HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 09/25/2014 .400 0�llt • Lodging Tax Advisory KEN ON WASHINOTON Committee Agenda Committee Members: Tim Higgins, John Casey, Barbara Smith, Blane Webber, David Kwok, Andrew Hutchison, Bill Boyce, Chair City Staff: Ben Wolters, Julie Pulliam AGENDA September 25, 2014 4:00 p.m. Item Description Action Speaker(s) 1. Approval of the June 5, 2014 Minutes Yes Bill Boyce 2. Budget Update a) 2015-2016 Biennial Budget Yes Aaron BeMiller Motion: Move to approve the 2015-2016 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Biennial Budget as presented to the Committee. 3. Brand & Logo Sponsorship a) Annual Economic Forecast Conference Yes Ben Wolters Motion: Move to authorize the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee to approve the use of the Kent Tourism Brand and Logo at the January, 2015, Annual Economic Development Conference, and sponsor the event in the amount of $ 4. Tourism Website Yes Mary Kae Repp a) Website Demo b) Committee Requested Changes c) Choose 5 people to feature on the website (back-ups) d) Time line to contact/photo/write bios/get live on website e) Determine WOW people to feature or stay with the 5 chosen Motion: Move to approve the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee accepts the final design of the Visit Kent.com website created by Genesis Marketing and authorize going live with the website launch. 5. Genesis - Contract Yes Ben Wolters a) Managing & Maintaining Local Kent Offers on Visit Kent.com b) Kent Local Photographer for Visit Kent.com option 1 c) Kent Local Photographer for Visit Kent.com option 2 d) Kent Local Writer & Photographer for Visit Kent.com e) Kent Local Writer for Visit Kent.com Motion: Move to authorize the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee to enter into a contract in the amount of $ with Genesis Marketing for the management and maintenance of local Kent offers on Visit Kent.com with terms and conditions acceptable to the Committee. 6. Review of Brand Use No Michelle Wilmot (Informational Only) Unless otherwise noted, the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meets every other Month on the 3rd Thursday Monday at 4:00 p.m. in Centennial North &South Conference Room, 400 West Gowe Street, Kent WA 98032. For information on the above item(s), contact Julie Pulliam (253) 856-5702. Pulliam, Julie From: Chelsey Faggiano <genesis80l@gmnow.biz> Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 4:52 PM To: Wilmot, Michelle; 'd k';Wolters, Ben; Smith, Barbara; Kent Chambers,Andrea Keikkala Exec. Dir; bill.boyce@boeing.com; Pulliam, Julie; Hart, Ryan Cc: 'Mary Kae Repp' Subject: Follow up on VisitKent.com & reminder for 9/25 meeting Attachments: Kent Tourism Committee Requested Changes.docx Hello All! We have made our way through the changes requested by the committee and ask that you review this website and provide any additional changes you wish prior to the meeting this Thursday 9/25.The purpose of the meeting this week is not to discuss the changes needed but to discuss moving forward and the final pieces to the puzzle before promoting VisitKent.com http://visitkent.com/ Please note—Centering the homepage image/text is still being worked on at this time as this feature isn't quite centered on all platforms and is requiring additional coding. However,the homepage scrolling image will be centered and working properly on all devices prior to the meeting. Reminder for 9/25 meeting: please be prepared to share your suggested Top 5 Kent Locals to feature on the website as the goal is to have the people we would like to showcase determined in the meeting this Thursday for each Kent Identity. Once the suggested Kent Locals are narrowed down, we would like to work on establishing a timeline for contacting those whom we would like to feature as well as finalizing this piece to the website with photos, bios and page itineraries. Again, if there are any additional changes to the website that need to be made prior to the meeting please let me know. Hope you all had a wonderful day! Chelsey Faggiano Genesis Marketing 509-777-1120 • 0 = This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active. i Kent Tourism Committee Requested Changes • Request to have logo guidelines listed on VisitKent.com: http://www.visitkent.com/1ogoguidelines/ • Revised Kent Special Offer's Page: http://www.yisitkent.com/index.php?c ref=179 • Revised Business Services page for review http://www.visitkent.com/index.php?c ref=171 • Text Changes to Restaurant Page removing apostrophes where not needed: http://www.visitkent.com/index.php?c ref=185 • Slide show- Slow down the images they race too quickly. http://www.visitkent.com/index.php • Create an official home button o Can we find a way to do this to the side of the icons for choose your style of trip, prefers on the left side or on the top links. http://www.visitkent.com/index.php o On the internal pages keep the home link you have and find a way to make another one in the top bar. http://www.visitkent.com/index.php?c ref=3 • Delete the image of Mount Rainer as this is not an experience people have in Kent. for homepage 15t image: http://www.visitkent.com/index.php • Go through the entire website and replace any photo that is on the website that highlights any specific restaurant, store or lodging place and remove them so that we are not playing favoritism to any one location Requested changes will be done by COB 9/9 • Replace with action photos of people or scenic photos Requested changes will be done by COB 9/9 with photos we currently have DONE • Delete the Holiday Inn from this page and any other page it is still on and replace with the new name of the lodging property Requested changes will be done by COB 9/9 DONE http://www.visitkent.com/index.php?c ref=171 • Tourism Attractions Specifically under the discover page and anywhere else that it's listed-- delete the Amphitheatre as this is not in Kent Requested changes will be done by COB 9/8 DONE http://www.visitkent.com/index.php?c ref=3 Suggested Changes Per Barbara • DISCOVER: Can we add another box and title it something like Winery/Brewery/Distillery? We have Soos Creek Winery,Airways Brewery and I think it is Side Track Distillery(not sure that is the correct name). o Visiting places like these is popular. Requested changes have been made: http://www.visitkent.com/index.php?c ref=242 • NIGHTLIFE: add Airways Brewing Co. as the photo Requested changes have been made: http://www.visitkent.com/index.php?c ref=158 • RESTAURANTS: Remove Bittersweet and remove Perk Up Place. Sidetrack Distillery is listed as a restaurant; are they? A Pizza Mart is listed twice. We will be making one listing with both locations for Pizza Mart and removing Sidetrack from this listing keeping it on the main page tab for Winery/ Brewery/ Distillery • EXPLORE: How about a box titled HISTORICAL PLACES; I think I sent you the materials from the Experience Historical Kent Day that list all the places with historical significance. These are places that people can actually visit. Requested changes have been made: http://www.visitkent.com/index.php?c ref=243 • Under POPULAR PLACES add Kent Station Requested changes have been made: http://www.visitkent.com/index.php?c ref=161 • STAYS: I don't know where you got your list of hotels in Kent. The Chambers has a list but I believe those are just the ones who are members. We pulled from this website and google • EVENTS: Very impressed! • CULTURE: Under BUSINESS SERVICES, please add CATERING, Down Home Catering; we do have other restaurants such as McKelly's, Mama Stortini's, etc. that do catering in Kent. Down Home does not have a sit-down restaurant so it is important they are listed as a caterer. Requested changes have been made: http://www.visitkent.com/index.php?c ref=171 • Also, under BUSINESS SERVICES, please add RedWood Event Center. Requested changes have been made: http://www.visitkent.com/index.php?c ref=171 • BUSINESS SERVICES: Is this where we would add Green River Community College campus at Kent Station? For now, yes however we will be revising the layout of this page and will be sending a link for all to review • BAKERIES& CAFES: Be sure to add Maggie's on Meeker as they are kind of a cafe and they have homemade baked goods. Requested changes have been made: http://www.visitkent.com/index.php?c ref=226 • AUTO BOATS & RV: Add Valley RV Super Center, 615 Washington Ave., N, Kent AND Auburn- Kent Valley RV Repair, 1213 4th Ave., North, 253-867-0982 Requested changes have been made: http://www.visitkent.com/index.php?c ref=223 • SALONS: ADD: Unique Styles, 110 Second Ave, South, 206-650-8956 o ADD: Thanh Salon, 320 Central Ave., N,#105 o REMOVE: Styles on Meeker, they closed Requested changes have been made: http://www.visitkent.com/index.php?c ref=217 • HEALTH: ADD: Comdii Wellness Center,406 W. Meeker St, 206-858-2104 Requested changes have been made: http://www.visitkent.com/index.php?c ref=222 • MARKET: ADD: Hong Kong Market, 320 E. Meeker St, 253-372-3738 Requested changes have been made: http://www.visitkent.com/index.php?c ref=225 • MUSEMS: ADD: Soos Botanical Gardens Requested changes have been made: http://www.visitkent.com/index.php?c ref=207 Suggested Changes Per David: Photos: • Go through the entire website and replace any photo that is on the website that highlights any specific restaurant, store or lodging place and remove them so that we are not playing favoritism to any one location Requested changes will be done by COB 9/9 • Replace with action photos of people or scenic photos Requested changes will be done by COB 9/9 with photos we currently have Business Services Page: http://www.visitkent.com/index.php?c ref=171 • The photo currently displayed doesn't look like it belongs on this page for a company or business group planning to stay in Kent • If we are going to keep this page we need to list all options to have events or meetings in Kent, making it easier to use for the consumer • Delete the Holiday Inn from this page and any other page it is still on and replace with the new name of the lodging property Requested changes have been made • Look for other sample pages that tourism groups have used for the Business Service page so it is easy for the consumer to use/navigate through. • Come up with meeting space information for this page for each location Sample is live on website for review Tourism Attractions: • Specifically under the discover page and anywhere else that it's listed--delete the Amphitheatre as this is not in Kent Requested changes were made Clicking to other websites: • Is there a way to not click to other websites except to book a hotel room? Is it possible to have a simple fact page for the major attractions rather than a link through? Due to the way Google ranks websites for relative content and consumer use it is in our best interest to keep links to other websites for additional information that is not necessarily 100% relative to our website .Our goal is to provide enough information on our website so the user doesn't automatically click off. However, having the link for more information is something we need as we aren't the actual website for any of the places, things to do, restaurants or hotels listed. Suggested Changes Per Ryan: Special Offers Page: • Request for a proposal on how we would update this information keeping it easy to use for the consumer. Revised page layout has been made for review http://www.visitkent.com/index.php?c ref=179 Slide show: • Slow down the main scrolling images Requested change has been made Home button: • Create an official home button • On the internal pages keep the home link currently there and find a way to make another home button in the top bar Requested change has been made ShoWare Center: • Can we find ways to make this more prominent on the website since it is a main attraction to Kent? • Add a photo of the ShoWare Center to the home page scrolling images o David was VERY clear that he isn't looking for favoritism--he just feels the consumer looking to travel to Kent needs easier access to information on the ShoWare Center, Downtown Kent, Kent Station and that they should have more of a photo presence Requested change has been made throughout website T-Birds: • Find a way to make them more prominent on the site Requested changes have been made o http://www.visitkent.com/index.php?c ref=151 o http://www.visitkent.com/index.php?c ref=163 Request for photos on the site: • Request for a Kent photographer. Idea would be to place an ad in Kent on Craigslist looking for a professional photographer to get action photos, scenic photos, and event photos monthly. The photographer would be given a list of locations and events to photograph. Preferably the photographer would be someone who is a Kent Resident. We will be putting this into action to seek out a local professional photographer and propose back to the committee the cost of doing this • Come up with a proposal for us to change the photos once a month on the site using this person as our photographer Once we receive inquires for photographers, we will be putting together a proposal for changing out the photos once a month based on cost of photography etc. • For all the images that are in the Pinterest style boxes can we look at having photos that do not have a busy backgrounds? It is hard to read and hard to determine what the image is for if there is a busy background • Delete the image of Mount Rainer as this is not an experience people have in Kent change has been made • Images behind the whole site, are we able to rotate the following images (making the photos of these not super busy images) o Showare o Kent Station o Downtown o T-Birds Requested changes have been made with rotating photos throughout website Text on the site: • Are we able to contact the local newspapers and or publications of any kind in Kent and see if there is a writer that is interested in writing for the site?We would like to use the branding, and have this person update text on the website quarterly? We will be getting bids and putting together a proposal to acquire a local Kent writer for all text on the website Categories for what type of experience you want to have: • Test this feature on all platforms as the word Enthusiast is completely visible the s and t spill over and the images are not centered Coding is still being down to assure all platforms see a centered homepage. At this time there is still some work to be done prior to the 9/25 meeting • Once we get our 5 Kent Locals to feature can we review a proposal for continuing the presence of these pages using real life examples of residents in Kent? o Ideas for the WOW people: ■ Rodney Stuckey Professional Basketball player that lived in Kent, ■ ESPN personality Kenny Mayne lived in Kent Yes, as soon as we have our 5 people to consider using we will be putting together a proposal for getting this person photographed, mini bio written and information up on each page. Identify Yourself Widget/ Showcasing Local(s) Showcasing Kent Local Favorites: Based off of the initial feedback from the Tourism Group, we saw there was interest in incorporating a "Top things to do in Kent, suggested by Kent Locals" as seen on the Discover Los Angeles website "Listography" example below: LISTOGRAPHY Top things to do in LA,suggested by the people who live here.View More I Popp III MARIO POINT DUME BEACH no LOPEZ This is a feature that resides on the Homepage where users will be able to relate to their "identity". This Identity will relate to dining out, event & entertainment, outdoor adventure and family fun. We hope that seeing what locals LOVE about Kent would trigger excitement and encourage people to visit Kent. We propose that these locals would be people who have a variety of interests showcasing all that there is to do in Kent, WA. To accomplish this, we propose creating interview videos, using photos and defining a text itinerary of what an exciting day in Kent would be to them. Depending on budget our thought process is to change the featured people out once a year bringing in new locals and showcasing what they LOVE about Kent. Identify Yourself Widget: Through research we found that this is an excellent way to reach users who are looking for a place to travel to that is suitable with their personality, things they enjoy, have a desire to experience and what better way to showcase the Top things travelers look for than to use locals who live here! You can see this in action at the following tourism website: http://www.visitraleigh.com/ In our case, the Identity widget will act as a connecting factor for the "Kent Locals" relating to future visitors. We see these identities, as being all the FUN ways people would be able to "experience" Kent based on what they enjoy. We propose that we showcase "Kent Locals" who have lived in Kent, started a business in Kent or are notable people with a connection to Kent. Below you will find our initial thoughts for notable people to showcase per each Identity: 1) Family Fun Seeker ---- a LOCAL person who loves being active with the family and enjoys the various activities you can do in Kent that are enjoyable for EVERYONE 2) Outdoor Enthusiast---- a person who would showcase what outdoor adventure & activities there are to do around Kent 3) Entertainer---- a LOCAL person who would showcase a variety of events and things to do in the City (i.e: shopping, arts/culture) 4) Foodie ---- a LOCAL person who would showcase the diversity of dining Kent has to offer. 5) Sports Nut---- a LOCAL person who would showcase the exciting sports and adrenaline activities one can enjoy in Kent The above people to associate with each identity are still to be determined. We have researched a few notable people we found from the Kent area and that list is below for your consideration. Possible "Family Fun Seeker" Person to showcase: • Jeff Basos head of Amazon and Blue Origin • Local Person who enjoys various activities in Kent, WA Possible "Outdoor Enthusiast" Person to showcase: • REI CEO, employee, and or anyone who is a well-known spokesperson for the company • Local person who participates in and or just enjoys all of Kent's Outdoor Activities Possible "Entertainer" People to showcase: • Josie Bissett, actress who appeared in Melrose Place • Daphne Loves Derby, indie-pop rock band • Stephano Langoni who was in American Idol one year • Brandi Carlile-signer songwriter • Rebecca Corry—comedian • Bob Nelson is a screen writer and is from Kent • Peter Hallock, composer and organist • Local bands and or someone who loves to be entertained by the MANY events there is to attend in Kent, WA. Possible "Foodie" People to showcase: • The Fung Brothers, comedians/rappers/food personalities were raised in Kent • Brenda Raganot, professional bodybuilder ( healthy eater) • Local chefs, restaurant owners etc. Possible "Sports Nut" People to showcase: • John Bronson, former NFL player • Ernie Conwell, former NFL player • Shannon Higgins-Cirovski, former soccer player and member of the National Soccer Hall of Fame • Kenny Mayne, ESPN analyst • Chase Hanson is a sounders player and is from Kent • Steve Mohn is a sounders player and is from Kent • Jordan Cowan is a mariners player and is from Kent • William Cameron who is a sounders player was born in Kent in 1983 • Earl Anthony, professional bowler • Nicole Joraanstad, Olympic Curling Team Member went to Kentridge High school • Courtney Thompson - University of Washington volleyball player, member of the NCAA 2005 championship team, awarded the Honda Award as the nation's top female player the highest award a female student athlete can receive Is now or was a member of the United States women's national volleyball team. Attended Kentlake High school Please share your suggested "Kent Locals" you wish to showcase for the 5 Kent Identities: 1) Family Fun Seeker: 2) Outdoor Enthusiast: 3) Entertainer: 4) Foodie: 5) Sports Nut: Pulliam, Julie From: Mary Kae Repp <genesis101@gmnow.biz> Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 5:25 PM To: Wolters, Ben;Wilmot, Michelle Cc: 'Boyce, Bill'; Pulliam,Julie; 'Chelsey Faggiano'; genesis101@gmnow.biz Subject: Kent Proposals for Review Attachments: Kent Website Top Things To Do-Identity Feature recap.pdf, Kent Offers for Visit Kent.pdf, Kent Local Photographer for Visit Kent.pdf, Kent Local Writer& Photographer for Visit Kent.pdf, Kent Local Writer for Visit Kent.pdf Hello! In my conversation with Bill he asked to see the items we intended to propose in the upcoming meeting, prior to the meeting. Please review these and let us know if you have questions,concerns or changes. Attached in this email is: • Proposals for writers and photographers as requested by many people on the board • A proposal to manage and run the Kent Offers page • The outline of the intentions for having the "STAR" or"WOW Factor" representatives for each of our 5 categories on the main page. Our proposal is that we search for people with this WOW factor and make the future radio,TV, print and marketing campaigns around these folks and what they LOVE to do in Kent. At this time we are not proposing any marketing for the site until it is finished.We have not included any marketing proposals,as the campaign direction will depend on what the end result of the site is. Our main goal for this meeting would be: • Identify who we will target as the featured people for each category on the main page • Set a time line to contact them and pick one per category • Set a time line for getting the chosen 5 peoples photos, bio, and info on what they LOVE To do in Kent, live on the site • Approve one of the writers proposals or identify what we need from a new proposal • Approve one of the photographers proposals or identify what we need from a new proposal • Set a time line to be done with text so we can take the site live • Agree that we will add photos as we get them and the site can go live without all new photos • Identify if we want to start the search for the WOW factor type people to be featured in each of the 5 categories or if we want to stick with locals (LIVE MEANS START ADVERTISING IT—the site is live!) Thanks Mary Kae 1 GENESIS MARKETING full-service advertising agency WAY "tng And MuntA.ining Locat Kent 09ers on 'Visit Kent.CoK4 Why have Local Kent Offers? • To create awareness of the variety of cultures, local activities and things to do in Kent, Washington • Establish the desire to travel to Kent and spend the night How are we going to accomplish this? • Genesis Marketing will send out an e-Newsletter to an email list ( provided by the Kent Tourism Committee) to all local businesses & restaurant to inquire any special offer they wish to list on VisitKent.com • Genesis Marketing will be responsible for uploading all offers provided from local business & restaurants to keep this page content up to date • Once the special offer page on Visit Kent is updated each month. Genesis Marketing will send out an e-Newsletter to those people who have provided their email address through VisitKent.com What to do we expect to accomplish? • Increase intent to travel • Increase sales for local business • Continued visitors to VisitKent.com for local deals/ offers and reason to revisit the website with updated content • Building a platform for creating a custom app for those who are interested in using a Mobile App • Increase in organic Search Engine Optimization due to the relevance and continuous changes that will made on the Kent Special Offer page 509.777.1120 d5 509.777.1125 0 genesis marketing.biz GENESIS MARKETING full-service advertising agency Cost to Manage and Maintain Local Kent Offers: • Monthly e-Newsletter sent to an email list (provided by the Kent Tourism Committee) asking Local Business & Restaurants for Monthly Offers: $100.00 o Cost includes e-Newsletter Design • Monthly e-Newsletter sent to those who opted in to receiving the Kent Newsletter with focus on promoting all current Kent Special Offers $200.00 o Cost includes: ■ e-Newsletter Design ■ Recap of the performance/ number of clicks each offer received • Uploading Specials/ Offers onto VisitKent.com monthly: $50/ hour o Cost includes special offer design on page ■ Hourly charge is rounded per 15 minutes 4 509.777.1120 d5 509.777.1125 IS genesismarketing.biz GENESIS MARKETING full-service advertising agency Kent Local Photoorapher for Vi6it Kent.com Description of Job: Monthly contracted photographer needed for Visitl(ent.com with photography showcasing area local scenic photos, action photos, event photos and surrounding businesses & restaurants. The photographer will be provided with a list of locations and events to photograph on a monthly basis with direction from the Tourism Committee. Estimated Monthly Cost of Photographer: Steve with Robertson Photography http://robertsonphotographystudios.com/ Phone: 253-981-3468 Email: steve@robertsonphotographystudios.com Option 1 Cost for hire at a monthly retainer fee of: $3,285.00 • Costs include: 0 1 Kent event up to 2 hours 0 3 Landmark Locations 0 5 Business Interiors o Travel Expenses o Photo editing prior to receiving Hi-Res JPG images o Unlimited usage of rights of images for use on the website Monthly Cost of Uploading & Formatting Photos to VisitKent.com: $22.50/ hour • Estimated costs below denote this at 3 hour rate priced at $67.50 Total Estimated Monthly Cost for new VisitKent.com Photography: $3,352.50 15% project management fee will be added per month 509.777.1120 45 509.777.1125 0 genesismarketing.biz GENESIS MARKETING full-service advertising agency Kent Local Photoora pher for Visit Kent.com Option 2 Cost for hire by the hour at: $200/ hour * 2 hour minimum required for all event photography • Hourly Costs include: o Photo editing prior to receiving Hi-Res JPG images o Unlimited usage of rights of images for use on the website Example Monthly Plan: • 4 hours of photography priced at an estimated cost of$800.00 o hourly time includes travel • 1 event photographed priced at $400.00 Monthly Cost of Uploading & Formatting Photos to VisitKent com• $22.50/ hour • Estimated costs below denote this at 3 hour rate priced at $67.50 Total Estimated Monthly Cost for new VisitKent.com Photography: $1,267.50 15% project management fee will be added per month 509.777.1120 IS 509.777.1125 0 genesismarketing.biz GENESIS MARKETING full-service advertising agency Kent local Writer & Photoorapher for Visit Kent.com Description of Job: Contracted online publisher/writer for VisitKent.com to include writing for all new page content, established pages and content updates as well as community blog posts. In addition, this proposal includes monthly costs for contracted photographer showcasing area local scenic photos, action photos, event photos and surrounding businesses & restaurants. Estimated Monthly Cost for Hiring Freelance Editor & Photographer: Ross Coyle 541-515-2070 rosscoyle.media@gmail.com www.rosscoviemedia.com Photography • $50/hour on site photography o $60/hour on site photography for events • $25/hour for editing and post production • Expense Reimbursement is$0.50 per mile Estimated costs include 5 hours per month of photography and 2 hour event shoot with photo editing on all photos: $495.00 Content Writing & Blog Posts • $25/hour Estimated costs include 10 hours per month of website content writing, blog posts and updating current text for SEO purposes: $250.00 Page Content / Data Entry on to VisitKent.com: $22.50/ hour • Please note estimated totals include 2 hours per month for page content/ data entry Total Estimated Monthly Cost for new VisitKent.com Text & Photography: $790.00 15% project management fee will be added per month 509.777.1120 d5 509.777.1125 0 genesismarketing.biz GENESIS MARKETING full-service advertising agency Kent local Writa for Visit Kent.cows. Description of Job: Contracted online publisher/ writer for VisitKent.com to include writing for all new page content, established pages and content updates as well as community blog posts. Estimated Monthly Cost for Hiring Freelance Editor: Dana Neuts I Virtually Yourz Phone: 360-920-1737 Email: dana@virtuallvvourz.com $960 month, approximately 16 hours at $60/hour Estimated costs include: o 8 to 12 blog posts per month or 2 to 3 per week (research, copywriting and posting to site) approx. 3/4 hour per post {my estimate assumes 12 posts} o 5 hours on website copy (research, copywriting and posting to site) o 2 hours website maintenance (updating existing copy for SEO purposes) Page Content/ Data entry on to VisitKent.com: $22.50/ hour • Please note estimated costs include 2 hours per month of page content updates Total Estimated Monthly Cost for new VisitKent.com Text: $1,005.00 15% project management fee will be added per month 509.777.1120 d§509.777.1125 0 genesismarketing.biz