HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 04/04/2000 LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES for April 4, 2000 The regular meeting of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee was called to order at 2:30 p.m. by Chair, Judy Woods. Committee Members present: Carol Vass, Kathy Madison, and Andy Wangstad Staff Present: Jacki Skaught, Dena Laurent and Cheryl Viseth First Quarter Returns: The first quarter returns are much less than Finance thought $8,641. Finance anticipated $14,000 plus. It looks as if one big property has yet to report. A brief discussion was held on what the returns were for April through December of 1999. The average per quarter last year was a little less than projected coming in at around $100,000 the balance was $7,082. The group agreed that they are on target. A brief discussion followed on the ice arena regarding classes and events that they would offer. Jacki offered to ask John Hodgson if he would come and talk with the committee about the ice arena at a further date. Dena's Report on Themes: At your last meeting the committee approved an expenditure not to exceed $4,000 to buy a two page four color spread in what will be the King County Life publication put out by the South County Journal, ad copy due to paper in early May. The "Connected for Success theme will be used as discussed at the last meeting, instead of "Live, Work and Play". Discussion followed on how best to lay out the ad. Dena will have a more concrete idea on the ad at the next meeting. The next meeting was set for Tuesday, April 25, 2000 at 2:30 p.m. in the Mayor's Conference room, 2nd floor City Hall. What are Federal Way and Lynnwood Doing? Lynnwood has several hundred thousand dollars. They get 2% and an allocation from the County, which is very different from us. They get 36% of the total hotel/motel tax revenue. They are currently doing a feasibility study for a Convention Center, which is around $100,000 for the study. They then allocate funds for festivals local projects and their park master plan with some funding to the tourism bureau for promotion. Their committee takes recommendations to the City Council who then approves the expenditures. Jacki will be meeting with Lynnwood Economic Development Manager to get more information. Page 1 of 2 LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES for April 4, 2000 Federal Way in 1999 began development of tourism and promotional material. They had $25,000 for the Arts Commission, $15,000 for a brochure. They have two-year budgets, in 2000 they have $25,00 for the Arts Commission and $37,500 for tourism and promotion. They are still working on the brochure from last year and are spending $37,500 for a feasibility study for something (not identified) and $5,000 goes to their historical society. The Council, with a Council Chair appoints their committee, two hotel people an art representative and a Chamber Executive as an alternate. Discussion followed on all the feasibility studies being done for conference centers. Judy reminded everyone that the City's feasibility study would be presented at Council Workshop on Tuesday, April 18 at 5:30 p.m. Further Discussions Regarding Direction to Go: The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 25, 2000 at 2:30 p.m. Other Items: Cathy shared the information she obtained about the Washington State Visitors Guide, at this point is very cost prohibitive at $15,488 for a one page four color ad. Discussion followed on who gets the flyers. The meeting was adjourned at 3:35 p.m. Page 2 of 2 1