HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 11/05/2002 I 40�e—wlo. KENIT Was HINGTON LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING November 5, 2002 Committee Members Present: Raul Vaca, Vickie Molzer, Diana Albertson, Kathy Madison, Rico Yingling, Andy Wangstad. Others Present: Nathan Torgelson, May Miller The meeting was called to order by Yingling at 2:36 p.m. Approval of Minutes. Madison moved to approve the minutes of September 17, 2002. Albertson seconded and the motion carried. Financial Report and Latest 2003 Projections. Miller noted that as of September 30, 2002, revenue has basically stayed the same, and predicted there will be about $750 more by the end of the year. Yingling noted that the estimated actual ending fund balance for 2002 is $20,544, which is up slightly, and that that is due to an increase in the forecasted revenues from $128,112 to $128,869. Miller pointed out which funds will be transferred in for lodging tax needs, said there is $9,900 for marketing, and that the year will end with $15,805. She explained that the $85,000 Tourism Destination expenditure is going to the golf course for one more year. Torgelson noted that he would bring the Chamber 2003 January to June contract to the Operations Committee on November 19. Wangstad moved to approve the financial reports, Madison seconded and the motion carried. Review of Community Submissions. Torgelson reviewed the process and distributed copies of the two submissions received. He noted that both are from the Kent Downtown Partnership, and that one is for Winterfest in December 2002 in the amount of $3,000, and the other is for the Canterbury Canter in August 2003 in the amount of $5,000. After considering each submission, Wangstad moved that the committee support the Canterbury Canter. Molzer seconded. After a brief discussion regarding budget constraints, Wangstad agreed to a suggested amendment to the motion adding that the request is approved in concept pending funding capacity at the June meeting next year. Albertson suggested including a letter emphasizing overnight stays. The motion then carried. Torgelson agreed to contact the KDP. It was noted that the funds will be needed in February, and the committee agreed to meet in February. Molzer moved to disapprove the submission for Winterfest. Albertson seconded. Yingling stated that he supports denial of the request because the funds are needed immediately and they are not available at this time. The motion carried with Wangstad opposed. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee November 5, 2002 Page Two New Members. Yingling pointed out that Carol Vass has submitted her resignation and therefore a member of the community who might use the funds is needed on the committee. Bill Wescott, Jacquie Alexander, Suzanne Reeder and Tom Wood were suggested, and after a discussion, it was agreed that Nathan would contact Jacquie Alexander about serving on the committee. Torgelson noted that Rene Huseby, Director of Sales at Marriott Town Place Suites, has resigned from the committee and that Denise Gray, General Manager of Marriott Town Place Suites, will replace her. Wangstad moved to confirm Denise Gray as a member of the committee. Madison seconded and the motion carried. It was noted that this item would be on the November 19t" Operations Committee agenda. Other Business. Vaca announced receipt of an email today from the National Softball Association regarding the opportunity to support more softball tournaments in 2003. He distributed copies of the letter and noted that they want to know what the community has to offer. He also noted that one of the events coincides with the Canterbury Canter. It was agreed that the letter should be referred to Lori Hogan in the Parks Department for her opinion. Vaca pointed out that other groups are also soliciting funds for their events. Madison opined that it would be good to have an event in September. Torgelson stated that he would follow up on this item. Next Meeting. It was determined that the next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 4, 2003, and will include a 2002 Kent Lodging Association Report. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 3:34 p.m. Brenda Jacober, CM City Clerk cJ