HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 05/19/2005 (2) OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Jim White, Mayor Phone:253-856-5700 K E N T Fax: 253-856-6700 WASHINGTON Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA.98032-5895 REVISED AGENDA and MINUTES FORM LODGING TAX ADVISORY BOARD MEETING Thursday,May 19,2005 2pm City Hall 2"d Floor Conference Room (across from elevators) Kent City Hall,220 4th Avenue South Attendance: Councilmember Tim Clark,Chair_ Nathan Torgelson, Staff_ Jacquie Alexander_ Bob Nachlinger, Staff Denise Gray Cliff Craig, Staff Kathy Madison Robin Hasbrouck, Guest Vickie Molzer_ Katherine Kertzman, Guest Andy Wangstad Kari Gallaway,Guest Greg Haffner Introductions and Call to order— Councilmember Tim Clark Information Items: 1. Financial Report (Cliff Craig) 2. Update on Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Kent and Certificate of Need Hearing (Nathan) 3. Update on Seattle Southside Visitor Services (SSVS) (Katherine Kertzman, SSVS) 4. Update from Kent Lodging Association (Robin Hasbrouck, Kent Chamber) Items Requiring Action: 1. Approval of minutes of March 17th, 2005 2. Reconfirmation of Board members Next meeting date, time and location Assignments for next meeting CURRENT BUDGET ANALYSIS LODGING TAX OPERATING FUND as of April 30,2005 2004 2005 Adjustments 2005 Actual Adj Budget Fav(Unfav) Est Actual BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 65,192 127,574 114 127,688 REVENUES Lodging Tax 122,281 121,132 761 121,893 Interest Income 976 526 450 976 TOTAL REVENUES 123,257 121,658 1,211 122,869 TOTAL RESOURCES 188,449 249,232 1,325 250,557 EXPENDITURES Strong Local Economy Tourism Marketing Softball 3,333 5,833 5,833 Bike Race 1,000 Dragon Boat Race (6,000) 6,000 Tourism Chamber 29,170 18,000 18,000 Seattle Southside Visitor Services 131,800 131,800 Tourism Unallocated 10,900 6,000 4,900 Transfer Out-Tourism Destination 77,404 Reverse Transfers from projects (50,147) TOTAL EXPENDITURES (TRANSFERS) 60,760 166,533 166,533 Change in Fund Balance 62,497 (44,875) 1,211 (43,664) ENDING FUND BALANCE 127,689 82,699 1,325 84,024 Seattle Southside Visitor Services May 2005 Update Item Status Comments Lodging Tax Revenues YTD See attachment. Toll-free calls YTD See attachment. SeattleSouthside.com YTD See attachment. 2005 Vacation Planner Complete Residence mailing planned for early June and business associates for summer. Updating Website 70% Complete Online hotel reservations Ongoing Orienting Kent hotels 70%complete and meeting with SeaTac and Tukwila hotel staff ongoing as needed. Seattle Southside Express Ongoing Received$10,000 King County Economic Development Grant. Pursuing$50,000 corporate sponsorship through Westfield. Networking Ongoing Katherine presented to the SWKCC TGA meeting and SeaTac Economic Development committee in March and Southcenter Rotary in April. Map Pending Seeking quotes for 9 by 4 brochure to be used at hotel front desks. Benchmark Study Underway Telephone survey to 250 locals. Questionnaire available upon request. Metro Busboard Campaign Begins May 15 See attached PDF of artwork Open House Pending June 11` SWKCC Chamber is acting project manager. Summer Hours May 31 —Sept 4 7 days a week Staffing Underway Visitor Information Specialist hired, summer intern hired.Evaluating PR position hours. Launching volunteer recruitment campaign. Public Relations Underway Watchable Wildlife,Family Weekend Get Aways, Southside's Got Game. At A Glance complete. Restaurant Book 80%Complete "Get Stuffed"Event brought approx. 40 volunteers and stuffed 4,000 pages. Remainder will be done by SSVS staff for delivery to hotels mid-May. Starfire Sports Ongoing Contract signed. Will begin sending out tournament announcements/RFP's Spring 2005. S Toll-Free Phone Report 350 300 - - - - 250 200 150 100 s 50 0 _ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec ®2002 24 33 54 143 99 217 93 108 68 66 41 57 ■2003 58 52 73 i 116 126 267 152 140 100 62 61 67 ❑2004 73 92 169 181 194 304 286 199 136 102 100 121 ❑2005 145 179 308 Website Visitors Per Month www.SeattleSouthside.com 18000 - 16000 _.. - -- -- -- -- 14000 12000 - -- -- 8000 -- _ -- ......---- ---- - 6000 —.-- --- -— - — 4000 - 2000 -- i 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ❑2002 2112 2280 2303 2841 2946 3152 3580 4223 3910 3696 3409 3788 E 2003 3663 4072 4803 4093 3915 4087 4521 3942 3858 3752 3317 3753 ❑2004 4199 4070 8933 9208 10014 9444 12598 11767 10330 11857 12292 13888 02005 15070 14739 16789 14579 Site Usage 15000 12000 �Dine t --II—Events C 9000 Get Around X Play 6000 )K Shop _ Stay 3000 --- — — --- - — 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 Page Views Per Visit 8.0 6.0 - - _ =- - -_ - - - ---- _ - - 4.0 2005 2.0 2004� 0.0 �� �� ��� NS Cancer Treatment Centers of America Meets the Criteria for Certification of Need Need—Patients who will be served at the hospital will come from the entire State of Washington and the western United States. Accordingly, CTCA has taken great efforts to ensure the hospital will be easily accessible for patients traveling to Kent. Based on the population of Washington only,the hospital meets the need requirements;this is even more true when out-of-state patients are added to the assessment. CTCA currently treats many patients from the western United States at its existing hospitals — evidence that patients believe there is a need for integrative, multidisciplinary cancer care in one facility. CTCA filed its Certificate of Need application because there is no other facility in the State of Washington that provides a,similar integrative,multidisciplinary model of care for cancer. Financial Feasibility — The hospital will be financed through a combination of CTCA's reserve funds and readily accessible credit facilities that CTCA maintains through LaSalle Bank in Chicago, Illinois. Qualib�ofCare—CTCA is widely recognized for its dedication to providing outstanding integrative cancer care. Cost Containment—After examining various options, CTCA determined that providing inpatient and outpatient services in one facility would best serve the needs of patients seeking an integrative approach to cancer care and treatment. As CTCA has experienced at its other hospitals, CTCA can deliver integrative cancer care at a cost substantially less than other hospitals and world-renowned cancer centers.