HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 10/21/2010 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee October 21, 2010 Start Time 2:00 pm Centennial Conference North & South Committee Members Present: Chair, Les Thomas, Andrew Hutchinson, John Casey, David Kwok, Beth Sylves, Others present: Julie Pulliam, Bob Nachlinger, Ashley Comar, Kurt Hanson Chair, Les Thomas called the meeting to order at 2:35 pm. Approval of minutes — Beth Sylves moved to approve the minutes of the September 30, 2010 meeting, John Casey seconded - Motion passed. ShoWare Marquee — Kurt Hanson Kurt gave an update the marquee. A five day extension was given. We have 6 bids total. The budget is $225,000 the bid has come in at about $171,000 plus including sales tax. Mayor signed it on October 22. The company will be the Sign Factory. Next step is the permitting process, 3 weeks maximum possible 1-2 days. Goal of the marquee is mid December. Thomas asked Councilmember Albertson be worked with on design. We need to have a signed contract prior to meeting with Councilmember Albertson. Public Works charges for the RFP are approximately $7,000. Electrical cost will be about the same $7,000. The project should move pretty quickly. The board will be manufactured by Watchfire, which will be about the second from the top in quality. Softball request — Discussion and tabled till next meeting. Copy handed out of request. From John Beer Katherin was the expert in our group on the softball request. It is a little strange they are coming to us because they have other contract with other hotels not just in Kent. Seattle Chamber was given this contract along with their network of hotels, mainly in Seattle. It is a little off putting that they are coming to us, (Lodging Tax) since Kent will not be the primary hotel base, more like the secondary hotel base. Something we should be talking about. Katherin and Barb are the primary knowledge on this request. Time of request is the week of Mother's Day. Hanson recommends waiting to discuss this when all the members are in attendance along with Katherin Kertzman from Seattle Southside. Thomas feels this is a good idea but would like some history on this, requests Julie to research the parks facilities use for the past 3 years. Andrew Hutchinson will call Katherin on further details. Chamber of Commerce No report Seattle South-side — Ashley Comar Working on "Shop like a Rock Star" hotel & shopping package combined, will be starting January 2011. Also working on finishing up media buy and where all are ads will be on line. The tourism summit has been postponed to a later date. Budget — Bob Nachlinger Bob reported on the 2010 budget report is as of September 30, 2010 and provided a handout. The ShoWare transfer will be at $190,000 not the $225,000 that was authorized. About the same revenue for next year and should be able to return $2,600 to the fund balance for next year. Nachlinger is looking for the Committees feedback on that, if Les can take back to the City Council for their deliberation. Motion to accept the budget as presented, $44, 822 for 2011. Moved by Andrew Hutchinson and seconded by John Casey, motion passed. Next Meeting Date- January 20, 2011 at 2 pm, Centennial North & South Conference Rooms Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 p. e Pulliam conomic Dev. Administrative Assistant R