HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 07/27/2015 AGENDA KENT BICYCLE ADVISORY BOARD PUBLIC MEETING July 27, 2015 at 5:45 PM. BOARD MEMBERS: CITY STAFF: Melvin L. Roberts Mark Howlett Dr. Sam Hartt Hope Gibson Leona Warner This is to notify you that the Kent Bicycle Advisory Board will hold a public meeting on Monday,July 27, 2015 at 5:45 PM in the North Conference Room of the Centennial Building 400 W. Gowe St. Kent,WA. The public is invited to attend. The agenda will include the following items: 1. Call to Order. 2. Any items to add to the agenda? 3. Kent Walking and Biking Map (Hope) Hope Gibson will discuss the map that is being developed for Walking and Biking in Kent. 4. Kent Valley Loop Trails Any news?—Loop markers are being deployed. Kent 4Health is having an"Experience Rabbit Route Kent Loop Trail"Walk,Tues Jul 29 at 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM from Ye Old Fishing Hole. 5. Bike Lanes on James St(Mark) This request was given to Mark Howlett to see if it was feasible to add 2 blocks of bike lanes on the north side of James St from 1 st Ave (BNSF RR) to 3rd Ave as part of the tree removal and sidewalk replacement project. Status from Mark. 6. 6 yr Transportation Improvement Program. The resolution authorizing the 6 yr TIP was passed at the 7-21-2015 City Council meeting. 7. Leona's Grant idea from People for Bikes In a meeting with transportation planners, applying for this grant was endorsed as part of the James St improvement. This consists of Bike Lanes on James from Interurban to Washington and 800 feet of shoulder on north side of James by City Shops. 8. Ask riders to emphasis riding/commuting in completing the Kent Parks Survey at mykentparks.com 9. We need to focus on membership recruitment. Mayor Cooke writes: If bicycle access and safety is to gain traction, we need more advocates: commuters, re creationists, families from all neighborhoods and cultures. There should be a delegate from each neighborhood council. Page 1 Toni Azzola wrote: she would be happy to send something out to the neighborhood councils. She also suggested Kent Scene Newsletter, Kent's Facebook page, a news release or National Night out. 10. Pending actions on John Neller's items. 11. Sign donation. Mel's action item. 12. Development Assistance Brochures The 2009 Kent Design and Construction Standards document is available on the web at: http://www.kentwa.gov/content.aspx?id=12464 Determine if there are items relevant to cycling that need to be changed. One item of concern is bike lanes and wide sidewalks near schools. 13. Outreach activities Bicycle Sundays 14. Face Book Page Create one?Contents?Purpose?Audience? (Status from Leona) 15. Update on Cross Town Bike Route(s) estimates. Mark 16. Added items for this meeting: A. B. 17. Agenda items for the next meeting: A. B. 18. Adjourn Watch List: 1. Install lime-green reflective signs on the streets that cross the Interurban Trail. 2. Need more members. 3. Interurban to Green River Regional Trails Connector(Power line trail extension). 4. Two way multi-use trail (or Bike Lane) along S 228th St. (Runs west from Interurban) 5. Build UPRR underpass on S259th St in South Kent for bike riding. 6. Work on supporting a Complete Streets ordinance for Kent. (where, when, how, who?) 7. Cross Town route(s) for people who ride or walk. 8. Hold a Green River Trail re-opening. 9. Create a"bike/pedestrian"2015 plan. 10. League of American Cyclists Assessment for bicycle friendly city Who, What,When,Where,How? Page 2 11. Bike route near Link Light Rail (Seatac to Federal Way). 12. Coordinating a request for permanent counters (for riders and walkers on the trails) We would like to see plans for these items created: (Mel) 1. Identify and paint the thru bike lanes where they are missing on the left sides of right turn pockets, 2. Identify road segments for installing Sharrows. 3. Identify road segments to be re-configured using"Road Diet"techniques. 4. Identify road segments for installing "Green Bike" lanes,where cars cross Bike Lanes 5. Consider doing a bicycle video. Kent Bicycle Advisory Board(KBAB) meeting dates in 2015 are: Jan 26, Feb 23, Mar 30, Apr 27, May 26-Tues (Rm 303), Jun 29 Jul 27, Aug 31, Sep 28, Oct 26,Nov 30, Dec 28. The Last Monday except May. For information,please contact Mel Roberts at 425-417-8931 or Mel@cyclekent.com. Howlett, Mark" MHowlett@kentwa.gov Contact Phone numbers: Public Works Operations 253-856-5600 for potholes, hazards, maintenance issues. Public Works Construction Mgmt 253-856-5500 for detour problems. Kent Transportation Planning Documents and maps are on the web at: http://www.kentwa.gov/transportation/ Page 3