HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 05/22/2014 (2) KENT AGENDA LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING May 22, 2014, 4 pm Centennial Building - Centennial North and South (across from the elevators) Mission Promote the City as a destination to increase tourism and business development 1. Introduction/Welcome Bill Boyce ➢ Approval of the minutes of April 17, 2014 2. Current Budget Update Paula Barry ➢ Re-approval of budget for existing Branding Contracts Ben Wolters ➢ Approval to change Seattle Southside Budget to Marketing Ben Wolters 3. Sponsorship Request- WA State Manufacturing Conference Ben Wolters ➢ $1,500 Sponsorship 4. Presentation of Marking Proposal from Genesis Marketing Mary Kae Repp ➢ $100,000 Proposal 5. Next meeting date Next regular meeting 06/19/14 @ 4 pm (every other month on the 3rd Thursday) LODGING TAX OPERATING FUND As of April 30, 2014 2013 2014 2014 2014 Actual Budget YTD Est Actual Beginning Fund Balance 95,397 193,663 193,663 193,663 Revenues Lodging Tax 217,618 196,812 53,677 208,621 Miscellaneous Income �85 50 55 110 Total Revenues 217,703 196,862 53,732 208,731 Total Resources 313,099 390,525 247,395 402,394 Expenditures Seattle Southside Visitor Services 60,000 60,000 60,000 Tourism Unallocated 10,000 20,000 5,000 20,000 Tourism Chamber 18,500 18,500 4,625 18,500 ShoWare Marketing 35,000 60,000 60,000 Branding Activities 20,000 279 20,000 Total Expenditures 123,500 178,500 9,904 178,500 Transfers Out - Showare Center Marquee (4,064) Total Expenditures and Transfers 119,436 178,500 9,904 178,500 Change in Fund Balance 98,266 18,362 43,828 30,231 Ending Fund Balance 193,663 212,025 237,491 223,894 �J i ��, 5/22/2014 How do we invite people to have an experience in Kent and Bring the World Home! Kent WASHINGTON Updates/Status on VisitKent.com KefitWA "Identify Yourself": What is it? This feature is a blend of the Los Angles and Raleigh site features that you identified you like •We have combined both elements on the VlsltKentwebsite •This wlll hopefully drive people to interactwith the website In a fun,Interesting way as soon as they reach the homepage •With the inclusion of two different ways to interact we have Increased the likelihood of people clicking on the"Identify yourself"pages •Our goal is to create a connection between website visitors and Kent that will carry on past the first website interaction 1 5/22/2014 "Identify Yourself": How It Works u . =[ , "I-loins lco �iw�.�.e�eaw,`u (:arouscl.. "Identify Yourself": How It Works •This feature will reside only on the Homepage where users will be able to relate to their"identity"whether it be dining out,events&entertainment, outdoor adventure,etc.in hopes that seeing what locals love about Kent will trigger excitement and curiosity in traveling to Kent. •These locals would be people who have a variety of interests,showcasing all that there is to do in Kent,WA,through an interview video,photos,and text itinerary of what an exciting day in Kent is to them •Depending on budget our thought process is to change the featured people out once a year,bringing in new locals and showcasing new features in Kent "Identify Yourself": Jet Setter ® Ideally,a person who travels frequently would represent someone on the go who looks forward to visiting Kentfor various reasons. 2 5/22/2014 "Identify Yourself Night Owl Alocal person would showcase g the nightlife in Kent. i "Identify Yourself" : W Outdoor Enthusiast Ca d A local person would showcase the outdoor activities in,and around, Kent. "Identify Yourself": Entertainer ® Alocal person would showcase a variety of events and things to do in the city(i.e:shopping,arts/ ENTERTAINER culture). 3 5/22/2014 "Identify Yourself": Foodie MI o A local person would showcase the diverse dining options that Kent R" has to offer. c "Identify Yourself": Thrill Seeker a1 A local person would showcase the exciting sports and adrenaline activities people can enjoy in Kent. c "Identify Yourself": Interview Videos Ca •We envision six custom interview videos for each one of the above"Identify Yourself"people once they are chosen •Each video will include a full Interview of the notable or local person showcasing the things they enjoy doing,places they enjoy visiting,restaurants they dine at,events they love to attend,outdoor activities etc. •These videos would showcase each person and give life to their personal"What they love to do In Kent'section •The widget,concept,text and images are already included on the website bid.For the enhancement of the consumers experience and for SEO purposes we are suggesting these videos be produced and used 4 5/22/2014 VisitKent.com: "My Suitcase" KetWA "MY SUITCASE": WHAT IS IT? to •Wy Suitcase"Is a widget.It is a way for website visitors to store information about attractions, restaurants,hotels,and more. . Fo:E—re�a sonaama,�aa rose„ xepage rtayoneictmtMwnwsimnivnmrea�aaPazvamo"t xnimxnl0eauoma�iuiNamoProOe'r v,Pei me,Nvtme'x�ea�wrxeepageam PNauic azvamorrstnav xamioeoin tenttM ranatlOtnem�o',Mseirase;xMetnn . aplMMaluw�e Nte otherfeatures: nMrc to Pegn parr onxei,re:x.wvrcx•w wwryamrm�au.nbmw.n�eaxw na<warrr>w.mu.,..rc..wen..:.a..�+�m.aami •To see thiswidget in act ionvisit: htto//wwwcharlesomcvb com/'sitors/trloolanner/what to see do`3/attractions-31/ "MY SUITCASE": WHERE DO I FIND IT? In �, I-- , 16 • The widget homepage is located at the top of every page above the"Current Events"tab.This allows you to see what attractions,hotels, restaurants,etc.you have selected for your trip at any time. • We will have a page on the Kent website under the"Plan Your Visit"tab,that will explain the overall purpose for the"My Suitcase tool. 5 5/22/2014 VisitKent.com: Maps Kent.. trk .. "Target Map": Concept •Iwae�Iun�ForeurmplemlM1e helabrf of dtowntown KenLcentral rrid m Nere,a dmp down menu w:ill ryde Nmugh different actions and places tavisit.I.e. •fdlr aw1edM1 i—fmm�hat<enhel lowtlonrtle,based on now direction tM1ry zrre lowtetl in relation to Ne¢nVel loratiund the •What we need rmm you to gntsh Nn pmjece w),f `v�eao,le:a,a. p wamw�a. rem, A141- meaai:�e��n4 p .6 wtreanm�ne pawn "Region Map": Concept •Taking the concept of the"Regions of LA"map, from the Discover Los Angleswebsite,we will create a similar map wh.t well taka from in REGIONS OF LA •Whetwewignatbetaking:1i�� •This map will have the different regions of Kent laid out with the top four(4)attractions in each _ region represented.These will be restaurants, places of interest,attractions,etc. •To finish this project we need: •Amap that identdln where the regions will be divided.This can be a simple as a Gmgle Map, printetl with lines drawn on it. identification a how to properly label each region •Alist prwidetl to us of rourl4l anallo,u Tres uranh, monumenh,etc..l to lndudelneach region to 6 5/22/2014 "VisitKent.com";The Next Steps to Building the Website OM,. Additional Information Needed 1. We have been andw111 contlnue to pull lydmmatlan from the r 1?.Img websltea: L 3. NethereaM additional Ken[websltes you would like us to Wlllmportant Information fwmfar Ne new"I'll3. We need a llstof people y would like to feature-n ggested things[o do b/Ken[L—W IFal correz.-with the'ItlenlHy yourself P ogle 4. Wa nttd alNtofywrtop restaurantt In Kent: nesepxntwll�wmmtMmain•amre wec tostxwraxtrebess Kerc Fastoonx inexnol Ueahveutegznes 5. Are thelraM partlwlaraHndlom or pDWlar plamyw would liketo zhowwse on tha'Pia.—epage} 6. AlNt ofaM bualnessestha[wauld like tosubmNspedal oRers,to be lhted exdusrveN through the webslte,underthe'Spedel Deals/OHers" Aa®e ). IFt of Interestlng,fun fads about Kent,W0.that people mry no[know,Indutling unique places tovhl[ g. Suggested additional ph— wwlnlyelitprumMmntwmncecaa ntlnss E �n�io vv�oroimore y6ryuneo'nime p�mpro��wr�in i�tu�ot�tK<n�ao�be�i�i>r essii��wiiceo6lem�uitpishpeohe0haosnel�eal pa 1. wwlpnosalloullawr45aM Valn E. �Ipoao otoambhbxe cyva trot Iltnedeptmfpn ren ma eHvdenahuepsprnewpndoproplw 'IF nit Bringing the World Home 7 5/22/2014 city that 1,tilol,11,mmom-tam,�t lc..d m,families from here and around the world.- amenities,the cultune,the history,and the exciting plans we have for the future.We encourage you to soak In life in a How do we invite people to have an experience in Kent and Bring the World Home! Kentki WASHINGTON Website Interviews Creating 6"Kent Local'interview videos •These videos would eventually lead to a Kent Tourism video based off of the branding statement and approved TV script per the Tourism Committee. •The Interview videos will feature a full interview of the notable or local person showcasing the things they enjoy doing,places they enjoy visiting,restaurants they dine at,events they love to attend,outdoor activities,etc.These videos will eventually turn into A day In the life of a Kent Iocar segments,built to act as an itinerary for those visiting.All footage that would be taken could eventually be produced into a longer video segment based off of the branding statement made for Kent Tourism. Cost for 6 Interview videos:$10,000 •This includes video production,still frame photography,and the ability to use all footage at a later date 8 5/22/2014 Long Form Video IF, •One 4 minute Kent Branding Video •The branding video will be produced to tell the story of"Kent'based off of the branding statement and video script approved by the Tourism Committee. •Cost of one 4 minute branding video:$7,500 •This branding video will Include voiceover,music production,and any desired footage shots based off of video script approved by the Kent Tourism committee Four(4)30 Second Ads •Production of four(4)30 Second TV Ads:$4,000 •After the conclusion of the branding video we will have the opportunity to break the f video into four(4)30 Second long ads. •Two(2)ads will mn on TV,while the othertwo will be forYouTube Video Voice Over •Long/Short Video Voice Work:$1,500 •A re-voicing of the long ad to four separate ads for TV and YouTube will occur •The reworking of the voice will need to occur to make the videos coherent In their shorterformat 9 5/22/2014 SEO: What is it? •SEO is the abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization •It is a constant tune-up for your website •Is an important component to help maintain your website •This will help re-adjust the website to follow the newest trends and adjust content to create a webpage that is going forward instead of falling behind •Why is it important? •Because your competition is doing it and they have been established for a while SEO: What we will be doing Cost:$7,680 for July-December •What we will be doing on Bing and Google: •Adjusting Keywords •Act on any new information/research that will help promote Kent Tourism •Keeping current of newest trends •Maintaining site exposure levels •Adding and removing site links •Keep Site Map current •Adjust and add content to keep website fresh and trackable to Search Engine Algorithms •Create Content Press releases •Adding/adjusting text to improve search results •Blogcreation •Manage contentio drive people to the site that we may have missed before Website Changes Cost:$3,000 for J uly-December •Including the following: •Major website revisions •Including but not limited to: •Templateupdates •Creation of large blocks of pages •Additional website tools •Additional widgets •Additional content not included in the SEC) We are estimating$500 a month at$35 an hour fee to make changes and updates 10 5/22/2014 Google AdWords Cost:$15,500July-December •Focus on smaller buslnessespmmodng the fact"attheyamm Kent WA We will be staying away from advertisingor drawing people away from the Kent Center or Showare Cente, sea®Imllllem amn•.om hap nrem a,e.swill ootya,Ke up rpdres.weram fml uaeu we) ea agaemiimle�ilre""c�oga�u oiln�u,m�po�au haamg. •Our focus will be on drawing people away tram SEATAC Airport and SEATTLE and get them to stay In Kent. •Adz pmmoHnB the ease of gelling to Kent enllmlead olrlayinein5esalle ylnpeawNl Kent,erbW Sea-Lc •Ads Pmmot nB the M1ame taown feelzof Kent •Ads promoting the local Wsinesses Mer lum: •Targeted areas:WA,A AK,IT,OR,Northern CA,RC,and AK YouTube Cost:$7,500 July-December •Create two ads that people can see: -- •Ad 1:Targeting people within a 1hr driving radius of downtown Kent.This would target people who don't know about tourist activities in Kent and capture their interest •Ad 2:People outside of Kent who may want to visit Kent.(Targeting Alaska, Oregon,Northern California(no lower than San Francisco),Hawaii,and BC •Creation of these ads will use the above budget for ad production and serving the ad to potential visitors •These ads can also be used in the future for TV NWCN Northwest Cable News Network Budget$26,400 •The Buy(July-December) •7a-9a Monday through Friday •2K a day=$200 a day •261 spots total throughout the 6 months 11 5/32/2Ol4 Regional Coverage:Nearly 2.9 Million Reached mr4WE 12