HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations and Public Safety Committee - 05/02/2023 (2) 4^* Operations and Public Safety • Committee KEN T Tuesday, May 2, 2023 WASH I NGTON 4:00 PM Chambers To listen to this meeting, call 1-888-475-4499 or 1-877-853-5257 and enter Meeting ID: 879 0451 1513 Passcode: 972031 Join Zoom Meeting Chair Bill Boyce Councilmember Brenda Fincher Councilmember Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Marli Larimer Councilmember Zandria Michaud Councilmember Les Thomas Councilmember Toni Troutner ************************************************************** Item Description Action Speaker Time 1. Call to Order Chair 2. Roll Call Chair 3. Agenda Approval Chair 4. Business Chair A. Approval of Minutes i. Approval of April 18, 2023 YES Chair 01 MIN. Minutes B. Payment of Bills - Approve YES Paula Painter 01 MIN. C. Budget Adjustment YES Paula Painter 10 MIN. Authorizing One Full Time Employee - Approve D. INFO ONLY: March 2023 NO Michelle Ferguson 10 MIN. Financial Report 5. Adjournment Chair The public may submit written public comments that relate to a committee agenda item by emailing: cityclerk@kentwa.gov by 3:30 p.m. on the day of this committee meeting. After 3:30 p.m., written public comments may only be submitted in person by presenting them to the committee secretary at Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops and May 2, 2023 PS Regular Meeting the public meeting. Written public comments that do not relate to a committee agenda item are not permitted. Written public comments are not read into the record. Unless otherwise noted, the Operations and Public Safety Committee meets at 4 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month in the Kent City Hall, Council Chambers, 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 For additional information please contact Kim Komoto at 253-856-5728, or email Kkomoto@kentwa.gov. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856- 5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. 4.A.1 Pending Approval Operations and Public Safety KENT Committee WA9H... CC Ops and PS Special Meeting Minutes April 18, 2023 Date: April 18, 2023 Time: 5:08 p.m. Place: Chambers Members: Bill Boyce, Chair Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember Marli Larimer, Councilmember Zandria Michaud, Councilmember Les Thomas, Councilmember 0 Toni Troutner Councilmember 0 L Agenda: a 1. Call to Order 5:08 p.m. a. 0 Councilmember Michaud called the meeting to order. IR M 2. Roll Call N N Attendee Name ` Title AL Status Arrived Bill Boyce Chair Excused a Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present 0 Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present a Marli Larimer Councilmember Present c Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present Les Thomas Councilmember Present Toni Troutner Councilmember Present a as 3. Agenda Approval a There were no changes to the agenda. 0 4. Business A. Approval of Minutes Approval of Minutes dated April 4, 2023 MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated April 4, 2023 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page I of 2 Packet Pg. 3 4.A.1 Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops April 18, 2023 and PS Special Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Les Thomas, Councilmember SECONDER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember AYES: Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner B. Payment of Bills - Approve MOTION: I move to approve the payment of bills. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 5/2/2023 7:00 PM MOVER: Les Thomas, Councilmember r SECONDER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember AYES: Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner - C. INFO ONLY: accesso ShoWare Center Update o L accesso ShoWare General Manager, Tim Higgins, gave a general update on a the event center. Higgins advised of several challenges they have a experienced including cancellations, rescheduling and increased staffing a costs. He reported on upcoming shows and events including three new shows o to be announced in the upcoming weeks. Higgins covered recent purchases LO as well as projects planned for 2023-2024, including the concession stand re- N branding and updating the security cameras. An Income Statement for 2022, N the 2023 accesso ShoWare Center Budget, and the first quarter Income C Statement were provided. a Q 0 a� r 5. Adjournment 5:38 p.m. Councilmember Michaud adjourned the meeting. Ki ley Ko-n wto- Committee Secretary a r ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 2 of 2 Packet Pg. 4 4.B FINANCE DEPARTMENT Paula Painter, CPA 220 Fourth Avenue South \117KENT Kent, WA 98032 WASHINGTON 253-856-5264 DATE: May 2, 2023 TO: Operations and Public Safety Committee SUBJECT: Payment of Bills - Approve MOTION: I move to approve the payment of bills. SUMMARY: BUDGET IMPACT: Packet Pg. 5 4.0 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Paula Painter, CPA 220 Fourth Avenue South KENT Kent, WA 98032 WASHINGTON 253-856-5264 DATE: May 2, 2023 TO: Operations and Public Safety Committee SUBJECT: Budget Adjustment Authorizing One Full Time Employee - Approve MOTION: I move to approve the increase in authorized budgeted FTE's by one full-time position in the Administration Department that would be funded by the American Rescue Plan Act grant. SUMMARY: Although the City is in the process of updating the 2024 mid-biennium budget adjustment, staff believe new circumstances have surfaced that justify bringing a position change before City Council at this time. The Administration Department is requesting to add one full-time Executive Assistant/Management Analyst position in 2023. The City was awarded nearly $28.2 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant funding. These funds must be obligated within the statutory period between March 3, 2021 and December 31, 2024 and expended to cover such obligations by December 31, 2026. Restoring a lost position is needed to better support City Council, the Race & Equity Division, contract management and other administrative functions within the Mayor's Office. BUDGET IMPACT: Use of up to $69,560 of ARPA funding in 2023 - transferred into the General Fund. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Evolving Infrastructure - Connecting people and places through strategic investments in physical and technological infrastructure. Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. Packet Pg. 6 4.D FINANCE DEPARTMENT Paula Painter, CPA 220 Fourth Avenue South \117KENT Kent, WA 98032 WASHINGTON 253-856-5264 DATE: May 2, 2023 TO: Operations and Public Safety Committee SUBJECT: INFO ONLY: March 2023 Financial Report SUMMARY: Financial Planning Manager, Michelle Ferguson will report out on the March, 2023 Financial Report. ATTACHMENTS: 1. March 2023 Financial Report (PDF) Packet Pg. 7 March 2023 Monthly Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund Overview 2023 2023 Revenues 117,372,750 22,177,811 Expenditures 120,704,980 26,684,488 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (3,332,230) (4,506,677) 0 a Beginning Fund Balance 50,920,209 76 Ending Fund Balance 47,587,979 U 39.4% c ii ri N O N t Required Ending Fund Balance Calculation Estimated Expenditures for 2023 (from above) 120,704,980 18.0% z 18% GF Ending Fund Balance 21,726,896 O O U- z sin General Fund Ending Fund Balance 10- ear History (excluding Annexation million g Y Y � g ) � M 60.00 M 50.00 50.92 47.59 r- 41.97 0 Q. 40.00 32.98 � 30.00 f° 18.92 20.65 21.66 20.00 9.46 11.91 iL 10.00 M N O 0.00 N t 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Prelim 2022 Est.2023 c� c m E t U 0 r r Q Page 1 of 14 Packet Pg. 8 March 2023 Monthly Report City of • General Fund Overview - Revenues CategoriesRevenue Taxes: Property 15,670,870 772,713 Sales & Use 30,323,830 7,527,865 Utility 241349,760 7,021,448 Business & Occupation 19,120,500 25,490 0 Other 806,120 11,953 Licenses and Permits 7,468,380 1,512,473 Intergovernmental Revenue 3,246,020 674,148 c c� Charges for Services 6,632,210 1,575,497 S U- Fines and Forfeitures 738,080 191,502 v Miscellaneous Revenue 2,016,600 914,722 N Transfers In 7,000,380 1,950,000 Total Revenues 117,372,750 22,177,811 c`c J z O O U- z 2023 Budgeted M Ln General Fund B&O Taxes Revenues 16% Other Taxes 0 0.7% a a) Licenses and W_ Permits f° Intergovernmental Utility Taxes 6% 6% c 21% .9 \ M 1 LL Charges for Services c 6% N t V Other Fines and Forfeits c`a 17% I` 1° c m E Misc&Transfers In t v 8% r Q Property Taxes Sales Taxes 13% 26% Page 2 of 14 Packet Pg. 9 March 2023 Monthly Financial Report 4.D.a City of Kent, Washington General Fund Revenues ($ in Thousands) All Revenues Sources Prior Year Budgeted Actual $160,000 Revenues Revenues Revenues $140,000 January 6,113 6,140 6,450 February 5,033 5,523 6,204 $120,000 March 7,099 7,600 9,524 $100,000 - - April 21,928 19,548 0 $80,000 May 10,834 9,079 0 $60,000 June 6,013 6,429 0 July 9,739 8,509 0 00. $40,000 August 7,994 6,240 0 ) $20,000 - September 6,622 6,327 0 iE $0 October 21,272 20,657 0 c Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec November 11,145 8,784 0 December 20,582 12,537 0 ii 23 Bud f22 Prelim 23Act Total 134,376 117,373 22,178 N 0 N Property L CC� PriorC $35,000 Revenues Revenues Revenues January - 0 0 J $30,000 Z February 57 99 125 0 $25,000 March 1,289 578 648 LL Z $20,000 April 12,892 6,037 0 May 3,048 1,276 0 M $15,000 - June 101 279 0 M $10,000 _ July 59 69 0 MEN CL August 214 74 0 0 $5,000 September 415 251 0 $0 October 11,127 5,726 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec November 3,487 1,182 0 December 147 99 0 c 23 Bud f22 Prelim 23 Act Total 32,835 15,671 773 LL M N 0 N V Prior Year Budgeted Actual M $351 000 Revenues Revenues Revenues $30,000 January 2,063 2,328 2,202 February 2,329 2,731 2,609 E $25,000 - March 2,112 2,343 2,717 R $20,000 April 2,063 2,161 0 Q May 2,411 2,592 0 $15,000 June 2,167 2,384 0 $10,000 July 2,239 2,192 0 August 2,595 2,688 0 $5,000 September 2,334 2,528 0 $0 October 2,379 2,558 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec November 2,445 2,719 0 December 2,806 3,098 0 �23 Bud f22 Prelim -4-23 Act Total 27,944 30,324 7,528 Page 3 of 14 Packet Pg. 10 March 2023 Monthly Financial Report 4.D.a City of Kent, Washington General Fund Revenues ($ in Thousands) Utility Tax Prior Year Budgeted Actual 0 $30,000 212evenues Revenues Revenues January 1,980 2,415 2,517 $25,000 February 1,889 2,039 2,233 $20,000 March 1,805 2,066 2,272 April 1,859 2,172 0 $15,000 - - May 1,745 1,975 0 �F June 11690 11816 0 CL 0 $10,000 July 1,713 2,149 0 w $5,000 _ August 1,581 1,877 0 io September 1,672 2,078 0 $0 October 1,656 1,874 0 c Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec November 1,575 1,934 0 LL M December 1,878 1,955 0 c 23 Bud f22 Prelim �23Act Total 21,044 24,350 7,021 N z v L OtherC� G Prior Year Budgeted Actual $10,000 - - Revenues Revenues RevenuesJ Z January 2 80 2 O $8,000 - February 3 3 2 O LL March 79 10 33 Z $6,000 - April 3,087 3,211 0 M May 1,549 1,579 0 LO cM $4,000 - June 97 200 0 1` July 3,501 3,902 0 0 CL $2,000 - August 11493 11246 0 m w September 141 154 0 -�V- $0 October 3,591 4,074 0 C Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec November 1,234 1,113 0 December 5,670 6,025 0 LL 23 Bud f22 Prelim --+--23 Act Total 20,448 21,599 37 0 N Other (IntergV L • for Forfeits, • Misc Revenues) (CQ C Prior Year Budgeted Actual ++ $35,000 Revenues Revenues Revenues_.. N E $30,000 January 2,068 2,595 1,728 v February 755 926 1,236 r $25,000 - March 1,815 2,352 3,855 Q $20,000 - April 2,028 1,968 0 May 2,081 1,725 0 $15,000 June 1,957 2,418 0 $10,000 - July 2,227 2,124 0 August 2,110 1,512 0 $5,000 September 2,059 2,172 0 $0 October 2,520 2,666 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec November 2,404 1,891 0 December 10,082 4,753 0 23 Bud f22 Prelim �23Act Total 32,106 27,102 6,818 Page 4 of 14 Packet Pg. 11 March 2023 Monthly - • • 4.D.a City of . • General Fund Overview - Expenditures City Council 440,600 70,745 Administration 3,277,430 53,368 Economic & Community Dev 10,341,100 2,748,932 Finance 3,467,640 862,827 Fire Contracted Services 4,109,990 1,106,193 a Human Resources 2,323,130 537,461 Law 1,647,990 321,794 6 Municipal Court 4,254,230 909,090 Parks, Recreation & Comm Svcs 23,247,340 4,813,032 S Police 55,547,450 13,317,172 v N Non-Departmental 12,048,080 1,943,874 N Total Expenditures 120,704,980 26,684,488 L C� C J Z 2023 Budgeted General Fund Expenditures o u_ Z Police M 46% `n M City Council p Non-Department 0.37% 10% - c Human c Resources ii 2% M Other c 04 3% Ad inistration Law 1% ECD t v 9% r Parks, Recreation & Finance Q3% Comm Svcs Fire Contracted Services 19% Municipal Court 3% 4% Page 5 of 14 Packet Pg. 12 March 2023 Monthly _ p ort City of • General Fund • Actual Prelim Adi Budget YTD Beginning Fund Balance 41,969,901 47,660,526 50,920,209 50,920,209 Revenues Taxes: Property 32,052,967 32,835,026 15,670,870 772,713 Sales & Use 24,828,972 27,943,579 30,323,830 7,527,865 a Utility 20,262,726 21,043,724 24,349,760 7,021,448 Business & Occupation 17,060,649 19,517,633 19,120,500 25,490 6 Other 613,502 930,044 806,120 11,953 c� Licenses and Permits 7,171,129 8,567,857 7,468,380 1,512,473 ii Intergovernmental Revenue 3,297,871 3,406,561 3,246,020 674,148 ri N Charges for Services 5,299,515 8,484,198 6,632,210 1,575,497 N Fines and Forfeitures 809,361 590,339 738,080 191,502 L Miscellaneous Revenue 1,192,043 (388,056) 2,016,600 914,722 Transfers In 1,442,364 11,445,001 7,000,380 1,950,000 Total Revenues 114,031,100 134,375,905 117,372,750 22,177,811 Z O O Expenditures Z City Council 272,914 288,639 440,600 70,745 v Administration 2,847,633 3,031,347 3,277,430 53,368 ,M Economic & Community Dev 7,469,721 7,791,962 10,341,100 2,748,932 Finance 2,574,151 2,810,207 3,467,640 862,827 0 Q. Fire Contracted Services 3,357,891 3,900,542 4,109,990 1,106,193 Human Resources 1,529,193 1,795,361 2,323,130 537,461 E Law 1,444,860 1,383,659 1,647,990 321,794 c R Municipal Court 3,386,007 3,433,032 4,254,230 909,090 9 ii Parks, Recreation & Comm Svcs 17,758,211 19,446,186 23,247,340 4,813,032 N Police 45,793,526 50,394,511 55,547,450 13,317,172 CD N Public Works (720) L Non-Departmental 21,957,021 36,289,679 12,048,080 1,943,874 f° Total Expenditures 108,390,407 130,565,124 120,704,980 26,684,488 m E Net Revenues less Expenditures 5,640,693 3,810,781 (3,332,230) (4,506,677) U r r Q Ending Fund Balance 47,610,594 51,471,307 47,587,979 46,413,533 Ending Fund Balance Detail: General Fund Reserves 47,660,526 50,920,209 47,587,979 based on same year actuals/budget 44.0% 39.0% 39.4% Page 6 of 14 Packet Pg. 13 4.D.a March 2023 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund Year-to-Year Month Comparison 2021 2022 2023 2023-2022 thru March thru March thru March Variance Budget Revenues Taxes: Property 1,655,004 1,345,401 772,713 (572,688) -42.6% 4.9% Sales & Use 5,852,796 6,504,682 7,527,865 1,023,183 15.7% 24.8% Utility 4,939,249 5,674,218 7,021,448 1,347,230 23.7% 28.8% Business &Occupation 115,976 73,759 25,490 (48,269) 0.1% o Other 12,791 10,515 11,953 1,438 13.7% 1.5% 0 Licenses and Permits 1,530,345 1,877,093 1,512,473 (364,620) -19.4% 20.3% W Intergovernmental Revenue 614,853 641,746 674,148 32,402 5.0% 20.8% 2 Charges for Services 873,102 1,363,024 1,575,497 212,473 15.6% 23.8% Fines and Forfeitures 226,792 136,800 191,502 54,702 40.0% 25.9% S LL Miscellaneous Revenue 378,191 333,924 914,722 580,798 173.9% 45.4% Transfers In 2,076,762 285,000 1,950,000 1,665,000 584.2% 27.9% c Total Revenues 18,275,859 18,246,163 22,177,811 3,931,649 21.5% 18.9% N t L Expenditures City Council 71,561 76,254 70,745 (5,510) -7.2% 16.1% Administration 180,658 66,005 53,368 (12,637) -19.1% 1.6% Economic &Community Dev 1,792,490 1,794,318 2,748,932 954,614 53.2% 26.6% z Finance 662,585 666,731 862,827 196,095 29.4% 24.9% 0 Fire Contracted Services (30,078) 1,064,245 1,106,193 41,948 3.9% 26.9% Z Human Resources 378,520 477,930 537,461 59,531 12.5% 23.1% Law 344,870 350,650 321,794 (28,857) -8.2% 19.5% M Municipal Court 805,440 817,761 909,090 91,329 11.2% 21.4% M Parks, Recreation & Comm Svcs 3,580,455 4,099,376 4,813,032 713,656 17.4% 20.7% Police 11,040,491 11,827,788 13,317,172 1,489,384 12.6% 24.0% 0 CL Non-Departmental 134,866 1,659,953 1,943,874 283,921 17.1% 16.1% Total Expenditures 18,961,858 22,901,013 26,684,488 3,783,475 16.5% 22.10/0 c R GF Revenues thru March GF Expenditures thru March LL M 8,000,000 14,000,000 0 N 7,000,000 - 12,000,000 v L 6,000,000 cc 10,000,000 5,000,000 - +� - ■2021 8,000,000 4,000,000 0 2021 3,000,000 _ U2022 6,000,000 02022 v 2,000,000 N 2023 4,000,000 V 2023 Q 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 0 0 Property Sales& Utility Other Police Parks *General ECD Non-Dept Taxes Use Taxes Taxes Revenues Govt. &Other *General Govt. includes City Council,Administration, HR,IT,&Finance Page 7 of 14 Packet Pg. 14 4.D.a March 2023 MonthlyReport City of • Fund Balances 2023 2023 • Estimated Estimated Beginni.ng Estimated Estimated Ending Fund Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded. o General Fund as General Fund 50,920,209 117,372,750 120,704,980 47,587,979 .3 c c Special Revenue Funds Street Fund 18,146,053 20,550,910 21,067,060 17,629,903 M LEOFF 1 Retiree Benefits 1,015,707 1,289,890 1,581,160 724,437 0 N Lodging Tax 450,235 280,260 268,880 461,615 Youth/Teen Programs 482,625 1,049,920 1,049,920 482,625 a Capital Resources 30,876,919 10,101,740 34,517,570 6,461,089 Criminal Justice 11,447,849 10,298,340 14,176,900 7,569,289 -J z Human Services 2,544,857 4,100,220 4,100,220 2,544,857 0 ShoWare Operating 4,009,903 1,159,000 3,429,620 1,739,283 Z Impact Fee Fund 4,150,840 4,150,840 Other Operating 596,733 112,700 112,700 596,733 Ln Debt Service Funds Councilmanic Debt Service 1,430,000 7,558,440 8,259,280 729,160 Q. Special Assessments Debt Service 313,116 238,000 201,900 349,216 W 1E Enterprise Funds Water Utility 18,111,475 31,520,630 32,767,620 16,864,485 9 ii Sewer Utility 5,576,474 37,418,820 39,108,990 3,886,304 M N Drainage Utility 16,825,386 26,762,680 31,591,100 11,996,966 N Solid Waste Utility 541,955 664,480 807,860 398,575 L Golf Complex 731,090 3,372,200 3,063,080 1,040,210 cc Internal Service Funds Fleet Services 7,276,391 8,206,270 11,939,000 3,543,66, z Central Services 144,866 379,330 375,610 148,586 r r Information Technology 2,322,409 12,885,940 13,192,950 2,015,399 Q Facilities 3,420,229 6,630,870 8,301,690 1,749,409 Unemployment 1,347,482 160,690 206,990 1,301,182 Workers Compensation 2,380,429 1,200,260 2,387,570 1,193,119 Employee Health & Wellness 9,621,934 15,502,710 15,893,380 9,231,264 Liability Insurance 7,245,529 2,065,130 4,617,120 4,693,539 Property Insurance 996,581 1,389,600 915,820 1,470f361 Page 8 of 14 Packet Pg. 15 March 2023 Monthly Report City of Kent, Washington Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) Actual Prelim Adj Budget YTD Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded. In instances where expenditures exceed revenues, fund balance is being utilized. Special Revenue Funds Street Fund Revenues 20,419,435 21,593,834 20,550,910 3,540,598 o 0. Expenditures 16,768,746 18,603,867 21,067,060 2,424,575 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 3,650,689 2,989,967 (516,150) 1,116,023 76 LEOFF I Retiree Benefits a Revenues 1,199,965 1,119,751 1,289,890 253,050 U_ Expenditures 1,519,460 1,375,512 1,581,160 255,410 ri Net Revenues Less Expenditures (319,495) (255,761) (291,270) (2,360 N Lodging Tax L Revenues 221,252 565,735 280,260 55,891 Expenditures 165,720 244,710 268,880 53,018 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 55,532 321,025 11,380 2,873 Z Youth/Teen Programs O O Revenues 977,243 1,021,664 1,049,920 309,044 u- Expenditures 822,054 925,650 1,049,920 1,655 Z Net Revenues Less Expenditures 155,189 96,014 307,389 M Ln Capital Resources Revenues 28,353,626 27,052,450 27,422,170 3,726,985 r- Expenditures 18,092,140 20,482,883 34,517,570 1,686,716 Q. Net Revenues Less Expenditures 10,261,487 6,569,567 (7,095,400) 2,040,269 �E Criminal Justice 1° Revenues 9,774,373 10,036,211 10,298,340 2,777,254 Expenditures 7,540,042 9,102,237 14,176,900 1,990,369 9 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 2,234,331 933,974 (3,878,560) 786,885 M N Human Services N Revenues 3,796,657 4,220,533 4,100,220 1,044,387 Expenditures 2,704,110 2,813,399 4,100,220 113,496 a Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,092,547 1,407,133 930,891 Sho Ware Operating a Revenues 3,079,558 1,118,076 1,150,000 1,395 z Expenditures 2,091,661 4,070,350 3,429,620 493,502 u a Net Revenues Less Expenditures 987,897 (2,952,274) (2,279,620) (492,107 Q Impact Fee Fund Revenues 3,957,718 3,152,179 4,150,840 259,359 Expenditures 3,958,033 3,152,179 4,150,840 144,663 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (316) 114,696 Other Operating Revenues 128,175 136,681 112,700 Expenditures 104,945 130,685 112,700 808 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 23,230 5,996 (808 Page 9 of 14 Packet Pg. 16 March 2023 Monthly Report City of Kent, Washington Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) Actual Prelim Adj Budget YTD Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded. In instances where expenditures exceed revenues, fund balance is being utilized. Debt Service Funds Councilmanic Debt Service Revenues 7,988,547 7,868,681 7,558,440 a Expenditures 8,348,722 8,563,855 8,259,280 12,688 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (360,174) (695,174) (700,840) (12,688 Special Assessment Debt Service c Revenues 1,035,745 720,252 238,000 32,206 Expenditures 858,473 682,020 201,900 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 177,272 38,232 36,100 32, 006 0 N Enterprise Funds L Water Utility Revenues 29,810,341 27,248,310 31,520,630 7,166,063 Expenditures 28,183,254 25,715,550 32,767,620 5,466,472 Z Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,627,087 1,532,759 (1,246,990) 1,699,590 0 Sewer Utility '_ z Revenues 34,846,524 35,327,444 37,418,820 9,481,111 Expenditures 33,974,459 32,992,562 39,108,990 8,590,914Ln M Net Revenues Less Expenditures 872,065 2,334,882 (1,690,170) 890, 997 r_ Drainage Utility Q. Revenues 25,408,140 23,578,055 26,762,680 6,408,338 Expenditures 23,609,481 27,487,423 31,591,100 3,945,037 iE Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,798,659 (3,909,368) (4,828,420) 2,463,301 R Solid Waste Utility Revenues 855,492 1,420,728 788,860 178,901 M Expenditures 995,385 1,150,283 932,240 282,799 0 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (139,893) 270,444 (143,380) (103,898 c' Golf Complex cc Revenues 2,526,316 3,390,623 3,372,200 444,307 Expenditures 4,513,837 3,037,111 3,063,080 699,503 c Net Revenues Less Expenditures (1,987,522) 353,513 309,120 (255,197 E z U Internal Service Funds Q Fleet Services Revenues 5,674,822 8,140,454 8,206,270 2,042,257 Expenditures 4,894,499 5,176,889 11,939,000 1,494,195 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 780,323 2,963,565 (3,732,730) 548,062 Central Services Revenues 355,897 315,477 370,960 101,114 Expenditures 320,247 293,990 375,610 86,289 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 35,650 21,487 (4,650) 14,825 Page 10 of 14 Packet Pg. 17 March 2023 Monthly Report City of Kent, Washington Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) 2021 2022 2023 2023 Actual Prelim Adj Budget YTD Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded. In instances where expenditures exceed revenues, fund balance is being utilized. Information Technology Revenues 10,506,136 11,463,291 12,894,310 2,749,733 Expenditures 10,411,640 11,555,854 13,192,950 3,027,338 0 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 94,496 (92,563) (298,640) (277,605 Facilities 76 Revenues 6,704,998 6,244,232 6,630,870 1,555,582 'u Expenditures 6,222,434 7,778,683 8,301,690 1,760,911 c Net Revenues Less Expenditures 482,564 (1,534,451) (1,670,820) (205,329 ii Unemployment N Revenues 134,862 117,126 168,370 47,371 N Expenditures 161,765 107,826 206,990 51,133 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (26,902) 9,300 (38,620) (3, 662 Workers Compensation Revenues 1,019,589 3,172,019 1,761,030 515,838 Z Expenditures 1,788,435 2,222,646 2,387,570 827,319 0 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (768,845) 949,374 (626,540) (311,482 u z Employee Health & Wellness Revenues 15,795,365 15,793,817 16,286,430 4,150,646 M Expenditures 14,736,998 14,773,343 15,893,380 3,461,227 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,058,367 1,020,474 393,050 689,419 0 Q. m Liability Insurance Revenues 8,119,358 8,677,522 4,007,230 1,135,302 •� Expenditures 4,307,222 3,923,787 4,617,120 2,684,031 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 3,812,136 4,753,734 (609,890) (1,548,729 LL Property Insurance o Revenues 605,819 1,171,973 940,320 237,828 � Expenditures 677,950 818,003 915,820 417,865 L2 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (72,131) 353,969 24,500 (180,037 2 c m E Other Fund Revenues Other Fund Expenditures U 80,000,000 o Special 80,000,000 o Special Q Revenue Revenue 60,000,000 Funds 60,000,000 I Funds LiEnterprise 40,000,000 Funds 40,000,000 u Enterprise Funds 20,000,000 o Internal 20,000,000 Service Funds 0 o Internal 0 Service 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 Actuals Prelim Budget Actuals Prelim Budget Funds Page 11 of 14 Packet Pg. 18 March 2023 Monthly Financial Report 4.D.a City of Kent, Washington Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) Year-to-Year Month Comparison thru March thru March thru March Variance Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded. Special Revenue Funds Street Fund Revenues 3,465,254 3,919,354 3,540,598 (378,757) -9.7% Expenditures 2,360,680 3,469,826 2,424,575 (1,045,251) -30.10/. Q. Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,104,574 449,529 1,116,023 W 76 LEOFF I Retiree Benefits U Revenues 210,751 271,160 253,050 (18,110) -6.7% cCa Expenditures 365,610 366,668 255,410 (111,258) -30.39% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (154,858) (95,508) (2,360) ri N O Lodging Tax N Revenues 31,623 330,474 55,891 (274,583) -83.10/. Expenditures 42,304 3,522 53,018 49,496 1405.50/c Net Revenues Less Expenditures (10,681) 326,953 2,873 J Youth/Teen Programs z Revenues 264,975 284,047 309,044 24,997 8.80/c O Expenditures 1,950 1,570 1,655 85 5.4% O Net Revenues Less Expenditures 263,025 282,477 307,389 z Capital Resources M Revenues 3,617,325 6,292,583 3,726,985 (2,565,597) -40.80/. M Expenditures 1,175,876 467,307 1,686,716 1,219,409 260.90/c ., Net Revenues Less Expenditures 2,441,449 5,825,276 2,040,269 0 Q. m Criminal Justice Revenues 2,095,031 2,414,459 2,777,254 362,795 15.00/c 2 Expenditures 1,518,401 2,003,906 1,990,369 (13,537) -0.70/c Net Revenues Less Expenditures 576,629 410,552 786,885 ii M ShoWare Operating N 0 Revenues 855 1,395 1,395 N Expenditures 513,399 666,838 493,502 (173,336) -26.0% L Net Revenues Less Expenditures (512,544) (666,838) (492,107) cc Admissions Tax revenues received quarterly (April, July, September, January) Impact Fee Fund E Revenues 738,643 646,938 259,359 (387,579) -59.90/c U Expenditures 614,912 609,796 144,663 (465,133) -76.30/c r Net Revenues Less Expenditures 123,731 37,142 114,696 Q Other Operating Revenues Expenditures 3,378 258 808 550 213.60/c Net Revenues Less Expenditures (3,378) (258) (808) Combines several small programs, including City Art Program and Neighborhood Matching Grants Page 12 of 14 Packet Pg. 19 March 2023 Monthly Financial Report 4.D.a City of Kent, Washington Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) Year-to-Year Month Comparison thru March thru March thru March Variance Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded. Debt Service Funds Councilmanic Debt Service Revenues Expenditures 6,493 9,933 12,688 2,755 27.70/a Q. Net Revenues Less Expenditures (6,493) (9,933) (12,688) W Debt service payments are generally due in June and December. 76 U Special Assessments Debt Service Revenues 130,440 10,364 32,206 21,842 210.80/aLL Expenditures 1,528 1,633 (1,633) -100.00/0 ri Net Revenues Less Expenditures 128,912 8,731 32,206 c Enterprise Funds t V L Water Utility Revenues 6,823,530 6,180,955 7,166,063 985,108 15.90/c Expenditures 3,800,782 3,912,230 5,466,472 1,554,242 39.70/c z Net Revenues Less Expenditures 3,022,748 2,268,724 1,699,590 0 Sewer Utility z _ Revenues 8,634,529 8,813,004 9,481,111 668,107 7.6% Expenditures 7,450,575 7,990,813 8,590,914 600,102 7.5% M Ln Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,183,954 822,191 890,197 Drainage Utility o Revenues 5,836,215 6,125,257 6,408,338 283,082 4.6% m Expenditures 4,369,041 4,166,677 3,945,037 (221,640) -5.3% W Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,467,174 1,958,579 2,463,301 f° c Solid Waste Utility c Revenues 168,000 168,159 178,901 10,742 6.40/a ii Expenditures 221,284 319,865 282,799 (37,066) -11.60/c N Net Revenues Less Expenditures (53,285) (151,706) (103,898) c N Golf Complex L Revenues 312,546 457,175 444,307 (12,868) -2.80/c cc Expenditures 2,326,718 664,517 699,503 34,987 5.30/a Net Revenues Less Expenditures (2,014,172) (207,342) (255,197) m E Internal Service Funds U r Fleet Services Q Revenues 1,403,565 1,441,222 2,042,257 601,035 41.70/c Expenditures 1,166,339 1,295,954 1,494,195 198,241 15.30/c Net Revenues Less Expenditures 237,226 145,268 548,062 Central Services Revenues 84,131 63,397 101,114 37,717 59.50/a Expenditures 54,827 25,892 86,289 60,397 233.30/c Net Revenues Less Expenditures 29,304 37,505 14,825 Information Technology Revenues 2,330,318 2,496,392 2,749,733 253,341 10.1O/C Expenditures 2,564,049 2,701,946 3,027,338 325,392 12.0% Net Revenues Less Expenditures (233,732) (205,554) (277,605) Page 13 of 14 Packet Pg. 20 March 2023 Monthly Financial Report 4.D.a City of Kent, Washington Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) Year-to-Year Month Comparison thru March thru March thru March Variance Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded. Facilities Revenues 1,373,304 1,376,075 1,555,582 179,507 13.00/c Expenditures 1,046,071 1,166,024 1,760,911 594,888 51.00/c Net Revenues Less Expenditures 327,233 210,052 (205,329) o a Unemployment Revenues 39,567 39,833 47,371 7,538 18.90/c Expenditures 63,393 34,490 51,133 16,643 48.30/c 73 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (23,825) 5,343 (3,762) ii Workers Compensation M Revenues 178,517 363,206 515,838 152,631 42.00/c c Expenditures 345,040 660,531 827,319 166,788 25.30/c N Net Revenues Less Expenditures (166,523) (297,325) (311,482) L Employee Health & Wellness M Revenues 4,027,290 3,974,599 4,150,646 176,047 4.40/a J Expenditures 3,264,889 3,390,841 3,461,227 70,386 2.10/c O Net Revenues Less Expenditures 762,401 583,758 689,419 0 LL z Liability Insurance Revenues 805,745 776,053 1,135,302 359,250 46.30/c M Expenditures 1,634,883 2,001,741 2,684,031 682,290 34.10/c M Net Revenues Less Expenditures (829,138) (1,225,689) (1,548,729) 1` 0 Property Insurance m Revenues 153,832 195,403 237,828 42,425 21.70/c W Expenditures 305,368 355,389 417,865 62,476 17.60/c .1E Net Revenues Less Expenditures (151,536) (159,986) (180,037) c R c ii M Other Fund Revenues thru March Other Fund Expenditures thru March N 25,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 20,000,000 c m E 15,000,000 15,000,000 - v 92021 - 0 2021 Q 10,000,000 - p 2022 10,000,000 p 2022 5,000,000 - W 2023 5,000,000 u 2023 0 0 Special Enterprise Internal Special Enterprise Internal Revenue Funds Service Funds Revenue Funds Service Funds Funds Funds Page 14 of 14 Packet Pg. 21