HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 02/23/2009 (4) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Director PLANNING SERVICES Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager KENT W ASH I N G T 0 N Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 AGENDA LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD HEARING FEBRUARY 23, 2009 7:00 P.M. LUPB MEMBERS: CITY STAFF Jon Johnson, Chair Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Mgr Dana Ralph, Vice Chair Mike Gillespie, Dev. Manager, Engr Steve Dowell Kim Adams Pratt, Asst City Attorney Alan Gray Molly Bartlemay, Admin Secretary Aleanna Kondelis Jack Ottini Barbara Phillips This is to notify you that the Land Use and Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2009 in Kent City Hall, City Council Chambers East and West, 220 41h Avenue South, Kent at 7:00 P.M. The public is welcome to attend the public hearing and all interested persons may have an opportunity to speak. Any person wishing to submit oral or written comments on this proposed amendment may do so prior to or at the meeting. The agenda will include the following item(s): 1. Call to order 2. Roll call 3. Approval of Minutes from the January 12, 2009 Hearing 4. Added Items to Agenda 5. Communications 6. Notice of Upcoming Meetings 7. PUBLIC HEARING: 1. ZCA-2008-3 Design and Construction Standards (Mike Gillespie) Consideration of revisions to Design and Construction Standards. An Environmental checklist associated with this update has been prepared pursuant to the Washington State Policy Act (SEPA). The City issued a Determination of Non Significance (DNS) on February 10, 2009. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City in advance for more information. For TDD relay service for Braille, call 1-800-833-6385, for TDD relay service for the hearing impaired, call 1-800-833-6388 or call the City of Kent Planning Services directly at (253) 856-5499 (TDD). For further information or copies of the environmental documents, staff report or text of the proposed amendment contact the Planning Services office at(253) 856-5454. You may access the City's website for documents pertaining to the Land Use and Planning Board at: htt,o://www.ci.kent.wa.usll.)Ianninc7llanduseolanninc7board. S:\Permit\Plan\LU PB\2009\AGEN DAS\022309_LUPBHrg_Agda.docx This page intentionally left blank. 1 LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES JANUARY 12, 2009 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT/ABSENT: Chair Jon Johnson, Vice Chair Dana Ralph, Barbara Phillips Absent/Excused, Steve Dowell, Alan Gray, Aleanna Kondelis, Jack Ottini STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Charlene Anderson, Beth Tan, Mike Mactutis, Pamela Mottram APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Ottini MOVED and Dowell SECONDED a motion to APPROVE the November 24, 2008 Minutes. Motion PASSED 6-0. Added Items, Communications, Notice of Upcoming Meetings None ZCA-2008-2 Flood Hazard Regulations KCC Section 14.09 Environmental Engineer Beth Tan stated that staff is pursuing changes to the City's Flood Plain Regulations as the result of a meeting with a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) representative who found language lacking within the Kent City Code, 14.09. Tan stated that updating Kent City Code (KCC) Section 14.09 at this time, will allow the City to enter into a "Community Rating Systems Program", and enable the City to obtain a discount for home and property owners located within Kent's Flood Plain area. She stated that since the time of the 1995 map, FEMA has drafted a preliminary digital flood insurance rate map which expands the flood plain boundaries within Kent. Tan reported on proposed amendments to specific sections of KCC 14.09; citing changes to Section 14.09.060 which establishes special flood hazard areas. Tan cited changes to Section 14.09.150 which designates the local administrator and the floodways (referenced under Section 14.09.180). Tan cited Section 14.09.170, explaining why staff recommends that residential structures be built a minimum of two (2) feet above the base flood elevation. She stated that if Kent receives a discounted insurance rate, the cost to raise a residential structural one extra foot would be paid for within three years due to the insurance discount the residents receive. Tan stated that Section 14.09.175 Compensatory Storage has been deleted from the City's Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) and incorporated into KCC as a new section that will aid in regimenting and funneling the administrative variance process through the Hearing Examiner. Tan stated that staff is using a 1995 flood map along with a preliminary map that FEMA has developed under Kent's current city code. She stated that Kent has filed Land Use and Planning Board Minutes January 12, 2009 Page 1 of 3 2 an appeal map along with other jurisdictions in the County. She stated that staff recommends incorporating the definitions "best available data" and "or any revision thereto" within the flood hazard regulations to avoid the need to pursue code revisions at a later time after the appeal process has ended and FEMA has released their final version of the map. Tan spoke about the 1995 Flood Insurance Rate Map, and the 2007 Preliminary Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (FEMA's original proposal for Kent's flood plain) covering the area from valley wall to valley wall. Tan described how Kent appealed FEMA's 2007 Flood Insurance Rate Map through a complex engineering process. She stated that a larger extent of Kent would be located within the flood plain. Tan displayed aerial photos of several areas of flooding in Kent taken by staff on January 9. Tan stated that after tonight's hearing, staff would like to take this issue to the January Public Works Committee meeting and to City Council for approval in February. Tan stated that these changes must be implemented in February in order for Kent to receive approval for its CRS application and 20 percent discount in October 2009. If this deadline is not met, staff will look at completing the application in April 2010. In response to Ottini, Tan stated that structures must be built to the standards of whatever flood insurance rate map is current at the time of construction, and would not affect those structures insurance rates in the future, were the map updated with more restrictions, as those structures would be governed under the older map. Tan stated that people are not restricted to a two-foot height minimum and expressed that it is her understanding that there are some Federal Programs that provide grant monies for those people residing in a flood plain who wish to pursue raising their home's elevation. Chair Johnson declared the Public Hearing open. Elizabeth Albertson, 304 Summit Ave N, Kent, WA 98030 stated that she resides half-way up the hill between James and Smith and serves on Kent's City Council. She stated that she is interested in knowing where Kent is going to establish their flood hazard plain area, as she experienced flooding in her home following the heavy rain storm and feels that the flood plain should be bigger than just telling people they must build their structures higher. Ottini opined that Albertson's flooding might be the result of rain water runoff conducted through a clay bank that runs through the hill. He stated that Kent would not be able to acquire insurance if flood plain boundaries were drawn 30 feet up the hill. Seeing no further speakers, Ottini Moved and Gray Seconded a Motion to close the Public Hearing. Motion CARRIED. Land Use and Planning Board Minutes January 12, 2009 Page 2 of 3 3 Ottini Moved to adopt ZCA-2008-2 Flood Hazard Regulations as proposed by staff along with amendments to add and delete specific language as presented at the meeting of January 12, 2009. Ralph seconded the Motion. Motion CARRIED 6-0. ADJOURNMENT Ottini Moved and Dowell Seconded a Motion to adjourn. Motion CARRIED. Johnson adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m. Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager Secretary of the Board S:\Permit\PI an\LUPB\2009\MINUTES\011209_LUPB_Mi nFi naI.doc Land Use and Planning Board Minutes January 12, 2009 Page 3 of 3 4 This page intentionally left blank. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 5 Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Director PLANNING SERVICES Charlene Anderson, AICP, Manager KENT WASH INGTON Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 February 17, 2009 TO: Chair Jon Johnson and Land Use and Planning Board Members FROM: Mike Gillespie, Development Engineering Manager RE: Design and Construction Standards (ZCA-2008- 3) For the February 23, 2009 LUPB Public Hearing BACKGROUND: On February 9, 2009 Public Works Development Engineering discussed with the Land Use & Planning Board proposed changes to the City's Design and Construction Standards. The Standards have not been comprehensively updated since 1993, with the exception of minor modifications as approved by the Public Works Director. Over the past two years, staff has worked to complete a thorough review and update of the standards and details, and has finalized a complete draft of the standards. SUMMARY: The Design and Construction Standards are utilized by both City staff and private design professionals when designing projects for construction in the City of Kent. They provide the accepted processes and methods to be used for public and private infrastructure. Over the past two years, staff has worked to revise the previous standards and details. A preliminary draft was made available to internal staff in November 2007, where 1200+ comments were received. Staff incorporated those comments into the draft, and did additional research into new techniques. A second draft was released in October 2008 with two focus groups held for members of the development community and design professionals, and an internal staff focus group. We have considered all comments and finalized a complete draft of the standards. We are presenting the final draft to the Land Use and Planning Board on February 23rd for the Public Hearing before the Board. Staff will be available at the Hearing to further discuss this issue. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the Design and Construction Standards. CAIMGIpm S:vPermityPlanvZONECODEAMENDv2008vZCA-2008-3 Coost&DesigoStdsv022309LUPBHrgMemo.doc Attach: Draft Design &Construction Standards, Decision Document and DNS cc: Fred Satterstrom, Community Development Director Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director Charlene Anderson, Planning Manager Project File: ZCA-2008-3 6 This page intentionally left blank. 11 • • - zf xv x s s t S NAi r��1� - n .I Y �a p p, ^II � tv •��®m,®� �® •�t 5 taC� r C4�, .Ego- e. K 8 This page intentionally left blank. 9 Table of Contents Policyand Purpose.............................................................................................. P-1 1.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS......................................... 1-1 1.1 General.................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Applicability.............................................................................................. 1-1 1.3 Severability .............................................................................................. 1-1 1.4 Changes to this Manual .............................................................................. 1-1 1.5 Responsibility to Provide Street Improvements .............................................. 1-2 1.5.A Land Development Impacts ............................................................... 1-2 1.5.13 Land Development Abutting Existing Streets ........................................ 1-2 1.5.0 Land Development Containing Internal Streets..................................... 1-2 1.6 References ............................................................................................... 1-2 1.6.A General References .......................................................................... 1-2 1.6.13 Primary Design and Construction References........................................ 1-3 1.6.0 Other Specifications and Guidelines .................................................... 1-4 1.7 Engineering Plans Submittal Requirements.................................................... 1-5 1.7.A General Plan Requirements ............................................................... 1-5 1.7.13 Requirements in All Plans.................................................................. 1-6 1.7.0 Exemptions from Engineering Plan Requirements.................................. 1-9 1.8 Errors and Omissions ............................................................................... 1-10 1.9 Consequences of Failure to Comply with Standards ...................................... 1-10 1.10 Transfer of Ownership of Real Property....................................................... 1-10 1.11 Transfer of Ownership of Improvements ..................................................... 1-10 1.12 Financial Guarantees................................................................................ 1-11 1.12.A Plat Guarantees ............................................................................ 1-11 1.12.13 Performance Guarantees for Work in Right-of-Way............................. 1-11 1.12.0 Maintenance Guarantees ................................................................ 1-11 1.12.D Site Restoration Guarantees ........................................................... 1-12 1.12.E Reduction/Release of Financial Guarantees ....................................... 1-12 1.13 Responsibility of Developer....................................................................... 1-12 1.14 Revisions or Additions after Approvals ........................................................ 1-12 1.15 Control of Work....................................................................................... 1-13 1.15.A Authority of Engineer..................................................................... 1-13 i 10 Table of Contents 1.15.B Authority and Duties of Inspectors .................................................. 1-13 1.15.0 Inspector Overtime ....................................................................... 1-14 1.15.D Cooperation by Developer............................................................... 1-14 1.15.E Conformity with Engineering Plans................................................... 1-14 1.15.G Removal of Defective or Unauthorized Work...................................... 1-15 1.15.H Protection of Public and Private Utilities ............................................ 1-15 1.15.I Damage to Public and Private Property and Persons ............................ 1-15 1.15.J Maintenance Period and Final Inspection of all Public Improvements.... 1-16 1.15.K Final Acceptance of Public Improvements.......................................... 1-16 1.15.L Maintenance of Facilities after Acceptance......................................... 1-17 1.16 Latecomers Agreements........................................................................... 1-17 1.17 Design Deviations.................................................................................... 1-17 1.17.A Minimum Criteria for Deviations....................................................... 1-18 1.17.B Application for Deviation................................................................. 1-18 1.18 Definitions and Abbreviations .................................................................... 1-18 2.0 CONSTRUCTION CONTROL AND INSPECTION.......................................... 2-1 2.1 Basis for Control of the Work ...................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Inspection ................................................................................................ 2-1 2.2.A Minimum Requirements .................................................................... 2-2 2.2.B Penalties for Failure to Notify and Obtain Approval................................ 2-3 2.3 Control of Materials ................................................................................... 2-3 2.3.A Source of Supply and Quality of Materials............................................ 2-3 2.3.B Samples and Tests ........................................................................... 2-4 2.3.0 Storage of Materials ......................................................................... 2-4 2.3.D Defective Materials........................................................................... 2-5 2.3.E Temporary Stockpiling ...................................................................... 2-5 2.4 Construction Control in Developments .......................................................... 2-6 2.4.A Embankment and Cut Section Compaction........................................... 2-6 2.4.B Testing for In-Place Density and Moisture Content ................................ 2-6 2.4.0 Unsuitable Foundation Excavation ...................................................... 2-7 2.5 Subgrade ................................................................................................. 2-7 ii 11 Table of Contents 2.6 Traffic Control in Development Construction .................................................. 2-8 2.6.A Interim Traffic Control ...................................................................... 2-8 2.6.B Temporary Street Closures and Detours .............................................. 2-8 2.6.0 Haul Routes .................................................................................... 2-9 2.6.D Haul Route Agreement...................................................................... 2-9 2.7 City Forces and City Contract Street Inspection ............................................. 2-9 2.8 Call Before You Dig.................................................................................... 2-9 2.9 Utility Certification..................................................................................... 2-9 3.0 STANDARDS FOR WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS................................. 3-1 3.1 Easements and Rights-of-Way..................................................................... 3-1 3.1.A Easement Requirements ................................................................... 3-1 3.1.B Right-of-way ................................................................................... 3-2 3.2 Standard Specifications .............................................................................. 3-2 3.3 Watermain Extension Design Requirements................................................... 3-2 3.4 Comprehensive Water System Plan .............................................................. 3-2 3.5 Mainline Water Extensions .......................................................................... 3-3 3.6 Water System Design Standards.................................................................. 3-3 3.6.A Improvements and/or Alterations....................................................... 3-3 3.6.B Watermain Locations ........................................................................ 3-4 3.6.0 Water Valves................................................................................... 3-5 3.6.D Combination Air/Vacuum Release Valves ............................................. 3-5 3.6.E Blowoffs ......................................................................................... 3-6 3.6.F Fire Hydrants .................................................................................. 3-6 3.6.G Access Roads .................................................................................. 3-7 3.6.H Casings .......................................................................................... 3-7 3.7 Deletion of Mains, Stubs, Valves and Water Services ...................................... 3-8 3.7.A Watermains and Appurtenances ......................................................... 3-8 3.7.B Stubs, Stub Valves and Appurtenances ............................................... 3-8 3.7.0 Gate Valves..................................................................................... 3-8 3.7.D Water Services Deletion .................................................................... 3-8 3.8 Private Fire Systems .................................................................................. 3-9 iii 12 Table of Contents 3.8.A Double Check Detector Assemblies (DCDA).......................................... 3-9 3.8.B Reduced Pressure Detector Assembly (RPDA)....................................... 3-9 3.8.0 Double Check Valve Assembly (DCVA) ................................................ 3-9 3.8.D Installation Requirements ................................................................. 3-9 3.8.E System Upgrade ............................................................................ 3-10 3.9 Domestic Water Service ........................................................................... 3-10 3.10 Water Meters.......................................................................................... 3-10 3.10.A Service Installation ....................................................................... 3-10 3.10.B Meter and Meter Box Location ........................................................ 3-11 3.10.0 Meter Box.................................................................................... 3-12 3.10.D Irrigation Box ............................................................................... 3-12 3.10.E Premise Isolation........................................................................... 3-13 3.10.F Meter Setter................................................................................. 3-13 3.11 Water Service Laterals ............................................................................. 3-14 3.11.A Depth .......................................................................................... 3-14 3.11B Material ....................................................................................... 3-14 3.11.0 Locator Wire................................................................................. 3-14 3.11.D Service Saddles ............................................................................ 3-14 3.11.E Corporation Stops ......................................................................... 3-14 3.11.F Connections.................................................................................. 3-15 3.11.G Water Meter Installation ................................................................. 3-15 3.11.1-1 Water Use .................................................................................... 3-15 3.11.I Service Markings........................................................................... 3-15 3.12 Three (3) inch and Larger Compound Meters............................................... 3-15 3.13 Water Use Only or Deduct Meters .............................................................. 3-15 3.14 Sewer Rate Meters .................................................................................. 3-16 3.14.A All Sources Discharged Metering ..................................................... 3-16 3.14.B Partial Sources Discharged Metering ................................................ 3-16 3.15 Cross Connections ................................................................................... 3-17 3.17 Premise Isolation..................................................................................... 3-18 3.18 Irrigation System .................................................................................... 3-18 3.19 Watermain Materials................................................................................ 3-18 iv 13 Table of Contents 3.19.A Watermains and Fittings ................................................................ 3-18 3.19.B Water Valves ............................................................................... 3-19 3.19.0 Valve Box .................................................................................... 3-19 3.19.D Fire Hydrant Assemblies ................................................................ 3-19 3.20 Watermain Installation ............................................................................. 3-20 3.20.A Pipe Bedding and Foundation Material.............................................. 3-20 3.20.B Pipeline Cover (Backfill) ................................................................. 3-21 3.20.C. Blocking...................................................................................... 3-21 3.20.D Corrosive Soils ............................................................................. 3-22 3.21 Connection to an Existing Water Main......................................................... 3-22 3.22 Cubing................................................................................................... 3-22 3.22.A Cube Usage.................................................................................. 3-22 3.23 Chlorine Injection .................................................................................... 3-23 3.24 Bacteriological Purity Samples................................................................... 3-24 3.25 Pressure and Leakage Tests...................................................................... 3-25 3.26 Final Connection(s) to the Existing Water Main ............................................ 3-25 3.27 Water System Standard Plans ................................................................... 3-26 4.0 STANDARDS FOR SANITARY SEWER SYSTEMS ........................................ 4-1 4.1 Easements and Rights-of-Way..................................................................... 4-1 4.1.A Easement Requirements ................................................................... 4-1 4.1.B Right-of-Way................................................................................... 4-2 4.2 Plan Approval and Permits .......................................................................... 4-2 4.3 Sanitary Sewer System Design Requirements................................................ 4-2 4.3.A General .......................................................................................... 4-2 4.3.B Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan ................................................... 4-2 4.3.0 Service Area Considerations .............................................................. 4-3 4.3.D Extent of Sanitary Sewer Improvements ............................................. 4-3 4.4 Design Standards ...................................................................................... 4-3 4.4.A Diameter ........................................................................................ 4-3 4.4.B Velocity and slope............................................................................ 4-3 4.4.0 Alignment and Grade........................................................................ 4-4 v 14 Table of Contents 4.4.D Depth............................................................................................. 4-4 4.4.E Location ......................................................................................... 4-4 4.4.F Access Roads .................................................................................. 4-4 4.4.G Garbage areas, enclosures and car washes .......................................... 4-5 4.4.H. Casings .......................................................................................... 4-5 4.5 Sanitary Sewer Manholes ........................................................................... 4-5 4.5.A Locations ........................................................................................ 4-5 4.5.B Diameter ........................................................................................ 4-6 4.5.0 Cones............................................................................................. 4-6 4.5.D Drop Connections............................................................................. 4-6 4.5.E Channels ........................................................................................ 4-6 4.5.F Downstream Invert .......................................................................... 4-6 4.5.G Soil Pressure ................................................................................... 4-6 4.5.H Street Grade ................................................................................... 4-7 4.5.I Locking Rings .................................................................................. 4-7 4.5.J Corrosion Protection ......................................................................... 4-7 4.6 Private Side Sewer Systems........................................................................ 4-7 4.6.A Sewer Permit .................................................................................. 4-7 4.6.B Side Sewer Design Standards ............................................................ 4-8 4.6.0 Connections .................................................................................... 4-9 4.6.D Grinder Pumps ................................................................................ 4-9 4.6.E Connection to City Sewer System ..................................................... 4-10 4.6.F Waste Discharge Approval............................................................... 4-10 4.6.G Inspection Before Trenches are Filled ................................................ 4-11 4.6.H Excavation in Streets to be Protected................................................ 4-11 4.7 Sanitary Sewer System Materials............................................................... 4-11 4.7.A Standards..................................................................................... 4-11 4.7.B Gravity Sewer Pipe......................................................................... 4-11 4.7.0 Fittings......................................................................................... 4-11 4.7.D Manholes and Covers...................................................................... 4-12 4.7.E Pipe Bedding ................................................................................. 4-12 4.7.F Backfill ......................................................................................... 4-12 vi 15 Table of Contents 4.8 Sanitary Sewer System Installation............................................................ 4-13 4.8.A Connection to Existing Sewer System ............................................... 4-13 4.8.B Cleaning ....................................................................................... 4-13 4.8.0 Pressure and Leakage Tests ............................................................ 4-13 4.8.D Television Inspection ...................................................................... 4-13 4.8.E Vacuum Testing Sanitary Sewer Manholes ......................................... 4-14 4.9 Sewage Pump Stations............................................................................. 4-15 4.9.A General ........................................................................................ 4-15 4.9.B Design Requirements...................................................................... 4-15 4.10 Sanitary Sewer System Standard Plans ...................................................... 4-16 5.0 STANDARDS FOR STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS........................................ 5-1 5.1 General.................................................................................................... 5-1 5.1.A Design Standards............................................................................. 5-1 5.1.B Specifications .................................................................................. 5-1 5.1.0 Conflicts ......................................................................................... 5-1 5.2 Easements and Rights-of-Way..................................................................... 5-1 5.3 Storm Water System and Culverts ............................................................... 5-1 5.3.A Pipe Bedding ................................................................................... 5-1 5.3.B Access Roads .................................................................................. 5-2 5.3.0 Casings: ......................................................................................... 5-2 5.4 Catch Basin Locations and Junctions ............................................................ 5-2 5.4.A Catch Basins ................................................................................... 5-2 5.4.B Connections to Pipe Systems ............................................................. 5-2 5.4.0 Manholes in Lieu of Catch Basins........................................................ 5-3 5.4.D Control Structure Placement.............................................................. 5-3 5.4.E Roof and Yard Drains........................................................................ 5-3 5.5 Frames, Grates, and Covers........................................................................ 5-3 5.5.A Metal Castings for Drainage Structures................................................ 5-3 5.5.B Porosity in Metal Castings for Drainage Structures ................................ 5-3 5.5.0 Casting for Manhole Rings ................................................................. 5-3 5.5.D Manhole Rings and Covers Identification.............................................. 5-3 vii 16 Table of Contents 5.5.E Metal Frame Castings for Catch Basins and Inlets ................................. 5-3 5.5.F Metal Grates & Covers for Catch Basins and Inlets ................................ 5-4 5.5.G Grate and Cover Seating ................................................................... 5-4 5.5.H Vaned Grates .................................................................................. 5-4 5.5.I Rolled Curbs.................................................................................... 5-4 5.5.J Runoff Collection in Catch Basins........................................................ 5-4 5.5.K Locking Drain Covers and Grates........................................................ 5-4 5.6 Television Inspection ................................................................................. 5-4 5.7 Erosion Control ......................................................................................... 5-5 5.8 Low Impact Development Technologies ........................................................ 5-5 5.9 Storm Drain System Standard Plans............................................................. 5-7 6.0 STANDARDS FOR STREETS...................................................................... 6-1 6.1 Rights-of-Way and Easements..................................................................... 6-1 6.2 Street Types and Geometrics ...................................................................... 6-1 6.2.A Arterial Streets ................................................................................ 6-2 6.2.B Local Streets ................................................................................... 6-2 6.2.0 Alleys............................................................................................. 6-3 6.2.D Private Streets................................................................................. 6-3 6.2.E Public Half Streets............................................................................ 6-4 6.2.F Cul-de-sacs, Islands, and Hammerheads ............................................. 6-5 6.3 Street Improvements................................................................................. 6-7 6.3.A Minimum Public Street Improvements................................................. 6-7 6.4 Street Design Standards............................................................................. 6-8 6.4.A Street Design Summary.................................................................... 6-8 6.4.B Downtown Overlay District ................................................................ 6-9 6.4.0 Downtown Overlay Design Standards.................................................. 6-9 6.4.D Access Management Standard ......................................................... 6-10 6.4.E Traffic Calming .............................................................................. 6-13 6.5 Driveways, Sidewalks and Non-Motorized Lanes or Trails .............................. 6-14 6.5.A Driveways..................................................................................... 6-14 6.5.B Sidewalks ..................................................................................... 6-15 6.5.0 Non-Motorized Lanes or Trails.......................................................... 6-16 viii 17 Table of Contents 6.6 Intersection Design Policies....................................................................... 6-17 6.6.A Intersections Design....................................................................... 6-17 6.6.B Intersections Spacing ..................................................................... 6-17 6.6.0 On Sloping Approaches ................................................................... 6-17 6.6.D Roundabout Intersections................................................................ 6-18 6.6.E Low Speed Curves.......................................................................... 6-18 6.6.F Offset and Skew Intersections ......................................................... 6-18 6.6.G Intersections Within a Horizontal Curve Alignment.............................. 6-18 6.6.H Intersection Pedestrian and ADA Compliant Access ............................. 6-18 6.6.I. Intersection Turn Lane Vehicular Storage .......................................... 6-19 6.6.J Intersection Drainage ..................................................................... 6-19 6.6.K Intersection Right-of-Way Requirement............................................. 6-19 6.6.M Intersection Channelization ............................................................. 6-19 6.6.N Traffic Signal Equipment ................................................................. 6-20 6.6.0 Railroad Crossings for New Construction............................................ 6-20 6.6.P Intersection Geometric Design ......................................................... 6-21 6.6.Q Vehicle Maneuvering Diagrams ........................................................ 6-21 6.7 Bridge Cross Section................................................................................ 6-22 6.8 Street Median Channelization .................................................................... 6-22 6.9 Cul-de-sac/ Hammerhead Standards.......................................................... 6-23 6.10 Fire Access Streets .................................................................................. 6-24 6.11 Roadside Appurtenances .......................................................................... 6-24 6.11.A Mailboxes .................................................................................... 6-24 6.11.B Fencing ....................................................................................... 6-25 6.11.0 Structural Retaining Walls and Rock Facings ..................................... 6-25 6.11.D Guardrail ..................................................................................... 6-26 6.11.E. Bus Stops.................................................................................... 6-26 6.11.F Conduit for Future City Use............................................................. 6-26 6.12 Traffic Control Devices ............................................................................. 6-27 6.12.A Traffic Signs................................................................................. 6-27 6.12.B Pavement Markings....................................................................... 6-27 6.12.0 Construction Area Traffic Control..................................................... 6-27 ix 18 Table of Contents 6.12.D Traffic Signal Systems................................................................... 6-28 6.13 Landscape Requirements on Public Right-of-way.......................................... 6-28 6.13.A Landscaping Standards .................................................................. 6-28 6.13.13 Landscaping Maintenance Requirements .......................................... 6-29 6.14 Street Illumination System ....................................................................... 6-30 6.14.A Street Lighting Criteria and Guidelines............................................. 6-30 6.14.13 Street Light Luminaires ................................................................. 6-31 6.14.0 Street Light Standards .................................................................. 6-32 6.14.D Street Light calculations ................................................................ 6-33 6.15 Street Light Criteria ................................................................................. 6-33 6.16 Pavement Design and Construction ............................................................ 6-36 6.16.A Pavement Design.......................................................................... 6-37 6.16.13 Pavement Construction.................................................................. 6-38 6.16.0 Materials Certifications and Compaction Tests................................... 6-38 6.17 All Utilities Within City Right-of-Way .......................................................... 6-38 6.17.A Standard Utility Locations Within the Right-of-Way............................ 6-39 6.17.13 Utility Underground Installations..................................................... 6-42 6.17.0 Final Adjustment of Utility Facilities ................................................. 6-45 6.18 Final Cleanup.......................................................................................... 6-45 6.18.A Streets........................................................................................ 6-45 6.18.13 Disturbed Soils............................................................................. 6-45 6.18.0 Ditch Lines .................................................................................. 6-46 6.18.D Downstream Drainage................................................................... 6-46 6.18.E Temporary Control Materials and Fencing ......................................... 6-46 6.19 Roadway Design Standards....................................................................... 6-46 6.20 Street System Standard Plans................................................................... 6-51 AppendixA: Tree List......................................................................................A-1 Appendix B: Sample Forms ............................................................................. B-1 Appendix C: Real Estate Documents................................................................ C-1 Appendix D: Engineer Cost Estimate Forms.....................................................D-1 x 19 POLICY AND PURPOSE The City of Kent has adopted these Design and Construction Standards (Standards) for two primary reasons: 1. To the extent practicable, to set forth the minimum requirements for specific and consistent requirements for construction of and improvements to public and private streets, water utilities, sewer utilities, and storm water utilities, placement and operation of any utilities in rights-of-way and all excavation and grading in the City. These Standards include procedures for inspection, acceptance, warranty and deviations. 2. To establish uniform criteria to guide the City's own design, construction and improvement of City streets and utilities. These Standards are crafted to enable the City to achieve goals for neighborhood and transportation connectivity transportation safety, affordable housing, storm water management, environmental protection, and cultural resource enhancement in balance with sound and efficient Development. With respect to transportation, the City requires consistent Standards to assure, so far as practical, that motoring, bicycling, transit, and pedestrian public safety needs are met in compliance with requirements for safety, convenience, aesthetics, surface water drainage, economical maintenance, and cultural and environmental resource protection. Because the City must have flexibility to carry out its paramount duty to provide for the diverse and changing needs of the traveling public, these Standards are not intended to represent the legal standard by which the City's duty to the traveling public is to be measured. These Standards cannot provide in detail for all situations. They are intended to guide, but not to substitute for, competent work by licensed professional surveyors, architects and engineers. The City recognizes that these professionals must use their best judgment and skill in design and construction decisions, and must consider many factors including, but not limited to, environmental constraints, existing geometry and sub-surface conditions. For its own projects, he City faces the additional factor of limited economic resources which are constrained by limits upon taxing authority. These Standards are not intended to be so inflexible as to limit the economies of lower impact development alternatives or other innovative or creative designs that could result in equivalent or improved safety, quality, and maintainability. At the same time, environmental conditions may require more limiting design parameters than would be otherwise required by these Standards. Any proposed deviation from the Standards will be evaluated as to the likelihood that such deviation will produce a compensating or comparable result as would the application of the original standard under typical conditions and be, in every way, safe and adequate for the public. The final decision on any proposed deviations will be made by the Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer or his or her designee (hereinafter"Engineer"). This document does not require that existing facilities not subject to any public or private Development be rebuilt to comply with these Standards, but the Engineer reserves the right to require upgrades in any particular circumstances where warranted and as required by applicable law. P-1 20 This page intentionally left blank. P-2 21 1.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS 1.1 General These Standards are the general conditions and requirements for all improvements to or extensions of the City of Kent's street, storm drainage and utility systems. The conditions as stated herein, and in the City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual, apply to all improvements made by public agencies, Utilities, and private Developers. Please note the following conventions. As a rule, capitalized nouns will be defined in Section 1.18, Definitions and Abbreviations. For the sake of efficiency, the term "Developer" means any person or entity designated or named in writing by the property or easement owner to be the Applicant, or a public agency or Utility which owns a Right-of-Way or Easement in a permit application or approval for a development proposal or capital improvement project. Developer also includes a Permit Applicant, one who has already been granted a Permit, and the City itself for those situations where City construction activities are subject to approval under the particular Standard. While the City will be guided by the Standards as noted herein, the City does not grant or require permits or Financial Guarantees for its own Work. 1.2 Applicability These Standards shall apply to all newly constructed street, utility, and right-of-way facilities and improvements, public and private, within the City of Kent. The Standards apply to modifications of street features or existing facilities which are within the scope of reconstruction, widening or narrowing, required off-site street improvements for land Developments, or capital improvement projects when so required by the City, or to the extent they are expressly referred to in the Kent Comprehensive Plan and associated subarea plans. The Standards shall apply to every new placement and every planned, non- emergency replacement of existing utility poles, underground facilities, and other utility system structures within the City Right-of-Way. Every effort shall be made to meet the Standards during emergency replacements. 1.3 Severability If any part of these Standards as adopted by ordinance shall be found invalid, all other parts shall remain in effect. 1.4 Changes to this Manual The Engineer may incorporate minor changes to these Standards as they become necessary. Major, substantive changes shall include an opportunity for public review and comments and adoption by ordinance. 1-1 22 1.5 Responsibility to Provide Street Improvements Developers for Projects meeting one or more of the thresholds listed below shall construct street improvements, including pedestrian and bicycle facilities, in accordance with these Standards: 1.5.A Land Development Impacts Any land Development, which will impact the service level, safety, or operational efficiency of any City streets serving such land Development or is required by other City code or ordinance to improve such streets. Off-site street improvements shall be based on an assessment of the impacts of the proposed land Development by the Engineer. 1.5.13 Land Development Abutting Existing Streets Any land Development abutting existing public streets. The extent of improvements shall be based on an assessment of the impacts of the proposed land Development by the Engineer. 1.5.0 Land Development Containing Internal Streets Any land Development that contains internal streets. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the internal streets shall be constructed in compliance with these Standards. 1.6 References All references herein shall be to the editions or versions in effect at the time a complete application for the required Permit is accepted by the City, unless a Developer is otherwise vested by applicable law. 1.6.A General References The Standards are intended to be consistent with the following Codes, Plans, Programs, Manuals, Guidelines, Laws and regulations. 1. Kent City Code, as amended, including: a. Title 6: Public Works b. Title 7: Utilities c. Title 8: Health and Sanitation d. Title 11: Environmental Management e. Title 12: Planning and Land Development f. Title 13: Fire Prevention and Protection g. Title 14: Buildings and Construction h. Title 15: Zoning 2. City of Kent Comprehensive Plan 3. City of Kent Subarea Plans. 1-2 23 4. The State Shoreline Management Act and regulations adopted thereunder, RCW 90.58 and WAC 173-26 5. City of Kent Shoreline Management Master Program, KCC 11.04 6. City of Kent Capital Improvement Program 7. City of Kent Transportation Improvement Plan 8. City of Kent Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan 9. City of Kent Comprehensive Water Plan 10. City of Kent Storm Water Master Plan 11. City of Kent Transportation Master Plan 12. City of Kent Non-Motorized Transportation Plan 13. International Building and Fire Codes 14. King County Flood Hazard Management Plan 15. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and rules adopted thereunder. 16. City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual 17. City of Kent Downtown Design Review Guidelines 1.6.13 Primary Design and Construction References Except where these Standards provide otherwise, the design detail, construction workmanship, and materials shall comply with the editions or versions of the following publications, as amended by the City of Kent. 1. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, as amended by the City of Kent. These will be referred to as the "WSDOT Standard Specifications." 2. The WSDOT Standard Plans for Road and Bridge Construction, to be referred to as the "WSDOT Standard Plans." 3. WSDOT Design Manual 4. City and County Design Standards for the Construction of Urban and Rural Arterial and Collector Roads, adopted in accordance with RCW 35.78.030 and RCW 43.32.020. 5. Washington State Department of Health, Water System Design Manual. 6. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Cross Connection Control Manual 7. United States Federal Highway Administration, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as adopted and supplemented by the State of Washington (MUTCD). 8. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Local Programs Environmental Classification Summary Guidebook. 1-3 24 1.6.0 Other Specifications and Guidelines The following specifications and guidelines shall be applicable when specifically cited in these Standards, when required as a Development condition, and/or when required by state or federal funding authority. 1. WSDOT, Local Agency Guidelines. (LAG). 2. WSDOT, Guidelines for Urban Arterial Program 3. Design criteria adopted by federal agencies, including, but not limited to, the United States Federal Housing Administration (FHA), United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), United States Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) 4. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, as adopted and supplemented by the State of Washington. 5. AASHTO, Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 6. AASHTO, Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, 7. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), applicable standards and specifications as determined by the Engineer. 8. Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle (METRO) Transportation Facility Design Guidelines. 9. FHWA, Roundabouts: An Informational Guide 10. AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals 11. Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act 49 U.S.C. 470 and 36 CFR 800 12. Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966, 49 U.S.C. 303 13. Washington State High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Policy 14. FHWA Guidance on HOV Lanes 15. Washington State Department of Ecology, Criteria for Sewage Works 16. American Water Works Association, American Water Works Standards 17. WSDOT, Understanding Flexibility in Transportation Design- Washington. 18. Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Context Sensitive Solutions in Designing Major Urban Thoroughfares for Walkable Communities 19. Illuminating Engineers Society of North America (IESNA), RP-8-00 Roadway Lighting 1-4 25 1.7 Engineering Plans Submittal Requirements Engineering Plans for all public and private Projects shall be prepared and submitted through the City of Kent Permit Center as part of a Civil Construction Permit Application or other applicable permit. The anticipated order of events is: submittal of Engineering Plans and Permit Application(s); Acceptance of Engineering Plans as Complete; Approval of Engineering Plans; submittal of associated documents such as Financial Guarantees and Certificate of Insurance; and issuance of Permit(s). Projects may be constructed in phases provided that all public and private infrastructure needed to serve the phase being accepted has met the conditions of these Standards. At a minimum, the Engineering Plans shall meet the following requirements: 1.7.A General Plan Requirements 1. A Professional Engineer licensed and in good standing with the State of Washington shall prepare the Engineering Plans. The Engineering Plans must be signed and stamped by the responsible Professional Engineer or clearly marked "PRELIMINARY" per RCW 18.43 prior to submittal to the City. 2. The Engineering Plans' title block shall be located in the lower right corner or along the right margin of the drawing and include the Project name, Permit number and name, Developer's name, and the name, address, seal, date and signature of the responsible Professional Engineer. The Permit number and Project information must be in the lower right hand corner. The cover sheet and all Engineering Plan sheets shall include the same general title block including consecutive sheet numbers. The vicinity map and legend of symbols shall also be included on the cover sheet. 3. The Engineering Plan sheets shall be 22"x 34" in size on good quality white paper and in reproducible black ink. Engineer scale and scale bar shall be required with horizontal 1 '= 20' and vertical 1"= 5' for the street frontage/public improvements. Site work plans may use an engineering scale of 1"=50' for horizontal and 1"=5" for vertical. Channelization Plans for Intersections shall be provided at a 1"= 20' scale. Blue lines/blueprints will not be accepted. 4. All final Engineering Plans submitted to the City shall be ink on Mylar drawings and shall be clear, legible, contain a north arrow, and be drawn to scale. Electronic copies of the final Engineering Plans shall be provided in the version of AutoCAD currently in use by the City at the time of the submittal. Where modifications to existing streets and utilities are to be constructed, existing features shall be "screened or ghost lined". New construction and/or improvements shall be indicated with heavy bold lines using APWA standard CAD symbols and layers. Final real property documents shall be submitted in hard copy and an electronic copy which is non-alterable. 1-5 26 5. The Engineering Plans must include existing and proposed survey monuments. The street centerline, easements, and other pertinent data shall be referenced to existing monuments. 6. When applicable, the Engineering Plans shall incorporate the engineering plan requirements of the Kent Surface Water Design Manual. 7. A land survey stamped and signed by a Professional Land Surveyor registered and in good standing with the State of Washington is required for all preliminary subdivisions, short subdivisions and commercial/ industrial Developments. 8. The Engineer may require other plan elements in addition to those described above. 1.7.113 Requirements in All Plans The following items must be incorporated into all Engineering Plans: 1. Horizontal Plan a. Street or proposed utility system alignments, reading from left to right, showing stationing of points of curvature, tangency, intersection angle points, and with ties to section or quarter corners, also including all necessary curvature data. b. Identification of all existing and proposed improvements, such as the right-of-way and/or easement lines, the streets, sidewalks, shoulders, utilities, drainage facilities, rock facings, retaining walls, guard rails, bridges, fences and driveways. Existing and proposed driveway cross-sections are required. c. All topographic features within and adjacent to proposed improvement, and impacts of slopes, drainage, access, future extensions, area and so forth, shall be incorporated into the Engineering Plans. d. All existing and proposed public and private utilities, including water and sewer, telephone, power, gas, cable, and any other utilities within the Project area shall be shown on the Engineering Plans. All utility system stubs shall be shown on the Engineering Plans with stationing provided. All existing wells and associated pipes and pump facilities within the property and 100' outside the property lines shall be shown. e. In the event that off-site street and/or utility system extensions are to be included as part of the construction of the Project then the civil design shall include the information identified herein in the engineered drawings of the off-site utilities. f. Existing and proposed drainage facilities, including culverts, catch basins, ditches, etc., indicating direction of flow, size, type of pipe, invert and rim elevations. 1-6 27 g. Identification of adjacent streets, subdivisions, building addresses, parcel numbers, or any other available information to identify locations and future reference (such as property owner and mailing address, if required) shall be shown. All Intersections and Driveways within 200 feet of the proposed Development shall be shown. h. At a minimum, curb return elevations shall be shown at quarter points at all Intersections (larger radii will require more points), to verify drainage and a smooth transition. i. The vertical and horizontal survey controls for all Infrastructure Improvements shall be based on the State Plane coordinates; an assumed coordinate system is not permitted. The State Plane Coordinates shall be on the NAD 83/91 datum and must relate to at least two (2) City of Kent control points within one half mile of the proposed Development. In addition, the Project shall be tied into at least two (2) City of Kent NAVD 88 vertical benchmarks and two (2) additional permanent benchmarks shall be established within the Project. The locations, descriptions and elevations of these benchmarks will be reported at the time Record Drawings are submitted, along with field notes sufficient to verify the required precision. 2. Profile Plan a. Profile drawings shall be prepared with all sanitary sewer, storm drain, domestic water, and street design plans, whether public or private, and with any other Plans where vertical control is deemed to be important. b. The existing centerline profile shall be plotted, denoting grade breaks, topographic features and any other information important to the design. c. The street and/or utility system profile shall be shown with the same stationing as the horizontal plan. d. Street profiles shall include existing and proposed centerline elevations at 50-foot stations or less for all centerline grades and vertical curves, including stations and elevations at point of vertical curvature (PVC's), point of vertical intersection (PVI's), and point of vertical tangency (PVT's). When existing or proposed Street includes Stopping Sight Distance, a Stopping Sight Distance diagram shall be included. e. Sanitary sewer, domestic water, and storm drain profiles shall include pipe slopes, pipe type, diameters, lengths, rim and invert elevations, manhole and/or catch basin locations, type and numbers, and any other information relevant to the design. 1-7 28 3. Detail Plans a. Detail drawings shall contain adequate dimensions, sections, non- standard details, views, notes, and call outs to construct the structure, or allow preparation of detailed shop drawings by the fabricator when necessary. Use of very light gray shading and very light hatching is acceptable, provided they do not obscure data and other pertinent information at full and reduced scale. b. Where special construction procedures or structures are required, special detail drawings are required. Standard Plans can be referenced to the WSDOT Standard Plans or the Standard Plan as contained at the end of each chapter of these Standards and need not to be shown on the Engineering Plans. c. Detail Drawings for facilities such as buildings, water wells, sewage, pump stations, etc. shall be prepared under the supervision of a Professional Engineer licensed and in good standing with the State of Washington. d. Scaled plan view and cross-section of the storm water outlet control structure shall be provided at a scale of 1" = 2'. 4. Street Light Plans a. Street Light Plans shall be labeled as Street Light Plans and shall be prepared and stamped by a licensed Engineer qualified to design Street Light Systems. b. Street Light Plans shall be provided on separate sheets that do not show unrelated street, utilities, or on-site improvements. C. Street Improvement Plans, Stormwater Plans, or similar street or utility system plans which show street light locations, but do not meet the minimum requirements for Street Light Plans given below will not be considered Street Light Plans by the City of Kent. d. Street Light Plans may be combined with the Landscaping Plans. e. The minimum requirement for Street Light Plans are as follows: f. The light standard (pole) used (material, make and model), the mounting height in feet, and the bracket or arm length in feet. g. The overhang from the curb to the luminaire in feet (a two foot minimum overhang is required, unless a post top fixture is being used). h. The luminaire, light distribution pattern (type of optics and distribution type), lamp type (high pressure sodium required) and wattage, rated lamp life, and initial lumens. i. The design spacing and design spacing less 10% shall be shown in feet (measured at the curb line). j. The locations of all street lights by station, and the offset from the centerline of the Street to the center of the street light pole in feet. 1-8 29 k. All conduit runs, their diameter, material, length between j-boxes, and purpose (street lighting, traffic signal interconnect, spares, etc.). I. One extra 4 inch diameter Schedule 80 PVC conduit run is required at all non-signalized Intersections for the later installation of traffic signal interconnects, these conduit runs shall terminate within a new junction box unless otherwise determined by the Engineer. m. The locations of all new and/or existing service points (the PSE connection or service location), and the new or existing Contact Service Cabinets (the City service location). n. The locations of all junction boxes, existing and proposed, shall be shown including their type and size (Type 1, Type 2, etc.), and purpose (lighting, fiber optics or traffic signal). o. The locations and specifications (mounting height, luminaire and lamps, curb overhangs, etc.) of all existing street lights for a distance of 300 feet in each direction from the limits of the Project site, including both sides of the Street(s) and in medians where appropriate. p. Existing topography and proposed improvements (to scale), including the locations of all: Driveways, street trees, Street Intersections, overhead utilities and underground utilities (which may interfere with street light foundations or conduit runs), medians, curb lines, and lane widths. q. Proposed right-of-way improvements including the street curb and gutter, sidewalk and planter strips. 1.7.0 Exemptions from Engineering Plan Requirements One or more of the foregoing Engineering Plan requirements may be omitted or the terms of the applicable requirement may be modified by the Engineer upon the following criteria. The determination of the Engineer shall be final. a. No more than 2,000 square feet will be cleared and graded within the Right-of-Way or Easement; and b. The existing Grade in the street Right-of Way or Easement does not exceed 8%; and c. The Work will not impact a Critical Area, or Critical Area Buffer, or otherwise impact Critical Areas and/or natural surface drainage as set forth in KCC 11.06 or the Kent Surface Water Design Manual; and d. Work does not require a full drainage review; and e. The Work is a condition of a short plat or Street Use Permit, and involves less than 100 lineal feet of existing public Street improvement; and 1-9 30 f. Standard Plans submitted with required permits are sufficient to describe the improvement to be constructed; and g. Routine maintenance and minor extensions consisting of less than 300 feet of existing public or utility owned infrastructure and associated appurtenances and service connections. 1.8 Errors and Omissions At the discretion of the Engineer, any significant errors or omissions in the Engineering Plans or information used as a basis for permit approvals will constitute grounds for withdrawal of the permits and the issuance of an order to stop any Work commenced under the withdrawn permits. Work may not continue unless and until the appropriate professional makes such changes as required by the Engineer to bring the Engineering Plans into conformance with these Standards and any non-conforming work is removed or corrected. 1.9 Consequences of Failure to Comply with Standards Failure to comply with these Standards will be cause for denial or revocation of Engineering Plan approvals and Permits; withholding of release of Financial Guarantees; delay of Final Inspection; delay or denial of Final Approval; denial of Occupancy Certificates (temporary and permanent); notice to Surety or other financial institution and/or legal action for forfeiture of Financial Guarantees; Code Enforcement; and/or other penalties as provided by law. 1.10 Transfer of Ownership of Real Property All real property and interests therein shall be conveyed to the City by statutory warranty deed (individual, partnership or corporate) or by dedication pursuant to RCW 58.17.165 on Final Short Plats and Subdivision Plats. All exceptions and encumbrances shall be cleared prior to conveyance. Interests to be conveyed include, but are not limited to, rights of way, storm drainage easements, slope easements and utility easements. See Appendix C for sample real estate documents. 1.11 Transfer of Ownership of Improvements All improvements, including but not limited to pavement, utilities and storm water facilities, shall be conveyed to the City by an itemized Bill of Sale. See Appendix B. Under no circumstances will a Bill of Sale be placed on the City Council agenda for action after until all easements have been approved by the Engineer and recorded, and all Infrastructure Improvements set forth in the Engineering Plans or otherwise required by the City have been completed and finally accepted by the City. 1-10 31 1.12 Financial Guarantees All Financial Guarantees shall be on forms provided by the City and with sureties registered with the Washington State Insurance Commissioner or other Financial Institutions acceptable to the City. See Appendix B for sample forms. 1.12.A Plat Guarantees All work shown on the approved Engineering Plans should be completed prior to plat recording. Provided, however that, the Engineer may allow recording prior to the completion of all Work so long as such completion is guaranteed by performance bond in amount equal to one hundred and fifty per cent (150%) of the Engineer's estimate for the completion of the Work. Recordation will not be allowed, in any event, unless all surveying and monumentation is complete. 1.12.13 Performance Guarantees for Work in Right-of-Way As a condition of the applicable Permit, the timely, complete and faithful performance of all construction work on City Right-of-Way (either maintained or unmaintained) or stormwater tracts shall be, guaranteed in an amount to be calculated at one hundred and twenty five per cent (125%) of the Engineer's Cost Estimate. See Appendix B Forms. Fifteen per cent (15%) of the Guarantee or five thousand dollars ($5000), whichever is greater, shall be in the form of an Assignment of Funds. The balance may be by Performance Bond, Irrevocable Letter of Credit or, in the alternative; the entire Guarantee may be in the form of an Assignment of Funds. Developers with a history of corrections or defaults must provide the full Guarantee by Assignment of Funds. 1.12.0 Maintenance Guarantees Maintenance and the successful operation of the right-of-way improvements or related drainage facilities shall be warranted for a period of at least two years (or other period as required by Kent City Code) from the date of Final Construction Approval. The warranty shall be guaranteed in an amount to be determined by the Engineer. The minimum Maintenance Guarantee shall be five thousand dollars ($5000.00) or twenty per cent 20% of the original performance bond, whichever is greater. The forms of the Guarantee shall be as set forth in Subsection 1.12.B herein. At 6-month intervals during this maintenance period, the City will inspect the improvements and identify to the Developer any noted deficiencies. The Developer will have thirty days to correct any deficiencies. The satisfactory correction of the Work may commence a new two year maintenance period for the improvements as corrected as determined by the Engineer. The City will initiate collection against the Financial Guarantee if deficiencies are not satisfactorily addressed by the end of the thirty-day response period. 1-11 32 1.12.113 Site Restoration Guarantees For Grade and Fill permits, the completion and performance of all stormwater and erosion control measures shall be guaranteed for a period of at least one year (or other period as required by Kent City Code) from the date of Final Construction Approval. The amount of the Site Restoration Guarantees shall be determined by the Engineer. The forms of Site Restoration Guarantee shall be as set forth in Subsection 1.12.13 herein. In addition to foreclosure for failure to perform the terms of the permits, the City will foreclose on the Financial Guarantee and utilize the funds to reduce drainage impacts and permanently stabilize the Site in the event that the City determines that the Site has been abandoned. The City will consider a Site to be abandoned based on the absence of response by the Developer to correct noted deficiencies or failure to complete improvements prior to permit expiration. Permanent stabilization includes, but is not limited to, reclamation of the Site if a Project is abandoned after construction or Excavation has commenced. 1.12.E Reduction/Release of Financial Guarantees Original Financial Guarantee amounts may be reduced one time only prior to the maintenance period, at the discretion of the Engineer. If an extension to the associated Permit is granted, the Financial Guarantees may be increased based on an updated Engineer's Cost Estimate or as determined by the Engineer. In no event will the fifteen per cent (15%) required Assignment of Funds, pursuant to section to 1.12.13, be released prior to Final Construction Approval. Financial Guarantees will be fully released only after all final punchlist items are accomplished, Final Construction Approval, and the elapse of the two- year Maintenance Guarantee period with all corrective actions complete and accepted by the City. 1.13 Responsibility of Developer The Developer is responsible for completing all Work and Infrastructure Improvements in full compliance with the approved Engineering Plans The Developer shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportation, necessary supplies and incidentals required to make each and every item complete as documented by said Engineering Plans. All Financial Guarantees shall show the Developer as the Obligor and the City as Obligee. Developer shall be held responsible for the actions or omissions of any agents, heirs, assigns or contractors. 1.14 Revisions or Additions after Approvals A Developer may seek revisions or additions to the Engineering Plans after approvals for good cause shown, at the discretion of the Engineer. The Engineer may require revisions or additions to Engineering Plans upon his or her initiative. Revisions must be presented through revised plans to be reviewed and approved by 1-12 33 the Engineer before work under the Plans is undertaken. Revisions in the Engineering Plans and other associated documents shall have the same force and effect as if contained in the original approved Engineering Plans and documents. Associated permits will be amended and/or conditioned accordingly. The decision of the Engineer in this regard shall be final. 1.15 Control of Work 1.15.A Authority of Engineer Work included in the Engineering Plans and related documents are to be done to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer. The decisions of the Engineer as to the construction and intent of the approved Engineering Plans and estimates and as to all questions arising as to proper performance of the Work shall be final. The Engineer shall decide any and all questions which may arise as to the quality or acceptability of materials furnished and work performed. Nothing contained in this Chapter shall be construed as requiring the Engineer to direct the method or manner of performing any work under this Chapter. However, the work in progress shall be open to inspection by the Engineer at all times. The Engineer may appoint staff engineers and inspectors to review Engineering Plans, inspect the materials used and the work performed and may otherwise delegate authority as is appropriate. 1.15.113 Authority and Duties of Inspectors The Engineer will assign Inspectors to inspect all materials used and all work performed. Such inspection may extend to any or all parts of the Work and to the preparation and/or manufacture of the materials to be used. The Inspector will not be authorized to revise, alter, increase or relax the provisions of these Standards or conditions attached to approved Engineering Plans or permits. An Inspector is assigned to the Site to keep the Engineer informed as to the progress of the Work and the manner in which it is being done, as well as to call the attention of the Developer to any unapproved deviations from the approved Engineering Plans. Failure of the Inspector or the Engineer to call the attention of the Developer to faulty work or deviations from the approved Engineering Plans shall not constitute acceptance of said work. The Engineer may approve any portion of the Work or require revisions to the Engineering Plans prepared by the Developer's Professional Engineer when necessary, due to conflicting or unanticipated field conditions. The Inspector will have authority to reject defective material and to suspend any work that is being improperly done, subject to the final decision of the Engineer. The Inspector will exercise such additional authority as may be specifically delegated to him/her by the Engineer. 1-13 34 1.15.0 Inspector Overtime If the Developer wishes to extend daily working time beyond the established working hours of the assigned Inspector and if such extension of time is not contrary to law or regulation and arrangements are made with the Engineer, the Developer will compensate the City for Inspector's time at an overtime rate of time and a half plus actual applicable overhead costs, such costs to be determined by the Engineer. The Developer will be invoiced monthly for such costs and Developer will pay such invoice within thirty (30) days of mailing by delivering a check or money order to the City of Kent. 1.15.D Cooperation by Developer A set of approved Engineering Plans, permits and any deviations and/or revisions must be kept available on the Site at all times. The Developer shall be at the Site at all times during the progress of Work. The Developer must be available to receive explanations as necessary from the Engineer to allow the satisfactory performance and completion of the Work. The Developer may not cause any unnecessary delay or hindrance to other City workers, Utility workers, or other parties performing work on the same City rights of way or on adjacent real property and will coordinate and cooperate with such other workers to the fullest extent possible. 1.15.E Conformity with Engineering Plans The Work shall be done in strict conformity with the approved Engineering Plans and according to such necessary instructions as may be given by the Engineer or designated representative. The Developer shall protect and preserve all survey stakes, points, or marks in their original position that were set for the Work in order to allow proper inspection. Any revision from the approved Engineering Plans, approved conditions of development, or instructions must be approved by the Engineer prior to proceeding with the Work per Subsection 1.14 herein. 1.15.F Prosecution of Work The Developer shall begin work within ten (10) calendar days from the Pre-Construction Conference, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. The Developer shall diligently pursue the Work to the physical completion within twelve (12) months from the date of issuance of the relevant Permit unless an extension is granted by the Engineer. Regardless of the status of construction, the Civil Construction Permit will expire automatically with the expiration of an associated commercial Building Permit or with the passing of deadlines for the underlying land use actions. If the Work is not commenced or completed as required, the Permit will expire and a Stop Work Order will be issued by the Public Works Department. The Developer shall be required to apply for new 1-14 35 permits and be reviewed according to the regulations in place at the time when the new application is deemed complete. 1.15.G Removal of Defective or Unauthorized Work Defective work or materials may be rejected by the Engineer at any time before the Final Acceptance of the Work. Notice of such rejection will be given in writing by the Engineer. Such rejected work shall be immediately removed or disposed of to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Engineer will act in the public interest to the extent possible, but has no affirmative duty to discover non-conforming or inferior work or material. Inspection by the City will in no way release the Developer from responsibility, liability or penalties, nor shall it be construed as acceptance of such work. Neither inspection nor Final Acceptance will bar the City from recovering damages and otherwise foreclosing on Financial Guarantees for damages for latent or undiscovered defects. It will be a condition of the applicable Permit that the Developer save, defend and hold harmless the City for claims for damages due to any all defective work and/or materials. 1.15.H Protection of Public and Private Utilities The Developer shall be responsible for locating all existing underground and above ground utility system facilities, including traffic loops, in rights- of-way and protecting them against damage from Developer's activities. Such utilities must be located by Developer and shown on the Engineering Plans whether they are shown on available City Record Drawings or not. The Developer shall support and protect all pipes, conduits, loops, poles, wires or other apparatus which may be in any way affected by the Work, and do everything to support, sustain, and protect the same, under, over, along, or across the Right-of-Way. If Developer damages any public or private utility system facilities in City right of way, Developer shall arrange for repairs or payment for repairs with the utility/franchisee/licensee owning the facilities. It will be a condition of the applicable Permit that Developer save, defend and hold harmless the City from any and all claims for damages to utility system facilities in the City's rights-of-way. This condition will include damages asserted by the Utility, its customers or other third parties. 1.15.I Damage to Public and Private Property and Persons The Developer's Work shall be confined to rights-of-way and property owned by Developer as designated in the Engineering Plans or to property for which the Developer otherwise has license or property rights as designated in the Engineering Plans. Developer shall not enter upon or place materials on other public or private property. It shall be a condition of the Permit that Developer will save, defend and hold harmless the City from all claims for damages to public or private property or to persons upon such property. 1-15 36 1.153 Maintenance Period and Final Inspection of all Public Improvements Following Final Acceptance of all public improvements, the Developer shall guarantee satisfactory performance of design, materials, workmanship and operation for a period of two years and provide the Financial Guarantees required in Section 1.12 Financial Guarantees. Any defects arising or becoming apparent during the first two year period shall be corrected by the Developer, at no cost to the City, at which time a new two year Guarantee period will commence. Failure to correct defects within thirty (30) days, or sooner if directed by the Engineer, will result in foreclosure by the City on the Financial Guarantee as needed for the City to perform the correction as Public Work. A Final Inspection is a prerequisite to Final Acceptance, The Engineer will not make or direct the Final Inspection until all work, including Final Cleanup, has been completed in compliance with the Engineering Plan and permits and to the satisfaction of the Inspector and the Bill of Sale and approved Record Drawings have been submitted to the Public Works Department. In addition, the Developer shall, at any time requested, submit to the Engineer properly authenticated documents or other satisfactory proof as to compliance with the approved Engineering Plans and documents. Also prerequisite to Final Inspection is submittal by the Developer of an affidavit, on a form provided by the Engineer, that the property and improvements conveyed to the City are unencumbered, as further described in the Bill of Sale. If the examination of the above documents or of the Work reveals any defects in the Work, such defects shall be repaired or replaced as the Engineer may direct before further inspection and Final Acceptance. The cost of all such repairs and replacements shall be borne solely by the Developer. The City's right to conduct inspections is to determine if acceptable construction practices are followed and the inspection process does not make the City an insurer or guarantor of Developer compliance or competence. Responsibility for any failures to follow these Standards rests solely with the Developer. 1.15.K Final Acceptance of Public Improvements Following the correction of all defects as noted on the Final Inspection, the respective improvements shall be considered ready for acceptance within 30 days. Final Acceptance of improvements requires the following: 1. Record drawings -Mylar copies of the approved Engineering Plans and electronic CAD files shall be revised by the Developer to reflect actual constructed improvements. Vellums, sepias, blue prints and photocopies of mylars are not acceptable substitutes for mylars and electronic CAD files. The field surveyed Record Drawings shall be 1-16 37 certified by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed and in good standing by the State of Washington as to actual field construction. 2. Bill of Sale - The Developer shall submit a completed Bill of Sale to the Engineer itemizing the respective improvements to be accepted by the City. The Bill of Sale shall include an affidavit stating that all debts sustained during the construction and acceptance of this Project have been paid and by said acceptance of the Infrastructure Improvements identified in the Bill of Sale all debts prior to acceptance of the Infrastructure Improvements by the City are the sole responsibility of the Developer. 3. A completed Final Inspection Punchlist, certified by the Engineer or the Engineer's representative as having been completed, shall be provided. 4. City Council Consideration - Following approval of the Record Drawings, the certified inspection list, and the Bill of Sale, the Engineer will cause formal City Council action for Final Acceptance to be placed on the appropriate agenda. If Final Acceptance is approved by the City Council, ownership, operation and maintenance of the Public Works infrastructure identified on the Bill of Sale will thereafter be undertaken by the City. Provided, however, that Developer will continue to be bound to the Maintenance and Restoration Guarantees required herein. 1.15.E Maintenance of Facilities after Acceptance The Developer shall be responsible for the all improvements to City infrastructure and shall warrant from defects said improvements until they have been accepted by the City and for two years thereafter. In the event that any portion of the Public Works improvements come into public use prior to Final Acceptance, the City will assume responsibility for routine cleaning and/or any damage caused by normal public use. 1.16 Latecomers Agreements Any Developer utilizing private funds to install domestic water, storm drainage, sanitary sewer and/or street improvements including signalization and street lighting to the City-owned systems in accordance with these Standards may apply to the City to recover a prorated share of the cost of constructing said improvements from other properties that will later derive a benefit. The Developer may, at the discretion of the City, execute a Latecomers Agreement with the City per RCW 35.91.020 for this future reimbursement. 1.17 Design Deviations The Engineer may approve Deviations from these Standards under the criteria set forth in this subsection. See also, Section 1.14 Revisions or Additions After Approvals. Deviation requests for short plats and subdivisions should be proposed 1-17 38 at the preliminary application and prior to any public hearing. All known deviations must be approved prior to approval of the Engineering Plans for construction. 1.17.A Minimum Criteria for Deviations Deviations from these Standards may be granted by the Engineer upon the following minimum criteria which must be shown by the Developer to be based on sound engineering principles: 1. An application for deviation that indicates those sections of the Standards, which are relevant to the proposed alternative and explain how the deviation meets the essential elements of these Standards. 2. An application for deviation that includes a specific description of the proposed alternative to the Standards along with supporting documentation. Documentation may include, but not be limited to, a record of successful use by other agencies, or evidence of meeting criteria for quality such as the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards. 3. Verification that such Deviations are not contrary to the public interest. 4. Verification that compliance with the Standards from which the Deviations are sought is, under the circumstances, not feasible. 5. Verification that the activity as permitted under the Deviation will require no compromise from these Standards with respect to safety, function, fire protection, transit needs, appearance and maintainability. 6. Verification that all requirements of the International Fire Code and any other applicable codes are met. 1.17.113 Application for Deviation 1. Deviation application forms are available at the Permit Center or online at the City's website at www.ci.kent.wa.us. 2. Deviation applications for location of utilities by an entity allowed by franchise or permit must be prepared and submitted by that entity. 3. Deviation requests shall be directed to the Engineer on forms prescribed by the Public Works Department. 1.18 Definitions and Abbreviations When referring to these Standards the following definitions shall apply: ADT - Average Daily Traffic - The total volume during a given time period (in whole days), greater than one day and less than one year, divided by the number of days in that time period. ADT is typically used in quantifying the combined number of vehicles traveling in both directions on a particular Street. 1-18 39 Alley - A public or privately maintained thoroughfare, Tract, or Easement, usually narrower than a Street, which provides access to the rear boundary of one or more lots and is not intended for general traffic circulation. Applicant - For the purposes of these Standards, the Applicant, shall be considered the same as the Developer and may be used interchangeably. Appurtenance - Equipment and/or accessories that are part of an operating system or subsystem. Arterial Streets - A Street classification which includes Principal, Minor, Industrial Collector and Residential Collector Arterials and Residential Collectors. Those streets so designated by the City of Kent Transportation Master Plan and described in more detail in Section 6.2 Street Types and Geometrics and following the guidelines contained in the Federal Function Classification System. Auxiliary Lane - That portion of the Street adjoining the Traveled Way for speed change, turning, storage for turning, weaving, truck climbing, or other purposes supplementary to through-traffic movement. Backfill - Replacement of excavated material with suitable material compacted as specified. Bike Lane - A travel lane, located within the paved area of a Street, which is provided for the exclusive use of bicycles designated by lane use signs and pavement markings. Bill of Sale - The transfer of ownership document that Owners/Developers must provide before the City will agree to accept, operate and maintain public improvements. The Bill of Sale will contain an itemized list and associated costs of all improvements to be conveyed to and subsequently owned and operated by the City. Bollard - A fixed or removable post designed to prevent vehicular access, or to prevent damage to an adjacent above-ground structure. Breakaway Structure - A structure that has been crash tested in accordance with National Cooperative Highway Research Program procedures - NCHRP 230. Buffer - The zone contiguous to a critical area as defined in KCC 11.06 that is required for the continued maintenance, function, and/or structural stability of the critical area. Boring - Grade and alignment controlled mechanical method of installing a pipe or casing under a Street or Standards without disturbing the surrounding medium. Bus-40 - This is the designation for a particular class of bus, with a wheelbase (WB) measurement 40'. This is the used by the City as the design vehicle for garbage, fire and stormwater maintenance trucks. Caliper - The diameter of a tree trunk measured 6" above ground level for trees up to 4" Caliper and 12" above the ground for larger sizes. Certificate of Materials - An approved list of materials certified by the manufacturer or supplier as meeting the minimum requirements of these Standards. 1-19 40 Channelization - The separation or regulation of conflicting traffic movements into definite paths of travel by the use of pavement markings, raised islands or other suitable means to facilitate the safe and orderly movement of both vehicles and pedestrians. Charge In Lieu of Assessment - The fee charged to a Developer when their Development of a parcel of land is contingent upon use of public facilities to be built under a City Local Improvement District (LID) or Utility Local Improvement District (ULID), when the Developer of the subject parcel was not included within the original LID or ULID boundaries. City - The City of Kent, acting through its legally constituted elected officials, employees or agents. Clear Zone - The total roadside border area starting at the edge of the Traveled Way available for use by errant vehicles. This area may consist of a Shoulder, a recoverable slope, a non-recoverable slope, and/or a clear run-out area. Clearing - The act of destroying, trimming, altering, or removing vegetation by any means. Commercial Development - The construction of any building or Project constituting more than one single family or duplex housing unit. Commercial Developments include multi-family residential/industrial plats, apartment complexes, or commercial, office or industrial buildings. Compaction - The densification of Fill by mechanical means. Construction Manager - The Construction Management Section Manager or his/her designee authorized by the Engineer to oversee the inspection and acceptance of street, storm drainage, and/or utility system improvement projects constructed pursuant to private Development permits and the City's capital improvements administered by the Department. Critical Areas - Areas within the City that include wetlands, streams, wildlife and fisheries habitat, geologic hazard areas, frequently flooded areas and aquifer recharge areas. Cubing - The process of inserting foam cubes (pigs) into and pushed through a new water or sanitary sewer main to remove any residue, dirt, debris, obstruction or foreign material from the pipe. This process is also referred to as "pigging" Cul-de-sac - A short Street having one end open to traffic and the other temporarily or permanently terminated by a vehicle turnaround at or near the terminus. Culvert - Pipe, pipe arch or concrete box structure which drains open channels, swales or ditches under a Street or embankment; typically with no catch basins along its length. Cut - See Excavation. Dead End - A Street with a single location for ingress and egress for vehicles. 1-20 41 Deputy Director/City Engineer - The Public Works Deputy Director/City Engineer hereinafter referred to as "Engineer", including authorized representatives. Design Capacity - The traffic volume at which a particular class of street will operate at an established acceptable Level-of-Service. Typically, the Design Capacity of a street is the number of vehicles, in a 24-hour period at which that Street would operate at a Level-of-Service "E" or "F", as defined in the City of Kent Transportation Master Plan. Design Deviation - The process and resulting documentation associated with a geometric feature created or perpetuated by a Public Works improvement that does not conform to the minimum criteria set forth in these Standards and policies but does provide the same safety elements to the public. This includes what some may refer to as a Design Exception or Exemption. Design Speed - The vehicle speed approved by the Engineer which is used to determine the design elements of a Street, including but not limited to, Intersection/Driveway Sight Triangle, Stopping Sight Distance, super-elevations, curve radii, etc. for residential and industrial streets or equal to 5 mph above the current or expected Posted Speed for streets designated as arterials unless otherwise determined by the Engineer. Design Vehicle - The FHWA classification of vehicle (such as "WB-50", BUS, or SU) that is used to establish the design of a particular Street, Intersection, or Driveway; or the on-site maneuvering area required in the parking/loading area of a private business or public facility. Developer - For the purposes of these Standards, the Developer means any person or entity designated or named in writing by the property or easement owner to be the Applicant, or a public agency or Utility which owns a Right-of-Way or Easement in a permit application or approval for a development proposal or capital improvement project. Developer also includes a Permit Applicant, one who has already been granted a Permit, and the City itself for those situations where City construction activities are subject to approval under the particular Standard. Development - Land Disturbing Activities; structural development (including construction or installation of a building or other structure); creation of impervious surfaces; and subdivision, short subdivision and binding site plans, as defined in RCW 58.17. Director - The City of Kent's Director of Public Works hereinafter referred to as "Director" and his or her authorized representatives. Downtown Overlay - A special planning district within the City of Kent as shown in the City of Kent Downtown Design Review Guidelines, 2003. Additional design criteria are required for streets, Developments, properties and Projects within this area. See Section 6.4.0 Downtown Overlay Design Standards. Drainage Master Plan - The City of Kent Comprehensive Drainage Plan prepared as part of the City of Kent Surface Drainage Utility Ordinance. 1-21 42 Drip Line - The circle that would exist if you drew a line below the tips of the outer most branches of a tree or plant. Driveway - A privately maintained access to residential, commercial or industrial properties. Dry Season - In the application of these Standards: April 1 to September 30 of each year. Easement - Means a legal encumbrance that is placed against a property's title to reserve specified privileges for the users and beneficiaries, both public and private, within the boundaries of the Easement Engineer - See Deputy Director/City Engineer. Engineering Plan - The official drawings, plans, profiles, typical cross-sections and supplemental drawings, and specifications , technical reports, or reproductions thereof, approved by the Engineer, which show the location, character, dimensions and details of work to be performed. The Engineering Plan shall be prepared, dated, stamped and signed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Washington. All such documents are to be considered as a part of the plans whether attached to or separate. An engineering plan may be supplemented with reports which contain detailed calculations, structural calculations, or other supporting documents needed to assess the total plan. Engineering Review - An evaluation by the Public Works Department of a proposed Project's compliance with these Standards and other applicable City, State, and Federal regulations, ordinances, and policies. End of Life Depreciation Factor - The factor used in illumination calculations to relate the initial rated output to the anticipated output at the time of light source replacement. Erosion - The wearing away of the ground surface as a result of the movement of wind, water, or ice. Eyebrow - A partial Cul-de-Sac bulb located adjacent to the serving Street that provides access to lots and serves as a vehicle turnaround. Excavation - The removal of earth material by artificial means also referred to as Cut. Filling - Deposition of earth materials by artificial means. Final Acceptance - Acceptance by ordinance of the Infrastructure Improvements constructed by the Developer for ownership, operation and maintenance based on the Bill of Sale. Final Construction Approval - The approval granted by the Engineer of all Infrastructure Improvements constructed by the Developer as required by the approved Engineering Plans. All items on the Final Inspection Punchlist must be completed prior to receiving this approval. Final Cleanup - As defined in the WSDOT Standard Specification Section 1-04.11. 1-22 43 Final Inspection - This is the last inspection of the physical Infrastructure Improvements by the Inspector and Public Works Department staff resulting in the list of correction items shown in the Final Inspection Punchlist. Final Inspection Punchlist - The list prepared by the Inspector of missing or defective work that must be completed in accordance with the approved Engineering Plans and any revisions. Financial Guarantee - A surety bond, assignment of funds, irrevocable letter of credit, or other means acceptable to or required by the Engineer to guarantee that work is completed in compliance with the Project's approved plan, and in compliance with City of Kent requirements. Fill - Deposition of earth material by artificial means Footcandle (fc) - This is a unit measurement of illumination. A footcandle equals one lumen per square foot. Geometrics - The physical arrangement of the visible elements of a Street such as alignment, grade, curvature, width and side slopes. Grade - The vertical location of the ground surface. Grade, Existing - The Grade prior to Grading. Grade, Finished - The Grade of the Site at the conclusion of all Grading and/or construction activities. Grading - An Excavation or Fill or combination thereof. H-20 - A design load consisting of a two-axle loading specified by the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. HS-20 - A design load consisting of a three-axle loading specified by the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. Half-Street - An interim Street section built adjacent to the property line which eventually will be completed to a full width street section when the adjacent property is developed. Hammerhead - A type of street feature used to provide a place for vehicles to turn around at the end of a "dead-end" street. The turnaround is shaped like a hammer or the letter "T". Improved City Street - A term referring to a public Street typically paved with asphalt concrete, and having such features as sidewalks, landscaping, a paved area for parked vehicles, curbs and gutters, street lights, traffic sighs, pavement markings, etc. This is in contrast to an "unimproved" Street with no physical improvements or which might be built with only an unmaintained gravel surface. Industrial Collector Arterial - Those Streets so designated by the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan and described in more detail in Chapter 6 of these Standards. Infrastructure Improvements - Street improvements, street lighting, traffic control devices and signage, water, sewer, Street and storm drainage systems, and conduit for fiber optics systems. 1-23 44 Ingress/Egress - Points of access to and from a property or parcel. Inspector - The City's authorized representative assigned to make all necessary inspections of work performed, or of materials furnished or being furnished by the Developer. Intersection/Driveway Sight Triangle- The specified areas along Intersection and Driveway approach legs and across their included corners that are clear of obstructions that might block a driver's view of potentially conflicting vehicles. The dimensions of the legs of the sight triangles depend on the Design Speed and the type of traffic control used at the Intersection. Intersection - The area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curb lines, or, if none, then the lateral boundary lines of the roadways of two or more highways which join one another at, or approximately at, right angles or the area within which vehicles traveling upon different highways joining at any other angle may come in conflict. Joint-Use Driveway - A private Driveway jointly owned and maintained Driveway serving two properties. KC/DNR - IWP - Means the King County Department of Natural Resources Industrial Waste Program acting through its legally constituted elected officials, employees or agents. Keyway - A compacted Fill placed in a trench excavated in earth material beneath the toe of a Slope. Landing - Means a Street or Driveway approach area to any public or private Street. Also, this refers to the level area at the back of the sidewalk ramp, typically 4' wide. Land Disturbing Activity - Any activity that result in movement of earth, or a change in the existing soil cover (both vegetative and non-vegetative) and/or the existing soil topography. Land Disturbing Activities include, but not limited to, Clearing, Grading, Filling, and Excavation. Compaction that is associated with stabilization of structures and street construction shall also be considered Land Disturbing Activity. Vegetation maintenance practices are not considered Land Disturbing Activity. Latecomers Agreements - Those agreements which identify costs for constructed public improvements that will be shared by other developers when they develop parcels within the specific time period specified by those agreements. See RCW 35.91.020. Light Loss Factor (LLF) - In street lighting calculations, the factor that represents the product of the Dirt Factor and the End of Life Depreciation Factor sometimes called the Lamp Lumen Depreciation Factor. Light Lumen Depreciation Factor - See End of Life Depreciation Factor. Local Improvement District (LID) - Is a method provided by RCW 35.43 by which a group of property owners can share in the cost of transportation or utility system infrastructure improvements. This may involve improving the Street, 1-24 45 building sidewalks, installing water and sanitary sewer service, and a stormwater management system. LIDS may be used to finance new improvements or improvements on existing Streets that previously have been accepted for maintenance by the City. Lot - A physically separate and distinct parcel of property that has been created pursuant to the provisions KCC 12.04, or pursuant to any previous laws governing the subdivision, short subdivision or segregation of land. For the purposes of these Standards, the Lot, shall be considered the same as the Property or Parcel and may be used interchangeably. Low Impact Development - An innovative ecosystem based approach to land Development and storm water management that results in fewer environmental impacts. Lumen - The unit of measurement for lighting levels. Luminance - The reflected light from street lights or other light sources from the pavement surface that is visible to the motorist's eye. Mainline Extension - The extension or expansion of the system of watermains, sanitary sewer mains, storm drainage systems, Streets, and all related Appurtenances to be constructed in whole or in part as required by the conditions of approval. Generally mainline extension refers only to improvements that, following City Council acceptance, become part of the City utility or street systems. Materials Testing Laboratory - A materials testing laboratory adhering to ASTM and AASHTO accepted standards and all reports shall be stamped and signed by a Professional Engineer. Monitoring - The collection of data by various methods for the purposes of understanding natural systems and features, evaluating the impacts of Development proposals on such systems, and assessing the performance of mitigation measures imposed as conditions of development approval. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) - This is the part of the federal Clean Water Act which requires point source dischargers to obtain permits. These permits are referred to as NPDES Permits and are administered by the Washington State Department of Ecology. Owner - For the purposes of these Standards, the Developer, shall be considered the same as the Developer as defined above and may be used interchangeably. Pathway - A facility designated for pedestrian and non-motorized traffic. Pathways are typically constructed of asphalt and may be part of the paved Shoulder. Separation from vehicle traffic may be provided by pavement striping, curbing, planter strip, a ditch or open space. Pavement Widening - Pavement widening Projects are expansion of the street surface for vehicular use and may involve earthwork, drainage and paving elements. These Projects are considered alterations of the Street and must address ADA accessibility for pedestrians. 1-25 46 Permit - Means any land use or environmental permit or license required from the City of Kent for a project action, including but not limited to building permits, site development permits, land use preparation permits, subdivisions, binding site plans, planned unit developments, conditional uses, shoreline substantial development permits, development plan review, site-specific rezones authorized by the City's Comprehensive Plan. Plan Approval - Means the approval by Public Works of the Engineering Plans for the appropriate Permit application. This approval is a prerequisite for being able to have the Permit issued. Also required from the Developer for permit issuance are the appropriate Financial Guarantees, Certificate of Insurance, and payment of all applicable fees and charges. Plans - See the definition for Engineering Plan. Posted Speed - The speed limit as established by City and State codes and posted on traffic signs along the Street. Pre-Construction Conference - Meeting held by the Engineer with the Developer, utilities, contractors and staff to convey information regarding the expectations of the City. Pre-Developed Condition - The native vegetation and soils that existed at a site prior to the influence of Euro-American settlement. The pre-developed condition shall be assumed to be a forested land cover unless reasonable, historic information is provided that indicates the site was prairie prior to settlement. Private Access Tract - A privately owned and maintained Tract that provides vehicular access to nine (9) or fewer single-family residential properties. Private Street - Means any private Street that serves no more than nine (9) single-family residential lots or certain Streets within a PUD. Professional Engineer - A person who, by reason of his or her special knowledge of the mathematical and physical sciences and the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, acquired by professional education and practical experience, is qualified to practice engineering as defined in RCW 18.43, as attested by his or her legal registration as a Professional Engineer Professional Land Surveyor - A person who, by reason of his or her special knowledge of the mathematical and physical sciences and principles and practices of land surveying, which is acquired by professional education and practical experience, is qualified to practice land surveying as defined in RCW 18.43, as attested to by his or her legal registration as a Professional Land Surveyor. Profile Grade- Rate or % of change in elevation measured along the centerline of any infrastructure as define herein, either ascending or descending from or along the said Infrastructure. Project - The proposed action by a Developer requiring improvements to the street, water, storm drainage, sewer and utility systems within the City. 1-26 47 Protected Driveway Throat - That portion of an industrial/commercial Driveway from the back of sidewalk into the property where no turning movements or parking stalls are allowed Protected Left-Turn Storage - The area within an exclusive turn lane, either right turn or left turn, in which vehicles can be stopped without interfering with the movement of vehicles in adjacent lanes. Public Street - Publicly owned facility-providing for the movement of vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians and/or access to adjacent properties, including the Street and all other improvements, inside the Right-of-Way. Public Works - All work, construction, alteration, repair, or improvement other than ordinary maintenance, executed at the cost of the state or of any municipality, or which is by law a lien or charge on any property therein. All Public Works, including maintenance when performed by contract shall comply with RCW 39.12. "Public Works" does not include work, construction, alteration, repair, or improvement performed under contracts entered into under RCW 36.102.060(4) or under development agreements entered into under RCW 36.102.060(7) or leases entered into under RCW 36.102.060(8). Record Drawings Certification - Certification by Professional Land Surveyor registered in the State of Washington. Record Drawing - This is the record of all changes to the intended physical product of approved construction plans. Plans shall show all changes that occurred during construction, including changes in materials, distances, lengths, locations, elevations, volumes, etc. and shall contain a Record Drawings Certification conforming to these Standards. Redevelopment - On a site that is substantially developed (i.e., has 35% or more existing impervious surface coverage), the creation or addition of impervious surfaces; the expansion of a building footprint or addition or replacement of a structure; structural development including construction, installation or expansion of a building or structure; replacement of impervious surface that is not a part of a routine maintenance activity; and Land Disturbing Activities. Residential Local Access Street - Any public Street serving private residences that is not designated as a Residential Collector Arterial, or Residential Collector. Most subdivision streets, for example, are Residential Streets. Road - For the purposes of these Standards, Road, shall be considered the same as Street and may be used interchangeably. Right-of-way - Land, property, or property interests, usually in a strip, acquired for or devoted to transportation purposes. Rock Facing - Slope protection which are constructed of graded rocks, but without cement or grout to hold the rocks together, and which are designed to resist adjacent soil pressures primarily by resistance of their weight and mass only. SEPA Mitigation - Any of the following actions based on SEPA rules, WAC 197-11- 768: 1-27 48 1. Avoiding the impact altogether by not taking a certain action or parts of an action; or 2. Minimizing impacts by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action and its implementation by using appropriate technology, or by taking affirmative steps to avoid or reduce impacts; or 3. Rectifying the impact by repairing, rehabilitating, or restoring the affected sensitive area; or 4. Reducing or eliminating the impact over time by preservation or maintenance operations during the life of the Development proposal; or 5. Compensating to the impact by replacing, enhancing, or providing substitute sensitive areas. Shared Travel Lane - This is a widened travel lane adjacent to the curb or shoulder which is provided for the shared use of vehicles and bicycles. Bicycle route signing and pavement marking is required on these streets. Shared Use Trail - A path or trail reserved for exclusive use by bicycles and pedestrians and physically separated from motorized vehicle traffic by an open space or barrier. Site - The area defined by the legal boundaries of a parcel or parcels of land that is (are) subject to new Development or Redevelopment. For street Projects, the length of the Project and the right-of-way boundaries define the Site. Shoulder - The paved or unpaved portion of the Street outside the Traveled Way that is available for emergency parking or non-motorized use. Slope - An inclined surface, the inclination of which is expressed as a ratio of horizontal distance to vertical distance. Standards - These 2009 City of Kent Design and Construction Standards as adopted by the City Council. Standard Plans - Those plans included in the back of Sections 3-6 of these Standards. Stream - Critical area as defined in KCC 11.06.485. Street - A facility serving three lots or more and providing public or private access including the Street and all other improvements inside the Right-of-Way. Street Frontage - Means any portion of a Lot or combination of lots that directly abuts a public Right-of-Way or private access Tract. Stop Work Order - A notice to stop work on a Project or property in violation of City Codes per KCC 1.04 Code Enforcement. Stopping Sight Distance - The length of the Street ahead that is visible to the driver. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) - A pollution prevention plan required by the NPDES stormwater permit requirements. The purpose of the SWPPP is to describe the proposed construction activities and all temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures, pollution prevention measures, inspection/monitoring activities, and recordkeeping that 1-28 49 will be implemented during the proposed construction Project. http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/construction. Superelevation - The change of the Street from a cross-section where the elevation of the edge of the paved area, in a curve in the Street, is either higher or lower than normal. Super-elevation of the Street has been commonly referred to as "banking the curve", and is used to allow a sharper (smaller radius) curve to be used. Surety - A bonding company that is bound with the Developer to ensure performance of the Work shown in the approved plans and specifications; payment of all obligations pertaining to the Work, and fulfillment of other such conditions as are specified in the Permit, contract, contract bond, or otherwise required by law. Test Tee - That tee installed at the end of the sanitary sewer stub-out for the purpose of air testing the integrity of the sanitary sewer installation. Traffic Calming Measures - Techniques of design and physical treatments located to encourage a reduction in traffic speeds and the creation of opportunities for streetscape to change the character of Street. Transportation Demand Management (TDM) - TDM is a combination of strategies or actions whose goal is to encourage travelers to use alternatives to driving alone. Traveled Way - That portion of the Street made for vehicle travel excluding shoulders and Auxiliary Lanes. Thermoplastic - A type of plastic, bonded to the street surface with a heat source, which is used for marking the Channelization. Tract - A legally created parcel of property designated for special non-residential and non-commercial uses. Common tracts include Stormwater Drainage Tracts, Sensitive Area Tracts, Native Growth Protection Tracts, Private Access Tracts, and tracts for Ingress/Egress, and utilities that may serve more than one Lot. Type IV Landscaping - Landscaping for areas in the Right-of-Way per KCC 15.07.050. Uniformity Ratio - This is the ratio of the average light level on a section to the minimum light level of the same section. Utility - A privately, publicly, or cooperatively owned line, facility, or system for producing, transmitting, or distributing communications, cable television, power, electricity, light, heat, gas, oil, crude products, water, steam, waste, or any other similar commodity which directly or indirectly serves the public. Additionally, the privately, publicly, or cooperatively owned company that owns the line, facility, or system. Utility Easement - Means a legal encumbrance that is placed against a property's title to reserve specified privileges for the users and beneficiaries of utility system facilities, both public and private, within the boundaries of the Easement. Wetlands - Critical area as defined in KCC 11.06.530. Wet Season -October 1 to March 31 of each year. 1-29 50 Work - The provision of all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and everything else needed to successfully complete the required Infrastructure Improvements based on approved Engineering Plans. WSDOT Standard Specifications - The Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Public Works Construction prepared by the Washington State Chapter, American Public Works Association and Washington State Department of Transportation; latest edition with latest revisions, hereinafter referred to as the WSDOTWSDOT Standard Specifications. 1-30 51 Abbreviations Abbreviations can be found in the WSDOTWSDOT Standard Specifications, latest edition, the King County Surface Water Design Manual and the City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual. These additional abbreviations are used in the Standards and are defined as follows: AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ADA Americans with Disabilities Act ADT Average Daily Traffic APWA American Public Works Association ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials ATB Asphalt Treated Base AWWA American Water Works Association CATV Cable Television CB Catch Basin CDF Controlled Density Fill CMP Corrugated Metal Pipe CSBC Crushed surfacing base course CSTC Crushed surfacing top course DCVA Double Check Valve Assembly Diam. Diameter DOE Department of Ecology DSHS Department of Social and Health Services fps Feet per second GVW Gross Vehicle Weight HMA Hot Mix Asphalt KCC Kent City Code KC/DNR King County Department of Natural Resources KCSWDM King County Surface Water Design Manual KSWDM Kent Surface Water Design Manual MH Manhole 1-31 52 MPH Mile per Hour MUTCD The Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NST National Standard Threads OCI Overall Condition Index PC Point of Curvature PCP Plain Concrete Pipe PI Point of Intersection PCC Portland Cement Concrete PLS Professional Land Surveyor PT Point of Tangency PVC Polyvinyl Chloride PVI Point of vertical intersection RCP Reinforced Concrete Pipe RCW Revised Code of Washington RPBA Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly RPDA Reduced Pressure Detector Assembly SEPA State Environmental Policy Act SWPE Solid Wall Polyethylene SWPPP Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan TESCP Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan VMD Vehicle Maneuvering Diagrams WSDOH Washington State Department of Health WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation 1-32 53 2.0 CONSTRUCTION CONTROL AND INSPECTION 2.1 Basis for Control of the Work Work performed in the construction or improvement of public or private streets and utilities shall be done in accordance with these Standards and approved Engineering Plans and any other specifications or guidelines as per Section 1.6, References. It is emphasized that no work may be started until such plans are approved by the City. Any revision to such Engineering Plans shall be approved by the Engineer before being implemented per Section 1.14, Revisions or Additions after Approvals. Any improvements by other water and sewer providers other than the City shall be designed and approved by the Utility with copies provided to the City prior to approval of the Engineering Plans. The Engineer is authorized to enforce these Standards as well as other referenced or pertinent specifications or guidelines. He/she will appoint project Engineers, assistants, and Inspectors as necessary to inspect the Work and they will exercise such authority as the Engineer may delegate. Provisions of Section 1-05 of the WSDOTWSDOT Standard Specifications shall apply, with the term "Engineer" therein construed to be the Engineer as defined in these Standards. 2.2 Inspection Generally, on all privately developed infrastructure including street, utility, and drainage system construction proposed or in progress by a private developer, control and inspection will be done by the Construction Management Section on behalf of the Engineer. The Engineer must approve any deviations from the Standards during construction as described herein. The Developer is ultimately responsible for quality control of construction and the assurance of meeting these Standards. Public Works inspectors monitor these activities with enforcement authority when requirements are not met. All materials provided by the Developer shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Inspector at any time during the progress of work until Final Acceptance. The contractor's construction schedule shall include sufficient time for materials testing and any required verification by the Inspector. The Inspector may advise the Developer or contractor of any faulty work or materials; however, failure of the Inspector to advise the Developer or contractor does not constitute acceptance or approval. At the Inspector's order, the Developer and/or contractor shall immediately remedy, remove, replace, and dispose of unauthorized or defective work or materials and bear all the costs of doing so. All street, utility and drainage system infrastructures must be inspected. Subgrade inspection will not commence until density tests confirm that the Compaction is in accordance with the specifications. 2-1 54 2.2.A Minimum Requirements Prior to beginning any critical task, the Developer must schedule meetings and/or inspections, in advance, with the Inspector. At a minimum, the following critical tasks require advance notification 1. Pre-Construction Conference: Five working days prior notice unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Conference must precede the beginning of construction and include the Developer, contractor, design engineer, utilities, and other applicable participants. Engineering Plan approvals and Permits must be issued prior to the scheduling of the conference. 2. Clearing and Temporary Erosion/Sedimentation Control: One working day notice prior to initial Site work involving drainage and installation of temporary erosion/sediment control. See Section 5.7 Erosion Control for additional information. 3. Utility and Storm Drainage Installation: One working day notice prior to trenching and placing of storm sewers and underground utilities such as sanitary, water, gas, power, telephone, and TV lines. See Section 6.17 All Utilities Within City Right-of-Way and Standard Plans 6-64 through 6-69 for additional information on pavement restoration. 4. Utility and Storm Drainage Backfill and Compaction: One working day notice before Backfill and Compaction of storm sewers, drainage structures, and underground utilities. 5. Subgrade Completion: One working day notice at stage that underground utilities and street grading are complete; to include placement of gravel base if required. 6. Curb and Sidewalk Forming: One working day notice. 7. Curb and Sidewalk Placement: One working day notice. 8. Crushed Surfacing Placement: One working day notice. 9. Paving: Three working days notice in advance of paving with asphalt or Portland cement concrete. Roadway surface pavement shall not be allowed until all subsurface drainage and sewer facilities have passed inspection by the City or other franchised Utility. 10. Structural: Three working days notice prior to each critical stage such as placement of foundation piling or footings, placement and assembly of major components, and completion of structure and approaches. 11. Punchlist Inspection: Fifteen working days prior to overall check of Project site. All paving and associated Appurtenances and improvements, cleaning of drainage system, and all necessary clean up shall be complete prior to the request for Punchlist Inspection. Prior to approval of construction work, acceptance and release of construction performance Financial Guarantees, the Developer shall pay any required fees, submit any required maintenance and defect Financial Guarantees, and submit required Record Drawings (as-built drawings), in both hardcopy and electronic file formats, reflecting all 2-2 55 minor and design plan changes of the street, utility and drainage systems. 12. Final Maintenance Inspection: The final maintenance inspection is performed by the Public Works Department 45 days prior to the end of the maintenance period. Prior to release of the maintenance Financial Guarantee, there shall be successful completion of the maintenance period as described in Section 1.15.1 Maintenance Period and Final Inspection of All Public Improvements, replacement/repair of any failed facilities, and the payment of any outstanding fees. 2.2.B Penalties for Failure to Notify and Obtain Approval Notification by the Developer or the contractor, at the necessary time frames noted above, is essential for the City to verify, through inspection, that the Work meets these Standards. Failure to notify and obtain approval will result in the City requiring additional materials sampling and testing by a materials testing laboratory. Costs of such testing and certification shall be borne by the Developer. If the test results conclude that the unauthorized work doesn't meet these Standards, the Developer will be required to remove the unauthorized material and replace it with materials that meet the Standards at his/her own expense. At the time that such action is directed by the Engineer, further work on the Development may be limited or prohibited until all directed tests have been completed, approved, and all corrections identified by the City have been made to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If necessary, the City may take further action as set forth in Kent City Code 2.3 Control of Materials 2.3.A Source of Supply and Quality of Materials The Developer shall notify the Engineer of proposed sources of supply for all materials to be furnished. At the option of the Engineer, the source of supply of each of the materials shall be approved by the Engineer before the delivery is started. Representative preliminary samples or test data of the character and quality prescribed may be required to be submitted by the Developer or producer for examination by the Engineer. Only materials conforming to the requirements of the WSDOT Standard Specifications and approved by the Engineer shall be used in the Work, see Section 1-06.1 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Any of the materials proposed to be used may be inspected or tested at any time during their preparation and use. If, after testing, it is found that sources of supply which have been approved do not meet the specifications or if the product from any source proved unacceptable at any time, the Developer shall furnish approved materials from other approved sources. No materials which, after approval, have in any way become unfit for use shall be used in the Work. 2-3 56 Materials shall be delivered, in advance, on the Site in such quantities as to afford the Engineer an opportunity to make tests before the materials are to be used. 2.3.113 Samples and Tests At the direction of the Engineer, the Inspector shall direct that a materials testing laboratory be utilized to conduct necessary field and/or lab tests of materials or methods. All testing shall be done in accordance with ASTM and AASHTO accepted standards and all reports shall be stamped and signed by a Professional Engineer. Such test/laboratory reports shall be transmitted to the Inspector by the Developer and shall be the basis upon which decisions may be made for the Developer to proceed with certain portions of their work. The absence of adequate materials testing reports may delay or prohibit work from proceeding. In such cases the City shall not be responsible for Developer delays. All testing shall be in accordance with commonly recognized standards of the appropriate national organizations, WSDOT, ASTM, AASHTO, or common industry standards. The field tests of materials shall be made as deemed necessary by the Engineer at no cost to the City. In general, tests shall be made at the frequency as outlined by the applicable sections of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. The Developer shall furnish, without charge, samples of all materials as requested by the Engineer. Materials shall not be used until approved. The Developer shall furnish, at their own expense, such labor and facilities as may be required to enable the Engineer to make a thorough inspection of the materials. A Certificate of Materials shall be provided. As soon as materials have been tested and inspected, the Developer shall immediately remove all rejected materials from the Site as the Engineer may require, and shall arrange for replacement of rejected materials at their own expense. The neglect or failure on the part of the Engineer to reject inferior materials or work shall not be construed as an acceptance of the materials or work. 2.3.0 Storage of Materials All materials intended for use in the Work shall be stored by the Developer by means that will prevent damage from exposure to the elements, Erosion, contamination from admixture of foreign materials, or from any other cause. The Engineer will refuse to accept, or to sample for testing, any materials that are improperly stored. The Engineer may inspect materials when, in the opinion of the Engineer, the materials no longer meet specifications. If materials are found not to meet specifications, they shall be removed immediately from the Project site. 2-4 57 2.3.D Defective Materials All materials not conforming to the requirements of these specifications and the approved plans will be rejected by the Engineer and all such materials whether in place or not, shall be immediately removed from the Site of the Work by the Developer. 2.3.E Temporary Stockpiling A temporary stockpile consists of materials such as Fill material, unsuitable Excavation, or aggregate that is stored in piles of varying size awaiting use or disposal on a public or private Project. No contaminated stockpiles shall be allowed within the City of Kent unless associated with an Ecology-approved clean up plan or as otherwise approved by the City of Kent. Temporary stockpiles are allowed within public or private Project limits subject to the requirements below. All stockpiling activities on privately owned property adjacent to or in the vicinity of a Project shall be subject to the Grading requirements of KCC 14.01.030A and these Standards. In addition, stockpiling of more than 500 CY throughout the total lifetime of the Fill or Excavation shall be subject to SEPA regulations per KCC 11.03. All of the following requirements shall be met while temporarily stockpiling material: 1. All proposed stockpile locations must be shown on the Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control plan sheets or otherwise approved by the Engineer. 2. Locate temporary stockpiles a minimum of 50 ft away from sensitive area buffers, concentrated flows of stormwater, drainage courses, and/or inlets. This 50 ft restriction may be reduced based on a Site specific TESC plan that addresses BMPs for protecting the stockpile and as approved by the Engineer. 3. Protect all temporary stockpiles from wind and stormwater Erosion using plastic sheeting installed per City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual specifications. Perimeter protection, such as vegetative buffers, silt fence, straw bale barriers, or wattles, must be used in conjunction with the stockpile covering as necessary to prevent sediment transport. 4. All temporary stockpiles shall be inspected before, based on weather forecasts and after any recordable precipitation or once a week if no precipitation occurs. 5. Temporary stockpile locations shall not block the sight distance at any Intersection or Driveway. 6. Maximum height of stockpiled materials shall be 24 feet. 2-5 58 All temporary stockpiles shall be covered and protected during the Wet Season (October 1 to March 31) if they are not being used for any 2 day period or, if during the Dry Season (April 1 to September 30) the material is not to be used for any 7 day period. During the Wet Season, slopes and stockpiles 3H: 1V or steeper with more than 10 feet of vertical relief shall be covered if they are to remain unworked for more than 12 hours. The intent of these measures is to prevent Erosion by having as much area as possible covered during any period of precipitation. Portland cement, cement concrete rubble, asphalt concrete, and asphalt concrete rubble stockpiles shall be covered at all times. All temporary stockpiles shall be removed and the area restored to its original pre-stockpiling condition prior to the Final Acceptance of the Project associated with the stockpiling need. Temporary stockpiles may not be used as Fill on the stockpile site or any other site unless specifically included, described and approved in a Permit for the Site on which it is to be used. For further reference on how to temporarily stockpile materials see Standard Plan 5-32. 2.4 Construction Control in Developments The provisions of Section 2-03 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications apply in all respects to Development construction unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer. The following elements are mentioned for clarification and emphasis: 2.4.A Embankment and Cut Section Compaction Each layer of the entire embankment shall be compacted to 95% of the maximum density per Section 2-03.3(14) C of the WSDOT Standard Specifications as determined by the compaction control tests described in Section 2-03.3(14) D of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. 2.4.B Testing for In-Place Density and Moisture Content 1. Prior to placing any surfacing material on the Street, it will be the responsibility of the Developer to provide density test reports reviewed and approved by a professional Engineer and accepted by the Inspector. It is the obligation of the approving Professional Engineer to notify the inspector of any test results that do not meet the minimum requirements of the Specifications. Optimum moisture content, maximum density, in-place density and moisture content shall be determined by methods cited in Section 2-03.3(14) D of WSDOT Standard Specifications or by other test procedures approved by the Engineer. For Work to be accepted, tests must show consistent uniform density and moisture content as required by tests referenced above. 2-6 59 2. Compaction reports are required for all Projects. The reports shall include a sketch showing the locations the tests were taken. Compaction testing shall be accomplished as Backfill or embankment construction progresses. At a minimum, compaction tests are required at the following locations. Additional tests and/or shorter length intervals may be required by the inspector. a. Embankment: In Fill sections, every 1,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof on each lift of Fill. In Cut sections, once for every 100 linear feet or 500 square yards, whichever results in a greater number of tests. b. Trench lines: At 150' intervals (or between structures if less than 150') and for every 2' depth of material placed or as required by the Engineer. c. Street subgrade: At fifty 50' intervals. d. All curb and gutter locations: At 150' intervals, each side. e. Crushed Surfacing: At 100' intervals. f. All sidewalk, pathway and/or bikeway locations: At 150' intervals, each side. g. Drainage structures: For every 2' of Backfill at each structure, unless Controlled Density Fill is used. h. Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA): A minimum of 5 density tests per 400 tons or portion thereof for each lift. In cases where tests or frequency of testing do not meet the minimum standard, corrective action shall be taken as directed by the Developer's Engineer and approved by the Inspector. Retests shall show passing densities prior to placing the next lift of Fill or pavement. 2.4.0 Unsuitable Foundation Excavation The contractor shall excavate unstable natural ground before building any embankment over it or in trenches for storm drainage and utilities. This unstable material may include peat, muck, swampland, buried logs and stumps, or other material not fit for a base. If unsuitable material is encountered, the Developer and/or contractor shall immediately contact the Inspector. No Fill, Backfill or permanent parts of a structure shall progress until authorized by the Inspector. Corrective actions may include, but are not limited to, over excavation, dewatering and/or development and approval of a special design section. The contractor shall excavate such material to the boundaries set by the Inspector. 2.5 Subgrade In preparing the roadbed for surfacing before any paving, the requirements outlined in Sections 2-06.3(1) and 2-06.3(2) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications shall be met. After the subgrade preparation has been completed, it shall be 2-7 60 thoroughly checked by the Developer and/or contractor using a level, laser level string line, crown board, or other means to determine that the subgrade conforms to the approved street section and these Standards prior to placing any surfacing material. 2.6 Traffic Control in Development Construction 2.6.A Interim Traffic Control The Developer shall be responsible for interim traffic control during construction on or along traveled City streets, including grade and fill operations which exceed haul route requirements and work on private property where trucks and equipment are entering and exiting the Site on a daily basis. See Section 6.12.0 Construction Area Traffic Control. When Street or drainage work is to be performed on City streets that are open to traffic, the Developer will be required to submit a traffic control plan for approval by the Engineer prior to approval of the plans unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. In no case shall construction begin until the traffic control plans have been approved. Traffic control shall follow the guidelines of Section 1-07.23 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. All barricades, signs and flagging shall conform to the requirements of the MUTCD Manual. For more specific requirements, see Section 6.12 Traffic Control Devices and Standard Plan 6-72. Signs must be legible and visible and shall be removed at the end of each workday if not applicable after construction hours. 2.6.113 Temporary Street Closures and Detours When temporary street closures cannot be avoided the Developer and/or contractor shall post "This Street Will Be Closed" signs a minimum of 10 working days prior to the closing and after approval of closure by the City. The types and locations of the signs shall be shown on a detour plan. A proposal for a street closure and a detour plan must be prepared and submitted to the Engineer at least 10 working days in advance and approved prior to closing any City Street. In addition, the Developer and/or contractor must notify, in writing, all adjacent property owners and/or tenants, local fire, school, and law enforcement authorities, Metro transit, and any other affected persons as directed by the Engineer at least 10 working days prior to closing. The City will not allow construction related street closures during the following times: Memorial Day Weekend, July 4th Weekend, Cornucopia Celebration Weekend (2nd weekend in July), Labor Day Weekend, Thanksgiving Weekend, and December 20th through January 1St. Within the Downtown Overlay District, no construction activities within public Right-of-Way will be allowed from November 20th through January 15t. 2-8 61 2.6.0 Haul Routes A haul route plan approval is required when there are more than 100 haul trips to and from the Site or over 10,000 CY of Fill or Excavation. Haul routes should guide trucks to the nearest City truck route as shown in the Kent Transportation Master Plan. If the construction of a proposed Development is determined by the Engineer to require special routing of large trucks or heavy construction equipment to prevent impacts to surrounding streets, residences or businesses, the Developer and/or contractor shall be required to develop and use an approved haul route. When required, the haul route plan must be prepared and submitted to the Engineer and approved prior to beginning or continuing construction. The haul route plan shall address routing, hours of operation, signage, flagging, and daily maintenance. If the Developer and/or contractor's traffic fails to use the designated haul route, the Engineer may prohibit or limit further work on the Development until such time as the requirements of the haul route are complied with. 2.6.D Haul Route Agreement When identified as a need by the SEPA review process or by the Engineer, a haul route agreement shall be obtained by the franchised Utility, Developer, or property owner establishing restoration procedures to be performed upon completion of the haul operation. 2.7 City Forces and City Contract Street Inspection Street construction performed by City forces or by contract for the City will be inspected under the supervision of the Engineer. 2.8 Call Before You Dig Contractors and Builders are responsible for timely notification of utilities in advance of any construction in Right-of-Way or Utility Easements. The Utility Notification Center phone number (1-800-424-5555) should be prominently displayed on the Site. 2.9 Utility Certification All Permits for new placement and replacement of existing utilities and utility system structures shall be accompanied by written certification from the Utility's Professional Engineer or from an agent authorized by the Utility to certify that the installations conform to these Standards, and that the proposed Work is in conformity with sound engineering principles relating to highway safety. 2-9 62 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 2-10 63 3.0 STANDARDS FOR WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS These Standards contain the design criteria and improvement standards for the extension or connections to the City of Kent Water System. The conditions as stated herein apply to all improvements made by public agencies and private Developers. These improvements may include the following: • Watermain extensions, modifications and replacements • Fire line and/or yard hydrant or fire hydrant connections to City mains • Water service and water use only meter installations • Cross Connection Control Devices 3.1 Easements and Rights-of-Way Permanent on-site easements for access, maintenance, and construction are required for all watermain extensions located outside of public Right-of-Way. Easements shall be provided by the Developer for all public water system infrastructure including the pipe, valves, backflow preventers, etc. Whenever an Easement or Right-of-Way is fenced, a gate shall be installed matching the width of the Easement and a City of Kent lock must be placed in "series" to facilitate access by the City. When easements are required, legal descriptions shall be prepared by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed by the State of Washington. A title report, dated within 30 days, covering the properties to be encumbered by the easements shall accompany the description. When off-site and/or on-site easements for the extension of approved comprehensive water plans are required, these easements shall be approved and recorded by the City before any Civil Construction Permit is issued unless the easements are being dedicated to the City as a part of the recorded final subdivision. Private improvements such as buildings, fences, garages, carports, retaining walls, utilities, signs, light standards, etc., are not allowed in public easements and rights- of-way. Water Main easements and rights-of-way are not allowed within the setbacks between two residential structures. Where an encroachment occurs, the Developer shall remove and relocate the conflicting private improvement immediately upon direction from the Engineer. 3.1.A Easement Requirements Easements shall be accessible for construction equipment normally used for the operation and maintenance of the facility. Cross slopes exceeding 5% will require a deviation approval of the Engineer. The minimum easement widths, centered on the utility system are as follows: 1. Watermain under 5' deep - 15' wide minimum 2. Watermain 5' - 9' deep - 25' wide minimum 3. Watermain over 9' deep - The formula for half of the width of the Easement shall be the sum of the total depth from the top of pipe to 3-1 64 the surface, plus the pipe diameter, plus 3', rounded to the nearest even foot. 4. Special conditions or installation requirements may require greater easement widths as determined by the Engineer. 5. In easements with multiple utility systems, the easement width shall be increased by the minimum separation distance between the lines. 6. In easements with multiple utility systems, the easement width shall be increased by the minimum separation distance between the lines. 3.1.113 Right-of-way Where feasible, the utility system extensions shall be located within the City's Right-of-Way. Work inside adjacent City, County and/or State Right-of-Way requires special permits from the respective agencies. Adjacent City, County and State permits and others must be obtained by the Developer or the City if required by franchise prior to construction Plan Approval by the City. 3.2 Standard Specifications The installation of all watermains and Appurtenances shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of the latest edition of the Washington State Department of Health Water System Design manual (WSDOH), AWWA or WSDOT Standard Specifications. The manufacturer's recommended installation procedures should be adhered to and not conflict with AWWA or WSDOT Standard Specifications. In the event of conflict, the Engineer shall determine any exceptions to WSDOH, AWWA or WSDOT Standard Specifications. 3.3 Watermain Extension Design Requirements All watermain extensions shall conform to these Standards and the Washington State Department of Health. Main extensions are also subject to appropriate Permits and plan review fees. Contact the City's Permit Center at 253-856-5300 or see the web site at www.ci.kent.wa.us for the latest Permit fee schedule. 3.4 Comprehensive Water System Plan The Comprehensive Water System Plan (WSP) indicates the location and configuration of the major elements of the existing and proposed water supply mains, distribution system, inter-ties and loops. The exact location or configuration of this system may be modified, provided the proposed system remains consistent with the overall intent of the plan. Minor modifications to the WSP Comprehensive Plan require specific approval by the Engineer. In some instances, where existing pressures are not met or cannot be provided, as determined by the City Engineer, portions of the WSP may be the direct responsibility of the Developer/Owner to complete in order to meet the minimum development requirements. Specific 3-2 65 conditions may be placed in the Permit approval or conditions of approval for the Project. 3.5 Mainline Water Extensions Mainline Extensions will be required when the property does not front on a watermain or when the existing main is deemed inadequate for the proposed use. The extension shall be in accordance with the latest adopted Water System Plan and these Standards. The watermain must be extended to the far edge of the property to be serviced, as approved by the Engineer, regardless of where the service connection is to be made to serve properties in the same service area. 3.6 Water System Design Standards 3.6.A Improvements and/or Alterations All improvements and/or alteration to the water system must be designed to incorporate the standards described below: 1. The desirable system working pressure shall be approximately 60-70 pounds per square inch (psi), but not less than 35 psi under Peak Hourly Demand (PHD). The minimum pressure in the water system under fire flow conditions shall be 20 psi. 2. A Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) shall be installed and maintained on water service lines by the property owner when system pressures are in excess of 80 psi. See Standard Plan 3-13 for Service Applications up to 2" in size. 3. The minimum diameter of watermain for commercial, industrial, multi- family and residential Developments shall be 8". The size of the main in all cases must meet fire flow requirements as determined by the Fire Marshal. 4. Connections to existing watermains shall be accomplished by "extension", "wet tap" or "cut in" when mainline valves are required on the existing main. Once the new valve has been installed on the existing watermain, the City Water Section shall be responsible for placing a lock on the connecting valve and any operations. The Developer shall not operate the connecting valve for any reason. The Developer shall contact the Inspector assigned to the Project for filling or flushing of the new main, or any other need for operation of the connecting valve. No direct connection to the City's existing water system will be allowed until all purity and leakage testing results for the new water main extension have met the requirements of WAC for purity. 5. Two cubes for "Cubing" shall be installed in the new watermain at the initial connection and at each lateral from the new watermain. The 3-3 66 Water Section shall provide the cubes which can be picked up by the Developer at the Water Section Shop located at 5821 South 240th Street. 6. Dead end mains shall be avoided whenever possible. Where dead end mains are unavoidable, a minimum 6" blowoff assembly is required. The diameter of the blowoff and tap must be sized to achieve a minimum flow of 2.5 fps in the watermain. Where cubes for "Cubing" are required in the main installation, the watermain shall terminate with a fire hydrant as long as pressures and flows meet the minimum requirements for a fire hydrant. If these requirements are not met, then a blowoff assembly shall be used. 7. The City may approve a 4" diameter "dead end" watermain for a single family residential area serving less than fifteen (15) single family residences providing the following conditions are met: a. There is no potential for a future looped system. b. The Project is not within an area of known low pressure. c. The proposed 4" diameter watermain extends or "branches" from a looped system. The 4" watermain shall not extend from a line that starts as a larger diameter watermain and then reduces down to 4" diameter. d. No fire hydrants are required to be connected to the 4" diameter watermain. e. The total length of the 4" diameter watermain is no longer than 350'. f. If a 4" diameter watermain is approved by the City, a 4" blowoff assembly shall be installed at the end of the watermain for Cubing. 3.6.113 Watermain Locations 1. Watermains shall be installed at least 10' horizontally from any existing or proposed sanitary sewer. The distance shall be measured from the outside edge of an existing or proposed watermain. Any deviation from this requirement shall meet DOE and Washington State Department of Health (WSDOH) requirements and be allowed only upon approval of the Engineer. 2. Perpendicular watermain crossings of sanitary sewers shall be installed to provide a minimum vertical distance of 18" above the sewer line, measured from the bottom of the water line to the top of the sewer line with no joint in the watermain within 10' of the sewer line. Where separation between the water line and sewer line is less than 18", the sewer line shall be ductile iron per Section 4.7.13 Gravity Sewer Pipe. All sanitary sewer lines which cross above a watermain, regardless of the separation, shall be ductile iron as well, with no joints within 10' of the watermain. 3. Installation of watermains near other potential sources of contamination may be subject to written approval by the Engineer on 3-4 67 a case-by-case basis. The sources may include, but are not limited to; storage ponds, land disposal sites for wastewater or industrial process water containing toxic materials or pathogenic organisms, solid waste disposal sites, or any other facility where failure of the facility would subject the water in the main to toxic chemical or pathogenic contamination. 4. Watermains shall be located at least 5' , both in the horizontal and vertical dimensions, away from any other utility system, including, but not limited to, storm drains, other watermains, power, natural gas, cable television (CATV), private fire lines, etc. 3.6.0 Water Valves 1. Water Valves are required at the following locations: a. Four hundred (400) foot maximum spacing in commercial/industrial and multi-family residential areas. Locations involving hospitals, medical clinics, and others determined by the City of Kent to be critical applications, may be required to have the spacing reduced. b. Eight hundred (800) foot maximum spacing in residential areas. c. All sides of mainline tees and crosses. d. At all fire line and hydrant connections to the City's watermain system. When fire hydrants are installed on a fire line run, a valve is required prior to the fire line vault but after the fire hydrant connections. e. At both sides of all bridge crossings, railroad crossings and casings/bores. f. Existing gate valves may be subject to replacement with a new resilient wedge gate valve installed at the discretion of the Engineer. 2. Water Valve Types: a. 16" diameter valves and smaller shall be resilient wedge gate valves. b. Valves larger than 16" shall be butterfly valves and have a by- pass with a 6"gate valve. See Standard Plan 3-8. 3.6.D Combination Air/Vacuum Release Valves Combination Air/Vacuum Release Valves shall be located at high points along the main. As a guide, valves are necessary where the difference in elevation between high and low point is 2' or more on a gradual rise, or any abrupt rise. Actual locations shall be approved by the Engineer. The air inlet/discharge opening shall be 36" above Finished Grade and provided with a screened downward facing vent opening. It shall be located outside of traffic and sidewalk areas, and installed to prevent damage to landscaping or hazards to pedestrians and bicyclists. See Standard Plan 3-20. 3-5 68 3.6.E Blowoffs 1. Blowoffs shall be located at the dead end of all mains for flushing and "Cubing" purposes. Blowoff assemblies must be sized and designed to achieve a minimum flow of 2.5 fps in the watermain. These flows are to be used as a guideline but do not relieve the Developer from assuring a clean line. The minimum blowoff size for a permanent installation is 4"for 4" diameter watermain and 6" for pipe diameters from 6" to 12". Temporary blowoff assembly installations may be reduced to a 2" size. See Standard Plan 3-19. 2. Where cubes for "Cubing" are required in the main line installation, the watermain shall terminate with a fire hydrant as long as pressures and flows meet the minimum requirements for a fire hydrant. If these requirements are not met, then a blowoff assembly shall be used. See Standard Plan 3-19. 3. Using water from blowoffs requires a Temporary Hydrant Meter and Check Valve Assembly, issued by the Water Section. Persons using water illegally will be prosecuted. 3.6.F Fire Hydrants 1. Location: Proposed fire hydrant locations shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Marshal prior to Plan Approval. In general, fire hydrants shall be installed at the following locations: a. At all Street Intersections. b. Six hundred (600) foot maximum spacing in single-family residential areas. c. Three hundred (300) foot spacing in multi-family and commercial areas. d. At locations noted on approved project plans. e. Within 50' of the fire department connection. f. At other locations as directed by the Engineer and/or the Fire Marshal. Fire hydrants shall not be installed in areas with contaminated soils unless there are no other feasible options. If a fire hydrant must be installed within an area with contaminated soils, it shall be isolated from the City's water system with an approved backflow prevention device per Section 3.16 Backflow Prevention. 2. Connection to Existing Main: a. Hydrant lead shall be Class 52 ductile iron. b. Hydrant lead shall not exceed 50' in length. 3-6 69 c. Wet tap connection with heavy-duty full circumference ductile iron or stainless steel long tapping sleeve and resilient wedge tapping valve is required. No size on size wet tapping will be allowed. No service connections are allowed to hydrant leads. d. Using water from hydrants requires a Temporary Hydrant Meter and Check Valve Assembly issued by the Water Section. Persons using water illegally will be prosecuted. e. No bends will be allowed on hydrant leads. f. The Breakaway Connection shall be installed no higher than 4" above the Finished Grade of the surrounding area. 3. Assemblies: Fire hydrant assemblies shall be shackled on runs of 18' or less, or restrained with an approved type of mechanical restrained joint on runs longer than 18', to the mainline per Standard Plan 3-1. a. Public fire hydrants shall be painted white. b. Private fire hydrants shall be painted yellow. c. Private fire hydrant assemblies require an approved Double Check Detector Assembly (DCDA) located on private property or as near as possible to the right-of-way line. Installation of the DCDA shall be per Section 3.16 Backflow Prevention and Standard Plan 3-18 d. An isolation valve shall be installed at the connection to the City watermain. 3.6.G Access Roads Access roads to all Appurtenances are required for maintenance. Access and/or maintenance roads (where required) shall be 15' wide and shall accommodate turning movements for a BUS-40 Design Vehicle. Access and/or maintenance roads will require an approved all-weather surface, and shall be designed to support an HS-20 vehicle load. The Profile Grade of an access road shall not exceed 15%. Access roads with grades exceeding 12% shall be paved. All access roads longer than 150 feet from the nearest face of curb or edge of pavement of the connecting Street shall have an approved turnaround per Standard Plans 3-18 through 3-21 or shall be looped to connect back to a public Street. Whenever an Easement or Right-of-Way is fenced, a gate shall be installed matching the width of the Easement and a City of Kent lock must be placed in "series". 3.6.H Casings Where a water line passes under or through a retaining wall or is attached to a bridge structure, the pipe shall be cased in steel pipe at least 4" larger than the largest outer diameter of the bell or joint of the water line. No pipe joints will be allowed within the casing, except on bridge structures or unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. The casing shall 3-7 70 extend on either side of the wall a distance equal to the height of the retaining wall, plus 4 . All voids within the casing shall be filled with blown sand except on bridge structures. Casing spacers shall be Cascade Waterworks Manufacturing Company stainless steel casing spacers or approved equal. The casing spacers shall be installed such that the water line is centered and restrained within the casing and spaced such that a uniform Profile Grade will be maintained within the casing. 3.7 Deletion of Mains, Stubs, Valves and Water Services The Developer shall be responsible for abandoning existing watermains, stubs, valves, water services, and/or Appurtenances adjacent to the property being developed when there is no further need for them, or when required by the Engineer as described below: 3.7.A Watermains and Appurtenances Watermains and Appurtenances shall be abandoned by removal and disposal, capping, and/or plugging the cut ends with concrete at the discretion of the Engineer. The plug shall be a minimum of two and one half (2.5) times as long as the inside diameter of the pipe being abandoned. Any Asbestos Cement pipe which is to be removed or abandoned in place shall be done in accordance with State and Federal regulations. 3.7.113 Stubs, Stub Valves and Appurtenances Stubs, their valves and Appurtenances shall be removed and disposed of, and the tee shall be plugged with a mechanical joint plug or blind flange. 3.7.0 Gate Valves Gate valves on stubs to properties being served by the proposed Development not meeting these Standards shall be removed and replaced with a new resilient wedge gate valve. 3.7.113 Water Services Deletion 1. The Developer must write a letter to the City of Kent Finance Services Division requesting the service be deleted. The water service(s) shall then be abandoned by turning the corporation stop off at the main, cutting and removing a minimum 1' section of the service line from the corporation stop and capping the corporation stop with a brass cap. The City will remove the meter once the Developer has removed the 1' of service line and capped the service. 2. Water services larger than 2" shall be abandoned per Item 3.7A above. 3. The Engineer or designee reserves the right to change the above requirements to better fit unforeseen existing conditions in the field as they are discovered. 3-8 71 3.8 Private Fire Systems Backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed at each fire service connection to the City watermains. All backflow assemblies shall be from the latest approved list from the Washington State Department of Health (WSDOH), and approved by the City prior to installation. The double check detector assembly, reduced pressure detector assembly, or double check valve assembly shall be designed in accordance with the latest edition of the AWWA's "Cross Connection Control Manual" Pacific Northwest Section; and the Standard Plans. Single detector check assemblies are not allowed by the City of Kent as backflow prevention assemblies. 3.8.A Double Check Detector Assemblies (DCDA) Approved DCDAs are required on the following fire protection systems: 1. Wet systems including those with an in-line booster pump or buildings over 30' high. 2. Systems with a pumper connection within seventeen hundred (1700') of an approved auxiliary water supply source, as designated by the Fire Marshal and the Engineer. 3. Private looped systems or any system with private yard hydrants. 3.8.113 Reduced Pressure Detector Assembly (RPDA) Approved RPDA's are required for all high hazard fire systems including but not limited to the following: 1. Systems where an unapproved (non-City potable) source is permanently connected to the fire system, including private storage reservoirs. 2. All foamite or chemically charged installations. 3. Systems in which anti-freeze is allowed. 3.8.0 Double Check Valve Assembly (DCVA) Approved DCVA's are required for all residential fire systems including, but not limited to, the following: 1. When grades exceed 12% on accessible routes of travel from designated fire department locations. 2. When the residence exceeds 3600 square feet. 3. Where fire hydrants are not within acceptable limits from the residence as determined by the Fire Marshal. 4. Where fire flows are less than 1, 500 gallons per minute. 3.8.D Installation Requirements The required backflow prevention assembly shall be installed in accordance with the following: 3-9 72 1. DCDA's shall be located on private property, at or as near as possible to the edge of the City right-of-way, in a location approved by the Engineer in an above ground enclosure of adequate size and structural design for the specific Site application, as indicated on Standard Plan 3-18. DCDA's may be allowed in a below Grade reinforced concrete vault per Standard Plan 3-18 only with the approval of the Engineer. 2. The DCDA may be installed in a building only where zoning allows for a 0' setback in the Downtown Overlay. See Standard Plan 3-18. 3.8.E System Upgrade Where an existing fire line and/or yard hydrant system is extended to serve a new building or a building addition, the existing fire line, fire hydrant(s) and/or yard hydrant and all related backflow protection assemblies shall be upgraded to comply with current City codes, these Standards, Standard Plan 3-18 and the latest edition of the AWWA "Cross Connection Control Manual" Pacific Northwest Section. 3.9 Domestic Water Service Each service connection to the City watermain shall be metered. Unless specifically approved otherwise, all buildings shall have a separate service connection and a single meter. All domestic and industrial consumption of water, except for fire systems, shall be metered. Water service connections and plumbing shall conform to relevant Washington State Plumbing Codes and these Standards. All domestic water service connections require an approved Water Permit from the City. The City shall own and maintain the water service from the watermain to, and including, the water meter, as well as the meter box and setter. The service line, from the connection to the setter to the premises or building is the sole responsibility of the Developer per Kent City Code 7.02.040. 3.10 Water Meters All water meters shall be located within a Easement or Right-of-Way and shall be located in such a manner as to provide easy access for the meter reader and maintenance and operations crews. 3.10.A Service Installation The Developer shall be responsible for the installation of all new domestic water services from the water main. The Developer shall also be responsible for relocation, reconnection, replacement and abandonment of existing services. All new construction, service upsizing, or service relocations shall require the service to be renewed back to the main. Water services may be required to be upgraded to these Standards at the discretion of the Engineer when a remodel, demolition, or change in type of use is made. Existing services no longer providing service shall be 3-10 73 abandoned in accordance with these Standards. All costs are to be borne by the Developer. The location of the service line shall be as shown on the approved Plan Approval or as directed by the Engineer. There shall be a minimum 3' separation between service taps at the water main and installed as near perpendicular as possible to the Street centerline where applicable. The Engineer, or designee, shall inspect the installation and verify the pressure test prior to approval to backfill. The meter box shall be installed to final Grade and final approval granted prior to the installation of the water meter. See Section 3.12 for meters larger than 2". 3.10.B Meter and Meter Box Location 1. New Service - The meter shall be located so that the meter box is directly behind the sidewalk, or curb if there is no sidewalk, and perpendicular to the Street, with the top of the angle stop 8" to 10" below the finish Grade. See Standard Plans 3-10 & 3-11. 2. Exception - If there is no sidewalk between the edge of pavement and the property line, the meter box will be installed behind the Shoulder and/or ditch at a location approved by the Engineer. It will be necessary to culvert the ditch at the meter location for meter reading access. 3. It may be necessary to place the meter box in the sidewalk. In such cases, the edge of the meter box shall be no closer than 6" to any edge of the sidewalk. A minimum of 2" (edge to edge) must be maintained between adjacent meter boxes. See Standard Plans 3-10 & 3-11. 4. Meter boxes shall not be installed within driveway approaches unless no other location is feasible. In that case, traffic bearing meter boxes and lids shall be used. 5. It shall be the Developer's responsibility to install and maintain the service from the setter connection to the premises or building served by City water per Kent City Code 7.02.040. 6. When wireless meter readers are required they shall be installed by the Developer and become a part of the installation. 3-11 74 3.10.0 Meter Box The type of box shall be as follows or approved equal in writing by the Engineer: Table 3.1 Meter Size Location Type 5/8 x 3/4 to 1" *planters Carson 1220-12 5/8 x 3/4 to 3/4 sidewalks, driveways or Olympic Foundry #SM29 pavements or within 5' of a driveway 11/2" to 2" *planters Carson 1730-15 1" to 2" sidewalks, driveways or Olympic Foundry #SM30 pavements or within 5' of a driveway 3" and larger "planters ***Concrete Vault *All plastic boxes are to be black polyethylene **Installation in sidewalks, Driveways or pavements will not be allowed unless there is no other feasible alternative ***See Standard Plan 3-12 3.10.113 Irrigation Box The type of box will be as follows or approved equal in writing by the Engineer: Table 3.2 DCVA or PRV Size Box Type 3/4" to 1" & all PRV's Carson 1324-15G (Green lid, solid) Carson 1324-21- (Extension Boxes, 6") Carson 1324B-1L 1'/z" to 2" Carson 1730C-113 for 15" high Carson 1730D-113 for 18" high Green lid, solid) Carson 1730-P2L 3-12 75 3.10.E Premise Isolation The type of box will be as follows or approved equal in writing by the Engineer: Table 3.3 DCVA Box Type 3/4" to 2" Same as section D above 3" and larger *Concrete Vault *See Standard Plan 3-12 Table 3.4 RPBA Box Type 3/4" and larger Insulated Enclosure - above ground *(Enclosures shall be large enough to meet the minimum clearances noted on Standard Plan 3-14. 3.10.F Meter Setter The meter setter shall have dual-purpose end connections for iron pipe thread male adapters on both ends. It will be used with type "K" copper tubing or polyethylene plastic pipe, with a brace pipe eye and pipe to hold the setter vertical. The setter will be equipped with an angle shut off valve with padlock wings, and on the outgoing side a check valve to prevent backflow. The check valve is to be spring loaded, of brass and stainless steel construction with a removable back for maintenance purposes. This check must be of the same type used at the present time by the Public Works Department. See Standard Plans 3-10 through 3-12. The following products are Standard. Other approved equal products require written approval of the Engineer: Table 3.5 Meter Setter Size Type 3/4" Ford VH 72-15W 3/4" x 15" Mueller H1422-2(Double purpose connection) 1" Ford VH74-15W 1" x 15" Mueller H1422-2(Double purpose connection 11/2" Ford VFH66-15 x 13 L/BP 11/2" x 15" Mueller H1422-2L/BP 2" Ford VFH77-15x17 L/BP 3-13 76 3.11 Water Service Laterals 3.11.A Depth The service lateral shall have a minimum cover of 24" at the meter connection and shall increase in depth to the elevation at the main. The corporation stop shall be installed at a 22 degree upward angle from the center line of the main, and must be tapped on the same side of the watermain as the service lateral. A minimum separation of 3' must be maintained between service taps through the end of the service run. 3.1113 Material 1. Shall be a minimum of 1"diameter (Iron Pipe Size). 2. Copper - Type K, per Section 9-30.6(3)A of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Copper shall be used for all 2" diameter and smaller service laterals in areas of know contaminated soils. 3. Polyethylene - Conforming to AWWA C901, high molecular weight with a 200 psi rating, per Section 9-30-6(3)B of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Plastic pipe shall not be used in areas subject to contamination by petroleum distillates or other contamination that potentially could leach into pipe as determined by the Engineer. 4. Service laterals that are 1 1/2" and 2" shall be polyethylene. 5. In situations where the flow needs exceed the capacity of a 2" diameter pipe, the service lateral shall be increased to a minimum 4" diameter and shall be ductile iron pipe. 3.11.0 Locator Wire A 12-gauge solid copper, single strand continuous locating wire with plastic insulation is to be wound on the outside of all polyethylene laterals. The wire shall be stripped of insulation at the connection and then securely and permanently connected to the corporation stop at the watermain and to the meter setter so as to maintain continuity. See Standard Plans 3-10 through 3-12. No splices will be allowed in the locator wire. 3.11.D Service Saddles The service saddle shall be an approved equal to Smith Blair, Romac, or Mueller double strap style. A 3' minimum separation will be required between other services, saddles and Appurtenances. 3.11.E Corporation Stops Ford corporation stops, or approved equals, shall be brass and are to be used to isolate the service lateral from the City watermain. They are to have iron pipe thread to connect to the saddle and the adapter. One and one half (1 1/2") and 2" laterals shall have ball corporation stop type. 3-14 77 3.11.F Connections Ford or Mueller pack joint adapters or approved equals shall be brass and are to be used to connect the service line pipe to the corporation stop and meter setter. All connections and service lines shall be placed, as near as practical, at 90 degrees to the water line. 3.11.G Water Meter Installation The water meter shall be set by the Water Section following approval of the Water Permit and approval of the water service installation and Final Inspection. Contact the Permit Center for a current fee schedule. 3.11.H Water Use Using water from water services prior to meter installation requires a Temporary Hydrant Meter and Check Valve Assembly, issued by the Water Section. Persons using water illegally will be prosecuted. 3.11.I Service Markings In new Projects or subdivisions where street improvements are to be made, each service lateral shall be marked by a "WS" in the curb where it crosses perpendicular to the curb. The marking shall be done at the time the curb is installed and shall be as-built by stationing. Lettering shall be 3" high and a minimum 1/4" deep. 3.12 Three (3) inch and Larger Compound Meters Compound meters for service connections larger than 2" shall be installed within a pre-cast concrete vault in accordance with Standard Plan 3-12. Compound meters shall be the Sensus OMNI T2 and installed by the Developer. Turbine type compound meters will only be allowed on a case-by-case basis. All services larger than 2", not including the meter, shall be pressure tested, disinfected, flushed, and have acceptable purity sample results prior to being accepted and turned on by the City. All meters are to be tested by an approved meter testing company for accuracy after installation. The test report shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineer prior to acceptance of the meter. An isolation valve in accordance with Section 3.21 shall be installed at the connection to the City watermain. 3.13 Water Use Only or Deduct Meters The deduct meter is a private meter purchased, installed and maintained by the Developer downstream of the domestic meter. The reading on the deduct meter is deducted from the reading on the domestic meter to determine the monthly sewer charge. The installation of a deduct meter requires an approved Water Permit and the approval of both City and King County Department of Natural Resources Wastewater Treatment Division (KC/DNR-WTD). The City obtains approval from 3-15 78 KC/DNR-WTD on behalf of the Developer. Contact the Permit Center for a current fee schedule. The landscape irrigation deduct meter shall be located on private property adjacent to the City meter. The location shall be as indicated in Standard Plan 3-16. The Engineer may approve other locations prior to installation. Deduct meters located inside buildings or in access restricted areas require remote readouts to be located near the City meter. The type of meter and remote assembly shall be approved by the City and shall be subject to periodic inspections and certifications. Irrigation deduct meters do not require KC-DNR approval. When the water use only meter is a direct service connection to the City main, the meter assembly and installation is the same as all domestic meters, however, there is no sanitary sewer charge computed for this type of service. See Standard Plan 3-16 for landscape irrigation deduct meter installation and Standard Plans 3-10 through 3-12 for water use only service installation. A drawing is required for deduct meters used for processing equipment. 3.14 Sewer Rate Meters The sewer rate meter is a private meter purchased, installed and maintained by the Developer. The metering system is subject to approval by the City and KC/DNR- WTD. Meter shall read cubic feet. There are several use applications: 3.14.A All Sources Discharged Metering When the sewer rate meter is used to meter all public and/or private sources of water discharged to the sewer, the domestic meter is changed to water use only. Deduct Meters are not used in this system. The sewer rate meter determines the sewer charges. This application is installed in two ways: 1. In a manhole, in line with the side sewer. 2. In the building water plumbing pipes at location(s) that will read all public and private water that discharge to sewer and does not include the portion used for landscape irrigation and process equipment systems that do not discharge to sewer. 3.14.113 Partial Sources Discharged Metering When the sewer rate meter is used to meter part of public and/or private sources of water discharged to the sewer and deduct meters are used to meter the uses not discharged to the sewer. The domestic meter determines water and sewer charges. The sewer rate meter is added to the sewer charges. The deduct meter(s) are deducted from the sewer charges. The meter for this type of installation is located in three ways: 1. In the building water plumbing pipes at location(s) that will pick up that portion of the public and/or private sources of water discharged to the sewer but prior to its use. 3-16 79 2. In line with the discharge pipes of processing equipment fed from the public meter prior to discharge to the building plumbing or side sewer. This water must be free of debris that could clog the meter used. 3. In line with the discharge pipes of processing equipment fed from the public meter or private source of water. This water may contain debris. 4. The sewer rate meter shall be located on private property in a location that is convenient to the Developer with a remote readout located near the City water meter as approved by the Engineer. The type of meter and remote used is subject to the approval of the Engineer and shall read in cubic feet only. The sewer rate meter requires a Sewer Permit from the City and waste discharge approval from KC/DNR-WTD. An industrial rate charge is normally added to the sewer bill for Sewer Permits with waste discharge approval as determined by KC/DNR-WTD. 3.15 Cross Connections There shall be no cross connection whatsoever between the City water distribution system and any unapproved pipes, wells, pumps, private hydrants, tanks, non- potable fluid or any other contaminating materials that may backflow into the potable water system. The City's potable water distribution system includes all City owned watermain, service pipe up to and including the meter for residential services and Appurtenances up to the DCVAs or DCVAs located after the water service meter. 3.16 Backflow Prevention The degree of public health protection required must be commensurate with the degree of hazard presented as defined in WAC 246-290. In situations of high health hazards, whether known or potential physical or toxic health hazards, air gap separation and/or reduced pressure backflow assemblies (RPBA's) shall be required. DCVAs or pressure vacuum breakers are generally utilized where low health hazard, aesthetic or detrimental effects on water quality may occur. Each water system connection has unique problems arising from location, climatic conditions, service demands, and other factors. Consequently, each cross- connection shall be evaluated on an individual basis and the City shall make the final determination as to the degree of backflow protection required. See testing and annual inspection requirements set forth in KCC 7.02.050 through 7.02.105. Backflow protection assemblies proposed for use can be found on the current list of approved assemblies by the WSDOH. All backflow assemblies are required to be tested annually by a Washington State certified backflow assembly tester. Copies of these inspection reports shall be sent to the City: Public Works Operations, Attn: Water Manager, 5821 South 240t" St., Kent, WA 98032. A separate Water Permit will be required for each backflow device installed. An annual inspection and fee will be required for each backflow device. 3-17 80 3.17 Premise Isolation Where the City determines protection of the public water distribution system is necessary, a backflow preventer shall be installed at the property line commensurate with the degree of hazard as defined in WAC 246.290.490. A sample use requiring such protection would be a medical/dental office building. Installation of air gaps shall be approved by the City based on submitted drawings in accordance with the latest edition of the City of Kent Cross-Connection Control Program Manual. Reduced Pressure Backflow Assemblies (RPBA) shall be per Standard Plan 3-14. In situations where a non-residential building has multiple tenants or the potential to have future multiple tenants, an RPBA per Standard Plan W3-14 shall be required at the property line. 3.18 Irrigation System Irrigation System Cross connection protection is required for all irrigation systems. In areas of flooding, on hillside installations, or where injection systems are used, a Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly (RPBA) is required. See Standard Plan 3-14. 3.19 Watermain Materials The installation of watermains and the materials used shall be in accordance with the applicable sections of the WSDOT Standard Specifications, except as herein modified. 3.19.A Watermains and Fittings The following materials and Appurtenances are accepted for City watermains: 1. Pipe - Ductile iron pipe, Class 52, with cement mortar lining. 2. Joints - Mechanical or push-on joints with rubber gaskets. 3. Fittings - Cast iron or ductile iron, with cement mortar lining. 4. Fitting Joints - Mechanical or flanged joints with rubber gaskets. 5. Jointing - Coupling pipes and cut-ins shall be joined by mechanical joint ductile iron long pattern sleeves unless prior approval is given by the Engineer. "Dresser type" couplings will not be allowed, except to join different sizes or dissimilar piping materials, and only upon approval by the Engineer. 6. Installation of watermains and/or Appurtenances in known contaminated materials should be avoided whenever possible. If a watermain must be installed in a location with contaminated materials, the rubber gaskets used for all joints shall be Viton gaskets composed of FE, flouroelastomer, or fluorocarbon rubber. 3-18 81 3.19.B Water Valves 1. Gate Valves - Shall be used for 16" diameter and smaller applications and shall be resilient wedge per AWWA standards. 2. Butterfly Valves - Shall be used for larger than 16" diameter applications and shall be per AWWA standards. Valves larger than 16" shall have a 4"by-pass with a globe valve. 3. Valve Operation - All valves must open by rotating the valve stem in the counter clockwise direction. 4. Valve Joints - Mechanical or flanged fittings. 5. Stem Nuts - Valve stem nuts shall be no shallower than 1 1/2' and no deeper than 3' below Finished Grade. In cases where valves are deeper, an extension rod assembly with a rock guard must be installed on the operating nut. See Standard Plan 3-7. 6. Valve Marker Posts - Concrete valve marker posts shall be furnished and installed for each valve located outside of the paved Street. Marker posts shall be white with black lettering. See Standard Plan 3-4. 3.19.0 Valve Box 1. Valve boxes in all areas, except as described in Section 3.19.C.2 below, shall include the following components: a. Valve Box Bottom Section -VB1C or Rich 24" bottom compatible with the top section. b. Valve Box Top Section with Covers -VB 940 with a 2" "deep skirt" cover and "WATER" cast in the cover. c. Covers shall be installed with the ears in line with the water flow. See Standard Plan 3-7. Alternates must be Standard equals. 2. Transmission Main: a. Zone Separation or other applications specified by the Engineer. b. Valve Box Bottom Section -VB1C or Rich 24" bottom compatible with the top section. c. Valve Box Top Section with Covers -VB-045D/T with compatible cover and "WATER" cast in the cover. Covers shall be installed with set screws in line with the water flow. See Standard Plan 3- 7. Alternates must be standard equals. 3.19.13 Fire Hydrant Assemblies Fire hydrants shall be compression type, break-away (traffic model) hydrants conforming to AWWA C502, except as herein modified. See Standard Plan 3-1. 1. Valves and Nozzles: Fire hydrants shall have a bottom valve size of at least 5", one 4 1/2" pumper nozzle and two 2 1/2" nozzles. Nozzles shall have National 3-19 82 Standard Threads (NST), with 1 1/4" pentagonal nuts on the nozzle caps and operating nut. 2. Hydrant Leads: The hydrants leads shall be a minimum of 6" in diameter. An auxiliary valve shall be installed in the hydrant lead located at the connection to the City main. 3. Drainage: All hydrants shall be equipped with a drain. A gravel pit or dry well shall be provided. Hydrant drains shall not be connected to, or located within, 10' horizontally of sanitary sewers or storm drains. 4. Painting: Public owned hydrants shall be painted with two coats of Farwest Wonderglow Quickset white gloss enamel #1100 series - V1814-W. Private hydrants shall be painted with two coats of Farwest Wonderglow Quickset yellow gloss #1100 series - V1814-Y, #3472. 5. Fire Hydrant Guard Posts: Concrete fire hydrant guard posts shall be furnished and installed with fire hydrants as required by the City. After installation, the posts shall be painted with two coats of Farwest Wonderglow Quickset Gloss Alkyd Enamel #1100 series and match the color of the hydrant installed. 6. Standard Fire Hydrant Types: Standard Fire Hydrant types shall be Clow Medallion, Mueller Centurion or M&H 929. No Corey type hydrants allowed. 7. Fire Hydrant Clearance: Three (3) foot clearance with maximum 2% slope shall be provided around all fire hydrants, as well as clear access to/from the Traveled Way. 3.20 Watermain Installation 3.20.A Pipe Bedding and Foundation Material Pipe bedding shall be placed under and all around the pipe meeting the requirements of Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding per Section 9- 03.12(3) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications, latest edition. It shall be compacted in layers around the pipe and to a sufficient height above the pipe to adequately support and protect the pipe to 95% compaction ASTM D-1557. See WSDOT Standard Plans and Standard Plan 3-22. Where determined necessary by the Engineer, ballast material shall be used below the pipe bedding to stabilize the trench. This ballast shall meet the requirements of Shoulder Ballast per Section 9.03.9(2) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. 3-20 83 3.20.B Pipeline Cover (Backfill) All watermains shall be covered with sufficient earth or other insulation to prevent freezing. The pipe shall be placed at a constant Profile Grade to provide the minimum cover as shown below and to allow for the release of air within the system. The minimum depth of cover for watermains is: Table 3.6 Main Size Minimum Cover 10" and smaller 36" cover 12" and larger 48" cover Pipe trench backfill shall be Crushed Surfacing Top Course (CSTC) under all arterial classifications of roadways and those local streets adjacent to commercial or industrial land uses. Gravel borrow shall be used for pipe trench backfill in all other locations if, in the opinion of the Engineer, existing trench Excavation soils are unsuitable. CSTC or gravel borrow shall be from a pit approved by the Engineer and shall meet the requirements of CSTC per Section 9.03.9(3) or Gravel Borrow per Section 9.03.14(1) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Each layer shall be compacted to 95% in paved areas and 90% in unpaved areas in accordance with ASTM D 1557, in lifts not to exceed 18". The maximum particle size shall not exceed 6" or 2/3 the depth of the layer being placed, whichever is less. Pipe trench backfill for lateral runs crossing existing or proposed improved City streets shall be Crushed Surfacing Top Course meeting the requirements of Section 9.03.9(3) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. In paved areas, the trench patching shall be in accordance with Standard Plans 3-64 through 3-69. 3.20.C. Blocking All fittings changing the horizontal or vertical alignment of the pipe shall be installed with Class 3000 cement concrete thrust blocking in conformance with Section 6-02.3 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Blocking shall bear against solid undisturbed earth at the sides and bottom of the trench Excavation and shall be securely wrapped with four (4) mil polyethylene sheeting. Restrained joint pipe shall be required in areas where soils consist of peat or other low bearing strength materials or other areas as determined by the Engineer. Tie rods can be used in conjunction with thrust blocking for hydrant installations See Standard Plan 3-1 or fittings as approved by the Engineer. Mega Lugs or Mechanical Restrained Joint Pipe may be used in place of blocking only upon approval by the Engineer. 3-21 84 3.20.D Corrosive Soils In areas with corrosive soils, and at the sole discretion of the City Engineer, the watermain shall be encased in 4 mil high density polyethylene, in accordance with Method A of the most recent M41 AWWA Manual and all applicable AWWA Standards. 3.21 Connection to an Existing Water Main A physical separation between all untested and potentially contaminated watermains (or main extensions) and the City's existing water system shall be maintained at all times unless the connection is protected by an approved City and Department of Health backflow device. See Standard Plan 3-2. A hydrant meter and an approved backflow prevention device shall be used whenever drawing water from the City's water system. Hydrant meters and backflow prevention devices may be obtained from the Public Works Operations Division, Water Section located at 5821 South 240th Street. The Developer will be required to complete the billing forms for a Water Permit and making the required damage deposit. There will be a charge for all water used in accordance with Kent City Code 7.02.180 "Temporary Water Meters." Prior to the new watermain being installed, the contractor has the option of cutting in the connection tee on the existing watermain, or providing potable water from an existing hydrant or blowoff to provide a temporary water supply. If the contractor chooses the option of installing a new connection tee, the contractor shall install new resilient wedge valves on all sides of the tee, or otherwise as required by the Engineer. A mechanical joint plug with a 2" minimum tap and proper blocking shall be installed on the new incoming mainline valve at the new tee with piping accessible to accommodate filling the new water main. 3.22 Cubing Foam cubes (pigs) shall be inserted into and pushed through the new water main to remove any residue, dirt, debris, obstruction or possible foreign material in the new water main. 3.22.A Cube Usage 1. The Water Section will supply the foam cubes to the contractor based on the water system design as shown on the approved Engineering Plan. 2. The Developer shall pickup the cubes at the Public Works Operations and shall install two foam cubes at the initial connection and two foam cubes at each lateral connection 6" in diameter and larger (downstream of each connecting valve), as the new main is installed. This would include all 6"+ diameter lateral runs to hydrants that are 3-22 85 longer than one full pipe length, or have more than a single joint in them. 3. A mechanical joint cap with a 2" minimum tap shall be installed with proper blocking at the initial connection point on the new main with piping accessible to accommodate both flushing and chlorine injection. 4. The Water Section shall retrieve the foam cubes when the contractor performs the Cubing process. All Cubing and flushing shall be under the supervision of the Water Section or the Inspector. 5. To accommodate the launch and the retrieval of the cubes, the minimum blow-off size shall be 6" for watermain diameters up to 12". 6. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to properly dispose of all flush water per Section 3.23 below as well as locating and retrieving any "lost" or missing cubes or partial cubes from the watermain. 7. In the event that the initial Cubing does not adequately clean the new water mains, the contractor shall be required to provide additional point(s) for launching and retrieval of additional cubes, and re-cube those sections of main that have debris in them until clean, as determined by the Water Section. 3.23 Chlorine Injection After the Developer has cleaned the watermain by Cubing and flushing, the Developer shall inject a liquid chlorine solution evenly throughout the new main and all connections and Appurtenances for complete and optimal disinfection. The chlorine dosage shall be a minimum of 50 mg/I and a maximum of 100 mg/l. AWWA C651-99 Standards include detailed procedures for the adequate disinfection, flushing and microbiological testing of all watermains. If the Developer wishes the Water Section to do the injection, the Inspector shall give the Water Section five working days notification to perform the chlorine injection. The Contractor must sign a waiver holding the City harmless for any failure of purity samples due to the work performed by the Water Section, as well as agreeing to reimburse the City for all costs associated with the disinfection process. Work may be scheduled after hours, outside of the 5-day notification period, or refused by the City due to manpower or workload constraints. The chlorine shall remain in the main for the time specified according to the procedure used from AWWA Standards C651-99. After the 24-hour disinfection period, the remaining residual throughout the watermain and Appurtenances shall not be lower than 25 mg/L, if so it would require reapplication of chlorine. The Contractor shall be responsible for disposing of all chlorinated water. Chlorinated water shall be disposed of in an approved sanitary sewer. If a sanitary sewer is not available, or the capacity of the sanitary sewer will be at risk, the Developer shall be responsible for disposing of the water per all applicable regulations. Amount of chlorine needed to produce 50mg/L in 18' of pipe (one pipe length) for 5.25% household bleach (with no additives), 12.5% sodium hypochlorite solutions and 65% available dry calcium hypochlorite is shown in the following table. 3-23 86 Table 3.7 Diameter 5.25% al 12.5% al 65% (lb) 4" 0.009 0.005 0.007 6" 0.022 0.011 0.017 8" 0.039 0.019 0.029 101, 0.061 0.031 0.052 12" 0.087 0.044 0.047 16" 0.156 0.078 0.119 18" 0.197 0.098 0.152 24" 0.352 0.176 0.271 30" 0.548 0.275 0.422 Formula: Gals Required = (Pipe Length/18) x Disinfectant Amount Example: How many gallons of fresh 5.25% sodium hypochlorite will be required to disinfect 5,000' of 8" main? 5,000' - 18' = 278 lengths of 8" pipe 278 x 0.039 = 11 gallons required All Costs for re-injecting including the Inspector's time to come back due to "not being ready" will be the responsibility of the Developer. Costs shall be the actual costs including labor, equipment rental and materials. The costs shall be based on the latest cost schedule prepared and approved annually by the Engineer. 3.24 Bacteriological Purity Samples Two consecutive sets of acceptable purity samples, taken at least 24 hours apart, shall be collected from representative points of the new watermain, all Appurtenances and all other connections to the new watermain(s). Water section personnel will take the first bacteriological purity sample(s) after the chlorine is removed, flushing is completed and the chlorine level is no greater than, or less than, the level present in the adjacent distribution system. Water services installed prior to watermain testing shall also be purity tested with the water main and all other connections to the new watermain. The second set of purity samples shall be taken 24 hours after the first set of samples. A representative background sample of the City water system may be taken from the distribution source at the same time purity samples are taken from the new main. In the event that the Water Section or the Inspector determines that trench water, dirt or debris has entered the new main during construction, the first purity samples shall not be taken until the water has stood in the new main for at least 16 3-24 87 hours after final flushing. As above, the second set of purity samples shall not be taken until the water in the new main has stood for an additional 24 hours. No water shall be flushed during the 16 or 24 hour incubation periods described above, or prior to the purity samples being taken. It shall be the Developer's responsibility to make arrangements to transport the sample(s) to a state-certified laboratory approved by the Water Section. The Developer shall be responsible for paying all costs for the purity samples. Two consecutive samples, 24 hours apart, must show no coliform presence before performing final connections to the existing water system. The Water Section may be available during normal working hours, depending upon workload, (7:30 am to 4:00 pm) excluding holidays and weekends, to take purity samples, assist with Cubing and chlorine injections. The Developer shall reimburse the City for all associated costs including labor, overhead, equipment, and material charges. Outside of normal working hours, the Developer shall reimburse the City at the most current hourly overtime rate for labor, overhead, equipment and material charges. 3.25 Pressure and Leakage Tests All new water mains, extensions of existing mains, water system Appurtenances and water services larger than 2" shall be pressure tested for leakage in accordance with Section 7-17.3(2) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Water Appurtenances 2" and smaller installed prior to watermain testing shall also be pressure tested with the watermain. At no time will the temporary water system connection or backflow device remain connected or in place during the pressure test procedures. All Costs for re-testing including the Inspectors time to come back due to "not being ready" will be the responsibility of the Developer. Costs shall include labor at overtime rates, overhead, equipment, material and any other associated charges. The costs shall be based on the latest cost schedule prepared and approved annually by the Engineer. 3.26 Final Connection(s) to the Existing Water Main When both sets of purity sample results are satisfactory and received in writing from the state-certified laboratory, and all other City of Kent water system standards have been met, the Developer shall be allowed to connect the new mains to the existing distribution system following City of Kent and AWWA Standards. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to prevent, at all times, the contamination of the new and existing watermains with trench water, dirt, debris, or other foreign material. The inspector and/or Water Section representative must be present to witness the final connection(s) to the existing water system, to turn on and flush the new water system, and to place the new water system and Appurtenances into service. 3-25 88 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 3-26 89 3.27 Water System Standard Plans 3-1 Standard Fire Hydrant 3-2 Temporary Hydrant Connection 3-3 Guard Post 3-4 Valve Marker Post 3-5 Connection to Concrete Cylinder Main (4" to 12") 3-6 2" Connection to Concrete Cylinder Main 3-7 Valve Box & Operating Nut Extender 3-8 18" or Greater Valve By-Pass 3-9 Concrete Blocking 3-10 Service Connection 1" Service 3-11 Service Connection 11/2" & 2" Service 3-12 Compound Water Meter with By-Pass 3-13 Pressure Reducing Valve with Box for 3/4 1 11/2" or 2" Service Lines 3-14 Domestic Service Connection Premise Isolation 3-15 Irrigation Service Installation 3-16 Single-Family Residential Domestic Waterline / Fireline 3-17 Multi-Family Residential Domestic Waterline / Fireline 3-18 Double Check Detector Assembly 3-19 Standard 6" Blowoff Assembly 3-20 Combination Air/Vacuum Valve & Vault 3-21 Tapping Sleeve & Valve Assemblies 3-22 Typical Pipe Trench 3-27 90 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 3-28 91 �a ¢ 129. w a m s4� o N 0 w .v :m 9:1 7 47` cdu F ?Q tu ma ua nim n 445 Y O Q V i 64., - 11101 p2p ❑a�G V i s V �� m y to Entu �ISW DSO a d �r N N q d m LL w } A,b. L"� , �o� N 0y wQw m 44w d RA a� a°dr'Ln ua N Nme � En cl Di ❑❑ae z ¢� �i 3 fi"MIN � $ w v=z �x Mm uo a w oo w w CAJ � a! x M [CQ w 6 EnLu ` � U w0� 6 .7n 4 f a R a¢ gg f,i7 uj N a u7 U 5 R a o [gip] •; F-' �m m 2 as� N 0 4 r�., coJ a td Vu rr a K N Ill M Iqy pV Vl r'i Z 11ii�,, O 117 W ' a 1n ^ ``.�L r.�LN Y+ ❑a Z �SY F ¢ � 2 44 � � � ru d a en wa a d L.1 �' O0. µr1 � a 2 LlY a T2 oC s 40S^m ¢ " Q lIL �� 6 4y W LI) N 6 m u Luul �nZ a J atn j zl L1 N m u; NOTE;THIS PLAN L5 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 3'NOMINAL z fl5 AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE 0 S iI ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 1$KEPT ON FfLE AT of WAS y THE CM OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE 06TAINED UPON REQUEST. ' tiw ti c� CITY OF KENT Q y O ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT T STANDARD FIRE HYDRANT ST . �1VNAL�� GHEGKEO E + APPR6VL 92 ISCHARGE/FLUSHING APPROVED CROSS DECHLORINATION CONNECTION CONTROL DEVICE AND METER SUPPLY HOSE .1 - TEMPORARY TEST SAMPLING FAUCET I BLOCKING CONTROL VALVE NEW WATER MAIN TEMPORARY CAP OR PLUG I APPROVED CROSS DISCHARGE/FLUSHING CONNECTION CONTROL DECHLORINATION DEVICE AND METER TEMPORARY BLOCKING SAMPLING FAUCET - CONTROL VALVE ED — —— l NEW WATER MAIN TEMPORARY CAP OR PLUG NOTES' NOTE.THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT I. THE USER SHALL PROVIDE THEIR OSEPt, AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE OWN GATE VALVE BETWEEN THE S `1 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT METER AND DISCHARGE POINT, �oF WAS&�� �� THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. Q ` cT CITY OF KENT 2. CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL �� ENGINE£RIN@ bEPARTMENT DEVICE AND METER SHALL BE - � �' SUPPORTED IF NOT RESTING ON I� V KEN-' TEMPORARY HYDRANT THE GROUND. 2 3 �Q w......t.. CONNECTION DRAWN _ NONESTMDARD P1AN r �q APPRRW 3-2 7 f APP 93 I GUARD POST -1- FIRE HYDRANT 3' MIN. CLASS 3000 m nl i CONCRETE I Ill In 111 III —— Irl ill a` J N F o \ WATER w MAIN "' z LOWER LIMIT _ � FOR PAINT POST GUARD TYPICAL PLACEMENT DETAIL z in NOTES: I. THE FOG-TITE HYDRANT GUARD POST IS PRE-APPROVED,ALL OTHERS REQUIRE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER PRIOR70 INSTALLATION a GUARD POST ARE INSTALLED WITH TOPS SET AT THE SAME HEIGHT AS THE HYDRANT.IF MORE THAN ONE POST IS SET,THEY SHALL.BE SET AT THE SAME HEIGHT. 3. PAINT EXPOSED POST THE SAME COLOR AS THE FIRE HYDRANT.SEE STANDARD PLAN 3-1 4. SEE STANDARD PLAN 3-I FOR FIRE NOTE:THIS PLAN I5 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT HYDRANT DETAILS. oSEP AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE S. GUARD POSTS ARE NOT USED WHERE WAS k ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT FIRE HYDRANT IS LOCATED BEHIND OF y�h THE CITY OF KENT,A COPY MAYBE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CURB AND GUTTER OR POSTED v ` s� �- CITY OF KENT LE SPEED LESS THAN 40 MPH ENGINEERINGNG DEPARTIAENT 6, GUARD POST SHALL BE LOCATED ATT GUARD POST OUTSIDE OF THE CLEAR ZONE.SEE rd P 14 3 Q 6t4 w .x...... STANDARD PLAN 6-50. �O�{, GISTE�� �1Y~ DESIGNED O _ NONE STANDARD PUA �1 DRAWN �ssf4NAL 7. FOR USE ON PRIVATE PROPERTY, 1J� 09 aHM i '1 3-3 APPR04E0 94 TYPICAL 2"HIGH BLACK STENCIL MARKINGS ON THIS FACE ONLY, HOMERIGHT PAINT, 71 11 cRJ�E SIZE OF VALVE R Ga�1p�p00 55 3ppp CON "R pd�IN� C0 �p6 G 1 �fpR2 - 1 LGp�ofp Fp"N 3" DISTANCE T 0� Rp TO VALVE FAIN STUN TyP�) OR BLOWOFF (5E�2 � N � j3 RE��FG�G�p 9� USE "GV"FOR GATE VALVE a p OR 13/8 "BV1'FOR BUTTERFLY VALVE OR "BO"FOR BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY 53 6p5. �IGNr y T . NOTES: NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT OSEPtT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BYTHE 1. FOR USE ON PRIVATE PROPERTY, 3 l I ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT 2, THE FOG TITS INC,VALVE MARKER pk NASH THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. c� �� POST WITH THE"WATER"LEGEND 1S O ti° a CITY OF WENT THE PRE-APPROVED PRODUCT.ALL � EIitl4NEfRlNlSG DEPARTMENY OTHERS REQUIRE THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER PRIOR KENT VALVE MARKER POST TO INSTALLATION, PFG REQ �c 1ST ��1`V" pRAwwEC eeW s NONE STANDARD PLAN l� sIoNAL CHECKED TE 3-4 APPH 95 HAT FLANGE {CERTIFIED WELDER REQUIRED 1�j I ! , CONCRETE A , A CYLINDER I j PIPE I I I I I I FLxMJ TAPPING VALVE OR I I CORPORATION STOP FOR WATER I I SERVICE APPLICATIONS I EXPOSE STEEL 8'MAX. WELD B ' a CONC.CYLINDER PIPE 4" 1 rrrr- 1/8"FILLET WELD } I r ALLAROUND- FIELD WELD OUTSIDE AND INSIDE. B HAT a FLANGE 4 P G HAT FLANGE CONNECTION FLANGE 10 GA,STEEL SECTION A-A SECTION B-B NOTES: i0CERTIFIED WELDER SHALL BE NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT C IED ERTIF ED WED BY THE CITY OF KENT �S I� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE S ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT WATER DEPARTMENT. S� of Y`Ask�ti THE CITY OF KENT,A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. c� z, FLANGE&VALVE TO BE PRE-APPROVED p �Q o CITY OF KENT BY THE CITY OF KENT. ` ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 3, APPLY CEMENT MORTAR TO COVER AL 7 [��NT CONNECTION TO CONCRETE EXPOSED STEEL.(1/2"UNIFORM P 149 O S!- w.,x.+,o. CYLINDER MAIN (4" TO 12") THICKNESS)EXCEPT THE BOLTED Off, 1sTE¢� n�cn8o �10M°PUN FLANGE AREA. `�sjQNAG �Y�' DRAWM 8 s N-------°7 -- 5 Q CliECKF� J Z^5 APPitO 96 4"MAX. WELD WIRE MESH .ti TO SLEEVE APPLY CEMENT MORTAR AROUND PERIMETER OF SLEEVE 112"UNIFORM CONCRETE CYLINDER THICKNESS THREADED FITTING PIPE FIELD WELD INSIDE AND OUTSIDE I ' FILLET WELD ALL „ ALL AROUND 2 CORPORATION STOP SEE STANDARD PLAN 3-11 2"I.D.FORGED STEEL 3DO0 POUND HALF COUPLING-SA-105 MATERIAL (3"OD x 2"TALL)WITH FEMALE IRON PIPE THREADS TAPER END OF SLEEVE TO CONTOUR OF MAIN EXPOSE STEEL NOTE; CERTIFIED WELDER SHALL BE PRE-APPROVED BY THE CITY OF KENT WATER DEPARTMENT. NOTF:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT �S Ep AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE S 'z ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT WASH,,Pc THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 4 CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT �f KENT 2" CONNECTION TO ,e. 214 3 � DE51GNE7 o�+"'X",". CONCRETE CYLINDER MAIN DRAW aB s ESTANDARD � � u ! �S SIGNAL CHECK EC - E J 3-6 APPROVE 97 OLYMPIC FOUNDRYVB 940 WITH TWO(2)INCH"DEEP SKIRT"COVER. THE COVER SHALL BE MARKED"WATER". 3' a e 44 1 n > 4' _ a Eq[? e a < d o d a e EXTENSION F, ° WATER II AS NEEDED d a Z ° d g ea e c ° ° e d a m a 4 to u d a e 3'x3'x4"THICK CONCRETE(3,000 PSI)PAD AROUND VALVE COVER IN UNPAVED AREAS BASE SECTION:RICH 24" PLAN VALVE BOX BOTTOM, OLYMPIC NO.VBIC OR 2"SQUARE PRE-APPROVED EQUAL AND OPERATING SHALL BE COMPATIBLE NUT 'WITH TOP SECTION, 1 14 ROCK GUARD, 4 1/4"DIA. 1/8"MIN,THICK 0 0 w VALVE BOX WITH z z OPERATING NUT EXTENDER U' 4 3/4"SOLID STEEL ROD, NOTES: 1. EXTEN51ONS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF ONE(1)FOOT LONG 2. EXTENSIONS SHALL BE SIZED AS OPERATING NUT EXTENDER NEEDED,AND PAINTED WITH TWO(2) NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT COATS OF METAL PAINT. ()SE AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE WAS l7 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT 3. EARS,LUGS OR STAINLESS CAP ' of ly, THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. SCREWS ON COVER SHALL BE ALIGNED CITY OF KENT WITH DIRECTION OF WATER FLOW. ENGINEERINO DEPARTUENT 4. FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND C� �..r KEN�- VALVE BOX AND USE SEE WSDOT STD.SPECIFICATIONS 214 a w..",.,.o. OPERATING NUT EXTENDER SECTION 3.14 `p0 C15TE�� kQ' DESIGNED OM 5 NONE PVd`! S. VALVE BOX SHALL BE CENTERED OV0NAL CHECK ED 96 ATE �r `O 2"SQUARE OPERATING NUT. �� 69 ac�n 3—� APPROVE 98 0 ,s r I- v v 0 a � Q P n C7 0 W O X J Q O i0 1 n O Q z � x z � z L, o J s W Q ; CG Lu < N V] z Ln Lu a Lu � Q e ui a O o C1 °_j EnW w 4 w R l UY i7 d }O lWil j 683 En W W Q W W W Z T Ln m G W Q IJL .o> a w x o z L)0 O ZD rn o ease@ NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT �OSEP� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE F WAgy ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. F' CITY OF E1N7T ENGINEERING IC DEPARTMENT E T 18" OR GREATER VALVE ok c Tree W4 1CtwA( BY-PASS q A`�S�aNAL '1 OESIG E6 68W S NONE _ STANDARD PEAK t' r cHELK 3—g APPROVE p 99 B THRUST BLACK-TABLE P MINIUM BEARING AREA AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIL SQUARE FEET PIPE PRESSURE SIZE PSI A I B C I D E 100PSI 200 21(1) 11(10NE) II(NONE) NONE NONE 4 300 3/(2) 21(2) 21(1) 1/(1) NONE NONE 200 4/(3) 3/(2) 3/(1) 1/(1) 10ON0 6 300 6/(4) 4/(3) 3/(2) 2/(1) 1/(NONE) NONE 200 7/(5) 5/(3) 4/(3) 21(2) 1/(1) 8 300 111(8) 8/(S) 6/(4) 3/(2) 2/(1) 3/{2) 900 BEND TEE 10° 200 11/(8) 8/(6) 6/(4) 3/(2) 2/(l) 4/(3) 275 16/(11) ll/7 91(6) 51(3) 3/(2) 200 16/(11) 11/(8) 9/(6) 5/(3) 31(2) C iz" 250 24/(16) 17/(11) 13/9 7/(5 4/(3) 51(4} 14" 250 33/(22) 23/(16) 181(12) 9/(6) 5/(3) 7/(6) 200 29/(19) 21/(14) 16/01) 8/(6) S/(3) "— B 16" 225 32/(21) 23/(16)17](12) 9/(6) 5/(3) 10/(7) 18" 200 36/(24) 26/(17) 20/(13) 10J(7) 5/(4) 13/(9) CAPJPWG 450 BEND 20" 200 45/(29) 32/(21) 24/(16) 13/(8) 7/(4) 16/(11) 24" 200 64/(43) 46/(30) 35](23) 18/(12) 9/(6) 23/(16) D E NOTE:ADDITIONAL BLOCKING MUST BE PROVIDED IF GATE VALVE IS AT END OF LINE DURING TESTING.ADDITIONAL BLOCKING SHALL ALSO BE PROVIDED UNDER TEES AND CROSSES, 2 3/4"DIA.ROD'FOR 10" SIZE&SMALLER 2-1"DIA, 22112°BEND 11 1/4°SEND RODS LARGER THAN 10°SIZE NOTES: 1. SQUARE FEET OF CONCRETE THRUSTS-BLOCK AREA BASED ON SAFE BEARING LOAD OF 2000/(3000)POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT, 2. AREAS MUST BE ADJUSTED FOR OTHER SIZE PIPE,PRESSURES& SOIL CONDITIONS. X 3. CONCRETE BLOCKING SHALL BE CAST IN PLACE,CLASS 3,000 8i GATE VALVE MIN.8"IMBED HAVE MINIMUM OF 114 SQUARE FOOT BEARING AGAINST THE FITTING,VALVES MAY ALSO BE SUPPORTED WITH 10"xi0"x4" SAFE BEARING LOADS IN LB.L5Q,_FT. CONCRETE CINDER BLOCKS WITH COMPOSITE SHIMS. THE SAFE BEARING LOADS GIVEN IN THE FOLLOWING TABLE ARE FOR HORIZONTAL 4, BLOCK SHALL BEAR AGAINST FITTINGS ONLY&SHALL BE CLEAR OF THRUSTS WHEN THE DEPTH OF COVER JOINTS TO PERMIT TAKING UP OR DISMANTLING JOINT, OVER THE PIPE EXCEEDS 2 FEET, S. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL BLOCKING ADEQUATE TO WITHSTAND SOIL SAFE BEARING LOAD FULL TEST PRESSURE AS WELL AS TO CONTINUOUSLY WITHSTAND OPERATING PRESSURE UNDER ALL CONDITIONS OF SERVICE. LB.PER SQ,FT. MUCK,PEAT,ETC. 0 6. WRAP WATER MAIN WITH 4 MIL POLYETHYLENE SHEETING IN AREA SOFT CLAY 1,000 OF THRUST BLOCK. SAND 2,000 NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT SAND&GRAVEL 3,000 �SEP AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE SAND Bt GRAVEL S I ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT CEMENTED WITH CLAY 4,000 , aF WAS&�y THE CITY OF KENT,A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. WARD SHALE 10,000 c� v �� CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT "IN MUCK OR PEAT,ALL THRUSTS SHALL RESTRAINED BY PILES OR TIE RODS TO �7 �! KENT CONCRETE BLOCKING SOLID FOUNDATIONS OR BY REMOVAL F 49 WA "I"°f°" MUCK OR PEAT AND REPLACEMENT WITH �p 4'F /STER r� BALLAST OF SUFFICIENT STABILITY T DESIGNED new s aaoattD avr PRAWN__ BB E NONE RESISTTHRUST, �[� ANAL �� CHECNEO A?E Z^9 r j s r �PR J 100 0 0 W a o w a a In Qm L wO u a sa , i- w� g �Z �x �u� _ZU cn� Wn.� JLL 2 wI� Q {j w Y 6 OV W F a w0 �Q u acz^ ;- o- 0 z rz w 0z u.Z a JZ 4 r-re 00 00o a.. z�a N 3NII ko O3� » zw� maw 4z 1N3w35a3 u m "'of "a p v 110 uaadoldd z Co� cea- Lu zLnz zQ �� LnUw U1 H J X �S � O Q yF� m Z J a 0 01 of u8 O Lu � .J w as OUp rl'-1 e-1 lA g�Ln w u °C Z w Q O n w m o w uQ o � Ln In Lu z "t LLJF- w O m UON n Z J- IL Z z ^ O LuO 4OLu w p v] w a w w x W 00inw [C z o � a •w-• wLa E pq� I" 6 .M-i rw- o W FEn xG z wF w z µmy Qarwr oX 3w zu ZA 3a"�0 a o �z ¢ N �w ¢9 �a r. 4I^`zzo Lu Lu m}�.� 0 'cp cc:zci�i a� w0 �Q CZ gzw�n Lu Ln La'iF 1p ry5�-+%"18 -Lu J¢ via cn a uw U .�5 m m U 3.in - m w Lu C4 Lu u �u NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT g QS�p AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE S ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT WASy THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 4" CITY OF KENT ENOTNEERINO DEPARTMENT • SERVICE CONNECTION 14 q 214 3 yo � WA.„„NT t" SERVICE �O FDISTF- w DESIGNED D �sroIVALG1 DPAWN_ BE 5 NONESTANDARD PLANCj CHECKED 3-10 I APPR 101 ®METER BOX INSPECTION a LID(OPEN) z w w C ANGLE METER STOP a W/PADLOCK WINGS 17-1/4"(2"MTR.) SIDEWALK SIDEWALK OR PLANTER STRIP 13-1/4"(1-1/2"MTR) i OR PLANTER ' STRIP CURB o SPACER PIPE 6"MIN. o W/HOLE IN SPACER(DO NOT (TYP.) INSTALL GASKETS) STREET 1'MAX,FROM f PROPERTY LINE DRILL HOLE SINGLE CHECK ELL METER SETTER 3 _8"TO 12"OF 5/8"GRAVEL FOR DRAINAGE AND BOX SUPPORT 1 O CUSTOMER SERVICE LINE TO HOUSE OR BUILDING,INSTALLED PACK JOINT UNDER PLUMBING PERMIT ADAPTER(TYP.) END OF CITY OF KENT MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY PER KENT CITY CODE SECTION ® 7,02,040 ADJUSTABLE BRACE 9 (NO BY-PASS) NOTES: I.P.S.HIGH DENSITY,CLASS 200 OR O 12 GAUGE INSULATED SOLID COPPER LOCATING WIRE,PLASTIC GREATER,POLYETHYLENE PIPE TO COATED BARE WIRE ENDS,FOR POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC PIPE ONLY.NO PROPERTY LINE.(SEE KENT WATER SPLICES WILL BE ALLOWED. SERVICE CODE SECTIONS 3,5,1) 2Q. FORD NO.FS-500 CORPORATION STOP OR APPROVED EQUAL. PERMANENTLY CONNECT BARE WIRE TO SADDLE OR 30 PERMANENTLY CONNECT BARE WIRE ENDS TO METER SETTER WITH CORPORATION STOP STAINLESS STEEL HOSE CLAMPS. BALL TYPE CORP. ® SEE SEC,3,10 FOR PRE-APPROVED METER SETTERS AND METER BOXES, STOP WJ M.I.P.T.ENDS 5. SEE STANDARD PLAN 3-13 IF PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE IS DOUBLE STRAP 1 / REQUIRED. SADDLE 6. PROVIDE 8"CLEARANCE BETWEEN OUTSIDE EDGES OF ADJACENT METER BOXES, 7. CENTER METER SETTER IN METER BOX, 220 8. REDUCERS INSIDE SETTERS ARE NOT ALLOWED. INSTALL AN 18"PIECE OF SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE IN EACH OF THE HORIZONTAL CL METER SETTER BRACE EYES, NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT O9Epz, AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE 5 ld ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KFFT ON FILE AT WATER MAIN � pF 1dASy�y THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, ti c� CITY OF KENT F.I.P.X POLYETHYLENE PIPE- ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PACK JOINT ADAPTER WCfH .STAINLESS STEEL INSERT �NT SERVICE CONNECTION 14 214 �q, � �..".",o" a"1/2" & 2" SERVICE ;p0 GIST ER DESIGNED,.., 13MW "ILENONE _ STANDARD PLAN ssjCNA��1 oRnwN ee _ CHECKED 3—1 1 l C1 I APPR 102 �w z �, 10 o z z zu' wo u a N u au z � a a 1311 o m aq W J Ul Lu Lu u' ¢� ¢ 11 a a ACD sa t7 cn �ce z j o a CD Ln �4 0 a� �r Lu zdu �Ox LLu n 0 IT, - w LA ZI o N o o N U � a Q m z 7- 0 0� Lu o Lu W z 7 3 ¢ u.l In L s x a N N v w w F- N � " �pSEPhr z wasti,�l a y L 6 M .a�O� pFG ST fRto �4 1 l sSZONAL Q Ig E 18" a NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUSUCATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT z THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. o CITY OF I{ENT ENGINEERINoND DEPAKTAIENT COMPOUND WATER METER 3 \1 T WITH BY—PASS w......... SAta I OF s J q S z DESIGNED MM' s NONE STANDARD PLAN n a DRAWN ea — — CHECKED 3-12 APP 103 �o I > I I I w I z 9 �a Ln a I Yoz • oz Wes " I �� LLI B:(7 2E w I g 0 z W� Smo z� Lu Ja a r z I m zp �z O '�� OW Jw I I A� �LD LL J o I w o Q w d p4 m 3n- 0 � jl F- O w _ _ F En 4 i I I I i Luui io� i Ln l � II I I IV Lu Iz II I I o la II I 0 I � II I �a in MII In I I I I o ca � z� I II I I 00 o z I f l I H I V)W Lu �Na D4= Jz', aio - - -- _— � q Eu zz � v �J O x x 2 N m H �0 g 1 a�W mad t()SEPj� n� ¢ WAS w J z O a O y Z z iC ii W KO. J tW r u O W � =j 214 v W CA eJ. ��SSrO1lAL / s z a NpTE:THIS PLR IS N T A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT I a AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BYTHE x ¢ ENGINEER AND APPROVE[)FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE;AT THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. I I CITY OF KENT ¢ I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT i 3 lc 0 COMPOUND WATER METER Q (GENT o WITH BY-PASS WaY Y.Y VTOY gL{� 2 4F 2 C9 F z NOW STANDMO PtM U 0 SPAWN up LL CHECKED J 2-12 APPAOVM 104 PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE PRV BOX PER KENT STANDARDS 3,10,D NOTES: 1. BOX TO BE LOCATED BEHIND WATER METER ON PRIVATE PROPERTY AND SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO 8"-9 1/2" MAINTAIN. • TO TOP OF METER BOX 2, WILKINS NO.600 REGULATOR,ALL BRONZE WATER REDUCING VALVE AND STRAINER,3/4",1",1 1/2",OR 2",BY-PASS,MONEL TRIM.MAX,INITIAL PRESSURE SETTING:50 LBS.FOR WATER-AIR OR PRE-APPROVED EQUAL. Il O3 SEE WATER SERVICE STANDARD PLANS 3-10 AND 3-11, TO CITY METER PRV MAIN BRASS UNION MINIMUM 2' PLAN BURY 3/4 600 REQUIRED OVER SERVICE- (BOTH ENDS) FITTINGS SHOWN AS STREET ELLS AND 2INCH NIPPLES MAY BE REPLACED WITH 900 BENDS AND LONGER NIPPLES TO CONFORM WITH DIMENSIONS REQUIRED, ALL FITTINGS TO BE BRASS, FROM PACK JOINT ADAPTER,MALE OR MAIN FEMALE THREAD(BOTH ENDS)03x TO CUSTOMER 12 GAUGE NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT LOCATING WIRE O SpSEP ENGINEER RONIC AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE AT pF WASi it THE CITY OF KENT,A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. c� CITY RI oe�KEErNT PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE V KEj1r'r WITH BOX FOR 3/4", 1", 1-1/2", Tio �4 """""`' ' OR 2" SERVICE UNES f� �ssjQNAL �, ORAWNGESIGNED se stAxnARo PLAN CHECKED 3-1 3 l/ APYR y 105 TO BUILDING REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY WITH INSULATED ASSEMBLY(DCVA) ENCLOSURE HIGH HAZARD LOW HAZARD, _PROPERTY OR f EASEMENT LINE ~ DOMESTIC WATER METER DOMESTIC WATER METER PLAN VIEW -TYPICAL.INSTALLATION METER ASSEMBLY METER BOX a� ! UNION(TYP.) 0 0 12"14" T7DCVA BOX 2� °p �z DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY( Lu alu'7 FROM WATER ` TO MAIN q� DOMESTIC OR !15110 'tltlINDUSTRIAL ° 8o USE 6" 12"LAYER PEA GRAVE PROFILE VIEW-WATER SERVICE AND DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY(LOW HAZARD) INSULATED ENCLOSURE O 3"MIN. 3"MIN.WHEN VALVE REDUCED PRESSURE 6"MIN, (TYP.) INSTALL UNIONS(TYP.)FOR IS FULLY OPEN BACK FLOW ASSEMBLY 2"AND SMALLER ASSEMBLIES (TYP,) 12 MIN. O 3"MIN. INSULATED w (TYP-) ENCLOSURE 22 o I 4„ DRAIN(TYP,) f a W MiN, j BOTH f ENDS o yr 11 SECTION GRADE ��� EM 12" MIN. TO PVC SLEEVE J DOMESTIC OR CONC.SLAB INDUSTRIAL FROM D FLOW ELECTRICAL HEAT USE WATER 4 MAIN qN7 I PROFILE VIEW-WATER SERVICE AND REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY HIGH HAZARD NOTES: NOTE;THIS PLAN 1S NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 1. DRAWINGS ARE ILLUSTRATIONS ()SE AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ONLY,SIZE OF METER AND 5 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT BACKFLOW PREVENTER SHALL BE PER 5� aF WAS I/ THE CITY OF KENT,A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, THE APPROVED PLANS, �y C CITY OF KENT BOXES OR VAULTS SHALL PER `� _ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SECTION 3.10. t � DOMESTIC SERVICE 3. INSULATED ENCLOSURES SHALL p p KENT CONNECTION PREMISE d 21 3 W—...te» ALLOW MINIMUM CLEARANCES. ���h F�l6TB��� DEMNED ISOLATION SssIO �L DRAWN 9B 5 E NONE sCANDARO PL4N 4. BACKFLOW PREVENTION SHALL B z CHECKEDATE314PER SECTION 3,16. ✓ APPROVED 106 TO LANDSCAPE P.R.Y.IF REQUIRED IRRIGATION FOR IRRIGATION QCJUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY �P.R,V..IF.R.EQUIRED F.CiR.B.ULLDIN.G(SEE DEDUCT METER STANDARD PLAN 3-13) PROPERTY LINE OR — — — EASEMENT LINE — — INSTALL TEE AFTER WATER IRRIGATION DOMESTIC WATER Pit- METER TYPICAL DEDUCT TYPICAL IRRIGATION 1NSTALLA1I6N ONLY I NSTALLATION R/W Mmk BOx IRRIGATION BOX a2 � 6"VALVE BOX UNION(TYP.) s� QUICK COUPLER 51N1NG JOINT ANGLE CHECK METER_ DE13UC7 ELL STOP METER DOUBL IRRIGATION MAINLINE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY 6^ (SITE VARIES) M..ETER SETTER PIPE BRACE(OPTIONAL) ��� � �� �� PRESSURE REDUCING 97f VALVE LOCATION,IF REQUIRED FOR. SERVICE UNE 12°LAYER IRRIGATION,PER FROM DOMESTIC PEA GRAVEL STANDARD PLAN 3-13 WATER R�VN INSPECTION LID (OPEN)�TYP) I I METER BOX NOTES: 1. DRAWINGS ARE ILLUSTRATIONS ONLY. SIZE&METER AND BACKFLOW OREVEITTER SHALL BE PER THE APPROVED PLANS NOTE'THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 20 BOXES.OR VAULTS SHALL BE PER SQSEp AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE SECTION 3110 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT �tv WASH,, THE CLTY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 3. BACKFLOW PREVENTION SHALL BE PE Ra c CITY OF DENT SECTION 3.16. to ENGINEERINO DEPARTMENT 4. FOR IRRIGATION USE ONLY ? -�- IRRIGATION SERVICE INSTALLATION.THE DCVA AND rd ,P 2103 O W........o. INSTALLATION IRRIGATION.BOX SHALL BE INST.AL sr,woulD Pw+ LEI} FGIs-rs _ +t`b oesicnea ouw PRIOR TO THE METER BEING SET.THE b,FI. Cs op"m DCVA CANBE CERTIFIED AFTER ANAL cHEcKea Te INSTALLATION OF THE METER. rJ�d 9 tier 107 CITY WATER MAIN 1z rSERVICE LINE x 3'MIN. SEPARATION 0 1 2 CITY}}} METER/SETTER 1 (FUTURE 11 DOMESTIC WATER METER) METER SEE STANDARD PLAN 3-10(TYP.) APPROVED DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY AND APPURTENANCES(HEATED O 1"LINE OR INSULATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND UPC REQUIREMENTS) LINE TO BE SIZED BY LICENSED FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGNER HOUSE DOMESTIC LINE Q I"FIRE LINE (32 GPM MAX.) PRESSURE Oi 1"MINIMUM. GAUGE SIZE INCOMING LINE AND DCVA IN ACCORDANCE WITH FIRE DEPT. WATER FLOW REQUIREMENTS DETECTOR O 1",1-1/2"OR 2" DRAIN AND TEST CONNECTION METER SHALL MATCH PIPE SIZE PRESSURE-------- RESSURE NOTE.THIS PLANE IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT GAUGE �r AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BYTHE TO AUTOMATIC aS EP`1 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT SPRINKLER SYSTEM / pF WAS THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT � ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT KIEN SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL w".". DOMESTIC WATERLINE/FIRELINE ti p� Qfi GIST F` Y DESIGNED 0 NONE STANOARD PLAN �SfONAL� DRAWN 013 CHECKED e 3_1 6 I APPROVE 108 1 (ALTERNATE) NOTE: CITY WATER MAIN ALL MATERIALS,CONSTRUCTION, APPARATUS,CONNECTIONS AND r 1.1/2"- APPURTENANCES SHALL BE IN V 2"LINE ACCORDANCE WITH KENT CITY CODES,STANDARDS AND DETAILS ALL WORK IN STREET FIRE LINE SYSTEMS EXCEEDING FLOW J 3'MiN. EASEMRIGHTENT WAY RATES OF 2 INCH DOMESTIC WATER SEPARATION EASEMENN CITY PER CITY OF KENT WATER METER,SHALL BE REQUIRED TO USE FIRE FLOW ; � SERVICE CODE AND DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE ALTERNATIVE ice— lJ THESE STANDARDS ASSEMBLIES PER STANDARD PLAN 3-18, 1-1/2"OR 2" METER/SETTER 1-1/2"OR 2" r L METER/SETTER iJ"'r (FUTURE FIRE (DOMESTIC WATER ' LINE METER) METER,SEE STANDARD PLAN 3 11(TYP) ALTERNATE#1 ALTERNATE LOCATION OF 1-1/2'MIN. DCVA IN A VAULT,MUST LINE MAINTAIN MIN.CLEARANCES FOR SERVICES LARGER THAN 2" PER STANDARD PLAN 3-18 DOUBLE CHECK V iO WET TAPPING SLEEVE(FL)ON EXISTING MAIN,OR ASSEMBLY AND 4"TEE(FL)ON NEW MAIN APPURTENANCES (HEATED AND INSULATED 4"RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVE(FLXFL) IN ACCORDANCE WITH WASHINGTON STATE 4"REDUCER COMPANION(FL W/2"TAP) DEPARTMENT HEALTH AND UPC REQUIREMENTS) 4, 2"NIPPLE,BRASS M.I.P.T.XM.I.P.T. l l 2"FEMALE IP THREAD X 2"PACK JOINT ADAPTER 2"HDPE 7. 1-1/2'MINIMUM,OR SIZE INCOMING TEE DOMESTIC LINE LINE AND DCVA IN ACCORDANCE WITH FIRE DEPT,REQUIREMENTS. FIRE LINE ACCESS TO DOUBLE CHECK HAS TO BE APPROVED 8. SPRINKLER SYSTEMS WITH 20 HEADS OR MORE REQUIRE A FIRE DEPT. PRESSURE CONNECTION CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY GAUGE 9. OUTSIDE LOCATION REQUIRES APPROVAL WATER FLOW OF UNDERGROUND FIRELINE PLAN DETECTOR DRAIN AND TEST CONNECTION TO AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM PRESSURE GAUGE NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING OCCUMENT BUT pSEP AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE �7 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT f pF WA 5 H �¢, THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT t j T MULT—FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 21 3R�� � ...—".a. DOMESTIC WATERLINE/FIRELINE ���SfONAL G orwwN e s �oNeEoNE _ MNDARD PLAN CHECKED 3-17 7 r APPROVED 109 R/W 15'MAX, PUBLIC WORKS FIRE DEPT. ¢ INSPECTION INSPECTION ola 21 * zz a �Ia 17 CONC, Z4 15 BLOCKING 9 4"MIN. 4"MIN. 13 12 INSTALL AN k'MIN ISOLATION VALVE AT 1 23 16 4"MIN. THE MAIN N 14 B g FROM �Q� �Q o BUILDING 9 2 25 0 MIN, MIN. ;J41 z 4 7 V z 23 N METER ELECTRiCAI CONDUIT TO BUILDING 3 2 B C 35 2 W-12" ABOVE °p FINISHED Zo GRADE "' 7/7 zs Ln m m w .". o NOTES: 19 Lu Lu A. SEE STANDARD PLAN 3-18 SHT,4 FOR PARTS LIST AND 3-18 SHT,5 FOR NOTES O B. TRENCH DRAIN WITH GRATING COVER,SUMP PUMP GOES 16 45 1N THE TRENCH AND DISCHARGES ABOVE GRADE,THE TRENCH IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE VAULT CONSTRUCTION,IT SHALL NOT BE ADDED IN THE FIELD, z TRIM GRATING AS NECESSARY FOR SUMP PUMP 6 INSTALLATION. C, THE SUMP PUMP CAN PUMP TO THE STORM SYSTEM OR TO o THE GROUND SURFACE OUTSIDE OF THE VAULT, 0 D, WITH FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL FOC CAN BE MOUNTED ON THE BUILDING, NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 6"MIN.COMPACTED QSFj AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE GRAVEL ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT FOUNDATION UNDER VAULT �oV WASIY y. THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAYBE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT • DOUBLE CHECK DETECTOR ASSEMBLY KENT do VAULT (4" OR GREATER) 214 �O �,� we"Kix".a" SHEET I OF 5 �0+¢ G1S7Ek �4 DESIfNED _ STAMAND PLM DRAWN 0135 NONE _ S 0 �S1�NAL CHECKED tlA J Z_ 1 1 p (J APPAOYED 110 FIRE DEPT. INSPECTION PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION -> LESS THAN 50, 4'MIN. 2 28 22 DOOR TO BE INSTALLED AS 20 I9 36 BUILDING I REQUIRED BY THE FIRE WALL DEPARTMENT 14 16 RIGHT-OF-WAY OUTSIDE PROPERTY LINE INSIDE 14 5 18" 8 MIN. i f 4 / 15 6 TO BUILDING 29 36 39 26 SPRINKLER 18" 14 23 O SYSTEM MIN. 7 16 14 METER 4 _ 27 6 Dqp' ORT 16 S�ppE FGO FROM SPRINKLER 1W km— SYSTEM WALL -- MOUNTED PIV(s) WALL 28 20 BUILDING WALL 19 16 2fi 22 14 47 z . �FLXPE NOTES: n SPOOL �o ri n 15 14 7 1. SEE STANDARD PLANS 3-18 SHT.4 FOR PARTS LIST AND 3-13 SHT.5 FOR 16 O NOTES. 16 2. INTERIOR DCDA SHALL ONLY BE PIPE SUPPORTS AND ALLOWED IN ZONING AREAS THAT RESTRAINTS TO BE HAVE ZERO SETBACK REQUIREMENTS DESIGNED BY BETWEEN THE BUILDING AND THE 14 SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROPERTY LINE. t DESIGNER S OSEP<7 NOTE;THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELEOUTSIDE INSIDE °F WAgH�yc��� ENGINEER AO ND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION]S KEPT ONDUPLICATE.TMC ORIGINAL,SIGNED BYTFILE AT w Ini THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. - CITY OF KENT ENGINEERINO DEPARTMENT DOUBLE c STER���yw�� \./ [�EjaT INS D U)L E BD NG(4- OR GREATER) Y �, 1 NA"NI-- SHEET 2 OF 5 DESIGNED-NOR DRAWN OR DLIW —DARD PLAN CIZZKm ATE _ '�� 3_1 8 APPRrnrto, [J 111 46' PUBLIC WORKS FIRE DEPT. INSPECTION INSPECTION 4N. 15 13 1246 R/W MIN.JYP) z 97 INSTALL AN 23 2 ISOLATION v k4�- 9.1 VALVE AT ' 6 5 38 THE MAIN 0 FROM TO MAIN—� 0 BUILDING 91.MIN. 38 MIN. E N � � 4 23 METER 4I 3 43 az 23 23 a 5 U O - 38 PROVIDE 9"MIN. 0 38 CLEARANCE(TYP.) x 40 44 6 PLO .FROM SLOPE SLOPE 00 GRADE F, br s 9 s b F. 4F .• o i 45 5/8"MINUS CRUSHED ROCK 2' 2'-0" MINIMUM 8 8 CONTINUE RESTRAINT VARIES BY MANUFACTURER&SIZE AS NEEDED FLOW RESTRAINED BEND,M3(TYP) 46 39 10 FLOW RESTRAIN ALL 711 JOINTS FROM MAIN TO ASSEMBLY 46 39 NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 0Spt, AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE NOTES: S �7 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT WAS aF 'y THE CITY OF KENT,A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 1. SEE STANDARD PLANS 3-18 SHT.4 �P� co CITY OF oePKENT FOR PARTS LIST AND 3-18 SHT.5 FOR NOTES. DOUBLE CHECK DETECTOR ASSEMBLY • 2, FOR USE IN AREAS PRONE TO t 9 ` KENT ABOVE GROUND (4" OR GREATER) p WA-1 1— SHEET 3 OF S FLOODING OR WITH HIGH WATER �0�� S!S ERA DESIGNED waw sravoaRo P S'�j0)VAL DRAWN Be 6 E- WNE TABLES. CHECKED - E 3--18 APPROVED N 112 DOUBLE CHECK DETECTOR ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST SEE KCC CHAPTER 13 AND STANDARD PLAN 3.18 SHEET 5 FOR NDTES. SEE STANDARD PLAN 3-18 SHEETS 1,2 AND 3 FOR PLAN,ELEVATION&SECTION. SD',8',6'OR 4-NON-RISING STEM RESILENT WEDGE GATE VALVE WITH r OPERATING NUT. 1 LOCKING FOLLOWER RING. 3�0 APPROVED DCVA IN BYPASS LINE(LATEST HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND CITY OF KENTAPPROVED LIST)SHALL BE ON OPPOSTIE SIDE 2 4"MIN.RESTRAINED 301NT D.I.CLASS 52. or EXTERIOR WALL.(PART OF DCDA) 3 PRECAST CONC.VAULT,SEE CITY OF KENT FIRELINE CODE. 6'OR 4'RESTRAINED JOINT DIP,CL 52. 4 APPROVED OVA IN BYPASS LINE(LATEST HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND CITY OF DRAIN ROCK,1/2 C.Y. KENT APPROVED LIST)SHALL 8E ON OPPOSITE SIDE OF PUMPER LINE.(PART OF 33 DCDA). a•x4'xG'BULL,ELBOW,THRa ADED. 10',0',6',OR 4'RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVE,FL WIPOST 5 OCDA IN MAIN LINE(LATEST DEPARTMENT OP HEALTH APPROVED LIST). INDICATOR WITAMPER SWITCH. 6 CONC.SUPPORT PADS UNDER CHECK VALVES. SIGN ON OUTSIDE OF BUILDING.......... FIRELINE DCDA 7 10',8°,6"OR 4'FL COUPLING ADAPTER, INSIDE BLDG. 8 10",8",G"OR 4°PExFL PIPE. 10',8",6"OR 4'SPOOL,FLxFL. 9 GROUT INTERIOR&EXTER[OP ALL AROUND PIPE TO MAKE WATER TIGHT SEAL. ® 10',6',6'OR 4"9O°BEND,FLxFL. 10 10',B",6"OR 4"RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVE,FLxFL Wj POST INDICATOR W/ J 10',B',6'OR 4°40-BEND,MI, TAMPER SWITCH, WRAP PIPE WITH Vr EXPANSION]DINT MATERIAL. 11 10",8",6"OR 4"TEE,FLxFL 41 FIBERGLASS AQUASHIELD OUTDOOR ENCLOSURE:MODELS 1 10",84,5"OR 4"REpUCING 90°BEND,FLxFL AS REQ'D. 4 THROUGH 10 FDR RESPECTIVE SIZE RPBA SHALL BE MODIFIED TO FIT ABOVE HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS.VALVE STEM SHALL NOT EXTEND OUTSIDE OF BOX. 1 6"OR 4"LONG MIUS 90'SEND,FLxFL 1 6'OR 4"SPOOL,FLxFL 42 HOT BOX HEATER. 4 120 VOLT POLL BOX FOR HEATER CONDUIT AN WIRES 1 5"SWING TYPE GRAVITY OPERATED CHECK VALVE,FL W1 SALL DRIP IN VAULT OR FROM SEPARATE ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT FROM SERVED INSIDE BUILDING DEPENDING ON OCDA APPLICATION. FACILITY.ALSO INCLUDE ELECTRICITY FOR ELECTRONIC SUPERVISION OF CONTROL VALVES. 1 6'OR 4.40°BEND,FLxFL 4 3?8'SS EXP BOLTS 24'D.C. 1 6"❑R 4"SPOOL,FLxFL. 4 REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB WITH A4 AT 15"D.C.EACH 18 NOT USED WAY. I FLxIP ADAPTER, 4 CONCRETE BLOCKING AS REQUIRED. 6"OR 4'GALV.PIPE,THREADED,LENGTH AS REQ'D(SEE STD.PLAN 3.18 SHT,5), 47 DISTANCE FROM THE OPERATING NUT TO THE INSIDE WALL SHALL BE 18"MIN.OR PER THE MANUFACTURER'S 1 s 4'x4'x6'BULL HEAD THREADED TEE. RECOMMENDATION. 2 UL LISTED FD CONNECTION&UL LISTED LOCKING CAPS,LOCATE WITHIN SW MAX. ,@&(R ARE GENERALLY 6"WITH THE BULLHEAD, OF A PUBLIC FIRE HYDRANT.WITH FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL,MC CAN BE ELBOW AS INDICATED.IN CASES WHERE A MOUNTED ON THE BUILDING, 4"DCVA I5 APPROVED THE BULL,ELBOW IS 3 0.S&Y VALVES TO BE RESILIENT WEDGE WITH TAMPER SWITCHES.ADD WIRING IN ELIMINATED IRE THE FD CONNECTION IS ACCORDANCE WITH L&I(SEE NOTE 18 ON ETD,PLAN 3-18 SHT,5). ATTACHED DIRECTLY TO THE GALV.PIPE. GALV,CONDUIT SLEEVE,SEALED BOTH ENDS,FOR ELECTRONIC MONITORING WIRES. LARDER AS REQ'D PER OSHA. NOTE:THIS PLAN LS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BITE (c)SFP AN ELECTRON LC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE `7 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT WALL AS REQUIRED BY THE FIRE of WAS,, p THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. MARSHALL £ti `� c� CITY OF KENT FLOOR DRAIN TO BUILDING O O ENGINEERINO DEPARTMENT PLUMBING STORM SYSTEM. t DOUBLE CHECK DETECTOR KENT ASSEMBLY & VAULT PARTS LIST ❑2"CLEARANCE INTERIORAND ? 4B f '"••"'•°*°• SHEET 4 OF 5 EXTERIOR ALL AROUND PIPE. �O� �STEDESMER� " L L� ` °P"°P " 6 "°'>E sra Ptw CHEWD 3-1 G 113 DOUBLE CHECK DETECTOR ASSEMBLY MINIMUM CLEARANCES IN VAULT ARE DEPENDENT UPON LOCATION OF PUMPER CONNECTION. GENERAL NOTES: 1, VAULT DIMENSIONS BASED ON SIZE OF APPARATUS AND MEETING MINIMUM 13. GROUT INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR ALL AROUND PIPE MAKING A WATER CLEARANCES. TIGHT SEAL. 2, ALL VAULT LIDS SHALL HAVE DOUBLE DOORS WITH LID UNDER DRAINS 14. ALL PIPE TO BE DUCTILE IRON CEMENT LINED CLASS 52 PIPE EXCEPT WHICH DRAIN TO EXTERIOR OF VAULT. WHERE INDICATED.INSTALLATION MUST ALLOW CLEARANCE FOR PROPER OPERATION OF ALL O.S AND Y S, 3, MINIMUM APPARATUS SIZE SHALL BE 4INCHES, 15. GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE SHALL BE WRAPPED WITH POLYETHYLENE 4. VAULT SHALL BE SEALED TO PREVENT WATER LEAKAGE. WRAPPING 10mm THICKNESS. 5, LADDERS WITHIN VAULTS SHALL BE REQUIRED WHEN DEPTH FROM TOP OF 16. COMPLETE ALL WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE,CITY AND LID TO TOP OF APPARATUS EXCEEDS 30",AND/OR THE APPARATUS IS MORE MANUFACTURER STANDARDS, THAN 12"ABOVE THE FLOOR,INSTALLATION OF ALL LADDERS SHALL BE 1N COMPLIANCE TO OSHA. 17. SYSTEM SHALL NOT BE PUT INTO SERVICE UNTIL DCDA IS APPROVED BY THE CITY AND TESTED/CERTIFIED BY A WASHINGTON STATE LICENSED 6, ALL BACKFLOW PREVENTERS SHALL BE ON THE LATEST LIST APPROVED BY TESTER, THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND THE CITY OF KENT. 18. DCDA 15 PRIVATE AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER 7. MAKE ALL ATTEMPTS TO LOCATE DCDA VAULT OR INSULATED ENCLOSURE WITH ANNUAL CERTIFICATIONS REQUIRED, AND SWING CHECK VAULT IN PLANTING AREA&NOT IN PAVING AREA. 19. ELECTRONIC SUPERVISION OF CONTROL VALVES 15 REQUIRED, B. ALL BENDS AND ELBOWS TO BE CAST IRON,CLASS 250,CEMENT LINED.(SEE APWA AND AWWA), 20. THE INSTALLATION OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION SHALL BE PER THE FIRE CODE OFFICIAL, 9, BYPASS LINE TO BE ON OPPOSITE SIDE OF PUMPER LINE, 21, AN ISOLATION VALVE SHALL BE PROVIDED AT THE CITY WATER MAIN, 10.INSTALL THREADED PLUGS IN ALL 8 TEST COCKS. 22, BY-PASS AND FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION AS SHOWN IN 3-18 SHEETS 11.TEMPORARY SUPPORT SHALL BE PROVIDED UNDER VALVES AT THE TIME OF 1,2 AND 3 ARE REQUIRED. INSTALLATION.AFTER COMPLETE INSTALLATION REMOVE THE TEMPORARY SUPPORT AND INSTALL CONCRETE SUPPORT PAD WITH 6"BRICK SHIMS AS 23, SEE STANDARD PLAN 3-18 SHEETS 1,2 AND 3 FOR PLAN,ELEV,&SECTION. REQUIRED. 24. SEE STANDARD PLAN 3.18 SHEET 4 FOR PARTS LIST. 12, FOR FIRE PIPING SYSTEM INSTALLATIONS ON PRIVATE SIDE OF VAULT,THE CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE SPECIAL FIRE CERTIFICATION, INSIDE BUILDING NOTES: 1,ROOM IN WHICH DCDA IS PROPOSED TO BE LOCATED SHALL: 4. INSTALLATION OF DCDA IS APPROVED BY HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT ONLY. A. HAVE FLOOR DRAINS CONNECTED TO STORM OR SANITARY SEWER. B. HAVE A HEATING SYSTEM(40"F MIN,TEMP.)NO HEAT TAPE. 5,A HEATED,R-19 INSULATED WOOD FRAMED ENCLOSURE IS AN C. NOT BE USED FOR STORAGE AROUND THE DCDA, ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO A ROOM IF DCDA IS TO BE LOCATED IN AN D. HAVE CLEARLY DELINEATED ACCESS WAYS TO DCDA AND WALL UNHEATED BUILDING,THE ENCLOSURE MUST MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS OF MOUNTED PIVS, THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION, 2. GROUT ALL AROUND PIPE WHERE IT ENTERS THE BUILDING. 6.INTERIOR DCDA SHALL ONLY BE ALLOWED IN ZONING AREAS THAT HAVE ZERO SETBACK REQUIREMENTS BETWEEN THE BUILDING AND THE 3. IF PRIVATE HYDRANTS ARE REQUIRED FOR THE PROJECT,ENTIRE SYSTEM PROERTY LINE, (HYDRANTS&FIRELINE)SHALL BE ISOLATED FROM CITY SYSTEM BY A DCDA LOCATED AT THE:PROPERTY LINE PER STANDARD PLAN 3-1B SHTS 1&3. 7.FOR INSIDE BULDING DCDA,THE CTTY'S RESPONSIBILITY SHALL CEASE TEN FEET 101 OUT SIDE OF THE BUILDING. ABOVE GROUND NOTES: 1, "HOT BOX"TO BE LOCATED OUTDOORS AND ACCESSIBLE TO THE CITY, ALTERNATE LOCATION REQUIRES THE CITY APPROVAL. 2, HEATERS AND WIRING SHALL BE RATED AT 2,000 WATT FOR B"AND UNDER; 3,000 WATT FOR 10°. 3. CONCRETE TO BE 2500 PSI(MINIMUM)MIX WITH AIR ENTRAINMENT, 4, DRAIN TO DAYLIGHT WITH BIRD SCREEN NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT At, AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE LOCATED AT SLAB LEVEL(SIZED PER pSE `I ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATION), pP *As h 1 THE CITY OF KENT,A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, S. NO BRANCH CONNECTIONS ALLOWED �' S c CITY OF KENT BETWEEN METER AND DCDA, ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT �7 DOUBLE CHECK DETECTOR �+ KENT ASSEMBLY & VAULT NOTES �p P 21 3 C rl..hl".... SHEET S OF S DESENED 29W _ NONE sruioulo PLAN f /� SIOXAL � oHfcKED a T a - 3—18 APPROVEDYAZZ 114 T QN r�S m((�� V Q ,Upry w pm Q ;a N J a a IW d. o 2 o tu LL 0 4� et N r"o Ln z y is a L7 Kpa T • �• r,°da a u v f Ln F W o f o Q W � v- " , i% to a 3did'I'Q — ^ c� � b w m 'NIW.T Ln ¢ y w m N f 7 7 J fy W x 'lgN E N 2 Q W W N M r't ju'o ,'n„ ❑o � x W yU, p a z�tu o[p m m o l¢o NOTE:THIS PLAN I HOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT a a S" OSEJIj AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE N a uJ d W M ENGINEER AND ARP ROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT n q N � Qp WAsy�� THE CITY DF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. LL� awe �. 9 Q M z m z a 1 CENGMEENENG FEPKENT z � a v X v<2 g 0 • STANDARD 6" ?uj ddy7n - 7� T a N m w d��x rd� pF 2 493 ...... $LOWQFF ASSEMBLY Q lWl1 ¢ �•H 0� CASTE DE51GNE9 ��' ItOaE srmnkgn PUH r; u 3 u v,vi 8 �SSIpNAL E� aRAw t z o 0 0 o see —,s waRovea 115 u w u1 °G O x momWm � A pQ p OO p S ti Oa W WtA nSpVFur O ui N ut lnm�z� a u zr w cn o a 4 z z yr F ec a aj M d 0 M r� 0 ¢ p o� awn v� H E3 _O d � p N a ti p O N 0] L lk w 0 } M 1� 2 z W_1 u, ooz y Z o ~ J W m- cn f z d z l7 M >dd dE M N N W w a m a }} 61 ra O _ Z¢ Y h F O I- twLi D w to �n} x V X 4 Z W Z y ¢ Q N I 0. j IDo Qw Qc 4 8i N1W b I J w� w o iv �JJ 1 // a� n�.D D U 00 n N N W Lu N a Z z ^ ❑ V7 4 �� Ur m w � �D' z ad �.�D Y n w w N C_J!Ln�7 W aV12 Z� �O LLw p r dd zU, �z Giz c~n {-n ac�i�a ?w o'm o LL# d K Q m N Z D J M ee n 7 111 O � p ¢¢ v=iwQ�Uw 1u'yz I �w w��ijuw z F O d Q¢m 3:2 J'm `-'?-M 70. z UI ;5 S , D 7 J[] W a • � �� 00d a w jQ FZOa�D-a ao20Dwa z 0 0 O Z m D o 7 d Z a K w¢ W O ¢ a " NOTE.THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT rn w x SE AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE CITY x u¢ m¢ 0 p�7 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT x z z w>ii WASy� THE CITY Of KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. in Q CITY OF KENT ENGINEERINOND DEPARTMENT T OMB CINATION AIR/VACUUM KEN 2 193 VALVE & VAULT �¢, w..��..r . ��it? ISTE Vow st D—M—PAWN - a Nome MARDD PLAN fa SIONAI CHECKED 3-20 APPROVED 116 NOTES: 1. MECHANICAL IOINT LONG SLEEVES SHALL BE HEAVY DUTY CAST DUCTILE IRON,HAVE END AND SIDE GASKETS. 2. LONG TAPPING SLEEVE&VALVE ASSEMBLY TO BE PRE•APPROVEO BY THE ENGINEER. PRESSURE TESTING SHALL BE APPROVED BY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR PRIOR TO TAPPING. FOLLOW AWWA REQUIREMENTS FOR DISINFECTION OP TAPPING SLEEVES(AWWA STD,C651) 3. WET TAPS SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED ON SAME SIZE OR SMALLER MAINS. CONCRETE CONCRETE BLOCKING BLOCKING i 0 o a 0 0 qq ° e a 4 � � 0 0 O 0 44 a a O O EXISTING WATER MAIN PLAN SLEEVE ELEVATION HEAVY DUTY CAST DUCTILE IRON TAPPING TEE CONCRETE CONCRETE BLOCKING BLOCKING i ° 44 e 0 D D 0 D O qa d a O D 4 V 6 n 4 PLAN DUCTILE IRON TAPPING TEE ELEVATION NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT OSEP AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE 1 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT pF WAsH�M THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT� KENT TAPPING SLEEVE AND e a E9 w..K.a, VALVE ASSEMBLIES OESICNEB 5 NONE 6TA --PLAN lam- 9 ss�GNAL � cc KM TE - - 'Q 3-21 APPROVE.� 117 PAVEMENT RESTORATION PER STANDARD PLANS 6-64 THRU 6-68 SURFACE RESTORATION AS SAWCUT(TYP.J EXIST.PAVEMENT SURFACE SPECIFIED ON APPROVED PLANS 4 "GRAVEL BORROW"PER WSDOT STD, SPEC,9.03.14 OR SUITABLE EXCAVATED MATERIAL,COMPACT TO 90%OF MAX. ' � SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-64 TO DENSITY. STANDARD PLAN 6-68 FOR TRENCH RESTORATION UNDER PAVEMENTS, i BENCH AS NEEDED FOR "BEDDING MATERIAL FOR RIGID PIPE"PER WSDOT STD SHORING OR TRENCH BOX SPEC 9-03.15 OR SUITABLE EXCAVATED MATERIAL. (TYP.)WHEN DEPTH IS 4 FT. AND GREATER, PIPE 4"MIN. SEE NOTE UNPAVED AREAS PAVED AREAS NOTE: MAXIMUM WIDTH OF TRENCH AT TOP OF PIPE *30"FOR PIPE UP TO AND INCLUDING 12"NOMINAL DIAMETER, *O.D.PLUS 16"FOR PIPE LARGERTHAN 12"NOMINAL DIAMETER. NOTE:THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT �QSEP� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE y' ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT �S'hOF WAsy Y THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, CITY I{ENT ENOINEERING N� DEPARTMENT RFG1 934�Q KENT TYPICAL PIPE TRENCH �STE �� wAx x1x arox ssf�NAL�� I.)aMED B8w 5 E— NONE STANDARD PLAN DRAWN / CSiECKED 0 A J Z-22 APPR LL 118 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 119 4.0 STANDARDS FOR SANITARY SEWER SYSTEMS These Standards contain the design criteria and improvement standards for the extensions or connections to the City of Kent Sanitary Sewer System. The conditions apply to all improvements made by both public agencies and private developers. These improvements may include the following: • Sewer main extensions, modifications and replacements • Side sewer connections to City mains • Sewer Lift Stations 4.1 Easements and Rights-of-Way Permanent on-site easements for access, maintenance, and construction are required for all sanitary sewer extensions located outside of public Right-of-Way. Whenever an Easement or Right-of-Way is fenced, a gate shall be installed matching the width of the Easement and a City of Kent lock must be placed in XAseries" to facilitate access by the City. When easements are required, legal descriptions shall be prepared by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed by the State of Washington. A title report, dated within 30 days, for all properties to be encumbered by the easements shall accompany the description. When off-site and/or on-site easements for the extension of approved comprehensive sanitary sewer plans are required, these easements shall be approved and recorded by the City before any Civil Construction Permit is issued, unless the easements are being dedicated to the City as a part of the final recorded subdivision. Private improvements such as buildings, fences, garages, carports, retaining walls, utilities, signs, light standards, etc., are not allowed in public easements and rights- of-way. Where an encroachment occurs, the Developer shall remove and relocate the conflicting private improvement immediately upon direction from the Engineer and restore the area to a condition compatible for the intended use of the Easement by the City. 4.1.A Easement Requirements Easements shall be accessible for construction equipment normally used for the operation and maintenance of the facility. Cross slopes exceeding 5% will require a deviation approval of the Engineer. The minimum easement widths, centered on the utility system are as follows: 1. Sanitary Sewers 0'-5' deep: 15' wide 2. Sanitary Sewers 5'-9' deep: 25' wide 3. Sanitary Sewers over 9' deep - The formula for half of the width of the Easement shall be the sum of the total depth from the top of pipe to the surface, plus the pipe diameter, plus 3', rounded to the nearest even foot. 4-1 120 4. Special conditions or installation requirements may require greater easement widths as determined by the Engineer. 5. In easements with multiple utility systems, the Easement width shall be increased by the minimum separation distance between the lines. 6. In easements with multiple utility systems, the Easement width shall be increased by the minimum separation distance between the lines. 4.1.B Right-of-Way Where possible, utility system extensions shall be located within City right-of-way. Work inside adjacent Cities, King County and State Right- of-Way requires special permits from the appropriate agencies. City, King County and State right-of-way permits must be obtained by the Developer or the City if required by franchise prior to construction Plan Approval by the City. 4.2 Plan Approval and Permits The construction of sanitary sewer extensions within the City and approved franchise service areas requires the approval of the City of Kent, the State Department of Ecology (DOE), and KC/DNR-WTD. No construction shall be permitted until the Engineering Plans have been reviewed and approved by these agencies. Said construction is also subject to City permit and plan review fees (Contact the Permit Center for a current fee schedule). 4.3 Sanitary Sewer System Design Requirements 4.3.A General All sanitary sewer systems shall conform to the design requirements of the Criteria for Sewage Works Design issued by the DOE and the WSDOT Standard Specifications as shown in Section 1.6, References. All Work shall comply with the design requirements of King County/Department of Natural Resources-Waste Treatment Division (KC/DNR-WTD.) when connections are made to their system. 4.3.113 Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan The City of Kent has developed a comprehensive sewer plan to allow the orderly and cost effective development of sewerage facilities to serve existing and future users of the Kent sewer system. The Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan includes a map of proposed sewer extensions to service areas presently not served by the City. The plan shows the general location of interceptor and trunk sewers, intended to provide the framework of the collection system for the service area. All proposed sewer improvements and extensions shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan. 4-2 121 4.3.0 Service Area Considerations All sewer extensions shall be designed for the ultimate development of the service area in accordance with current land use plans. The determination of the tributary area shall be based on the Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan and detailed studies of the areas affected. The Engineer shall assist in the determination of the tributary area and must approve the service area plan prior to detailed design of the sewer system. New sewer systems shall be designed on the basis of per capita flows or other methods as approved by the City and DOE detailed design calculations and service area maps shall be required for the system design. Special considerations must be given to sanitary sewer extensions for industrial districts. The potential for pre-treatment requirements, excessive sewage flows, protection of new or existing manholes from corrosive discharge, special flow metering or sampling requirements must be considered in the industrial sewer collection system design. 4.3.113 Extent of Sanitary Sewer Improvements The sanitary sewers shall be extended to the limits of the respective property being served in accordance with the Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan. The extension shall be of the size and Profile Grade necessary to be extended to other properties upstream in the future. In cases where the plan does not require future extension, the sewer system shall be extended as necessary to serve the affected property. 4.4 Design Standards 4.4.A Diameter The minimum diameter sanitary sewer main shall be 8". Larger diameters may be required to accommodate capacity or to minimize grades. 4.4.113 Velocity and slope All sanitary sewers shall be designed and constructed to provide a minimum velocity of 2' per second (fps) flowing full. The maximum non- restrained pipe allowable velocity shall be ten (10) fps. Where velocities are greater than 10 fps or Slopes greater than 20%, pipe anchors shall be required with a detailed drawing submitted to the City for approval by the Engineer. Velocities over 30 fps are to be avoided and may require odor control facilities to be installed by the Developer at the direction of the Engineer. The following are the minimum, acceptable slopes for sanitary sewers as permitted by DOE and the City: 4-3 122 Table 4.1 Sewer Size Inches Minimum Slope 4" 2.00% - Private Side Sewer 6" 1.00% - Private Side Sewer 8" 0.40% loll 0.28% 12" 0.22% 15" 0.15% 18" 0.12% 21" 0.10% *Based on Mannings "n" value of 0.013. 4.4.0 Alignment and Grade All sewers shall be designed and constructed with a straight alignment and continuous Profile Grade between manholes. 4.4.D Depth All sewer mains shall be buried deep enough to prevent freezing, breakage, and provide adequate depth to service the lowest fixtures on the properties served. The minimum cover for PVC sewer pipe (Minimum SDR 35) is 3' or Manufacturer's recommendation whichever is greater. 4.4.E Location All sanitary sewers shall be located at least 10' horizontally, on each side of the pipe, from the outside edge of an existing or proposed watermain. Any deviation from this requirement shall meet DOE requirements and will be allowed only upon approval from the Engineer. Sanitary sewer crossings under watermains shall be laid at such an elevation that the outside top of the sewer pipe is at least 18" below the outside bottom of the watermain. Where sanitary sewer mains have less than 10' of horizontal and 18" of vertical separation, the sanitary sewer main shall be constructed with a minimum of Class 50 ductile iron pipe. The ductile iron pipe shall be one continuous nominal 18' pipe length centered across the water line. 4.4.F Access Roads Access roads to all manholes are required for maintenance. Access and/or maintenance roads (where required) shall be 15' wide and shall accommodate turning movements for a BUS-40 Design Vehicle. Access and/or maintenance roads will require an approved all-weather surface, and shall be designed to support an HS-20 vehicle load. The Profile Grade 4-4 123 of an access road shall not exceed 15%. Access roads with grades exceeding 12% shall be paved. All access roads longer than 150 feet from the nearest face of curb or edge of pavement of the connecting Street shall have an approved turnaround per Standard Plan 6-18 through 6-21 or shall be looped to connect back to a public Street. Whenever an Easement or Right-of-Way is fenced, a gate shall be installed matching the width of the Easement and a City of Kent lock must be placed in "series". 4.4.G Garbage areas, enclosures and car washes Garbage areas and enclosures, and community car wash areas exceeding 200sf shall be covered and discharge to the sanitary sewer system, not the storm drain. 4.4.H. Casings Where a sewer line passes under or through a retaining wall or is attached to a bridge structure, the pipe shall be cased in steel pipe at least 4" larger than the largest outer diameter of the bell or joint of the sewer line. No pipe joints will be allowed within the casing, except on bridge structures or unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. The casing shall extend on either side of the wall a distance equal to the highest height of the retaining wall at the wall penetration, plus 4 . All voids within the casing shall be filled with blown sand except on bridge structures. Casing spacers shall be Cascade Waterworks Manufacturing Company stainless steel casing spacers or approved equal. The casing spacers shall be installed such that the watermain is centered and restrained within the casing and spaced such that a uniform Profile Grade will be maintained within the casing. 4.5 Sanitary Sewer Manholes 4.5.A Locations Sanitary sewer manholes are required at the following locations: 1. At the end of all sewer mains 8" and larger. When the main is to be extended in the future, the end of the line shall be a bell, plugged and marked with a 2" x 4" stake. Cleanouts are not acceptable in main line installations, except at the end of a dry or inactive sewer line which will be connected or extended in the future. 2. All changes in slope. 3. Changes in sewer main pipe diameter. 4. All connections to the main line 8" and larger. 5. Changes in sewer alignment. 6. Manholes shall be located at no more than 400' intervals. 4-5 124 4.5.113 Diameter The minimum diameter of sewer manholes shall be 48" for sewer pipes up to 18" in diameter. Larger diameter manholes will be required for special configurations and sewer pipe larger than 18". 4.5.0 Cones All standard City manholes shall have pre-cast eccentric cones except for special shallow manholes which may have concentric cones. All manholes shall be equipped with City approved drop rung type safety steps. Flat slabs shall not be used unless approved by the Engineer. See Standard Plan 4-1. 4.5.D Drop Connections Outside drop connections shall be avoided whenever possible. When no other alternative is feasible, an outside drop connection will be required at all locations where the entering sewer is 24" or more above the outfall invert elevation. Line connections to manholes or to stubs integral to a manhole shall be made with approved flexible joints. See Standard Plan 4-6. Inside drop connections are not allowed,_unless the diameter of the manhole is increased an equal amount to compensate for the inclusion of the drop inside the manhole. 4.5.E Channels The sanitary sewer manholes shall be fully channeled to conform to the inside diameter of the sewer line from invert to spring line, then the channel shall be vertical to the top of the pipe. The top edge of the channel shall have a radius of 1/2" to 3/4". The shelves shall slope at 2% to the top of the channel. All manhole section joints and pick holes shall be filled with grout and smooth finished outside and inside after installation. See Standard Plans 4-2 & 4-1. 4.5.F Downstream Invert Where feasible, a 0.1' drop from invert to invert across manholes is required. Where diameters change, the downstream invert shall be lowered so that the elevation of pipe crowns match. The maximum drop from invert to invert across manholes shall be 1'. 4.5.G Soil Pressure Care must be taken to insure that pressures exerted on the soils beneath the manholes and the adjacent mains are approximately uniform. Unequal soil pressures may result in uneven settlement at manholes. A spread foundation or other measures may be required to reduce the unit load imposed by the manhole. All manholes shall be provided with KOR- IN-SEAL type flex joints or sand collars meeting ASTM D-303H-78 SDR35 4-6 125 specifications or other materials as approved by the Engineer to allow slight differential movement. 4.5.H Street Grade No less than 4" or greater than 16" shall be provided between the top of the cone and the underside of the manhole frame for adjustment to street Profile Grade or ground surface. Final elevation of the frame and cover shall conform to the restored street or ground surface. All joints in the brick or ring adjustment shall be filled with grout and the castings shall be seated in grout placed on the ring or brick. A 3/8" mortar lining shall be installed inside and outside of the adjustment section to form a smooth watertight finish. 4.5.I Locking Rings All Manholes shall have locking rings and covers with City of Kent logo on lid in public areas and with no City of Kent logo on lid in private sewer Manholes. See Standard Plans 4-3 & 4-4. 4.5.3 Corrosion Protection Where the possibility of odors, gasses or corrosive discharges could be present in the sewer line, or where required by the Engineer, corrosion protection of the inside of the manhole may be required. Based on the material to be discharged, the Engineer will determine the particular type of corrosion protection in the manhole. Sealed manhole covers shall be required for this type of installation. Depending on the size of the sewer line, and in the event that odor is a concern, as determined by the Engineer, an odor control system may be required to be designed and constructed for the sewer system affected. 4.6 Private Side Sewer Systems Sanitary sewer service lines that extend from the mainline are considered private side sewers. Side sewers are to be constructed and maintained by the property owner in accordance with the KCC 7.04. 4.6.A Sewer Permit Prior to construction, replacement, repair, connections or additions to a side sewer, the Developer or authorized agent must obtain a Sewer Permit from the City. A separate Sewer Permit is required for each Lot. Accessory structures such as accessory dwelling units and portables may be served by the sewer service to the primary building as long as that service was approved and installed per the requirements for side sewer connections. The City shall review the application, require or make changes if needed, approve the side sewer plan, and assess the Developer for applicable latecomer charges, charge in lieu of assessments, traffic mitigation fees, permit fees, tapping charges, street restoration bonds and 4-7 126 other charges as required. Contact the Permit Center for a current application and fee schedule. 4.6.B Side Sewer Design Standards 1. The minimum diameter of a side sewer shall be no less than 6" within the Right-of-Way and then may be reduced to no less than 4" for services to a single-family residence, from the Right-of-Way or easement line to the building. All side sewers 8" in diameter shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of Sections 4.3 thru 4.5 and 4.7 thru 4.8. 2. All side sewers shall be laid in a straight alignment and have cleanouts located on the straight run after each total 900 change of horizontal direction and each vertical change in slope, and at the termination of the sewer within 5' outside of the building. The maximum length of 6" side sewer between manholes is 400 feet with clean-outs required every 100' minimum. 3. The maximum deflection for 4" and 6" diameter pipe permissible at any one fitting shall not exceed 450 (one-eighth (1/8) bend) unless straight pipe of not less than 2.5' feet in length is installed between adjacent fittings, or unless one such fitting is a wye fitting with a clean-out provided on the straight leg. 4. Side sewers, where possible, shall not be less than thirty inches (30") from any building, have 6' cover at the property line, and a minimum of 2' of cover on private property. 5. Joints shall be tight and waterproof. All side sewers shall be tested full length in compliance with the City standard air or hydrostatic test and in the presence of the Inspector. 6. Sanitary sewer and domestic water lines shall not be laid in the same trench. Parallel water and sewer lines shall be laid at least 10' apart horizontally. Wherever it is necessary for sewer and water lines to cross each other, the crossing should be at an angle of approximately 900 and the top of the sewer pipe shall be located at least 18" below the bottom of the water line or be constructed of Class 50 ductile iron pipe with water tight joints. The ductile iron pipe shall be one continuous length of pipe 18' long and placed symmetrically across the water line. 7. Side sewers installed in filled or unstable ground shall be constructed of Class 50 ductile iron pipe, except that PVC pipe may be accepted if laid on a suitable concrete bed or cradle as approved by the Engineer. 8. Installation of sewer pipe shall be accomplished to line and Profile Grade only after the trench has been dewatered and the foundation and/or bedding have been prepared. Mud, silt, and gravel and other foreign materials shall be kept out of the pipe and off the jointing surfaces. All pipe laid shall be retained in position so as to maintain alignment and joint closure until sufficient Backfill has been completed. 4-8 127 9. The sewer pipe shall be laid up grade from the point of connection on the existing sewer or from a designated starting point. The sewer pipe shall be installed with the bell upgrade unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 10. Cleanouts are required at the right-of-way or easement line. See Standard Plans 4-7 & 4-8. 11. All cleanouts within 5' of the Right-of-Way line shall be brought up to Grade. Clean outs within private property in grass or landscaped areas may be buried a maximum of one foot. 12. Cleanouts installed under concrete, asphalt or other permanent surfaces shall be extended to finish grade with the same size and type of pipe and fittings as required for the side sewer. A cast iron ring and cover shall be installed to provide access and protection from traffic. See Standard Plan 4-7. 13. All side sewers shall function on a gravity basis, unless a specific deviation is approved by the Engineer. 14. In new Projects or subdivisions where street improvements are to be made, each service shall be marked by a "SS" in the curb where it crosses perpendicular to the curb. The marking shall be done at the time the curb is installed and shall be as-built by stationing. Lettering shall be 3" high and a minimum 1/4" deep. 15. Existing building side sewers may be used in connection with new side sewers only when they are found, on examination and test performed by the property owner and reviewed by Engineer, to meet all of the applicable requirements of these Standards. 4.6.0 Connections Each legally defined property shall be serviced by a separate side sewer stub connected to the City sewer main. For multi-tenant sites such as multi-family or commercial uses, each building shall have a separate minimum 6" side sewer. The maximum number of individuals permitted on a 6" diameter sewer shall be 30 persons. In general, up to 10 units in a multi-family dwelling may be serviced by a single 6" diameter side sewer. 4.6.D Grinder Pumps Where gravity flow for side sewer is not possible, a privately owned and maintained grinder pump system to service individual structures requires specific deviation by the Engineer. The pumping system shall be designed in accordance with Section C1-10.1 of the Washington Department of Ecology's "Criteria for Sewage Works Design". These assemblies shall be located adjacent to the structure, and shall be equipped with both high level and pump failure alarms. The alarms shall be both audio and visual, and be on a separate circuit from the pump. 4-9 128 Residential systems will be a package-type system Hydromatic TL-Pro System using a HPGR 200 Submersible Sewage Grinder Pump or approved equal. Each pressure system shall have an individual connection to the City sewer. Lift systems for commercial and multi-family structures require special maintenance agreements and specific deviation by the Engineer. Submittal is required for each Permit prior to approval. Solid handling waste pumps are not allowed. Refer to Section 4.8.0 for air testing force main systems. See Standard Plan 4-10. 4.6.E Connection to City Sewer System All lots adjacent to a new City sewer main or extended City sewer main shall be serviced with a 6" side sewer stubout extended to the property line. The location of sewer stubouts shall be marked with a 2" x 4" post and tracer wire. The Development shall be designed to utilize the stubout as installed. See Standard Plans 4-8 & 4-9. The City maintains records concerning the location and approximate depth of recent side sewer stubouts. These records are for informational purposes only and it shall be the Developer's responsibility to verify the location and depth of existing services. In cases where a stubout has not yet been installed, the Developer shall connect directly to the City main in accordance with the Standard Plan 4- 9. The Developer shall assume all cost for said connection, including, but not limited to, street repairs, tapping charges, permits, all associated system charges as appropriate, including but not limited to Systems Development Charges, King County-Capacity Charges, etc. The actual tap to the main shall be accomplished by the City of Kent Utilities Section after the Developer has prepared the trench and provided an access to the tapping area for a truck and crew. OSHA trench safety requirements shall apply for shoring. (Contact the Permit Center for a current fee schedule). 4.6.F Waste Discharge Approval Storm water, surface water, ground water, cooling water and industrial processes that have been polluted as determined by the Engineer and KC/DNR-WTD are required to be discharged to the City sewer main through an approved pretreatment system and metering method. Pretreatment requirements of the discharge shall be determined and approved by KC/DNR-WTD. Metering, billing and authorization to discharge shall be determined and approved by the Engineer. A Sewer Permit shall be required from the City and can be obtained as outlined in Section 4.6.ASewer Permit. The City will not issue a Sewer Permit without prior discharge approval from KC/DNR-WTD. Metering methods shall be determined and approved by the Engineer on a case-by-case basis. See Section 3.14 for the Sewer Rate Meter applications. 4-10 129 The type and size of grease interceptor(s) when required shall be approved by the Engineer. Combined grease interceptors shall not be allowed. Each business requiring a grease interceptor shall have its own grease interceptor, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. Annual Maintenance Reports shall be provided on all Grease Interceptors to Public Works Operations located at 5821 S 240th Street, Kent, WA 98032. See Standard Plan 4-11. 4.6.G Inspection Before Trenches are Filled No trench shall be filled or any connecting sewer covered, until the Work from the point where the side sewer connects with the public sewer or other outlet to the point where it connects with the plumbing of the building or premises has been inspected and approved by the Engineer. 4.6.H Excavation in Streets to be Protected All Excavations made within the limits of any Right-of-Way or other public place shall be protected by fencing covering or other means approved by the Inspector at all times. 4.7 Sanitary Sewer System Materials 4.7.A Standards All materials used for construction of City sewer mains, side sewers, and Appurtenances, shall be new and undamaged. All materials to be used shall be subject to inspection by the Engineer prior to use. The Developer shall provide the Engineer with shop drawings and Certificate of Materials, as requested. All materials and equipment shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended installation procedures and these Standards. 4.7.B Gravity Sewer Pipe Unless otherwise approved, all sewer pipes shall be Solid Wall PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) SDR 35, conforming to ASTM 3034 or 3035 specifications or ductile iron pipe, Class 50 for gravity applications or Class 52 for force mains. The sewer pipe shall be clearly marked with the type, class, thickness, and manufacturer. The lettering shall be legible and printed at the factory. 4.7.0 Fittings All sewer pipe fittings shall be of the same material as the pipe. The size of the cleanout shall be the same size as the sewer pipe. All fittings shall have rubber gaskets with manufactured pipe stops, integrally formed. Where dissimilar pipe materials can not be avoided Romac couplings shall be utilized. 4-11 130 4.7.D Manholes and Covers Sanitary sewer manholes shall be pre-cast concrete units constructed in accordance with the WSDOT Standard Specifications. See Standard Plans 4-2 & 4-1. Manhole frames and covers shall be cast gray or ductile iron. Locking type lids are required. See Standard Plan 4-3. 4.7.E Pipe Bedding Pipe bedding shall be placed 6" under and all around the pipe and shall meet the requirements of Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding per Section 9-03.12(3) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications, latest edition. It shall be compacted in layers around the pipe and to a sufficient height above the pipe to adequately support and protect the pipe to 95% compaction ASTM D-1557. See the WSDOT Standard Plans and Kent Standard Plan 3-22. Where it is determined necessary by the Engineer, ballast material shall be used below the bedding to stabilize the trench. This ballast shall meet the requirements of Shoulder Ballast per Section 9.03.9(2) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. 4.7.F Backfill Pipe trench backfill shall be Crushed Surfacing Top Course (CSTC) under all arterial classifications of roadways and those local streets adjacent to commercial or industrial land uses. Gravel borrow shall be used for pipe trench backfill in all other locations if, in the opinion of the Engineer, existing trench Excavation soils are unsuitable. CSTC or gravel borrow shall be from a pit approved by the Engineer and shall meet the requirements of CSTC per Section 9.03.9(3) or Gravel Borrow per Section 9.03.14(1) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Each layer shall be compacted to 95% in paved areas and 90% in unpaved areas in accordance with ASTM D 1557, in lifts not to exceed 18". The maximum particle size shall not exceed 6" or 2/3 the depth of the layer being placed, whichever is less. Pipe trench backfill for lateral runs crossing existing or proposed improved City streets, shall be Crushed Surfacing Top Course meeting the requirements of Section 9.03.9(3) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. In paved areas, the trench patching shall be in accordance with Standard Plans 6-64 through 6-69. 4-12 131 4.8 Sanitary Sewer System Installation 4.8.A Connection to Existing Sewer System The connection between the new sanitary sewers and the existing sewer mains shall be plugged and tied off to the top manhole step and left in place until the new piping and the plugged manhole has been cleaned, pressure tested, TV camera inspected, and is ready for acceptance. 4.8.B Cleaning All sewer pipes shall be thoroughly cleaned by jet cleaning and Cubing to remove any solids or construction debris that may have entered the pipe during construction, as approved by the Inspector. The Developer shall be responsible to insure that material flushed from sewers are trapped, and do not enter the existing downstream system. The Inspector shall approve the Owner/Developer's method prior to cleaning sanitary sewer mains. The rate of flushing shall be such that the flow will not overload the downstream sewer system. The flushing of a sewer main tributary to a downstream lift station shall be coordinated with the City to insure that the lift station is not overloaded. In the event that the City finds debris in the downstream sanitary sewer system, the Developer shall be responsible for the removal and subsequent cleaning upon direction of the Engineer. City water used for cleaning sewer lines is metered and shall pass through an approved hydrant meter and DCVA. 4.8.0 Pressure and Leakage Tests All new sanitary sewer mains, extensions of existing mains, Appurtenances and sewer services shall be pressure tested for leakage in accordance with Sections 7-17.3(2)E/F/G of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. All testing shall be observed by the Inspector. All Costs for re-testing including the Inspector's time to come back due to "not being ready" will be the responsibility of the Developer. Costs shall include labor at overtime rates, overhead, equipment, material and any other associated charges. The costs shall be based on the latest cost schedule prepared and approved annually by the Engineer. 4.8.13 Television Inspection All new sanitary sewer extensions will be TV camera inspected by the City prior to acceptance. Prior to TV camera inspection 1. Sewer lines must be cleaned 2. All construction must be completed and approved by the Inspector. 4-13 132 3. All manholes shall be channeled, and grade rings set in place. 4. The casting and top grade rings do not have to be mudded in until after the Finished Grade is established. 5. The Developer shall bear all costs for correction of deficiencies found during TV inspection, including all costs for subsequent TV inspections to verify the correction of deficiencies. 6. The Developer shall schedule TV Inspection no less than 5 working days prior to being ready. If the system is not ready, the Developer shall notify the City no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled time. If the Developer fails to notify the City that they are not ready and the TV Inspection crew shows up at the Site, the Developer will be responsible for all costs of additional TV inspections to verify the system. 7. All Costs for re-inspections including the Inspector's time to come back due to "not being ready" will be the responsibility of the Developer. Costs shall include labor at overtime rates, overhead, equipment, material and any other associated charges. The costs shall be based on the latest cost schedule prepared and approved annually by the Engineer. 8. Sags in sanitary sewer lines indentified during the TV inspection greater than 0.5" shall be repaired by the contractor by removal and re-laying of the pipe. Repaired sections of pipe shall be TV inspected for verification prior to Final Inspection at the cost of the Developer as described above. 4.8.E Vacuum Testing Sanitary Sewer Manholes All new sanitary sewer manholes shall be vacuum tested by the City prior to acceptance to ensure that the manhole is air-tight and not susceptible to infiltration. On Projects with more than one manhole, the Contractor shall have all of the manholes ready for testing at finish grade and have access by truck to each manhole prior to scheduling the vacuum testing with the Inspector. Manholes shall not be considered ready for testing until all grouting has been performed and the frame and cover have been grouted into place. It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure all manholes are ready for testing prior to scheduling with the Inspector. Manholes not ready shall receive a failing mark and a retest shall be required once the manhole is ready. The Developer shall schedule the vacuum testing no less than 5 working days prior to being ready. If the manholes are not ready, the Developer shall notify the City no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled time. If the Developer fails to notify the City that they are not ready and the vacuum testing crew shows up at the Site, the Developer will be responsible for all costs of additional testing to verify the system. 4-14 133 All Costs for re-testing including the Inspector's time to come back due to "not being ready" will be the responsibility of the Developer. Costs shall include labor at overtime rates, overhead, equipment, material and any other associated charges. The costs shall be based on the latest cost schedule prepared and approved annually by the Engineer. The Contractor shall bear all costs for correction of deficiencies found during the vacuum testing and for all costs for additional testing by the City to verify correction of the deficiencies. 4.9 Sewage Pump Stations 4.9.A General Sewage pump stations will be approved on an individual basis. The proposed pump station must be designed with adequate capacity to provide service for the ultimate development of the potential service area. The service area for any proposed pump station shall not be less than 75 acres or provide service to less than 250 potential single-family residences or its equivalent in revenue. A pre-design meeting will be required with Public Works Operations to review current equipment and design requirements. 4.9.113 Design Requirements 1. All sewage pump stations shall be designed in accordance with the DOE's design requirements for sewage pump stations and force mains. The pump stations shall also be designed to meet the City of Kent's Pump Station Standards. 2. Pump stations shall be manufactured by Smith and Loveless (or approved equal), and have separated wet well and dry well structures. 3. All stations shall have an on-site emergency power supply with automatic switching capacity. 4. All stations shall be equipped with a telemetry system compatible with the existing City equipment. 5. No discharge from a new pump station shall be discharged to an existing City pump station. 6. The Developer shall post a bond to cover the estimated costs of operation and maintenance of the new pump station during the first year of service. 4-15 134 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 4-16 135 4.10 Sanitary Sewer System Standard Plans 4-1 Manhole Type I 48" & 54" 4-2 Special Shallow Manhole 4-3 Standard Manhole Frame and Locking Cover 4-4 Private Manhole Cover 4-5 Manhole Grade Ring, Safety Steps Ladder 4-6 Ductile Iron Drop Connection 4-7 6" Cleanout 4-8 Side Sewer Stub Connection 4-9 Residential Side Sewer Connection 4-10 Low Pressure Grinder Pump 4-11 1,500 Gallon Grease Interceptor 4-17 136 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 4-18 137 MANHOLE FRAME AND LOCKING COVER(SEE STANDARD PLAN 4-3 OR 4.4) ADJUSTMENT GRADE RINGS(SEE STANDARD PLAN 4-5)(LEVELING BRICKS MAY BE USED ON TOP RING) 3/9'GROUT,INSIDE,OUTSIDE AND 1N BETWEEN GRADE RINGS N �� d 24' HANDHOLD(TYP.)-(SEE STANDARD PLAN 1-5) * FOR SEPARATE PRECAST CONE(ECCENTRIC UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) CAST IN PLACE ONLY = DROP RUNG SAFETY STEPS(SEE STANDARD PLAN 4-5) PRECAST RISER SECTIONS,GROUT SECTION]DINTS AND PICKHOLES(TYP) 48'OR 54' LADDER(SEE STANDARD PLAN 4.5) SLOPE=2%MP.) s~_ CONSTRUCT 1N FIELD CHANNEL&SHELF TO THE CROWN OF THE PIPE REINFORCING STEEL(FOR PRECAST BASE WITH INTEGRAL RISER)0.15 SQ. x MORTAR--, IN./FT.IN EACH DIRECTION FOR 48'DLA 0.19 SQ.IN./FT.IN EACH FILLET DIRECTION FOR 54"DIA. 48"0.6' Y PRECAST BASE W/INTEGRAL RISER 54"0•8" f d, GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR PIPE BEDDING,V MIN.COMPACTED DEPTH,FOR PRECAST BASES ONLY EPARATE CAST IN PLACE OR RETNFORCING STEEL(FOR SEPARATE BASE ONLY)0.23 SQ.IN./FT.IN EACH DIRECTION FOR 48'DIA SEPARATE PRECAST BASE 0.19 SQ.1N./FT.IN EACH DIRECTION FOR 54"DIA. "WRING DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS HEIGHT: 8'TO 121;SOIL BEARING VALUE EQUALS 3300#/FT, (MIN.)HEIGHT:OVER 12'TO 25';SOIL BEARING VALUE EQUALS 3800*/FT. (MIN.) PRECAST BASE JOINT NOTES: 1. MANHOLES TO RE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE W/AASHTO M•199& 5. ALL BASE REINFORCING STEEL SHALL HAVE A MIN.YIELD STRENGTH (ASTM C 478)UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS OR NOTED IN THE OF 60,000 PSI&BE PLACED IN THE UPPER HALF OF THE BASE WITH WSDOT STD.SPECS. 1'MIN.CLEARANCE. 2. PRECAST BASES SHALL BE FURNISHED WITH CUTOUTS OR KNOCKOUTS. 6. ALL SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES SHALL BE VACUUM TESTED. KNOCKOUTS SHALL HAVE A WALL THICKNESS OF 2"MINIMUM, 7. MORTAR 3/8"LINING OUTSIDE,INSIDE,AND IN BETWEEN THE 3. KNOCKOUT OR CUTOUT HOLE SIZE IS EQUAL TO PIPE OUTER DIAMETER ADJUSTMENT SECTION TO FORM A SMOOTH WATERTIGHT FINISH, PLUS MANHOLE WALL THICKNESS.MAX.HOLE SIZE IS 36'FOR 48' MANHOLE,42'FOR 54'MANHOLE.MIN.DISTANCE BETWEEN HOLES IS 8'. B. GROUT ALL MANHOLE SECTION JOINTS AND PICKHOLES OUTSIDE AND_iNSIDETO A SMOOTH FINISH, 4, MANHOLE RINGS&COVERS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS&MEET BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS OF THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FEDERAL SPECIFICATION RR-F-62ID. OSEp FILE THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON MATING -ROCK IT WITHALL BE p WASy O ASSURE NON �1 Gp ANY COVER POSITION. p �?� ,y� �a [ CITY OF KENT S" rN 61kEERtN6 GEpARThfENT KENT MANHOLE 21 a wr. —f.. TYPE 1 48" & 54" �57tiR� omcm oaiw sj�NAL�qi or�wrt ++� snwau+o PUN 138 DROP RUNG SAFETY STEPS 3I8'GROUT,INSIDE,OUTSIDE AND IN BETWEEN (SEE STANDARD PLAN 4-5) GRADE RING(SEE STANDARD PLAN 4-5) n CASTING(SEE STANDARD PLAN 4-3 4R 4.4) 3- ADJUSTMENT SECTION MIN.4"-MAX.16" H AND HOLO(TYP.),SEE STANDARD PLAN 4-5 18'SHORT CONE ° DROP RUNG SAFETY STEPS(TYP.), SEE STANDARD PLAN 4-5 N SLOPE=20k MP.) 48'OR 54" CONSTRUCT IN FIELD CHANNEL 8 SHELF TO THE CROWN OF THE PIPE *MORTAR FILLET � PRECAST BASE W1 INTEGRAL RISER a + GRAVEL BACXFILL FOR PIPE BEDDING,6 MIN. COMPACTED DEPTH,FOR PRECAST BASES ONLY 4rO-6' 54"$-8' #FOR SEPARATE CAST IN REINFORCING STEEL(FOR PRECAST BASE WITH INTEGRAL PLACE ONLY RISER)0.15 SQ.IN./FT.IN EACH DIRECTION FOR 48"DIA 0.19 SEPARATE CAST IN PLACE OR SQ.IN.r.IN EACH DIRECTION FOR 54"DIA, SEPARATE PRECAST BASE REINFORCING STEEL(FOR SEPARATE BASE ONLY)0.23 SQ.1N JFT,IN EACH DIRECTION FOR 4B'DIA 0.19 SQ.IN./FT. IN EACH DIRECTION FOR 54'DIA, "O"RING PRECAST BASE JOINT NOTES! 1. FLAT TOPS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER, 2. GROUT ALL MANHOLE SECTION JOINTS AND PICKHOLES OUTSIDE AND INSIDE TO A SMOOTH FINISH. NOTE: THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY 3. GROUT FILL RING OR BRICK r� THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON ADJUSTMENTS ON ALL SIDES.THE SOS Epp I FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON CASTING I5 TO BE SEATED IN GROUT A op WAS& -e REQUEST. PLACED ON THE RING OR BRICK. CITY OF KENT 4. MORTAR A 3/8"LINING OUTSIDE AN �� y� O ENGINEERING OEPART►IENT INSIDE OF THE ADJUSTMENT 5ECII N � + SPECIAL SHALLOW TO FORM A SMOOTH WATERTIGHT KENT MANHOLE FINISH. 'Pd� �fic 57ER,��i��{V� ouw ow _ srwavm w.Lw S. ALL SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES SHALL BE VACUUM TESTED. cHEcr« 0 NL 4-2 5a , 139 DRILL&TAP. 518'-I1 UNC -IB (3 @ 120°ON A 22•1/6' BOLT CIRCLE) 2'RAISED LETTERS $ 2" G RAISED LOGO/LETTERS 00 IF A, ® t R U .A FOR 5/8'-11 UNC-13 S.S. 0 1/2'HEX,HE.CAP SCREWS 1j2* ° (3 REQUIRED) ° 9 E W 1'PICKHOLE(3 @ 127) 2'RAISED LETTERS"DRAIN'FOR STORM SEWER s A "SEWER'FOR SANITARY SEWER 1"HANDLING HOLE(3 26-1J2" PLCS) 25- 1 25-114" 1-1/2' 2-3116" 5J8" 23 3J8' 1„ li 1-3J16" 27-5J16" 3J8' 34-1/8" NOTES: SECTION A-A SECTION S-B 1. MATERIAL USED SHALL BE CAST GRAY IRON OR DI ASTM A536 CL80-55-0 FOR RINGS AND DI FOR COVER. 2. SEAT OF COVER&FRAME MACHINED WITH A NON-ROCKING FIT FOR MANHOLE COVERS. 3. MANHOLE COVERS SHALL BE WATERTIGHT AT THE EDGES. 4. ROUNO ALL SHARP CORNERS WHERE POSSIBLE. S. CASTING TO BE SHOT BLASTED AND FREE FROM SURFACE SAND AND SCALE. 6. CASTING TO BE SMOOTH,TRUE TO PATTERN,FREE FROM BLOWHOLES, POROSITY,HARD SPOTS,SHRINK HOLES,WARP,OR ANY OTHER DEFECTS WHICH COULD IMPAIR SERVICEABILITY. 7. ALL INSTALLATIONS SHALL BE WATERTIGHT, NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY B. COVERS LOCATED IN SIDEWALK SHALL THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON UTILIZE AN ALTERNATE NON-SKID 05F FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON PATTERN SEE WSDOT STD.PLAN�oF WAS&I. �� REQUEST. B-30.70-00. C 9.OLYMPIC FOUNDRY PART NO. h tia cQ EN�RIQ 0 KEr1T EP 11-2945SET AND EAST 10RDAN —• ` � PRODUCT NO.'S 00370760 AND t7l BEN]- THE PRE PRODUCTS -APPROVED STANDARD MANHOLE AEL OTHERS REQUIRE a'�0�, pFG7ST�R�21 3p � FRAME AND LOCKING COVER WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER , oESloRmfjE= _ NQME STANpAM PLAA PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. �r(0) AWN ME CHECK ^� S 4--3 iwraaveo 140 2"x 318"LETTERS ON B WEBS 112'THICK COVER-"SEWER', NON-SKID PATTERN TO BE CAST INTEGRAL ON TOP OF COVER. I'CORE- 0 vim- 1 HOLE A A 8 B =aoQ4 Qa O� �Ilo� a°a SEINER v-0-0 oQ LOCKING DEVICES FOR COVER MAY BE USED PROVIDING DETAILS HERE ARE NOT CHANGEi7 HEAVY RINGS-{9"DEPTH}USE WHERE �3/B' PORTL4ND CEMENT CO NC.PAVMT.IS 2' BEING PLACED TO THICKNESS GREATER _ T THAN 6" r 1 LIGHT RING5 -(6'DEPTH)USE WHERE 1• PAVMT.THICKNESS 15 6'OR LESS 7ML72 2fi 31$" 25" 25 1/4' 24' SECTION A--A CAST IRON NON-LOCKING COVER HEAVY RINGS=9" 5, LIGHT RIA[G5=6" -NOTES. } ---- — 1. CAST IRON TO CONFORM TO SPEC,ASTM-159-55, 314' J 1 1/4' ALLOY#I11 RATING H-2O. 2. SEAT OF COVER&FRAME MACHINED. 5" 23 314^ 3. NON-ROCKING FIT FOR MANHOLE COVERS. 33 314' 4. BREAK ALL SHARP CORNERS WHERE POSSIBLE. $lEGTION B—B 5. CASTING TO BE SHOT BLASTED AND FREE FROM SURFACE SAND AND SCALE. NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY 6. CASTING TO BE SMOOTH,TRUE TO THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON PATTERN,FREE FROM BLOWHOLES, S O SEP FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAYBE OBTAINED UPON POROSITY,HARD SPOTS,SHRINK aF WgSH,yy REQUEST. HOLES,WARP,OR ANY OTHER DEFECTS WHICH COULD IMPAIR SERVICEABILITY. cQ CITY OF KENT ni ENaFKEeRINa pfiPARTMCNf 7. CASTINGS SHALL BE COATED AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. ] ENS.. PRIVATE MANHOLE 2 93 �� ....,,a,e" COVER "PD �SlSTCR 4i QR'IL�h1E9 D" NOP16 SSAHf]ARIJ PLAN ss1aNAL s DRAWN es 1 .J' 'o APP 141 1'RADIUS 3. 12'MIN. 12"MIN, 3 112" 3` �6 1�. MEN. OJ DROP RUNG HANDHOLD MANHOLE STEP x a 12"MIN. It 3J4"MIN. CENTER TO CENTER 9112. 6- MIN. I� MANHOLE STEP �J GALVANIZED DROP RUNG MANHOLE STEP AND PREFABRICATED LADDER }^� 12" lJ 1, 1j2 12" F • 6"FOR STEP 11 3/4"MIN. 3"FOR HANDHOLD CENTER TO CENTER 9 118'FOR STEP 6 1/8'FOR HANDHOLD 6 POLYPROPYLENE DROP RUNG MANHOLE STEP AND PREFABRICATED LADDER NOTES: 1. MANHOLE STEPS CONFORMING TO SECTION R,ASTM C-478.AASHTO M-199 REQUIREMENTS AND REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM D-4101 FOR POLYPROPYLENE AND I $„ 24 5„ ED ASTM A-515 FOR 1r2'GRADE 60 DEFORM REINFORCING BAR FOR POLYPROPYLENE STEPS,AND ALL WISHA AND OSHA SPECIFICATIONS,ARE ACCEPTABLE PROVIDED THEY ARE PRE-APPROVED BY THE OTRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. T a 2. DROP RUNG STEPS ARE TO BE#8 GALVANTZED DEFORMED REBAR. 1"CLEARANCE 4 BAR 3. PREFABRICATEQ}.ADDERS ARE TO BE#7 GALVANIZE{]SMOOTH STEEL -- 4. MANHOLE PREFABRICATED LADDER STEPS SHALL BE PARALLEL OR APPROXIMATELY GRADE RING RADIAL AT THE OPTION OF THE MANUFACTURER,E)[CEPT THAT ALL STEPS IN ANY MANHOLE SHALL BE THE SAME. �5 PENETRATION OP OUTER WALL BY A NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL FNGINEERING DOCUMENT STEP LADDER OR LADDER LEG 15 BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY p r THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED,FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON PROHIBITED.USE FLANGED END FOR BOLTING TO WALL IN STORM DRAINAGE S OSEP�I FILE AT THE CCf1 OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON APPLICATIONS. 5� o WAS� REQUEST. EMBED FOOT OF LADDER IN CONCR c❑ CImde 0 OEPAR7EAE NT IN POURED AND/OR CHANNELED NT FLOOR. ~ 4 KEE- T MANHOLE GRADE RING, 2.14 Qr� .......... SAFETY STEPS & LADDER 7. MANHOLE STEPS OR LADDERS ARE GrSTER y REQUIRED WHEN THE COVER om�rrFo E Nam 57MO n Purr BOTTOM OF MANHOLE iS LESS THAN �� ], CHEsKa re MPR 4 r 142 D.T.P.C-110 M]xPExM)TEE(CUT TO FIT) ONE LENGTH OF DUCTILE IRON PIPE(CL.50)TO O.I.P.C•113 MI RETAINER GLAND OR APPROVED EQUAL SOLID BEARING EARTH D.I.P.C•110 CAP-FLAT,WITH TOP HALF CUT OFF,LEAVING WATER TIGHT SEA 90TTOM HALF AS A DAM FLEXIBLE 301NT SHELF BACKFILL W/COMPACTED _ MATERIAL AS DIRECTED CHANNEL BY THE ENGINEER MATCH CROWN TO EX.SEWER PIPE D,I,P,CL,50 � N N A 6"MIN. A 1° MAX. t� d a C D.I.A.C-110 MIxPE 900(QUARTER)BEND LONG SWEEP PATTERN Cl.50 CEMENT CONC.CLASS 3D00 BLOCK POURED IN PLACE ELEVATION CONSTRUCT CHANNEL SHELF AREA DUCTILE IRON PIPE 3 NOTES; CHANNEL SECTION "A-A" I. OUTSIDE DRDPS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED W/DUCTILE IRON NOTE: THIS PLAN 15 NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AS SHOWN;CONC.ENCASED PVC BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON S()SEP FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON 2. USE PESTRAINED FITTINGS AT ALL F Wy AS �4. REQUEST. DROP CONNECTION POINTS. £. �`�° ti l��� �o CITY OF KENT y, Q 3. SNUG RETAINER GLAND AS CLOSE y ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TO MANHOLE FACE AS • DUCTILE IRON DROP PRACTICABLE. E DENT CONNECTION 4. IF DROP HEIGHT IS LESS THAN 2`, ST R�G�V' py_ _ RANDARD A DROP CONNECTION IS NOT N4L DRAWN ALLOWED. 4-6 S APPI 143 1s" 1p" � U C � d c a CEMENT CONC. d ' CLASS 3000 a 1�" ° 3/4'SQUARES SPACED 314°AS SEWER—C INDICATED-HT,1/8' 10" 4 c d 1" 118"RAISE-112" WIDE BORDER N 9' a ° A 2 e 1 � • " � - I 10` � °' •, 9" V 7 3/4' 73 8 314' Z Y 8"PVC PIPE 6'PVC ry (FOR SLEEVE) I THREADED ;V FIBER JOINT PACKING PLUG (OPTIONAL) 7' w 7 314" N 4 15" 6'-450 ELL 6�rn CAST IRON RING&COVER (BELL x SPIGOT) q CLEA NOUT RING&COVER 6"WYE WATER TIGHT PLUG 6"SIDE SEWER SEE STANDARD PLAN 4.8 r 5 SLOPE NOTE: 7HI5 PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING OOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY m THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION I5 KEPT ON ❑ FILE AT THE CnY OF RENT. A COPY MAYBE OBTAINED UPON �QF Wasy,� REQUEST. CITY OF KENT y ENGINURINO DEPARTMENT 1. CAST IRON TO CONFORM TO A,S.TX A48.56 CLASS 30. T F" CLEANOUT 27593 02. COVER SHALL BE OLYMPIC FOUNDRY M {.R�Of STERN � � Lv S�u�u,4Ro Puw NONE 1007 OR EQUIVALENT MARKED �Sj�NAL� or+�wrsFIR 'SEWER-CO"OR'CO", 4-7 APPitDVE 144 CLEANOUT RING AND LOCKING COVER (SEE STANDARD PLAN 4.7) .'T- F! d _ %6 PROPERTY a 4 LINE V o fi"WYE MAY. a 6 N m ut D c I IiJ N o a 6°TEE N APPROVED WATERTIGHT PLUG Q 4 6"WYE SEWER MAIN PLAN 4'MA)(. 6„TEE SANITARY SEWER MAIN ADAPTER WHERE PREAPPROVED BY THE ENGINEER FOR COUPLING DIFFERENT PIPE MATERIALS. AS CALLED OUT ON THE PLANS OR DESIGNATED BY THE ENGINEER NOTES: I. JOINT DEFLECTION SHALL NOT BE GREATER THAN RECOMMENDED BY THE PIPE MFR.AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY 2. MINIMUM SLOPE SHALL BE 1%'MAX. THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON PERMISSIBLE SLOPE SHALL BE 2 HORIZ. �O�E�'I� FILE AT THE CITY OF RENT, A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON TO OTHERWISE.VERT,UNLESS SPECIFIED � pF WASy�� REQUESE v ` C,� CITY F{ENT 3. PIPE SHALL 8E PVC,CAST IRON,OR � � p ewciwerrRiNGwo DEPARTMENT DUCTILE IRON CLASS 50,MIN.SIZE 6', SIZE AND MATERIAL SHALL 8E AS SCENT SIDE SEWER STUB SPECIFIED ON THE PLANS OR APpRO 21 �� CONNECTION BY THE ENGINEER. Des Dmw DRAWN —NONE �71AUDARD PLM 4. 5'MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN �sSfONAL CKCKED SEWER]MAIN TAPS. �arcE� 4-8 145 I 2 rn HOUSE •A" FRONT OF HOUSE TO P/L SIDE OF HOUSE 3 2 �n d D vP m 4 d o = 11 xd x a 12 Fn 4C� m 5 m VI m .D" 7 � 6 9 ` PROPERTY LINE 8 1 NOTES: Q 450-90°BEND (� LJ CONNECTION TO BUILDING SEWER SIDE SEWER PIPE 1. 4"(MIN.SIZE)SEWER PIPE RE Q'D,ON PROPERTY. RUB9l:R COUPLING REQUIRED TO PIPE AT HOUSE 2. 2%MIN.GRADE(1/4"FALL PER FT)FOR 4"PIPE 10096 MAX.GRADE(12"PER FT). 3'MIN.,S'MAX,DISTANCE FROM 3. 101NTS MUST BE MADE WITH RUBBER TYPE GASKET HOUSE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER, 24"MIN.COVER 4. CONSTRUCTION ON PRIVATE PROPERTY MAY BE DONE BY 4"DLO.SIDE SEWER TO HOUSE OWNER BUT REQUIRES A PERMIT. L 6"X 4"REDUCER CLEANOUr(SEE STANDARD PLANS 4-7 NOTE: THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT &4-8) BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATF_ THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY ❑SEP THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON �9 6"DIA.SIDE SEWER STUB TO S {l f FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON PROPERTY LINE(SEE STANDARD PLAN , �pF WASylQ+ `4d. REQUEST. 4 e) O� ' c��} CITY OF I{ENT ENQINEERLNONII DEPARTMENT 10. 100'MAX.DISTANCE BETWEEN r CLEAN-OUT AND 400'MAX,DIST CE ' RESIDENTIAL SIDE BETWEEN MANHOLES. KENT I SEWER CONNECTION O wa�ar..e. 11, BEND,WYE AND CLEANOUT � , c/sTe Ixslcr>v oux sroxnt �� I STµMD PLM I2. CLEANOUT BELOW GRAD E.I'MAX. MUM 'a 4-9 0 APPR9'Vffl 146 &FDRCE LINE 1/1 SLOPE 6'X4' DUCER �_ `� [ •l GASKET TO SW SOLVENT WELD 1' GRAVITY TO FORCE SIDE VIEW LINE CONNECTION DETAIL"C' BUILDING FOUNDATION 4'MIN,CONC.WALL(3 SIDES TYP.) SQUARE PUMP TANK {RE5IDENTIAL USE ONLY) AUDIO VISUAL ALARM PAL REMOVABLEeCO7VER RESISTANT CLEAN OUT EX.GRADE SEE DETAIL"C" y 1' 1p FOR CONNEC ION 1 AX 2'MIN. MV6 -�j'� H' GRAVITY SEWER[SEE SEC.4.8.0 BUILDING FOR PRESSURE SEWER TESTING] FORCE LINE[SEE -TRACER WIRE SEC.4,8.0 FOR REQUIRED PRESSURE TESTING] SEWER MAINTY NOTES: MANHOLE 1. ALL ELECTRICAL TO MEET WASHINGTON STATE ELECTRIC CODES. GRINDER FOUNDATION PUMP 2. GRINDER PUMP AND TANK TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS. 4. TYPE 1 MANHOLES ARE TO BE FOR NOTE. THI5 PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT COMMERCIAL USE ONLY,SEE STANDARD BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY PLAN 4-1 AND 4-2,THE RASE OF THE THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON MANHOLE SWILL BE SLOPED AS SHOWN �pS EPN FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON IN THE'SIDE VIEW"ABOVE, ❑F WAsy y REQUEST. S. CLEAN OUT TO BE INSTALLED PER ti �.+ CITYOF ICENT STANDARD PLAN 4.7 AND 4-8. SHOINCIHEERIHII OEPAH7NIENT 6. FOUNDATION AND WALLS TO BE ~ N-`- LOW PRESSURE DESIGN EO FOR SITE CONDITIONS. A 2 3 w...,...d. GRINDER PUMP `Jp� �fiGISTgR�9 G{s�r MAW ol�Yl -__ NONE SfAHWJW PWi OVAL a k 4--14 147 24"DIA.LOCKING FRAME AND COVER AIR AND GAS TIGHT-3 PLACES- (LOCATE AS SHOWN,ON CENTERLINE)SEE STANDARD PLAN 4.4 — ._..- - -•--• •--• - - - -- - -- ---- �---�� A I I i 5'8" A SEW — EF(--- Er,(— COVER SHALL READ"SEWER" I J — - - --------- ---- - - - - -.1�-- -� — PLAN •j INSTALL SURFACE CLEAN-OUT PER CONTRACTOR TO STANDARD?PUW 4-7 V-a, ADJUST TO GRADE 2'-10" I ��tMAX. 3'MAX. MIN, 1 I 16' BAFFLE T 4- ICK 6'TYP ALL RISERS INLET �] 1,500 GAL. — 7`-2" 15' Z FLEx16LE OUTLET i _ . L t COUPLING AS 3'-9.75' REQ'D 2'6" t GROUT BOTH SIDES 3'-2' 3'-0" SECTION A-A NOTES: I. LOCATE STRUCTURE ADJACENT TO DRIVE AND FOR ACCESS BY 7. GRAY WATER ONLY,BLACK WATER SHALL BE CARRIED BY SEPARATE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE. SID3E SEINER. 2, FILL WITH CLEAN WATER PRIOR TO START UP OF SYSTEM. S. ANY CHANGES REQUIRE PRIOR APPROVAL BY THE ENGINEER 3. INTERCEPTOR TO BE MAINTAINED BY OWNER AND ANNUAL MAINTENANCE REPORT WILL BE REQUIRED. 4. UTILITY VAULT CO.,INC.MODEL NO. NOTE: THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY 5106 GA OR EQUAL. rr THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON 5. CONNECTIONS TO CONCRETE WALLS S()SET{T FILE AT THECITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON WITH PVC PIPE REQUIRES KOR-N-SEA! tiF WASp� t9 REQUEST. CONNECTOR DR A.C. PVC GRANT 0 CITY OF KENT ADAPTER OR APPROVED EQUAL.SEA ENOWEEBING bZPARTNENT ALL PIPE CONNECTIONS WITH � � NON-SHRINK GROUT. kxj Y KENT 1,500 GALLON .4 21 3 w..",N.. GREASE INTERCEPTOR 6. 6"PVC SHALL BE USED THROUGHOUT. '¢p RF�ISTf- PIPE MATERAL SHALL BE PTANMARDSI TOP OF"TEES sTO I KDs�IGNALG STEM. 4--1 1 M 148 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 149 5.0 STANDARDS FOR STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS 5.1 General 5.1.A Design Standards Drainage facilities shall be designed in accordance with the City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual (KSWDM). 5.1.B Specifications Materials, construction, and testing are specified in Section 7-04 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. 5.1.0 Conflicts Where technical conflicts may occur between this document and the City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual, these Standards shall govern. 5.2 Easements and Rights-of-Way Permanent on-site easements for access, maintenance, and construction are required in accordance with KSWDM Section 4.1for all storm drain extensions located outside of public Right-of-Way. Private improvements such as buildings, fences, garages, carports, retaining walls, utilities, signs, light standards, etc., are not allowed in public easements and rights-of-way. Where an encroachment occurs, the Developer shall remove and relocate the conflicting private improvement immediately upon direction from the Engineer. Easements shall be accessible for construction equipment normally used for the operation and maintenance of the facility. Cross slopes exceeding 5% will require a deviation approval of the Engineer. 5.3 Storm Water System and Culverts 5.3.A Pipe Bedding Pipe Bedding shall be placed under and all around the pipe meeting the requirements of Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding per Section 9-03.12(3) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications, latest edition. It shall be compacted in layers around the pipe and to a sufficient height above the pipe to adequately support and protect the pipe to 95% compaction ASTM D-1557. See WSDOT Standard Plans and Standard Plan 3-22. 5-1 150 5.3.B Access Roads Access roads to each catch basin and manhole are required for maintenance. Access and/or maintenance roads (where required) shall be 15' wide and have a minimum inside turning radius of 45'. Access and/or maintenance roads will require an approved all- weather surface, and shall be designed to support an HS-20 vehicle load to support construction equipment and loads. The profile of an access road shall not exceed 15%. Access roads with grades exceeding 12% shall be paved. Whenever an Easement or Right-of- Way is fenced, a gate shall be installed matching the width of the Easement and a City of Kent lock must be placed in "series". All access roads longer than 150 feet from the nearest face of curb or edge of pavement of the connecting Street shall have an approved turnaround per Standard Plans 6-18 through 6-21 or shall be looped to connect back to a public Street. 5.3.0 Casings: Where a storm water line passes under or through a retaining wall or is attached to a bridge structure, the pipe shall be cased in steel pipe at least 4" larger than the largest outer diameter of the bell or joint of the storm water line. No pipe joints will be allowed within the casing, except on bridge structures or unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. The casing shall extend on either side of the wall a distance equal to the highest height of the retaining wall at the wall penetration, plus 4'. All voids within the casing shall be filled with blown sand except on bridge structures. Casing spacers shall be Cascade Waterworks Manufacturing Company stainless steel casing spacers or approved equal. The casing spacers shall be installed such that the storm water line is centered and restrained within the casing and spaced such that a uniform Profile Grade will be maintained within the casing. 5.4 Catch Basin Locations and Junctions 5.4.A Catch Basins Catch basins, rather than inlets, shall be used to collect storm water from street surfaces, unless approved by the Engineer. See Standard Plans 5-1 & 5-2. 5.4.B Connections to Pipe Systems Connections to pipe systems may be made without placing a catch basin or manhole on the mainline in accordance with Standard Plan 5-18. All other connections shall be made at catch basins or manholes. 5-2 151 5.4.0 Manholes in Lieu of Catch Basins Manholes may be used in lieu of catch basins if they do not collect surface water. Manholes must be used if invert elevations are different by more than 18". See Standard Plan 4-1. 5.4.13 Control Structure Placement A control structure shall be placed in a manhole downstream of detention systems utilizing pumps. 5.4.E Roof and Yard Drains Roof and yard drains, or other concentrated flow from adjacent property, shall not discharge over the surface of streets, sidewalks, pathways, or shoulders. The location of at least two points of all catch basins shall be surveyed to ensure that the catch basin, frame and grate will properly align with finished curb, horizontally and vertically. 5.5 Frames, Grates, and Covers 5.5.A Metal Castings for Drainage Structures Metal castings for drainage structures shall not be dipped, painted, welded, plugged or repaired. 5.5.B Porosity in Metal Castings for Drainage Structures Porosity in metal castings for drainage structures shall be considered a workmanship defect subject to rejection by the inspector. 5.5.0 Casting for Manhole Rings Castings for manhole rings shall be gray-iron conforming to the requirements of AASHTO M 105, Grade 3013. Covers shall be ductile iron conforming to ASTM A 536, Grade 80-55-06. Manhole rings and covers shall meet the strength requirements of Federal Specification RR-F-621 E. All mating surfaces shall be machine finished to ensure a non-rocking fit. 5.5.D Manhole Rings and Covers Identification All manhole rings and covers shall be identified as specified in Section 9-05.15 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. See Standard Plan 5-10. 5.5.E Metal Frame Castings for Catch Basins and Inlets 1. Castings for metal frames for catch basins and inlets shall be cast steel, gray iron, or ductile iron as specified in Sections 9-06.8, 9- 06.9, or 9-06.14 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. 5-3 152 2. Castings for metal frames for catch basins, inlets, grates and solid metal covers shall meet the strength requirements of Federal Specification RR-F-621 E. 5.5.F Metal Grates & Covers for Catch Basins and Inlets Castings for grates and solid metal covers for catch basins and inlets shall be cast steel or ductile iron as specified in Sections 9- 06.8 or 9-06.14 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. The foundry name and material designation shall be embossed on the top of the grate. The material shall be identified as "CS" for cast steel, and "DUC" or "DI" for ductile iron and shall be located near the manufacturer's name. See Standard Plans 5-9 through 5-4. 5.5.G Grate and Cover Seating Grates and covers shall be seated properly to prevent rocking, including the replacement of existing covers with solid metal covers. 5.5.H Vaned Grates Unless otherwise specified, vaned grates shall be used with standard frame in the Traveled Way, gutter, or shoulder. Vaned grates shall not be located within crosswalks. See Standard Plans 5-4 through 5-6. 5.5.I Rolled Curbs Use rolled curb frame and grates along rolled curbs. See Standard Plan 5-7. 5.5.3 Runoff Collection in Catch Basins New catch basins that do not collect runoff shall use solid locking covers. Existing catch basins, which no longer collect runoff, shall have their frame and grates replaced with new frames and solid covers. See Standard Plan 5-9. 5.5.K Locking Drain Covers and Grates All storm drain covers and grates shall be locking. All control structures storm drain covers shall be locking regardless of their location. 5.6 Television Inspection All new storm drain extensions will be TV camera inspected by the City prior to acceptance. Prior to TV camera inspection: 1. Storm drain lines and catch basins must be cleaned 2. All construction must be completed and approved by the Inspector. 5-4 153 The casting and top grade rings do not have to be mudded in until after the Finished Grade is established. The Developer shall bear all costs for correction of deficiencies found during TV inspection, including all costs for subsequent TV inspections to verify the correction of deficiencies. The Developer shall schedule TV Inspection no less than 5 working days prior to being ready. If the system is not ready, the Developer shall notify the City no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled time. If the Developer fails to notify the City that they are not ready and the TV Inspection crew shows up at the Site, the Developer will be responsible for all costs of additional TV inspections to verify the system. All Costs for re-inspections including the Inspector's time to come back due to "not being ready" will be the responsibility of the Developer. Costs shall include labor at overtime rates, overhead, equipment, material and any other associated charges. The costs shall be based on the latest cost schedule prepared and approved annually by the Engineer. Sags in storm drain lines indentified during the TV inspection greater than 0.5" shall be repaired by the contractor by removal and re-laying of the pipe. Repaired sections of pipe shall be TV inspected for verification prior to Final Inspection at the cost of the Developer as described above. 5.7 Erosion Control All Projects shall provide Erosion control in accordance with the KSWDM. The State Department of Ecology requires coverage under the NPDES Construction Stormwater General Permit when the disturbed area for the Project exceeds one (1) acre. The NPDES Permit requires that a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) be developed for all Projects covered. A Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead will be required by DOE to be onsite during construction. See the Department of Ecology website at: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/construction See the Kent Surface Water Design Manual (KSWDM), King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) for allowable erosion control best management practices. See Standard Plans 5-27, 5-30 & 5-31 for additional information. 5.8 Low Impact Development Technologies The City of Kent encourages the use of Low impact Development (LID) technologies. Low impact Development is a stormwater management and land Development strategy applied at the parcel and subdivision scale that emphasizes conservation and use of existing natural site features integrated with engineered small scale hydrologic controls to more closely mimic pre- development functions. The goal of LID is to prevent measurable harm to 5-5 154 streams, lakes, wetlands, and other natural aquatic systems from residential, commercial, or industrial Development sites. LID technologies include stormwater best management practices designed to reduce runoff from Development using infiltration, evapotranspiration, or stormwater reuse. Examples of LID technologies include trees, porous pavement, bio-retention swales, infiltration systems, dry wells, cisterns, and rain gardens. Examples of these technologies are provided in the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual. 5-6 155 5.9 Storm Drain System Standard Plans 5-1 Catch Basin Tvpe I 5-2 Catch Basin Tvpe II 5-3 Misc. Details for Drainaae Structures 5-4 18" x 24" Catch Basin Frame 5-5 18" x 24" Vaned Grate 5-6 18" x 24" 2-Wav Vaned Grate 5-7 Through - Curb Inlet Frame 5-8 Through-Curb Inlet Installation 5-9 Solid Catch Basin Cover 5-10 Round Solid Catch Basin Frame & Cover 5-11 Private Round Catch Basin Cover 5-12 15" X 22" Rolled Curb Frame & Grate 5-13 Beehive Grate 5-14 20" x 24" Catch Basin Frame 5-15 Debris Caae 5-16 Extended Debris Caqe 5-17 Catch Basin with Oil/Water Separator 5-18 Field Tarmina of Concrete Pipe 5-19 Beveled End Pipe Section 5-20 Trash Screen 5-21 Shear Gate 5-22 Chain Link Fence, Tvpe I for Ponds Onlv 5-23 Drivewav & Walk Gate for Ponds Onlv 5-24 Tree Plantinq 5-25 Shrub Plantinq 5-26 Trench Infiltration Svstem for Small Sites 5-27 Flow Spreader Option: Catch Basin with Beehive Grate 5-28 Critical Areas Sian 5-29 Split Rail Fence 5-30 Sample TESC Site Plan, 1 Acre and Smaller 5-31 Filter Fabric Fence 5-32 TESC Sediment Trap Earth Berm 5-33 TESC Interceptor Ditch with Rock Check Dams 5-34 TESC Pipe Slope Drain 5-35 Temporary Stockpiling 5-7 156 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 5-8 157 NOTES: 1. CATCH BASIN TO BE CONSTRUCTED 1N ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO M 199, (ASTM.C 478,&ASTM C 890)UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS OR NOTED IN THE WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. 2. AS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATE TO ReBAR,WELDED WIRE FABRIC HAVING FRAME AND GRATE A MINIMUM AREA OF 0.12 SQUARE INCHES PER FOOT MAY BE USED. WELDED WIRE FABRIC 5HALL COMPLY TO AASHTO M 221(ASTM A 497). SEE STANDARD PLANS 5-4 THRU 5.8 AND 5-12 WIRE FABRIC SHALL NOT BE PLACED IN THE KNOCKOUTS. 3. PRECAST BASES SHALL BE FURNISHED WITH CUTOUTS OR KNOCKOUTS. THE KNOCKOUT DIAMETER SHALL NOT EXCEED 20". KNOCKOUTS SHALL 0 3pe HAVE A WALL TH ICKNESS OF 2"MINIMUM, PROVIDE A 1.S°MINIMUM GAP Za ?pa BETWEEN THE KNOCKOUT WALL AND THE OUTSIDE OF THE PIPE. 4. ALL JOINTS IN THE BRICKS,GRADE RINGS,RISERS AND CASTINGS SHALL S^ BE SEATED IN MORTAR.PICK HOLES,CRACKS AND ANY OTHER JOINTS SHALL BE FINISH GROUTED TO PROVIDE A WATERTIGHT STRUCTURE, 60 S. THE MAXIMUM➢EPTH FROM THE FINISHED GRADE TO THE LOWEST ¢RIB PIPE INVERT SHALL BE 5'. ONE 03 BAR HOOP FOR S"HEIGHT TWO 43 BAR HOOPS FOR 12"HEIGHT RECTANGULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION (WEIGHT-200 LBS.-6') (WEIGHT-580 LBS.-1r) PIPE ALLOWANCES MAXIMUM �l PIPE MATERIAL INSIDE DIAMETER 44" REINFORCED OR 12" PLAIN CONCRETE *3 BAR EACH CORNER 21" ALL METAL PIPE i5" MIN. #3 BAR SOLID WALL PVC EACH SIDE (WS DOT STD.SPEC.9-05.12(1)) 15- #3 BAR EACH WAY 4" PRECAST BASE SECTION (WEIGHT-2170 LBS.) NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT psEZjt> AN ELECTRONIC❑UPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE S {T ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT WASy�c�9 THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. a CITY OF T NOM RIN PS:PAAWTMCKT �1 KENT CATCH BASIN TYPE I .d 214 3 a F�IS7ES� oEs�cnEe—DO suReAM PLAN Q �+cxe I s CHECKED I r i APPR&W 1 158 1!" N a� Lu. Y`c m r�i v v v I d a N.rv4i N W CSJ� ¢a Sjl�VrjJ rn cam uJ r! ❑ =; ' k ;l s o a} 9 � N W O C Vl N C, F+ J pp�j H Q�mCD mi� nVC Z�' �.y _ to p £ a U N'D6 p[ Q I d pN ❑ a f�+e m 1�f] 7 a� rf-i�i a r 4 3 3 aw W ¢ M rml v r4a n a rli W lu 66 A m M 14rw 4. . w a ce a 12"' 1"MIN. N o MIN. (IYP.) 2,5'MAx. J i z MAX. x - e w w ra 28`MAR. J w o J ' N N rn Vo +d O+ O+ cy rl .•1 N N N ry • J � � N � O G 0 O G C1 "B"124-D'MAX.(FOR MAINTENANCE) TTcc a� I� o pry 'p z W o � � N °: rliM M M G 4 0 V7 N U W Q Y N 2 Y� toam W W U U 7 U Z of µ 3 7 2 b m Y. Q ❑ vi w a� pu y rA a N n fli es 4�3u��jn in Q rn m y V, w n m Lu R. �^ul to 7Y �.� �-. QUZ p�4 d2 0.rr wj�_21t7Y�.i I�1 !yy/2�� W ALL]Wa QNW V a io is DO cod, O ti rN-r Z Z fJl LL }p W La d N 41 OT W A r ❑ po p su Y�mW3a zO �TW.•� � z in q! cdJoin7�C .�. vr k �oC'� rC's ¢ ari 3 :r in �a co is a 'i vi 'fl T F7 o u�i ' n m rn NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE �SEp {I ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT �QF WAS �� THE CTfI OF ICENT,A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KE1NTT y EnvinerejNGna neaAarufiHT KENT CATCH BASIN TYPE II �6yC'� �G')STe� �ti]V _ SCk+dARQ PLAN DRAWN 5 i LNECIfEO. 7E JC—2 159 #fi BARS @ 7'CENTERS �r BOTTOM FACE WITH 26"x 24",OR 7. f` 1'MIN.COVER 24"DIAM. t ZD 2d" CLR y y �fy y 2yTYP. { �]I�>1 �a S• stl�R��° ti• 2D' 2''ryP• ONE#3 BAR HOOP FOR fi" H I TWO#3 BAR HOOPS FOR 12' AS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO REBAR,WIRE MESH HAVING A MINIMUM AREA OF 0.12 SQUARE INCHES PER FOOT MAY 8E 9fi'TOP SLAB 1"MIN. USED FOR ADJUSTMENT SECTIONS. 2 7 2'MAX. RECTANGULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION 20'x 24",OR \ #S BARS @ b"CENTERS 24'DIAM. BOTTOM FACE WITH 34" 1"MIN.COVER 2'CLR t A�I TYP. /f]/ ONE#3 �! T-J - 2' 2'TYP. 8AR HOOP4'CIRCULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION 72"TOP SLAB �.2D"x 2 1J2'MAX. 24',OR 24'DIAM. #4 BARS 0 6'CENTERS CLR �. BOTTOM FACE WITH f } 1'MIN.COVER T MIN. 20. r f 2"TYP. ` r %3 TYPICAL ORIENTATION FOR ACCESS AND STEPS 48"&54' TOP SLAB NOTES: I, SLAB OPENING SHALL BE 24'X 20" NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT FOR RECTANGULAR AND 24' pSEP AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE DIAMEM FOR ROUND. ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT i of WASH THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 2. SEE STANDARD PLAN 4-5 FOR STEP, CITY OF MaNT LADDER AND GRADE RING. N ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 3.ONLY ONE STYLE OF CATCH BASIN ? KEN MISC. DETAILS FOR DRAINAGE STEPS MAY HE USED IN A CATCH 21493 E� w..,,,,,q" STRUCTURES BASIN,DO NOT MIX STYLES. `�0,� �6'1ST� DMGNrn_ -D" -W VANDM Fort 9 �FIINAL oanwrt e — 1 5--3 MPft04ED � 160 S18"-11 UNC-2B HOLE (2 PLCS.TYP.) A A ry `� 318" n TYR 314" TOP VIEW 18" 718"TYP. l s18"TYP.MIN. 1" 4 112" 1� 16L 314. 1518" 17 314° 25" SECTION A•A NOTES: 1. MATERIAL USED FOR THE FRAME SHALL BE CAST IRON ONLY.(PER ASTM A48 CL3U H-20 LOADING). 2. TOP OF FRAME SHALL BE ADJUSTED EVEN WITH ROADWAY SECTION. NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT aSE�j AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE S ;z ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT WAS 5, OF y� THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. co CITY DF KENT two ENGINEERING A€PARTMENT m Y T 18"X 24" .0 2t 93 Q w.......o CATCH BASIN FRAME Ulm R� � GROWN FjClYfll ti"� r IS NNW IS- 5--4 161 1'--1 I--13<a• ' 77 1 5" tn 17 3J4" Ld 1J8` 15JB' TOP VIEW END VIEW Z3 3J4'ro 1 3J8- , 1 IJ4"u -t 1J8"R, ry 15j8. 112'INSET H£]f SOCKET —"� 15J15` .�. �� 3 1J2" f 2 3J4" 2 314` /a■ 5J16,R. PARTING LINE FRONT VIEW VANE DETAIL ry NOTES. 1 114' 3J41- 1. PROVIDE FRAME SHOWN IN,STANDARD PLAN 5-4. 5JB"-11 UNC-2A 2. PROVIDE 2-5J8'DIAMETER STAINLESS STEEL ALLEN TYPE STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS COUNTER SUNK FLUSH WITH COVER. SECURING BOLT 2' 3. GRATE SHALL 8E STAMPED"DUMP NO POLLUTANTS", 'OUTLET TO STREAM', II + 4. ALL LETTERING SHOWN SHALL BE 112'AND SHALL BE RECESSED -1J2' UNLESS OTHtRWISE INDICATED IN THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. 5. OUCTILE IRON ASTM A-536 GRADE 80-55-06 H-20 RATED. SLOT DETAIL 6. GRATE SHALL BE LOCKING. SLOT FORMED AND RECESSED FOR 518'-11 NC x 2" S.S.SOCKET HEAD(ALLEN HEAD)CAP SCREW, NOTE:THIS PLAN I5 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT O �y AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE S 'I ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT pf WASry/..�� THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. � t CITY T ERIN DEPARTMENT �� ICENT 18" x 24" 16. 4F�21 3 p we.n„n,e" VANED GRATE O� 75TER�� oe�rwEo t nw1Wx �_ srnNo�a ew+ cFt¢cKeo 5-5 162 A DUVP NO POlLU6m DUVET TO SIM 1 1/4' B B �3/4- 2- 1/2- SLOT DETAIL SLOT FORMED AND RECESSED FOR 518'-11 NC x 2'S.S.SOCKET HEAD(ALLEN HEAD)CAP SCREW. A 1/8" 1 5/w 17 3J4' I�1 S/8' T ]I2'INSET !i HEX SOCKET SECTION A-A �-{ �+ 15116' 2 1�4' 23 3/4' N 5r8^rA — fV 3112'R. SECTION B•B 511611 R. 5/8•-11 uNc•2A NOTES: STAINLESS STEEL SECURING BOLT 1. PROVIDE FRAME SHOWN STANDARD PLAN 5-4. 2. FOR THRU CURB INLETS AT LOW POINTS,USE 2-WAY VANED GRATE. 3. GRATE SHALL BE STAMPED'DUMP NO POLLUTANTS', 'CUTLET TO STREAM!". NOTE:THIS PLAN 1S NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT S QSEP AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE 4. ALL LETTERING SHOWN SHALL BE 112„ ;I ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT AND SHALL BE RECESSED. `Gop WAS y THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 5. DUCTILE IRON ASTM A-536 GRADE c� CITY DEPAKEENTT 80-55-D6 H•20 RATED. m t 6. GRATE SHALL BE LOCKING. m �E-T I$ppx 24" ,e R s$ �a „.,„,„ova. 2—WAY VANED GRATE 7. PROVIDE 2-5/8"DIAMETER STAINLE 5 �8 C�,IT omcriEo Nau� sruupueo ri w STEEL ALLEN TYPE BOLTS COU L DRAWN� SUNK FLUSH WITH COVER l cH o. �` 5-6 RPPR 163 2s" 7 718" m � 50 TYP. M OQ 2 I/a. �T i 7" ;r 4' 1112" A A rV � N f I T 4" —A— DRILL&TAP TWO --I 518-TYP. 518'-ZINC HOLES m THRU FRAME PLAN VIEW SECTION B-B HOOD ATTACHES AS SHOWN e _ 314' r I MIN.DRAFT r 18, ON THIS SIDE i I 31/20 I I 19116' C i 7,4 � C w n N 20" I I M SECTION A-A NOTES: HOOD DETAIL 6. 1. FRAME AND HOOD CAST IRON ASTM A48 CL30 H-20 LOADING. 5' SEE NOTE 3 2. USE VANED GRATE AS SHOWN ON STANDARD PLAN 5-5. 3. AT LOW POINTS,USE 2-WAY VANED GRATE AS SHOWN ON ^' STANDARD PLAN 5-6. 314" 1'R. 4. MAKE 3116'NON-SKID DIAMOND PATTERN ON TOP SURFACE OF a 10° HOOD.SEE STANDARD PLAN 5-4. 1" S. BOLT,WASHER AND NUT SHALL BE GALVANIZED OR CORRCSION RESISTANT. NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 2=I'DIA. S❑SEP l AN ELECTRONIC DUPLrCATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE HOLES FOR 314' 6' WAS `I t ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT BOLT,WASHER pF ry�� THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. &NUT SEE SECTION C-C f ti � C NOTE 4. y Z N�CITY OF 6EPAAR -NTTETA r t� NT THROUGH--CURB 21 a a w..",.,,,, INL£T FRAME �O F�157�eF'� smcimm NONE SYM1W5Rtf PLP71 1��o rsr°NAB. ' CH�m e - 5-7 164 Ile^x 2' DUMMY IOINTS B B �� t PLANTING STRIP OR SIDEWALK v r 1 c r 5 • � a � a v a • r V r Y 0 • a v v `� r Q e5 1 a 9 • 5'MIN.TO S'MIN,TD EXPANSION EXPANSION ]DINT JOINT y 0 N 4 4 SECTION A.A 118•X 2^ DUMMY IOINTS S'MIN.TO 5'MIN.TD EXPANSION EXPANSION JOINT JOINT v 4 NOTES: SECTION B-B 1. FOR INSTALLATIONS AT LOW POINTS USE 2-WAYVANED GRATE.OTHERWISE,USE STANDARD VANED GRATE. Z. CURB AND GUTTER T EITHER SIDE OF CATCH BASIN SHALL BE POURED AT THE TIME OF FRAME AND GRATE INSTALLATION. NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT i3SEP AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE �I ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT WAS y� THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. v� CITY OF KENT EtIt31HLEitINO hEPRRTAIENT J `� KENT THROUGH—CURB 2 93 a o. INLET INSTALLATION �RAWIt�Y.. E.. _ SGNaW PUN 0 ED.__ C'r'OWAL 15�9 -s FPPROYEO _ _T 165 23 3/4" C B I I E 8 LEVELING PADS I I I I 3/4'x 1314"x 118'THIC I I I' LI I 2112'DIA. E I I f 0�� n 3/4"0 HOLE { I I II I I B SECTION B-B 11116" 2 118' 112'TNSET J �j k 2 1/8' PROVIDE 518'DIA.BOLTS$TAP HEX SOCKET 1718" FRAME FOR LOCK DOWN LID. 15116" PLAN 20 4 314" 518" 518'41 UNC•2A STAINLESS STEEL SECTION A-A SECURING SALT MOTES: 11116' 1. WHEN SPECIFIED ON THE APPROVED PLANS,THE SOLID METAL COVER FOR 114. 1 3116'DIA.SLOT CATCH BASIN SHALL BE FURNISHED IN PLACE OF THE GRATE PROVIDED FOR ON STANDARD PLAN 5.5. 'v 2. RAISED DESIGNS OTHER THAN THE DIAMOND DESIGN SHOWN HEREON E "' MAY BE USED IF APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. ^' 3. CAST IN THE LETTERS'DRAIN"1N 2'RAISED LETTERS,118'HIGH. 4. TO BE USED WITH FRAME SHOWN IN STANDARD PLAN 5-4. 314' 11B' 1 1/8^ SECTION C•C S. PROVIDE 2-518'DIAMETER STAINLESS STEEL ALIEN TYPE BOLTS COUNTER NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT SUNK FLUSH WTTH COVER,(SEE OS JEpt, AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE STANDARD PLAN 5-4 FOR BOLT-DOWN S 17 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT CATCH BASIN FRAME). Og WAS&I �9 THE'CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAYBE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, 6. FRAME,CAST IRON ASTM A48 CL36, O �� ` ck CITY OF I ENT COVER,DUCTILE IRON ASTM A 5 GR 6kOINEEAIkD P€PARTMSNT 8055-06 H-20 RATED. [x7 5OUD CATCH BASIN ..."....e COVER �o� STS `�S1dNA aMO rm �owN Y_ S Now SnwDAM FIM L caecK ED ti ^9 r �� 166 DRILL&TAP: 5J81-11 UNC -18 (3 0 1200 ON A 22-1JB' BOLT CIRCLE) 2"RAISED LETTERS B 2' RAISED LOGO/LETTERS 00'F k A 118"ROUNDED RAISED TROUT FOR 5J8°-I1 UNC-1B S.S. DOW 0 lJ2"HEX.HE.CAP SCREWS lJ2' a o (3 REQUIRED) 4 R A I N 1'PICKNOLE(3 @4 1200) 2'RAISED LETTERS"DRAIN° B A FOR STORM DRAIN 1"HANDLING HOLE(3 26-117" PLCS) 25° 1° 2S 114" 1.112° 2-3116- 5Ja 23-3 B' 1; ++ 1-3J16" p 27.5 16' 318° 34-1 " SECTION A-A SECTION B-B NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT tT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE S ds { ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT WA Sy"� 7HE CITY OF I(ENT.A COPY MAYBE OBTAIN ED UPON REQUEST. O z CITY e RING DOF EPAARTTMNT ENT ROUND SOLID CATCH 9ASIN 2149 �d KENT• FRAME AND COVER C1STe DMGRED _ SHE SrANW0 WE �S�ONAL eo D - y, - I�o`� — 5-30 ►PpR 167 2"x 3/8'LETTERS ON 8-WEBS 1/2'THICK COVER-'DRAIN". NON-SKID PATTERN TO BE CAST INTEGRAL ON TOP OF COVER, 1'CORE- ,{,gyp Qp q 1 HOLE 'll"If c'Qc'Q�� A aQ��°a � �oflQ A 8 B o D RAI N p 0— �Qa�a Q�Q��II� ryry Q Qo o ra LOCKING DEVICES FOR COVER MAY BE USED PROVIDING DETAILS HERE ARE NOT CHANGED HEAVY RINGS (9"DEPTH)USE WHERE 318" PORTLAND CEMENT CONC.PAVMT,IS 2' BEING PLACED TO THICKNESS GREATER THAN fi' 1-T LIGHT RINGS -(6"DEPTH)USE WHERE PAVMT.THICKNESS IS 6'OR LESS 2 1/2" 7MACHINED SEAT 26 3/8" 25' - 251/4'. 24" SECTION A—A CAST IRON NON-LOCKING COVER MIN.WEIGHT-150 LBS, HEAVY RINGS=9"ITGFIT RINGS=6" P[OTES:1. CAST IRON TO CONFORM TO SPEC,ASTM-159-55, 417:z 1 1/4" ALLOY#111 RATING H-20. 2. SEAT OF COVER&FRAME MACHINED, 5" 23 3/4" 3. NON-ROCKING FIT FOR MANHOLE COVERS. 33 3/4' 4. BREAK ALL SHARP CORNERS WHERE POSSIBLE, SECTION B-- S, CASTING TO BE SHOT BLASTED AND CAST IRON FRAME MINIMUM WEIGHT-207 LBS. FREE FROM SURFACE SAND AND SCALE. NOTE; THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE. THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY 6. CASTING TO BE SMOOTH,TRUE TO THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON PATTERN,FREE FROM BLOWHOLES, pSEp FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT. A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON POROSITY,HARD SPOTS,SHRINK REQUEST. HOLES,WARP,OR ANY OTHER DEFECTS pF wASy�� 9 WHICH COULD IMPAIR SERVWFABILITY. ca `d CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7. CASTINGS SHALL BE COATED AS V, , DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. I KE-T PRIVATE ROUND CATCH BASIN 21 Ed w.�",.vra" COVER �Orp C15 R DESI N0 STANDARD PLAN DruwN alEcrrrn.I a%ol _ 5---31 APPR 168 LEVELING PAD 314`X 2 114"X 1115°(8 PLACES) boo C= o A o A ^ a o o 1/2"LETTERS RECESSED TO C= C= BE FLUSH. C=) O 1 5/8' TYP. TV. 17 1/4" PLAN 41J2"R TOP OF FRAME SHALL BE ADIUSTEDTO 3 J4 r FINISHED GRADE OF SIDEWALK TYP. �I 1�R 2` IY g" 5" J4- 15'x 2r OPENING 30'X 33 1/2" SECTION A-A NOTES: 1. MATERIAL USED FOR THE FRAME SHALL BE CAST IRON ONLY(PER ASTN A48 CL30 H•20 LOADING). NOTE.,THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE 2. GRATE SHALL BE STAMPED"DUMP NO FI ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT 0N FILE AT POLLUTANTS-OUTLET TO STREAM ��WASy�, THE CITY OF KENT,A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 3, SEE STANDARD PLAN 5-8 FOR p �Y0 CITY OF ZCENT SFF6lH£ERlNO AEPARTAIEH7 INSTALLATION IN ROLLED CURB H GUTTER. - -T 15"x 22" ROLLED CURB 483 FRAME AND GRATE �D,� �F015T�ryFp SS �'rif' V'l PRAWN Ltl GN-E NOR sl'.4NMRn PUW CHEor n re r ! .M 5-12 R 169 A C�O L A ml I0 1 B B o o o © 1r PLAN PLAN 20"x 24' 24 3J4' r-lo'x 12'--1 I 9" fi 11J4" 1 j4 1. i 1J2" 23 3/4�'ri 6. Hie°x 2r I I "1 32' SECTION A-A SECTION&-B LOCKING BEEHIVE GRATE 23'xG"MANHOLE RING&LOCKING BEEHIVE GRATE NOTES: NOTES: 1. MATERIAL:DUCTILE IRON ASTM A536,CL 1. MATERIAL:CAST IRON ASTM A48,CL 30. 80.55.06� 2. SEE STANDARD PLAN 5-10 FOR FRAME, 2. SEE STANDARD PLAN 5.14 FOR FRAME. 3. PROVIDE 2-5/8`DIAMETER STAINLESS STEEL 3. PROI IQE 2.5J8"DIAMETER STAINLESS STEEL, ALLEN TYPE BOLTS COUNTER SUNK FLUSH WITH ALLEN TYPE BOLTS COUNTER SUNK FLUSH WITH COVER. COVER. NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE `7 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT wflF WASI9�b THE CITY OF]CENT.A COPY MAY BE 0BTAINED UPON REQUEST, CITY OF ICENT ENAINEERtNG nE33AR7MElJF �10EN-I' 8EEHIVE GRATE ,.e� R 493 4� w,.I,,.4.e" [J fiG7STeR� �T DEStW DWOSIAF1MRb P1Ml stS]6 L a MWN NQHE 5-1 3 170 5/8°-II UNG2B HOLE (2 PLCS.TYP.) }A A N N 31a" N TYP. 3/4' TOP VIEW 20 1/4" 7/B'TYP. 1 518'TYP.MIN. t� l 4 1/2" 18 1/2" 3/,I, 1 s/s" 20• �' ` 25 1/4` SECTION A-A NOTES,, 1, MATERIAL USED FOR THE FRAME SHALL BE CAST IRON ONLY,(PER A"A48 CL30 H-20 LOADING). 2. TOP OF FRAME SHALL BE ADJUSTED EVEN WITH ROADWAY SECTION. 3. FOR USE WITH RECTANGULAR BEEHIVE GRATE. NOTE.THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT OsE-p AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE �z ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT 5� of WASy� 14 THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINER UPON REQUEST. CITY OF DENT � ENG{Nk€RiNG DEPARTMENT � Y T 20"x 24" F 3 E4 w...I— . CATCH BASIN FRAME Te���y$ orww Er; M �aa+e f5_mm�n Na,L L ��E ED E 14 171 314'DIAM.SMOOTH ROUND BARS EQUALLY SPACED. BARS SHALL BE WELDED TO UPPER&LOWER BANDS. UPPER BAND 314'DIAM. 314'DIAM.BAR SMOOTH ROUND BARS EQUALLY SPACED(4'O.C. rn MAX.) 112'PLATE n ' 4'O,C. 112' *NOTE:BARS OMITTED ON DRAWING 314"BAR e j DRILL HOLES FOR LOCKCK PLAN UPPER BAND 24- � � N LOWER BANG L w lJz, w w ENTRY GATE DETAIL 4.9116' LOWER HOLES BAND EQUALLY SPACED INNER DIAM. SEE TABLE BELOW NOTES: ELEVATION 1. ALL STEEL IN PLATES,BARS AND BANDS SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM A36, CS INNER DIAM. Z. DEBRIS CAGE SHALE BE HOT-DIP GALVANIZED IN 48' 58, ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO Mill(ASIM A123). 54' 65' 60" 72' 72' 85' 3. ENTRY GATE SHALL BE LOCKABLE WITH A CITY OF 46' 114' KENT PADLOCK, NOTE.THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT �SEP AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE OfUG1NAL,SIGNED BY THE S iT ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT AS THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE 013TAINED UPON REQUEST. 1 CITY OF KENT rn ENGINEERING DEPAKTUCNT xsti DEBRIS CAGE � s w,.�,...e. �o L7� �o�rSIdNAL � MINN� — -- - srAvonxu rw+ 01UN Do 5--15 172 2"x 4'GRATING PROVIDE OUTSIDE BAND ON 140#JSF LOADING GRATING EDGE OF HATCH LOCKING HASP 2-4'HINGES (C)ATTACHMENT LATES EQUALLY SPACED C C D t —12' #rUhrrr%WA'rrS4 4" STAGGEREDPERIPHERY GRATEBARS 1 1J2`x 11/4" INSIDE&OUTSIDE STEEL BANDSA A 36'X 35 PLAN 1 112'x 1/4'LID LOWER GRATING PLAN GRATED LID OUTSIDE STEEL BANDS OUTSIDE RING BAND GRATED LJ 1/2'ROUND BAR 36"x 36'HATCH HORIZONTAL DEBRIS BAR HINGE TELL BAR HATCH SUPPORT INSIDE RING BAND 1/4"x 11/4"PERIMETER DEBRIS BARS. BARS EQUALLY 2. 30" SPACED, SEE TABLE FOR 1 1/2„ 12' NUMBER OF BARS(A) 6" DEBRIS SLOT DISCONTINUE ALTERNATE (5) 8" THROUGH DEBRIS SLOT IF OUTLET PIPE 15 4"x 19"ATTACHMENT •n A'' GREATER THAN 24" PLATE. EXTEND PLATE LOWER RING FROM INSIDE WALL TO .• BAND OUTSIDE RING BAND SEE Y .. TABLE FOR NO.OF ry LOWER GRATE PLATES LOWER RING SAND SECTION C C MANHOLE ATTACHMENT DETAIL NOTES: 1. ALL PARTS Of THE CAGE SHALL BE GALVANIZED STEEL AND JOINTS WELDED.(PER WSDOT STD.SPECS.9-05.1(2)). SECTION A-A 2, UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE,ALL SANDS AND BARS SHALL 5E 1 1/2'x 1/4" LOCKING HASP x 114'. 4'HINGE STEEL BANDS 3. GRATED LID SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO WITHSTAND A 1DO PSF all LOADING. TABLE OF VARIABLES CB DIA. NO.OF NO.OF ATTACH- D ELL BAR HATCH INSIDE BARS(A) (B) KENT PLATES(C) ( ) SUPPORT 48' 26 8` 4 60' SECTION B-B 54` 29 8' 6 67' HATCH DETAIL p, W. 32 10" 6 74' �� �{z 72' 39 12" 8 BS" WAS 4� yI 96' 5U 12" B 116` f•, aw h F' v� CEINTY OF OWEERIN nrL=�sN T J t1l �� KENT EXTENDED DEBRIS CAGE 4 Q Wn�H�see" 1 �, �F615TER� DMCNEQ STAND ao PIFH �� LY �RAWH E H0.YE — !! ,!!1 NEp SE C J 1_i N�+EO 173 FRAME AND GRATE OR RING AND COVER 2•12°RISERS(A5 NE EDED) STRAP TO WALL.2 STRAPS MIN. REQUIRED. f 1' 4°MAX MIN. D —Fly INLET PIPE OUTLET PIPE D 16, D MAX.DESIGN WATER SURFACE ELEVATION . e TI MIN. T SECTIQN TYPE 1P CATCH BASIN PERTABLE. 34° CONFORMS TO WSDOT/APWA REQUIREMENTS. NOTES: OUTLET PIPE STRUCTURE TYPE 1. MIN.OUTLET PIPE DIAMETER IS 12'. DIAM. 2. ALL METAL PARTS AND SURFACES MUST BE MADE OF S 12' TYPE 2 CB-48' CORROSION RESISTANT MATERIAL OR GALVANIZED. 5 18" TYPE 2 C8-54' 3. DIMENSION'D'IS NOMINAL DIAMETER OF OUTLET PIPE. NOTE.THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT ❑C�� 7t> AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE 1 j > ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT WAsy�c G THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY ❑F KENT EN[iIHEERiltO DEPARTMENT tv KENT CATCH BASIN WITH OIL/WATER xa4lia �� w..°.°,°. SEPARATOR _809E srurwum ri nH � � 5-17 174 INLET PIPE CONTROLLED DENSITY FILL(CDF) BEDDING OF INLET PIPE 6"hfIN. BURN OR CUT INLET PIPE TO SURFACE OF CONCRETE r. MAINLINE PIPE.ROUND EDGES OF PLAIN OR REINFORCED CONCRETE INLET PIPE \ \ \ MAINLINE PIPE \ MATCH INVERTS TO PROVIDE C9 SUMP DEPTH \ TYPE 1,1•L,OR 2 \\ \ CB AS REQUIRED FOR \/\ PIPE BEDDING PIPE SIZE 1;2 MIX MORTAR MAINLINE PIPE \ / \ UNDISTURBED EARTH m 2'•D"MIN. MAX. UNDISTURBED EARTH TYP.1/2 J 4° - \ \ \ SECTION A-A \ e NOTES: f\y\ 1. "D",THE INSIDE DIAM—OF THE INLET PIPE,SHALL BE 241N.OR LESS. FOR LARGER VALUES,OF"D',USE AN APPROVED STRUCTURE. \ 2. IN NO CASE SHALL THE OUTSIDE DIAM,OF THE INLET PWE EXCEED ONE-HALF THE INSIDE DIAM.OF THE MAIN STORM SEWER. SECTION B-B 3, CLOF INLET PIPE SHALL BE ON RADIUS OF MAIN STORM DRAIN, 7. THERE SHALL BE A CATCH BASIN OR MANHOLE ON THE 4. THE MIN.OPENING INTO THE EXISTING STORM DRAIN SHALL BE THE CONNECTING PIPE WITHIN TWO TO TEN FEET OF THE OIFISIDE DIAM.OF THE INLET PIPE PLUS 1 IN. EXTERNAL WALL OF THE MAIN LINE. 8. OFFSET ANGLE OF CONNECTING PIPE TO MAIN LINE, OS FIELD TAPPING ONLY WHERE ANGLE IS D°TO 45°. HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY,SHALL BE LESS THAN 45 DEGREES, 6. MAKE CONNECTIONS IN ACCORDANCE SEE PIPE BEDDING STD.PLAN 3-22 WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S 10. MAIN LINE SHALL BE 48 IN.MIN.DIAM. RECOMMENDATIONS.STANDARD SHOP NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT FABRICATED TEES,WYES AND AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE SADDLES SHALL BE USED. O 'I� ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT WASy� E CRY OF KEW.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. + 41 0 CITY OF IfENT � ��.., Ei{BINEERIMa ❑(PARTAtEHT C t'1 ��.�. FIELD—TAPPING OF CONCRETE .d 21493 � W.."...... PIPE 'Apt�FGIST0 t' r' GEWN c _— — srH+cvran rl w '�rQNALt oruwr, c�cr.�n TE 5—1 g I (� MPRWiO 175 • ENO SECTION 1'MIN.METAL A'MIN. LASTIC �I (TYp.) PIPE]DINT EEF- PLANNED CULVERT LENGTH METAL&PLASTIC PIPE NOTE: SIDE SLOPE SHALL BE WARPED TO MATCH THE BEVELED PIPE END.WHEN CULVERT IS ON SKEW,BEVELED END SHALL BE ROTATED TO CONFORM TO SLOPE.IF SLOPE DIFFERS FROM J.1,PIPE SHALL BE BEVELED TO MATCH SLOPE, TONGUE END ON INLET END GROOVE END ON OUTLET END ENDS TO FIT ADIACENT PIPE SECTIONS ROUND EDGES 112'_} PLAN END SECTION Z'MIN. o, E (TYP.] `a PLANNED CULVERT LENGTH T ELEVATION CONCRETE PIPE tj NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT t SE } AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE &NGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLrCATTON IS KEPT ON FILE AT ��pF ySH THE CITY OF RENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. v o C CITY OF KENT + rn x] ENOINEEKINO D♦EPAUMENT KENT BEVELED END PIPE SECTION �O hh l?F 1493�IS7E��a�,y(� t%tI [7S` DMONED—GRH 5 �d9yE STIHRIRO PLHi G�Q �rONAL E OWW7i�� _ 5-19 MPR 176 3/4"0 GALVANIZED STEEL BAR (4)1/4"x2'xB"GALVANIZED STEEL (2)1/4"0"GALVANIZED STEEL STRIPS STRIPS,BEND AND WELD TO FRAME.SPACE UNIFORMLY 1 VARIES — STORM DRAIN PfPE (18°f8 OR LARGER) Imo--fi"MAX. SPACING DRILL THROUGH PIPE MATERIAL &STEEL STRIPS.BOLT WITH 1/2" S. S.STL.HEX BOLTS /3/4'DIA.GALVANIZED STEEL BARS. WELD ENDS TO FRAME NOTES: 1. WELD AT ALL JOINTS. 2. SHOP DRAWINGS REQUIRED. 3. ALL STEEL 1N PLATES,BARS AND BANDS SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM A36. 4. DEBRIS CAGE SHALL BE HOT-DIP GALVANIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AA5HTO MI II(ASTM A123). 5. GALVANIZING SHALL BE PER WSDOT STD.SPECIFICATION NOTE:TNI5 PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT t' AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,5IGNED BY THE ���Ep�d ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT of WAS THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. A R`` ti ��� CITY OF RENT AT _Z � EiJ01NEEAINR pG.P11RTAlEN7 tj MT TRASH SCREEN .d P� 1493 �Q � W........ +STER � oEsic�Eo, ovn+ N s E �� sr►e+nu+n PLAN J SfQNAL Iwr+ r a;.KED E 5-20 (� AP ROVE 177 HANDLE WITH © LOCK PIN. ADJUSTABLE LOCK HOOK WITH LOCK SCREW. Q }I ti�'47 I'ROD OR TUBING, tt �VARIABLE LENGTH. V 0 �-0` _. LIFT HANDLE LJ D O o SEE NOTE 5 LIFT HANDLE SHALL BE ATTACHED PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, SIDE D D NOTES: D 1. SHEAR GATE SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL PER ASTM A480. MAXIMUM OPENING OF GATE 2. GATE SHALL BE 8'DIAMETER FOR PIPE 12 INCHES OR LESS IN DIAMETER,12' DIAMETER FOR PIPES GREATER THAN 12'INCHES. SIX EVENLY SPACED 3. GATE SHALL BE JOINED TO TEE SECTION BY BOLTING THROUGH FLANGE. HOLES FOR BOLTING TO FLANGE CONNECTION. R. LIFT ROD:AS SPECIFIED BY MFR.WITH HANDLE EXTENDING TO WITHIN ONE FOOT OF COVER AND AOJUSTABLE HOOK LOCK FASTENED TO FRAME OR UPPER HANDHOLD. S. GATE SHALL HOT OPEN BEYOND THE CLEAR OPENING BY LIMITED HINGE MOVEMENT, STOPTAB,OR SOME OTHER DEVICE. 6. NEOPRENE RUBBER GASKET REQUIRED BETWEEN RISER MOUNTING FLANGE AND GATE FLANGE. r � 1 tL 7. MATING SURFACES OF LID AND BODY TO BE MACHINED FOR PROPER FIT. 1 ti I t LEVEL LINE r 8. FLANGE MOUNTING BOLTS SHALL BE 318"DIAM,STAINLESS STEEL. t t � 9. ALTERNATE SHEAR GATES PROVIDED THEY MEET THE MATERIAL SPECIFICRTIONS t� AND DESIGN ABOVE,ARE ALLOWED WITH THE ENGINEERS APPROVAL. NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINi4L,SIGNED BY THE FRONT SQSl�� ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT of WAS r THE CITY OF KLNT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ASS CITY OF KENT EHtDINEERIHO DEPARTMENT SHEAR GATE .d ¢ 21 03 4O FGISTF oESIBNfn I +r E NONEsrN+w�m rwr 16 �S+f'I�NAL eHErMi M —j APP -z1 178 2 IX1°O m O pp O a N Q 11J pp xpd .y Lnw m CJ� Lo C N uJ i p� ¢ F�m ,ri ❑Q� -aw a0� acn r W o � rn Ln Hi rnal= o. 1/YN�Gd ry aa� r] pNK m�uw'I ❑ d N� a wO 0 .a c2f1 W Ex 11 pU�N Q 0 W OIt,l s�i 7C .�'ny a,�., � Y"Ya i w ca ❑gym �iEJ ayQ¢ w a xar an r� ¢a � .F.��w mew n�uwi U�V ae In w p od x n a 8 �'a ^ 2 d.. O mu-! yy pan Q n U C7 2 fl pq < 6 7 s a w 1NA 2 77 W cL SC 8 w W x a' Q op 8 m¢¢ a N L¢L 2 1 m w m �� 3u2. W a N " 4 t{ 4 L1 A x v 2°MAX. C7 _ ,D i Q3 d r `a ❑ x � L d yM g N cc p 4 V N w ❑ r C7 �1J Q ❑N I. _I 1 oz ❑ iy1] 0 Vl w ~ I Y 7J$' r 'w 8 co m w m a crosLl N N � W a 0 1 51B" lu- d V NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE In z jQEPTf ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT ~ � F WA THE CITY OF]CENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. Qa h�o CITY OF KENT C7 n�i rry l o ENBINURINR P€PARTMENT �WQ N N Y CHAIN LINK FENCE, TYPE 1 KI�NT 149 O m w�.n..ro. FOR PONDS ONLY z �1{ cc�1$TEF�c oeslclleo STAMMD PLM 5-22 111616 kpP rR 179 TIE W]RES(TYP) SPACED AT 14"MAX. 14'OR20' TOP HINGE. (110D SWING) FABRIC BAND STRETCHER BAR 4' TRUSS RODS / CHAIN LINK FENCE x a f f BOTTOM HINGE 12'ROUND \,♦ (1800 SWING) CONCRETE \ EMBEDMENT 12"ROUND CONCRETE EMBEDMENT G' TOP HINGE FABRIC BAND (90°SWING) STRETCHER BAR 4' CHAIN LINK FENCE NOTES: 1. ALL MATERIAL AND INSTALLATION SWILL 13E PER SECTION B•12 AND 9-15 OF THE WSDOT STANDARD SPEC]FICATIONS TRUSS RODS BOTTOM HINGE 3' 2. DETAILS ARE ILLUSTRATIVE AND SHAM.NOT LIMIT HARDWARE TIE WIRES ONP.) (96°SWING) DESIGN OR POST SELECTION OF ANY PARTICULAR FENCE TYPE, SPACED AT 14" \3. COATING FOR FRAME,POSTS,FITTINGS AND FABRIC SHALL BE MAX. VINYL Olt POWDER COATED FROM THE FACTORY. 12"ROUND SEE 1998 KCSWDM 5.3.1 FOR COLOR. CONCRETE EMBEDMENT 4. SEE STANDARD PLAN 5-22 FOR FENCE DETAIL. NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT Opt, AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENG]NEFR AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPI'ON FILE AT �n���pF wASH�Y THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. p ,~a CITY OF SENT ENRlHCER1Nd DEPARTMENT r+ 410!5-ll , 0 .--.' DRIVEWAY AND WALK GATE �F 75T FOR PONDS ONLY � ER ..�`4 oEsrcNm sS�ONAL VG DR" D e— __H9NE srnxoeaD r w 1� ag �'+ 5-23 180 TREE TIE SHALL NOT CONSTRICT TREE DEVELOPMENT PUKE TOP OF ROOTBALL I'ABOVE THE LEVEL OF NATIVE SOIL.BEFORE MULCH, -STAKE ONLY IF NECESSARY POTTING SOIL SHOULD BE VISIBLE (TYPICALLY IF TREE IS GREATER THAN 4'TALL) 3"DEPTH MULCH NOT TOUCHING STEM STAKE TREE AT 1/3 HEIGHT Of TREE,USE'TREE TIES'OR CUT CIRCLING ROOTS AND ENGINEER APPROVED EQUIVALENT, SPREAD OR"BUTTERFLY' REMOVE STAKE AND TIE AFTER 1 ROOTBALL YEAR NATIVE SOIL ��/f,{ j� BACKFILL WITH TOPSOIL ONLY,COMPACT MODERATELY 6Y 'NO REST BOTTOM OF ROOTBALL ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL WIDTH OF PLANTING HALE SHALL BE AT LEAST 1.5 TIMES THE WIDTH OF THE ROOTBALL 5PREAD A 3'MINIMUM DIAMETER MULCH RING (DONUT)AROUND THE PLANTING HOLE NOT TO SCALE 5()SEPIA NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DDCUMENT BUT WASy� ELECTRONIC R AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT Q 7HE CITY OF(CENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, -3I CITY OF DENT �xy ENOINEERWD DrFAK "T 3 oi, isTER64�'� KE�NT TREE PLANTING �s'�IDNAL� e OE51CNE0 HOPrE srhroAao KM 5--24 f FPP 181 PLACE TOP OF ROOTBALL I'ABOVE THE LEVEL OF NATIVE SOIL.BEFORE MULCH,POTTING SOIL SHOULD BE VISIBLE 3'DEPTH MULCH NOT TOUCHING STEM .-.�J BACKFILL WITH TOPSOIL ONLY,COMPACT MODERATELY CUT CIRCLING ROOTS AND SPREAD BY HAND OR'BUTTERFLY'ROOTBALL NATIVE SOIL � �\��f F ROOT BALL• j f�/� X . REST BOTTOM OF ROOTBALL ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL WIDTH OF PLANTING HOLE 5HALL BE AT LEAST 1.5 TIMES THE WIDTH OF THE ROOTBALL SPREAD A 3'MINIMUM DIAMETER MULCH RING [DONUT]AROUND THE PLANTING HOLE NOT TO SCALE 5�SErw NOTE:TH15 PLAN IS NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT o�WASy� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATF.THE ORIGSNAL,SIGNED BY THE y ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT O y a S THE CITY OF(CENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED-UPON REQUEST. t-3 CITY OF ICENT �+ [xy ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT {g3 � �O STETL KENT SHRUB PLANTING QNAL of cHEn_ i..NQHE_.— STAND p M-M IRAWN FPPNo4E 182 YARD DRAIN 6"PVCSOP-35 PERFORATED PIPE ROOF WITH SOLID DRAIN LTD INFILTRATION TRENCH PUBLIC I I— CATCH ❑ a a a o BASIN l � _— — —_ _ _- YARD DRAIN WITH LID RESERVE AREA FOR FUTURE USE SHALL BE — I OF EQUAL SIZE AS PROPOSED a 6"PVC SDR-35 OR INFILTRATION SYSTEM AREA APPROVED EQUAL -- —----—— -----———---- PLAN VIEW ROOF DRAIN NO SCALE STRUCTURE 6"PVC SDR-35 Lu PERFORATED PIPE a 'a x OVERFLOW oYARD DRAIN YARD DRAIN € SIDEWALK u`�5 WITH�� WITH LID �jlao LID � \^� a ti 7. fil 12"MIN. / _ , 900 SEND SPLASH LEVEL BLOCK ❑o ❑ o PUBLIC �" ` FINE MESH CATCH 6'PVC -' "` STAINLESS BASIN SDR-35 N ? a 5'MIN. STEEL OR OR WATER TABLE " ALUMINUM APPROVED _ SCREEN EQUAL VARIES(30'-150'SEE TABLE BELOW) 10'MIN. PROFILE VIEW VARIES TABLE NO SOLE 3'MIN. COMPACTED BACKFILL FOR AREAS LESS THAN 5,000 SQ.F E OF IMPERVIOUS AREA IMPERVIOUS AREA LENGTH IN ti (SQ.FT.) FEET* INSTALL FILTER FABRIC(MIRAFI 1,000 30 f 140N OR APPROVED EQUAL)ON TOP OF GRAVELTRENCH AND 1,500 45 EXTEND FABRIC ONE-HALF OF 2,000 60 6°MIN. TRENCH DEPTH 6"PERFORATED PIPE LAID FLAT 2,500 75 WITH HOLES DOWN 3,000 90 ` 1 1J2"-314"WASHED ROCK 3,500 105 a 4,000 120 ti WATER TABLE SECTION A-A 4,500 135 NO SCALE 5,000 1S0 NOTE:THIS PLAN SS NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT USE THE NEXT HIGHEST oSEP AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE NUMBER FOR CALCULATIONS ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT BETWEEN LISTED NUMBERS �oV WASly THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF ZCENT my ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TRENCH INFILTRATION SYSTEM FOR SMALL SITES �Q� Fg15Tti�� DESIGNED OWH NoNj7wu SSFHLWRp P!W E oq s`��dNAL � DRAWN m_ 5-26 r AFMOVE0 183 a ❑ ❑ 2% ❑ ❑ 2% CB WITH BEEHIVE ❑ ❑ ❑ Q GRATE 4 ❑ ❑ ❑ CATCH WIN WITH BEEHIVE GRATE-PLAN VIEW R=41 BEEHIVE GRATE(SEE STANDARD PLAN 5-13) CB"TYPE 1 '.290 1' CLEAN(<5%FINES) FROM 3�4'TO 1 1/2'WASHED ROCK CONTROL 1_ STR7URE NATIVE COMPACCED SOIL. 5.5'MIN. I f—i!II ! !-1lI_ 1f e IlI�lIl- ill�Ill � i-ill�Ii ! CATCH BASIN WITH BEEHIVE GRATE-SECTION VIEW UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL(TYP.) NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE �� P ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT WAS THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE 08TAINEO UPON REQUEST. O ,�r CITY OF ICENT v1 ENGINEERING DEPAk'TI,EENIT '� . FLOW SPREADER OPTION KENT CATCH BASIN WITH rG 2 i23 w.yxi.a•ae �o �GISTSR� �1y�'' BEEHIVE GRATE s 1t DMONED E WµDA"PIAH mwx SIGNAL xeo E r 1G a� - 5--27 184 0 PRE-PRINTED METAL SIGN Cd"ku jElp p trre.an'a nv F13Is 3VC i h rI or..;aL EL w.Jf9t tkt WI;N ,wy I>e Mart .)mz4v ATTACH SIGN TO POST OR SPLIT-RAIL CEDAR FENCE WITH TWO 5/16 GALVANIZED LAG BOLTS WITH WASHERS. 4'x4'XB'CEDAR POST,SET 2'INTO POST HOLE COMPACTED NATIVE iv BACKFILL 1N POST HOLE NOTES: I. THE WETLAND/STREAM SIGN SHALL BE POSTED AT THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE LOT AND THE CRITICAL AREA BUFFER. 2. ONE SIGN SHALL BE POSTED FOR EVERY RESIDENTIAL LOT AND ONE PER EVERY 100 FEET FOR ALL PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY, TRAILS,PARKING AREAS,PLAYGROUNDS AND ALL OTHER USES LOCATED ADJACENT TO CRITICAL AREAS AND ASSOCIATED BUFFERS AND SHALL BE STATIONED PER LOCATION,ON THE APPROVED PLANS TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. 3. PRE-PRINTED METAL SIGN(AVAILABLE AT CITY OF KENT) �oSE'p +A 6F WA gy�� �' �� �•� CITY OF KENT MOINECRING DEPARTMENT T CRITICAL AREA SIGN �y 21 �Q W.a.....e rQ GISTER OEa�CNEa____ 57FNLNRF7 Fw+ L ©� SIQNAL CKECKW — E `-0 5-2$ RPP 185 8 ROIJv CEDA►��ypE-L� IPOSTS ARE PREDRILLEO FOR FENCE RAIL INSERTS r r 4'TO 6'ROUGH Ir CEDAR RAIL r 1 l l � f I 12'TO 16' 4- II -- , � II I4'X4'ROUGH CEDAR POST { I (TRIANGULAR) fI r 1LrH. CRUSHED SURFACING 6'MIN. TOP COURSE [CSTC] NOTES: DIAMETER 1. POSTS AND RAILINGS ARE PRECOT FOR ASSEMBLY. 2. 3 RAILS ARE PERMITTED. 3. FENCES SHALL BE PLACED AT THE APPROVED BUFFER EDGE. NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL 1NGLNEERIIIG DOCUMENT BUT p5EPt, AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE S ;7 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT �aF WASy�� THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE 09TMNED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF ICENT y _ ENOfNEERINU DEPARTMgNT EINT SPLIT RAIL FENCE �ISTE�� QESICHE� NQN SCANQNiQ PLW SsjaNAL� DRAWN �G CHE0M=j=Ay 5-29 186 CLEARING LIMITS: PRIOR TO ANY SITE CLEARING OR GRADING,THOSE AREAS THAT ARE TO REMAIN UNDISTURBED DURING PRO]ECT CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE DELINEATED. MEASURES TO USE: IN MOST CIRCUMSTANCES,MARK CLEARING LIMITS BY DELINEATING THE SITE WITH A CONTINUOUS LENGTH OF ORANGE BARRIER FENCE. r� 7 pF SF CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE-SEE OF CE f " V KSWOM r fr _ EXISTING_ OF V EDP r 1Z IS +r r SF IrX EXISTING r f ' DITCH /r 'r �' � SEDIMI*TRAP @T) a f� o r� � •r n �. SF J' ' CD f• ,r. r" INTERCEPTOR DITCH IN CRITICAL AREAS, CATCH BASIN WIROCK CHECK DAMS SEE INSTALL SILT FENCE IN STANDARD PLAN 5-33 THE SEDIMENT BASIN. SEDIMENT BASIN OUTLET LEGEND: STRUCTURE AND DAM•SEE OP LABEL TESC FEATURE NOTES: STANDARD PLAN 5-32 IS INTERCEPTOR SWALE OR DITCH 1. TH15 IS A SAMPLE PLAN ONLY,INTENDING TO SHOW HOW TESC SEDIMENT TRAP FEATURES MAY BE SHOWN ON A SITE PLAN.INDIVIDUAL PROJECT CD CHECK DAM TESC PLANS SHOULD BE LAID OUT TO MEET PROJECT SPECIAL C@ STABILIZED REQUIREMENTS. CONSTRUCTION 2. TESC FEATURES ARE SHOWN IN THESE STD PLANS(5-29,5-32,5.34) ENTRANCE AND THE KSWDM. SF SILT FENCE NOTE:THIS PLAN 1S NOT R LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT 8LlT OP OUTLET PROTECTION OS JEEP AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE O ORANGE BARRIER 5 'I ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT FENCE oY WAsy,y, THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE 08TAINED UPON REQUEST. 0� CITY OF KENT H F�• � �■� ENGINEERIN4 DEPARTMENT KIFF- SAMPLE TESL SITE PLAN wAomi .o. i ACRE AND SMALLER ��, PISTER �' oes�cN~:n sTiwmexa s'un NONE ssrQh'AL� avwN — 1 CHM - - 5-30 APPR 187 WIRE FABRIC NEWLY GRADED OR DISTURBED SIDE SLOPE 2. 2` FILTER FABRIC A MATERIAL z FLOW ;Q M —LARGE ROCK 2'OR / GREATER IN DIAMETER NATIVE BACKFILL MATERIAL OR 3/4'-1.5"WASHED GRAVEL J I L SECTION A-A FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL 2'x2'x14 GAUGE WELDED WIRE FABRIC OR MIRAFI 100X OR EQUIVALEITF A WIRE RINGS EQUAL(IF 1804 EXTRA STAENGW FABRIC [TYPICAL} IS USED MAY ELIMINATE WIRE FABRIC) y JOINTS IN FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE SPLICED AT POSTS. USE STAPLES,WIRE RINGS, " OR EQUIVALENT-TO ATTACH FABRIC TO POSTS. u� STEEL OR I { A—2 X 4 WOOD POSTS, LJ u 6'04 INSTALLATION NOTES: ELEVATION 1. FILTER FABRIC FENCE SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THEY HAVE SERVED THEIR USEFUL PURPOSE AFTER THE UPSLOPE AREA HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED.THE NEWLY DISTURBED AREAS RESULTING FROM FILTER FABRIC REMOVAL SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY SEEDER AND MULCHED OR STABILIZED AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. FILTER FABRIC FENCES SHALL R NOTE.THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT INSPECTED ID AT LEAST AFTER EACH AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE RAINFALL AND PROLONGED LEAST DAILY 1�SEPJ7 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT DURING DREPAIRSHALL BE .ANY of WASH THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. p ��w cq CITY OF KENT .m IENGINEERING DkPARDAENT 3. REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN IT REA ES 1/3 FENCE HEIGHT. � DENT FILTER FABRIC FENCE 4. INSTALL THE SILT FENCE FIRST. STEb AFTER THE SILT FENCE HAS BEEN f rfaNAL DRAWN bME STMCVM PLAN INSTALLED,CONSTRUCT BERM AND TRENCH. I f G O APPRam 188 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY RIP-RAP OVER FILTER FABRIC SEE K5WOM ENTIRE LENGTH. (SEE KCSWDM TABLE 4.4.1.A) SEDIMENT TRAP ---- _ 2'NINE �1 n WIDTH RISER PIPE COMPACTED EARTH DAM (BERM) PLAN SEE RISER PIPE ORIGINAL KSWDM GRADE WATER LEVEL 2'MIN DURING STORM ~ TOP OF 2"DEPRESSION " BERM FOR EMERGENCY SPILLWAY —��❑ --- 3 1 �� 12°MIN VEL BOTTOM - —— C8 GENERAL NOTES: PROFILE 1. SHAPE OF SEDIMENTATION POND MAY VARY TO FIT DRAINAGE AREA AND TERRAIN.MODIFY AS CONNECT TO CTTY NECESSARY TO ENSURE SATISFACTORY TRAPPING OF SEDIMENT. STORM DRAIN SYSTEM 2, USE THE KENT SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TO DETERMINE THE TRAP GEOMETRY. 3. TO AID IN DETERMINING 5EDIMENT DEPTH,ALL TRAPS SHALL HAVE A STAFF GAUGE WITH A PROMINENT MARK 1 FOOT ABOVE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRAP.CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE THE TRAP BACK TO ORIGINAL DEPTH AND SIZE WHEN THE SEDIMENT REACHES THIS LEVEL. -4. FOR USE ON SITES LESS THAN 1 ACRE 1N SIZE. S. TRAP MAY BE BERM OR BY PARTIAL OR COMPLETE EXCAVATION. NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT pSEP AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE S I ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON F1LE AT WAS THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. a y o CITY OF DENT ENOIN£ERINO DEPARTMENT w TESC SEDIMENT p�C 493 R�� �+ hCNT TRAP EARTH BERM Q ISTE G� EMNE➢ WR STMU"PLAN ! Lo �� s`°NAL dA,f 5-32 APPRalE 189 SEE TABLE A E7(ISTING GRADE. _.-• - ~ �— _. -___ — 3 DITCH FLOW �� .__-• -2 LEVEL LINE '" 2 1 03 1 �— ROCK CHECK DAM-CrYP) SEE TABLE A 0 DETAIL NOTES: BITCH PROFILE DAM SPACING SEDIMENT TRAP LENGTH �3 LINE THE BOTTOM OF THE SWALE WITH 4"CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE. A 3 =FLOW DITCH PLAN A TOP OF CHECK DAM EX.GRADE TABLE A SLOPE Q � FT/FT LJ 1 1:100 100 10 1 w v 3 3 1:50 50 10 FLOW LINE 1:25 25 5 1.20 20 4 \�2=g1:15 15 3 SEDIMENT TRAP I1P STREAM 1:10 10 2 3 12" 1:5 5 0 GENERAL NOTES: SECTION A-A NOTE:THIS PLAN IS N07 A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 1, SUMP BEHIND ROCK CHECK DAM p5F Ar T AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ;z ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT SHALL BE INSPECTED DAILY,AND OF WASy� CLEANED WHEN COLLECTED DEBRIS THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ��2� `I'c EXCEEDS 1/2 OF ITS DEPTH. CITY OF KENT !�. m ENaIH>=ERINa oerARTAfeKr Y KENT TESL INTERCEPTOR DITCH O� F�ISTCR�Q �'� ""'"`°°' WITH ROCK CHECK DAMS ��S DRAWN �6 S BONE -DARD PLAN 1 �G a9 sIOxAL ate. 5-33 190 A HOLDING STRAPS INTERCEPTOR SWALE/OIKE E)aSTING GROUND ANCHOR PINS A AS REQUIRED PLAN SECTION A-A FLEXIBLE HDPE DRAIN PIPE STANDARD METAL OR HIGH (OR APPROVED EQUAL)SLOPE DENSITY POLYETHYLENE END INTERCEPTOR SWALE/DIKE ANCHOR'S REQUIRED FOR SECTION WITH HOLDING STRAPS SLOPE GREATER THAN 20%j AND ANCHOR PINS(TYP TOP AND SEE KSWDM, BOTTOM) FOR THE STANDARD PIPE SLOPE DRAIN IN KSWDM,SECTION❑.3.6.2 AND OTHER SMALLER CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS,THE STANDARD ROCK PAD(B'xB')MADE OF I•FOOT THICK QUARRY SPALL 15 h ADEQUATE.FOR ALL OTHER OUTLETS, THE OUTLET PROTECTION SHALL MEET . THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE°DUTFALLS" SECTION OF CORE REQUIREMENTS#d AND SECTION 4.2.2.OF THE KSWDM. WSTING OR GRADED SLOPE ISOMETRIC NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT �❑CSEi'P AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE �r II ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION I5 KEPT ON FILE AT WAS THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. by h CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ��• LJ KENT TE5C PIPE SLOPE DRAIN Ord 493 ��15TEQ �yw nlslc srnxoueo ew+ t C� ©`] s1QNAL � �CKM 5--34 o 191 FOR FLIRTHER INFORMATION ON STOCKPILING MATERIAL SEE SECTION 2.3.E 24, AX HEIGHT BURY SHEETING 10 btu, SO INTO EXISTING SOIL C7NG MINIMUM 4'X4"TRENCH B TIRES,SANDBAGS,OR EQUILVALENT �WEgN pIAS71C SH&ors MAY BE USED TO WEIGHT PLASTIC MAX SPACING SHALL BE 10' CLEAR PLASTIC SHEETING BURY SHEETING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM THICKNESS INTO EXISTING SOIL OF G MIL. MINIMUM 4"X4'TRENCH GENERAL NOTES; 1,PLASTIC SHEETING SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 9.14.5. 2.MAXIMUM PERMITTED SLOPE SHALL BE 2H:1V. 3.SEAMS BETWEEN SHEETS MUST OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 1r AND 13E WEIGHTED OR TAPED. 4.TEMPORARY STOCKPILES SHALL NOT BLOCK THE SIGHT DISTANCES OF ANY INTERSECTION OR DRIVEWAY. NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT ()SRP AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE 'z ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT wpF WASH THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. p �Y CITY OF KEiVT y CNaSNCERING DEPARTMENT a 93 � TEMPORARY STOCKPILING flj O � +r. H.o,a ��'�jGNAL�� E° T S7A11RbRQ PUN ���q CHECeE6 5-35 l APPPOVE6 192 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 193 6.0 STANDARDS FOR STREETS 6.1 Rights-of-Way and Easements Public Streets are owned and maintained by the City of Kent, and the Owners/Developers are required to dedicate or deed Right-of-Way or otherwise convey public Right-of-Way and/or easements, as required to construct and maintain these Public Streets and Appurtenances. All portions of the Traveled Way, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, medians, drainage facilities, street lighting, traffic signals, roundabouts, traffic circles, traffic signage and other required improvements shall be located within said Right-of-Way. Easements for the purpose of construction, access, maintenance, sight distance preservation, street slopes, street lighting, or for utility and storm drain system installations may be required in conjunction with new street and street improvements. A 10' utility and street lighting Easement shall be provided by all private development Projects adjacent to all Public Streets except in the Downtown Overlay. Permanent on-site easements for access, maintenance, and construction are required for all public and private street systems serving more than one property located outside of public Right-of-Way. When easements are required, legal descriptions shall be submitted prepared and stamped by a Professional Land Surveyor. A title report, dated within the last 30 days, covering the properties to be encumbered by the easements, shall accompany said description. When off-site and/or on-site easements for the extension of public or private street, water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage or other utility systems are required, these shall be approved and recorded prior to approval of the Engineering Plans. The same conditions shall also apply regarding legal descriptions and title reports. 6.2 Street Types and Geometrics General design objectives and purpose by functional classification for City streets are listed in the Kent Transportation Master Plan. Based upon these classifications, the criteria for Right-of-Wax, street width and other Geometrics are established by the City. The Kent Transportation Master Plan defines the following streets: • Principal Arterial 7 - Lanes, See Standard Plan 6-2. • Principal Arterial 5 - Lanes & Minor Arterial, See Standard Plan 6-3. • Collector Arterials - Industrial Collector Arterial, See Standard Plan 6-4. • Collector Arterials - Residential Collector Arterial, See Standard Plan 6-5. • Collector Arterials - Residential Collector, See Standard Plan 6-6. 6-1 194 • Local Access Streets - Industrial/Commercial, See Standard Plan 6-7 • Local Access Streets - Residential, See Standard Plans 6-11 through 13. Local Streets can be comprised of Industrial/ Commercial Streets, and Residential Streets. These streets are based on the land use zoning adjacent to the Street. There are also Alleys and Private Streets. Where appropriate and feasible, Right-of-Ways should be increased to accommodate the use of low-impact Development and materials to handle storm water, including landscaped medians facilitating natural storm water function and bio-filtration areas (rain gardens and swales). 6.2.A Arterial Streets Arterials generally support higher traffic volumes, much of which is generated outside of the immediate area or what is termed "through traffic". Arterials support the travel of cars and trucks and other modes, including public transit, cycling and walking. Existing Driveways may be required to be eliminated to comply with the access management requirements of these Standards. Driveway access to Minor Arterial and Collector Arterial streets will be managed to retain the traffic bearing capacity of the roadway while allowing access to parcels not served by streets of a lower classification. Existing Driveways may be required to be eliminated if adequate access can be provided by streets of a lower classification. 6.2.B Local Streets These streets are designed for local traffic usage. They are typically the streets in front of residential property and some commercial and retail uses. Two subcategories of Local Street classifications exist based upon the type of adjacent land-use. The sub-categories, and their functions, are: 1. Industrial/Commercial Street - These streets are designed to provide direct access from the abutting industrial or commercial land uses to the collector arterial classified streets. Access to these streets is typically not restricted for reasons of safety except at or near Intersections. On-street parking is not permitted unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 2. Residential Street - These streets are designed to provide direct access to abutting land uses, from collector streets in a safe and efficient manner. The design parameters of these streets, i.e., intersection spacing, horizontal curves criteria, and right-of-way assignment at Intersections, will be used to minimize vehicle operating speeds and non-locally generated ("cut-through") traffic. On-street parking will generally not be restricted, except at those locations necessary for public safety. A high emphasis will be placed on safely 6-2 195 accommodating non-motorized and pedestrian traffic in the design of these streets. Private Streets fall within the residential street classification. However, the geometric requirements for Private Streets are different and can be found within Section 6.2.D Private Streets. 6.2.0 Alleys The horizontal and vertical geometric design criteria for residential streets shall be used to design Alleys. Alleys must be designed within the following parameters: 1. An Alley may serve a maximum of 30 dwelling units; have a maximum length of 400'; and have no Dead Ends or Cul-de-Sacs. 2. The Right-of-Way or Tract width shall be sufficient to construct the Alley and related Grading. The minimum Tract width shall be 20' with a pavement surface width of 20' based on a 5' structure setback. For differing structure setback requirements, the Alley surfacing width may be reduced to 18'minimum if designed to provide for safe turning access to properties. 3. Alleys shall be paved surface and have an inverted crown to control surface runoff. 4. Alleys shall connect to the Public Street system using a Private Street Approach. See Standard Plan 6-46. 5. Alleys shall not intersect other Alleys or Half Streets. 6. Alleys shall provide secondary access only to a property. 6.2.D Private Streets Any Street serving, or proposed to serve nine (9) or fewer single-family dwelling units, as determined by the Engineer, and certain streets within a Planned Unit Development (PUD) may be considered Private Streets. When streets directly adjoin other lots, those lots are counted when determining the number of lots served, including any potential new lots created through Redevelopment consistent with the zoning designation. Private Streets may be approved only when they are: 1. Permanently established by tract providing legal access to each affected Lot, dwelling unit, or business; and sufficient to accommodate required improvements, to include provision for future use by adjacent property owners when applicable; and 2. Built to the Standards, as set forth herein, and 3. Accessible at all times for emergency and public service vehicle use; and 4. Not part of, or obstructing the present or future public neighborhood circulation plan developed in processes such as the City of Kent's 6-3 196 Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Master Plan, or Capital Improvement Program; and 5. Not going to result in land locking present or future parcels; and 6. Not needed as Public Streets to meet the street spacing requirement or to provide access to surrounding parcels for future Development; and 7. Designed to serve a potential maximum of 9 single-family dwelling units for the entire length of the Private Street system to the nearest publicly maintained Street, when physical barriers, zoning or other legal constraints are considered; and 8. Maintained by a capable and legally responsible homeowners' association or other legal entity made up of all benefited property owners; and 9. Clearly described on the face of the plat, short plat, binding site plan, site development Permit or other Development authorization and clearly signed as a private Street, for the maintenance of which the City is not responsible. 10. Private Streets shall connect to the Public Street system using a Private Street Approach. See Standard Plan 6-46. Private Streets serving more than 9 lots in a PUD may use an intersection design utilizing curb returns. 11. Parking is allowed on one side only. Parking is also prohibited on both sides within 60 feet of the intersection with the connecting street. This requirement may be reduced by the Engineer based on vehicle maneuvering diagrams provided by the Developer that shows a parking configuration that allows a Bus-40 vehicle to access the private street, if required. 12. The City will not accept existing Private Streets as Public Streets until they are constructed or reconstructed in conformance with current Kent City Code and these Standards. 13. Best Management Practices (BMP'S) shall be used when maintaining Private Streets. 14. Whenever a private Street extends more than 150 feet from the nearest face of curb or edge of pavement of the connecting Street, a temporary Cul-de-Sac or Hammerhead Turnaround per Standard Plans 6-18, 6-21 & 6-22 shall be constructed. 6.2.E Public Half Streets 1. Half streets may be permitted as an interim facility when: a. Such Street shall not serve as primary access to more than 30 dwelling units; and b. Such alignment is consistent with or will establish a reasonable circulation pattern; and 6-4 197 c. There is reasonable assurance of obtaining the prescribed additional Right-of-Way through future Development from the adjacent property with topography suitable for completion of a full-section street. 2. A Half Street shall meet the following requirements: a. Right-of-way width of the Half Street shall be a minimum width of 32' and sufficient to construct the Street and related Grading; and b. The Half Street shall have a crown section consistent with locating the centerline of the ultimate street section, as close as possible to the property line; and c. Traveled way shall be surfaced the same as the designated street type to a width no less than 20', combined curb and gutter, sidewalk and planter strip shall be constructed per Standard Plan 6-13; and d. Property line edge of Street shall be finished with temporary curbing, shoulders, ditches, and/or side slopes in order to assure proper drainage, bank stability, and traffic safety; and e. Half streets shall not intersect other Half Streets or exceed these requirements unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. f. Whenever a Half Street extends more than 150 feet from the nearest face of curb or edge of pavement of the connecting Street, a temporary Cul-de-Sac or turnaround per Standard Plans 6-18, 6-21 & 6-22 shall be constructed. 3. When a Half Street is eventually turned to a whole Street, the completing builder shall reconstruct the original Half Street as necessary to produce a proper full-width crowned Street of a designated section per these Standards. 4. Obtaining any Right-of-Way or easements to accomplish the above shall be the responsibility of the Developer. 6.2.F Cull-de-sacs, Islands, and Hammerheads The following design parameters shall apply to Cul-de-Sacs, islands, and Hammerheads: 1. Cul-de-sacs: Whenever a dead-end Street extends more than 150 feet from the nearest face of curb or edge of pavement of the connecting Street, a widened "bulb" shall be constructed as follows: a. The minimum right-of-way radius across bulb section is 51.50' in a permanent or temporary Cul-de-Sac. Right-of-way may be reduced, provided utilities and necessary drainage are accommodated on permanent easements within the Development, upon approval by the Engineer. b. The minimum radius of surfacing across bulb: 45' to the face of curb. See Standard Plan 6-18. 6-5 198 c. Sidewalks shall be constructed around the Cul-de-Sac. Planter strips are not required. d. Rolled curbs are allowed in Cul-de-Sacs. e. A permanent Cul-de-Sac shall not be longer than 600', measured from center of the intersecting Street, along the centerline of the roadway to the center of the Cul-de-Sac bulb. The Engineer will consider deviations to this requirement on the basis of pertinent traffic planning factors such as topography, sensitive areas and existing development. f. If a public Street temporarily terminates at a property boundary, serves or will serve more than nine lots, or is longer than 150 feet from the nearest face of curb or edge of pavement of the connecting Street, a temporary Cul-de-Sac bulb shall be constructed near the Development boundary. The paved bulb shall be 90' in diameter with sidewalks terminated as shown on Standard Plan 6-22. In lieu of the temporary Cul-de-Sac, a temporary Hammerhead turnaround may be provided as approved by the Engineer. g. Removal of the temporary Cul-de-Sac or Hammerhead turnaround and construction of the extension of the sidewalk shall be the responsibility of the Developer who extends the Street. See Standard Plan 6-22. h. The maximum cross slope in a bulb shall not exceed 6% in any direction. i. Partial bulbs or Eyebrows shall have a minimum paved radius and an island configuration, and the island shall be offset 4' from edge of Street. See Standard Plan 6-19. j. When a commercial access changes from a public to private designation, a public Cul-de-Sac shall be required, regardless of whether another fire access turnaround is provided elsewhere. 2. Cul-de-sac Island: A Cul-de-Sac island is an optional feature for any Cul-de-Sac when the bulb paved diameter is 90' or less; but it is mandatory when the bulb paved diameter exceeds 90'. If provided, the island shall have cement concrete vertical curb and gutter. Maximum island diameter shall be 15' and there shall be at least a 30' wide paved Traveled Way around the circumference and no parking will be allowed. An island shall be landscaped per Section 6.13 Landscape Requirements on Public Right-of-Way. The landscaping must be maintained by the homeowners association or other responsible entity or parties including all benefited property owners. See Standard Plan 6-19. 3. Hammerheads: A Hammerhead may be used to satisfy the turnaround requirements where a private Street serves or will serve 9 or fewer lots. The maximum Profile Grade of any leg of the 6-6 199 Hammerhead turnaround shall be 6%. Parking and Driveways shall not be allowed within the Hammerhead. See Standard Plan 6-21. 6.3 Street Improvements The City of Kent has developed a Transportation Master Plan, indicating existing and proposed streets and their functional classifications. It shall be the responsibility of the Engineer to identify specific conditions for street improvements and/or right-of-way reservation required as a condition of development. All street improvements shall be consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan, City of Kent Subdivision Code and other applicable Kent City Codes. In accordance with KCC 6.02, "Required Public Improvements", the Engineer is authorized to require the construction of off-site street and drainage improvements as a condition of issuing a Building Permit with an "improvements valuation" of $50,000 or 25% of the assessed value of the property and existing improvements. An appraisal may be used at the discretion and cost of the Developer. As required by these Standards or as a part of the SEPA review process, the required improvements and potential impacts of a proposed Project shall be identified. The Developer shall be required to construct the improvements. In lieu of construction and at the discretion of the Engineer, the mitigation of these impacts may satisfied through the execution of an environmental mitigation agreement in which the Developer and his/her successors, agree to participate in the cost of construction of future off-site street and utility system improvements. If the future improvements are proposed to be funded by a Local Improvement District (LID) formed by the City in connection with a project identified in the City's Capital Improvement Plan, the Developer may be required to pay a fee in lieu construction based on the Engineer's Cost Estimate Form or execute a No-Protest LID Covenant with the City. 6.3.A Minimum Public Street Improvements When Public Street improvements are required as a condition of a land use approval process, and an abutting public Street is not to current standards or is otherwise not adequate, the Developer is responsible for constructing the following minimum Public Street improvements along their entire property frontage on all Public Streets: 1. A half-street improvement shall be provided that is equal to one-half of the final design pavement width or a minimum of 20', as measured from the centerline of Right-of-Way, or from the approved centerline as determined by the Engineer, to the face of the new cement concrete curb. 2. The street improvement for the frontage along the Development shall include combined curbs and gutters, planting strips, street trees and landscaping, and cement concrete sidewalks depending on the street classification and the bike route classification. See Section 6.5, Driveways, Sidewalks and Non-Motorized Lanes or Trails, for additional information on sidewalks and Bike Lane requirements. 6-7 200 3. The street improvement will require an approved street lighting plan and an installed street lighting system meeting the requirements of these Standards. See Section 6.14, Street Illumination System, for addition information on street lighting design. 4. The total combined pavement width shall be shown to have a design/remaining service life of at least 20-years, in accordance with the AASHTO Guide for the Design of Pavement Sections Part I and Part II. 5. The Public Street improvements shall also include: street channelization street markings; traffic signs; a stormwater drainage conveyance, detention, and treatment system; traffic signals when specified; utilities and other street-related Appurtenances. 6. Depending upon the condition of the adjacent pedestrian system and the nature of the Development, the Developer may also be required to install specific on-site and off-site pedestrian sidewalks, pathways, or shared pedestrian and bicycle facilities. All subdivisions are required to provide for neighborhood connectivity via Street connections, pedestrian connections, bicycle facility connections, or some combination of these connecting facilities. At a minimum, the Developer is required to provide full improvements on their property, and tapers, merges or connections to existing improvements beyond the Project property boundaries. 7. All street improvements shall include provisions for street trees. The species of these street trees shall be selected from the list of approved street trees as shown in Appendix A and placed as shown in Standard Plans 6-54 & 6-55. 8. Monument Installation: Permanent concrete control monuments are required to be installed at controlling corners of all subdivisions and on new or re-aligned Public Streets. All Projects shall include the placement of centerline and intersection monuments. See Standard Plan 6-72. 9. Prior to the recording of any short plat or subdivision, all surveying and the setting of all lot corners and monuments shall be complete. 10. Where utility system construction for the proposed Development extends beyond the Half Street improvements, a full width overlay of the Street may be required by the Engineer. 6.4 Street Design Standards 6.4.A Street Design Summary The Street Design Standards Table 6.6.7 summarizes the minimum design standards for the various functional classifications of streets in the City of Kent. 6-8 201 6.4.B Downtown Overlay District The Downtown Overlay District revises and adds additional criteria for the streets within the downtown area of Kent. This area is bounded by State Route 167 to the west, Cloudy Street to the North, Kennebeck, Clark, Jason, Titus and Central Avenues to the east and Willis Street to the South. See KCC 15.09.046, Downtown Design Review. Street cross-sections within the overlay vary from the typical street cross sections. See Standard Plans 6-8 through 6-10 and the following discussion for further information on sidewalks, Channelization, street lighting, and street furniture within the overlay. 6.4.0 Downtown Overlay Design Standards 1. Pedestrian Zones: This is the area from the face of the sidewalk to the property line or building face. Street furniture, street trees, street lights and pedestrian Bollards are allowed within this zone. A minimum clear width for pedestrians of 8' shall be maintained throughout the pedestrian zone. 2. Sidewalks: Sidewalks shall be finished with 2' by 2' squares. The squares shall have an alternating brush finish (vertical, horizontal, and vertical, horizontal) and shall have a 2" smooth border tooled from the joint. See Standard Plan 6-36. 3. Crosswalks: Crosswalks within the Downtown Overlay shall be 12' wide and comprised of Portland Cement Concrete (PCC). The finish pattern shall be the same as for sidewalks. The crosswalk shall have a 1' smooth border. This border shall also extend from the mid-point of the corner to the inner intersection crosswalk border. No color should be added to the material prior to placement. See Standard Plan 6-37. 4. Street Furniture: All street furniture shall be manufactured by Fairweather Bench Company in Port Orchard, Washington. Benches shall be made from 2" schedule 40 pipe with steel straps. Steel shall conform to ASTM A36 hot rolled steel and shall be wheelabrated prior to fabrication. End frames shall be ductile cast iron. All surfaces shall receive a powder coat finish applied by the dry electrostatic process. Benches with backs shall be model #PL-5, Plaza series, surface mount, color Forest Green, #RAL6009. Benches without backs shall be 8' length with center frame model #PL-1.5, Plaza Series, and color Forest Green #RAL6009. Picnic tables shall be made from 2" schedule 40 pipe with steel straps. Steel shall conform to ASTM A36 hot rolled steel and shall be wheelabrated prior to fabrication. All surfaces shall receive a powder 6-9 202 coat finish applied by the dry electrostatic process. Picnic Table shall be model #F-7 or#F-8 Plaza Series, surface mount, color Forest Green #RAL6009. Trash receptacles shall be flared top trash receptacle with hinged dome top and 30 gallon galvanized liner, and shall be made from steel, and powder coat finish applied by the dry electrostatic process. Model #TR-12, surface mount, color Forest Green #RAL6009. Planters shall be 29" wide at the top and 25" wide at the bottom, of various heights (24" or 18") and fabricated with steel straps, with galvanized and powder coated liner. Steel shall conform to ASTM A36 hot rolled steel and shall be wheelabrated prior to fabrication. All surfaces shall receive a powder coat finish applied by the dry electrostatic process. Planters shall be model #PTR12, Plaza Series, color Forest Green #RAL6009. Bike racks shall be made from 2" schedule 40 pipe 36" high and 38" long. Steel shall conform to ASTM A36 hot rolled steel and shall be wheelabrated prior to fabrication. All surfaces shall receive a powder coat finish applied by the dry electrostatic process. Bike racks shall be model #BR-1, 3 loops, color Forest Green #RAL6009. 5. Street Trees and Pedestrian Bollards with Power Outlets: Pedestrian Bollards with power outlets shall be provided at each street tree location. The Bollard shall be placed on the concrete sidewalk adjacent to the tree pit. The Bollard shall not be placed further than 4' from the face of curb and is preferred to be placed in the sidewalk opposite the middle of the tree pit, out of the pedestrian 8' Clear Zone as shown on Standard Plan 6-50. Pedestrian Bollards shall be surface mount, model #B-3-L modified, color Forest Green #RAL6009. All Bollards shall contain a grounded outdoor use outlet for street decorations. See Standard Plan 6-56. 6. Street Lights: Street lights shall consist of Gullwing and Lumec Zenith Series luminaire fixtures for the street and pedestrian lighting respectively except on SR 516 (Willis Street) between SR 167 and Central Avenue where cobra head fixtures are allowed. No cobra head or King 118 luminaires will be allowed anywhere else within the Downtown Overlay unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. See Section 6.14 for street lighting requirements. 6.4.D Access Management Standard The City manages access through the use of medians, Auxiliary Lanes, Driveway location and design, Driveway separation, corner clearance, joint and cross access agreements, and alternative access from lowest classification Street. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, each vehicle shall be deemed to have a length of 25' for the purpose of calculating minimum storage lengths. 6-10 203 1. General Access Provisions: In general, all properties abutting Public Streets are permitted reasonable access to the Public Street system. Driveways directly giving access onto arterials may be denied if alternate access to another Arterial Street is available. On properties with multiple public Street frontages, the City will restrict vehicular access solely to the public Street having the lower Street classification, and/or to the safest access location. Retail, commercial or industrial Driveways shall be prohibited from access to residential streets. Coordinated access (via cross access, joint or reciprocal access agreements recorded with the County Auditor's office) with adjacent properties may be required of the developer, where Driveways are located on arterials or Driveway separation and corner clearances can not be achieved. The design of Driveways onto Principal and Minor Arterials may be required to restrict turning movements from or onto the Arterial Street, and may be required to be designed on a case-by-case basis. Factors to be considered in the design of turn-restrictive Driveway geometrics will include, but are not limited to the following: • Design vehicle • Vehicular sight lines, See Standard Plan 6-52 • Pedestrian sight lines, See Standard Plan 6-53 • Pedestrian oriented development • Driveway traffic volumes • Public Street traffic volumes and speeds • Public Street widths and Channelization • Driveway proximity to Intersections, and to other Driveways. The Engineer may require any combination of these factors to be considered in the design of the Driveway. 6-11 204 2. Access Type and Minimum Distance Allowed. Table 6.1 below shows the minimum Driveway separation and Intersection corner clearance based on street functional classification. TABLE 6.1 Access Separation Requirements Roadway Classification Principal Minor Collector Residential Indust/ Access type Residential Arterial Arterial Arterial Collector Comm. Minimum Driveway to Driveway Separation, 300' 200' 200' 50' 100, 10,3 measured closed edge to closest edge of driveway 2 Minimum Corner Clearance Standards, measured from the nearest edge of the driveway 300' 200' 100, 100, 50, 20' to the point of curvature on the curb return of the intersecting street 1 Residential Driveways shall be a minimum of 5' from the nearest edge to the property line. 2 For parcels adjacent to a traffic signal, 300' shall be used unless a traffic study successfully demonstrates that the Intersection area of influence is less than 300'. 3 On a case-by-case basis, Cul-de-Sacs may be allowed less than a 10'separation. 3. Commercial Development proponents wanting more than one Driveway access to a public Street will be required to justify the second Driveway on the basis of Development generated trips. 4. Where the Driveway location does not meet minimum separation criteria, or where a safe Driveway location cannot be obtained, the City will require appropriate mitigation measures to provide for a Driveway as safe as feasible. Acceptable mitigation may take the form of turning movement restrictions or a Joint-Use Driveway with the adjoining property owner. 5. The minimum Protected Driveway Throat without any turning movements or parking allowed must be provided for the number of vehicles indicated below to prevent any potential turning conflicts within their lengths. These are the minimum lengths that will be permitted, unless an approved traffic study includes a Site and Project specific queuing study showing that either more or less throat length is required to serve the subject Development. a. For single-lane drive-thru banks: storage to accommodate a minimum entering queue of 4 vehicles for a single window; banks having two lanes need to accommodate a minimum entering queue of at least 3 vehicles per window or 10 vehicles total; and banks having 3 or more lanes shall have storage to accommodate a minimum of 3 vehicles for each service lane or total vehicles equal to four times the number of service lanes. 6-12 205 b. For vehicle wash facilities: facilities having a single service bay shall provide entering storage to accommodate a minimum of 4 vehicles; facilities having multi-bay designs shall have a minimum entering storage space of at least 3 vehicles for each service bay. c. For fast-food restaurants with drive-thru window service: entering storage to accommodate a minimum of 8 vehicles per service lane shall be provided. Storage lengths for fast food restaurants are measured from the order board to the first service window. 6. For service stations: a minimum entering and exiting storage length to accommodate a minimum of 2 vehicles shall be provided between the pump islands and the public Right-of-Way. If an espresso stand is located on-site with drive-thru windows, the minimum espresso stand storage requirements will prevail. 7. For shopping centers having 50,000 square feet or more of gross leasing area shall have an entering and exiting throat length to accommodate a minimum of 4 vehicles shall be provided before any crossing or turning conflicts can be permitted between the parking lot and the public Right-of-Way. Shopping centers having 100,000 square feet or more of gross leasing area shall provide a Site and Project specific queuing analysis to determine their appropriate entering and exiting storage lengths. 8. For all Commercial Developments (less than 50,000 square feet of gross leasing area): a minimum entering and exiting storage length to accommodate at least 2 vehicles shall be provided between the parking lot and the public Right-of-Way before any crossing or turning conflicts can be permitted. Note: the City may require a Site and Project specific queuing analysis to determine the appropriate storage lengths when the Commercial Development includes one or more drive through facilities. a. For all espresso stands with drive-thru windows, entering and exiting storage lengths shall accommodate a minimum of 4 vehicles per window. b. For pharmacies with drive-through service: entering and exiting storage lengths shall accommodate a minimum of 3 vehicles per service point. c. For all other facilities, a minimum entering and exiting storage length of 2 vehicles shall be provided before any crossing, or turning conflicts can be permitted between the parking lot and the public right-of-way line. 6.4.E Traffic Calming All new residential streets shall include Traffic Calming Measures. These measures include but are not limited to curb bulb-outs, alternating parking, chokers, entrance gateways, landscaped medians, speed cushions, traffic circles, and raised Intersections. 6-13 206 Minimum Traffic Calming Measures shall be determined by the Engineer in collaboration with the Developer based on the Site's constraints such as topography, size, and location. At a minimum, all subdivisions (more than 9 lots) shall have an entrance gateway if connected to an Arterial Street and all internal Intersections and streets longer than 500 feet shall incorporate at least one measure such as curb bulb-outs, chokers, or speed cushions unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Standard Plans 6-24 through 6-30 All landscaping shall be maintained by a homeowners association or other responsible entity or parties including all benefited property owners. For details of the different Traffic Calming Measures, see 6.5 Driveways, Sidewalks and Non-Motorized Lanes or Trails The following standards outline the appropriate parameters for Driveways, sidewalks and non-motorized lanes or trails: 6.5.A Driveways Driveway design standards are shown in the Standard Plans 6-42 through 6-48. The required radius and minimum Protected Driveway Throat width shall be determined by a vehicle maneuvering diagram provided by the Developer for the appropriate Design Vehicle. Pedestrian and vehicular sight line requirements shall be met and shown on Engineering Plans per Standard Plans 6-52 & 6-53. All Driveways shall be designed with Profile Grade breaks, or transitions, constructed as vertical curves to ensure adequate clearance for all vehicles. The maximum change in longitudinal Profile Grade for a Driveway shall be 12% in a sag condition, and 8% in a crest condition. The maximum longitudinal Profile Grade for Driveways shall be 12%, unless otherwise required by existing conditions as approved by the Engineer. The minimum length of vertical curve shall be 5' per 1% change in Profile Grade. See Standard Plan 6-48. The minimum separation between street light standards and single-family residential Driveways shall be 5'. The minimum separation from all other Driveways shall be at least 15'. The minimum width for all Driveways to commercial, multi-family residential or industrial land uses shall be 30' unless otherwise approved by the Engineer in order to accommodate higher volumes of pedestrians in a safe and convenient manner. The width of Driveways to industrial and commercial properties may be required to be increased in order to accommodate large wheel-base vehicles. The use of one-way Driveways as a part of the on-site circulation pattern is discouraged. One-way Driveways are reviewed on a case-by-case basis for impacts to the City roadway system. If the use of one-way Driveways is allowed, the minimum width of each one-way Driveway shall be 20'. In 6-14 207 addition, signs shall be posted at the Driveways indicating the permitted movement (i.e. "Entrance Only" or "Exit Only - Do Not Enter." The Engineer may also require similar signs to be posted within the on-site parking areas or drive aisles. See Standard Plans 6-43 & 6-44. 1. Private Residential Driveways: Driveways serving a single-family residential lot shall be considered Private Residential Driveways. Private Residential Driveways shall be constructed of hot mix asphalt or cement concrete pavement at least 12' in width at the curb line unless otherwise directed by the Fire Marshall. At a minimum, the pavement for the Driveway shall extend from the edge of the Right-of-Way of the public or private Street serving that Driveway, 40' or to the front face of the carport or garage, whichever is less. See Standard Plan 6-42. 2. Private Joint Use Residential Driveways: Driveways serving two single-family residential lots shall be considered Private Joint Use Residential Driveways. Private Joint Use Residential Driveways must be constructed with hot mix asphalt or cement concrete pavement at least 16' in width unless otherwise directed by the Fire Marshall. Private Use Joint Driveways shall be centered within a private Tract for Ingress/Egress and utilities that is at least 4' wider than the pavement width. At a minimum, the pavement for the Driveway shall extend from the edge of the Right-of-Way of the public or private Street serving that Driveway, 40' or to the front face of the carport or garage, whichever is less. See Standard Plan 6-47. 6.5.113 Sidewalks An important element of the City's Transportation Master Plan is the provisions of facilities for pedestrian use. Sidewalks shall be provided on all new and improved City streets. Sidewalks shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete Class 3000. The minimum width for sidewalks varies depending on the functional classification of the Street. On Arterial Streets, and any Street adjacent to major pedestrian activity centers (retail districts and businesses, churches, schools, other public gathering places), the minimum width for sidewalks shall be 5' with a landscape planter and 10' without a landscape planter. See the Standard Plans for detailed information based on roadway classification. In instances where building doors open directly to a public sidewalk, the minimum sidewalk width shall be 10'. No street trees will be allowed within 4' of a door opening to a public sidewalk. These widths shall be exclusive of the width of any adjacent curbs, and shall be free of obstructions such as utility poles and mailboxes. Sidewalks will be required to be constructed on both sides of a Street, and shall be placed as shown in the Standard Plans for the various Street classifications. Where sidewalks are not adjacent to the curb, a landscaped planter strip between the street curb and the street-side edge of the sidewalk shall be provided. 6-15 208 The minimum thickness for Portland cement concrete sidewalks shall be four 4", except at Driveway approaches where the minimum thickness required shall be 6" for residential Driveways and 8" for commercial/industrial Driveways. See Standard Plans 6-42 through 6-46. All streets constructed with curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, shall have Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant curb ramps provided at Street Intersections and other pedestrian crossings. These ramps shall be located and constructed in accordance with WSDOT Standard Plans. The City requires detectable warning as truncated domes. Material shall be Federal Yellow composite cast-in-place panels. No painted concrete stamps will be allowed. 6.5.0 Non-Motorized Lanes or Trails 1. Bike Lanes Bike lanes are a portion of the Street that has been designated by signs and pavement markings for preferential or exclusive use by bicyclists. These lanes shall be 5' wide, located next to the curb, and delineated with pavement markings. The route shall be signed with the diamond shaped bicycle symbol (W11-1) and "Share the Road" (W16-1) signs according to the MUTCD. See Standard Plan 6-31. 2. Facilities Containing Bicycle Components: All bicycle facilities shall be designed and constructed according to the latest version of the Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, published by AASHTO and these Standards. In general, a minimum Design Speed of 20 mph should be used for bike paths/trails. When downgrades exceed 4%, a Design Speed of 30 mph or more may be required. Grades on shared use paths/trails should be kept to a minimum, especially on long inclines. Grades greater than 5% are undesirable. 3. Shared Travel Lane: Shared Travel Lanes are within the outside travel lanes of a Street next to the curb. This lane is widened 4' to accommodate the shared usage by vehicles and bicycles. Bicycle route signing is required on these streets. The route shall be signed with the diamond shaped bicycle symbol (W11-1) and "Share the Road" (W16-1) signs according to the MUTCD. See Standard Plan 6-31. 4. Shared Use Trails (Pedestrian and Bicyclist): The minimum surface width of asphalt pavement is 10' for a two-way trail. Each trail shall include provisions for 2' wide gravel Shoulders having cross-slopes no steeper than 2% on both sides of the trail. The minimum horizontal clearance shall be at least 3' from the edge of the asphalt paved trail to any trail-side obstruction. Where trails are adjacent to ditches, creeks, or slopes steeper than 2H:1V, the gravel Shoulder must be 5' wide with a minimum 6' high 6-16 209 vinyl covered chain link fence, where appropriate, as the means to ensure that bicyclists remain safely away from such trail-side hazards. 6.6 Intersection Design Policies Intersection design policies are outlined in the tables below: 6.6.A Intersections Design Table 6.2 Design Criteria Standard 1. Angle of intersection measured at 10' beyond street Minimum 850 right-of-way line Maximum 950 2. Minimum centerline radius (2-lane) for residential 55 Feet streets 3. Minimum curb radius a. Arterials and streets classified neighborhood 35 Feet collector or higher b. Residential or industrial/commercial street 25 Feet Intersections where the highest classification involved is a residential collector c. Private Street Intersections where the highest 20 Feet classification involved is a residential street 4. Minimum right-of-way line radius 25 Feet At the intersection of two differently classified streets, the larger of the curb return radii specified in the street design table herein shall be used for establishing the right-of-way radius. 6.6.B Intersections Spacing Between adjacent intersecting streets, whether crossing or T-connecting, shall be as shown in Table 6.7 6.6.0 On Sloping Approaches At an Intersection, Landings shall be provided with a Profile Grade not to exceed 1' difference in elevation for a distance of 30' approaching an arterial or 20' approaching a residential or commercial Street, measured from future right-of-way line (intersected by the 2% Profile Grade extended from crowned street to right-of-way line) of intersecting Street. See Standard Plan 6-23. 6-17 210 6.6.D Roundabout Intersections When used place of standard intersections, roundabout intersections shall be designed in accordance with current USDOT/FHWA guidelines and the WSDOT Design Manual. 6.6.E Low Speed Curves Low speed curves are applicable to residential streets only as shown in Table 6.4 Table 6.3 Radius (Ft) Deflection Deflection Up to 750 750 & Over 1. Minimum centerline radius (two-lane): 100, 55' 2. Minimum curb radius: 80' 25' 3. Minimum right-of-way line radius: 70' 25' 6.6.F Offset and Skew Intersections The use of offset and skew intersections should be avoided wherever possible, and when proposed, must conform to the requirements of these Standards. New Intersections shall be designed to avoid intersection angles at Street centerline of less than 85 degrees, or more than 95 degrees. Offsets between intersections shall not measure less than what is shown in the Street Design Standards Table 6.7. 6.6.G Intersections Within a Horizontal Curve Alignment The use of Intersections in or near a horizontal curve shall be avoided wherever possible, especially on the inside of a horizontal curve. Intersection/Driveway Sight Triangle standards shall be met as required in these Standards. 6.6.H Intersection Pedestrian and ADA Compliant Access ADA compliant ramps shall be provided on each corner of an Intersection from which pedestrian movement is permitted. Ramps shall be designed in accordance with these Standards and the ADA. See WSDOT Standard Plans. At those locations where sidewalks are not required and are not proposed to be installed, a concrete pedestrian refuge area may be required behind, and to either side of, the pedestrian/wheelchair ramp. This refuge area shall extend a minimum of four 4' clear behind the ramp, and eight 8' on both sides of the edges of the ramp. Crosswalks may be installed typically under the following conditions: 1) at signalized Intersections; 2) at any Intersection located along formally established "School Routes" or at locations approved by the Engineer. 6-18 211 6.6.I. Intersection Turn Lane Vehicular Storage Intersection turn lane storage shall be a minimum of 50'. When a traffic study is required by the City, the turn lane storage shall be designed on the basis of 85% of the queue length during the PM peak hour for 20-year forecast volumes. The analysis shall be based on signal optimization and analysis program calculations from the Transportation Research Board's Highway Capacity Manual or computerized analysis programs, such as McTran's HCS+ software or an equivalent program approved by the Engineer. 6.6.3 Intersection Drainage Intersections should be designed to avoid the sheet flow of water across the intersection of all streets classified as Arterial Streets. Where practical, runoff water should be carried under the Intersection via catch basins and storm drains. Storm water shall be collected prior to a curb ramp and shall not be allowed to pool or puddle in front of or within a curb ramp. Where appropriate the use of low-impact Development design and materials to handle storm water is encouraged. 6.6.K Intersection Right-of-Way Requirement The right-of-way requirements for Intersection approaches may be increased for such special intersection elements as raised median channelization, multiple left-turn lanes, exclusive and/or right turn lanes, turn lanes to accommodate large wheel base vehicles, bus turn outs, etc. 6.6.L Intersection/Driveway Sight Triangle Requirements Intersection/Driveway Sight Triangle will be evaluated based upon the current edition of the AASHTO Policy on the Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. Sight distance requirements for each approach will be those indicated in the appropriate table in the latest edition. The City may allow mixed-use Developments to use wider sidewalks to accommodate sight lines at Intersections on a case-by-case basis. 6.6.M Intersection Channelization Intersection turn islands (right turn islands) shall be constructed with raised curbs only when the resulting island encompasses an area of at least 100 square feet (exclusive of the area removed for pedestrian ramps), or if at least two of the sides of the island are a minimum of 15' long. The curbing shall be offset at least two 2' from the right edge of the through travel lanes, and at least four 4' from the left edge of the right turn lane. The curb shall be combined curb and gutter in all new installations and pre-cast concrete mountable curb sections in all retrofit installations. A minimum radius of 2' shall be used for the island noses. Landscaping should not be installed in right turn islands. The preferred surfacing materials shall be four 4" thick section of broom-finished concrete or a three 3" thick surface of asphalt concrete. Stamped colored 6-19 212 concrete may be approved by the Engineer on a case-by-case basis, provided it is not used in a pedestrian pathway portion of the island. A Type 2 object marker 6" x 12", white background with 3" diameter yellow reflectors shall be installed facing the approaching traffic. The marker should be installed horizontally, and mounted at a height of no less than four 4', above the finished surface of the nearest traffic lane (See MUTCD 3C-01). Divisional center medians (used between left-turn lanes and opposing traffic lanes) shall be a minimum of four 4' wide and one hundred 100' long. Curbing for the median shall be combined vertical curb and gutter. A type R4-7 (Keep Right - symbol) sign, and a Type 1 object marker (yellow diamond panel with nine (9) reflective markers) shall be installed at the nose of all divisional center medians, facing approaching traffic. The signs shall be mounted with the R4-7 sign above the object marker sign, and mounted on metal posts. The posts may not be installed more than 15' behind the nose of the median. The sizes of the signs shall be as follows: R4-7 - 24" x 30", Type 1 object marker - 18"x 18". 6.6.N Traffic Signal Equipment One (1) Four inch (4") and two (2) two-inch diameter traffic signal conduits with pull ropes terminating in Type 2 junction boxes shall be installed under each leg of the Intersection for future traffic signal installation, as required by the Engineer. Traffic signal controller cabinets, when installed as a part of a signal installation, shall be installed so that the door to the cabinet opens towards the Intersection whenever possible. A clearance of 7' shall be provided from the face of curb to the controller cabinet. Poles shall be located no more than 5' (as measured to the pole centerline) from the edge of the nearest pedestrian/wheelchair ramps on that quadrant of the Intersection. See Standard Plan 6-38. 6.6.0 Railroad Crossings for New Construction Adjacent Driveways shall be located at least 100' from any railroad crossings measured from the centerline of the track to the nearest edge of the Driveway. Intersections shall not be located within two hundred 200' of a railroad crossing, measured from the centerline of track to the nearest intersection curb return. At those locations where this separation cannot be provided, special traffic control measures may be required to be installed in the individual approaches to the Intersection. Such measures may include, but not be limited to, the installation of the applicable railroad crossing warning signs, median barriers, and the installation of traffic signals interconnected to automatic crossing protection devices. Where the crossing is immediately adjacent to the Intersection, the Engineer may require special intersection design and crossing protection 6-20 213 to enhance the safety of vehicles traveling through or turning at the Intersection. Street cross-sections (pavement width, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, planter strips and a utility strip) will be the same across railroads with some modifications to turn lanes, planter strips and sidewalks to accommodate railroad equipment. Sight distance requirements for the railroad crossing will be those indicated in the appropriate table in the latest edition of the AASHTO Policy on the Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. All removable obstructions shall be removed or relocated from the defined sight triangle, except for warning signs, luminaire poles, or other officially established traffic control devices. Where these sight distance requirements cannot be met because of pre-existing, or non-removable obstructions (buildings, for example) automatic crossing protection shall be installed. 6.6.P Intersection Geometric Design Every Intersection shall be designed to accommodate the design vehicle appropriate for the highest classified street forming the Intersection. All elements of the Intersection, including turning lanes medians, and islands, shall be designed so that the design vehicle will not encroach onto curbs, sidewalks, traffic control devices, islands, center medians, or encroach into the travel lanes of opposing flow traffic. 6.6.Q Vehicle Maneuvering Diagrams The Vehicle Maneuvering Diagrams (VMD) shall clearly show the outermost and innermost wheel paths and vehicle overhangs of the specified design vehicle using the Intersection for entering or leaving a Project site, traversing the Site, backing into a dock, or otherwise maneuvering for delivery. The VMD shall show the design vehicle using the curb lane in multiple lane roadways or Driveways to enter and leave the Site. The VMD shall show that the appropriate design vehicle wheel paths/vehicle overhangs are without encroachment into: 1. An opposing lane of traffic in a public Street. The outside wheel paths shall be at least 1' inside the curb or edge of outside traffic lane when entering and exiting the Site on a two or three lane Street. 2. An opposing lane of a two-way Driveway. Adjacent wheel paths of entering and exiting design vehicles should show at least 3' of minimum separation within Driveways. 3. Any parking stalls. No design vehicle wheel path shall be within 3' of any required parking stalls. 4. Areas outside of the reinforced concrete Driveway approach apron and Protected Driveway Throat. The inside wheel paths for entering and exiting design vehicles should be at least 3' inside the reinforced concrete Driveway approach apron. 6-21 214 The VMD shall show required minimum Protected Driveway Throat lengths prior to exiting the Development, and shall show that no portion of the minimum throat length will be within the Driveway aisle abutting required parking stalls. All commercial and industrial Project sites shall provide at least 50' of protected throat length from the exiting Driveway apron. Sites which will experience more than 1000 vehicles per peak-hour, and sites with a heavy percentage of truck traffic will require a traffic study documenting the minimum protected throat length to accommodate the expect queue. The VMD shall clearly identify the applicable design vehicle(s) used to prepare the VMD. The applicable design vehicle shall be based on the typical delivery vehicle serving the Site as approved by the Engineer. See the Standard Plans 6-101 through 6-105 for turning movements radii associated with the various design vehicles. When no specific design vehicle is specified for a Development, the appropriate design vehicle shall be the BUS-40 design vehicle. The BUS- 40 design vehicle is used for service vehicles such as garbage trucks, and fire trucks. 6.7 Bridge Cross Section Bridges shall be structurally designed to WSDOT Standards. The street section across a bridge or major Culvert shall remain as shown in the Standard Plans with the exception that turn lanes, planter strips and utility strips may not be required. Turn lanes shall be reduced using the MUTCD taper formulas and a 15' taper will be required for pedestrian sidewalks or multi-use trails to bring the sidewalk adjacent to the curb and eliminate the planter strip. All tapers shall occur off of the bridge or Culvert structure. All utility systems shall be in steel casings and placed between the structural beams using approved hangers so that piping is hidden from view. No carrier lines, casings, or conduits will be allowed on the outside of the structural beams. All know utilities and future upgrades shall be accounted for in the design. In addition, two (2) four-inch (4") and two (2) two-inch (2") diameter conduits and one (1) eight-inch (8") diameter steel casing shall be installed for future use. Design of the utility system hangers shall be for a full pipe condition for all utilities crossing a bridge. 6.8 Street Median Channelization Median channelization may be required to be installed as a part of any Project. In general, median channelization will not be required or approved for local residential streets or for Arterial Streets where the resulting median would be less than 600' long inclusive of any turn lane storage area. Exceptions may include the installation of median channelization at Intersections to prevent left-turn access into or out of properties in the immediate vicinity of an Intersection. Median 6-22 215 channelization must be at least 4' wide in order to accommodate any necessary traffic control devices and/or street lights. Approval of the installation of medians will be made by the Engineer. Design plans which include median installation must be accompanied by an access plan for the impacted properties. This access plan shall denote the ownerships, uses of the directly impacted properties, and the resulting changes to the access to and from these properties. If median channelization is required and approved with landscaping on residential collector and residential streets, the landscaping must be maintained by the homeowners association or other responsible entity or parties including all benefited property owners and a landscape maintenance agreement would be required. All costs of maintenance including irrigation shall be the responsibility of the home owners. The maintenance agreement will include the responsibility to maintain adequate sight distance for vehicular traffic, and shall be recorded with the County Auditor's Office. Type IV Landscaping shall be provided including an irrigation system with separate meter per Standard Plan 3-15. All plantings shall not restrict sight distance of the vehicles using the Street at plant maturity. The landscaping shall not include large rocks, boulders, or other fixed obstructions. Street trees shall be selected from the approved street tree list shown in Appendix A. Placement of landscaping shall be such that adequate sight distance, per these Standards and AASHTO requirements, will be maintained. All landscaped medians shall be provided with fully automatic, underground irrigation systems. No left-turn access breaks in a "continuous" center median island will be permitted within the intersection spacing limits as shown in Section 6.6.B. 6.9 Cul-de-sac/ Hammerhead Standards Provisions for vehicle turn-arounds must be made for either temporary or permanent non-through street conditions. The minimum radius for a Cul-de-Sac shall be 45', as measured from the center of the Cul-de-Sac to the face of curb. The maximum cross section Profile Grade for a Cul-de-Sac is 6%. Cross grades greater than 2% may only be used when the existing topography exceeds 10% in Profile Grade. See Standard Plan 6-18. A" Hammerhead Turnaround" may be permitted if • The Street is a private Street and is more than 150 feet from the nearest face of curb or edge of pavement of the connecting Street to its most distant point • The Street is a public Street that will be extended in the future • Parking and Driveways are not allowed within a turnaround See Standard Plan 6-21. The maximum length of a non-through street, either permanent or temporary, shall be 600' measured from the centerline of the connecting Street to its most distant point. 6-23 216 6.10 Fire Access Streets Fire access streets are required to serve all buildings that have exterior walls located more than 150 feet from the nearest face of curb or edge of pavement of the connecting Street. The distance is measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building that a firefighter would take, and does not allow topographical or property separation conditions that would make it impossible to advance hose lines to the proposed building along that route. Fire access roads are also required to serve properties such as wrecking yards, lumber yards, parking lots and similar uses on lots where structures or buildings may not exist. All fire access roads shall be a minimum of 20' in width, and shall have an unobstructed height of no less than 13' 6". The minimum inside turning radius for a fire access street is 30' for both left and right turns, and a minimum outside turning radius of 50'. Any fire access Street in excess of 150 feet from the nearest face of curb or edge of pavement of the connecting Street shall be provided with a turnaround at the end meeting the requirements of Section 6.9 Cul-de-sac/Hammerhead Standards. Fire access roads must support emergency vehicles on an all-weather basis. This means that it must have a firm gravel base with hot mix asphalt concrete pavement or cement concrete pavement above the gravel base, and it must be designed so that it will not deteriorate under adverse weather conditions and fire vehicle traffic. The maximum Profile Grade for paved surface fire access streets is 12%, unless otherwise approved by the Fire Marshal. Homes that have access at 12% Profile Grade or greater are required to have sprinkler systems per NFPA 13 standards. Paved fire access roads for residential structures may be accepted up to a maximum Profile Grade of 15 % when all structures have sprinklers, provided that in the professional opinion of the Fire Marshal, fire fighting and rescue operations will not be impaired. The fire access Street must be constructed prior to the construction of combustible portions of the building, or the storage of combustibles on non-building lots. One and two-family structures (duplexes) shall be constructed no more than 600' from the closest fire hydrant. Multi-family structures shall be constructed no more than 300' from a fire hydrant. Deviations to these Fire Access Street standards may be made at the sole discretion of the Fire Marshal and the Engineer according to Section 1.17 Design Deviations. 6.11 Roadside Appurtenances 6.11.A Mailboxes Mailboxes shall be located as approved by the US Postal Service and the Engineer in accordance with Standard Plan 6-70. Both the Post Master and the City require that the location of community mailboxes and the number of units be shown on the Project plans. 6-24 217 Mailboxes along the edge of all Arterial Streets shall be a 'break-away" design. Single units shall be mounted per WSDOT Standard Plans. Multiple mailbox units shall be mounted on a commercially available tubular aluminum support system designed to function in either a break- away or bend-away basis. See Standard Plan 6-70. When mailboxes or mailbox clusters are installed in a sidewalk, the sidewalk shall be constructed per Standard Plan 6-40. The use of concrete filled metal pipe for any mailboxes, or the use of horizontally mounted wooded members to support multiple mailboxes is prohibited. 6.11.B Fencing Permanent chain link type fencing shall be required for pedestrian protection, as well as protection against unauthorized entry for, but not limited to, the following: 1. All on-site detention ponds located within commercial or residential districts. Fencing shall be four 4' high. See Standard Plans 5-22 & 5- 23. 2. All Public Works owned and operated facilities, including but not limited to: pump stations, wells and sewage lift stations. Fence shall be 6' high vinyl coated (Black) with plastic slats for screening as required by the Engineer. 3. Adjacent to a slope, ditch, bridge, retaining wall, or other permanent facility where the lowest elevation of the facility is greater than 30" below the finished elevation of the pedestrian facility. Fencing shall be a minimum of four 4' high where protection of pedestrian is required. 4. All fencing shall conform to WSDOT Standard Plans for Type 3 or Type 4 chain link fencing unless otherwise approved. The location of required fencing and access gates shall be shown on the plans. 5. In no case shall 2 chain link or wood fences be placed parallel and less than 5' from each other. For example, fences for a rock wall can not be placed within 5' of a fence for a subdivision boundary, yard or storm detention facility. Approved safety railing may be used in lieu of fencing, as approved by the Engineer. 6.11.0 Structural Retaining Walls and Rock Facings Structural walls over 2' in height shall contain an aesthetic surface feature approved by the Engineer. Examples would be a natural stone finish, keystone type walls, or ecology block with aesthetic natural stone finishes. No structural wall over 3' in height will be allowed within building setbacks. No structural wall shall be allowed over 6' in height, except adjacent to public Right-of-Way. 6-25 218 In no case shall a mechanically stabilized retaining wall utilizing straps or webbing extending under a public Street or within Right-of-Way be allowed. Rock Facings may be used for the protection of Cut or Fill embankments up to a maximum height of 4' above the Keyway in stable soil conditions, where no significant foundation settlement or outward thrust upon the walls. No rock wall over 3' in height will be allowed within building setbacks. Where the separation between single family homes is 16' or less, Rock Facings and retaining walls up to, and including, 4' are allowed within the structure setback. Terracing and vertical and/or horizontal modulation of the Rock Facing and retaining walls will allow the maximum height to be increased up to 8' in the following conditions: 1. When terracing is used, the wall height can be increased 1' for every extra foot of horizontal terracing over 4' in width. 2. When horizontal modulation is used, the height of the wall can be increased by 1' for every 1' in horizontal modulation up to an 8' maximum wall height. Horizontal modulation shall start and end within 25' of wall length, and can be repeating up to a maximum of three tiers. Rock Facings and rock walls shall be constructed in accordance with the WSDOT Standard Specifications 8-24. See Standard Plans 6-60 through 6-63. 6.11.D Guardrail All guardrail installations shall be designed per WSDOT Design Manual Chapter 710.06 Beam Guardrail. 6.11.E. Bus Stops Bus-stops and bus turnout lanes must be provided at those locations designated by the Engineer and Metro Transit. The pavement section for bus pullouts and bus turnout lanes shall be constructed to the requirements of WSDOT Standard Plans for Bridge Approach Slabs. The bus pullouts shall be at least 12' in width. Bus pullout designs shall be consistent with Transit Agency plan requirements. Bus turnout lanes shall be provided where bus queuing or staging is required by the Transit agencies operations. 6.11.F Conduit for Future City Use Conduit shall be provided behind the sidewalk for future fiber optic communication. One 4"0 PVC conduit shall be provided at the back of sidewalk and at least one handhole per property and/or building. Conduit 6-26 219 shall be provided the length of the property and shall have a handhole provided at the property line for future connections. 6.12 Traffic Control Devices The following standards shall apply to all traffic control devices: 6.12.A Traffic Signs The Developer shall provide all traffic control signs including, but not limited to, the following: street name signs, regulatory signs including "stop", speed limit, "no parking" signs, warning signs, and barricades, as required by the Engineer, based on the approved Civil Construction. All traffic control signs shall conform to the standards of the latest edition of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), as modified by WSDOT. All traffic control sign installations shall conform to the location and placement standards noted in MUTCD and shall include the appropriate pavement markings. The City shall install all traffic signs according to the approved Civil Construction at the Developer's expense. Costs shall be the actual costs including labor, equipment rental and materials. The costs shall be based on the latest cost schedule prepared and approved annually by the Engineer. 6.12.113 Pavement Markings The location of the required pavement markings shall be shown on the Engineering Plans, and must be approved by the Engineer. All pavement markings, including, but not limited to, pavement striping, pavement markers (reflective or non-reflective, as required), raised pavement markers, and delineators shall be installed as a part of all Projects. The location and quantity of the required pavement markings shall be shown on the plans for all street classifications. See Standard Plans 6-73 through 6-81. 6.12.0 Construction Area Traffic Control The contractor shall be responsible to provide and maintain all signs, barriers, warning lights, striping, and flag persons required for maintaining public safety and traffic control in construction areas. Plans shall be submitted and approved prior to the issuance of any Permit for construction either within the public Right-of-Way or on the Site. No work may begin until a traffic control plan has been submitted and approved by the Engineer. Traffic control plans must be prepared by a licensed Professional Engineer or a certified Traffic Control Supervisor in accordance with WSDOT and MUTCD Standards. Traffic control shall be maintained at all times when construction is in progress on all streets, 6-27 220 Alleys, and Driveways in the construction area. Project signs shall be installed by the Contractor when required on City projects. Construction area traffic control activities are only permitted between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 3:30 P.M., unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 6.12.D Traffic Signal Systems Installation of traffic signal systems shall be required based on the warrants established in the latest edition of the MUTCD. Approval of any particular Project will be conditional upon assurance of financial participation in or actual installation of the signal system where projected traffic volumes indicate that the traffic volume warrants will be met; or, where the projected operation of an Intersection in an unsignalized configuration will be at or below a Level-of-Service 'E'. Financial participation or construction of the Traffic Signal shall be based on the percentage of traffic from the Development versus the total traffic volume from the Street of connection to the Development. In any event, the Engineer shall approve the participation level based on this criterion. One extra 4 inch diameter Schedule 80 PVC conduit run is required at all non-signalized Intersections for the later installation of traffic signal interconnects, these conduit runs shall terminate within a new junction box unless otherwise determined by the Transportation Engineer. 6.13 Landscape Requirements on Public Right-of-way Landscaping within the Right-of-Way in planter strips or behind sidewalk shall be provided by all new subdivisions and short subdivisions (containing 9 or more lots), commercial/industrial Projects or any other Development which impact new Public Streets or abut existing Public Streets. The Developer shall design and construct the required landscaping as follows: 6.13.A Landscaping Standards 1. Street trees shall be required on all streets. The approved Street Tree List is provided in Appendix A. This list is subject to periodic updating by the City. See Standard Plan 6-55 for planting details. All landscaping in the planter strips or behind the sidewalks shall also include Type 4 Landscaping in accordance with KCC 15.07. 2. Maintenance of landscaped areas, including irrigation systems, ornamental plantings and other landscape elements, on Right-of-Way shall be the responsibility of the abutting property owner unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 3. Permission by the Engineer shall be required before any plant may be planted or removed from Right-of-Way. 6-28 221 4. Plant location and spacing must meet all sight obstruction requirements. Plantings shall not obstruct the visibility of any fire hydrant or traffic control device. The street trees may be spaced at irregular intervals in order to accommodate sight distance requirements for Driveways, Intersections or traffic control devices. 5. Street trees shall have a minimum clearance of 8' over pedestrian ways and 14' over streets at maturity. Street trees shall be centered a minimum of 3' from the back of curbs and 2' from sidewalks unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 6. Tree grates shall be required for all street tree plantings in the Downtown Overlay area. 7. Temporary irrigation systems may be required for the minimum 2-year maintenance period. 8. The street trees shall have a minimum 1.5" to 2.5" Caliper measured 6-12" above the root crown at the time of planting. All trees shall be container grown, balled and burlap pr tree bag unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. No bare root trees will be allowed. 9. The minimum tree pit size in a tree well shall be 16 square feet or three times the diameter of the root ball, whichever is greater. 10. All plant materials shall be inspected and approved by the City Arborist prior to installation. 6.13.113 Landscaping Maintenance Requirements 1. All landscapes shall be maintained in a safe, healthy, and attractive manner during the 2-year maintenance period. The landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and litter and the landscape material maintained in good growing condition. The Developer shall replace any unhealthy or dead plant materials in conformance with the approved landscape plan. 2. Regular monthly maintenance procedures for April 1 through October 1 shall be as follows: • Litter pickup; • Mowing turf; • Edging turf; • Weeding planting beds; • Sweeping of sidewalks; • Irrigation of all plant materials; • Fertilization as needed per manufacturer's specifications; • Pruning to required heights and widths; and • Pest and disease control. 6-29 222 3. Inspections shall be conducted every 6 months during the 2-year maintenance period. If any portion of the landscaping dies, the Developer shall replace the plant material within 60 days of notification. If the landscape material is not replaced within the specified time period, the City may whatever portion of the maintenance bond deposit needed to replace the dead landscaping. The City may use either City employees or private contractors to complete the Work. 6.14 Street Illumination System A street lighting system meeting these Standards shall be provided by all new subdivisions and short subdivisions, commercial/industrial Projects or any other Development which impact new Public Streets or abut existing Public Streets. The illumination system shall include energy efficient luminaires and shall conform in all respects with the technical requirements of these Standards, the WSDOT Standard Specifications, and the National Electrical Code. Street light system installations which do not meet the requirements of the National Electric Code will not be accepted. See Standard Plans 6-86 through 6-92. These street lighting criteria and guidelines apply to all Public Street lighting systems. Should property owners with Private Streets decide that they want street lights; the City shall review their lighting design for concurrency with these Standards. Street Light designs not meeting these Standards will not be accepted by the City. All costs for purchase of materials and installation of the street lighting system shall be borne entirely by the property owners. All public Street classifications shall have street light systems owned and operated by the City. The Developer shall design and construct the system to these Standards. 6.14.A Street Lighting Criteria and Guidelines The maximum calculated street light spacing determined by street light calculations, meeting City Standards for new streets, shall be decreased by 10%. This is to account for future relocations of street lights for revisions to existing or new Driveways and similar improvements after the street lighting system is installed. The minimum curb overhang by a street light luminaire with a mast arm shall be no less than 2'. Street trees can significantly interfere with the efficient lighting of streets, and shall not be permitted within 30' of any street light on Arterial Streets or within 20' on residential streets. See Standard Plan 6-54. Where street trees and street lights have a conflict the street tree shall be placed at the back of the sidewalk and not deleted. 6-30 223 Street Light criteria based on Street widths and roadway classifications: Table 6.4 Typical Min Typical Required Max. Desired Max Required Roadway Classifications Mounting Lamp Uniformity Ration Uniformity Average Heights (ft) Wattage (avg/min lux) Radio(max/min Maint'd lux) Footcandles Principal Arterials 50/40 400 3:1 6:1 1.5 Minor Arterials 40/35 400 3:1 6:1 1.5 Industrial Collector Arterials 40/35 250 3:1 6:1 1.0 Residential Collector 35/25 200 3:1 6:1 1.0 Arterials Commercial/Industrial 35/25 200 3:1 6:1 0.8 Streets Residential Collector Streets 35/25 200 3:1 NA 0.7 Residential Streets 18/15 100 3:1 NA 0.4 Private Street Intersections and gathering areas shall be lit to public Residential Street light standards. Light levels between these areas can be less than residential street light requirements, but in no case can the light level exceed residential requirements. See the Street Light Table in Section 6-15 for typical spacing requirements. 6.14.113 Street Light Luminaires Only Gardco, General Electric, StressCrete Group, Lumec, and Hubbell street light luminaire fixtures shall be used in all City-owned street light systems, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. The Gardco and Lumec luminaries are to be used exclusively within the Downtown Overlay District. Only the King or Lumec luminaires may be used on all residential streets. 1. All luminaires shall have: a. High pressure sodium lamps; b. 120/240 volts; c. Magnetic regulator or autoreg ballast; d. No PE function; e. Type III IES light distribution; f. Charcoal filter; and g. Fusing. h. Cobra head or Gullwing fixtures shall be provided with a flat glass lens and cutoff optics. i. Post top or acorn fixtures shall be provided with no less than semi-cutoff optics. These fixtures shall have the capability of being retro-fit to no uplight, zero light above the 900 vertical plain in the future. The retro-fit shall be in the form of a decorative 6-31 224 feature that can be added on top of the fixture. It is encouraged that only post tops with cutoff or full cutoff optics be used. In addition, post tops shall minimize light glare for drivers (vertical light between 720 and 900 vertical.) 2. All lamps for street light systems shall be high pressure sodium lamps (HPS) with a rated service life at 10 hours / start equal to 24,000 hours and shall have a clear finish. These HPS lamps shall also meet one of the following criteria: Table 6.5 Lamps Watts Min. Initial Lumens 100 9,500 150 16,000 200 22,000 250 28,000 310 37,000 400 50,000 The maximum calculated voltage drop shall not exceed 5% per circuit. All privately owned street lighting systems shall provide a contact service cabinet or separate load center. New street light systems, with no load center within 1000', shall provide a 100A to 150A load center sized to meet the circuit requirements. Cabinets shall have a photoelectric control mounted on top. Conduits and wiring shall be provided from the load center to the property edges for future connection into the street light system. 6.14.0 Street Light Standards All street light standards (poles) used in City-owned street light systems are shown below. All others must be approved by the Engineer on a case- by-case basis. Concrete poles shall not be used in new installations of street lights. 1. Hapco Series 21 and Series 22 aluminum street light standards and mast arms 2. Valmont Series 21 and Series 22 aluminum street light standards and mast arms 3. Pedestrian poles in the Downtown Overlay District shall be made from one-piece seamless 4" round tube of extruded aluminum with a wall thickness of 0.125", decorative base cover and polyester powder coat finish #RAL #6009, ZED model #P104AF-14-GY-LBC3-GY, color Forest Green or approved equal. 6-32 225 6.14.13 Street Light calculations Shall be provided which show that all Street Lighting criteria have been satisfied. The supporting documentation and calculations will include and consider the following elements: 1. Existing street light characteristics, and/or the location of street Intersections along the streets being improved. 2. The mounting height and the bracket or arm length. 3. The street lighting system configuration. 4. The luminaire, IES light distribution pattern (IES electronic file shall be called out), and lamp used, including initial lumens. 5. The Light Loss Factor used in calculations. (LLF = 0.76 unless otherwise approved by the City) 6. The maximum illumination, the minimum illumination, and the average illumination. 7. The Uniformity Ratios for: avg lux / min lux; and for max lux / min lux. 8. The curb overhang for luminaires located on the outside of streets in feet, and/or the curb overhang for luminaires located within medians in feet. 9. The width of the median(s) in feet. 10. Street Tree information, including, but not limited to, spacing/ location within medians and along the outside of streets. 11. Voltage drop calculations for each circuit. 6.15 Street Light Criteria Table 6.6 Principal Arterial Streets Max Aver: Max: Ilium Min Pole Mounting HPS Level Street i,z,s Minimum Minimum Mast Arm setback Layout Height Spacing Lamp Uniform Uniform End-of- Length (ft) from curb Fixture Type (ft) (Watts) Ratio Ratio life (ft- (ft) candles) Standard 7-Lanes, 50 245 (2R_STG) 400 3:1 6:1 1.5 6 3 Cobra- head 80-foot width W/ Bike Lanes, 90- 50 225 (2R_STG) 400 3:1 6:1 1.5 6 3 Cobra- head foot width Standard 7-Lanes, 50 245 (2R_OPP) 400 3:1 6:1 1.5 6 3 Cobra- head 80-foot width W/ Bike Lanes, 90- 50 225 (2R_OPP) 400 3:1 6:1 1.5 6 3 Cobra- head foot width 6-33 226 Minor Arterial Streets Max Aver: Max: Ilium Min Pole Mounting Level Street i,z,a HPS Lamp Minimum Minimum Mast Arm setback Layout Height Spacing (Watts) Uniform Uniform End-of- Length (ft) from curb Fixture Type (ft) Ratio Ratio life (ft-candles) (ft) Standard 5- Lanes, 58- 40 325 (2R_STG) 400 3:1 6:1 1.5 6 3 Cobra- head foot width With Bike Lanes, 68- 40 295 (2R_STG) 400 3:1 6:1 1.5 6 3 Cobra- head foot width Standard 5- Cobra- head Lanes, 58- 40 180 (2R_OPP) 250 3:1 6:1 1.5 6 3 foot width With Bike Cobra- head Lanes, 68- 40 165 (2R_OPP) 250 3:1 6:1 1.5 6 3 foot width Industrial Collector Arterial Streets Mounting Max Aver: Max: Ilium Mast Arm Min Pole Street l,Z HPS Lamp Minimum Minimum Level End- setback Layout Height Spacing (Watts) Uniform Uniform of-life(ft- Length from curb Fixture Type (ft) Ratio Ratio candles (ft) (ft) Standard 44-foot 40 315 (2R_STG) 250 3:1 6:1 1.0 6 3 Cobra- head width Standard 44-foot 40 235 (2R_STG) 200 3:1 6:1 1.0 6 3 Cobra- head width Residential Collector Arterial Streets - 2 or 3 Lanes Mounting Max Aver: Max: Ilium Mast Arm Min Pole Street I,2 HPS Lamp Minimum Minimum Level End- setback Layout Height Spacing (Watts) Uniform Uniform of-life (ft- Length from curb Fixture Type (ft) Ratio Ratio candles) (ft) (ft) Standard 36-foot 40 310 (2R_STG) 250 3:1 6:1 1.0 6 3 Cobra- head width With Bike Lanes 46- 40 310 (2R_STG) 250 3:1 6:1 1.0 6 3 Cobra- head foot width 6-34 227 Downtown Overlay Streets 4 Max Aver: Max: Ilium Min Pole Street Mounting i,2,s HPS Lamp Minimum Minimum Level Mast Arm setback Layout Height (ft) Spacing (Watts) Uniform Uniform End-of- Length from curb Fixture Type Ratio Ratio ife (ft (ft) (ft) Standard 58-foot 360/60 Gullwing/ Minor 35/14 (2R_STG/2R_OPP) 250/70 3:1 6:1 1.5 N/A 3 Lumec DSX Arterial Standard 40-foot 35/14 500/125 Gullwing/ 250/70 3:1 6:1 1.0 N/A 3 Res. Col. (2R_STG/2R_OPP) Lumec DSX Art. Bike Lane 500/125 50-foot 35/14 250/70 3:1 6:1 1.0 N/A 3 Gullwing/ Res. Col. (2R_STG/2R_OPP) Lumec DSX Art. Standard 500/125 40-foot 35/14 250/70 3:1 6:1 1.0 N/A 3 Gullwing/ Local (2R_STG/2R_OPP) Lumec DSX Comm. Bike Lanes 500/125 50-foot 35/14 250/70 3:1 6:1 1.0 N/A 3 Gullwing/ Local (2R_STG/2R_OPP) Lumec DSX Comm. Industrial / Commercial Street - 2 or 3 Lanes Max Aver: Max: Ilium Min Pole Mounting Level Mast Arm Street 1,2 HPS Lamp Minimum Minimum setback Layout Height Spacing (Watts) Uniform Uniform End-of- Length from curb Fixture Type (ft) Ratio Ratio life(ft- (ft) (ft) candles Standard 32-foot 35 360 (2R_STG) 200 3:1 6:1 0.8 6 3 Cobra- head width W/ Bike Lanes 42- 35 340 (2R_STG) 200 3:1 6:1 0.8 6 3 Cobra- head foot width Residential Collector Streets 5 Max Aver: Max: Ilium Min Pole Mounting Level Mast Arm Street l,Z HPS Lamp Minimum Minimum setback Layout Height Spacing (Watts) Uniform Uniform End-of- Length from curb Fixture Type (ft) Ratio Ratio life (ft- (ft) (ft) candles) Standard 100 (130) King 118 Lanes, 36- 16.5 (14.0) 100 (70) 4:1 6:1 0.7 6 3 foot width (2R_STG) (Lumec DSX) With Bike 70 (100) King 118 Lanes,44- 16.5 (14.0) 100 (70) 4:1 6:1 0.7 6 3 foot width (2R_STG) (Lumec DSX) 6-35 228 Residential Streets 5,6 Max Max: Mast Min Pole Street Mounting 1 HPS Lamp Aver: Minimum Ilium LevelArm setback Fixture Layout Height (ft) Spacing (Watts) Minimum Uniform End-of-life Length from curb Type Uniform Ratio (ft-candles)Ratio (ft) (ft) King ing 118 28-foot 16.5 (14.0) 105 100 (70) 6:1 NA 0.4 0 3 (Lumec width DSX King ing 118 32-foot 16.5 (14.0) 90 100 (70) 6:1 NA 0.4 0 3 (Lumec width DSX Footnotes: 1. "Spacing" is the spacing between street lights on the same side of the road. 2. 2R_STG - Street lights on both sides of the street with a staggered configuration. 3. 2R_OPP - Street lights on both sides of the street with an opposing configuration. 4. Downtown Overlay Street Lighting is a combination of both Gullwing and Lumec DSX street lights. The first number refers to the Gullwing street light and the second number refers to the Lumec DSX street light. 5. These numbers apply to both the King 118 fixture and the Lumec DSX fixture. When there is a number in a parenthesis it refers to requirements for the Lumec DSX fixture only. Private Streets Private Street Intersections and gathering areas shall be lit to residential street light standards. Light levels between these areas can be less than residential street light requirements, but in no case can the light level exceed residential requirements. 6.16 Pavement Design and Construction When existing Public Streets are required to be improved or widened by the City, the Developer may use the existing asphalt pavement surface as part of the required minimum pavement depth and width. The improved Street shall have a remaining service life of 20 years. The Developer shall cold mill (grind) and overlay, at a minimum depth of 2", one half of the Street fronting the Development unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The improved pavement section may consist of all new pavement or a portion of existing pavement and new pavement overlay to achieve the required remaining service life of 20 years. Pavement analysis and design shall be consistent with Part II and Part III of the AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Sections, latest edition, and the pavement analysis report shall provide all of the necessary information required by the design guide. 6-36 229 In addition to the pavement analysis and design discussed above, the completed street improvement shall provide a 2% transverse side slope from the existing centerline crown point. When the existing crown location does not coincide with the required street centerline, or the 2% transverse side slopes of existing pavement are not available, the Developer is required to grind and provide an asphalt overlay at a minimum depth of 2" to achieve the 2% transverse side slope.. Prior to construction of the asphalt overlays, any failed pavement sections within the improvement limits will also be removed and permanently patched by the Developer according to the requirements of these Standards. See Standard Plans 6-64 through 6-69. When an existing asphalt pavement is used, the Developer shall remove at least the outer 1' of the existing asphalt pavement to provide a strong and straight edge for the new asphalt to match. The actual outside line for this asphalt pavement removal will be determined on-site by the Engineer to ensure that all inadequate and failing pavement is removed. When an asphalt overlay occurs adjacent to an existing concrete curb and gutter, the Developer is required to install the new asphalt pavement flush with the existing curb and gutter. The Developer will do this by cold milling (grinding) a minimum 4' wide strip of pavement immediately abutting the concrete curb and gutter. The minimum depth of this grinding shall be 2" and shall leave a minimum 2" of existing pavement in place. Should there be less than 2" of remaining asphalt pavement the Developer shall remove and replace the outer 4' of asphalt pavement. When the surface of the existing street pavement is determined, by the Engineer, to be too rough or irregular, the Developer shall provide an asphalt overlay, cold milling, or a combination of the two, to provide an acceptable riding surface for the improved public Street. 6.16.A Pavement Design See the Standard Plans for detailed pavement design information and minimum pavement sections. Portland cement concrete streets may be considered as an acceptable alternative to asphalt concrete streets for most street classifications. Specific approval by the Engineer is required prior to design of concrete streets. Porous pavements may also be considered for low traffic volume private residential streets and Driveways. Porous pavement is a permeable paving material which allows stormwater to percolate through the pavement to the gravel base. The pavement consists of a uniform, open- graded coarse aggregate, cemented together with either concrete or asphalt. Water reaching the gravel base either infiltrates into the soil or is routed to the conveyance systems via underdrains. The Developer must sign a maintenance agreement confirming that the Development will be 6-37 230 required to bi-annually vacuum sweep the pavement surface followed by a high pressure wash. 6.16.113 Pavement Construction All pavement construction shall be in accordance with the WSDOT Standard Specifications except as modified herein. When asphalt concrete is placed in lifts, tack coat in accordance with the WSDOT Standard Specifications shall be used unless the lifts are placed on the same day, and approved by the Engineer. In areas where soft subgrades require stabilization, approved geotextile fabric and/or soil stabilizing may be used. Ballast material may also be used where necessary. 6.16.0 Materials Certifications and Compaction Tests All construction activities shall meet the materials certifications and Compaction testing requirements on the WSDOT Standard Specifications. compaction tests shall be performed by an approved geotechnical or testing firm under the direction of a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Washington under contract with the City. Copies of the reports shall be furnished to the City of Kent Inspector. 6.17 All Utilities Within City Right-of-Way Utility systems to be located within existing and proposed Right-of-Way shall be constructed in accordance with current franchise and/or permit requirements, and in compliance with these Standards. In their use of the Right-of-Way, utilities will be given consideration in accordance with the traffic-carrying requirements of the Street which are, namely, to provide safe, efficient and convenient passage for motor vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles, and other transportation uses. Aesthetics shall be a consideration. Underground installation of electric and telecommunication utilities will be strongly encouraged, particularly in urban Development. Utilities are subject to City Codes and policies relating to drainage, erosion/sedimentation control and sensitive areas as set forth in the Chapter 5 of these Standards and the City's Surface Water Design Manual. Placement of permanent structures or objects for franchised utilities that block ready access to City utilities and the connected Appurtenances shall not be allowed, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. It is the responsibility of the Developer to verify the location of all existing and proposed underground and aerial utilities prior to design. The Developer shall coordinate the design with the respective Utility. Those existing utilities in conflict with any of the Project street improvements shall be relocated at the Owner/Developer's expense. All properties adjacent to a new Street shall be provided with water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, and private utility service in such a manner as to avoid future 6-38 231 street improvements and the associated disruptions to traffic. The number and location of service "stub outs" to be installed shall be based upon the lot configuration of the properties adjacent to the proposed street improvements. All overhead electrical and/or communication utilities shall be placed underground if the criteria for undergrounding are met per the requirements of the KCC 7.10. All permits for new placement and replacement of existing utility poles, and other utility system structures above Grade, shall be accompanied by written certification from the Utility's Professional Engineer or from an agent authorized by the Utility. They must certify that the installations conform to these Standards, and that the proposed Work is in conformity with sound Engineering principles relating to highway safety. 6.17.A Standard Utility Locations Within the Right-of-Way Utilities within the Right-of-Way on new streets, or on streets where existing topography, utilities or storm drains are not in conflict, shall be located as indicated below. Where existing utilities or storm drains are in place, new utilities shall conform to these Standards as closely as practicable and still be compatible with the existing installations. Above- ground utilities located within Intersections shall be placed so as to avoid conflict with placement of curb ramps and signal poles. Mains and service connections to all lots shall be completed prior to placing of surface materials. 1. Gas and Water Lines: a. Curb and Gutter Section: Preferable: 1.5' back of curb, or at distance which will clear root masses of street trees if these are present or anticipated. Otherwise: In the Street as close to the curb as practical without encroachment into the storm drainage system. b. Designated Side of Centerline: GAS: Preferable south and west. WATER: Preferable north and east. c. Depth: 36" minimum cover from Finished Grade, ditch bottom or natural ground. 2. Individual water service lines and side sewers shall: a. Be placed with minimum 36" cover from finished Grade, ditch bottom or natural ground. b. Use Right-of-Way only as necessary to make side connections. c. For any one connection, do not extend more than 60' along or through the Right-of-Way, or the minimum width of the existing Right-of-Way. d. Water meter boxes, when placed or replaced, shall be located on the right-of-way line immediately adjacent to the property being served, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 6-39 232 3. Sanitary Sewers: a. In general, 5' south and west of centerline; depth 36" minimum cover from Finished Grade, ditch bottom or natural ground. b. Side sewers shall be provided to all adjacent lots or parcels. c. Side sewers shall be placed perpendicular to street centerline. d. Existing parcels with potential for future Development based on the existing zoning shall be provided with a minimum 8"0 pipe from the manhole to the cleanout at the right-of-way line at the lowest point adjacent to the main along the parcel frontage. 4. Force Main Sanitary Sewers: In the case of individual sanitary sewer service lines, which are force mains, the pipe shall: a. Be a minimum two (2) inch inside diameter, or as required by the Utility to maintain internal scouring velocity. b. If nonmetallic, contain wire or other acceptable proximity detection features; or be placed in a cast iron or other acceptable metal casing. c. Be placed with minimum Thirty-six (36) inches cover from Finished Grade, ditch bottom or natural ground, within 100 of perpendicular to street centerline, and extend to right-of-way line. d. Bored under Street, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. e. Sanitary sewer and water lines shall be separated 10' horizontally and 1.5' vertically in accordance with the latest edition of the Criteria for Sewage Work Design by the DOE. f. Gravity systems, whether sanitary or storm drainage, shall have precedence over other systems in planning and installation, except where a non-gravity system has already been installed under previous approved Permit and subject to applicable provisions of such permits or franchises. 5. Utilities Electric utilities, power, telephone, cable TV, fiber optic conduit: Preferably, underground with 36" minimum cover, either side of Street, under or behind the sidewalk, at plan location and depth compatible with other utilities and storm drains. Otherwise, every new placement and every replacement of existing utility poles and other utility system structures above Grade shall conform to the following: Utility poles, traffic signal poles or other approved essential roadside obstacles may be placed within the Right-of-Way, and shall be as far back from the Traveled Way or Auxiliary Lane as practicable. When allowed, they shall be located as follows: 6-40 233 a. On shoulder-type or mountable curb streets, installation of new or relocated poles or obstacles shall be located behind existing ditches and in accordance with the criteria in this Section and Standard Plan 6-50. Placement of a guard rail or traffic barrier between the Traveled Way and the pole or obstacle shall not satisfy this requirement, unless the guard rail or barrier already exists for other purposes and the pole provides a minimum of 3.5' separation from the barrier. Deviations will be considered only when other reasonable alternatives do not exist. b. On vertical curb-type streets with a speed limit less than 40 mph, poles or obstacles shall be placed clear of sidewalks and at least 10' from face of curb to face of obstacle in commercial/business areas and in the planter strip at 3' from face of curb to face of obstacle in residential areas. On urban streets with speed limits of 40 mph or greater, hazardous objects shall be placed as close to the right-of-way line as practicable, and a minimum of 10' from the edge of the Traveled Way, face of curb or edge line to the face of obstacle and in accordance with Standard Plan 6-50. c. Notwithstanding other provisions regarding pole locations described in these Standards, no pole shall be located so that it poses a hazard to the general public. Utilities shall place and replace poles with primary consideration given to public safety. Existing utility poles, in locations that do not comply with these Standards, and are damaged through vehicle collision, shall be considered a hazard by the City and be relocated by the Utility, at their expense, in accordance with these Standards. Additionally, existing utility poles that do comply with these Standards and are damaged through vehicle collision more than 3 times in any 10 year period shall be relocated by the responsible Utility as approved by the Engineer at their expense. d. Every effort shall be made to meet these Standards during emergency replacement of existing utility poles and other structures. After a pole has been replaced, all utilities sharing that pole shall have a maximum of 180 days to relocate their facilities to the new pole and remove the old pole. e. The above constraints on pole and obstacle location will not apply to locations not accessible by moving vehicles, "Breakaway Structures" whose break-off resistance does not exceed that of a single 4" x 4" wood post or a 1.5" standard (hollow) iron pipe, or to "breakaway" fire hydrants installed according to manufacturer's specifications. f. For franchised utility permits, the Utility must request any deviation from pole and obstacle clearance criteria in accordance with Section 1.17 Design Deviations. Up to three contiguous damaged or weakened poles may be replaced at existing locations in accordance with emergency procedures. However, sequential permits resulting in continuous replacement of a pole line shall not 6-41 234 be allowed. A pole or other obstacle, which incurs repeated damage from errant vehicles, shall be relocated outside the Clear Zone. See Standard Plan 6-51. g. Locations of poles shall also be compatible with Driveways, Intersections, street trees, underground utilities, and other street features (i.e., they shall not interfere with sight distances, street signing, traffic signals, Culverts, etc.). To the extent possible, utilities shall share facilities so that a minimum number of poles are needed. h. Where street uses leave insufficient overhang, anchor, and tree- trimming space for overhead utilities, additional easements and/or Right-of-Way may be required to accommodate the utilities. The costs associated with additional easements and/or Right-of-Way for this purpose shall be borne by the Developer, Utility, builder, or other party initiating the improvement. The associated cost of relocating the utility system shall not be borne by the City. i. Notwithstanding other provisions, underground systems shall be located at least 5' away from the Street centerline. Additionally, the underground systems shall not disturb existing survey monuments, unless there is no reasonable alternative. 6.17.113 Utility Underground Installations All hard surface street crossings shall be jacked or bored. Exceptions will be on a case-by-case basis with the approval of the Engineer. The current WSDOT Standard Specifications, Sections 7-08 and 7-08.3(3) will generally apply, unless otherwise stated. 1. New Street Construction, Reconstruction and Widening: a. Cuts on Traveled Way: When approved, the open cut shall be a neat-line cut made by saw-cutting a continuous line. Trench sides shall be kept as nearly vertical as possible. Compaction and restoration must be done as detailed below and immediately after the trench is backfilled, so as to cause least disruption to traffic. The asphalt or cement pavement shall be cut a minimum of 1' beyond all edges of the trench. See Standard Plans 6-64 through 6-69. On crossings required to be opened to traffic, and prior to final trench restoration, steel plates shall be installed by the contractor, as directed by the Engineer. b. Cuts parallel and traverse to Street alignment: The entire trench backfill depth must meet 95% of the maximum density compaction as determined by the compaction control tests described in Section 2-03.3(14)D of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. 6-42 235 Regardless of trench depth, the backfill material shall meet the requirements for Gravel Borrow per Section 9-03.14(1) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. When the material remaining in the trench bottom is unsuitable, the Excavation shall be continued to such additional depth and width as required by the Inspector. After Backfill and Compaction, an immediate cold mix patch shall be placed and maintained in good drivable condition acceptable to the Engineer. On asphalt pavement, a permanent hot mix patch the same thickness as the existing asphalt or a minimum of 2", whichever is greater, shall be placed and sealed with a paving grade asphalt within 7 calendar days on Arterial Streets and in the downtown area overlay and within 30 calendar days on all other streets. Cement concrete pavement shall be restored in accordance with Section 5-05.3(22) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications within the same time parameters stated above. Backfill material outside the street prism may be the excavated material as long as it is free of wood waste, debris, clods and/or any rocks exceeding 6" in any dimension and meets the Compaction requirements of Section 2-03.3(14)C of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. 2. Existing Streets: a. Cuts on Traveled Way: All hard surface street crossings shall be jacked or bored. Exceptions will be on a case-by-case basis with the approval of the Engineer, if it can be shown that Boring is not feasible due to conflicts or soil conditions, or unless the utility system, including drainage structures, can be installed just prior to reconstruction or overlay of the Street by a City Capital Improvement Project. When approved, the open cut shall be a neat-line cut made by saw-cutting a continuous line. Trench sides shall be kept as nearly vertical as possible. Compaction and restoration must be done as detailed below and immediately after the trench is backfilled, so as to cause least disruption to traffic. The asphalt or cement pavement shall be cut a minimum of 1' beyond all edges of the trench. See Standard Plans 6-64 through 6-69. b. Cuts Parallel to Street Alignment: In cuts parallel to the street alignment, the entire trench Excavation and restoration shall meet the requirements of Section 6.17.B.1b of these Standards. The restoration shall include, but is not limited to, repairing all failures and cracking of the paved surface, repairing failures caused by the construction activity, rebuilding the cross slope to uniformity, and overlaying the area where the pavement was removed. 6-43 236 c. Cuts Transverse to Street Alignment: 1. Without exception, the entire trench shall be backfilled with Crushed Surfacing Top Course meeting the requirements of Section 9-03.9(3) or Controlled Density Fill meeting the requirements of Section 2-09.3(1)E of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Backfill shall be placed and compacted mechanically in 6" lifts to 95% of the maximum density as determined by the compaction control tests described in Section 2-03.3(14)D of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. If the capability can be demonstrated, based on compaction equipment or quality of Backfill to achieve 95% density in thicker lifts, the depth of Backfill lifts may be increased up to 1'. If the Inspector approves use of Controlled Density Fill (CDF), it shall meet the requirements of Section of these Standards. 2. After Backfill and Compaction, an immediate cold mix patch shall be placed and maintained in a drivable condition acceptable to the Engineer. On asphalt pavement, a permanent hot mix patch the same thickness as the existing asphalt or a minimum of 2", whichever is the greater, shall be placed and sealed with a paving grade asphalt within 7 calendar days on Arterial Streets and within the downtown area overlay, and within 30 calendar days on all other streets. Cement concrete pavement shall be restored in accordance with Section 5-05.3(22) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications within the same time parameters stated above. d. Pavement restoration: Pavement restoration shall meet the following requirements for: Arterials: See Standard Plans 6-64 through 6-69. Non-Arterials: OCI >_ 75: See Standard Plans 6-64 through 6-69 and full width slurry seal or full width overlay with 1" of HMA Class 3/8" 75 > OCI >_ 55: See Standard Plans 6-64 through 6-69 and full width 2" HMA Class 1/2". OCI < 55: See Standard Plans 6-64 through 6-69. OCI is the overall condition index of the pavement. Please contact the City's Pavement Management Analyst at 253-856-5600 for the OCI of a particular Street. 3. Controlled Density Backfill: As an alternative to mechanical compaction, trench backfill above the bedding and below the base course or ATB may be accomplished by use of CDF in a design mixture according to Section 2-09.3(1)E of WSDOT Standard Specifications. The contractor shall provide a mix design in writing and the CDF shall not be placed until the Engineer has reviewed the mix design. CDF shall meet the requirements of Section 6-44 237 6-02.3(5)C of the WSDOT Standard Specifications and shall be accepted based on a Certificate of Compliance. The producer shall provide a Certificate of Compliance for each truckload of control density backfill. The Certificate of Compliance shall verify that the delivered material is in compliance with the mix design. Testing of CDF shall be in accordance with ASTM D4832. 6.17.0 Final Adjustment of Utility Facilities All utility system covers which are located on proposed asphalt streets, shall be temporarily placed at subgrade elevation prior to placing crushed surfacing material. Final adjustment of all covers and access entries shall be made following final paving as follows: 1. Saw-cutting or neat-line jack hammering of the pavement around lids and covers. Opening should not be larger than 12" beyond the radius of the cover. 2. Removing base material, surfacing course, and frame; adding raising bricks and grout; replacing frame and cover matching the finished Profile Grade of the surrounding pavement. 3. Filling and mechanically compacting around the structure and frame with crushed surfacing material or ATB, or placing in 5" minimum thickness of cement concrete Class 4000 to within 2" of the top. 4. Filling the remaining 2" with HMA compacted and sealed to provide a dense, uniform surface. 5. Final adjustment of all covers and access entries shall be completed within 30 days of final paving. 6.18 Final Cleanup In addition to restoration of the Street as described above, the responsible Developer shall care for adjacent areas in compliance with Sections 1-04.11 "Final Cleanup" and 8-01 "Roadside Seeding" in the WSDOT Standard Specifications. In particular: 6.18 A Streets Streets shall be cleaned and swept, both during and after the installation Work. The contractor shall remove any track-out material by the end of the work day, when the material causes a safety issue, or when required by the Engineer. 6.18 B Disturbed Soils Disturbed soils shall be Finished Graded, seeded and mulched after installation of utilities. In limited areas, seeding and mulching by hand, using approved methods, will be acceptable. 6-45 238 6.18 C Ditch Lines Ditch lines with soil susceptible to Erosion and subject to rapid flows may require seeding, matting, netting, check dams, or rock lining to control Erosion. 6.18 D Downstream Drainage Any silting of downstream drainage facilities, whether ditches or pipe and catch basins, which results from the construction activity shall be cleaned out and the Site restored to a stable condition as part of Site cleanup. 6.18 E Temporary Control Materials and Fencing Remove all temporary erosion and sediment control materials and fencing and dispose of properly, when authorized by the Engineer. 6.19 Roadway Design Standards Table 6.7 Arterial Roadways I Collector Roadways Local Roadways Design I Arterial Residential Industrial/ Parameter Principal Minor I _ Commercial Residential Private Industri Residential Street Street Streets al Standard Plan 1 6-2, 6-3 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-11, 6-12 6-15 Design Capacity 30,000 — 20,000 — <15,000 <5,000 <3,500 5,000 — <1,000 <90 ADT 50,000 30,000 10,000 (mph 2 Design Speed 35 — 60 35 — 45 30 — 35 30 — 35 30 — 35 30 — 35 30 25 Intersection 2600' 1300' 600' 600' 300' 300, 200' 200' Spacing Intersection Tangent3 150' 150' 100, 100, 100, 100, 50' 10, Gradient 9%4 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% $ 15% 5 Maximum Gradient Minimum 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% Curb Return Radius 35' 35' 35' 35' 25' 35' 25' Geometric Design WB-50 WB-50 I WB-62 BUS-40 BUS-40 WB-62 BUS-40 BUS-40 Vehicle Driveway Corner Clearance 7 300' 200' I 100, 100, 100, I 50' 20' 20'8,9 Dwy to Dwy Separation 10 300' 200' I 200' 200' 50' 100' 10' 10' 6-46 239 Table 6.8 Arterial and Collector Streets Design Values Design Speed (mph) Z 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Min. horizontal curvature for 6% Stopping Sight 275 380 510 650 835 1,065 1,340 Distance, radius (ft) (max allowable on arterials) 11 1 F Stopping sight distance (ft) 200 250 305 360 425 495 570 Intersection/Driveway sight distance ft Right turn movement 12 290 335 385 430 480 530 575 Left-turn moveme nt (to cross 1 lane 335 390 445 500 555 610 665 Passing sight distance (ft) 1090 1280 1470 1625 1835 1985 2135 for 2 lane street Vertical Curve Length W sag (min) 15,16 37 49 64 79 96 115 136 W crest(min) 15 19 29 44 61 84 114 151 Table 6.9 Local Streets Design Values Design Speed (mph) Z 25 30 Min. horizontal curvature for normal crown section, radius (ft) 17,18 180 330 Stopping sight distance (ft) 155 200 Intersection/Driveway sight distance Right turn movement (ft) 9 240 290 Left-turn movement(to cross 1 lane) loll 280 335 6-47 240 Tables 6.7, 6.8 and 6.9 - Street Design Standards Summary -Footnotes 1. The horizontal widths may be increased to accommodate bio-swales, special mid- block or intersection geometric configurations, and bus turn-outs. 2. The Design Speed is equivalent to the posted speed plus five (5) miles per hour. 3. Distance is measured from the P.C.R. (Point of Curb Return) to the centerline P.C. (Point of Curvature) or P.T. (Point of Tangent). 4. The design maximum of 9% for streets classified as Principal Arterials is based upon criteria from the Washington State DOT. This design maximum may be exceeded for routes not anticipated to be reclassified as State Highways, or for which no practical/economic alternative exists. 5. Street gradients that exceed 12%, up to the design maximum of 15%, must be approved by the Fire Marshal. Approval may include the requirement that fire suppression sprinkler systems be installed in all residential structures that have their sole access from that street. 6. At the intersection of two dissimilarly classified streets, the larger curb return radius shall be used. Two-centered or three-centered curves should be used on oblique angle intersections, or in order to accommodate WB-62 or WB-50 vehicles. 7. Distance is measured from the near side of the driveway to the ultimate location of the P.C.R. of the adjacent intersecting street. City approval of driveways within this buffer zone may be contingent upon driveway geometrics that restrict turns to either right-in or right-out only. Reciprocal access agreements with the adjoining property owners may also be required as a condition of location approval. 8. Residential driveways shall be a minimum of 5' from the nearest edge to the property line. 9. On a case-by-case basis, cul-de-sacs may be allowed less than a 10' separation. 10. For parcels adjacent to a traffic signal, 300' shall be used unless a traffic study successfully demonstrates that the intersection area of influence is less than 300'. 11. The superelevation rate may be increased with the permission of the Engineer. Superelevation rates of 0.06 should not be exceeded on routes that are anticipated to have significant truck traffic in the travel stream, or on streets that are anticipated to have on-street parking permitted. Superelevation should not be used on local residential streets. 12. Entering Sight Distance shown is for a stopped passenger vehicle to turn right onto a two-lane roadway with grades of three percent or less. The time gap used in calculation of the right turn sight distance is 6.5 seconds. For other conditions the time gap must be adjusted and required sight distance re-calculated. (See AASHTO "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets"). 13. Entering Sight Distance shown is for a stopped passenger vehicle to turn left onto a two-lane roadway with no median and grades of three percent or less. The time gap used in calculation of the left turn sight distance is 7.5 seconds. For other conditions the time gap must be adjusted and required sight distance re-calculated. (See AASHTO "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets"). 6-48 241 14. For multi-lane roadways: For left turns onto a two-way roadways with more than two lanes, add 0.5 seconds for passenger cars and 0.7 seconds for trucks to the time gap for each additional lane from the left, in excess of one, to be crossed by the turning vehicle. 15. The length of vertical curve per percent change in the algebraic difference of the adjacent grades or "k" values are based on AASHTO's "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets". 16. The AASHTO "comfort curve" for sag curve design, where the length of the sag curve is determined by the equation to the L =AxV2 right is an acceptable alternative if adequate supplemental street 46.5 illumination is provided. ("A" = the algebraic difference in roadway longitudinal gradients, "V" = Design Speed) 17. For residential streets with lower design speeds, this value may be reduced upon approval by the Engineer. Superelevation and upgraded street drainage may be used to reduce this minimum. 18. For "L" or 90 degree turns the centerline radius can be reduced to 55'. 19. See Standard Plan 6-1 Intersection Geometry Reference for more information. 6-49 242 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 6-50 243 6.20 Street System Standard Plans 6-1 Intersection Geometry Reference 6-2 Principal Arterial Street 7 Lane Section 6-3 Principal Arterial 5 Lane Section and Minor Arterial Street 6-4 Industrial Collector Arterial Street 6-5 Residential Collector Arterial Street 6-6 Residential Collector 6-7 Industrial / Commercial Local Streets 6-8 Downtown Overlay - Minor Arterial Street 6-9 Downtown Overlay - Residential Collector Arterial Street 6-10 Downtown Overlay - Industrial/Commercial Street 6-11 Residential Parking One Side Local Street 6-12 Residential Parking Both Sides Local Street 6-13 Public Residential Half-Street 6-14 Alley 6-15 Private Street 6-16 Porous Pavement Cross-Section 6-17 Street Median 6-18 Standard Cul-de-Sac 6-19 Urban Eyebrow 6-20 Typical Elbow 6-21 Standard Hammerhead Private Street Only 6-22 Temporary Cul-de-Sac 6-23 Intersection Landing 6-24 Traffic Calming - Traffic Circle 6-25 Traffic Calming - Gateway 6-26 Traffic Calming - Residential Intersection Neckdowns 6-27 Traffic Calming - Arterial/Residential Intersection Neckdowns 6-28 Traffic Calming - Chokers 6-29 Traffic Calming - Speed Cushion 6-30 Traffic Calming - Raised Intersection 6-31 Bike Route - Signed Shared Roadway 6-51 244 6-32 Trail 6-33 Cement Concrete Curbs 6-34 Curb and Sidewalk Joints 6-35 Expansion and Contraction Joints 6-36 Downtown Sidewalk 6-37 Downtown Crosswalk 6-38 Curb Ramp Locations 6-39 Cement Concrete Sidewalk Transition to Asphalt Shoulder 6-40 Sidewalk for Mailbox Cluster 6-41 Handrails 6-42 Residential Cement Concrete Driveway Approach 6-43 Commercial Cement Concrete Driveway Approach 6-44 Industrial Cement Concrete Driveway Approach 6-45 Alternate Driveway or Private Street Approach 6-46 Private Street Approach Serving 9 Lots or Less 6-47 Joint Use Driveway Tract 6-48 Residential Driveway Slope 6-49 Sample Site Plan 6-50 Clear Zones Clearance of Roadside Obstacles for Utilities on Existing 6-51 Shoulder Type Road 6-52 Intersection/Driveway Sight Triangle 6-53 Pedestrian Sight Lines 6-54 Street Tree Locations 6-55 Street Tree Planter 6-56 Sidewalk Bollard with Receptacle 6-57 Site Grading 6-58 Minor Fills Around Trees 6-59 Cuts and Fills Around Trees 6-60 Walls in Cut Section for Public ROW 6-61 Walls in Fill Section for Public ROW 6-62 Walls under Sidewalk for Public ROW 6-63 Height Measurements for Perimeter Wall Locations 6-52 245 6-64 Flexible Pavement Patching Transverse Cut 6-65 Flexible Pavement Patching Longitudinal Cut 6-66 Asphalt Overlay for Roadway Trench Repair 6-67 Rigid Pavement Patching Transverse Cut 6-68 Rigid Pavement Patching Longitudinal Cut 6-69 Pavement Restoration for Window Cuts or Pot Holing 6-70 Mailbox Installation Types 1 and 2 6-71 Roadway Barricades 6-72 Standard Monument Case & Cover 6-73 Typical R.P.M Lane Markings 6-74 Typical Thermoplastic Lane Markings 6-75 Thermoplastic Crosswalk Markings 6-76 Thermoplastic Arrows, Stop Bars and Only Legend 6-77 Fire Lane Marking Detail 6-78 Railroad Warning Pavement Markings 6-79 Typical Bike Lane Markings 6-80 Symmetrical Left-Turn Pocket 6-81 Left-Turn Pocket Detail at end of Two-Way Left-Turn Lane 6-82 Sign Installation 6-83 Street Name Sign Installation 6-84 Street Name Signs 6-85 Mast Arm Mounted Street Name Sign 6-86 City Light Standard 6-87 City Post Top Fixture Light Standard 6-88 City Gullwing Fixture Light Standard 6-89 Light Standard Foundation & Junction Box 6-90 Junction Box and Street Light Wire Runs 6-91 Street Light Trench for Conduit Runs 6-92 Street Light Schedule 6-93 Standard Junction Box, Types 1 & 2 6-94 Heavy Duty Junction Box, Types 4, 5 & 6 6-95 Light Duty Junction Box, Types 7 & 8 6-96 Service Cabinet, Concrete Base and One-Line Diagram 6-53 246 6-97 Traffic Signal Controller and UPS Base 6-98 Induction Loop Details 6-99 Induction Loop Installation Notes 6-100 Induction Loop Placement 6-101 Turning Template AASHTO Type P Vehicle 6-102 Turning Template AASHTO Type SU Vehicle 6-103 Turning Template AASHTO Type BUS-40 Vehicle 6-104 Turning Template AASHTO Type WB-50 Vehicle 6-105 Turning Template AASHTO Type WB-62 Vehicle 6-54 247 R DISTANCE PER 'DRIVEWAY LOCATION' (ON TABLE 6.7,6.8) I � I + � PRINT OF CURB r Dom, — owr. RETURN[P,C,R.] (TYP.) 4-A DISTANCE PER I 'nwr.To 4wr.SEPARATION' 1 _ (ON TABLE 6.7,6.8) f IJ I DISTANCE PER I 'INTERSECTION TANGENT' (ON TABLE 6.7 6.9) E.C. DISTANCE PER k SECTION 1 B.C. i 6.6 DISTANCE PER "RECOVERY TANGENT" (ON TABLE 6.7,6.8) 1 t 1 � ` l I �p5 EPA NOTE;THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT of WASy, AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE yea 9� ENGTNEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF RENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF K.ENT ENGINEERN0 DEPARTMENT p s STel-"�° qr�� KEN T INTERSECTION GEOMETRY ��JQNAL "'•••..•... REFERENCE MWN E STAH4NtA Km 1 GWCK0 RIE 6-1 ^q f V f FPPR05E I 248 w W H 3Nn a o a pp a ¢ G u U �p $ a sir 6 ¢y zy [Q] w u- � 3:U V7 3�a ND W fl3 p u W p W x �aa Q W W O tidN Nx N 0.2 �LnIn Lu 7 etl � (+} 7 +f--I Q� oC 1 V u~rr E-,ay u m I.-r a¢w �s Jaoo d� ujzq2a� dS a2 a7 j 4�� u,mr.,W N 2 F" O F- irfc[ 'j'' �a7 ww � � W 2 U' 4�. � a o w W i Z'in mus SvlmQ aQ ;z In NN NN 0to 7 N' L.7 7 a 4 �p C �� c3w s .~i Z d y ¢o- N z wpm •N ¢ U In w W m 0. yy N uJ 6 F 6 co Q�C N EEnF0 nE o 00 ns aw C F H Fa S m W D a h L1 W F-� awi 3L^ ��¢ as x V W W �.y 2;� A W Q• a� �a Q� �H hass < as rl<i�owo pj�a�1 p.i p Ina W2a �� In J�d h ti LU N JJJJ �S Mw i28 o_pa 7- �d 3NT1 LAI z x 0. :i 0 a " a M p w M w 2 0�' a z t> .Z .; ri r i � vi C)S Ep NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DocUMEN7 BUT y` dF WASyl AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE WLu ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT o ❑ h �.7 0 THE CITY OF KENT,A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. a a CITY OF KENT p S C140INEERINO DEPARTMENT �Or{ 4'F ISTSV& � ]BEN r PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL STREET Sj�71+IAL ""'"'..... 7 LANE SECTION J �+ DESIGNED D1Yf4 �t STAIDMO PWi r ,�t uruwH� 1 J �tPPRwea 249 In m In 'y+u -10 C 2 z g � 3H17 Irl� - D,°o t� z ra m t-n Q"a; 9:1 N o a. N Fx g d C LLJ 7 cc: d � fm W N O C7 C 1 W a d o 0 l(�IyL�j I7 ¢ W m W W Y J [ ry LLa U QO VI wQ W S V. .-. V' �Q❑ > Sdm N az a^ 04 �.� in� mgzn� W❑ yVl vi� p¢cj mm w zo B CD -.z tj r�u� u U,.y'Y. a m�u. N cif r o �e`�i�in cn FF m aC uj If] J n"+y j Z Aa ¢ O � Lpai ui5 �� } A W O Q Q ¢ vi c' 2°� I'. u� m W BB N }Tp�p� 7w q� s F Q F' W N 3NF11JIN Q~ a7 Q$ L' z N W y 4pQ! T _~T O � N �` Ct I7 �Q �� �� fQ� m 4 � N Y ip .1Y 01 Lrk �Ili �_ ❑ �W VI o Q o w� � IaLn n � rrp rir� ¢ mow ag vW �vzu4, wo 5u p m,wco in yy pp 6 Fry �Z �4 Q� dyr-i a p Lr � .i r.i r•i sr u i p NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT WAS y AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE c ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT y THE CITY OF SCENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT + ENOINEERiNO DEPARTMENT E� PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL 5 LANE Cr TER ��10ENT SECTION AND MINOR AL ARTERIAL STREET pE'SIGNED NME _ STANDARD PIAR [ l O , c"EMD WN 7E - 6-3 APPR84[0 250 M oI~3UTI cc n d W cc dry r41 �m ¢N W in �� Yo-LLi Nil NI in N N Qt"-i t LLL, $2 o `arum Sz[a 2.o 0� EnW N to $O,�,N Q m m s C]Lb cc N N [ �L1 LA x m N lieD 1 11 } � ¢ a U Lo 4' J 4J4 N O y a W W W u W S a - a WCWn vl wy�❑ is '. L a w cn ¢x 0 12 0. J 0.Lq fl] ST R7 n (g az t�� dN �-1 N w111 r-1 ti W Z) Ln Ln Z' Ln a Yal a �i o � .ti ri r•i � ui w S �OSEP{z NOTE.THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BL1T of WAS y AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINE ER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT y� dal' THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KNT ENGINEERiNGHa E DEPARTMENT T9- W4 � NT INDUSTRIAL COLLECTOR L "•.","�: ARTERIAL STREET DFSPG?tE0-- - SCALE 'OH E ST►NDARD PWi DRAWN CHECKED APPAO'JED 251 a N �d W V❑ N� a pc az �� �In W C]d Wg CC __ y o U Lu cc __f din 3NIIM1?1 IQ to dA in� og'a� N In ff m a ¢O O NIs ry o[� ?�wz N pU {j d N fV E �NLn Y N �w v I r+W 1'1W �0�..1Q NQ pp d Inaj07 C tA Lu Lu � ry Q L7 Q d L7 z �E U Ya �y�j L Ln X �d'2ONC u ❑�d a 6 m V�OU �� ul O� Q iv in a i�w to c C W�" j- i71 Q 9r i I ;,;w a O II n Q 7 1 u< o aura o N smz � O O _jL7 a a� d 4 Lu WN 0' �w ❑ Z Q LLI to J W O M uJ W M-0 wm 3N17 AM1hl., C M a o p-p -a u�i a w3 wZ L 0 J�3 c°Ca env' a n Lu 2aaa }� V Q of fz LIJ U w y off¢ ya 7u d W y� I.W..2 N Y 7 V I yi.W x NOTE:THIS PLAN IS HOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT WAS AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT ❑ yY z THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. y CITY OF SENT ENGINEERING GEPARTAIENT GIST 1 s30�° ���. RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR � s'�jAL KENT ARTERIAL STREET NES[TNEP�JJA�.,� ��pNE STANDARD PLAN J.!p/ owvrN— sNEcu — _ 6-5 APPROVED 252 Ln 15 �D fir. W d ILL-!C7 Q N 0.0 In O yljs� wt;w mc! �+ :W � �6" Lu o o� 0Lu ��s U W o 3NI7MJN -- 1n aw ITN ry W m Z Z Imo/v3 m QW InQ isl 4 C{w 2 P. c J 8"nn�awc w q ifl W c9. F U� m� rv3 m Na J Q Q 4 4Z L.1 .-i �. X T 2 L.1 w U N W Y L' Ste^ 0 w ce C ED F, �W W�p2 J= [,]a S�J W L. W o� lq-- o �VObu C-n WS O dOW a �m� Fq-- w SMuoi a a Aao rvW5 � w Z W Z �.L-7n Q�W cp m ce dm toN qw F Z Z 3 ti w s s �� 20 0x �❑ a u W F W w W Q D 0 X w w u In � cn co arX a luau u,� way 0 3NI1Mh1 d � a ra 0a� v, _ ^,'' J ��a x� � .. � O�to a � 2wm a Q¢ O u4�u a I ate � Nn w w W Y�wT U� CZ Q of }- <Ln m a ¢a U o y� 2 rw IV ri •t VI lD NOTE;THIS PLAN I NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT • ❑F WAS y AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT 0 mY T THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, CITY OF FCENT b EHOINEERINGHO 6EPARTIAEFlT I 93 G1ST�R I' KENT RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR a DESN'NEO M S-WX)AM PLM 6-6 /II/ APPROVEr? 253 /\ m ~rA \2 / �§ � �\ �Lu lu� m § § §§ e §§ a§ < w 1 i§ k§ ( §\b /+ w q£ o z %�7 e� A § § k 2 § $ \j $o q§( q In 2\ § (/q z {�/ § o • §� 2 « $[ \ [uk 0 § § 2 e § )E 2 § N in m §B &]A� Ln§ § § < 33 ) n (ea ) � { 2)\ § § § 2 co § k @ o « e § G ¢ 0<< � fib[ ° E §§ j /§$ k / ( � / 4 / / \o � _� m7:m3PLA IS NOT AEGEAL ENGINEERING mGRr� $ �y \ AN ELECTRONIC DU PUCAT E 2Ea GglALSGI ,m BY THE R a & ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 3KP� Ia FILL AT J THE£m E ENT A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON RmuSeT, ` CITY OF KENT ENGI_m_ DEPARTMENT_ � er ° 777 INDUSTRIAL / COMMER mL 00At --.'. LOCAL STREETS ewe r, ___ __ • '� §7 _ . — / B-7 254 N wcc pWp W win w T 8WNW y 5 E)NI(lIfl9 g -� -gr ��� b x i =on �5 a1-122I�7 � ce-j W 4d W Lri N2 [] W Up❑ jxOdw Or ry a ° ¢ mocz�4� cn ¢ z z p z Y �a �W boa �� NL) ul a w J5 Q N u vi =per pt7 D im u d ua FG ry N v W 2 pwc r�Y� i N p..{1❑rJ p�[ vats min o W N ¢��V�a �? s 4r �+++ (n N da ❑�� �lii �u,wo� � ivy w ¢ Q❑ U p .�!W Ny IN� o [fl' Q; n C6 6 .i m E U8 W CS 4- a�i p fL9 V7 J Ln u lil w Wp W In 9 L u'...0 ❑S W d a 1 ¢°t ck: S `' z �wR R, z � OC Uri a3 wp M wlJ LLpi aH qv� � w¢I- go �y w❑ a u"�1 } ¢ yam in in w F z Q a¢ Gam, s y ¢ dd2a� T '�NFO]Infl m u� x�'W �`n SE f N fii u.r Lu tn AU2 uj c Lno yWu wN wa za w� pcGw i N FQ cc -m N II-- a oP a: 2 .-i N I.'i V hi 16 NOTE:THIS PLAN LS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNET]BY THE �p5 t, EC <� ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS NE PT ON FILE AT WAS y� THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. py0 CITY OF I ENT H � � EN07idEERINa DEPARTMENT DOWNTOWN OVERLAY cI 1 3�Ea �Q� :�':'. T MINOR ARTERIAL STREET O,D ST E iT OEMAED g ,103,E_ STANOM o slONAL atawn+ {/•� _I7 MPRWE9 255 Y b ip !JNI(nfng fn U U w ui F ILU IA N n-In 6 W c+ Lry W Ill " 0- of In a cce !s fl " U) n [n� ❑ N Q - U W [� W m CC W Z J Ill LLp nn a I ¢ �i �O ❑ N 3ELn N N C.1 u Fpp' tD mm Ln dd Ln <Lu L1 19 n �f fn ce 3 z oo c V u m N N 2 L/l N N , w o a d 0 p Q cc �Z, W. 4 4 LLI W riJ zz Y w d a W 2 lu r�i d G V p z m 4 L 2 DNInI[f19 a z ¢M w Z W "�a U A"� 0 s¢s o Aw F-- Sw uI rY N W W o C C_ — I= - II 42Nt�� 4 Q oz a d ❑ W Lu �+ ❑ r 6 u.r W p w ual ul 'Q ��w� N 7 d N d .Na E 2 ¢ [[ to iU W wwy 'a m z 9 co �05EP{7 NOTE;THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT op WASy AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE 6RIGINALI SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT y THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING P£PARTmENT O F TEREOi �� DOWNTOWN OVERLAY S KENT RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR sslbNAL """'°• ARTERIAL STREET r Qf51GHEt7._(l'1 N"E I 5IMDAM)PLAN NlAW1I.__aa _ CHY-KED MP LJ .7 256 O L7 p SNIMMU A Ln m G N V W W in N N r W Z W N LJ F- M EL 2 a Y pY Q W ¢N Lu Lx, (AVl U1 Lf1 (n a 20 .V1- yy¢L'En ��d �a � w V y[ R ¢w W N N Z a F J au k W is o W u n 20 u"J2 ?_� a 1!� N W d} ,y 0.. tII 2 m 2 a z w z W a c ❑ N l -W] i a ' taxo off N ¢ > OC m a W hhhFh u N p � a aY 0 cy rxii Y A w W ,y CIS W y[ �W7 r.7 ccN U W y c9 .-1 a W -g r,m X, N cc ti a j 4[ N DNIQTIf18 gg n U m �n $.I t37 6 �Q NA p S Q Q N y` g 2 W U F- 1-In Q F Q� ergo A M IA N� zl �4 �i m -T 41; W R}E] NOTE:THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT ��'Li"P AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNE❑SY THE S {� ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT 5� a�WASy,� THE CITY OF KENT,A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ENOINEER3NO DEPARTMENT DOWNTOWN OVERLAY a ° -T INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL . " �, LOCAL STREET �, NIGRldE� E HDNE STAHEVRA P" Q TONAL�' O! CHECK E U—1 V APPRVJEO 257 C] $aZ) M a�Ln�ae ¢ �o OuQi �y� cu�2v Lu df C7 PLj[~rl ❑rum�.Ni fnW 0.}� o a r`na V1En IArY 3NIT M/H r>, H N H a p W LA p V1 L� Q o H eu us a z ui W ¢ o Env� aLn a N Y'1 N 2 n W E- � o G a CC N } a an a � 5 ¢a . P 4 o zi Q g .0 a 30" m M a ¢w4 i+l of ¢w N u� aul Rri❑ y. d ry en tn 77VVrLL J m 17J CAI-� � zN ¢u�i � m❑� ' Ln to N wLu s .4 (D Ni v vi S()SEP�1 NOTE;THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING pOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBUCA71ON IS KEPT ON FILE AT y4 THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ty CITY OF KENT ENLMI NMRING DEPARTMEW A a s RESIDENTAL — PARKING ,t+ gle ONE SIDE L LOCAL STREET NNrs crNen sru+uRD PLAN N DPAW �G d� C,ad 6—i i ---- 258 15 0 w LA `p 0.yd� c }S oOv�i 00. o tu zfti— { `y0.�� p � rn a:�n L,rn U 3Nn A4h{ ' �� in N� ry v d i1I,4LJJ n fl} o m N =D uj w V) u 7 a]ta CJ Ci1 (7 Vl m z Ja } W c, i a m uj 3 �y Q'Lb m Q F 3NI3 MRi _ S� puu mW-!3 n � Zw m� R .. Cj p� n�a c�i uF3 zx � i2 w ge sit zwnM- In N D N m m Q X m o a �Lu mNo d Ln In E��I NOTE:THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 9F WA$y� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL SIGNED BY THE �c ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT D v x THE CITY OF MT,A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ENGINEERM40 orpAitmewr Ec B3R�a � RESIDENTIAL - PARKING Te BOTH SIDES �IppL$Ly LOCAL STREET OESN',NEU � — SCueebrrw ww DRIWN E_ 6--12 APP 259 W F W y iEz 2� � v! �77 pp W L1 ..1 C W W Wd 0 Q}2 �❑Lu P., FFFF"77Q"''vsz6N S w pF¢pF nn N 1 U w W 7 N R¢COf7 Y% m W 6 w= �-F_ ce En rr-. m u1}i W �ce 3�lll'MM' 0. � 0 z�2N7a z x i+1 �� N� N~ 0. � ❑Q Illd❑ N neLn ❑ Lu N ` N w Ln W �yW xy W K N Q O W O W N d N Q C7 Q V CJ N w T z pgg zo474 O4 z2 U� �p�ppp F- rn W .m-r u7 O d a co- �� ri3 r o oCJ of z a rv ¢?Lu ¢� D Q NUQ rpv 0 n...❑:+ LA r1l Qm�"LL O OWO 1 ❑ ❑ C?7 p 6En Q 33LL 2 uj ov �4 cn mW a U,in T M O ¢ PQ ¢ w� 44� � R� �i%.� WI Z N a m M ago ❑w -a m Wa �cc.. QwQN ❑ v JOSEP NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DDCUM ENT BUT o�WAS y�y AN ELECTRONIC 1)UPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION I5 KEPT ON FILE AT my ice THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ENGINEERINO DEPAMENT isT�R� ��KE PUBLIC RESIDENTIAL L D "••�.�,�• HALF—STREET R AW l+r omc;tNFL e STµ�0� 260 n a o W a1 W R. O a wa -- @Nn mM N b T N o e N aNn Mid G � am a? a'i 4 Q S wz R1> a a a 7 Ln Ln wwLu w 8 8 v,N w _ N� sz $ 0 o lea a � a o� F o� o� o4a4 Ca'.1p �pSEPjy NOTE;TH15 PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT �y of WAS y� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVFD FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT Q �v o THE CITY OF KENT.A CCPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ti [y CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING GSPARTFIE4[T 423 ALLEY DESIGXFYS�'X E XONc `'T'W���� Q DRHNX��_ CHECKED E V C—1 ,! `f nm MPftOVE 261 Y � iA b me d a w yap aG �� Uw cm, 0 G ` rN in a+n BLn6 dd N Q 11l Q w 3NI�ALa3dOLd�� z r / µ1 Q LLJS � nz O Ll a� az ..yW «�f uw1 oc y�y W � vy+oGa L�II 6 P w qP w w� W n W TcS $ $ 7W J En % c$ N o oc� rri M ❑ Q W 4 N K '-" r ~ mn F W W P r+L, u 3 W^�' W w ❑ PiY, a P ¢E? d Lq �q 6� m❑ xo w 3Nn AIE3d011d p N N - �8�; ii V) o uj oa u0.U� q zp~ a P a L] lu w vor0 p z� �'� P Ca p �ii a z �a ❑u� eEr iiy7 er1J �[1C i S(G)SE NOTE:THIS PLAH I NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT y 1 of WAsy�y AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE h ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION I5 KEPT ON FILE AT CC] yY THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. -3 CITY OF IfENT EN[31NEERINONO 6E?ARTL![NT 1493 a c}„ � �8 'VR� KENT PRIVATE 'ADXAL •• �• STREET �ESIGHEI7—�W11__ HONE J SYAHRARk P11V1 URF3YH r Joe � uEcxm 6-3 5 262 BERM TO PREVENT OFF-SITE RUN-ON EYCTRUDED CURB,SEE STD.PLAN 6-33 DECORATIVE STONE POROUS PAVEMENT DEPTH TO BE OR RIP RAP DETERMINED BY PAVEMENT DESIGN GRAVEL FILTER LAYER PER WSDOT 9"MIN, STO.SPECIFICATION 2'MIN. 9-03.12(4) DEPTHS DETERMINED BY f RESERVOIR YER ENGINEERING STUDY PER WSDOT 9.63.12(5) 1 - r� GRAVEL FILTER LAYER REVERSE PERFORATED PIPE TO PER WSDOT STD. DRAIN>2YR.STORAGE VOLUME PERMEABLE SOIL SPECIFICATION 9-43.12(4) STRATA FILTER FABRIC- MIRAFI 140 OR APPROVED EQUAL SIDE VIEW NOT TO SCALE oSEP�I NOTE.THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT a�WASHY AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNE❑BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT D �Y See THE CUY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. h CITY OF KENT ['tf ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT sa a E v,{ sT�R `c� POROUS PAVEMENT ENT CROSS—SECTION '�'�IONAL EN bE53cHEa_ _' E NONE _ STi MIM PITH p� OWSWH�B _ -r GHCpfEA 6—1 V [ APMA LT 263 STREET LIGHT V VARIES 1' NEW PAVEMENT J MATCH EXISTING l`C� E7QST[hFG PAVEMENT 20)6 MIN. 2%MIN. FLOW � � —� � ————— — z_r 5AWCUT '` REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT AND BASE COURSE PLANTER STRIP 0.5'TOPSOIL. TYPICAL RAISED MEDIAN TYPE 1V LANDSCAPE(PER KCC 15.07,050)REQUIRED, CEMENT CONCRETE TRAFFIC CURB- WSDOT PLAN F10.12-00 �OSE 1, NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING 0OCUMENT BUT �. aI WAS y� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE 4� c ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT a THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. W CNT EP401H ERiv 6tPAR�SAI"r A 21 3 O GISTSRf �E ^] STREET MEDIAN BESICNFD ! µnARD PLAN ytAwm V CHECKED C"'.1�J MPROVEV l 264 s.s RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE T SIDEWALK 10 g�D4P t r � I � BEGIN TRANSITION FROM COMBINED CURB AND GUTTER TO ROLLED CURB ATTHE CURB RETURN PC a SEE NOTEQ R-3�0'{CURB} � R=30'[ROW} 2'MIN. I Z'MIH. r R=5'(MK OF SIW) i NOTES PLANTER STRIP 1. "NO PARKING'SIGNS TO BE POSTED WITHIN CUL-DE-SAC. I Z. CEMENT CONCRETE ROLLED CURB MAY BE USE❑ ON THE:CUL-DE-SAC WITH TRANSITION PER STANDARD PLAN 6-33.WHEN ROLLED CURB IS USED THE SIDEWALK DEPTH SHALL INCREASE FROM 4"TO 6" 3. THE MAXIMUM CROSS SECTION GRADE FOR A CUL-DE-SAC IS fiat.CROSS GRADES GREATER THAN gala MAY ONLY BE USED WHEN THE EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY EXCEEDS 10%IN GRADE. 5,D wEp NOTE.THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 4. NO DRIVEWAYS ALLOWED WITHIN 5'OF % aF yrtq' AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE CURB TRANSITION. �� w ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT D 4T THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. N CITY OF KENT ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT 2 T3g� `f,+ �► iCIG•T STANDARD CUL—DE—SAC BULB SIDNA W.—..— ON RESIDENTIAL STREET L DESIGNED NDyE _ SMDARD FLM d6-18 AP 265 . I Im y ti 12'MIN. @� • 4 1 PC TRANSITION FROM VERT.TO ROLLED CURB • ROUND CC RNE2S 04 ' (R=2'MIIN.) �P 4� RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ! 4' I IS'R 1 ISLAND I BEGIN n I TRANSITION FROM VERTICAL COMBINED EXTENDED EDGE CURB AND GUTTER TO OF TRAVE D WAY ROLLED CURT;ATTHE CURB RETURN PC f o NOTES: • I - 1. ISLAND REQUIRED ON EYEBROWS WtM AN OUTER RADIUS GREATER THAN 40'. 4 / !2'MIN -?°1 2. MINIMUM ISLAND DIAMETER SHALL SE 10', s • 3. ISLAND SHALL HAVE VERTICAL CURB. 4. CEMENT CONCRETE ROLLED CURB MAY BE USED ON THE EYEBROW WITH TRANSITION PER STD.PLAN 6-33,WHEN ROLLED CURB IS USED THE SIDEWALK DEPTH SHALL RIGHT-OF-WAY INCREASE FROM 4'TO 8'. LINE S. NO PARKING WITH)N.20'OF THE URBAN EYEBROW. I p @ NO DRIVEWAYS ALLOWED WITHIN S'OF CURB TRANSITION. 5'PLANTER STRIP DS EPA NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 5'SIDEWALK(TYP) `� OF WASy�yp AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE .L q� ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT Q �v THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ENOINE£RPNO DEPAMMENT 1 33 q ��•� T�R� '' �� !CENT URBAN EYEBROW ON RESIDENTIAL. STREET DESIGNED W_H _ VARMARD PLW MWN CHExxCK raleo .� fi--19 PRE 266 RJW LINE SACK OF STEM SIDEWALK 2'MIN. FACE OF y� CURS s . 450'MAX. �Kslppl TO FgCE D��� BULB a 3p, BEGIN TRANSITION roy 12'MIN FROM COMBINED CURB AND GUTTER TO ROLLED CURB AT THE CURB RETURN PC NOTES: T SIDEWALK{TYP 1. ALLOWED ON RESIDENTIAL ANN 5 PRIVATE STREETS ONLY, 5'PLANTER STRIP UW) 2.NO PARKING AROUND THE BULB AND ONE SIDE OF THE STEM, ' STEM oQ aN 3.5EE STANDARD PLAN 6-11 AND LL'. . z6.12 FOR STREET SECTION. 0 ct NOTE:THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT OSEP AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAC,SIGNED SY T?iE S ;I ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT y� aF%AS/,r THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF DENT C) y� � EHQINEERI!!O DEPARTMENT E 0 T TYPICAL ELBOW ON '� � 21 3 RESIDENTIAL STREET �p s� w..h�.d�e. CISTe' N>VNED swMwRD ter+ �SSIONAL BAG nRA%N6-20 m e APPROVE 267 m a 0 VERTICAL CURB&GUTTER(TYP) SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-33 30'R[fYp] CURB RAMP i E PC 70'(TYP) I 2V(M .] 5.5' I 5'WIDE SIDEWALK SEE STANDARD PLAN `f 6-15 PRIVATE STREET I NOTES: 1. "NO PARKING"SIGNS TO BE POSTED PRIOR TO,ALONG AND AFTER TURNAROUND FOR A DIST.OF 60'FROM THE PC.ADD FIRE LANE MARKINGS PER STANDARD PLAN 6-77. 2. TURNAROUNDS CANNOT USE A DRIVEWAY. S� E ;I NOTE.THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT Sys AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT H¢ THE CITY OF KENT,A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT [r1 ENGINMINO PEPARWENT HAMM HEAD VAL �4 Y NT PR V TEpSTRET ONLY oEsIGNm MR srmaA PIAM r L m[ OBAWH [f CHECI[fA M ~� 6-21 APPR 268 TEMPORARY EASEMENT REQUIRED PLAT BOUNDARY ASPHALT RAMP RIGHT-OF-WAY LIME SIDEWALK TYPE III BARRICADE PER STANDARD PLAN 6 71 a 5'CURB 45'RADIUS 5'MAXIMUM TRANSITION MIN. TO PAVEMENT 2:I�v SIDEWALK RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ASPHALT RAMP ASPHALT PAVEMENT FOR TEMPORARY CUL-DE-SAC TO MATCH ROADWAY TEMPORARY EASEMENT PAVEMENT SECTION REQUIRED NOTES: 1, BARRICADE REQUIRED AT END OF BULB. BARRICADES SHALL CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS OF SECTION 6F-63 IN THE CURRENT MUTCD. 2. THE SIDEWALK SHALL NOT BE EXTENDEDTHRU THE TEMPORARY CUL-DE-SAC, ASPHALT RAMPS MUST OCCUR PRIOR TO THE CUL-DE-SAC. 3. DEVELOPMENT ADJACENT TO A TEMPORARY CUL-DE-SAC SHALL BE RE SPONS I OLE TO REMOVE THE CUL-DE-SAC AND EXTEND THE ROADWAY, INCLUDING THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ANY DRIVEWAYS WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE ASPHALT REMOVAL 4. NO PARKING WITHIN THE CUL-DE-SAC. S()SEP�� NOTE:THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT aF WAS y� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT r~� THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING IIEPARTMENT 2149 �sSfONAL NT TEMPORARY CUL-DE-SAC DESIGNED Np STMDow PLw J R WN l CHECKED ATE S3"GL MP 269 ROAD CLASSIFICATION RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE VARIES 24'RESIDENTIAL 30'ARTERIAL OR INDUSTRIAL MIN.0.02 FT./FT. a a OR SUPERELEVATION F LANDING NOTE: 1. ON SLOPING APPROACHES AT THE INTERSECTION,LANDING SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH GRADE NOT TO EHCFED ONE FOOT DIFFERENCE IN ELEVATION TOR A DISTANCE OF 3D FEET APPROACHING AN ARTERIAL OR 20 FEET APPROACHING A RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL STREET,MEASURED FROM FUTURE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE(INTERSECTED BY AN IMAGINARY 2 PERCENT GRADE EXTENDED FROM CROWNED ROAD TO RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE)OF INTERSECTING STREET. SoSEP 7 NOTE;THIS PLAN IS NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING DOWMENT BUT WAS;, AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT y THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF IfENT � (z7 ENGffVEER1NGNp DEPARTMENT 21 ST�R Y KENT INTERSECTION LANDING sTIONAL f grown m It IV mom 6-23 270 W in tiles 6� Iaw W o iq w.Nr c9`v�C7 �C l�eD'v1 CAN F. n�tl+O 4 [] P N NI V N f1 a,O O N Y r4 N m aF a a U G Z 2 ce 0 v m+1+1+1+1 N 2 2 �I�CO iTC 2 0 O O p W IA O rn O 0 W En O v1 41 D,0 0 lnt 4 Ln O�1 C]4 N G C IA b m I!1 Ln cr to IA 4 4 ccLA In y' f] N 1I1 vl Y j r1 Y i N 4 4 N LA L 1 m rf w 2 ❑� W O ❑ w Ln Ln y Q I3 OC O y Lm O V,ON 74 IV Z.,En G� iV rn b]o rn o ice] 4, O e,/�o N W E.G in G tr;LA v s pi . n V .+ N fV V T " N Q W 2 n� 2 Ln N S Wcl ❑ Q m 4 �QI Q W z wflW N m uj ce R 6 OC3}��j �t re Lu �190 tQ ttn --�--- tr N NOTE:THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT flp WAS y� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE v �w ti c ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT 0 z THE CITY OF KENT,A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ion CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT�4aa TRAFFIC CALMING K�NT TRAFFIC CIRCLE cr "•,"•"•'• SMW 1 OF 2 G CV—NEn_ Q, __ RO srwoFan— r DDRAWNCHECK Eo 1 5-24 APPROVED 271 na�eas 3 a IEl11-1i1-1I—I WE� = zz� Q 6 _= f W uaJ p Ickec 7 F oY�=m� 111—III--111— I z aaz m�2:1 cm 2SMo Mo of II1=111=1I I xw�t �o x" �� I = 11=11-111 "' � o� "oz sas N =1i 1=111=111 a H 0� awm I I 1- 11-1I I 1 g tN� iaiY� a j L I ITI I ICI I I ' 111Ell I�- I I 1 1 III l 11I II� i 1 w ~ —III=III J<> <i > f11111111I11111a u —I 1111 N =tn a P , d ¢� c227 J _I{I{ per oaO ZpZ �� 4Q iV lI--III 1 OOY�iaJ w92�al nWN cn a '^ MAX. II�IIII 1111 x .fi Ja�n,a NNa amen! _ w z�a2o �..� I11 I $ �� �a a u isN eu a � � a zt ZO r ytiti cl m N I1! ry y n a o n n �d� pSEP a u V n ;I NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT 9UT WASy AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE 8 ?¢ £. S�� y 41 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT z z o Ln L D THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. o6¢tair�U F x OF '~ DEPARTMENT TEGNEav m ENGINEERING y ��{9 TRAFFIC CALMING ~ '�0� ��IST�Rtiwa� ICENT TRAFFIC CIRCLE sIDNAL�� w. ..ere SHEET 2 OF 2 (P!�Q p nFSIGJeo DWR F sWDARO r�ui MAR 272 W a w �w Y Ln w p w a as S u o in n W 2 'NIW,ST w n ul r o N� 4 cl Lu 6¢ rn m U 2 a o� a z m � w ti� U 2 t ,d m ca mt n n c Q U Ln ❑ O Y Ln a W Q a Z m n 6 2 f,7 4 Ln a 5 DC IA :5 U Z Ln m IlJ 7 2 U tG L) W O 0 �i �i a r 0 2 SpSE!'I'LlI'� NOTE:THIS PLAN 15 NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 51 of WASy" AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,5IGNED BY THE h�l ti ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT y z I THE Cr Y OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. �- CITY ❑F KENT •�, [7� ENOMEERINO DEPARTMENT o Pe 493 q�� `��■ TRAFFIC CALMING 10ENT GATEWAYS s�'torvAL OmrwE0 NONE VAND RO PNN dmwN_,. _ �Iv �R� — — - 6--25 273 NOTES: 1, CURB RAMP LOCATION PER STANDARD PLAN 6.38. 2. CROSSWALKS SHALL ONLY BE STRIPED ON CONTROLLED LEG OF INTERSEfION. 3Q TYPE IV LANDSCAPING PER KCC 15.07,050 WITH STREET TREES REQ'D. 4� 75'RADIUS SHALL BE USED FOR O RESIDENTIAL STREETS WITH PARKING ON ONE 510E AND 45'RADIUS WHEN PARKING I5 ALLOWED ON BOTH SIDES. 5'SIDEWALK PLANTER STRIP 75'OR45'R ya (TYP.) 30,(TYP,) 25'(TYP.) � h I II II Il ll ll l � D o RESIDENTIAL STREET INTERSECTING RESIDENTIAL STREET S S()SEP NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE f� c ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT ❑ y� THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY RE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. r. r CITY NG DEPARTRIEMENT T ErroirvCeRiNo oa_Pnarawerar .d 1423 � TRAFFIC CALMING GjSTFJi- KENT RESIDENTIAL INTERSECTION Jff sIaNAL �•., ��,� NECKDOWNS MENA CPA" n_ N SiANDiWO PLW r [+f oruvrN - r V PPRCVC0 fo A E 6'-26 PPR9 274 NOTES: 1. CURB RAMP LOCATION PER STANDARD PLAN 6-38. 2. TYPE IV LANDSCAPING PER KCC 15,07,050 WITH STREET TREES REQ'D. 3� 75'RADIUS SHALL BE USED FOR RESIDENTIAL STREETS WITH PARKING ON ONE SIDE AND 45'RADIUS WHEN PARKING IS ALLOWED ON BOTH SIDES. 5'SIOEWALK PLANTER STRIP(TYP-) 0 75'OR45'R RESIDENTIAL STREET ro 30' 25'[TYP.) ARTERIAL STREET INTERSECTING RESIDENTIAL STREET aSEEP I NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUHENT BUT aF WAS& AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,5IGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION I5 KEPI ON FILE AT O 0 THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. y CITY OF KENT (xl ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT 2 a e� �!� TRAFFIC CALMING ,o G's >rR �J ICENT ARTERIAL/RESIDENTIAL INTERSECTION NECKDOWNS f7F51GHEa STANDMD PLAN pAA55'H 6-27 APARWE6_ 275 NOTES: 1. CHOKERS SHALL BE USED ONLY ON RESIDENTIAL STREETS. 2. CHOKERS SHALL BE SPACED A MAXIMUM OF 400'CENTER TO CENTER, 3� 3'SHALL BE(USED FOR RE5IDENTIAL STREETS WITH PARKING ON ONE SIDE AND 5'WHEN PARKING IS ALLOWED ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET. 75'RADIUS SHALL BE USED FOR RESIDENTIAL STREETS WITH PARKING ON ONE SIDE AND 45'RADIUS WHEN PARKING IS ALLOWED ON BOTH SIDES, 75'OR 45'R (TyP-) C7 Fl STREET TREES WITH STREET TREES WITH TYPE 1V LANDSCAPE TYPE IV LANDSCAPE {PER KCC 15.07.050) I (PER KCC 15.07.050) o 0 4 N V) 22' G V �J 3'OR 1V 13' TOR 5' S' �osEp NOTE THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT o�WAS& AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE GINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY KENO' El1a13VEfR4NO H� DEPARTMENT�-P ISTi9EV'S vim `��" TRAFFIC CALMING ��s�raNAL � ' KENT CHOKERS oESIGJEP D11T1 THQN.��� STIJI�1tQ P1.4H 276 A 1'WIDE THERMOPLASTIC EXISTING CURB STRIPE AND GUTTER H N B B x N 2 a SEAL COAT ENTIRE SPEED CUSHION AREA(22'x 25') SEE SPEED CUSHION ME TAPER DETAIL (TYP),SHEET 2 YELLOW CENTERLINE(SEE 11' STANDARD PLAN 6-73), A EXTEND CENTERLINE OVER AND 30'IN 22, ADVANCE OF CUSHION, MARKING DETAIL SPEED CUSHION NTS IOD' 2'OVERLAY THIS AREA THERMOPLASTIC 6' 8' 25, 22' 25' 8` 6' LETTERING(IYP,) SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-76. _ >Z lo' � BUl r JOINT CLJ 14' c— rBuTrl JOINT NOTES: SPEED DISTANCE TO SIGN BUMPS 1. SIGNS AND MARKINGS TYPICAL BOTH DIRECTIONS. AHEAD TO BE DETERMINEDIN 2. SEE STANDARD PLANS 6-82&6-83 FOR SIGN INSTALLATION. THE FIELD BY THE ENGINEER 3. A TEMPLATE MUST BE USED IN SHAPING THE SPEED TABLE:. rry USE SINGULAR('BUMP")ON 5 SIGNS WHERE ONLY ONE SPEED 4. SPEED TABLE MUST BE MADE IN TWO LIFTS. CUSHION 15 INSTALLED. 30'00"BLACK ON YELLOW,4" S. 2"OVERLAY NOT REQUIRED FOR NEW PAVEMENT OR LETTERING EXISTING PAVEMENT DETERM[NED TO BE IN GOOD CONDITION BY THE ENGINEER. W13-1,18"08" S OSEP NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DDCUMENT BUT WASy� � AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT Q T THE CITY OF KENT,A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ,. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 21 Rio U TRAFFIC CALMING ive 4 KEMT SPEED CUSHION �sS ja L W--" ° i. SHEET 1 OF 2 �QNA � oEsv s rore STAHWdO Pau+ DRAWN r'� d� cr�cueo�e T� �-f 6-29 ApPHaVf 277 12"1 12' VARIES 12' 12" -F, TYP CURB SEE DETAIL BELOW TYP CURB SPEED CUSHION SECTION A-A NO SCALE ASPHALT PAVEMENT SEE DETAIL,BELOW HMA CLASS 1/2' TACK COAT EMTING PAVEMENT 6' LO' 6' 22' SPEED CUSHION SECTION B-B NO SCALE 0 0.64 1.22 1.75 2.22 2.64 3.00 3.31 3.56 3.75 3.89 3.97 4.00" - 4' SPEED CUSHION 0 0456 1.07 1.53 1.94 2.31 2.63 2.89 3.11 3.28 3.40 3.48 3.50" 3.5' SPEED CUSHION 0 0.49 0.92 1.31 1.67 1.98 2.25 2.48 2.67 2.81 2.92 2.96 3.00" 3` SPEED CUSHION ++ 6` TYP I S' SPEED CUSHlgO EDGE 7YP % COMPACTED DEFNS �C)SEP NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NDT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT o f waSy� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE C� titi ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION LS LEPTON FILE AT a by THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAYBE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. � CITYOF IRENT ENGINEERING pCpARTIrENT \ 0 TRAFFIC CALMING {psi �+ K�NT SPEED CUSHION fflNAL w......... SHEET 2 OF 2 AESICNE6� N 5FAfiLNR4 m w aq DFWN up r� CHEC1 EA B-29 APPR 278 NOTES: 1. DO NOT USE ON STREETS WITH GRADES ABOVE 7%. 2. TRUNCATED DOME PATTERN SMALL BE W5DOT F-40.10•Ql.DETECTABLE WARNING PATTERN SHALL BE YELLOW IN COMPLIANCE WITH WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 8-14.363. 3� 5%MA)UMUM SLOPE. PLANTER STRIP WITH O.S'TOPSOIL.TYPE IV LANDSCAPE(PEK KCC 15.07.050)REQWRED 2'MIN.TRUNCATED L J DOMESECTION. S'[TYP.) 3'MP.) CROSSWALK PER STANDARD PLAN ST-65. Q PAVEMENT$LOPED TO DRAIN. 10` (TYP.) PLANTER STRIP (D(TYP.) RESIDENTIAL STREET INTERSECTING RESIDENTIAL STREET NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT of v1A8y� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT y �. THE CM OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT rNOINUM NO DEPARTMENT ,o s Rio KENT TRAFFIC CALMING RAISED INTERSECTION OEdC47E0 � HONE STANWO PLAN ORAA1'H Cad 6-30 279 0. LY Q - o w i Il'TRAVEL LAME S' BIKE LANE BIKE LANE iq 15' SIGNED SHARED TRAFFIC LANE . NOTE:TKIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 5� ap WASy�y AN ELEMONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE Cy .� c ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT d' �v THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING 13F.PART1.lEHT 49 STER�� �-�. BIKE ROUTE -- SIGNED L y� ,....... SHARED ROADWAY DEStGNM MM HoreE SiFHLWN PLM fp Q oo - CI7ECK�Q E [• _�i APPR L7 I 280 2'SOFT 6'710'MULTI-PURPOSE TRAIL T SO 2'.MIN.MP) TRAIL 4'PREFERRED THICKENED N ASPHALT EDGG �r CL:M'PG 64-U HMA,SEE NOTE® SEE NOTE .7 CRUSHED ROCK.BASE COURSE SEE NOTE@ 4'BARK MULCH tJl SUBGRADE SEE NOTE 2� TRAILSURFACE SEE:NOTES 1. TRAIL CENTERLINE TO BE STAKED IN THE FIELD BY CONTRACTOR AND 7�TRAIL SHALL HAVE TH ICKE NED ASPHALT EDGES FOR EROSION APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER, PROTECTION,6'(THICK)x 10'(WIDE)MINIMUM. 2T. SUBGRADE SHALL CONSIST OF UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL ®ASPHALT PAVEMENT SHALL BE HMA CL.GIs'PG 64-22.THICKNESS TO COMPACTED TO 950,E DENSITY.SUBGRADE TO BE TREATED WITH AN BE SPECIFIED BY THE ENGINEER,MINIMUM THICKNESS[S 3". APPROVED HERBICIDE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ASPHALT.FILTER FABRIC MAY BE REQUIRED BETWEEN SUBGRADE AND BASE COURSE, 9. BASE COURSE SHALL BE%/ MINUS CRUSHED ROCK COMPACTED TO 95 4a DENSITY,THICKNESS TO BE SPECIFIED BY THE ENGINEER. 1 ROOT BARRIER MAY BE REQUIRED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE MINIMUM THICKNESS IS 4". ENGINEER. 10. TRAIL WIDTH TO BE DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER. 4 MAXIMUM TRAIL SIDE SLOPE IS 3:1.GRADE WITH COMPACTED TOPSOIL 6AGKFILL AS REQUIRED.BOTTOM OF SIDES LOPE SHALL BE 11, PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND SIGNS SHALL FOLLOW THE MUTCO AND GRADED TO PREVENT ACCUMULATION OF RUN-OFF. AASHTO"GUIDE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF BICYCLE FACILITIES.' 5 MINIMUM BRANCH CLEARANCE ABOVE TRAIL SURFACE IS 8.5 FEET. FOR EQUESTRIAN TRIALS MINIMUM BRANCH CLEARANCE FROM TRAIL SURFACE IS 16 FEET. 6. MAXIMUM CROSS-SLOPE FOR TRAIL SURFACE 15 2%. NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT .SEA AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE �I ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBL[CATI0N IS KEPT ON FILE AT "of WASy�y THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. g� c� CITY OF KENT H R' ENOINEERIND'DEPARTMENT ,e 21� -.NT TRAIL �Q c15TECi DS"ED OWN E _ d4N€ STAHM RD PLAN 19 ED - 6—32 281 12" b' 5 f 12" j IV— 21/2" 5" 21/2" i"R 1/2"R a in s d•' u a ry�I A 1 2 R 6 v r " a • c � 4 • r Lu LU ,a -e• , d COMBINED CURB AND GUTTER CONCRETE EXTRUDED CURB EXPANSION JOINT 1 10, 2' 3 1/2" 1%MIN. Zola MAX. NOTES: 1%MIN.- ? 1. CONCRETE CLASS 3000 IS REQUIRED, 2°In X a+ ��• 2. ROLLED CURB MAY ONLY BE USED WITHIN A ry ' ° •° 4 CUL-OE SAC. 4`SIDEWALK 3. IN ROADWAY SECTIONS WITH SUPER ELEVATION, THE GUTTER PAN WILL MATCH THE ADJACENT 12" PAVEMENT SLOPE, 2-0" 4. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GRADE SHALL BE 1.5%, ROLLED CURB COMBINED CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER NOTE: -- - - - - FACE OF CURB SHALL NOT EXTEND 4pFR BEYOND THE FACE OF GUARDRAIL TOWARD THE TRAFFIC LANE VARIES Cb.- frr Fj �!• ������/���.•l " CEMENT CONCRETEL Fpc� PAVEMENT ROLLED CURB TRANSITION EXTRUDED CONCRETE CURB UNDER GUARDRAIL t� 5 pS EP+2 NOTE:THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT A 0 WASy �� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE `4' c ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT y� THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ?STER``° -� CEMENT CONCRETE w......... CURBS �Q� aE7cNEa tac NONE STARDARO FIN! r _ DPAWH [j crFcxmI WE 1 6_33 AP 282 1/4"'V"GROOVE 3/8'EXPANSION JOINT 3/8 EXPANSION JOINT CB DUMMY JOINT 4, a 'a a � a9 n I"V'GROOVE SECTION B-B U DUMMY ]OiNT DUMMY"V"GROOVE 3/8'EXPANSION JOINT DU CB 31V EXPANSION JOINT 1"'V'GROOVE DUMMY JOINT 8 B VERTICAL CURB&SIDEWALK NOTES: 1. AN EXPANSION JOINT CONSISTING OF 3/8'x FULL DEPTH OF PREMOLDED S. AS ALTERNATIVE TO EXPANSION JOINTS AROUND 301NT MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED AROUND FIRE HYDRANTS,POLES,POSTS, STRUCTURES,REINFORCING BARS MAY BE EMBEDDED IN AND UTILITY CASTINGS AND ALONG WALLS 0R STRUCTURES IN PAVED CONCRETE ON FOUR SIDES OF STRUCTURES. AREAS.JOINT MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF AASHTO M33(ASTM D994). 6. INTERFACE BETWEEN CURB AND ADJACENT SIDEWALK ON INTEGRAL POUR CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE FORMED WITH 2.AN EXPANSION JOINT CONSISTING OF 318'OR 1/4'x FULL DEPTH OF 114"RADIUS EDGING TOOL.ON SEPARATE POUR PREMOLDED JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED IN CURBS AND 51DEWALKS CONSTRUCTION AN EXPANSION JOINT CONSISTING OF 3/8' AT A MINIMUM OF 15 FOOT INTERVALS AND AT SIDES OF DRAINAGE INLETS. OR 1/4'x FULL DEPTH OF PREMOLDED JOINT MATERIAL WHEN CURBS AND/OR SIDEWALKS ARE PLACED BY SUP•FOR MING,A "LL BE PLACED BETWEEN THE CURB OR THICKENED EDGE PREMOLDED STRIP UP TO 1/2'THICK AND UP TO FULL DEPTH MAY BE USED. AND THE ADJACENT SIDEWALK, 3. EXPANSION JOINTS IN SIDEWALK 7. A I"EDGED GROOVE MAY REPLACE THE 3/8'EXPANSION SHALL BE LOCATED SO AS TO MATCH JOINT AT INTERFACE BETWEEN CURB AND ADJACENT THE JOINTS IN THE CURB WHETHER SIDEWALK FOR SEPARATE POUR CONSTRUCTION. SIDEWALK 15 ADJACENT TO CURB OR SEPARATED BY PLANTING STRIP. �()SEP,Y NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 4. CONTRACTION]DINTS CONSISTING OF � OF AASO AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE OR]GINAL,SIGNED BY THE �w ` ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT 1/4"V-GROOVES SHALL BE MADE IN �4 THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE 09TAINED UPON REQUEST. SIDEWALK AT FIVE FOOT INTERVALS, INTERMEDIATE TO THE EXPANSION CITY OF ICED;T JOINTS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT �F @Isis �c° kr� KENT CURB AND SIDEWALK JOINTS L DES"M—J ^1 NONE saHWAD Rm G DRAWN APP 283 15'MAX. s' S. S' BROOMED FINISH EXPANSION]DINT r EXPANSION]DINT CONTRACTION JOINT(IYP.) EXPANSION (TYP.}SEE DETAIL'A" SEE DETAIL'B" JOINT CURB& GUTTER 15' 4" 4" I L • 3 WFULL OEP`7H11[ CONTRACTIO JOINT,5'O.C. 3 EXPANSION]DIN_T, {SEE NOTE 0)IS'O.C.(Mg ERIAL SEE NOTE 1 } DETAIL"A' DETAIL'S" EXPANSION]DINT CONCTRAC ON]DINT 4'CONCRETE PER WSOOT 2� 5M SPECIFICATION B-14 MATT x FULL DEPTH EXAP�NSION MATERIAL.(SEE NOTE 1 ] SIDEWALK 2'CRUSHEDCRUSHEDSURFACING TOP COURSE DRIVEWAY 378°x FULL DEPTH EXPANSION MA7ER]AL(SEE NOTE(D) cum,GLITTER&SIDEWALKVAW�_" V-TL CROSS SECTION 4"MIN.T 6"CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRON AND x, NOTES: GUTTER FOR RESIDENTIAL.DRIVEWAYS. 1, EXPANSION JOINT.MATERIAL TO BE 3/8"x RILL DEPTH AND SHALL BE PLACED AT 15' B'REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE APRON Al D GUTTER FOR COMMERCIAL DRNEW4Y$. O.C.SPACING.ELASTOMETRIC]GIUT MATERIAL SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH WSDOT STD.SPECIFICATION SECTION 4-04.1(4) AN ALTERNATE OF PLASTIC BOND aREAKER MATERIAL WILL BE ALLOWED. DRIVEWAY CROSS SECTION 2.. CONTRA.CnON JOINT SHAM BE 1/4' WIDE BY 2"DEEP AT 5'SPACING. 3. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE INSTALLED �`5EP 1N CUR.g&GUT*AND SIDEWALK AT S �z MOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT P.C:&P.T.AT ALL CURB-RV JRNS AND , of VIAZ AN ELECTRONICDUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY.THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR,PUBLICATION IS KEPTON FILE AT ALL ANGLE POINTS, �'�' '� � c a y O THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY 9E OBTAINED UPON REQUEST.. 4. FORM A.SU"RAQ.E INSPECTION CITY OF ICENT REQUIRE[]BEFOPE POURING CONCR ENGINEERING.GEP►rrMENT. 5. EXPANSION JOINTs IN SiDEWAL . AND •� +s R�° Y(ENT EXPANSION AND CURES SHALL BE ALIGNED WITH Ad" w......... CONTRACTION JaiNTS OTHER AND NOT OFFSET, SrOMA,L 6, DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GRADE SHALL q BE i;s ow�wk CHECKM re �� 6 284 ! rry - PROVIDE MEDIUM BROOM FINISH WITH -i• , r ALTERNATING DIRECTION OF BROOM STROKE TO CREATE A"PARQUET'PATTERN. — PARQUET PATTERN TO BE CREATED IN THE � FIELD WITH REGARD TO EQUAL SPACING OF ®�_ ALTERNATING.PATTERN BETWEEN&' o . SMOOTH TROWEL FINISH BORDER. ® o o ® J soil-Yf'ISIIIII 24'DEEP ROOT BARRIER(20' LENGTH)(TYP) MR --- EXCLUDE SCORE PATTERN ACROSS I. DRIVEWAYS AND WHEELCHAIR RAMPS' _ !I STREET TREE «° BOND BREAKER,SEE DECREE B k� 6'WIDE SMOOTH TROWEL ! ' r.. NEW CURB FINISH(TYP) as _ 5'-0' •. AND GUTTER -- °� lx: I LEGEND. 2'WIDE TROWEL JOINT MPS j BOND BREAKER JOINT CONTRACT]ON}DINT 1/4"WIDE - _ - —^CONTRACTION.JOINT x 2"DEEP AT V O.C.SEE DETAIL -- f : ��• 3/8'X FULL DEPTH BON_D BREAKER .. �'Fz - BOND BREAKER,SEE DETAIL B -JOINT AT 15'O.C.(TYP)OR AS ` _ CONTRACTION JOINT 1/4'WIDE x 2'DEEP, DIRECTED BY ENGINEER,SEE BELOW SEE DETAIL 1 ®�I I SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-89 FOR STREET LIGHT MEDIQM BROOM FINISH BMW STANDARD FOUNDATIONS, 3/1V R SHINE ®;_ FINISH PLAN VIEW BOND BREAKER MATERIAL 4'•0'X 4LO CURB AND GUTTER PER STANDARD DUCTILE.IRON TREE GRATE . 3/16' b" PLAN 6-33 a 51 114 X 1 114 X 1/4 WITH REBAR'J" —— HOOKS FABRICATED AND INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR PAINTED WITH RUST PROOF PAINT(TYP.ALL 4 SIDES) MINIMUM 2"CRUSHED SURFACING 24'DEEP ROOT BARRIER BELOW JOINT TOP COURSE SECTION 1 MATERIAL AS MANUFACTURED BY"DEEP ROOT','BIO-BARRIER"OR EQUIVALENT 114'WIDE x 2' 4' DEEP ry NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 1/ iv CONCRETE DF ViAsy, AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,5IGNED BY THE PAVING �W• h� ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DETAIL A CONTRACTION JOINT CITY OF KENT ENGlHECRING 6LPARTµENT CONCRETE � � SIDEWALK INSTALL BOND. {J jgct- fCETI-f DOWNTOWN BREAKER MATERIAL w.,.,.e.e. SIDEWALK .,.E �lQrrAL 2'CSCC r MAW- DETAIL B BOND BREAKER [LA CFIELKFD - E G^7� . V 285 DOWELED JOINT(WHEN EXPANSION JOINT SEE CONCRETE INTERSECTION) STD.PLAN 6-35 2' TOOLEDJOINT WITH TYP 2' WIDE MARGIN ALTERNATING BROOM FINISH BOND BREAKER MATERIAL WHERE CONCRETE CROSSWALK MEETS CONCRETE CURB Z'TYP AND GUTTER 1r CONC GLITTER CIL 12"WIDE (SEE ST•27) TROWELED FACE OF CURB B MARGIN P7{TYP} EQ EQ VARIES VARIES PLAN VIEW 1J8^MIN.- 114'NOSING RADIUS 1J4 MAX. FINISH SURFACE CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE AC OVERLAY NMNG DETAIL REINFORCED CONCRETE CROSSWALK 12'TROWELED MARGIN(BOTH SIDES) BROOM FINISH DOWELEO JOINT(WHEN CONCRETE AC OVERLAY INTERSECTION)OR NOSING DETAIL CAST 1N P NC`. PLAG CONC.,. •. jl EXISTING AC :J ,...: ;�� _ :Mtn•r �•.'�-: _- _-_ _ 'r":_;•re:'r,'.��:"4•._.. ..�:: .:w'--':•r+.;ti.-�..} z .tin` ir.• t.w y.. ,.r•rv.f U:s:' �E A REBAR REINFORCING 1/4"DEEP TOOLED JOINT CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE 4 BAT!0 12'EA WAY SECTION B REINFORCED CONCRETE CROSSWALK AND INTERSECTION DETAIL S()s t7 NOTE:THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 5� Dp WASA,� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGTNAi,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT C) rn� THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, H CITY OF KENT [� ENOMICERIKO DEPARMENT 93 KENT DOWNTOWN � trlaHAT� W......... CROSSWALK DESic STIHDMO PUW _ftOHE jfe �� cte 1 -- 6--37 286 RAMPS Lo EI� � � � t� CROSSWALKS VARIES >N ACCEPTABLE RAMP LOCATIONS FOR RETROFIT OR ALTERATION NON ARTERIAL RAMP LOCATIONS ARTERIAL RAMP LOCATIONS FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR STANDARD RECONSTRUCIION VARIES NOTES: 1.CATCH BASIN AND INLETS SHALL BE OUTSIDE THE CURB RAIN (321N.MIN.CLEARANCE FROM RAMP). a 2.CARE SHALL BE TAKEN TO KEEP THE RAMP FROM CONFLICTING ¢ WITH HYDRANTS,POLES,INLETS,AND OTHER UTILITIES, 3.CONSTRUCT RAMP IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT 40.10-01 THRU 42.10-00. 4.CROSSWALKS ARE NOT ALWAYS MARKED. 5.WHEN RAMPS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE SIDE OF STREET, RAMPS SHALL BE ALIGNED WITH COMPANION CROSSINGS ON r r OPPOSITE SIDE OF STREET. Os i 7 NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE tL ti`4 c� ENGINEER AND APPROVE?FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT 0 H� THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ENGIMMUNO DEPARTMENT ,d 14 ISTER�� ' K�N"i CURB RAMP LOCATIONS NAL �ILEoEsicH[p +louE Z,TA140rxD PL41 DRAWN 13 1 CHECKED 71 ATE . VC 3 APP 287 a .�•9 b d' �,�sn�Fj TAi d � • s a # . 0 CABS TYPE I 7'� ■ � q a q -- PERMANENT TYPE SI d� 6; SARRIG4DE SEE$Td. p 'f ° a' 1 Fy�A7lry PLAN 6-71 S Ca' ••� BRIG ' r31 ■d �OW�C, .d ODpeo°� ■ -6:•�'� .p0 yooao Dope c°povo n vp°y c°v9o°pap°o qap ep0op e �2.0'MIN.FOR PREFORMED n° TRUNCATED DOME SECTION TYPE n CEMENT CONCRETE 61 MATCH EXISTING OR PROPOSED SIDEWALK AND RAMP MIN. SURFACE LZ 1 ASPHALT CONCRETE SHOULDER NOTES: I. SEE ROADWAY CROSS SECTION DETAILS CRUSHED SURFACING SECTION A-A FOR SIDEWALK WIDTHS. TOP COURSE 2. SHOULDER SHALL BE SURFACED TO MATCH ADJACENT R6AuwAY;PAVED SWUL6ER SLOPE SHALL MATCH CROWN SLOPE OR 0.02 FT./FT. S pSE NOTE:THI5 PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 3. SEE STANRARD PLAN 6-34 FOR CURB of WAS AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE AND SI.DEWALK]O1NF$. -ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT C]- y THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 4. 1U'h IN.ASPHALT TAPER IF NO PAVED CITY OF KENT SHOULDER. ] MOINCERING DEPARTMENT 3 CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK RAMP SHALL UTLI2E 7E A PREFORMED FG R �y TRUNCATED.DOME PATTERN.{WSOOT Gt' EST TRANSITION T ASPHALT 46.1U.61)DETECTABLE VVARNTNG SHOULDER ER PATTERN SHALL BE YELLOW!N a srwaxto ww COMPLIANCEWITH W,SDOTSTANDARQ Off] ryae° E 1 ,. 3S SPECiFICATIpNS 8-14.3(3) �_. f AM 288 A VARIES 5'MAX. ° q c SIDEWALK° a d G ° a EXPANSION a a a a JOINT(TYP) ° a a , 4 tl a d ° a n d ° a e ° 4 MAItBOx e d `i a CWSTER ° q"' a a 4 a ° d d a SIDEWALK a � a d a 4 ° a A En e 0 4 ° a d a SIDEWALK VERTICAL CURB r -� PLANTING PLANTING STRIP A STRIP PLAN DISTANCE APPROVED BY POSTMASTER 8'MIN.DIAMETER PVC SLEEVE 0 SECTION A-A NOTES. 1. CURB AND GUTTER INSTALLATION TO SOSEPN NOTE.THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT BE PER STANDARD PLANS 6-33 AND aF wasy�� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,5IGNED BY THE 6-34. �� ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT 2- SIDEWALK SCORE MARKS TO BE PER THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY 8E OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. STANDARD PLANS G-34 AND 6-35. CITY OF KENT r l � ENGINEERING OEPRRTMENT 3. MAIL SBOXTANDARD INSTALLATION 70 BE Pi t �9 �■ SIDEWALK FOR STANDARD PLAN 6 70. dh G YE KENT MAILBOX CLUSTER 4. ALL LOCATIONS TO BE APPROVED �jONAL � w•..,.o.o DESIGNED—OYIFI STWID4Rfl PWt THE POSTMASTER. ortayN— �� CHECKED — 6—40 APP 289 4"CENTERS TOP RAIL END SECTION LISTER 0 "v `v POST TOP OF SIDEWALK Bomm RAIL i ? 6'MAX. SLEEVE L'J NON-SHRINK PIPE SCHEDULE GROUT PANELHEIGHT TOP RAIL/POST BOTTOM RAIL BALUSTER 3' 1.90" L90" 0.840" 4' Z.50" 2.00" 0.840, NOTES: 1. RAILING SHALL BE CV PIPE PALL,GALVANIZED STEEL OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT.INSTALLATION PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 2. SHOP DRAWINGS OF RAILING SHALL BE SUBMITTEDTOTHE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL S HOWING COMPLETE DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS OF FABRICATION AND INCLUDING AN ERECTION DIAGRAM.MATERIALS BEING USED SHALL BE SPECIFIED IN THE SHOP DRAWINGS. 3. ALL GALVANIZED STEEL PARTS SHALL BE GIVEN A CLEAR ANODIC COATING AT LEAST 0.0006 INCH THICK AND BE HOT WATER SEALED AN SHALL HAVE A UNIFORM FINISH. 4. PIPE RAILING AND PIPE RAILING SPLICES MAY BE HEATED TO NOT MORE THAN 400°F FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED 30 MINUTES TO FACILITATE FORMING OR BENDING. 5. CUTTING SHALL BE DONE BY SAWING OR MILLING AND ALL CUTS SHALL BE TRUE AND SMOOTH.FLAME CUTTING WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. 6. PIPE RAILING,PIPE BALUSTERS AND PIPE RAILING SPLICES SHALL BE ADEQUATELY WRAPPED TO ENSURE SURFACE PROTECTION DURING HANDLING AND TRANSPORTATION TO THE JOB SITE, 7. WELDING OF GALVANIZED STEEL SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT STANDARD SPEC]FICATION 6-03.3(25) 8. ALLOW FOR EXPANSION AT APPRO]LIMATELY EVERY FOURTH POST. POSTS AND FORMED ELBOWS �,SdSE�1� NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT9. RAILS,PO SHALL BE STS AASTM A53.BRACKETS,ELBOWS of WASH���� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE £. titi P ti ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KET ON FILE AT CAP$AND OTHERFITTINGS SHALL BE Q �a THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, ASTM A865.SPLICES AND REPAIRS SHALL BE GALVANIZED PER T K A780, - CITY ❑F ENT SLF=EVE I,D.SHILL BE I"GREATER - CzJ ENGINEERING pEPAR7IAENT THAN POST O.D. 3 Cl TeR° [CENT HANDRAILS I0. PANEL HEIGHT: �S'Sr0 w.......a. 3 FEET FOR PEDESTRIAN USES oEs t En m 4 FEET FOR COMBINED BICYCLE ND oR�wrJ — NONE 'T�p6kp PEDESTRIAN USES. ■� (�� GKCKm - e 6-41 290 s�oF y w9�yo S�r�pl�p p�Ns 2ygs�Q��7 �ryToov FAG s• 'r rpJ +7y w a 6" 5' 5' �, VARIES 2 AX.4 . 1/2"TYP, CRUSHED SURFACING TOP I I COURSE.4'MIN.DEPTH EXPANSION JOINT WFM THICK EXPANSION MATERIAL SECTION A-A NOTES: 1�EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED S. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GWE SHALL BE 1.S%. AT SS'MAXIMUM SPACING. ELASTOMETRIC JOINT MATERIAL SHALL DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE PAVED FROM THE SACK OF THE BE I CONFORMANCE TO WSDOT SIDEWALK TO THE GARAGE OR 40'BEHIND THE STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-04.1(4) RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE,WHICHEVER IS LESS. x. SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-48 FOR pSEp NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT DRIVEWAY SLOPES. ` aF WASy', �� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,sIGNED BY THE 3. THE DRIVEWAY APPROACH WIDTH, �� NGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT GN FILE AT AND DRIVEWAY WIDTH ARE y F� THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ❑URNIN MA U THE DESIGN VEHI = CITY NO IRENT TURNING MANUEVERS.SEE SECT N �r�.a � L`� EN8IMSSRINO GEPARTid£NT 6.6.Q. 1 �'—* RESIDENTIAL CEMENT CONCRETE MAXIMUM DRIVEWAY SLOPE Is 1x96. 'L{,�S JDNAL �(1y � T DRIVEWAY APPROACH DESK�IED V" Ha.r ._ STMDkRD PWi "ff77 giECKEiI E V^sh•L APP 291 orR�isrO�r aR'sNr� sf s�o�gCk a��rrRa�s F �SFOR Ba r�p��sjp4'� 4�ST RA f E°�r 1Ajj ¢Rh Npr��r ( 6 146 US AY'DIMENSIONS PER ROADWAY CLASSIFICATIONS rFwF�4R1 j VARIES- VARIES" 4'CLEARTYPICAL 1/2"TYP. 2-P4 BARS SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-48 FOR 1%MIN TRANSITION DRIVEWAY SLOPES 2%MAX. (VARIES) �� { • • ! 6"J I. CLEAR{TYP,} 1'-6" CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE EXPANSION JOINT WITH 3/8' (4"MIN.DEPTH) EXPANSION MATERIAL *4 BANS AT 12'EACH WAY SECTION A-A NOTES: 10, EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED 4. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GRADE SHALL BE 1,5%, AT 15'MAXIMUM SPACING. ELASTOMERIC JOINT MATERIAL SHALL 5�DRIVEWAYS 5ML BE PAVED FROM THE BACK OF THE BE IN CONFORMANCE TO WSDOT SIDEWALK TO THE GARAGE OR 40'BEHIND THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS.SECTION RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE,WHICHEVER IS LESS. 4-04.1(4) 2. SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-48 FOR �pSEP NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT DRIVEWAY SLOPES. of WASy�� 9 AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE 3. THE DRIVEWAY APPROACH WIDTH, ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT AND DRIVEWAY WIDTH ARE Ay F t E CITY OF KENT,A COPY MAYBE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DETERMINED U THE VERQESLGNVEHI r CITY OF KEIVT TURNING MANULl1ERS.SEE SECIT N [-", � !7j ErtaiNEEkrno DEPAxrHfNT 6.6,Q. 1 9 COMMERCIAL CEMENT CONCRETE 'f t4NAL W"'"'"°'°" DRIVEWAY APPROACH r DRAWN — lv CHECKED - V r /7 APPROVE "M.7 292 S�OpF Pq �PF�pph_ 9 pd h'qF' � TCi opplNG Tp SFFArn�Y ` ,R DRY SIp�AjgT GTF� B (11RJ N E' qr�'zu°Rri� (Tpp ipFBq Ma��gr J 61 1/2-TYP. p o y 2-04 BARS SEE STANDARD 4"CLEAR(TYP, PLAN 6-48 FOR 1%MIN. DRIVEWAY SLOPES 2% GS. LFYf�r1�f`c'p� — _ �fiSs�pS ell 5 1'-6" 1"CLEAR(TYP.) CRUSHED SURFACING TOP EXPANSION JOINT WTTti COURSE(4°MIN.DEPTH) EXPANSION MATERIAL #4 BARS AT 12"EACH WAY SECTION A-A NOTES: Q EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED S. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GRADE SHALL BE 1.5%. AT 15'MAXIMUM SPACING. ELASTOMETRIC JOINT MATERIAL SHALT. ®DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE PAVED FROM THE BACK OF THE BE IN CONFORMANCE TO SECTION SIDEWALK TO THE GARAGE OR 40'BEHIND THE 9-04.1(4)OF THE WSDOT STANDARD RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE,WHICHEVER 15 LESS, SPECIFICATIONS. 2. SEE STANDARD PLAN 5-48 DRIVEWAY 1OSEP� NOTE:THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT SLOPES. of WASy� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT 3. THE DRIVEWAY APPROACH WIDTH, �Q THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, AND THE DRIVEWAY WIDTH ARE y VEHICULAR BY MANEUVERING APPROVED ^3 CITY NO ICENT VEHICULAR MANELIVERTNG RIAG � CxJ EKaIHE¢RiHa DEPARTMENT SEE SECTION 6.6.q. Zsi a < I.T INDUSTRIAL CEMENT CONCRETE c� �E � �E 4�. ALL DRIVEWAYS ARE TO BE �`�`sIONAI��(1j w..H�".:." DRIVEWAY APPROACH SYMMETRICAL. o STANWu Pt oRwri.,T j f �� 6--44 293 DRIVEWAY APPROACH DRIVEWAY WIDTH, @ 5' 2.5' 2.5' S` APPROACH SIDEWALK(I:12 APPROACH SIDEWALK MAX.] (1:12 MAX.) z �c SLOPE A5 NEEDED TO MATCH ^ NIE GRADES I yd, ONCRETE SIDEWAL{ SIDEWALK 4`THICK MIN. CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND—1 2S' STANDARD%"FU DRIVEWAY APPROACH GUTTER(SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-33) DEPTH EXPANSION SIDE SLOPE(TYP) JOINT(TYR) FLOW LINE SEE DETAIL 1 AND SECTION A-A FLOW LINE DRIVEWAY APPROACH PLAN %'THRU EXPANSION JOINT IF PDURED MONOLITHIC. DETAIL i FOR JOINT fi' S'MIN. SEE DETAIL 1 WITH NOTE $%MAX SEE STD,PLAN 8,33%MAX. 6 48 FOR r DRIVEWAY - SLOPES 4"HMA CLASS 4"CSTC K"PG 64.22 COMPACTED OVER 6"COMMERCIAL SUBGRADE 6"CEMENT CONCRETE HMA CLASS I' DRIVEWAY APPROACH PG 64.22 SUCTION A-A NOTES: 1. MAXIMUM DRIVEWAY GRADE BEHIND DRIVEWAY APPROACH 1S 12%.SLOPE ROUNDING IS REQUIRED AT DRIVEWAY GRADE TRANSITIONS AS SHOWN IN SECTION A-A. 2. CONCRETE SHALL BE A CLASS 4000 P.C.C.MIX WITH A COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 PSI WITHIN 3 DAYS(CURB,GUTTER,DRIVEWAY APPROACH,RAMPS AND ALL OTHER ITEMS SPECIFIED BY THE ENGINEER). 3. CONCRETE PAVEMENT SHALL BE BRUSHED TRANSVERSELY WITH A FIBER OR WIRE BRUSH OF A TYPE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 4. %'T HRU EXPANSION JOINT'S SHALL BE PLACED AT BACK,SIDES AND FRONT. MAXIMUM EXPANSION JOINT SPACING Co)SEP IS 14'CENTER TO CENTER. 1 NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT `� of AASy,, AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE O5. DRIVEWAY WIDTHS SHALL BE F. �� �� ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT SPECIFIED BY THE ENGINEER. ❑ A,! THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DRIVEWAY WIDTH DOES NOT y CITY OF KENT INCLUDE ADJACENT RAMPS. � _ � ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE PAVED FR P 493 ti� T�R ��! ALTERNATE DRIVEWAY OR is THE BACK OF SIDEWALK TO THE + ' KENT PRIVATE ROAD APPROACH w..wi...e GARAGE OR 40'BEHIND THE L RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE,WHICHEVER IS DESIGNED UN NortE STANDS PLAN L °P'LESS. )(& D —45 � el�cico 6 Appqoyzo 294 IT 64, so R 4 4 Lu DIMENSIONS PER ROADWAY ;_10 CLASSIFICATION 14-CLEAR(TYP.) VARIES* VARIES EE STANDARD m MIN. a* PLAN 6-48 FOR 2-44 BARS 2,t MAY DRIVEWAY IY2'7YP. • SLOPES I-CLEAR CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE(V MIN.DEPTH) EXPANSION JOINT WITH EXPANSION MATERIAL #4 BARS AT 12'EACH WAY SECTION A-A NOTES: 1. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED 4. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GRADE SHALL BE 1,5%. AT 15'MAXIMUM SPACING. ELASTOMETRIC]DINT MATERIAL QS DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE PAVED FROM THE BACK OF THE SHALL BE-IN CONFORMANCE TO SIDEWALK TO THE GARAGE OR 417 BEHIND THE SECTION 9-04.1(4)OF THE WSOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE,WHICHEVER IS LESS. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. 1(()SEP NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING WCU MENT BUT i WASy AN MCTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE 2. SEE ST-24+ST-2S FOR INTERSECTIONENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT LANDING AND STREET PROFILE THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. INFORMATION. CITY OF KENT 3, THE DRIVEWAY APPROACH WIDTH ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT AND THE DRIVEWAY WIDTH ARE r P 214 PRIVATE STREET APPROACH DETERMINED BY APPROVED lsrra T VEHICULAR MANEUVERING DIAGRAM fONAL W......... SERVING 9 LOTS OR LESS SEE SECTION 6.6.Q. pruwH 6-46 295 R I'MINT-; za'MIN. l�]DINT USE DRIVEWAY TRACT RIGHT OF-WAY LINE SIDEWALK PLANTER STRIP ROADWAY� EDGE OF PAVEMENT 10INT USE DRIVEWAY TRACT NOTES: NO PORTION OF DRIVEWAY WIDTH SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN S'OF SIDE LOT LINES IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS OR 4' IN COMMERCIAL AREAS EXCEPT AS FOLLOWS: A. A JOINT USE DRIVEWAY TRACT MAY BE USED TO SERVE TWO PARCELS: (1) MINIMUM TRACT WIDTH IN URBAN AREAS SHALL BE 20'WITH AN IS'PAVED SURFACE,CROSS SLOPE IN ONE DIRECTION AND CURB OR THICKENED EDGE ON ONE SIDE,MIN;MUM TRACT LENGTH SHALL BE 20'FROM RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE. (2) MINIMUM TRACT WIDTH SHALL BE 20`;30'IF A DITCH IS REQUIRED.MINIMUM TRACT LENGTH SHALL BE 20'FROM RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE.RADIUS RETURNS ON PAVED APRON SHALL HAVE 10'RADII OR AS DETERMINED BY THE APPROVED VMD.SEE SECTION 6.6.Q. (3) THE CITY MAY ALLOW USE OF AN OFF-SITE ACCESS EASEMENT TO THE STREET IF THE ONLY STREET ACCESS IS THROUGH AN ADJACENT PARCEL NOT OWNED BY THE APPLICANT. B. DRIVEWAYS MAY UTILIZE FULL WIDTH OF NARROW"PIPE-STEM'PARCELS OR EASEMENTS IF APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. C. MAY BE USED ON CUL-DE-SAC BULBS AS NECESSARY FOR PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL ACCESS. S(o)SEP;1 NOTE:THIS PLAN 15 NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT oI +RASy/ L AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT cc) y THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF SCENT ENOlkBERINGN� 6EPARTFIENT p 21 0 �p GIS-1 R,a ICENT JOINT USE DRIVEWAY TRACT [� `�SraNAL G�a C DESXNEn tM srAMID40 FVN eruwrr cllEC3ceD Ye 6—47 !WP 296 RIGHT-OF•WAY STREET LINE DRIVEWAY GARAGE f I� I ' BEGIN VERTICAL CURVE CURS 1%MIN.-2%MAX, 12%MAX.SLOPEQ SIDEWALK LENGTH GARAGE FLOOR END VERTICAL CURVE CREST VERTICAL CURVE RIGHT-OF-WAY STREET LINE DRIVEWAY GARAGE ' LENGTH GARAGE FLOOR CURB VERTICAL CURVE 1°5 MIN.-2%MAX. 12%MAX,SLOPE 2Q SIDEWALK BEGIN VERTICAL CURVE SAG VERTICAL CURVE NOTES: 1, MINIMUM VERTICAL CURVE LENGTH SHALL BE CREST VERTICAL CURVES:10 FT. SAG VERTICAL CURVES: 15 FT. O FOR BACK-IN ACCESS ONLY,MAX,SLOPE IS 10% 3, DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GRADE SHALL BE 1.5°Ia. ()!SEP12 NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT a�VIAS& AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE f•, �`� c� NGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 1S KEPT ON FILE AT O +� THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. y CITY OF KENT E40114E6RINQ UPAR MMT Al- IsTa T RESIDENTIAL s e . .,.,. DRIVEWAY SLOPE �rDNAL � DPscrlEP DYRL SGLf HIE StANOMD PW7 mmm CHO _ _ D 6--48 MP Ow 297 o NE 16 TH ST. o b N 75' 20' WE 116-W rF"--rant— _ ®wm--� �0.858L DFttVEIfkAYS`ET8AGIS — -- ————— l 1 InfiRrafion specify �� a I 1 Trench Tyree of I !�uavu ay i A r 1G•-0' tff � i E I ! ! :Fire Access Easement ! I F Ftesfdenra Address i 6 I� Tw I3W �, + C Deck _.,� 28 a• TI--}' La + !I T L.2804 97000 I E ep to f 3 Fr I it� 27.9iia06.f. + ' I r l ; iit Naa snags: t �l 1 h L` i I rrni I. ENGINEERING SCALE TO BE h�S��___s� 0 0 I •. a? B. 1:20 OR 1:40 + T-3,d 1 € I 1 b T o- ^f -^� c U j 2 (A+D-C-0)14-Am 2. NORTH ARROW REQUIRED, �.-I c m I I F%W.GMDE 3. VICINITY MAP OPTIONAL ON SITE PLAN. 1 1 ``Rasenre p I I AREA$ ++ r s \44 - I LOT.pc94 4. PROPERTY LINES OR PUBLIC f ! 2 \ ` I I IMPERVIOU5SWACE 1 i I HOUSE-xx&f, RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES SHALL -L c I GARAGE-kxss BE SHOWN WITH LENGTH �' + ; 21' p 1 I f owvFwar-xx sJ. PATIO-XX It AND BEARING, y� ^_Buffer _ l �sst 1 r TOTAL-Aol 3 BJJOFTOTAL 5. ALL EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY A<Pl7'RHYSICAL FEATURES AND ALL N 7j 24' 1�F"E 192.6 SEE NOTE�1 PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE SITE PLAN IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE saa I•=,, SHOWN. NOTE;THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 5. U NAMES AND LAND S�SE�°I� AN NIC D APPROVEDPROV USE FOR SURROUNDING DUPLICATE.D FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT PROPERTIES TO BE SHOWN. �h�Of WASyy ENGINE R AN THE CITY CF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. O va CITY OF KENT 7. SHOW SETBACKS AND v+ ENGINEERINQNp pEPART4ENT SENSITIVE AREAS. tu ; 21 3 ! E SAMPLE SITE PLAN 9 SjO+ST G�V� �1YN D 7 MALFO IMH m STMOA PLO �(� E« n6 6-49 298 CLEAR ZONE 10 MIN. 3'MIN I CLEAR ZONE OF 20' 20'MIN. OF ID'(FROM I (FROM FACE OF } FOG LINE TO I CURB OR EDGE OR k FACE OF ROADWAY TO FACE OBSTACLE] I I I OF OBSTACLE)AT k I I 40MPH AND GREATER WITH OR 4 WITHOUT CURB_ ! I I FIRE HYDRANT I FIRE HYDRANT I CURB CURB FIRE HYDRANT I I STREET TREE FOG LINE I I (TYP)EDGE OF I f I PAVEMENT I I I I I SIDEWALK k SIDEWALK SIDEWALK I I � I w PLANTER i � PLANTER STRIP j PLANTER STRIPSTRIPCLEAR ZONE 3'(FROM FACE OF CURB TO FACE O I OBSTACLE)FOR I' ROADWAYS UNDER 40MPH. CLEAR ZONE CLEAR ZONE CLEAR ZONE 40 MPH AND BELOW BELOW 40 MPH 40 MPH AND ABOVE WITHOUT CURB WITH CURB WITH OR WITHOUT CURB NOTES: I. THE AASHTO"ROADSIDE DESIGN GUIDE"AND"A POLICY ON GEOMETRY DESIGN OF HIGHWAYS AND STREETS'5HALL GUIDE ACCEPTABLE CLEAR ZONE DISTANCES 2. ALL OBSTACLES(SUCH AS FIRE HYDRANTS OR STREET LIGHTS) WITHIN THE CLEAR ZONE FROM THE FACE OF CURB SHALL HAVE t BREAKAWAY FEATURES. �d WA {I NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 11 AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGN€D BY THE �,yc� ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT �v x THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. y CITY OF KENT I (� � [NGIREERtNa [7EPARTId4NT 21493 �o4 �. CLEAR ZONES �o �75TEP KENT ONALfl 0 ESIONED N" STANCI"Puw r °� C CIfED _ 6--50 APM 299 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE NOT ALLOW ED p4� LOC NOT ALLOWED ALLOWED SOS DIRECTION OF q�o TRAVEL _ EDGE OF TRAVELED WAY •mil U 4' OUTSIDE OF CURVERVE%% POSTED 40 MPH&OVERVER%% LOC: LENGTH OF CURVE(FEET)AT EDGE OF PPL(FEET)ON OUTSIDE OF CURVES WITH TRAVELED WAY FROM P,C.TO P.T. POSTED SPEED LIMIT OF 40 MPH&OVER. SOR: SAFETY OVERRUN(FEET)BEYOND P.T. 40 MPH IOC+220(SOR) PPL-. PROHIBITED POLE LOCATION(FEET) 45 LAC+255 (LOC+SOR)WHERE POLES OR so LOC+290 OBSTACLES MUST BE REMOVED OR 55 LOC+32S BARRICADED. APPLIES TO ROADWAY WITH SHOULDER OR MOUNTABLE CURB ON OUTSIDE OF CURVE,WITH: -RADIUS LESS THAN 2500',AND -POSTED SPEED GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 40 M.P.H. RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE EDGE OF TRAVELED WAY yF4 e o ALLOWED F o NOTES: v 1, THE STANDARDS SHALL APPLY TO EVERY NEW PLACEMENT AND EVERY PLANNED,NON-EMERGENCY_ REPLACEMENT OF ExISTING POLES AND OTHER ONd UTILITY STRUCTURES WITHIN KENT RIGHT-OF-WAY. Dl � 2, NO POLES MAY BE REPLACED ON THE OUTSIDE C. OF A CURVE WITH A POSTED SPEED LIMIT OF 40 MPH OR OVER UNLESS APPROVED THROUGH A GENERAL CASE DEVIATION, PJOC: POLEJOBSTACLE CLEARANCE TO 3, SEE SECTION 6.17 NEAREST FACE OF POLE/OBSTACLE. �05EP7C�r NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT APPLIES:TO ROADWAY WITH SHOULDER of WAS,y1�1� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE OR MOUNTABLE CURB ON: �ti ` k ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT 1. TANGENT,OR v 0 THE CITY OF KW.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF K.ENT 2, INSIDE OF CURVE,OR �xj tKGINEERINO DEFAWAIENT 3. OUTSIDE OF CURVE,EITHER WIIkT � 4s �o � � CLEARANCE OF ROADSIDE -POSTED SPEED LESS THAN 40 M R �` �GISTER ICETIT OBSTACLES FOR UTILITIES ON �8! �� """°" EXISTING SHOULDER TYPE ROAD -RADIUS GREATER THAN 35D0'ON ROADWAY Oj�TAj,E MEETING ALL CURRENT DESIGN STANDARD . o°=H° u tgw _ n+W�Rm �� pq 5-51 300 f7 U F + W � . a � µy❑l O ui LLl 4-'¢ sr 1 Ln V. l 92: NLA Gl Uy�yuu W NCCB N cc cD iFi7' z Q •v m W W u W a naz Q ¢ Max wzz� i?V FZ c Ir 2N �- x Id- Q u]V'x"' ��2 5 co �oa 3 14+5' Iii¢ OW � o iarXn < q f n � wa x2 z� W sili a {Lx]oc u rAO � u� w10LA � � � W m � a oar v {0 cl n� [) 6 n � �'iY Zr Ni M N N U N z w SOSEP<2 NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT r� of WAS AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE n £1• �'� �C� ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT ❑ THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. y CITY OF ICENT • [� ENGINEERING 6EPARWENT G ° INTERSECTION/DRIVEWAY , `sr�OJvpL KE-- SIGHT TRIANGLE oF_S7CNm STANDARD PLAN r(�'p� CH DATE _ _ 6-52 301 Z C � w p n � Iw„ ¢ ti V Pam �s ,bT a 0 w u�w c7 � �r oz w�u w,X �OSEP<I NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT m y aF wasy�y � AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGTNAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION TS KEPT ON FILE AT Q THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. m CITY OF KENT ENOINEERINONfl DEPARTMENT 48 PEDESTRIAN SIGHT LINES DESIONeo H SfFN>}RRp PLAY ORWA o — T 6-53 302 TREE 50'MIN.SIGHT DISTANCE SETBACK MP) AREA.SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-52 FOR it g ADDITIONAL SIGHT DISTANCE z REQUIREMENTS. DRIVEWAY LUMINAIRE �+ -2O' 10'I H10' SR MIHIMUIS BUS SHELTER 20'MIN. 15' IS'l 1 10' SO'MINIMUM FROM SIGNS W Go - VA L m F a 2'MIN. u SHRUB HYDRANT (TYP) a N W VERTICAL CURB a 0 2'MIN. NOTES: 1. TREES SHALL GENERALLY BE PLANTED WITHIN PLANTING STRIPS OR AT THE BACK OF THE SIDEWALK IF THERE ARE NO PLANTING STRIPS. 2. WMIN PLANTING STRIPS: A. MIN.DISTANCE FROM THE FACE OF TREE OR OTHER ROADSIDE OBSTACLE TO THE FACE OF CURB SHALL BE 31. B. MINIMUM CLEAR SIDEWALK WIDTH SHALL BE 5 FT.IN RESIDENTIAL OR 8 FI.IN BUSINESS DISTRICTS. 3. PLANS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH KING COUNTY METRO SERVICE PLANNING ON BUS ROUTES. 4. AN APPROVED TREE LIST IS INCLUDED IN APPENDIX A. 5. SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-50 FOR CLEAR ZONE REQUIREMENTS.TYPE IV LANDSCAPE(PER KCC 15,07.050)REQUIRED 1N PLANTER AREAS. 3SEP I NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT o� WAS y AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE Eti h� NGINFER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT d y THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY.MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. - CITY OF AGENT ENGINEERING OEPARTMENT P 443 0, IsTe� G�`�� 10ENT STREET TREE LOCATIONS Sru WOO [} pew 6-54 &/o IIPP 303 �A W MIN. ROOT GUARD;g 4 "DEEP ROOT" 6'CURB d S d W ° "BIO-BARRIER"OR ROOT BARRIER o a a d EQUIVALENT 4 ° d e MIN.1D'L x TD z PLANTER STRIP a e e a CENTER LENGTH E ON TREE. MTO " R14V LINE STREET a TREE w to ROOTBAL B TREE STAKE AND GUY WIRE PARALLEL TO WALK AND CURB PACE OF CURB A 1.5"TO 2.5°CALIPER STREETTREE 2-APPROVED COMMERCIAL TREE TIES 2.2"x2"x12'STAKES SET AT RIGHT ANGLE AND PULLED UPRIGHT BY APPROVED TREE TIES. i} l 11Z"LAYER OF BARK MULCH PER KENT STD. SPECIFICATIONS. l ROOT BALL l TYPICAL IRRIGATION RISER PLACEMENT OR WATERING L l TUBES.TWO PER TREE REQUIRED ROOT FINISHED GRADE BARRIER ROOT GUARD; [TYP.} "8I0-BARRIER','DEEP SIDEWALK ROOT'OR EQUIVALENT f n f CURB AND GUTTER rF TREE PIT SIZE,PLANTING SECTION A-A MIXTURE AND ROOT BARRIERS PER KENT STD. SPECIFICATIONS NOTES' �QSEP NOTE;THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 1. SEE STANDARD PLAN fi 35 FOR ,� RF WAS AN AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE DOWNTOWN S T NDA SIDEWALKS. y� \ �+ ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT Q c THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, 2. IF SIDEWALK, IS LOCATED ROOT BEHIND THE CITY OF KENT SIDEWALK,A ROOT BARRIER SHALL � C?�' ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BE INSTALLED AT THE EDGE OF TH 49 SIDEWALK. ,�, rST L/KENT STREET TREE IN PLANTER flNAL� .,.".e.,. 3. IN TREE WELLS,THE ROOT BARRIER oEsirt�co SHOULD BE PLACED ALL AROUND THE muwN —�99 WANatizo�"� TREE PIT AND STAPLED TOG ETHER. �� criEc cm — 5^.5 5 1APPR m� 304 FAIRWEATHER 4'X36'B-1 BOLLARD,SITELINES MODEL CU-B1 36"SURFACE MOUNT. COLOR:FOREST GREEN OR APPROVER EQUAL,CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT COLOR CHIPS. OUTLET BOX:APPLETON FD-1-50-A,ALUMINUM,SINGLE GANG CAST DENSE BOX(OR EQUIVALENT) STREET TREE GFCI RECEPTACLE:LEVITON 8898-7,20A,125V,NEMA 5-20R, 2P,3W(OR EQUIVALENT)OUTLET COVER AND GASKET PROVIDED BY BOLLARD MANUFACTURER BOLLARD SHALL BE CARLON WEATHER PROOF COVER(PART#E9UVHMC)OR TREE GRATE AND FRAME INSTALLED WITH APPROVED EQUAL. OUTLET COVER FACING TOWARD THE STREET LEVEL BOLLARD SASE AS NECESSARY TO COMPENSATE SIDEWALK TREE,AT THE CENTER FOR SIDEWALK CROSS SLOPE. OF THE TREE GRATE SIDEWALK O �• 4 ' dam . . mob ELECTRICAL JUNCTION BOX \ 71, . ROOT BALL � — CONDUTTTONEXT ]UNCTION BOX OR SERVICE CABINET (I)1/2'MIN,DIAMETER STEEL CONDUIT WITH Y4' DIAMETER NYLON PULL ROPE INSTALL 2•410 WIRES WITH GROUND NOTE:THIS PLATY IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINE1 RING DOCUMENT SLIT y� QF WAS" �r� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 14 Rw° aa� ���• SIDEWALK BOLLARD raNALKENT WITH RECEPTACLE QUIC D DWH VANIAR0 PLAN ❑ DRAWN-W===j A - 9� 6-56 �f MP 305 EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY ti 2'FILL 6'MAX.CUT 4'MAX.FILL 4`CUT PROPOSE[)GRADING SITE GRADING REOLIIREMENTS- 1. 8'NET CHANGE ALLOWED FROM EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY. 2. 4'MAXIMUM FILL 3. 6'MAXIMUM CUT 4. FOR MAXIMUM RETAINING WALL HEIGHTS,SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-63. S. SITE GRADING DOES NOT APPLY TO GRADING FOR STORMWATER FACILITIES. Sos E NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT aF WASI, �9 AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PU8LICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT O 0 E CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY 9E 013TAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF iT ElZO1MEERIhtR pEPARTMEARTidENT 2149 �a c+sle t� KENT SITE GRADING ONAL oESICK Y STMM WO Plnx e t I B--57 306 0ONC 1'STRAW LAYER FINISHED GRADE NATIVE SOIL FILL ORIGINAL GRADE ORIGINAL GRADE NOTES: 1. EXTEND STRAW OUT TO DRIPLINE OF TREE. �T 2. COMPACT SOIL BY HAND EQUIPMENT ONLY. S oSEP�I NOTE;THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEE PING DOCUMENT BUT D�WAS,%, AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT Nq THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. y CITY ❑F MEN T EGi.NNEEF:tMd DEPA_RTx1EHT 'rd l E E4 ,[ram, 1� $ R �j KENT MINOR FILLS AROUND fRELS �`�S1dHAL�G �Oq DESIGNED r'a-_-- Ci9N.F 5W'WD Pun �e ( DRAWN 6-58 r APP D 307 VENTS(3•0 MIN. WITH CAPS EX.TREE MIN.Y OR THREE TIMES THE LOOSE STONE MATURE TRUNK DIAMETER NEW 1011 LINE I DRY WELL 3'0 VENT WITH CAP DRY WELL STONE FILL SOIL DRAIN TILE (3-0 MIN.) Y OLD SOIL LINE 5LOPE7O DRAIN AWAY FROM TREE RAISING THE GRADE 1%MINIMUM DRAIN TILE TO DRIP LINE DRIP LINE SECTION PLAN EX.TREE OLD SOIL LINE YROCKERY INSTALL ENGINEERED L FOR CUTS GREATER DRIP LINE N FOUR FEET AND PES GREATER THAN HORIZONTAL TO TICAL(TYP). LOWERING THE GRADE 2' OR CONCRETE BLOCK WALL Elf.TREE FILL STONE 1 "IT —7 NOTES: f NEW SOIL LINE 1. ALL DRAIN TILE SHALL BE LOWERING AND RAISING PERFORATED PVC AND WRAPPED IN THE GRADE PERMEABLE DRAIN FABRIC OR CLOTH osEpt, SOCKS DESIGNED FOR PERFORATED S `1 NOTE:TKI5 PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT PIPE_ AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT 2. MINIMUM BATTER ON DRY WELLS C �a THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. WALLS SHALL BE I:6 HORI20NTA _ y CITY OF KENT TO VERTICAL. (s7 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 3. ALL FILL SOIL SHALL BE COMPA ED p GISTL BY HAND EQUIPMENT ONLY. ' ICENT CUPS DR FILLS AROUND TREES �ssf�NA� w...,.•,.. 4. FINAL INSTALLATION SHALL BE aEs>cNEo s REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY A �� °PAWN— mm srANrweo + LICENSED ARBOR IST. C7+EcK Tr --J MPs 308 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE CHAIN LINK FENCE (SEE NOTES) 12, a + MIN. \ 4 VARIES 1 � � N � 6 � x x Ti7 w 12"MIN.THICKNESS OF z v 2"-4"QUARRY SPALLS (WSDOT 9-13.6) x a SIDEWALK GRAVEL BACKFILL PLANTER FOR DRAINS 4 u STRIP (WSDOT 9.03.12(4)) � ,12" 1 PERFORATED PIPE 6"MIN. a (WSDDT 9-05.2(7)) KEY ROCKERY INTO GEOTEXTILE FOR UNDERGROUND EXISTING GROUND DRAINAGE(WSDOT 9-33) NOTES. 1. SEE STRUCTURAL RETAINING WALLS AND ROCK FACINGS 1N THE 6. DESIGN SIDEWALK CROSS GRADE SHALL BE 1.5%. STANDARDS,SECTION 6.11.C. 0. AS NECESSARY TO MEET TERRAIN AND SIGHT 2. FACE OF ROCKERY OR RETAINING WALL MUST BE OUTSIDE THE CLEAR DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS. ZONE AS SHOWN ON STANDARD PLAN 6-50. PIPE TO DRAIN TO CITY STOP N SYSTEM OR 3. CHAIN LINK FENCE,TYPE NO.3 OR 4(SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLANS) NATURAL DRAINAGE COURSE. OR HANDRAIL REQUIRED WHEN ROCKERY HEIGHT 15 30 IN.OR � GREATER.SEE STD.PLAN 6.41. L J PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT PER STANDARD PLAN 6-34 8'-0"MAX.HE ADJACENT TO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WRY.3'-0"TO 6'-0"MAX.HEIGHT ADJACENT TO OTHER PROPERTIES PER STANDARD PLAN 6-5 7 OR BETWEEN INTERIOR LOTS. S. WALL HEIGHTS EXCEEDING T-0'IN HEIGHT ARE ALLOWED WHEN ADJACENT TO A STREET.ROCKERIES OVER 6'-U"IN HEIGHT ARE REQUIRED TO BE ENGINEERED, os Ep 7 NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT F W S N ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGHED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT m a THE CITY OF KENT,A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. y CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT li I14 a � KENT WALLS IN CUT SECTION ss1�NAL "•."" PUBLIC ROW RESCIHEO. E STNI A5RD PLM ` MANN f �4 � p1EpCE0 E 6"60 l APP 309 CHAIN LINK FENCE OR HANDRAIL VARIES 7 Fl. SIDEWALK PLANTER STRIP ROW LINE 5 12'MIN,TMH KNESS E G 2'-4'QUARRY SPALLS �i •f (WSDOT STD.SPEC. rs s 9-13.6) thN�1 err m r W x MIN. r GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR DRAINS ORIGINAL Lu N (WSDOT STD.SPEC.9-03.12(4)} GROUND :a A PERFORATED PIPE 6"MIN.Q8 KEY ROCKERY (WSDOT STD.SPEC.9-05.7(7)] INTO EXISTING FILTER FABRIC(WSDOT STD.SPEC.9-33) GROUND NOTES: 1. SEE STRUCTURAL.RETAINING WALLS AND ROCK FACINGS IN THE STANDARDS, SECTION 6.I1.C. 2, FLATTER SLOPE MAY BE REQUIRED BASED ON GEOTECHN ICAL I NVESTIGATION. 3. CHAIN LINK FENCE,TYPE NO.3 OR 4(SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLANS)OR HANDRAIL REQUIRED WHEN ROCKERY HEIGHT IS 30IN.OR GREATER.SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-44. 4. WALL HEIGHTS EXCEEDING 3'-0'IN HEIGHT ARE ALLOWED WHEN ADIACENTTO A STREET,ROCKERIES OVER 6'-0'IN HEIGHT ARE REQUIRED TO BE ENGINEERED. S. TRAFFIC BARRIERS MAY BE REQUIRED ON ROADS WITH SPEED LIMITS OF 40 MPH OR GREATER,WHERE ROCKERY HEIGHTS EXCEED 6-W SEE CHAPTER 7 OF THE WSDOT DESIGN MANUAL 6. 8'-D'MAX.HEIGHT ADJACENT TO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY.3'-0'TO 6'-D"MAX. HEIGHT ADJACENT TO OTHER PROPERTIES PER STANDARD PLAN ST-45 OR 4'-0' BETWEEN INTERIOR LOTS. 7 AS NECESSARY TO MEET TERRAIN AND SIGHT DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS. �8 PIPE TO DRAIN TO CTIY STORM SYSTEM 0R NATURAL DRAINAGE COURSE. �l NOTE.THIS PLAN I5 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING OOCUM ENT BUT y� 6F WASy�y "� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT O ti� THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT 'J-4 ENGIkEER1NON� DEPARTMENT D� �E Isle� ' `� KENT WALLS II@ FILL SECT)ON PLIBLIC ROW ��a TE HouE n { r �� DRAW � C_C 310 VARIES VARIES 6'-0'µIN, `AS NECESSARY TO MEET TERRAIN AND SIGHT DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS. 6- CHAIN I.1Ni[. FENCE OR ROW HANDRAIL LINE 6"CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE w [WSDOT 9-03,9(3]] CAP(CONCRETE CLASS 40DO) (WSDOT 6-02.3(1)} •' ,I 1 I ion 12'MIN. d a a 12'MIN.THICKNESS 2"-4"QUARRY SPACES(WSDOT 9 13.6] I Lu tj z GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR DRAINS(WSDOT 9-03.12(4)] ri 1 \ V 1 BD PERFORATED PIPE 6"MIN. ORIGINAL GROUND KEY ROCKERY (WSDOT9-05.2(7)] INTO EXISTING FILTER FABRIC GROUND (WSDOT9.33) NOTES: 1• SEE STRUCTURAL RETAINING WALLS AND ROCK FACINGS IN THE STANDARDS,SECTION 6.11.C. 2. FLATTER SLOPE MAY BE REQUIRED BASED AN GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION, 3. CHAIN UN FENCE,TYPE NO.3 OR 4(SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLANS)OR HANDRAIL REQUIRED WHEN ROCKERY HEIGHT IS 30 IN.OR GREATER,SEE STD.PLAN 6.410R WSDOT L-20.ID-00 THRU L-30.10.04. 4. WALL HEIGHTS EXCEEDING 3'-0"IN HEIGHT ARE ALLOWED WHEN ADJACENT TO A STREET. ROCKERIES OVER 6'-0"1N HEIGHT ARE REQUTREiD TO BE ENGINEERED. S. TRAFFIC BARRIERS MAY BE REQUIRED ON ROADS WITH SPEED LIMITS OF 40 MPH OR GREATER, WHERE ROCKERY HEIGHTS EXCEED 6'-0'SEE CHAPTER 7 OF THE WSDOT DESIGN MANUAL. . 6. 8'•0'MAX.HEIGHT AD]ACENT TO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY.3'-0'TO 6'-0"MAX.HEIGHT ADJACENT TO OTHER PROPERTIES PER STANDARD PLAN 6-63 OR 4'-0'BETWEEN INTERIOR LOTS. AS NECESSARY TO MEET TERRAIN AND SIGHT DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS. 88.. PIPE TO DRAIN TO CITY STORM SYSTEM OR NATURAL DRAINAGE COURSE. SOSE NOTE:THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT S� nF WASy� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BYTHE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT Z THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. m CITY OF KENT � EHOIRLERINGH� GEPARTAIENT 493 I Te WALLS UNDER SIDEWALK PUBLIC ROW 0 L �y VmlGHE➢- E HONE SfANMRA PLAN . [� viuwH mECKEU TE 6-C 2 APMI U V G 311 THIN.OR STRUCTURE SETBACK WHICHEVER 15 GREATER 1 FINISHED I GRADE 1 MUST BE UNDER MAY BE UPTO G'MAX, TIN HEIGHT t IN HEIGHT I � f Ilf I 1'0'HIN. 3'MIN, T MIN. I m BETWEEN SEGMENTS In -- FINISHED GRADE f 1 cc - _ I— NOTES: 1. THE HEIGHT OF THE WALL WITHIN A STRUCTURE SETBACK 15 LIMITED TO T-0"IN TOTAL HEIGHT MEASURED FROM FINISHED GRADE AT THE BASE OF THE WALL TO THE TOP OF THE WALL. Z. WALL HEIGHTS EXCEEDING T-0"IN HEIGHT ARE ALLOWED WHEN ADJACENT TO A STREET.ROCKERIES OVER 6'-0'IN HEIGHT ARE REQUIRED TO BE ENGINEERED. 3. WHERE THE SEPARATION BETWEEN SINGLE FAMILY HOMES WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT 15 LESS THAN 16',A WALL HEIGHT OF 4'-0'IS ALLOWED WITHIN THE STRUCTURE SETBACKS. SOSEP�r NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT F INAS,pf AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE f1 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBL[CATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT A THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITYICEIwTT RHoiNEH�eaiNreG oeP►aenisiaT `-GrsTER� � LO OKEW[' HEIGHT MEASUREMENT FOR ��4NAL "' — PERIMETER WALL LOCATION `r11o/0 �� r �� CAL SIANLIFAO PLAN (J CHEC �_�� 312 d LL � d LA P W`J NN P d Q ULu y Jr r-i❑� �Z � Ll. P N W O CJ O a a w 4 2 g in Lu Enu+ N L1 Lnin �ygw,} y N - in P y L3 X Z fv Ul O Z NM Z uw�� a N� 2 d U P W d !7 r� F W m y -li l.n L.1 Ll= m W N EN 4+1�11 US J U- �_ nZr NW L7 r[ En oQ Ln J'ce J w Nu oLu ao xIx a' varo zip �1d MIN.' P Q m�, 2 N pn J N 6 '� �ry _ P x❑ p3�: 5.m ¢Li z P �cp mQw}r v En i-- Z ri .-� U w�n um W En N Q QC dCI�A tQ-r� X a �pSEP NOTE;THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT y a� WASy� �9 AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOP.PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON F]LE AT ❑ �� los THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. y r y CITYOF KENT ENGINEERING 0F.PARTNEHT FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT PATCHING �sSIC ... ,.e.,. TRANSVERSE CUT NAL DEN" STAH6AR6 PLAN W BRAWN.,.- _ t r CFIECKCtI o _ -4 MPR 313 aJ a 4 N 2 N 2 W ��pV M a^ ca�ag o 2M � F-ic t� �Py a+ q0 wN Sri 2� d y ri ldn �i� ¢LN7 O�o�a N n vNiLu trry ❑ v�i � f m�C� p� � p r w W 4 N '-' W O Q Lw.1 N N a Q p f-ca I o LL o w Npmo �� =�u oU�c I -cz E1 $cl"i ? r7 I N k1l 14 W � w W � W 7 In a ¢ — z a ¢ z rn :-e w 3 1� a � I !CI N Z � In ti N C7 ()SEP1 d NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT p � WASy AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE 4RIG[NAL,SIGNE❑BY THE c� ENGINEER AND APPROVER fOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT z 4 D yv z THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAYBE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. a CITY OF KENT EMOfhlEERIHO DEPARTLIE♦'IT o �F rsTFLEXIBLE PAVEMENT PATCHING N `�SIDNAL .... .o„ LONGITUDINAL CUT M1 G7 6FsiplEn ru r,_ MANE STAMOARiI PtM y i1�iICHECKP tj 314 100'MIN.(70'MIN.) 100'MIN.(70'MIN.) 50' S0' 50'(35'MIN.) 504(35'MIN.) 35 MIN. A (35'MIN.) CURB .J � t I TRENCH CURB ASPHALT OVERLAY ASPHALT A FULL LANE WIDTH 9".] OVERLAY TRENCH EDGE OF PAVEMENT LANE LINES 100'MIN.(70'MIN.) /f I '0' CURB {35`MIN.} T MIN. I l 2'MIN. V' 50'(35'MIN.) TRENCH ASPHALT OVERLAY CURB EDGE OF PAVEMENT FULL LAME WIDTH(TYP.) PLAN VIEW o THOROUGHLYTACK o Lu ALL EDGES I 2`GRIND AND OVERLAY ,, m o a FULL LANE WIDTH(TYP.) SEE STANDARD PLAN b 6-64 OR 6-65 AN NOTES: I L�-�_J� 1. THIS STANDARD APPLIES TO ALL CUTS TO ARTERIAL STREETS. SECTION A A TRENCH SEE STANDARD SEE SECTION 6.16,DIMENSIONS IN PARENTHESIS APPLIES TO PLAN 6-65 OR 6-68 ALL OTHER STREETS. 2. OVERLAY AREA MAY BE MODIFIED BY THE ENGINEER ON OLDER PAVEMENT DEPENDING ON CONDITIONS OR SCHEDULED CONSTRUCTION/MAINTENANCE. Cc)5Ept, 1 <1 NOTE:TK15 PLAN i5 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT Sl1T 3. ADJUST ALL UTILITY CASTING TO FINISH o f WAS8/ AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE GRADE AND RESTORE CHANNELIZATON £� titi ` tic ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 1S KEPT ON FILE AT AND LOOP DETECTORS. ❑ k see THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 4. ON PRINCIPAL AND MINOR ARTERI r CITY KENT THE OVERLAY LENGTH MAY BE MODI ED EhiQIHEERINQ QEpARTMEIZT TO i50'(Mm) p �� lsT��E� ��� � ' ASPHALT OVERLAY FOR S. UTILITY PATCHES WITHIN 75'OF EAC �'�SrpNAL E "� ROADWAY TRENCH REPAIR OTHER SHALL BE TREATED AND REPAIR D ! oes+e+eo + NONE SIANDARD PLM AS ONE PATCH. Danwl+ s + 1 CHECKED RA -tlo 6-6 C� C7 V VV i [ 315 Z w z r r r�u pQ z .6 .os�a UL'ot' N F ru �" qua rzC pw ce a3'a�' x Q � 0 w pN a L1 �a waCi� '�-' mQ¢ >a� wows co LIiZ oy Jy ��14F-�++TTJ�+{ � ��w N -0 o z f phi+ opC i aCw �� piAF r Lu � � it V �� �¢ aan wo[ 5aw'a as 0Q¢ °pi��nQ 0 �o a� �� a w ib� a 'v w lx uzi0 W 1 N�c b� o� in 2lj!mpp� i to �f11 ¢ GJ N� gF �Ci 71.r p rn z N r o a u c 20 N� dim oQx _ I g rc' n L'Jd i�d as xo z az�0 En el w ti 4 6� C]�n 4¢c¢.,uz1 ��cn S�C�7 4 C F � Q 4�� �z jEy Z =6C7N 2CC u d r+ ca Ln a�u u i J w 4 Q�y7 d r W R td m°W pzp an.�z Za, 4 i 0 y 9 � � 4 ¢] 2 �3 q •� iJu y�2 O Q 2 Fz J W � Z W v a W PuJ <L rrrrrCCCCC w u61 00Q n O¢ �pSE�fj NOTE;THIS PLAN 15 NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT y' of W A s �� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE aW ti 61 NGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT y tcJ x THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPDN REQUEST. ty CITY OF KENT E3JOINCE8INONG DEPARTMENT '4�afi�+sTeR4a �i �. i�r RIGID PAVEMENT PATCHING f �'�s�ONAL��� "''•"""'"' TRANSVERSE CUT OPPwrN� _— ryr_ Home srumveo�w 6-67 316 a W Z W Q 0 a o a C.I ❑ m a n 8 O o Odj rrp y❑j n w�6j F D� 7a t1 U � 431 m 2 �o � D.�. � F T� "" ��.w � ❑�CC ci VI r IEn w u r`1 N }{�u, 2 i7 m zpALu ui rNi p 7 d L-u¢l3 Oo F FD} W E .•i GO in ce -,,a. Lj sJ ul vFi mL go J� } y d d W F W W b H Q� .• N swa g cXi a g"M1N.• � Ck � a s �z E<+> x0� 0-w W pc� [�1Gifl ❑ p ■ �- z f2 Z.�❑ � D Zq �q w O ��❑ a in 0 a a wrn v Na Qo m a�U ¢�: i 000 0 2 .4 +6 n m � a w z u�i z a O 4 N C7 Q g W T N mLn IL N z as ry �QSEp�r NOTE:THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT aF WAS y � AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,5IGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVE?FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT rn� qN THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. �y CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT G�STE?6o K�NT RIGID PAVEMENT PATCHING �{...... . LONGITUDINAL CUT C❑RAWH❑ ❑A !fit. 1— 6-68 ! ❑ 317 r— Q z , N ul -I I a J xa a ln3 ON IL �Y 0 "y7 uQ]{io7 NF LN7 a� L9 O +q1 �i 2a a �mz �$ ' uiaoM eu w 3 mod' xQ 3p ry w� i7Rt- a Q 6 -8 �a m o w O Y �c 2 N a W �rNNh<a�Q�Qy ilpsp ? m � ai x zj 6A � wa f17 W Q Q inLa F-. W ce y o wW J � a 7 Q a � � U �a L7 "Z nvs< x00 a Z;¢ W r Lu �lQ�yy Pe �"�c+i a o Jz �xx5 r z 1 ❑J r '¢ ¢W W W J h W 7 N W O Cn • O QSEp I NOTE;THIS PLAN 15 NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT _ f WA4 AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE �n i ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PU9LICAT10N IS KEPT ON FILE AT i =W O y THE CITY OF RENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. Lu Q� i i� r CITY OF KE1VT y� 1a [7, ETtC31kH6RIFIO DEPARTMENTF �s ��E° ,�w� NT PAVEMENT RESTORATION FOR ca w 'iD WINDOW CUTS OR POT HOLING w s�fONAL E� 6 Ok316HFD_ � _ STm4w PI,W ! f O A,P - 6--69 MP 318 EDGE OF VARIES TURNOUT S"TO 12' ®FACE OF CURB VARIES b"TO.12' L� L� z WOOL}OR STEEL POST 0.17'MAX.STEEL i yd (STEEL POST SHOWN) TUBE f i4 6 V Y �. N CURB ANTI-TWIST PLATE,SEE WSDOT STANDARD ANTI-TWIST PLATE, ° PLANS H 70.10 00(TYP} SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLANS TYPE}JSTEEL POST OPTION TYPE 1 INSTALLED BEHIND CURB EDGE OF'TURNOUT VARIES fi'TO 12" BACK OF SIDEWALK VARIES 5"TO 12" l� lF� 4"x 4'MAX. z x WOOD OR STEEL POST a c WOOD POST (STEEL PDST SHOWN) \ N SIDEWALK / ANTI-TWIST PLATE, � SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLANS 1 lfi TYPE 1(WOOD POST OPTION) rT TYPE I INSTALLED BEHIND SIDEWALK SOSEPI I NOTE:THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT ❑k WASy, AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION LS KEPT ON FILE AT h x THE CITY OF(CENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. NOTE: y CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING 6EPARTUENT 1. ALL LOCATIONS TO BE APPROVED 24 3 q ,Q� � MAILBOX INSTALLAVON BY THE POSTMASTER. '�p� �I T£�� `Sr KENT TYPE 1 AND Z w.r.i..rv. Z, SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLAINS sS��1VAS r�jZG� SHEET I OF 2 H•70.10-00 AND H-70.20-00 FOR/ 4 DRAWN n'wDMI)MM DETAILS. 1 f slecKEo on 6-70 319 T ----SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLAN H-70,20-00 FOR a TUBE CONNECTION �= TWO 5/16°X 4 1/2'BOLTS 2'O.D.,14 GAGE TUBE DLRECTION ' WITH TWO FLAT WASHERS OFTRAFFIC AND ONE LOCKNUT POST MOUNTING SOCKET [V ANGLE LEG FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW TYPE 2 (MULTIPLE BOX INSTALLATION) NOTES: I. SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-40 FOR SIDEWALK REQUIREMENTS. 2. SEE WSOOT STANDARD PLAN H-70.20-00 FOR DETAILS. 2'-7' 5'-D' MIN.CLEAR WIDTH MOUNT ON PEDESTAL 1, r — _ PROVIDED WITH ANCHOR BOLT PATTERN PER N.D.C.B.U.UNIT N,D.C.B.U.PEDESTAL TEMPLATE 6' PLANTING STRIP EXPANSION JOINT WIDTH D' EXPANSION JOINT TO VARIABLE EXPANSION JOW i A e G d • iq 2 VERTICAL CURB 1-6n a FRONT VIEW 2 1'-6' TYPE N.D.C.S.U.INSTALLATION (NEIGHBORHOOD DELIVERY AND COLLECTION BOX UNIT) SIDE VIEW NOTES: p5 E NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT ` of WAgi, AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE 1. THE POSTMASTER OR DESIGNATED �. �W ti tc ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBL[CATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT SERVING POST OFFICE WILL DESIGNATE ❑ o THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. H TE LOCATION AND MANNER OF y CITY ❑F FONT GROUPING OF MAIL BOXES. }r ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 2�INSTALLATION OF N.O.C.B.U. �O 1 MAILBOX INSTALLATION [INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION OF BASE] lob IS SENT TYPE S AND 2 WILL BE DONE BY US.POSTAL SERVIC `gSlgjijAL .��w.e.e SHEU 2 OF 4 oESIGNeoI STmDow Km 3. SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-34 FOR CURS ORA"_. AND SIDEWALK JOINTS. Q� CHECKED re - 6_,70 � N 320 VARIES 45� TYPE OF SUPPORT VARIES r, TYPE I BARRICADE TYPE II BARRICADE ;; SANDBAGS FOR ADDED STABILITY MOVABLE(TEMPORARY) TYPE III BARRICADE BOLTS:2 PER JOINT 112'X Y LAG SCREWS BOARDS: H.OT.E: GALV. 8'K 1"OR 12"X 1' FOR DIMENSIONS NOT SHOWN,SEE TABLE. c N y 0 1' VARIES 2'MTN. iv {TYP.} POSTS:4'x 6'MIN.PRESSURE TREATED BARRICADE NOTES: OR CEDAR PAINTED WHITE. TY,PL I II III FIXED(PERMANENT) WIDTH OF RAIL g"MIN. B"MIN• 8'MIN. lZ"MAT(. I2'h1AX. 12"MA%. TYPE III BARRICADE LENGTH OF RAIL . T MIN. T MIN. _ 4'MIN. HEIGHT 3'MIN. Y MIN. 5'MIN. _ DEMOUNTABLE LIGHT"A' POST OR STRIPE DOTES: TYPE OF FRAME OR HEAVY"A" FRAME SKIDS FLEXISILFTY MOVABLE PORTABLE MOVABLE OR ORANGE&WHITE IF TEMPORARY.RED PERMANENT &WHITE IF PERMANENT. L, SdSEp+I NOTE:THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERI DOCUMENT BUT REFLECTORIZED o�wnsy� A NG N ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE Cti ti� ti c ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT SLANT DOWNWARD,RIGHT OR LEFT,IN O y`r THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. DIRECTION TRAFFIC WILL PASS.SLANT CITY OF DENT BOTH IC PASSES B FROM MIDENDS. WE IF TRAFFIC PASSES BATH ENDS.WIDTH 6" ENOIN£EWN0 DEPARTMENT EXCEPT 4"IF RAILS ARE LESS THAN 3 Cl21 5 <R� LONG. Q� ROADWAY 13ARRICADES SLANT DOWNWARD TO MIDDLE AT E D DES tiUM, sTu+awa-AM OF CLQSEl)ROAD. q oaiwk - r+sr+e �'Q r CHECKED IE Y _ 6-71 SEE MUTCD SEC.6F.63 .. f APP m` 321 2'BRASS DISC r Il a• 1 �cc Ao11I1 � 6. PLAN OF COVER FINISHED GRADE (PAVEMENT) in 101/2"DIA. (BOTH SIDES) t6 H n 4 1/4'DfA.COVER 3/8" 11/2" S 1/4", 1/2' I MONUMENT DETAIL • - 3/4' I a d B'DIA. •d d �1'MEN.OR 6"MAX. ` - d 5 3/4'R. - CONCRETE CLASS 3000 BASE a 10,R. 6" NOTES: r f� MONUMENT 1. MONUMENT,MONUMENT CASE AND SECTION COVER-0LYMPIC FOUNDRY WSDDT 8"x 4",PART NO.1015 OR PRE-APPORVED EQUAL. 2, MONUMENT POST--FOG-TITS MONUMENT POST,OR PRE-APPROVED EQUAL. WAS AN NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERTNG DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNET]BY THE 3. THE CASTINGS SHALL BE:GRAY-IRON �r`pF L H�yc�9 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FIEF AT CASTINGS,ASTM DESIGNATION A-48, �v THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CLASS 40.THE COVER AND SEAT SH BE MACHINED AS TO HAVE PERF CITY KEIVT CONTACT AROUND THE ENTIRE �' C�J EHOISJEERINONO DEPARTMENT SEARING CE FACE, FULL WIDTH STANDARD MONUMENT, BEARING SURFACE, Q •�STE� � �E�'�" ,,,,,," . MONUMENT CASE AND COVER 4. WHEN THE MONUMENT,MONUMENT CASE `�sfONAL AND COVER ARE PLACED IN CEMENTr+or+e �N°"�°Pltir+ prumc CONCRETE PAVEMENT THE CONCRETE 6 72 BASE WELL NOT BE NECESSARY. ! wP 322 42' Iz' 30' 3- , a a v 0 a 0 0 a a a a a a ❑v v o o a o a d 0 0 o a o a 0 a o 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o v a o o v o a0ovo 00oao Da❑ bo VARIES (300'MAX.) S' TWO WAY LEFT TURN LANE ❑ oo00 p0000 noon 000eoanoeaoovoa00000a ooaeeo ❑ooaa0000aoanvva ooa000aooaov . 21' 4'GAP "TYPE lY RPM TYPE 2YY RP14 TRAFFIC DIRECTION TWO WAY LEFT TURN LINES TRAFFIC DIRECTION TRAFFIC DIRECTION 21' I I TYPE 2W OR Y RPM p oavv000000ooa ooao loo+4' TYPE IWORYRPM TYPE 1Y RPM a ooa000 dvaaoo 21' h1 GAP 1 � — 1— TYPE2YYRPM 9888688 8 888008 0 88$9 NO GAP TRAFFIC DIRECTION --w0c:r- DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE WIDE LINE TRAFFIC DIRECTION TRAFFIC DIRECTION 42' 42' 12' 30' 12' 30' t000 aodcv o a o 0 0 0 0 0 TYPE 1W RPM TYPE 2W RPM TYPE 1W RPM TYPE 2W RPM TRAFFIC DIRECTION TRAFFIC DIRECTION LANE LINE SKIP CENTER LINE "TYPE 2Y RPM G' 21' TYPE lY RPM g 8 8 $ BB 88 B8 98 HB 98 0 0 ❑000 o a oovo noov o 0 oa TYPEIWRPM 000aa00000aoaanoo❑ ogoa 0 °o 000°0 °o°o°o°oaa cooao 0000no ao0°a TYPE2WRPhf I8'-RPM'S EQUALLY SPACED TRAFFIC DIRECTION BARRIER LINE DOTTED WIDE LINE 12' 15' 3' 42' B 88 G8 TYPE 1W RPM 00 o a n G Q ❑oo 000 00 ❑0000 a o a .I.YPE2WRPM TYPE 2W RPM TYPE 1W RPM t� PROP LANE LINE TRAFFIC DIRECTION EDGE LINE NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT 8U7 `� nF WASy LI� AN ELECTRONIC DUPCATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION I KEPT ON FILE AT O m� a THE CITY OF KENT,A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT �a EH6TNEERIN9 DEPARTMENT 14 ��° �°° �• TYPICAL RPM LANE � KE.T MARKINGS s�IONAL G DMGNlE;,&=fq Sr�Xk �Kff STANDMO PLAN I- Q GhIWN. CriECVCE — �_ APPR 323 4' 36' 4T TRAFFIC DIRECTION 1' a o ❑ © D o VARIES (304'MAX.) 4"GAP S. TWO WAY LEFT TURN LANE p n tl II TRAFFIC DIRECTION 4"YELLOW PLASTIC LINE TYPE 2YY RPM TWO WAY LEFT TURN LINES TRAFFIC DIRECTION TRAFFIC DTRECTION LI 21` 21' a•WHITE PLASTIC LINE =� ° TYPE 2YY RPM 4"GAP 4 YELLOW PLASTIC LINE TYPE 2W RPM TRAFFIC DIRECTION TRAFFIC DIRECTION D DUO LE YELLOW CENTER LINE WIDE LINE TRAFFIC DIRECTION 12' 34' TRAFFIC DIRECTION 1 a o 12, 30' 1, TYPE 2Y RPM 4"YELLOW PLASTIC LINE o n � TRAFFIC DIRECTION TYPE 2W RPM 74-WHII-EPLASTIC LINE SKIP CENTER LINE TRAFFIC DIRECTION LANE LINE 6 8 1' =PE2W �8"WNlTE FtAST1C LINE ooTTEo WIDE LINO 4"WH TE OR YELLOW PLASTIC 11NE EDGE LINE TRAFFIC DIRECTION 21'(TYP.) 18"YELLOW PLASTIC BARRIER LINE DD a ❑ p p I8"-TYPE 2Y RPM'S EQUALLY SPACED 1� 3' 9 �aSEp� TRAFFIC DIRECTION BARRIER LINE CITY OF KENT a"WHITE PLASTIC LINE 0 �P ENGFNEERFNG DEPARTMENT TYPE 2W RPM , K EN E T TYPICAL.. THERMOPLASTIC DROP LANE SINE 2149 Eq LANE MARKINGS Q CISTER 0&SICRE❑MUM__ FS `rs�CIYAL Gt MIGN _ NONE sT.ANDMM PLM "'I MPR pa 324 } Q a WHITE THERMOPLASTIC EQUALLY CROSSWALK BAR SPACED z LI' s 3 3 I LIU (10 24" I of I I Ai 1, I � I V STOP BAR TIRE TRACKS(TYP,) k TYPICAL 4 LANE ROADWAY CONFIGURATION `NOTES: 1. FOR ROADWAYS WITH MORE OR LESS LANES,THE SAME CONFIGURATION APPLIES, C ENTER THERMOPLASTIC BARS ON THE LANE LINES,AND IN THE CENTER OF THE TRAVELED PORTION OF THE LANE TO MINIMIZE TIRE WEAR ON THE THERMOPLASTIC. 2. THE CENTERLINE OF THE CROSSWALK SHALL GO FROM THE CENTERLINE OF THE CURS RAMP ON ONE SIDE OF THE STREET TO THE CENTERLINE OF THE CURB RAMP ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STREET UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 3. GLASS BEADS(PER WSDOT STANDARD SPECS.SECTION 9.34)SHALL BE ADDED TO ALL THERMOPLASTIC CROSSWALKS ANDSTOP BARS. wEP 1 NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT a� y� 1� AN FLECTRGNIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE C. h ti Ca ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY 13E OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. y CITY OF KEluT ENOINEERl" DEPARTMENT O� R 149 JST1=R� � �KA r THERMOPLASTIC CROSSWALK �`�S��NAL "•."." " MARKINGS IESFGNEP VKH STASDM d PLM ►sP 325 N0 3'-7.' i V-9' 3._D" 0 o r� i o [V 1 NOTES: 1. THERMOPLASTIC MATERIAL SHALL BE USED,UNLESS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. GLASS BEADS(PER WSDOT STANDARD SPECS.SECTION 9-34)SHALL BE t, ADDED TO ALL THERMOPLASTIC CROSSWALKS AND STOP BARS. NOTE:THIS PLAN IS.NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCl1h mT BuT LENGTH VARIABLE o � OF WASjq AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED SY THE �'� m ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUKICATIflN IS KEPT ON FILE AT ❑ y THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAYBE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, . CITY OF KENT [1J .ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT rs RE° w� � � TRER�fOPLASTIC ARROWS, KENT STOP BARS & ONLY LEGEND NAL STOP BAR DETAIL VAN DRAM - 1 agEc ATE — 6= s 326 6' 6" 6" NOTES: TYPE I: 16- 1. CURBS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY A 61NCH RED PAINT STRIPE ON THE TOP AND SIDE. 2. ROLLED CURBS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY A 6 INCH RED 6"RED STRIPE PAINT STRIPE ON THE UPPER MOST PORTION OF THE CURB. WHITE LETTERING 3. ROADS WITH NO CURBS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY A 6 INCH i I RED STRIPE. N G PARKING - FIRE LANE 4. THE WORDS"NO PARKING-FIRE LANE'SHALL BE 18 INCHES HIGH WHITE LETTERING WITH 3 INCH STROKE AND 8"MINIMUM PLACED 8 INCHES AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE RED STRIPE.1N MOST CASES,BOTH SIDES SHALL BE 18"MINIMUM MARKED.WHERE LONG ROADS EXIST THE MARKING MAY ALTERNATE SIDES.MARKINGS WILL NOT EXCEED SO'APART NO PARKING-FIRE LANE NO PARKING-FIRE LANE TYPE 2; 1. IN ADDITION TO TYPE 1,HIGHWAY GRADE METAL (ALUMINUM)SIGNS SHALL BE LOCATED AT INTERVALS 0R LOCATIONS AS DETERMINED BY THE FIRE CODE OFFICIAL.SIGNS SHALL BE MINIMUM 12'X 18'WITH RED LETTERS ON A WHITE BACKGROUND.POSTS SHALL 6"RED STRIPE BE PER 6-82 AND 6-83.THE BOTTOM OF THE SIGN SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 7 FEET ABOVE THE CURB.SIGNS SHALL BE INSTALLED NOMINALLY PARALLEL TO THE 30-60 ROAD,FACING THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL.SIGNS WILL DEGREES NOT EXCEED 15D'APART. 2. WHERE SIGNS ARE ADJACENT TO BUILDINGS,THE FIRE CODE OFFICIAL MAY ALLOW THEM TO BE PLACED ON THE 301"Id-DNDNdVd ON 18"MINIMUM BUILDING OR STRUCTURE. t3. SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-83 FOR SIGN MOUNTING. WHITE LETTERING NO NO PARKING PARKING NO NO FIRE FIRE PARKING PARKING LANE LANE FIRE FIRE �� LANE LAN E RS-31 RS-31L TYPE 3' RS-31D R8.31R 1, DIAGONAL RED STRIPING ACROSS THE �pSEP� NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT WIDTH OF THE FIRE LANE SHALL BE " � F WA Sy AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE USED WHEN REQUIRED BY THE FIRE �`S'awn ` �ti� 9 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT CODE OFFICIAL IT SHALL BE USED IN a tiY THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CONJUNCTION WITH A 6 INCH RED ++ STRIPE 5IMILARTO TYPE 1.THE CITY OF KENT STRIPES SHALL RUN AT A 30 TO 60 �7 ENGINEERING DEPARTFIEN7 DEGREE ANGLE AND SHALL BE PAR LEL rd 4 �0 4 ■ WITH EACH OTHER.THE STRIPE SHALL S R U KENT FIRE LANE MARKING BE A MINIMUM 6 INCHES IN WIDTH AN �SJ4IVAL A MINIMUM OF 24 INCHES APART. aemceem_ umi nµwRD FLM LETTERING TO OCCUR AS WITH TYPE 1 oa�wN a xoK -- MARKING. � r� � ��° � 6-77 [[[ �PPH 327 6'-7' EDGE LINE P3�-;3' 3'-3' LANE LINE OR 4 CENTERLINE r�.�rrp1 0 -H a 4 N n 2 IJ— m KEY: y+ Q RR CROSSING SYMBOL m Q 600 mm STOP BAR W 3�, WI�1 ADVANCE WARNING SIGN 2 r, N ®SEE THE MLITCO,PART B,FOR LETTER * LAYOUT'. o 3'4' o W .• en lu ur m f w L9 4 In 21: Q FF 2 w a 1'-0. c7 NARROW RR CROSSING SYMBOL DETAILS a NOTE:THIS PLAN I5 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 05EP AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE S {I ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PLIBlICAT[ON IS KEPT ON FILE AT og WtiSy THE CITY OF RENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF. .KEN'T y [xauresrtiMa CCPAR7A1[FrT RAILROAD WARNING x KENT PAVEMENT MARKINGS �v d lsil + oEscHm_ . STMDMO PLM RAILROAD_HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING l� A� l} 9DRAWNs NARROW PAVEMENT MARKING PLACEMENT DETAIL TE 7 ,w 328 9e•z £s'T Ln M s d spppt c9 E es s' Fzn 5 a z _ N to 4 ry SZ'S .pis z �,m fv �� tr 7 q Lu U nw fa w z a fl s 4 $ w M 4 to = z O 6a 6 N �y0 Vl 3 xwx Lw.1 N ri w N K a ac 2 ti N Y N S �w z N t`q u 2 a a fu cn a a a w v' Ul m4 z +n x C z a 2 Z o ZE C w rj N g U f1J K 0 a m W N Q UJ.. LU Q ti a w M a Wz o 3 Q q � .y rV Ni •? n SN Z 3 z NOTE:THIS PLAN LS N07 A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 5()SEP� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE N WAS,%, ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON F]LE AT THE CITY❑F KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON RFQUEST, CITY OF KENT EN[71NEERiMo pEpAR71REl17 ���' TYPICAL BIKE LANE KENT MARKINGS L 1 1 b� CNrsKEo e . 8-79 329 f'1 H f�J F Q N a0-Z ❑4� o¢�e zn 3 x " x 4 Ir ;K o y J tyJ a u1�L Z � a IL! sn uj 5ry�ry x n w a,w W Iµn-1 m 2 Q N d a b V N Qx� ❑ x EX W W o tt¢� }� Lc1Q7 4 w p Z F O vi F F wX z tKLLO X F 1 4 4 F cp Q sri F ai 3 3i f f� a a W W O In a "' n o ¢w I I V co = J 7-- IL Lr _ ❑� y�r�f g IJJ g p ZZ m � I I W Lz ca � � N IA be Q 19 F- N ry N LLn iA a o I u X�Xi F F w O N d= yZ:k x In 0 Q W b Q in (n N a N En N O r a 4d a 3 ¢ II If II II It M II II Ix f Lna = r " w Ln 1 fl o a o ^' w � 3 ri r - rr ui 3 4¢m N t[j g in � I ��SEp� NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT o `� OF WASly AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE IN, � Fd ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT ❑ THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF ]KENT ¢HatKe>=RING aEPAlrruerrt 14 ,c �G TER q `{�� `r KENT SYMMETRICAL LEFT TURN POCKET a RIVAL a��n p �-. scu a_, HLIPIE_ STFHONeo PLNt 330 0 Ln z o w n 2 W oL 7 W 1 z L ill o c N -ONLY i NOTE: 0 SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-73 FOR LANE MARKING DETAIL. wz ou 0 c 5 y3S EP�r � 0� WAS y <1 ce LI7 t ry SIONAL � 1 /& ��4 iNOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PU8LICATION 1S KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ENGINEERINO DEPARTWEM LEFT TURN POCKET AT END KENT OF TWO WAY ""--.. LEFT TURN LANE EMNED UWHSC�Le woHE ,^• 57-AND O FLM DRAW cIICSac CaTE - APP R� l 331 LL W Q d ry of H WN Ln ¢C ~ yQy T U uj m Yl S cl W in Y lu 2 T O en 2 O 6¢ iid dz a w g N r� O +J7 05 %n m ep vl �O y `m Q m U A NO T � C2n9� z¢ ¢� m o z g 17 N h B aJ=;d1c ce w a� 0 00 � � a ¢ � O a t" m 7 w w Cn0 Lu N si+ 22 ;on ¢Nw z to m w w � Q ~ 0 [7 IA N,jD Q st; �4 ab m: g o �nm viw S a pp x U a S 7 cFUC N d a z Ol w}D x L 1 a I S a lu ce �w 9� � W fl �r T r'y p W N N N S� ❑C7 � oC.H.ti F ❑A �47 d y�y,yyo� p ,bZ O n =u to Lu ct �i a t; Q w 2 O cn En U -w p s os E NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT F WAS y AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE f. Rw❑ ti •fyca ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT � ENO1kEERIN4 OEPARTAfEN7 21 3 s e 0p, H C75TER�6 $ KENT 51GN INSTALLATION Ft� ..U—T ocstcHm KOKsnwaevm FLM a � 6--8 2 APR 332 VV E E � PVT A� n ET WOW r J u NOTES: Np - - 1. SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-82 FOR STREET NAME SEGN DETAILS. 2. PRIVATE STREET NAME SIGNS AND PRIVATE SIGN POSTS ARE PIPE CAP 0 MAINTAINED BY THE PROPERTY OWNERS. 0 0 3 3. SQUARE METAL POST,SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-82. SQUARE METAL POST 0 0 4. "NO OUTLET'SIGNS SHALL HAVE AN ARROW SNOWING 0 0 WHICH DIRECTION DOES HOT OUTLET. 0 w 0 z Ln 0 0 '^ a z 2'MIN.CLEARANCE FROM FACE SIDEWALK O 0 0 OF CURB(10-MIN.CLEARANCE FINISHED (D IF NO CURB) GRADE 0 tu tu CEMENT CONCRETE 0 • 0 0 0 O n 0 0 4 h 0 ❑ 4 0 0 r 0 0 � a a r a � fl > a f NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT r e A 4 S()S EPA AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE:ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE �7 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION I5 KEPT ON FILE AT y"� Are WASy�� 9 THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. co CITY" OF KENT y � [HGINL[R1hi0 DEPARTMENT ��\//�i�1 n/r� r ' • STREET NAME SIGN I2' RF STE��D ::ANT INSTALLATION 1p GFRG tD. sr NWO PLAN `t+sslo �PCs DFAWNe CHEC 0 — TE t+_p Z WP []] U.l 333 A o n [20 �KN � (MV o a PUBLIC STREET NAME SIGNS MDff : PRIVATE STREET NAME SIGN MATERIALS: ABBREVIATIONS: GROUND-MOUNTED STREET NAME LETTERS AND NUMBERS SHAD BE STREET= Sf REFLECTIVE WHITE,SERIES C AND THE HEIGHT GIVEN IN THE TABLE BELOW, AVENUE= AVE UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE?TANS. PLACE= PL WAY= WAY OR WY BACKGROUND: BOULEVARD BLVD GREEN,REFLECTIVE'VIP DIAMOND GRADE"(PUBLIC STREET), PARKWAY PKWY BLUE,REFLECTIVE'VIP DIAMOND GRADE"(PRIVATE STREET). LANE= LN COURT= CT SIGN MATERIAL: DRIVE= OR 0.080 GAUGE ALUMINUM SIGN BLANK. ROAD= RD CIRCLE= CIR NUMBERS AND LETTERS: SERIES C ON MULTI-LANE ROADWAYS OF WHERE THE POSTED SPEED IS 35 MPH OR GREATER,6'LETTERS AND NUMBERS ARE REQUIRED. NOTE: �r ALL STREET NAME SIGNS SHALL HAVE THE SAS ��I NOTE:THIS PLAN 1S NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT SAME LEGEND ON BOTH SIDES OF THE S� of WASg, I/ AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE SIGN BLANK. ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT .v FR THE CITY OF KENT,A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. OIMENSIONs CITY OF KENT ENOTNEERINO DEPARTMENT SIGN A B C �p cis ERE° -T STREET NAME STD. a" 9" sslaNAl. w...�.4,e. SIGNS DPAWN MAST ARM 14" 18' 8' /( I5 7 cHec>< — 6-84 MP 334 VARIES ......... SE 240 ST mT VARIES 1 -V 1 :0-8- A , 'E -SE m MATERIALS: SIGN.GREEN,REFLECTIVE"3M DIAMOND GRADE VSP"[OR EQUIVALENT] NUMBERS AND LETCERS:WHITE,B"SER,C BORDER:WHITE,3\4"BONDER TAPE S�5 P+I NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT o�WAS y AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE,THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE R� c -ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT o THE CITY OF KEW.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. w ry CITY OF DENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1,1 Gi 9e ' MAST ARM MOUNTED o�{, 57C KENT STREET NAME SIGN �ss1ONAL - NPLM CHECXF 335 BRACKET OR MAST ARM LENGTH SHOWN ON STREET LIGHTING PLANS WIRE HOLE WITH 0.17'N.T.S. 2° POLE CAP ALLOY 43 1"I.D.RUBBER SLIP FITTER WITH S.S. SCREWS GROMMET MOUNTING HEIGHT TAPERED z SHOWN ON �— 0.125"WALL ALLOY 6063.T6 STREET LIGHTING PLANS 4-1/2'0.0. EXTRUDED POLE PLATE ALLOY 6063.T6 WITH 1/2"-.13 NC ALUMINUM HARDWARE TAPERED ALUMINUM TUBE .1�0.250 WALL ALLOY 6063.T6 SATIN GROUND FINISH NOTES: 1. SEE WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION SEC.8-20.2(1) 2. MOUNTING HEIGHT INCREASES BY 6"WHEN BREAKAWAY COUPLINGS ARE USED. ANCHOR BOLT PR03 CTION HAPCO SERIES 21 AND SERIES 22 ALUMINUM STREET LIGHT STANDARDS AND MAST ARMS,AND VALMONT SERIES 21 AND SERIES 22 ALUMINUM STREET LIGHT STANDARDS AND MAST ARMS ARE PRE-APPROVED PRODUCTS. ALL OTHERS REQUIRE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER PRIOR TO BID SUBMITTAL FOR CITY-OWNED PROJECTS,AND PRIOR TO ORDERING FOR DEVELOPER-BID PROJECTS. GROUND LUG WITH NO.151 HANDHOLE(4"x6"NOMINAL)ALLOY 356.T6 NON-FLUSH WITH 3�8"DIAMETER COVER AND S.S.HEX.HEAD SCREWS(FRAME TAPPED 1J2'.13 NC HOLE OPPOSITE FOR GROUNDING).MOUNT ON SIDEWALK SIDF HANDNOLE CL BASE FLANGE ALLOY 356.T6 WITH BOLT COVERS AND S.S.HEX.HERD SCREW GROUT BETWEEN BASE FLANGE&FOUNDATION S oS Ep NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT y 6F WASH l AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE 0 RIG INAL,51GNCO BY DIE Cti ti� ti c ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. r s" CITY OF KENT [Tf ENOINEERINO DEPARTMENT 'Ppf, ISTe� 4,` lCE T CITY LIGHT STANDARD BREAKAWAY COUPLINGS.i^ SEE STD.PLAN ST-82 FOR am 51111oIp�L*l FOUNDATION&3-BOX 116167 °Rh1 Y apr+mi APP 336 ACORN STYLE FIXTURE, o WATTAGE AND DISTRIBUTION PATTERN PER PLAN. PEDESTRIAN SCALE IIGk{T STANDARD PER PLAN. MOUNTING HEIGHT PER PLAN HANDHOLD(TYP). 5.5'PLANTER STRIP(TYP) DECORATIVE BASE PER PLAN. T TO CENTER OF 5'SIDEWALK(TYP) (TYP) [T►'P3 LIGHT STANDARD FOUNDATION PER STANDARD PLAN 6-89. SpSEP� NOTE:THIS PLAN I5 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE y of yrggy�y�� ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICAT74N 1S KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT EHQI►iEERINaNQ DEPARTMENT CITY POST TOP FIXTURE F 7STtiR W ' •HT LIGHT STANDARD q s'�fDNAL� oDSrNrr�� ++E srmwo PLM e# �jlp f enEcrEo_. — 6-87 r { [[[ !J APPR 337 35.68 GIB WMINAIRE RPA 6.52 R1.47 2.16 4,19 1.6fi 3.27 E845 D Ep NOTE;.THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT Bl6T S AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE � of WaSy� LE THEE46I97 ONEERF'ENTPA COPY M Y BE OBTAINED. UPON REV E T.A7 y� a CITY OF KEN.T ENCI 1EER114G DEPARTMENT CCfY GUi1WING FIXTUREGI57�� cis ..a KEHT LIGHT STANDARD . � � w...M�sot.. 'sro L � H4 STAFFwo� . APP 338 CITY LIGHT STANDARD SEE STANDARD ROADWAY PLANS 6-86,6.87 AND 6-88 OFF-SET DISTANCEE SHOWN ON THE STREET LIGHTING PLANS r is I l.s I TYPE 1]UNCTION BOX 4 GROUND SURFACE a GROUND WIRE WITH COIL •` I p I b I ♦ �' (GROUND LID TO BOX) '•k I " PVC CONDUIT TO NEXT]UNCTION BOX E I zo F , 2"MINIMUM DIAMETER " SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT • o- #7 REBAR 44 REBAR ., o-. CONCRETE CLASS 3000 PROFILE VIEW INSTALL IN UNDISTURBED SOIL ° + ° BOLT PATTERN TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE LIGHT STANDARD MANUFACTURER °r CONCRETE CLASS 3000 0. 6 . 6' 4 [TYP} '. A a. " Q4. ,`I. a o TYPE I]UNCTION BOX- a o y N a UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED ALL LIDS SHALL .. ❑Y, [�' a BE DIAMOND PLATE,GALVANIZED AND LABELED • HALL E{TACK-WELDED AT TWO POINTS " " p PLAN VIEW FOR SECURITY AFTER THE FINAL INSPECTION SIDEWALK AND ACCEPTANCE, NOTF.THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT S fI AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE NOTES: nF WAS ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT �c THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, 1. ALL MATERIALS AND WORK SHALL 0 .v les CITY OF KENT CONFORM TO THE CITY OF KENT - ENGINEERINO DEPARTMENT AND THE STATE OF WASH INGTO DESIGN STANDARDS. �' 214 � K ENT a LIGHT STANDARD FOUNDATION O O�STfR�o {r,``'� K 2. ALL LIDS SHALL BETACK-WELDEC �{'• ,a AND JUNCTION BOX AT TWO POINTS FOR SECURITY �sI'r��,AL L��y DBIG ED E ST o Pwe AFTER THE FINAL INSPECTIONW++ AND ACCEPTANCE, r �� Dq CHECKED 6-89 ! MP 339 STREET LIGHT STANDARD WILL BE LOCATED USING THE OFF-SET DISTANCES SHOWN ON THE STREET LIGHTING PLANS.SEE STANDARD PLAN 5-89 FOR MEET LIGHT FOUNDATION DETAILS. 6 SIDEWALK CURB AND GUTTER GROUND LUG/E6-38 RING TERMINAL TYPE I JUNCTION BOX. QUICK DISCONNECTS (SEE STANDARD PLAN 6-89) WSDOT STD.SPECS. GROUND LID TO BOX WITH 9-29.7 FNM 5 AMP FUSE GROUND WIRE OR APPROVED EQUAL 311 MOISTURE SEALANT STREET LIGHT STANDARD TAPE AND BUTT SPLICE CONNECTOR #6 OR#8 BARE GRO U.S.E./XHHN OR THW WIRE I BURNDY CONNECTOR YC4C8 OR APPROVED EQUAL 2`MIN.DIAMETER PVC CONDUIT UNLESS A LARGER DIAMETER IS SHOWN ON THE STREET LIGHTING PLANS OSEP I NOTE:THIS PLAIN 1S NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT y� 6�WASy �� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE �w c ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT INSTALL A THREE WIRE �v o 240 VOLT SYSTEM. THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. y GROUND 0NEUTRALWILL r CITY OF KENT T START AT THE PUGET SOUND ENO3HEERIH4 OEPART'tAEHT ENERGY SERVICE POINT 21 3 7 G) Te9L $`;'� KENT JUNCTION BOX AND ��fDNAL � w"'"""°" STREET LIGHT WERE RUNS F7ESIp1E0_ m mw 5TMDW PLAN 5-90 FPPR 340 � n 3Lu 15 CoC��o' � oo i �viaa�0 o �"' mtn ,S a w�g 2p� ❑a ��rracoG �� �uro la 7 � ao ZOuod IR� a m IN. cc L¢ W� �o �I } Y $ O 21 —� Z ¢a G F F T Q LA � �a3 �pSE NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT WT 5 of W�Sy�� AN ELECTRONIC 0UPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,51GNED BY THE Eti n,�+ ti c ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT D H a THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT (rIr ENGINEERING 6EAARTMENT FOR STREET LIGHT KENT GI ���° �'Lr� ���' STREET LIGHT TRENCH FOR �� ..,.,..e. CONDUIT RUNS CON DUrT ONLY SIDNA'L SrAHBAM PLAN 6-91 BRAWH r ` v Ap orarrni 341 FROM P.S.E.VAULTS OR SERVICE POINTS (240 VOLT.SERVICE) CONTACT AND SERVICE CABINET PER STANDARD PLAN 6-96 AND STREET LIGHT SYSTEM 6.97 BETWEEN STREET LIGHTS UNCTION BOIL 2"PVC ❑ 3#6 COPPER 1 SPLICE KITS /2°PVC JB{TYP.) TO STREET(TYP.) 1 CONDUIT 2 LIGHT(TYP.) NEUTRAL/GHO{TYP.} ]UNCTION BOX GND ROD LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE FOR CONTACTOR CABINET @ STA. CABINET LUM, CIRCUIT STATION TYPE-DISTRIBUTION IES DESIGN POLE POLE COMMENTS NO. NO. (OFFSET) -WATT FILE HEIGHT TYPE 1 A I2+73{3B LT} COBRAHEAD MC 111 35' DAVIT 250 HPS 2 B 14+05(30 RT) SHOEBOX MC 11 12.2 M PEDESTRIAN 250 HPS 3 NOTE:ABOVE IS AN EXAMPLE ILLUMINATION WIRE SCHEDULE RUN ❑NO. CONDUCTORS CONDUIT NOTES: 28 (ILL.),298(ENT.), I. U.S. WIRE SHAH.BE USED UNLESS WIRE 1 148 GREEN(GROUND) 0.17, SUBMITTED BY THE CONTRACTOR IS ACCEPTABLE (VARIES DEPENDING ON PROJECT) FOR USE IN UNDERGROUND SYSTEMS. 2 2. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO SIZE THE BREAKER TO THE LOAD REQUIRED FOR ALL STREET LIGHTS. 3 INTC = INTERCONNECT CABLE ILL. = ILLUMINATION SEP ENT. = INTERSECTION ILLUMINATION `1 NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT o�WASy AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT O a THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ENGIliEERSNGNO DEPARTMENT 'Ppfi FG I TeS _tc�`� �- STREET LIGHT SCHEDULE sldNAL ��" ,f. bESICliEY1 Dln{ _.1i4�.� STFf<{MRp PW+ I aaEac� _ Jr; —� 6-92 APP 342 2a a o ma 3 �� o mnu °ao xWr� J� x M� U.7W FW TN 4O 807p7 �¢� OQ y y N L.i r❑n En IF �p ;nfp�' aACJ d� sL�az �uE� �a a Z V Y 2 0 re`'[[�77p x�L`FWF w� a W a �^ a pz o S 0 g a �W mN �4 N0 mod# �'❑i'�vi w 2q Y� S� r=i� p p�Um nay m� Ld � Nvi � zo ow ak a U> ►Gnl NN o m z�J I yr �+�7 ll y ❑ ry 8 7C 2W q[3 V [Y d�17 U�4 �lj uyJ�r ❑ • Q 4 pU` �s�iu Ln LU .'� rN Z=-W vl �7�C5{JJ1 P - N /l.3\m L77 y\ Q� 4l/1Q W d zl `a O 8 x LL PLu 6 F x Q a W 2 m u �LLIy,II � w ❑wv Lu tt a ma �C La 5cc �o a x ❑ MIA 119 •l 41 W 11�� i11 f u y a a a z � J - J N N ^. rJ t!J uJ a F y kn 0 uii 7 a a p5 EP�r NOTE:THIS PLAN 1S NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 04 WAS y AN ELECIRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL.,SIGNED BY THE F ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT Q y THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPC REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 49 ��o ` �. STANDARD JUNCTION BOX +sT Y KENT TYPES 1 & x '�sjaAfALtZ SHEET 1 OF x OE%GH® OYM H STANDARD PLAN ClIECKED — 6-93 APPRWEd 343 SYSTEM ILIENTIFICATION DETAIL tl°(fYP,) �tiS INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM KENT COMM COMMUNICATION SYSTEM LT LIGHTING SYSTEM TS TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM TEL TELEPHONE SYSTEM SYSTEM 10 DETAIL FOR SHEET I ]UNCTION BOX DIMENSION TABLE ITEM BOX TYPE TYPE 1 TYPE 2 A OUTSIDE LENGTH OF}UNCTION BOX 2r 33" B OUTSIDE WIDTH OF]UNCTION BOX 17" 22 1 r C INSIDE LENGTH OF]UNCTION BOX[ B-19 29-30 D INSIDE WIDTH OF JUNCTION BOX 13.44q 181 19 12" LLD LENGTH 1 17 S 8' ZB 5 V F 5D WIDTH 1 12 5 B' IS 1 B" CAPACITY-CONDUIT DIAMETER 1 fi" 12, ]UNCTION BOX TABLE FOR SHEET 1 NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT . STANDARD JUNCTION BOX 10ENT TYPES 1 & 2 • •"•• p SHEET 2 OF 2 DvsrcwaD_ _ � _ VAAD RD taw DRkM Are y 6-93 APPR 344 LA cc W ry.K�rG� tx� Q, mrs Q�..� �2g N2f7fl N Z I31 S to 7zra N s ad � �.d u :j 0, ��p�$��► m�n� ��Q �alCCi � aQ 1z �aaoan zaLn a2 z JN dQ'-� �� F-enm MAN -m`' -G'o7on 3=+Q' LUUj ou ,, � WLu ed ❑I/y Epl Corncloo �r�iQ�Y WE9NO dd i1110.15 CC CC R O W W 0 z0 � p S mJ ►¢- p � r .ii N Q m�oC2a L. Z�CCJ�$ :p�cG S �OprcW II��11 anig. cL.3- N vl�> Ea '� ¢ l:l Wok �wri i280 2o'K :5-Z Z u Fnt�oF�r-F. a W6 Q Lu 0;m fs Ii7 �2��=W oXIo Q z 7 a id y¢ ogQ�¢a�m4u W �4 Y m s4m ? O �apd .•.2 pu+uiLL�.Z7C � �D.Z.H 4N 4 �N a Y cW_C �°t U K F-- d 4 U F Q T�N �co y,� Q O L! �j «� 0.'Vx'W� GO L7 Q _ ¢oc O w u s� xN 97oc# 037Vd5 AlLGA3 m • 3 SORES S LO W ff Z p a z tQ cm q 6a w mm Ot p _ N 00 NdM) n W U coi�d�S 4 Ln r 1 y H d d m a cow f Z zem z Stu T �. E � ' p 4 o�m� .OT ,9 .9a 9 odrt o Sp As W NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCU1'M BUT 5 op ASy� AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ti0 ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 1S KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ENGINEERWO DEPARTMENT ���• HEAVY DUTY JUNCTION KENT BOX SHEET . s & 6 's D1YAL =lS ED--cwti arMDMO PWi 1 �6 o7 Q ED 6-94 345 x ; �LD r�sx a zW a M �6 MOO M SN f"1 VlNU' Z �J 2 z iu z n- ate 'v F- LQ m� d o a tu a CA p } -+ S F- 2 ti Q .zll T N J nZ�T ME x N r N E En� 1L _ � G7 �]!� tycl W _ L� E �N Ln h l3,tu ENO ,yp xIT r'-1 �i WNl_ u � �W f �N� a .z/T O � r - o m o MEx m , Z n x r N � ,s o W y x W $ J N w a N X. a U., 2 1�Q w a .w- N� ?dNO C1 Z pW`g7n2 y [a O a zgw S ri ZY , C7 S�SEP�I NOTE:THIS PLAN 15 NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT WAsy�ry AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE h� p _F NGINEER.AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT ti� 0 THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY KENT �� W � ENGINEERING NO DEPARTMENT W z N 149 ■ HEAVY DUTY JUNCTION! a KENT Box TYPES z ES , 5 DEs�6NED & 6 �vxAL a++ —�DNE PLAN N 4 inDSNWN B �-J srpuDATm j[Q A � CMECNE6 _. - TE 7. C— Q. APPR V 346 a � a -H In g N J �(n C) Cd�J w ca z A� Ld o Y w pppp o io = li! ry A N f� � � � •-i N W Q T a N J � r m F - b Z •Y � m w a a F 62 m 4 7 F Z N �f w w w ze w V )Iyyy a m u a x r ni j()SE �2 NOTE:THIS PLAN[S NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT WAS,,, AN EL€CTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PU8LICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT U a THE CITY OF KENT,A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT trj ENGINEERFNO DEPARTMENT x 3 �° �,� �. }HEAVY DUTY JUNCTION QrC G1 T€� KENT BOX TYPES 4, 5 & 6 L w....... $NEU 3 OF 3 f)F51GHE0 STAHI3 pb PLAN O^ dHFYlM B E_ 7 EGNE� _ 6-94 f MPRaYEAm- 347 cc Q 0 � o u W Z m N 6 � � L O W � n n E z � z U kn N O K m cc a � =E) Q N N Lu N N N a (da-L) O� w ¢ 03 Vd5AlN3A3 SONS E .I .-IU.9z 7-en ra z -NIN x z T w pm w O r i W M m En G'J-1 a rn U o cwn a �i 'NI „9 3 v a M� a Ln p ul e NIW,.S U Q N w O N n W_ y Z� N N fJ iV NOI1VONn0T 30 H10IM 30ISNI .0Z " .4z .0£ p .9E w� a m N ta U 1()5 EP�I NOTE:THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT aF WAS AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON F1LE AT THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT EHOINEMNO AZPAUMENT c ti a��d oy°� •40 LIGHT DUTY JUNCTION rsTe4' 5KENT BOX TYPES 7 & 8 s`r 0 L�' SHEET I OF 3 oEsic„W _b � I V'mm'RU PLAN [ DRAWNe _ — 6-95 r �� 348 a 4 .y �� a£ p = � z w� Wz a ze in 10 y�� F' a U �L N jy X }F 7py-- 17 Z 'may F GC O � 4 �-� 2 = oa x Z * a W d p Ln N_ W N� x"'� N 0 J_i,•J FQ ti p.z uiOVJ m O a f"��tp rn moo. F QWo� Xza I ¢" xw XA N I9 M a n O a g� w 'n a N a z ��{Ocj U F p 4 ,-. 7 Z Np pF pNOCJg J� w 1� ^� W N g w wFF- �wow fa mom n J ui wa Nxz y- C)S a— 0 aI.- Ln tU 0: a a ad y 3 nz d= 2 O 8 J O 2 z :zr O v d � a x N w 2 x W•--• ^a N� 4 zo w Z 1aSEP� NOTE:THIS FLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT x v"' g F a£ A L44r o 5� of WAS AN ELEG7RONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 1S KEPT ON FILE AT z�' a O +� THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE❑BTA1NEd UPON REQUEST. z r -3 CITY ❑F KEIVT EMOIPlEERiN0 OEPARTLIENT z il. f��� 4'� ` LIGHT DUTY JUNCTION x h� ��ss KENT BOX TYPES 7 & 8 SHEET R OF 3 bFSIGHEO_ C11M11� NONE SYAH6JQb�� 9 bRAW77_ e Q i WAWNEU C_n G WP ornnme V .7 J 349 NOTES: 1Q ]UNCTION BOXES TYPE 7 AND TYPE B ARE IDENTICAL EXCEPT FOR THE ADDITION OF LOCKING BOLTS ON THE TYPE S. 2, ALL BOX DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE.EXACT CONFIGURATIONS VARY AMONG MANUFACTURERS. 3� ALL LID THICKNESSES ARE MINIMUM. THE DIAMOND PATTERN SHALL BE 3/32' MINIMUM THICK. LID SUPPORT MEMBERS SHALL BE 3/16'MIN.THICK STEEL C,L,0R T SHAPE,WELDED TO THE FRAME.EXACT CONFIGURATIONS VARY AMONG MANUFACTURERS. OA 1/4-CO NC 3/4"S.S.GPOUND STUD SHALL BE WELDED TO THE BOTTOM OF EACH LID;INCLUDE S.S.NUTAND FLAT WASHER. THE HINGES SHALL ALLOW THE LIDS TO OPEN 1800. 7. BOLTS AND NUTS SHALL BE LIBERALLY COATED WITH ANTI-SEIZE COMPOUND. 8 CONNECT AN EQUIPMENT BONDING JUMPER TO STEEL CONDUIT BUSHING FOR GRS CONDUIT;CONNECT TO EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR FOR PVC CONDUIT.AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE GROUND STUD CONNECTION,THE EQUIPMENT BONDING JUMPER SHALL SE ATTACHED TO THE FRONT FACE OF THE HINGE POCKET WITH A 5/16-CONC 3/4"S.S.BOLT,NUT,AND FLAT WASHER.EQUIPMENT BONDING JUMPER SHALL BE#B MIN.4'OF TINNED BRAIDED COPPER. 9. THE SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION LETTERS SHALL BE 1/B`LINE THICKNESS FORMED BY ENGRAVING,STAMPING,OR WITH A S.S.WELD BEAD.GRIND OFF DIAMOND PATTERN BEFORE FORMING LE17ERS.SEE SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION DETAIL. 1ti CAPACITY•CONDUIT DIAMETER=24" SOSE�< NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT SLIT y 04 WAS yf� AN ELECTRON]C DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT ❑ y THE CITY OF SCENT.A COPY MAY BE 08TAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT EKOTNEERINO DEPARTMENT 21 a Z) LIGHT DUTY JUNCTION R°� LIGHT BOX TYPES 7 & B w..x.aror SHEET 3 OF 1 Uf5PCiJE6 IrN HW,E STANDARD PLAN DRWN— f(p pCr L DA - 6-95 APP 350 COMPONENT SCHEDULE METERBASE:100 AMP(150 AMP IF N FED ED),4 JAW SAFETY SDCKET,AW SI14TB,WITH STH JAW AT 9.DO POSITION(CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY WITH SERVING UTILITY). 2� PAN ELBOARD:1201240 VAC,100 AMP(150 AMA IF NEEDED),1 PHASE,3 WIRE,COPPER BUS,12 CKT 100 AMP MAIN BREAKER,WESTINGHOUSE BAB21DO,2 POLE WESTINGHOUSE BAS BOLT-ON BRANCH BREAKERS: 4.20/2ILLUMINATION BRANCH; 1-40/1 SIGNAL BRANCH; 1-20/1 GROUND FAULT RECEPTACLE&CONTROL BRANCH. �3 CONTACTOR:LIGHTING RATED,30 AMP,4 POLE,120 VAC COIL,(AS REQUIRED). 0 PHOTO ELECTRIC CELL:IBDOVA,120 VAC,ALR E SST-IES(PER WSDOT SPEC), PHOTO-CELL BYPASS SWITCH,SPOT,15 AMP,277 VAC. �6 GROUND FAULT RECEPTACLE,120 VAC,DUPLEX,20A o F CABINET:NEMA 3R,PADMOUNT,1/8'ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION,2 CL SCREENED AND GASKETED VENTS DOORS:HEAVY DUTY CONCEALED HINGES[LIFT-OFF TYPE] } STAINLESS STEEL VAULT HANDLES,PADLOCKABLE METER DOOR }} BEST BLUE CONSTRUCTION LOCK ON DISTRIBUTION DOOR I POLISHED WIRE GLASS WINDOW IN METER DOOR CLOSED CELL NEOPRENE GASKET,CARD HOLDER 2 FINISH:POLYESTER POWDER COAT,NONE OUTSIDE,WHITE INSIDE E 120/240 VAC1" 3WMETER PHOTO BASE ELECTRIC 2' f"_ _ ,' y 0 �_. 0.17' MAIN 24' 16" CONTROL r :s m SIGNAL SERVICE CABINET r-I L J TEST SKYLINE CABINET SERIES 47700-KM-100 OR APPROVED EQUAL BY LTG SWITCH TESCOR BROWNFIELD. GROUND FAULT LTMETERING SECTION CLEARANCES&EQUIPMENT PER PSE&EUSERC FA L RECEPTACLE UL LISTED PER STANDARD#509 17;Tl SUITABLE FOR USE AS SERVICE ENTRANCE EQUIPMENT CABINET FRONT FINISHED SIDE SURFACE ONE-LINE DIAGRAM CLASS 3000 CONCRETE r 4 CONDUITS TO BE 28, BASE 20" INSTALLED WITHIN THE CONCRETE PEDESTAL TO CONCRETE BASE SERVE THE CAB[NETS gyp) NOTE:THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE 1()wEP� ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. Y CITY OF KENT y ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT t23 SERVICE CABINET, CONCRETE 93 a W.. ...... BASE AND ONE LINE DIAGRAM P h GIST? {�✓� DEIGNED �'NFI OmamO PLM AL�G aw�wr� L19 c =�-- 6-'96 351 CONDUITS{TYP.I QUICK OR HILTI-AN CHOR BOLT ASSEMBLY[TYP] 4 q V(SEE NOTE 4) a A ° 4 a d ° 1� , O p 2 V 60000 } ° 4 a ° d a 4 q 4 a a d ° a 4 " d 0 OL d q e d q p ° 8 O 1/2"WEATHER PROOF CAULK. q d 4 SEAL OUTER EDGES OF ° ° n 44 q CABINET AND FOUNDATION. V v 56" BOTTOM VIEW OF CABINET TOP VIEW OF BASE CONTROLLER DOOR OPENS TOWARD SIDEWALK,UPS DOOR TO RIGHT CONTROLLER UPS 1"SEPARATION 2"PVC CONCRETE BASE (CLASS 3000) 4 d p CONDUITS c ° PROTRUDE 1/2' 22"24"HEIGHT ABOVE ABOVE BASE0 e 4 ° SIDEWALK OR PAD 44 4 -0 q d 4 a v � q v q d p 4 ° e d q q qd d "vC NOTES: )()SEPhr NOTE:THIS PLAN 15 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT Q PAINT TOP OF BASE SILVER, y� of WASy' AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE a� 1 1c ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT Q DRAIN HOLE SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED. THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY 8E OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. O THE TOP Of THE BASE SHALL BE FLAT CITY ❑F KENT AND LEVEL. EHGINEERI DEPARTMENT IE a E° `�� � 4. 76P OF BASE 15]"WIDER THAN ,� !s `¢ � KE`NT TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROLLER CONTROLLER CABINET ON ALL FOUR NAL "`'""°' CABINET BASE SIDES. 0ESIGHED,_-_Ta_ �µp� _rJ �• GRSriN-� F70HE �7�y� L MPRWf V 352 STOP BAR WEARING COURSE(TYPICAL FOR SECTIONS A,B&C) CENTER OF LANE A a LOOP SERIES A f12 TWISTED PAIR r, NUMBER A 3 TWISTS/FOOT F 5 B TO CO ROLLER TO ADDITIONAL LOOPS B 2C(S) 0.25'MINIMUM WIDTH SAWCUT WHERE APPLICABLE C SEC71ON A•A A o *AF 'AS A H s LOOP SPLICE LOOP SERIES CL w (TYPICAL) .ky NUMBER B a 5 0 BF `u B TO ADDITIONAL I B C •BS LOOPS WHERE APPLICABLE L 0.50"MINIMUM WIDTH SAWCUT ]UNCTION box SECTION B-B S-START F=FINISH '=LOOP NUMBER ^• CONDUIT STUBOUT,SEE STANDARD "+ PLAN ST-93 f� STOP BAR LOOP WINDING DETAIL 0.50"MINIMUM WIDTH SAWCUT SECTION C-C TO ADDITIONAL LOOPS ]UNCTION BOX {ASSUMING TWO LANES OF LOOPS} WHERE APPLICACLE &F CENTER OF LANE SCOTCH 06147 ELECTRICAL B C 12C(S) MOISTURE SEALANT TAPE S A A S=START SIDE VIEW END VIEW *12 TWISTED PAIR F=FINISH 3 TWiSTS�FDOT '=LOOP NUMBER NOTE:CUT SOLDERLESS,CRIMPED, DRAIN WIRE NON-INSULATED BUTT SPLICE TO CONTROLLER SINGLE LOOP WINDING DETAIL LOOP SPLICE DETAIL 1()5E��I NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT Ao,<YJASy/ AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,5IGNED BY THE NOTES' LC ,k % c ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT 1. SEE KENT STANDARD PLAN 6 99 FOR m4 o THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CONDUIT N LOOP I DETAILTIAND CITY NO T{EItiTT INDUCTION LOOP INSTALLATION (�f ENGINEERINd DEPARTMENT NOTES. ,d ,{, c T g�° w`�� T INDUCTION LOOP 2. 5 E E KENT STANDARD PLAN 6-100 FOR fi w,.„,.or,. DETAILS INDUCTION LOOP PLACEMENT DETAI ` TONAL DL%$GmEn OWH SIARaARO PLAN �Q[] nRAIMN r APPROVE 353 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER TO]UNCTION BOX tA U6{}UT SHALL EXTEND MINIMUM OF 3/4'INTO PAVEMENT.PAVEMENT DEPTH VARIES SCHEDULE SD PVC SECURED IN ROAD SURFACE".] CONDUIT STUBOUT DETAIL INDUCTION LOOP INSTALLATION NMS: 1. CONDUIT USED FOR STUB-OUTS SHALL BE SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT,MINIMUM SIZE 2 INCHES. 2. ALL LOOPS SHALL BE WOUND WITH THREE TURNS OF NO.12 AWG STRANDED COPPER WIRE, CLASS B,WITH CHEMICALLY CROSS LINKED POLYETHYLENE TYPE USE INSULATION OF CODE THICKNESS. 3. BACKER ROD WILL NOT BE USED WITH CITY OF KENT LOOP INSTALLATIONS. 4. LEAD-IN WIRES:FOUR PAIR MAXIMUM PER SAWCUT. 5. EXTEND SAWCUT SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO PROVIDE FULL SAWCUT DEPTH AROUND CORNERS. E. LOOPS SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO FINAL LIFT IF NEW PAVEMENT 15 INSTALLED. 7. ALL LOOPS SHALL HAVE IDENTIFYING LABELS ON THEIR LEADS SHOWING LOOP NUMBER AND S(START)OR F(FINISH). 8. SEE STANDARD PLAN&-98 FOP INDUCTION LOOP DETAILS AND STANDARD PLAN 6-100 FOR INDUCTION LOOP PLACEMENT. 9. WHEN SAWING LEAD-IN 5LOT IN THE ROADWAY,CONTINUE THE SAW CUT APPROXIMATELY ONE INCH BEYONDTHE SEALS WITH THE CONCRETE GUTTER A DEPTH OF APPROXIMATELY ONE INCH TO PERMANENTLY MARK THE LOCATION OF THE STUBOLFT.IF NO GUTTER IS PRESENT,CONTACT THE ENGINEER FOR AN ALTERNATIVE METHOD OF MARKING THE STUBOUT LOCATION, 10. ALL LOOPS AND HOME-RUN WIRING SHALL BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF 2 FEET AWAY FROM ANY AND ALL NLTAL CASTINGS OR VALVE BOXES EXCEPT TERM[NAT]NG HANDHOLES OR ]UNCTION BOXES. �OSEP NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT of WASry�y AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINE>R AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT yp x THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT EHQINEERINO DEPARTMENT 493 Va INDUCTION LOOP Fc R p�� rsT� Alt (CENT INSTALLATION NOTES s�dNAL� DESM.HCO�_ NONE STANDARD PLW CH ED - 6-99 +VPP 354 LOOP PLACEMENT STOP BAR LEFT TURN LANE THROUGH LANE THROUGH LANE POSTED LOOP ADVANCE LOOP MID LOOP ADVANCE LDOP SPEED POSTED (SINGLE) (SINGLE) (SINGLE) 25 MPH 4 FT. 104 Fr, (NONE) 144 FT. 30 MPH 4 Fr. 104 FT. (NONE) 164 FT. 35 MPH 4 FT, ID4 FT. 209 FT, 274 FT. 40 MPH 4 FT. 104 FT, 239 FT. 309 FT, 45 MPH 4 FT, 104 Fr. 274 Fr. 354 Fr. 50 MPH 4 FT. ID4 FT. 304 Fr, 394 Fr, SD5 SD5 NOTES: 223 213 N1 N2 0 ❑ ❑ 0 1. THE DISTANCES SHOWN IN THIS TABLE ARE MEASURED FROM THE NEAR EDGE OF THE STOP 222 212 BAR TO THE CENTER OF THE INDUCTION LOOP. ❑ ❑ 5PC 512 2. LOOP DISTANCES MAY BE ADIUSTED f 2 FEET TO Q AVOID METAL CASTINGS, B 221 211 511 A ❑ ❑ 3. THE DISTANCE BETWEEN"A"LOOPS AND"B' LOOPS SHALL BE 16 FEET CENTER-TO-CENTER. a 0 W2 0 SR WR 00421 ❑422 0 423 W10 00411 a412 ❑Sq7 3PC 311031100 Q Q 711 Q 712 7PC S03 0 812 Q B1IQ Q A B ❑El 823 SR4 Q B22 Q 821 ER MR Q E2 u D B A ❑ ❑ A 0 0 Ill fill 621 0 lPC 0 0 612 522 0 0 0 a S2 S1 613 623 SDI SD2 LOOP IDENTIFICATION SCHEMATIC(TYPICAL) p S� Ep�I NOTE:TH15 PLAN I5 NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DdCUMENT BUT AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE OR]GINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT ry o HE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF A€ T • r ENt77NCERINO DEPARTMENIAEN T rs INDUCTION LOOP PLACEMENT ssroNAL ENC� DESIGNED DMI _ RpHE STANWR{Y PLW ORAWR 6B -1 r ! FPpR S.l V V 355 0 0 0 5 FT II FT p3FT 19 FT 0 5FT LOFT SCALE PATH OF LEFT FRONT 'r J� ——— ` PATH OF FRONT WHEEL r f OVERHANG r � Ile ry�7y 1 I II S I I 0 5 FT LO FT PATH OF RIGHT REAR ] SCALE OVERHANG ] j NOTES: 1 1,ASSUMED STEERING ANGLE IS 31.5' I I 2.CTR=CENTERLINE TURNING RADIUS AT FRONT AXLE ] I i-+-7 Fr 3.SEE LATEST EDITION OF AASHTO"GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF ] HIGHWAYS AND STREETS'FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I MINIMUM TURNING PATH FOR PASSENGER CARP DESIGN VEHICLE SpSSEP MOTE-TH15 PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT A a� WAS I" AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. ry CITY OF RENT � ENGINEERING GEPARTIA6NT 4 � TURNING TEMPLATE p{p rsT, �' KENT AASHTO TYPE P VEHICLE ss1dNAL �� �ESM,NED_ �'H F, r70HE STMDARO Pl1H ORAWH�� {CHECXED E — G— LJ 1 1 ell APP G 356 a 5 FT 10 FT n SCALE 6 FT 20 FT 4 FT 30 FT PATH OF LEFF �: — PATH OF FRONT FRONT EEL - OVERHANG i � I � FL N �RNIryG Lg3 f R.anrus� I 42 FT i I I f � I 0 S FT 10 FT PATH OF RIGHT I REAR OVERHANG I j SCALE I I f NOTES: 1.ASSUMED STEERING ANGLE IS 31.70 I I LED l Z.CTR--CENTERLINE TURNING RADIUS AT FRONT AXLE i 3.5EE LATEST EDMON OF AASHTO'G EOM EFRIC DESIGN OF HIGHWAYS ANO STREETS"FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MINIMUM TURNING PATH FOR SINGLE-UNIT(SU)TRUCK DESIGN VEHICLE OSEP NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT Op WAsy AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE NGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION 15 KEPT ON FILE AT C) o THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST, y CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING dfPAR7M1EN7 49 RF�'ST��tia .CENT TURNING TEMPLATE AASHTO TYPE SU VEHICLE DESI(7iEL�dWl4 -- I Sf,XWn PIM ow,WN �aK _ 6--102 357 0 SS FT 1100 FT O O OSCALE 6.3 Fr 3.7 FT 24 FT 6 FT 40 FT PATH OF LEFT r~ —` PATH OF FRONT FRONT WHEEL �� �� OVERHANG 7-L,R A> 16��� } li r Rfipf05 tNG } I I I 0 5 FT 10 FT PATH OF RIGHT I I I REAR OVERHANG SCALE E I NOTES: f 1.ASSUMED STEERING ANGLE IS 38.7° I I I 2.CTR=CENTERLINE TURNING RADWS AT FRONT AXLE � I 3.SEE LATEST EDITION OF AASHTO°GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF HIGHWAYS AND MEETS'FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION DESIGN VEHICLE TURNING PATH BIDS SEP<I NOTE.THIS PLAN IS NOT LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT of WASy✓ '/ AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT ❑ z THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY DENT ENQfN££RINliO Cr DEPARTMENT v �� KENT TURNING TEMPLATE AASHT4 s'lONAL W...'..— TYPE BUS-40 VEHICLE DESIGN€➢ H[7X YrMDARD PIN! f I q DRAWN 6-103 358 42.5 FT TRAILER 7.5 FT 4 FT 35.S FT i 0 5Fr 10FT i3FT i SCAUE I 4 FT ;4.4Z T NFr 3 FT 50 FT WHEELBASE 55 FT OR GREATER PATH OF LEFT , r r r~ ��� PATH OF FRONT FRONT WHEELOVERHANG r / " 1 � IIIg�4s FT I I ' I I i I I a I I -0 5 FT 10 FT PATH OF RIGHT REAR i ! l I I OVERHANG I SCALE I I f I f I I I NOTES: I I I 1. CTR=CENTERLINE TURNING RADIUS AT FRONT AXLE I I i 2. SEE LATEST EDITION OF AASHTO"GEOMETRIC DESIGN i OF XIG8WAYS AND STREETS'FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I f 8r.SJ i I DESIGN VEHICLE TURNING PATH WE-50 I r �pS IPp NOTE:THIS PLAN IS NOT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT y� WAS AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE y��6' �� ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT F� D THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT KENT TURNING TEMPLATE AASHTO tppslQ AL w..K,.e TYPE WB--50 VEHICLE DENCOID _ s STANOM13 Purr DRAWN 1 �� D r 6-104 359 360 4B FT TRAILER 15 FT 4.5 FT 40.5 FT f i 0 5 FT 10 FT f 3 FT ===ZjSCALE 0 ❑ a 1 V.4,FT 2 17.4 FT 4 FT 4.42 FT 19.5 FT 62 Ff WHEELBASE 68.5 FT DR GREATER PATH OF LEFT / PATH OF FRONT OVERHANG r I r 8 ` i 1 � MIN.-n]RNING ' RADIUS=4S FT + 1 f I ' A. I 1 f ' I ' I f PATH OF RIGHT I 0 5 FT 10 FT REAR OVERHANG f SCALE l l II I 1 y I I i I i I DESIGN VEHICLE TURNING PATH W8-62 I ' I 8.S FT I NOTES: ❑S EP �7 NOTE:THIS PLAN 15 NDT A LEGAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT BUT 1. ASSUMFD STEERING ANGLE 15 28.4° � pF WAS•y,� � AN ELECTRONIC DUPLICATE.THE ORIGINAL,SIGNED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IS KEPT ON FILE AT Z. ASSUMED TRACTORrFRAILER ANGLE 15 � H � � THE CITY OF KENT.A COPY MAY BE OBTAINED UPON REQUEST. 6s" CITY OF KENT .. ENGINEERINR DEPARTMENT 3. CT =CENTERLINE TURN ING RADr • AT FRONT AXLE c *�° � ���� TURNING TEMPLATE AASHTO p rsT���1�l� KENT n•pE WB-62 VEI4ICLE 4. SEE LATEST EDITION OF AASNTOSfO]�fAj, 'GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF HIGHWAYS yT,w° D P[Al+ AND STREETS"FOR ADDITIONAL °� -- rNFVRMAr10N 6-105 APPR 361 APPENDIX A: TREE LIST (All appendix documents are samples only and subject to change without notice) CITY OF KENT - STREET TREES The City of Kent adopted the Street Tree Code Chapter 6.10 of the Kent City Code, effective August 5, 2008. The purpose of the Street Tree Code is to provide information about how and where street trees are to be planted, and includes the list of currently approved Street Trees as determined by the Director of the Parks Department. The City of Kent Department of Public Works and the Parks Department jointly approve required Street Tree Plans associated with public street improvements. There are many site constraints that may limit the species of street trees that can be planted in a specific location. The following are typical site constraints and/or standards that are associated with an urban street tree planting environment, and that must be considered before the City gives approval to plant a specific street tree species for a particular project: 1. Sidewalk width 2. Rooting space (tree pit size, planting strip width) 3. Building setbacks (distances from trees) 4. Canopy or Building overhang (distances from trees) 5. Signs, Windows or Entryways (placement, size, use, safety) 6. Street Lighting and/or Pedestrian Scale Lighting 7. Soils 8. Pedestrian Clearance 9. Presence of Underground and Overhead Utilities 10. Street Tree (root and crown growth, maintenance, aesthetics, etc.) 11. Vehicle Parking 12. Horizontal and Vertical Sight Distance Clearance 13. City of Kent Construction Standards 14. Kent Downtown Design Standards Street Trees planted along new residential streets will be planted in the 5-foot wide planter strip constructed between the back of vertical cement concrete curb and the front of the cement concrete sidewalk. Street Trees planted along existing streets may be planted either in 5-foot wide planter strips or behind the sidewalks, as specified by the Engineer. The City of Kent Construction Standards contain Standard Details for Street Trees. One of these Standard Details includes installation requirements. See Standard Detail 6-55. Minimum separation requirements between Street Trees and Intersections, Street Trees and driveways and Street Trees and Street Lights is shown on Standard Detail 6-54. A-1 362 Small Street Trees: Medium Street Trees: • Flame Maple • Red Sunset Maple • Flamingo Box Elder • Armstrong Maple • Crimson Spire Maple • Queen Elizabeth Maple • Apollo Maple • Autumn Blaze Maple • Norwegian Sunset Maple • Sensation Box Elder • Japanese Hornbeam • Pacific Sunset Maple • Lavalle Hawthorn • Frans Fontaine Hornbeam • Washington Hawthorn • Raywood Ash • Leprechaun Ash . Maidenhair Tree • Golden Raindrops Crabapple • Imperial Honeylocust • Red Baron Crabapple • Galaxy Magnolia • Red Jewel Crabapple • Edith Bogue Southern Magnolia • Tschonoskii Crabapple • Spire Cherry • Purple Prince Crabapple • Columnar Sargent Cherry • Yoshino Cherry • Edgewood Pear • Red Cascade Mountain Ash • Capital Pear • Ivory Silk Japanese • Chanticleer Pear • Greenspire Linden • Crimson Spire Oak • Skyrocket Oak • Prospector Elm • Green Vase Zelkova • Musashino Bio Swale Plantings • Armstrong Maple • Freeman Maple • Box Elder • Northern Catalpa • Washington Hawthorn • Cockspur Hawthorn • Green Ash • Thorn Less Honey Locust • Black Gum • Gray Birch • Sweet Bay Magnolia • Asian Fringe Tree • Common Hackberry • American Elm A-2 363 APPENDIX B: SAMPLE FORMS (All appendix documents are samples only and subject to change without notice) 1. Assignment Performance Bond 2. Bill of Sale 3. Construction Surety Bond B-1 364 This page intentionally left blank. B-2 365 1. ASSIGNMENT PERFORMANCE BOND 4^4�� MAIL TO: • KENT CITY OF KENT W A S H N G T 0 H Attn: Development Engineering 220 - 4t" Avenue South ASSIGNMENT OF FUNDS Kent, WA 98032 IN LIEU OF CONSTRUCTION SURETY BOND, INCLUDING SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE & MAINTENANCE PROVISIONS Project: KIVA#: Location: Tax Account#: Bond Account #: I. SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE a [type of entity:] ("Principal"), does hereby assign, transfer and set over unto the City of Kent all rights, title and interest in and to the sum of deposited in a [account type] Account No. in [branch name] of [name of bank or other institution] ; said account being in the name of as Principal. The Principal hereby grants the City of Kent full power and authority to demand, collect and receive said deposit and to discharge or release it to Principal. The monies assigned to the City equal at least 125 percent of the approved engineer's estimate of the costs to complete the construction project that the Principal wishes to undertake, as described in approved plans on file with the City's Public Works Department, to be forfeited in full to the City upon the Principal's failure to perform. The Principal has agreed to obligate themselves to the City in the listed amount because undertaking this construction project ("the Improvements"), may cause damage and disruption to land and/or public rights-of-way within the City limits. II. GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS A. All construction and restoration shall be in accordance with the City of Kent Standards and WSDOT/APWA Standards in effect on the date this bond is B-3 366 fully executed. The Improvements and their appurtenances shall be constructed in accordance with the approved plans. B. The City's Construction Inspector shall be given at least twenty-four (24) hours' notice prior to the commencement of any work. C. Traffic control during construction shall be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. D. Construction shall be completed no later than 365 days after construction begins unless the Public Works Department, for good cause shown, has granted an extension of time. Absent a showing of good cause for delay, failure to complete construction within 365 days shall result in the requirement that additional bond monies be posted or immediate forfeiture of all bond monies, at the discretion of the City. III. TERM OF BOND — GENERALLY. A. Monies earmarked as surety for specific performance shall remain in trust and subject to forfeiture until final acceptance of the Improvements by the City, provided, partial early release of funds may be allowed as described below. B. Maintenance monies shall be held for TWO YEARS after date of final acceptance by City to ensure maintenance is properly performed by Principal and any defects in construction are repaired. IV. ASSIGNED MONIES SHALL BE RELEASED UPON DEMAND OF THE CITY OF KENT, AND ONLY WITH THE CITY'S CONSENT It is understood and agreed that all monies being held under this Assignment will be released to the City of Kent on demand with no other condition of release. It is further understood and agreed that the institution named above holds said monies in its possession and agrees to hold these monies until a release of this Assignment is received in writing from the City of Kent. V. PARTIAL RELEASE OF BOND MONIES AS WORK IS SATISFACTORILY PERFORMED The parties agree that 100 % of the penal sum listed in section I, above, shall constitute surety funds to guarantee specific performance by the Principal of the work required to construct and maintain the Improvements. However, portions of the penal sum may be released prior to final acceptance of the Improvements by the City if the Public Works B-4 367 Department has determined that all major stages of construction have been satisfactorily completed. VI. WHEN ADDITIONAL BOND MONIES REQUIRED The City may require additional surety monies be posted whenever a change in circumstances appears to make additional security necessary as a guaranty of performance by the Principal. VII. FORFEITURE DUE TO NON-PERFORMANCE A. Failure by Principal to fully and satisfactorily perform, or to post additional surety monies as required by the City, shall result in forfeiture to the City of any and all monies held under this Assignment. B. Failure by Principal to satisfactorily complete construction within 365 days after construction was begun, absent any extensions granted for good cause, shall constitute non-performance per se. VIII. MONIES HELD AS WORKMANSHIP & MAINTENANCE SURETY A. Principal agrees that 10% of the penal sum indicated in Section I or $10,000, whichever is greater, shall be held in trust as a guaranty against potential costs to the City related to defective materials or workmanship or to ensure performance of other maintenance required by the Improvements. This sum shall be held in trust for a period of two years from the date of final acceptance of the Improvements by the City. B. To avoid forfeiture of monies, Principal agrees to promptly correct any deficiencies in construction and/or make any emergency repairs requested by the City during the two year period. Principal agrees to promptly reimburse the City for any emergency repairs performed by the City or its agents. C. To avoid forfeiture of monies, Principal agrees to properly maintain the Improvements pending final acceptance of the Improvements by the City. IX. FINAL RELEASE OF ALL REMAINING MONIES Any monies still held under this Assignment that have not been otherwise forfeited due to non-performance shall be released two years after the date of final acceptance of the Improvements by the City, provided, any monies subject to dispute between the parties shall remain in trust pending resolution of the dispute. B-5 368 Signed and executed this day of 2 SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL Print Name and Title Address: Telephone: B-6 369 ACCEPTANCE The undersigned hereby accepts the foregoing Assignment of (Account No.) in the sum of $ with payment of same to be made upon demand by the City of Kent and with no other condition of release of said deposit. Name of BANK or other Institution Address: STATE OF WASHINGTION ) ss. Telephone: COUTNY OF KING ) By: I hereby certify that I know or have Signature of Authorized Personnel satisfactory evidence that (Signature must be as notarized below) is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that Print Name: he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she is authorized to execute the instrument on behalf of Title: [name of company:] as its [title:] , and such execution to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State of Washington residing at: My appointment expires: B-7 370 RELEASE The undersigned does hereby acknowledge that conditions of the foregoing obligation have been satisfactorily met, and hereby authorizes the release of the sum of $ from (Account No.) in (name or bank or other institution) Dated this day of , 2 CITY OF KENT C I T Authorized Signature: 4 Print Name: 4- Title: 4- 4- B-8 371 2. Bill of Sale (All appendix documents are samples only and subject to change without notice) MAIL TO: CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT • ATTN: KENT 220 — 4T" AVENUE SOUTH WASHINGTON KENT, WASHINGTON 98032 Project: Permit#: Location: Parcel #: BILL OF SALE CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON THIS INSTRUMENT made this day of 20 , by and between hereinafter called "Grantors", and City of Kent, a municipal corporation of King County, State of Washington, hereinafter called "Grantee": WITNESSETH: That the said Grantors for a valuable consideration does hereby grant, bargain, sell to Grantee the following described improvements: A. WATERMAINS: Together with a total of gate valves at $ each, hydrants at $ each and/or any other appurtenances thereto. ON FROM TO (street, easement, etc.) Including linear feet at $ per LF of (size &type) waterline. B-9 372 B. SANITARY SEWERS: Together with a total of manholes at $ each and/or any other appurtenances thereto. ON FROM TO (street, easement, etc.) Including linear feet at $ per LF of (size &type) sewerline. C. NEW STREETS: Together with curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and/or any other appurtenances ON FROM TO (street, easement, etc.) Including linear feet at $ per LF of (size &type) (improvement). D. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS: Together with lights, trees, landscaping (except residential streets) and/or any other appurtenances ON FROM TO (street, easement, etc.) Including linear feet at $ per LF of (size &type) (improvement). B-10 373 E. STORM SEWERS: Together with a total of manholes at $ each or total of catch basins at $ each, LF of biofiltration swale or drainage ditch with a total cost of $ , cubic feet of detention pond storage with a total cost of $ , and/or any other appurtenances thereto. ON FROM TO (street, easement, etc.) Including linear feet at $ per LF of (size &type) sewerline. To have and to hold the same to the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. The undersigned hereby covenants that it is the lawful owner of said property; and that the same is free from all encumbrances; that all bills for labor and materials have been paid; that it has the right to sell the same aforesaid; that it will warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims and demand of all person(s). The Bill of Sale is given on consideration of the agreement of the Grantee for itself, its successors and assigns to incorporate said utilities in its utility system and to maintain them as provided in the applicable City Ordinances. The City accepts the items subject to staff approval and completion of a 2 year maintenance period. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused this instrument to be executed on this day of , 20 B-11 374 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused this instrument to be executed on this day of , 20 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of 20 before me, the undersigned A Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/she signed and sealed this instrument as his/her free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of 20 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at My Commission Expires: B-12 375 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of , 20 , before me, the undersigned A Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared and to me to be the and respectively of the that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affix the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at My Commission Expires: The Bill of Sale is given and accepted pursuant to a motion duly made, seconded, and passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, King County, Washington, on the day of 20 B-13 376 40 0000"101 KEN T WASH I N a TO M ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION CITY OF KENT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON The figures used on the Bill of Sale for project dated f for the same said project. the undersigned P.E. or land surveyor is the person responsible for the preparation of the Bill of Sale and is an employee of the firm responsible for the preparation of the record drawings. Signature (Engineer stamp required) B-14 377 3. Construction Surety Bond (All appendix documents are samples only and subject to change without notice) MAIL TO: CITY OF KENT 40 Attn: Development Engineering 000 KEN 220 - 4th 1 Avenue South WAS H 114 G T Q H Kent, WA 98032 CONSTRUCTION SURETY BOND Project: INCLUDING SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE KIVA#: & MAINTENANCE PROVISIONS Location: Tax Account#: Bond Account #: I. SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE We, , a [type of entity:] ("Principal"), and , a surety insurer registered in the State of Washington ("Surety"), hereby obligate ourselves, our successors and assigns, jointly and severally, to the City of Kent ("City"), the penal sum of $ which equals at least 125 percent of the approved engineer's estimate of the costs to complete the construction project that the Principal wishes to undertake, as described in approved plans on file with the City's Public Works Department. The Principal and Surety agree to obligate themselves to the City in the listed amount because undertaking this construction project ("the Improvements"), may cause damage and disruption to land and/or public rights-of-way within the City limits. II. GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS A. All construction and restoration shall be in accordance with the City of Kent Standards and WSDOT/APWA Standards in effect on the date this bond is fully executed. The Improvements and their appurtenances shall be constructed in accordance with the approved plans. B-15 378 B. The City's Construction Inspector shall be given at least twenty-four (24) hours' notice prior to the commencement of any work. C. Traffic control during construction shall be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. D. Construction shall be fully completed no later than 365 days after construction begins, unless the City's Public Works Department has, for good cause shown, granted an extension of time. III. TERM OF BOND — GENERALLY The bond shall remain in force until released in writing by the City, provided, partial early release may be allowed as described below. In its sole discretion, the City may grant a reduction in the penal sum of the bond prior to final acceptance of the Improvements by the City if the Public Works Department has determined that all major stages of construction have been satisfactorily completed. IV. WORKMANSHIP & MAINTENANCE GUARANTY A. Principal agrees that 10% of the penal sum indicated in Section I or $10,000, whichever is greater, shall be retained as a guaranty against potential costs to the City related to defective materials or workmanship or to ensure performance of other maintenance required by the Improvements for a period of two years from the date of final acceptance of the Improvements by the City. B. Principal agrees to promptly correct any deficiencies in construction and/or make any emergency repairs requested by the City during the two year period. C. Principal agrees to promptly reimburse the City for any emergency repairs performed by the City or its agents. V. NON PERFORMANCE If the Principal defaults and does not perform the above conditions within the time specified, or any time extension that may be granted by the City, then the Surety shall, within thirty (30) days of demand of the City, make a written commitment to the City that it will either: A. Remedy the default itself with reasonable diligence pursuant to a time schedule acceptable to the City; or B-16 379 B. Tender to the City within an additional three (3) business days the amount reasonably necessary, as determined by the City, for the City to remedy the default, up to the total bond amount. Should the Surety elect this option, then upon completion of the requirements or work and acceptance of such requirements or work by the City, the City shall, after acceptance of any warranty, monitoring, or other ordinance requirements, return any excess to the Surety. VI. CITY SHALL DETERMINE SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE The City shall determine whether Principal has satisfactorily performed as required. Upon City's determination that Principal has failed to satisfactorily perform, Principal shall be in default and the Surety's obligations under this bond shall immediately accrue; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall prohibit Surety from subsequently bringing an action to seek repayment from the City for wrongly determining Principal's unsatisfactory performance. VII. JURISDICTION AND VENUE If the parties are unable to settle any dispute, difference or claim arising from the parties' performance under this bond, the exclusive means of resolving that dispute, difference or claim, shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court, King County, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute resolution process. VIII. ATTORNEYS FEES In any claim or lawsuit arising from the parties' performance under this bond, each party shall pay its own legal costs and attorney's fees incurred in defending or bringing such claim or lawsuit, in addition to any other recovery or award provided by law; provided, nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit the City's indemnification rights. B-17 380 Signed and executed this day of , 20 PRINCIPAL SURETY Signature Date Signature Date Print Print Name: Name: Title: Title: Address: Address: City: State: Zip: City: State: Zip: Telephone: Telephone: Note: To be considered complete, both the Principal and Surety must sign this bond and the Surety must notarize its signature and attach a copy of its power of attorney. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUTNY OF KING ) I hereby certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she is authorized to execute the instrument on behalf of [name of entity:] as its [title:] , and such execution to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the foregoing instrument. B-18 381 WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State of Washington residing at: My appointment expires: B-19 382 This Page Intentionally Left Blank B-20 383 APPENDIX C: REAL ESTATE DOCUMENTS 1. Recording Cover Sheet 2. Quit Claim Deed - Limited Liability 3. Quit Claim Deed - Limited Partnership 4. Stormwater Facility Maintenance Covenant 5. Temporary Construction Easement 6. Sensitive Area Easement C-1 384 This page intentionally left blank. C-2 385 1. Recording Cover Sheet (All appendix documents are samples only and subject to change without notice) 4- Return Address: City of Kent Property Management 220 4t" Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5896 Please print or type information WASHINGTON STATE RECORDER'S Cover Sheet RCW 65.04 Document Title(s) (or transactions contained therein). All areas applicable to your documents must be filled in. 1. 2. 3. 4. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference #'s on page of document. Grantor(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials) 1. 2. 3. 4. ❑ Additional names on page of document. Grantee(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials) 1. 2. 3. 4. ❑ Additional names on page of document. Legal descriptions (abbreviated: i.e. lot, block, plat or section, township, range) ❑ Additional names on page of document. Assessor's Property Tax parcel/Account Number ❑ Assessor Tax # not yet assigned. The Auditor/Recorder will rely on the information provided on the form. The staff will not read the document to verify the accuracy or completeness of the indexing information provided herein. C-3 386 2. Quit Claim Deed — Limited Liability (All appendix documents are samples only and subject to change without notice) 4- AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: City of Kent 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Attn: Property Management Grantor(s): Grantee(s): City of Kent Abbreviated Legal Description: Additional Legal Description is on Page(s) _ of Document Assessor's Tax Parcel No.: STR: Project: Permit No.: QUIT CLAIM DEED (Limited Liability Company) THE GRANTORS and in consideration of , conveys and quit claims to CITY OF KENT for any and all municipal purposes as Grantee, the following described real estate, situated in the County of KING, State of Washington including any after acquired title: Refer to Exhibit "A" attached and made a part hereto Dated this day of , 20_. Print Name: Print Name: Its: Its: C-4 387 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of , 200 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared and to me known to be the and of a Limited Liability Company, the company that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said company, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. Print name: Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at My commission expires C-5 388 3. Quit Claim Deed — Limited Partnership (All appendix documents are samples only and subject to change without notice) AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: City of Kent 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Attn: Property Services Reference Number of Related Document: Grantor(s): Grantee(s): City of Kent Abbreviated Legal Description: Additional Legal Description is on Page(s)—of Document Assessor's Tax Parcel No.: STR: Project/Permit No: QUIT CLAIM DEED (Limited Partnership) THE GRANTORS for and in consideration of conveys and quit claims to CITY OF KENT for any and all municipal purposes as Grantee, the following described real estate, situated in the County of KING, State of Washington including any after acquired title: Dated this day of , 20 STATE OF ) )SS COUNTY OF ) On this day of , 20 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared and to me known to be the and of a Limited Partnership, the partnership that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said partnership, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. Print name: Notary Public in and for the State of , residing at My commission expires C-6 389 4. Stormwater Facility Maintenance Covenant (All appendix documents are samples only and subject to change without notice) AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: Property Management City of Kent 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Reference Number of Related Document: Grantor(s): Grantee(s): City of Kent Abbreviated Legal Description: Additional Legal Description is on Page(s) of Document Assessor's Tax Parcel Nos: Project: Permit No. DECLARATION OF STORMWATER FACILITY MAINTENANCE COVENANT IN CONSIDERATION OF THE City of Kent ("City") approval for: relating to real property legally described as follows: See attached Exhibit "A" The undersigned Grantor(s) declares that the above-described property is subject to a privately maintained stormwater drainage, detention, and/or stormwater treatment system (the "Stormwater Facilities"), and also covenants and agrees as follows: DUTIES OF GRANTOR(S): 1. Grantor(s) shall regularly inspect and maintain/repair the private Stormwater Facilities on the said-described property in accordance with the standards specified in the City's Construction Standards, specifically including Appendix D ("Maintenance Requirements for Privately Maintained Drainage Facilities"), as now collectively enacted or hereafter amended, which are incorporated by this reference as if fully set forth herein (the "City Construction Standards"). C-7 390 2. Grantor(s) shall inspect the Stormwater Facilities as often as conditions require, but in any event at least once each year. Grantor(s) shall, within four weeks after each inspection, maintain/repair the Stormwater Facilities as required by the City Construction Standards. 3. Grantor(s) shall inspect each element of the Stormwater Facilities whenever the City's Public Works Director ("Director"), in his/her sole discretion, determines that unacceptable conditions exist within or adjoining to the Stormwater Facilities. Similarly, the Director, in his/her sole discretion, may require the Grantor(s) to complete the maintenance/repair of the Stormwater Facilities within a shorter time period than allowed in Section 2, above. 4. Grantor(s), in effecting this maintenance/repair, shall restore the Stormwater Facilities to an acceptable condition to the extent listed and/or described in the City Construction Standards. 5. Grantor(s) is hereby required to obtain written approval from the Director prior to grading, filling, piping, cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine and minor landscape maintenance) in open vegetated drainage facilities (such as biofiltration swales, channels, ditches, ponds, etc.) or performing any alterations or modifications to the Stormwater Facilities. Grantor(s) shall obtain all necessary permits and provide all required land surveys as required by the City Construction Standards. 6. Grantor(s) shall assume all responsibility for the implementation and cost of any maintenance and/or repairs to the Stormwater Facilities. RIGHTS OF THE CITY: 1. The City shall have ingress and egress rights to the said-described property for inspection and monitoring of the Stormwater Facilities in order to determine performance, operational flows or defects in the Stormwater Facilities, all in accord with the City Construction Standards. 2. If the City determines that, pursuant to the City Construction Standards, the Stormwater Facilities require maintenance and/or repair work, the Director shall deliver written notice to the Grantor specifically describing the required maintenance and/or repair. The notice shall also set a reasonable time in which Grantor must complete the described work. The notice shall also state that the City or its authorized agent may perform the authorized maintenance and/or repair if the Grantor(s) fails to complete the maintenance and/or repair within the time allowed. 3. If the Grantor(s) does not complete the required maintenance and/or repair within the time allowed as set forth in the Director's notice, the City or its authorized agent will not commence the maintenance and/or repair work described in the Director's notice until at least seven (7) calendar days after the expiration of the time allotted to Grantor to make the maintenance and/or repair. However, if the Director determines, at his or her sole discretion, that an imminent danger exists, the City's obligation to provide written notice shall be deemed waived, and the City or its authorized agent may immediately begin the required maintenance and/or repair work. C-8 391 4. If the City or its authorized agent performs the required maintenance and/or repairs to the Stormwater Facilities, Grantor(s) shall reimburse the City all its costs incurred in completing the maintenance and/or repairs within thirty (30) calendar days of Grantor's receipt of the City's invoice for that work, accompanied by supporting evidence of the costs being billed. Overdue payments shall accrue interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum. 5. If the Director determines, in his/her sole discretion, that the Stormwater Facilities, if originally constructed in accordance with the City's approved design, need further modifications, Grantor(s) authorize the City to enter the Stormwater Facilities property in order to make these modifications at the City's cost. This provision does not apply to modifications required by further development permit applications by Grantor(s). Any notice or consent required to be given or otherwise provided for by the provisions of this agreement shall be effective either upon personal delivery or three (3) calendar days after mailing by Certified Mail, return receipt requested. This Covenant is intended to protect the value and desirability of the property described above, including the larger parcel(s), if any, benefited by the Stormwater Facilities. Further, this Covenant shall be a covenant running with the land forever. GRANTOR(S) (Address) (Phone) (ATTACH NOTARY APPROPRIATE FOR THE GRANTOR) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kent Law Department C-9 392 S. Temporary Construction Easement (All appendix documents are samples only and subject to change without notice) AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: Property Management City of Kent 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Reference Number of Related Document: Grantor(s): Grantee(s):City of Kent Abbreviated Legal Description: Additional Legal Description is on Page(s) of Document Assessor's Parcel No.: Project: Temporary Construction Easement (Corporate) THIS AGREEMENT made this day of 20 , by and between hereinafter called "Grantors" and CITY OF KENT, municipal corporation of King County, Washington, hereinafter called "Grantee". WITNESSETH:That said Grantor(s), for and in consideration of do by these presents grant, bargain, sell, convey, and confirm unto the said Grantee, its successors or assigns, a temporary easement to be used only during construction of on adjacent property. The said temporary easement shall be through and across the following described property situated in King County, Washington: Refer to Exhibit "A" Attached and made a part hereto. Said temporary construction easement shall remain in force during construction and until such time as said and appurtenances have been accepted for maintenance and operation by the City of Kent. The said Grantee shall have the right, without prior institution of any suit or proceeding at law, at such times as may be necessary to enter upon said above described property for the purpose of construction of said or making any connections therewith, without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefore, provided that such constructing of said shall be accomplished in such a manner that the existing improvements and land contours existing in the right-of-way shall not be disturbed or destroyed or in the event that they are disturbed or destroyed, they will be replaced in as good a condition as they were immediately before the property was entered upon by the Grantee. C-10 393 This temporary construction easement shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding on the Grantor's successors, heirs, and assigns until acceptance of said for maintenance and operation by the Grantee. Dated this day of 20 GRANTOR(S): by: its STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of , 20 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared and to me known to be the and of Corporation, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. Print Name Notary Public in and for the State Washington, residing at My Commission Expires C-11 394 6. Sensitive Area Easement (All appendix documents are samples only and subject to change without notice) WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Property Management City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Grantor: Grantee: City of Kent Abbreviated Legal Description: Additional Legal Description on page of Document. Assessor's Tax Parcel ID No. STR: Project Name: Permit No. Document Date• SENSITIVE AREA EASEMENT THIS INSTRUMENT made this day of 200_, by and between , a ("Grantor"), and CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation of King County, ("Grantee"): That Grantor(s) for and in consideration of mutual benefits derived does grant to Grantee, its successors and /or assigns, an easement for sensitive area preservation and maintenance over, through, across and upon the property situated in King County, Washington, specifically described in Exhibit A (the "Easement Area") and graphically depicted in Exhibit B. The easement rights conveyed for preservation, maintenance, and enhancement of the Easement Area include, but are not limited to, control of surface water and erosion; maintenance of slope stability; buffering for visual and auditory purposes; and protection of water quality, plant ecology and wildlife habitat ("Easement Purposes"). Grantor shall leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the Easement Area, unless prior written approval of the Grantee is obtained. No building foundations, structures, fill, or obstructions (including, but not limited to outbuildings and overhangs) are allowed within fifteen (15) feet of the Easement Area, unless otherwise approved in writing by Grantee. C-12 395 Grantee shall have the right without prior institution of suit or proceeding at law, at times as may be necessary, to enter upon the Easement Area and immediate adjacent areas with the necessary equipment for all Easement Purposes; provided that the Easement Purposes shall be accomplished in such a manner that the private improvements existing adjacent to the Easement Area shall not be disturbed or destroyed, or in the event they are disturbed or destroyed, they will be replaced in as good a condition as they were immediately before the Easement Area was entered upon by the Grantee. This Easement shall be a covenant running with the land forever and shall be binding on the Grantor's successors, heirs and assigns. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to be a gift or dedication of any portion of the Easement Area to the general public for access or for any purposes other than those specifically granted herein. GRANTOR: By: Date: (Notary Acknowledgement on Next Page) C-13 396 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of , 200_, before me a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, personally appeared , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executed this instrument and acknowledged it to be free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. -Notary Seal Must Appear Within This Box- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State of Washington, residing at My appointment expires APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kent Law Department C-14 397 APPENDIX D: ENGINEER COST ESTIMATE FORM (All appendix documents are samples only and subject to change without notice) D-1 398 This Page Intentionally Left Blank D-2 399 cocc� O O y J^u+ N N Q ❑ m Q.Y aC OZf O T] ar LU Z al a1 m U1 V) > LLI i1 i 3 Q i ro > d o o Q Z C7 ❑ ) ' Ln a ra h u CD E r a. � 75 >- 01 c � o v IR1 0b ❑ � c d ; o c w i E o aL o �= Q E E 0 N �, m c � > U V~] ., m o � L N 0 �^-- ❑ , D 4 o w - U c' cu ❑ oti U .❑N _N m u pLU -wN L❑ LU u � x C W Z N DW a o m ra E ❑ U '_' C N T �' 4 � 4 t aS LLI Cp a C+1 7 i O Q -a N a) -a i U afa I- n cra m ❑ U C LU Q. m N N 'C H x 2 LL O 1-+0 4-1ro ,N p � N .0 N 4) 0 a7 L Q >. � U 0 a) -0 C i, p u v al � G L 7 N �' -0Q N ar n m � -Dw V1 G75 N ❑ C p a) V u Q u 6 [71 - N ., ro 4] rq a] ❑ u7 C ro C m is y N + Q aJ + p '@ N a 7, E m 3 E ❑ O OJ L- � 0.7 o `J. L Q V L aaJ L D) �.1.1 W Q L u a1 ❑ o m ro _ v a _0 u J Ln o a v a u o v m Q v � � � U co a L LU V) f=— C L7 CL LL o D-3 400 \\ � �\ � 72 � k] e • � / \ / k o \ § to ( c ) 2 2 � k f E 6 S k ) » \ k_ ƒ_ \ ¢ E a E / 2 � � � � � / � \ w V 2 - � o � Q m ■ 2 ■ - » E / w t / § \ # § _ / % B C © o 0 aL \ § § k » kCQ] r 7 r '�� \ / 2 / a E a) C & k} 0 w d \ / k ) 2 k \ k ID k � / k k k § / k j \ Of / > f / o z I LL E I I § 3 LL a w L % \ D-4 401 coto 00 � LN k rr►cry rrr e�, �c C [a cy a° 0�uv U w3,l,i000 � J u] !1f W .J � 0 W N J-- W�QlRtl $c2iN� N z O zw N oao00000p aoaosp oaoa ❑ o oaooao oo u7z w ty7 0 1q o 0 0 o n u7 Lq 0 0 o i! 4 v7 0 0 4 0 Q a O b 0 4 o o p z CG aG ui co W of N " u , N P] N m 0 C] O M a0 �] 't O a'z b9"- [] W to,w H!6% fR 0 FH[A 69 h4 53 W N IA 47 0 4 117 N n. 54 N�b7 [7 'U di F/q 69 +9 F9 64 M cr�cr�� O IA b3 69 o y a r t� E C LLi frf1� Y w o v 0 y W ui [! fV (V N N N r N LL; 1ri N iV N c7 tl' p V 'cf tf r a 1 .t `r 1L7 U] µj 47 ltj h to Lit) Ln LO47 LO 10 LO W � U ❑ ns ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ N V7 � rn p U7 N N � u] N rA rI7 V7 Vi c fi ro e � o R X Q ❑' � ul N G m -rx, Q � � �r o c r Z ❑ �' UUU E miv111 m m o a ❑ c G7 ou LU L m m uQ °-' [_ o a m= W' cs o ❑ � {.] C5 ppva LO .c W `� y y o°1 '�7 d 5 j � 'LL'I a t9 W CI C1 U 0160 Is ti C7 T Mr a s Q a L� D-5 402 od ,a C C ry N _ t A TT—1-7 1 C �m � m O y m o a. ° c E - c a 1 ` U [4 Q N 3 w ❑ N �. Q ,,y Q7 cam}, U m 1G � LU C N 0 0 2 ew u Y Y t ) ? Y u. w Lit V U U N Vl f1] N VJ IL[ 1L IL % U N U] co C. 00 o ❑ p o 0 0 ❑ C o o O p p p o 0 o P u7 o O o 0 o P Q 0 C 0 G y Q b P 0 0 ❑ uy P P �!1 O O ❑ P P O O [] o o Cd 0 4 P P O 0 0 0 y b] r C�] �([!��J] 0 O Cif u7 �!1 Q� CO Cf 1� P 4] [J �G [�I N r O 7 ❑ P O ] C] O Ql fO M Q •L [] r M PS [p O [y r r m � N C] `3 rD o0 4] Gl P N r (�1 a sa ds w 69 yr rr �. rfi w en w m f» rn v rn se ea vi ca v. rug. rn �n v� yr rn �n vi 'n ua vi N C b C O O X N 47 La y � � N y 3 a E E E �1 m � . E fl] a o�i c m v. q 's £LL) oCi v o o a m cv a C [] V N '� Y Y C M v N N N a Q' 0. up A f : to R 0] JQ & _C VJ Q E y f ■'5 u cnx u� [_7 rc fn U lu w c�. u til LL ii C7 [7 i7 C7 (7 L7 rn uy h F= 1- h r- D-6 403 / E) 0 /\ ! TT #§ ` d a \ k.\ � ¥ f ) & f \ & _ \ (LO y » § 7 { \ LL / J 0 0 Z 2 I ! 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R0000 | | § ; tj & \ $ w \ § � � aU. r # 7a2 # . ` < < < « = = s000000 ; mm / / 6365t) CS)A o D-7 404 k� \)d j 2 kk _ � )« ] i § © f ) w ! ) & � E § � § / { � \ E � 0 ® 2 ; # •� § \�. 3 � d k \ % e M8 > lama8 > me8neC! { 2gak4 § % mm / + £ § 6 ; § ( m ; � � \ LLI kuj ( a % � ! a RoE � z �2 \> & CO( aO » § (, � e § |) C,4 0 M (3 �( / % 2 / uk k « § 3cq § � § ` ff { § § o � \ � { 2kC4 k z; ■. @ # 2R � &G6 " " ® ® 'G � � % • � � �gm ki Lu M .9 K ] � • 2 % � o # ; r, ## # 2k - C, 0 0 % M. � £ # � a , a � ) \ & J $ 22 ¥ % @ ¥ 737 [ [ / A D-8 405 o aN FaV- G1 _ n ° } C3' q E � a a ° (x E C CY Q � E a °f V y m .o E u- L C LU a a U ram'+ ) n o [II E w c a ❑ c w R m m m m m m m m J L �3 L�L J J ❑ N I11 w w w w w w W w w w v v a a o a a 0 a 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o v a v v v o a o o a o g g a a o a a °� a a coc occ c ccc ac'sc cv r� ai c+i poi o 0 00 •� m [O Lq m P% f° rn n o rn tiCi CV N C] r M 7 ❑ � 7 tls vi M K fq b9 69 b7 rR �! r4 W V4 FA �! V! 64 eq W [n Vl by df b3 �A V+ � � V1 � V71 C 4' ❑ C In w �ppp n � 'v s t U G1 C � ° � ❑ r O ° � fG ¢l • Q E � � � � � � � � rLLr c ca c f: 6f-' .0 i6 a .0 c 7 IO `m ' m N m N [a9 Pm9 m m �w Cw7 :El 2 n �1� 2 � � titicitiaaaaaaaao a Q am Uma a.r tf CC U U U tL] S7 CS rLS (f] Lr] i[ma3 L'C m m m 9 v m cocQ 12 3 > s B m7 yp]� D-9 406 M co W 6 4 o v +Y ❑ C C N� C 1= U W ti �e � m b � a p d CL v a iL E C N 3 ` �L 4 LL E N � W o N O f..3 G7 _ LJ 'C � cy G a J N x uJ J N LiJ W W V [L W W Lll t� W 6 v 0 0 0 QU v v o g O v v v v v v o v U v g v v v v U O v o 0 0 o a v o 0 0 0 0 0 o op o O o v o v R v O 4 [] [] O � y CO N Vi L[i IC N v �D C CO W C� P� CV O1 41 �Ll �[) O O [O O O C� O G NO (6 0 w V Y N r N N ['] Cl 06 fp .» C1 N Q m W r 'O N 47 N f•! M C�7 [n'7 ❑~ a` ni c 7 � w iq W M w w w w w ui w ut w 69 Ni 64 64 w•W 64 W w n9 64 yl w ul q W V} !q V7 Yi fg H} N y w O' � d a T C C Q1 se m 5'i ups a a rr u _ v 5 r uP pp AA � CV `Ng+ N M lCz: � 2� �m �t q�7miadlFi7 °ooNc�7i � � a_ a Ny; °} � �i �] m u5 a as a 4a as a c o u 6 b 0 d r k* Q f4 U [¢] [�1 U U L4i U U U U U U U ❑ oc3 � Uu ❑ c3o ❑ 0s0Uo0a ° cfxof � tiiti � D-10 407 � §§ # ; ) J k\ §?« �� \» . a f \ { % Ea � { ) = a + & ] ° E � \ \ \ ) 2 % 0j � - ' � } L t q 55 s § 552sg § § 5 � } mm § w � ez a : £ a waz � 22m « . 8m ; q ) SS / / kCj cktgR ° a °� ! 7 ) V� \ »mmn - m ! # # 7 ) ® kk k HM \ j ) \ § \ k \} \ ] # 2 J � § ) ] dJdd2222 % k � ta / } 2 e alga « % 2g - ` Ts13 , tfMm a ® a ce & � � � ` k2RRa ) ; ] ] a ■ J ; « « ! ) « § § aagsa , a _ � � > - ; ■ e . ■ & 0 � 2 � 3 « ] J � i ) # # $ § ! I4 / D-11 408 : R! { )j »§ )) . / n. / / 2B &C) 3 § § ° ] J { L ) k Q � ] }+ .ƒ L t 4 k k � k ] w ± ! § § ] UJ � q5 §$ © m � we ; 8m ) @4g8 # a ) § § 88@e # 7 § § k2RkCi k ( \ }\ § © Q 4 n m m * idto § _ 2 a - $ 1 7 £ R2 ) ■ ; 9 / \ k ® k . _£ alga % tm ` � � / # � ■ 2 ) tk ) k » � � § 'W § } ■ a ■ .5E= LU ƒ /b ILC @ IEE � � 2mo2� tE § �, m d, is% ) = ) � £ e § � 5 � ± 2\ k2Ea. 0» k - k = 2 � k � 2 a k . ■ l � � � . - - m = 2 _ rae _ E @ § � � k; . « ] � � _ ■ ■ . e ce ® = « e - E E § 2 £ � � � � 2 • - - � � - � - � « � aI �. � 3U).(D $ ) § £ « £ £ £ J / E $ ? D-12 409 N IN �\ )£ \� \ © / 4 § ] E f \ ) ° _ 2 I \ d 2 7 0o . 6 § . •§ j i L \ 0 / } ¢ % 2 § 2 X § h \ § 2 § § n ] § ] \ - § 2 ] — # # / z t E § a ! / § ¥ \ ! 0 k k ) / LU 2 ! nz § IL � N \ § [ \E a 2 12, ® 12i � 2 2 § \ � { \ , a ! � ` © 2 § : ) r a jao , « . / \ cq / ) § § ) \ / ?: \ D-13 410 This Page Intentionally Left Blank D-14 411 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Director PLANNING SERVICES Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager Phone: 253-856-5454 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6454 wA 5 H I N G T O N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW REPORT Decision Document DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS UPDATE #ENV-2009-3/#RPSA-2090134 Responsible Official: Charlene Anderson, AICP I. PROPOSAL A. Description The City of Kent is considering adopting changes to its Design and Construction Standards (Standards). These are general conditions and requirements for all improvements or extensions of the City of Kent's street, storm drainage or utility systems. The Standards apply to all improvements made by public agencies, utility providers, and private developers. The City of Kent proposes to adopt these Design and Construction Standards for two primary reasons: 1. To the extent practicable, to set forth the minimum requirements for specific and consistent requirements for: construction of and improvements to public and private streets, water utilities, sewer utilities, and storm water utilities; the placement and operation of any utilities in rights of way; and all excavation and grading in the City. These Standards include procedures for inspection, acceptance, warranty, and deviations. 2. To establish uniform criteria to guide the City's own design, construction and improvement of City streets and utilities. These Standards are crafted to enable the City to achieve goals for neighborhood and transportation connectivity, transportation safety, affordable housing, storm water management, environmental protection, and cultural resource enhancement in balance with sound and efficient development. Decision Document Design and Construction Standards Update 412 #ENV-2009-3/#RPSA-2090134 With respect to transportation, the City requires consistent Standards to assure, so far as practical, that motoring, bicycling, transit, and pedestrian public safety needs are met in compliance with requirements for safety, convenience, aesthetics, surface water drainage, economical maintenance, and cultural and environmental resource protection. B. Other Documents As proposed, the Standards are intended to be consistent with the following codes, plans, programs, manuals, guidelines, laws and regulations. • Kent City Code, as amended, including: Title 6: Public Works Title 7: Utilities Title 8: Health and Sanitation Title 11:Environmental Management Title 12:Planning and Land Development Title 13:Fire Prevention and Protection Title 14:Buildings and Construction Title 15: Zoning • City of Kent Comprehensive Plan • City of Kent Subarea Plans • The State Shoreline Management Act and regulations adopted thereunder, RCW 90.58 and WAC 173-26 • City of Kent Shoreline Management Master Program, KCC 11.04 • City of Kent Capital Improvement Program • City of Kent Transportation Improvement Plan • City of Kent Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan • City of Kent Comprehensive Water Plan • City of Kent Storm Water Master Plan • City of Kent Transportation Master Plan • City of Kent Non-Motorized Transportation Plan • International Building and Fire Codes • King County Flood Hazard Management Plan • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and rules adopted thereunder • City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual • City of Kent Downtown Design Review Guidelines Page 2 of 8 Decision Document Design and Construction Standards Update 413 #ENV-2009-3/#RPSA-2090134 Furthermore, the proposed Standards reference the following publications: • Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, as amended by the City of Kent. These will be referred to as the "WSDOT Standard Specifications" • The WSDOT Standard Plans for Road and Bridge Construction, to be referred to as the "WSDOT Standard Plans" • WSDOT Design Manual • City and County Design Standards for the Construction of Urban and Rural Arterial and Collector Roads, adopted in accordance with RCW 35.78.030 and RCW 43.32.020 • Washington State Department of Health, Water System Design Manual • United States Environmental Protection Agency, Cross Connection Control Manual • United States Federal Highway Administration, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as adopted and supplemented by the State of Washington (MUTCD) • Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Local Programs Environmental Classification Summary Guidebook The proposed Standards also indicate that the following specifications and guidelines shall be applicable when specifically cited in the Standards, when required as a development condition, and/or when required by state or federal funding authority. • WSDOT, Local Agency Guidelines. (LAG). • WSDOT, Guidelines for Urban Arterial Program • Design criteria adopted by federal agencies, including, but not limited to, the United States Federal Housing Administration (FHA), United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), United States Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) • American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, as adopted and supplemented by the State of Washington • AASHTO, Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges • AASHTO, Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities • American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), applicable standards and specifications as determined by the Engineer • Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle (METRO) Transportation Facility Design Guidelines Page 3 of 8 Decision Document Design and Construction Standards Update 414 #ENV-2009-3/#RPSA-2090134 • FHWA, Roundabouts: An Informational Guide • AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals • Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act 49 U.S.C. 470 and 36 CFR 800 • Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966, 49 U.S.C. 303 • Washington State High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Policy • FHWA Guidance on HOV Lanes • Washington State Department of Ecology, Criteria for Sewage Works • American Water Works Association, American Water Works Standards • WSDOT, Understanding Flexibility in Transportation Design- Washington • Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Context Sensitive Solutions in Designing Major Urban Thoroughfares for Walkable Communities • Illuminating Engineers Society of North America (IESNA), RP-8- 00 Roadway Lighting II. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The City of Kent has adopted a revised Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance #3794 and 3797 - May 2006) which contains Planning Goals developed to be consistent with the State planning goals in the Growth Management Act, Countywide Planning Policies and the results of the Kent Community Forum and Visual Preference Survey. In part, these goals relate to Urban Growth, Transportation, Public Facilities, Urban Design and Economic Development. The various elements of Kent's Comprehensive Plan contain specific Goals and Policies that support the City's Planning Goals. These goals and policies represent an expression of community intentions and aspirations concerning the future of Kent and the area within the potential annexation area. The Comprehensive Plan is used by the Mayor, City Council, Land Use and Planning Board, Hearing Examiner and City departments to guide decision- making relative to development and capital facility spending. The proposed Standards are intended to implement, and be consistent with Kent's Comprehensive Plan, the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) and Kent's Concurrency Management (Chapter 12.11, Kent City Code). These Standards are being considered as an ordinance of the Kent City Council that will control the use and modification of the environment. As such, they are reviewed under SEPA as a non-project action. It is appropriate that the City consider likely impacts associated with the Standards and identify associated mitigation measures. Page 4 of 8 Decision Document Design and Construction Standards Update 415 #ENV-2009-3/#RPSA-2090134 Kent follows revisions to the Washington State Environmental Policy Act, Chapter 197-11 WAC (effective November 10, 1997), which implements ESHB 1724 and ESB 6094. III. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS A. Earth The City of Kent consists of varying topography including the Green River valley, with steep slopes on the east and west sides of the valley and rolling hills beyond. The Green River valley is partially filled by post-glacial alluvial deposits. Three main depositional units have been identified in the subsurface of the valley: younger alluvium, the Osceola mudflow, and older alluvium silty sand and gravel deposited by the Vashon stade glacier. The east and west hills are comprised of glacial till and other glacial deposits overlying bedrock of tertiary sedimentary rocks. Within the City there are areas of steep slopes and landslide hazard areas that have been identified. Slope stability will be reviewed during the environmental assessment of individual projects. Steep and hazardous slopes, as well as other environmentally sensitive areas are regulated under Kent City Code 11.06 Critical Areas, which was updated in 2006 via Kent City Council Ordinance 3805. These proposed Standards set the requirements and limitations for filling and grading, and include requirements for erosion control measures. The Standards are considered development regulations and specific impacts will be reviewed and addressed during the environmental assessment of individual projects. B. Air The proposed Standards include regulations for dust control associated with soil stockpiling and construction activities within the City of Kent. The proposed standards include by reference WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction. Specifically, dust and erosion control is addressed in section 8-01 of this document, Erosion Control and Water Pollution Control. Project specific impacts to the air will be reviewed during the environmental assessment of individual projects. C. Water The proposed Standards include regulations that apply to construction activities, materials and methods both in and around Kent's surface and subsurface water resources. Regulations for controlling water runoff, both during and after construction activities are also included. Page 5 of 8 Decision Document Design and Construction Standards Update 416 #ENV-2009-3/#RPSA-2090134 Impacts associated with work in and around streams, wetlands, lakes and rivers are addressed by the provisions of Kent's critical areas code, Kent's Shoreline Master Program, and Kent's Surface Water Design Manual. Project specific impacts to water resources will be reviewed during the environmental assessment of individual projects. D. Plants A diversity of plant communities are located within the City of Kent in areas that may generally be described as forest, wetland, riparian, agricultural, and pasture. Also, landscape plantings on developed sites and along roadways are wide spread throughout Kent. The proposed Standards include requirements for landscaping within City right-of-way in areas such as medians, planter strips, and behind the sidewalks. The landscaping will consist of street trees and Type IV Landscaping as defined by KCC 15.07.050. Other adopted regulations related to mitigating impacts to plant communities include the Kent Zoning Code (KCC title 15), KCC 11.06 Critical Areas, and Kent's Shoreline Master Program. Project specific impacts to plant communities will be reviewed during the environmental assessment of individual projects. E. Animals While no specific City-wide inventory is available, all species of birds, mammals and fish common to the Puget Sound region are likely present in the City of Kent. The proposed Standards do not directly address habitat protection. Mitigation of impacts and protection of habitat from development are addressed in the Kent Zoning Code (KCC title 15), KCC 11.06 Critical Areas, Kent's Surface Water Design Manual and Kent's Shoreline Master Program. Project specific impacts to animals will be reviewed during the environmental assessment of individual projects. F. Energy and Natural Resources The proposed Standards apply to all development in the City. Petroleum products will be used in the new asphalt and pipe for utility systems and used by equipment during the construction of the improvements. Land area is also required to be dedicated to road and pedestrian ways, to accommodate grading limitations, and for utility easements. Electric energy will be used by new street lights and traffic signals. Page 6 of 8 Decision Document Design and Construction Standards Update 417 #ENV-2009-3/#RPSA-2090134 Project specific impacts to energy and natural resources will be reviewed during the environmental assessment of individual projects. G. Environmental Health The proposed Standards include specifications for construction materials, methods and maintenance of roadways and utility systems throughout the City. Noise impacts associated with work conducted under these standards are addressed by federal, state and local regulations, and apply to all development in the City. While no risks of exposure to toxic chemicals, risk related to fire and explosion, spill or hazardous waste are contemplated at this point, project specific impacts to environmental health will be reviewed during the environmental assessment of individual projects. H. Land and Shoreline Use Residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural and recreational parks are predominant land uses within the City. The City of Kent has five general categories of zoning districts that regulate land use: agricultural, single-family residential, multifamily residential, commercial and industrial. While the proposed Standards are intended to be consistent with the City's land use goals as expressed in the Comprehensive Plan, they relate specifically to materials, methods and maintenance associated with utility, roadway and grading work within the City. The Standards are crafted to enable the City to achieve goals for neighborhood and transportation connectivity, transportation safety, affordable housing, storm water management, environmental protection, and cultural resource enhancement in balance with sound and efficient development as expressed in the Comprehensive Plan. Compliance with the Standards will in many applications require the dedication of land to accommodate roadways, sidewalks, utility corridors and associated equipment. Land devoted to these uses is necessary to support public health, safety and welfare, and ensure that the growth and development of the City is orderly. The City contains seven shorelines of the state. Any proposed development within Shoreline jurisdiction is subject to the policies and regulations of the City's Shoreline Master Program. Additional regulations regarding land use within the City are found in Kent's Critical Areas Code, Surface Water Design Manual and Zoning Code. Page 7 of 8 Decision Document Design and Construction Standards Update 418 #ENV-2009-3/#RPSA-2090134 IV. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION A. Per WAC 197-11-660 and RCW 43.21C.060, the City of Kent may establish conditions to mitigate any identified impacts associated with this proposal. The following supporting documents serve as possible bases for any conditions and mitigating measures: 1. City of Kent Comprehensive Plan as prepared and adopted pursuant to the State Growth Management Act. 2. The City of Kent Shoreline Master Program as prepared and adopted pursuant to the State Shoreline Management Act. 3. Kent City Code Section 7.07 Surface Water and Drainage Code. 4. City of Kent Transportation Plan, Green River Valley Transportation action plan and six-year Transportation Improvement Plan. 5. Kent City Code Section 7.09 Wastewater Facilities Master Plan. 6. City of Kent Comprehensive water plan and conservation element. 7. Kent City Code Section 6.02 Required Public Improvements. 8. Kent City Code Section 6.07 Street Use Permit Requirements. 9. Kent City Code Section 14.09 Flood Hazard Protection. 10. Kent City Code Section 12.04 Subdivision Code. 11. Kent City Code Section 12.05 Mobile Home Parks and 12.06 Recreation Vehicle Parks. 12. Kent City Code Section 8.05 Noise Control. 13. City of Kent Uniform Building and Fire Codes 14. Kent Zoning Code. 15. Kent City Code Section 7.13 water shortage and emergency regulations and Water Conservation Ordinance 2227. 16. Kent City Code Section 6.03 Improvement Plan Approval and Inspection Fees 17. Kent City Code Section 7.05 Storm and Surface Water Drainage Utility. 18. City of Kent Comprehensive Sewer Plan. 19. City of Kent Fire Master Plan. 20. City of Kent Critical Areas Ordinance. B. It is recommended that a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) be issued for this non-project action. KENT PLANNING SERVICES February 10, 2009 MG\jm\\S:\Permit\Plan\Env\2009\2090134decision.doc Page 8 of 8 419 .40 0 KENT WA5HINGTON CITY OF KENT DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Environmental Checklist No.: #ENV-2009-3 Project: CITY OF KENT DESIGN #RPSA-2090134 AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS Description: The City of Kent is considering adopting changes to its Design and Construction Standards (Standards).These are general conditions and requirements for all improvements or extensions of the City of Kent's street, storm drainage or utility systems. The Standards apply to all improvements made by public agencies, utility providers, and private developers. The City of Kent proposes to adopt these Design and Construction Standards for two primary reasons: 1. To the extent practicable, to set forth the minimum requirements for specific and consistent requirements for: construction of and improvements to public and private streets, water utilities, sewer utilities, and storm water utilities; the placement and operation of any utilities in rights of way; and all excavation and grading in the City. These Standards include procedures for inspection, acceptance, warranty, and deviations. 2. To establish uniform criteria to guide the City's own design, construction and improvement of City streets and utilities. These Standards are crafted to enable the City to achieve goals for neighborhood and transportation connectivity, transportation safety, affordable housing, storm water management, environmental protection, and cultural resource enhancement in balance with sound and efficient development. With respect to transportation, the City requires consistent Standards to assure, so far as practical, that motoring, bicycling, transit, and pedestrian public safety needs are met in compliance with requirements for safety, convenience, aesthetics, surface water drainage, economical maintenance, and cultural and environmental resource protection. Applicant: Mike Gillespie City of Kent Public Works 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA. 98032 Determination of Nonsignificance City of Kent Design &Construction Standards 420 #ENV-2009-3/#RPSA-2090134 Lead Agency: CITY OF KENT The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. X There is no comment period for this DNS. This DNS is issued under 197-11-340(2). The lead agency will not act on this proposal for 28 days from the date of this decision; this includes a 14-day comment period followed by a 14-day appeal period as provided by WAC 197 11 680. Responsible Official: Matt Gilbert, AICP Position/Title: Acting Planning Manager/ SEPA OFFICIAL Address: 220 S. Fourth Avenue, Kent, WA 8032Telephone: (253)856-5454 Dated: February 10, 2009 Signature: , APPEAL PROCESS: AN APPEAL OF A DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (DNS) MUST BE MADE TO THE KENT HEARING EXAMINER WITHIN FOURTEEN (14) DAYS FOLLOWING THE DATE OF THIS DECISION PER KENT CITY CODE 11.03.520. CONDITIONS/MITIGATING MEASURES: NONE jm\\S:\Permit\Plan\Env\2009\2090134-2009-3dns doc 2 of 2