streamlined Sales Tax provisions create significant
structural revenue deficits for Kent's warehousing operations in the
industrial valley. As such, it is prudent to allow additional commercial
uses while maintaining the overall industrial character of the area.
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LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 12
5. With approximately 60,000 daytime employees in the industrial valley,
allowing for additional commercial uses and services providers which
add to the appeal of the area for high-tech companies and the
recruitment of talented people is also desirable.
6. The Economic Development Plan recommends supportive retail and
commercial uses in the industrial area to modernize the district and
contribute to its overall vitality.
Option 2 — Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps change to MU
(Mixed Use)/GC-MU (General Commercial/Mixed Use). The split
designations would also be changed to MU/GC-MU.
1. A recent analysis of buildable lands indicated no vacant or
redevelopable parcels that would contribute additional capacity for
growth in population and employment. The GC zoning district provides
for commercial areas along certain major thoroughfares. The allowed
uses include a range of automobile-oriented trade, service,
entertainment and recreation land uses; manufacturing and
warehousing uses are not allowed in the GC zoning district. With the
GC-MU zoning overlay, residential uses also would be allowed.
Residential uses can provide housing to accommodate the work force
in the industrial area.
2. The State's Streamlined Sales Tax provisions create significant
structural revenue deficits for Kent's warehousing operations in the
industrial valley. As such, it is prudent to allow additional commercial
uses while maintaining the overall industrial character of the area.
3. With approximately 60,000 daytime employees in the industrial valley,
allowing for additional commercial uses and services providers which
add to the appeal of the area for high-tech companies and the
recruitment of talented people is also desirable.
4. The Economic Development Plan recommends supportive retail and
commercial uses in the industrial area to modernize the district and
contribute to its overall vitality.
A3. NE corner of intersection of 72nd Avenue S. and S. 2771h Street.
Maintain Land Use Plan Map Designation of I (Industrial) and change
Zoning Districts Maps for 2 parcels located at 27430 72nd Avenue S.
totaling approximately 32.6 acres from M2 (Limited Industrial) to M1-C
(Industrial Park/Commercial)
Parcel Numbers: 000680-0036 (southern portion) and 000680-
Land Use Plan Map I (Industrial) No Change
Zoning Districts M2 (Limited Industrial) M1-C (Industrial
Map Park/Commercial
The property currently is used as an automotive terminal and vehicle
transport operation. It abuts 72nd Avenue S. on the west, the UP Railroad on
the east, and S. 277th St. on the south. SR 167 is adjacent to 72n6 Avenue S.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 13
farther west. Alaskan Copper Works is located north of the site. The property
is generally flat. A majority of the property is paved, but there is a wetland
inventoried on the northwestern portion of the property. Property to the
north is zoned M2 (Limited Industrial). Property to the west, across SR 167,
is zoned AG (Agricultural General). Property to the east, across the railroad
tracks, lies within unincorporated King County, is zoned A-10, Agriculture,
and is part of the Lower Green Agricultural Production District. Property to
the south, across S. 2771" Street, is within the City of Auburn and is zoned
M1, Light Industrial.
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No Action — Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps remain I/M2
1. The parcels would be retained for manufacturing and warehousing
Option 1 — Land Use Plan Map remains I (Industrial) and Zoning
Districts Map is changed to M1-C
1. M1-C zoning allows the land uses permitted in the underlying M1
zoning district (including bulk retail with a minimum of one acre in
gross floor area) as well as certain limited commercial land uses at
nodal locations where major arterials intersect. These limited
commercial uses would provide necessary personal and business
services for the general industrial area. The intersection of 72nd
Avenue S., SR 167, and S. 277t" Street is an appropriate area for
additional flexibility in uses.
2. A recent analysis of buildable lands did not indicate vacant or
redevelopable parcels in this area that would contribute additional
capacity for growth in population and employment. There would be
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
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January 26, 2015
Page 14
additional flexibility in allowed uses under the M1-C zoning
designation, and employment growth could occur.
3. See also the staff-proposed code amendment to expand the
commercial uses that are allowed in the M1-C zoning areas.
4. The State's Streamlined Sales Tax provisions create significant
structural revenue deficits for Kent's warehousing operations in the
industrial valley. As such, it is prudent to allow additional commercial
uses while maintaining the overall industrial character of the area.
5. With approximately 60,000 daytime employees in the industrial valley,
allowing for additional commercial uses and services providers which
add to the appeal of the area for high-tech companies and the
recruitment of talented people is also desirable.
6. The Economic Development Plan recommends supportive retail and
commercial uses in the industrial area to modernize the district and
contribute to its overall vitality.
Option 2 — Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps change to MU
(Mixed Use)/GC-MU (General Commercial/Mixed Use)
1. A recent analysis of buildable lands did not indicate vacant or
redevelopable parcels in this area that would contribute additional
capacity for growth in population and employment. The GC zoning
district provides for commercial areas along certain major
thoroughfares. The allowed uses include a range of automobile-
oriented trade, service, entertainment and recreation land uses;
manufacturing and warehousing uses are not allowed in the GC
zoning district. With the GC-MU zoning overlay, residential uses
also would be allowed. Residential uses can provide housing to
accommodate the work force in the industrial area.
2. The State's Streamlined Sales Tax provisions create significant
structural revenue deficits for Kent's warehousing operations in the
industrial valley. As such, it is prudent to allow additional
commercial uses while maintaining the overall industrial character
of the area.
3. With approximately 60,000 daytime employees in the industrial
valley, allowing for additional commercial uses and services
providers which add to the appeal of the area for high-tech
companies and the recruitment of talented people is also desirable.
4. The Economic Development Plan recommends supportive retail and
commercial uses in the industrial area to modernize the district and
contribute to its overall vitality.
A4. East Valley Highway and S. 212t" Street. Maintain Land Use Plan
Map designation of MIC (Manufacturing/Industrial Center) and change
Zoning Districts Map designation for 14 parcels totaling approximately
86.8 acres from M2 (Limited Industrial) to M1-C (Industrial
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 15
Parcel Numbers: 012204-9045; 122204-9002, -9063, -9068, -
9075, -9080, -9088, -9090, -9091; 631500-0420, -0421, -0422,
-0440, -0460
Land Use Plan Map MIC (Manufacturing/Industrial No Change
Zoning Districts M2 (Limited Industrial) M1-C (Industrial
Map Park/Commercial)
Furthermore, for parcel numbers 122204-9075 and -9080,
remove the split Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Map
designations by changing the portions of the parcels
designated C (Commercial)/GWC (Gateway Commercial) to
MIC (Manufacturing/Industrial Center)/M1-C (Industrial
Existing uses on the property are industrial including warehousing and
outdoor storage. The property abuts 841" Avenue South on the east, the BN
railroad tracks on the west and S. 2121" Street on the south. The property is
generally flat. There are inventoried wetlands within the area. A majority of
the property is paved. Property to the north is zoned M2 (Limited
Industrial). Property to the west, across the railroad tracks, is zoned M3
(General Industrial), and to the east is zoned GWC (Gateway Commercial).
See also B3, below.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 16
f �
Z d.
12 0 9076
���049U8U ,
_ c
Split-zcned parcels T-� FT
No Action - Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps remain
MIC/M2, as well as have split designations
1. The parcels would be retained for manufacturing and warehousing
Option 1 - Land Use Plan Map remains MIC
(Manufacturing/Industrial Center) and the Zoning Districts
Map is changed to M1-C. The split designations would also be
resolved as noted above.
1. M1-C zoning allows the land uses permitted in the underlying M1
zoning district (including bulk retail with a minimum of one acre in
gross floor area) as well as certain limited commercial land uses at
nodal locations where major arterials intersect. These limited
commercial uses would provide necessary personal and business
services for the general industrial area. The intersection of S. 2121"
Street and East Valley Highway is an appropriate area for additional
flexibility in uses.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 17
2. A recent analysis of buildable lands did not indicate vacant or
redevelopable parcels in this area that would contribute additional
capacity for growth in population and employment. There would be
additional flexibility in allowed uses under the M1-C zoning
3. See also the staff-proposed code amendment to expand the
commercial uses that are allowed in the M1-C zoning areas.
4. The State's Streamlined Sales Tax provisions create significant
structural revenue deficits for Kent's warehousing operations in the
industrial valley. As such, it is prudent to allow additional
commercial uses while maintaining the overall industrial character
of the area.
5. With approximately 60,000 daytime employees in the industrial
valley, allowing for additional commercial uses and services
providers which add to the appeal of the area for high-tech
companies and the recruitment of talented people is also desirable.
6. The Economic Development Plan recommends supportive retail and
commercial uses in the industrial area to modernize the district and
contribute to its overall vitality.
Option 2 - Same as Option 1, except Parcel Numbers 631500-
0420, -0421, -0422, -0440, -0460 would not be considered for
1. The excepted properties are located farther away from the
intersection and would remain industrial in character.
B. STAFF PROPOSALS - Eliminate certain zoning districts, simplify,
B1. Eliminate the Office (0) Zone, including O-MU (Office/Mixed Use)
B1.a: East Hill North: Maintain the MU (Mixed Use) Land Use Plan
Map designation and change the Zoning Districts Map for 39 parcels
totaling approximately 36.82 acres from O (Office) and O-MU
(Office/Mixed Use) to CC-MU (Community Commercial/Mixed Use)
Parcel Numbers: 101100-0010, -0015, -0020, -0025; 172205-
9015, -9079, -9084, -9130, -9178; 202205-9004, -9047, -9068, -
9091, -9098, -9099, -9112, -9117, -9120, -9121, -9133, -9208;
414163-0000; 783080-0268, -0269, -0270, -0271, -0273, -0275, -
0289, -0290, -0291, -0292, -0293, -0299, -0430, -0431, -0432, -
0433, -0450
Land Use Plan Map MU (Mixed Use) No Change
Zoning Districts 0 (Office) and 0-MU (Office/Mixed CC-MU (Community
Map Use) Commercial/Mixed
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 18
• Maintain the MU (Mixed Use) Land Use Plan Map designation
and change the split Zoning Districts Map designations of O
(Office)/CC (Community Commercial) for Parcel Number
783080-0006 so that the entire parcel is zoned CC.
• Change the split MU (Mixed Use) and SF8 (Single Family
Residential)/O-MU (Office/Mixed Use) and SR-8 (Single Family
Residential) Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Map
designations for Parcel Numbers 783080-0294, -295 and -0425
so that the entire parcels are MU/CC-MU (Community
Commercial/Mixed Use).
• Maintain the split MU (Mixed Use) and LDMF (Low Density
Multifamily Residential) Land Use Plan Map designation for
Parcel Number 202205-9066 and change the Zoning Districts
Map designation for a portion of the parcel from O-MU
(Office/Mixed Use) to CC-MU (Community Commercial/Mixed
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 19
J: dSt
2 PI
E a
r� o
E 241 PJ
w 242_pl
SE 243 St
w 44.Ct w SE 244 Sf
;� - ' cc
o ti ■ 1�
�24. PI ti
w o ,
w 4
SE 250 PI > rt r
* CO G Z
:.., 252 PI
Existing uses on the properties are generally office and service uses, with
scattered single family residential and senior or assisted living housing. The
spine of the properties is 104t" Avenue SE, although there are portions
around the intersection of 1001" Avenue SE and SE 240t" Street and there is a
portion of the Kent-Meridian High School property also proposed for change
in designation. The area has mild slopes. There are some scattered wetlands
inventoried in the area. Single and multiple family residential as well as
commercial uses and zoning surround the properties.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 20
so 23
� l i
i 76 0000e
Split-zoned parcels
r y
O-M �
r cE 5 . 1 PE
6 SE e
No Action - Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps remain
MU/0 or O-MU, as well as have split designations
1. The parcels would be retained for office and service uses.
Option 1 - Land Use Plan Map remains MU (Mixed Use) and the
Zoning Districts Map is changed to CC-MU (Community
Commercial/Mixed Use). The split designations would also be
resolved as noted above.
1. The CC zoning district provides areas for limited commercial
activities that serve several residential neighborhoods. CC-MU
zoning allows the land uses permitted in the underlying CC zoning
district as well as mixed multiple family residential and commercial
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 21
2. A recent analysis of buildable lands indicated redevelopable parcels
in this area that could contribute additional capacity for growth in
population and employment.
3. Certain zoning districts have been less useful over the years. The
Office zone is very restrictive in terms of allowed uses and,
therefore, has been difficult to develop. The CC zoning district
provides additional flexibility in allowed uses.
4. One of the City Council's Strategic goals is to Create Neighborhood
Urban Centers. Providing additional mixed use areas can foster
neighborhood urban centers.
5. The Economic Development Plan recommends strengthening Kent's
commercial centers and supporting small business entrepreneurs.
The East Hill North area can provide opportunities for increased
commercial uses and small business development.
Option 2 - Land Use Plan Map remains MU (Mixed Use) and the
Zoning Districts Map is changed to CC (Community
Commercial). The split designations would also be resolved as
noted above.
1. The CC zoning district does not allow mixed multiple family
residential and commercial uses.
B1.b: East Hill South: Maintain the MU (Mixed Use) Land Use Plan
Map designation and change the Zoning Districts Map for 53 parcels
totaling approximately 56 acres from O (Office) and O-MU
(Office/Mixed Use) to CC-MU (Community Commercial/Mixed Use)
Parcel Numbers: 116400-0100, -0110; 221570-0000; 292205-
9005, -9006, -9064, -9065, -9068, -9083, -9084, -9086, -9087,
-9088, -9094, -9101, -9102, -9107, -9114, -9127, -9143, -9169,
-9174, -9175, -9185, -9190, -9233, -9234, -9235, -9245, -9252,
-9274, -9304, -9333, -9334; 292205-UNKN; 667310-0005, -
0010, -0015, -0020, -0025, -0030, -0035, -0040; 883040-0005,
-0007, -0011, -0010, -0012, -0013, -0015, -0020, -0030, -0031
Land Use Plan Map MU (Mixed Use) No Change
Zoning Districts O (Office) and O-MU (Office/Mixed CC-MU (Community
Map Use) Commercial/Mixed
• Maintain the MU (Mixed Use) Land Use Plan Map
designation and change the following parcels with split
Zoning Districts Map designations from O (Office) and CC
(Community Commercial) to CC:
o 292205-9044, -9117, -9192, -9250
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 22
258 PI
SE 264 St
Existing US8S On the properties One generally office and service uses, single
and multiple family residential, churches and SChOO|S. The properties are
generally located south of Kent-KaOg|ey Road. The area has mild slopes.
There are StreOnnS or scattered wetlands inventoried in the area. Single and
nnU|Mp|e fOrn||y residential Or Other CO[nnnerCia| zoning and USeS surround the
Comprehensive Plan Land use &zonmg Districts Map Amendments
January 25, 2O1s
Split-ranedpa reels , MR-G
7R-8 C O
MR.. -M �
4 O
No Action — Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps remain
MU/0 or O-MU, as well as have split designations
1. The parcels would be retained for office and service uses.
Option 1 — Land Use Plan Map remains MU (Mixed Use) and the
Zoning Districts Map is changed to CC-MU (Community
Commercial/Mixed Use). The split designations would also be
resolved as noted above.
1. The CC zoning district provides areas for limited commercial
activities that serve several residential neighborhoods. CC-MU
zoning allows the land uses permitted in the underlying CC
zoning district as well as mixed multiple family residential and
commercial uses.
2. A recent analysis of buildable lands indicated redevelopable
parcels in this area that could contribute additional capacity for
growth in population and employment.
3. Certain zoning districts have been less useful over the years.
The Office zone is very restrictive in terms of allowed uses and,
therefore, has been difficult to develop. The CC zoning district
provides additional flexibility in allowed uses.
4. One of the City Council's Strategic goals is to Create
Neighborhood Urban Centers. Providing additional mixed use
areas can foster neighborhood urban centers.
5. The Economic Development Plan recommends strengthening
Kent's commercial centers and supporting small business
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 24
entrepreneurs. The East Hill South area can provide
opportunities for increased commercial uses and small business
6. See also Docket #DKT-2014-6, above.
Option 2 - Land Use Plan Map remains MU (Mixed Use) and the
Zoning Districts Map is changed to CC (Community
Commercial). The split designations would also be resolved as
noted above.
1. The CC zoning district does not allow mixed multiple family
residential and commercial uses.
Option 3 - Same as Option 1 except in addition to the parcels
with split Zoning Districts Map designations, the following
parcels would also be zoned CC (Community Commercial):
Parcels 116400-0100, -0110; 292205--9094, -9169, -9190
1. These parcels are immediately adjacent to the CC zoning district.
B1.c: East Hill East: Maintain the C (Commercial) Land Use Plan Map
designation and change the Zoning Districts Map for one (1) parcel
totaling approximately 16.5 acres from O (Office) to CC-MU
(Community Commercial/Mixed Use)
Parcel Number 282205-9164
Land Use Plan Map C (Commercial) No Change
Zoning Districts O (Office) CC-MU (Community
Map Commercial/Mixed
1, 4 F - � _
N �
.' MRT-12
The property is generally vacant although there is a single family
residence and associated buildings at the southern end of the parcel.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 25
There is also a large inventoried wetland located on the site. The
property abuts Kent Kangley Rd on the north and SE 270th Street on
the southwest. Single and multiple family residential uses and zoning
generally surround the property, although there are commercial uses
and zoning located to the east.
n ^.� � � �J� � rY ^� •� •� � r 4
No Action — Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps remain C
(Commercial) and O (Office).
1. The parcel would be retained for office and service uses.
Option 1 — Land Use Plan Map changes to MU (Mixed Use) and
the Zoning Districts Map is changed from O (Office) to CC-MU
(Community Commercial/Mixed Use).
1. The CC zoning district provides areas for limited commercial
activities that serve several residential neighborhoods. CC-MU
zoning allows the land uses permitted in the underlying CC
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 26
zoning district as well as mixed multiple family residential and
commercial uses.
2. A recent analysis of buildable lands indicated there may be a
redevelopment opportunity on this parcel that could contribute
additional capacity for growth in population and employment,
although the effect of the wetland has yet to be determined.
3. Certain zoning districts have been less useful over the years.
The Office zone is very restrictive in terms of allowed uses and,
therefore, has been difficult to develop. The CC-MU zoning
district provides additional flexibility in allowed uses.
4. One of the City Council's Strategic goals is to Create
Neighborhood Urban Centers. Providing additional mixed use
areas can foster neighborhood urban centers.
5. The Economic Development Plan recommends strengthening
Kent's commercial centers and supporting small business
B1.d: Valley South: Maintain the C (Commercial) Land Use Plan Map
designation and change the Zoning Districts Map for two parcels
totaling approximately three (3) acres from O (Office) to CM-2
(Commercial Manufacturing-2)
Parcel Numbers: 346280-0260; 346280-UNKN
Land Use Plan Map C (Commercial) No Change
Zoning Districts O (Office) CM-2 (Commercial
Map Manufacturing-2)
P' `
-MOMF /r
The larger property is developed with an office building; the small
parcel appears to be part of the Green River Trail, although King
County is unclear about the parcel ownership. The property abuts
Central Avenue South on the west and the Green River on the south.
A mixture of commercial and industrial zoning and uses are located
north and west of the property and multifamily zoning and uses are
located to the east. Property across the Green River to the south is
located within unincorporated King County in the Lower Green River
Agricultural Production District.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 27
No Action — Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps remain C
(Commercial) and O (Office).
1. The parcels would be retained for office and service uses.
Option 1 — Land Use Plan Map remains C (Commercial) and the
Zoning Districts Map is changed from O (Office) to CM-2
(Commercial Manufacturing-2).
1. The CM-2 zoning district provides areas which combine retail
and small-scale, light industrial operations, heavy
commercial and wholesale uses, and specialty
manufacturing. Office uses are allowed within the CM-2
zoning district.
2. A recent analysis of buildable lands did not indicate
redevelopment opportunities on these parcels that could
contribute additional capacity for growth in population and
3. Certain zoning districts have been less useful over the years.
The Office zone is very restrictive in terms of allowed uses
and, therefore, has been difficult to develop. The CM-2
zoning district provides additional flexibility in allowed uses.
4. The Economic Development Plan recommends strengthening
Kent's commercial centers and supporting small business
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 28
B1.e: West Hill: Maintain the NS (Neighborhood Services) Land Use
Plan Map designation and change the Zoning Districts Map for two
(2) parcels totaling approximately .63 acres from O (Office) to NCC
(Neighborhood Convenience Commercial)
Parcel Numbers: 282204-9153, -9158
Land Use Plan Map NS (Neighborhood Services) No Change
Zoning Districts O (Office) NCC (Neighborhood
Map Convenience
S-2.7fl S
►70 St 270
' > N5
r NCC — r
The southern property zoned O (Office) is a health care services office
building; the property to the north is a single family residence. The
properties abut Military Road on the east. The on-ramp to Interstate 5
is approximately 600 feet to the west of the properties. Single family
residential zoning and uses are north, east and west of the site. There
is a gas station just south of the properties. Farther south, across S.
272nd Street, there is a church to the southwest and single family
residences to the southeast. Star Lake is approximately 1,000 feet to
the southeast.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 29
—.3. 4 r
rtA ..
No Action — Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps remain NS
(Neighborhood Services) and O (Office).
1. The parcels would be retained for office and service uses.
Option 1 — Land Use Plan Map remains NS (Neighborhood
Services) and the Zoning Districts Map is changed from O
(Office) to NCC (Neighborhood Convenience Commercial).
1. The NCC zoning district provides small nodal areas for retail
and personal service activities convenient to residential
areas, and ready access to everyday convenience goods for
the residents of such neighborhoods. Examples of allowed
uses in the NCC zoning district are medical and neighborhood
clinics, financial and personal services, grocers, eating and
drinking establishments without drive-throughs, gasoline
stations, drug stores and florist stops.
2. A recent analysis of buildable lands did not indicate
redevelopment opportunities on these parcels that could
contribute additional capacity for growth in population and
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 30
employment, although the single family residence arguably
could change to another use allowed in the zoning district.
3. Certain zoning districts have been less useful over the years.
The Office zone is very restrictive in terms of allowed uses
and, therefore, has been difficult to develop. The NCC
zoning district provides flexibility in allowed uses.
4. The Economic Development Plan recommends strengthening
Kent's commercial centers and supporting small business
5. One of the City Council's Strategic goals is to Create
Neighborhood Urban Centers. Providing additional mixed use
areas can foster neighborhood urban centers.
B2. Eliminate the MA (Industrial Agricultural) zoning district
1132a. Valley West: Maintain the Land Use Plan Map
designations of OS (Open Space) and I (Industrial) and change
the Zoning Districts Map for 21 parcels totaling over 93.7 acres
to M1 (Industrial Park District)
Parcel Numbers: 000620-0011, -0017, -0020, -0025, -
0027, -0034; 102204-9016, -9021, -9024, -9027, -9153, -
9176, -9191, -9196, -9217; 112204-9014, -9025, -9026, -
9056, -9066, -9075
Land Use Plan Map OS (Open Space) and I (Industrial) No Change
Zoning Districts MA (Industrial Agricultural) M1 (Industrial Park)
• Maintain the split Land Use Plan Map designations of I
(Industrial) and MHP (Mobile Home Park) for Parcel
112204-9065 and change the portion of the parcel with a
Zoning Districts Map designation of MA (Industrial
Agricultural) to M1 (Industrial Park).
• Maintain the Land Use Plan Map designation of OS (Open
Space) for Parcels 112204-9018, -9073, -UNKN and
000620-0005 and -0018, and change the portion of the
parcels with a Zoning Districts Map designation of MA
(Industrial Agricultural) to M1 (Industrial Park).
• Parcel Number 000620-0023: Change the split Zoning
Districts Map designations of MR-G (Garden Density
Multifamily) and MA (Industrial Agricultural) to M1
(Industrial Park). This is a publicly-owned parcel just
north of Veterans Drive.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 31
en i
Enhancement a
1P Area
The area is predominantly the Green River Natural Resource Area,
Other publicly-Owned park and Open space or vacant properties.
However, there are single family residences along Russell Road, as
well as animal Cane and industrial agricultural uS8S in the area. There
are wetlands inventoried |n the area. South 212 m Street iS located at
the northern boundary of the area, the Green River/Russell Road is to
the west, 64"' Avenue South to the east, and the MA zoning district
generally has its southern boundary at the e|eCtr|CO| power right of
way that rUnSedSt/vveSt. FlUSSe|| FlOOd is designated d scenic and
recreational road and is O |irOitOdOn On the intensity of industrial VS8S
that have access tO that road.
Comprehensive Plan Land use &zonmg Districts Map Amendments
January 25, 2O15
g '112
�'+ .• •'r`? .alit-zoned aicels -
:: v.
_.. I 0O,arYRwn0 �
No Action - Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps remain OS
(Open Space)/I (Industrial) and MA (Industrial Agricultural).
1. The parcels would be retained for industrial agricultural uses.
Option 1 — Land Use Plan Map remains OS (Open Space)/I
(Industrial) and the Zoning Districts Map is changed from MA
(Industrial Agricultural) to M1 (Industrial Park).
1. The M1 zoning district provides for a broad range of
industrial, office and business park activities where the
environmental amenities are protected through a high level
of development standards. It is unlikely the nature of
publicly-owned properties would change.
2. A recent analysis of buildable lands did not indicate
significant redevelopment opportunities on these parcels that
could contribute additional capacity for growth in population
and employment.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 33
3. Certain zoning districts have been less useful over the years.
The Industrial Agricultural zone is very restrictive in terms of
allowed uses and, therefore, has been difficult to develop.
The M1 zoning district provides additional flexibility in
allowed uses.
4. The Economic Development Plan supports small business
1132b. Valley North: Maintain the Land Use Plan Map
designations of OS (Open Space) and change the Zoning
Districts Map for one (1) parcel totaling 6.78 acres and the
portion of Parcel 000020-0043 that abuts this parcel to M1
(Industrial Park District)
Parcel Numbers: 000020-0044 and portion of 000020-
Land Use Plan Map OS (Open Space) No Change
Zoning Districts MA (Industrial Agricultural) M1 (Industrial Park)
••� \ S 1.9015# •�•, S 1. St
1 cn I co
The parcel is developed as Briscoe Park and the adjacent parcel is
vacant public property and open space that abuts the Green River.
Industrial development is located to the east. A multi-use master
planned development called Tukwila South is planned for the areas on
the opposite side of the Green River.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 34
r F r,lrri' - r
R! 6 4
maw-# .
a &_
No Action — Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps remain OS
(Open Space) and MA (Industrial Agricultural).
1. The parcels would be retained for industrial agricultural uses,
although it is unlikely the park would be redeveloped.
Option 1 — Land Use Plan Map remains OS (Open Space) and
the Zoning Districts Map is changed from MA (Industrial
Agricultural) to M1 (Industrial Park).
1. The M1 zoning district provides for a broad range of
industrial, office and business park activities where the
environmental amenities are protected through a high level
of development standards. However, it is unlikely the
publicly-owned park and open space would redevelop into
industrial uses.
2. A recent analysis of buildable lands did not indicate
redevelopment opportunities on these parcels that could
contribute additional capacity for growth in population and
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 35
3. Certain zoning districts have been less useful over the years.
The Industrial Agricultural zone is very restrictive in terms of
allowed uses and, therefore, has been difficult to develop.
The M1 zoning district provides additional flexibility in
allowed uses. However, it is unlikely the public open space
and park would redevelop into industrial uses.
1132c. Valley South: Maintain the Land Use Plan Map
designation of OS (Open Space) and change the Zoning
Districts Map for 5 parcels totaling approximately 12.7 acres
and the portion of Parcels 242204-9085 and -9178 that are
zoned MA to AG (Agricultural General)
Parcel Numbers: 242204-9108, -9176; 252204-9001, -
9008, -9022; and portions of 242204-9178 and -9185
that are zoned MA
Land Use Plan Map OS (Open Space) No Change
Zoning Districts MA (Industrial Agricultural) AG (Agricultural
Map General)
nnC J ti
10 - v R .�_
a F M F
M .
The parcels are publicly-owned, partially developed for fish habitat,
and planned for park use. The area lies west of SR-167 and is
otherwise generally surrounded by the Green River. To the north are
general commercial uses. Properties across the river are in large part
agricultural uses.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 36
. 'rc
x I.
i V I
p; y;
a� 41 i
:� ;.15
No Action - Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps remain OS
(Open Space) and MA (Industrial Agricultural).
1. The parcels would be retained for industrial agricultural uses,
although it is unlikely the publicly-owned properties would be
Option 1 — Land Use Plan Map remains OS (Open Space) and
the Zoning Districts Map is changed from MA (Industrial
Agricultural) to AG (Agricultural General).
1. The AG zoning district provides for agriculturally related
industrial and retail uses in or near areas designated for
long-term agricultural use. However, it is unlikely the
publicly-owned park and open space would redevelop into
these types of uses.
2. A recent analysis of buildable lands did not indicate
redevelopment opportunities on these parcels that could
contribute additional capacity for growth in population and
3. Certain zoning districts have been less useful over the years.
The Industrial Agricultural zone is very restrictive in terms of
allowed uses and, therefore, has been difficult to develop.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 37
Although the AG zoning district provides additional flexibility
in allowed uses, it is unlikely the public open space and
proposed park area would redevelop into other uses.
B3. Eliminate the Gateway Commercial (GWC) zoning district.
Change the Land Use Plan Map designation of C (Commercial) to I
(Industrial) and change the Zoning Districts Map for 62 parcels
totaling approximately 82 acres from GWC (Gateway Commercial) to
M1-C (Industrial Park/Commercial)
Parcel Numbers: 072205-9010, -9023, -9026, -9096, -9101;
122204-9006, -9007, -9028, -9040, -9048, -9049, -9052, -
9065, -9068, -9071, -9073, -9082, -9087, -9094, -9095;
132204-9001, -9354, -9355; 182205-9009, -9355, -9356, -
9357; 383000-0005, -0007, -0014, -0020, -0023; 775780-0010,
-0020, -0030, -0031, -0032, -0035, -0041, -0042, -0043, -0044,
-0055, 0060, -0070, -0071, -0074, -0090, -0091, -0094, -0100,
-0102; 775980-0010, -0020, -0021, -0022, -0023, -0030, -
0031, -0032, -0033, -0035
Land Use Plan Map C (Commercial) I (Industrial)
Zoning Districts GWC (Gateway Commercial) M1-C (Industrial
Map Park/Commercial
• Parcel Number 072205-9010: Change portion of parcel with
Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Map designations of C
(Commercial)/GWC (Gateway Commercial) to MIC
(Manufacturing/Industrial Center)/M2 (Limited Industrial)
• Parcel Numbers 122204-9001, -9075: Change Land Use Plan
Map designations of MIC (Manufacturing/Industrial Center)
and C (Commercial) to I (Industrial) and change Zoning
Districts Map designation of M2 (Limited Industrial) and GWC
(Gateway Commercial) to M1-C (Industrial Park/Commercial)
• Parcel Number 122204-9080: Change portion of parcel with
Land Use Plan Map designations of C (Commercial) to MIC
(Manufacturing/Industrial Center) and change portion of
parcel with Zoning Districts Map designation of GWC (Gateway
Commercial) to M2 (Limited Industrial)
• Parcel Numbers 383000-0006, -0015, -0021, -0022, 122204-
9107 and 775980-0040: Change portion of parcels with Land
Use Plan and Zoning Districts Map designations of C
(Commercial)/ GWC (Gateway Commercial) to MIC
(Manufacturing/Industrial Center)/M3 (General Industrial)
• Parcel Number 775780-0072: Change portion of parcel with
Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Map designations of C
(Commercial)/Gateway Commercial to I (Industrial)/CM-1
(Commercial Manufactu ring-1)
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
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January 26, 2015
Page 38
• Parcel Number 775780-0080: Change portion of parcel with
Land Use Plan Map designation of C (Commercial) to I
(Industrial) and change portion of parcel with Zoning Districts
Map designations of GWC (Gateway Commercial) and CM-1
(Commercial Manufactu ring-1) to M1-C (Industrial
• Parcel Number 775780-0101: Change Land Use Plan Map
designations of MIC (Manufacturing/Industrial Center) and C
(Commercial) to I (Industrial) and change Zoning Districts Map
designations of M2 (Limited Industrial) and GWC (Gateway
Commercial) to M1-C (Industrial Park/Commercial)
• Parcel Number 072205-9024: Change portion of parcel with
Land Use Plan Map designation of C (Commercial) to I
(Industrial) and change Zoning Districts Map designations of
GWC (Gateway Commercial to M1-C (Industrial
Furthermore, changing the GWC zoning district may require
amendment to KCC 15.04.020 and .030 regarding Group Homes Class
III for Secure Community Transition Facilities, allowing them in the
newly-designated zoning districts within the same boundaries as the
previous GWC (Gateway Commercial) district.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 39
^I— I= S 2081 St 42
R St
_u9 St
52- t m = m m
S 18 St — 18 St
M HEP - M 4
GWS 222 St
I� la
+� f 5.228-St_
The Gateway Gateway Commercial (GWC) Zoning District was established in
1989 as a result of the Valley Floor Subarea Plan and East Valley
Zoning Study and applied to areas along East Valley Highway (aka 84th
Avenue South). The GWC zoning district was designed to create
unique, unified streetscapes, encourage mixed use developments,
recognize the significance of the automobile, provide commercial uses
appropriate along major vehicular corridors yet avoid highway strip
commercial development. The market has never caught up with the
vision for the area and would suggest alternative uses. Existing uses
include a mixture of warehouse/distribution, truck and auto repair,
restaurants and taverns, apartments, offices, hotels, medical and
other uses. The spine of the area is 84t" Avenue South, extending
generally from S. 2121" Street on the north to SR 167 on the south.
The area is surrounded by the Manufacturing/Industrial Center,
although to the southwest is Commercial Manufacturing-1 and a
mobile home park. There are inventoried wetlands in the area. See
also A4, above.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 40
1 2204907 - —
tX12 .2049001
'. 1'22204 07- ���
Split-zoned parcels '0722059024
n . t
12 20491471-f
1 .
3630000022 77u7600101
38300000�1 �S �'
30 0000i5 _--
'tx 77576 008
tr G
3330000006 M H
7759300040 tx;
No Action - Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps remain C
(Commercial) and GWC (Gateway Commercial).
1. The parcels would be retained for mixed use/residential,
small scale industrial, retail and services with no outdoor sales,
storage or display.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 41
Option 1 — Land Use Plan Map changes from C (Commercial) to
I (Industrial) and the Zoning Districts Map changes from GWC
(Gateway Commercial) to M1-C (Industrial Park/Commercial).
1. M1-C zoning allows the land uses permitted in the underlying
M1 zoning district (including bulk retail with a minimum of
one acre in gross floor area) as well as certain limited
commercial land uses at nodal locations where major
arterials intersect. These limited commercial uses would
provide necessary personal and business services for the
surrounding industrial area. The spine of 841" Avenue South
is an appropriate area for additional flexibility in uses.
2. A recent analysis of buildable lands indicated vacant and
redevelopment opportunities on parcels that could contribute
additional capacity for growth in population and employment.
3. Certain zoning districts have not had the market support,
and the market would in fact support alternative uses. The
Gateway Commercial zone is has been difficult to develop.
The M1-C zoning would allow industrial uses but also provide
flexibility for additional uses to serve the industrial area.
4. See also the staff-proposed code amendment to expand the
commercial uses that are allowed in the M1-C zoning areas.
5. The State's Streamlined Sales Tax provisions create
significant structural revenue deficits for Kent's warehousing
operations in the industrial valley. As such, it is prudent to
allow additional commercial uses while maintaining the
overall industrial character of the area.
6. With approximately 60,000 daytime employees in the
industrial valley, allowing for additional commercial uses and
services providers which add to the appeal of the area for
high-tech companies and the recruitment of talented people
is also desirable.
7. The Economic Development Plan recommends supportive
retail and commercial uses in the industrial area to
modernize the district and contribute to its overall vitality.
Option 2 - Land Use Plan Map changes from C (Commercial) to
I (Industrial) and the Zoning Districts Map changes from GWC
(Gateway Commercial) to the abutting zones of M2 (Limited
Industrial) and M3 (General Industrial) west of 841" Avenue
South, and CM-2 (Commercial Manufacturing-2) and M2
(Limited Industrial) east of 84th Avenue South.
1. This option expands the industrial land area within the
city on the west side of 841" Avenue South, and on the
east side expands allowable commercial uses.
2. The State's Streamlined Sales Tax provisions create
significant structural revenue deficits for Kent's
warehousing operations in the industrial valley. As such,
it is prudent to allow additional commercial uses while
maintaining the overall industrial character of the area.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 42
3. With approximately 60,000 daytime employees in the
industrial valley, allowing for additional commercial uses
and services providers which add to the appeal of the
area for high-tech companies and the recruitment of
talented people is also desirable.
4. The Economic Development Plan recommends supportive
retail and commercial uses in the industrial area to
modernize the district and contribute to its overall vitality.
C. Eliminate inconsistencies between the Comprehensive Plan Land
Use Map and Zoning Districts Map
C1. Vista Landing: Change the Land Use Plan Map designation
from SF4.5 to SF6 to correspond with the Zoning Districts Map
designation of SR-6.
Parcel No. 292205-9211
Land Use Plan Map SF4.5 (Single Family Residential) SF6 (Single Family
Zoning Districts SR-6 (Single Family Residential) No change
- f ` F-
�> �= a.
nT r SF- °d
C-4.V are
1 _
The timing of the Vista Landing Rezone application (RPP4-2063517)
and the planning project to reconcile single family zoning and land use
plan map designations (RPP6-2065041) created a discrepancy in the
maps. Ordinance No. 3842 passed June 5, 2007 was the result of the
long-range planning project to ensure Land Use Plan Map and Zoning
Districts Map designations were the same. The Land Use Plan Map
designation for Parcel no. 292205-9211 changed from SF6 to SF4.5.
Two months later, Ordinance No. 3855 passed on August 7, 2007
rezoned the parcel from SR-4.5 to SR-6; at the time of application the
parcel had a Land Use Plan Map designation of SF-6. Changing the
Land Use Plan Map designation back to SF6 will reconcile the
The Vista Landing Subdivision to create 13 single family residential lots
on the parcel was approved in 2007, has not yet been recorded, and
will expire March 17, 2017 unless recorded.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 43
4 � A
€a n
' '
Option 1 - Land Use Plan Map would change to SF6 (Single
Family Residential).
1. The maps would correct the discrepancy created from project
timing anomalies.
C2. Fern Crest: Reconcile the Land Use Plan and Zoning
Districts Map designations, ensuring the following:
• Parcel Numbers 251701-0060, -0070, and -0760 and
the adjacent Tract L of Division 2 should be designated
SF8 and SR-8 on the Land Use Plan and Zoning
Districts Maps respectively.
• Tract D of Fern Crest Division 3 should be designated
Urban Separator/SR-1.
• Parcel 152205-9085 and -9168 should be designated
entirely Urban Separator/SR-1.
Land Use Plan Map SF8 (Single Family Residential) and Refine boundaries of
US (Urban Separator) the designation
Zoning Districts SR-8 (Single Family Residential) and Refine boundaries of
Map SR-1 ( Residential Agricultural) the designation
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 44
i224 StSE
�E 224 t 5 �,� •�j• f � � �
NSF ry 225 PI � "lJi�f i% �P� Fn. 225 PI
w ��i SE 226 St N
;SE_22 PI
w SFTB SE226PI /'� a `�� +
f N SE 227 St..IR-$
7 f Q 5 227 St " w
fi �i�f/ SE 227 P I �
S R 45
SE'227 PI W
F trf f f' , S Z28a� m
4 q S -4.5 ¢
This is generally a housekeeping amendment to reconcile the map
designations. There are steep slopes immediately east of the Fern Crest
_ r '
# s
�;r R •h _ - r -
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 45
C3. Megan's Meadow: Reconcile the Land Use Plan and Zoning
Districts Map designations, ensuring the following:
• Parcel Numbers 543760-0030 through -0090 and
543760-0160 should be designated SF6 (Single Family
Residential) and SR-8 (Single Family Residential) on
the Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Maps
Land Use Plan Map SF4.5 (Single Family Residential) SF6 (Single Family
Zoning Districts SR-6 (Single Family Residential) No Change
F I � 5-
30 t D t
— � 1
232 PI
12348t J '.1 23 St b r
This is generally a housekeeping amendment to reconcile the map
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 46
IS s
•� 1 6
+� '
F• _ k
C4. Maplewood Grove: Reconcile the Land Use Plan and Zoning
Districts Map designations, ensuring the following:
• Parcel Number 512698-0000 which has a Land Use
Plan Map designation of MU (Mixed Use) and a Zoning
Districts Map designation of MRT-16 (Multifamily
Residential Townhouse) should be deemed consistent:
o Correct Table 4.1 in the Land Use Element to
allow MRT-16 zoning as implementation of MU.
�E_24 0 St-�� 5 240 S•t
20 PI - a
W m;
❑ ::MRT-16
E 4 Pi
SE 243 SI
1= 2'41 PI
f f SE 243 S w SE 244 sc
i + a
� � o
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 47
C5. West Hill - 461" Avenue South: Reconcile the Land Use Plan
and Zoning Districts Map designations, ensuring the following:
• Parcel Numbers 677780-0010 through -0050: The
Land Use Plan Map designation of MDMF and a Zoning
Districts Map designation of MR-D (Duplex Multifamily
Residential) should be deemed consistent:
o Correct Table 4.1 in the Land Use Element to
allow MR-D zoning as implementation of MDMF.
. '•
%.� Z48 Pl 2q8 P1
z � a 251
t �r
dSAv Av M R�
52 P! MR- 25
4 � M
s��s Est
S256 St p 256 St
256 PI L D M F 256 PV
The properties are developed with duplexes.
C6. Bonel Mobile Manor: Reconcile the Land Use Plan and
Zoning Districts Map designations, ensuring the following:
• Parcel Number 232204-9052: Change the split Zoning
Districts Map designations of MHP (Mobile Home Park)
and GC-MU (General Commercial/Mixed Use) to MHP
in its entirety.
Land Use Plan Map MHP (Mobile Home Park) No Change
Zoning Districts MHP (Mobile Home Park) and GC-MU MHP (Mobile Home
Ma General Commercial/Mixed Use Park
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 48
� W Mu--
This is generally a housekeeping amendment to reconcile the map
C7. Frager Rd South Right of Way: Reconcile the Land Use Plan
and Zoning Districts Map designations so that the right-of-way
is not designated A-10 (Agricultural). A-10 is a zoning district
typically reserved for properties which are part of the King
County Agricultural Production District or whose development
rights have been purchased by King County.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 49
Land Use Plan Map AG-S (Agricultural Support) No Change
Zoning Districts A-10 (Agricultural) AG (Agricultural
Map General
AGE.. • i =_
R d
r 10 1 �
This is generally a housekeeping amendment to reconcile the map
r •u.
1 [ Ip
.t •. .r`ti`ildliy :.s n
Qs': ..x •- •�.. .r. - :.�. 'ti��� '-'ice Lx�'•1$&i,?'E, S'U'#3J�"�' •
C8. Central Avenue South: Reconcile the Land Use Plan and
Zoning Districts Map designations, ensuring the following:
• Parcel Number 918370-2430: Change the Zoning
Districts Map to CM-2 (Commercial Manufacturing-2)
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 50
to be consistent with the Land Use Plan Map
designation of C (Commercial).
Land Use Plan Map C (Commercial) No Change
Zoning Districts SR-6 (Single Family Residential) CM-2 (Commercial
Map Manufacturin -2)
The property is currently being used for auto repair, up to the point it
abuts the hillside of East Hill, above which are single family residential
hllnrto C o' IT'11�d
' Inwr. w
C9. Scenic View Condos: Reconcile the Land Use Plan and
Zoning Districts Map designations, ensuring the following:
• Parcel Number 758070-0000: Change the Land Use
Plan Map designation to MR-M (Medium Density
Multifamily) to be consistent with the Zoning Districts
Map designation of MR-H (High Density Multifamily
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
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January 26, 2015
Page 51
Land Use Plan Map LDMF (Low Density Multifamily) MDMF (Medium
Density Multifamily)
Zoning Districts MR-H (High Density Multifamily) No Change
�a I■■Lai■I��� `'''
Gower I� o Gowe�
S-ta r Psi E� MDMF � MRgT . Key Taco.
a��ma-St w J ma St
Wy Dean De'ani St_JB Cr _ y, E Dean Dean S1 CIr
The property is currently developed as the Scenic View Condos.
.'•-'f... .ri. r.' — 'f��-. -fir.
sue.-=-=sue'- .�' ,.T. �k �...•�'� _
C10. Earthworks Park: Reconcile the Land Use Plan and Zoning
Districts Map designations, ensuring the following:
• Parcel Number 292205-9322: Change the Zoning
Districts Map designation for a portion of the parcel
from MR-G (Low Density Multifamily Residential) and
SR-4.5 (Single Family Residential) to SR-4.5 (Single
C PA-2011-3/CPZ-2011-1
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 52
Family Residential) to be consistent with the Land Use
Plan Map.
Land Use Plan Map LDMF (Low Density Multifamily) No Change
Zoning Districts MR-G (Low Density Multifamily SR-4.5 (Single Family
Map Residential) and SR-4.5 (Single Residential)
Family Residential)
SE ,64_St
Q I -
- SE 264 St
LDMF 10 ! Q
w SR w
Q MR- >
o G ¢ 8 CO
r �c 266 SR-6 c?
This housekeeping amendment resolves what appears to be a mapping error.
u r w:
:. t _
L. =r
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 53
C11. 1161" Avenue SE and SE 274 Wy: Reconcile the Land Use
Plan and Zoning Districts Map designations, ensuring the
• Parcel Numbers 322205-9001 and -9205: Change the
Land Use Plan and Zoning Districts Map designations
for a portion of the parcels from SF4.5/SR-4.5 (Single
Family Residential) to SF6/SR-6 (Single Family
Land Use Plan Map SF4.5 and SF6 (Single Family SF6 (Single Family
Residential Residential
Zoning Districts SR-4.5 and SR-6 (Single Family SR-6 (Single Family
Map Residential) Residential)
SIFT z71 S T 5E 271 StLIJ
]� > SE 27 _I — a 5E 272•_E
5E272PI ¢ 272P! < Q
U), LG
SE 2cq
74 ANY 274 VVY
This is a housekeeping amendment to resolve split Land Use Plan and Zoning
Districts Map designations. The properties are publicly owned, include a
storm water detention area, trees and sensitive areas.
C12. North Central Commercial: Maintain the Land Use Plan
Map designation of MU (Mixed Use) and change the split Zoning
Districts Map designations as follows:
• Parcel Number 132204-9018, -9108, and -9113:
Change the Zoning Districts Map designations from M2
(Limited Industrial) and GC-MU (General
Commercial/Mixed Use) to GC-MU for the entire
• Parcel Number 132204-9052 and -9221: Change the
Zoning Districts Map designations from M2 (Limited
Industrial) and GC (General Commercial) to GC for the
entire parcel.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 54
S_228_St L
V cO
z M2
m //��► Ln
Novak Ln �� M I �S7 �
l Z_G M
This area includes single family and multiple family developments, a mini-
warehouse facility, a commercial parking lot and a vacant parcel. Sensitive
areas are located within the area.
.. •,.�• -
IkfwFW .rtr uR NA WE
0 � 1c7rMe�: p
Split-Zoned Parcels ' . — �I
•1. eT ' n1� ���..:�i� I rK-- `I I'i ... !li}I[r(46r.{ i
If frt
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 55
C13. 1001" Avenue SE and SE 2401" Street: Change the Land
Use Plan Map designation of LDMF (Low Density Multifamily) to
MDMF (Medium Density Multifamily) to be consistent with the
zoning designation of MR-M (Medium Density Multifamily
Residential) on the following parcels:
Parcel Numbers: 172205-9027, -9088, -9092, -9110, -9133, -
9134, -9142, -9146, -9147, -9149, -9150, -9153, -9160, -9216;
365740-0000 (365740-0010 through -0100)
MR-D 232 5t SE 2.2
W — —
233 St 'CD
C ` 233 St
a r
E 34 PI
2 . S 235' E 234 Pl
S 6 Si i
�2 L��M FE23 t
MH1- W U a
7B Q y
5 , 3 ]37 St
11 Q s SF-'
r St11
238 S t
2 $ ply 2 St MDMF
SE 39 St 5E�39"st
p N
Multifamily development exists in this area.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 56
L-L 4_'__
xr •�'
�. - _ -� - max: - A �w�l_ //������ r L
D. Broaden allowed uses in industrial zones to include supportive
retail and commercial activities.
The Kent Zoning Code describes uses that are allowed in the
industrial zoning districts (M1, M2, and M3). In the M1 (Industrial
Park District), the allowed uses generally include manufacturing,
wholesale distribution, retail and service uses such as restaurants,
financial, business and educational services. In the M2 (Limited
Industrial District) the service uses are limited to 25% of the gross
floor area of any single- or multi-building development. In the M3
(General Industrial), the uses are generally limited to only
manufacturing and wholesale distribution.
Furthermore, there are areas in the M1 district that are designated
M1-C (Industrial Park/Commercial) where additional retail and
service uses are allowed, e.g., auto repair and drive-through food
and drink establishments. The purpose of the M1-C zoning district is
to allow certain limited commercial land uses that provide necessary
personal and business services for the general industrial area. The
M1-C designation typically occurs at centralized, nodal locations
where major arterials intersect.
Staff proposes the following:
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January 26, 2015
Page 57
• Broaden the uses in the M1, M2 and M3 areas such that
manufacturing and warehousing uses are allowed to sell the
product accessory to and directly related to the manufacturing
or warehousing use on the site.
• Clarify KCC 15.04.080(5) as follows:
o Uses shall be limited to twenty-five (25) percent of the
gross floor area of any single- or multi-building
development. Retail and service uses which exceed the
twenty-five (25) percent limit on an individual or
cumulative basis shall be subject to review individually
through the conditional use permit process. A
conditional use permit shall be required on an individual
tenant or business basis and shall be granted only when
it is demonstrated that the operating characteristics of
the use will not adversely impact onsite or offsite
conditions on either an individual or cumulative basis.
For example, in the case of a business park with several
buildings, 25% of the buildings' combined floor area may
be devoted to these retail and service uses. For single
building parcels, 25% of the floor area of the single
building may be devoted to these retail and service uses.
• Broaden the areas designated M1-C (see A and B, above).
• Broaden the uses allowed in M1-C such that grocery stores
would be allowed without a size limitation
• Allow vehicle accessory sales whether for industrial or personal
As the City moves forward with review of the proposed changes, consideration will
be given to the following standards of review. Staff proposes to amend #6b of the
Zoning Districts Map Amendment criteria as shown below.
Land Use Plan Map Amendments
1. The amendment will not result in development that will adversely
affect the public health, safety, and general welfare.
2. The amendment is based upon new information that was not
available at the time of adoption of the comprehensive plan, or that
circumstances have changed since the adoption of the plan that
warrant an amendment to the plan.
3. The amendment will result in long-term benefits to the community as
a whole and is in the best interest of the community.
4. The amendment is consistent with other goals and policies of the
comprehensive plan, and that the amendment will maintain
concurrency between the land use, transportation, and capital
facilities elements of the plan.
Zoning Districts Map Amendments
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
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January 26, 2015
Page 58
1. The proposed rezone is consistent with the comprehensive plan.
2. The proposed rezone and subsequent development of the site would
be compatible with development in the vicinity.
3. The proposed rezone will not unduly burden the transportation
system in the vicinity of the property with significant adverse
impacts which cannot be mitigated.
4. Circumstances have changed substantially since the establishment of
the current zoning district to warrant the proposed rezone.
S. The proposed rezone will not adversely affect the health, safety and
general welfare of the citizens of the city.
6. Furthermore, for rezones to M1-C:
a. The proposed rezone is in close proximity or contiguous to
major arterial intersections identified on the comprehensive
plan map as being appropriate locations for commercial-type
land uses.
b. Except for city-wide mapping proposals, rezoning to M1-C shall
not be speculative in nature, but shall be based on generalized
development plans and uses.
None at this time
CA/a h
cc: Ben Wolters, ECD Director
Fred Satterstrom,AICP, Planning Director
Charlene Anderson,AICP, Planning Manager
Project File
Comprehensive Plan Land Use &Zoning Districts Map Amendments
LUPB Workshop
January 26, 2015
Page 59