HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 11/20/2014 (2) 40* • Lodging Tax Advisory KENT Committee Agenda WASHINGTON Mission: Promote the City as a destination to increase tourism and business development Committee Members: Tim Higgins, John Casey, Barbara Smith, Blane Webber, David Kwok, Andrew Hutchison, Bill Boyce, Chair City Staff: Ben Wolters, Julie Pulliam AGENDA November 20, 2014 4:00 p.m. Centennial North & South Conference Rooms Item Description Action Speakers) 1. Approval of the September 25, 2014 Minutes Yes Bill Boyce Motion: Move to approve the minutes of September 25, 2015. 2. Brand & Logo sponsorship Yes Ben Wolters • Annual Economic Forecast Conference Motion: Move to authorize the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee to sponsorship the use of the brand and logo for the Annual Economic Forecast Conference, January 15, 2015 in the amount of $ 3. Washington First Robotics State Championship-Ask Yes Ben Wolters • 2014-2015 Ask Form • Letter to the Lodging Tax Committee Dated 11/17/14 FIRST LEGO League and FIRST Tech Challenge State Championships Motion: Move to authorize the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee to grant the ask of Washington First Robotics State Championship on January 31, 2015 in the amount of $5,000. 4. Tourism Website updates and next steps No Ben Wolters Unless otherwise noted,the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meets every other Month on the 3rd Thursday Monday at 4:00 p.m. in Centennial North&South Conference Room,400 West Gowe Street,Kent WA 98032. For information on the above item(s),contact Julie Pulliam(253)856-5702. Special Meeting Lodging Tax Advisory Committee September 25, 2014 Start Time 4:00 pm ECD Large Conference Room Committee Members Present: Chair Bill Boyce, Andrew Hutchison, Blane Webber, Tim Higgins, Barbara Smith, David Kwok Others present: Ben Wolters, Julie Pulliam, Ryan Hart, Aaron BeMiller, and Mary Kae Repp from Genesis Marketing, Bob Lewis-Public Chair Boyce called the meeting to order at 4:02 pm, Introductions were done. Chair asked for any additions to the agenda, none were offered. Approval of Minutes A motion to approve the June 5, 2014 minutes was made by Barbara Smith and 2"d by David Kwok. Motion passes. Budget Update — Aaron BeMiller Provided a spread sheet of Lodging Tax to date balances including the July 2014 budget to date including the 2015 & 2016 budgets which will be included in the budget the Mayor will be proposing on Tuesday. BeMiller stated he thought this was the first time the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Members have seen the budget number. BeMiller stated he is used to having this meeting in July to give the committee the option to approve what is going forward and make requests for that. If the committee has any changes to be made a formal request give to chair and Chair can take that and have any Council changes to it. There is not a lot to say about it. BeMiller stated and he thought it should go quickly. 2015 fund balance; $244,000 in the bank, with that Finance is projecting Lodging Tax Revenue at about $208,000 that is taking the Lodging Tax estimate from March which was $206,000 and applying a 1% increase. Which is consistent with the increase Finance is applying for sales tax and property tax increase. The amount of new revenue Finance is budging for Lodging Tax is a little over 208,000. If all the revenue comes in and the beginning fund balance of $244,000 would give Lodging Tax a total amount of resources that could be spent at $452,000. The resources will have off setting expenditures. One thing that is different this year is Finance is including $10,000 of administration costs, the cost for Julie Pulliam and Ben Wolters to do Lodging Tax business on your behalf. What this constitutes is less than 5% of Lodging Tax new revenue and translates to approximately 65 hours of work throughout the year. 1.25 hours throughout the year of either Julie Pulliam or Ben Wolters time. Finance has taken the cost for either and put it together as 65 hours worth of work that will be charged to the Lodging Tax operating fund. Boyce asked is that a fixed fee or the base on 65 hours. Would they need to track their hours? BeMiller responded that Finance would ask them to track their hours as much as possible. With that information Finance would do adjustments throughout the year, quarterly. BeMiller stated it is not a fixed fee but Finance determined it is a reasonable guess. BeMiller asked Julie Pulliam and Ben Wolters talk to that more as to if 65 hours is appropriate through the course of the year. BeMiller stated it is most likely on the low end of what is done. Boyce asked is the rate the same, the base? Is it a higher rate for Ben than Julie? BeMiller stated it has been blended. Finance took the cost put it together and determined the cost per hour, so it doesn't matter which one is working, it is a blended rate for that purpose. Chair Boyce asked for questions. David Kwok asked what is the thinking behind now charging for staff time, it has never been charged before. BeMiller stated the thinking is what Finance is trying to do is get a complete cost in the supporting fund. Finance Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Minutes of May 22, 2014 Page: 2 wants to capture the expenses that truly are accountable for the Lodging Tax operating fund. It doesn't have to be charged and it has not been done in the past and it will be a change in practice. If the City is contributing work time through hours and staffing then Finance would like to capture that as well as the true cost for the Lodging Tax program. BeMiller said with adding the staff time we should be able to say the cost of this program. Wolters spoke to the issue - it is a practice of other Cities and County do, but it is something we have not done. It is something that we do not do. It was a policy decision many years ago to have General Fund support it. Wolters stated the City is at a place with the overall budget were we are looking for cost allocation in every nook and cranny and this represents that. Barbara Smith stated if 65 hours is spent over 12 months, especially this year with all the Branding overall that seem kind of inexpensive. Chair Boyce felt the fee was minimum and always looking from input from the Committee. Wolters replied Julie and I will be doing time sheets related to Lodging Tax. Hutchison asked if this is an estimate or a set amount. What if they go over 65hours? Boyce stated there will be $10,000 in the budget that is my understanding. Wolters stated we have to justify it for the auditors with the time sheet; some days will be lower than others depending on what Lodging Tax is working on. BeMiller continued what Finance has done for the 2015-2016 budget is carried forward the amounts Lodging Tax has budgeted in the past for the particular service areas. Seattle Southside budget $60,000 in both years. Unallocated amount for tourism is $20,000 in each year. Tourism is $18,500 in both years and all categories are consistent with previous years. ShoWare Marketing $60,000 and Branding Activities $20,000. For a total expenditure of each year of $188, 500. In 2015 if all goes as stated Lodging Tax fund balance will increase by $20,000 because Finance is estimating $20,000 more in revenue than we are estimating in expenses. And in 2016 the fund balance will increase an additional $22,000 that is if we spend as this budget reads. Barbara Smith asked BeMiller said this budget was based on this year first 3 months of Lodging Tax money coming in, but in the summer the occupancy would be up so would not the revenue go up? Chair Boyce asked which account is the work Genesis doing coming out of. Wolters stated the Branding Activity. Wolters recalled we took it out of 2013 but none of the 2013 amount is showing as rolled over. Mary Kae replied we have not invoiced yet for any of the expenses. Wolters stated that none of that is reflected here. Boyce asked should it be, Wolters replied yes. There is a budget move that is not showing here. Wolters stated this is generally correct but in the sub accounts we are missing some detail and will work with Finance to make those corrections. Chair Boyce asked to update the budget and send out to everyone so we can all be up to date. Wolters stated we will update and show that detail. Webber asked that the Southside heading was removed but is still showing and should no longer be the heading. Wolters stated that is correct and this does not show that correction. Wolters stated all Finance has done is take over the old categories and repeat them onward, it reflect Lodging Tax current position or contracts and policies. For example that is showing up in year to date for July. Wolters is curious about where the $4,648 comes from for Seattle Southside for 2014 year to date. Under this accounting that is about $55,000 not spent and will not be expending it to Seattle Southside. That $55,000 then would fall into ending fund balance for 2014 Wolters fully expects that $243,000 would be approximately almost Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Minutes of May 22, 2014 Page: 3 $300,000 BeMiller clarified if the Committee does not spend to what the 2014 expense shown the fund balance will increase. Wolters clarified Chair Boyce request to update the budget. Finance needs to get through preparing the Mayor's budget in October and after they get past that Wolters will circle back and get the budget updated for the Committee. Chair Boyce said it is nice to have BeMiller at the Committee meetings and help to get the budget tighten up. Chair Boyce asked for questions on the budget. No questions. BeMiller asked Wolters to give him a call and they will go over the budget. Wolters stated he feels the key question for the Committee is for the 2015-2016 budget Do you want to take the $60,000 and reallocate it somewhere else this would be for Councils consideration this would be in the Mayor's proposal but we can change these through the City Council to be adopted by the version of the final City Councils budget. Smith stated she would like to see what kind of expenses will be coming from Genesis as well as other expenses coming up looking at going forward may be more than what is on here. We don't know what are choices are right now so Smith is fine with putting this budget through and then take a more detailed look later. BeMiller stated we want to try to budget as accurately as possible but if things don't line up exactly as long as the budget is not over spent it will be fine. You can over spend in one account line as long as the budget is not over spent. Kwok interjected why don't we just move it to Tourism Unallocated and let it sit there till we need it. Chair Boyce asked are we completely through with Seattle Southside? Wolters replied he did have a conversation with Katherine Kertzman on continuing on a minimal level of contract support and her response was she has a new board and that she would get back to Wolters from a Board Policy decision by the end of the year. So that is where Seattle Southside is. Chair Boyce said so if we move the budget to Tourism Unallocated it would still be there for tourism needs. Chair said he is good to leave it to Tourism Unallocated. Boyce asked the Committee if they would like to move it all or leave some in Seattle Southside. Smith stated Seattle Southside is tourism work and it would still fit under Tourism Unallocated. Wolters confirmed to move it all to Tourism Unallocated. BeMiller state from the Committee there needs to be a motion to adopt, and then the Council will formally make the change for the city budget. Wolters and BeMiller will provide that information for the final budget approval. Motion: Move $60,000 from Seattle Southside account line to Tourism Unallocated in 2015- 2016 budgets Barbara Smith moved, David Kwok 2nd, Chair asked for discussion, no discussion motion passes. Andrew Hutchison asked we allocated $60,000 for ShoWare Marketing and it doesn't look like anything has been spent. Tim Higgins stated it has not been spent yet. Hutchison asked what you think ShoWare will need for next year. Higgins stated $60,000. Wolters stated if the Committee recalls it is money to support and promote shows that would generate heads in beds. Wolters said we don't use it till we have the right opportunity. Chair asked when it is going to be used it is brought to the Committee to talk about it. Higgins stated yes it would be brought forth to the Committee. Motion: Move to approve the 2015-2016 Lodging Tax Advisory Committees Biennial Budget as amended by the Committee Barbara Smith moved and Blane Webber 2nd, Chair asked for discussion, no discussion, motion passes. BeMiller requested next year we do the budget with the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee in July. Makes sense to have it earlier in the year. Brand and Logo Sponsorship — Ben Wolters I Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Minutes of May 22, 2014 Page: 4 Wolters brought to the Committee a request from staff for the Committee to sponsor a Brand use at the Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County Annual Economic Forecast Conference in January 2015. This event will be held at the Washington Convention Center with an 800 plus attendance. With leading political and business leaders from the 4 regions of the County. It is an opportunity to present Kent as a place to invest and do business in a way that is supported by our new Brand and approach. The suggested level of sponsorship is the Executive level and it costs $5,000. The type of advantages are a discounted placement in the Puget Sound Business Journal, all marketing materials and website for this event would have our Brand on it, at the actual event our Brand would be presented in all the presentation slides, opportunity of Mayor or Council Member to do an introduction, the City will have a table for 10 at the event. Wolters interest in this is a high profile regional events at has a lot of businesses there. If the Committee chooses to use Lodging Tax dollars to promote Kent to the larger business community to attract more investment that indirectly leads to more heads in beds. Wolters feels this is a great opportunity. Smith asked is this also about launching the new Brand. Wolters responded yes it is this is a high profile regional opportunity to do that. Blane Webber asked is the conference attended by Economic Developers from just around this region. Wolters stated the primary pool is from the 4 County regions, some that attend from other communities in Washington State but most are from the 4 County regions within the Puget Sound Region. Chair Boyce asked did we talk about splitting the $5,000. Wolters stated yes we could do a split of $2,500 from Economic Development and $2,500 from Lodging Tax. Smith stated what she liked is in order for us to get a trademark for our new Brand we have to show we are using it and this shows that as the most public thing we have used it for so far. KDP has made banners, but this will reach a whole lot more people. Wolters stated from a Regional perspective this could be a roll out and from a Regional perspective our kick-off. Smith stated we need to make sure it is done right. Mary Kae Repp stated depending on who you pick for your personalities on your website, you could have two or three of them at the table at the event. Chair Boyce asked for questions. Ryan Hart asked are there other sponsorship levels that could net a similar return. Wolters said the next level down is $2,500 and the next level up is $15,000 and that is to sponsor the whole event. If we were going to do a big roll out that would be one way to do it. To do a roll out with opinion leaders and decision makers in the Region, but at this time we have been doing baby steps and $5,000 gets us pretty prominent placement. Higgins asked what we get for $15,000. Wolters replied we would get more in the Puget Sound Business Journal and a lot freer placement of sponsorship. The Puget Sound Business Journal does a special insert which is in the paper. And much more presence at the event. Chair Boyce said this could be a big kick off, a moment and a chance to make a big statement in front of a large public audience, so why not do it right. Wolters is planning on presenting certain properties in Kent, and business opportunities and highlighting the past investment recently made like Amazon, Blue Origin, etc., to say things are happening in Kent, take a look. Smith asked if Lodging Tax did the full $5,000 then Economic Development could use what was being considered and make the marketing material. Wolters said none of what he is suggesting is for use to make marketing materials. Wolters asked for clarification of interest in the Lodging Tax Committee sponsoring the $15,000 level? Chair Boyce said that is what he was thinking and asked for conversation. Wolters will check on exclusivity. Mary Kae added the $15,000 is the sponsorship then there would be $3,000 - $10,000 to make it look good, different things to hand out people to be present, the look of the booth, and to make sure everything lays out correctly. Boyce asked for clarity the total expense could be $20,000 plus. Wolters stated on the Economic Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Minutes of May 22, 2014 Page: 5 Development side we have some ability to do some of that. From a Lodging Tax perspective Wolters thinks it is more about the base $5,000 or $15,000 to be looking for. Wolters would need to come back to the Committee for anything above or beyond that. Chair asked for the Committees opinions. Ryan Hart said it is a bit of a jump from $5,000 to $15,000 it would be nice to see a list of what we would get for that level of sponsorship. Wolters proposed to email the whole committee the comparisons of the different levels and let's have that the bases of an email conversation. Wolters will explore if the Committee can do a vote via conference call. Andrew Hutchison asked who will be in the audience, who will you be rolling this out to. If it is other Cities how is that useful for business wanting to relocate? Wolters clarified it is top real estate representatives, the banking community in the region, Boeing, Aerospace; it is a healthy cross section of the Regions business community and political leaders of local jurisdictions. David Kwok stated he is not too familiar with the EDC. Chair Boyce tabled this until more information is sent out to the Committee from Ben. Question from Bob Lewis Studio 37 designs public audience. January 15 you are going to start a new marketing campaign through the holidays and be ready in 3 months. Wolters replied no, that is not correct. It will be a marketing effort related to the event. Wolters feels it is all doable by January 15, 2015; some of the material is already ready to go. Lewis asked where he can go to see the new logo. Wolters replied you can contact me and I will get you a copy. Lewis was handed the items at the meeting showing the logo. Tourism Website Tour — VisitKent.com Branding & Marketing- Mary Kay Rep) Mary Kae led a website Demo and review. Mary Kae stated that all of the items the Committee wanted change have been changed. If there is anything that has been missed or Genesis didn't understand this is the time to make those corrections. Smith had a couple of questions about the photos used, under Sports Nut the photo shown is a concert photo, it should be a sports activity. Higgins agreed the photo on Sports Nut needs to go under entertainer. Hutchison interjected he disagrees with the deletion of the photo of Mt. Rainier. Mary Kae said the photo is on the website but it was taken off the main slider because of a concern we were position ourselves as to close to Mt. Rainier. Chair Boyce stated the Committee would like it put back in. Smith brought up the dinning photo being a photo of the T-birds, needs to be a dinning photo. Recreation has a picture of hockey, needs to be skaters and action and it is a dark photo. Under Arts and entertainment we need to get Mary Kae some photos to use with people in them. Mary Kae stated we really do need a new photo library; we have three options for you. Smith asked what is the tab Games for. Mary Kae shared it is what is available to do in Kent, maybe Games is not the right name for the tab. Smith handed out the brochure for the historical tour of homes in Kent to use on the museum tab. Chair Boyce asked about a photo of the race track, Mary Kae answered yes there is a photo of Pacific Raceways. Hutchison asked do all the photos have to be in Kent. Will you get Museum of Flight, please add it, it is a huge attraction. Wolters likes the relationship of Kent with the Aerospace industry. Smith said under the My Trip Suitcase it shows a photo of the Sounder and it looks like the only way to get to Kent is the Sounder train and it seems to limit the vision of how people can get to Kent. Mary Kae said we should just have a really good photo of Kent. Under attractions there is a photo of Earthworks there should be a better photo. Mary Kae asked the Hoteliers if they like their page. It is in alphabetical order. Mary Kae stated the photo behind the site should be less busy and there are 5 images that rotate now. Once the library it would be nice to change out every month but right now it will be every quarter. This page is 100% live it can be stumbled on but it is not being promoted. Hart Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Minutes of May 22, 2014 Page: 6 notice a glitch it is opening 2 tabs. Mary Kae will check in to it. Webber asked if it opens to the actual hotel page not the corporate page. It can open to any page you wish. Hutchison said he has newer phots he would like to use. Mary Kae said email the new photos to her in the highest resolution and she will get them updated. Smith said she did not notice the new logo on the website. Mary Kae noted it is at the bottom. Initially it was at the top but the request was it was too busy and taking over. It was agreed on big photos and the logo on the top would interfere with the big photos. Mary Kae asked if there is anything else from the Committee members. The next phase of decision Mary Kae was hoping to take away from today's meeting was a decision on our 5 people and a photographer and writer for the website. Smith submitted 5, Foodie - Susanne Cameron or Harpreet Gil; Entertainment-Mike Miller; Outdoor -Andrea Kiekkala; Family Fun Seeker-Brandy Dollerhide; Sports Nut-Greg Huffner or Libby and Dave Sidel. Chair Boyce brought up diversity reflection as stated in the Brand. Smith suggested for Foodie Randal Smith, Larry Cameron. Mary Kae asked for other suggestions. Hutchison suggested Paul Raftus. Entertainer, Sam East Hill business owner. Mary Kae suggested someone who goes to all the events, Tim Higgins suggested Dana Ralph or Jim Berrios could be in the Foodie category. Chair Boyce set this as homework to bring back names to the next meeting. Mary Kae replied this is a good start, if I can contact and get their photos on we can get this going so we can start marketing the site. The five people that sit there direct everything about what the campaign is going to look like. They dictate everything. We could get started with these people. Then we need to decide if this person is going to stay on this site and start looking for the WOW person. Like a Seahawk player or Sounder player that lives in Kent, or went to school in Kent. We could have a WOW person a person that lives in the area but we would really market the WOW person. We will start contacting both people to see if they would be willing to do it and what the cost will be. Hutchison asked what about people that travel here frequently for business. Mary Kae said that would be great also, send her the names. Chair Boyce asked is this enough to go forward, Mary Kae said yes she will take this forward if the Committee is ok with the names. Wolters wants to encourage the Committee to continue to send names to Mary Kae. Mary Kae will update the Committee on what each of the representatives say. Chair Boyce asked Mary Kae to send out a list to the Committee of who goes in what category the Committee put them in. Mary Kae presented a couple of things that were asked for at the one-on-one meetings. Looking for a photographer and a writer to do the blogs and to keep the site current and relevant. The request was to find someone that is in Kent and has a good handle on Kent and what is going on. There are 3 different options. Genesis recommendations would be to take Ross Coyle as a photographer, Dana Neuts as the writer. If we could use these two that would be good, the fees are reasonable. Wolters agreed as the staff person on the committee. Genesis will write contract with each to be approved by Ben Wolters and Julie Pulliam but include an out clause for timeliness and performance. Mary Kae will move forward in writing up a contract under these proposed dollar amounts. Photographer fees see attached cost estimates for Ross Coyle and Dana Neuts. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Minutes of May 22, 2014 Page: 7 Next is managing and maintaining the site. Genesis has put in a proposal to maintain and send out email, $350/month. Proposal details attached. Wolters asked to be reminded of the current fee associated with the current hosting of the site. Mary Kae responded $30 to host. At the moment that is all within the $25,000 current contract. These are the only charges that will be associated beside the contract that has already been approved for $15,000. Hart asked does the Committee agree it is necessary to do monthly, at $350 a month for 1 year is $4000 to manage only one page. Smith noted that will depend on how many businesses respond to the email. If there are more than one it would be worth it if only one not so much so maybe we should do it for a couple of months and see. Chair Boyce suggested 6 months at first. Mary Kae said the agreement could be written to adjust to the use of the different business. It is not a fixed rate it can be adjusted we wanted to do it monthly ideally, but it depend on what we are receiving. Chair Boyce asked to write it quarterly at this point. Mary Kae agreed and will write the contract to allow flexibility in with in the quarter for some reason if it is not working we can readjust. Wolters wanted to make sure all the business in Kent are included and reached out to. David Kwok said if we are going to be successful everyone will want to get on the website. Maybe in the future we will need to think about charging. Smith said this is something we can look at down the road. Chair Boyce asked what else is needed to Mary Kae. Mary Kae felt we dealt with all the items. Chair Boyce asked are we ok to go forward with the website. Committee Agrees to go ahead with the website. Hutchison had a question on the monthly fees. Is this ongoing every month. Mary Kae said after the first year will slow down except for special events we would send them to. The writer would be ongoing. Motion to approve the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee accepts the final design of the VisitKent.com website created by Genesis Marketing and authorize going live with the website launch, Andrew Hitchison moved and Barbara Smith 2"d, Chair asked for discussion, no discussion, motion passes. Chair Boyce asked for an estimated dollar amount. Hart said he would like to see the monthly numbers and costs broken out, if the budget is $20,000 annually the whole budget could be spent on one month. Chair Boyce asked if this should be tabled till the next meeting. Wolters would like to suggest one is tied to the other. On the writing it is what keeps the website fresh and the key component, on the photographer can Mary Kae suggest a not to exceed amount. Mary Kae responded yes. Chair Boyce asked the Committee to get back together on October 91h. Smith wanted a note in the minutes that the Committee Members who cannot make the October 9th meeting look at the budget and give feedback that would be read out loud. Wolters asked Mary Kae what you need this moment to implement the motion that just was pasted to get the website live. Mary Kae stated the specials are not as important at this moment as the writer and photographer. If we could get approval to hire Dana Neuts for the next 12 or 13 months to finish out this year and next year at the fee she has proposed that is so important at the site, Dana is just over $2010 and $990 for Ross about $3000 for the launch. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Minutes of May 22, 2014 Page: 8 Wolters staff recommendation is a motion to approve$3000 expenditure to start up Photography and copy to get the website up and going and the committee gets a new proposal for follow up and maintenance. Motion to approve $3000 expenditure to start up copy and photography to get the website up and going and Genesis will get the committee a new proposal for follow up and maintenance. David Kwok moved and Barbara Smith 2"d, motion passes. Meeting adjourned 5:35 pm Good of the order - Nothing Assignments for next meeting - Bring back people's names you would like to see as the personalities on the website. Special Meeting Date - October 9, 2014, 4 pm Centennial North & South Conference Rooms - Cancelled Next Regular Meeting Date - November 20, 2014 at 4 pm (Committee will meet every other month on the 3rd Thursday of the month 4 pm.) Next regular meeting will be 6/19/14 Adiournment - The meeting was adjourned by Chair Bill Boyce, at 5:37 pm. Submitted by Julie Pulliam, Lodging Tax Secretary Economic Development Council _ - ofSeattle and King County KENT SPONSOR PROPOSAL Presenting Sponsor Benefits $15,000 Investment • Presenting Sponsor recognition on all conference promotional materials including logo on emails, event web site, and Puget Sound Business Journal (PSBJ) advertising campaign. Campaign • Logo on the cover of the PSBJ Special Conference Supplement along with a quarter-page ad (valued at $3,725 - artwork to be provided by sponsor). Supplement distributed to conference attendees and included in the PSBJ's January 16 issue. • Chance to pitch Kent-related story ideas to writer working on the PSBJ Special Conference Supplement. • Presenting Sponsor visibility at the conference including logo on slides, signage, and printed collateral • Opportunity to have a representative from Kent introduce a portion of the program • Sponsor display table at the conference (valued at $900) • Ten complimentary admissions to the conference and keynote lunch. This includes table signage and positioning in prime location (valued at $1,975) • Option of having a representative serve on the Conference Steering Committee • Twelve month sponsor recognition on the EDC web site • Networking opportunities with industry leaders through invitations to special Board hosted events For additional information please contact Margo Shiroyama at(425) 785-4015 or mshiroyama@comcast.net Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County www.edc-seaking.org 1 (206) 389-8650 Economic Development Council ondlGnycounty 43rd ANNUAL ECONOMIC FORECASTCONFERENCE GLOBAL • • Capitalizing on Our Gateway to the World Thursday, January 15, 2015 • 7:OOam - 1 :30pm Washington State Convention Center Register at www.edc-seaking.org Don't miss your chance to join the conversation, learn what lies ahead for the region, and connect with other regional leaders at the largest economic forecast event in the Northwest. Gain insight into critical business issues with forecasts from nationally recognized experts, as they cut to the bottom line at this must-attend event. Featured Speakers 1 0 A Executive Dow Constantine Governor Jaylnslee Ken Goldstein King County Washington State The Conference Board y Erik Ristuben Amy Llu Chris Mefford Russel Investments Brookings Institution Community Attributes Sponsored By �/ vucEr �I K I R O SOUND ENERGV Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County Marketing Supplement 5 � � Ilk kg � yy S a. H SPONSORED BY PUGET SOUND Kent . BUSINESS JOURNALKIRO ENERGY WASHINGTON t r V C Q C LT ~ Q ,C ti O V O Z 0 .♦ A Cl) Cl) � V ' z Z FM zLLJ Q Cl) r;I LU iV� M '� Economic Development Gou ll ofSeattleand King County r 43rd ANNUAL ECONOMIC • CONFERENCE GLOBAL : INNOVATION Capitalizing on Our - to the World January 15, 2015 1 Washington • • 1 1 1 • Presenting Sponsors PUGET 110 SOUND KentO ENERGYW A 5 H I N G T 0 N PUGETSOUND JOURNALBUSINESS Executive Sponsors t- WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL V OF SEAii I_E-KING COUNTY Supporting Sponsors Russell 7 71nKidderInvestments rAathews AUBURN COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS "L'a low YOU L\IA(IINEP NA10P ❑® - DEVELOPMENT N REAL ESTATE ❑Kel lev DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION __-- TER IMAGING SYSTEMS WAtMIMCTON fTATi CHAPTER EDC OF SEATTLE AND KING COUNTY 43rd ANNUAL ECONOMIC FORECAST CONFERENCE Global Investment & Innovation: Capitalizing on Our Gateway to the World Thursday, January 15, 2015 1 Washington State Convention Center 1 7:00 am — 1:30 pm 7:00 am Registration &Continental Breakfast, Showcase Displays 7:45 am EDC Video 0 Welcome—David Allen I Suzanne Dale Estey 8:05 am Dow Constantine, King County Executive—CONFIRMED 8:15 am 2015 Economic Forecast Moderator: Rob Smith, Puget Sound Business Journal CONFIRMED Panelists: Ken Goldstein, The Conference Board CONFIRMED Mn Chris Mefford, Community Attributes CONFIRMED 9:20 am Launch of the Regional Global Trade& Investment Plan Amy Liu, Brookings Institution CONFIRMED Suzanne Dale Estey, EDC CONFIRMED Sam Kaplan, Trade Development Alliance CONFIRMED 9:40 am Break &Showcase Displays 10:00 am Breakout Sessions Session I —Foreign Direct Investment Moderator.' Panelists: M&A:Jan Beck, Novo Nordisk INVITED Green Field: Equity Investment: Rick Luebbe, EnerG2 INVITED EB-5: David Andersson, IIUSA INVITED Bank: Session II —Innovation I Re-shoring I Exporting Moderator.' Panelists: John Wolfe, Seaport Alliance Vikram Jandhyala, UW Vice Provost for Innovation-INVITED Foreign Trade Zones: Scott Sutherland, Helly Hanson CONFIRMED Reshoring Manufacturing 11:10 am Break&Showcase Displays ► 11:30 am Keynote Lunch 11:45 am Governor Jay Inslee CONFIRMED G) 12:00 pm Puget Sound Business Journal Executive of the Year Award Presenter Puget Sound Business Journal Recipient: Greg Johnson, Wright Runstad CONFIRMED 12:10 pm EDC Economic Development Champion Awards Public Ports of Seattle & Tacoma Private David Allen, McKinstry CONFIRMED 12:20 pm Keynote Speaker. U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker INVITED 12:40 pm Panel Discussion: Moderator: Panelists: Erik Ristuben, Chief Investment Strategist, Russell Investments CONFIRMED Preston McAfee, Chief Economist, Microsoft Corporation CONFIRMED ► Randy Tinseth, Chief Marketing Officer, The Boeing Company INVITED Costco 1:30 pm Closing Remarks For information please contact Margo Shiroyama at(425) 785-4015 or mshiroyama@comcast.net Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County I www.edc-seaking.org 1 (206) 389-8650 Economic Development Cou of Seattle and King County Don't miss your chance to join the conversation, learn what lies ahead for the region, and connect with other regional leaders at the largest economic forecast event in the Northwest. Gain insight into critical business issues with forecasts from nationally recognized experts, as they cut to the bottom line at this must-attend event. This year's conference will feature the launch of the region's Global Trade & Investment Plan, focused on increasing exports and growing our share of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). The Greater Seattle region has many advantages that make it an attractive destination for trade and investment—from our high-caliber workforce and cutting edge FORTUNE 100s, to our deep foreign trade ties and unparalleled natural environment. But how we capitalize on these advantages—especially as competition increases both domestically and internationally—will be key to the region capturing a greater share of global investment opportunity now and in the future. For over 40 years, the Economic Development Council's annual Economic Forecast Conference has helped business and commu- nity leaders translate economic trends into competitive intelligence to successfully plan for the future. Register your group today! CONFIRMED Jay Inslee Dow Constantine Ken Goldstein Amy Liu Erik Ristuben Preston McAfee Chris Mefford Governor Executive Forecast Economist Metropolitan Policy Program Chief Investment strategist Chief Economist President&CEO Washington State King County The Conference Board Brookings Institution Russell Investments Microsoft Corporation Community Attributes POUN s� , 1KIR00 souN® 1�I 6Ii�►C � �. I ENERGY A I R L I N E Se WASHINBTON Russell WORKFORCE Kidder Trag- s evelopment Alliance D❑ DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL U00 Investments OKell OF SEATTLE_k ]C, Cn,...:,, Mathews ® :seater Seattle Y® COMMERCIAL REAL E$TATE SOLUTIONS • 10 1;a laffell • KrrSAP � VJCIT i�°u�iC; �> � nsaEl�En Emnen v11Wnc• p..�..p.,.... .n E King Cou My a.—`-.��`.' ass1.,.+rarao,Mx.2maNral of w.i." •n .eM cou Department of Commerce 'AOttL°TRADE CEWER DA CleanTech AlUance Innovallon is in our nature. TFIECHAMBER Sr^ TECHNOLOGY �IL��pC „4 ,A'p�/� ,o.,o....,...00. e,. LERDE R.HIP +.':L... �� _ "'"—ll n°o�l"�a envl �,wY..r O. uA On Rad and EDC OF SEATTLE AND KING COUNTY 43rd ANNUAL ECONOMIC FORECAST CONFERENCE Global Investment & Innovation: Capitalizing on Our Gateway to the World Thursday, January 15, 2015 1 Washington State Convention Center 1 7:00 am — 1:30 pm Allison Clark Mike Merritt Managing Director, Business Development Government Relations Manager Washington State Department of Commerce Port of Seattle allison.clark@commerce.wa.gov Merritt.M@portseattle.org Will Einstein Roger Nyhus, President& CEO, Director Business Services &Economic Development roger@nyhus.com Puget Sound Energy Heidi Happonen, will.einstein@pse.com heidi.happonen@nyhus.com Nyhus Communications � Anson Fatland Associate VP, Economic Development&External Patrick Pierce Affairs Program Manager—Economic Development Washington State University Puget Sound Regional Council ansonf@wsu.edu PPierce@psrc.org Mike Grella Gordon Prouty Director of Economic Development Publisher Amazon Puget Sound Business Journal mggrella@amazon.com gprouty@bizjournals.com Randy Hodgins Eric Schinfeld Vice President, Office of External Affairs Chief of Staff, Seattle Metropolitan Chamber University of Washington President, Washington Council on rhodgins@u.washington.edu International Trade erics@wcit.org Sam Kaplan President DeLee Shoemaker Trade Development Alliance Government Affairs Senior Director samk@seattletradealliance.com Microsoft Corporation delees@microsoft.com Doug Lein Economic Development Manager John Sternlicht City of Auburn Economic Development Advisor dlein@auburnwa.gov King County Executive's Office john.sternlicht@kingcounty.gov Joe McWilliams Managing Director Real Estate Division Erik Strom Port of Seattle Director of Government Affairs & Community mcwilliams.j@portseattle.org Relations Russell Investments Chris Mefford EStrom@russell.com President& CEO Community Attributes Tayloe Washburn cmefford@communityattributes.com Seattle Graduate Campus Dean & CEO Northeastern University t.washburn@neu.edu EDC Contacts Suzanne Dale Estey, President& CEO, sestey@edc-seaking.org Steve Gerritson, Executive Vice President, sgerritson@edc-seaking.org Heather Engelbrecht, Director of Strategic Initiatives, hengelbrecht@edc-seaking.org Julian Allen, Communications&Research Coordinator,jallen@edc-seaking.org Frances Robertson, Executive Assistant, frobertson@edc-seaking.org Margo Shiroyama, Consultant, mshiroyama@comcast.net .3) Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County Annual Economic Forecast Conference Past Attendees 3Tier Environmental Forecasting Group A. Dashen and Associates AAA Kartak Glass &Closet ABD Insurance& Financial Services Absher Construction Company Accenture Aecon Buildings Inc. Aero Law Group, PLLC Aerosertec-USA Aerospace Futures Alliance Aerospace Machinists DL 751 AGCWA AGM, Inc. AHBL, Inc. AJAC Alaska Airlines Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc. All StarZ Staffing Allen Institute for Brain Science Alpert Capital Amazon American Diabetes Association American Piledriving Equipment Inc. AmericanWest Bank Ameri-Tide Consulting L.L.0 Anchor Bank Andersen Construction Anderson House Ard Consulting Argos Search, LLC Ariel Development Art Anderson Associates Ascent Partners Group Asemblon Inc Ashforth Pacific, Inc. Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Association Of Washington Business atelierjones Ilc Ater&Associates ATS Automation Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce Auburn City Council Australian Trade Commission Autodesk Aviation High School Aviation Technical Services, Inc. AXA Advisors, LLC Axio Research B&B Fabricators Baldwin Resource Group, Inc. Bank of America Banner Bank Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County www.edc-seaking.org 1 (206)389-8650 Annual Economic Forecast Conference Past Attendees BarclayDean Batt& Lear Bayley Construction BECU Bellevue Chamber of Commerce Bellevue City Council Bellevue College Bellevue Community College Bellevue Downtown Association Benaroya Capital Company Bentall Capital Bentall Kennedy Berk&Associates Berntson Porter& Company, PLLC Big Belly Solar Bilbro Group Northwest, Inc Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation BiNW BioMed Realty Trust Bird Construction Blitz Marketing & Public Relations Blue Sky Development Services LLC Blue Star Construction Services LLC BNBuilders Bob Bridge Toyota Boeing Boeing Commercial Airplanes Boise Cascade Building Materials Bonneville International Brettonwood AFH British-American Business Council Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program Brookwater Advisors Brown and Caldwell Buildingi Built Green Burien City Council Burrst Burton &Associates Business Development Advisor Business Examiner Business Resource Development(BRD Corp.) CAC Real Estate Management Co., Inc. Cairncross& Hempelmann CAMPS Canesco Energy& Environmental Capmark Financial Carbon Solutions Group Carecyte Carney Badley Spellman PS CarrAmerica Cascade Bank Cascade Designs Cascade Engineering Services, Inc. Cascade Gasket& Manufacturing Co Inc. Cascade Land Conservancy Cascadia Capital Cascadia Community College Cascadia Consulting Group, Inc. Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County www.edc-seaking.org 1 (206)389-8650 Annual Economic Forecast Conference Past Attendees Cascadia Region Green Building Council Casual Games Association CB Richared Ellis Cbeyond CBRE CBRE Consulting CBRE Melody CBRE Real Estate Services, Inc. CDi Engineers, Inc. CE&C Cederstrand Rentals LLC Center for Accelerating Innovation Center for Wooden Boats Center of Excellence for Aerospace Center of Excellence for International Trade,Transportation & Logistics Centex Homes Central Washington University-College of Business CenturyLink CH2M HILL Charter Bank Charter Construction Children's Hospital Christensen O'Connor Johnson Kindness PLLC CircMedTech Citi Private Bank City of Auburn City of Bellevue City of Bothell City of Bremerton City of Burien City of Covington City of Des Moines City of Duvall City of Everett City of Federal Way City of Issaquah City of Kenmore City of Kent City of Kirkland City of Maple Valley City of Mercer Island City of Newcastle City of Olympia City of Poulsbo City of Puyallup City of Redmond City of Renton City of Richland City of Sammamish City of SeaTac City of Seattle City of Shoreline City of Snoqualmie City of Tacoma City of Tukwila City of Woodinville Cityice Cold Storage Co. ` Clarion Partners Clean Technology Trade Alliance Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County www.edc-seaking.org 1 (206)389-8650 Annual Economic Forecast Conference Past Attendees CleanScapes Cleantech Group LLC Cleantech Open Northwest CliftonLarsonAllen LLP Climate Solutions Clise Properties, Inc. Clothworks Club Cielo Cochran Inc Cognition Partners Coldwell Banker Bain Colliers International CollinsWoerman Columbia Bank Columbia Development Corp. Columbia Partners LLC Columbia State Bank Comerica Bank Commerce Bank of Washington Commercial Development Solutions Community Attributes Commuter Challenge Computer Resolutions Concur Technologies, Inc. Congressman McDermott's Office Construction Center of Excellence Consul of Norway Consulate General of Canada Convergint Technologies Conway Pedersen Economics Inc. Cort Costco Coughlin Porter Lundeen, Inc. Creation Technologies Creative Contracting & Investments CREW Seattle Cummins Northwest , LLC Curtis Consulting Group Dassault Systemes data2insight Davis Wright Tremaine LLP DCI Engineers Deerhorn Advisors Deloitte Devon James Associates, Inc. Digital Control Inc. Diligent Board Member Services, Inc. DLR Group Dorsey&Whitney LLP Downtown Seattle Association Dynamik Space Eastside Commercial Bank Eben Design Eco-Maven Associates Economic Alliance Snohomish County Economic Development Association of Skagit County Economic Development Board for Tacoma-Pierce County Economic Vitality Group, LLC Eco-Ready, LLC. Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County www.edc-seaking.org 1 (206) 389-8650 Annual Economic Forecast Conference Past Attendees Eco-Tec, Inc. Edelman Public Relations Edmonds Community College Egis Real Estate Services EHS International, Inc. Eli Lilly and Company emurge Energethic, LLC Energy Friendly Holding LLC Energy Priorities Magazine Envirolssues Epiphany Research Equinox Business Law Equity Office ERM Ernst&Young Ershler International ESM Consulting Engineers Everett City Council Everett Clinic Evergreen Community Development Evergreen Films Exclaim Executive Alliance Executive Counselors, LLC Executive Options Expedia Export Finance Assistance Center of Washington Exxel Pacific F5 Networks Facilitec, Inc. Fearey Group Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fehr& Peers Fidelity National Title First American Title Insurance Co. First Choice Medical First Federal First Federal Savings Bank First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc. First Savings Bank Northwest Flow Energy Foster Pepper PLLC Foushee Frank Stauff Consulting FRAUSE Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Freehold French-American Chamber of Commerce Friends of Waterfront Seattle Future of Flight Aviation Center Gabbert Architects Gallatin Public Affairs Gamelnstinct GAPPS Garvey Schubert Barer -_. Gastineau Communications Inc. GBC International Bank Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County www.edc-seaking.org 1 (206) 389-8660 Annual Economic Forecast Conference Past Attendees GeekWire General Biodiesel GeoEngineers GGLO GHD Inc. Global Aerosystems Global Health Nexus, Seattle Global Partnerships Glumac GLY Construction, Inc. GM Nameplate GMMB Gobo Enterprises Golf Savings Bank Goodman Real Estate Google GordonDerr LLP GP Realty Finance Inc. Gramor Development WA, LLC Greater Issaquah Chamber of Commerce Greater Spokane Incorporated Green Canopy Homes Green River Community College Greenfield Advisors Greenwood Technologies Grein &Co, LLC Group Health Cooperative Grubb & Ellis GVA Kidder Mathews Haakenson Group HAL Real Estate Investments Inc. HaloSource Inc. Harbor Properties, Inc. Harper Haines Group Harris&Associates Harris myCFO Harvest Power Haworth HCS Construction Services Hebert Research Hermanson Company Hidden Path Entertainment Highline Community College HighMark Hillis Clark Martin & Peterson P.S. Hines Interests Ltd. HNTB Hobart Machined Products Inc Hoffman Construction Company HomeStreet Bank Hosfeld &Associates Inc. Howard S.Wright Constructors HST Construction, Inc. Hydrovolts, Inc. IBEW Local Union 46 IEEE 2011 Global Humanitarian Technology Conference Ignition Partners 4 Impact Washington Indy Mac Bank Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County www.edc-seaking.org 1 (206) 389-8650 Annual Economic Forecast Conference Past Attendees Infectious Disease Research Institute ING Clarion Partners Initiative for Global Development Innovate Washington International Trade Alliance InVision Technology, LLC IPS Rebates Iron Mountain Ironwood Commercial Real Estate iSoftStone, Inc. J2 Consultants Jackson Dean Construction JE Dunn Construction JETRO JH Technologies Jimale Technical Services, LLC Joel E. Smilow Boys &Girls Club at Rainier Vista John L Scott Johnson Barrow Johnson Controls Jones Lang LaSalle JP Morgan JW Bratton Design/Build LLC K&L Gates Kane Environmental, Inc. Kantor Taylor Karen J Granger&Associates Kauri Investments KCPQ Q13 FOX Kelley Imaging Systems Kemper Development Company Kenmore City Council Kennedy Associates Real Estate Counsel, LP Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Key Bank Kibble& Prentice Kidder Mathews Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. Kilroy Realty Corporation KINETA King 5 TV KING Broadcasting King County King County Council King County Veterans Program Kinzer Real Estate Services Kirkland City Council KIRO 7 Kirtley Cole Associates Kitsap Economic Development Alliance Knoll Knutson Strategies Koehler& Company KPFF Consulting Engineers KPLU Radio KUOW Radio Laird Norton Company Lake Union Partners LandAmerica Commercial Services Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County www.edc-seaking.org 1 (206) 389-8650 Annual Economic Forecast Conference Past Attendees Landau Associates, Inc. Landmark Development Lane Powell LaSerina Holdings, Inc. Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation Leadership Tomorrow Lease Crutcher Lewis Leeham Company Legacy Partners Life Science Discovery Fund Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc Livingston International LMN Architects Locus Analytics Lorax Partners LotusWorks LPD Engineering Lucomm Technologies Lutron Lydig Construction, Inc. M A Mortenson Company M. Rose Construction & Development Co. M. S. Cavoad Co., Inc. MacDonald-Miller Macerich Mackay Restaurant Group MacMillan Associates Consulting Macquarie Bank Madison Cooke, Inc. Maestri Main Street Builders Marcus& Millichap Maritime Trust Co. Marsha Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research Martin Associates Inc. Martin Luther King Jr. County Labor Council, AFL-CIO Martin Selig MasikaTech, LLC Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties McAvoy Real Estate McCullough Hill Leary PS McKinsey &Company McKinstry MCM MD-Business Infrastructure Services LLC Medtronic Inc. Mercer Mercer Island Reporter/King County Publications Ltd. Merck Methodologie MetPartners Metzler North America Meydenbauer Center MFC Urban Michelle Doran Creative Services MicroPlanet Microsoft Corporation Milestone Properties Millennium Building Company Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County www.edc-seaking.org 1 (206)389-8650 Annual Economic Forecast Conference Past Attendees Miller Condominium Marketing Miller Hull Partnership Mimir Council Mithun MKA MM comfort Systems Mobisante Inc Montlake Capital More Dust Than Digital Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Morrison Hershfield Corporation Mortenson Construction Moss Adams LLP Move.com MP Tech LLC MSA, Inc. Multimedia Seattle MulvannyG2 Architecture Murray Franklyn Family of Companies Myer Communications NAI Puget Sound Properties NAIOP National Instruments NBBJ NDC Power NEBC Neil Walter Company NetGreen Network for Business Innovation &Sustainability New Media Synergy New Vision, the Yakima County Development Assn. NewEarth Renewable Energy NextGen Today Nexus Development LLc Nisqually Indian Tribe Niviera Corporation NK Seattle Nordstrom Norman Partners Norris Beggs & Simpson North Seattle Community College Northwest Northwest Commercial Mortgage Northwest Energy Angels Northwest Entrepreneur Network Northwest Environmental Business Council Northwest Minority Supplier Development Council Novo Nordisk NPF Consulting NuMark NWABR NWCN Nyhus Communications Obsidian Investment Advisors Office Buildings Magazine Office of Congressman Dave Reichert Office of Congressman Jim McDermott Office of Senator Patty Murray OfficeLease Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County www.edc-seaking.org 1 (206) 389-8650 Annual Economic Forecast Conference Past Attendees OfficeSpace.com Old Republic Title& Escrow Olympic College Olympic Property Group Ombrella Consulting OneRedmond onlineshoes.com Opus Bank Opus Northwest, LLC P.W. Grosser Consulting PACE Staffing Network Pacific Associates Pacific Biometrics, Inc. Pacific Continental Bank Pacific Lighting Systems Pacific Lutheran University Pacific Northwest Aerospace Alliance Pacific Northwest Research Institute Pacific Real Estate Partners Pacific Realty Advisors LLC Pacific Ridge Homes Panattoni Development Company Parametrix, Inc. Parker Smith & Feek Passport Unlimited PATH PEMCO Perkins Coie Perkins Will Perteet Philanthropy Northwest PhRMA Physio-Control Inc Pierce County PNC Business Credit Poe Construction Point B Pollard, McLean Development Group Port Blakely Communities Port of Bremerton Port of Chelan County Port of Everett Port of Olympia Port of Pasco Port of Seattle Port of Skagit County Port of Tacoma Portland State University Powers Economics Premera Blue Cross Premier Advisors Prescott/Red imensions PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Prime Pacific Bank Principal Global Investors Principal Real Estate Investors, LLC Pri-Test Prometheus Energy Prospect Delta Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County www.edc-seaking.org 1 (206)389-8650 Annual Economic Forecast Conference Past Attendees Prosperity Partnership Protectiontech PRR, Inc. Prudential Pryde Corporation PS Business Parks PSF Mechanical, Inc Puget Sound Bank Puget Sound Business Journal Puget Sound Economic Forecaster Puget Sound Energy Puget Sound Regional Council Puget Sound Tidal Power Quadrant Homes Queensland Dept of State Development and Trade Quixote Associates R. Babione Enterprises Rafn Company Raikes Foundation Rainier Valley Community Development Fund Ratner Biomedical Group RBA Design RC Hedreen Co. Real Retail Red Arrow Logistics Redmond City Council Regence BlueShield RE[ Reid Middleton Inc. RenataBK Renton Chamber of Commerce Renton City Council Renton School District Renton Technical College Republic Services RGA Environmental, Inc. RGM &Associates Rice Fergus Miller, Inc. Riddell Williams P.S. Ron Wright&Associates Rowley Properties, Inc. Royal Commercial Corp. Royell Manufacturing, Inc. RREEF Runstad Center for Real Estate Studies, University of Washington Rushing Russell Investments Ryan Sabey Corporation Sabic Polymershapes Safeco/Liberty Mutual Sands Development Co. Schnitzer Northwest Schuchart Schwabe Williamson &Wyatt, P.C. Sclater Partners Architects Seafair a✓ Seatte Post-Intelligencer Seattle Bank Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County www.edc-seaking.org 1 (206) 389-8650 Annual Economic Forecast Conference Past Attendees Seattle Biomedical Research Institute Seattle Business Magazine Seattle Center Seattle Central Community College Seattle Chinese Chamber of Commerce Seattle City Council Seattle City Light Seattle Climate Partnership Seattle Community Colleges Seattle Financial Group Seattle Hospitality Group Seattle Housing Authority Seattle Jobs Initiative Seattle Metropolitan Chamber Seattle Mortgage Seattle Photography Seattle Post-Intelligencer Seattle Rotary Seattle Seahawks Seattle Steam Seattle Times Company Seattle University Seattle Vocational Institute Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation Sellen Construction Seneca Group Sequoyah Electric Service Steel Aerospace SGA Corporation Shen Consulting, Inc. Sheraton Seattle Hotel Shilshole Development ShoreBank Pacific Shoreline Bank Shoreline City Council Shoreline Community College Sierra Construction Company SightLife SIGN Simon Property Group Skanska USA Slalom, LLC Slipstream Design Small Business Washington Smith Barney Snohomish County Snohomish County Council Snohomish County PUD Snoqualmie Valley Chamber of Commerce Social Venture Partners SonoSite, Inc. Sorensen Sound Community Bank Sound Environmental Strategies Corporation Sound Investments Sound Transit } South Seattle Community College Southend Unlimited Resources for a Global & Green Economy(SURGGE) Sparkman Cellars Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County www.edc-seaking.org 1 (206)389-8650 Annual Economic Forecast Conference Past Attendees Sparks Construction Management Sparling SpringHill &TownePlace Suites SRM Development State Farm Insurance State of Washington Sterling Savings Bank Stewart Title Guaranty Stoel Rives LLP Strategic News Service Superior Slabjacking Inc. Suquamish Clearwater Casino Resort Sustainable Industries Sustainable Living Innovations Sustainable September Sustaining Structures Swedish Medical Center Swinerton Builders Tacoma Park Talon Private Capital Talon Properties Tarragon LLC TEAGUE Technology Alliance Tenacious Ventures Teutsch Development The Avogadro Group, LLC The Blume Company The Boeing Company The Brighton Group The Conference Board The Economist The Everett Clinic The Fairmont Olympic Hotel The Fearey Group The Gaitan Group The Miller Hull Partnership, LLP The News Tribune The Production Network The Schuster Group, Inc. The Seattle Channel The Staubach Company The Sustainability Foundation The Transpo Group Timberland Bank Tiscareno Associates Tishman Speyer Tiz's Door Sales Toshiba TOTE, Inc. Touchstone Corporation Towers Watson Trade Development Alliance of Greater Seattle Trammell Crow Company Transpo Group Trinity Real Estate TubeArt Tukwila City Council Tulalip Casino and Hotel Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County www.edc-seaking.org 1 (206)389-8650 Annual Economic Forecast Conference Past Attendees Turner Construction TVW Twelves Unlimited LLC TwinStar Credit Union Tyrisco Inc. U. S. Trust U.S. Bank UBS Wealth Management ULI Northwest Umpqua Bank Unico Properties LLC UniEnergy Technologies Unimark Construction Group Union Bank Union Bank of California United Parcel Service University of Phoenix University of Puget Sound University of Washington University of Washington Bothell US Bank US Small Business Administration Valley Medical Center Valley Medical Center Van Ness Feldman LLP vcfo Veca Electric Verity Credit Union Virginia Mason Medical Center VKR Solutions VP Bayley Construction Vulcan, Inc. WALECET Wallace Properties, Inc. Walsh Pacific WaMu Washington Aerospace Partnership Washington Aerospace Training & Research Center Washington Bankers Association Washington Biotechnology& Biomedical Association Washington Business Alliance Washington Capital Management, Inc. Washington Clean Technology Alliance Washington Council on International Trade Washington Dental Service Washington Economic Development Association Washington Economic Development Commission Washington Economic Development Finance Authority Washington Environmental Council Washington Federal Washington Federal Savings Washington Global Health Alliance Washington Global Health Fund Washington Interactive Network Washington Manufacturing Services Washington National Guard Washington Partners Washington Real Estate Holdings, LLC Washington Research Foundation Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County www.edc-seaking.org 1 (206)389-8650 Annual Economic Forecast Conference Past Attendees Washington Roundtable Washington State Convention Center Washington State Department of Commerce Washington State Department of Employment Security Washington State Department of Transportation Washington State Departmentof Veterans Affairs Washington State Employment Security Washington State Governor's Office Washington State House of Representatives Washington State Office of Financial Management Washington State Recyling Association Washington State University Washington Technology Center Washington Technology Industry Association Washington Trust Waste Management Waste Recovery Seattle International, LLC. (WRSI) Waterfront Seafood Grill Waude Building & Land Inc. Wayne Rogers&Co. Weber Shandwick Weber Thompson Weis Communications Wells Fargo Bank Weyerhaeuser Wheels in Motion Wilder Construction Company Williams Kastner PLLC Willis of Seattle Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Windermere Real Estate Woodcock Washburn LLP Woodland Park Zoo Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County Workforce Development Council Snohomish County WorkSource WRF Capital Wright Hotels, Inc. Wright Runstad & Company WSU Research Foundation Wyndham Publications, Inc. Xconomy Xextex Company Yarrow Bay Holdings YMCA of Greater Seattle YWCA Zachary Scott Zetec, Inc. ZGF Architects LLP ZINO Society ZsolutionZ Zymogenetics Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County www.edc-seaking.org 1 (206)389-8650 Pulliam, Julie crom: Margo Shiroyama <mshiroyama@comcast.net> .rent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 10:44 AM To: Pulliam,Julie Subject: FW: SPONSOR PROPOSAL-43rd Annual Economic Forecast Conference - Jan 15, 2015 Attachments: EFC2015 Marketing Flyer.pdf; EFC2015 Draft Agenda.pdf; EFC2015 Steering Committee Roster.pdf; EFC2015 Past Attendees.pdf Importance: High FYI Margo Shiroyama (425) 785-4015 mshiroyama@comcast.net From: Margo Shiroyama [mailto:mshiroyama@comcast.net] Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 7:49 AM To: 'Wolters, Ben' Cc: 'Wilmot, Michelle' Subject: FW: SPONSOR PROPOSAL - 43rd Annual Economic Forecast Conference -Jan 15, 2015 Importance: High !i Ben, added a couple of additional points below in red. Again, I'm around, so please feel free to give me a call to discuss. Completely understand Ryan's questions regarding number of impressions and views. In terms of a targeted audience and timing I think the event is an excellent fit with this year's theme-Global Investment& Innovation: Capitalizing on Our Gateway to the World. It may be helpful if you decided to move forward at the presenting level to set up a call or meeting so we can get a better understanding of your communication and outreach plan. I imagine you're going to be sending an email out to your network with the new brand and doing some outreach to media such as the PSBJ. With our contacts on their editorial team we may be able to assist. I definitely want to make sure we're maximizing your investment and outreach efforts. Margo Shiroyama (425) 785-4015 msh iroyamaCaD-comcast.net From: [mailto:mshir Shiroyama Margo oY @ama comcast.net] Y - Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 4:47 PM To: 'Wolters, Ben' Cc: 'Wilmot, Michelle' Subject: RE: SPONSOR PROPOSAL - 43rd Annual Economic Forecast Conference -Jan 15, 2015 Importance: High y Hi Ben, 1 I apologize,just came across your message. I've responded to the questions below and also attached our current marketing flyer, draft conference agenda, steering committee roster, and doc with past attendees for those that may not have attended the conference in the past. I'm around—please feel free to call me on my cell (425) 785-4015. ..,largo Shiroyama (425) 785-4015 msh iroyama(a)-comcast.net From: Wolters, Ben [mailto:BWolters(akentwa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 11:06 AM To: 'Margo Shiroyama' Cc: Wilmot, Michelle Subject: FW: SPONSOR PROPOSAL- 43rd Annual Economic Forecast Conference -Jan 15, 2015 Hi Margo, See below some questions I would like to discuss with you. Perhaps you can shoot me some of the numerical numbers asked about below for outreach. I am preparing to present the proposal at tomorrow's Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meeting. Do you have time today to chat? Ben From: Hart, Ryan [mailto:RHart(�i)showarecenter.com] Sent: Friday, November 07, 2014 10:36 AM To: Wolters, Ben Cc: Wilmot, Michelle Subject: RE: SPONSOR PROPOSAL - 43rd Annual Economic Forecast Conference -Jan 15, 2015 Hey Ben— Had a chance to look over the sponsorship attachments and my first impression was, it's a good proposal but for$15k, I can't honestly say I was really knocked off my feet with an overabundance of definable value. That's not to meant to say there aren't quality elements in here,just that it would be my opinion at$15,000, they are stretching it. I did jot down some questions that maybe you could go back to Margo with and perhaps the answers to those may tip the scales. Let me know if you have any questions or if I can help out in any other way. Presenting Sponsor Benefits: • Presenting Sponsor recognition on all conference promotional materials including logo on emails, event web site, and Puget Sound Business Journal(PSBJ) advertising campaign. Campaign 1. Can they tell us how many conference emails will be sent, to whom, and how many people are on the list? 7 emails to our EDC database (10,000 contacts) 1 Reminder email to attendees(estimate 750) We'll also be promoting the event via social media 500 Facebook friends and 340 Twitter subscribers 2. Can they estimate what the web traffic will be? Here are the stats on the EDC website— monthly visitors: 2,286 monthly page views: 7,378 average time: 2:18 2 We anticipate the visits to the conference site will increase with our outreach via email,social media, the PSBJ and KIRO. 3. How many ads they are planning on running in PSBJ as part of their campaign leading up to the event? Four quarter page ads in December and January • Logo on the cover of the PSBJ Special Conference Supplement along with a quarter-page ad (valued at$3,725 - artwork to be provided by sponsor). Supplement distributed to conference attendees and included in the PSBJ's January 16 issue. 1. How many attendees are they expecting/will receive the conference supplement? 750+ attendees will receiving the supplement at the conference. The supplement will then be included in the PSBJ's Friday 1/16 issue distributed to a current circulation of 18,000. We are planning to have the supplement have a much longer shelf life this year with an overview of our global trade and investment plan as well as case studies. Our goal is to utilize the overruns of the supplement over the 10-12 months with our outreach for the global trade and investment plan—at tradeshows and events. 2. For this sponsorship level, I would ask if there's any possibility of getting a half page ad? If it is going in the conference supplement, they should have some flexibility on the size of the ad. Unfortunately, we've already signed our agreement with the PSBJ that specifies quarter page ads for our presenting sponsors • Chance to pitch Kent-related story ideas to writer working on the PSBJ Special Conference Supplement. I have a hard time assigning significant value to this bullet point if there is no guarantee a story on Kent will be included. If there is one, we don't know if it will be a few quick sentences or a full article. Additionally, what would prevent us from trying to pitch a story even if the investment was not at the presenting level? We work directly with the PSBJ's writer on this supplement and as we discussed will include you in the discussion and encourage inclusion of one of the Kent-related story ideas. • Presenting Sponsor visibility at the conference including logo on slides, signage, and printed collateral 1.I do like the mock-up of the slides and signage. They look clean and provide good recognition for the sponsors. Can they provide more specifics though on how many times that slide will potentially be seen? If they are going to recognize all the sponsors once at the beginning or end of the event, that is obviously different than if the sponsor slides are going to be repeated throughout the day. Also, for the signage— is it one sign when you walk in and that's the only time attendees will see it or will they have numerous throughout the convention center? A lot of my questions, you may notice, are geared at how many eyeballs are we talking about and what sort of frequency are we getting. We will be recognizing our sponsors at the start of each session (morning, breakouts, lunch) and at the close of the conference. We will also have the slides on an auto-rotation in the plenary session prior to the start of each session and during the networking breaks. We will also be positioning 10-12 signs throughout the conference and the broader convention center. • Opportunity to have a representative from Kent introduce a portion of the program 1. I think this has substantial value. Good opportunity to speak in front of the entire conference and give a plug for Kent while introducing a portion of the program. I would just be curious if they knew what portion of the program that might be? Attached is a draft agenda. Let's discuss what portion of the program you'd like to intro if you decided to go with the Presenting Sponsorship. • Sponsor display table at the conference (valued at$900) 3 1. Pretty self-explanatory. I'm sure this is what they are selling their tables for, but I think this might actually be undervalued. Good to know. • Ten complimentary admissions to the conference and keynote lunch. This includes table signage and positioning in prime location (valued at$1,975) I'm not sure I would assign a value of$2k for this. Would we want/need the 10 comp passes? The tables during the keynote lunch will be 10 tops that include signage recognition for group. I believe your advisory. I believe the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee is comprised of 7 members. In addition to the sponsor visibility it will be helpful to have participation from key stakeholders to reinforce the new brand. • Option of having a representative serve on the Conference Steering Committee 1. Are you familiar with what the Conference Steering Committee is? Is it something you would want to serve on or know someone who would? Does this have value to you? Attached is the steering committee roster for your review. • Twelve month sponsor recognition on the EDC web site 1. Do they know on what page of the EDC website the sponsor recognition will be on and are they able to provide a rough estimate on traffic for a year? Your logo will be featured on the webpage with the forecast presentations and video from the conference. This page receives regular hits throughout the year. • Networking opportunities with industry leaders through invitations to special Board hosted events Thanks so much! Ryan Hart Dir of Sales& Mktg ShoWare Center none: 253.856.6705 1 Cell:206.450.8212 From: Hart, Ryan Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2014 4:50 PM To: 'Wolters, Ben' Cc: Wilmot, Michelle Subject: RE: SPONSOR PROPOSAL - 43rd Annual Economic Forecast Conference -Jan 15, 2015 Hey Ben— I will print all of this out tomorrow and send over my feedback regarding the sponsorship proposal. To your point though, I would agree that the tagline 'bringing the world home' should be included with the logo. Thanks! Ryan Hart Dir of Sales& Mktg ShoWare Center Phone: 253.856.6705 1 Cell: 206.450.8212 From: Wolters, Ben [mailto:BWolters@kentwa.gov] Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2014 4:38 PM To: Wilmot, Michelle; Hart, Ryan 'ubject: RE: SPONSOR PROPOSAL - 43rd Annual Economic Forecast Conference -Jan 15, 2015 4 One quick thought is having them add our tagline"bringing the world home"to the bottom of our logo as we have one of our logos. Allows us to more readily communicate why we think this event and its topic is one we want to sponsor. -rom: Wolters, Ben gent: Thursday, November 06, 2014 4:09 PM To: Wilmot, Michelle; Hart, Ryan Subject: FW: SPONSOR PROPOSAL - 43rd Annual Economic Forecast Conference - Jan 15, 2015 Importance: High Michelle and Ryan, See attached. Let me know what you think. I am sending it out to the Committee tomorrow in advance of their meeting. Ben From: Margo Shiroyama [mailto:mshiroyama@comcast.net] Sent: Monday, November 03, 2014 12:22 PM To: Wolters, Ben Cc: 'Suzanne Estey' Subject: SPONSOR PROPOSAL - 43rd Annual Economic Forecast Conference -Jan 15, 2015 Importance: High Ben, Thank you for last week's follow up call. We're excited to hear that Kent is interested in sponsoring the EDC's 43rd Annual Economic Forecast Conference scheduled for Thursday,January 15, 2015 from 7:00am— 1:30pm at the Washington State Convention Center. .%ttached is a proposal for the Presenting Sponsorship that includes mock-ups of the sponsor recognition using your new logo. Below is also a draft of the save the date email, that we're hoping to send out later this week, listing Kent as a sponsor/partner—we discussed this listing while we work on determining the level of your support. Kent Proposal: Page 1 - Overview of sponsorship benefits Page 2 - Mock-up of PSBJ promotional ad campaign leading up to the conference Page 3 - Mock-up of PSBJ Special Supplement Cover Page 4 - Mock-up of slide recognition at the conference Page 5 - Mock-up of signage recognition at the conference NOTE: We have also included in bullet three over the sponsorship benefits the opportunity to pitch story ideas to the writer for our special PSBJ supplement. I believe with your tagline "We are Kent Bringing the World Home,"fits in nicely with the launch of the regional Global Trade & Investment Plan which will be a key focus of this year's supplement. As we discussed we're open to modifying the sponsorship benefits to maximize visibility for Kent and your new brand/logo, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County 43rd Annual Economic Forecast Conference Presenting Sponsor Investment$15,000 Presenting Sponsor Benefits: • Presenting Sponsor recognition on all conference promotional materials including logo on emails, event web site, and Puget Sound Business Journal(PSBJ) advertising campaign. Campaign • Logo on the cover of the PSBJ Special Conference Supplement along with a quarter-page ad (valued at$3,725 - artwork to be provided by sponsor). Supplement distributed to conference attendees and included in the PSBJ's January 16 issue. 5 • Chance to pitch Kent-related story ideas to writer working on the PSBJ Special Conference Supplement. • Presenting Sponsor visibility at the conference including logo on slides, signage, and printed collateral • Opportunity to have a representative from Kent introduce a portion of the program • Sponsor display table at the conference (valued at$900) • Ten complimentary admissions to the conference and keynote lunch. This includes table signage and positioning in prime location (valued at$1,975) • Option of having a representative serve on the Conference Steering Committee • Twelve month sponsor recognition on the EDC web site • Networking opportunities with industry leaders through invitations to special Board hosted events Margo Shiroyama (425) 785-4015 mshiroyamaa,comcast.net R 1 } t Devoopment Cou n, FC JMtYi 43rd ANNUAL ECONOMIC FORECAST CONFERENCE GLOBAL INVESTMENT & INNOVATION: Capitalizing on Our Gateway to the World Thursday, January 15, 2015 1 7:00am - 1:30pm I Washington State Convention Center Register Today at http://www.edc-seaking.org iss your chance to join the conversation, learn what lies ahead, and connect with other regional leaders at the largest economic the Northwest. Gain insight into critical business issues with forecasts from nationally recognized experts, as they cut to the bottor A-attend event. ar's conference will feature the launch of the region's Global Trade & Investment Plan, focused on increasing exports and growing of gn Direct Investment (FDI). The Greater Seattle Region has many advantages that make it an attractive destination for FDI—from c ivorl-'nrce and FORTUNE 100s, to our deep foreign trade ties and unparalleled natural environment. But how will we capitalize c ge gain a greater share of the global investment opportunity. r 40 years, the Economic Development Council's annual Economic Forecast Conference has helped business and community 6 economic trends into competitive intelligence to successfully plan for the future. Register your group today! Jay Inslee Washin ton State Governor F� Dow Constantine King County Executive IF j Bing County Ken Goldstein The Conference Board THE � r CONFERENCE BOARD ^^ Amy Liu �•�� Brookings Institution BROOKINGS Erik Ristuben Russell Investments Russell I Investments Chris Mefford Community Attributes, Inc. t � B C D m lfT u n i t y attributes ;TRATION FEES -- Click here to registger today! BIRD (register prior to 12/16/14) rs* - Single $790 -Group of 5 $1,575 -Group of 10 embers -Single $890- Group of 5 $1,775-Group of 10 AL (register prior to 01/16/13) rs* -Single $890- Group of 5 $1,775 - Group of 10 !tubers -Single $990- Group of 5 $1,975 - Group of 10 Contributing Partner Organization Members receive the discounted member rate to attend SORS & PARTNERS PUGET PUG PUGET SOUND ' SOUND � n BUSINESS JOURNAL ENERGY Tray evelo meat Alliance F 'qwKUreater Seattle WASHIMGTON For information on sponsorship and display opportunities please contact Margo Shiroyama at(425) 785-4015 or email mshiroyamaCaD-comcast.net. s 1, Fr k•; Economic Development Council k of Seattle and King County 1 • • - • - • - - I 1 I IS Don't miss your chance to join the conversation, learn what lies ahead for the region, and connect with other regional leaders at the largest economic forecast event in the Northwest. Gain insight into critical business issues with forecasts from nationally recognized experts, as they cut to the bottom line at this must-attend event. This year's conference will feature the launch of the region's Global Trade & Investment Plan, focused on increasing exports and growing our share of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). The Greater Seattle region has many advantages that make it an attractive destination for trade and investment—from our high-caliber workforce and cutting edge FORTUNE 100s, to our deep foreign trade ties and unparalleled natural environment. But how we capitalize on these advantages—especially as competition increases both domestically and internationally—will be key to the region capturing a greater share of global investment opportunity now and in the future. For over 40 years, the Economic Development Council's annual Economic Forecast Conference has helped business and commu- nity leaders translate economic trends into competitive intelligence to successfully plan for the future. Register your group today! A Jay Inslee Dow Constantine Ken Goldstein Amy Liu Erik Ristuben Preston McAfee Chris Mefford Governor Executive Forecast Economist Metropolitan Policy Program Chief Investment Strategist Chief Economist President&CEO Washington State King County The Conference Board Brookings Institution Russell Investments Microsoft Corporation Community Attributes PUGESOUND �l�y�q ' ' 11R0 012""ARIZ-v" MEgcl Kidder SouND ° � Mathews 1 ENERGYa l R L I N E S' COMMERCIAL PEAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS Russell WORKFORCE Tra evelopment Alliance pKel ley �1#0# Investments Kent BringingfheWorrdHome DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL reater Sea ttle INGit OF SEATTLE EINO COUNIY • 1 • 1 • KII5i11' LN WCIT � > ns PORT iufF ciwNi[c King County =1;_.. psi=.; rc,Im:,tn, .noN, t'w..A..<, rolnmullaL ®Department of commerce TACOo ce reaue Rtr.r ,CleanTech Alliance ®A TAcora _ Inno^vatiAon s In our nature. "- THE CHAMBER Sr ,` TECHNOLOGY 1' nV1 onT V LEROERSHIP w� °ensess antal WBBA coo.e rc<c.sioc. o.. � OnePedmond ® cuun<e � ewwuuulw.a. Photos Specifications Photo Format: • JPEG Photo Size: • Minimum size: 400w X 400h • Maximum size: 1200w X 800h Who to send this photo to: CheIsey at Lene is8 1 2mn ow.hiz Prop,os utw& Qption for Visa Kent cows. 'Vt7rit�r Hiring Freelance Writer/ Editor: Dana Neuts IVirtuallyYourz Phone: 360-920-1737 Email: dana@virtuallVvourz.com Option 1: Quarterly/Seasonal text changes to the 6 main pages (Discover, Plan, Explore, Stay, Events & Culture), minimal text updates on inner pages as needed and one additional story per experience icon Cost: $400/quarterly Terms, net 15, billed at month end Option 2: 12 Blog Posts per Month to include research, copywriting and posting Cost: $400.00/ month, no long term contract required Terms, net 15, billed at month end e� r Bringing the World Nome W A S H I N G T 0 N Proposed FAtm& Options for Visit t.com Phowr Hiring Freelance Photographer: Ross Coyle Phone 541-515-2070 rosscoyle.media@gmail.com www.rosscoylemedia.com Option 1: Photographing events and activities in Kent to provide 3 new photos per main category found on the website ( Discover, Plan, Explore, Stay, Events, Culture) for each season of Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer • 18 photos main shots • Up to 30 photos for events/ activities with the attendance of 3 events Cost: $800.00/quarterly Terms, net 15, billed at month end of the quarter Option 2: providing 10 new photos a month with Genesis Marketing's Direction Cost: $350/month, does not require contract can be done monthly Terms, net 15, billed at month end Option 3: providing 20 new photos a month with Genesis Marketing's Direction Cost: $650/month, does not require contract can be done monthly Terms, net 15, billed at month end K ��O�A#*,t4 Bringing the World Home e wASH INGTON Visitkent.com Project Timeline Change in Creative Direction: • We are no longer planning on using the local people as representatives for each icon • We are leaving the door open but not moving forward at this time for the WOW people for each icon • Each icon will now be represented in a story format through the eyes of multiple age groups and ethnicity Change in Communication/ Management to establish the final version of the website: • Ben, Michelle, and Ryan have agreed to direct Genesis on exactly what needs to be done to finish the website • Genesis will take all direction from Ben, Michelle, and Ryan and once pages are finalized links will be sent out to the entire committee to review Status of website performing on all platforms: • By NOON on Tuesday the 25t" Genesis will be doing internal testing to make sure all programing for a responsive design was done correctly • We will be testing this with a minimum of 30 people whom use different formats and are located in different locations • Guaranteed confirmation the website is functioning on all platforms as a responsive website will be sent by December 3rd at 5pm o At that time, a link will be sent out to the entire committee for review Update on Text: • The committee approved the 60 day contract for Dana and she is in action writing text for the website • She has fulfilled the contract for all text except for text found under the "Discover" tab on the website and blog posts for the week of 11/24, 12/1; 12/8 • Genesis will be scheduling a meeting with Ben, Michelle, and Ryan the week of Dec.1st to go over the text by website tab for approval or to get minor modification • After the tourism meeting on 11/20 we will be taking the direction from Ben, Michelle, and Ryan for all additional text that is needed to finish the website o Our intentions will be to finish the text needed for each icon if the committee approves the Family Fun Seeker exampled provided • Thursday December 4t", December 11t" and December 18t" the committee will receive an email with links to the pages that have finalized and approved text • Attached is a proposed contract with Dana for the committee to review which will allow for future text edits and or blog posts for Visitl(ent.com Pulliam, Julie Voc -bject: Lodging Tax Meeting ration: Centennial North (Suite 107); Centennial South (Suite 105) Start: Thu 11/20/2014 4:00 PM End: Thu 11/20/2014 5:00 PM Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Accepted Organizer: Wolters, Ben Required Attendees: Barbara Smith; BeMiller, Aaron; Blane Webber; Boyce, William; Brubaker,Tom ; Casey, John; Higgins,Tim; Hutchinson,Andrew; Keikkala,Andrea ; Kwok, David ; Pulliam,Julie; Wilmot, Michelle; genesisl01@gmnow.biz; bobl@studio37designs.com Optional Attendees: Clark, Pam; Hanson, Kurt We will be proceeding with the contracts approved for the 60 day Writer, 60 Day Photographer as well as the 90 day Newsletter contract by making an amendment to our current contract with the City for all additional costs. Additional costs denoted: 1. 60 day writer contract $1,920.00 • 15% management fee of $388.82 2. 60 day photographer contract $1,800.00 • 15% management fee of $317.64 3. 90 day newsletter contract $1,200.00 Genesis Marketing will be invoicing the City for these expenses and working directly with the freelance writer and photographer chosen. Revising the contracts to include approval by each freelancer, Genesis Marketing and an overall ok by the City as we will not need a contract with the city to move forward per the decision of the Lodging Tax Committee for the 60 days for writer and photographer and 90 days newsletter management. Will send these contracts to be ok'd either by Julie or Ben after they have been signed by both parties. ,1 VisitKent Identities for fin... The next tourism meeting is 20th of November however prior to the meeting we will need the 5 Kent Chosen Identities to begin contracting, drafting bios and taking photos to place on the website. In yaidition to this— Genesis will be providing future options for after the 60 day contracts for "' ,vebsite writer and photographer to be reviewed and approved at the next meeting. The .pose of these will be to continue updating text and photos after the 1st initial 60 days are complete. i