HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 02/29/2016 MINUTES KENT BICYCLE ADVISORY BOARD PUBLIC MEETING February 29, 2016 at 5:45 PM. BOARD MEMBERS: CITY STAFF: Melvin L. Roberts (present) Suzanne P Smith (present) Kyle Applebury(present) Chris Hills(present) Andrew Sobczyk(present) Tim LaPorte (present) Steven Plank(absent) Chad Bieren(present) Scott Taylor(present) cc: Ronald Moore Brandon Swanson (present) cc: Cheryl Viseth cc: Toni Azzola The Kent Bicycle Advisory Board held its monthly meeting on Monday, February 29, 2016 at 5:45 PM in the North Conference Room of the Centennial Building 400 W. Gowe St. Kent,WA. The public was invited to attend. The agenda included the following items: Results are in italics. Action items are in Red italics. 1. Call to Order.Meeting started 5:45 PM. 2. Welcome and Introductions Brandon Swanson a West Hill resident was appointed Feb 2, 2016. 3. Approval of Minutes from January 25, 2016. No corrections were noted. 4. Any items to add to the agenda? The meeting started with information on risk management by Chris Hills from the City's risk management office. The message to the board is summarized in saying that the board can "give the city advice on cycling issues"and the board members "may not do actions on the facilities. " Members are notify the city of things that need to be fixed; items like potholes and signs down can be called into the Public Works Operations Phone Number 253-856-5600. 5. Grant Programs WSDOT Local Programs is pleased to announce a call for projects for the Pedestrian and Bicycle Program and the Safe Routes to School Program. PSRC list of grant programs see page 4+. The city is looking at/working on changes to Meeker St between 4th Ave and Lincoln Ave and a Safe Routes To School project near Meridian Elementary School, near SE 256th St and 140Ave SE. City will bring changes back to the board for review. 6. Regional Connector Trail What is status of Regional Connector Trail? It will be out for bid in days. The scope of the project Page 1 was reduced to keep in the desired funding levels. Lighting was eliminated. No action needed. 7. Advocacy Leadership Institute thru Cascade Bicycle club. This program by Cascade is available to people that want to learn how to better promote bicycling projects. Info is on Cascae.org. 8. Brown Bag apbp webinar 3rd Wed at noon ? Mel and Suzanne will see it they can make this happen for the rest of this year. It would be held in a city meeting room and engineering staff and planning staff would be invited. 9. Environmental Biologist, Matt Knox noted that the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Funding Board Project agreement will enable the City of Kent to complete the first phase of the Downy Farmstead restoration project by relocating Frager Road away from the Green River. Project was described—but dates were unknown. Get update from Matt. 10. Langholz briefly reminded the committee that 72nd Avenue South currently has a missing segment between South 196th Street and South 200th Street and that the extension will complete the missing link and provide connectivity to the north end of the industrial area. This project is out for bid. No bicycle facilities were identified on this project. 11. Many Public Works facilities must comply with the ADA including, curbs, sidewalks, pedestrian crossings,pedestrian signals and shared use facilities. Under Title II, Outgoing discussions 12. School Safety improvements What do the proposed improvements do for all riders (bike-vehicles and bike-pedestrians)? Review the proposed improvements (plans) for Safe Routes to School improvements. Mark 13. Outreach activities Bicycle Sundays—people on bikes—kids riding—close street(s)—when—where? Bicycle Rodeo: preliminary discussions indicate that we could do a bicycle rodeo in the parking lot at a church across from Meridian Elementary School near SE 256t'and 140t1i Ave SE,Need to contact the school, Cascade and the Kent Police Department. Decide on a preliminary date Oct??,2015 (after school or Saturday.. Any helpers? Mel 14. Added items for this meeting: A. _Slide show was presented on the bicycle improvements needed to make a bicycle route from the transit center along Pioneer St, State Ave, McMillian, bridge Mill Creek, up Temperance St and Jason Av to SR-516. This route is used by Andy a board member. Mel to send file to Suzanne. (done) B. Scanned through the attachments to the agenda and noted there is info on: See the KBAB 2-29-2016 agenda for pages 4-15 of the attachments. PSRC Project selection Calendar for 2016. John Wayne Trail—preserve the trail meetings. Page 2 Washington Bike Summit—March 21-22 in Tacoma. Cascade Bicycle Club Advocacy Leadership Institute. Bikes for Kids program request. Extensive Grant info was attached along with Conferences and Webinars. Funding resources Trail updates for East Lake Sammamish Trail. apbp—Association of Pedestrian and Bicycling Professional webinars. Pro Walk Pro Bike Pro Place Conference in Vancouver BC Sept 12-15, 2016 15. Agenda items for the next meeting: A. None identified. B. 16. Adjourn Prepared March 2, 2016 MLR The City must maintain and post both minutes and agendas of the Bicycle Advisory Board, to comply with Public Records Act,RCW 42.56. Watch List: 1. Develop a cross town route (currently a route up east hill). 2. Install lime-green reflective signs on the streets that cross the Interurban Trail. 3. Interurban to Green River Regional Trails Connector(Power line trail extension). 4. Two way multi-use trail (or Bike Lane) along S 228th St. (Runs west from Interurban) 5. Build UPRR underpass on S259th St in South Kent for bike riding. 6. Work on supporting a Complete Streets ordinance for Kent. (where, when, how, who?) 7. Cross Town route(s) for people who ride or walk. 8. Hold a Green River Trail re-opening. 9. Create a"bike/pedestrian"2015 plan(and a 2016 plan). 10. League of American Cyclists Assessment for bicycle friendly city Who,What,When,Where,How? 11. Bike route near Link Light Rail (Seatac to Federal Way). 12. Coordinating a request for permanent counters (for riders and walkers on the trails) 13. Street Map with bicycle facilities shown. 14. Development Assistance Brochures and how each impacts cycling. 15. Kent Web site—KBAB portion. 16. School Zone Photo enforced speed limit fines have brought in over 1 million dollars in the first 19 months of operation at 2 schools. KBAB could write a letter recommending a percent(say 10%) of this money go to ongoing bicycle improvement programs The following documents can impact walking and cycling: (Most are on the Kent Website) Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, Transportation Master Plan, Transportation Non-motorized Study, Kent's Comprehensive Plan, Kent City Code, Downtown Strategic Action Plan, Envision Midway(TOD) Plan, Parks and Open Space Plan, individual Project Plans. Watch for document review Page 3 periods. NOA-Notice of Applications found in Kent Reporter legal notices that cause street revisions (and need cycling facilities). We would like to see plans for these items created: 1. Identify and paint the thru bike lanes where they are missing on the left sides of right turn pockets, 2. Identify road segments for installing Sharrows. 3. Identify road segments to be re-configured using"Road Diet"techniques. 4. Identify road segments for installing "Green Bike" lanes,where cars cross Bike Lanes 5. Consider doing a bicycle video. Kent Bicycle Advisory Board(KBAB)meeting dates in 2016 are: Jan 25, Feb 29, Mar 28, Apr 25, May 31 (Tues), Jun 27, Jul 25, Aug 29, Sep 26, Oct 24 (4th Mon),Nov 28, Dec27 (Tues). For information,please contact Mel Roberts at 425-417-8931 or Mel@cyclekent.com. Suzanne P Smith 253-856-5533 or Spsmith@kentwa.gov Contact Phone numbers: Public Works Operations 253-856-5600 for potholes, hazards, maintenance issues. Public Works Construction Mgmt 253-856-5500 for detour problems. Kent Transportation Planning Documents and maps are on the web at: http://www.kentwa.gov/transportation/ Page 4