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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 03/26/2007 (3) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom, C.D. Director e0077k• PLANNING SERVICES KEN T Charlene Anderson,AICP, Manager W A S H I N G T O N Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 March 16, 2007 TO: JON JOHNSON, CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD FROM: GLORIA GOULD-WESSEN, GIS COORDINATOR/PLANNER RE: Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Land Use Map Designation Parks & Open Space CPA 2005-8 (Kiva #2054866) Land Use & Planning Board Public Hearing — March 26, 2007 INTRODUCTION On December 11, 2006, the Land Use & Planning Board held the second workshop concerning an update to Kent's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map (Figure 4.7) Parks & Open Space (P&OS) designation requested by Planning Services (Docket 2005-7).1 The proposed update reflects public land acquisition for park and open space uses, and historic mapping discrepancies (see Attachment A). This update will be combined with the 2007 Comprehensive Plan amendments. BACKGROUND Kent's Comprehensive Plan updated twelve (12) individual elements in August 2004 after approximately a two (2) year process. Because of the time lag, the Land Use Map has become outdated. The following changes support the request to update the Land Use Map: • The Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department has acquired property slated for park development since the 2004 update of Kent's Comprehensive Plan; and • The definition of Parks & Open Space does not support the designation of privately held properties as P&OS. The following is the definition of P&OS: 'The Parks and Open Space designation represents publicly owned land that is either large active park or undeveloped or developed for passive recreation open space land that may have environmental sensitivities" ANALYSIS Kent's Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to identify the Parks & Open Space (P&OS) land use map designations in relationship to tax parcel ownership. Along with GIS analysis, staff from various city departments reviewed the mapping inconsistencies to ensure accuracy. Staff from King County was also consulted to ensure public ownership of questionable tax parcels. Staff identified two types of tax parcels: 1. Publicly owned parcels used for parks and open space, and 2. Privately owned parcels that have a Land Use Map designation P&OS. The initial analysis reviewed property ownership using the GIS tax parcel data layer (originated from King County Assessor's Office) in relationship to the Land Use Map data layer (originally 1 Docket 2005-7 was approved by Council as an action item in the 2005 Annual Docket Report on December 13, 2005 and the first LU&PB workshop was held January 23, 2006. created by Planning Services in 1995). Publicly owned property that was not contained within the P&OS land use designation data layer was reviewed by Parks Planning & Development staff. They also identified land that had been recently acquired for parks use, but not identified as P&OS in the existing Land Use Map. Generally, the proposal amends the Land Use Map for publicly owned properties to a Parks & Open Space designation (see Attachment B — Maps and Tax Parcel list). Privately owned tax parcels located within the P&OS land use map designation data layer were also identified using the aforementioned methodology. Because private property cannot be designated P&OS, the proposed land use designation is derived from the existing Zoning Districts designation associated with these tax parcels (see Attachment C— Maps and Tax Parcel list). The proposed changes have been reviewed by Parks Recreation & Community Services and Planning Services Divisions to ensure continuity and accuracy. For additional information refer to the staff report for the Land Use & Planning Board workshop held December 11, 2006. Staff will be available at the March 26th public hearing to discuss the proposed amendments to Figure 4.7 of the Kent Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element. If there are any questions prior to the public hearing, please contact Gloria Gould-Wessen at (253) 856-5441. CA I GGWlpm S:I Permitl Pian I COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS120051 CPA-2005-8 LandUseOS 20548661 LUPBI PH Memo.doc Enc: Attachment A—Property Ownership of Parks&Open Space Map Attachment B—Proposed P&OS map changes of publicly owned properties and tax parcel list Attachment C—Proposed Land Use Map designation changes to privately owned properties and tax parcel list cc: Fred N.Satterstrom,AICP,Community Development Director Charlene Anderson,AICP, Planning Manager Kurt Hanson,AICP, Principal Planner Gloria Gould-Wessen,AICP,GIS Coordinator/Planner Project File LUPB Public Hearing February 26, 2007 CPA 2005-8(KIVA#2054766) Page 2 of 2 Attachment A CPA-2005-8 Update Parks & Open Space Land Use Designation MAP Property Ownership within Parks & Open Space Land Use Designation Land Use and Planning Board Hearing March 26, 2007 This page intentionally left blank. W 1� LU W �N rl • N Y; _ a, Q J z a z Z y � W W a cn s � UaW O • LU LU ZZ � d aaoo •I•, a a) JO � W �.I °� a 4� a �a U ~ Q xs w z �: Y 0 JWYQO 0U � Uaaa Jt� 1 93nV ZSl 3S 3ntlB 3S3nV9bl J .� l T C C 3S 3nV Obl g�9 Soos Creek I ,f I w ti N I w N s tl Z9l I N I 3S 3ntl Z y 3S 3ntl b l r T 7 N I r- 3S nV9ll 3s ntlau D Q- Q9k�� I N N � I C I 3S Zll t- 3ntl 8 S 3ntl 9 w N F I Vau u 3S AVI,% I-----1 N I r — N I 3S V r ( ---- - tl r' �Lfallen I � - c ull 53 tl99 I. �b Ftd a0 ntl 9 e Ilea.N.g g ai ro d _ N S 3ntl 9L E N - y ea Ile n N Peal d o N ti N W=j Aallen I N sntl ------ I I H alle M -------------- 3ntl 69 N T - � •-... S a;e;spa;U p� 4 3nb SS ti N � 516 P a f nn!w N I, S.fmH o9ped oyped ti F� r N S3 VIZ N N N y N _ 3 el 66(as)f-H This page intentionally left blank. Attachment B CPA-2005-8 Update Parks & Open Space Land Use Designation MAPS (7) Proposed Land Use Map Designation for Public Properties • Map B-1 - Change All Identified Properties Land Use from P&OS to US and Zoning from MR-M to SR-1. • Map B 2 - Change All Identified Properties Land Use from P&OS to us. • Map B-3 - Change All Identified Properties from LDMF to P&OS. • Map B-4 - Change All Identified Properties from SF-6 to P&OS • Map B-5 - Change All Identified Properties from SF-6 to P&OS • Map B-6 - Change All Identified Properties from SF-6 to P&OS Map B-7 - Change All Identified Properties from UR4-12 to P&OS. Land Use and Planning Board Hearing March 26, 2007 This page intentionally left blank. Proposed Land Use Map Designation for Public Property Update Parks&Opens Space Land Use Designation CPA-2005-8 Change all Identified Properties Land Use From P&OS to US and Zoning From MR-M to SR-1 Legend 01 CITY LIMITS i�POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA + > �.6 PARKS&OPEN SPACE LAND USE PUBLICLY OWNED PARCELS V KEN7 -City of Kent King County S� � M 2322049036 ' d a e t F :::::... ........:: .....: .................. - - - - - SR N No Scale 0giM—pplen\d-ket_it—\dkt2005-7park..apr Proposed Land Use Map Designation for Public Property Update Parks&Opens Space Land Use Designation CPA-2005-8 Change all Identified Properties Land Use From P&OS to US Legend CITY LIMITS POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA PARKS&OPEN SPACE LAND USE /' > PUBLICLY OWNED PARCELS V KEN>7 _City of Kent King County S� � M 2322049064 r 2322049072 :.:.:.:.:.:::::::.:.:.:.:.:.:..... .. ... ... ....... .... ............................ ............ .... ............................ ............ .... ............................ ............. ................................. .. .... ..... ............. ... .............................. .. ..... ...... ... .......................... ........ ..... d a e P��E F .................. ................ - - - - - SR N No cale 09!Mmmpplen\docket_items\dkt2005-7parks.ap1 Proposed Land Use Map Designation for Public Property Update Parks&Opens Space Land Use Designation CPA-2005-8 Change all Identified Properties From LDMF to P&OS Legend 01 CITY LIMITS �.i�POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA I:j + T PARKS&OPEN SPACE LAND USE F PUBLICLY OWNED PARCELS V KEN7 City of Kent serv;6 King County P1 -,2oo7 ■ I SE ■ 292205932Z LDMF 267 ST N to Og!.I—pplan\dOnket_it..\dkt2005-7padBapr Proposed Land Use Map Designation for Public Property Update Parks&Opens Space Land Use Designation CPA-2005-8 Change all Identified Properties From SF-6 to P&OS F Legend 01 CITY LIMITS �11.i�POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA 1..1 PARKS&OPEN SPACE LAND USE 'T PUBLICLY OWNED PARCELS City of Kent King County --y2oo7 F SE 2 4 PL 10 < w co F J 0- F SF-6 8700107777\\ 26 F F SE 267 ww PL Q SE 268 w (n ST Q U SE 269 ST r- s o s� 270 ST s F N LU O 1 ST C) CO w UU) No Sole w T OgIM—pplan\docket_it—\dk0005-]parks.apr Proposed Land Use Map Designation for Public Property Update Parks&Opens Space v Land Use Designation CPA-2005-8 > Change all Identified Properties From SF-6 to P&OS M Legend ()0 CITY LIMITS �.i�POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA I:j PARKS&OPEN SPACE LAND USE PUBLICLY OWNED PARCELS City of Kent Planning Servleee King County x,nn..r xam ST 's - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ti 2622059044 y O cy � 270 PL w J -ST--� O LO N No S u:lgis\..ppi.n\d..ket_ite..Wkt2005.7p.ik.apr Proposed Land Use Map Designation for Public Property Update Parks&Opens Space Land Use Designation �+ CPA-2005-8 * 'a �7 Change all Identified Properties Q N a' �o From SF-6 to P&OS N LU N 9L Legend SE 237 CITY LIMITS it 237 PL POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA t j PARKS&OPEN SPACE LAND USE LU PUBLICLY OWNED PARCELS City of Kent Planning Serviree RIV i�King County �nnnner xam SE 239 S _ 212205900 PRIV. SE 242 ST ST Q co % co W I( SE 243 S� SF-6 ST J 246 d 0 N SE 246 M SE 247 PL F _ U M W J SE 248 PL a LO �sT N SF PL SE z o ST 21220�134 SE 2y0 uwi y J No Scale d u:\gis\wmpplen\docket_itemsWkt2005-7p,i s.apr Proposed Land Use Map Designation for Public Property Update Parks&Opens Space Land Use Designation ��v v 1 223 W CPA-2005-8 aChange all Identified Properties SE 223 From UR4-12 to P&OS SE 223D PL < PL Legend Q CITY LIMITS POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA + T r �PARKS&OPEN SPACE LAND USE r PUBLICLY OWNED PARCELS V KEN7 3L CD City of Kent King County SE 224 PL SE 225 ST - -- SE 2-5-5 ST UR4-12 S V) SE 226- 1 22059270 � W U c Q SE <I f ! 226 PL Q _N O O — bk SE 22 7 PL SE 228 ST Q" '9L SE 2E8 PL I I' S ST ,L29 SE 229 ST SE 230 ST W SE 230 SE 231 ST > >> PL Q � O J 232 ST a �' w co SE 232 0 � a a "' W SF U) a U) 233 PL No ;cale SE 234 OgMm,ppla,\docket_ite,sWkt2n05-7paiks.apr This page intentionally left blank. Attachment C CPA-2005-8 Update Parks & Open Space Land Use Designation MAPS (13) Proposed Land Use Map Designation for Private Properties • Map C-1 - Change Al/Identified Properties from P&OS to SF-6 • Map C-2 - Change All Identified Properties Land Use from P&OS to US and Zoning from MR-M to SR-1 • Map C-2a - Proposed Ld Use Map Designation for Public Property - Aerial Overview • Map C-3 - Change All Identified Properties from P&OS to I • Map C-4 - Change Al/Identified Properties from P&OS to MA. • Map C-5 - Change All Identified Properties from P&OS to I • Map C-6 - Change Al/Identified Properties from P&OS to I • Map C-7- Change Al/Identified Properties from P&OS to SF-6 • Map C-8 - Change al/Identified Properties from P&OS to MHP. • Map C-9 - Change al/Identified Properties from P&OS to MDMF. • Map C-10 - Change all Identified Properties from P&OS to SF-4.5 • Map C-11 - Change all Identified Properties from P&OS to UR 4-12. • Map C-12 - Change all Identified Properties from P&OS to US. Land Use and Planning Board Hearing March 26, 2007 This page intentionally left blank. Proposed Land Use Map Designation for Private Property Update Parks&Opens Space Land Use Designation CO CPA-2005-8 a Q S 252 PL Change all Identified Properties "'co cocoFrom P&OS to SF-6 a Legend F d S 253 �CITY LIMITS M PL a POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA LO PARKS&OPEN SPACE LAND USE S 2 0 PRIVATELY OWNED PARCELS eianninKENm 254 ST bQ 2 January 100] PL N J J F M a W S 255 PL ry S 255 :r.;.;•.'.•.'.•.'.•.'.•.'.•.'.•.' 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No Sc Ag1.1—pp1.nW..kt t...\dkt2005-7p.ft..p, Proposed Land Use Map Designation for Private Property Update Parks&Opens Space (,111 LHV U Land Use Designation V' CPA-2005-8 LA Change all Identified Properties Q From P&OS to SF-6 Legend CITY LIMITS / w POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA � r PARKS&OPEN SPACE LAND USE �/KENT U H E M L PRIVATELY OWNED PARCELS Plunning Januaryy 2007 lOU] TARTER ST CARTER FILBERT ,RION ST MARION PL -� pr J SR-6 w w 918370257 - - - :: 918370274 m w z 0 .. . . . . . .:.: : a (D - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9183704450 N No Scale uAg1s\wmpp1anWo,ket_itemsWkt2005-7paiks.apr Proposed Land Use Map Designation for Private Property Update Parks&Opens Space Land Use Designation CPA-2005-8 Change all Identified Properties i From P&OS to MHP Legend ` �\�CITY LIMITS POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA � PARKS&OPEN SPACE LAND USE KENT 0 PRIVATELY OWNED PARCELS PlenningServl `` January100] F S 2 3462800300 �: 3 62800290 F 3 J M :: ;: : "'1800285 REXFO N No Scale .Ag1M..pp1anW..ket_it—\ Proposed Land Use Map Designation for Private Property Update Parks&Opens Space Land Use Designation CPA-2005-8 Change all Identified Properties I From P&OS to MDMF i Legend ` �\�CITY LIMITS POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA � PARKS&OPEN SPACE LAND USE KENT 0 PRIVATELY OWNED PARCELS PlenningServl `` January100] F S 2 , `` ` I■ ` 11 ` —— e` F M :. J ... %i ------------------ -: .:. M 3394200000 N ' 2890600000 No Scale u:lgis\..ppi.n\d..k.t,t[msWkt2005.7p.ik.apr Proposed Land Use Map Designation for Private Property Update Parks&Opens Space Land Use Designation � � N CPA-2005-8 SE-I 235 ST Change all Identified Properties From P&OS to SF-4.5 Q Legend �CITY LIMITS POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA \\ pL PARKS&OPEN SPACE LAND USE KENT 236 -- PRIVATELY OWNED PARCELS Fenn n6 Servittv / > Q U) J J Q � a �o Cl) N �W N 9L ---------- c2 c� — SE 237 ---- a 237 PL 37 PL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,L v : : : -: w : : . . . . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Q N ■ I'FIV::':':':':' ........ ............ ............ SR-495 w' a .......... 0 2122059153-- ST 2�3 W �CLARK LAKE SE 00 2gs 212205 15 Co N N SE 246 o No Scale M ,Ag1Mm,pp1a,Wocket_ite-Wt2005.7p...apr Proposed Land Use Map Designation for Private Property Update Parks&Opens Space Land Use Designation CPA-2005-8 Change all Identified Properties From P&OS to UR 4-12 Legend �CITY LIMITS POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA PARKS&OPEN SPACE LAND USE KENT PRIVATELY OWNED PARCELS rm��l�g'se din: — y2- O• 1� S E 20 3 3 S T 61 �4 C 204 \ SE Gv UR4-1 SE 205 SE 205 w 66240300 D W Cn �C, 24 SE 207 66 030030N' w U) > t624030040 SE 20 SE 209 PL N S W No Scale co F Ogis\o pplanWo,ket_Items\dkt2005-7pa*s.ap, Proposed Land Use Map Designation for Private Property Update Parks&Opens Space Land Use Designation JC 100 CPA-zoos-s Change all Identified Properties From P&OS to US Legend �CITY LIMITS POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA � PARKS&OPEN SPACE LAND USE �/KENT 0 PRIVATELY OWNED PARCELS Planning Servl January100] SE Sg PL N- E W a S)E1 ---------------------- 0422059024 0422059064 0422059025 0422059074 0422059034 -- 0422059048 - 0422059051 -- 0422059002 --- 0422059032 SE 197 PL Off, N E 198 ST No Scale OgIM—ppla,Wo,ket_ite—\dkt2005-7p,ft.apr This page intentionally left blank. Attachment A #ENV-2007-8(A)/#RPSA-2070434 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Land Use Map Designation Parks & Open Space SEPA CHECKLIST Land Use and Planning Board Hearing March 26, 2007 This page intentionally left blank. APPLICATION FEE: 1 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING ON INDIVIDUAL PARCEL: 250 CITY OF KENT PLANNING SERVICES ALL OTHERS: 700 (253) 856-5454 PUBLIC NOTICE BOARD KEN T W A S H I N G 7 0 N $150 EACH BOARD ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST APPLICATION FORM TO BE COMPLETED BY STAFF: APPLI CATION:#ENV-2007-8(A) /#RPSA-2070434 & #CPA-2005-8 /#RPP6-2054866 RECEIVED BY: DATE: PROCESSING FEE: A. STAFF REVIEW DETERMINED THAT PROJECT: Meets the categorically exempt criteria. Has no probable significant adverse environmental impact(s) and application should be processed without further consideration of environmental effects. Has probable, significant impact(s) that can be mitigated through conditions. EIS not necessary. Has probable, significant adverse environmental impact(s). An Environmental Impact Statement will be prepared. An Environmental Impact Statement for this project has already been prepared. Signature of Responsible Official Date B. COMMENTS: C. TYPE OF PERMIT OR ACTION REQUESTED: D. ZONING DISTRICT: City of Kent Planning Services Environmental Checklist— Page 2 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT: A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: 1. Name of Project: Comprehensive Plan Amendment — Land Use Map Designation Parks & Open Space (Figure 4.7) 2. Name of Applicant: City of Kent Mailing Address: 220 Fourth Ave. South Kent, WA 98032-5895 Contact Person: Gloria Gould-Wessen Telephone: 253-856-5441 (Note that all correspondence will be mailed to the applicant listed above.) 3. Applicant is (owner, agent, other): Municipal Agency 4. Name of Legal Owner: Various Telephone: Mailing Address: NA 5. Location. Give general location of proposed project(street address, nearest intersection of streets and section, township and range). The affected properties are located on the West Hill, Valley Floor, East Hill and within the northern Potential Annexation Area of Panther Lake. (See Attachment A— Update Parks & Open Space Land Use Designation — Property Ownership.) The general locations are: West Hill: ■ South of S 256th St, east of 38th Ave S, north of S 272nd St and west of Lake Fenwick (NW 27-22-4, NE 27-22-4, and SE 27-22-4) Valley Floor: (generally, all properties are located east of the Green River) ■ South of Russell Rd S and west of 68th Ave S (NW 02-22-4) ■ South of S 212th St, north of S 228th St, and west of 68th Ave S (NW 11-22-4, SW 11-22- 4, NE 11-22-4, SE 10-22-4 NE 10-22-4, and NW 14-22-4) ■ South of Meeker, east of SR-516, and south of the Green River (SW 23-22-4) ■ East of SR 167, north of James, and west of 4th Ave N (SW 23-22-4) ■ East of Central Ave S, south of E Walnut St, and north of S 269th St (NW 30-22-5) ■ East of Central Ave S, south of S 259th St and west of the Green River (NW 30-22-5 & SW 30-22-5) East Hill: ■ The southern end of Mill Creek Park and west of 97th Place S (NW 29-22-5) ■ East of 108th Ave SE, north of SE 269th St and west of 112 Ave SE (SE 29-22-5) ■ North of Kent Kangley Rd and east of Lake Meridian (SW 26-22-5) ■ South of SE 240th St, north of SE 258th PI, and west of 132nd Ave SE (NE 21-22-5 & SE 21-22-5) ■ South of SE 224th St, west of 116th Ave SE and east of 104th Ave SE (NE 17-22-5) ■ North of SE 208th, east of 116th Ave SE and south of Panther Lake (SW 04-22-5) 2 City of Kent Planning Services Environmental Checklist— Page 3 ■ East of 124t" Ave SE, south of SE 192nd St, and north of SE 198t" PI (SE 04-22-5) 6. Legal description and tax identification number a. Legal description (if lengthy, attach as separate sheet): The affected public and private parcels are located throughout the City of Kent (See Attachment B—Proposed Land Use Map Designation for Public Property and Attachment C— Proposed Land Use Map Designation for Private Property.) b. Tax identification number: (See Attachment B — Proposed Land Use Map Designation for Public Property and Attachment C — Proposed Land Use Map Designation for Private Property.) 7. Existing conditions: Give a general description of the property and existing improvements, size, topography, vegetation, soil, drainage, natural features, etc. (if necessary, attach a separate sheet). West Hill: ■ There are 21 affected privately held real properties. All but one is built out. The landscape is generally flat. One property is a church, 20 are single-family homes, and one parcel is vacant. Fifteen of the properties are located along Lake Fenwick Rd on a relatively steep slope (to the east) and includes the one vacant parcel. Valley Floor: ■ North of the Green River Natural Resources Area (GRNRA) are three (3) affected privately held real properties built out with warehouse like structures. ■ South of the GRNRA and north of Meeker are nine (9) affected privately held real properties. Three are built single-family homes, one is a dog kennel, three (3) are warehouse structures, and two (2) are vacant and entirely containing wetlands. ■ South of Meeker are two (2) privately held real properties and three (3) held in public ownership. One small private parcel is vacant and surrounded by W Meeker St, Frager Rd, and the Green River. The other private property abuts the Green River and is split by Frager Rd. Additionally the majority of this property is located within King County's Lower Green River Agricultural District and is designated Rural. Presently it is a plant nursery and landscape supply sales. The publicly held property contains a pond (2 parcels) and is used recreationally, the other is preserved for agricultural production and is presently growing nursery stock for ball & burlap resale. They all abut the Green River off Frager Rd. ■ The South Park area has two (2) vacant parcels privately owned and located in a wooded area with no wetlands indicated on the City's inventory. ■ East of the East Valley Hwy are six (6) privately owned properties, with one (1) that is vacant and located at the base of Scenic Hill with no inventoried wetlands. There are three (3) properties containing mobile home parks and two (2) containing condominiums. There is a recreational trail easement adjacent to the Green River and the private properties. East Hill: ■ Near the southern end of Canyon Creek Park are properties in public ownership that function as open space or recreational community parks. One parcel is located at the top edge of the canyon the other is on the within a single-family neighborhood with the majority containing a wetland and the upland area used as a small neighborhood park. ■ Lake Meridian Park is fully developed and the affected parcel contains a portion of the concession stand. 3 City of Kent Planning Services Environmental Checklist— Page 4 ■ Clark Lake has two (2) private properties with one single-family home located on the larger parcel (2.85 acre) and neither contains wetlands based on Kent's inventory. The publicly held property also contains no wetlands. ■ Panther Lake PAA contains three (3) single-family homes (private ownership) and a small portion of large parcel (approximately 7 acres) dedicated to wetlands associated with Panther Lake. There are nine (9) affected privately held properties at the NE tip of the PAA containing seven (7) single-family homes and two (2) vacant. The City of Kent has no inventory data for the environmentally sensitive areas. The City's topography shows that all properties slope to the east towards Big Soos Creek. 8. Site Area: City Wide Site Dimensions: 23.6 acres in Public Property & 171.3 acres in Private Property 9. Project description: Give a brief, complete description of the intended use of the property or project including all proposed uses, days and hours of operation and the size of the project and site. (Attach site plans as described in the instructions): This is an area-wide revision to the Parks & Open Space designation of Kent's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Land Use Map (Figure 4.7). The proposed update reflects public land acquisition for park and open space uses, and historic mapping discrepancies, some of which are private properties with a Land Use Map designation of Parks&Open Space. There are 65 private owned properties at approximately 171 acres and nine (9) parcels at approximately 24 acres that are publicly owned. The majority of the privately owned properties are built out with either single-family homes, mobile home parks, condominiums, warehouse/manufacturing, plants nursery and a church. The properties added by the City of Kent through acquisition or by mapping discrepancies are vacant and will be used as parks and/or open space. There are nine(9)vacant parcels under private ownership that total approximately 7.4 acres. Two (2) are not developable due to wetlands. The other parcels would yield approximately 12 dwelling units (du). The one private parcel (2.85 acres) that is large and could be redevelopable would yield approximately nine (9) du, the largest single development possible amongst the affected properties. The estimated development potential is based on the allowed density of the underlying zoning districts. 10. Schedule: Describe the timing or schedule (include phasing and construction dates, if possible). This is a non-project action. Any development associated with the change in Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation or rezone will be dependent on market factors. 11. Future Plans: Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. Not Applicable (NA) 12. Permits/Approvals: List all permits or approvals for this project from local, state, federal, or other agencies for which you have applied or will apply as required for your proposal. DATE AGENCY PERMIT TYPE SUBMITTED* NUMBER STATUS** Comprehensive 4 City of Kent Planning Services Environmental Checklist— Page 5 City of Kent Land Use Map Amendment Comprehensive Zoning District Map Amendment *Leave blank if not submitted **Approved, denied or pending 13. Environmental Information: List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. Kent Comprehensive Plan Draft and Final EIS (1995) Addendum to the Comprehensive Plan EIS for Meridian Annexation Land Use & Zoning Designations, Addendum to the Comprehensive Plan EIS for Meridian Valley Annexation Land Use & Zoning Designations, Addendum to the Comprehensive Plan EIS for the 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update Agricultural Resource Lands Study— CPA-2000-3/ENV-2001-56 National Flood Insurance Rate Maps— FEMA, May 1995 City of Kent Wetlands Inventory, 2002 (digital map) City of Kent Major& Minor Hydrology(digital map) City of Kent Topography(5 foot intervals) (digital map) City of Kent Soils Map (digital map, source from US Soils Survey) 14. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. NA 5 City of Kent Planning Services EVALUATION FOR Environmental Checklist— Page 6 AGENCY USE ONLY B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. Earth a. General description of the site (circle one): Flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other: Generally, affected parcels located on West Hill are relatively flat with the exception of 15 parcels located on the slope facing Lake Fenwick. The affected parcels located on the Valley Floor are flat. The affected parcels located on East Hill are generally flat to gently sloping lands. b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? A few of the sloped lands west of Lake Fenwick have portions of their sites with a 40% slope. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. None of the soils are prime farmland and most of the affected properties and privately owned are built. The publicly owned lands are protected due to existing wetlands, located within protected open space, or are built for recreational purposes. The 7.4 acres that is vacant private property and considered developable will be assessed for soil types at the time of development. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. NA e. Describe the purpose, type and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. This rezone and comprehensive plan land use map amendment is a non-project action and specifics on grading and filling would be detailed at the time a project was permitted. Kent's Surface Water Design Manual would influence filling or grading and the Critical Areas Ordinance would protect any environmentally sensitive systems at the time of development. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. This rezone and comprehensive plan land use map amendment is a non-project action and specifics on potential erosion would be detailed at the time a project was permitted. Using Kent's Construction Standards and Best Management Practices (BMP), erosion controls during any development phase would be controlled whether on the valley floor, on slopes, or plateau. The Critical Areas Ordinance would 6 City of Kent Planning Services EVALUATION FOR Environmental Checklist— Page 7 AGENCY USE ONLY also protect any environmentally sensitive systems. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? The land unconstrained by environmentally sensitive areas (ESA) is considered buildable. The development density was based on Kent's City Code (KCC) Title 15 Zoning Code, and as applied to the buildable acre (7.4 gross acres), would provide an additional nine (9) dwelling units. One parcel is redevelopable and could yield as many as nine (9) additional dwelling units. Future development will be required to meet City Code requirements for impervious surface restrictions and surface water management regulations. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any. This is a non-project action and only at the time of development, an Excavation and Grading Permit would be issued under the authority of the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70. Any site-specific protection measures would be conditions of the permit to ensure compliance with BMP used by the City of Kent. 2. Air a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke)during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. During any construction phase, dust from land clearing and grading activities would occur. Using BMP administered through the Excavation and Grading Permit, dust would be kept down with periodic water truck suppression. Fumes from construction vehicles would be limited to time of construction. Pollutants would increase from vehicular traffic after completion of any proposed options. Any development resulting from the zoning and land use changes will be consistent with the existing Comprehensive Plan's EIS. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. This is a non-project action and only at the time of development, it is speculated that there will be no off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect any of the possible development options. 7 City of Kent Planning Services EVALUATION FOR Environmental Checklist— Page 8 AGENCY USE ONLY c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any. NA 3. Water a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. This is a non-project action and only at the time of development will this be addressed. However, the City's Critical Area Ordinance will protect any surface water body located within or adjacent to the developable parcels. 2) Will the project require any work over, in or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. No, this is a non-project action. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. It is not anticipated that any fill or dredge materials will be removed or filled from wetlands. However, if needed, mitigation of impacts would be accomplished as per Kent's Critical Areas Ordinance. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities, if known. No, such action is not anticipated. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. No. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. This is a non-project rezone and the proposed development associated with the zoning would not discharge waste materials into surface waters. 8 City of Kent Planning Services EVALUATION FOR Environmental Checklist— Page 9 AGENCY USE ONLY b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities, if known. This is a non-project zoning and comprehensive land use map change and it is anticipated that any proposed development associated with the zoning would not withdraw or discharge to ground water because runoff will be contained on site using wet vaults or storm water detention ponds. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals...; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. This is a non-project action, and the particulars associated with development and the need for waste water disposal would be explored at the time of application permit. c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff(including storm water)and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. This is a non-project zoning and comprehensive land use map action. Development associated with the amount of runoff would be dependent on the actual density built would be based existing zoning district regulations for site coverage. The City of Kent Construction Standards regulates storm water. Depending on existing water table levels, wet vaults or enhanced wetlands for storm water quality could be employed to ensure storm water was not discharged directly into existing stream/river systems. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. This is a non-project action, however, it is anticipated that the maximum capacity of single-family dwelling units would not result in substantial waste materials entering ground or surface waters. Any potential impacts would be mitigated through the implementation of 9 City of Kent Planning Services EVALUATION FOR Environmental Checklist— Page 10 AGENCY USE ONLY Kent's Surface Water Design regulations. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: This is a non-project action, however, it is anticipated that runoff water during construction and post construction phases would be addressed through the City of Kent Construction BMPs. Wet vaults and storm water detention ponds would be integrated to serve all built impervious surfaces. 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: Deciduous tree: alder, maple aspen, other Evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other Shrubs x_G rass Pasture Crop or grain x_Wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bulrush, skunk cabbage, other Water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other xOther types of vegetation (formal landscaping of built parcels) b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? This is a non-project action and any disturbance to vegetation would occur only after review and analysis of the environmental conditions, site design, and approval of building permits by City staff under subsequent environmental review. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. NA d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: NA 10 City of Kent Planning Services EVALUATION FOR Environmental Checklist— Page 11 AGENCY USE ONLY 5. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other: x Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other: x b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. Chinook Salmon run in the Green River. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. Chinook Salmon run in the Green River, spawn up stream, and migrate out to the open ocean on a seasonal basis. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: The lands affected by this study and located along the Green River are generally all built. The exception is land south of West Meeker St. The four (4) parcels are under private and public ownership. They are proposed for a rezone from Medium Density Multifamily(MR-M)to SR-1 with a Land Use Map designation of Urban Separator, including the existing Parks & Open Space designation. The existing uses on the public lands are open space(i.e.,fishing pond/storm water storage and a woody plant production) and the private properties are an existing nursery and a vacant triangular shaped parcel that is surrounded by roads (ROW) on two sides and the river on the third. This is a non- project action and any potential development would need to occur within the context of applicable Kent City Codes including the Shoreline Master Program). 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy(electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar)will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electricity and natural gas are present and development would have the opportunity to utilize the electricity, with natural gas availability dependent on density. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent 11 City of Kent Planning Services EVALUATION FOR Environmental Checklist— Page 12 AGENCY USE ONLY properties? If so, generally describe. Any development would have, at a minimum, the potential to utilize solar energy passively. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: Any development would use the most current UBC Energy Conservation Codes. The use of solar exposure for passive heat gain could reduce the demand on energy consumption. 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste,that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. There are none known. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. This is a non-project action, however, when development occurs emergency services are available. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: At the time of construction, all OSHA standards shall apply and upon occupation of new homes, there should be no out of the ordinary hazards. b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment operation, other)? This is a non-project action and only at the time of development will the impacts be evaluated. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Noise during construction from heavy grading equipment,truck delivery of building materials, construction tools, and other associated noise is anticipated during development. Kent's City Codes will ensure that 12 City of Kent Planning Services EVALUATION FOR Environmental Checklist— Page 13 AGENCY USE ONLY construction is limited to permitted hours. Once the construction phase is complete, all noise would be associated with normal activities in a low density multifamily residential neighborhood. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: As a non-project action, this does not apply. At the time of development, details will be provided. However, UBC standards for energy conservation affords some sound proofing. 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The properties considered to have development potential, whether vacant and redevelopable, are surrounded by existing single-family homes. The proposed land use map designations supports the existing zoning designations which is typically single-family residential. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. Historically, the entire Green/Duwamish River Valley and portions of East Hill were used for agricultural purposes c. Describe any structures on the site. NA d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? NA e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? Limited Industrial (M2) f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Parks & Open Space (P&OS) g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? NA h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. As a non-project action and any environmentally sensitive areas will be delineated at the time of the permitting process. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed 13 City of Kent Planning Services EVALUATION FOR Environmental Checklist— Page 14 AGENCY USE ONLY project? Generally,the proposed Land Use Map designation changes of privately owned parcels reflect existing zoning. Because the capacity analysis for population and jobs is based on the Land Use Map the proposed changes would add approximately 21 dwelling units or 58 persons and no additional jobs. The mapping changes to Parks&Open Space would reduce two(2)dwelling units and reduce the City's population by five(5) and no change in the City's jobs. Using Kent's average household size from the 2000 US Census was 2.75 persons/du. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: None necessary. I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any. The private parcels are located within established uses based on zoning district designations and the proposed land use map designation changes would be compatible with the existing zoning. The one exception is to change the MR-M to SR-1. These properties are surrounded by the river and Kent's golf coarse to the east and SR-516 to the west. The compatible MR-M use is located to the west of SR-516. 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low income housing. Approximately 21 additional dwelling units would be allowed. The economic diversity will be dependent on the type of development. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low income housing. None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any. This is a non-project action and it is unknown at this time what measures to reduce or control housing impacts, or produce housing diversity. 10. Aesthetics 14 City of Kent Planning Services EVALUATION FOR Environmental Checklist— Page 15 AGENCY USE ONLY a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? This is a non-project action, however, height requirements as applied in KCC 15.04 will be applied. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any. NA 11. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposals produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? This is a non-project action, however, if the construction phase of development occurred during the fall/winter/spring seasons,there may be lights from machinery and work area. After construction is completed, the majority of lighting would be from residential neighborhoods. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? This is a non-project action and it is unknown at this time what effects from light and glare may have on safety or views. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? This is a non-project action and it is unknown at this time what effects from existing off-site sources of light and glare. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any. This is a non-project action and it is unknown at this time measure would be used to reduce or control the effects light and glare. 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? NA as a non-project action. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. 15 City of Kent Planning Services EVALUATION FOR Environmental Checklist— Page 16 AGENCY USE ONLY c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any. This is a non-project action. Kent addresses recreational needs in conjunction with the permit process. 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. No change. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. NA c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any. NA 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. This is a non-project action, however, all parcels that have potential for development are located on or near existing roads. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? This is a non-project action, however, there is public transit located at Kent Station (both rail & bus) and transit along major arterials within Kent. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? This is a non-project action and no one project would require special parking requirements other than those relating to single-family development. 16 City of Kent Planning Services EVALUATION FOR Environmental Checklist— Page 17 AGENCY USE ONLY d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). This is a non-project action and the amount of improvement would be dependent on the proposed development. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of)water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. NA f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. An additional 21 dwelling units could be developed on the subject site which would generate a total of 16 PM peak hour trips. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any. The proximity to excellent public transportation located at Kent Station (both train and bus) could reduce the need for the single occupancy vehicle. 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example:fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. This is a non-project action and the particulars of demand on all public services will be addressed at the time development occurs. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. While this is a non-project action, fire prevention and neighborhood watch education are programs that could mitigate demand for public services. 16. Utilities a. Circle (or bold) utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas,water, refuse service,telephone,sanitary sewer,septic system, other. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utilities providing the service and the general construction activities on the site or 17 City of Kent Planning Services EVALUATION FOR Environmental Checklist— Page 18 AGENCY USE ONLY in the immediate vicinity, which might be needed. All utilities are available and only need extending. C. SIGNATURE The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Signature: Date: 18 City of Kent Planning Services EVALUATION FOR Environmental Checklist— Page 19 AGENCY USE ONLY DO NOT USE THIS SHEET FOR PROJECT ACTIONS D. SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment. When answering these questions, be aware of the extent the proposal, or the types of activities likely to result from the proposal, would affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented. Respond briefly and in general terms. 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emission to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise? The increase in impervious surface would be approximately 14% (based on 3,000 sq. ft. per single-family dwelling unit and the gross developable acres)far lower than the allowed 70%impervious for SR-6. Adding 21 new dwelling units (du) will not appreciable increase emissions to air, add greatly to toxic pollutants, or add to the noise of a single-family neighborhood (with the exception of during the construction phase). Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: Development would use wet vaults or storm water detention ponds to mitigate runoff; noise from construction would be subject to Kent's Construction Standards and codes; and non-point source hazardous runoff could be mitigated through the use of vegetated swales. 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, animals,fish, or marine life? Where applicable, the addition of 21 du would be regulated by the Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO), potentially enhancing wetland (and habitat) or creating water quality detention ponds would occur. Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants, animals, fish, or marine life? The majority of the proposed changes would affect existing developed properties. The 7.4 acres of vacant lands with development potential would be protected by the city's CAO that preserves existing wetlands and ensures that habitat will be maintained. This action also proposed to reduce MR-M to SR-1 there by reducing the impacts on existing wildlife. 19 City of Kent Planning Services EVALUATION FOR Environmental Checklist— Page 20 AGENCY USE ONLY 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? The increase density of 21 dwelling units would increase demand on energy and natural resources. Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: The UBC construction standards require energy conservation. Public education would maintain awareness of individual use of energy. 4. How would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection; such as parks, wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites, wetlands, floodplains, or prime farmlands? Although a non-project action, development would use the CAO to protect environmentally sensitive areas. Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: All open space created through the protection of wetlands during the development phase, would have restrictive covenants to ensure no additional human intervention. 5. How would the proposal be likely to affect land and shoreline use, including whether it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans? There is little new impact on shorelines in Kent that has not been considered within the existing Comprehensive Plan. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts are: NA 6. How would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? The proposal would increase the residential density to 21 additional units based on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designations, but no change to the zoning that would actually change the allowed density. Where MR-M is proposed to change to a SR-1 zoning district would not change the ultimate uses due to the actual size of the parcels. Little to no development is anticipated to occur on these 20 City of Kent Planning Services EVALUATION FOR Environmental Checklist— Page 21 AGENCY USE ONLY parcels located adjacent to the Green River, therefore no change is anticipated to transportation or public services and utilities. Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand(s) are: The increase in trips associated with the development of 21 additional du would be absorbed into the transportation demand. Mitigation measures and long term transportation improvements identified in the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan as well as the Six- Year Transportation Improvement Plan will address this extremely slight increase in trips. 7. Identify, if possible, whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. None is known. S:I PermihPlan l COMP_PLAN_AMENDMENTS120051 CPA-2005- 8 LandUseOS 20548661LUPB1022706 PHISEPA CkList.doc (REVISED 6100) 21 This page intentionally left blank. 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