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City Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 05/13/2013
ECONOMIC and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ben Wolters, Director PLANNING DIVISION Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Planning Director • Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager KENKEN T Phone: 253-856-5454 S H I N G T Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent, WA 98032-5895 AGENDA LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD WORKSHOP MAY 13, 2013 7:00 P.M. LUPB MEMBERS: Jack Ottini, Chair; Barbara Phillips, Vice Chair; Frank Cornelius, Steve Dowell, Navdeep Gill, Alan Gray, and Randall Smith CITY STAFF: Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager; Gloria Gould-Wessen, Long-Range Planner; Katie Graves, Planner; Kathy Hardy, Assistant City Attorney This is to notify you that the Land Use and Planning Board will hold a Workshop MONDAY, MAY 13, 2013 Kent City Hall, City Council Chambers, 220 Fourth Avenue S, Kent, WA 7:00 p.m. No public testimony is taken at workshops, although the public is welcome to attend. The workshop agenda will include the following item(s): 1. CPZ/CPA-2012-1 Downtown Subarea Action Plan & Planned Action Ordinance Discussion will be held to consider proposed rezones and land use plan map amendments in the downtown study area. 2. ZCA-2013-1 Residential Facilities Regulations Code Amendment Discussion will be held to consider proposed code amendments to Kent City Code (KCC) Title 15, Zoning; Chapter 15.02 Definitions, as well as 15.04.020 & .030 related to residential facilities, group care, and group living facilities. You may access the City's website for documents pertaining to the Land Use and Planning Board at: http://kentwa.igm2.com/citizens/Default.aspx?DepartmentID=1004. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at (253) 856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833- 6388 or call the City of Kent Planning Division directly at (253) 856-5499 (TDD) or the main line at (253) 856-5454. This page intentionally left blank. ECONOMIC and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ben Wolters, Director PLANNING DIVISION Fred N Satterstrom, AICP, Planning Director KENT Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager W A 5 H I N G T G N Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 May 6, 2013 To: Jack Ottini, Chair and Land Use and Planning Board Members From: Gloria Gould-Wessen, AICP, GIS Coordinator/Long Range Planner Subject: Downtown Subarea Action Plan & PAO (CPZ/CPA-2012-1) (KIVA-2120882) Workshop - May 13, 2013 INTRODUCTION: The Downtown Subarea Action Plan (DSAP) and targeted Planned Action Ordinance (PAO) for downtown Kent follows through on a strategic goal of Kent City Council to create neighborhood urban centers. The DSAP is structured to reflect the City's Comprehensive Plan, will present new action items, and will have a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS), all necessary for a PAO and Mixed Use/Residential Infill Exemption that will streamline the permit process. During the year long public process to develop DSAP action items, a number of land use plan map amendments were identified for ensuring consistency between development regulations and the Comprehensive Plan, and rezones were identified for increasing the diversity and density of urban uses in Downtown. The workshop will focus on these proposed land use plan map amendments and rezones. SUMMARY: On June 25, 2012, staff presented to the Land Use & Planning Board (LU&PB) an overview of the DSAP and PAO project, followed up on October 22, 2012 with an overview of the project's public involvement efforts, and on March 11, 2013 with an update on preliminary outcomes. The project is grounded by the DSAP Planning Principles (see March 11, 2013 LU&PB packet), and the extensive public involvement efforts provided direction for the creation of DSAP's goals, policies, and strategic actions. The following draft action item guides the proposed land use plan map amendments and rezones: Expand the diversity and density of uses in Downtown to support a vibrant urban environment and ensure regulatory consistency. The DSAP Steering Committee, administration, and department staff have reviewed the proposed rezones and amendments. Staff will present six (6) land use plan map amendments; five (5) land use plan map amendments with associated rezones; and two (2) rezones (see Attachment C for detail summary sheets and maps). If there are any questions prior to the workshop, please contact Gloria Gould-Wessen at 253.856.5441. GGW/pm S:\Permi0P1an�CCMP PLAN AMENDMENTSW12\CPA-2012-1 Downtown\LUPB\05-13-13\Memo.docx Enc: Attach A- Proposed Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendments;Attach B- Proposed Rezone of Zoning Districts Map; and Attach C- Summary Sheets&Maps of all Proposed Amendments&Rezones cc: Ben Wolters, ECD Director Fred Satterstrom,AICP, Planning Director Charlene Anderson,AICP, Planning Manager David Galazin and Kathy Hardy,Assistant City Attorneys File CPZ/CPA-2012-1 This page intentionally left blank. 1 1 / / 1 • Assosiated retail, office park, and bulk retail / 1 ' , / / / • / / • ' ■I • ' Manufacturing, industrial • High-density, mixed-use development * Retail, office, multifamily residential • Public facility Amend LDMF to UC ■ 1 . • ' ,1 111111111111�IIIIII 1MF I ■ �'_ _�' to UC N.FA 1 . .��■�= III■I .= Legend ■ �O�r'11� �'� �� ��ir■■■/■ ♦ ■ ■== 1 ■ -- ■ ■■ ■� a ••i�■ A_7 . SOL ■��ii ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ._■ ■ ■ ■ ■ �� ■■■i■i■ ■ ■ 1 ST ■� POTENTIAL LAND USE PLAN AME i ■ NOME DOWNTOWN STUDY AREA ■ ACE©■ z DESIGNATIONS '1 ■ ■ Ell z Bill Parks & Open Space .f ��. . �■ ■■ _ _ -• Density I�■I ►i _ ■■ . ■ SMITH ■ ■ ■ �� ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ Mobile Home ParkI■ WARD urban center I uuJ ■ ■ Amend < Industrial-- -• ' ■�■�; - ■1■ �� - J ■ .■ I : •1 ♦ � ■ PARCELSWEST Uj ., : �� \ �;� ,awls• �I No Scale WILLIS St ■■ ■■ ■ • �'I:C C G III ;�I 1 L' ■. �� ■ Economic&Community Development1��downtown April 2013 �1hJV ESTING IN fHE FUTU 2E �� This page intentionally left blank. . 1 ' pro lsmGeneral Commercial Mixed-Use (GC-MU) - - Downtown * Allows Residential above Commercial From 16 dwelling units to mixed use 'ka * Existing truck repair use Non-Conforming ■� — := 1111111111111111111� 1 ■■1 U Rezone "FRE .� to DCE t , .� ■ ■-■ ■ ■. ■• Existing Condominium J r _ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1� ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■* No change to existing uses ■ �� stir �■s �� 111: i ■ w►• 1 ■ General Commercial Mixed Use (GC-MU) * Allows Residential above Commercial * Design Guidelines apply ■ Ohl!ED ■ ' ■ ■ • .� ■ ■ 1 ■ �� �� ■ No ■ �■ 01MA M. ■■� ■ ■ ■ eneral Commercial ■� ■ ;,■ ■ ■ * Allows Residential above Commerical Pt 0 * Design Guidelines apply * No change to existing uses 0 Legend ►, ■� _ ■ ■ ' ■ C1! 1�■ ■ ■ ■7 ■ WVAS Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE) 0 POTENTIAL REZONES From 60' 4-story to no maximum height ■0 No change in uses, remains mixed-use DOWNTOWN STUDY■ ,'1 AREA ■ ■ �/� PARCELS t� �■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ — �� � � venture ■�,��y■��� ��� ��downtown This page intentionally left blank. ATTACHMENT C Summary Sheets and Maps of all Proposed Amendments and Rezones May 13, 2013 Land Use & Planning Board Workshop Land Use Plan Map Amendment Site Number: LU-1 Site Name: Washington & James (Green Tree Court Apts.) Tax Parcel Number: 3832000218 Address: 720 Washington Ave N Existing Land Use Plan Map Designation Definition: Industrial (I) The Industrial designation is an area for manufacturing and warehouse uses. However, office and business park development is allowed in this area, as are certain types of retail uses which serve the surrounding manufacturing and office park uses, and bulk retail.' Existing Zoning Districts Designation: Medium Density Multifamily Residential (MR-M) Site Description: This is a single 0.5 acre parcel. The land is flat, located in the Kent Valley, and unencumbered by environmentally sensitive areas. The existing use is a 17-unit apartment. Surrounding uses include multifamily, commercial, and light manufacturing. Several transit options are available along Washington Avenue N. and James Street. Discussion of Potential Amendments: The GMA requires consistency between the comprehensive plan and development regulations. The existing Industrial (I) land use plan map designation and Medium Density Multifamily Residential (MR-M) zoning districts designation on this site are inconsistent. The inconsistency can be traced back to the 1995 Zoning Districts map and the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, although there is no explanation for the discrepancy. Alternatives 1 and 2 create consistency and support the existing multifamily use. Alternatives: No Action Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Land Use Plan Industrial (I) Urban Center (UC) Medium Density Designation Multifamily MDMF Allowed Uses Manufacturing, warehouse, Retail office residential Multifamily at 17-23 office ark, and some retail du/acre and single-family Maintains inconsistency Results in consistency; Results in consistency Outcome between comprehensive revise Land Use Element between comprehensive Table 4.1 to include MR-M plan and zoning zonin in UC plan and zoning Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Alternative 1: Amend the land use plan designation from Industrial (I) to Urban Center (UC), and amend the Comprehensive Plan Table 4.1 to allow MR-M within the Urban Center (UC). This amendment will bring the comprehensive plan land use map and zoning districts map into consistency; support the present multifamily residential use; and expand the regional growth center to better align Kent's Comprehensive Plan planning goal to "Ensure opportunities for affordable housing in close proximity to employment, public transportation, and human services."with the GMA, VISION 2040, and Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs). To expand the uses at this site would require consolidation of properties to deal with access issues related to the James Street intersection and the curve of Washington Avenue. Alternative 2 would also bring the land use plan map and zoning districts map into consistency, and would support the existing residential use, but it would not contribute to meeting the household and employment targets for an urban center. 12004 Comprehensive Plan: Land Use Element—Definition of Map Designations. CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP&Planned Action/Rezone Land Use&Planning Board—May 13,2013 Workshop S:\PermiOPlan�COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�LUPB\05-13-13\Attachments\LU1_Findings.Doc Land Use Plan Map Proposed Amendment Site Number: LU-1 Amend Existing Industrial (I) to Urban Center (UC) N Insert W w _ - Smith t � r x 1. k, ow W. - - r Amend 4 ' I to UC rr ■ Oak w ♦ Existing Zoning MR-M �5 Z Rw IL . Cl) i 4 -� a M JAWS ST.,T Legend Proposed Land Use Plan Designation � r � Affected Tax Parcel I> MU Existing Land Use Plan Map Z �0 DSAP Study Area .�.. F O r Tax Parcel r Cn E s KENT No Scale ECD Apr w.�wil 01ll"201 3 - CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP & Planned Action ECD_GISData/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/LUPB/1LU_ItoUC.mxd Land Use Plan Map Amendment Site Number: LU-2 Site Name: Washington (Paradise Mobile Home Park) Tax Parcel Number: 5436200442, 0304, 0285 Address: 412 Washington Av N Existing Land Use Plan Map Designation Definition: Mobile Home Park (MHP) The Mobile Home Park designation allows mobile and manufactured homes and recreational vehicles within existing commercial mobile home parks.' Existing Zoning Districts Designation: Mobile Home Park (MHP) Site Description: There are three (3) affected parcels totaling 2.2 acres. Tax parcel 5436200285 has a split land use plan map designation of Mobile Home Park (MHP) and Mixed-Use (MU), and a split zoning districts map of Mobile Home Park (MHP) and General Commercial (GC). The land is flat, located in the Kent Valley, and unencumbered by environmentally sensitive areas. The existing use is a mobile home park with 40 platforms for mobiles or recreational vehicles and one manager's apartment. Surrounding uses are primarily commercial and self-storage. Transit options are available along Washington Avenue N. Discussion of Potential Amendments: The expansion of Kent's regional growth center west of SR-167 would encompass this mobile home park which is owned by the non-profit group Manufactured Housing Communities Preservationist. No demand to rezone or change the use on the property is expected. Alternatives: No Action Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Land Use Plan Mobile Home Park (MHP) Urban Center (UC) None Designation Allowed Uses Mobile home park Retail, office, residential Maintains inconsistency Supports GMA; revise Land Outcome between comprehensive Use Element Table 4.1 to plan and zoning include MHP zoning in UC Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Alternative 1: Amend the land use designation from Mobile Home Park (MHP) to Urban Center (UC). This amendment will expand the regional growth center to better align Kent's Comprehensive Plan planning goal to "Ensure opportunities for affordable housing in close proximity to employment, public transportation, and human services."with the GMA, VISION 2040, and Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs). This alternative is supported by the Comprehensive Plan's planning goal to "Ensure opportunities for affordable housing in close proximity to employment, public transportation, and human services." There is no Alternative 2. 12004 Comprehensive Plan: Land Use Element-Definition of Map Designations. CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP&Planned Action/Rezone Land Use&Planning Board—May 13,2013 Workshop S:\PermiOPlan�COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�LUPB\05-13-13\Attachments\LU2_Findings.Doc Land Use Plan Map Proposed Amendment Site Number: LU-2 Amend Existing Mobile Home Park (MHP) to Urban Center (UC) Insert W Smith t I _ 1 �a Amend MHP to UC Existing Zoning MHP MHP UC Z Q Z . Legend 0 0 Proposed Land Use Plan Designation Z - Affected Tax Parcel o N tMR. MU Existing Land Use Plan Map DSAP Study Area Tax Parcel SMITH ST N w. E ' s KENT No Scale w.aw xo•ox , ECD-April 2013 CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP & Planned Action ECD_GISData/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/LUPB/2LU_MHPtoUC.mxd Land Use Plan Map Amendment Site Number: LU-3 Site Name: SR-516 ROW Tax Parcel Number: Right-of-way (ROW) Address: SR-516 & Washington Avenue N Existing Land Use Plan Map Designation Definition: Medium Density Multifamily (MDMF) Multifamily Residential areas allow multifamily and single-family residential development at varying densities and housing types. In the city limits, there are two designations: Low Density Multifamily (LDMF) and Medium Density Multifamily (MDMF). The Low Density Multifamily designation allows development densities of up to 16 dwelling units per acre, while the Medium Density Multifamily designation allows densities of 17-23 dwelling units per acre. In Kent's PAA of Unincorporated King County, a multifamily designation of Urban Residential, High (UR12+) allows 18-48 dwelling units per acre.1 Existing Zoning Districts Designation: Medium Density Multifamily Residential (MD-M) Site Description: The site is SR-516 right-of-way (ROW) from Washington Avenue N. to 64th Avenue S to the centerline. The City's GIS mapping standard is to extend the land use plan or zoning districts designation boundaries to the adjacent ROW centerline. The existing MRMF designation is an exception, and the proposed amendment would correct this mapping anomaly. Discussion of Potential Amendments: The expansion of Kent's regional growth center west of SR-167 would include this portion of SR-516. Alternatives: No Action Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Land Use Plan Medium Density Urban Center (UC) None Designation Multifamily MD-M Allowed Uses Multifamily & Single-family Retail, office, residential residential Outcome Maintains the existing Amends map to Kent's mapping anomaly existing GIS standards Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Alternative 1: Amend the land use designation from Medium Density Multifamily (MDMF) to Urban Center (UC). This amendment will make the Land Use Plan Map consistent with the City's GIS mapping standards by extending the adjacent land use plan map designation to the right-of- way centerline. No redevelopment will occur from this action. There is no Alternative 2. 12004 Comprehensive Plan: Land Use Element—Definition of Map Designations. CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP&Planned Action/Rezone Land Use&Planning Board—May 13,2013 Workshop S:\PermiOPlan�COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�LUPB\05-13-13\Attachments\LU3_Findings.Doc Land Use Plan Map Proposed Amendment Site Number: LU-3 Amend Existing Medium Density Multifamily (MDMF) to Urban Center (UC) f' �41"'W' MDMF!` ! 1tp rIFFf 11 F'� p:�■;: Insert W ■ MHP. ' awF F Fe; r? r4 ■ r _ F PfP Smith t .,i.. .. f PP7L: - ■ _��._ ''& _ _�,'s i..'�'k��-'a8�.i ..�1.. �-_�11'.��. III ■ d MU a m z 0 0 z a Amend r, N MDMF to UC f, a Existing Zoning MR-M �� '� a rAlt � �I P d..q;��-��\•.ee�Y - � �,;—� _ t�y,!� _ a n ■ ■_�-■--���� ■�■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■-■ ■_■-WILt ■ if■wN O ■ ■ ■ ■_■ �s ' B Legend 3. Proposed Land Use Plan Designation Affected Tax Parcel ■ DSAP Study Area Existing Land Use Plan Map Tax Parcel AG-R N Kim W E S KENT No Scale w.aw xo•on ECD-April 2013 CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP & Planned Action ECD_GISData/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/LUPB/3LU_MDMFtoUC.mxd Land Use Plan Map Amendment Site Number: LU-4 Site Name: SR-167 ROW Tax Parcel Number: Right-of-way (ROW) Address: Northbound Entrance to SR-167 from Willis Existing Land Use Plan Map Designation Definition: Industrial (I) The Industrial designation is an area for manufacturing and warehouse uses. However, office and business park development is allowed in this area, as are certain types of retail uses which serve the surrounding manufacturing and office park uses, and bulk retail.' Existing Zoning Districts Designation: Limited Industrial (M2) Site Description: The site is the northbound freeway on-ramp ROW to SR-167 from Willis Street. Discussion of Potential Amendments: The expansion of Kent's regional growth center west of SR-167 would include the northbound onramp to SR-167 ROW. The City's GIS mapping standard is to extend the land use plan map or zoning districts map designation boundaries to the street centerline. The existing Industrial (I) land use plan map designation is an exception, and the proposed amendment would correct this mapping anomaly. Alternatives: No Action Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Land Use Plan Industrial (I) Urban Center (UC) None Designation Manufacturing, warehouse, Allowed Uses office, business park, and Retail, office, residential some retail Outcome Maintains the existing Amends map to Kent's mapping anomaly existing GIS standards Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Alternative 1: Amend the land use plan map designation from Industrial (I) to Urban Center (UC). This amendment will make the Land Use Plan Map consistent with the City's GIS mapping standards by extending the adjacent land use plan map designation to the right-of-way centerline of SR-167. No redevelopment will occur from this action. There is no Alternative 2. 12004 Comprehensive Plan: Land Use Element-Definition of Map Designations. CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP&Planned Action/Rezone Land Use&Planning Board—May 13,2013 Workshop S:\PermiOPlan�COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�LUPB\05-13-13\Attachments\LU4_Findings.Doc Land Use Plan Map Proposed Amendment Site Number: LU-4 Amend Existing Industrial (I) to Urban Center (UC) Insert w � 1T — r Smith t i (� ow IF Z Amend ^ — ItoUC '. ` Existing Zoning M2 A AM C ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■4* ■ ■ 0 E E E E E E M E WE T.,.�.. -.. - 1� WILLIS ST _ _ _ \ Legend ` Proposed Land Use Plan Designation N Affected Tax Parcel # ° Existing Land Use Plan Map ■ DSAP Study Area .'° low " F. Tax Parcel .r P x"»00 s. KENT JIM WR No Scale QS ; ECD-April 2013 CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP & Planned Action ECD_GISData/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/LUPB/4LU_ItoUC.mxd Land Use Plan Map Amendment Site Number: LU-5 Site Name: Central Avenue & James Street Tax Parcel Number: 8 parcels Address: Multiple Addresses Existing Land Use Plan Map Designation Definition: Mixed-Use (MU) The Mixed-Use designation allows retail, office, and multifamily residential uses together in the same area. The Mixed-Use designation is distinguished from the Urban Center designation in that the Mixed- Use areas do not allow as much density as the Urban Center area. All residential development within a Mixed-Use area must be a component of a retail or office development.' Existing Zoning Districts Designation: Limited Industrial (M2), with some split zoning of General Commercial (GC) and General Commercial Mixed-Use (GC-MU) Site Description: There are eight (8) affected parcels totaling approximately 15.2 acres. The land is flat, located in the Kent Valley, with five (5) parcels identified by FEMA as within the 100-year flood. The existing uses are retail, warehouse, service, residential and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe rail line. Surrounding uses are primarily commercial in nature with Kent Memorial Park located to the east. Several transit options are available along Central Avenue and James Street. Discussion of Potential Amendments: The GMA requires consistency between the comprehensive plan and development regulations. The existing land use plan map designation of Mixed-Use (MU) and the zoning designation of Limited Industrial (M2) are inconsistent. The site's land use plan map and zoning districts map designations also have split designations on six (6) of the eight (8) parcels. The inconsistency can be traced back to the 1995 Zoning Districts map and the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, although there is no explanation for the discrepancy. Alternative 1 creates consistency and supports the existing uses. Alternative 2 would require a rezone of Limited Industrial (M2) to General Commercial Mixed-Use (GC- MU), making the land use and zoning consistent, however the existing light industrial and warehousing uses would become nonconforming with a GC-MU designation Alternatives: No Action Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Land Use Plan Mixed-Use (MU) Industrial (I) Mixed-Use (MU) Designation Manufacturing, warehouse, Allowed Uses Retail, office, and office, business park, and Retail, office, and residential s residential some retail Maintains inconsistency Supports GMA; amends Requires a REZONE to Outcome between comprehensive comprehensive plan; results result in consistency plan and zoning in consistency with zoning between comprehensive Ian and zoning Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Alternative 1: Amend the land use plan map designation from Mixed-Use (MU) to Industrial (I). This will create consistency between the land use plan map and the existing zoning districts designations, and will support the existing light manufacturing uses. Kent's Comprehensive Plan Economic Development policy ED-4.1 to "Protect the existing inventory of industrial parcels from conversion to non-industrial uses."supports Alternative 1, as well as supports the GMA, VISION 2040, and Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs) concerning urban jobs. Alternative 2 would create some nonconforming uses and jeopardize the leasing of properties to industrial and warehousing uses in the future. 12004 Comprehensive Plan: Land Use Element—Definition of Map Designations. CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP&Planned Action/Rezone Land Use&Planning Board—May 13,2013 Workshop S:\PermiOPlan�COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�LUPB\05-13-13\Attachments\LU5_Findings.Doc Proposed Amendment Land Use Plan Map Site Number: LU-5 Amend Existing Mixed Use (MU) to Industrial (I) LDMF �a' Insert W -�, -- Smith t ow 1 I it sty e. ,MDMF ed F-g OS T- ® ® ■ � Amend ■ � �'� ■ MU MUtoI ■ ■ P Existing M2 Zoning ■ E ■ �' I e■ ■ ■ � f Fil p n ■ r tl kin I �. Legend g LDMF� Proposed Land Use Plan Designation Affected Tax Parcel Existing Land Use Plan Map E■ DSAP Study Area � w Tax Parcel �iUC— s N W E '= s KENT w No Scale I„ I{ ECD-April 2013 CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP & Planned Action ECD_GISData/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/LUPB/5LU_MU_I.mxd Land Use Plan Map Amendment Site Number: LU-6 Site Name: James & Washington (Chateau 13) Tax Parcel Number: 1530100000 & 5436200110 Address: 1313 & 1231 W James Street Existing Land Use Plan Map Designation Definition: Medium Density Multifamily (MDMF) Multifamily Residential areas allow multifamily and single-family residential development at varying densities and housing types. In the city limits, there are two designations: Low Density Multifamily (LDMF) and Medium Density Multifamily (MDMF). The Low Density Multifamily designation allows densities of up to 16 dwelling units per acre, while the Medium Density Multifamily designation allows densities of 17-23 dwelling units per acre. In Kent's PAA of Unincorporated King County, a multifamily designation of Urban Residential, High (UR12+) allows 18-48 dwelling units per acre.' Existing Zoning Districts Designation: Medium Density Multifamily Residential (MR-M) Site Description: This site consists of a 13-unit condominium on 0.65 acres (that consists of a split land use plan map designation and a split zoning district; see also LU-8 and Z-8) and a 4-plex on 0.35 acres. The land is flat, located in the Kent Valley, and unencumbered by environmentally sensitive areas. The existing uses are residential. Surrounding uses are primarily commercial and residential. Several transit options are available along Washington Avenue N and James Street. Discussion of Potential Amendments: The expansion of Kent's regional growth center west of SR-167 would include these multifamily residential uses and would be supported by the land use plan map designation Urban Center (UC). Alternatives: No Action Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Land Use Plan Medium Density Urban Center (UC) None Designation Multifamily MDMF Allowed Uses Retail office residential Retail office residential Supports GMA; amends Outcome Maintains comprehensive comprehensive plan; revise plan and zoning Land Use Element Table 4.1 to include MR-M zoning in UC Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Alternative 1: Amend the land use plan map designation from Medium Density Multifamily (MDMF) to Urban Center (UC). This amendment will expand the regional growth center to better align Kent's Comprehensive Plan planning goal to "Ensure opportunities for affordable housing in close proximity to employment, public transportation, and human services."with the GMA, VISION 2040, and Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs). There is no Alternative 2. 12004 Comprehensive Plan: Land Use Element—Definition of Map Designations. CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP&Planned Action/Rezone Land Use&Planning Board—May 13,2013 Workshop S:\PermiOPlan�COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�LUPB\05-13-13\Attachments\LU6_Findings.Doc Land Use Plan Map Proposed Amendment Site Number: LU-6 Amend Existing Medium Density Multifamily (MDMF) to Urban Center UC Ix t k C Insert W y Smith t -- '�j/� ow ry LDMF ''e Amend . E " " " ' MDMF toUC ■ Existing Zoning MR-M MDMF MU JAMES ST Tr Legend ■ ■ Proposed Land Use Map Designation QAffected Tax Parcel jX - Existing Land Use Plan Map MDMF DSAP Study Area a 'v— ..: - Tax Parcel N KENT ` No Scale w.�w xo•ox ECD-April 2013 CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP & Planned Action ECD_GISData/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/LUPB/6LU_MDMFtoUC.mxd Land Use Plan Map Amendment Site Number: LU-7 Site Name: West of SR-167 Tax Parcel Number: 49 Parcels Address: Multiple Addresses Existing Land Use Plan Map Designation Definition: Mixed-Use (MU) The Mixed-Use designation allows retail, office, and multifamily residential uses together in the same area. The Mixed-Use designation is distinguished from the Urban Center designation in that the Mixed- Use areas do not allow as much density as the Urban Center area. All residential development within a Mixed-Use area must be a component of a retail or office development.' Existing Zoning Districts Designation: General Commercial (GC) Site Description: This site consists of 49 tax parcels totaling approximately 81.7 acres. The land is flat, located in the Kent Valley, and unencumbered by environmentally sensitive areas. The existing uses are generally commercial, services, and residential, with some vacant parcels. Surrounding uses are primarily commercial and residential with some industrial to the north. Several transit options are available. Discussion of Potential Amendments: Expansion of Kent's regional growth center west of SR-167 by amending the site to Urban Center (UC) would be consistent with the existing Mixed-Use (MU) designation and would expand the allowed uses to a higher-density. The 1995 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Districts map illustrate the site area as Mixed-Use (MU) and General Commercial (GC) with the exception of a small Mobile Home Park that was rezoned to GC during the past decade. Alternatives: No Action Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Land Use Plan Mixed-Use (MU) Urban Center (UC) None Designation Allowed Uses Retail office residential Retail, office, residential Outcome Maintains comprehensive Supports GMA; amends Ian and zoning comprehensive plan Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Alternative 1: Amend the land use plan map designation from Mixed-Use (MU) to Urban Center (UC). This amendment will expand the regional growth center to better align Kent's intent to accommodate a proportional amount of housing and employment growth targets in the Urban Center with VISION 2040 and the Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs). The amendment also is supported by the Comprehensive Plan's planning goal to "Ensure opportunities for affordable housing in close proximity to employment, public transportation, and human services." There is no Alternative 2. 12004 Comprehensive Plan: Land Use Element—Definition of Map Designations. CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP&Planned Action/Rezone Land Use&Planning Board—May 13,2013 Workshop S:\PermiOPlan�COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�LUPB\05-13-13\Attachments\LU7 Findings.Doc Land Use Plan Map Proposed Amendment Site Number: LU-7 Amend Existing Mixed-Use (MU) to Urban Center (UC) ss Insert , JDY ST LU IMP MIC LDMF .L MDMF_ Smith t - ow MHP 0, - SMITH ST` _ __ �i .-;-7 w A 11 C Amend M U S 46 ST MU to UC ■ ��' Existing GC & GGMU Zoning 6y GOWE S. Q �� fJ z .' F Q a TITUS z Q LO _ C/D Legend ■. . . ■ . ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . : ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . -_, Proposed Land Use Plan Designation r-MDMF Affected Tax Parcel � Existing Land Use Plan Map WATER y" . � 0 DSAP Study Area R 9 �Qt ' Tax Parcel AG-S ir W E 0 C 11 1. + - ® S ` NT No Scale ECD-April 2013 CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP & Planned Action ECD_GISData/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/LUPB/7LU_MUtoUC.mxd Zoning Districts Map Rezone Site Number: Z-7 Site Name: West of SR-167 Tax Parcel Number: 49 Parcels Address: Multiple Addresses Existing Zoning Districts Designation Definition: General Commercial (GC) The purpose and intent of the general commercial district is to provide for the location of commercial areas developed along certain major thoroughfares;...It is also the purpose of this district to provide opportunities for mixed use development within the designated mixed use overlay boundary, as designated by the comprehensive plan.' Existing Land Use Plan Map Designation: Mixed-Use (MU) Site Description: This site consists of 49 tax parcels totaling approximately 81.7 acres. The land is flat, located in the Kent Valley, and unencumbered by environmentally sensitive areas. The existing uses are generally commercial, services, and residential, with some vacant parcels. Surrounding uses are primarily commercial and residential with some industrial to the north. Several transit options are available. Discussion of Potential Amendments: Rezone the existing General Commercial (GC) to General Commercial Mixed-Use (GC-MU). The existing Mixed-Use (MU) land use plan map designation supports the rezone, and if the Mixed-Use (MU) designation is amended to Urban Center (UC) as proposed by Site Number LU-7, it also will support this rezone. Alternatives: No Action Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Zoning Districts General Commercial General Commercial Mixed- None Designation GC Use (GC-MU) Allowed Uses Retail, office, services Retail, office, residential Outcome Maintains zoning Rezone expands allowed uses to include residential Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Alternative 1: Rezone the site from General Commercial (GC) to General Commercial Mixed-Use (GC-MU). This rezone is supported by the existing land use plan map designation of Mixed- Use (MU). The proposed land use plan map amendment for this same area to Urban Center (UC) would also support the proposed rezone to General Commercial Mixed-Use (GC-MU). This alternative is supported by the Comprehensive Plan's planning goal to "Ensure opportunities for affordable housing in close proximity to employment, public transportation, and human services"and would contribute to accommodating housing and employment growth targets set forth in VISION 2040 and the Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs). There is no Alternative 2. 1 Excerpt from Kent City Code(15.03.010). CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP&Planned Action/Rezone Land Use&Planning Board—May 13,2013 Workshop S:\PermiOPlan�COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�LUPB\05-13-13\Attachments\Z7 Findings.Doc Zoning Districts Map Proposed Rezone Site Number: Z-7 Rezone Existing General Commercial (GC) to General Commercial Mixed-Use (GC-MU) S 238 PL �I Insert �. VV CLOUDY ST � . w W IVI3A ST C * 1 h vy JAIVI �` ID t _ Smith t •'S If e vA� ' III Q RAMS: 9 o - U) SMITH ST � �� SMITH ST Q I O W ARRISON I z ', . 2 Rezone _¢sit GC to GC-MU S. 46_ST a ��� <ER ■ p• j Existing Land Use MU � -� .�a �E3S GOWE S .' •$ 13■ r z n ' pQ a TITUS S z Q Legend ■. . . . . . . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . : ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . Proposed Zoning Districts Rezone �e Q Affected Tax Parcel a Existing Zoning Districts ,y ■ DSAP Study Area 9� Tax Parcel A W E S KENT i No Scale ECD-April 2013 CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP & Planned Action ECD—GISData/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/LUPB/7Z—GCtoGCMU.mxd Land Use Plan Map Amendment Site Number: LU-8 Site Name: James St (Chateau 13) Tax Parcel Number: 1530100000 Address: 1313 W James St Existing Land Use Plan Map Designation Definition: Mixed-Use (MU) The Mixed-Use designation allows retail, office, and multifamily residential uses together in the same area. The Mixed-Use designation is distinguished from the Urban Center designation in that the Mixed- Use areas do not allow as much density as the Urban Center area. All residential development within a Mixed-Use area must be a component of a retail or office development.' Existing Zoning Districts Designation: General Commercial (GC) Site Description: This site consists of a 13-unit condominium on 0.65 acres. The parcel has a split zoning district and a split land use plan map designation (see also Site Number LU-6). The land is flat, located in the Kent Valley, and unencumbered by environmentally sensitive areas. The existing use is residential. Surrounding uses are generally commercial to the south and east and residential to the west. Several transit options are available along Washington Avenue N and James Street. Discussion of Potential Amendments: This site has a split land use plan map designation of Mixed-Use (MU) and Medium Density Multifamily (MDMF) (see also Site Number LU-6). The 1995 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map illustrates the aforementioned split and the 1995 Zoning Districts map illustrates a split between General Commercial (GC) and Medium Density Multifamily Residential (MR-M). There is no explanation for the mapping discrepancy. Alternative 1 eliminates the split designation, supports the existing residential use, maintains consistency between land use plan and zoning districts maps, and expands the existing uses into the Urban Center (UC) which supports compliance with VISION 2040 and Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs). Alternative 2 does the same, but does not add to compliance with VISION 2040 and CPPs. Alternatives: No Action Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Land Use Plan Mixed-Use (MU) Urban Center (UC) Medium Density Designation Residential MDMF Allowed Uses Retail, office, and Retail office residential Residential 17-23 residential dwelling units/acre Supports GMA; revise Land Maintains split land use plan Use Element Table 4.1 to Eliminates split land use Outcome designation include MDMF zoning in UC; plan map designation eliminates split land use Ian maD desi nation Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Alternative 1: Amend the land use plan map designation from Mixed-Use (MU) to Urban Center (UC). This amendment will expand the regional growth center to better align Kent's intent to accommodate a proportional amount of housing and employment growth targets in the Urban Center with VISION 2040 and the Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs). The amendment also is supported by the Comprehensive Plan's planning goal to "Ensure opportunities for affordable housing in close proximity to employment, public transportation, and human services." The split land use plan map designation would be eliminated (also see Alternative 1: Site Number LU-6). Alternative 2 would eliminate the split land use plan map designation (also see Alternative 1: Site Number LU-6), but would not contribute to meeting the housing and employment growth targets in the Urban Center. 12004 Comprehensive Plan: Land Use Element—Definition of Map Designations. CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP&Planned Action/Rezone Land Use&Planning Board—May 13,2013 Workshop S:\PermiOPlan�COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�LUPB\05-13-13\Attachments\LU8_Findings.Doc Land Use Plan Map Proposed Amendment Site Number: LU-8 Amend Existing Mixed-Use (MU) to Urban Center LTC Insert W 02 Smith t W ow LDMF, r Amend ;u MU to UC Existing Zoning GC � � ■ ■ ■ W is ■ MDMF F�c ~----.� SMUT- d ■ JAMES ST - .� >F Legend RIT Proposed Land Use Plan Designation ■ Affected Tax Parcel Existing Land Use Plan Map M DM F t:-� � A. �■ DSAP Study Area Tax Parcel r'•- � i N W. E s K E N T No Scale ECD-April 2013 CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP & Planned Action ECD_GISData/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/LUPB/8LU_MUtoUC.mxd Zoning Districts Map Rezone Site Number: Z-8 Site Name: James St (Chateau 13) Tax Parcel Number: 1530100000 Address: 1313 W James St Existing Zoning Districts Designation Definition: General Commercial (GC) The purpose and intent of the general commercial district is to provide for the location of commercial areas developed along certain major thoroughfares;...It is also the purpose of this district to provide opportunities for mixed use development within the designated mixed use overlay boundary, as designated by the comprehensive plan.' Existing Land Use Plan Map Designation: Mixed-Use (MU) Site Description: This site consists of a 13-unit condominium on 0.65 acres. The parcel has a split land use plan map designation and a split zoning district (see also Site Number LU-6). The land is flat, located in the Kent Valley, and unencumbered by environmentally sensitive areas. The existing use is residential. Surrounding uses are generally commercial to the south and east and residential to the west. Several transit options are available along Washington Avenue N and James Street. Discussion of Potential Amendments: This site has a split zoning districts designation of General Commercial (GC) and Medium Density Multifamily Residential (MR-M). The split designation can be traced back to the 1995 Zoning Districts map and the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. There is no explanation for the mapping discrepancy. Alternative 1 eliminates the split zoning districts designation, supports the existing residential use, and maintains consistency between land use plan and zoning districts maps. There is no Alternative 2. Alternatives: No Action Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Zoning Districts General Commercial Medium Density Multifamily None Designation GC Residential (MR-M) Allowed Uses Retail, office, services Residential Outcome Maintains split zoning Rezone and eliminate split zoning Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Alternative 1: Rezone the site from General Commercial (GC) to Medium Density Multifamily Residential (MR-M). This rezone supports the existing residential use. This rezone is supported by Land Use Plan Map amendment to Urban Center (UC) (see Alternative 1: Site Number LU- 6 and LU-8) or by Land Use Plan Map amendment to Medium Density Multifamily (MDMF) (see Alternative 2: Site Number LU-6 and LU-8). This alternative is supported by the Comprehensive Plan's planning goal to "Ensure opportunities for affordable housing in close proximity to employment, public transportation, and human services". There is no Alternative 2. 1 Excerpt from Kent City Code(15.03.010). CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP&Planned Action/Rezone Land Use&Planning Board—May 13,2013 Workshop S:\PermiOPlan�COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�LUPB\05-13-13\Attachments\Z8_Findings.Doc Zoning Districts Map Proposed Rezone Site Number: Z-8 Rezone Existing General Commercial (GC) to Medium Densit Multifamily Residential (MR-M) Insert U Smith t —MU oW I/ri IiLA Rezone Ilan GC to MR-M I Existing Land Use M Ink, , :� — -- Q MR—M ■ t JAM ES ST ' Legend GC Proposed Zoning Districts Rezone Affected Tax Parcel Existing Zoning Districts ►� ; x ` DSAP Study Area Tax Parcel ■ KF N T No Scale V sr■ �� _� r� :r- ' ,. ECD-Aprill 201 2013 CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP & Planned Action ECD_GISData/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/LUPB/8Z_GCtoMRM.mxd Land Use Plan Map Amendment Site Number: LU-9 Site Name: James Street & SR-167 Tax Parcel Number: 1322049187, 9022, 9042 Address: Multiple Addresses Existing Land Use Plan Map Designation Definition: Industrial (I) The Industrial designation is an area for manufacturing and warehouse uses. However, office and business park development is allowed in this area, as are certain types of retail uses which serve the surrounding manufacturing and office park uses, and bulk retail.' Existing Zoning Districts Designation: Limited Industrial (M2) Site Description: This site consists of three (3) tax parcels totaling approximately 5.0 acres. The land is flat, located in the Kent Valley, and unencumbered by environmentally sensitive areas. The existing uses are truck repair, utility ROW, and the Union Pacific rail line. Surrounding uses are SR-167, parking, and ShoWare and Regional Justice Center. Several transit options are available along James Street. Discussion of Potential Amendments: This site is a remnant of industrial designations and uses that were segregated by SR-167 from the industrial land uses to the north. The 1995 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map illustrates the site as Community Facility, and the 1995 Zoning Districts map illustrates the site as Limited Industrial (112). In 2007 the land use plan map designation was amended to Industrial (I). Alternative 1 enlarges the regional growth center (i.e., changes the land use plan map designation from Industrial [I] to Urban Center [UC]) and would propose a rezone from Limited Industrial (M2) to General Commercial Mixed- Use (GC-MU) (see Site Number Z-9). The existing commercial uses would be allowed under the new designation. Alternatives: No Action Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Land Use Plan Industrial (I) Urban Center (UC) None Designation Manufacturing, warehouse, Allowed Uses office, business park, and Retail, office, residential some retail Supports GMA; amends Outcome Maintains existing land use comprehensive plan; results in a REZONE to General Commercial Mixed-Use GC-MU Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Alternative 1: Amend the land use plan map designation from Industrial (I) to Urban Center (UC). This amendment will expand the regional growth center to better align Kent's intent to accommodate a proportional amount of housing and employment growth targets in the Urban Center with VISION 2040 and Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs). This alternative is supported by the Comprehensive Plan's planning goal to "Ensure opportunities for affordable housing in close proximity to employment, public transportation, and human services." To avoid inconsistency between the proposed land use plan map designation and existing zoning districts designation, a rezone will be necessary (see Site Number Z-9). There is no Alternative 2. 12004 Comprehensive Plan: Land Use Element—Definition of Map Designations. CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP&Planned Action/Rezone Land Use&Planning Board—May 13,2013 Workshop S:\PermiOPlan�COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�LUPB\05-13-13\Attachments\LU9_Findings.Doc Land Use Plan Map Proposed Amendment Site Number: LU-9 Amend Existing Industrial (I) to Urban Center UC - Insert - W tea' - 4,^ II Smith t J i ow -, A MIC - Y ♦ Amend � ItoUC # ♦ Existing Zoningjk* M2 I Legend MU Proposed Land Use Map Designation Affected Tax Parcel IST Existing Land Use Plan Map r: k ■ DSAP Study Area Tax Parcel ate: i C e W E S. ddd KENT No Scale " s ECD—Ap 4rr il'2013 CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP & Planned Action ECD_GISData/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/LUPB/9LU_ItoUC.mxd Zoning Districts Map Rezone Site Number: Z-9 Site Name: James Street & SR-167 Tax Parcel Number: 1322049187, 9022, 9042 Address: Multiple Addresses Existing Zoning Districts Designation Definition: Limited Industrial (M2) The purpose of the M2 district is to provide areas suitable for a broad range of industrial and warehouse/distribution activities. The permitted uses are similar to those of the industrial park district; except, that non-industrial uses, particularly office and retail, are restricted, in accordance with the manufacturing/industrial center designation in the comprehensive plan. Development standards, are aimed at maintaining an efficient and desirable industrial areal Existing Land Use Plan Map Designation: Industrial (I) Site Description: This site consists of three (3) tax parcels totaling approximately 5.0 acres. The land is flat, located in the Kent Valley, and unencumbered by environmentally sensitive areas. The existing uses are truck repair, utility ROW, and the Union Pacific rail line. Surrounding uses are SR-167, parking, ShoWare Center and Regional Justice Center. Discussion of Potential Amendments: This site is a remnant of industrial designations and uses that were segregated by SR-167 from the industrial land uses to the north. The 1995 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map illustrates the site as Community Facility, which in 2007 was amended to Industrial (I) and the 1995 Zoning Districts map illustrates the site as Limited Industrial (M2). Alternative 1 rezones the site from Limited Industrial (M2) to General Commercial Mixed-Use (GC-MU). Alternatives: No Action Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Zoning Districts Limited Industrial (M2) General Commercial Mixed-Use None Designation nusra (GC-MU) Manufacturing, warehouse, Allowed Uses office, business park, and Retail, office, residential some retail Supports GMA; rezone results Outcome Maintains zoning in the potential for a mix of commercial and residential uses Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Alternative 1: Rezone the site from Limited Industrial (M2) to General Commercial Mixed-Use (GC-MU). This rezone is supported by the proposed Land Use Plan Map amendment to Urban Center (UC) (also see Alternative 1: Site Number LU-9) and supports the existing commercial use. This alternative is supported by the Comprehensive Plan's planning goal to "Ensure opportunities for affordable housing in close proximity to employment, public transportation, and human services" and would contribute to accommodating housing and employment growth targets set forth in VISION 2040 and the Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs). There is no Alternative 2. 1 Excerpt from Kent City Code(15.03.010). CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP&Planned Action/Rezone Land Use&Planning Board—May 13,2013 Workshop S:\PermiOPlan�COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�LUPB\05-13-13\Attachments\Z9_Findings.Doc Zoning Districts Map Proposed Rezone Site Number: Z-9 Rezone Existing Limited Industrial (M2) to General Commercial Mixed-Use (GC-MU) Insert K� SKR W M2 U -A �♦ s Smith t Ow Rezone ♦ M2 to GC-MU ♦ Existing Land Use I ♦ = M2 Mk4T 16 r Legend `~C-MU Proposed Zoning Districts Rezone . JAM T Affected Tax Parcel Existing Zoning Districts F,w DSAP Study Area Tax Parcel DCE N s KENT ECD-No Scale wAp.a ril i'1 nx 7 013 CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP & Planned Action ECD_GISData/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/LUPB/9Z_M2toGCMU.mxd Land Use Plan Map Amendment Site Number: LU-10 Site Name: ShoWare Center Tax Parcel Number: 1322049015, 9037 Address: 501 W James Street Existing Land Use Plan Map Designation Definition: Parks & Open Space (OS) The Parks and Open Space designation represent publicly owned land that is either large active park or undeveloped or developed for passive recreation open space land that may have environmental sensitivities.1 Existing Zoning Districts Designation: Limited Industrial (M2) Site Description: This site consists of two (2) tax parcels totaling approximately 17.5 acres. The land is flat, located in the Kent Valley, and unencumbered by environmentally sensitive areas. The existing uses are a special events arena and a neighborhood park. Surrounding uses are SR-167 to the north, municipal uses to the south, railroad and utilities to the west, and residential and commercial to the east. Transit options are available along James Street. Discussion of Potential Amendments: This site is a remnant of industrial designations and uses that were segregated by SR-167 from the industrial land uses to the north. The 1995 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map illustrates the site as Community Facility and the 1995 Zoning Districts map illustrates the site as Limited Industrial (M2). In 2004 the Community Facility designation was eliminated and the designation changed to Open Space. In 2009, a Special Use Combining District (SU) was imposed over the existing zoning to facilitate the construction of ShoWare Center. Alternative 1 enlarges the regional growth center and amends the Land Use Plan Map to Urban Center (UC) with an associated proposed rezone from Limited Industrial (M2) to General Commercial Mixed-Use (GC-MU) (see Site Number Z-10). The proposed land use plan map designation and associated rezone will support the existing uses. Alternatives: No Action Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Land Use Plan Parks & Open Space (OS) Urban Center (UC) None Designation Allowed Uses Parks and open s ace Retail, office, residential Maintains inconsistency Supports GMA; amends Outcome between comprehensive comprehensive plan; requires a plan and zoning REZONE to General Commercial Mixed-Use GC-MU Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Alternative 1: Amend the land use plan designation from Parks & Open Space (OS) to Urban Center (UC). This amendment and the associated rezone (see Site Number Z-10) will bring the comprehensive plan and zoning districts map into consistency; will support the existing uses; and will provide flexibility for any future expansion of the facility. This amendment will also expand the regional growth center to better align Kent's intent to accommodate a proportional amount of housing and employment growth targets in the Urban Center with VISION 2040 and Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs). This alternative is supported by the Comprehensive Plan's planning goal to "Ensure opportunities for affordable housing in close proximity to employment, public transportation, and human services." There is no Alternative 2 12004 Comprehensive Plan: Land Use Element—Definition of Map Designations. CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP&Planned Action/Rezone Land Use&Planning Board—May 13,2013 Workshop S:\PermiOPlan�COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�LUPB\05-13-13\Attachments\LU10_Findings.Doc Land Use Plan Map Proposed Amendment Site Number: LU-10 Amend Existing Parks & Open Space (OS) to Urban Center UC 771 } r' Insert W A. 1 I� ,� ••■ t+ • ■ as MIC • ■ f Smith t ■ dC • ■ ow ,NO ♦ it • S F-8 • �. .,>• . - r Amend �Ksaw& Y OS to UC # ' ' ' F L D M F' ' Existing Zoning M2 :. CLO ST'" .P I t A'yam Legend Proposed Zoning Districts Rezone F Affected Tax Parcel Existing Land Use Plan Map .,,, _ ■ DSAP Study Area JAMES ST Tax Parcel N w E KENT g No Scale ECD April 2013 CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP & Planned Action ECD_GISData/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/LUPB/10LU_OStoUC.mxd Zoning Districts Map Rezone Site Number: Z-10 Site Name: ShoWare Center Tax Parcel Number: 1322049015, 9037 Address: 501 W James Street Existing Zoning Districts Designation Definition: Limited Industrial (M2) The purpose of the M2 district is to provide areas suitable for a broad range of industrial and warehouse/distribution activities. The permitted uses are similar to those of the industrial park district; except, that non-industrial uses, particularly office and retail, are restricted, in accordance with the manufacturing/industrial center designation in the comprehensive plan. Development standards, are aimed at maintaining an efficient and desirable industrial areal Existing Land Use Plan Map Designation: Parks & Open Space (OS) Site Description: This site consists of two (2) tax parcels totaling approximately 17.5 acres. The land is flat, located in the Kent Valley, and unencumbered by environmentally sensitive areas. The existing uses are a special events arena and a neighborhood park. Surrounding uses are SR-167 to the north, municipal uses to the south, railroad and utilities to the west, and residential and commercial to the east. Discussion of Potential Amendments: This site is a remnant of industrial designations and uses that were segregated by SR-167 from the industrial land uses to the north. The 1995 Zoning Districts map illustrates the site as Limited Industrial (M2), and in 2009 a Special Use Combining District (SU) was imposed over the existing zoning district to facilitate the construction of ShoWare Center. The 1995 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map illustrates the site as Community Facility and in 2006 was amended to Parks & Open Space (OS). Alternative 1 rezones the site from Limited Industrial (M2) to General Commercial Mixed-Use (GC-MU). Alternatives: No Action Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Zoning Districts General Commercial Mixed-Use Designation Limited Industrial (M2) (GC-MU) None Manufacturing, warehouse, Allowed Uses office, business park, and Retail, office, residential some retail Maintains inconsistency Supports GMA; rezone results Outcome between comprehensive in greater flexibility for a mix of Ian and zoning commercial and residential uses Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Alternative 1: Rezone the site from Limited Industrial (M2) to General Commercial Mixed-Use (GC-MU). This rezone is supported by the proposed land use plan map amendment to Urban Center (UC) (see Site Number LU-10). This alternative is supported by the Comprehensive Plan's planning goal to "Ensure opportunities for affordable housing in close proximity to employment, public transportation, and human services"and would contribute to accommodating housing and employment growth targets set forth in VISION 2040 and the Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs). There is no Alternative 2. 1 Excerpt from Kent City Code(15.03.010). CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP&Planned Action/Rezone Land Use&Planning Board—May 13,2013 Workshop S:\PermiOPlan�COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�LUPB\05-13-13\Attachments\Z10_Findings.Doc Zoning Districts Map Proposed Rezone Site Number: Z-10 Rezone Existing Limited Industrial (M2) to General Commercial Mixed-Use (GC-MU) E Insert r w ►Y F M3 Smith t ow l • Rezone IMIIII M2 to GC-MU w Existing Land Use OS -. � ♦ ■ lad, W� M2 L U DY ST Q, MRT�16 a - r Legend Proposed Zoning Districts Rezone n Affected Tax Parcel JAM ES ST-w-��-- r r Existing Zoning Districts DCE ■ DSAP Study Area Tax Parcel I a r ,. s KE�NT I, r o No Scale ECD-April 2013 r -n CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP & Planned Action ECD-GISData/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP-PAO/LUPB/10Z-M2toGCMU.mxd Land Use Plan Map Amendment Site Number: LU-11 Site Name: 41h & Cloudy Street Tax Parcel Number: 51 Tax Parcels Address: Multiple Addresses Existing Land Use Plan Map Designation Definition: Low Density Multifamily (LDMF) Multifamily Residential areas allow multifamily and single-family residential development at varying densities and housing types. In the city limits, there are two designations: Low Density Multifamily (LDMF) and Medium Density Multifamily (MDMF). The Low Density Multifamily designation allows allow multifamily and single-family residential development densities of up to 16 dwelling units per acre, while the Medium Density Multifamily designation allows densities of 17-23 dwelling units per acre. In Kent's PAA of Unincorporated King County, a multifamily designation of Urban Residential, High (UR12+) allows 18-48 dwelling units per acre.' Existing Zoning Districts Designation: Multifamily Residential Townhouse (MRT-16) Site Description: This site consists of 51 tax parcels totaling approximately 8.7 acres. The land is flat, located in the Kent Valley, and unencumbered by environmentally sensitive areas. There are 44 single-family residences, five (5) duplexes, and two (2) parcels that make up a small neighborhood park. Surrounding uses are residential, ShoWare and Kent Station. Discussion of Potential Amendments: Expansion of Kent's regional growth center by amending the site to Urban Center (UC) would allow the existing and future residential to be counted as part of the Urban Center's housing target. The existing MRT-16 is a transition to the Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE) zoning district. The 1995 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map illustrates the site as Medium Density Multifamily and the 1995 Zoning Districts map illustrates the site area with a variety of multifamily zoning districts. The existing land use plan map and zoning districts maps were established in 2006. Alternative 1 enlarges the regional growth center and amends the land use plan map designation to Urban Center (UC) which will support the existing uses, and a portion of the site is proposed for a rezone. Alternatives: No Action Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Land Use Plan Low Density Multifamily Urban Center (UC) None Designation LDMF Allowed Uses Multifamily and single- Retail, office, residential family residential Supports GMA; amends Outcome Maintains comprehensive comprehensive plan; revise Land plan and zoning Use Element Table 4.1 to include MRT-16 zoning in UC Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Alternative 1: Amend the land use plan map designation from Low Density Multifamily (LDMF) to Urban Center (UC), and amend the Comprehensive Plan Table 4.1 to allow MRT- 16 within the Urban Center (UC). This map amendment will expand the regional growth center to better align Kent's intent to accommodate a proportional amount of housing and employment growth targets in the Urban Center with VISION 2040 and the Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs). This alternative is supported by the Comprehensive Plan's planning goal to "Ensure opportunities for affordable housing in close proximity to employment, public transportation, and human services." There is no Alternative 2. 12004 Comprehensive Plan: Land Use Element—Definition of Map Designations. CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP&Planned Action/Rezone Land Use&Planning Board—May 13,2013 Workshop S:\PermiOPlan�COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS\2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�LUPB\05-13-13\Attachments\LU11_Findings.Doc Land Use Plan Map Proposed Amendment Site Number: LU-11 Amend Existing Low Density Multifamily (LDMF) to Urban Center UC - —� � :�. �,� ��; ■ Insert LU rMIC T _ q e ■ ®� .. t ■ Smith t ® �® �sFis, ■ F ■ ■ MU OS ■ ■ i Amend ■ =��;-� �� � � LDMF to UC ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ EE E 9 Existing Zoning MRT-16 F - LI DMF M D M F P p , mpg i f F lot Legend �F m I z F'1 F R F I! I. .. RI - � � �• f � � �'_ r• '�.� �ltl'� -7F fat Proposed Land Use Plan Designation FF Affected Tax Parcel 21 I ¢ 6 er A UC _--', Existing Land Use Plan Map ■ ■ ■■ DSAP Study Area rlV Tax Parcel 00�— d'nEs'H.e'f lRrpp.• -- eFrrra�pplrrNrr! +� i� t� RFIIMFM dA� � F mom . �. r� r _ ['F'P r rgyrrb FIB fit: � KENT r No Scale ECD-A r CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP Q_ Planned Action ECD_GISData/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/LUPB/11LU_LDMFtoUC.mxd Zoning Districts Map Rezone Site Number: Z-11 Site Name: 41h & Cloudy Street Tax Parcel Number: 10 Tax Parcels Address: Multiple Addresses Existing Zoning Districts Designation Definition: Multifamily Residential Townhouse (MRT-16) It is the purpose of the MR-T districts to provide suitable locations for low to medium density multifamily residential development where home ownership is encouraged consistent with the comprehensive plan.' Existing Land Use Plan Map Designation: Low Density Multifamily (LDMF) Site Description: This site consists of ten (10) tax parcels totaling approximately 1.93 acres. The land is flat, located in the Kent Valley, and unencumbered by environmentally sensitive areas. There are eight (8) single- family residences and two (2) duplexes. This site area is adjacent to ShoWare Center, and residential, with Kent Station nearby. Discussion of Potential Amendments: Rezone the existing Multifamily Residential Townhouse (MRT-16) to Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE). This site is adjacent to ShoWare and shares one of the facility's entrances off Cloudy. The proposed rezone would match the existing DCE to the south, creating a larger presence for commercial investments. Alternatives: No Action Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Zoning Districts Multifamily Residential Downtown Commercial None Designation Townhouse MRT-16 Enterprise DCE Allowed Uses Residential Retail, office, residential Maintains comprehensive Supports GMA; rezone results Outcome plan and zoning in a mix of commercial and residential uses Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Alternative 1: Rezone this site from Multifamily Residential Townhouse (MRT-16) to Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE). With the entire block zoned DCE, the investment community can consolidate properties, develop a marketable product with a face on James Street and ShoWare, and provide retail and services for the adjoining residential community. The rezone will align Kent's intent to accommodate a proportional amount of housing and employment growth targets in the Urban Center with VISION 2040 and the Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs). This alternative is supported by the Comprehensive Plan's planning goal to "Ensure opportunities for affordable housing in close proximity to employment, public transportation, and human services." There is no Alternative 2. 1 Excerpt from Kent City Code(15.03.010). CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP&Planned Action/Rezone Land Use&Planning Board—May 13,2013 Workshop S:\PermiOPlan�COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�LUPB\05-13-13\Attachments\Z11_Findings.00c Zoning Districts Map Proposed Rezone Site Number: Z-11 Rezone Existing Multifamily Residential Townhouse (MRT 16) to Downtown Commercial Ent ri er se (DCE) Insert W C MR-G ® Smith t ow erg. ® ■ j �-- Rezone ■ ' MRT16 to DCE ® ■ MZrs Existing Land Use LDMF ■ it ° ■ �' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i ■ ■ ■ rM2 sue_ MRT-16 z Q y > Legend I Q g M Proposed Zoning Districts Rezone =�' CO J Affect Tax Parcel -J A M E S STCE Existing Zoning Districts . . . ti ■ : DSAP Study Area F r`F �° r* o- - Tax Parcel I rrt de W E KENT No Scale ECD-A ril 2013 CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP & Planned Action ECD_GISData/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/LUPB/11Z_MRT16toDCE.mxd Zoning Districts Map Rezone Site Number: Z-12 Site Name: Meeker Street Tax Parcel Number: 28 Parcels Address: Multiple Addresses Existing Zoning Districts Designation Definition: Downtown Commercial (DC) It is the purpose of the DC district to provide a place and create environmental conditions which will encourage the location of dense and varied retail, office, residential, civic and recreational activities which will benefit and contribute to the vitality of a central downtown location, to recognize tand preserve the historic pattern of development in the area and to implement the land use goal and policies in the 1989 downtown plan, the Kent comprehensive plan, and the downtown action plan. In the DC area, permitted uses should be primarily pedestrian-oriented and able to take advantage of on- street and structured off-street parking lots.' Existing Land Use Plan Map Designation: Urban Center (UC) Site Description: This site consists of 28 tax parcels totaling approximately 2.2 acres. The land is flat, located in the Kent Valley, and unencumbered by environmentally sensitive areas. The existing use are retail, office, residential, and small parks, with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe rail line along the eastern edge. This site is surrounded by similar commercial and residential uses. Discussion of Potential Amendments: This site is located in the center of historic downtown Kent. There are few historic buildings along Meeker and those that remain have been seriously altered or neglected. The 1995 Zoning Districts map illustrates the site as Downtown Commercial (DC) and on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map the area is designated City Center, the predecessor to today's Urban Center (UC). Alternative 1 rezones the site from Downtown Commercial (DC) to Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE). Alternatives: No Action Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Zoning Districts Downtown Commercial Downtown Commercial None Designation DC Enterprise DCE Allowed Uses Retail, office, residential Retail, office, residential Outcome Maintains zoning Rezone to a higher density of development potential Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Alternative 1: Rezone the site from Downtown Commercial (DC) to Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE). This rezone will facilitate the market towards redevelopment. In the past decade, new construction and remodeling has occurred to further change the character of Meeker. Downtown Design Guidelines will preserve the pedestrian-oriented character of this site while allowing greater development options within Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE). Redevelopment in this site area will further Kent's intent to accommodate a proportional amount of housing and employment growth targets within the Urban Center. There is no Alternative 2. 1 Excerpt from Kent City Code(15.03.010). CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP&Planned Action/Rezone Land Use&Planning Board—May 13,2013 Workshop S:\PermiOPlan�COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�LUPB\05-13-13\Attachments\Z12_Findings.Doc Zoning Districts Map Proposed Rezone Site Number: Z-12 Rezone Existing Downtown Commercial (DC) to Downtown Commercial Enterprise (DCE) e Insert z W -�� - pi �N � '`•�` F�� � ¢.: eel_ -r • _._'ram mDCE^ �.w .� Smith t WIN ow ST Rezone DC to DCE Existing Land Use UC D C = per^ If pyy IT �S ��� �� �anz..a..'RY 5�� e.... � i-v Sf � ,I• -� _r �^... Legend Proposed Zoning Districts Rezone !„O ,k Affected Tax Parcel ��i ;�f�A,�.,e� �Ir. Existing Zoning Districts ' ' I DSAP Study Area r e \ Tax Parcel Q - 0 E Pin Q N T W. E ♦ ♦ ♦ -- s KENT ♦ = — No Scale aw xo•on MR-D ♦ ECD wA.pri12013 CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP & Planned Action ECD_GISData/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP_PAO/LUPB/12Z_DCtoDCE.mxd Zoning Districts Map Rezone Site Number: Z-13 Site Name: Central Avenue Tax Parcel Number: 38 Tax Parcels Address: Multiple Addresses Existing Zoning Districts Designation Definition: General Commercial (GC) The purpose and intent of the general commercial district is to provide for the location of commercial areas developed along certain major thoroughfares;...It is also the purpose of this district to provide opportunities for mixed use development within the designated mixed use overlay boundary, as designated by the comprehensive plan.' Existing Land Use Plan Map Designation: Low Density Multifamily (LDMF) Site Description: This site consists of 38 tax parcels totaling approximately 10.4 acres. The land is flat, located in the Kent Valley, and unencumbered by environmentally sensitive areas. The primary uses are retail, services, office, four (4) single-family residences and one (1) duplex. Surrounding uses are commercial, services, and Kent Middle School. Discussion of Potential Amendments: Rezone the existing General Commercial (GC) to General Commercial Mixed-Use (GC-MU). The existing Urban Center (UC) land use plan map designation supports the rezone as proposed. Alternatives: No Action Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Zoning Districts General Commercial (GC) General Commercial Mixed-Use None Designation eneraommerca (GC-MU) Allowed Uses Retail office services Retail office residential Outcome Maintains zoning Rezone expands allowed uses to include residential Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Alternative 1: Rezone the site from General Commercial (GC) to General Commercial Mixed-Use (GC-MU). This rezone will allow flexibility of allowed uses and may provide an incentive for redevelopment. Redevelopment in this site area will further Kent's intent to accommodate a proportional amount of housing and employment growth targets within the Urban Center. This alternative is supported by the Comprehensive Plan's planning goal to "Ensure opportunities for affordable housing in close proximity to employment, public transportation, and human services." There is no Alternative 2. 1 Excerpt from Kent City Code(15.03.010). CPA/CPZ-2012-1 DSAP&Planned Action/Rezone Land Use&Planning Board—May 13,2013 Workshop S:\PermiOPlan�COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS�2012�CPA-2012-1 Downtown�LUPB\05-13-13\Attachments\Z13_Findings.Doc Zoning Districts Map Proposed Rezone Site Number: Z-13 Rezone Existing General Commercial (GC) to General Commercial Mixed-Use (GC-MU) MRT=116 � ■ Insert LU -MU ST O ■ - - --, I— O ■ a� O ■ C/) MR-M ' Smith t N F Ow SR-6 Q CEDAR ST z GC ® - J" ■ PIONEER ST ■ Q DICE z Q ■ J ' "� ML o C p = . � Ur- Q ■ U) f EMPERANCE O ■ Q � r J MC ILLIAN ■ TEMPERANCE Q ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ CE 1 ■ MR-D L : Rezone GC to GC-MU i SR-1 GC.-MU U) Existing Land Use UC ♦. , F ; RE/TEN Legend '°' n. ��,� • Proposed Zoning Districts Rezone DC r. y 41 Affected Tax Parcel Imo: Existing Zoning Districts - ■ DSAP Study Area GC ♦AMR-D _ # Tax Parcel ��3 - ■ ® MR H 2 o� � N psR-6 2 No Scale ECD 'v-Ap; 2013 ' wi' •ox -.�^ � ril CPA/CPZ-^01^-1 DSAP & Planned Action ECD—GISData/Ggould-wessen/Projects/DSAP—PAO/LUPB/13Z—GCtoGCMU.mxd This page intentionally left blank. ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ben Wolters, Director PLANNING DIVISION • Fred Satterstrom, AICP, Director KENT Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager W A 5 H I N G T O N Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 May 6, 2013 TO: Chair Jack Ottini and Land Use & Planning Board Members FROM: Katie Graves, Planner RE: Code Amendments [ZCA-2013-1] For May 13, 2013 Workshop SUMMARY: Planning Services is submitting for Board consideration another group of potential amendments; in this case those related to residential facilities, group care, and group living facilities in Kent City Code Title 15, Zoning. This section of code needs amending to clarify definitions for different types of residential facilities, update the residential land use table, remove ambiguity in the code, and update the code for consistency with state laws and regulations. Staff will review a preliminary list of these items at the May 13th workshop. BACKGROUND: Local planning legislation arises from many sources - Federal, State or regional mandates; changes to local community vision; complaints; need for clarity; updated technologies, business operations or strategies that make existing codes outdated; conflicts with updated codes in other City departments; and many others. Furthermore, these amendments are undertaken as part of the City Council's initiative to transform regulatory processes in order to increase operating efficiencies. Group care or group living facilities may be broadly categorized as single or multiple family residential, emergency and transitional housing, criminal justice facilities, and group care facilities with or without healthcare. Attached are potential code amendments to be discussed. KG\pm S:\Permit\Plan\ZONING_CODE_AMENDMENTS\2013\ZCA-2013-1 GroupResidentialFacilities\LUPB\51313_LUPBmemo.doc Enc: Attach A: Potential Code Amendments related to Residential Facilities,Group Care,and Group Living Facilities Attach B: Jurisdictional Comparison for Code Definitions of"Family" Attach C: Zoning Code sections 15.04.020 and .030 for Residential land uses cc: Fred Satterstrom,AICP, Planning Director Charlene Anderson,AICP, Planning Manager Project File ZCA-2013-1 This page intentionally left blank. Attachment A: Potential Code Amendments related to Residential Facilities, Group Care, and Group Living Facilities: 1. Update definition of "Family": Retain limit of 6 unrelated persons including resident staff, and include reference to Federal Fair Housing Act. 2. Clarify definition of "Transitional Housing", and allow these facilities in the same zones as Class I-C group homes? Covington, King County, Newcastle, Sammamish, Shoreline, Snoqualmie, and Woodinville all have a very similar definition: "Transitional housing facilities: Housing units owned by public housing authorities, nonprofit organizations or other public interest groups that provide housing to persons on a temporary basis for a duration not to exceed 24 months in conjunction with job training, self sufficiency training, and human services counseling; the purpose of which is to help persons make the transition from homelessness to placement in permanent housing.' 3. Group Homes: In order to comply with the Federal Fair Housing Act, Class I-A group homes need to be principally permitted in the CM-1 and CM-2 zones, because single-family homes are principally permitted in those zones. 4. Create line item in use table for "Secure Community Transition Facility" - it's now only shown in note for Group Homes Class III. 5. Multifamily dwellings for senior citizens: eliminate this item in the use table. See also note #6, below. 6. Expand definition of "dwelling, multiple family" to "include independent senior housing for individuals 60 years or older as defined by Washington State Law." 7. Remove "welfare facilities" from residential use table, and instead provide line items for different types of facilities. 8. Allow emergency shelters via Conditional Use Permit in certain zones only, or allow in the same zones as Class I-C group homes? Clarify terms and definition to include temporary and permanent shelters. 9. Remove definition for "convalescent home" and "congregate care facilities" and instead provide definition for "assisted living facilities" or "residential facilities with health care." This may include references to Washington State Law definitions for boarding home, nursing home, continuing care retirement community, or respite care. Clarify that such uses do not include group homes. 10.Allow residential facilities with health care in the same zones as hospitals and/or via conditional use permit in residential zones. 11.Allow assisted living facilities in same areas as multifamily uses. S:\Permit\Plan\ZONING_CODE_AMENDMENTS\2013\ZCA-2013-1 GroupResidentialFacilities\LUPB\AttachA Potential Code Amendments related to Residential Facilities.doc Attachment B: Jurisdictional Comparison for Code Definitions of "'Family" Jurisdiction Definition Auburn "Family" means a person living alone, two or more persons related by blood or marriage, or a group of eight or fewer residents who are not related by blood or marriage customarily living together as a single housekeeping unit and using common cooking facilities, as distinguished from a group occupying a hotel, club, boardinghouse or lodginghouse. For the purposes of this definition, minors living with a parent shall not be counted as part of the maximum number of residents. Bellevue One or more persons (but not more than six unrelated persons) living together as a single housekeeping unit. For purposes of this definition and notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, children with familial status within the meaning of Title 42 United States Code, Section 3602(k) and persons with handicaps within the meaning of Title 42 United States Code, Section 3602(h) will not be counted as unrelated persons. Burien An individual; two or more persons related by blood or marriage; a group of eight or fewer residents, who are not related by blood or marriage, living together as a single housekeeping unit; or a group living arrangement where eight or fewer residents receive supportive services such as counseling, foster care, or medical supervision at the dwelling unit by resident or nonresident staff. For purposes of this definition, minors living with parent shall not be counted as part of the maximum number of residents. Covington "Family" means an individual; two or more persons related by blood or marriage; a group of two or more disabled residents protected under the Federal Housing Act Amendments, who are not related by blood or marriage, living together as a single housekeeping unit; a group of eight or fewer residents, who are not related by blood or marriage, living together as a single housekeeping unit; or a group living arrangement where eight or fewer residents receive supportive services such as counseling, foster care, or medical supervision at the dwelling unit by resident or nonresident staff. For purposes of this definition, minors living with parent shall not be counted as part of the maximum number of residents. Des Moines "Family" means an individual, or two or more persons related by blood or marriage, or a group of not more than five persons who are not related by blood or marriage, excluding servants, living together in a dwelling unit. Edmonds A. Family means individuals consisting of two or more persons related by genetics, adoption, or marriage, or a group of five or fewer persons who are not related by genetics, adoption, or marriage and none of whom are wards of the court unless such wards are related by genetics, adoption, or marriage to all of the members of such group living in a dwelling unit. B. The term "family" shall include: 1. State licensed adult family homes required to be recognized as residential use pursuant to RCW 70.128.180; 2. State licensed foster family homes and group care facilities as defined in RCW 74.15.180, subject to the exclusion of subsection (C) of this section; 3. Group homes for the disabled required to be accommodated as residential uses pursuant to the Fair Housing Act amendments as the same exists or is hereafter amended. C. The term "family" shall exclude individuals residing in halfway houses, crisis residential centers as defined in RCW 74.15.020(3)(g), group homes licensed for juvenile offenders, or other facilities, whether or not licensed by the state, where individuals are incarcerated or otherwise required to reside pursuant to court order under the supervision of paid staff and personnel. D. Calculation of Residents. When calculating the number of unrelated persons residing in a single-family dwelling unit, the following rules shall apply: 1. When one or more unrelated persons reside with a family whose members are related by genetics, adoption or marriage, the total number of residents shall not exceed five persons except as provided in subsection (D)(2) of this section. 2. A family unit consisting entirely of persons related by genetics, adoption or marriage may rent a room to a total of two additional renters, or up to two students as a part of a recognized foreign exchange program or similar educational, nonprofit program, or a combination of a renter and such student to a total of two additional persons. The additional renters and/or foreign exchange students, to a maximum of two, shall not be considered when calculating the number of unrelated persons residing in a dwelling unit under subsection (D)(1) of this section. Three or more renters and/or students shall be considered as unrelated individuals and all persons residing in a dwelling unit, regardless of whether a portion of them are related by genetics, adoption or marriage, shall be considered when determining the total unrelated persons residing at a site. 3. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). When an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is approved pursuant to Chapter 20.21 ECDC, only one of the dwelling units, either the primary residence or the ADU, shall be used to house renters and/or unrelated persons who are students. Occupancy of the ADU shall not exceed one family as defined in subsection (A) of this section. 4. Nothing herein shall be interpreted to limit normal hosting activities associated with residential use. Everett "Family" means any number of persons related by blood, marriage or legal adoption and including foster children and exchange students living together as a single housekeeping unit. "Family" also means the following when living together as a single, not-for-profit housekeeping unit: 1. A group of not more than four related and unrelated adults and their related minor children, but not to exceed a total of eight related and unrelated persons; or 2. Not more than eight disabled persons, whether adults or minors, living together in a consensual residential living arrangement, but not to exceed a total of eight persons. For the purposes of this definition, an adult is a person eighteen years of age or older, and a minor child is a person under the age of eighteen years old. Federal Way "Family"means an individual; a group of not more than five individuals; or two or more individuals related by not more than four degrees of affinity or consanguinity, including persons under legal guardianship. Any limitation on the number of residents resulting from this definition shall not be applied to the extent it would prevent the city from making reasonable accommodations to disabled persons in order to afford such persons equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling as required by the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988, 42 USC 3604(f)(3)(b). This definition shall not be applied to the extent that it would cause a residential structure occupied by persons with handicaps, as defined in the Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988, to be treated differently than a similar residential structure occupied by other related or unrelated individuals. Hunts Point "Family" means an individual or two or more persons related by blood, adoption or marriage (excluding domestic service workers, gardeners, caretakers, and contract laborers) living together in a dwelling unit. Issaquah Family: A person, or two (2) or more persons related by blood or marriage or law living together as a single housekeeping unit in a single dwelling. In addition, the following uses shall be accepted as families pursuant to the requirements of state and/or federal law: A. Adult family homes licensed pursuant to RCW 70.128.150; B. Foster homes for the placement of the disabled, or expectant mothers in a residential setting including, but not limited to, foster family homes licensed pursuant to Chapter 74.15 RCW, community group care facilities licensed pursuant to Chapter 74.15 RCW and crisis residential centers pursuant to Chapter 13.32A RCW; and C. Consensual living arrangements of the disabled protected pursuant to the Federal Fair Housing Act amendments. Secure community transition facilities, as defined in Chapter 71.09 RCW, are not protected under the definition of "family." (For unrelated persons residing together, see "Cohabitants.") Cohabitants: A group not more than five (5) persons not meeting the definition of"family," living together as a single housekeeping group in a dwelling unit. Kent Family means one (1) or more individuals related by blood or legal familial relationship, or a group of not more than six (6) persons who need not be related by blood or a legal familial relationship, living together in a dwelling unit as a single, nonprofit housekeeping unit, excluding class I, II, and III group homes as defined in KCC 15.02.173. King County An individual; two or more persons related by blood, marriage or state registered domestic partnership under chapter 26.60 RCW; a group of two or more disabled residents protected under the Federal Housing Act Amendments, who are not related by blood, marriage or state registered domestic partnership under chapter 26.60 RCW, living together as a single housekeeping unit; a group of eight or fewer residents, who are not related by blood, marriage or state registered domestic partnership under chapter 26.60 RCW, living together as a single housekeeping unit; or a group living arrangement where eight or fewer residents receive supportive services such as counseling, foster care, or medical supervision at the dwelling unit by resident or non-resident staff. For purposes of this definition, minors living with parent shall not be counted as part of the maximum number of residents. Maple Valley "Family" means an individual; or two or more persons related by blood or marriage, or adoption; or a group of not more than six persons who are not related by blood, marriage, or adoption, living and cooking together as a single housekeeping unit. For the purposes of this definition, any number of persons of only one group (i.e., family) who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption shall be counted as one person and all other individuals shall be counted as single individuals. Mukilteo Family" means one or more persons related by blood, marriage, adoption or a group of not more than eight persons not related by blood, or marriage, living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit. Newcastle Family: A single housekeeping unit. Olympia An individual, or two or more persons related by blood, or marriage, or a group of not more than six persons (excluding servants) who are not related by blood or marriage, living together in a dwelling unit or a foster family home, or an adult family home, as defined under Washington State law or administrative code. Puyallup "Family" means one or more persons related by blood, marriage, adoption, or guardianship and including foster children and exchange students, or a group of not more than six unrelated persons, excluding servants, living together as a single nonprofit housekeeping unit. Redmond An individual or two or more persons related by blood or marriage; eight or fewer nonrelated persons living together in a single dwelling unit, unless a grant of reasonable accommodation as identified in RCDG Title 20F allows an additional number of persons. Renton Any number of related individuals, or not more than four (4) unrelated individuals, living together as a single household. Sammamish "Family" means one or more persons (but not more than six unrelated persons) living together as a single housekeeping unit. For the purposes of this code, children with familial status within the meaning of Title 42 United States Code, Section 360(k) and persons with handicaps within the meaning of Title 42 United States Code, Section 360(h) will not be counted as unrelated persons. Seatac An individual or two (2) or more persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption, or a group of not more than five (5) persons (excluding servants) who need not be related by blood or marriage living together in a dwelling unit. Shoreline An individual; two or more persons related by blood or marriage, a group of up to eight persons who may or may not be related, living together as a single housekeeping unit; or a group living arrangement where eight or fewer residents receive supportive services such as counseling, foster care, or medical supervision at the dwelling unit by resident or nonresident staff. For purposes of this definition, minors living with a parent shall not be counted as part of the maximum number of residents. Snoqualmie "Family" means one person, or two or more related persons, or not more than five unrelated persons living together as a single housekeeping unit. Vancouver Household: An individual, two or more persons related by blood or marriage, a group of two or more disabled residents protected under the Federal Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988, adult family homes as defined under Washington State law, or a group living arrangement where six or fewer residents receive supportive services such as counseling, foster care, or medical supervision at the dwelling unit by resident or non-resident staff. Up to six residents not related by blood or marriage who live together in a single-family dwelling or in conjunction with any of the above individuals or groups, shall also be considered a household. For purposes of this definition, minors living with parent or legal guardian shall not be counted as part of the maximum number of residents. Woodinville An individual or individuals domiciled together in one dwelling unit whose relationship is of a domestic character and who are cooking and living together as a single, housekeeping unit, but the number of individuals occupying the dwelling unit shall not exceed the occupant load of the structure, calculated as provided in the 1994 International Building Code, Section 1002, or as may hereafter be amended. S:\Permit\Plan\ZONING_CODE_AMEN DM ENTS\2013\ZCA-2013-1 GroupResidentialFacilities\LUPB\AttachB Definitions of Family.doc ATTACHMENT C 15.04.020 Residential land uses. Zoning Districts U "F7 (n to o = ❑ 2 ❑ Key O O �' m ."5 P=Principally Permitted Uses E m o t, t, S=Special Uses N o o "� N c M E W `n `Lnn C=Conditional Uses " :S ' " ❑ = c W W E �' ❑ ❑ A=Accessory Uses ' N a N W a 3 o: * m 0 � E- Y �' c O O o y O m O O aci F2 F� �' a) .N 5 c c c , 6 rn m c 1'i ❑ m m m ca W m >_ n m O y W > > w c t— M m p W E = E o m i5 E E 2i ❑ O ? v N v v v v w w U > . E o o m 9 ❑ O E c c m w W m U > - m - c W U U > > m m E M —' S ° U W o: W W 'E W W 5 3 o E W E - w E c c 3 S O O ❑ E W •c W > D: W W W U w in W w m W O v ¢ E > > p T T w o o E o m o E � -a E O w o m U a m m m m m c ❑ c o M U U F F o P E m o U c u- m u- L, x " = W E W = o Z c 3 m m ?1 W W U c Q a c c m M d� rn v > > ❑ ? ❑ _ o 3 3 W E E m M m M 3 cCL o m rn :a rn E c v g 3 E E O v m o, •c W ❑ N m S o E 3 o o o c W > o QD: c Cn co Z o o ❑ .- c� U U W U v _0 c E a U va v to co ❑ 1- F C7 = o U U ❑ W 0: Q: 0: = U U U U F- Q Q w cn to W u? 2 "212 2 M :22 Z U ❑ ❑ 2 "2 2 U U c9 O 1 Sc 1 :2 2 2 ❑ One single-family dwelling per lot P P P P P P P. P P P P P P P A (A (A) (A One duplex per lot P P P P (27) (27) (27) One modular home per lot p p p p P p p p p p p p Duplexes P P P P P P P P P (27) (27) (27) (22) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P C Multifamily townhouse units (27) (27) (27) (19) (19) (2) (4) (2) (2) (15) (20) (20) C (5) P P P P P P P P P P P P P C Multifamily dwellings (26) (26) (2) (4) (2) (2) (15) (5) Multifamily dwellings for senior citizens P P P P P P P P C (2) (2) (2) (15) Mobile homes and manufactured homes p Mobile home parks P P P P P P P (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) Group homes class I-A p P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P C P P C C C P Group homes class I-B P P P P P p P P P P C P P C C C P Group homes class I-C C C C C P P P P P P C C C C C C P Group homes class 11-A C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Zoning Districts �T V C •C N_ U W Key 0 O N m N Z P=Principally Permitted Uses N o c ❑ y N S=Special Uses v m > > a v •- S E Q N N i5 :S c C=Conditional Uses N ri, v o o `Q 0 y N A=Accessory Uses N Q N w 3 3 m � N rn U Z e — N n 0 0 Fi 0 Z Z Z Z Z cn c U) w N c c o N N c c c v c c E o c Q Q Z E E > > N h d 0 0 o o m m o 0 E c m E N N i U @ W N N N N 7 O O N a7 ..-. ++ C C @ .Ci O ❑ N N m c >, W o: W = g •y � 0. U E E E 'V5 'M m m m 3 N U O Z E o w ¢ > E T T �� > > Z, m a o E o m m E 2 M E 0 Z E m U Z E m E E = E E N Q N E o U o U F �- o m Z E c •6 o m N o 3 12 c um• 6 Li ti � w w iE � E m =o E � c 3 >, M U L o � Q 0- Z v � > Z w d) rn d > > Q a� o 0 3 3 m E E U m Z Z S c 3 m rn c rn rn a 3 d m n rn E c v ;0 3 E E 0 S o m :? m c V) c c o 0 0 •� c o o ¢ rn o to n �n m Q N w c = Z o o 0 N U U aci V o v E aci o ¢ .- m m w ❑ f- H U 2 p U U ❑ W U U `- a C9 1E S U _, U U ¢ CO CO CO CO (0 2 M 2 2 2 2 z v o o 2 2 v v 0 o Z CO Group homes class II-B C C C C C C C C C C C C j C C C C C Group homes class II-C C C C C C C C C C C C C I C C C C C Group homes class III C C C C C C C C C C C C (23) (23) (23) (23) (23) (23)1(23) (23) (23) (23) (23) (24) Rebuild/accessory uses for existing dwellings P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) Transitional housing P P (7) (7) A A I A I A A A A A Guest cottages and houses (8) (a) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (21) (21) (21) (21) (21) (21) (21) (21) Rooming and boarding of not more than three I A A A A A A A A A A (3)persons Farm worker accommodations 7) (9) (A) g ( ) Accessory uses and buildings customarily A A IA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A I A A I A A A A A A appurtenant to a permitted use (18)1(18) (18) (18) (18) (18) (18) (18) (18) (18) (18) Accessory dwelling units A A A A A A A A A A A A A A (10) 1(10)1(10)1(10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) Accessory living quarters A A A A IA IA A A A IA A A A A A A A (14) (14) (14) (14) (14) (14] (14) (14) (14) (14) (14) (14) (14) (14) (14) (14) (14) Live-work units P (28) Home occupations A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A (11) (11) {11} (11} (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) (11] (11} (11) (11) (11} (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) Service buildings A Zoning Districts v E 5 -6 .J :'a .0 p •N R C Y N N N Pe Principally Permitted Uses E o G o c _c N •G S=Special Uses o o ,v_ c w E m c c C=Conditional Uses L = c N ° E " i5 N N s A=Accessory Uses o o y > m c U -6 EL5 N m 07 'U B m is m m m E o c �' N tL > > m c c yoc c o a N 2 a _ E m 0 E E m > > Mn a� ❑ w m c t, c c a� c c E R E o E m t6 E E � •E o E -U c m _ v rn 0 v v v > 'E •` o o ❑ j E S N .` a� T a� E o `m o m ao�i E U U c c i c U 0 m m > o Q 4 W � N o U E E E c c E aE m t6 E ❑ O Q E E E E � E E N ❑o � E oo Q �0 U I= IE— o t0 c0 E m a > > U 2 ;i c u- ti ti OE -w v E = S `o c 9 m m �, `E `E O B Q a m c E M 3 3 m E E y 3 v N c Coc c C 2 � o m °' a °i E c 3 -- - v o o a`) ❑ N m 'v �_ `m m •rn •c ❑ N tD - S o E 3 o U U c d > > e U, Co !� UJ :E Z O O ❑ •- N a) U 'O •O E Q) ClQ r co cD w ❑ t- F- C7 TL S d U U ❑ w U U w 7 N O EE c � U ::I CD Q Q Cn fq Cn � to rC � � ^2 rL � � Z U ❑ ❑ ^2 � rL U U � � � � � � � � Storage buildings and storage of recreational A A A A A A A A A A A A A vehicles (16) (16) (16) (16) (16) (16) (16) (16) (16) (16) (16) (16) Drive-in churches;welfare facilities(including C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C emergency shelters);retirement homes, (12) (12) convalescent homes,and other welfare facilities whether privately or publicly operated,facilities for rehabilitation or correction,etc. Designated manufactured home P P P P P P P P P P P P P (25) (25) (25) (25) (25) (25) (25) (25) (25) (25) (25} (25) (25) (Ord.No. 3439, § 2,2-2-99;Ord.No.3440, § 4,2-16-99;Ord.No.3470, § 3, 8-17-99;Ord.No.3543, § 2,2-20-01;Ord.No.3600, § 3,5-7-02;Ord. No. 3612, § 3, 8-6-02;Ord.No. 3615, § 2,9-17-02;Ord.No. 3753, § 2, 6-7-05;Ord.No:3759, § 1, 9-6-05; Ord.No. 3770, § 5, 11-15-05;Ord.No. 3830, § 14,3-6-07; Ord.No. 4011, § 7, 12-13-11) This page intentionally left blank. 15.04.030 Kent City Code 15.04.030 Residential land use development 17. Accommodations for farm operators and conditions. employees, but not accommodations for transient 1. Dwelling units, limited to not more than one labor. (1)per establishment, for security or maintenance 18. Other accessory uses and buildings custom- personnel and their families, when located on the arily appurtenant to a permitted use, except for premises where they are employed in such capac- onsite hazardous waste treatment and storage facil- ity.No other residential use shall be permitted. ities,which are not permitted in residential zones. 2. Multifamily residential use shall be permit- 19. The following zoning is required to be in ted only in the mixed use overlay when included existence on the entire properly to be rezoned at the within a mixed use development. time of application for a rezone to an MR-T zone: 3. [Reserved]. SR-8, MR-D, MR-G, MR-M, MR H, O, O-MU, 4. Multifamily residential uses, when estab- NCC,CC, GC,DC,or DCE. lished in buildings with commercial or office uses, 20. All multifamily townhouse developments and not located on the ground floor. in the MR-T zone shall be recorded as townhouses 5. Multifamily residential uses, when not com- with ownership interest, as defined in KCC bined with commercial or office uses. 15.02.525.1, prior to approval of a certificate of 6. Existing dwellings may be rebuilt, repaired, occupancy by the city. and otherwise changed for human occupancy. 21. Subject to KCC 15.08.160(A) and (B), Accessory uses for existing dwellings may be con- Accessory buildings. structed. Such uses are garages, carports, storage 22. One(1)duplex per lot is permitted. sheds, and fences. 23. Secure community transition facilities are 7. Transitional housing facilities, limited to a permitted only in the GWC zoning district. maximum of twenty (20) residents at any one (1) 24. Class H and class III group homes, other time and four(4)resident staff. than secure community transition facilities,are not 8. Guesthouses not rented or otherwise con- allowed in this zoning district. A secure commu- ducted as a business. nity transition facility shall also comply with appli- 9. Farm dwellings appurtenant to a principal cable state siting and permitting requirements agricultural use for the housing of farm owners, pursuant to Chapter 71.09 RCW. Secure commu- operators, or employees, but not accommodations nity transition facilities are not subject to the siting for transient labor. criteria of KCC 15.08.280 for class III group 10.` Accessory dwelling units shall not be homes,but they are subject to a six hundred(600) included in calculating the maximum density. foot separation from any other class II or III group Accessory dwelling units are allowed subject to the home. In no case shall a secure community transi- provisions of KCC 15.08.350. tion facility be sited adjacent to, immediately 11. Customary incidental home occupations across the street or parking lot from, or within the subject to the provisions of KCC 15.08.040. line of sight of risk potential activities or facilities 12. Except for transitional housing,with a max- in existence at the time a site is listed for consider- imum of twenty (20) residents and four (4) staff, ation. Within line of sight means that it is possible which are principally permitted uses. to reasonably visually distinguish and recognize 13. Subject to the combining district require- individuals. For the purposes of granting a condi- ments of the mobile home park code, Chapter tional use permit for siting a secure community 12.05 KCC. transition facility, the hearing examiner shall con- 14. Accessory living quarters are allowed per sider an unobstructed visual distance of six hun- the provisions of KCC 15.08.359. dred(600)feet to be"within line of sight."During 15. Multifamily residential use shall be permit- the conditional use permit process for a secure ted as a conditional use only when included in a community transition facility, "line of sight" may mixed use development. be considered to be less than six hundred(600)feet 16. Recreational vehicle storage is permitted as if the applicant can demonstrate that visual barriers an accessory use in accordance with KCC exist or can be created that would reduce the line of 15.08.080. sight to less than six hundred(600) feet. This dis- (Revised 3/12) 15-36 Kent City Code 15.04.030 Lance shall be measured by following a straight a. The unit shall contain a cooking space and line,without regard to intervening buildings, from sanitary facility in conformance with applicable the nearest point of the property or parcel upon building standards; which the proposed use is to be located,to the near- b. Adequate and clearly defined working est point of the parcel or property or the land use space must constitute no less than fifty(50)percent district boundary line from which the proposed use of the gross floor area of the live-work unit. Said is to be separated. For the purpose of granting a working space shall be reserved for and regularly conditional use permit for a secure community used by one(1)or more persons residing there; transition facility, the hearing examiner shall give c. At least one (1) resident in each live-work great weight to equitable distribution so that the unit shall maintain at all times a valid city business city shall not be subject to a disproportionate share license for a business on the premises; of similar facilities of a state-wide, regional, or d. Persons who do not reside in the live-work county-wide nature. unit may be employed in the live-work unit when 25. A designated manufactured home is a per- the required parking is provided; mitted use with the following conditions: e. Customer and client visits are allowed a. A designated manufactured home must be when the required parking is provided; a new manufactured home; f. No portion of a live-work unit may be sep- b. The designated manufactured home shall arately rented or sold as a commercial space for a be set upon a permanent foundation, as specified person or persons not living on the premises, or as by the manufacturer,and the space from the bottom a residential space for a person or persons not of the home to the ground shall be enclosed by con- working on the premises; crete or an approved concrete product that can be g. The multiple-family design guidelines and either load bearing or decorative; development standards do not apply to live-work c. The designated manufactured home shall units; comply with all city design standards applicable to I Construct all nonresidential space, to the all other single-family homes; maximum allowed, to commercial building stan- d. The designated manufactured home-shall dards; and be thermally equivalent to the State Energy Code; i. Provide an internal connection between the and residential and nonresidential space within each e. The designated manufactured home shall unit. meet all other requirements for a designated manu- (Ord.No.3439, § 2,2-2-99;Ord.No.3440, § 5,2- factured home as defined in RCW 35,63.160. 16-99;Ord.No.3470, § 4,8-17-99;Ord.No.3600, 26. Multifamily dwellings shall be allowed § 3, 5-7-02; Ord. No. 3612, § 3, 8-6-02; Ord. No. only within the Kent downtown districts outlined 3615, § 2, 9-17-02; Ord. No. 3753, § 3, 6-7-05; in the Downtown Strategic Action Plan and shall Ord.No. 3759, § 2, 9-6-05; Ord.No. 3761, § 2, 9- be condominiums recorded pursuant to Chapter 6-05; Ord.No. 3 83 0, § 15, 3-6-07; Ord.No. 4011, 64.32 or 64.34 RCW or similar dwelling units with § 8, 12-13-11) ownership interest and recorded as such prior to approval of a certificate of occupancy by the city. 27. Within subdivisions, as defined by KCC 12.04.025,vested after March 22, 2007, or altered to comply with zoning and subdivision code amendments effective after March 22, 2007, twenty-five(25)percent of the total number of per- mitted dwelling units may be duplex or triplex townhouse structures. 28. Live-work units; provided, that the follow- ing development standards shall apply for live- work units, in addition to those set forth in KCC 15.04.190: 15-37 (Revised 3112)