HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 05/18/2006 (2) OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Suzette Cooke, Mayor ® Phone: 253-856-5700 K E` _� Fax: 253-856-6700 W A S H i N GNT G N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue G. Kent,WA.98032-5895 AGENDA and MINUTES FORM LODGING TAX ADVISORY BOARD MEETING Thursday,May 18,2006 2:00r)m Kent City Hall,220 41h Avenue South City Council Chambers East(note location change) Attendance: Councilmember Tim Clark, Chair_ Nathan Torgelson, Staff_ Jacquie Alexander_ Bob Nachlinger, Staff Denise Gray Cliff Craig, Staff Greg Haffner Syvlia McDaniel,Staff Vickie Molzer_ Robin Hasbrouck,Guest Andy Wangstad Katherine Kertzman,Guest Kari Gallaway,Guest Ben Errez, Guest Steve Crowell,Guest Introductions and Call to order—Councilmember Tim Clark Information Items: 1. Update from Nathan 2. Update on Project Springboard and Kent hospitality market(Ben Errez, Project Springboard developer) 3. Financial Report (Bob Nachlinger) 4. Update on Kent Station (Nathan) 5. Update on Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Kent (Nathan) 6. Update from Kent Lodging Association(Robin Hasbrouck, Kent Chamber) 7. Update from Seattle Southside Visitor Services (Katherine Kertman, SSVS) 8. Replacement for 2 vacant Board Positions Items Requiring Action: 1. Approval of minutes of February 2, 2006 2. Potential request for Lion's Club Dragon Boat Racing(Steve Crowell, Kent Lions Club) Next meeting date, time and location -� Assignments for next meeting CURRENT BUDGET ANALYSIS LODGII`IG TAX OPERATING 1 UND as of March 31, 2006 2005 2006 2006 Actual Adj Budget Est Actual BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 70,496 76,042 108,692 REVENUES Lodging Tax 138,854 118,069 132,138 Interest Income 2,790 2,000 2,800 TOTAL REVENUES 141,644 120,069 134,938 TOTAL RESOURCES 212,140 196,111 243,630 EXPENDITURES Strong Local Economy Tourism Marketing Softball 4,167 17,500 17,500 Bike Race Dragon Boat Race 6,000 Tourism Chamber 18,000 18,000 18,000 Seattle Southside Visitor Services 131,200 100,000 100,000 Tourism Unallocated 25,000 25,000 Transfer Out-Tourism Destination Reverse Transfers from projects (55,919) TOTAL EXPENDITURES (TRANSFERS) 103,448 160,500 160,500 Change in Fund Balance 38,196 (40,431) (25,562) ENDING FUND BALANCE 108,692 35,611 83,130 KENO WA9HINTON LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE February 2, 2006 Committee Members Present: Tim Clark, Andy Wangstad, and Greg Haffner. Others Present: Suzette Cooke, Nathan Torgelson, Bob Nachlinger, Robin Hasbrouck, Katherine Kertzman and Kari Gallaway. The meeting was called to order by Clark at 2:39 p.m. and introductions were made. Welcome from Mayor Suzette Cooke. The Mayor explained her background in the tourism industry and expressed support for this committee. Financial Report. Nachlinger distributed the budget analysis and noted that as of December 31, 2005, total revenues were $137,000 and total expenditures were $103,000. He said anticipated revenue for 2006 is $120,000, but noted that since the January 2006 lodging tax revenues are up 50%, that figure may be low. Kertzman said that the increase in revenue is due to increased occupancy. Kent Station and Project Springboard Update. Torgelson stated that Phase I of Kent Station is open and that the numbers are very good. He added that Phase II is under construction and that it consists of five new buildings which will consist of 80,000 sq. ft. of retail. He noted that Phase III will be located across from the Regional Justice Center with residential units above a structured garage. Torgelson displayed a model of Project Springboard and explained the features which include a skating rink, water feature, carousel, and farmers market. Cancer Treatment Centers of America Update. Torgelson noted that the Certificate of Need submitted by CTCA has been denied, but that CTCA is appealing that decision. Kent Lodging Association Update. Hasbrouck explained the status of the Chamber of Commerce deliverables, and noted that Larry Morris of Towne Graphics has been recommended to provide the visitors map. After a brief discussion, a sub-committee consisting of Nathan Torgelson, Robin Hasbrouck, an SSVS staff member, a hotel industry representative and Tim Clark was formed to meet with Mr. Morris; Hasbrouck agreed to set up the meeting. Seattle Southside Visitor Services Update. Kertzman updated the Board on athletic tournaments, the express shuttle, their website, group sales, their concierge book, marketing, the budget and statistics. A discussion was then held about transportation in the valley floor. Torgelson agreed to ask Public Works whether the Shopper Shuttle has flexibility and whether there is any other way to connect with hotels in nearby cities. Kertzman distributed the results of the Visitor Profile Study which were gathered at kiosks in malls and hotels, and explained the findings. She noted that the 2006 Girls ASA-16U Softball Tournament will generate 10,000 room nights, therefore the sponsorship by SSVS is in the amount of $10,000. Lodging Tax Advisory Board February 2, 2006 Page Two Kertzman noted that SSVS will be acting as the housing agent for the King County NCAA Men's Swim-Dive Competition in March 2008 and that they will be going to Federal Way businesses for sponsorships. She added that SSVS has recently signed an interlocal agreement with the city of Des Moines to market their marina and several motels. Torgelson handed out a list of 2006 major events and activities in the city which will likely result in hotel/motel stays, restaurant visits and shopping. Replacement for Kathy Madison's Board Position. Torgelson noted the replacement must be someone from the hotel industry and asked for recommendations. Hasbrouck agreed to talk to the new manager of the Best Western. Approval of Minutes. Wangstad moved to approve the minutes of October 20, 2005. Haffner seconded and the motion carried. Next Meeting Date. Clark suggested 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 4, 2006, as the next meeting time and date; all agreed. ADDED ITEM: Seattle Southside Visitors Services Contract. Torgelson asked that SSVS attend a Council workshop to inform the new administration of the benefits of their contract with the city. ADDED ITEM: Events to Advertise. A brief discussion was held regarding upcoming events which should be publicized, such as the Dragon Boat Races. Torgelson agreed to contact the Parks Director about bicycle races. Adjournment. There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m. Brenda Jacober, CIVIC City Clerk 51181200610:51 AM Numbers Numbers Numbers for for for Contacts Roster Waivers Amount Dinner- Dinner- Dinner- dabout Respondeded [qTeam Name Location Division Received Received Paid Team Adults Children Dinner about dinner ntage Sake Local Seniors mixed no no $600 20 0 0 x x 2 Wasabi Premier Mixed Outside We Mixed Comp no no $425 12 x 3 False Creek Grand Dragons Canada Seniors mixed no no $300 32 0 0 x x 4 CAAP-tain Morgan(Chinese American Assn for Professionals) ILocal Mixed Rec no I no $650 01 01 01 x I x 5 Portland FireDragons Outside We Mixed Comp 27 $425 0 x x 6 Wasabi Power Surge Outside Wa Senior women no no $425 12 x 7 Hot Sake (Local Mixed Comp no I no $600 241 1 1 x I x 8 Survivor Sake Local Cancer Survivors,women no no $600 23 0 0 x x 9 Sirens Paddling Club Outside We Women no $425 29 x x 10 Freedom Dragons international Outside Wa Mixed Rec yes no $425 20 0 0 x x 11 Amazon Dragons Outside Wa Women no no $425 0 0 0 x x 12 Hampton Woods Outside We Mixed Comp no no $425 25 x 13 Zamboanga Outside Wa Mixed Comp no no $425 25 0 0 x x �=*4Team Sake Local Mixed Rec no no $600 22 5 xDestiny Dragons 1 Local Mixed Rec no no $600 25 x Destiny Dragons 2 ILocal Mixed Rec no no 1 $600 1 251 x 17 Golden Dragons-Women Outside We Women no no $425 10 x x 16 Golden Dragons Outside We Seniors mixed no no $425 10 x x 19 Starbucks-Coming Soon Local Mixed Rec no no $750 22 x 20 Starbucks-Now Open (Local Mixed Rec no no IOPLY 241 01 01 x I x 21 Wasabi Team Soar Outside Wa Cancer Survivors,women no no $425 12 x 22 OWLS DragonFlies Outside We Women yes no $425 0 x x 23 Dragin'Tails Local Mixed Rec no no $600 30 2 P x 24 Ladies of the Lake Local Women no no $600 22 0 x 25 Akujiki Dragons Local Youth no 15 26 Zenyu Judo Dragons Local Youth no 10 27 Yangzhow Sister City-The Yang Joss Local Mixed Rec no $600 33 0 28 NAAPP Local Mixed Recno $600 7 0 29 Morning Madness Outside We Mixed Rec no no $425 25 x 30 Blind Ambition Outside We Mixed Rec no no Guests 24 0 0 x x 31 WDBA Local Mixed Rec yes no $600 18 0 0 x x 32 Wicked Wahini Outside We Women yes $425 20 0 0 x x 33 Sun Dragons Youth Outside We Youth/mmixed rec no no $400 28 0 0 x x 34 Sun Dragons Plus Outside We Mixed Rec no no $425 24 x 35 Kai lkaika Outside We Mixed Comp no no $425 15 0 0 x 36 F.ikake Dragons Local Mixed Rec no no $600 24 01 01 x x 37 Furikake Madness Local Mixed Comp no no $600 24 0 0 x x 38 Anniemaniacs Outside We no no 22 0 0 x x 39 Mighty Women Outside Wa Women no no $425 23 0 0 x x May 16, 2006 Nathan Torgelson Lodging Tax Advisory Board City of Kent Proposal for Funding: Kent Lions Club Cornucopia Dragon Boat Races Background The Kent Lions Club successfully employed funding from this Board in 2005. The funding was used to support an event which was professionally organized and executed. The Kent Lions followed all guidelines and restrictions as directed. The Lions Club worked with local lodging concerns, as well as other businesses to promote overnight business in Kent. Most importantly, in 2005, this event brought 800 to 1000 out-of-state visitors to Kent for an overnight event. The 2006 proposal is to produce a similar event, but take steps to attract an even larger out-of-state participation. The Kent Lions Cornucopia Dragon Boat Race is a Kent Cornucopia Days event and occurs on the evening of July 14 and all day of Saturday, July 15, 2006. This is the sixth year that this event has been hosted by Kent at Lake Meridian. As with all other Cornucopia events, the Dragon Boat races are well organized, funded, insured, and well- coordinated with city officials and the local community. Unlike other Cornucopia events, the participants and attendees come,primarily from out-of-state. Dragonboating, as a sport, found roots in Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, BC approximately a decade before its first acceptance in Washington State. Hence, the larger communities of enthusiasts in Oregon and British Columbia produce a larger group of competitors for the event here at Lake Meridian. And this also explains why the race marketing is directed to overnight travelers. At the 2005 race, Oregon registrants outnumbered Washington registrants by 3 to 1, for example. In 2006, the race committee has taken steps to attract even more Oregon competitors. The quality of operation at the Cornucopia race has allowed it to become the largest and most successful,such race in the state of Washington (despite two races annually in Tacoma and one in Seattle), and it has grown to be known by many,particularly out-of- town competitors, as the "Seattle Dragon Boat Race." As such, the coordinators of the race have successfully attained status in the Oregon Dragon Boat Race circuit. That circuit contains three races: one in Salem, Oregon, one in Portland, Oregon and one in beautiful Kent, Washington. For dragon boat teams to be competitors in the Oregon circuit, they must compete and do well on Lake Meridian. This inclusion will, undoubtedly,bring more people from Oregon to Kent for the day- and-half event. This speaks well of the race event, itself,but also to the hospitality of the city. Monetary Discussion Fixed Cost of conducting the Cornucopia Dragon Boat Races at Lake Meridian in 2006 will exceed$20,000. The budget for the race is provided by the Kent Lions Cornucopia Days budget. Significant line items would include rental of 8 racing boats; rental of tents, catered dinner from a local Kent restaurant, advertising, printing, and mailing. There are no employees or payroll. It is entirely a volunteer event utilizing more than 100 volunteers for the benefit of the community and charities. Income is derived from two sources, sponsorship, and team registrations. As a fledgling event, in several of the past years, the event has functioned as a consumer of Cornucopia funds rather than a producer. To attract out-of-state participants, the Kent Lions Club has subsidized team registration fees for out-of-state competitors. Specifically, in-state teams registration is $600; but out-of-state is $425; and Canada is reduced to $300. In 2005, the total of this subsidization was $4800. This missed revenue was intentional to subsidize travel and overnight stay in Kent. In 2006,we anticipate a larger out-of-state participation, and a subsidization of more than$5500. In addition to the subsidization, the Cornucopia race committee worked with the Lodging Tax Advisory Board to execute a plan of mailings, web links, and collateral printing to publicized local lodging and commerce. The race committee executed that plan and completed all documentation associated with it. Plus,posters and flyers were printed and mailed or hand-carried to racing clubs and events in both Canada and Oregon. In 2005, the Lodging Tax Advisory Board granted$6000 to the Cornucopia Dragon Boat Races. We believe that that money was well employed. In 2006 we are executing a more aggressive plan to recruit out-of-state competitors. We anticipate larger subsidization of team entries, more printing,more mailings, and more postage. We would ask for a grant of$8000 for those increased costs in 2006. The Cornucopia Dragon Boat Races, as all Lions Club events, have two purposes; first to create community-enriching activities, and second to generate money which is primarily used to support charities. The target charity for any money generated is the Northwest Lions Foundation for Sight and Hearing. That organization is best known as the people who run the Northwest Eye Bank and provide transplant materials to restore eyesight,but also have a host of other services aimed at helping those with sight and hearing impairment. We feel very proud to produce any money we can to support these efforts. Its worth the many hundreds of volunteer hours we are providing. Dramboat racing is good for Kent As a millennium-old Asian sport,now finding wide acceptance throughout the world, the multi-cultural opportunity is somewhat clear. Besides providing a robust, competitive, athletic team sport, there is great interest and enthusiasm for dragonboating within the Asian-American community. In years past, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in ��� Seattle, the Chinese American Association of Professionals, and even the Kent Sister Cities have formed dragonboating teams specifically to race in this race, and this race only. To many Asians this sport is as interesting as baseball is to Mariner fans. Locally, the event has developed a small culture of its own, spawning a Kent Dragonboat Association with some 50 members and five local teams including two youth teams. On Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings you will even see the Kent Police Chief steering a dragon boat for practice with one of those teams. And we must not forget that about a thousand people from Oregon and BC,who enjoy dragonboat racing, consider Kent to be the most important city in the State of Washington. Please help us to bring more of them here in July. Thank you, Steve Crowell Race Director, Kent Lions Club I �a s, v� 1- Irst Quarter Report 2006 h Ld SOU THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST STARIS HERE �, J MAJOR INITIATIVE 1 Tournaments SSVS is working to secure exclusive housing agent agreements that are incentive based (e.g. room nights booked through SSVS). We are also working to recruit additional athletic tournaments that generate overnight stays in partnership with area cities, Seattle Sports Commission, Starfire Sports, Kent Ice Centre and the King County Aquatic Center, etc. Currently working "in-house"on animated PowerPoint presentation highlighting the major sporting venues in the Southside (see list below). Presented first at the May Seattle Sports Commission Board of Directors meeting, highlighting SSVS' partnership with the SSC. • Starfire Sports 2006 Soccer and Softball Season—Pending Signature • ASA Girl's 16U Fast Pitch National Champions July 2006—Secured • Senior Softball World Championship Sept. 2006—Secured • All Nations Cup Soccer Event July 2006—Secured • NHL Elite Hockey Tryouts April 2006—Secured • NHL Elite Hockey Tryouts May 2006—Secured • Norpac Junior B Hockey 2006 Season (Sept thru March)—Secured • NCAA Men's Diving and Swimming Competition March 2008—Secured • NCAA Women's Diving and Swimming Competition March 2009—Pending • NAGAAA 2008 Gay Softball World Series (Emerald City Softball Association) is submitting the bid—Pending MAJOR INITIATIVE 2 Cruise Travelers The Port of Seattle projects a record year for cruise business in 2006 with approximately 170 sailings and 350,000 passengers. SSVS plans to target cruise ship travelers before they make hotel plans. 1. Advertising Campaign Who's Who in the Cruise Line Industry'/z page Ad in "Port of Seattle"section 2. Public Relations Efforts Leisure Group Travel Seattle Southside VC complementary listing Continue pitching story ideas 3. E-newsletters Special & Packages 4. Travel Trade's CRUISE-A-THON 2006 Scheduled for June 2-5 in Vancouver B.C. with the Marketplace Trade Show scheduled specifically for Saturday, June 3 �' - a. Followed by a Seattle Southside VC Direct Mail Campaign to 1,000 +Tradeshow Attendees b. Tradeshow database shared with hoteliers as requested (Access or Excel) 5. Fall 2006 Tradeshow sponsored by Seattle Southside VC & Port of Seattle & Tacoma CVB Cruise Travel Writers Travel Agents Specializing in Cruise Travel MAJOR INITIATIVE 3 Shuttle SSVS will continue to lead the Seattle Southside shuttle initiative, "Seattle Southside Express", by means of seeking funding partnerships to offset a portion of the expenses. The shuttle will achieve visibility for the area and increase the level of satisfaction of the hotel guests and shoppers in a cost-effective manner. • Winter schedule is operational • Summer schedule to begin June • The Museum of Flight transfers pending hiring new MOF Marketing Director MAJOR INITIATIVE 4 Website The website is the most powerful marketing tool available and is easily accessible by most consumers throughout the world. All our communications serve to drive people to the website. • GDS hotel reservations system is now operational • Optimization plans currently under development to include new key word search, new search engine registrations, analysis of pay per clicks, etc. • Alaska Airlines affiliate program underway MAJOR INITIATIVE 5 Guest Relations Program at area travel &tourism businesses rove to be an important aspect to marketing the Frontline employees p Southside as a premier tourist destination. Provide a Guest Relations Program that aims at providing frontline employees with resources to promote Southside venues, services, and attractions to guests. • Program outline completed • Collateral materials currently underdevelopment and Beta client identified • Major launch will occur at the fall SSVS Tourism Networking Meeting MAJOR INITIATIVE 6 Volunteer & Summer Intern Program Having interns during the busy season and volunteers year round at SSVS helps to staff the Visitor Center, allows SSVS to follow through with small projects and helps reduce operation costs. Both the Intern and Volunteer Program allow SSVS to provide interns and volunteers with hands-on industry training, development of customer services skills and the satisfaction of personally contributing to local tourism. Currently, we have one ongoing, unpaid Highline Community College Intern from the Hospitality Hotel & Restaurant Administration program working 3 to 6 hrs a week. Two students from Global Connections (Highline School District) Academy of Travel and Tourism spent a day of observation at the Visitor Center and presented an oral presentation to their fellow class members about different jobs and services offered through SSVS. And 4 students volunteered their services for set-up and registration at the February 9th Southside Tourism Networking meeting. SSVS Program Director serves on the Highline Community College Hospitality Hotel & Restaurant Administration Curriculum Advisory Board. MAJOR INITIATIVE 7 Streamline Visitor Information Services To ensure that SSVS is offering the highest level of service, we will enhance the system that is currently used to provide visitors, phone inquiries and locals with Southside information. This will be accomplished by identifying the most common requests by visitors and going "above and beyond"what has been offered to them in the past. • Updated Meeting Planners Packet and RFP process. • Created complete listings of RV parks/facilities and camping amenities in the Southside • Reprinting directions to popular destinations including driving directions and maps • Developed multi day itineraries • Continuing distribution of 40+ page Vacation Planners by Certified Folder and through mail to guests who call or contact SSVS via email or website or request information via advertisements • Stocking an overprint of popular visitor brochures to include the Highline Times Restaurant Guide, Seattle's Favorite Attractions Brochure and the Seattle SuperSaver.com Guide • Preparing specialty packets for visitors interested in particular activities (hiking, biking, etc.) MAJOR INITIATIVE 8 4 by 9 Southside Map Brochure Maps are one of the highest demanded brochures/handouts at SSVS. It is important for Southside guests to have these maps to aid them in their travel to Southside attractions, restaurants, and hotels. • Focus group was conducted January 26th with representatives from all 4 partnering cities and a variety travel and tourism business representatives ` • Format, size and priorities have been determined 0 Updated illustrated map is underway • Competitive print quotes have been secured • Freelance writer from the Northwest is volunteering his time and expertise in return for professional recognition of his copy writing contribution to the map project in hopes of building his portfolio MAJOR INITIATIVE 9 Public Relations SSVS will implement a media relations program to build public awareness and usage of Seattle Southside Visitor Services by generating positive editorial media coverage and promoting the "new" Visitor Center to local audiences. Working proactively and reactively with local and regional media and area tourism venues, SSVS strives to sustain a role as a helpful and dependable resource for vacation planners, hosting athletic tournaments, conducting small to medium-sized meetings and events, business travelers, etc. • Developed a Press Kit to send to media contacts that request additional information or respond to press releases and story pitches. • Implemented regular eNewlsetters and alerts to various audiences e.g. website visitors who sign up for more information, business associates, hotel robberies Alert, etc. MAJOR INITIATIVE 10 Media Plan SSVS plans to launch an advertising campaign to attract visitors through unique positioning and offerings. We will purchase media placements/advertisements in travel-related publications luring visitors with the value and convenience of staying in Seattle Southside and entice them with the appeal of favorite, familiar attractions in Seattle and other lesser-known attractions in the Southside area. All advertising includes a call to action for purposes of tracking and evaluation. See media schedule. • New Ad campaign launched • Media buys complete Kent Chamber ^f Commerce April _ 6 Update Deliverable Status Comments Maintain Web Site: Write&run three news articles and/or advertisements In Process In collaboration with SSVS the Kent Chamber of Commerce promoting the website in the Chamber's bi-weekly Newsletter "Voice of Business has ran 2 articles, One on newsletter, The Voice of Business. March 1 st and one on May 1 st, outlining the efforts of the KCC toll free number, the lodging web site www.kentlodging.com and SSVS web site to increase lodging at Kent hotels and local attraction draw. A third article is scheduled for Sept. or Oct. outlining the economic impact the tourism industry as well as league activity within Kent has had on the local economy. Advertising: Toll-free calls Ongoing See attachments—Will forward Travel collateral Ongoing See attachment—Will forward Industry Research&Development: Facilitate visitor information center or kiosk in downtown In Process Meeting held March I" at 9:00 am with Nathan Torgelson; Kent. City of Kent, Jacquie Alexander; KDP, Mike Miller, Valley Bank, Dea Drake with city communications and Robin Hasbrouck, KCC. Discussion covered design and location determination of the kiosk. It was determined that a main kiosk would be place on the corner of Ramsay Way and Temperance Street. 1 or 2 smaller scale kiosks will be placed, location TBD. Mike Miller presented design graphics for discussion. Robin H. proposed to the committee that the "Visitors Map"be on the Kiosk and that lodging in Kent have placement on the Kiosk as well. SSVS meeting with BOD or Kent—based hospitality In Process SSVS will provide an article for the VOB to share how to use related businesses. SSVS as a lodging tool as well as discuss lodging in Kent. Lodging&Transportation package from OR. To include Ongoing Compiling contact information: Carol Masnik(206) 398-5048, special Sounder runs. Martin Young (206) 398-5115, Lori, Leadership T^-titute, . 253.804.5049, Patrice Hardy, Sound Transit Gov. tions 206.689.4928. Call forwarding from KCC to SSVS Completed Call forwarding has been incorporated as a Kent Chamber office procedure as of February 15, 2006. The after hours message at the chamber will include the option for the caller to call SSVS 1.800 number for lodging, local attractions and transportation questions. See attachment of call transfer to SSVS SOP. Facilitate"visitors map" In Process The"Visitors Map" sub committee met on March 20`h With Larry Morris of Town Graphics to move the "Visitors Map" into proof phase. Additional deliverables were assigned. See attached meeting minutes. Final approval is slated for early May. Advertising Campaign moved to late May— Early June with distribution in early July. (Advertising campaign has started) Website Visitors Per Month www.kentiodging.com www.kenthotels.org 25000 _..._......._____.__ 20000- 10 a ( 4n �a yt 15000 " iF 10000 -WWA 5000 Rig 5 z January February March April May June July August September October November December M 2005 11013 14661 16772 16164 17273 16989 22831 16494 13798 12062 11033 3853 0 2 006 11596 9765 13900 11588 VOICE OF BUSINESS: May 1, 2006 SSVS: Online resource welcomes visitors to Kent By Kari Gallaway The Seattle Southside Visitor Service (SSVS) is a program offered by the cities of Kent, Tukwila, SeaTac and Des Moines. The program markets the area as a travel destination for tourists exploring western Washington. In Kent, a Web site (www.kentlodging.com) and toll-free telephone number (1-866-852-7829) have been established to better link visitors to the amenities in the area. Another tool offered by Seattle Southside is its own Web site (www.seattlesouthside.com),which gives business associates, guests and future guests access to an all-inclusive travel guide to the surrounding area, a complete events calendar, downloadable maps and more. Some of the online services available on the Web site include: • Free online hotel reservation program. Available to qualifying hotels and motels in SeaTac, Tukwila, Kent and Des Moines. Guests can access affordable hotel rooms with the online reservation system. • Special off-season promotions and packages. Attract visitors with sizeable discounts on hotel rooms and area attractions. • Web site listings and links. Business owners can promote their services to visitors on the Web site. • Free group sales leads. Generated by Seattle Southside's advertising campaign, the leads are e-mailed to subscribers with detailed contact information on the interested group for timely follow-up. • Free promotional materials. Promotional materials include coupon books, restaurant guides and the official Seattle Southside Vacation Planner. • Events calendar. Upcoming events can be posted online and promoted to visitors. • Press Room. Business owners can submit news stories or press releases for posting free of charge. If you would like to find out more information on how to become involved with SSVS, or for information on how you can best use www.seattlesouthside.com, contact Karl Gallaway at (206) 575-2489 or kari seattlesouthside.com. Or, call the Chamber's toll-free line at 1-866-852-7829. VOICE OF BUSINESS : MARCH 1, 2006 Marketing Kents' hotels and attractions to travelers By Kari Gallaway Introducing "Seattle Southside." Comprised of the cities of Tukwila, SeaTac, Kent and Des Moines and close to both downtown Seattle and Tacoma's city center, Seattle Southside is an ideal destination for out-of-town guests. Kent's downtown district, golf course and unique celebrations, such as Cornucopia Days, add to the variety. That's one reason why the City of Kent signed a three-year agreement with Seattle Southside Visitor Services (SSVS) last year. SSVS is helping Kent spread the word, marketing its amenities to travelers. The addition of Kent strengthens the area's already healthy list of attractions. Seattle Southside currently features 7,800 hotel rooms, more than 40 full-service restaurants, more than 5 million square feet of retail shopping, the world-famous Museum of Flight and the eight-acre Family Fun Center. Plus, it's located just minutes from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Adding Kent adds 1,300 hotel rooms, more shopping and dining, community events, and the brand new Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum. Among the attractions that will draw people to Kent are the recreation facilities, such as the Kent Valley Ice Center, Riverbend Golf Course (the busiest public 18-hole golf course in the state) and award-winning Russell Road Park. And Phase I of Kent Station now adds to the appeal, with a 14-screen theater, numerous restaurants and several retail shops centered around an outdoor plaza. In addition to its efforts in partnership with the city, SSVS also is working with the Kent Chamber of Commerce to increase the number of people staying in Kent hotels. This effort has lead to plans to create a strategically located visitors kiosk, as well as a visitor's map that will show lodging, local attractions and ads for restaurants. The Chamber is working closely with SSVS as a communications tool. For example, calls now can be forwarded directly from the Chamber offices to SSVS so callers can learn more about all Seattle Southside has to offer. The Chamber is also looking at ways to increase tourism through special Sound Transit runs. Kari Gallaway is Business Community Liaison for Seattle Southside Visitors Service. Learn more at www.seattlesouthside.com.