HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 06/27/2000 to-r-� LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES for June 27, 2000 The regular meeting of the Lodging Tax Advisory committee was called to order at 3:05 p.m. by chair, Rico Yingling. Committee Members Present: Don Campbell, Carol Vass, Kathy Madison, Alicia Bennett, Andy Wangstad and Ken Mendoza. Staff Present: Jacki Skaught and Cheryl Viseth Guests: Barbara Ivanov, Kent Chamber of Commerce, Lisa Schwartz and John DeLeva, Media West. Approval of Meeting Minutes for May 23, 2000: The minutes for the May 23, meeting were approved as read except for the spelling of Kathy Madison's first name. Her name is spelled with a K and not a C. Financial Report: The group decided to find out from May Miller when and how the money is reported and exactly what is an estimated actual. Update Tourism Brochure—Jacki: Budget is $10,000, for 10,000 rack style brochures, which includes all associated costs. Todd Bartell is taking pictures. The brochures will be 9x16 tri-fold in size with a 1 year to 18 month circulation time. Text for the brochures is based on information given by committee members, the design team includes Jan Cutting, Dea Drake, Jay Ray, Dena Laurent and Jacki Skaught. The brochures should go to print on August 1. Washington State Visitors Guide—Lisa Schwartz and John DeLeva: Kathy Madison introduced Lisa Schwartz and John DeLeva. Lisa noted that Media West took over the publication about a year ago expanding on editorials, weather and calendar of events, noting that 300,000 copies were delivered in 2000 including Canada, Idaho and California. Cost to run an ad was discussed (from $3,500 to $15,000). Lisa and John will be forwarding more information. It was decided that a decision needed to be made at the next meeting whether money should be spent to place an ad in the Washington State Visitors Guide. Marketing Plan Development Barbara Ivanoy and Kathy Madison: Kathy Madison went over the attached Kent Tourism Marketing Plan. Rico asked who would manage it. Kathy said the Chamber of Commerce, Barbara said the Chambers would do the set up (out source) and the hotels would self manage themselves. Don stated that he looked to the Chamber as an ally for tourism and promotion as the committee sees fit. Make sure not duplicating efforts. It was decided that further discussion and information was needed. Kathy will bring updated information to the next meeting. Other -Jacki: Jacki noted that Peter Jacobsen Productions are pursuing Washington State business for title and major sponsorships of the LPGA Golf Tournament. Next Meeting: To be held on Tuesday, July 18 at 3:00 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Cheryl Vise