HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 03/30/2015 MINUTES KENT BICYCLE ADVISORY BOARD PUBLIC MEETING March 30, 2015 at 5:45 PM. BOARD MEMBERS: CITY STAFF: Melvin L. Roberts Mark Howlett Dr. Sam Hartt (excused) Mayor Cooke Leona Warner (applicant) The Kent Bicycle Advisory Board held its public meeting on Monday, March 30, 2015 at 5:45 PM in the North Conference Room of the Centennial Building 400 W. Gowe St. Kent,WA. The meeting included the following items: Results are in italics. Action items are in Red italics. 1. The meeting was called to order a 5:50 PM. No items were added to the agenda. 2. Two detour maps were examined. Mark had one from the city with Frager Road being the detour route. The detour starts on the south end near W. Meeker St and runs along the west side of the river to the Utility Bridge near the Green River Natural Resources area. Mel showed one with several suggested routes on the east side of the river for riders that needed to be on the east side of the river. Results: OnFriday Mar 27, it was noted that there was a helpful detour sign on the GR Trail just north of the Meeker foot bridge. It was recommended that a similar "trail closed"sign be placed on the trail by Neely-Soames Historical House Mansion. This is the last exit from the trail before the construction site for southbound riders. (Mark contract construction inspector). Mel said that he intends to place 2 "real Estate"flyer boxes containing the detour maps at the locations were the trail detours "dead end". 3. Kent Map letter sent to Mayor. Results: The letter containing 2 suggestions was given to the Mayor at the meeting. The first suggestion was to modify the Kent Parks and Facilities map to include roadway bicycling facilities. Action:Mark was asked to check with risk management on the bike facilities. Updates and publishing could follow. The second suggestion was to replace the current Walking and Bicycling map with the proposed "Kent Valley Loops Map". This map would be very useful for the recreational walkers and riders in Kent. Action:Mark was schedule a meeting with Parks, Public Works and the Mayor to check on this map. Updates and publishing could follow. 4. Request to appoint Leona to KBAB and Mayor's response. Results: Following introductions, Leona talked about her experience and desire to help with bicycling in Kent. Action:Leona to supply the Mayor with background data. Mayor's office to prepare for appointment ceremony at the City Council meeting. 5. Summer outreach for cycling. (Leona). Results: Discussed ideas to encourage people to ride bikes in Kent. Bicycle Sunday(s), Bike rodeos at schools(PTA's—could support this idea). Give the student riders "cards to put in their spokes for noise makers. Action:Leona to pursue ideas and Pagel plans. 6. Do we want to hold a Green River Trail re-opening for segment by s 190th St. When? Or Wait until the Russell Rd-James St project is done (June 1'). Results: The idea gets a big yes, The question is when?After most work is done—create a draw for many walkers and riders. Action will be planned later. 7. What is the latest on the Interurban to Green River Regional Trails Connector? Friday 3-27-2015 was deadline for comments on the permit. Results: activities are moving the project forward. 8. Status of a Cross Valley Bike Route(s). Results: Clarified that this is the cross Kent bike route connector(s) study. We examined some of the ideas for routes up/down east hill. This ideas so far are examining the area between James and Canyon Blvd. Action: Mel to continue to create and examine routes for walking and riding. Keeping safety, slopes, openness and cost as major factors. Keep Mark in the loop. 9. How do we get involved with the changes to the Comp Plan, Transportation Master Plan, Other documents that are impacting the future of cycling in Kent. (Monica).Action:Monica supplied links to data for the board to review. For the next meeting the board members are to review this data, collect ideas for comments. Monica will discuss changes at the board's next meeting on April 27th 10.Formally submit these and follow up with Public Works—Mel. Two documents, one for SE 248th St and one for 1161h Ave SE, showing changes needed for cycling. What action is needed to make these streets bicycle friendly? Can the work be scheduled? Results:A long map of the bike facilities on SE248th St was reviewed. Bike facilities were identified as `pass"or ail". Action:A paper copy was given to the Mayor and an electronic one will be e- mailed. 11. Does a"bike/pedestrian" 2015 plan exist? (Mark)Results: Not as a 2015 work plan. 12. Added items for this meeting: A. _Watch list item number 1. Results : The slides for current and proposed street sign at the Interurban Trail crossings were reviewed.Action: The Mayor said she would follow up on the donation for the signs. B. Page 2 13. Agenda items for the next meeting: A. none B. 14. Adjourn Results: A very informative and productive meeting. Thanks to all. -Mel Watch List: 1. Install lime-green reflective signs on the streets that cross the Interurban Trail. 2. Need more members. 3. Interurban to Green River Regional Trails Connector(Power line trail extension). 4. Two way multi-use trail (or Bike Lane) along S 228th St. (Runs west from Interurban) 5. Build UPRR underpass on S259th St in South Kent for bike riding. 6. Work on supporting a Complete Streets ordinance for Kent. (where, when, how, who?) We would like to see plans for these items created: (Mel) 1. Identify and paint the thru bike lanes where they are missing on the left sides of right turn pockets, 2. Identify road segments for installing Sharrows. 3. Identify road segments to be re-configured using"Road Diet"techniques. 4. Identify road segments for installing "Green Bike" lanes, where cars cross Bike Lanes 5. Consider doing a bicycle video. Kent Bicycle Advisory Board(KBAB) meeting dates in 2015 are: Jan 26, Feb 23, Mar 30, Apr 27, May 26-Tues (Rm 303), Jun 29 Jul 27, Aug 31, Sep 28, Oct 26,Nov 30, Dec 28. The Last Monday except May. For information,please contact Mel Roberts at 425-417-8931 or Mel@cyclekent.com. Howlett, Mark" MHowlett@kentwa.gov Contact Phone numbers: Public Works Operations 253-856-5600 for potholes, hazards, maintenance issues. Public Works Construction Mgmt 253-856-5500 for detour problems. The Transportation Planning Documents and maps on the Kent web at: http://www.kentwa.gov/transportation/ Prepared 4/24/2015 MLR Page 3