HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 01/30/2023 Kent Bicycle Advisory Board - SPECIAL Meeting January 30, 2023 Minutes Held In-Person Approved February 27, 2023 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Graves, Maria Castro (remote), Mel Roberts, Julie Dunn, Connie Stolpp, Erik Jacobs, Daren Osborn, Brian Smith, Tim Irwin, Allison Hopstad. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Jeff Culver (excused). CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Erik Preston, Rob Brown, David Paine Guests: Lisa Watson (King County Health), Aaron Dent. 1. Call-to-Order - Graves The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm with Wendy Graves presiding. 2. Roll Call - Preston One member absent, excused. 3. Changes to the Agenda - Graves Add Lisa Watson Presentation (King Co Public Health, Bicycle Safety Manager) as Item 6. Item 7 - 2023 Budget Item 8 - 6-Year TIP Item 9 - Bike Facility Gaps Sub-Committee Report Item 10 - Monthly Rides and Promotions Item 11 - Festivals and Events Sub-Committee Report Item 12 - Communications Item 13 - Notice of Upcoming Meetings Item 14 - Items for Next Meeting Item 15 - Adjournment 4. November 2022 Meeting - Minutes Approval - Graves Erik J. moved to approve minutes, Connie seconded, all 10 voted in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passes, draft minutes approved. S. Introductions and Welcome New Members - Preston The new members Tim and Allison each introduced themselves to the board and shared why they wanted to join KBAB. The remining board members and staff each introduced themselves briefly. 6. Bicycle Safety Funding from King County Public Health - Lisa Watson Lisa shared a handout with her contact information, bicycle safety information and a summary report on the 2022 King County Bicycle Helmet and Safety Project. • King Co bicycle helmet law repealed last year. Lisa got the helmets for Sara Wood • New bicycle materials that are translated into 13 languages. King Co can print and ship materials. • King Co appropriated more funds for bicycle safety in King County. Looking for ideas for spending safety funds. • Budget about $50k-$75k in 2023 and again in 2024. • Want to spend in South King Co. More equity populations in south end. • Mel - afterschool programs during ride to school month (May) • Tim - Bike Bus program during bike to school month Page 1 of 3 • Connie - interested in a presence at the bike rodeo? Mirrors and bells for giveaways? • Erik J - 2nd the bike bus program idea. Maybe talk to people at school transportation divisions. See where kids ride. • Wendy - Safe Routes to School, start out with one school and start with Daniel Elementary next to YMCA. • Brian - bike locks, racks, and security at schools and elsewhere. • Lisa - find programs that are working well and try to expand those programs. Expand programs into the South County • Julie - Portland school that started a bike bus. There are materials available. KBAB could help school setup programs. • Mel - there is a bike expo next month • Erik J - bike safety information campaign. Driver education about cyclists. Need to know 3-feet law, pass safely. • Connie - does Lisa have a web site? No, not in the business of doing direct work. Facilitate programs. Don't lead or support. Website here. https://kingcounty.gov/depts/health/violence-injury-prevention/traffic- safety/bicycle-safety.aspx • Lisa will report back to KBAB when she has compiled her list, please provide ideas to Lisa by mid-February. 7. Spending the 2023 Budget - Graves (Action) Approved budget is $5,000 this year and $2,000 in successive years. Wendy explained the details of the proposed budget. • $3k for permanent items, $2k for yearly costs • Would board like to vote on budget tonight? • Erik J, how much flexibility? As much as you want without going over. • This is a guideline for the events committee. Do we need to set aside funds for other items? • City will store items for KBAB. • Tim - do we want logo'd items? Wendy - may not have time to order and get them. • Allison - are there other events? Save funds for other needs. • Erik P - We can talk to our communications department about branding. • Daren - can we get some chairs? • Erik J - Move to approve, Connie 2nd o Discussion, there is $600 for Other. Can add chairs. • Erik J move, Brian 2nd o Vote 10-0 in favor S. 6-Year TIP Update (2023-2028) - Paine David Paine, City Transportation Planner, gave his presentation on the TIP update. • Move projects from TMP to 6-year TIP • Starting outreach and want KBAB's input • Use TIP to apply for grants • Want to leverage the all ages and abilities network • Grant criteria and what is important in getting grants • Alison - school zones, does that help? David - depends on location. May be a factor. It depends, can be a talking point. Depends on the grant and criteria. • Wendy - can use Festivals and Events subcommittee • Mel - $2.9M in Workshop presentation? Railroad crossing funds expire in June. No other funds expire in June. • Erik J - RR QZ? Projects move around based on implementation date. Page 2 of 3 • Contact David with ideas before next meeting. David will present draft for public comment on March 6th. Then public feedback on draft during month of March. 9. Bike Facility Gaps Subcommittee Report — Jacobs Erik J shared a how-to video on the bicycle gap map he is creating. • How to prioritize a route with various LTS classifications? • Discussion about the intersection of Canyon Drive and 94th Ave S and getting from Earthworks Park to 94th Ave S. 10.Monthly Rides and Promotion — Jacobs • Ride of the month is recycling Julie's Coffee Ride • Green River Trial ride ready. Waiting for Van Doren's Landing Park to reopen in April. 11.Festival and Events Subcommittee Report - Graves • Moving forward with Rodeo on May 20th • Waiting on the waiver on the City's web site to be updated. • Looking for volunteers. 12.Communications — Preston • Erik P is working on the bylaws update. Working with Clerk and Law on changing the position numbers. • Erik P will be contacting people with expiring terms. Some are eligible for a 2nd term, some are not. 13.Notice of Upcoming Meetings - Preston The next meeting is Monday, February 27th. 14.Items for the Next Meeting - Graves • More time for Gap subcommittee • TIP / David • Bylaw Update 15.Adiournment - Graves Wendy Graves adjourned the meeting at 7:11 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Page 3 of 3