HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2023-107 - Original - Secure Pacific Corporation - Commercial Alarm - 06/23/2020Ap p r o v a l Originator:Department: Date Sent:Date Required: Mayor or Designee Date of Council Approval: Grant? Yes No Type: Re v i e w / S i g n a t u r e s / Ro u t i n g Date Received: City Attorney: Comments: Date Routed: Mayor’s Office City Clerk’s Office Ag r e e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n Vendor Name:Category: Vendor Number:Sub-Category: Project Name: Project Details: Agreement Amount: Start Date: Local Business? Yes No* Business License Verification: If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete “Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions” form on Cityspace. Yes In-Process Exempt (KCC 5.01.045) Notice required prior to disclosure? Yes No Contract Number: This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor’s Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreementsadccW22373_1_20 Budget Account Number: Budget? Yes No Dir Asst: Sup/Mgr: Dir/Dep: rev. 20210513 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management (Optional) Basis for Selection of Contractor: * Memo to Mayor must be attached Termination Date: Authorized to Sign: TTSECUREtlpact Ftc Client Agreement No. 35420-1 -0 Date:06/112,020 Zip: 98030 CORP- COMMERGIAL ALARM SYSTEMS SALES AND SERVICE AGREEMENT CLIENT AGREEMENT NO. 35420-1 -O ThisAGREEMENT is made this 11th day of June, 2020, by and between SECURE PACIFIC CORP (hereinafter "We'or "Us'), and Customer: Kent PD Vvashington lmpound Yard (hereinafter "You" or "You/'). Phone: (253) 266-1287 Address: 407 Washinglon Avenue N City: Kent State: WA Billing Address: 232 Fourth Avenue S Kent, WA, 98032 TYPE OF SYSTEM AND SERVICES El Burglary O Access Control tr CCTV tr Fire tr Holdup tr Other tr Olher Seruices _ Transmission Type O Land line Telephone EI Cellular/GsM El lntemet All equipment is the personal property of tr Dealer EI Client tr Standard Monitoring EI Verified Monitoring Servie: Full service warEnty on all pads and labor for normal maintenance for as long as Secure Pacilic provides monitoring 1. INSTALLATION AND SERVICE. We will sell and install, prcvide mranty and after-mmnty repgir seryi€, far lhe security systems (individually or collectively lhe "Systsm" or 'Sold System') ch€cked above and described on the altached Security Equipment Schedule and in thE Serice statement above. ln addilion, moniloring and other serices dsscribed herein forthe alam system(s) installed on your prmises will be prvided. You will, atyour sole expensE. obtain and keep in efect during the entiE tem of this Agrement, all pemits, licenses, plan checks and simila. govemmental requiEments that may bs rcqui€d forthe inslallation, opeEtion and use oflhe System. 2. PRICE, PAYMENT AND TERM. INSTALLATION:s0 $0.00 $o.oo ( 0.00 ) o.oo - -i- --*-E* -;--ry-*-q-iil 0.00 557.00 Per Month Billed MonthlyMONITORING:557 Payablo inAdvance price is paid. lf You fail to make any payment when due we may discontinue installation, monitoring and seruice, teminate this Agr€ement and recovor all damages to which ws are entitled, including lhe value of lhe wrk perfomed and loss of profils. ln addition We may impose a late charge on all paymsnts more than ten (10) days past due in the maximum amount pemifted by law. We may fila a mechanids lien pursuant to stEte law ifyou fail io pay the entiE sales prico. 2.1 SERVICES FEE; FINANCIAL OISCLOSURES. For monitoring and seryi@ of the System and othor @ntracted servies, you will pay us o monthly o quarterly paymenls in advan@, starling on the liEt day of the monlh following the month in which monitoring seryi@ begins. ln addilion, you will pay the prc-Eted seryi@s fee for the month in which moniloring saryice slarts. The tiFt payment for monitoring seryice is due when we completg the System. Thero i3 no financing charge or cost ot crcdit associalEd with this Agrcement (0olo APR). The total sum set forth above is the totsl €sh prie and total @st of credit for monitoring seryice. lf you fail to make any paymEnt when due, re may c€ase monitoring and seryice, t€minate this Agrsement and rccover all damag€s to which re arc ontitled, including lhe value of the wrk performed and loss of polits. We will also charge a feg for interest on all past due ac@unts. Se6 Section 13 for additional infomalion regarding nonpayment, default, laie fees and our collection and lemination remedies. TERM. For monitoring serice, lhe original lem of this Agr€emsnt stads on ths day moniloring begins and qontinues lorfve (5) ysa6 plus ihe portion of the monlh in which monitoring starts. This Agreemeni will automati@lly @ntinue frcm year to year lheGafer unlEss can@led by either of us in writing at least thirty (30) days befoE ths €nd of the original tem or any rcnewal t6m. Upon lemination ofthisAgrcemsnt for any rcason, You agEe to p€mit us to snterYour prcmises and disconnectYour syslem frcm our monitoring nelwork. 2.2 INCREASE lN SERVICES FEE. You acknowledge lhat the seNi@s fee is bassd upon existing fedeml, slate and local laxes or f€ss, and any utility charges. We shall have the right, at any time, to incGase the s€wices fee to reflect any additional or incrcased taxes, li@nses, pemits, fees or charges (including seryices fees) which may bs charged to us by our monitoring or any utility or govommental agency rclating to the installalign of the System or the monitoring seNice and you agree io pay the sams. ln addition, so lhat w may prcperly adjust our rates to meet changing costs, re may, at any time (but not morc than once in any twelve (12) month poriod) afrer the expirslion of one (1) y€ar frcm the date of this Agreement, incrcase tho annual Seryices fee by giving you notice in witing. ln the event ihe incEase Exceeds morc lhan 10% and you are unwilling to pay the increased charges, you may teminate this Agrcement upon giving us witten notice within thirty (30) days from the dEle of notice of the incEase. Your failuE to notiry us within said thiriy (30) days shall constitute youracceplan@ of the inqr€ase. 3. LIMITED WARRANTY. 3.1 WHAT lS COVERED: FOR ONE YEAR AFTER WE CoMPLETE THE INSTALLATION, VvE WLL REPAIR oR REPLACE ANY DEFECTIVE PART OF THE SYSTEM WTHOUT CHARGE TO YOU. WE CAN USE NEW OR USED PARTS OF THE SAI',IE QUALITY, AND WE MAY KEEP ANY REPLACED PARTS. AN EXTENDED WARRANTY ON ALL SYSTEMS COVERING ALL PARTS AND LABOR IS AVAILABLE. THIS EXTENDED WARRANTY, IF IN FORCE, IS NOTED ABOVE UNDER THE HEADING 'SERVICE'. 3.2 HOW TO GET SERVICE: CALL oR WRITE US AT THE ADDRESS AND TELEPHoNE NUMBER AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS AGREEMENT AND TELL US WHAT lS I1/RONGWTH THE SYSTEM. wE WLL PROVIDE SERVICE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE DURING OUR NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS milcH ARE 8:00 A.lr. TO 5:00 P.M., MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, EXCLUDING HoLIDAYS wE oBSERVE. EMERGENCY REPAIR SERVICE lS AVAILABLE AT OTHER TIMES AT OUR PREMIUM LABOR RATE. 3.3 WHAT lS NOT INCLUDED: REPAIR OF THE SYSTEM lS OUR ONLY DUTY. THls WARRANTY DOES NOT INCLUDE DISPOSABLE ITEMS SUCH AS BATTERIES THATWE WLL PROVIDE TO YOU AND YOU AGREE TO PAY FOR AT OUR PREVAILING RATES. ANY REOUIRED OR REQUESTED FIRE ALARM TESTS AND/OR INSPECTIONS ARE NOT PART OF WARRANTY SERVICE AND SHALL BE SEPARATELY BILLED TO YOU AT OUR PREVAILING RATES FOR SUCH SERVICES AND YOU AGREE TO PAY FOR THE SAI,IE. WE MAKE NO OTHER EXPRESS WARRANTY INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OF THE SYSTEM OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY SPECIAL PURPOSE. WE DO NOT WARRANT THAT THE SYSTEM WLL ALWAYS DETECT, OR HELP PREVENT. ANY BURGLARY, INTRUSION, FIRE, HOLD-UP OR OTHER SUCH EVENT. WE DO NOT WARRANT THAT THE SYSTEM CANNOT BE DEFEATED, BYPASSED OR COMPROMISED OR THAT IT WLL ALWAYS OPERATE. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER REPAIRS THAT ARE NEEDED BECAUSE OF AN ACCIDENT, ACTS OF GOD, YOUR FAILURE TO PROPERLY USE THE SYSTEM, OR IF SOMEONE OTHER THAN US ATTEMPTS TO REPAIR OR CHANGE THE SYSTEM, OR ANY OTHER REASON EXCEPT A DEFECT IN THE EQUIPIIIENT OR OUR INSTALLATION. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE TERM OF THIS EXPRESSED LIMITED WARRANTY. WE ARE NOT LIABLE FOR CONSEOUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES. YOU AGREE THAT THIS IS OUR ONLY WARRANTY AND WE HAVE GIVEN YOU NO OTHER WARRANTY FOR THE SYSTEM. 3.4 STATE LAW: SOME STATES DO NOT ALLoW THE EXCLUSION OR THE LIMITATION OF CONSEOUENTIAL oR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, OR A LIMITATIoN ON THE DURATION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE AEOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THE WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS ANO YOU MAYALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH MAY VARY FROM STATE TO STATE, 4. OUR LIMITED LIABILITY. Sections 16 and 17 on thE rcveGe side of this Ag.eemenl limit our liability to the lesser of $1500.00 or twelve (12) times the monlhly seruices fee, whicheverisless,ifyouoranyongelsesuf,eFanyham(damageorlossofprcperty,personalinjury,ordealh)be@uselhsSystemfailedtoopeEteproperlyorwe rere €reless or acted improperly. You have had the opportunit to tslk to our security rsprcsentative about lhis limitation and you know lhat you may oblain a higher limitation of our liability by paying an additional periodic fee to us. 5. TERMS ON REVERSE. All of the tems an lhe reverse side ofthis page and on all attachments aG part ofthis Agrssment. Read them before you sign below. Tax Total SECURE PACIFIC CORP ADDRESS: 5911 Orchard Street W CITY: Tacoma STATE: WA PHONE: (2531473-3812 LICENSE NUMBER: 602649498 KENT PD WASHINGTON IMPOUNO YARD By: rob scholl Title: Supervisors DATED srcNED: 6l?-3 202!2- SIGNATURE (ooMPANY REPRESENTATIVE) (l\,ianag€rApprovaloffco use only) This Agreemsnt will not be binding upon Company unlil either (1 ) signed by one of our manageG or (2) we start lhe installation or sEilie. ln lha event of our non-apprcval, our only liability shall be to 6fund to you the amounl lhatyou paid lo us. You acknowledge and agree lhatYou may not recaive a fully executed copy of lhis Agreement, and such lack of receipl shall not in any way invalidste or olheruise afiect this Agreqment. THE CITY OR COUNTY IN WHICH YOUR PREMISES IS LOCATED MAY REQUIRE THAT YOU OBTAIN A PERI'IIT FOR THE INSTALLATION, USE AND MONITORING OF AN ALARM SYSTEM, LOCAL AUTHORITIES MAY NOT RESPOND TO ALARM NOTIFICATIONS UNTIL ALL PERMITS OR LICENSES FOR USE OF THE ALARM SYSTEM HAVE BEEN OBTAINED, AND THEREFORE YOU IIIUST OBTAIN, AT YOUR EXPENSE, ALL NECESSARY PERMITS OR LICENSES, AND PROVIDE US WTH THE LICENSE OR PERMIT NUMBER. Proposal N umber : 35420-1 -0 Date: June 15,2020 Gustomer Details: lt SECUREPACIFIC CORPr Investment Summary Client: Site: Gontact: Phone #: Kent PD Washington lmpound Yard 407 Washington Avenue N, Kent, WA, 98030 rob scholl 253-266-1287 Security Consultant: Name: Nathan Skewis Gell: 253.473.3812 Email: nskewis@securepacific.com DMP Upgrade :.r1 .\'. rl-1 1.j ti.1 i;,r.i 3 WRELESS 80' LONG & NARROW HIGH MOUNT OUTDOOR PIR 7 WIRELESS 4OX4O HI MOUNT PIR 1 8-Port POE Switch 20 Wireless Contact Sensor 3 Dual Motion Sensor 3 lndoor Cube Camera 5 Bullel Camera lnvestment Summa nvestment: Monthly lnvestment: This proposal does not include sales tax, if applicable. Client Owns all Equipment $557.00 This proposal does not constitute a sales agreement. Price quoted above in effect for 30 days from date submitted. Acceptance of this security system quotation is subject to all terms and conditions of Secure Pacific Corporation's standard client agreement which must be executed prior to installation. Security Consultant Signature:Date Security System Quotation Approved:-,2. .O.L^Date: gl' 'J\zo - (Customer Signature) Secure Pacific Gorporation Federal Tax lD No. 20-8966510 Seqrre Pacific Corporation | 5911 Orchard Street W Tacoma, WA 98467 le An-AVlzz3 lwww.SecurePacific.com' Porlland I Tacomal Seattle I Evereti I Boise Verified Peace of A/lind. lntrusion I Video Surveillance I Managed Access Control I Fire Detection SECUREPACIFIC CORP - 7t Systems Proposal for Kent PD Washington lmpound Yard Kent PD lmpound Yard - DMP Video Upgrade Prepared For: rob scholl Supervisors Kent PD Washington lmpound Yard (253) 266-1287 jrobinso@secu repacifi c.com Prepared By: Nathan Skewis Customer Service Representative Secure Pacific Corporation (253) 47}3812 nskewis@secu repacific. co m Proposal Number : 35420-1 -0 Date: June 15,2020 lt SECUREPACIFIC CORPn Peace of Mind Guarantee Satisfaction G uarantee Secure Pacific offers a full, unconditional refund of your installation fee if, for any reason, at six months after installation you are dissatisfied with your system. Secure Pacific will take responsibility to remove the system from your business or home in a professional, workmanlike manner. Equipment and Labor Guarantee Secure Pacific extends a full service warranty for normal maintenance on all equipment and labor for as long as Secure Pacific provides your monitoring services. Emergency Service Guarantee Secure Pacific guarantees the arrival of a service technician, on-site, within two (2) hours of your emergency service request, within our normal service area. Secure Pacific will pay you $50.00 if we do not respond within this time frame. $5,000 Performance Guarantee For systems with Verisafe@ technology, Secure Pacific will pay up to $5,000 of any losses incurred to your business or home if an undetected forced entry occurs and the proper authority is not notified. This is in addition to any insurance you may have. Please refer to our Warranty Program for a full description. False Alarm Fine Guarantee For systems with Verisafe@ technology, should you receive a false alarm fine due to a Secure Pacific dispatch and not caused by a system user, your telephone service provider or an Act of God, Secure Pacific will represent your interests in getting the fine voided or we will pay the fine. Except as sfafed in this commitment, the terms of the Client Agreement apply Proposal N umber : 35420-1 -0 Date: June 15, 2020 lt SECUREPACIFIC CORP- Scope Of Work Customer Details: Site: 407 Washington Avenue N, Kent, WA, 98030 Billing: 232 Fourth Avenue S, Kent, WA, 98032 Contact: rob schol I (253) 266-1287, j robinso@secu repacific.com o Materials - Our security solution includes all labor, wire and miscellaneous materials necessary to install the proposed system in a workmanship like manner. The installation will be in accordance to industry standards, regulations and codes. o Electric - The client will provide the company with access to necessary electdc(120VAC) connections.o lP Gommunications - The client will provide and maintain any required broadband public internet connection needed for monitoring or remote access to the system. The client will be responsible to provide a static lP address if required by the system. Secure Pacific Corporation will need to work with the client's lT professional to establish the needed lP addresses, subnet mask, default gateway and open ports as well as any firewall routing to enable the system communications. The client will make available the physical port connections to the network. lnstallation will begin after the needed connections and information is provided to the installing technician. lnternet connection fees are the responsibility of the client. o Availability of Gonnections - Required power, phone line, network and internet connections not available at the time of installation may result in an additional trip charge which will be invoiced separately. o Alarm Permits - Many jurisdictions require permits for the use of operation of an alarm system. Any permit fees are not included in proposal and will be billed seperately if required. r Electrical Permits - Many jurisdictions require permits for the use of installation of an alarm system. Any permit fees are not included in proposal and will be billed seperately if required. lnitials: Secure Pacific Corporation | 591 'l Orchard Street W Tacom4 WA.98467 le.: an-Anaz23 lvuww.SecurePacific.comPortland I facomal Seattle I Evereit I Boise :fa{.,an ul uv-f {Y_g tL&- #rurst,o-r Y1n>rnr g..--^.tt Po tutrr g lt SECUREFit" L-r> PACIFIC CORP- June 1,2021 Dear Valued Client, Please be advised that effective 7/1/21, Secure Pacific will be implementing the following increase(s): o 9o/o increase on testing and inspection of your fire system (if applicable) This increase is necessary due to local government mandates, which have driven costs of this service up substantially. o 5o/o increase on all other services This increase is necessary due to raising costs of labor and other operational expenses. Should you have any questions and/or concerns regarding this increase, please contact your Customer Service Representative. They are always available to assist you. We want to THANK YOU for your loyalty and continued support. We look forward to continuing to provide you the industry leading service that you expect and deserve. Yours for Safety and Security, Secure Pacific VERIFIED PEACE OF MINDTM FROM SECUNE PACIFIC GONP Botse 3657WWRrGHr STREET BorsE, lD 83705 EvsRerr 2221 CALIFoRNIA STREET EVERETT, WA 98201 PoRrmruo 822O N INTERSTATE AvENUE PoRTLAND, OR 9721 7 SpoxRrue 90,I 1 EA5T VAIIEYWAY AVE SPoKANE, WA 99212 Tnconnn 2115S56TH STREET SurrE 308 TAcoMA, WA 98409 1.A77.837.4723 | www,secuREpActFtc.coM 1 McCormick, Melissa From:Bava, Joshua Sent:Wednesday, December 21, 2022 1:44 PM To:Kasner, Jarod; White, Cindy; Douglas, Debra; Warren, Christy Subject:Alarm co rate increase Attachments:Secure Pacific letter.pdf We received the attached letter from Secure Pacific Corporation, the alarm company for our impound lot, regarding a rate increase on 01/01/2023. I followed up and they said it’s an 8% increase. I asked for a copy of the new bill/charges but they said it’d take several days to get it sent. FYI for planning/budget purposes. I’m not sure who exactly pays the bill on this so if I didn’t include that person please let me know. Thanks! J. Bava, Commander Patrol | Police Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Direct Line 253-856-5834 | Fax 253-856-6800 jbava@kentwa.gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook Twitter YouTube Instagram BoISE 3657 W WRIGT'IT STREI'T BorsE, ID 83705 2221 CAI-IFoRNIA STRIILI' E\TERNTT, WA 98201 PORTLAND 8220 N TNTLRST \ rE A\ u\l l: PortrLAND, OR97277 SBRrrlB 1406 140TH PI-ACri NE st'ITri 107 B;lr-urrtrl, !(zA 98007 Tacolre 5911 ORCHARD STIU1ET WBST T^coNIA, WA 98467 ccB #185850 EVERETT lt SECUREPACIFIC CORPr December 1,2022 Dear Valued Customer, The past several years have provided challenges for all of us; with supply chain issues, rising labor costs and increasing costs of equipment and materials. We make every effort to control our costs of service but with these rising costs, we will need to increase your monthly service investment with us effective January 1,2023. We thank you for your loyalty to our company and the services we provide. We sincerely appreciate your business. Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions' Yours for safety and security, Secure Pacific VERIFIED PEAGE OF Mll{Dril rnoru Secunr Pncrrtc Gonp 1.A77 .A37.4723 | www.SecuREPAclFlc.com 1 McCormick, Melissa From:Douglas, Debra Sent:Thursday, February 2, 2023 3:50 PM To:Douglas, Debra Subject:FW: 02VCIT01 City Of Kent Police Dept Debbie Douglas, Financial Analyst Support/Administrative Services | Police Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Direct Line 253-856-5874 | Fax 253-856-6803 ddouglas@KentWA.gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook Twitter YouTube Instagram From: Douglas, Debra Sent: Wednesday, January 4, 2023 4:32 PM To: Bava, Joshua <JBava@kentwa.gov>; White, Cindy <CWhite@kentwa.gov> Cc: Kasner, Jarod <JKasner@kentwa.gov> Subject: RE: 02VCIT01 City Of Kent Police Dept I will be submitted an annual Purchase Order for this one. Thanks for the update. Debbie Douglas, Financial Analyst Support/Administrative Services | Police Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Direct Line 253-856-5874 | Fax 253-856-6803 ddouglas@KentWA.gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook Twitter YouTube Instagram From: Bava, Joshua <JBava@kentwa.gov> Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2022 3:34 PM To: Douglas, Debra <DDouglas@kentwa.gov>; White, Cindy <CWhite@kentwa.gov> Cc: Kasner, Jarod <JKasner@kentwa.gov> Subject: FW: 02VCIT01 City Of Kent Police Dept Debbie/Cindy, Below is the 2023 monthly rate for our impound yard alarm company, which I previously e- mailed about. J. Bava, Commander Patrol | Police Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Direct Line 253-856-5834 | Fax 253-856-6800 2 jbava@kentwa.gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook Twitter YouTube Instagram From: Melanie Allen <mallen@securepacific.com> Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2022 3:31 PM To: Bava, Joshua <JBava@kentwa.gov> Subject: 02VCIT01 City Of Kent Police Dept EXTERNAL EMAIL 2022 monitoring rates monthly $557.00 2023 monitoring rates monthly $557.00 Melanie Allen Accounts Receivable/Collections O 503-233-7233 or 1-877-837-4723 mallen@securepacific.com | www.securepacific.com Find us on: NOTICE: This communication may contain privileged or other confidential information. If you have received it in error, please advise the sender by return email and immediately delete the message and any attachments without copying or disclosing the contents. Thank you.