HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 05/23/2012 (2) KEN T AGENDA LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING May 23, 2012, 4-5 pm Centennial North & South Conference Rooms 400 W. Gowe, St. 1. Introduction • Call for additions to the agenda Jamie Perry • Approval of Minutes from Retreat Feb. 28, 2012 2. Reports • Seattle Southside Katherin Kertzman • KDP Barbara Smith • Kent Chambers Andrea Keikkala 3. Old Business • Granted & Paid ShoWare Center Ask $5,000 Pandora Beth Sylves 4. New Business • Ask for $5,000 ShoWare Shoot Out Steve Turcotte • Ask for $10,000 Kent Parks & Rec. Softball Portable Fence Jeff Watling • Ask for $5,000 ShoWare Center Economic Impact Study Ben Wolters & business & patrons surveys • Game Time Events Information Steve Turcotte 5. Budget Bob Nachlinger 6. For the Good of the Order 7. Assignments for Next Meeting 8. Next Meeting Date ShoWare Shootout Ask 2012 SHOWARESHO TOUT i P A SENTED BY ALLIED WASTE PROPOSAL FOR LODGING TAX COMMITTEE WHAT: South King County's Premier 3 on 3 basketball event featuring age divisions for men, women, seniors, kids, wheelchair. Anybody who likes to play basketball is invited to take part in this third annual event. WHEN: Saturday and Sunday, July 28-29, 2012 WHERE: ShoWare Center, Kent, Wash. parking Lot. TEAMS: Teams of all ages and sizes and genders are invited to take part. Courts will be set up in the parking lot at the ShoWare Center with games all day on Saturday and Sunday July 28-29, 2012. Teams playing for the division championships will at the end of the day Sunday for the titles. ENTRY: Entry fee is $75 per team for any division. Entry fee includes a guarantee of four games and a T-shirt. If your team wins the championship game of the division you get a special winner's T- Shirt. Entry deadline is July 20, 2010. Schedule will be emailed 2-3 days before the first round of games and tournament brackets will be on site. FORMAT: Each division will play on its own court with a main court hosting the top divisions. Two main courts will be set up in the middle of the ShoWare parking lot. TEAMS: A total of 150-200 teams are expected to take part in this INFO: Call 206.240.9029 for more information. www.showareshootout.com CHARITY: Kent Youth and Family Services. A portion of the proceeds from the event will be donated back to Kent Youth and Family Services, I ocated in Kent and a company which helps youths and families in the Kent area. a ,1 j SEATTLE SPORTS COMMISSION: The event will be part of the Seattle Sports Commission's Subway Washington State Games. The event will have added promotion value since the commission will publicize this event throughout the slate of Washington. MONEY: The funds from the city of Kent will be used to buy additional baskets for the event which need to replace some of the original baskets. A total of 20 basketball outdoor courts will be set up in the ShoWare Center parking lot with all age divisions playing on Saturday and Sunday. Other expenses include rent for the ShoWare Center parking lot, staff shirts, staff food,and other miscellaneous items which go into making up the event. With the expected addition of teams we will need'to add staffing for the event and that will add to the costs of the event as well. We also are bringing in Kent Police for both days of the event which is another added expense. We will also be buying a special T-shirt for the competitors—which will be in addition to the shirts the Subway Washington Games is providing for all players. Allied Waste is cutting back its sponsorship so more help is needed to keep this event running as a first-class operation. OTHER: The new hoops are the main new expense for the event. The ShoWare Shootout also will be buying T shirts for the players and outfits for the volunteers, insurance for the event, a rental fee for the ShoWare Center to host the event. A sound system will also be rented for the two days of the event. The new hoops will help replace some of the other hoops that have bent rims and bases which leak water. i PROPOSAL: This is a request for $5,000 that will help cover the purchase of new baskets for the event,new T-shirts for the players and volunteers as well as money to help with added security and the expense of adding staffing with the addition of more teams for the 2012 event. CORNUCOPIA DAYS: We are trying to work with the Kent Lions on setting up two courts during Cornucopia Days to show off what 3 on 3 basketball will look like on the downtown streets of Kent for one day during the annual festival. NOTES: The event itself does not have much competition from other local 3 on 3 basketball events. One event at Snoquahnie Ridge disbanded after last year's event. PRESENTED Y ALLIED WASTE FACT SHEET WHAT: South King County's Premier 3 on 3 basketball event featuring age divisions for men,women, seniors,kids,wheelchair.Anybody who likes to play basketball is invited to take part in this second annual event. WHEN: Saturday and Sunday,July 28-29,2012 WHERE: ShoWare Center,Kent,Wash. TEAMS: Teams of all ages and sizes and genders are invited to take part. Courts will be set up in the parking lot at the ShoWare Center with games all day on Saturday and Sunday July 28-29,2012. ENTRY: Entry fee is $75 per team for any division.Entry fee includes a guarantee of four games, a T-Shirt, and extra T-shirt if your team wins the championship game of the division.Entry deadline is July 20,2012. Schedule will be emailed 2-3 days before the fast round of games and tournament brackets will be on site. FORMAT: Each division will play on its own court with a main court hosting the top divisions.Main court will be set up in the middle of the ShoWare parking lot. BALL HOCKEY: A ball hockey rink will be set up as part of the event.Teams will play in a tournament format July 28-29,2012 as part of the ShoWare Shootout. Same entry rules apply to those wanting to play ball hockey. TEAMS: A total of 150-200 teams are expected to take part in this event from kids to adults. INFO: Call 206.240.9029 for more information. See showareshootout.com for more information. CHARITY: Kent Youth and Family Services.A portion of the proceeds from the event will be donated back to Kent Youth and Family Services,located in Kent and a company which helps youths and families in the Kent area. SUBWAY WASHINGTON GAMES: The event will be part of the Subway Washington Gaines,meaning there will be an opportunity for additional exposure and publicity. i i i I I I i I Kent Parks & Rec Softball Portable Fencing Ask 1 CITY OF KENT PARKS, RECREATION &COMMUNITY SERVICES Jeff Watling, Director ® -tom 220 41h Avenue South KEN 1 Kent, WA 98032 W A 5 H I N O T O N Fax: 253-856-6050 PHONE: 253-856-5100 STAFF REPORT To: Lodging Tax Board Members From: Jeff Watling, Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services Date: May 16, 2012 Re: Funding Request for Portable Fencing at Athletic Complexes BACKGROUND: The City of Kent hosts over 50 baseball, softball, and fastpitch tournament events between mid-March and late-September each year. In order to accommodate the various field distance requirements for these regional and national events, portable outfield fencing must be installed. Due to the wide variety of ages and level of play, it is not unusual for this fencing to be put up at 8-9 field locations on a Friday for one or more weekend tournaments and taken down or re-located the following Monday in order to meet league play requirements. With all this use, our current field fencing is beginning to break and is nearing the end of its useful life. Most of the current fencing inventory has been repaired multiple times over the years. The remaining inventory is insufficient to cover the requisite number of fields for large tournaments. The product itself is bulky and unwieldy, necessitating multiple trips to transport it from one location to the next. Putting the fencing up and down is also extremely wearing on the fencing material. FUNDING REQUEST: In replacing this worn out fencing, we are seeking a safe, durable and more portable fencing product that can be easily stored, installed and transported by one staff person. Research shows that Enduro Event Fencing is the current industry standard. Along with providing an updated look to the facilities, Park Operations staff estimates they can cut installation and transport time in half with this product. We are requesting $10,000 from Lodging Tax proceeds to assist with the purchase of this new fencing. Estimates for the fencing and the initial installation of the ground sleeves is just over $16,500. This investment in a new portable fencing system will help us to retain current tournaments and remain competitive in attracting new tournaments to our well-respected athletic complexes. BENEFIT TO KENT ECONOMY: Portable fencing is a requisite in order for Kent to continue to be a competitive host site for large regional and national events and in turn, for our community to realize the economic benefits from these events. As stated above, the City hosts over 50 baseball, softball, and fastpitch tournament events between mid-March and late-September each year. Over 1,000 youth and adult teams with over 15,000 players and 40,000 spectators from nearly every state in the US and Canada will participate in a tournament in Kent this summer. These visitors will fill hotels and restaurants, shop at retail stores and service providers, and visit local points of interest. Tournament events hosted in the City of Kent have a significant economic impact on the Kent community. This re-investment will help to ensure that continues. Thank you for your consideration. I ShoWare Economic Impact Study Ask r l � E Exhibit A hoWarc Center Economic Impact Analysis 1 Scope of Services March 15, 2012 I PROJECT UNDERSTANDING Community Attributes completed analyses and facilitated identification of strategic themes for an update to the City of Kent economic development plan in late 2011.As part of the economic development plan update process, CAI performed interviews with business leaders in Kent and facilitated a business forum in collaboration with City Economic Development Division staff. Through the interviews and the business forum, the importance of ShoWate Center emerged as a critical asset for local economic development. Business leaders citywide cited ShoWate's importance as an iconic landmark and regional draw. However, City leadership and stakeholders alike feel that ShoWate has even more potential for economic and fiscal benefits to the City. Survey data are not currently captured on ancillary spending of ShoWate visitors,but many in the business community feel that its economic impact is positive.As a'publically managed and financed facility, the City is interested i11 long-term sustainability of the facility and supporting its independence as an enterprise fund. 1 City economic development leaders desire a study that quantifies economic impacts associated with its activities. The study will provide analytic foundation for City strategies related to ShoWate. The following section includes a proposed scope of work to provide this economic impact assessinent of the ShoWate Center for the City of Kent. PROJECT APPROACH The approach to this work leverages existing data from the ShoWate center, combined with primary data collection in the form of ShoWate attendee surveys and business interviews, along with impact modeling to tell a complete story of the economic impact of ShoWate center. Survey research will attain ancillary consumer spending data to describe visitor and business activity related to ShoWate. The business survey will enhance perspectives on activity before, during and after ShoWate events and impacts on a variety of business types and locations. The business survey should include representatives from retail, restaurateurs and other businesses types and local business associations. The following section presents a detailed Work Program,with options. The tasks are included as a menu of options, offering varying degrees of completeness to tell the ShoWate story. Budget trade-offs are discuss in the subsequent section. SholFlare Econolvic Impact Study March 15, 2012 Page I �J t I WORK PROGRAM This section presents the anticipated tasks and associated level of effort required to complete the analysis. Task 1. Baseline Information and Data Assembly • Verify ShoWare revenue sources,tax rates, revenues and expenditures to date. • Review current net revenues accruing to the City,by segment, size of event and other data useful for analyzing demand. • Review expenditures, operating and maintenance costs. Deliverable: Technical memorandum Budget: $3,600 Schedule: Weeks 1 through 4 Task 2. Visitor and Business Survey and Profiles Intercept Survey For an intercept,survey, Community Attributes is experienced in collaborating with survey research firms to augment quantitative analysis.We are prepared to contract with local firms as a subcontractor for this task(price reflects estimates gathered in developing this scope). Deliverable: Design of intercept survey; Survey analysis and results;Visitor and business profiles Budget: $15,400 ($7,500 for survey; $7,900 for data analysis and reports) Schedule: Depends on schedule for representative events,plus 2 to 4 weeks for draft report Task 3. Local Business Interviews Identify businesses believed to benefit from ShoWare events. Conduct telephone interviews with up to 20 local businesses to assess the following: • Goods and services offered • Dependence on ShoWare events • Revenues and expenses • Marketing efforts currently underway • Needs from City Deliverable: Design interview protocol; Survey analysis and results Budget: $7,500 Schedule: Weeks 3 to 8 Task 4. Economic Impact Model & Capture Scenarios Sbo Ware Ecoi pip Impact Stately March 15, 2012 Page 2 I • Combine analysis of ShoWare data and survey data to estimate economic impacts. y Benefits quantified will include the following direct and indirect benefits (additional items from the City are welcomed for discussion): — Property tax revenue's — Sales tax revenues, including construction-related one-time revenues, on- going sales tax from operations and shared revenues (including Streamlined Sales Tax impacts, to the extent possible) — Parking tax revenues — Hotel/motel tax revenues — Utility tax revenues — Jobs by type — Wages • Estimate indirect and induced benefits using IMPLAN input/output modeling — Quantify impacts for King County as a whole — Estimate impacts captured by City of Kent activity Deliverable: Technical memo with exhibits, charts, graphs and summary findings Budget: $4,900 Schedule: Weeks 8-12 (Depending on survey schedule) Task 5. Draft and Final Reports .• Mine and integrate relevant stakeholder input from CAI's update to the Kent Economic Development Plan interviews and business forum input to inform potential strategies to consider. • Integrate technical memo, survey results and profiles and findings from other tasks into a complete report. • Draft findings in a report format with summary tables of key findings and spreadsheets. (Electronic files will be transferred). Deliverable: Draft and final report Meetings: Two; one to review preliminary findings and one to review draft report Budget: $5,000 Schedule: Weeks 8 through 12 Budget and Schedule All tasks require an estimated $36,400, reflected in the estimate of hours and tasks in the following budget exhibit. Including an on-line survey,in lieu of the intercept survey, would reduce the costs to $32,400. SholVare Economic Impact Study March 15, 2012 Page 3 I I I i Proposed Budget I Hours Costs Tasl<1. Baseline Information and Data Assembly 36 $3,600 Task 2. Showare Customer Intercept Survey 200 $15,400 Task 3. Business Interviews 70 $7,500 Task 4. Economic Impact Model 48 $4,900 Task S. Meetings&Reports 40 $5,000 Total Labor 394 $36,400 ShoWare Center Requirements ShoWare Center will provide the following to Community Attributes: • Contact information for online surveys • Information on bond service, operations and maintenance for comparison with economic benefits • Information related to current benefits to the City from existing businesses and economic activity ShoiVare Economic Impact Study March 15, 2012 Page 4 J References We encourage you to contact the references below who can speak to our expertise in providing fiscal and economic impact models: 1 • Jeff Marcell,President& CEO, enterpriseSeattle, (206) 389-8654; jinarcell@enterp:ciseseattle.org • Lyman Howard,Assistant City Managet/Finance Director, City of Sammainish; (425) 295-0590;lhoward@ci.sammarnish.wa.us 4 ShoVare Economic Impact Study Marc1) 15, 2012 Page 5 `.J i Game Time Events Information i i I i J Hs basketball events - Steve Turcotte.txt From: Steve Turcotte [sdturcotte@comcast.net] j Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 2:16 PM To: Pulliam, Julie subject: Re: Showare Shootout ASk - Lodging Tax Just information - not asking for any money Just wanted to ask about getting some help with hotel rooms. I need to ask the group for banners so I can put up the hotel banners at the events too on May 10, 2012, at 1:18 PM, Pulliam, Julie wrote: is this for an ask or information only, i am confused? From: Steve Turcotte [mailto:sdturcotte@comcast.net] sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 12:53 PM To: Pulliam, Julie subject: Re: Showare Shootout Ask - Lodging Tax How about if you give them this - these are the schedules for all my high school events next year - three at the Showare on May 10, 2012, at 12:08 PM, Pulliam, Julie wrote: I we need to have something to put with the agenda i From: Steve Turcotte [mailto:sdturcotte@comcast.net] sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 12:12 PM To: Pulliam, Julie subject: Re: Showare Shootout Ask - Lodging Tax was think maybe I will bring up the HS event with no real proposal to see what the group thinks what do you think? i on May 10, 2012, at 8:47 AM, Pulliam, Julie wrote: Thanks, I got it this time. Are you going to send over another? From: Steve Turcotte [mailto:sdturcotte@comcast.net] sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 8: 58 AM To: Pulliam, Julie Subject: Re: showare Shootout Ask - Lodging Tax oi< let's try again Here you go - i will have a poster and a couple of other presentation things with me i I will just bring up the HS basketball events - and not throw anything official at the group I on May 10, 2012, at 8:17 AM, Pulliam, Julie wrote: Page 1 I i Hs basketball events - Steve Turcotte.txt No I From: Steve Turcotte [mailto:sdturcotte@comcast.net] ! Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 8:52 AM To: Pulliam, Julie subject: Re: showare shootout Ask - Lodging Tax Did you get what z sent over? Thanks on May 10, 2012, at 8:15 AM, Pulliam, Julie wrote: You are more than welcome to bring forward an additional ask, it is up to the committee what they will fund. From: Steve Turcotte [mailto:sdturcotte@comcast.net] sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 7:22 PM To: Pulliam, Julie subject: Re: showare shootout Ask - Lodging Tax i do if that's OK Bringing in four out of town teams for my MLI< event and wanted to see about working with the hotels for a couple of them. Might not ask. for $$$ but for some room help what should z do with that one? on May 9, 2012, at 5:03 PM, Pulliam, Julie wrote: Are you saying you have a second ask? From: Steve Turcotte [mailto:sdturcotte@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 3:49 PM To: Pulliam, Julie subject: Re: showare shootout Ask - Lodging Tax will get something fired up for you. Also have a presentation for my high school events so i will be sending you two proposals Thanks for the update on May 9, 2012, at 2:27 PM, Pulliam, Julie wrote: Hi Steve, can you send me your documentation you would like to include in the agenda to justify your $5,000 ask? Thank you, Page 2 HS basketball events - Steve Turcotte.txt Julie Pulliam, Assistant to the Director Economic & Community Development Department 400 West Gowe, Kent, WA 98032 Main 253-856-5454 1 Direct 253-856-5702 jpulliam@KentwA.gov www.choosekent.com PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL Page 3 i { 1 2012=2013 EVENTS k t Les Schwab Tipoff Classic SPSL boys and girls At Auburn Riverside High School Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 2012 Les Schwab Preview At Highline Community College Dec. 8, 2012 Six boys games, two girls games ShoWare Shootout Presented by Team Financial Partners At ShoWare Center Dec. 20, 2012 Six high school games, two college games Les Schwab Christmas Classic At Kennedy High School Dec. 27-29, 2012 Eight boys teams, four girls teams King Showcase At ShoWare Center Jan. 21 , 2013 Five boys games, two girls games Les Schwab Shootout in Kent At ShoWare Center Jan. 25, 2013 Three boys games, two girls games 2012 LES SCHWAB TIPOFF CLASSIC Nov. 30-Dec. 1 , 2012 At Auburn Riverside High School Friday, Nov. 30 5:00 p.m. GIRLS Bonney Lake vs. Eatonville 6:30 p.m. BOYS Bonney Lake vs. Eatonville 8:00 p.m. BOYS Kennedy vs. Decatur. Saturday, Dec. 1 9:30 a.m BOYS Enumclaw vs. Inglemoor 11:00 a.m. GIRLS Enumclaw vs. Inglemoor 12:30 p.m. BOYS Clover Park vs. Foss 2:00 p.m. BOYS Emerald Ridge vs. Lindbergh 4:00 p.m. BOYS Rogers vs. South Kitsap 5:30 p.m. BOYS Kent-Meridian vs. Mount Si 7:00 p.m. GIRLS Auburn Riverside vs. Auburn Mountainview 8:30 p.m. BOYS Auburn Riverside vs. Auburn Mountainview i i i i 2012 LES SCHWAB i i I PREVIEW I i I Saturday, December 8, 2012 t Highline Community College 9:00 a.m. BOYS Wilson vs. Eastside Catholic 10:30 a.m. GIRLS Kentwood vs. Lake Stevens 12:00 p.m. BOYS Todd Beamer vs. Redmond I 2:00 p.m. BOYS Ballard vs. Olympia 3:30 p.m. BOYS Issaquah vs. Columbia River 5:00 p.m. GIRLS Mount Rainier vs. Jackson 7:00 p.m. BOYS Mount Rainier vs. Mountlake Terrace 8:30 p.m. BOYS Kennedy vs. Lincoln i I I I i i i I i I i i SHOWARE SHOOTOUT Presented by Team Financial Partners Saturday, Dec. 22, 2012 At ShoWare Center i 9:00 a.m. BOYS Evergreen Lutheran vs. Bear Creek 10:30 p.m. BOYS Sumner vs. Seattle Christian 12:00 p.m. GIRLS Auburn Mountainview vs. Cascade Christian 1:30 P.M. BOYS Auburn Mountainview vs. White River 3:30 p.m. GIRLS Mount Rainier vs. White River 5:00 p.m. BOYS Tahoma vs. Lynden 6:30 p.m. WOMEN Highline vs. Olympic 8:30 p.m. MEN Highline vs. Olympic 2012 LES SCHWAB CHRISTMAS CLASSIC i i I I I Thursday through Saturday, Dec. 27-29, 2012 At Kennedy High School I BOYS DIVISION Thursday, Dec. 27 2:30 p.m. Ballard vs. Cascade Christian 4:00 p.m. Enumclaw vs. Kentlake 5:30 p.m. Kent-Meridian vs. Lindbergh 7:00 p.m. Kennedy vs. Kings Friday, Dec. 28 2:30 p.m. Ballard-Cascade Christian loser vs. Enumclaw-Kentlake loser 4:30 p.m. Kent-Meridian-Lindbergh loser vs. Kennedy-King's loser 6:00 P.M. Ballard-Cascade Christian winner vs. Enumclaw-Kentlake winner 7.30 p.m. Kent-Meridian-Lindbergh winner vs. Kennedy-King's winner GIRLS DIVISION Friday, Dec. 28 j 11:30 a.m. Auburn Riverside vs. Edmonds Woodway 1:00 P.M. Kennedy vs. Inglemoor Saturday, Dec. 29 i 11:30 a.m. Girls 3rd_4tn place game 1:00 P.M. Boys 7t"-8t" place game 2:30 p.m. Boys 5tn-6tn place game 4:30 p.m. Boys 3rd place game 6:00 p.m. Girls Championship game 7:30 p.m. Boys Championship game i i 2013 KING SHOWCASE Presented by TBA i i i j i i I Monday, January 21 , 2013 At ShoWare Center 10:00 a.m. GIRLS Kentwood vs. Jackson 11:30 a.m. BOYS Foss vs. Columbia River I 1:00 P.M. GIRLS Mount Rainier vs. Oregon City (Ore.) I 2:30 p.m. BOYS Mountlake Terrace vs. Fairfax (Calif.) I 4:00 p.m. BOYS Kennedy vs. Benson (Ore.) 5:30 p.m. MLK Tribute 6:00 p.m. BOYS Decatur vs. Federal Way 7:30 p.m. BOYS Kent-Meridian vs. Kentridge I I f I 2013 LES SCHWAB SHOOTOUT IN KENT I Friday, January 25, 2013 I i At Sh® are Center 2:00 p.m. TBA vs. TBA 3:30 p.m. Kentridge girls vs. Kentlake girls 5:00 p.m. Kentlake boys vs. Kentridge boys 7:00 p.m. Kent-Meridian girls vs. Kentwood girls 8:30 p.m. Kentwood boys vs. Kent-Meridian boys i r F i i 511Lo are HOR , 3on3 CENTER South King County`s Premier 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament, 3rd Annual 9 1 1.A y � I I � 9 $75 team Entry fee Includes three games guaranteed & t-shirt for each playe REGIST11"31 ONLINEA TODAY! Deadline JulyZO Elite, Family, & Wheelchair divisions - All ages & skill levels welcome Benefiting Kent Youth & Family Services M lly Ii 1 ��l11TlAtill �[ ShoWareShootoutxom - 206.240.9029 2012 SHOWARE SHOOTOUT PROPOSAL FOR LODGING TAX COMMITTEE WHAT: South King County's Premier 3 on 3 basketball event featuring age divisions for men, women, seniors, kids, wheelchair. Anybody who likes to play basketball is invited to take part in this third annual event. WHEN: Saturday and Sunday, July 28-29, 2012 WHERE: ShoWare Center, Kent, Wash. parking Lot. TEAMS: Teams of all ages and sizes and genders are invited to take part. Courts will be set up in the parking lot at the ShoWare Center with games all day on Saturday and Sunday July 28-29, 2012. Teams playing for the division championships will at the end of the day Sunday for the titles. ENTRY: Entry fee is $75 per team for any division. Entry fee includes a guarantee of four games and a T-shirt. If your team wins the championship game of the division you get a special winner's T- Shirt. Entry deadline is July 20, 2012. Schedule will be emailed 2-3 days before the first round of games and tournament brackets will be on site. FORMAT: Each division will play on its own court with a main court hosting the top divisions. Two main courts will be set up in the middle of the ShoWare parking lot. TEAMS: A total of 150-200 teams are expected to take part in this INFO: Call 206.240.9029 for more information. www.showareshootout.com CHARITY: Kent Youth and Family Services. A portion of the proceeds from the event will be donated back to Kent Youth and Family Services, located in Kent and a company which helps youths and families in the Kent area. SEATTLE SPORTS COMMISSION: The event will be part of the Seattle Sports Commission's Subway Washington State Games. The event will have added promotion value since the commission will publicize this event throughout the state of Washington. MONEY: The funds from the city of Kent will be used to buy additional baskets for the event which need to replace some of the original baskets. A total of 20 basketball outdoor courts will be set up in the ShoWare Center parking lot with all age divisions playing on Saturday and Sunday. Other expenses include rent for the ShoWare Center parking lot, staff shirts, staff food,and other miscellaneous items which go into making up the event. With the expected addition of teams we will need to add staffing for the event and that will add to the costs of the event as well. We also are bringing in Kent Police for both days of the event which is another added expense. We will also be buying a special T-shirt for the competitors —which will be in addition to the shirts the Subway Washington Games is providing for all players. Allied Waste is cutting back its sponsorship so more help is needed to keep this event running as a first-class operation. OTHER: The new hoops are the main new expense for the event. The ShoWare Shootout also will be buying T shirts for the players and outfits for the volunteers, insurance for the event, a rental fee for the ShoWare Center to host the event. A sound system will also be rented for the two days of the event. The new hoops will help replace some of the other hoops that have bent rims and bases which leak water. I PROPOSAL: This is a request for $5,000 that will help cover the purchase of new baskets for the event, new T-shirts for the players and volunteers as well as money to help with added security and the expense of adding staffing with the addition of more teams for the 2012 event. CORNUCOPIA DAYS: We are trying to work with the Kent Lions on setting up two courts during Cornucopia Days to show off what 3 on 3 basketball will look like on the downtown streets of Kent for one day during the annual festival. NOTES: The event itself does not have much competition from other local 3 on 3 basketball events. One event at Snoqualmie Ridge disbanded after last year's event. BANNERS: Will put up banners from the local hotels at the site throughout the weekend. Will also put information on the gift bags for all the players on all the local hotels and what they have to offer. ShoWare SHqgOUT SHOWARE SHOOTOUT PRESENTED BY ALLIED WASTE FACT SHEET WHAT: South King County's Premier 3 on 3 basketball event featuring age divisions for men,women, seniors,kids,wheelchair.Anybody who likes to play basketball is invited to take part in this second annual event. WHEN: Saturday and Sunday,July 28-29, 2012 WHERE: ShoWare Center,Kent, Wash. TEAMS: Teams of all ages and sizes and genders are invited to take part. Courts will be set up in the parking lot at the ShoWare Center with games all day on Saturday and Sunday July 28-29, 2012. ENTRY: Entry fee is $75 per team for any division.Entry fee includes a guarantee of four games, a T-Shirt, and extra T-shirt if your team wins the championship game of the division. Entry deadline is July 20,2012. Schedule will be emailed 2-3 days before the first round of games and tournament brackets will be on site. FORMAT: Each division will play on its own court with a main court hosting the top divisions. Main court will be set up in the middle of the ShoWare parking lot. BALL HOCKEY: A ball hockey rink will be set up as part of the event. Teams will play in a tournament format July 28-29,2012 as part of the ShoWare Shootout. Same entry rules apply to those wanting to play ball hockey. TEAMS: A total of 150-200 teams are expected to take part in this event from kids to adults. INFO: Call 206.240.9029 for more information. See showareshootout.com for more information. CHARITY: Kent Youth and Family Services. A portion of the proceeds from the event will be donated back to Kent Youth and Family Services, located in Kent and a company which helps youths and families in the Kent area. SUBWAY WASHINGTON GAMES: The event will be part of the Subway Washington Games,promoting physical fitness and health in Washington through participation in competitive sports from a recreational to a championship level. 2011 ShoWare Shootout Event Summary • ShoWare Shootout Presented by Allied Waste, a 3 on 3 basketball festival, was held July 30-31, 2011 at the ShoWare Center in Kent, Wash. • There were a total of 18 basketball courts throughout the west side of the parking lot. There was also a Kids Zone in front of the building as well as a medical area and other vendors along the side of the building. • A total of 160 teams and 600 players took part in the event. • There were 20 divisions for men, women, kids, wheelchair, high schoolers and elite teams. Teams were guaranteed at least three games through the weekend with games on both Saturday and Sunday. • Teams received T-Shirts, water bottles, snacks and other assorted gifts at check in on Saturday at the ShoWare Center. • There was a total of 52 volunteers who helped with everything from check in, to scoreboards, to officiating, to court monitors to clean up. Volunteers all received a T-Shirt,jacket and Ram VIP card for helping out through the weekend with the event. • Kent Youth and Family Services was the charity and received basketballs, shirts and more for being involved with the first-ever event for 2010 at the ShoWare Center. • Event was also part of the Subway Washington Games, giving the event additional exposure around the state and locally in the Puget Sound Area. Event was publicized on the Washington Games website as well as our own www.showareshootout.com website as well. MEDIA: • Web site showareshootout.com had hundreds of hits with many people signing up for the event through the web site. Web site also posted the schedule of events and the results when the event was completed. • Kent Reporter ran ads leading up to the event as well as a couple of stories before and after the event. • Seattle Times ran one story about the event. • KJR Radio promoted with the event on air with the giveaway of teams into the tournament. • Click 98 radio also had advertisements on air and on its web site and also gave away a pair of teams into the event. • Social media—we have a Facebook page for the event and will be giving away free entries to people who look up the event on Facebook and like the event. FOR 2012: • We are looking for 200 teams and 20 courts next year at the ShoWare Center. The City of Kent, the ShoWare Center and the sponsors, as well as the teams, were happy with the event and looking forward to what the event might hold down the road. • The Seattle Sports Commission will keep the event as part of its Subway Washington State Games. This will be significant for the event in terms of additional publicity and reaching people across the state. • We will be buying new hoops to replace some of the ones that are already worn out. And with new hoops and more teams we will be adding more staff and officials which will take the expenses up. We also want to buy separate event T-shirts for all competitors, another new expense. And staffing and officials will all need new gear as well. t BENEFITS FOR EVENT: The monies form the Lodging tax committee have been put to great use in terms of keeping the event growing. And with growth comes more expenses in terms of addition equipment, staffing, etc. The monies also go to help pay for the rent for the ShoWare Center, insurance, and more. BENEFITS FOR COMMUNITY: With growth from the event we hope to start putting more heads in beds in the local hotels. Like the Spokane Hoopfest, that will come with time. The more we keep growing the event, the more need for rooms will be. The city of Kent also receives benefits from its name being attached to the biggest 3 on 3 event in the Puget Sound area. The charity Kent Youth and Family Services also benefits form the donation of equipment, the chance for kids to work the event and for a monetary donation at the end of the event. Seattle Southside TPA Update: As you may recall, hoteliers in Southwest King County are preparing to initiate the formation of a Tourism Promotion Area ("TPA") by petitioning the legislative bodies of the Seattle Southside municipalities pursuant to legislation passed in 2009. This legislation requires at least 2 participating municipalities in King County to partner under an inter-local agreement to create a TPA. The TPA surcharge is not a tax, but a self-imposed special assessment by hoteliers that would be dedicated to funding tourism promotion within the defined TPA area. Depending on the rate of the assessment the hoteliers petition for, the proposed TPA is projected to provide approximately $2.5 million of additional revenue for tourism promotion each year. The amount of revenue raised depends on the classifications used, occupancy rates at lodging businesses and any other exceptions the hoteliers recommend in the petition. Last year potential TPA ratepayers formed a Seattle Southside TPA Steering Committee. Hoteliers are highly supportive of forming a TPA and anxious to begin the process. However, they clearly prefer that the TPA be managed and implemented through a public development authority (PDA) such as 4-Culture (a public corporation). Because this new organizational structure provides ratepayers with autonomy and oversight of these new self-imposed revenues and if combined with the Lodging Tax dollars currently funding SSVS, the new program budget could be as much as $3.5M. Although the cities have not yet taken a formal position on the ratepayer's proposal, Council study sessions are scheduled in the coming weeks. So you may begin hearing more about the Seattle Southside Tourism Development Authority and the TPA. This opportunity can be realized -- if the cities and the potential ratepayers settle on formation and oversight. So there is much work yet to be accomplished but this could be an enormous opportunity for our region. At this time TPA petitions have not been executed by hoteliers because they desire to review the working drafts of the (1) New Regional Tourism Promotion Inter-local Agreement; (2) SSTDA Charter and Bylaws; (3) model ordinance to be adopted by participating cities prior to executing the TPA initiating petitions. They simply want to know that the Councils are generally in support of this opportunity as proposed by potential TPA ratepayers. So on the following dates: May 171h the City of Des Moines - City Council voted unanimously to "Direct" the City Manager and staff to work with the other participating cities and SSVS staff in the creation of a Seattle Southside Tourism Development Authority. �v Tuesday, June 5 at 5:00pm the City of Tukwila Finance and Safety Council Committee is scheduled to hear an informational overview of TPAs and the proposed SSTDA. Tuesday, June 121h at 4:00pm the City of SeaTac - City Council will conduct a Council Study Session about TPAs and request that the Council give direction to the City Manager and staff to work with the other participating cities and SSVS staff to begin the formation and implementation of the SSTDA. SeaTac will likely be the sponsoring municipality of this new proposed public corporation. Tuesday, June 26th at 6:00pm the SeaTac City Council will formally take action on the Letter of Engagement with Pacifica Law Group for the formation of the SSTDA. SSVS and City staff may then begin working with PLG on drafting these initial documents which will require yet again subsequent Council approval. So I'm anticipating the formation of the SSTDA and creation of a TPA will take the next 6 months or so to complete. Please know that it has been a real honor and pleasure to work with and promote the City of Kent these past 7 years, since 2005. We watched the City of Kent grow and mature into the sixth largest city in Washington. Although there may well be a role for Kent's participation in what could be a $3.5M regional tourism promotion program, ilt is our current understanding based on my recent conversations with Ben Wolters, our reading of the Kent LTAC Retreat meeting minutes and conversations with at least 1 key Kent hotel GM, that the City of Kent will likely not be participating in the SSTDA or TPA, is that premise accurate? Because we recently updated the website, vacation planner, tourist map, and meeting planners guide and given the language in the ILA, may I suggest we see what happens in the coming weeks regarding the SSTDA and TPA before we look at the Kent ILA for Tourism promotion through SSVS. 2012=2013 EVENTS Les Schwab Tipoff Classic SPSL boys and girls At Auburn Riverside High School Nov. 30-Dec. 1 , 2012 Les Schwab Preview At Highline Community College Dec. 8, 2012 Six boys games, two girls games ShoWare Shootout Presented by Team Financial Partners At ShoWare Center Dec. 20, 2012 Six high school games, two college games Les Schwab Christmas Classic At Kennedy High School Dec. 27-29, 2012 Eight boys teams, four girls teams King Showcase At ShoWare Center Jan. 21 , 2013 Five boys games, two girls games Les Schwab Shootout in Kent At ShoWare Center Jan. 25, 2013 Three boys games, two girls games 2012 LES SCHWAB TIPOFF CLASSIC Nov. 30-Dec. 1 , 2012 At Auburn Riverside High School Friday, Nov. 30 5:00 P.M. GIRLS Bonney Lake vs. Eatonville 6:30 p.m. BOYS Bonney Lake vs. Eatonville 8:00 p.m. BOYS Kennedy vs. Decatur Saturday, Dec. 1 9:30 a.m BOYS Enumclaw vs. Inglemoor 11:00 a.m. GIRLS Enumclaw vs. Inglemoor 12:30 p.m. BOYS Clover Park vs. Foss 2:00 p.m. BOYS Emerald Ridge vs. Lindbergh 4:00 p.m. BOYS Rogers vs. South Kitsap 5:30 p.m. BOYS Kent-Meridian vs. Mount Si 7:00 p.m. GIRLS Auburn Riverside vs. Auburn Mountainview 8:30 p.m. BOYS Auburn Riverside vs. Auburn Mountainview 2012 LES SCHWAB PREVIEW Saturday, December 8, 2012 At Highline Community College 9:00 a.m. BOYS Auburn Mountainview vs. Evergreen 10:30 a.m. GIRLS Kentwood vs. Lake Stevens 12:00 p.m. BOYS Todd Beamer vs. Redmond 2:00 p.m. BOYS Ballard vs. Olympia 3:30 p.m. BOYS Issaquah vs. Columbia River 5:00 p.m. GIRLS Mount Rainier vs. Jackson 7:00 p.m. BOYS Mount Rainier vs. Mountlake Terrace 8:30 p.m. BOYS Kennedy vs. Lincoln SHOWARE SHOOTOUT Presented by Team Financial Partners Saturday, Dec. 22, 2012 At ShoWare Center 9:00 a.m. BOYS Evergreen Lutheran vs. Bear Creek 10:30 p.m. BOYS Sumner vs. Seattle Christian 12:00 p.m. GIRLS Auburn Mountainview vs. Cascade Christian 1 :30 p.m. BOYS Auburn Mountainview vs. White River 3:30 p.m. GIRLS Mount Rainier vs. White River 5:00 p.m. BOYS Tahoma vs. Lynden i hline vs. Olympic _ 6:30 .m. WOMEN H g P 8:30 p.m. MEN Highline vs. Olympic `�J 2012 LES SCHWAB CHRISTMAS CLASSIC Thursday through Saturday, Dec. 27-29, 2012 At Kennedy High School BOYS DIVISION Thursday, Dec. 27 2:30 p.m. Ballard vs. Cascade Christian 4:00 p.m. Enumclaw vs. Kentlake 5:30 p.m. Kent-Meridian vs. Lindbergh 7:00 p.m. Kennedy vs. King's Friday, Dec. 28 2:30 p.m. Ballard-Cascade Christian loser vs. Enumclaw-Kentlake loser 4:30 p.m. Kent-Meridian-Lindbergh loser vs. Kennedy-King's loser 6:00 p.m. Ballard-Cascade Christian winner vs. Enumclaw-Kentlake winner 7:30 p.m. Kent-Meridian-Lindbergh winner vs. Kennedy-King's winner GIRLS DIVISION Friday, Dec. 28 11:30 a.m. Auburn Riverside vs. Edmonds Woodway 1 :00 P.M. Kennedy vs. Inglemoor Saturday, Dec. 29 11 :30 a.m. Girls 3rd-4th place game 1 :00 P.M. Boys 7th_8th place game 2:30 p.m. Boys 5th4h place game 4:30 p.m. Boys 3rd place game 6:00 p.m. Girls Championship game 7:30 p.m. Boys Championship game 2013 KING SHOWCASE Presented by TBA Monday, January 21 , 2013 At ShoWare Center 10:00 a.m. GIRLS Kentwood vs. Jackson 11 :30 a.m. BOYS Foss vs. Columbia River 1 :00 P.M. GIRLS Mount Rainier vs. Oregon City (Ore.) 2:30 p.m. BOYS Mountlake Terrace vs. Fairfax (Calif.) 4:00 p.m. BOYS Kennedy vs. Benson (Ore.) 5:30 p.m. MLK Tribute 6:00 p.m. BOYS Decatur vs. Federal Way 7:30 p.m. BOYS Kent-Meridian vs. Kentridge 2013 LES SCHWAB SHOOTOUT IN KENT Friday, January 25, 2013 At ShoWare Center 2:00 p.m. Jefferson boys vs. Hazen boys 3:30 p.m. Kentridge girls vs. Kentlake girls 5:00 p.m. Kentlake boys vs. Kentridge boys 7:00 p.m. Kent-Meridian girls vs. Kentwood girls 8:30 p.m. Kentwood boys vs. Kent-Meridian boys LODGING-TAX OPERATING FUND As of April 30, 2012 2011 2012 2012 2012 Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Beginning Fund Balance 48,624 86,810 86,810 86,810 Revenues Lodging Tax 182,840 181,160 50,229 188,325 Miscellaneous Income 33 300 25 36 Total Revenues 182,873 181,460 50,254 188,361 Total Resources 231,498 268,270 137,064 275,171 Expenditures Seattle Southside Visitor Services 120,000 120,000 40,000 120,000 Tourism Unallocated 5,000 20,000 20,000 Tourism Chamber 18,500 18,500 4,625 18,500 Miscellaneous Revenue Total Expenditures 143,500 158,500 44,625 158,500 Transfers Out - ShoWare Marquee Project 1,188 Total Expenditures and Transfers 144,688 158,500 44,625 158,500 Change in Fund Balance 38,186 22,960 5,629 29,861 Ending Fund Balance 86,810 109,770 92,439 116,671 D � oz O m c c` c a a -0 ° w s ° s (D 3 a S -O O CAD fD CD F-' J N CD N O N O U't `J W J mF� O 00 W (n W N N N O In '0 Ql N N A N O CO N A J .O CO � C77 Ol Ol J m Q1 00 O O O (n W W J O CT W Ol J O0 J I-' F--' P W J N J - F-' N N I-, 4�- O O (n m N Ul �I A N 00 w 0 0 W N 00 N Ol W Ol Ol N N W W J N F- Ql O �A W In lO I--' O JA l0 Ol W W Ui (n O CT N O N N O �- (Jt N dl v O O Dl O N lO lD �+ J Ql O �P P N U"n lf➢ Ql W lD N N O J O co 4�- O F-I O lD lD N Lri W O Ol r U'i (ln m O w (n w In O -P, O W N .P O Q C2 O F� DQ , F� IN -i N 00 F" N N F� I--' I-, H F-' F-' O d W N P J `A W M In N W X I--+ O I--' F-' F� 00 1� J CD lJ 10 F' W N N N O A (7 Ol � In -P� I-, lD O O lD J Ol F-- Ol O J O Ql U7 W I-- J Ol N lD N Ol CD n r+. 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