HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 08/29/2013 (2) KENT AGENDA LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING August 29, 2013, 4 pm Centennial Building - Centennial North Conference Room (across from the elevators) 400 W. Gowe, St. Mission Promote the City as a destination to increase tourism and business development 1. Introduction/Welcome Jamie Perry 2. Vacant Committee Position Jamie Perry Tim Higgins 3. Branding / Marketing Ben Wolters 4. For the good of the order 5. Next meeting date Next meeting 10/17/13 @ 4 pm (every other month on the 3rd Thursday) Arnett Muldrow &Associates April 25, 2013 Ms.Amy McGuffin Director of Tourism Kittitas County Chamber of Commerce 609 North Main Street Ellensburg,Washington 98926 Dear Amy: We are pleased to submit this revised proposal to conduct a community image resource visit for Ellensburg. You will note that this scope is very similar to the one we put forward for Ellensburg and Wenatchee. I've also attached our standard form contract under separate cover, feel free to use that as a guide of substitute your own terms as needed. We are thrilled to have the chance to work with you and Carolyn on this project and look forward to seeing you in Vancouver in just a few weeks so we can schedule a time to make the visit. With warm regards, Tro Muldrow President Arnett Muldrow&Associates, Ltd. i A P' 7 E�di1LI7R wASSOCIATES! ? :•.1 .. w `;I.., C 4_ .C <F>=1;v.l l E.S :2�?k�09 1 t.,; €J?>..c 95 Arnett Muldrow &Associates PLAN. PRESERVE. PROMOTE. SCOPE OF WORK FOR A COMMUNITY IMAGE RESOURCE VISIT AND IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY FOR ELLENSBURG, WASHINGTON DRAFT PROPOSAL Task One: Information Gathering and Background Review We will work closely with the Kittitas Chamber of Commerce and the Ellensburg Downtown Association to gather all relevant material related to the community's marketing and image including but not limited to: city histories; promotional publications that involve the downtown, the city, and its attractions; event information including annual festivals; economic development and tourism publications; website and social media information; and any other related information. We will also examine any market research completed for Ellensburg and the County looking at opportunities to better promote the community's key assets, retain existing customers and businesses, and recruit customers and businesses that will complement existing uses. Our extensive background in market research will greatly aid in this effort. The goal of this task is twofold: first to identify key characteristics and themes that may be used to brand and market Ellensburg as a whole and second delve into the target markets for the community to better understand how the identity might be deployed to reach more regional customers. Task Two: Branding Resource Visit Modeled after a community planning charrette, the Community Image Resource Visit is designed to immerse the project team in the community in a rapid way in order to produce a branding program quickly and efficiently. We have conducted these resource visits in over two hundred communities that have gone on to implement the branding in creative ways. The resource visit will involve a two and a half day process, as described below. Day One and Part of Day Two: Gathering Input and Community Tour The first day will concentrate on a series of roundtable meetings with image-setting groups as selected by the Client. These will likely include: • The Board and Staff of-the Kittitas Chamber of Commerce • The Board and Committee Members of the Ellensburg Downtown Association; • The Ellensburg Tourism Promotion Committee • Elected officials from Ellensburg; • City Staff from Ellensburg; • Administrative, faculty, and student representatives from the Central Washington University; ARNET`f MULDROW&ASSOCIATES I Z,16 WEFC T�-_ol Jib R,,/EN ,"-E G 'EFNV;[J E,Sc rz3609 1 864,233.{1=,50 Arnett Mul row &Associates PLAN, PRt_ _,ERVr. Pr,0McTE, SCOPE OF WORK FOR A COMMUNITY IMAGE RESOURCE VISIT AND IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY FOR ELLENSBURG,WASHINGTON DRAFT PROPOSAL Task One: Information Gathering and Background Review We will work closely with the Kittitas Chamber of Commerce and the Ellensburg Downtown Association to gather all relevant material related to the community's marketing and image including but not limited to: city histories; promotional publications that involve the downtown, the city, and its attractions; event information including annual festivals; economic development and tourism publications; website and social media information; and any other related information. We will also examine any market research completed for Ellensburg and the County looking at opportunities to better promote the community's key assets, retain existing customers and businesses, and recruit customers and businesses that will complement existing uses. Our extensive background in market research will greatly aid in this effort. The goal of this task is twofold: first to identify key characteristics and themes that may be used to brand and market Ellensburg as a whole and second delve into the target markets for the community to better understand how the identity might be deployed to reach more regional customers. Task Two: Branding Resource Visit Modeled after a community planning charrette, the Community Image Resource Visit is designed to immerse the project team in the community in a rapid way in order to produce a branding program quickly and efficiently. We have conducted these resource visits in over two hundred communities that have gone on to implement the branding in creative ways. The resource visit will involve a two and a half day process, as described below. Day One and Part of Day Two: Gathering Input and Community Tour The first day will concentrate on a series of roundtable meetings with image-setting groups as selected by the Client. These will likely include: • The Board and Staff of the Kittitas Chamber of Commerce • The Board and Committee Members of the Ellensburg Downtown Association; • The Ellensburg Tourism Promotion Committee • Elected officials from Ellensburg; • City Staff from Ellensburg; • Administrative, faculty, and student representatives from the Central Washington University; ,A.RN TT MUL R€? &ASSOCIATES 1316 WEST ONE:-t`v 6 NIJE G f E VHL[..E, ,i 29609 1 864,233 0 .� vr�°v, r:tti :.i d'':':`.v.cot7i Arnett Muldrow &AssociWes ...Ar,. P [ >, WV (.. P R.OHc AA April 25, 2013 Ms.Amy McGuffin Director of Tourism Kittitas County Chamber of Commerce 609 North Main Street Ellensburg,Washington 98926 Dear Amy: We are pleased to submit this revised proposal to conduct a community image resource visit for Ellensburg. You will note that this scope is very similar to the one we put forward for Ellensburg and Wenatchee. I've also attached our standard form contract under separate cover, feel free to use that as a guide of substitute your own terms as needed. We are thrilled to have the chance to work with you and Carolyn on this project and look forward to seeing you in Vancouver in just a few weeks so we can schedule a time to make the visit. With warm regards, Tr' Muldrow President Arnett Muldrow&Associates, Ltd. ARN TT MULDROW&IASSOCIATES E f ,.'[_ E AVENUE C iE>C�<i/l t r,SC ,63 09 1 nt -1 23 3.005 0 ?^t =t'rCTtl. 3.1;l-;>ti✓.^:t� Arnett M ld`o Associates - PLAN, PRESERVE. PROMOTE. r` • Regional economic development professionals; • Key destination, attraction, and quality-of-life representatives; • Youth representatives; • Business owners; • Other stakeholders as selected by the Client; and • A facilitated public input session. The input sessions will be facilitated group sessions that will concentrate on the brand image of Ellensburg. We will work closely with the Chamber of Commerce and Ellensburg Downtown Association to determine how to focus sessions on both the community as a whole and downtown as a key destination within Ellensburg. (These meetings can be as open ended as you desire, we prefer to invite anyone interested to attend as the stakeholders get to value seeing their input put into concepts within days of their initial input.) We will also conduct a tour and reconnaissance of Ellensburg and the surrounding community including a detailed tour of downtown. During the community tour, we will conduct a professional photo shoot of key area assets, including places and people. We will edit these photographs and include them as a photo library as part of our final deliverables. Many of our clients have found these photographs to be a helpful resource in their future marketing initiatives. Day Two, Afternoon: Optional Progress Report By the end of the second day, we will have worked with the public and community stakeholders to develop some preliminary concepts, so that the third day can focus on brand refinement as well as continued production of marketing concepts and brand extension. If needed, in the afternoon of the second day we will have a small roundtable meeting with the Client team to review the progress on the brand's development. Day Two Evening and Day Three: Brand Development During the course of the workshop, we will focus not only on developing the brand identity itself that will include such things as logos, themes, typefaces, colors, sample print pieces, and partnership efforts. We will also develop many of the creative marketing concepts and brand extension components that could extend to other districts, partners, attractions, and events. These pieces would include event logos, imagery, digital media, web page concepts, allied agency logos (if desired by those partners), and a host of other creative uses as determined by the client. We like to leave this component open-ended as the roundtable input sessions will help us frame these creative recommendations. Day Three, Midday-Afternoon: Brand Presentation ARN TT MULDROW&ASSOCIATES 1316WE yJ ,TO?�dE.AVf lNt (._RE [WILL E,Se,"29609 186 ,2 3.C`,9,50 www.:r rnc:tt€2u!dr4jLR-.coii Arneft t ltdrow `""Associ(tes PILAN, PRESERVE. PROMOTE. Arnett Muldrow will present all of the concepts in an exciting "brand reveal"presentation to the client at the end of the resource team visit on the third day. We believe that this presentation is a critical element in the branding process because while we will develop the brand, it will belong not only to the Kittitas Chamber of Commerce and its partners at the Ellensburg Downtown Association and the City of Ellensburg but also to the community itself. The presentation will provide the Client team and the community with a solid direction for the brand and we will garner feedback for further refinement to come after the workshop. As mentioned before, the resource visit deliverables will vary by community but will typically include a variety of components that may include logo designs, typefaces, color palettes, and taglines. We will also develop a compelling brand statement that can be used as a script in marketing the communities. In addition, the team will develop a host of creative collateral material. Our presentations have included letterhead designs, email headers, business cards, banners, brochure templates, mock advertisements, event posters, billboards, shopping bags, hats, tee shirts, house flags, sculptures, gateway signs, recognition programs, community pride campaigns, and many others. We typically produce between fifteen and.twenty unique applications/extensions of the core brand for the Client. Task Three: Brand Refinement The presentation at the end of the work session represents a draft version of the brand identity. From time to time, clients wish to make refinements to the identity system and have us complete additional collateral and supporting material. We will provide the Client Team a worksheet to provide us a written list of modifications and additions to the brand system. We will coordinate these revisions within three weeks of receiving that worksheet and communicate them via email and conference call for final sign off and review. Task Four: Final Branding and Marketing Report Within six weeks of the final "sign off' in Task Three, we will deliver the final products for the branding effort. This will include a resource package with all graphics produced in the work session for the Client and its partners (the resource package will include the designs in a variety of file formats for use by different vendors), a style guide for their proper usage, a photo library, and the final PowerPoint presentation. We will also allocate six hours of in-house support services to the Client in our offices that may include design refinement, printer support, and additional marketing applications. The Client may determine how to best use this support service. ARNETT MULDR OW ASSOCIATE j 316 WEST ST ONE f�IE UE GRErENVIL.LE,SC 29609 1 864�2Ti3,0950 ' v <vwarne:.ttmuldr:31n-.� tl� Arnett Muldrow &Alssociates PLAN. PRESERVE PROMOTE. • This report will detail key marketing strategies as well as recommendations for specific projects, budgets and funding mechanisms, and partnerships required. The goal of the marketing strategies would be to retain and recruit customers to Ellensburg and also retain and attract businesses. The marketing report will also include measurement techniques to evaluate the success of the branding process as it launches. • The final deliverable will be a "strategy board" that details the overall goals of the project, each recommended task, timetables for brand implementation, and responsible parties. This one page document is a highly effective implementation tool that can serve as the roadmap for the brands' launch and implementation. Arnett Muldrow will also release all copyrights for the use of our designs to the Kittitas Chamber of Commerce. This is a very important consideration for the communities as designs can then be modified and used as the client sees fit using local vendors, designers, and resources. SCOPE SCHEDULE AND FEES In total, the process will take three months including refinement and follow-up. The combined lump sum fee for the branding resource visits and all deliverables would be $12,500 plus expenses billed at cost for one two person visit for three and a half days. Expenses are not to exceed $2,400 and are estimated as follows: • Airfare $1000 • Hotel $700 • Rental Car$350 • Meals $200 • Gas, Tolls, Parking $150 PROJECT DELIVERABLES . 1. Logo and tagline designs for Ellensburg and its downtown. 2. Logo designs for districts, events, partner organizations, and other amenities as desired by the Client. 3. Custom banner designs applicable to the Client and other initiative partners if desired. 4. Print collateral designs (letterhead, business cards, report covers and divider pages, brochures, etc.). 5. Web page and digital media design concepts. 6. Ad templates and concepts for organizational use. 7. Other collateral pieces as desired by the Client(we like to keep this open ended so that any custom products you need can be developed we have done designs for virtually everything from t-shirts and mugs to sculptural pieces during the workshop). 8. All related photography on digital flash drive. AR NETT F�iULDR w&ASSOCIATES(3i�;k�k ES3 5 F:�V`E �,E C,REENV L E, ( 29609 1 8e34.233.C950 v w .awn ttir :l as iA c M Arnett Muldrow &Associates PLAN, PRESERVE. PROMOTE, 9. Resource package with all deliverables in a variety of digital file formats. 10. Style guide for brand implementation. 11. Brand presentation on PowerPoint. 12. Copyright release granting ownership of all designs to the Client. At .Arnett Muldrow & Associates, we are committed to making better communities. Based in Greenville, South Carolina, Arnett Muldrow & Associates was created in 2002 to help communities that want to rebuild their aging downtown, reinvigorate their urban neighborhoods, and create economic development opportunities. Our team of professionals has worked in communities large and small from St. Albans, VT to Hollister, CA. We are a five-person firm that focuses on client service in the following key areas: Town Planning • Downtown master plans • Special district and neighborhood master plans • Commercial corridor plans and redevelopment guidelines Economic Development • Retail market assessment for downtowns, commercial districts and sites • Community partnership development for revitalization and economic development • Economic and community development strategies and financing plans • Tax Increment District Redevelopment Plans Community Branding • Community and downtown image packages including logos and taglines • Marketing plans including collateral material and web pages • Wayfinding and environmental sign concepts Historic Preservation • Historic preservation planning • Creation of local and National Register historic districts • Design guideline documents and overlay districts OUR PROCESS We work very closely with our clients to define the planning issues for their communities. Whether our solutions focus on an economic development strategy, retail market research, urban design, or historic preservation — we craft a custom process for each community built around three strategies: Commitment to Stakeholder Involvement— Without the involvement of key stakeholders , including the public, a project is destined for the dusty shelf. Our public process depends ARNETT MUL ROW&ASSOCIATES!3 6\,"'V—SY ST011JC fi ENt' s C <E"i WL[ E",SC 296019 1 8654233,0950 i.vvL�r. rn tti ,.a;1 :rr�.C�tn Arneft Muldrow &Associates FLAN, PRESERVE 2ERVE FRi>f'3OTE, on listening to our clients and we're not afraid to use creative methods to hear what they have to say. Economic Solutions — Any plan can offer a vision for the future of a community. At Arnett Muldrow & Associates, we back the vision with thorough and thoughtful research into the economics that lead to implementation. Our research typically includes detailed retail market assessment and demographic analysis followed by real marketing solutions because getting the word out can be as important as crafting the plan. Plans that Get Implemented—All of our planning efforts include detailed implementation strategies and action plans that detail the who, what, how, and when for every plan recommendation. Community Branding and Marketing Expertise Arnett Muldrow has emerged as one of the nation's leaders specializing in branding for communities in the context of creating economic vitality. Unlike a typical advertising or marketing agency, we are a planning firm that understands the complexities of community issues. Our branding and marketing efforts combine the sensitivity of planning with the expertise of a professional graphic artist and marketing specialist. Our experience speaks for itself. • Speakers at the National Main. Street Conference on Community Branding in 2005 Albuquerque, 2007 Seattle, 2009 Chicago. We have conducted six sessions at the national level on community branding. • Speakers at the North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Destination Downtown Conferences (MS, LA, and AR) on community branding. • The Virginia Main Street Program selected Arnett Muldrow&Associates to teach the Main Street 101 course on community marketing and branding. • Mississippi has selected Arnett Muldrow to conduct Main Street manager training on community branding at its annual managers meeting. • The Downtown Promotion Reporter, a national trade publication on marketing downtowns, named Ben Muldrow a "branding guru" in a 2004 article and completed a follow up article in 2011. • Arnett Muldrow branding initiatives were featured on ABC Nightly News in 2011 (Arkansas Delta Made program) and Good Morning America (Atchafalaya National Heritage Area). • The Virginia Main Street Monitor published an article written by Tripp Muldrow concerning the importance of place recognition as conveyed through consistent messages and branding materials. ARNETT NCULDROW ASSOCIATES 1.,161' EST.;! NE;6,V NUIE{,PFt:-NW:t_LE, 29609 1 864,23709 C7 x�^:Lf.:z�n�3ttirt. :�rt�-:CCr z Arnett Muldrow 6-Associates PLAN, PRI RVE. PROMOTE. • To date we have completed market assessments, branding and marketing plans for over 200 communities in twenty seven states: AL, AR, CA, DE, FL, GA, IN, IA, KY, LA, ME, MD, MI, MN, MS, MO,NC, OH, OR, PA, SC, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, and WY. Much of our work is for small to medium size communities without large budgets for marketing and branding. We recognize the limitations that this places on implementation and prepare creative solutions to deal with these issues. We know the "tricks of the trade" to develop affordable but highly effective products. We are committed to producing quality. In addition, we have a proven track record of follow through with variety of implementation options. Some of our recommendations have gone on to become decals for official vehicles, embroidered patches for uniforms, billboards, ads, signs, and even blanket throws. Our clients have included Main Street Programs, Towns and Cities, Chambers of Commerce, and Economic Development Agencies. Firm Personnel Arnett Muldrow is a five person firm comprised of Aaron Arnett who specializes in historic preservation, neighborhood planning, and tax increment financing; Tripp Muldrow who specializes in market assessment and marketing plans; Ben Muldrow who specializes in brand design and brand development; and Tee Coker who provides guidance on wayfinding and signage programs, and Hannah Nichols who focuses on brand refinement and implementation. For the Ellensburg Tripp Muldrow will be the sole point of contact for the project. This turnkey approach allows us to be "lean and mean" in our budgeting for these projects saving communities money while providing exceptional one-on-one service. Related Experience and References We are proud to have been part of community market assessment, marketing, and branding programs for communities and regions across the United States. We are passionate about what we do and share that passion with the communities in which we work. We encourage you to visit www.amettmuldrow.com to explore our references and case studies. ARNETT MULDROW ASSOCIATES . ;<Wf a T STONE AVENUE G:(">t VIL E,SC 29609 1 .864,73-095( - ur4vtiv,,a+n ttt��r.;�rc v�.c�rr Arnett Muldrow &Associates 3 PLAN, PPESER',V`E-- PROMOTE. i • To date we have completed market assessments, branding and marketing plans for over 200 communities in twenty seven states: AL, AR, CA, DE, FL, GA, IN, IA, KY, LA, ME, MD, MI, MN, MS, MO,NC, OH, OR, PA, SC, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, and WY. Much of our work is for small to medium size communities without large budgets for marketing and branding. We recognize the limitations that this places on implementation and prepare creative solutions to deal with these issues. We know the "tricks of the trade" to develop affordable but highly effective products. We are committed to producing quality. In addition, we have a proven track record of follow through with variety of implementation options. Some of our recommendations have gone on to become decals for official vehicles, embroidered patches for uniforms,billboards, ads, signs, and even blanket throws. Our clients have included Main Street Programs, Towns and Cities, Chambers of Commerce, and Economic Development Agencies. Firm Personnel Arnett Muldrow is a five person firm comprised of Aaron Arnett who specializes in historic preservation, neighborhood planning, and tax increment financing; Tripp Muldrow who specializes in market assessment and marketing plans; Ben Muldrow who specializes in brand design and brand development; and Tee Coker who provides guidance on wayfinding and signage programs, and Hannah Nichols who focuses on brand refinement and implementation. For the Ellensburg Tripp Muldrow will be the sole point of contact for the project. This mean" in our budgeting for these projects turnkey approach allows us to be lean and g g p J saving communities money while providing exceptional one-on-one service. Related Experience and References We are proud to have been part of community market assessment, marketing, and branding programs for communities and regions across the United States. We are passionate about what we do and share that passion with the communities in which we work. We encourage you to visit www.amettmuldrow.com to explore our references and case studies. ARNETT MULDROW&ASSOCIATES 1316 WEST i ONE AVE-E t:E-C E E\.V I IA SC 29,-09 1 864,233.097,C? a..�v x,;,rn ttrr4a'Ir�4n.cryn� Arnett Muldrow 6-Associates PLAN. P ESE VET. PROMOTE. on listening to our clients and we're not afraid to use creative methods to hear what they have to say. Economic Solutions - Any plan can offer a vision for the future of a community. At Arnett Muldrow &Associates, we back the vision with thorough and thoughtful research into the economics that lead to implementation. Our research typically includes detailed retail market assessment and demographic analysis followed by real marketing solutions because getting the word out can be as important as crafting the plan. Plans that Get Implemented-All of our planning efforts include detailed implementation strategies and action plans that detail the who, what, how, and when for every plan recommendation. Community Branding and Marketing Expertise Arnett Muldrow has emerged as one of the nation's leaders specializing in branding for communities in the context of creating economic vitality. Unlike a typical advertising or marketing agency, we are a planning firm that understands the complexities of community issues. Our branding and marketing efforts combine the sensitivity of planning with the expertise of a professional graphic artist and marketing specialist. Our experience speaks for itself: • Speakers at the National Main Street Conference on Community Branding in 2005 Albuquerque, 2007 Seattle, 2009 Chicago. We have conducted six sessions at the national level on community branding. • Speakers at the North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Destination Downtown Conferences (MS, LA, and AR) on community branding. • The Virginia Main Street Program selected Arnett Muldrow&Associates to teach the Main Street 101 course on community marketing and branding. • Mississippi has selected Arnett Muldrow to conduct Main Street manager training on community branding at its annual managers meeting. • The Downtown Promotion Reporter, a national trade publication on marketing downtowns, named Ben Muldrow a "branding guru" in a 2004 article and completed a follow up article in 2011. • Arnett Muldrow branding initiatives were featured on ABC Nightly News in 2011 (Arkansas Delta Made program) and Good Morning America (Atchafalaya National Heritage Area). • The Virginia Main Street Monitor published an article written by Tripp Muldrow concerning the importance of place recognition as conveyed through consistent messages and branding materials. AR NETT MUL RO ASS EATS 71,16 WE FF O rE-.NVF 1V E"GREENVILLE,SIC 2<60c,3 1 8064,233,0950 . aN�vs�, rnc:ttirt.i:.1 F3v-.c�rZ Arnett Muldrow &Associates PLAN, PRESERVE. PROMOTE. 9. Resource package with all deliverables in a variety of digital file formats. 10. Style guide for brand implementation. 11. Brand presentation on PowerPoint. 12. Copyright release granting ownership of all designs to the Client. At Arnett Muldrow & Associates, we are committed to making better communities. Based in Greenville, South Carolina, Arnett Muldrow & Associates was created in 2002 to help communities that want to rebuild their aging downtown, reinvigorate their urban neighborhoods, and create economic development opportunities. Our team of professionals has worked in communities large and small from St. Albans, VT to Hollister, CA. We are a five-person firm that focuses on client service in the following key areas: Town Planning • Downtown master plans • Special district and neighborhood master plans • Commercial corridor plans and redevelopment guidelines Economic Development • Retail market assessment for downtowns, commercial districts and sites • Community partnership development for revitalization and economic development • Economic and community development strategies and financing plans • Tax Increment District Redevelopment Plans Community Branding • Community and downtown image packages including logos and taglines • Marketing plans including collateral material and web pages • Wayfinding and environmental sign concepts Historic Preservation • Historic preservation planning • Creation of local and National Register historic districts • Design guideline documents and overlay districts OUR PROCESS We work very closely with our clients to define the planning issues for their communities. Whether our solutions focus on an economic development strategy, retail market research, urban design, or historic preservation — we craft a custom process for each community built around three strategies: Commitment to Stakeholder Involvement— Without the involvement of key stakeholders including the public, a project is destined for the dusty shelf. Our public process depends ARNE'TT MU Ow&ASSOCIATES 13,16 WEST T c,TO F fi,.,"FM,E-GRE"ENV':E[ P.SC 29609 1 864,233.0950 r�U°;ri.: rn:ttiru°:! jvi-.c�sr Arnett Muldr w &Associates PLAN. PRESERVE-- PROMOTE. • This report will detail key marketing strategies as well as recommendations for specific projects, budgets and funding mechanisms, and partnerships required. The goal of the marketing strategies would be to retain and recruit customers to Ellensburg and also retain and attract businesses. The marketing report will also include measurement techniques to evaluate the success of the branding process as it launches. • The final deliverable will be a "strategy board" that details the overall goals of the project, each recommended task, timetables for brand implementation, and responsible parties. This one page document is a highly effective implementation tool that can serve as the roadmap for the brands' launch and implementation. Arnett Muldrow will also release all copyrights for the use of our designs to the Kittitas Chamber of Commerce. This is a very important consideration for the communities as designs can then be modified and used as the client sees fit using local vendors, designers, and resources. SCOPE SCHEDULE AND FEES In total, the process will take three months including refinement and follow-up. The combined lump sum fee for the branding resource visits and all deliverables would be $12,500 plus expenses billed at cost for one two person visit for three and a half days. Expenses are not to exceed$2,400 and are estimated as follows: • Airfare $1000 • Hotel $700 • Rental Car$350 • Meals $200 • Gas, Tolls, Parking $150 PROJECT DELIVERABLES 1. Logo and tagline designs for Ellensburg and its downtown. 2. Logo designs for districts, events, partner organizations, and other amenities as desired by the Client. 3. Custom banner designs applicable to the Client and other initiative partners if desired. 4. Print collateral designs (letterhead, business cards, report covers and divider pages, brochures, etc.). 5. Web page and digital media design concepts. 6. Ad templates and concepts for organizational use. 7. Other collateral pieces as desired by the Client(we like to keep this open ended so that any custom products you need can be developed we have done designs for virtually everything from t-shirts and mugs to sculptural pieces during the workshop). 8. All related photography on digital flash drive. ARNETT MULDROW&ASSOCIATE 131,16`,,VE F�T ST,NE A S`EI UiE GREENViLLE,SC 29609 1 864,233, ,950 "v v rnetti n-u d-11-)v%.c.;> Arnett Nfuldrow &Associates a PLAN, PFe.L :.rRVE. PROMOTE, Arnett Muldrow will present all of the concepts in an exciting "brand reveal"presentation to the client at the end of the resource team visit on the third day. We believe that this presentation is a critical element in the branding process because while we will develop the brand, it will belong not only to the Kittitas Chamber of Commerce and its partners at the Ellensburg Downtown Association and the City of Ellensburg but also to the community itself. The presentation will provide the Client team and the community with a solid direction for the brand and we will garner feedback for further refinement to come after the workshop. As mentioned before, the resource visit deliverables will vary by community but will typically include a variety of components that may include logo designs, typefaces, color palettes, and taglines. We will also develop a compelling brand statement that can be used as a script in marketing the communities. In addition, the team will develop a host of creative collateral material. Our presentations have included letterhead designs, email headers, business cards, banners, brochure templates, mock advertisements, event posters, billboards, shopping bags, hats, tee shirts, house flags, sculptures, gateway signs, recognition programs, community pride campaigns, and many others. We typically produce between fifteen and twenty unique applications/extensions of the core brand for the Client. Task Three: Brand Refinement The presentation at the end of the work session represents a draft version of the brand identity. From time to time, clients wish to make refinements to the identity system and have us complete additional collateral and supporting material. We will provide the Client Team a worksheet to provide us a written list of modifications and additions to the brand system. We will coordinate these revisions within three weeks of receiving that worksheet and communicate them via email and conference call for final sign off and review. Task Four: Final Branding and Marketing Report Within six weeks of the final "sign off' in Task Three, we will deliver the final products for the branding effort. This will include a resource package with all-graphics produced in the work session for the Client and its partners (the resource package will include the designs in a variety of file formats for use by different vendors), a style guide for their proper usage, a photo library, and the final PowerPoint presentation. We will also allocate six hours of in-house support services to the Client in our offices that may include design refinement, printer support, and additional marketing applications. The Client may determine how to best use this support service. ARNETT MULDROW&ASSOCIATES 1 71,16 WEST MNE AX/FNt!E CARE NVI l E,Si 29609 1 864,233,0950 50 ,.��v,Fsr.,rnwtti>,r 1rC7v.C:�rrt Arnett lWul row &Associates PLAN. PRESERVE. PROM01 E. • Regional economic development professionals; • Key destination, attraction, and quality-of-life representatives; • Youth representatives; • Business owners; • Other stakeholders as,selected by the Client; and • A facilitated public input session. The input sessions will be facilitated group sessions that will concentrate on the brand image of Ellensburg. We will work closely with the Chamber of Commerce and Ellensburg Downtown Association to determine how to focus sessions on both the community as a whole and downtown as a key destination within Ellensburg. (These meetings can be as open ended as you desire, we prefer to invite anyone interested to attend as the stakeholders get to value seeing their input put into concepts within days of their initial input.) We will also conduct a tour and reconnaissance of Ellensburg and the surrounding community including a detailed tour of downtown. During the community tour, we will conduct a professional photo shoot of key area assets, including places and people. We will edit these photographs and include them as a photo library as part of our final deliverables. Many of our clients have found these photographs to be a helpful resource in their future marketing initiatives. Day Two, Afternoon: Optional Progress Report By the end of the second day, we will have worked with the public and community stakeholders to develop some preliminary concepts, so that the third day can focus on brand refinement as well as continued production of marketing concepts and brand extension. If needed, in the afternoon of the second day we will have a small roundtable meeting with the Client team to review the progress on the brand's development. Day Two Evening and Day Three: Brand Development During the course of the workshop, we will focus not only on developing the brand identity itself that will include such things as logos, themes, typefaces, colors, sample print pieces, and partnership efforts.. We will also develop many of the creative marketing concepts and brand extension components that.could extend to other districts, partners, attractions, and events. These pieces would include event logos, imagery, digital media, web page concepts, allied agency logos (if desired by those partners), and a host of other creative uses as determined by the client. We like to leave this component open-ended as the roundtable input sessions will help us frame these creative recommendations. Day Three, Midday-Afternoon: Brand Presentation A NETT MULDROW&ASSOCIATES'Z,16 v�,,ESTI S-7,C-NEAVFNUE C Ef NVI [E".` 29609 1 8(0 23.3.09. ' w m 0 %---1 N m 0 0 rI r+ r-I r--i 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N O o .- 4-' z V a) U O O X d c6 00 �p O N O Ca a LL a--J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o ern 0 Ln 0 Sri o M N N rI sielloQ l 00 Q1 O c--I N M O O O O O O N N N N N N i ! i > Q. 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