HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 10/26/2015 (2) Lodging Tax Advisory KENT KEH� � Committee Agenda 'Xn gr+�ENT k Mission: Promote the City as a destination to increase tourism and business development Committee Members: Bill Boyce, Chair, Tim Higgins, John Casey, Barbara Smith, David Kwok, Andrew Hutchison, City Staff: Ben Wolters, Julie Pulliam AGENDA October 26, 2015 4:00 p.m. CENTENNIAL NORTH & SOUTH 1st Floor Centennial Center Item Description Action Speakers) 1. Approval of the September 28, 2015 Minutes Yes Bill Boyce Motion: Move to approve the minutes from the meeting of September 28, 2015. 2. Budget No Ben Wolters 3. Campaign Update No Ben Wolters Mary Kae Repp 4. ShoWare Update No Ben Wolters Tim Higgins 5. Next meeting Date - December 28, 2015 Unless otherwise noted,the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meets every other Month on the 4rd Monday at 4:00 p.m. in Centennial North&South Conference Room,400 West Gowe Street,Kent WA 98032. For information on the above item(s),contact Julie Pulliam(253)856-5702. Multiple Year Plan on How Best to Allocate Lodging Tax Funds for Sho Ware Center ShoWare •�/ CE-N---T-E--R ' ,! ! KENT Nbrlew/ee Emery I—m em VV// Eamem�an venue Menepemen ShoWare Center 625 W James St Kent, WA 98032 Ph 253.856.6999 • • �1 Introduction North America's first LEED® Gold arena, ShoWare Center, located in downtown Kent, is a 6,000 seat multipurpose sports & entertainment venue. Home to the WHL's Seattle Thunderbirds Hockey and MASL's Tacoma Stars, ShoWare Center has opened its doors for a wide variety of concerts, family shows, corporate events, tradeshows and other sporting events. Guests have traveled from all throughout the Puget Sound region since the arena's opening in 2009. In an effort to continue the venue's momentum and increase ShoWare Center in Kent's recognition as the premier destination for sports and entertainment, it is imperative that the facility utilize a variety of paid media to attract new audiences and to make sure the ShoWare Center remains `top-of-mind' in and outside of the Seattle/Tacoma market. This plan will outline how funds will be distributed in year one of receiving the funds, as well as the marketing opportunities we will look to explore in future years. Primary Goal The Primary goal of the ShoWare Center plan is to raise awareness of the ShoWare Center in Kent as the premier facility in the Seattle/Tacoma market; and in doing so, increase the venue's exposure in the region and drive ticket sales for our events. Our secondary goal is to promote overnight stays at one of the many hotel partners in Kent. If we can successfully reach our primary goal by getting more people coming to Kent for an event who are not from the area, we feel confident additional overnight stays will follow. Marketing Objectives • Increase ShoWare Center's venue awareness in Seattle/Tacoma and beyond • Increase web traffic to ShoWareCenter.com by over 30% • Increase paid attendance of guests travelling from outside of Kent Valley • Create additional overnight stays at Kent hotels on event nights • Increase ShoWare Center online presence with digital advertising campaign • Expand grassroots marketing efforts to reach new markets • Enhance brand loyalty with distribution of custom made promotional items NbrtAw/tle Enf•Ka/nm•M em C•mem V—AbMplTN , w Budget Overview FIRST YEAR campaign - $60,000 investment The following breakdown will provide an overview for the how the $60K investment will be distributed in the first year of receiving funds. Additional details on how each budget item will contribute towards our objectives are outlined below. Category Description Budgeted Expense % Of Overall Budget Complete redesign of Website ShoWareCenter.com + mobile $40,000 66.67% compatible site New Site Online advertising to increase traffic/ $5,500 9.2% Advertising promote launch of new SWC website Industry Advertising Ads in Venues Today, Pollstar and other $4,750 7.9% trade publications Digital Advertising Social Media advertising and $2,500 4.2% online retargeting Supplementing event advertising Event Marketing budgets to book shows + $5,000 8.3% generate ticket sales Design Graphic Design for all advertising $750 1.3% Grassroots Poster distribution, SWC promo $1,500 2.5% materials, Grassroots Outreach Total $60,000 (VO Wb~\ Came ee tMme,wrwpemei • 625 St 98032 Ph 253.856.6999 • • %campaign Breakdown : First Year Project: By Category A. Website Redesign = $40,000 The ShoWare Center in Kent website has served its purpose well over the past six years the arena has been opened, but in technological terms, it is outdated and overdue for a redesign to keep pace with other venues in our industry. As we look towards the future, it is imperative that the ShoWare Center's website have a look and feel that is consistent with our brand, and provides the necessary functionality to make it easy on guests visiting the website, whatever sort of device they are using, whether they are looking for general information or to buy tickets. We will send out an RFP for the project, so as to get a variety of proposals to choose from, and intend on selecting a contractor that can not only catch us up with what is out there currently, but has an eye towards the future and what's coming next. Our goal would be that the new site should have as long, if not longer, of a shelf-life as the initial design of ShoWareCenter.com. As the project progresses, we will be sure to place an emphasis on finding creative ways to feature local hotels on our `Where to Stay' page, as part of our ongoing efforts to generate (ernight stays in Kent. B. New Site Advertising = $5,500 In order to maximize the exposure and recognition for the re-design of ShoWareCenter.com, we will allocate a portion of the budget to promote the launch of the new site. The strategy behind advertising the new website is four-fold: increasing exposure and awareness for ShoWareCenter.com, driving traffic to the website to aid with search engine results, minimizing the presence of third-party resale sites, and to increase ticket sales as people visit the site and see our diverse selection of upcoming events. We plan to use a handful of different online advertising platforms to promote and drive traffic to the new site including: Google AdWords, social media advertising, online retargeting ads, and local media websites that make sense for our brand. C. Industry Advertising = $4,750 As part of our first year plan, we will seek to place highly-visible, strategically-timed advertising in Venues Today, Pollstar and other trade publications. The outlets we will consider are well-read amongst agents, promoters and industry executives. In the ads 'hemselves, we will highlight the various benefits unique to ShoWare Center, as we )k to continue to influence nationally-touring events to include Kent in their routing. Nuno.9ee emene nmem en CmNe 9AM Vmw Memgeme ShoWare62598032i • • • • • • • I Digital Advertising = $2,500 To compliment all of our other marketing efforts, our plan would include allocating $2500 towards digital advertising, which would be divided up between promoting the ShoWare Center itself and specifically marketing individual upcoming events. We will seek to incorporate all appropriate social media platforms, online retargeting ads, local media, as well as exploring other online advertising opportunities as they arise. The exact mix of each platform will be determined, and updated, as we progress through the first year. E. Event Marketing = $5,000 In an effort to increase bookings at the ShoWare Center, we would like to entice a few important promoters and agents to book in Kent by offering additional event advertising at no charge to them. No other venue of our size, that we are aware of, currently offers `free advertising' out to booking agents as a sign of good-will to help support the show, so our expectation is that it will be well received and appreciated, as it displays how committed we are to their success. This gesture will be unique to us amongst venues that we compete with, and very well might be the tipping point between a big event going someplace else or coming to Kent. If any of the funds are not used to help book new 'ents, we will use what is leftover to promote already booked shows at ShoWare ,enter, to help increase ticket sales for those events and bring more people to Kent. F. Graphic Design = $750 Given the amount of money that would be invested in our plan, both this year and in the future, we feel retaining the services of a graphic designer who can professionally create all of the necessary artwork, would be money very well spent. As we move forward, it is important that all messaging be clean, eye-catching and cohesive. The worst thing we could do would be to spend this much on marketing, only to have the ads fall short and for them to not leave a positive, lasting impression on our intended audience. G. Grassroots = $1,500 The final portion of our first year plan would be geared towards expanding our grassroots marketing outreach. The budget would be broken out into two components: distributing posters / flyers in Snohomish, King and Pierce Counties, and ordering in bulk ShoWare Center branded promo items or `swag' to be distributed throughout the region at a variety of community based events. We realize not everyone watches TV, listens to the radio spends much time online, so it is important to have those face-to-face interactions .A maintain a strong, favorable presence throughout the community. �..���.M°R Budget Overview FUTURE campaign - $60,000 investment The following breakdown will provide a general overview for how we envision the $60K investment would be allocated next year and in the years to come. Given that the bulk of the budget in the first year would be spent towards redesigning the website, we wanted to provide more info on how those funds would be distributed after the site has been completed. Additional details on how each budget item are outlined below. Category Description Budgeted Expense % Of Overall Budget Combination of out-of-home Outdoor Advertising advertising opportunities to promote $22,500 37.5% venue/ upcoming events Industry Advertising Ads in Venues Today, Pollstar and $6,000 10.0% other trade publications Developing partnerships with local, Print major daily newspapers for future $9,000 15.0% advertising Radio Developing partnerships with key $13,500 22.5% stations for future advertising Digital Advertising Social Media advertising, Online $2,500 4.2% retargeting, SEO Design Graphic Design for all advertising $1,500 2.5% Grassroots Poster distribution, SWC promo $2,250 3.8% materials, Grassroots Outreach Website Maintenance, Improvements, Updates $1,250 2.1% as needed Miscellaneous Internal Branding: $1,500 2.5% Murals, Signage, etc. Total $60,000 WmlEwlCe Em Inman ere CWw Ww VCnm hWn gem& ShoWare Center 625 St 98032 Ph 253.856.6999 • • ,,ampaign Breakdown : Future Years Project: By Category A. Outdoor Advertising = $22,500 Anyone who has lived in Western Washington for any length of time is all too familiar with being stuck in traffic on 1-5, 1-405 or any one of the other many highways in the area. Recently released data also indicates King and Pierce County residents commute approximately 30 minutes to and from work each day. Taking into consideration its high visibility and how much time Washingtonians spend in their cars, outdoor or out-of-home advertising is a noteworthy effective medium for this region at reaching our target audience. Also, we have seen first-hand the power of OOH advertising when we've had budget for it on past events, all of which turned out to be successful. Our out-of-home campaign will focus on two key components: prominent digital and static billboards, and a combination of different transit advertising options. The budget will be split between branding the arena itself and promoting specific upcoming events. B. Industry Advertising = $6,000 _.i order to stay top-of-mind, we will look to place 4-5 highly-visible, strategically-timed ads in Venues Today, Pollstar and other trade publications each year. The outlets we will consider are well-read amongst agents, promoters and industry executives. In the ads themselves, we will highlight the various benefits unique to ShoWare Center, as we look to influence nationally-touring events to include Kent in their routing. C. Print = $9,500 An element of our future year plans would be to seek out and develop partnerships with the two major daily newspapers servicing South King County: Seattle Times and Tacoma News Tribune. As I have established at previous venues, these partnerships would guarantee each publication an agreed upon annual advertising commitment, in exchange for discounted rates, top priority on placement, bonus'ed online exposure, and a trade bank that can be used to advertise throughout the year. By providing them with that guaranteed commitment, it allows us to negotiate and receive a much better return- on-investment, in comparison to occasionally placing individual ads. As part of our pitch to potential events, we will inform them that by booking in Kent, they will be included in local print advertising at no cost to them. Q MrIEW/ee enterte/nment en C ndw Wnwe neeeme • 625 St 98032i • • • • • - ShoWareCenter.com Radio = $13,500 Similar to the print line item, we will look to further relationships with 3-4 key radio stations in the market. Our plan would be to begin by pursuing one of the top local stations from the following categories: Hot AC, Country, Rock and Sports Talk. Just as we would with the newspaper partnerships, we would be leveraging an annual advertising commitment, in exchange for discounted spot rates, additional on-air promotions, bonus'ed streaming ads, integration with station initiatives, and an expectation that our campaigns would get top priority when it comes to air time. We will also, of course, continuously reinforce to agents and promoters all of the various advertising that they can tap into at no-charge by bringing their event to Kent. E. Digital Advertising = $2,500 To compliment all of our other marketing efforts, our plan would include allocating $2500 towards digital advertising, which would be divided up between promoting the ShoWare Center itself and marketing individual upcoming events. We will seek to incorporate all appropriate social media platforms, online retargeting ads, local media, as well as exploring other online advertising opportunities as they arise. The exact mix of each 'atform will be evaluated and updated as we progress through each year's campaign. F. Graphic Design = $1,850 As described above, given the amount of money that would be invested in our plan, we feel retaining the services of a graphic designer who can professionally create all of the necessary artwork, would be money very well spent. As we move forward, it is important that all messaging be clean, eye-catching and cohesive with our brand. G. Grassroots = $2,750 As mentioned previously, a portion of our plan would be geared towards expanding our grassroots marketing outreach. We realize not everyone watches TV, listens to the radio, or spends much time online, so it is important to have those face-to-face interactions and maintain a strong, favorable presence throughout the community. G. Website = $1,250 Self-explanatory, but this category would be used for making any potential updates or improvements to the new website after it has launched. Nbi/tlwltle Ertlerte/emee[e6 • • • 98032i • • • • • • • H. Miscellaneous = $1,400 The final category would be used on expenses designed to enhance the experience of guests while here for an event. The better the time they have while here, the more likely they will return, as well as encouraging others to check out the facility through positive word-of-mouth. The type of projects we will explore under this category would be updating our concourse murals, which people routinely stop and take pictures in front of, digital signage, providing directions and other information to guests, charging stations for phones, and possibly accessible wi-fi down the road. It is our goal to provide the absolute best possible experience from the minute a guests enters, until they leave the parking lot — and we will investigate any and all industry trends to provide guests with a truly first-class memory from their visit to Kent. (90 w.dMd.Em,W. e — Cam OW Venue Mena— • • 98032i • • • • • • • Rftof� Kent 0, WA SHIN GTO N -rop c;IN- oitu� where visitors were located in visit the site i'hout has t'he most sesssions -rop .pale- cost visited pMe on the site -rop 5 rgfgrrjno platforms- jvv q sites that lead or referred users to visits-gntcom -rop session durations- ivvse referred from remo-rKang, Po-ndoro-, and Facabook spa the longest we on the site. in addition, returning users send more we on the site fv\o-n new users. virect/wone- is a, combination of move 'items that are not able to be defined by boogie. However, after research these hits are Most lkglu� from users that saw or heard the commercials and ton qed the uRL- directly into their browser. other 'items that can contribute to this number are: *visitor bookmo-rked the site *visitor clicked on a, shorted URA *visitor clicked on a, link from a, secured site that ObSCWgS their information *finis number Can also be from -6oTs visitnq the site. We did filter out bOt traffic early in the camplqn, so the number of 60-M offoctnq this number should be small 09OLnic Visits- visitors that found the 50 by other means that are not Mine laid odvartsinq. i.e. flinq In Kent, WA into the booqlg search Engine. Olt WeIr",I)sIte ArIcIN't iA ON PeCCIP WASHIN GTO N March I - March Before on inou conive be an err the 2,13°I �.I 00:02:45 Rao O'S' l P c I co v e m 0,is Ise'S"S[on, Duration., Users 3�� 140 Ne Re'sturn. 1no Users Users, Please keep in mind this is ver earl in the websife �rovkft and dam is main) from the innovation event and internal Views. lr lte Araigt c is soft m KentO qeC(:AF WASHIN GTO N April I - AV VSt 31 on�WU caitrowr- Online markxffl� L@ $1,500/month 11,205 I.(o� 00:01:02 • 1113e"P,311 -3 I rut 0, pu rat ion, 5,2$°I 1,�15 Nenm Returninj, U-sers Users, rket j�ix runnin� to io-st 15 da�s of each momonthOnline Mai Iomars: FOLCabOOK Ad 116: 600@119 in clu"I 2-12.b� izamarkefflg 2p,8�1 III ni S901rchOL'ba C C, Clictes 545 Clicks Click's, OU WA I Spokane Likes vispla� SPOKana 116,611% 10mbe 10fla Oatro M a . Idoo Rea. 6 Re,(16 Re=� R r) Atll —T- KentO Upfiember I - MoVember 30 W A S H I N G T O N AdditronoU C/oWyaor spend 5,500 onth 0 Ovuervi.(.,�lh� PfPq 00:00:50 Pa'. 1fawlews P(3 1� ,Co" I Returninj Nc "ISCIIIS,81011 Session Users Users 1,1%dktrom recap I urat ion 3,nSskTf,0,, cap I 1�0051%ffrolffl recap I 14+%Tfpm recap tf rom recap 'from recap Session: 0- croup of interactions ftf take place On vWr website With-In a qIven Ue fraMg- A sin le session can contain multi pMg VIgws TbCp Cl tq: Tf,')p Pale,, evice Usale: orlanic VI's! Porfland sfar Ha"ton Inn Mobile i- Tablet usage 6,0 Ib sessions 5,1M Pmeows account -For 600 19 Organic- av�. time on pMe: oom:515 15,60 sessions of Direct/none- 5,8I8 11,131 MW sessions sessions Se,'S,'slon uratign Top Sc,,aslom Top 'T refcrrinj Metro Remo-rKetn - 00:01:V (avj.from 3remarkOnj cwywIns) 1.) FaCgbook 006116 00:00:11 Pandora- 00:00:31 (av4 from all 6 ads) Wgbook Desktop FaLebook- 00:01:3�Z (av4 from 4reterrousources) Inst I Returnin� Users-00M:31 4.) 60001ram 1 Ads 5-) Pandoro- ' ! +U� ' Mil ➢'.. ki �' V�� fir !! r .'�W� I�"" II6. KentO WASHIN GTON �e fiember I - WoVember 30 Additonodl c.,ontracfi spend C@ $5,500/mont online oarketino in September focused on gioni Porllandia.ns reason to visit Kent, WA bl shovVina them places to staff, shopping, dining, outdoor activities, spas, q- art qal1e06s. I'M camipa:ign pigg9 backed off of the sea Hawks craze bid filming during 9- around a Hawks game. in October the ca.mpmi n sllghily changed to focused to entice Portlandia.ns to stay in Kent when attendini seattle sports games and highllavad places to eat, shop, and work out durinq their sta ff. 1"he below is data from all ca.mpai�ns that ran during the specified dates. 5 w xf c;c t Ir, o, ti TIAN I 101°I°I5 511 I,gg3 330 410 CAicks Likes Clicks Clicks Follows ma I�'�3°I 2 I o,I l l 35�,(058 views Ad 196: Remarketin9 �� 331-M Search ' �� • ' , �dei E)ISPIM YovTvbe ' Added Insfimram- Huber, market that we are now able to dip into Removed Bing- data was not showin j good results or effective use of funds Ided 'IWItter- the largest platform used by zib tourism entitles today. we started with a clicks and follows campalan, ,/r then changed to only follows to increase audience for a future clicks campaign Tested the use of video campaigns in boogle/YoMbe q- Facebook Honed in on tara�etinog Wov�h &ooq� Adwords b1 adding neoative kel words and ad)vsting bids weeklu� -this enables us to tad mpew, within e market as w I as use e b duet most fficiently http://visitkent.com/-http://visitkent.com/ Go to this report 7j Google Analytics All Web Site Data Location Sep 1, 2015- Nov 30, 2015 i ;OUNTRY:United States » REGION:Oregon All Sessions 49.76% Map Overlay Summary YV.. Q `f4l i 9 ; r1 °4 f o ° a f p ' u � $x 6068 I. I I Acquisition Behavior Conversions Goal 1:Pages per session City %New Pages/ Pages per session Pages per session Pages per Bounce Rate Avg.Session Sessions Sessions New Users Session (Goal 1 Conversion (Goal 1 session(Goal 1 i Duration Rate) Completions) Value) 8,527 79.45% 6,775 90.50% 1.22 00:00:19 0.82% 70 $0.00I %of Total: Avg for View: %of Total: Avg for View: Avg for Avg for View: Avg for View:2.57% %of Total:15.87% %of Total: 49.76% 77.60% 50.95% 86.85% View:1.59 00:00:50 (-68.10%) (441) 0.00%($0.00) (17,137) (2.39%) l (13,298) (4.20%) (-23.48%) (-62.71%) 1. Portland 6,068 (71.16%) 79.24% 4,808 (70.97%) 90.82% 1.20 00:00:19 0.73% 44 (62.86%) $0.00 (0.00%) 2. Beaverton ! 427 (5.01%) 81.50% ' 348 (5.14%) 88.29% 1.27 00:00:17 1.17% 5 (7.14%) $0.00 (0.00%) 3. Eugene 158 (1.85%) 74.05% 117 (1.73%) 90.51% 1.27 00:00:26 0.63% 1 (1.43%) $0.00 (0.00%) 4. Milwaukie 150 (1.76%) 68.67% 103 (1.52%) 90.67% 1.41 00:00:22 3.33% 5 (7.14%) $0.00 (0.00%) 5. Salem 131 (1.54%) 79.39% 104 (1.54%) 86.26% 1.27 00:00:36 I 0.76% 1 (1.43%) $0.00 (0.00%) 6. Hillsboro 114 (1.34%) 77.19% 88 (1.30%) 85.96% 1.37 00:00:16 0.88% 1 (1.43%) $0.00 (0.00%) 7 esham 99 (1.16%) 85.86% 85 (1.25%) 86.87% 1.40 I 00:00:40 2.02% 2 (2.86%) $0.00 (0.00%) b. Tigard 84 (0.99%) 78.57% 66 (0.97%) 89.29% 1.23 00:00:21 1.19% 1 (1.43%) $0.00 (0.00%) 9 Corvallis 70 (0.82%) 78.57% 55 (0.81%) 90.00% 1.80 00:00:14 4.29% 3 (4.29%) $0.00 (0.00%) 10. Oatfield 1 70 (0.82%) 1 50.00% 35 (0,52%) 90.00% 1.10 00:00:35 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) Lake 11. 66 (0.77%) 84.85% 56 (0.83%) 87.88% 1.41 00:00:13 1,52% 1 (1.43%) $0.00 (0.00%) Oswego i 14. McMinn Mlle 55 (0.65%) 80.00% 44 (o.65%) 85.45% 1.36 00:00:17 , 1.82% 1 1 (1.43%) $0.00 (0.00%) 15. Woodburn 51 (0.60%) ( 74.51% 38 (0.56%) 78.43% 1.29 00:00:08 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) 16. Oak Grove 48 (0.56%) 1 89.58% 43 (0.63%) 95.83% I 1.10 00:00:09 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) West Linn 46 (0.54%) 80.43% I 37 (0.55%) 91.30% 1 1,09 00:00:50 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) 18. Oregon City 'F 42 (0.49%) 71.43% 30 (0.44%) 95.24% 1.05 00:00:03 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) 19. Aloha 42 (0.49%) 69.05% 29 (0.43%) 92.86% 1.07 00:00:08 0.00% 0 (0.00%) ! $0.00 (0.00%) 20. Medford 32 (0.38%) 93.75% 30 (0,44%) 87.50% 1.16 I 00:00:16 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0,00%) 21. Hermiston 30 (0.35%) 86.67% 26 (o.38%) 86.67% 1.30 00:00:30 3.33% 1 (1.43%) $0.00 (0.00%) 22. Sandy j 30 (0,35%) 60.00% 18 (0.27%) 90.00% 1.20 00:00:13 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) 23. Happy 29 (0.34%) 79.31% 23 (0.34%) 89.66% 1.14 I 00:00:06 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) Valley 24, Newberg 26 (0.30%) 88.46% 23 (0.34%) 92.31% 1.08 . 00:00:02 i 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) 25. Redmond 24 (0.28%) 79.17% 19 (0.28%) 95.83% 1.08 00:00:45 j 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) 26. Boardman I 23 (0.27%) 82.61% 19 (0.28%) 100.00% 1.00 00:00:00 0.00% 0 (o.00%) $0.00 (000%) i 27. Albany i 22 (0.26%) 81.82% 18 (0.27%) 95.45% 1.05 ( 00:00:01 0.00% 0 (O.oO%) $0.00 (0.00%) 28. Canby I 20 (0.23%) 90.00% 18 (0.270%) 85.00% 1.30 00:00:02 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) 29, Clackamas 20 (0.23%) 75.00% 15 (0.22%) 95.00% 1.05 00:01:09 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (o.00%) 30. Hood River ! 20 (0,23%) 80.00%% 16 (0.24%) 85.00% 1.50 00:00:06 1 5.00% 1 (1.43%) I $0.00 (0.00%) 31. Sherwood 20 (0.23%) 90.00% 18 (0.27% 100.00% 1.00 . 00:00:00 0.00% i 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) grants Pass ! 19 (0.22%) 89.47% 17 (0.25%) 94.74% 1.05 <00:00:01 0,00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) i 33. Forest 17 (0.20%) 82.35% j 14 (0.21%) 100.00% 1.00 I 00:00:00 0.00% 0 (0.00%) ! $0.00 (o.00%) Grove 34. Molalla i 17 (0 20/) 88.24/0 15 (0.22%) 88.24/0 1.18 00:00:11 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) I 15 0.22% 100.00/o 0 o ii I 35. Sunnyside 15 (0.18%) 100.00% ( ) ° 1.00 00:00:00 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) ° ° 1.07 00:00:04 0.00% ( 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%)_I 36. Coos Bay 14 (0.1 s%) 78.57/0 11 (0.16%) 92.86/o 37. Pendleton 14 (0.16%) 85.71% 12 (0,18%) 85.71% 1.14 1 00:00:03 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) 38. Wilsonville f 13 (o.15%) 84.62% 11 (0.16%) 69.23% . 1.62 00:00:09 0.00% 0 (0.00r°) $0.00 (0.00%) Fas _ ° (0,00%)12 o.1a/ 83.33/ 10 (o15r) 9 . / 1.08 . .39. l ath 40. Lebanon 12 (0.14°i) 100.00% 12 (0.18%) 100.000/( 1.00 00:00:00 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) 41. Roseburg 12 (0.14%) 91.67% 11 (0.16%) 100.00% 1.00 00:00:00 I 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) 42. Silverton 12 (0.14%) I 83.33% 10 (0.15%) j 91.67% 1.08 00 01:04 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (o.00°i°) 43. Astoria 1 11 (0.13%) 72.73% 8 (0.12%) 100.00% 1.00 00:00:00 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) I 44. Dallas 11 (0.13%) 100.00% 11 (0.16%) 81.82% 2.00 00:00:12 9.09% 1 (1.43%) $0.00 (0.00%) 45. North Plains 11 (0.13%) 100.00% 11 (0.16%) 81.82% 1.27 I 00:00:07 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) o _ ° ° _%a'' ^ ornn /0 outh 11 (0.13%) 81.82 9 (0.13%) 100.00% 1.00 00:00:00 0.00% $ eavercreek 10 (0.12%) 80.00% 8 (0.12%) 90.00% 1.20 00:00:06 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) 48. Brookings 8 (0.09% 100.00% 8 (0.12%) 87,50% 1.12 <00:00:01 0.00% I 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) ° 8 (0.12/ 1 75.00% 1.25 00:00:05 0.00% 0 (0.00% 49. Seaside 8 (0.09%) 100.00% °°) ) $0.00 (o.00%) 50. Troutdale 8 (0.09%) 100.00% 8 (0,12%) 1 87.50% 1.12 00:00:01 0.00% 0 (0.00%) $0.00 (0.00%) LODGING TAX OPERATING FUND As of September 30, 2015 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 Actual Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Beginning Fund Balance 95,397 193,663 371,803 371,803 371,803 Revenues Lodging Tax 217,618 249,377 208,060 188,862 225,750 Miscellaneous Income 85 205 85 286 286 Total Revenues 217,703 249,581 208,145 189,148 226,036 Expenditures Services & Charges 10,000 10,000 Tourism Marketing 60,000 13,516 150,000 41,560 172,840 Tourism Unallocated 10,000 21,000 80,000 10,665 49,490 Tourism Chamber 18,500 18,500 18,500 9,250 18,500 ShoWare Marketing 35,000 60,000 10,000 30,000 Branding Activities 18,425 20,000 22 10,000 Total Expenditures 123,500 71,441 338,500 71,497 290,830 Transfers Out - Showare Center Marquee (4,064) Total Expenditures and Transfers 119,436 71,441 338,500 71,497 290,830 Change in Fund Balance 98,267 178,140 (130,355) 117,651 (64,794) Ending Fund Balance 193,664 371,803 241,448 489,454 307,009 I