HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 08/02/2010 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee August 2, 2010 Start Time 3:00 pm Centennial Conference Room 401 Committee Members Present: Chair, Les Thomas, Andrew Hutchinson, John Casey, David Kwok, Barbara Smith, Beth Sylves Others present: Ben Wolters, Julie Pulliam, Bob Nachlinger, Katherin Kertzman, Tim Higgins, and Steve Turlock Chair, Les Thomas called the meeting to order at 3:05 pm and gave a welcome to the new board members and introductions were made. ShoWare ShootOut/Hoop Fest Update - Steve Turcotte Steve Turlock reported on the success of the 1st annual Hoop Fest/ShoWare Shootout held at ShoWare Center. Start time was 7 am on August 7 & 8, 2010 and all spectators were able to enter for free. 150 teams signed up and were present. The largest category was competitive men. There were things for everyone to do including inflatables for the kids. ShoWare had lunch specials available for purchase to all at a price of $5. ShoWare along with Game Time will be doing a follow up on the status of who can, and how did you hear about the event. This will be important information for the future. All in all a very successful event, this will be returning next year. Chamber of Commerce Update - Andrea Keikkala absent Budget - Bob Nachlinger Bob reported the budget report is as of May 31, 2010. ShoWare Center Marquee Update - Tim Higgins opened up the discussion and handed out graphic illustrations of the possible marquee. The sign is comparable to the Emerald Queen, but not that large. Chair, Les Thomas wanted to hear discussion from the Committee to confirm there is still unanimous support for the topic; using Lodging Tax Advisory Committee funds to purchase a Marquee for ShoWare Center, but not to exceed $225,000. Discussion took place. Andrew Hutchinson had concerns the hotels would not get enough publicity or advertising along with concerns of not getting overnight stays from it. Leaving a question of what would be the return for the hotels on the investment. Les Thomas commented one of the most common questions he receives as a Councilmember is when we are getting a sign at ShoWare. Andrew Hutchinson Agreed it is important that Kent becomes a destination. David Kwok wanted to clarify the sign would be visible at night. Tim Higgins stated the sign will be running and visible 24-7. The question came up of the maintenance and lifetime of the sign. Beth Sylves stated the lifetime of a sign is approximately 10-15 years. Tim Higgins confirmed the maintenance of the sign will be the responsibility of ShoWare. Les Thomas asked if all committee members were in favor of the use of the Lodging Tax Committee reserves a vote was take and all were in favor. Les requested this item go to Operations Committee August 17 then on to Council also on August 17. Ben Wolters stated the funds have been accumulating in the reserves for a long time waiting for a reason, this is a good reason to expend the funds. The City Council has the option on how and where to use the monies. Council would prefer a recommendation from the Lodging Tax Committee on how to use the money and this is the first one that has be referred to the Council for their authorization. David Kwok asked about the hotels being able to advertise on the sign. Beth Sylves stated it could happen in conjunction with an offer or promotion, which adds extra value to the advertising packages. A hotel could not just to advertise it availability. Motion: "It is the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee's opinion to move forward with the ShoWare Marquee project aware it does delete the reserves in the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee's reserve budget, but the committee feels the project is important enough to move forward with, and asks Council to authorize the use of these funds, but not to exceed $225,000". Barbara Smith moved and David Kwok seconded - Motion passes. Approval of minutes - Beth Sylves moved to approve the minutes of the June 24, 2010 meeting, John Casey seconded - Motion passes. Next Meeting Date- September 30, 2010 at 3 pm, Centennial North & South Conference Rooms (meeting time had to be changed to 2:00 pm due to meeting conflicts) September 30, 2010 agenda - 2011 budget. Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 3:48 p.m. (j.a ie Pulliam Economic Dev. Administrative Assistant