HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations and Public Safety Committee - 02/21/2023 Approved Operations and Public Safety KENT Committee WA9H... CC Ops and PS Regular Meeting Minutes February 21, 2023 Date: February 21, 2023 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: Chambers Members: Bill Boyce, Chair Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember Marli Larimer, Councilmember Zandria Michaud, Councilmember Les Thomas, Councilmember Toni Troutner Councilmember Agenda: 1. Call to Order 4:00 p.m. Council President Boyce called the meeting to order. 2. Roll Call Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Bill Boyce Chair Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present Zandria Michaud Councilmember Excused Les Thomas Councilmember Excused Toni Troutner Councilmember Present 3. Agenda Approval 1. I move to approve the agenda as presented. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Troutner 4. Business A. Approval of Minutes L Approval of Minutes dated February 7, 2023 MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated February 7, 2023 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 1 of 4 Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops February 21, 2023 and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Troutner B. Payment of Bills - Approve MOTION: I move to approve the payment of bills received through 1/15/23 and paid on 1/15/23 and bills received through 1/31/23 and paid on 1/31/23; approve the checks issued for payroll 1/1/23 - 1/15/23 and paid on 1/20/23 and checks issued for payroll 1/16/23 - 1/31/23 and paid on 2/3/23, all audited by the Operations and Public Safety Committee on 2/7/23; approve the payment of bills received through 2/15/23 and paid on 2/15/23 and approve the checks issued for payroll 2/1/23 - 2/14/23 and paid on 2/17/23, all audited by the Operations and Public Safety Committee on 2/21/23. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 3/7/2023 7:00 PM MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Troutner C. Collaborative Solutions, LLC Agreement for Workday Lean-on Services Support - Authorize and Ratify Human Resources Information System Administrator, Kari Endicott provided an overview of the agreement with Collaborative Solutions, LLC for Workday Lean-on Services support. Collaborative Solutions, LLC provides the professional services that enable the continuous process improvement that support Human Capital Management Automation. The subscription costs related to Workday are paid out of IT's operating budget; however, the new budget for lean-on support/service hours is in addition to the subscription cost and will be paid out of HR's operating budget so that HR can directly control the expenditure of these funds. MOTION: I move to amend the City's Master Services Agreement with Collaborative Solutions, LLC to include one-year of Workday Lean-on Services Support, at a cost of $71,300, to provide that future change orders and statements of work be authorized according to the amended value of all work performed under the Master Services Agreement, and to ratify all prior agreements, change orders, and statements of work with Collaborative Solutions, LLC, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Human Resources Director and City Attorney. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 2 of 4 Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops February 21, 2023 and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 3/7/2023 7:00 PM MOVER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember SECONDER: Marli Larimer, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Troutner D. Resolution Adopting the Equity Strategic Plan - Adopt Uriel Varela, Race and Equity Manager and Race and Equity Coordinator, Maria Tizoc presented the Resolution adopting the City's Race and Equity plan. Staff explained How we got here: During the summer of 2021, engagement included community listening sessions in multiple languages, Community-based organization partner interview and community interviews during the Kent Health Fair. All outreach resulted in the Community Engagement Report. Key Themes that led to areas of focus and goals: Communication In-Language and Cultural Relevancy Ongoing and Real Engagement Racial Equity and Equitable Representation Staff conducted three vetting sessions in multiple languages. Staff vetted the BIPOC engagement report that led to the areas of focus and universal goals. Varela reviewed highlights from vetting sessions During the Co-design process: Community stakeholders worked on action items and the core team worked action items for goals using the stakeholder's guiding criteria and proposed action items. The preliminary action items & performance measures went back to stakeholder group for vetting. All resulting from the final plan. Varela and Tizoc provided details on each area of focus and outcomes and actions. Areas of Focus: Training, Communications, Community Engagement, In- Language Resources and Equitable Representation Next steps start to be implemented starting in 2023 and will include: Title VI Plan Translation of Vital Documents Mandatory Training Speaker Series Employee survey Interpretation Equipment Removing Bias ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 3 of 4 Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops February 21, 2023 and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Procurement Welcoming environment People of Kent Promotional Materials Progress will be evaluated throughout the process. Varela advised the Cultural Communities Board is transitioning to an equity and belonging board and will play a primary role in reviewing progress and advising on implementation. The REDI Office will compile and present a report annually to board for review and provide progress ratings. A dashboard will be created and staff will present a quarterly update to the Council. Varela provided a recap of completed mandatory training and future trainings on Title VI. Council suggested working with the Kent Chamber of Commerce regarding BIPOC mapping and suggested staff work with the vendor to implement masking applications. Council requested staff extend invitations to them when scheduling meetings with neighborhood groups. MOTION: I move to adopt Resolution No. 2058, to adopt the Race and Equity Action Plan, which establishes specific actions necessary to ensure government policies and practices are equitable for all persons who live, work, and visit Kent. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 3/7/2023 7:00 PM MOVER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Troutner S. Adjournment 4:51 p.m. Council President Boyce adjourned the meeting. K� Ka Z'ey KovWro Committee Secretary ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 4 of 4 CITY OF KENT ' S RACE & EQUITY PLAN - BY -. MARIA & URIEL rr MEETING OUTLINE 1. How we got here 2. Areas of Focus — Action steps 3. Timeline — Implementation 4. Evaluating Progress Summer 2021 Engagement CITY pF KEW Racial • Community Listening Sessions — Multiple September2021n►'ublicEnga�ementSummary languages • Community-Based Organization — Partner Interviews i , • Community Interviews — Kent Health Fair — July 2021 r r , f r r .11 f AV[vnud[l�q � AARP 1MIM9a4 PriT�! ICITV OF KENT Race & O Equity KENT o WASHING • Historically, communication between the city and its diverse residents has been very poor. Information is not accessible, and the city needs to invest in providing and receiving information in multiple ways not just Communication electronically but in person (calls, emails, flyers, texting, home visits, community dialogues, etc.). • Go to the community—do not expect them to come to you. • Establish regular community forums to share information in the locations where the community frequents. • The City of Kent has a great diversity of BIPOC communities, languages, and cultures. The BIPDC community seeks a more robust relationship with the City to influence the policies and decisions that impact their daily lives. KEY The city needs to adjust its westernized practices and invest in supporting community members to become more civically engaged. • The development of this plan is an excellent opportunity to advocate for THEMES In-Language system changes in partnership with all communities experiencing & discrimination and racism. Cultural Relevancy . Information needs to be made available in a variety of languages and social services available that are culturally and linguistically responsive to the needs of the community. • Not all communities are the same. Approaches and information need to be adapted to meet individual community needs. Accommodating different styles of learning and processing information by working directly with community partners and residents to understand what works best for them. Ongoing . Continue to engage in similar public engagement efforts regularly and & consistently. Don't stop at these listening sessions/interviews but expand and enhance. Real Engagement . Provide workshops for a better understanding of city processes and concrete ways for how the community can continue to be involved. • Acknowledge the value of community partners and compensate them for their time and expertise. 0 Repair past harm by making bold changes that meet community needs in response to the various pain points outlined in this report. • Investments in racial equity need to go beyond a plan. City staff is KEY encouraged to walk the talk not just through training but through humility, acknowledgment of past harm, and action. THEMES a Provide anti-bias training for city staff and invest time in meeting with different community groups to understand their lived experiences with CONTINUED Racial Equity racism and discrimination connected to city interactions. & • Increase representation through the hiring of more diverse staff, Equitable Representation adaptability of city employment processes to make them accessible to diverse residents and provide in-language and cultural ambassadors. Funding — honor local diverse community partners by increasing and funding them directly. If CB❑ partners lack the internal capacity to manage federal and state funding, invest in capacity building. Avoid using CBOs that are established outside of the city to funnel funding. • Do not tokenize, use community, or check the box. Engage through power-sharing and decision-making opportunities. AREAS OF FOCUS & GOALS • The City of Kent is committed to building an inclusive and well-informed community, by ilk working to improve communication about city services in a manner that is culturally relevant and equitable. • The City of Kent is committed to providing culturally relevant services and information in multiple languages. Resources LL ,AA L'11111W • The City of Kent recruits and retains a talented workforce that is increasingly reflective of the Equitable community we serve, across all positions, from frontline staff, advisory boards and commissions, to executive leadership. • The City of Kent will provide anti-racist and culturally relevant training, along with other topics that foster constructive communication and cross-cultural understanding for city Training representatives and the broader community. OLL ,AA • The City of Kent engages in relationship building through ongoing dialogue, outreach and inclusion, centering racial equity in our approach. Engagement VETTING SESSIONS Total of _• Sessions HIGHLIGHTS FROM VETTING SESSIONS . . . DecemberAreas of focus approved by participants • . Decemberin every session : • DecemberNeed to be more explicit — Call out Race ■ Need to be more transparent — Funding What was ■ Include community throughout process vetted? Communicate the "victories" ■ Acknowledge past harm • ■ Implement action items while planning • engagement• Hire from the community — Interpreters Areasof •• Universal Partner w/CBOs for Job announcements goals ■ Report back to community CO - DESIGN PROCESS AprilFebruary March l.immi iniratip;,j In-Language Equitable Training Community Resources Representation Engagement Community Stakeholder CDRE Team works action Preliminary action items & Final Area of focus, Baal, group works an action items far goal, using Performance measures go action items, and items'guiding criteria by stakeholder guiding criteria hack to stakeholder group performance measures area of focus 8�proposes & proposed action items far vetting reviewed by ELT&Council action items " I WANT THE CITY TO SEE THE COMMUNITY AS A FOUNTAIN OF KNOWLEDGE AND IDEAS THAT ARE READY TO BE SHARED.ff - VETTING SESSION PARTICIPANT � u ACTIONABLE STEPS ACTIONABLE STEPS - TRAINING Area of focus:Training Goal:The City of Kent will provide anti-racist and culturally relevant training,along with othertopics thatfoster constructive communication and cross-cultural understanding for city representatives and the broader community. Community Indicator(s) Outcomes and Actions Timeline Accountability Performance Measure Progress report Q4 2023 1)$150-2ook 1)8 hrs per staff A(Outcome): City of Kent employees build capacity to provide (per year) member(total) • Annual employee culturally responsive services All Departments 0 (1)IV2ndatory staff training survey results,"This completion rate above 97D/D organization supports i)Employees will complete yearly mandatory training.The training 2)$50,000.00 2)4 hours a year an inclusive will equip employees with toolsto facilitate more complex (cost covered per employee environment where conversations around Race, Equity, Diversity&Belonging. REDI Office 0 (2)Event attendance above through 2024) (not mandatory) ndividual differences soo employees are valued and z)The Equity&Inclusion Speaker Series will continue to provide respected" presentations and workshops,for employees, using an anti-racist 3)4 hours a year intersectional framework. REDI Office 0 (3)Staff attendance over 5o 3)$3.000.00 per employee per presentation (not mandatory) 3)City of Kent will re-instate the Cultural Conversations program, bringing culturally relevant training from Kent based community 0 (4)20VO of staff trained on 4)i hour per leaders. All Departments a yearly basis. 4)No cost employee (Employees who 4)Employees will receive training on the city's Language Access • (5)Best practices deal with Plan&Title VI plan. developed translations) REDI Office 5)No cost 5)Community engagement best practices to be developed 5)REDI office • Requests from B(Outcome):The broader Kent community continues the Q4 2023 1)Cost included 1)NIA community collective discussion and learning around concepts like Race, REDI Office • (i)Event attendance above in outcome A. organizations to partner Equity,Diversity and Belonging. soo residents with city's REDI division i)The Equity&Inclusion Speaker series will provide public • (1)4 community events a presentations and workshops free of charge. REDI Office year 2)No cost 2)NIA z)The city will partner with community groups to provide a • (2)22 community events a streamlined,in-language, Kent ioi program. year ACTIONABLE STEPS - COMMUNICATIONS Area of focus:Communication Goal:The City of Kent is committed to building an inclusive and well-informed community, by working to improve communication about city services in a mannerthat is culturally relevant and equitable. OutcomesCommunity Inclicator(s) report A(Outcome):City residents see themselves represented in city Q4 2023 1)No cost 1)18 hours a • Number of requests to communications • (1)12 community leaders year highlight community Mayor's Office, REDI Office and or residents highlighted members 1)People of Kent—Highlight more community members and every year a)No cost Z)TBD their stories on our social media 2)All city promotional materials highlight community demographics ■ Requests for B(Outcome):City residents receive"vital"city updates Mayor's office,Clerks ■ (1)Number of times Q4 2023 1)3-5k(one 1)NIA interpretation from Office, All departments equipment is used time cost) residents 1)Purchase interpretation equipment—to be available during community meetings,city council meetings ■ (2)Network size, languages a)$5,000.00 a)REDI office covered ■ Number of emergency 2)Partner with King County's emergency network trusted network partners in Kent partners program.Grow network in Kent ■ (3)Number multilingual 3)$250.00 per 3)TBD employees increases per hired employee 31 Develop incentive pay program(resident facing positions)to year recruit more languages to serve our community C(Outcome):Residents are aware of city resources and Mayor's office, Q4 2023 ■ Further relationship engagement opportunities Communication 1)No cost 1)3 hours (a building with BIPOC Coordinators/Specialists ■ (1)Kent based community month) serving organizations at 1)Communications coordinators attend KCDIG &Other BIPOC meetings attended the leadership level focused community networking meetings to provide updates to service providers ■ (2)Quarterly consultation— a)5oo.00(per a)10 hours Attendance year) (per year) 2)Mayor-Quarterly consultation in partnership with BIPOC serving organizations in Kent(Forum) • (3)Complete and updated 3)4o hours list per quarter 3)$5000.00- (REDI office) 31 Create a BIPOC business listfmap 10,000.00 Kent chamber of commerce ACTIONABLE STEPS - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Area of focus:Community Engagement Goal:The City of Kent engages in relationship building through ongoing dialogue,outreach,and inclusion,centering racial equity in ourapproach 74-023 1)50-75k i)8o hrs • The number of Kent A(Outcome):The City's procurement increasingly reflects the All Departments • (1)New procurement (consulting based,certified women- diversity of our business community. process is established contract) owned&minority owned businesses increases 1)City will analyze procurement process using equity lens& • (2)Contracting data is 2)Internal 2)40 hrs recommend actionable steps to diversify contracting. published and updated on a peryear • Increased number of RFP 2)City will publish disaggregated Women&Minority-owned quarterly basis (dashboard) contract bids from business&Community Based Organizations(BIPOC led)contract qualified Women& data. • (3)City staff attends 2 Minority owned events a year 3)$10100.00 3)20 hours contractors 3)City staff to participate in local Minority Business Expo(s) (a year) • Diversity of boards and B(Outcome):Community continues to inform and help design Q4 2023 1)$4500.00(per i)5o+ commissions city-wide strategic planning. All Departments • (i),00/o of citywide strategic co-design hours per plans include co-deslgning opportunity) co-design 1)City Departments will continue to provide community members element,increasing every opportunity the opportunity to co-design city-wlde strateglc plans. year 2)REDI office will create a co-designing planning and (2)All CORE team members 2)$10,000.00 2)NIA mplementation toolkit for all city departments. • receive training on co- designingtoolklt • Become first WA state C(Outcome):The City of Kent will be a certified welcoming city. • City in good standing Q4 2023 1)$1,500.00 1)All within city to be certified as a (Certification provided by Welcoming America(National w/Welcoming America (membership REDI office welcoming city Network). Network(registration fee) dues) 2)City of Kent willjoin Welcoming America's National network REDI office • 17 CORE certiflcation 2)City of Kent will meet the"Welcoming City"certification requirements met by city 2)S12,000.000 2)All withi requirements and become a recognized welcoming city All Departments (one time cost) REDI office ACTIONABLE STEPS - IN LANGUAGE RESOURCES Area of focus:In-Language Resources Goal:The City of Kent is committed to providing culturally relevant services and information in multiple languages OutcomesCommunity Indicator(s) report A(Outcome):Kent based certified interpretersttranslators All Departments • (2)go%of translation Qy 2023 a.)io-i511c i)REDI • Community languages benefitfrom city translation and interpretation contracts contracts going to Kent based office covered by independent independent contractor list c)Create a Kent-based independent contractor list of(certified) REDI office translators/interpreters, a)3%of 2)5 hours Interpreters and translators increasing every year. administrative per plan • (2)All strategic plans meet costs REDI office safe harbor requirements for 2)All city-wide strategic plans will allocate a percentage of translation administrative budgets for translation and interpretation,to meet Title VI"safe harbor"requirements, • Up to date language and B(Outcome):City of Kent uses community demographic data All Departments • (i)Top io languages identified Qy 2023 a.)No cost i)REDI demographic data to inform policy decisions &updated yearly, office available to use in planning 1)City will develop and implement city-wide Language Access • (i)Language access message a)No cost a)REDI Plan displayed In iooVo of public office—BIT facing city-owned buildings tam 2)City develops and standardizes resident data collection policy 3)No cost • (z)Data collection policy 3)REDI 3)City to start collecting language data using vital documents developed and implemented office identified by the Language Access Plan. • Community aware of C(Outcome):City-owned facilities create a welcoming All Departments • (i)In-language welcoming Qy 2023 a.)$5-iok i)i5 hours translation& environment displayed in all public interpretation resources customer service areas (Resident survey) 2)Welcoming signs in top 6 languages displayed in city-owned a)$1000.00 2)i5 hours facilities . (a)"I speak"cards displayed • Communityfeels at all customer facing welcomed in city- z)"I speak"cards to be created for multilingual employees counters ownedpublicfacing working customer service counters facilities(Resident survey) ACTIONABLE STEPS - IN LANGUAGE RESOURCES Area of focus:In-Language Resources Goal:The City of Kent is committed to providing culturally relevant services and Information in multiple languages D{putcnme}:City of Kent leverages certified •• 1}T B D -i) REDI translatorsfinterpreter expertise with neural machine-learning office translation technology • Translation costs decrease Q4 2023 REDI office everyyear—citywide i)City to research financial feasibility of incorporating API translation tech ACTIONABLE STEPS - EQUITABLE REPRESENTATION Area offocus:Equitable Representation Goal:The City of Kent recruits and retains talented workforce that is increasingly reflective ofthe community we serve,across all positions,from frontline staff,advisory boards,and commissions,to executive leadership. OutcomesCommunity Indicator(s) report 0.4 2023 1)No cost i)10 hours • Language Access A(Outcome):The City of Kent increases number of All Departments • Languages spoken by staff complaints multilingual staff members reflect safe harbor threshold 2)No cost 2)TB❑ 1)Create list of multilingual employees to identify language gaps 3)TBD 3)20 hours 2)Prioritize top 6 community languages in recruiting of customer 4)$600.00 per 4)1oo hours facing positions to address language gaps certification per certification 3)Develop language incentive policy for multilingual employees who wish to use their language skills 4)Provide language certification opportunities for staff • Staff feeling of inclusion All Departments 042023 1)No cost 1}1 hour per (employee survey) B(Outcome): The City of Kent retains its diverse staff,and all . Employee survey results month per staff feel like they belong. (engagement)meet the 2)No cost employee benchmark scores i)Offer employee activity group opportunities for current staff . i00%of exit interviews 3)No cost 2)1 hour (Affinity groups) include question on belonging 4)No cost 3)10 hours(per a)Include questions about inclusion on employee exit interviews year) • Policies reviewed and 5)Included in 3)Increase the city's Municipal Equality Index score(MEI)to soo updated mclain& 4)TBD, based company on number of 4)Update personnel policies adopted prior to 2oio HR Department,REDI . City-wide employee survey contract? policies office,Legal Department completion 0f7o0A 5)Yearly city-wide staff survey 6)s5-1ok 5)3o min per employee 6)City to create gender inclusive employee policy in consultation with subject matter experts. 6)N/A . Percentage of job HR Department,REDI . Percentage of job applicants 0.4 2023 1}No cost 1)5 hours per applicants who self- C(6utcome):The City of Kent works collaboratively with local office who identify as"diverse" month identify as diverse BIPOC serving community organizations to create a diverse matches resident 2)No candidate network for cityjob openings. demographics anticipated cost 2)10 hours per year i)City to add local community-based organizations to the job announcement notification list 2)City partners with CBOs to create a candidate referral process All Departments ACTIONABLE STEPS - EQUITABLE REPRESENTATION Area of focus: Equitable Representation Goal:The City of Kent recruits and retains talented workforce that is increasingly reflective of the community we serve, across all positions,from frontline staff,advisory boards,and commissions,to executive leadership. Community Inclicator(s) Ourtcomes and Actions Timelline Accountability PerFarmance Measure Progress Estimated Cost report �k * Percentage of staff who D(Dutcome):The City removes implicit bias from the hiring All Departments . Diversity numbers increase— 042023 2}Workday a.)T6D self-identify as diverse process staff x}No Cost 2)7o min s}The City to develop blind recruiting process 3) No cost 3)2 min 2)All interview panel participants will take implicit biastraining before in-person interviews 3}All in-person interviews include questions focused on diversity, equity and belonging. IMPLEMENTATION IMPLEMENTATION - 2023 Jan Feb Mar Apr Ma June 3ulv AuQ Set Oct NovjDec ask coon Lead j 1 Title VI Plan Uriel&Maria 7 1.2 Translation Vital docs Uriel&Maria 1.3 Mandatory training Uriel&Maria 2 Speaker Series Maria 3 Employee Survey Uriel&HR 4 Interpretation equip Uriel 5 Removing Bias Uriel&HR 6 Procurement Consultant 7 Welcoming environment Uriel/Multimedia/Facilities 8 People of Kent Maria 9 Promotional materials Multimedia EVALUATING PROGRESS EVALUATING PROGRESS • Cultural Communities Board transitioning to a "Equity and Belonging Board" (Name pending) Progress Rating © NO PROGRESS • Will play primary role in reviewing progress and advising implementation O MODERATE PROGRESS • REDI Office will compile and present a report annually to board for review and provide progress ratings O SIGNIFICANT PROGRESS • Dashboard will be created • Quarterly update to council SUCCESSFUL • CCB will become the stakeholder group to help co-design future updates. 21