HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 03/27/2023 Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Meeting March 27, 2023
Minutes Held In-Person and Remote
Approved April 24, 2023
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Graves, Maria Castro, Mel Roberts, Julie Dunn,
Connie Stolpp, Erik Jacobs, Daren Osborn, Tim Irwin, Allison Hopstad.
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Jeff Culver, Brian Smith (excused).
CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Erik Preston, Rob Brown, Kim Komoto.
Guests: Gordon Dona.
1. Call-to-Order - Graves
The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm with Wendy Graves presiding.
2. Roll Call - Preston
9 members present, 2 members absent, 1 excused.
3. Changes to the Agenda - Graves
No Changes.
4. February 2023 Meeting - Minutes Approval - Graves
Connie moved to approve minutes, Erik J. seconded, all 9 voted in favor, 0 opposed.
Motion passes, draft minutes approved.
S. Remote Meeting Practice — Preston/Komoto
Erik Preston started by summarizing the recent history of KBAB holding remote meetings
and clarified that KBAB not subject to OPMA and is not required to have a physical
location so everyone could meet remotely.
• Guest Ms. Kim Komoto, City Clerk clarified that everyone could meet remote, even
the staff liaison, Erik can be in a remote location. Everyone has to be able to access
the Teams meeting, materials, cameras when available, and have meeting info at top
of agenda. She suggests always having the remote meeting option. The Chair
determines if they will meet remote. Secretary makes sure meeting meets technical
requirements. City uses MS Teams, not Zoom.
• Allison was remote last month, could hear fine.
• Wendy: Options are hybrid and remote
• Allison: Would like hybrid option.
• Maria: I like the remote option, can hop on and off.
• Tim: Worked remote for 4 years, there is a different dynamic. Encourage people to
come down and be face-to-face.
• Julie: Agree, like the in-person but understand it works better for others, hybrid?
• Connie: Loss of connection for remote but convenient, hard to share materials
• Erik P: Function in Teams to raise your hand.
• Maria: Agree about materials, maybe some in-person meetings
• Kim: There are requirements for remote attendees to have same access to materials.
Materials brought to meetings are a little harder to share.
• Erik J: Does MS Team have a group chat function? Chat is only for meetings. Can
create a group for KBAB between meetings. Emails have different threads.
• Kim: That is highly unusual for a board, but possible since not subject to OPMA.
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Wendy made a motion for hybrid meetings, continue to meet in-person with option to
meet remote. Erik J second. All in favor, none opposed, motion passes.
• Kim: Please follow rules. If not, will need to have a conversation.
6. Miscellaneous Business - Graves
Wendy spoke about some rules of order for the new members and some Robert's Rules.
• Put name tags on end when you would like to speak, Wendy will recognize speaker.
• Wendy: We have two board members that will officially leave. Daren and
Mel. Thank you for your service. Please feel free keep participating. Mel thinks he
started in 2001.
• Connie: Mel's wealth of knowledge is still surprising.
• Maria: Mel is a great tour guide.
• Wendy: The board would love to have any of you attend events as a volunteer.
7. By-Law Update - Preston
Erik P sent out the proposed bylaws this morning. Summarizing work to-date.
• Council adopted new rules in Code in 2021. Some of the highlights - standard 3-
year terms, term limits of 2 terms, City staff as Secretary.
• Had a subcommittee that created this KBAB Bylaw draft.
• Deleted a lot of duplicate info and created links to City Code.
• Re-organized term start dates by position number, some positions numbers will be
changed. Chair now determines position numbers.
• Electing officers changed to March so new offices can begin with new terms in April.
• Erik P will work with Chair to reassign numbers. Terms will not change.
• Wendy: Send out board list once the changes are made. Terms will not change, just
the position number.
S. Festival and Events Subcommittee Report - Graves
• We have a new Bike Rodeo flyer with a QR code for the waiver. Wendy will send out
an email asking for volunteers with a copy of the flyer.
• Have started purchasing items with budget.
• REI will provide coupons to KBAB. REI may have a booth and provide a mechanic,
but we need space and a table. KBAB will provide a pop-up.
• Allison: Is it the REI social support person? Is it region or area person? Maybe they
can share our event electronically.
• Julie: Will put one of the flyers in the store.
• Connie: Will we still have our tent to check pressures? Will discuss in the committee
meeting. Brian and Tim will help wrench.
• Erik J: Started a Facebook page for the bike rodeo.
• Allison: Any rules around making accounts? Erik J: there is a shared Gmail
account. Probably need to remove City logo. May want sponsor space on the flyer.
• Maria: Who had a contact at the Kent Reporter? Someone no longer on the Board?
• Julie: Can we have messaging on the Kent Commons reader board or Willis boards?
• Wendy: Does Erik P or Rob know about the City's Peach Jar account? Erik P will find
out. Wendy will ask Mark Hendrickson (Parks) about the reader board.
9. Bike Facility Gaps Subcommittee Report - Jacobs
Erik J had nothing new to report, but wanted to talk about events and vests.
• KBAB vests will have KBAB logo. KBAB will ask City for loaner vests for other
• Maria: Did we decide on road signs? Signs are included in the products purchased.
• Rob: Does Multimedia need to approve the KBAB logo? Erik P will ask Josh Maasberg
• Allison: Is the KBAB logo general or just the Rodeo?
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• Wendy: There are things we want logo'd. Get some this year, more next year.
10.Monthly Rides and Promotion - Jacobs
• Kent Valley "Salmon Loop" this month. Vandoren's Landing Park is still closed, but
should open in April or May.
• People are riding in the closed area now.
• New members are encouraged to plan a route. Tim volunteered.
11.113ike Buses and Safe Routes to School - Dunn
Julie shared what she learned at a recent webinar which started with a national news
story about a teacher in Portland. Most kids have never ridden their bike on a public
street, so they haven't ridden to school, they get driven. Julie contacted Lisa Watson
with King County Department of Health. Lisa gave Julie several resources like Seattle
which has several of these. SDOT funded some of the bike buses.
• Should we start with the elementary school next to the YMCA (Daniel Elementary)?
• Create a poster for bike buses for the Bike Rodeo?
• Do any of the schools in Kent have a bike bus?
• Erik P: need to plan something that goes through the whole school attendance area.
• Mel: At one time the city was using GIS for the walk routes from school info.
• Rob: Time to bring in the school district. Are the walk routes confidential?
• Maria: May be able to tie bike helmet giveaways to bike bus events.
• Allison: May be able to create an email list for volunteers. Would need to be KSD.
• Julie talked to KSD office about this, was directed to Student Activities. Julie will
send us the email.
• Julie could lead this but she needs some volunteers. Maria and Allison volunteered.
• Lisa Watson has a grant coming soon. She encouraged KBAB to apply.
12.Communications - Preston
• Erik P will send the link the TIP Storymap
• Erik J - will there be a TIP document? Erik P - yes. Council adopts a document/list.
• Mill Creek Earthworks Park is open for comments.
13.Notice of Upcoming Meetings - Preston
The next meeting is Monday, April 24th, the next is a Special Meeting, May 22nd.
14.Items for the Next Meeting - Graves
• Kent School District Transportation for Bike Bus event.
• Elect officers
• Vote on bylaws
• Introducing new members
• King County Health Grant Application
15.Adiournment - Graves
Wendy Graves adjourned the meeting at 7:01 pm.
Respectfully submitted by:
Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board
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