HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 06/19/2001 LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES for June 19, 2001 The regular meeting of the Lodging Tax Advisory committee was called to order at 3:07 p.m. by chair, Rico Yingling. Committee Members Present: Kathy Madison and Andy Wangstad and Carol Vass, Vickie Molzer Staff Present: Jacki Skaught, Cheryl Viseth and Cliff Craig Guests: Lynn Edwards Approval of Meeting Minutes for March 20, 2001: Minutes for the March 20, 2001 were approved as read, with one minor correction (no a on the end of Hawthorn Suites. Financial Report: Cliff Craig, Finance passed out the April 201 forecast. The financial report was approved as read. New Members — Dropped/Coming: With the departure of Don Campbell and Bob Jammerman the committee is down by one hotel motel representative and one citizen representative. Several names were considered to serve on the committee. The committee unanimously decided that Diana Albertson would be asked to represent the citizens and Dan Shirk, General Manager for Howard Johnson would be asked to represent the hotels. Rico will contact each of them, if they agree to serve Cheryl will make sure they receive the Lodging Tax binder. Project Funding/Request Policy: The Kent Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Draft Funding Policy (see attached) was handed out. It was noted that this is a very trackable way to go. It was noted that the Kent Lodging Association web site is nearly ready to go. Washington 2002 Visitors Guide: Jacki noted that it is the same as last year. Added Kim Adams Pratt will work out the Performing Arts Land payments internally. Action Item: Rico to contact Diana Albertson and Dan Shirk. Next Meeting: To be held on Tuesday, September 18, 2001 at 2:30 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES for September 18, 2001 The regular meeting of the Lodging Tax Advisory committee was called to order at 2:34 p.m. by chair, Rico Yingling. Committee Members Present: Kathy Madison, Carol Vass, Vickie Molzer Committee Members Absent: Andy Wangstad and Diana Albertson Staff Present: Jacki Skaught, Cheryl Viseth and May Miller Guests: Linda Johnson, Executive Director of the Kent Downtown Partnership and Tom Wood, President Kent Downtown Partnership. Approval of Meeting Minutes for June 19, 2001: Minutes for the June 18, 2001 meeting were approved as read. Introduction of New Member: The committee unanimously approved to accept Dan Shirk, GM Howard Johnson to the committee. Dan mentioned that he has been with Howard Johnson in Kent since January of this year. Financial Report: May Miller, Finance Director passed out and went over the current Lodging Tax Fund Budget Analysis as of July 31, 2001. Originally $85,000 of the Lodging tax was committed to the Performing Arts Center land acquisition. May will check on the other figures to be sure that everything is correct. Money for Market/Marketing — Linda Johnson &Tom Wood: Linda passed out the Kent Public Market, marketing proposal for the year 2002. Tom requested money for marketing of the Kent Public Market. Tom and Linda further explained the four pieces of the plan. Vickie mentioned that in room ads are relatively inexpensive. Tom noted that the site really lends itself to entertainment. Further discussion followed. The committee decided that no decision would be made at this time. Lodging Association: Vicki said that in light of the September 11, attacks, it is projected that publicly run companies will see a 30-40% decline in occupancy, the next 60-90 days will tell the industry where they will be next year. Vicki passed out the Draft 2002 Lodging Association Budget Proposal. The Lodging Association approved the proposal. When they built this budget they thought they would be off about 10%, but with the current event's revenues would be down. Jacki requested that the Lodging Association prioritize action items in their budget. Reallocation of City Debt— May: May said, our City attorney said we should redirect the $85,000 allocation for the Performing Arts Center property. She suggested we use the $85,000 to pay a portion go the Gold Course debt. Carol moved to reduce the debt fund by $85,000. The motion died for lack of a second. It was agreed that this would be brought up at the next committee meeting. Carol moved that the reallocation of debt but the motion died due to lack of a second. Rico suggested we have a special meeting in a couple of months, the group agreed. Jacki will contact Renton, Olympia and Tukwila on what there Lodging Tax Use Policy and guidelines are and bring the information to the next meeting. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Meeting: To be held on Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 2:30 p.m.