HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 04/25/2000 LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES for April 25, 2000 The regular meeting of the Lodging Tax Advisory committee was called to order at 2:25 p.m. by chair, Judy Woods. Committee Members Present: Don Campbell, Carol Vass and Kathy Madison and Andy Wangstad. Members Absent: Alicia Bennett Staff Present: Dena Laurent, Jacki Bicknell and Cheryl Viseth Guests: Rosanna Bellotti and Barbara Ivanov, Kent Chamber of Commerce Financial Report: Jacki stated that the Lodging Tax Committee has $85,000 to spend in 2000 after payment for the Civic and Performing Arts. Dena's Report on King County Life Guide: Dena briefed the committee on what was agreed upon at the last meeting. Kathy and Carol volunteered to help Dena with the initial graphics. They will meet on May 10. The committee agreed that graphics would do a full bleed copy. A letter will go out to businesses requesting their phone and web address to be included in the layout. LPGA Golf Tournament: Kathy Madison and Rosanna Bellotti: Kathy introduced Rosanna Bellotti, former Tournament Director for the SAFECO Classic. Rosanna explained what is needed to bring an LPGA Tournament back to Kent. Discussion followed about the cost, promotion, sponsors and to what extent is the City, Lodging Tax Committee and Chamber of Commerce able to be involved in the process. It was decided that Jacki and Rosanna would talk to Multi Care and Bob Walsh. It was suggested that the Mayor and the Chamber of Commerce showing their support write a letter to the LPGA. Rosanna left a packet with Barbara and Jacki. Other Business: Barbara asked if a strategy is in place for this committee. Judy explained the committee is beginning to look at doing something regionally or locally, with the Chamber. Barbara stated that the Chambers primary support is to drive in the dollars. Kathy Madison noted that Tiffany Hart of Stonebrook Hotels would be interested in being on the committee, taking the Best Inn vacancy. Jacki will notify the Mayor of her interest. Jacki will see if John Hodgson is able to attend the next meeting. Next Meetina: To be held on Tuesday, May 23 at 2:30 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m. i