HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2013-1005 - Original - Language Line Services, Inc. - Over The Phone Language Interpretation - 11/07/2013 Nov, 7. 2013 11 :33AM City of Kent No, 9428 P. 1/3 Languayo Lirrev 6wrV1vva,, nrti. a LanguageLlne SoluttonSsm Company 14e. 0 to 6 b . • Attachment B Client Contact and profile ENTERPRISE CONTRACT: xyes ONo INITIALTERM: Per Washington State Contract 03508 CUSTOMER NUMBER: 1001 CUSTOMER NAME(Parent Company): State of Washington WSCA CLIENT NAME(Affiliate):Kent Police Department Patrol Please complete both pages of this Attachment B and send a copy of it,the signed Agreement,a copy of your W-9 and if applicable a copy of your tax exempt certificate to LanguageLine Solutions,Attm Contract Administration Department, 1 Lower Ragsdale Drive Building 2,Monterey,CA 93940, OPERATIONS CONTACT_— Name wl Salutation: Steve Ohlde Title:Commander Telephone;253-856-5824 -- Fax:253-866.6802 E-Mail:sohldeQKentwa.gov Address:220 S.4'". ___._ ----•---._____._.. City, State,ZiplPostal Code'Kent,Wa, 98032 BILLING CONTACT [I Same as operations contact --�-- Name w/Salutation: Cindy White Title:Accounting Services _ Telephone:253-856-5873 Fax:253-856-6802 ` E-Malt:ewhiteQkenW aov, .J C"'wtsl •;}vn"l NO:. - Address: Same City, State,Zip/Postal Code. Same TRAINING CONTACT LJSame as billing contact XI")Same as operations contact Name w/'Salutation -........_..,.— -- --_-----....._.__— _ __• ._.Title: --. ... ..__._ _...._._._._.-,r..—.__,. Telephone: ----- --.._—_.,.__—_ --- Fax; E-Mail; -- Address: City.State.Zip/Postal Code: r'k,;,h nre tc.rr .rcr V,,kl. PUBLIC RELATIONS CONTACT ❑Same as billing contact XOSame as operations contact Cinternal PR Contact IJPR Firm Company Page 1 0 2013 LanguagaLine Solutions 1 All rights reserved.I www.LonguageLine•com 107.23.13 Nov. ]. 2013 -11 ,34AM City of Kent No, 9428 P. 2/3 (-,r$t1C�J' Uaya &.1e1a Lei 1[uaaj 1140. a l_enguageLine 8olutionscoA Company Attachment B +" Client Contact and Profile Name w/salutation; Kent Police Qapartment Yrr� Title: Fax:253-856-6802 Telephone;253-858-5800 E-Mall; ,:ii•, c;crr(�v c n�cr;cx:'• _,... _.__. _. Address; Some City.State,Zip/Postal Code;Some The following information is requested to create a customer profile of your organization. Under your industry,please check all activities that best describe your operations requiring language interpretation.The profile information is very important and will be used to better serve your interpretation deeds,All the information that you provide is kept strictly confidential. FINANCIAL ❑ Labor MANUFACTURING TELECOMMUNICATIONS 0 Bank C7 Military(Coast Guard, 13 Consu mer 0 Billi ng(credit/collections, ❑ Branch and Army,Marines,etc,) 0 Market Research etc,) Telephone ❑Posta I Services Cl Product Registration 0 Card Service (phone, C3 Onlinelinteractive O Poiso n Control ❑ Purcha se/Resale of calling card,credit card) O Collections ❑ Publi c Safety Equipment Cl Customer Service(post- sales activities) C1 Consumer Credit Q 311 Non-emergencies ❑Sales Call C] Fraud(fraudulent or Cl Auto Finance U 911 Emergencies ©Technic al/Product . annoyance investigation) 0 Credit Card ' XXO Police/EMS Support ❑ Operator Servi ce 1-] Mortgage/Home U To x Services O Technic ian ❑ Repair Equity 0 Transit (p ublic U Telemark eting/Catalog ❑ gales (sales support, LJ Personal Loans transportation,vehicle ❑W arranties/Service Calls activation) Cl Personal Credit services,etc,) MEpiCAL1HEALTH CARE G Technical Support L] Fraud/Loss/Stolen r,U Utilitt es(water,gas, U Telemark eting C] Personal Appoin tments Personal Investment electricity} ❑ Call Cen ter (retirement,annuities) TRANS PO RTATIO NITRAV O Telesales INSURANCE U Emerge ncy Room EL)HOSPITALITY ❑ Technical Support O Claim s Handling O General P alient Care C) Custo mer Service ❑ Trust/Asset [I Commercial I-] HMO U Operatio ns (benefit/retirement ❑ Property/Auto 0Inform ation Surveys C] Rg$eNatio n plan) O Group Health G Pharma cy ❑ Group Life Cl Frofes sional Consultation MISCELLANEOUS GOVERNMENT 0 Homeowner ❑ Medical Clai ma/Billing ❑ Consu Iting 0 Corrections ❑ Personal Auto ❑ Socia I Services ❑ Enterta Inment D Court Cl Personal Health U Telemark eting Cl Legal t'_l Disaster Relief C:I Personal Life ❑ Private Law Firm C;I Employment C! Worker's PUBLIC UTILITIES Cl Private Paralegal 1 Health and Human Compensation (_1 BiliinglColtections C I Non-profit organization Services(Medical) J Custo mer Service Cj Customer Service' i.l Real Es tat® LJ Immigration C:1 sales U Telemarketing I Retail Ll Insurance 1_1 Underwriting C1 Othert The number of employees who will be trained to use the interpreter service(estimated),100 plus. Standard Industry Classification(SIC Code), If known, (J:::< Tax Exempt; 1J No f:] Yes. if yes,please include a copy of tax exempt letter or ctrtiBcate with application, Page 2 0 2013 Languagelins Solutions I All rights reserved.I www.LenguageUne,com 107,23.13 Nov, T 20 13ji 11 '34AM, Ci ty of. Kent No, 9426 P. 3/3Langua I a LanguageLine Solutions,,,"Company ' i Attachment 13 Client Contact and Profile If applicable please include a copy of your Purchase Order, -^ Your prompt return of this form and the signed Service Agreement(if applicable)will ensure a speedy activation of your account .If you have questions:email:gustomerservicel§languaae_tine.com or call 1-800-752-6090 or fax 1-800 621-9040 The person signing this agreement certifles that such person has read and acknowledged all terms and conditions,that he or she has read and understands all of the terms and conditions,and is fully authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of and bind the Customer to all its terms and conditions. Both parties agree the delivery of the signed service agreement by facsimile or e-mail shall have the same force and effect of execution and delivery as the original signature. SIGNATURES Language Line Services,Inc, -�_.....,______•.._.•.__- Customer Name; Kent Police Department Patrol Accepted by(signature);, ?�. , , .• '.•,. Accepted by(signature); r:t l -- Name; Name(type or print): Steve Ohlde Title: nl�. Title(type or print):Commander ----- Date;: Date; 1117/13 4 -rr--- Prepared by and date: Rick Cummings-Nov 7,2013 - 0 2013 LanguageLine Solutions!All rights reserved.r www,Long uageLlne,com 107,23,13 Page 3 Nov, 1. 2013 .11 ,48AM. City of Kent No, 9433 P. 1 Languad%, �I,....., a LanguageLlne 5olutionsom Company Attachment Al Over-the- 'hone Charges and Options ENTERPRISE CONTRACT IF Yes Cl No INITIAL TERM:Per Washington State Contract 03508 —^ CUSTOMER NUMBER:1001 State of Washington WSCA/t Kent Police Department Patrol ENROLLMENT&SET-UP PACKAGES: One time set up charge for each client ID number,which includes a detailed monthly electronic statement...$275(waived) i Each subsequent client identification number with corresponding statement,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•.• .•.••••.••• $125(wavied) i PER MINUTE USAGE CHARGESIRATES: Price per minute for Language Line Services is rounded to nearest six second increment TIERS LANGUAGES PEAK" NON-PEAK" 1 Spanish $•98 $,g8 2 Chinese(Mandarin and Cantonese),French,Japanese,Polish,Russian,Vietnamese $98 $.98 3 Armenian,Cambodian, German, Haitian Creole, Italian, Korean, Portuguese S 98 $•ge 4 Fars!,Tagalog,Thai, Urdu and all other lanauaaes $,98 $.98 ' Peak=5 a.m. - 5 p.m.Monday—Friday Non-Peak=6 p.m,-5 O.M. Monday-Friday,weekends,and holidays(New Year's Day, Presidents Day,Memorial Day, Independence Day,labor Day,Thanksgiving,and Christmas). ■ There is no charge for standard toll-free access to Language Line Services, ■ Per minute rates do not include international calls. VOLUME SURGE:Language Line Services reserves the right to assess a 15%surcharge for months in which defined surges in volume occur unless the customer has notified Language Line Services two weeks in advance of the anticipated Increase,A volume surge is defined as a 10%increase in minutes of use from the previous day and the amount of increase is over 5,000 minutes per day, Minimum charge per client identification number,,,.,,.,..., $100 per client identification number(waived) Platform access per call..................... ........................... $0.25 per call(waived) FCC SURCHARGE AND FEES:Fees to third party telecommunications service providers that Language Line Services has or will pay to these third parties: surcharges,fees,taxes, payments to the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC). FINANCE CHARGE:Applied to any past due balances, Interest will accrue from the dale on which payment is due at a rate equal to the lesser of 1.5% per month or the maximum rate permitted by applicable law. PLEASE NOTE:This document is the sole document that reflects pricing for your account.This document must be signed by an authorized representative from your company, Pricing is only final upon a signature by an authorized officer of Language Line Services. Pricing changes will be made on next full monthly billing cycle. BILLING OPTIONS: FREE ,,2r'Electronio Bill(includes call detail and summary report in'XL).................... ......:...........•,,, 0 Hierarchical Bill/Month..............•,, ....,.,,.....,......,......,............................,,,,,, .I.,,,,,.,,.. .........$30lmonth 0 Custom billing fee(per invoice,per month) ............................................ ..••.•..••• . ••.•.••••.•.$301invoicelmenth Lf Historical Invoices over 90 days (per monthly invoice requested).................... ........... .•.••..••. ..._ •$30tinvoicelmonth 0 2013 LanguageLine Solutions 1 All rights reserved,/www.Languagel-ine.com r 07.23,13 Page 1 Nov, 7. 2013 .11 :0AM. City of Kent No, 9433 P. 2 Languay.. .».'4w ,0_1 JI_V—Y ...... LanguageCine Solutions'"Company Attachment Al Over-the-Phone Charges and Options Paper Bill....................•,,, .,......... ...•......................... ....................... $10(waived per contract) CUSTOM REPORTING OPTIONS; (Web based Password protected reporting available at no charge) O Custom Report Set-up(per hour), ...... „ $250/hour CJ Custom report maintenance,.., .. $30/month SERVICE OPTIONS:(Standard 800 line and greeting torovided at no_c r e) L] Custom 800 line maintenance.................___...............,..... .,............................ ........•..................• $30/month Custom 800 line set-up, ... ..,... ........ .....$150 CJ Custom greeting maintenance .. $30/month M Custom greetings sat-up,•.. ........................ $50 LI Custom recording for redirection of old/abandoned number set-up,,. .••••...$50 is Custom recording for redirection ofoldlabandoned number................................,............. $10/month U Long distance dial out charge;Applied per dial out(in addition to per minute charges) .,..,,•,.. S5 OPTIONAL TRAINING ASSISTANCE AND MATERIALS: 0 Buddy Tags(50 tags per set), $50(waived) C.l Customized referents and support materials development (per hour) .. •.........................,$179 tJDesktop displays (each)................. .........................•...........................,...• .. ...........,..........,....... . .......,,,,,.,....$11(waived) I-I Language Identification cards(each set of 50),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•,•.•••.......................... ....................$49(waived) U Posters each ...•..... ...................................$10(waived) LJ Quick Reference Guides Wallet Cards (0-50)..... ................ .. , . ......•...•••..... ....•....$10(waived) Reference Guide Postcards(0-50)• I...................$10(waived) Uquick ..................................•,.,.,.......,,.,.......,,,,,,,,,,,,•,,,,,,,,,,,, , La Quick Reference Guides and Wallet Cards(each additional set of 50) .•• .....................$29(waived) 0 Training/Awareness assistance(on site per daylper person) , $500 or actual casts U TraininglAwareness assistance(telephone/per session)....................,•.,••„•••••••••••. .............. .••••••..................$125(waived) OPTIONAL INTERPRETER APPOINTMENT AT SPECIFIC TIM15: $100 1-1 Applied per appointment,,,,,,,,,,,,,, — Cancellation per appointment will be charge$200 for any missed appointment...............:......••••.••$200 per missed appointment The person signing this agreement certifies that such person has read and acknowledged all terms and conditions,that he or she has read and understands all of the terms and conditions,and is fully authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of and bind the Customer to all its terms and conditions. Both parties agree the delivery of the signed service agreement by facsimile or e-mail shall have 1he same force and effect of execution and delivery as the original signature. SIGNATURES Language Line Services,Inc. Customer Name: ^-- Accepted by (signature)` Accepted by (signature),�' J I —_ Name: w�� Name (type or print): ^� ��.—�i-----•itle; Title(type or print)_ Date' e Date; —� Prepared by and date; Rick Cummings November 7,2013 -- _ _•._ Page 2 0 2013 Languagel-ine Solutions/All rights reserved.I www.LanguageLine.com 107,23,13