HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 09/24/2009 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee September 24, 2009 Start Time 2:00 pm ShoWare Center, Rainier Room Committee Members Present: Tim Clark, Greg Haffner, Dennis Higgins, Andrew Hutchison, Aaron Watne Others present: Ben Wolters, Paula Barry, and Julie Pulliam Guest: Barbara Smith (KDP), Katherin Kertzman, Chair Tim Clark called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm and introductions were made. City of Kent Update - Ben Wolters An update on the Softball Championship - Lodging Tax Committee gave $3500 to the USSSA. The amount was determined by the value of the hotel stays to Kent. Katherine Kertzman - new Washington State Tourism Commission Co-Chair Ben congratulated Katherine on her appointment from the Governor. A very big honor. ShoWare Center Update - Ben Wolters The ShoWare Center has also felt the effects of the down turn in the Economy. But over the next few months the Circus, Disney on Ice will fill the hole and create an operation surplus to reach a positive year end break even. We are currently at 93 % capacity for the circus to date. The circus will skip 2010 but will return in 2011 that is just the way they schedule. Disney on Ice is looking to be a sell- out, tickets are doing really well. The concert industry is still difficult and we don't have too many shows booked. The flood threat is real we are in the Green River area which increases the threat. The Corp. and King Co. have repaired the abutment with a grout curtain and feel this will lower the threat. City has raised the height of the levee system with super bags (2000 cube ft per second). Hotels can go to the website of BOMA there will be a seminar on October 1st at ShoWare Center for information for Building protection. City and King Co information will be available. Emergency Management - Katherine Kertzman offered Seattle Southside as a resource for the Hotelers. Seattle Southside Update - Katherine Kertzman Katherine handed out the information on the new branding effort and financial reports; budget revenue is down 18% (attached). Seattle Southside is working on updating their brand. "We will be focusing on the practical traveler" said Kertzman. The hotel booking engine is also being updated to hook into the hotels own booking engines. Then Seattle Southside website search engine is also being updated to the tune of $100,000. We are opening an all new campaign focused on the practical traveler and will be having different vacation packages listed on the website. The 2010 Vacation Planner will be published soon. Big news is the Visitor Center is being relocated 1 block east of Sea Tac Airport, the 3100 Building, close to the light rail station. We are getting more walk in traffic and this will help accommodate it. Budget — Paula Barry Revenue continued to track the same as previous, but these are not final numbers. Haffner asked should we lower the revenue projection for 2010. Yes, I agree said Clark. Revenue should be lowered to $161.105 for 2010. Dennis Higgins asked if we have a level of fund balance year to year we hold back for big projects? Centennial Celebration for the City of Kent might be one we would want to set aside money for, so we will have it when the time comes. Clark recommended we make a special category of the future "Centennial Budget". Haffner moved if hotel and travel/industry would see it as a good thing we would be willing to mark a line item for $50,000 for the Centennial Celebration. Higgins 2na Hutchinson will support for sure if it provides heads in beds. Motion passes. Members — Ben Wolters Vicky Molzer's position on the board needs to be filled she filled the position required to collect Lodging Tax. Brad Knutson of Hawthorn Suites name was brought up for this position. Ben Wolters will contact. Tim Clark also invited Barbara Smith to attend this meeting, possibility for her to also fill the empty position which was held by Jacquie Alexander representing persons in activities funded by Lodging Tax. Discussion followed; Dennis Higgins endorsed Barbara Smith to fill the vacated position. Haffner 2" Motion Passed. Tim Clark thanked everyone for working with him on the committee and he has enjoyed his time on the committee. Approval of minutes - Dennis Higgins moved to approve the minutes of the March 26, 2009 meeting, Greg Haffner seconded, motion passed. Next Meeting Date- Tentatively set for February/March, and will move back to the City of Kent in the Centennial Center. Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 3:32 p.m. ' li Pulliam onomic Dev. Administrative Assistant