HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 11/18/2003 LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE November 18, 2003 Committee Members Present: Rico Yingling, Vickie Molzer, Kathy Madison, Andy Wangstad, Denise Gray and Jacquie Alexander. Others Present: Nathan Torgelson, May Miller, Cliff Craig and Raul Vaca. The meeting was called to order by Yingling at 2:37 p.m. Approval of Minutes. Wangstad moved to approve the minutes of June 3, 2003. Alexander seconded and the motion carried. Financial Report and Latest 2003 Projections. Cliff Craig distributed copies of the current budget analysis and forecast as of October 31, 2003, and noted that there has been a transfer from an old bond project in the amount of $65,000. Torgelson clarified that these were lodging tax dollars which were set aside to help with the Performing Arts Center, which was then not built. After a brief discussion on the amount of the total expenditures, action on this item was tabled until later in the meeting. After discussion of other items, Wangstad moved to adopt the 2004 option budget. Madison seconded. Yingling explained that this option includes $5,000 for softball, $39,000 for unallocated project expenses, a ending fund balance of $22,255, and an ending project balance of $11,522, for a total of $33,777. He added that this includes the $65,000 adjustment and the reduction in the golf debt service. The motion carried. Resignation. Torgelson noted that Diana Albertson has resigned from the Board and that the Board will have a new Chair after Council Committee assignments are made. Yingling suggested waiting until 2004 to fill the vacancy, and added that although he will no longer be on the City Council, he hopes to continue to participate on the Board in order to maintain it's continuity and history. All agreed to wait to fill the vacancy. 2004 and 2005 Softball Tournament Bids. Torgelson announced success in getting the bid for the Senior Western World Softball Tournament in July 2004, and noted that he obtained approval from a quorum of the Board members by phone. He noted that the amount is $5,000 because the tournament will be split between Russell Road Park and Fort Dent in Tukwila. Kent Lodging Association Budget. Vaca distributed copies of the 2004 Budget, then explained each item and answered questions about them. Madison moved to accept the 2004 Kent Lodging Association Budget, Wangstad seconded and the motion carried. Kent Lodging Board November 18, 2003 Page Two Seattle Southside. Torgelson noted that he has met with the program director for the Seattle Southside, a partnership between the cities of SeaTac and Tukwila for lodging tax dollars. He explained their resources and projects and noted that their emphasis is tourist oriented while Kent's is business travelers. He stated that contracting with them would potentially cost over $100,000. After a brief discussion, it was determined that several people will attend the next tourism meeting on January 29 and give an update at the next Board meeting. Pacific Raceways. Kathy Madison explained some of the options that Pacific Raceways has available for this committee, including putting a Kent Lodging Association ad in their event calendar and on their website. She noted that there would be a cost of $500 to be included on their website, as well as a one-time set up fee of $150. Madison also noted that it is too late to be included in the 2004 event calendar. After a brief discussion, Madison moved to allocate $650 for the Pacific Raceways website for 2004. Wangstad seconded. All agreed to a friendly amendment to do this through the Chamber. The motion then carried. Other Business. Torgelson noted that he recently met with the Executive Director of the Hydroplane Museum, which will open early next year. Torgelson urged everyone to look at the information about Kent on the Experience Washington website. Torgelson noted that Kent has been chosen as Sports Illustrated's "Sportstown" for Washington in their 50t" anniversary celebration. It was agreed that this should be used in marketing Kent. Vickie Molzer announced that the Watchtower has signed with the Tacoma Dome for their convention next year, and noted that this event brings many people to the area. Upon Torgelson's question, it was determined that expectations for the softball tournament in July should be outlined for the event organizer. Torgelson agreed to work with Kent Parks and Vaca on this issue. Alexander suggested having a half-day retreat to go over the budget next year. All agreed. Torgelson suggested that the Kent Lodging Association website be updated. Kent Lodging Board November 18, 2003 Page Three Next Meeting. It was determined that a meeting date will not be set until the new Chair of the City Council Operations Committee is in place. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Brenda Jacober, CMC City Clerk