HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 05/23/2000 LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES for May 23, 2000 The regular meeting of the Lodging Tax Advisory committee was called to order at 2:40 p.m. by Carol Vass, Chair Judy Woods was unable to attend due to illness. Committee Members Present: Don Campbell, Carol Vass Members Absent: Alicia Bennett, Kathy Madison and Andy Wangstad Staff Present: Jacki Skaught and Cheryl Viseth Guests: John Hodgson, Parks Director and Ken Mendoza, General Manager Hawthorn Suites/Kent. Approval of Meeting Minutes for April 25 2000: Minutes for the April 25, meeting were approved as read. Advisory Committee New Member: Jacki introduced Ken Mendoza, General Manager of Hawthorne Suites. Ken is interested in serving on the committee. A brief explanation of the Lodging Tax Committee and its responsibility was discussed. Ice Arena—John Hodgson: Jacki introduced John Hodgson, Parks Director. A press release on the Ice Arena was handed out. Discussion followed on the Ice Arena and how it is expected to generate overnight stays from October to early April with tournaments and events. The target opening date is April 2000. King County Life Guide: Dena was unable to present the King County Life Guide, due to illness, Jacki presented the layout for approval. Except for two minor errors (which had been caught earlier) everyone present liked the ad. It is expected to be in circulation by LPGA Golf Tournament-Update: Jacki noted that Peter Jacobson Productions is pursuing sponsors for an LPGA golf tournament. If they are successful they will present the tournament in 2001. They would have a celebrity event September 2000 to announce the sponsorship of 2001 tournament dates. No lodging tax money will be needed at this time. Brochure —Jacki: Jacki noted this is a cooperative effort between Jay Ray and the City of Kent. 10,000 We plan to have the 10,000 brochures by the end of July. The brochures will be tri-fold style in four colors. Other Business: The Conference Center Market Analysis, final report was handed out. Brief discussion followed. The committee is encouraged and discussed the value of a conference center. Next Meeting: To be held on Tuesday, September 26 at 2:30 p.m. The meeting was adjo rned t 3:20 p.m. 4erylse