HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 02/10/2022 Pending Approval Lodging Tax Advisory ' T Committee KEN WA9H... Lodging Tax Advisory Committee-Regular Meeting Minutes February 10, 2022 Date: February 10, 2022 Time: 4:10 p.m. Place: Centennial South and North Members: Bill Boyce, Chair John Casey, Gaila Haas, Tim Higgins, David Kwok, Agenda: I. Call to Order 4:10 p.m. II. Roll Call Chair Boyce - Present - Remote John Casey - Present Tim Higgins - Present David Kwok - Present Gaila Haas - Present - Remote Andrew Hutchison - Currently Expired - Present Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Bill Boyce Chair Present John Casey Present Gaila Haas Present Tim Higgins Present Andrew Hutchison Present David Kwok Present III. Agenda Approval IV. Approval of the Minutes - October 14, 2021 Mover: David Kwok 2nd: Tim Higgins Record to show the minutes were approved with no discussion and passed unanimously 1. Approval of Minutes dated October 14, 2021 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 1 of 3 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Lodging Tax February 10, 2022 Advisory Committee-Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes Andrew Hutchison is currently ineligible to vote due to his term expiring as of January 14, 2022. MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated October 14, 2021 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: David Kwok SECONDER: Tim Higgins AYES: Boyce, Casey, Haas, Higgins, Kwok EXCUSED: Hutchison V. Information Only - Lodging Tax Revenue Update Shane Sorenson from Finance, presenting via Zoom, is able to provide a preliminary figure for revenues received the last two month of 2021, confirming that the projections for financial impacts came almost exactly between the "high impact" and "medium impact" scenarios despite a few strong months during the 2021 late Summer months of August and September. 2021 Lodging Tax Revenue came in very close to $212,000. Impact Assumptions were calculated as follows and the referenced increase is as compared to 2020: Low Impact: 47.3% increase in 2021 per STR and Tourism Economics Group August 2021 Forecast Medium Impact: 41.7% increase in 2021 per CBRE Hotels Research September 2021 Forecast High Impact: 29.8% increase in 2021 based on Q2 & Q3 2021 Activity. The City will be evaluating revenue losses Citywide with an intent of distributing ARPA dollars to mitigate those losses. From 2020 and through 2021, it is estimated that the Lodging Tax Fund has lost approximately $300k. VI. Business Items A. Reappointment of Andrew Hutchison to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Andrew Hutchison's term on the Lodging Tax advisory committee has been expired as of January 14, 2022, but he has ably served this committee since 2007. Despite efforts to recruit new qualified applicants to participate on the committee, the small number of Kent hotels coupled with the strict membership qualifications required by the State, have made staffing this advisory committee particularly challenging. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 2 of 3 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Lodging Tax February 10, 2022 Advisory Committee-Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes The committee thanks Mr. Hutchison for that service, and Chair Boyce asks if he if is willing continue as a member of the committee. Mr. Hutchison indicates that he would like to stay on as a committee member, pending council approval. The Economic & Community Development Committee will vote on recommending to Council Mr. Hutchison's reappointment to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee at their March 14th regular meeting. B. Jay Ray Proposal for 2022 After presenting to the committee an update and results report for activities in 2021, Jay Ray presents to the committee a two tiered budget proposal for 2022 initiatives. The largest portion of their proposal is similar to the program which was approved for 2021 - a keep the lights on for the existing campaign with basic website updates and maintenance, a social media approach geared to capturing local visitors and promotion of low risk, Covid- safe destinations and events. In addition, Jay Ray are also proposing a test run of an emerging trend in technology in marketing and promotion called geo-fencing, where they use cel phone data captured in certain areas and at certain events to target those same folks with promotions for like locations and similar events. Demographic data can gleaned as well to expand the circles and capture other similar people, who would be likely to enjoy these happenings. After discussion and questions about exactly how this works and why it isn't sinister (because cell phone users must opt in to have their data captured), the committee agrees that it would be interesting to find out just how powerful a tool it can be in generating interest in Kent events and activities. The budget for these activities is $90,000. The 2nd tier of the proposal is to add back in a Media relations piece. Whereby JayRay will create content, and approach media outlets which publicize local or regional leisure destinations and activities. These efforts would occur during what are known as the "shoulder seasons" when travel and tourism activities tend to slow down, and the proposal requests an additional $8,000 budget to accomplish these tasks. The Committee agrees that this proposal is sound should proceed to council for approval. The Economic & Community Development Committee will vote on recommending to Council the full funding of this Grant to the City's Economic Development team at their March 14th regular meeting. Committee Secretary ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 3 of 3