HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 09/07/2012 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee September 7, 2012 Start Time 4:00 pm Centennial North & South Conference Rooms Committee Members Present: Beth Sylves, John Casey, Barbara Smith, Andrew Hutchinson, Blane Webber Others present: Julie Pulliam, Josh Hall, Hope Gibson, Bob Nachlinger The committee decided to go ahead with the meeting in the absence of the Chair. The meeting was called to order by Josh Hall at 4:25 pm. Hall called for a motion to approve minutes, John Casey moved, Barbara Smith seconded, motion passed. KDP Skate America Ask Discussion Barbara Smith presented the KDP ask to purchase and have banners put up around town showing Skate America is coming here but also to welcome the visitors. She provided color copies of what the banners will look like (attached). They could not get permission from the City to put them over the streets but they will be going up on the pedestrian overpasses, a map (attached) was also provided to show the locations. The City will be putting up the banners and have waved the cost of the personnel to do so, showing the City is also actively participating in getting ready for this very important event. Some of the places the pedestrian overpasses banner will be hung on are 108t" and West Valley, 277t" overpass, and Riverview Blvd. Bridge. Jeff Watling would like to see the Kent sign at Hwy 512 and Meeker at the Kent sign have the six flags there temporary replaced to have the Skate America banner installed there, this will make a nice camera shot location for the TV stations when they cut away from the skating. The cost of the Kent sign banners are not shown in the document (attached) because it was just suggested, but the document does show the costs of all the rest of the banners. The total was $5,338 prior to the Parks request to hang banners on the Kent sign at the end of Meeker. With adding the Kent sign banners the ask will be $6,000. The artwork for the banners comes from Skate America and KDP is very pleased and excited with it, it is colorful and lively. The banners will be ready for KDP from the printer on the Wednesday prior to the kick of which is Friday September 14. The City has also agreed to make sure they are hung downtown prior to the Kick-off. Smith replied the transportation piece was taken out of this request due to cost and liability as well as it just did not fit in the requirements for Lodging Tax. Smith stated T-shirts were brought up at the last meeting and Starbucks has been working with KDP with different things that can be done to show enthusiasm, but no prices have been researched on this topic yet. This really does not fit into the Lodging Tax criteria. Smith stated if we do this right it, meaning promote Skate America it will give us the opportunity to get other shows. With ShoWare doing a marvelous job on the Pandora show and the word getting around how nice ShoWare is, that is how ShoWare was able to get Skate America. Any questions? Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Minutes of May 23, 2012 Page: 2 John Casey asked will the banners be done by Thursday. Smith stated we have worked really hard to make sure the downtown will be done by Thursday then the other banners can be hung later if necessary. The sign company has guaranteed to have them done. Pulliam clarified that the first ask included transportation and that part of the original ask did not fit into the requirements for Lodging Tax that is why KDP is just asking for the dollars to purchase banners. With the last minute ask to put up 6 banners at the Kent sign at Hwy 516 and Meeker the ask has been increased to include those banners not included in the original ask. Making the total KDP - Banner ask $6,000. Sylves added the market promotion for the event will begin the week of September 10. Ticket sales are doing well, $200,000 so far. Andrew Hutchinson said he would like to buy a banner for The Plaza by the Green's parking lot. Beth will send him the information. Budget Bob Nachlinger presented the budget year today so far in lodging tax is $95,719. The state has done an audit so August lodging tax will be less with the state taking back $15,000 and returning it to the hoteliers. It was a 3 year time frame that was audited by the State. Good of the order - Kent Downtown Breakfast September 14 at 8 am Barbara presented a flyer. Next Meeting Date - Was set for September 20, 2012. (Committee will meet every other month on the 3rd Thursday of the month 4 pm.) Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned by Josh Hall at 4:45 p.m. Julie Pulliam, Lodging Tax Secretary