HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 07/29/2004 KENT WA.HINOTON LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE July 29, 2004 Committee Members Present: Tim Clark, Vickie Molzer, Kathy Madison, Denise Gray, Andy Wangstad, Jacquie Alexander and Greg Haffner. Others Present: Nathan Torgelson, Marcelle Pechler, Robin Hasbrouck, Kathrine Kertzman, Robert Goehring and Cliff Craig. The meeting was called to order by Clark at 2:10 p.m., and introductions were made. Approval of Minutes. Wangstad moved to approve the minutes of May 20, 2004. Gray seconded and the motion carried. New Lodging Board Member. Torgelson introduced Greg Haffner and explained his background. He noted that the vacant position is for a member of the community and that the term is for three years. Wangstad moved to accept Greg Haffner as a Boardmember. Alexander seconded and the motion carried. Lodging Tax Workshop. Goehring distributed copies of a report on the Lodging Tax workshop held on July 28, including statistics, background and current issues. He noted that although the law has not changed, the State Auditor's Office has changed their approach to audits, and went on to explain the changes. Financial Report. Craig distributed copies of the current budget analysis and explained the activity. He noted that although $121,813 in revenues had been predicted, they expect the figure to be closer to $111,000. Kent Chamber and Seattle Southside Visitor Services (SSVS) Contracts. Torgelson gave a report on the future expenditure of lodging tax dollars, including the tax revenue history, current budget and proposed spending. He also explained the proposed contract with the Chamber of Commerce, and Pechler and Hasbrouck clarified the two options, noting that the difference between the two has to do with funding for staff and research time. Torgelson then outlined the SSVS contract, including the vacation planner, business community liaison, media campaign, website, concierge services, coupon book, public relations campaign, networking and brochure distribution. It was noted that this group would provide more outreach to the public and that the Kent Lodging Association would dissolve. Lodging Tax Advisory Board July 29, 2004 Page Two Pechler, Hasbrouck and Kertzman then left the meeting. After a brief discussion, Wangstad moved to go forward with the $300,000 3-year Seattle Southside Visitor Services contract, including an additional $25,200 startup contract to redesign the vacation planner. Molzer seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Kent Chamber of Commerce 2005 Contract. After a brief discussion of the two options, Madison moved to accept the $18,000 Chamber of Commerce contract. Molzer seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Kent Station Update. Torgelson noted that construction has begun and listed retailers who will locate there. Cancer Treatment Centers of America. Torgelson stated that Cancer Treatment Centers of America is considering locating in Kent. He noted that this is a $70,000,000 project and that it is a hospital for stage III and IV patients. Discussion was held regarding the lodging needs for out of town patients and families. Torgelson noted that this Board may want to testify at the public hearing this fall. Next Meeting. The next meeting was scheduled for 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 4, 2004. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m. Brenda=acober, C C City Clerk