HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 02/02/2006 KENT LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE WSHIH TON February 2, 2006 Committee Members Present: Tim Clark, Andy Wangstad, and Greg Haffner. Others Present: Suzette Cooke, Nathan Torgelson, Bob Nachlinger, Robin Hasbrouck, Katherine Kertzman and Kari Gallaway. The meeting was called to order by Clark at 2:39 p.m. and introductions were made. Welcome from Mayor Suzette Cooke. The Mayor explained her background in the tourism industry and expressed support for this committee. Financial Report. Nachlinger distributed the budget analysis and noted that as of December 31, 2005, total revenues were $137,000 and total expenditures were $103,000. He said anticipated revenue for 2006 is $120,000, but noted that since the January 2006 lodging tax revenues are up 50%, that figure may be low. Kertzman said that the increase in revenue is due to increased occupancy. Kent Station and Project Springboard Update. Torgelson stated that Phase I of Kent Station is open and that the numbers are very good. He added that Phase II is under construction and that it consists of five new buildings which will consist of 80,000 sq. ft. of retail. He noted that Phase III will be located across from the Regional Justice Center with residential units above a structured garage. Torgelson displayed a model of Project Springboard and explained the features which include a skating rink, water feature, carousel, and farmers market. Cancer Treatment Centers of America Update. Torgelson noted that the Certificate of Need submitted by CTCA has been denied, but that CTCA is appealing that decision. Kent Lodging Association Update. Hasbrouck explained the status of the Chamber of Commerce deliverables, and noted that Larry Morris of Towne Graphics has been recommended to provide the visitors map. After a brief discussion, a sub-committee consisting of Nathan Torgelson, Robin Hasbrouck, an SSVS staff member, a hotel industry representative and Tim Clark was formed to meet with Mr. Morris; Hasbrouck agreed to set up the meeting. Seattle Southside Visitor Services Update. Kertzman updated the Board on athletic tournaments, the express shuttle, their website, group sales, their concierge book, marketing, the budget and statistics. A discussion was then held about transportation in the valley floor. Torgelson agreed to ask Public Works whether the Shopper Shuttle has flexibility and whether there is any other way to connect with hotels in nearby cities. Kertzman distributed the results of the Visitor Profile Study which were gathered at kiosks in malls and hotels, and explained the findings. She noted that the 2006 Girls ASA-16U Softball Tournament will generate 10,000 room nights, therefore the sponsorship by SSVS is in the amount of $10,000. Lodging Tax Advisory Board February 2, 2006 Page Two Kertzman noted that SSVS will be acting as the housing agent for the King County NCAA Men's Swim-Dive Competition in March 2008 and that they will be going to Federal Way businesses for sponsorships. She added that SSVS has recently signed an interlocal agreement with the city of Des Moines to market their marina and several motels. Torgelson handed out a list of 2006 major events and activities in the city which will likely result in hotel/motel stays, restaurant visits and shopping. Replacement for Kathy Madison's Board Position. Torgelson noted the replacement must be someone from the hotel industry and asked for recommendations. Hasbrouck agreed to talk to the new manager of the Best Western. Approval of Minutes. Wangstad moved to approve the minutes of October 20, 2005. Haffner seconded and the motion carried. Next Meeting Date. Clark suggested 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 4, 2006, as the next meeting time and date; all agreed. ADDED ITEM: Seattle Southside Visitors Services Contract. Torgelson asked that SSVS attend a Council workshop to inform the new administration of the benefits of their contract with the city. ADDED ITEM: Events to Advertise. A brief discussion was held regarding upcoming events which should be publicized, such as the Dragon Boat Races. Torgelson agreed to contact the Parks Director about bicycle races. Adjournment. There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m. Brenda Jacober, CIVIC City Clerk