HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations and Public Safety Committee - 02/21/2023 (2) 4^* Operations and Public Safety • Committee KEN T Tuesday, February 21, 2023 WASH I NGTON 4:0 0 PM Chambers Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 867 9911 3935 Passcode: 517517 One tap mobile +12532158782„81041498490# US (Tacoma) +13462487799„81041498490# US (Houston) Chair Bill Boyce Councilmember Brenda Fincher Councilmember Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Marli Larimer Councilmember Zandria Michaud Councilmember Les Thomas Councilmember Toni Troutner ************************************************************** Item Description Action Speaker Time 1. Call to Order Chair 2. Roll Call Chair 3. Agenda Approval Chair 4. Business Chair A. Approval of Minutes i. Approval of February 7, YES Chair 01 MIN. 2023 Minutes B. Payment of Bills - Approve YES Paula Painter 01 MIN. C. Collaborative Solutions, LLC YES Kari Endicott 05 MIN. Agreement for Workday Lean-on Services Support - Authorize and Ratify D. Resolution Adopting the YES Eriel Varela Maria Equity Strategic Plan - Tizoc Adopt 5. Adjournment Chair The public may submit written public comments that relate to a committee agenda item by emailing: cityclerk@kentwa.gov by 3:30 p.m. on the day of this committee meeting. After 3:30 p.m., written Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops and February 21, 2023 PS Regular Meeting public comments may only be submitted in person by presenting them to the committee secretary at the public meeting. Written public comments that do not relate to a committee agenda item are not permitted. Written public comments are not read into the record. Unless otherwise noted, the Operations and Public Safety Committee meets at 4 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month in the Kent City Hall, Council Chambers, 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 For additional information please contact Kim Komoto at 253-856-5728, or email KkomotoCa)kentwa.gov. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856- 5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. 4.A.1 Pending Approval Operations and Public Safety KENT Committee WA9H... CC Ops and PS Regular Meeting Minutes February 7, 2023 Date: February 7, 2023 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: Chambers Members: Bill Boyce, Chair Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember Marli Larimer, Councilmember Zandria Michaud, Councilmember Les Thomas, Councilmember c Toni Troutner Councilmember 0 L Agenda: a a 1. Call to Order 4:00 p.m. a Council President Boyce called the meeting to order. o 2. Roll Call N 0 N Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Bill Boyce Chair Present Ui Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present 0 Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present Les Thomas Councilmember Excused Toni Troutner Councilmember Excused CC a a� 3. Agenda Approval a 1. I move to approve the agenda as presented. a 0 c RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud 4. Business A. Approval of Minutes Approval of Minutes dated January 17, 2023 MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated January 17, 2023 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page I of 5 Packet Pg. 3 4.A.1 Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops February 7, 2023 and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud B. Ordinance Authorizing Remote Meetings for Boards and Commissions. - Adopt City Attorney, Tammy White provided a review of the Ordinance authorizing remote meetings for boards and commissions and addressed previous concerns raised by the council. The Special Events Center Public Facilities District Board: Provisions only o apply to the selecting of a pool of applicants, so this ordinance does not address that board. ° L Q Q The Council discussed whether the chairs of the board/commission should be Q required to be in person. This ordinance does not include that requirement. a 0 0 White walked the council through the proposed changes. M N Boards/commissions that are not subject to OPMA can have all participants N attend remotely: Chair would need to approve completely remote Chair will consult with staff representative and confirm technology needed — Real time participation is required It's at the discretion of chair to activate cameras White detailed the revisions relating to boards and commissions subject to the OPMA: The Chair has the discretion for remote attendance a Chair will consult with staff representative and confirm technology needed Real time participation is required Q Members must have access to all meeting materials a It's at the discretion of the chair to activate cameras c The public must be able to participate in real time The Land Use and Planning Board: Requires a quorum to meet in person (4) - up to 3 can attend remotely Allows for emergency attendance Chief Administrative Officer, Pat Fitzpatrick provided information on the option to record and broadcast board and commission meetings and indicated it would be a shift in what has been done for years. Fitzpatrick also advised that requiring cameras to be on could be an issue ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Page 2 of 5 Packet Pg. 4 4.A.1 Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops February 7, 2023 and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes since camera functionality is a matter of the remote attendees bandwidth. This proposed ordinance provides for some flexibility. Council discussed addressing safety for staff attending in person after hours. MOTION: I move to adopt Ordinance No. 4458, to amend KCC 2.50.090 to allow remote meetings for City boards and commissions on stated conditions, amend KCC 2.57 to provide that a quorum of the City's Land Use and Planning Board shall appear for its meetings in-person, and repeal obsolete remote attendance provisions in KCC 2.55.060 and KCC 2.64.060 related to the Disability Board and the Firefighters' Relief and Pension Board. 4- 0 RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 2/21/2023 7:00 PM MOVER: Zandria Michaud, Councilmember o SECONDER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember a AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud Q C. INFO ONLY: Introduction to the Comprehensive Plan Update a 0 Kristen Holdsworth, Long Range Planning Manager, presented the Comprehensive Plan Update. N 0 N The City is working on consultation with MIG consultants that specializes in Washington state laws and the Growth Management Act. 4- 0 Holdsworth provided details on what a Comprehensive Plan is and Kent plans, including: Fulfill the community's vision Attract desired business and employment opportunities Enhance public decision making Coordinate community investments a Mitigate negative impacts Prepare for the future Q a� r The Growth Management Act is a framework for planning in Washington State. The state requires most cities and counties to update their comprehensive plans every 8-10 years. Kent does this through the framework of a state law called the Growth Management Act. The GMA has 14 goals to coordinate development while ensuring adequate services and protecting natural and environmental resources. Under the GMA, jurisdictions must plan for both household and job growth through the next 20 years. For western Washington cities, this means we are planning for the timeframe of 2024- 2044. We can't dictate the free market or require development to happen, but we must make sure we have designated land capacity through our comprehensive plan, zoning, and development regulations. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Page 3 of 5 Packet Pg. 5 4.A.1 Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops February 7, 2023 and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes Holdsworth talked about the process to update Kent's Comprehensive Plan, including: Review outreach Reviewed various planning policies Plans are big broad visions Write development Code Holdsworth reviewed details of last Comprehensive plan done in 2015 that included subarea plans and two PSRC designated centers. The 2024 update will include new state requirements, recognize and honor c history in Kent and changing conditions, new SEPA environmental analysis, 4- expand partnerships and coordinated efforts, seek input from decision 0 makers and community engagement. 0 Q Holdsworth talked about what drives a Comprehensive Plan. Q Growth targets and affordability. a A policy statement about the amount of housing and jobs each jurisdiction o will plan for in 2024 comprehensive plans M Part of the Countywide Planning Policies o For the urban area only "' For at least a 20-year period Created collaboratively by all cities and King County Ui 4- 0 Part of HB1220 - learn how to do this as a land use planner? How do we make sure it's affordable. Preview for Kent's growth targers 10,200 more housing units that meet units of affordability r Reviewed Kent 2044 housing units by affordability Don't want to lose affordable housing Q Need more market-rate housing while keeping Kent affordable. a� r Looking at jobs 32,000 new jobs Community Engagement Vital to the success of this project Equity Lens focusing on inclusion, respect and transparency Methods to meet the community where they are in ways they prefer Holdsworth reviewed early engagement efforts and detailed the upcoming schedule from the community kickoff and scoping, through framing, refining and final adopting during Q3/Q4 of 2024. The Plan must be adopted by ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Page 4 of 5 Packet Pg. 6 4.A.1 Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops February 7, 2023 and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12/31/2024. Next Steps include: Council recommendations for outreach DRAFT baselines conditions analysis DRAFT equitable engagement plan Community kickoff and EIS scoping Holdsworth sought Council feedback regarding who/what perspectives need to be at the table as we update the Comp Plan. c Councilmembers provided feedback and requested staff reach out to all aspects of the community, including connecting with City boards/commission ° and neighborhood councils, seniors, BIPOC and LGBTQ communities. c L Q Holdsworth conveyed that Kent has already met growth targets Q Holdsworth discussed the top 5 language the city will contract for relating to a. interpretation/translation services o M Holdsworth advised of the consequences if Kent don't meet the guidelines, o including the potential loss of grant funds, penalties regarding withholding N ti sales and use taxes. a� U- S. Adjournment 4:56 p.m. - KL ley Komoto U) Committee Secretary a� Q. a� U U Q a� c ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Page 5 of 5 Packet Pg. 7 4.B FINANCE DEPARTMENT Paula Painter, CPA 220 Fourth Avenue South \117KENT Kent, WA 98032 WASHINGTON 253-856-5264 DATE: February 21, 2023 TO: Operations and Public Safety Committee SUBJECT: Payment of Bills - Approve MOTION: I move to approve the payment of bills. SUMMARY: Packet Pg. 8 4.0 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Mike Carrington 220 Fourth Avenue South \117KENT Kent, WA 98032-5895 W A S ENT N G T O N 253-856-4600 DATE: February 21, 2023 TO: Operations and Public Safety Committee SUBJECT: Collaborative Solutions, LLC Agreement for Workday Lean-on Services Support - Authorize and Ratify MOTION: I move to amend the City's Master Services Agreement with Collaborative Solutions, LLC to include one-year of Workday Lean-on Services Support, at a cost of $71,300, to provide that future change orders and statements of work be authorized according to the amended value of all work performed under the Master Services Agreement, and to ratify all prior agreements, change orders, and statements of work with Collaborative Solutions, LLC, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Human Resources Director and City Attorney. SUMMARY: Collaborative Solutions, LLC (Collaborative Solutions) provides the professional services that enable the continuous process improvement that support Human Capital Management Automation (HCMA). In addition to the digital transformational continuous process improvement, Collaborative Solutions supports the related changes in labor agreements, MOUs, City Policy, local, state, and federal mandates, and Workday releases. To support these transactions, the entire Human Capital Management (HCM) business space has been and continues to be complimented by an automated and comprehensive business system technology platform, Workday, with Collaborative Solutions, LLC as the post-production support vendor. Workday has been operational for two plus years and is maintained by the Human Resources Information System Administrator on behalf of Human Resources and Finance Payroll. Prior to implementation, costs related to Workday, including subscription, training and professional services were paid for out of a capital project budget. The subscription costs related to Workday are paid out of IT's operating budget; however, the new budget for lean-on support/service hours is in addition to the subscription cost and will be paid out of HR's operating budget so that HR can directly control the expenditure of these funds. Therefore, HR is requesting authorization for the renewal of these services. HR is also requesting that future change orders and statements of work be Packet Pg. 9 4.0 authorized according to the amended value of all work performed by Collaborative Solutions under the Master Services Agreement. This includes the initial implementation of services contemplated under the Master Services Agreement, along with all change orders and statements of work related to the Master Services Agreement. The current amended value of all work performed under the Master Services Agreement is $2,480,047.56. BUDGET IMPACT: The adopted 23/24 Biennial Budget for Human Resources has allocated $166,000.00 in 2023 and 2024 for Collaborative Solutions professional services. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Innovative Government - Delivering outstanding customer service, developing leaders, and fostering innovation. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Collaborative Solutions - Exhibit A (PDF) 2. Collaborative Solutions Contract - Exhibit B (PDF) Packet Pg. 10 4.C.a Prepared For: 0 The City of Kent Cn w aD a� Cn r_ 0 c m J R Y L 0 L 0 Statement of Work Workday Lean -On Support _j _ N c 0 0 U) L 0 V W r a C0 G t � V Preparation Date: February 6, 2023 Packet Pg. 11 4.C.a The City of Kent and Collaborative Solutions,LLC Statement of Work February 20,2023 STATEMENT OF WORK o FOR Q- a WORKDAY LEAN-ON SERVICES SUPPORT to N This Statement of Work("SOW") is made effective on the 2011 day of February 2023 (the "SOW Effective Date") by and between The City of Kent ("Client"), having its principal place of business at 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 and Collaborative Solutions, LLC, a limited liability company("CSLLC"), having its principal place of business at 11190 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 110, Reston,VA 20191 for Services scheduled to begin on o February 20, 2023 ("Start Date") and expected to end on February 29, 2024. m J This SOW,together with the Agreement, sets out the terms pursuant to which CSLLC will provide certain ca Services, as further described below. This SOW is being entered into in connection with and subject to the terms Y and conditions contained in the Master Services Agreement between CSLLC and Client dated as of November 21, 0 2019(the "Agreement"). All capitalized terms used herein that are not otherwise defined shall have the same o meaning as ascribed to such terms in the Agreement. '~ c m 1.0 Scope of Work("Scope")for Consulting Services a� L 1.1 Functionality Scope:Workday On-Demand Services Support ZM Q U CSLLC will provide support or advisory Services for both planned and unplanned tasks,such as those � representative activities listed in the table below,on behalf of the Client and covering the generally available Workday functionality license. r 0 Activity Functionality Scope/Support Activity Detail Workday Support and Troubleshooting Assistance with support activities may include,but is not limited to, troubleshooting issues,guidance and other day-to-day activities 0 including assisting the team with support requests. T - - - - --- -- ... ------- --- - - 0 New Functionality Review CSLLC reviews new features and functions not yet implemented. U CSLLC assists with new functionality reviews,which may include, c but are not limited to,support and guidance for making decisions regarding the implementation of new functionality,such as employee/manager self-service, benefits, performance and absence Q r management. -2 CSLLC can also provide sample testing scenarios, if available,or can K help support Client in creating new sample test scenarios on an as- W requested basis. -- - ----- --- ---- ----------- Reporting and Integrations Based on Client requirements,CSLLC may provide technical support including integrations,custom reporting,and business form layouts 3 0 via the Business Intelligence Reporting Tools(BIRT) to framework. Integration assistance may include the configuration > and supports the testing of Workday packaged integrations and the development of Client integrations. O Workday Solution Optimization CSLLC is able to help improve the utilization of Client's Workday o solution,as well as the Client's experience.Such optimization may U include, but is not limited to, updating business processes, revising organization structures,or modifying rules for security, business m process,and organization for the full Workday platform. t r a This agreement is proprietary and confidential to Collaborative Solutions,LLC. 2 Packet Pg. 12 4.C.a The City of Kent and Collaborative Solutions,LLC Statement of Work February 20,2023 Activity Functionality Scope/Support Activity Detail c Q. Knowledge Transfer As agreed to by Client and CSLLC, CSLLC on-demand support may include knowledge transfer pertaining to the resolution of an issue U) N and providing insight on how Client may troubleshoot similar issues in the future and advisory support including guidance on new .2 feature sets, impact considerations,and solution guidance. cn Organizational Change&Training Post- CSLLC offers in-production Workday customers Services related to 0 Production Services Organizational Change Management, Communications, and Training. If requested this can be a part of the Lean-On Service. J ca 1.2 Enhanced Managed Services Y L 0 Managed Services are included for all CSLLC Continuous Value Services("CVS") customers. Enhanced Managed Services will be provided to Client and is supported by a Workday certified Engagement ,o r Manager. = E m a� Managed Services (All CVS customers) Enhanced Managed Services a U • Service delivery project management • Workday certified Engagement Manager J • Access to full platform Squad consulting team • High touch personalized engagement mutually ui • Access and use of cloud-based ticketing system defined with Client o r • Proactive periodic Workday communications • Bi-weekly status meetings o • Periodic"one-to-many"webinars • Quarterly initiative check ins (D • Semi-annual account reviews >_ • Metric reporting • Ticket and Escalation management • Collaboration on projects o • Change Orders& New existing project scoping • Ongoing Leadership Oversight coo needs • Partnership for future initiatives and road- G U • Monthly Status Call mapping c • Bi-weekly Financial Reporting M Q r 2.0 Support Process x 2.1 Ticketing System w Client's primary contacts will submit all service requests via CSLLC's ticketing system which will enable o involvement by CSLLC support personnel for resolution. 0 Requests will be managed depending upon the type as outlined below. 2.2 Issue Resolution Support for Existing Configuration: As issue requests are received, CSLLC will: o M a. Provide Tier Zero (0),Tier One (1) &Two(2)support,which will be provided by CSLLC's !2 0 Global Delivery Center("GDC") located in India and Manila, Philippines.Tier Three (3)and U Tier Four(4)support will be provided either regionally in Europe,the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), North America, and Asia-Pacific(APAC) or by CSLLC's GDC located in India and E Manila, Philippines on an as needed basis. Appendix A provides details on the tier support levels. r a This agreement is proprietary and confidential to Collaborative Solutions,LLC. 3 Packet Pg. 13 4.C.a The City of Kent and Collaborative Solutions,LLC Statement of Work February 20,2023 b. Acknowledge the request within twenty-four(24) hours of the Client's normal business hours. Definition of normal business hours will be mutually agreed upon between the Client 0 CL and the CSLLC Engagement Manager("CSLLC EM"). If Severity One (1) emergency assistance is needed, Client will log a case with Workday. Examples of emergency assistance include a to system down issue or business critical function such as payroll not processing correctly. In non-emergency cases where urgent assistance is required, Client will submit a request via the ticketing system indicating the nature of the urgent request and contact the CSLLC EM. to The CSLLC EM will work with Client to outline a plan of action to address the urgent issue in c a timely manner.This may involve after hours support for Tier Three (3)or Tier Four(4) c support, if mutually agreed upon between both parties. Support ticket requests initiated J outside of standard hours of operation (i.e., Saturday and Sunday)will receive an initial response when the window of standard hours of operation becomes available. Y c. Request details on the configuration impacted, if not already provided. `0 3.1 d. Within forty-eight (48) hours of standard issue requests, determine a plan of action to 0 support resolution of the issue. r e. Review configuration changes required with Client and request Client's approval to apply E fix. a� f. If Client submits a request for assistance outside of the CSLLC ticketing system via any Q communication mechanism such as email,voice mail,text, or instant message, CSLLC is not V subject to standard response times. J J to 2.3 New Configuration Enhancement Requests: As new modification requests are received, CSLLC c r will: 0 a. Receive the modification request in the ticketing system. Cn a� b. Gather information on the requirements and systems involved. L c. Estimate the Scope of effort. 0 d. Request approval from Client,through ticketing system,to begin work via the ticket. T • If level of effort is expected to exhaust available hours or is estimated to take more U than forty(40) hours, a separate Change Order or SOW may be prepared. c ti • The CSLLC EM will request resource(s) upon signature of the Change Order and can M take up to ten (10) business days from date of signature. Schedule the work with Q determined between Clients Project Manager and CSLLCs EM. r Client a s dete ' 1 ' — e. Complete configuration and unit testing. x f. Provide the change for user acceptance testing in Client's sandbox or implementation w tenant. CSLLC can assist with providing testing guidance, if requested. y c 0 3.0 Services and Responsibilities 0 to This section identifies the Services to be performed by CSLLC and the Responsibilities of the Client. L 0 Stage CSLLC Services Client Responsibilities � a the Tenant Management Strategy o • Manage Support Services • Manage the work plan for support g g gy V requests as identified in Section 1.1 ® Inform CSLLC of changes to the Tenant • Update the Client roadmap for Management Strategy E planned support needs t r a This agreement is proprietary and confidential to Collaborative Solutions,LLC. 4 Packet Pg. 14 4.C.a The City of Kent and Collaborative Solutions,LLC Statement of Work February 20,2023 Stage CSLLC Services Client Responsibilities c a • Participate in project status meeting • Inform CSLLC of tenant refreshes two(2) in a time agreed upon by CSLLC EM weeks prior to scheduled date Cn N and Client • Provide input to the work plan • Conduct weekly workstream meetings . Provide input into the Client roadmap between CSLLC functional/technical ® Participate in weekly project and workstream Cn consultants and Subject Matter r_ Experts("SMEs"), on an as-needed meetings basis Provide SMEs for support requests M • Provide knowledge transfer Provide requirements for any support request _, documents,on an as-requested basis • Review and sign off on initial functional or • Prepare, reconcile,and provide technical design changes o financial summaries to the Client • Define and document test plan and test • Support Client's Project Manager with scenarios(end-to-end, user acceptance,and �0 issue resolution,and additional regression) resourcing requests for unplanned . Create/maintain defect tracking log m E needs • Execution of all test scenarios(end-to-end, i • Provide engagement artifacts user acceptance and regression) Q • Providing guidance in developing high • Manage and sign off on all test results(end- J level deployment plan(s),as to-end, user acceptance and regression) J requested • Conduct sandbox and production migrations • Provide sign-off documents,as of configuration, unless requested in writing in 0 r required for support requests advance per Section 2.2 0 a Conduct change management Cn aD • Sign off on any support request > L 0 4.0 Schedule 0 U Timeline CSLLC Services 0 Estimated Start Date February 20,2023 Estimated End Date February 29,2024 Q r 5.0 Assumptions&Dependencies x The Services, labor estimates, and Pricing presented in this SOW are dependent on the following assumptions w vJ being true: _ 0 a. Client timely completes each item listed as a Client Responsibility in Section 3.0. b. The Client will provide applicable SMEs in Client's business processes,functional leads, and technical t° lead resources with whom to collaborate during the engagement. c. The Client will have the necessary project and executive management support to review and make a timely decisions as well as coordinate the activities of this project with other Client projects which c� may be occurring simultaneously. 0 d. Services will be provided during the normal business hours agreed upon between the Client and U CSLLC EM and will be as closely aligned to the Client's time zone as possible. Off-hours support can c m be provided and pre-scheduled in advance. t e. CSLLC resources will provide their own laptops. r a This agreement is proprietary and confidential to Collaborative Solutions,LLC. 5 Packet Pg. 15 4.C.a The City of Kent and Collaborative Solutions,LLC Statement of Work February 20,2023 f. Unless otherwise agreed by CSLLC's internal security organization,the Client shall use CSLLC's secure transfer site for the secure exchange of sensitive employee data with the CSLLC support personnel. CL Client will agree to limit use for data conversion or production support purposes only for the Cn duration of the activities required. CSLLC will inactivate the secure transfer site within thirty w (30) days after the support activities are completed. Client will not use CSLLC's site for the transmission of any integration files for third-party vendors. CSLLC is not responsible for back up, archiving, or maintenance of files stored on the secure transfer site. In the event CSLLC utilizes its Cn internal "Daytona"tool for data conversion ("Daytona"), Daytona and all of its components must be c installed on the CSLLC secure cloud server and utilized solely within CSLLC's secure transfer site. Further, Daytona IP addresses must be added to the tenant whitelist. Daytona uses its own implementer account that must be excluded from multi-factor authentication. >' ca g. If needed, CSLLC can provide Client access to its SharePoint site to maintain non-sensitive project L artifact data for project or engagement support activities only.The CSLLC EM will provide access to 0 assigned project team members employed by CSLLC. `o h. If a data migration requires iLoad support by CSLLC,Client agrees that a tenant lockout will be performed. E i. Client will provide CSLLC consultants with implementer access in Production, Sandbox, and a' (D Implementation tenants in a timely manner. Any Client delays will impact issue resolution times as Z identified in Section 2.2. c� j. Client will be solely responsible for testing and any move-to-production activities,which shall � include configuration, business processes, data, reports and integrations. Client will provide written acceptance of test results to CSLLC prior to any move-to-production. 0 k. In the event CSLLC is required to assist Client with move-to-production activities, Client will provide 0 written approval if CSLLC's assistance is required during Client's move-to-production activities. Upon Cn a) completion of move-to-production activities, Client will verify production results and shall be solely >_ responsible for production accuracy. Client shall provide written acceptance to CSLLC after such f° `0 move-to-production activities have been completed. 0 U 6.0 Term and Termination 0 ti a. This SOW shall commence on the Start Date identified above and shall continue through February M 29, 2024(the "Term"), unless terminated sooner by providing CSLLC ninety(90)days' prior written Q notice. Upon termination of this SOW,which shall be in accordance with the Agreement, Client shall pay to CSLLC all amounts due and payable hereunder. Any unused hours will be forfeited. M x w 7.0 Pricing 0 0 rn as 0 L 0 0 U r c m E t 0 r a This agreement is proprietary and confidential to Collaborative Solutions,LLC. 6 Packet Pg. 16 4.C.a The City of Kent and Collaborative Solutions,LLC Statement of Work February 20,2023 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Hourly Rate Total Estimated O CSLLC Project Roles Service Hours Service Hours Service Hours Service Hours Hours for Service Fees rL (Feb.-May) (June-Aug.) (Sep.-Nov.) (Dec.-Feb.) Subscription CVS Consultant 50 50 50 50 200 $161.50 $32,300 N Total Block of Hours so so s0 so 200 v Consulting Services $8,075 $8,075 $8,075 $8,075 $32,300 d Enhanced Managed $9,750 $9,750 $9,750 $9,750 $39,000 U) Services r_ Invoice Amount $17,825 $17,82s $17,825 $17,825 $71,300 0 cv Upon SOW 15 days prior to 15 days prior to 15 days prior to m Invoice Date J Execution Quarter Start Quarter Start Quarter Start >, ca Estimated Expenses L Grand Total 71 300 L Lean-On Service Subscription ° r c a. The Enhanced Managed Services are applied in conjunction with the Consulting Services of this E SOW. If additional Consulting Services are requested pursuant to the Change Order process, L Enhanced Managed Services will also be included. Q b. Flexibility exists to use hours for resource needs not listed above in the pricing matrix.This includes J requests for new resources or an increase in resource hours. J c. Hours will roll over from quarter to quarter. Any unused hours at the end of the Term must be used c within the first quarter of any mutually agreed upon renewal term. d. Any Services provided beyond the Scope of this SOW must be approved by Client pursuant to a �o Change Order. e. CSLLC will assign Client to a team support model comprised of CSLLC cross-functional and technical consultants with a built-in redundancy/backup.The team will support the areas outlined in this 0 SOW. f. Billing will occur prior to the start of each period for the hours indicated for each service period. U g. In the event Client exceeds the quarterly bucket of hours, CSLLC will promptly issue the following c quarter's invoice upon the overage,which shall be due and payable in accordance with the M Agreement. Client can use the hours associated with the following quarter once the invoice is Q issued. r h. If Client exceeds the annual estimated fees associated in the pricing table set forth herein, CSLLC will iE x prepare a Change Order. w i. Any and all fees associated with Client's e-invoicing, portal, or payment solution will be the responsibility of Client without dispute. CSLLC will provide all necessary documents or invoices to O confirm the fees, if such fees are incurred. 0 j. Invoices will be emailed to the following addresses: kendicott@kentwa.gov; to a) apinvoices@kentwa.gov >_ Any other mailed correspondence will be delivered as follows: O c� The City of Kent v c/o Kari Endicott r 220 Fourth Avenue South m Kent,WA 98032 t r a This agreement is proprietary and confidential to Collaborative Solutions,LLC. 7 Packet Pg. 17 4.C.a The City of Kent and Collaborative Solutions,LLC Statement of Work February 20,2023 k. Client will provide to CSLLC the Purchase Order Number created in connection with this SOW promptly following signature by the parties. 0 Q. a 8.0 Expenses It is expected Services will be provided primarily on a remote basis. If travel is required, all reasonable travel expenses incurred by CSLLC related to the performance of the Services defined herein, shall be invoiced to cn Client. All such travel will comply with CSLLC's Travel and Expense Policy,which shall be made available to the c Client upon request. All fees or penalties incurred due to cancellations or changes of travel at Client's request m shall be invoiced to Client. J ca 9.0 Signatures Y L 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have duly executed this SOW by their respective authorized representatives as of the SOW Effective Date. '0 r c m E Collaborative Solutions, LLC The City of Kent i aM Q &�aaer J Susan Guerra(Feb 7,2023 17:48 PST) J Authorized Signature Authorized Signature 0 r 0 Susan Guerra U) M Name Name Z c� L 0 Chief Client Officer 0 Job Title Job Title U 0 ti M Feb 7,2023 Q r Date Date t x w v, 0 0 U) as L 0 0 U r c m E t r a This agreement is proprietary and confidential to Collaborative Solutions,LLC. 8 Packet Pg. 18 4.C.a The City of Kent and Collaborative Solutions,LLC Statement of Work February 20,2023 Appendix A F 0 a a fn Tier Requests/Examples Tier Group Responsible Definition Examples U) Global Delivery Center(GDC) Ticket Monitoring Ticket Intake Monitoring C Ticket Triaging C R Global Delivery Center(GDC) How-To's How to Reassign a Task d 1- 2 How to Create a Settlement Run J • How to Print Checks fti • Enterprise Interface Builder(EIB)Loads Y • Create/update/inactivate project/cost center/worktag/etc. L Transactions 0 • Running Integrations • Integration issue investigation G Global Squad Advanced Requests Change to Business Process(BP)configuration,alerts,routing, 3 roles d • New configuration/Configuration changes 4) Update of existing integration for additional use cases i • Annual Event support Q Global Squad Scope and/or Scoping forty or more(40+)hour Client requests J 4 Financial Level of Effort requests J Impact SOW requests _1 • Demos F7 O r 7 O U) Note: The location of support using CSLLC's GDC or Global Squad will be determined by the level of complexity of the issue based upon the assessment of the CSLLC consultant in charge of triaging and servicing the ticket L regardless of Tier level. �0 0 0 U 0 ti M Q r L K W to O 3 0 U) N a_• L 0 O U r c m E t r This agreement is proprietary and confidential to Collaborative Solutions,LLC. 9 Packet Pg. 19 4.C.a City of Kent_CVS EMS Prepay Renewal 23-24_ Q-04604_February 20 2023 CL O Final Audit Report 2023-02-08 N N Created: 2023-02-07 v By: Cari Delgado(cdelgado@collaborativesolutions.com) m U) c Status: Signed O c Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAGYuRYPt6MiGGysncJip1jvxZw8vBUGgN y J cC Y L O 3.1 "City of Kent_CVS EMS Prepay Renewal 23-24_Q-04604_Febru 0 ary 20 2023" History Document created by Cari Delgado (cdelgado@collaborativesolutions.com) L 2023-02-07-3:26:30 PM GMT Q U J Document emailed to sguerra@collaborativesolutions.com for signature ui 2023-02-07-3:27:18 PM GMT O r 7 Email viewed by sguerra@collaborativesolutions.com o rn 2023-02-08-1:48:31 AM GMT N ca ro Signer sguerra@collaborativesolutions.com entered name at signing as Susan Guerra `o 2023-02-08-1:48:42 AM GMT O U 656 Document e-signed by Susan Guerra (sguerra@collaborativesolutions.com) 0 Signature Date:2023-02-08-1:48:44 AM GMT-Time Source:server ~ M Agreement completed. Q r 2023-02-08-1:48:44 AM GMT t K W N O 3 O U) N L O O U r c m E t r \� COLLABORATIVE I PO1A Q Adobe SOLUTIONS Acrobat sign Packet Pg. 20 4.C.b 140 Agreement Routing Form0 0 **1 y \1-T0000KENT For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management w.aNihcror+ •� This form combine&&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. d (Print on pink or cherrycolored paper) W C Originator: Lynnette Smith Department: IT O 9 m Date Sent: 11/22/19 Date Required: 12/06/19 o Authorized Director or Designee Date of C, to Sign: Council 11/0 5/19 0 QMayor Approval. `o Budge[ T2Q202.5419D.1800 Grant? Yes No Account as Number: Type: NSA m L Q Vender Collaborative Solutions LLC Category: Contract Name: ui Vender �,� 3�64� Sub-Category o o Number: R Project rn E Name: HCMA/Human Capital Management & Automation D > Project One-time cost for implementation-Professional Services �. Details: roessona 0 Agreement Basis for cc a Amount: $1,87i,535 Selection of Direct Negotiation Contractor: o Q Start Dote: 11/21/19 Termination Date: 11/20/20 M m Notice required prior to 5 Yes No Contract Number: ( ��]/ 7 disclosure? x nn w Date Received by City Attorney: Comments: E E V E V ' RECEIVED o cc o d Ci of nt SCE N T Ce of �� co p} Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: `o Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: 0 m Date Sent to Originator. E z U Visit Doc uments.KentWA.go►r to obtain copies of all agreements a adccW22373 6 19 Packet Pg. 21 4.C.b IT DEPARTMENT Mike Carrington, Director Phone: 253-856-4607 Fax: 253-856-4700 220 Fourth Avenue S. cn Kent, WA. 98032-5895 c DATE: October 22, 2019 TO: Committee of the Whole J FROM: Mike Carrington, IT Director SUBJECT: HCMA/Human Capital Management & Automation — Authorize Software Y and Implementation Contracts o MOTION: Recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign all contracts and other `o documents necessary with Workday, Inc. and Collaborative Solutions, LLC for software subscription, maintenance and implementation services, for an initial three-year term and E a total project cost not to exceed $2,150,000, and authorize all subsequent contract renewals within established budgets, subject to final contract terms and conditions acceptable to City Administration and the City Attorney. a U J J SUMMARY: c The HCMA/Human Capital Management and Automation project's primary objective is to systemically resolve the City's human capital management and automation "pay" related o business process issues focusing on fixing and improving HR, Finance, IT and Citywide cn Timekeeping workflows. Supporting this work will include the deployment of a new business system technology platform—Workday to be implemented by Collaborative Solutions, LLC—on or before EDY 2020, at a cost expected not too exceed $2,150,000. �° The key business driver associated with HCMA is to minimize and where possible eliminate v sources of systemic process errors by implementing the necessary measures to continually improve end-to-end personnel, employee benefits, scheduling, timekeeping and payroll accuracy including responsive time entry, in-place and post-payroll processing. m This is to be achieved by transforming the City's related business practices to documented exception management-based transactions. In support of these transactions, the entire HCM Human Capital Management business space will be complimented by an automated and w comprehensive business system technology platform--Workday with Collaborative Solutions, LLC as the implementation vendor. L c The draft contracts provide for an initial term of three years, which will thereafter automatically i) renew on a yearly basis unless terminated in accordance with the agreements' terms. The cost for the initial three-year term of Workday's contract is $749,748, with $249,916 due upon o contract signing. The one-time cost for implementation professional services with Collaborative Solutions is $1,809,874, which will be paid over the Q4-2019 through Q4-2020 deployment U) timeline as services are performed. EXHIBITS: o 1. Workday, Inc. a. Subscription Order Form i6 b. MSA/Master Subscription Agreement .. c. Workday Delivery Assurance SOW/Statement of Work d. universal Data Processing Exhibit E e. Universal Security Exhibit U f. Workday Training Order Form Q 2. Collaborative Solutions, LLC a. MSA/Master Services Agreement Packet Pg. 22 4.C.b b. SOW/Statement of Work C. Solutions Proposal 3. 3DE 9.1 and HCMA Diagrams BUDGET IMPACT: Cn The overall budget is estimated to be $2,150,000. Major components of the budget include: r_ • Software: $1,380,000, which includes both implementation professional services and first year subscription fees • Integration: $250,000 to build integrations between software systems _J, • Staff Backfill: $320,00 to create 2 term-limited positions to backfill staff in Human Resources and Payroll ■ Contingency: $200,000 L O Funding is expected to come from the Capital Resources Fund. Approximately $1.2 million will be covered by the Q4 SST mitigation payment, with the remainder from fund balance in that E fund. Our plan is to include the budget and FTEs on the Q2 supplemental budget adjustment for formal approval. a STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS): � Z Ian5tvAtive Government-Delivering outsranding customer service,developing leuders,andfosfering innovation. J N Z Evol vine Infrastructure-Connecting people quid places through strategic investments in pig vswiil and technological infrasr 7w1ure. O Z Thri vine City-Creating sgfe neighbonccmds,hetilfhv people,vibrant enmmercial districts,and invitingpurks and recreation. � O 5otai nab le Services-Providing qualify services through re.Np onsihie rnunciul managemew.economic growth,and porinership. Cl) N Eln I live C:wnmuni -lEmhracin nor div 't and advandFt a uit•throe h enuine coinmuniI en a e t > L O O U 0 ti M m r t K W v L O tU to c O 7 O In d L O O U c m E t v tv r r Q Packet Pg. 23 4.C.b COLLABORATIVE Master Services Agreement SOLUTIONS N N V MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT c This MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT("Agreement"),made this 21" day of November 2019 is hereby c entered into between Collaborative Solutions, LLC, located at 11190 Sunrise Valley Drive,Suite 110, Reston,VA 2 0191("CSLLC")and The City of Kent located at 220 Fourth Ave.S. Kent,WA 98032 (the _J "Customer") . Y L 1. Definitions: � 1.1. "Deliverables" mean deliverables to be provided by CSLLC as part of the services under `o 0 an applicable SOW. r c 1.2. "Intellectual Property Rights' means any and all intangible rights existing from time-to- time under the law of any jurisdiction, including patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, database rights law, unfair competition law,trademark law, or other similar laws or principles. Q 1.3. "Work Product" means all Deliverables, documents, designs, software, computer J programs,computer systems,source code,object code,executable code,data,computer vi documentation and other work product and materials authored or prepared by CSLLC for c the Customer in connection with the performance of the Services, whether completed or work in progress,and all Intellectual Property Rights in all of the foregoing excluding the o rn Retained Intellectual Property. 1.4. "Force Maier ure„ shall mean events or circumstances not within CSLLC's possession or reasonable control which may include, but not be limited to, acts of God, acts of 0 Government, flood, fire, earthquakes, civil unrest, acts of terror, strikes or other labor M problems (other than those involving CSLLC employees), computer, or malicious acts 6 U including attacks on or through the internet, internet service provider telecommunications or hosting facility failures or delays involving hardware, software or power systems. 1.5. "Retained Intellectual Property" shall mean the Intellectual Property Rights in the m methodologies, data, documentation, methods of analysis, ideas, concepts, know-how, models, software, tools, techniques, skills, knowledge and experience owned or x possessed by CSLLC before the commencement of, or developed or acquired by CSLLC w independently and apart from,the Services provided pursuant to this Agreement. L 2. General Undertaking: The Parties are entering into this Agreement to establish a relationship o whereby Customer may, from time to time, commission CSLLC to perform certain business ) consulting,technical consulting or other professional services for the Customer agreed to by both o Parties("Services"). 0 rn 3. Professional Service Orders: Work performed by CSLLC under this Agreement shall be described > in a Statement of Work ("SOW"), which in each instance shall be incorporated herein as an addendum to this Agreement at a time when signed by an authorized representative of CSLLC and o the Customer. Each SOW shall describe the labor rate, location,terms of payment,services to be c�a provided by CSLLC and duration of such services. Execution of a SOW shall be considered a v commitment by Customer to authorize and pay for the services described therein according to the terms and subject to the conditions of the SOW and this Agreement. E U r r Q ReV.03.19.2019 1 Packet Pg. 24 4.C.b eCOLLABORATIVE Master Services Agreement SOLUTIONS N N V 4. Obligations of CSLLC. m 4.1. CSLLC shall in the development, production and delivery of the Deliverables comply with c any quality, software development and production control standards and procedures 0 specified or referred to in the applicable SOW. 4.2. Without prejudice to CSLLC's other obligations and Customer's rights under this _J, Agreement, CSLLC shall without delay notify Customer if CSLLC determines a material delay in delivery is imminent. o 4.3. Each Party shall, in connection with its performance, receipt and use of services, as applicable,hereunder,comply with all applicable international,federal,state or local laws o and regulations. r c m E S. Term: The Term of this Agreement ("Term"y shall commence an the date set forth above and m shall continue in effect for a period of one(1)year. This Agreement shall automatically renew for a additional one (1)year periods unless terminated by either party in accordance with Section 8 of U this Agreement.Termination shall have no effect on the Customer's obligation to pay for services � rendered by CSLLC prior to the termination or expiration of the Agreement. c 0 6. Invoices,Payments,Certain Costs&Taxes: All services rendered under this Agreement shall be invoiced monthly on a time and materials basis based on the hourly rates set forth in the SOW, i) unless a SOW specifically provides for milestone payments. In such event, however, Customer's obligation to pay CSLLC for work performed under that milestone is conditioned upon the Customer's acceptance of CSLLC's work as complete and conforming to this Agreement and the 0 applicable SOW,by way of mutual consent and sign-off of the milestone's Deliverables as set forth T in the SOW, as applicable .All invoices shall be paid within thirty(30) days from date of invoice. o U Any late payment of 60 days or more may be subject to costs of collection (including reasonable c legal fees)and shall bear interest at the rate of one(1)percent per month or fraction thereof until paid. CSLLC may withhold Services if payments are not made within thirty(30)days after the due date of an invoice, except for any disputes that are being resolved by mutual agreement of the m r parties. Customer may withhold payment of current open invoice and advancement to the next Stage(as applicable)in the event of substantial and uncured deficiencies that prevent progression x to the next stage,as set forth in the applicable SOW document.. Any and all fees associated with w Customei's e-invoicing,portal,or payment solution will be the responsibility of Customer,without dispute. CSLLC will provide all necessary documents or invoices to confirm the fees, if such fees c are incurred. o U Unless otherwise provided in a SOW,prices quoted do not include,and Customer shall reimburse o CSLLC for reasonable business expenses incurred by CSLLC in connection with its performance of the SOW,including,without limitation,the cost of travel(air and cab fare,lodging,meal expenses, r° auto rental) and out of pocket costs for overnight courier; PROVIDED, that the same shall have first been approved in writing by Customer before being incurred by CSLLC. L 0 7. Non-solicitation., During the Term and for a period of one (1)year thereafter, Customer agrees not to actively solicit the services or business of any CSLLC partner, employee, subcontractor(or 0 U employee / second tier subcontractor thereof) with whom it has directly interfaced during the course of providing Services covered by this Agreement, without the prior written consent of E CSLLC. U r r Q Rev.03.19.2019 2 Packet Pg. 25 4.C.b eCOLLABORATIVE M aster Services Agreement SOLUTIONS N N 8. Termination: The Customer may terminate this Agreement at any time, for any reason or no reason at all, with ninety(90) days advance written notice to CSLLC. Either party may terminate Cn this Agreement far cause in the event that the other party is in material default of this Agreement c and has not cured such failure or commenced corrective action to cure such failure such is o r_ reasonably acceptable to the other party in the reasonable exercise of its discretion,within thirty M (30) days after receipt of notice outlining in detail such material default. J c� 9. Insurance: CSLLC agrees to provide and maintain in effect at all times during the Term of this 'c `o Agreement, at CSLLC's sole expense, at a minimum, the following insurance coverage: (i) comprehensive general liability insurance with a combined limit of Two Million Dollars `o ($2,000,000) in aggregate with limit of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per for occurrence for personal injury,and property damage liability inclusive of all premises and operations,and broad m E form property damage,and endorsed to include coverage for products and completed operations contractual liability and independent contractors. CSLLC shall maintain professional errors and a omissions insurance coverage (which shall include cyber liability coverage) with a minimum of U Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) per occurrence and Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) in the � aggregate. The foregoing insurance shall be written on an occurrence basis. vi c 0 10. Confidential Information: Except as expressly permitted hereunder, each Party shall hold in confidence and not use or disclose any materials or information disclosed by the other Party (n during the term of this Agreement that are marked"confidential"or"proprietary,"orthat contain W personal data of Customer's employees and personnel ("Personal Data"), or other materials or information that by their very nature are clearly and reasonably regarded as the confidential 0 information of such Party ("Confidential Information"). Each Party shall treat the other Party's T Confidential Information with at least the same degree of care it uses to prevent unauthorized o U disclosure or use of its own Confidential Information, but in no event less than a reasonable c degree of care. Confidential Information will not include any materials or information that the recipient can prove(i) is now, or later becomes,through no act or failure to act on the part of the receiving Party,generally known or available to the public; (i i) is known by the receiving Party at m the time of disclosure as evidenced by its records;(iii)is furnished to the receiving Party by a third party, as a matter of right and without restriction on disclosure; (iv) is independently developed x by the receiving Party without any breach of this Agreement; or (v) is the subject of a written permission to disclose provided by the disclosing Party. The Parties are permitted to disclose Confidential Information in response to an enforceable order by a court or other governmental body, a subpoena daces tecum, as otherwise required by law, or as necessary to establish the v rights of either Party under this Agreement; provided, however, that the Party disclosing such v, Confidential Information shall use its best efforts to provide reasonably prompt prior written o notice to the other Party of its intended disclosure of the Confidential Information (except as prohibited by applicable law) to enable the other Party to seek a protective order or otherwise U° prevent such disclosure. 10.1. Non-Disclosure. Unless otherwise directed by Customer, CSLLC agrees that it will not at any time, either during or after the term of this Agreement, (i) use Confidential 0 Information for its own orfor a third party's purpose;(ii)disclose or permit to be disclosed T to any person any Confidential Information; or(iii) permit any person to examine and/or �j make copies of any reports or any documents that contain or relate to such Confidential Information. Upon termination of this Agreement, CSLLC will deliver to Customer all E documents, papers and other matter in CSLLC's possession or under CSLLC's control that contain or relate to such Confidential Information. CSLLC further agrees that CSLLC shall r r Q Rev.03.19.2019 3 Packet Pg. 26 4.C.b COLLABORATIVE Master Services Agreement SOLUTIONS N N not disclose any information to Customer on a confidential basis or incorporate in a Deliverable any information that is considered confidential by CSLLC or a third party m without such information being identified and marked as confidential and approved in c writing by Customer prior to such disclosure or incorporation. 9 10.2. The obligation of non-disclosure shall not apply to information which (i) was in the possession of CSLLC prior to disclosure hereunder; or(ii) was in the public domain at the J time of disclosure or later became part of the public domain without breach of the confidentiality obligations herein contained;or(iii)was disclosed by a third party without o breach of any obligation of confidentiality owed to Customer; or(iv) was independently developed by the CSLLC. The exceptions listed above in clauses(i)through (iv) above do 0 not apply to Personal Data. r c m 11. Proprietary Rights: All Work Product delivered to Customer by CSLLC under the applicable SOW (whether or not the SOW is completed), are the property of Customer and all title and interest a therein shall vest in Customer and shall be deemed to be,to the fullest extent permitted by law, U a work made for hire and made in the course of the services rendered hereunder. Customer shall J have the unlimited right to make, have made, use, import, sell, offer to sell, reconstruct, repair, vi modify,reproduce,publish,distribute,exhibit, perform or display publicly and prepare derivative c works of the Work Product, in whole or in part,or combine the Work Product with other matter, or not use the Work Product at all, as it sees fit. To the extent that title to any such works may U) not, by operation of law,vest in Customer or such works may not be considered works made-for- > hire, all rights, title and interest therein are hereby irrevocably assigned to Customer by CSLLC. To the extent any Work Product incorporates or is delivered with any Retained intellectual 0 Property, CSLLC hereby grants Customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free right to use such Retained Intellectual Property solely for purposes of utilizing the Work Product,and such U right will be perpetual to the extent Customer is not in breach of this Agreement or otherwise 0 challenging CSLLC's rights in the Retained Intellectual Property. M 12. Disputes,Choice of Law:This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with m the substantive laws of Washington State without regard to principles of conflicts of laws. x 13. Warranty CSLLC warrants that services contracted will be provided in a professional and w workmanlike manner. Customer must notify CSLLC of any warranty deficiencies within 30 days from the later of: (i)completion of performance of the Services described in the SOW document L or change order; or (ii) Customer's applicable project's "go live" date. For any breach of the o warranty,Customer's exclusive remedy, and CSLLC's entire liability, shall be the re-performance N of the deficient services in a timely manner,and if CSLLC cannot correct a breach or a performance o failure in a commercially reasonable manner, Customer may terminate the relevant services and CSLLC will refund the fees paid by Customer for the specific deficient services in question and any o rn reasonable costs incurred by the Customer in remedying the deficiency. :r 14. Limitation of Liability: EXCLUDING INDEMNIFIED CLAIMS UNDER SECTION 16, CSLLC'S LIABILITY 0 UNDER THIS AGREEMENT SHALL NOT IN THE AGGREGATE EXCEED THREE TIMES THE TOTAL ca CONTRACT PRICE PAID OR TO BE PAID UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, SUCH V LIMITATION SHALL NOT APPLY TO CSLLC'S GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT.WITH THE EXCEPTION OF A PARTY'S GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT, IN NO EVENT y SHALL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, FOR ANY E t INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST SAVINGS, PROFITS OR U r r Q Rev.03.19.2019 4 Packet Pg. 27 4.C.b COLLABORATIVE Master services Agreement SOLUTIONS N N BUSINESS INTERRUPTIONS)ARISING OUT OF OR PERTAINING TO THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS AGREEMENT, EVEN IF A PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE m LIMITATIONS IN THIS SECTION SHALL APPLY TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW AND c EVEN IF AN EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FAILS OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. o m 15. Disclaimer: WITH THE EXCEPTION OF WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS HEREIN, CSLLC J DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, NOW o INFRINGEMENT, DATA ACCURACY, SYSTEM INTEGRATION, OR QUIET ENJOYMENT. NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE FOR LOSSES OR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR DUE TO SITUATIONS `o RESULTING FROM FORCE MAJEURE. r c m E 16. Indemnity; CSLLC shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Customer, and its and their a� respective directors, officers and employees (the "Customer Indemnified Parties") from and a against any and all damages(including taxes), losses,and all related costs and expenses, including v reasonable legal fees and disbursements, and costs of investigation, litigation, settlement, J J judgment,appeal, interest,fines and penalties (collectively, "Damages") related to: its negligent vi performance of this Agreement that results in personal injury or tangible personal property o damages, or to a third party in connection with a claim of such third party (the foregoing, collectively, "Claims" and each a "Claim")to the extent arising out of or relating to an allegation i� that the Services or Work Product provided by CSLLC infringes or misappropriates such third party's copyrights or trade secrets. CSLLC's obligations under this Section are conditioned upon: (i) Customer providing reasonably prompt notice of any Claim to CSLLC; (ii) CSLLC having full 0 control over the defense or settlement of such Claim with counsel of its choice; and (iii) Customer's reasonable cooperation with CSLLC, at CSLLC's cost and expense, in connection with o U the settlement and defense of such Claim. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained c in this Agreement,CSLLC shall have no liability or obligation underthis Section or otherwise under this Agreement to the extent a Claim is rased upon or arises from (a) use of the Services or any deliverable in combination with software, hardware or other technology not provided by CSLLC, m (b) any acts,omissions, products or services of Workday, Inc. or any other third party supplier or contractor of Customer, (c) any specifications, data, materials or other information provided by X Customer to CSLLC,or(d)the negligence or willful misconduct of Customer. w 17. Order of Precedence:The terms and conditions of the body of this Agreement shall control over terms and conditions in an SOW. Notwithstanding the foregoing, when a SOW expressly �o references a term or condition of the body of this Agreement and expressly states the intent of the Parties to override such term or condition,the applicable term or condition of such SOW shall o control for purposes of that particular SOW. 0 U) 18. Assignment: Neither party may assign any of its rights or obligations hereunder, whether by operation of law or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the other party (not to be unreasonably withheld). Notwithstanding the foregoing,either party may assign this Agreement 0 in its entirety (including all SOWs), without consent of the other party, in connection with a T merger, acquisition, corporate reorganization, or sale of all or substantially all of its assets not U involving a direct competitor of the other party,but in such an event,the non-assigning party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon the giving of thirty (30) days advance written E notice to the assigning party.Any attempt by a party to assign its rights and obligations underthis U r r Q Rev.03.19.2019 5 Packet Pg. 28 4.C.b COLLABORATIVE Master Services Agreement SOLUTIONS N N Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties, their respective successors and permitted assigns. ca) c 19. Entire Ajgreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with ° respect to their subject matter and shall not be modified or rescinded except by a writing signed ° m by the Customer and CSLLC. The SOWS are incorporated herein by this reference. The provisions J of this Agreement supersede all contemporaneous oral agreements and all prior oral and written quotations, communications, agreements, understandings of the Parties, and written or oral 'c representations of either Party with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, and any letter of intent or memorandum of understanding executed by the Parties with respect to the `o Services. This Agreement shall govern the rights and obligations of the Parties beginning on the Services Start Date. E a� a� 20. Relationship of the Parties: The parties are independent contractors. This Agreement does not a create nor is it intended to create a partnership, franchise, joint venture, agency, fiduciary or v employment relationship between the parties. J vi 21. MarketindCustomer Reference: Customer agrees to be a reference account for CSLLC. CSLLC c may use Customer's name and logo on CSLLC's website and in its customer lists, marketing collateral and material, case studies, and investor information. CSLLC may issue a press release ° regarding this Agreement or the scope of Services performed for Customer. ca 22. [notices: Whenever under this Agreement or any SOW notice is required or permitted to be given, 0 such notice shall be in writing and effective upon receipt. All notices shall be hand delivered,sent ° by a reputable commercial overnight courier, or mailed by registered or certified United States U mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, and addressed to the addressee at its address set forth below. Such notice shall be effective and deemed received for purposes of this Section 22 three(3)days from the date sent by registered or certified mail,and one(1)day from the date sent by hand,facsimile or overnight courier to the addresses set forth below. A Party may change m its address,fax number or email address information for notice by giving prior written notice of the new address in conformity with the foregoing and the date upon which such new address will become effective. w To Customer: To CSLLC: L c The City of Kent Robert Maller, President and CCO t i Information Technology 220 Fourth Ave S. Collaborative Solutions,LLC ° Kent, WA 98032 11190 Sunrise Valley Drive,Suite 110 ' 0 Reston,VA 20191 U) m :r ° L IN WITNESS WHEREOF,for adequate consideration and intending to be legally bound,the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. — 0 U Collaborative Solutions,LLC. The City of Kent U ° r r Q Rev.03.191019 6 Packet Pg. 29 4.C.b A COLLABORATIVE Master Services Agreement SOLUTIONS Signature Signature to c O Robert Maller J Print Name Print Name >, c� Nov 21, 2019 Date Date `o r c m E as a� L Q U J J uj C O r 7 O Cn N cC L O O U 0 ti M m r t K W v L O U c O 7 O U) d L O O U c m E t v cv r r Q Rev.03.191019 7 Packet Pg. 30 4.C.b v a v a v v Q v o v o a o v v a v v p a v a a a Q v Cl a o (D O a Q a Q a O a C7 a O a p a 0 0 p a p a Q v L) o d o ui o Sri 0, ci o o Ln ui a U7 0 0 o a o a 0 Q a a a N cv a rD CO op r0 (1) 00 m N p N sD 'T w V N cV a CD co co I� a cfl 1� V r r0 N V r r0 C) op r f� v co Q .-- m p V cl to N N E [0 Ln N w C\F _ co a Lo cD m Q N L ta) 0 CO 07 r l[] n a CD f� r7 f— CD r T N r r r T N T N y=a V cn x cn_ C H C E E O G N � 0- O] Q r R L� a a a Q a a a 0 o v v a v a 0va a v a a o v Q a�i Q v aaQvvCDa0 vovCDaQ a a v Qv QpQ paac >` a o LO CD o 0 o 6 � a to, o 0 0 aQ a Q a v -Ya L LO r ❑] '+`. m h K B M W r- sr Ln (O N 0N r O N CU � co co N 0)Do �t a fD v m (CD D O l0j Lu C) m N m rn cO f- M m ONi N a �s7 r0 P7 a n r N r O Q] y r C r+ N ,? Q C ❑ L W 7 7 p d ti 0 41 a1 G} -0C) p � U C co � 2tm 4! 0 q7 Q 0 0 0 > C, r � J Z J c N W L 00 a o (D in c� U + q a0 �o �, 0 O •0 N f� _ [V V 'cu 0) ❑ 0 Lh 'r O O lt7 IE y I_- L cu 0 7+ O C O t L h CO �n N COO CO Q a 6 d 0] M to o r � x � amp T a m � _ c x o �j x w w m C C V 7 Q a x a N i L m � v L x �'� r L x x o N Q 7S y r co x -C x x r c` L N N x v` o _c` U] C Q m 000 � I r m _�`c 0 M L _L x LO �a X' L ry Q u acli p X ❑ w: C ❑ N OY x tf] 't a a-) u] L V 0 L N N 69 IT W Qq. Q3 v � a�ir v+ � tr° xx °° � enx x � � � � " U) - - La CD — 7 tf7 - 49 co L l] N U N — L U m Q N Y d ch cn av — — rig n r��1 °° o y, c'n m m LO m ❑ � 0 0 L U7 LN.7 4'] LO 6r� 0 Co 7 r � � N t V � 7 8 7 Lfl tN� L. 03 G] CL y_ LO 7 LSO L] 7 +Ii bq (n to _ y ,.� vi 7 O [I] 7 f/7 x V a+ L N 4 V�r�ij � co U j — p — a y 0. a � V� O CL Lf.1 a tl a ER 7 Q a 2 N U a C] UJ d @ OL T N yi v 0. u) 0 U Q7 "_v a ° U c N a N u a °- ° > o U v ° a, ¢ c y a v a C `Q m a o w E a a > v m ¢ m (n a .� ° v Y m a d 4 h ¢ ° i ¢ Q c aci v y 3 CL m a r � a `°�° chi �_ m o �' •° c .� c ¢ v, ¢ a ¢ m x L T� '❑ m Q w o H c c U E is Q " m }� ❑ LL .r LL 07 C t c� E c °1 �' c ❑ rn a m U c m — ° c U m o ar ca E `� m U avi o aci U 'm � 06 > > UQ CL tL w = a U m a ❑ Q _ [r U m H ❑ 1a' H U 0 L ❑ C ` 0 0 N 4 � ❑ 0 � C N U z= ; N 0 U ❑ Cl N w Q F- ❑ co QS d wTr 3 E .Fu 0 V C ( t U O cV Q E v 0 SG _ 0 SQ N r ate'+ N E CLE N � Q L �:E � Cl C m O C p3 c N co V? Y J r N P'] it) CO of r tM- r r (o r m CD N N V co N N N Packet Pg. 31 4.C.b a v -, o W N �p v N_ CL > L L Cr �0/� 1C v/ p* C7 0 C 0 :. m � J Q R � = Y 9 O @ zr 0 w 0 N v 4- ro T zr 0 �_ � a� O m y [[J L U O o J C 3 CD 0 3 O ro 0 o' Cn � O Cu L 0 O U 0 ti v M m r t X W v L 0 0 U N c O ❑ w C O N U) am) > L 0 R 0 U c 1 E Co C t v --4 v r W w a Ln CD Cn CD 6 CD O Q Q Packet Pg. 32 4.C.b N N V d Y) C O C R d J ca Y L O L O r eCOLLABORATIVE E SOLUTIONS Q U J J N C O r 7 O Statement of Work `n L O Workday Deployment Services 0 for M m x W L * O KENTN N A'i H I IN U T 0 N 0 a+ 7 O U) d > L O O U c m E t v cv r r Q Packet Pg. 33 4.C.b N STATEMENT OF WORK � FOR WORKDAY DEPLOYMENT SERVICES c This Statement of Work("SOW') is made on this 2151 day of November 2019 (the"SOW Effective Date'} by and 9 between City of Kent("Customer), having its principal place of business at 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 and Collaborative Solutions, LLC, a limited liability company("CSLLC'% having its principal place J of business at 11190 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 110, Reston, VA 20191 for Services scheduled to begin an January 6, 2020 ["Start Hate'} and expected to end on October 23, 2020, Y L 0 This SOW, together with the Agreement, sets out the terms pursuant to which CSLLC will provide certain Services, as further described below. This SOW is being entered into in connection with and subject to the terms ,0 and conditions contained in the Master Services Agreement between CSLLC and Customer dated as of November 21, 2019 (the"Agreement"). All capitalized terms used herein that are not otherwise defined shall have the same meaning as ascribed to such terms in the Agreement. L 1.0 Scope of Work a U J The Scope of Work set out below describes the limits of the implementation in terms of organization, J functionality, data conversion, integrations, reports, change management and training which will be a part of c the project. 0 r 1.1.Organization Scope a� 1.1.1. Person Population: L 0 Active Employees Nine hundred thirty-four 934 0 Contingent Workers Process Only, none to load v Retirees Sixty-three 63 M - m Americas United States of America 1.1.2. Language: English. All communication, documentation, data and deliverables will be in English. x w 1.1.3. Currency: United Stated dollars U L 1.1.4. Security: Single sign-on and activation of Workday Factory delivered security groups. o U 1.2.Functionality Scope 0 The following Functional Areas will be configured within the Workday application. This project is being 0 deployed using CSLLC's CynergyTM methodology, :r L HCM: Core United States of America Compensation: Core United States of America Benefits United States of America c i Recruiting United States of America Learning Management United States of America Performance Management United States of America U r r Q Packet Pg. 34 4.C.b N N V Absence Management United States of America Time Tracking United States of America Payroll United States of America c Mobile Solutions United States of America 9 Employee Self-Service United States of America Manager Self-Service United States of America J c� Configuration of the Functional Areas above will be limited to the functionality Scope contained in Appendix D of this SOW. o L 1.3. Data Conversion Scope ° r c m Five (5) data load cycles are included in the Scope of Work of this SOW. Data from Customer's copy of E current production systems will be converted into Workday during each of the conversion cycles without data scrambling or masking. Data scrambling or masking is not included in the Scope of Work of this a SOW, with the exception of email addresses for all person types which will be masked until the Gold/pre- production build. The data load cycles for this SOW include: � • Foundation tenant ■ Configuration tenant c • End-to-End tenant • Parallel tenant o ■ Gold/pre-production tenant a� The data validation reports will be provided as a starting point for data conversion files. Minor o modifications will be necessary for Customer specific requirements of additional data points, however any additional changes to the delivered reports will require a change order. c U 1.4. Interfaces/Integrations Scope c ti The integrations listed in the Appendix B are included in the Scope of the project. Below is a summary of the integration counts. m r Integrations Owner Cloud Enterprise Interface Workday Other Connect Builder(EIB)/ Studio w (CC) Document (Studio) Transformation Service L ors CSLLC Nine 9 Two 2 Five 5 One 1 c i Customer Zero 0 Six 5 Zero 0 Zero 0 c 0 1.5. Report Scope U) m All Workday delivered standard reports associated with the Scope listed in Section 1.2 are included in the c Scope of Work of the project. If CSLLC has included a set number of hours of assistance for additional o custom reporting support and training as part of CSLLC's estimate, it will be identified in the pricing T section of this SOW. o U Any specific custom reports listed in Appendix B are included in the Scope of the project. E 2.0 Services and Responsibilities r r Q Packet Pg. 35 4.C.b This section identifies the Services to be performed by CSLLC and the Customer. i Cn Stage CSLLC Services Customer ResaonWhaities c 0 Plan ■ Assemble the CSLLC project team ■ Identify and provide project team and project • deliver discovery templates (deployment Subject Matter Experts(SME) _J discovery questionnaire, integration ■ Participate in functional and technical planning discovery) sessions Y ■ Create integrations discovery list ■ Provide input into the project charter o ■ Create the integration tracker(dashboard) ■ Provide input into the project plan ■ Conduct functional and technical project ■ Approve and sign—off on charter and project O planning sessions plan ■ Create the project charter ■ Provide interface requirements and existing ■ Create the project plan sample files • Provide the data gathering workbook for ■ Notify third-party vendors for integrations and the foundation tenant obtain consensus on project timelines a • Provide the sample data conversion and ■ Provide third-party contact information and J validation strategy template confirm third-party providers agree to project _J ■ Provide design document templates timeline ■ Jointly schedule architect workshops(SMEs ■ Provide the completed discovery templates o planning for design) ■ Identify initial risks and recommendations to ■ Create the executive presentation for reduce risk in project kickoff meeting ■ Jointly schedule architect workshops (SMEs a� • Participate and support the project kickoff planning for design) meeting Begin inventory of what is available for the o ■ Provide test strategy sample template communication, training, and champion ■ Work with Customer to set up the Secure activities c File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) site for • Complete Workday training including integration v sharing confidential/private employee data and functional training c ■ Build foundation tenant/Copy production ■ Lead project kick off meeting M tenant to configuration tenant ■ Provide plan and policy documents • Provide exception reports issues log from ■ Work with CSLLC to set up SFTP site for sharing m tenant build confidential/private employee data ■ Deliver Cynergy'm tenant validation reports ■ Provide implementation tenant for exclusive use iE and support validation efforts of foundation in this project w tenant ■ Provide person data for build of foundation ■ Provide stage sign-off document tenant and submit to SFTP L ■ Review and resolve issues from exception reports U ■ Validation of foundation tenant build M • Sign-off on stage o Architect ■ Manage the project plan • Provide input to the project plan ■ Conduct architect workshops(design • Hold steering committee meetings fn sessions) • Provide project SMEs for architect workshops ■ Develop the CSLLC assigned integration ■ Participate in architect workshops design documents ■ Assist in clarifying configuration requirements o ■ Provide the data gathering workbooks for • Setup SFTP site by Customer for integrations the configuration tenant ■ Conduct integrations architect workshop for — • Deliver the initial functional design Customer assigned integrations U documentation for sign-off • Develop Customer assigned integration design ■ Schedule recurring project meetings and documents status reporting U r r Q Packet Pg. 36 4.C.b N V CSLLC Service Customer Responsibilities m ■ !Participate in weekly project meetings and Participate in weekly project and workstreamng committee meetings meetings ° ■ Conduct weekly Project Management Office ■ Review and sign-off of functional and integration a (PMO) status meetings design documents J ■ Conduct weekly workstream meetings ■ Develop data conversion strategy and plan ■ Assist with questions regarding mapping of ■ Update data gathering workbooks for Y data to Workday data model configuration tenant 0 ■ Build configuration tenant ■ Develop extract scripts and provide validated L ■ Provide exception reports/issues log from extract data from legacy system(s) into one set ,0 tenant build of data into the CSLLC prescribed data ■ Deliver Cynergy"I tenant validation reports conversion templates for load to the Workday and support validation efforts of platform for the configuration tenant configuration tenant ■ Provide person data for configuration tenant and ■ Finalize tenant management plan submit to SFTP a ■ Provide stage sign-off document ■ Validation of configuration tenant build ■ Review and resolve issues from exception J reports ■ Review existing reports and confirming which r Workday report will meet these needs and identifying any necessary custom reports as part in of the architect stage ° ■ Define and document test plan and test scenarios(end-to-end, user acceptance and `o regression) ■ Sign-off on stage c Configure ■ Manage the project plan, participate in ■ Provide input to the project plan and participate v and weekly project meetings and steering in weekly project meetings o Prototype committee meetings ■ Participate in weekly workstream meetings M ■ Conduct weekly workstream meetings ■ Develop Customer-assigned integrations ■ Complete configuration in the configuration ■ Conduct unit testing of integrations developed m tenant by Customer ■ Conduct unit test for configuration tenant ■ Create integration operations guides for all • Begin functional knowledge transfer Customer assigned integrations w process during configuration tenant unit • Participate in functional knowledge transfer testing during configuration tenant unit testing L ■ Jointly conduct Customer Confirmation ■ Jointly conduct Customer Confirmation Sessions o Sessions ■ Finalize test scenarios, test scenario L) ■ Develop CSLLC assigned integrations assignments and detailed daily test plan ■ Conduct unit testing of integrations ■ Complete custom reports requirements 0 developed by CSLLC ■ Sign-off on functional design documents after ■ Create Integrations operations instructions Customer Confirmation Sessions r° guides for CSLLC-assigned integrations ■ Develop extract scripts and provide validated ■ Contribute to updated functional design extract data from legacy system(s) into one set documents of data into the CSLLC prescribed data o ■ Provide unit test scenarios from architect conversion templates for load to the Workday workshops and advise on Customer platform for the end-to-end tenant o defined test scenarios ■ Provide person data for end-to-end tenant and c) ■ Provide a sample defect tracking log submit to SFM ■ Design and develop reports as defined by • Update data gathering workbooks for end-to- Scope in Appendix B end tenant U ° r r Q Packet Pg. 37 4.C.b N V Stage CSLLC Services Customer Responsibilities = Deliver final CSLLC-maintained design • Validation of end-to-end tenant build c workbooks to Customer at the end of the ■ Review and resolve issues from exception q stage reports o ■ Assist with questions regarding mapping of • Sign-off on stage _J data to Workday data model c� ■ Build of end-to-end tenant Y ■ Provide exception reports/issues log from 0 end-to-end tenant build = Deliver CynergyTM tenant validation reports ,o and support validation efforts of end-to- end tenant ■ Provide stage sign-off document Test ■ Manage the project plan and participate in ■ Provide input to the project plan and participate weekly project meetings in weekly project meetings a ■ Participate in test kickoff session ■ Create/maintain defect tracking log J ■ Conduct one-hour navigation review per ■ Lead test kickoff session _J workstream, at start of test cycle ■ Train and prepare testers for testing • Create integrations schedule recurrence • Execution of performance testing if required by G r tracker Workday ■ Support integration defect resolution For = Facilitate daily end-to-end or parallel meeting (° CSLLC assigned integrations • Coordinate on all tasks around latest Workday ■ Provide functioning CSLLC assigned update interfaces per the test plan ■ Execution of all test scenarios (end-to-end, user o ■ Participate in one (1) thirty (30) minute acceptance and regression) and provide test daily end-to-end or parallel test status management(e.g. testing coordination, c meeting, limited to one (1) CSLLC compiling scenarios, reporting metrics,etc.) v functional workstream consultant and one ■ Perform issue resolution of end-to-end with c (1) CSLLC integration consultant if CSLLC oversight M applicable,for workstreams where there is ■ Provide functioning Customer assigned an open issue. interfaces per the test plan CO ■ Conduct up to five (5)one (1) hour • Participate in daily end-to-end status meetings knowledge transfer meetings, per ■ Customer SME to participate in knowledge workstream transfer meetings w • Assist with questions regarding mapping of ■ Prepare for user acceptance testing data to Workday data model = Develop subset or supplemental scenarios for L ■ Build of parallel tenant additional testing during Test stage ■ Provide exception reports/issues log from = Update system configuration as required 0 parallel tenant build • Update design documentation (as required by ■ Deliver CynergyTTM tenant validation reports internal Audit team) o and support validation efforts of parallel ■ Manage and sign-off on all test results (end-to- tenant end, user acceptance and regression) o ■ Provide sample deployment cutover plan ■ Complete test of extraction and load process for • Provide Workday Go-Live checklist catch-up data transaction entry ■ Provide knowledge transfer workbook for ■ Develop extract scripts and provide validated L sign-off extract data from legacy system(s) into one (1) ■ Provide stage sign-off document set of data into the CSLLC prescribed data — conversion templates for load to the Workday v platform for the parallel tenant ■ Provide person data for parallel tenant and 4) submit to SFTP U r r Q Packet Pg. 38 4.C.b N V Stage CSLLC Services Customer Responsibilities i! ■ Update data gathering workbooks for parallel c tenant ■ Validation of parallel tenant build ■ Review and resolve issues from exception J reports ■ Complete catch-up data transaction entry for Y parallel `o ■ Execution of parallel per Customer-defined parallel test management strategy and success 0 criteria • Develop deployment cutover plan ■ Complete and sign the Workday go-live checklist m ■ Complete and sign-off on the knowledge transfer workbook a ■ Si n-off on stage J Deploy ■ Manage the project plan and participate in ■ Provide input to the project plan and participate J weekly project meetings in weekly project meetings • Provide the Workday Go-live authorization • Manage and execute on deploy cutover plan r ■ Schedule and conduct final Workday ■ Develop extract scripts and provide validated Delivery Assurance reviews extract data from legacy system(s) into one set in ■ Update integration schedule recurrences of data into the CSLLC prescribed data tracker conversion templates for load to the Workday • Assist with questions regarding mapping of platform for the gold/pre-production tenant o data to Workday data model • Provide person data for gold/pre-production ■ Build of gold/pre-production tenant tenant and submit to SFTP c ■ Provide exception reports/issues log from ■ Update data gathering workbooks for gold/pre- v gold/pre-production tenant build production tenant o ■ Deliver Cynergy'm tenant validation reports • Validation of gold/pre-production tenant build M and support validation efforts of gold/pre- ■ Review and resolve issues from exception production tenant reports m • Support sandbox and production • Complete catch-up data transaction entry migrations by Customer ■ Conduct sandbox and production migrations of K ■ Deliver CynergyTN4 tenant validation reports configuration w and support validation efforts of sandbox ■ verify migration of Customer assigned r tenant integrations • Verify migration of CSLLC assigned ■ Jointly complete the Workday go-live o integrations announcement c) ■ Schedule integrations according to the • Approve and sign-off on the Workday go-live N integrations schedule recurrence tracker authorization o ■ Schedule the transition to production • Create and distribute the Workday go-live support meeting with Customer(held after announcement ° w move-to-production) Solicit feedback from champions, stakeholders, • Jointly complete the Workday go-live and sponsors and determine additional activities, announcement as appropriate o • Provide stage sign-off document • Continue delivering end user training and education o ■ Begin evaluating end user adoption and define v follow-up and actions ■ Continue delivering communications • Sign-off on stage E U r r Q Packet Pg. 39 4.C.b Stage CSLLC Services Customer Responsibilities - m Post Provide standby support after the move-to- ■ Staff and manage help desk � Production production as defined by the number of ■ Make any updates to production c Support weeks in the timeline outlined in Section ■ Sign-off on stage 3.3 _J ■ Conduct knowledge transfer sessions for CSLLC developed integrations Y ■ Provide stage sign-off document `o L Organizational Change&Training OC&T ,o No CSLLC Services Customer Responsibilities E Organizational Develop the organizational change Provide organizational change Change management strategy and timeline, counterpart(s)to regularly interface with Q Management and incorporate it into the overall CSLLC's OC&T team U Workday project timeline Provide input and approval of all facets of � • Provide stakeholder and readiness the organizational change management c assessment templates strategy and timeline o • Support stakeholder identification and • Identify stakeholders, sponsors,and change analysis activities champions (° • Advise on project branding and provide ■ Conduct stakeholder identification and real-world examples readiness assessments , • Conduct OC&T discovery session and • Establish and execute project branding o architect workshop to assess and • Participate in OC&T discovery session and 0 identify change management, architect workshop, including providing c communication and training needs and required discovery information to plan v approaches content for these meetings c • Provide template and support the • Provide resource(s) to attend and engage in development of a Change Impact functional architect workshops to capture Analysis and Summary through the change impacts m Architect stage Co-lead development of the Change Impact • Develop preliminary communications Analysis and executive readout summary, plan assuming full ownership after Architect w • Advise on the development of stage communications • Manage and implement Change Champion • Advise on the design of a change Network, including leading all check-ins with champion network change champions and developing 0 t) • Support execution of change champion communications for champions to distribute network activities&events Lead preparation for, and execution of, User o ■ Advise on user experience testing Experience Testing sessions including strategies and planning logistics and identifying internal support • Recommend end user adoption resources measurement activities Lead development and delivery of all end • Advise on post-launch OC&T user communications sustainment activities to ensure • Measure and report on end user adoption �° continued success of program End User • Develop end user training strategy as Provide end user training counterpart to L) Training & part of overall Organizational change regularly interface with CSLLC's OC&T team Education— strategy Provide input on the end user training E Phase One 1 strategy U r r Q Packet Pg. 40 4.C.b N N V CSLLC Services Customer Responsibilities • Develop preliminary Training Needs ■ Review and approve the Training Needs c Assessment&Curriculum Plan Assessment&Curriculum Plan, including 9 • Provide training samples and validating with internal SMEs and prototypes stakeholders J ■ Provide guidance on when to leverage ■ Maintain Training Needs Assessment& Workday Adoption Kit, if purchased, Curriculum Plan starting in the Test Stage versus when to build customized • Lead development of training materials as o training defined in the training curriculum plan ■ Advise on best practices for in-system • Coordinate training delivery and deployment ,0 communications to end user populations ■ Advise on train-the-trainer strategy, • Define train-the-trainer strategy including which will be executed by Customer trainer identification and preparation • Recommend evaluation methods approach • Recommend additional reinforcement Lead train-the-trainer sessions for any Q activities to increase adoption internal trainers to prepare them to lead U end user training sessions. J • Lead all training delivery as defined in the c training curriculum plan, including web- ° r based training and in-person, instructor-led ' sessions U) ■ Register training participants and track training completion a • Assess training effectiveness `0 ■ Coordinate training remediation 0 U 3.0 Project Approach c ti 3.1.Methodology CO r The implementation will be completed by following CSLLC's CynergyT"' methodology which consists of the following stages: Plan, Architect, Configure and Prototype,Test, and Deploy. The specific tasks and w durations to complete these tasks will be detailed in the Project-Plan, Project Charter and Project , Schedule which are to be developed jointly by the CSLLC Engagement Manager (CSLLC EM)and the Customer Project Manager. c 0 U 3.2.Governance c 0 Project Management 0 In the Plan stage of the project, the CSLLC EM will work with the Customer Project Manager to develop a U) am detailed Project Plan to be used to maintain project tasks and timelines. A Project Charter will be created to guide the team in maintaining Scope and project objectives. The Project Charter will also define the L path of issue escalation. �° c� Finalization of the Scope, as determined during the Plan and Architect stages, may require the project ° U team to revise the estimates and resource requirements for the Configure and Prototype and Test stages of the project. E Change Control Process 0 r r Q Packet Pg. 41 4.C.b Any additional or modified Scope of Services shall be documented in a separate written and fully 4) executed Project Change Order Form using the template set forth in Appendix C. Such form shall include > the written approval of an authorized representative of Customer before CSLLC will begin any additional cn work or incur any charges or fees outside the Scope of Work of this SOW. Customer and CSLLC agree to r_ the following change control process when a Change Request is issued: ° ■ Step 1: CSLLC will prepare a description of the necessary change including Scope, process, cost, m impact to timeline, impact to resources along with a list of alternative solutions. _J ■ Step 2: The Customer Project Manager will review and approve or reject within his or her authority or escalate to the Executive Sponsor for review and approval or rejection. Y ■ Step 3: Customer will review and approve or deny additional information for all Change Requests o within three(3) business days so as not to cause any unnecessary delay in the project timeline. • Step 4: Any approved change request will be documented and become an addendum to this ,o SOW. c m E Status Reporting During the Plan Stage of the project, the CSLLC EM will coordinate with the Customer Project Manager to establish a set of regularly scheduled meetings to present project status and risks. These will include, but Q are not limited to, a monthly Steering Committee meeting, a weekly Project Core Team Status meeting, J weekly workstream meetings, a weekly Project Management meeting, and additional meetings, as _J needed. The CSLLC EM will report out at the Steering Committee and Team Status meetings on the status, activities, issues and other relevant project information. r The monthly Steering Committee meeting will include a review of the project timeline and status, c� accomplishments to date, upcoming project activities and milestones, review of issues and risks requiring > action from the Steering Committee members, potential changes to Scope and a review of the financials CU of the project. The Steering Committee will include a readout by the CSLLC EM on the state of the o project; participation may be in person or remote. 0 A weekly Status Meeting will be held with the core team and the Customer Project Manager to assess v recent accomplishments, issues, risk factors and to ensure that the work planned for the next two(2) o weeks is properly resourced. Risk factors and roadblocks will be assessed and either resolved or M escalated. In addition to these meetings, meetings with functional teams will be scheduled to review and -- resolve any open issues. m r All meeting agendas, status reports, steering committee presentations, issues log, project plan and the x project charter will be stored an the Project Collaboration Site as referenced in Section 4.0 Assumptions. w Knowledge Transfer L Over the course of the project, CSLLC will conduct functional and technical knowledge transfer through c Architect Workshops, Customer Confirmation Sessions, weekly workstream meetings and during the Test v stage. Additional knowledge transfer will occur during the Post Production stage as needed. To formalize knowledge transfer, CSLLC will complete and require sign-off by the Customer of the Knowledge Transfer o workbook. CSLLC and Customer will utilize the Knowledge Transfer workbook to track progress and topics during each stage. If Customer requires additional knowledge transfer, this may result in a change order. 0 Process documentation (e.g. operational guides and process flow diagrams) is not in Scope for knowledge transfer, with the exception of the Integrations Operations Guide for CSLLC owned w integrations. o 0 U c d E t v r r a Packet Pg. 42 4.C.b 3.3.Schedule m Cn The time required to complete the project is based on the contents of the Scope of Work section of this r_ 0 document. Unless otherwise mutually agreed upon, Services under this SOW are expected to commence tern (10) business days from the date of execution by the Customer and CSLLC. The estimated duration and estimated start dates of each Project Stage is listed below, pending execution of this SOW and J availability of Customer resources and training. The Customer Payroll schedule may require an adjustment on the estimated start date for the Deploy and Post Production stages. If the Customer Y Payroll schedule requires an adjustment, the number of weeks defined in the timeline below will 0 determine the new stage start and end dates for the Deploy and Post Production stages. � 0 Customer resources will attend Workday fundamentals training for the functional areas in Scope prior to the start of the Architect stage and Customer resources which are assigned to design/build integrations E (as indicated in the integrations Scope)will complete the required Workday training (report writing, calculated fields, and integration-related classes) prior to the start of the Architect stage. If training is a not attended,this could result in a significant impact to the time and cost of the project. J The project will be completed in one (1) phase -as presented below. The timeline for the project is as Jv; follows: 0 Now IEW r 0 Go Live 0 Configure& Post Go- a� 71anArchitect Prototype Test Parallel Deploy Live >_ 4 7 7 8 8 4 4 0 Estimated Start Date 6-Jan-20 3-Feb-20 23-Mar-20 11-May-20 6-Jul-20 31-Aug-20 28-Sep-20 Estimated End Date 31-Jan-20 I 20-Mar-20 8-May-20 1 3-Jul-20 j 28-Aug-20 25-Sep-20 23-Oct-20 0 U Note: 0 ■ Integrations will be developed based on a timeline dependent on the batches defined in the M integrations planning sessions and third-party vendor availability. -- ■ Functional Architect hours are assumed to be heavier in the Architect and Configure &Prototype m stages and will reduce to high level oversight following Customer Confirmation Sessions. x w 3.4. Resources L The following resources and hours are planned for the Project. o U CSLLC Estimated Level of Effort c CSLLC's level of effort estimated by phase and stage is as follows: 0 0 U) m 0 L 0 0 U c m E t v cv r r Q Packet Pg. 43 4.C.b to CSUC Go Live^ v Configure& PHASE 1 DEPLOYMENT _Plan Architect Prototype Test Parallel Deploy _ Post Go-Live T y Weeks 4 7 7 8 8 4 4 42 C Portfolio Director 16 28 �n 24 16 8 4 124 O functional Architect 32 56 56 64 0 0 0 208 R Engagement Manager 160 224 210 229 224 80 64 1190 d HCM 32 126 190 176 64 64 40 692 J A Recruiting 32 126 192 192 48 64 41 695 Compensation 24 56 98 80 35 24 16 333 Y Benefits 32 84 120 118 48 32 24 458 O 3.1 Payroll 40 196 232 208 216 80 64 1036 Time Tracking 24 56 98 96 44 24 16 358 0 Absence Management 24 64 112 112 48 32 16 409 Talent Management 16 28 44 48 32 16 16 200 d Learning 32 70 107 112 48 32 24 425 Data Conversion 48 106 106 124 126 48 32 590 tM Reporting 4 14 21 24 8 5 4 80 Q integrations 1 128 280 285 320 320 112 1 80 1525 J J N .W O Configure& 7 Plan Architect Prototype Test Parallel ML Deploy Post G"ve Cl)p Weeks 4 7 7 8 8 4 4 42 N Change Architect 8 28 28 16 8 2 106 Z OC&T Lead 40 224 224 64 64 32 8 656 L O Customer Estimated Level of Effort o Customer resource estimates are provided as"hest estimates."These estimates are provided to assist U Customer with resource planning. The Customer level of effort estimated by phase and stage is as o follows: M Customer Go Live m r Configure& PHASE 1 DEPLOYMENT 1 Plan Architect Prototype Teat Parallel Deploy Post Go-Uve Totalt L -- K Weeks 4 7 7 1 8 8 4 4 42 W Engagement Manager 240 336 315 342 336 120 96 1785 HCM 48 189 285 264 96 96 60 1038 i Recruiting 48 189 288 289 72 96 62 1043 Compensation 36 84 147 120 53 36 24 500 O U Benefits 48 126 180 177 72 48 36 687 C Payroll 60 294 348 312 324 120 96 1554 O Time Tracking 36 84 147 144 66 36 24 537 Absence Management 36 96 168 168 72 48 24 612 Talent Management 24 42 fib 72 48 24 24 300 (q Learning 48 105 161 168 72 48 36 638 Data Conversion 72 159 159 186 189 72 48 885 Reporting 6 21 32 36 12 8 6 121 i Integrations 1 12 100 140 40 40 40 28 400 O 0 ca O U c m E t v tv r r Q Packet Pg. 44 4.C.b N Customer Go Uve v Configure& Plan FYrtltltect Prom Test 7Paraflel Deploy Post Go-uVe Weeks 4 7 7 1 8 8 4 4 42 U) Chan a Management 1 60 336 336 96 96 4r3 1] 984 r_ O C R d For a definition of Customer roles and responsibilities assigned to the project, see Appendix A. J c� • Resource estimates in the table shown above are for the core project team and are representative estimates based on the experience of other CSLLC clients with projects of a similar Scope. Please ° note, a single role in the table above may be fulfilled by multiple resources(example: two (2) `o resources sharing the Payroll work)or conversely, multiple roles may also be fulfilled by a single 0 resource(example: one(1) resource responsible for both Time Tracking and Absence Management). m • Beyond the hours shown in the table above for the core team, participation will be needed from E various other SMEs as required. Examples include but are not limited to, extended team input into to a architect workshop decisions, other internal departments (e.g. finance) identifying test scenarios, 0 additional resources assistingwith testing execution e. user acceptance testin and legal/internal Q 9 � 9• P 9)� v audit providing oversight/input regarding controls. J • All hours for the Reporting role are not shown in the table. The estimate reflects a bucket of hours v; scoping approach. Custom reporting requirements will be defined during the project. It is assumed Customer is responsible for custom reporting beyond what is specified as CSLLC responsibility in Appendix B. o 4.0 Assumptions > ca The Services, Labor Estimates,and Project Pricing presented in this SOW are based on the following �° assumptions: i. Customer will: o U a. Have the necessary project and executive management support to review and make timely decisions as well as coordinate the activities of this project with other Customer projects which may be occurring simultaneously. This includes gathering any necessary approvals from M governing bodies, such as a Works Council, needed to proceed with the project. b. Have the necessary resources available in each stage, according to how they are identified in the m staffing and project plans. Resources will be empowered and capable of making decisions on behalf of the Customer. Resources will include, but are not be limited to, functional and technical w leads, and applicable business process and SMEs. If resource and/or priority conflicts occur, they , will be discussed and resolved with the project Steering Committee. c. Provide the necessary hardware for the deployment, including all required technology needs and L connectivity including a desk, internet connection, and network access to all relevant Customer o applications. The CSLLC consultants will have access to office space as well as the hardware and U software including security rights and passwords where required in order to complete the o deployment. d. CSLLC resources will provide their own laptops. If Customer-owned laptops or virtual machines ' are required to be used, this may result in a Change Order. rn e. Be responsible for workstation compliance to Workday's minimum requirements. Customer has > determined their technical needs will be met and internal systems and policies, as well as third- L party vendors, are compatible with Workday. Any technical issues which may arise during �O implementation are to be resolved by Customer. ca f. Lead the coordination with any Customer's third-party vendor involvement required to complete v the Services. Customer understands that some of their third-party vendors may charge fees for the completion of Services and such fees are the sole responsibility of Customer. E U r r Q Packet Pg. 45 4.C.b g. Use CSLLC provided central repository solution for non-sensitive project document sharing and 0 SFTP site for the secure exchange of sensitive Customer employee data with the CSLLC project L team. cn h. Be responsible for any job catalog and/or compensation restructuring efforts, with initial draft of c restructure completed by the start of the Architect phase and completed by the start of the c Configure & Prototype phase. If support is needed from the CSLLC project team and/or these J milestones are not met, this may result in a Change Order and potentially impact timeline. i. Seek to minimize the amount of plan and/or Customer changes during the course of the project, Y with any changes finalized by the end of the Architect phase. If this milestone is not met, this 0 may result in a Change Order and potentially impact timeline. j. Perform all of the Customer responsibilities in the stages identified, and per the project plan 0 including but not limited to sign-off at the completion of each stage, provision of data files, provision of test scenarios, execution of test scenarios and integration testing. k. Be solely responsible for testing and any move-to-production activities, when production is live, which shall include configuration, business processes, data, reports and integrations. Customer will provide written acceptance of test results to CSLLC prior to any move-to-production. Q Customer will provide written approval if it requires CSLLC's assistance during Customer's move- J to-production activities. If CSLLC agrees in writing to access Customer's production tenant for _J move-to-production activities, Customer shall verify production results and is solely responsible for production accuracy. Customer shall provide written acceptance to CSLLC after such move-to- 0 r production activities. I. Adhere to the outlined meeting schedules defined in the Section 2.0 Services and Responsibilities c0 table; any variation could result in impact to cost and timeline. 0 m. Coordinate participation from key stakeholders& project team to attend a single CSLLC led Z architect workshop and Customer confirmation session per functional area. If additional `U 0 workshops or sessions are needed, the Customer Project Manager will work with the CSLLC EM to determine impact to project hours and timeline. 0 n. Use CSLLC tools and templates. If the Customer requires CSLLC to utilize Customer c� specific/owned tools and templates, the Customer Project Manager will work with the CSLLC EM c to determine impact to project hours. M ii. Integration assumptions: �— a. Integration estimates will be reviewed at the completion of the Architect stage as well as during m the Configure stage of the project. Adjustments may be required after further analysis and any possible changes to Scope. If a configured integrations template does not satisfy Customer's x unique requirements, a custom integration will be a viable solution and can be built at an w additional cost. L) b, Customer integration functional owners are available for integration discovery and design sessions throughout the Plan &Architect phase. 0 C. Customer SFTP server is accessible to send and receive files from the Workday production L) servers. c d. Customer design meetings do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the overall estimated integration 0 effort. ' e. CSLLC Integration team assistance in Customer built integrations will not exceed ten percent U° (10%)of the estimated Customer integration effort. f. Inbound integrations are scoped using Workday standard fields. If Workday custom objects are needed to store data, the integration effort will need to be revised. 0 g. Workday required performance testing is not in Scope. h. Integrations (both CSLLC and Customer-owned) may be separated into batches depending on 0 priority, critical and project timeline impacts; timelines could be adjusted due to delays in v requirements or Customer accessibility. Batches will have varying timelines to accommodate prioritization and architect workshop schedules to reduce rework. iiL Authentication assumptions: �a r r a Packet Pg. 46 4.C.b a. CSLLC will advise Customer of the Workday options for a single sign-on solution and will perform the applicable authentication setup within the Workday tenant. b. Customer is responsible for all implementation work outside of the Workday tenant(e.g. Security cn Assertation Markup Language(SAML) setup, identity server). Customer will provide the c appropriate resource commitments and skill sets depending on the single sign-on option selected ° during design. o iv. Testing assumptions: _J a. Customer will provide a Test Lead unless otherwise stated in Section 3.4 who is responsible for c� overseeing test scenario creation and consolidating scenarios to be used for End-to-End, user acceptance testing, Parallel and Regression testing, managing testers, and reporting out testing 0 metrics. b. Customer and CSLLC will implement a change control process to review and approve proposed ,0 enhancements coming out of testing to identify the priority and potential impact to timeline, c resources and level of effort prior to changes being made. c. Customer will finalize and sign-off on end-to-end testing prior to entering parallel testing. Exceptions must be agreed upon by CSLLC if additional end-to-end testing is required prior to entering parallel. Q d. If testing is not complete within the time specified in the timeline, a change order is required. _J e. Customer will coordinate participation from project testers to be co-located together at a snared J site. If additional support locations are needed for testing, the Customer Project Manager will work with the CSLLC EM to determine impact to project hours and timeline. ° f. When a Workday Update occurs, the only additional changes which will be included in the project ' are those which are automatically required by Workday. Any additional functionality is out-of- in Scope. 5.0 Pricing f° `O ° i. CSLLC will invoice and Customer shall compensate CSLLC on a Time and Materials Basis based on the o hourly rates set forth in the table below for Services rendered. Invoices will be paid subject to the terms v and conditions of the Agreement. Total estimated cost of the engagement is listed in the table below, o CSLLC will invoice for all actual hours worked. M m r L K W v L O U c O 7 O U) d O L O O U c m >_ t v cv r r Q Packet Pg. 47 4.C.b to N Portfolio Director S 280 124 $ 34,720 V Functional Architect 5 240 208 $ 49,920 y Engagement Manager 5 240 1190 5 285,600 to HCM 5 185 469 $ 86,765 0 O Recruiting $ 185 608 $ 112,480 Compensation 5 185 284 5 52,540 R d Benefits S 185 401 S 74,185 J Payroll $ 185 1036 $ 191,660 Time Tracking $ 185 358 5 66,230 i Absence Management 5 185 408 5 75,480 Talent Management 5 185 174 $ 32,190 L learning $ 185 425 $ 78,625 O Data Conversion S 195 499 $ 92,315 Reporting 5 185 80 $ 14,800 ry Integrations 5 185 925 S 171,125 HCM Analyst 5 120 223 $ 26,760 tM Recruiting Analyst $ 120 87 $ 10,440 Q Compensation Analyst 5 120 49 5 5,880 U Benefits Anal st 5 120 57 5 6,840 J J Talent Mana ement Analyst 5 120 26 5 3,120 Data Conversion Analyst $ 120 91 5 10,920 O Technical Analyst S 120 1 600 5 72,000 Total 8,322 $ 1,554,595 6 Expenses $ 155,460 Cl) Total Estimate $ 1,710,055 > to L O Change Architect 240 106 $ 25,440 ro OC&T Lead 5 185 656 $ 121,360 V Total 762 S 146,800 Expenses $ 14,680 f` Total Estimate $ 161,480 M ii. Workday Delivery Assurance and Workday specific training services and fees will be covered under a m r separate agreement between Customer and Workday. iii. CSLLC shall invoice Customer for Services performed and expenses on a monthly basis incurred each month. w iv. Invoices will be emailed to the following address: mcarrington@kentwa.gov. V. Any other mailed correspondence will be delivered as follows below: c O City of Kent U rn c/o Mike Carrington 0 220 Fourth Ave South Kent, WA 98032 0 m vi. Any and all fees associated with Customer's e-invoicing, portal,or payment solution will be the responsibility of Customer, without dispute. CSLLC will provide all necessary documents or invoices to confirm the fees, o if such fees are incurred. vii. PO number will be generated after contract signing. O U c m E 6.0 Expenses t v ry r r Q Packet Pg. 48 4.C.b N Customer will reimburse CSLLC for its reasonable out-of-pocket travel expenses incurred in connection with the provision of the Services in accordance with CSLLC's Travel and Expense Policy, which shall be made available to the Customer upon request. This will include CSLLC management personnel for purposes of project oversight. n Specific travel recommendations wilt be planned and discussed between the CSLLC EM and the Customer Project Manager. Such agreed to travel recommendations shall not require additional Customer pre-approval. All fees or ° penalties incurred due to cancellations or changes of travel at Customer's request shall be invoiced to Customer. The Expense Estimate provided in Section 5.0 is a budgetary estimate only. _J c� 7.0 Signatures Y L O IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this SOW by their respective authorized � representatives as of the SOW Effective Date. ,0 r c Collaborative Solutions, LLC City of Kent E a� a� U Authorized Signature Authorized Signatur _J vi c O Robert Maller l Name Name ° Cn a� ca President o Title Title 0 U Nov 21,2019 C c 14 Date Date m r x w L O U c O 7 O U) d O L O O U c m E t v cv r r Q Packet Pg. 49 4.C.b N Appendix A - Detail Customer Roles m Customer personnel are experts on Customer business/technologies and as such will have responsibility for c providing project management, non-Workday functional,technical, and culture expertise to the project. G Customer project team members and crass-functionality representation are currently identified as follows. Note _J that project teams' roles could be specific to implementation needs: Y L Steering The Steering Committee provides funding and support to the project. Responsibilities L Committee, include: 0 Senior Design Obtaining appropriate funding and approvals Reviewers, Key 41 Ensuring all appropriate resources are available for the project E Stakeholders, Executive • Resolving issues which are impeding the progress of the project L Sponsor • Providing overall direction to the Customer Project Manager a • Sign-off on key deliverables/project milestones J • Assuring project delivery and quality control c • Attending Steering Committee Meetings o r Project Manager The Customer Project Manager is a dedicated resource focused specifically on the Cn Workday implementation. While we understand there are many other activities linked to the implementation, this resource needs to be dedicated full-time to the project. Responsibilities include the following: o L Establishing and managing the project details, deliverables, schedules, tasks, M assignments, and execution v Coordinating business teams and support teams 0 • Driving the implementation of the optimized processes Managing the resolution of issues ■ Anticipating and resolving issues which could impact the project budget, 00 r schedule, Scope, or quality x Functional Team The Functional Team are those familiar with Customer business processes and systems. w [Global Process These individuals provide information to the CSLLC Functional Consultant(s)to Owners, Process configure the Workday solution. Responsibilities include: Leads, and ■ Communicate functional requirements which need to be configured in Workday o SMEs/Business • Describe current business processes and work with team to simplify and N Analysts) improve o • Work with CSLLC Consultants to help map and load data into Workday ■ Actively participate in all testing activities U) • Pre-validate extracted data files prior to providing it to CSLLC, then validate > data after it has been converted into Workday solution L • Contribute to identifying and executing test scenarios for functional areas �° c� Perform end user training — 0 • Participate in knowledge transfer v c E U r r Q Packet Pg. 50 4.C.b N Team Member Description of Role Technical Team Technical resources perform the following: (Integration Support the conversion and loading of data contained in existing systems cn Lead, Integration Design and develop custom integrations as outlined within the Scope section o Engineers/ • Developers,and above Data Conversion Develop custom reports _J Specialist) Manage Customer communications c� • Participate in knowledge transfer L • Actively participate in testing activities L 0 Note: Resource experience, data quality and the amount of transformation required could impact the actual resources needed to support the data conversion efforts. E as a� internal Auditor The Internal Auditor works with the Project Team to ensure proper procedures are a followed and proper documentation is created for the implementation of Workday. This person is responsible for providing compliance-related guidance and expertise to the � Project Team. vi c 0 Test Lead The Customer Test lead develops and manages the overall Customer Test Strategy and Plan. Responsibilities include: o • Establish an approach to testing. Define resource requirements for testing. • Establish the test schedule. 0 • Conduct overall execution of the Customer prescribed End-to-End (including T Integrations), user acceptance testing, and Parallel test process for either v Workday Payroll from start to end of the test period c • Facilitate testing coordination and progress meetings. • Successfully managing defect resolutions m • Resolve test issues via coordination of Customer and CSLLC teams as required r to complete testing for successful completion of Workday test - • Define the overall test strategy w • Define test approach, roles and responsibilities, • Define test tools and scenarios by tester and success criteria for each test M stage. o • Define and report test metrics to the project team and project executives. U Organizational The Organizational Change Lead is focused on planning and executing the change 3 Change Lead management and communications activities. He or she is the primary counterpart to 0 the CSLLC Organizational Change Lead (if there is one assigned)and is responsible for U) providing primary insight into the Customer's culture, operations, and competing projects or interests. The Organizational Change Lead is the primary liaison between L the project team and other internal resources needed to execute and deploy the �0 various change management and communications activities. He or she is responsible for reviewing and approving all change management and communications-related v deliverables. c E U r r Q Packet Pg. 51 4.C.b N V Team Member Description of Role Training Lead The Training Lead is focused on planning and executing the end user training activities. He or she is the primary counterpart to the CSLLC Training Lead (if there is one assigned) and is responsible for providing primary insight into the Customer's training c resources and preferences, as well as competing projects or interests related to end ° user training. The Training Lead is the primary liaison between the project team and other internal resources needed to plan, execute, and deploy the various training _J activities for the deployment. He or she is responsible for reviewing and approving all training-related deliverables. The Customer may choose to assign the Organizational Y Change Lead and Training Lead roles and responsibilities to a single actual resource. 0 L Training, Depending on the specific strategies and plans the Customer establishes as part of its ° Communications, ❑C&T program, additional resources will be needed at various times throughout the &Change 9 project lifecycle to support and execute the communications, change management, and E Management training plans. These roles often include: a Support . Training Developers responsible for developing and revising the end user a Resources training collateral as defined in the Training Curriculum Plan J • Communications Leads/Developers responsible for developing, revising, and _J deploying the end user communications collateral as defined in the Communications Plan c r • Trainers and Super Users responsible for gaining advanced familiarity with the new systems and user support tools, and in turn planning and delivering pre- in go-live and ongoing training to end user audiences • Change Champions responsible for generating awareness and support around future changes within their designated areas of influence �° - c U 0 ti M Workday Roles m r If Workday is contracted by the Customer, Workday, under a separate contract,will provide Delivery Assurance services. Workday core responsibilities include: X w Team Member r s v tv Delivery Comprised,of Workday Implementation Specialists, the Delivery Assurance Group Assurance Group works with Customer toward the implementation of the Workday solution. The o Delivery Assurance Group conducts a series of quality assurance reviews at major N project milestones, where the group reviews project documentation, product o configuration, and business processes. The Delivery Assurance Group is responsible for the development and enhancement of the Workday implementation methodology �o and works closely with product strategy and development in helping steer product direction. L Note: Delivery Assurance will be a separate agreement to be contracted directly with �° Workday. 0 - U c m E t v cv r r Q Packet Pg. 52 4.C.b N Appendix B—Integrations and Custom Reports Integrations m c The fallowing integrations are in Scope. Please refer to the column labeled"Owner"to identify if the integration ° is Customer assigned or CSLLC assigned. J •ol owner Phase Total Hours -0 .�C INT001 SSO Security Setup CSLLC 1 30 LO INTDO2 Active Directory Inbound Azure HCM EIB/DT5 Customer 1 80 L INT003 Active Directory Outbound Azure HCM Studio CSLLC 1 60 0 INT004 ACH Outbound US Bank Payroll CC CSLLC 1 40 INT005 GL Outbound )DE Payroll EIB/DTS CSLLC 1 IOD d E INT006 Wellness Vitality Benefits CC CSLLC 1 40 L INT007 E-Verify e-Verify HCM CC CSLLC 1 20 INTD08 FSA/Commuter Contributions Outbound Navia Benefits CC CSLLC 1 40 U INT009 COBRA Contributions Initial Rights File Outbound Navia Benefits CC CSLLC 1 50 J J INTO10 COBRA Contributions Qualifying Event Outbound Navia Benefits CC CSLLC 1 50 N INT011 HSA Contributions Outbound Optum Benefits CC CSLLC 1 40 0 O INT012 HSA Enrollments Outbound Optum Benefits CC CSLLC 1 40 INT013 Medical Demographic Outbound Kaiser Benefits CC CSLLC 1 40 O INT014 Medical Demographic Outbound Premera Benefits CC CSLLC 1 40 N INTOIS Dental Demographic Outbound Delta Dental Benefits CC CSLLC 1 40 L INT016 Vision Demographic Outbound VSP Benefits CC CSLLC 1 40 O R INT017 LifeNoluntary/LTD Outbound Cigna Benefits CC CSLLC 1 40 O INT018 Retirements Satin s Outbound WA Dept of V g Retirement Savings Benefits EIB/D75 CSLLC 1 100 C ti INT019 Deferred Lompensatianloand Inbound ICMA Benefits Studio CSLLC 1 100 M INT020 Deferred Compensation Demographics Outbound ICMA Benefits EIB/DTS Customer 1 110 m INT021 Deferred Compensation Contributions Out ICMA Benefits EIB/DTS CSLLC 1 80 INT022 Telestaff Outbound-Demographic info Telestaff HCM EIB/DT5 CSLLC 1 100 L K W INT023 Telestaff inbound-Time Schedules Telestaff Time Trackin Studio CSLLC 1 100_ r INT024 Background Checks Outbound Sterling Recruiting Setup CSLLC 1 30 V R INT025 Job Scraping NeoGov Recruiting EIB/DT5 CSLLC 1 30 41 C INT026 Workers Comp Outbound Origaml Payroll EIB/DTS CSLLC 1 IDO O U INT027 Unify HR-Demographic Outbound Unify HA Benefits EIBIDTS Customer 1 90 N C INT028 Unify HR-Dependent Outbound Unify HR Benefits EIB/DTS Customer 1 120 0 INTOOO Integrations Lead CSLLC 1 175 O fn * Until such a point as the City chooses the path for Learning(outside vendor for housing content or internal > loadingy, no integrations to third party vendors for Learning have been included. L O Integration Type Key: • EIB/DTS = Enterprise Interface Builder/Document Transformation Service U ■ CC = Cloud Connect ; • Studio = Workday Studio • Other = Web Services or Integration system user setup E U r r Q Packet Pg. 53 4.C.b N N V The interfaces/integrations required for this project include: ■ Cloud Connect("CC") - Cloud Connect provides Workday customers with the same level of support as they would receive in the core Workday application. Such Workday integrations are (i) part of the c Workday hosted application Service and (ii) provided with ongoing support by Workday in accordance 9 with Workday's then-current Support and Service Availability Policy. While Workday integrations are designed and developed as part of the subscription license, CSLLC anticipates some amount of time J dedicated to configure and test the integrations during the implementation. • Custom Integrations- Custom integrations are developed by CSLLC or Customer using Workday's tools such as Report Writer, EIB, ITS or Studio. O L O Reports E Up to eighty(80) hours are included in the estimate for any custom reporting needs. Any hours identified for custom reporting support is inclusive of design discussions, requirements gathering and knowledge transfer. Q U J J to C O r 7 O Cn N cC L O O U 0 ti M m r t K W v L O U c O 7 O U) d L O O U c m E M v cv r r Q Packet Pg. 54 4.C.b Appendix C - Sample Change Order Form m c COLLABORATIVE r- e SOLUTIONS IT $Y IoWERE❑ Project Change Order Y Customer/SOW/Project Nam XRManager r/SOW#/Project Name Change Order#: C L Project Manager Customer}: . Prger Name,XY2 Customer r Project Sponsor(Customer): Prsor Name,Title y Engagement Manager[CSLL Prger Name m AcceptanceTDue Date: Twhich the Customer will need this approved in order to avoid negative timeline impact. Change Type: Tge.For example:Integration diange,request for additional functionality. Q - - ----- U Impact Assessed W: List those assessing the impact.Normally the CSLLC EM,CSLLC Consultant. J vi c Request Description O Describe the change and why it is needed. For example: CSUC will design and build an additional integration to Aeb7a. p a� Business Reason for Change >_ Describe the reason for change.For example: Customer offers COBRA coverage for any employees eligible fora COBRA Qualifying Event, this was not included in the original SOW 0 estimate.If the change is not approved COBRA coverage will not be able to be provided. U Impact Assessment 0 Project Activities Affected: , Describe the additional work which needs to be done. For example: Create one(1)addibonal r• integration or three(3)new performance templates need to be configured, etc. M Deliverables Affected: Describe deliverables affected,for example: m One(1)additFOrml interface file to be a'elivered to Aetna will be produced. Project Schedule Impact: 11Th Describe schedule impact,if any. For example: t rchitect stage will be extended by one(1)week to complete all integrations. W Estimated ElTort and Costs: e fallowing is the change in effort and cost estimate: r v Role Rate Hours Cost L Executive Strategy Architect $ V Senior Functional Architect(Consulting Director $ rn Engagement Director Portfolio Director $ O Strategy Manager $ $ +• Engagement Manager O Functional Architect(Consulting Mana er to d Change Architect � Senior Principal Consultant Principal Consultant Consultant Project Coordinator ca Analyst $ U Total c Expenses: $ - v cv r r Q Packet Pg. 55 4.C.b N Assumptions — N Describe any new Assumptions different from the SOW.For example: Cwtumer will provide Nhe requirements for the new integrabon by 1014119 m rn c O R d J Authorization Y O XYZ Company Authorization Signature IubonS,LLC Authorization Signature �O c d 0- Name Name . � - hM Q U ^&.'Too J J ate Date vi c O r 7 O U) N cC L O O U 0 ti M m r t K W v L O U c O 7 O U) d O L O O U c m E M v cv r r Q Packet Pg. 56 4.C.b N N Appendix D—Detailed Functionality .2 m • Overall assumptions apply to all functions in Scope: c o Business Processes: Up to two (2) rule-based business processes per process with no more than ° twenty(20) steps per business process. Unused steps within a process will not apply to alternate ° business processes. _J o Notifications: Up to five (5) notifications per business process. Unused notifications within a ca process will not apply to alternate business processes. • Security: Workday delivered security groups will be used unless otherwise called out in the Scope 0 below. Inactivated or unused security groups and Implementers will remain on domain security L policy definitions to allow for ease of implementing other functionality in the future. Inactivated or .° unused security groups will be removed from the business process security policy definitions to c match design requirements identified. o Custom Objects: up to five (5) custom objects with no more than five (5) custom fields per object. If custom lists are required, up to ten (10) items per list. L Guided Tours: Guided Tours are assumed out-of-Scope unless OC&T is in Scope and identified in Q the Scope of Work. J a Dashboards: Workday delivered dashboards for the functional Scope below will be configured with J Workday delivered reports unless custom reports are included in Scope in Appendix B. c c Translations: translations conversion is not in Scope. Customer is responsible for providing ° translated values. o Alerts: Task and Business Process Alerts are not in Scope. General report-based alerts are defined in within the Scope in Appendix B. ° ca L 0 Function Scope ° 0 U HCM: Core Organization structure per organization type (supervisory, Y Two (2) company cost center re ion custom &location hierarch Physical locations where workers perform job functions Y lob Profiles for information which will be associated with a Y 00 r worker: job code,job description,job family, and pay rate not including skills and experience) x Staffing Model used to manage headcount(by identifying Y One (1) w individual positions to be filled or positions only limited by restrictions as defined by Customer) L Management Hierarch Y one 1 0 0 Worker Profile for detailed worker information tracking, Y v including regulatory information, addresses, and contact o information }, Skills and experience: configure talent Attributes such as Y 0 education information, certifications, professional affiliations, U) m and Ian ua es > International Assignment types N Em to ee contracts types, statuses, and reasons N 0 Custom security roles Y Up to five (5) (up f° to one(1) ° U intersection ; security group) 0 m lob requisitions N E Onboarding Landing Page Y One 1 U r r Q Packet Pg. 57 4.C.b - In LCon Scope Cn Onboarding Documents Y Up to five 5 Onboarding Announcements Y U to five 5 ° Campaign Worklets Y Up to one 1 Onboarding templates Y Up to one 1 _J I-9 functionality, securi and rocess United States onl Y Multiple Jobs N Retiree functionality Y o Matrix organizations N � Unions and Collective agreements Y Up to four 4) ° r Committees N m Compensation: Compensation plans: Salary, hourly, unit, merit, bonus, Y Up to ten (10) E Core allowance stock commission calculated future payment a One-time payment plans Y Up to three 3 Plan profiles per compensation plan where available based on Y Up to five (5) functionali � Compensation packages Y Up to two 2 Compensation grades Y Up to one hundred 0 ten (110)with up to fifty(50) in eligibility rules ° covering grades, >_ steps, compensation �° plans, profiles and 2 packages o U Compensation grade profiles Y Five (5) profiles per grade Compensation steps Y Up to two hundred fifty 250 m Compensation basis Y Currencies: Provide support and guidance on Workday N currency conversion template w Workday delivered total rewards statement tem sate Y Up to one 1 Severance Packages N L Benchmark jobs&market-based pay: includes loading of N benchmarks to job profiles and setting percentiles for i) com arson N Benefits Benefitplans: Group benefit plans into benefit plan years Y Up to twenty 20 0 Benefit providers Y U to eleven 11 Benefit groups: Based on eligibility criteria Y Up to five 5 ° Cn Enrollment events Y Up to ten 10 Enrollment rules Y Up to three 3 :. Passive events Y Included in o Enrollment events c� Define Evidence of Insurability (EOI) requirements and Y o manage workers undergoing EOI review v Define validations to the benefit options available to Y employees durinq open enrollment E Benefit rates per plan Y M U ° r r Q Packet Pg. 58 4.C.b Function Sco a Scope - m Cn Benefit credits Y Up to one 1 c De ndents and beneficiaries tracking Y ° Dependent verification functionality N Affordable Care Act(ACA) functionality, event types, rules, Y J and load hist ary to support.ACA requirements Workday delivered COBRA functionality; tracking eligibility for Y Y a third-pa third-paq COBRA administrator o Configure tenant for the open enrollment cycle. Plan & Y � provider counts must adhere to the defined number of plans ° &providers above c Retiree benefits Y E Union benefits Y Benefit Jobs N a Medicare functionality N L) Performance Review types between Performance Reviews, Performance Y Up to four(4) Management Improvement plans, Disciplinary Actions, & development Plans 0 Review templates across the types identified above Y Up to five 5 Rating scales: o • Overall rating scale(s) Y Up to one(1) • Goal rating scale(s) Y Up to one (1) r • Goal completion scales Y Up to one 1 f° Feedback templates and processes as needed to support the N 0 performance review process — Organizational and personal goals configuration N c0 Performance Calibration N c Recruiting Custom security roles N ~ Workday internal career site Y External career sites Y Up to two 2 m Offer letter template(s) Y Up to three (3) (up to eight(8) x conditional text w blocks per letter) r Document templates Y Three (3) (up to L eight (8) o conditional text c.) blocks per tem late g Job posting templates Y Up to two 2 2 Screening questions Y Up to twenty-five v°) 25 ° Questionnaires Y U to three 3 Job requisitions setup Y o Ever reen Requisitions Y Confidential Requisitions Y o Configure the Workday delivered professional profile to Y v support the Customer Background check packages and statuses Y Up to three 3 E Referral proQrams Y U to one 1 ° r r Q Packet Pg. 59 4.C.b In LCou a Scope 2 - YI N Aciencies Y U to one 1 Candidate self-scheduling configuration and setup and Y ° integration with Microsoft Outlook 365 for interview management E-signature setup N Learning Lessons Y Up to five hundred Y Management 500 Custom security roles Y Up to one (1) (up L to one (1) 0 intersection security group) E Learning Instructors Y Up to twenty 20 Course or Segmented Topics Y Up to three 3 a Learning Campaigns Y Up to twelve(12) (up to five (5) J cam i n items Programs Y Up to ten (10) (up c to five (5)courses , r program) ' 0 Course Templates Y Up to five hundred (500) (up to five (5) lessons per template) Custom reporting to support learning Y Up to forty 2 40 hours 0 Absence Time-off plans (accruing) Y up to ei ht 8 v Management Time-off plans (non-accruing) Y Up to two 2 Configuration: Maintain time-off types, eligibility, plans, Y M accruals calculations and balance periods m Leave families (grouping leave s Y Up to five 5 r Leave types Y Up to nine 9 Configuration of leave of absence families which enable Y w configuration of impact on payroll, benefits, and active status while on leave; uses can include Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), extended leaves of absence,and short and long- term disabilities 0 Time Tracking Time entry codes Y Up to ten 10 Time calculations Y Up to fifteen 15 0 Time tracking templates Y Up to two 2 Work schedule calendar Y Up to three 3 Period schedules Y Up to one 1 Payroll Pay groups Y Up to one 1 , Earning codes Y Up to seventy-five o 75 Deduction codes Y Up to fi 50 Federal Identification Numbers FEINS Y u to one 1 c i States/Provinces Y U to one 1 State Provincial and local tax authorities N Pay frequencies Y Up to one 1 r r Q Packet Pg. 60 4.C.b Function Scope,.' Scope Y 7 cn Payroll period schedules Y U to one 1 c Configure payroll calculation rules Y Configure Workday on-cycle and on-demand paycheck Y Up to one (1) template J Configure payment elections with payment election rules Y Garnishments Y Bank de2ository and source bank accounts Y Up to one 1 ° Configure pay slips Y ° Establish payroll accounting to generate and review payroll Y Up to one (1) accounting data Establish comparison rules and audit components Y E Settlement rules Y a Payroll provider provides tax, garnishment, check, and Y deposit advices Q Confi ure retroactive roll rocessin Y J J Configure Fair Labor Standards Act FLSA calculations Y vi Mobile Configure mobile-specific tenant settings Y o Solutions Security to allow mobile access Y Access for Thone iPad &Android Y o Employee Self- Employee self-service for all Workday functionality specified Y Service above }, Manager Self- Manager self-service for all Workday functionality specified Y o Service above 0 U 0 ti M m r L K W v L O U c O 7 O U) d O L O O U c m E t v cv r r Q Packet Pg. 61 4.C.b N Appendix IE—Data Conversion In Scope person poputation(s) which are active at time of the go-live conversion extract will be included cn in the conversion process. Customer's workers who were terminated in the current calendar year based n on the final extract date will be included in the data conversion to Workday to support rehires and G reporting. m J cC HCM Current Job/Position Details: Job profile, time type, Active and Y default and scheduled weekly hours,work shift, location, Terminated o position Identification (ID), position title, business title, union Workers and membership, employee contracts, probation periods, notice Retirees ,o periods, collective bargaining agreements, annual work periods and disbursement plan periods for contingent worker supplier and rates Current Organization Assignments: Company, cost a center, region, custom organizations, retiree, supervisory J organization (single job management 'terminated'org for all J terminated workers), and pay group c 0 r Service Dates: Original hire date, most recent hire date, position start date for conversion, continuous service date, (nn termination date (most recent for current terminations only) and all other Workday delivered service dates is `o Current Biographic Data: Legal and preferred name, date of birth, date of death, gender, disability status, ethnicity, c marital status, citizenship status, military status and v employee photo 0 ass Current ID Information: Licer�se(s), visa(s), p port(s), national ID(s), additional govemment ID(s) and custom ID(s) m r Current Contact Information: Home address, home and work telephone, email instant messenger, and web address w HCM Worker Job and Position History: Customer defined number of Active and r History from a years of employee job/position history to be converted to Terminated L Previous Workday's job and position history from a previous system Employees and o System table. Retirees Compensation History: Customer defined number of years o of employee compensation history to be converted to Workday's compensation history from a previous system �° table. Compensation Current Compensation Data: Most recent effective date of Active compensation change, compensation grade and grade profile, Employees and o compensation step (if included in compensation Scope), base Retirees pay amount and plan (salary or hourly), bonus, merit, o allowance, commission, unit salary, period salary, and stock U plan assignments c m One-Time&Bonus Payments: Out-of-Scope r r Q Packet Pg. 62 4.C.b N N V Severance: Out-of-Scope Benefits Related Persons: Dependents, beneficiaries (including Active Cn trusts)and emergency contacts associated with a worker. Employees and r- 0 Reti rees Current Benefit Elections: Current healthcare, insurance, spending account, health savings, retirement and additional J benefit elections and associated dependents and ca beneficiaries. `0 ACA History: Current year medical election changes and ACA hours&wages to support ACA reporting .° r c m EOI: Pending EOI is considered out-of-Scope E Performance Performance Review Ratings: Three (3) years of overall Active a Management performance review ratings only converted to a single non- Employees a configurable review template by year. Conversion of additional performance review information or other employee J review es is out-of-Sco e. vi Recruiting Active Job Requisitions: Up to two hundred (200)current Active r- active job requisitions Candidates tied to Active o Candidates: Up to fifty thousand (50,000) active Requisitions candidates tied to active job requisitions converting basic information such as. name, contact info, referral name and last disposition status. Skills and Experience conversion is not 0 included. Resume documents tied to candidates are not in Scope. 0 Prospects: Out-of-Scope. ti Learning Course Offerings: Up to five hundred (500)offerings M Courses: Up to five hundred (500) active courses m Content Conversion: Up to five hundred (500) Gigabytes w of conversion , Historical Records: Up to two (2)years of historical L+, records 0 U Historical Courses: Up to two (2) years of historical o courses Absence Leaves of Absence: Current leave event data for ' Active o Management employees on leave Employees U) m Time Off Carryover Balances: Current absence plan L balances at time of cutover 0 Payroll Payroll History: Current Year-To-Date wage and tax data Active f° (payroll) including taxable wages and subject wages, for Employees and i0 federal, state/province, and local taxes reconciled to tax Employees paid returns loaded as quarterly data. within current m calendar o- E U r r Q Packet Pg. 63 4.C.b Tax Elections: Current employee tax elections for federal, live)year and state/province, and local tax withholdings such as married, Retirees single, and number of exemptions. c Additional Payroll Data: Payment elections, withholding ° orders, costing allocations, ongoing earnings or deductions which are not benefit related c� Y L O L O r E L Q U J J N C O r 7 O Cn N cC L O O U 0 ti M m r t K W v L O U c O 7 O U) d L O O U c m E M v cv r r Q Packet Pg. 64 25055 Collaborative Solutions,LLC �e Ckcale Of -sura^.Ce 10/30/2019 ACORO® CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE IMMIDDIYYYY, 1 0/3 012 01 9 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES th BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED fv REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. v IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or bedorsed. (D If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A stateenment on C/) this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsements. r_ PRODUCER CONTACT O 000 NAME: a :e:Tech Insurance aioNE • 800)668-7020 Ho: 877-826-9067 M E-MAIL J Te Cfl I nS U ra nCe ADDRESS.: � 30 N.LaSalle,25th Floor,Chicago,IL 60602 INSURE s AFFORDING COVERAGE Ica fa -- _-__ INSURER A; Philadelphia IndemnityInsurance Coma 18056 _ INSURED INSURER B: enbnel Insurance om an Limit 11000. >0 Collaborative Solutions,LLC INSURERC: Hartford Multi-State 00914 L 11190 Sunrise Valley❑r Ste 11,Reston,VA,201914375 �O INsuRERD: Ma Indemnity Company 26743 4— INsuRERE: Navigators S cia Insurance 00000 4) d INSURER F. Zurich American In urance Camoany 16535 E COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: y THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. N07WTHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS Q CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, () EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES-LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. J INSIR f-- ADDL SUER' - - -- - LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER MMIDCDIYYYY MMLDqr LIMITS J COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY N EACH OCCURRENCE S 1,000.000 r_ CLAIMS-MADE O —,']OCCUR PREMISES Eaoemrrence $ 1,000,000 �+ --- 3 MED EXP CAMf one 10,000 on} S O a 45SBABD2304 5wols 518=0 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY S 11,000,030 � GEN'LAGGREGATE U MIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE S 2,000,000 4) PR PqPOLICY FLOC PRODUCTS-COMPIOPAGG $2.000,000 R OTHER: S O AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COM DINED SINGLE LIMIT -0 Ea accident $ 1,000,000 M ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) S O ALL OWNED AUTOS LED 45SBABD2304 518r2019 ' O20 BODILY INJURY Peramderk $ V AUTOS AUTOS ( } B '� HIRED AUTOS AUTO NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE S O ent $ UMBRELLA LfAB �/ CCCVR M EACH OCCURRENCE g 5,000,000 B EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE 46SBAS02304 518f2018 508=0 AGGREGATE S 5,000,000 m r DED RETENTIONS $ - - WORKERS COMPENSATION i, PER TH- t 'A NO EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YIN TATUTE R �( C ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNERIE](ECUTIVE W OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? No NIA, 46WECABM Wx 5/8/2018 020 E.L.EACHACGDENT $ 1,000.OW (Mandatory In NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYE S 1.000,: If yes,describe under V DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT S 1•000.ODO i ar Fidelity Bend 3rd Party BKT PH501419743 5/8/2019 5/8/2020 Each Occurcenoe $1•p00.000 C D Directors and Officers Liability MLN$032972-02 &&2019 5/8/2020 OccurrenepJAggregato $2.000.0001$2.000.000 V E Professional Liability(Errors ana Omissions) CMI9PTL2024N9IC 5I812019 518/2020 OccurrencelAggregate S10,000,O001570,000,000 to C DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES IACOR0 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached If more space is required) 0 3 0 U) d -rr R L 0 R CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION — O U SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE +� City of Kent THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN � ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS- d 220 Fourth Avenue South E Kent,WA 98032-5895 t AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE V r..r Q 1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and Pogo are registered marks of ACORD Packet Pg. 65 4.D ADMINISTRATION Arthur "Pat" Fitzpatrick - Chief Administrative Officer 220 Fourth Avenue South KENT Kent, WA 98032 WASHINGTON 253-856-5700 DATE: February 21, 2023 TO: Operations and Public Safety Committee SUBJECT: Resolution Adopting the Equity Strategic Plan - Adopt MOTION: I move to adopt Resolution No. 2058, to adopt the Race and Equity Action Plan, establishing specific actions necessary to ensure government policies and practices are equitable for all persons who live, work, and visit Kent. SUMMARY: The City began the process of formulating a race and equity plan in 2020. The Race and Equity Action Plan is the culmination of a multi-year process involving a broad range of community stakeholders, through a variety of different engagement strategies. The Race and Equity Plan will serve as a step to acknowledge and dismantle institutional and structural barriers, ensuring government policies and practices do not infringe upon the equal treatment and opportunities for all persons who live, work, and visit Kent. The Race and Equity Plan shows the City's commitment to improve outcomes for all racial groups and mirror the diversity of our community by focusing on five key areas that city residents identified as needing improvement. Those focus areas include: • Communication • In-language Resources • Equitable Representation • Training • Community Engagement BUDGET IMPACT: Estimated cost of $462,500 to implement the Plan. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Innovative Government - Delivering outstanding customer service, developing leaders, and fostering innovation. Evolving Infrastructure - Connecting people and places through strategic investments in physical and technological infrastructure. Packet Pg. 66 4.D Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. Inclusive Community - Embracing our diversity and advancing equity through genuine community engagement. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Race and Equity Action Plan Resolution(PDF) Packet Pg. 67 4.D.a r a RESOLUTION NO. 2058 -°a a a A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, adopting the Race and Cn Equity Action Plan to ensure government policies and practices are equitable for all persons who live, a work, and visit Kent. W a� a� c r a RECITALS -°a a c A. As a minority majority community, the City of Kent has a unique responsibility to address racial inequities. The City is majority Black, a� Indigenous and People of Color, and is the tenth most diverse community in the nation with more than 130 languages are spoken in the Kent School M District. c 0 0 B. In alignment with the City's mission to build a an inclusive community that is safe, thriving, and sustainable, the City desires to promote a a inclusiveness, celebrate diversity, and support all fellow community c members. As a government agency, it is incumbent upon the City to not only Q proclaim a message of equity, but also to take steps to eliminate barriers to equity, and to ensure government policies and practices are equitable and w c do not infringe upon the equal treatment and opportunity of all persons who a� U live, work, and visit Kent. c a� C. On October 8, 2020, the Mayor issued a directive outlining specific actions for all City departments and employees to take to advance a race and equity issues in Kent. Since issuance of that directive, the City has 1 Adopting a Race and Equity Action Plan Packet Pg. 68 4.D.a made significant strides towards these goals, including a multi-year effort to form a Race and Equity Action Plan. D. To form the Race and Equity Action Plan, the City's Race and 0 Equity Manager and other City staff, in coordination with an outside Q consultant, organized numerous community engagement forums, a collaborated with community stakeholder groups, engaged the City's 2, a� Cultural Communities Board, and worked with City leadership. Cn .3 E. The Race and Equity Action Plan will serve as a step to face and w a� dismantle institutional and structural barriers to ensure government policies and practices do not infringe upon the equal treatment and opportunities for a all persons who live, work and visit Kent. The Race and Equity Action Plan a shows the City's commitment to improve outcomes for all racial groups and o mirror the diversity of our community by focusing on five key areas that city o residents identified as needing improvement. F. In recognition that the Race and Equity Action Plan should be a c dynamic and pragmatic document, the City Council desires to ensure that ° administration of the Plan includes the ability to adapt to new circumstances and minor changes in strategy to meet the ultimate goals of the Plan. It is the intent of City Council that City administration be afforded the flexibility a 0 to make minor adjustments to the Plan, so long as such adjustments are a made known to City Council and any updated Plan is made available to the .3 public. w c NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, U WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: c as E a 2 Adopting a Race and Equity Action Plan Packet Pg. 69 4.D.a RESOLUTION SECTION 1, - Adoption of Plan. The City of Kent's Race and Equity a 0 Action Plan, attached as Exhibit A, is hereby adopted. City administration Q may make minor revisions to the Plan, so long as such revisions are made a known to City Council and any updated Plan is made available to the public. U a� Cn 0 L SECTION 2, - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, r or sentence of this resolution is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such a w decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this resolution and the same shall remain in full force and effect. a 0 SECTION 3, - Corrections by City Clerk. Upon approval of the city 0 attorney, the city clerk is authorized to make necessary corrections to this 0 resolution, including the correction of clerical errors; resolution, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. c 0 SECTION 4, - Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be o in force immediately upon its passage. c a c 0 March 7, 2023 DANA RALPH, MAYOR Date Approved Q r .3 w ATTEST: c as U M March 7, 2023 W KIMBERLEY A. KOMOTO, CITY CLERK Date Adopted E a 3 Adopting a Race and Equity Action Plan Packet Pg. 70 4.D.a APPROVED AS TO FORM: r a 0 TAMMY WHITE, CITY ATTORNEY a _ a a� r 0 L Cn W _ Q O Q _ O O d r ti M _ O 3 O N d _ R IL _ 0 r Q r .3 w CU m o: r _ a� E U Q 4 Adopting a Race and Equity Action Plan Packet Pg. 71 4.D.a Race & Equity Action Plan L r Area of focus: Community Engagement co Goal:The City of Kent engages in relationship building through ongoing dialogue, outreach, and inclusion, centering racial equity in our approach. Cr Community w Outcomes and Actions Timeline Accountability Performance ProgressIndicator(4 Measure report Cost • The number A(Outcome):The City's procurement All • New 042023 1)50-75k 1)8o hrs a of Kent based, increasingly reflects the diversity of our Departments procurement (consulting ° certified business community. process is contract) 2)4o hrs Q women- established peryear o owned& 1) City will analyze procurement process using z) Internal (dashboard minority equity lens& recommend actionable steps to • (2)Contracting owned diversify contracting. data is 3) $10100.00 3)zo hours businesses published and (a year) 2) City will publish disaggregated Women& increases Minority-owned business& Community Based updated on a quarterly basis ° Organizations(BIPOC led)contract data. • Increased .2 number of 3)City staff to participate in local Minority (3)City staff c RFP contract Business Expo(s) attends z bids from events a year ° qualified a Women& c Minority ° owned a contractors ° a w c ° m ° r c m E ° 1 a Packet Pg. 72 4.D.a Area of focus: Community Engagement 2 Goal:The City of Kent engages in relationship building through ongoing dialogue, outreach, and inclusion, centering racial equity in our approach. L Community Outcomes and Actions Timeline Accountability Performance Progress Estimated Staff time Ir • • report Cost Cr • Diversity of B(Outcome): Community continues to All 50%of citywide Q4 2023 i)$4500.00 1)50+ w boards and inform and help design city-wide strategic Departments strategic plans (per co- hours per commissions planning. include co- design co-design designing opportunity) opportunity a 1) City Departments will continue to provide element, -oa community members the opportunity to co- increasing 2)$10,000.00 2) N/A Q design city-wide strategic plans. every year G r 2) REDI office will create a co-designing N planning and implementation toolkit for all • (2)All CORE city departments. team members receive training on co-designing M toolkit • Become first C(Outcome):The City of Kent will be a REDI office • City in good Q4 2023 1)$1,500.00 1)All 3 WA state city certified welcoming city. (Certification standing (membership within c to be certified provided by Welcoming America(National All w/Welcoming dues) REDI office as a Network). Departments America c welcoming Network 2)$12,000.000 2)All a city i) City of Kent will join Welcoming America's (registration (one time within o National network fee) cost) REDI office Q 2) City of Kent will meet the"Welcoming City" . i7 CORE certification requirements and become a a recognized welcoming city certification w requirements met by city as r c as E ActionRace & Equity a Packet Pg. 73 4.D.a Area of focus:Training 2 Goal:The City of Kent will provide anti-racist and culturally relevant training, along with other topics that foster constructive communication and cross-cultural understanding for city representatives and the broader community. f° r Progressmeline Accountability Performance >, reportMeasure Cr • Annual A(Outcome): City of Kent employees build • Mandatory staff 04 2023 1) $150- 1)8 hrs per W employee capacity to provide culturally responsive training Zook(per staff survey results: services All Departments completion rate year) member "This above 97% (total) c a organization i) Employees will complete yearly mandatory 2) -°a supports an training.The training will equip employees (2) Event $50,000.00 2)4 hours a inclusive with tools to facilitate more complex REDI Office attendance (cost year per r environment conversations around Race, Equity, Diversity above too covered employee ' 0 where & Belonging. employees through (not individual 2024) mandatory) differences 2)The Equity& Inclusion Speaker Series will REDI Office . (3)Staff ti are valued and continue to provide presentations and attendance over 3) 3)4 hours a respected" workshops,for employees, using an anti- 50 per $1000.00 year per racist intersectional framework. presentation employee 2 All Departments 4) No cost (not 0 3)City of Kent will re-instate the Cultural (4) 20% of staff mandatory) Conversations program, bringing culturally trained on a 5) No cost relevant training from Kent based community yearly basis. 4)1 hour pei a leaders. REDI Office employee o • (5) Best (Employees 4) Employees will receive training on the city's practices who deal Language Access Plan &Title VI plan. developed with translations w 5)Community engagement best practices to be developed 5) REDI office r c m E 3 a Packet Pg. 74 4.D.a • Requests from B(Outcome):The broader Kent community REDI Office • Event Q4 2023 1)Cost i) N/A U community continues the collective discussion and attendance included in . organizations learning around concepts like Race, Equity, above ioo outcome 2) N/A to partner Diversity and Belonging. residents A. Co with city's REDI Office REDI division 1)The Equity& Inclusion Speaker series will • (1)4 community 2) No cost Cr provide public presentations and workshops events a year free of charge. a� • (z)12 z)The city will partner with community community c groups to provide a streamlined, in-language, events a year Q Kent sos program. C 0 r 0 U) W ti M C O 3 O N N C R d C O V Q a W C N v O r C d E Race & Equity Action Plan— Page 4 v .r a Packet Pg. 75 4.D.a Area of focus: In-Language Resources Goal:The City of Kent is committed to providing culturally relevant services and information in multiple languages r Community Outcomes and Actions Timeline Accountability Performance Measure Progress Cr Indicator(s) report Cost time w • Community A(Outcome): Kent based certified All (i) 50%of translation 042023 1)10-3.5k i) languages interpreters/translators benefit from Departments contracts going to Kent REDI covered by city translation and interpretation based independent 2)3%of office a independent contracts translators/interpreters, administrative -0 contractor REDI office increasing every year. costs 2)5 Q list i)Create a Kent-based independent (2)All strategic plans hours o r contractor list of(certified) meet safe harbor per c interpreters and translators REDI office requirements for plan U) translation 2)All city-wide strategic plans will ti allocate a percentage of M administrative budgets for translation and interpretation,to meet Title VI "safe harbor"requirements. c U) W • Up to date B(Outcome): City of Kent uses All (i)Top io languages Q4 2023 i)No cost i) language and community demographic data to Departments identified& updated REDI a demographic inform policy decisions yearly. 2) No cost office o data available U to use in i)City will develop and implement (1) Language access 3) No cost 2) a planning city-wide Language Access Plan message displayed in REDI •3 i00%of public facing office w 2)City develops and standardizes city-owned buildings —BIT resident data collection policy tam a� • (2)Data collection 3) City to start collecting language policy developed and 3) data using vital documents identified implemented REDI by the Language Access Plan. office E 5 a Packet Pg. 76 4.D.a Area offocus: In-Language Resources c, Goal:The City of Kent is committed to providing culturally relevant services and information in multiple languages L v! r • Community C(Outcome): City-owned facilities All • (i) In-language Q4 2023 1) $5-1ok 1)15 w aware of create a welcoming environment Departments welcoming displayed in hours translation& all public customer 2) $1000.00 interpretation 1)Welcoming signs in top 6 languages service areas 2)15 a resources displayed in city-owned facilities hours �° (Resident (2)"I speak"cards survey) 2)"I speak"cards to be created for displayed at all multilingual employees working customer facing c • Community customer service counters counters a� feels welcomed in ti city- M ownedpublic c facing 3 facilities o (Resident a� survey) c R a c 0 Q 3 a w c �a aD 0 r c m E �a Race & Equity Action Plan— Page 6 r - a Packet Pg. 77 4.D.a Area of focus: In-Language Resources c, Goal:The City of Kent is committed to providing culturally relevant services and information in multiple languages L v! r D(Outcome): City of Kent leverages REDI office • Translation costs Q4 2023 i)TBD i) W d certified translators/interpreter decrease every year— REDI expertise with neural machine- citywide office learning translation technology a O i)City to research financial feasibility of incorporating API translation tech o r 0 a� r ti M C O 'rr 3 O N O C R d C O V Q a W C O V R r C d E t v R r .r 7 a Packet Pg. 78 4.D.a Area of focus: Communication a� Goal:The City of Kent is committed to building an inclusive and well-informed community, by working to improve communication about city services in a r manner that is culturally relevant and equitable. N Community Outcomes and Actions Timeline Accountability Performance Progress Cr Indicator(s) Measure report Cost w • Number of A(Outcome): City residents see Mayor's Office, REDI • 12 042023 1) No cost i)18 requests to themselves represented in city Office community hours a 0) highlight communications leaders and 2) No cost year a community or residents -00 members 1) People of Kent—Highlight more highlighted 2)TBD Q community members and their every year c r stories on our social media 0 N 2)All city promotional materials 0 highlight community demographics v M • Requests for B(Outcome): City residents receive Mayor's office, Clerks • (i) Number Q4 2023 1)3-5k(one i) N/A interpretation "vital"city updates Office, All departments of times time cost) from equipment is 2) REDI 3 0 residents 1) Purchase interpretation equipment used 2) office U) —to be available during community $5,000.00 meetings, city council meetings • (2) Network 3)TBD a. • Number of size, 3) $250.0o c emergency 2) Partner with King County's languages per hired 0 network emergency network trusted partners covered employee a partners in program. Grow network in Kent 3 Kent • (3) Number a w 3) Develop incentive pay program multilingual (resident facing positions)to recruit employees more languages to serve our increases per community year r c m E Race & Equity Action Plan—Page 8 - a Packet Pg. 79 4.D.a Area of focus: Communication U Goal:The City of Kent is committed to building an inclusive and well-informed community, by working to improve communication about city services in a manner that is culturally relevant and equitable. r ProgressTimeline Accountability Performance Measure report Cost • Further C(Outcome): Residents are aware of Mayor's office, Kent based Q4 2023 1) No cost 1)3 hours Cr relationship city resources and engagement Communication community (a month) building with opportunities Coordinators/Specialists meetings 2)500.00 BIPOC serving attended (per year) 2)10 a organizations i)Communications coordinators hours(per -°a at the attend KCDIG &Other BIPOC • (2) Quarterly 3)$5000.00— year) Q leadership focused community networking consultation io,000.00 c r level meetings to provide updates to — 3)40 service providers Attendance hours U) (REDI 2) Mayor- Quarterly consultation in • (3)Complete office) partnership with BIPOC serving and updated Kent organizations in Kent(Forum) list per chamber quarter of 3) Create a BIPOC business list/map commerce ' 0 U) a� o: c R a. c 0 U Q .3 a w c m r c m E 9 a Packet Pg. 80 4.D.a Area of focus: Equitable Representation Goal:The City of Kent recruits and retains talented workforce that is increasingly reflective of the community we serve, across all positions,from frontline staff, advisory boards, and commissions,to executive leadership. r Community Outcomes and Actions Timeline Accountability Performance Progress >, reportIndicator(s) Measure Cr • Language A(Outcome):The City of Kent All Departments Languages Q4 2023 1) No cost i)so hours W m Access increases number of multilingual staff spoken by staff complaints members reflect safe 2) No cost 2)TBD harbor a 1) Create list of multilingual employees threshold 3)TBD 3)20 hours Q to identify language gaps 4) $600.00 4)100 ° r 2) Prioritize top 6 community languages per hours per c in recruiting of customer facing positions certification certification to address language gaps ti v 3) Develop language incentive policy for multilingual employees who wish to use c their language skills 3 0 U) 4) Provide language certification ° o: opportunities for staff a • Staff feeling B(Outcome): The City of Kent retains All Departments • Employee Q4 2023 1) No cost 3.)1 hour o of inclusion its diverse staff, and all staff feel like survey results per a (employee they belong. (engagement) 2) No cost month/per survey) meetthe employee 5 1) Offer employee activity group benchmark 3) No cost W opportunities for current staff(Affinity scores 2)1 hour groups) • i00%of exit 4) No cost m interviews 3)io hours 2) Include questions about inclusion on include 5) Included (per year) r employee exit interviews question on in mclain& belonging E Race & Equity Action Plan— Page 10 - a Packet Pg. 81 4.D.a Area of focus: Equitable Representation Goal:The City of Kent recruits and retains talented workforce that is increasingly reflective of the community we serve, across all positions,from frontline staff, advisory boards, and commissions,to executive leadership. r Community Outcomes and Actions Timeline Accountability Performance Progress >, reportInclicator(s) Measure Cr 3) Increase the city's Municipal Equality HR Department, company 4)TBD, Index score(MEI)to loo REDI office, Legal • Policies contract? based on Department reviewed and number of 4) Update personnel policies adopted updated 6) $5-iok policies c prior to 2010 Q • City-wide 5)30 min 5)Yearly city-wide staff survey employee per 2 survey employee c 6)City to create gender inclusive completion of employee policy in consultation with 70% 6) N/A subject matter experts. M • Percentage C(Outcome):The City of Kent works HR Department, • Percentage of O4 2023 1) No cost 1)5 hours c of job collaboratively with local BIPOC REDI office job applicants per month 3 applicants serving community organizations to who identify as 2) No N who self- create a diverse candidate network for "diverse" anticipated 2)10 hours identify as city job openings. matches cost per year diverse resident a 1) City to add local community-based demographics o organizations to the job announcement U notification list All Departments a, .3 2) City partners with CBOs to create a a w candidate referral process m c� r c m E 11 a Packet Pg. 82 4.D.a Area of focus: Equitable Representation Goal:The City of Kent recruits and retains talented workforce that is increasingly reflective of the community we serve, across all positions,from frontline staff, advisory boards, and commissions,to executive leadership. r Community Outcomes and Actions Timeline Accountability Performance ProgressInclicator(s) Measure report Cost >, r a • Percentage D(Outcome):The City removes implicit All Departments • Diversity Q4 2023 1)Workday 3.)TBD W m of staff who bias from the hiring process numbers self-identify increase—staff 2) No cost 2)20 min as diverse 1)The City to develop blind recruiting c process 3) No cost 3)2 min Q c 0 2)All interview panel participants will take implicit bias training before in- 0 person interviews 3)All in-person interviews include questions focused on diversity, equity and belonging. c w 0 0 a� c a c 0 COST Plan cost >, $462,500.00 a W E Race & Equity Action Plan— Page 12 - a Packet Pg. 83