HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-515 - Original - U.S. Depatment of Commerce - United States Census 2020: Confidentiality & Security Guidelines - 12/02/2019FORM D•2004 (6-28-2017) OMB. No. 0607-0994: Approval Expires 12/31/2019 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Economics and Statistics Administration U.S. CENSUS BUREAU United States- ensus �2020 Confidentiality and Security Guidelines 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA) 1. Introduction Federal law, under Title 13 of the United States Code (U.S.C.), requires the U.S. Census Bureau to maintain the confidentiality of the information it collects. The Census Bureau takes this responsibility very seriously. Respondents place their trust in the Census Bureau each time they complete a survey or an interview. This trust in confidentiality is critical to the success of the Census Bureau's mission to collect and report the most accurate data possible. To uphold the law, the Census Bureau requires that any individuals with access to Title 13 materials adhere to the prescribed confidentiality and security guidelines. 2. Title 13, U.S. Code Chapter 1, Section 9 of Title 13, U.S. Code states: "Neither the Secretary, nor any other officer or employee of the Department of Commerce or bureau or agency thereof, or local government census liaison, may, except as provided in section 8 or 16 or chapter 10 of this title ... 1) use the information furnished under the provisions of this title for any purpose other than the statistical purposes for which it is supplied; or 2) make any publication whereby the data furnished by any particular establishment or individual under this title can be identified; or 3) permit anyone other than the sworn officers and employees of the Department or bureau or agency thereof to examine the individual reports." In 1994, under Public Law 103-430, the U.S. Congress amended Chapter 1 of Title 13 to allow the local government census liaison to review and update the Census Bureau's address information for their jurisdiction. Although the amendment allows official local government access, the amendment reaffirmed the confidential nature of the Census Bureau's address information. Census information protected under Title 13 includes: Everything on a completed or partially completed questionnaire or any information obtained in a personal or telephone interview. Individual addresses maintained by the Census Bureau, including those shared with governments through the 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA). Digital or paper maps with latitude/longitude coordinate data that identify the location of living quarters (structure points). The penalty for the wrongful disclosure or release of information protected by Title 13 is a fine of not more than $250,000 or imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both, as set by Section 214 of the Code and the Uniform Sentencing Act of 1984. Title 13 U.S.C. does not apply to generalized address information, such as address range data available in the Census Bureau's digital products or address counts by census block. 3. The Confidentiality Agreement To participate in LUCA, a government must designate a LUCA liaison. The I_UCA liaison, LUCA reviewers, and anyone with access to Title 13 materials must sign the Confidentiality Agreement. The Census Bureau will not deliver LUCA materials to a participant until we have received the completed and signed Confidentiality Agreement and the Confidentiality and Security Checklist. The Census Bureau's Title 13 data, including addresses and latitude/longitude coordinate data (structure points), cannot be used to create, update, nor modify a tribal, state, or local jurisdiction's address list or database. A signature on the Confidentiality Agreement constitutes a legal agreement by each individual to keep confidential Census Bureau Title 13 data and abide by the security guidelines outlined below. While access to Title 13 materials is temporary, the commitment to keep the information confidential is effective for a lifetime. 4 Security Guidelines The LUCA liaison accepts the responsibility for protecting and safeguarding the LUCA materials. The liaison must restrict access to the Census Bureau's information covered under Title 13 to those individuals who have signed the Confidentiality Agreement. 43 Protecting Digital Title 13 Materials Operating systems, programs, applications, and data are collectively referred to as Information Technology (IT) systems in this document. Any IT systems used for LUCA participation must be accessible only to those who have signed the Confidentiality Agreement. Your IT systems should restrict the read, write, and delete functions to all Title 13 materials. Digital Guidelines • Construct electronic security profiles to allow only the LUCA liaison and the LUCA reviewers to access Title 13 materials. Test your security to ensure that access is restricted. • Use file encryption and passwords to protect all digital Title 13 materials at all times. Encrypt files using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with key length of 256 bits. • Do not leave computers with Title 13 materials unattended. Log -off computers, lock terminals, and lock the room when not in use. • Label all digital media and every printed page of any paper materials produced from Title 13 digital media with the following: "This document contains information, the release of which is prohibited by Title 13, U.S.C, and is for U.S. Census Bureau official use only. Wrongful disclosure or release of information can be punished by fine or imprisonment (Public Law 99-474)." • Do not send backup digital media off -site. Store in a secured area. Do not mix, store, or back-up LUCA data with other data. • Clear dedicated digital media containing Title 13 materials before reuse. Overwrite Title 13 digital data minimally three times using a commercial disk utility program. • Do not disclose precise or even anecdotal information about Census Bureau addresses or locations to anyone who has not signed the Confidentiality Agreement. FORM D-2004 (6-28-2017) FnPhA 0-2012 tin-iq-2017) OMB No. 0607-0994: Approval Expires 12/31/2019 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Entity ID Economics and Statistics Aammiquation U.S CENSUS gUnEAU Urnted States Census DESTRUCTION OR RETURN OF TITLE 13, PL5335415 2020 UNITED STATES CODE MATERIALS FORM Government Name 2020 CENSUS LOCAL UPDATE OF CENSUS ADDRESSES OPERATION (LUCA) Kent city Please complete this form and return it via email to GEO.2020.LUCA@census.gov or in the enclosed postage paid, preaddressed envelope. All LUCA liaisons, reviewers, and anyone with access to Title 13. United States Code LUCA materials must sign and date this form at the conclusion of your government's participation in LUCA. Should any liaison, reviewer, or anyone with access to Title 13, U.S.C. LUCA materials leave before the completion of LUCA, they must sign and date this form. If any liaison, reviewer, or anyone with access to Title 13 LUCA materials are unable to sign and date this form, the current liaison must sign and date on their behalf. A. LUCA Liaison Destruction or Return of Title 13 Materials I certify by my signature that I have properly destroyed or returned to the U.S. Census Bureau, the original LUCA Title 13 materials and any copies using the security requirements provided to my government by the Census Bureau. Destroyed Title 13, LUCA materials (Preferred method) Mark (X) one. Returned Title 13, LUCA materials Printed Name of the LUCA Liaison f L" 1 7 Signatur f the LUCA Liaison Date _ _ � t� Month Daffy Year L' I O I �t B. LUCA Reviewers and Anyone With Access to Title 13 Materials Printed Name C) a.4,k a S�rn Signature l Date Month Day Year / O / Zo � Printed Name a�� `t v1�it' 1 111 C Signature Date Month Day Year UFF51 I 1 I co; 1 Printed Name i-e-a-lk r4a e+-- Signatur Date Month Day Year Printed Name Signature Date Month Day Year Section B continued on the reverse seq-05155 FoTim M2005 ?4.5.2017' OMB No. 0607-0994: Approval Expires 12131/2019 U-S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Entity ID UnzudState-s CONFIDENTIALITY Economics ano Statistics Aonnetraum Census FORM US CENSUS BUREAU PL5335415 AGREEMENT 2020 2020 CENSUS LOCAL UPDATE OF Government Name CENSUS ADDRESSES OPERATION (LUCA) Kent city CONDITIONS,A. TERMS, • RESPONSIBILITIES FOR2020 CENSUS LUCA OPERATI All LUCA liaisons. reviewers, and anyone with access to Title 13. United States Code (U.S.C) LUCA materials must agree to keep confidential the Title 13 matemis to which they have access, including any maps that contain structure points showing the location of hying quarters. They may use this information solely for suggesting improvements to the Census Bureaus address list and maps, All individuals who will review or have access to Census Bureau The 13 materials must sign below to indicate they have read and understand the Census Bureau's Confidentiality and Security Guidelines for LUCA. in addition; those who sign the agreement swear. under penalty of perjury, to maintain the confidentiality of Census Bureau fine $250,000 imprisonment for not materials protected under Title 13. Further, a signature indicates recognition that the penalty for wrongful disclosure is a of not more than or more than 5 years, or bola. Although access to the data is temporary, this commitment is permanent. You must be at least 18 years of age to sign this agreement. By signing this agreement. your government agrees to destroy all Census Bureau Title 13 materials or return them to the Census Bureau at the completion of LUCA. LIAISONB. .- Liaison°s Printed Name Area code Telephone number Ext Liaison's nature ` Date Month Day Year 5 J 151121 o! Nam UCA Liaison's Office, Department, or Agency - (Assessor's Office. Planning Department, Regional Planning Agency, etc.) - Please print Address of LUCA Liaison's Office, Department, or Agency - (House number and street name, RR or HC, and box number) - Please print 22C> Lf-tf, City State ZIP Code LJ j I $15 3 2, Email address (knvia- INFORMATIONC. TO TITLE 13, U.S.C. MATERIALS Printed name Area code Telephone number Ext. JCrvta'?I�C'_ oc&\/n - LtCC3v - Signature Date Month Day Year Address, if different from Liaison - (House number and street name. RR or HC, and box number) - Please print City State ZIP Code l I Email address Printed name 11 Area code Telephone number Ext. =r-a S -1 Signature Bate s Month Day Year = j o Address, if different from Liaison - (House number and street name, RR or HC, and box number) - Please print City State I ZIP Code I E-mail address Section C continued on \ C_C-r-,Ocy- t- \,-, it��jCc t1� �i the reverse 37736 FORM D-2005 (4-5-24171 D-2288 (11 /14/2019) PL5335415 Kent city S EQ001-002771 Jimmie Cordova GIS Analyst Public Works - Engineering - GIS 220 4th Ave S Kent, WA 98032-5895 P,00"1 OF c0%, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 9m U.S. Census Bureau Washington, DC 20233-0001 eQ OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR FO Pd STATES OF FROM THE ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR DECENNIAL CENSUS PROGRAMS The U.S. Census Bureau recently sent you an email regarding the destruction or return of the confidential Title 13 address materials used for the 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation (LUCA). By signing the Confidentiality Agreementform to participate in LUCA, you agreed to destroy or return all Title 13 materials upon completion of LUCA. To date, we have no records on file certifying that these Title 13 materials were either destroyed or returned to the Census Bureau. If you have already destroyed or returned the materials, and returned the Destruction or Return of Title 13, United States Code Materials form (D-2012), please disregard this letter. Within one week of receiving this letter, please return a completed and signed Destruction or Return of Title 13, United States Code Materials form (enclosed), certifying that you have complied with your obligation to destroy or return to the Census Bureau all Title 13 confidential materials, including any copies you or any other reviewers have made. This form is also available on the Census Bureau's LUCA website. If you elected to receive digital feedback materials, a fillable form is located on your DVD. Mail this form in the enclosed postage -paid envelope or scan the completed, signed form to GEO.2020.LUCA@census.gov. If you choose to destroy the materials, please review the destruction requirements in the Confidentiality and Security Guidelines. If you choose to return the Title 13 LUCA materials to the Census Bureau, please review the return requirements in the Confidentiality and Security Guidelines. If you have misplaced the mailing label, please contact the Census Bureau to have a replacement label sent to you. Complete and sign the Destruction or Return of Title 13, United States Code form and ensure that all reviewers and those with access to the Title 13 materials sign this form. If anyone with access to Title 13 materials is no longer available to sign and date this form, the current LUCA liaison must sign on their behalf. If you do not perform these actions, the Census Bureau may preclude your government from receiving access to Title 13 confidential materials for future Census Bureau programs. ensus© C 2020 census.gov The only authorized use of any address materials sent to you under Title 13, United States Code, Section 16, is for verification of "the accuracy of the address information of the Census Bureau for census and survey purposes." Any other use or publication of Title 13 materials may subject an individual(s) to a fine of up to $250,000, imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both. If you have any questions relating to the legal aspects of this matter, please call Melissa Creech at 301-763-9844. If you have questions regarding LUCA, please contact us via email at GEO.2020.LUCA@census.gov, by phone at 1-844-344-0169, or you can visit our website at <https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/decennial-census/about/Iuca.htm1>. Thank you for your cooperation and for participating in the effort to make the 2020 Census a success. Sincerely, D Albert E. Fontenot, Jr. Associate Director for Decennial Census Programs Enclosure cc: Dana Ralph D-2288 (11-14-2019) FORM D-2201 (03/26/2019) OMB NO. 0607-0994 Approval Expires 12/31/2019 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS ADMINISTRATION U.S. CENSUS BUREAU 2020 CENSUS LOCAL UPDATE OF CENSUS ADDRESSES OPERATION (LUCA) FEEDBACK ADDRESS UPDATE SUMMARY REPORT Entity ID: PL5335415 Entity Name: Kent city [ate: 7/24/2010R 8022 Total number of address records submitted to the Census Bureau. 7979 Total number of submitted address records processed by the Census Bureau. 43 Total number of submitted address records not processed by the Census Bureau.' Participant Action(s) Accepted 3008 Number of added (A) address records submitted and added to the Census Address List. 3409 Number of corrected (C) address records submitted and corrected in the Census Address List. __163 Number of deleted (D) address records submitted and deleted from the Census Address List. 0 Number of out of iurisdiction (J) address records submitted and removed from your jurisdiction's portion of the Census Address List. 1 Number of nonresidential (N) address records submitted and removed from the residential portion of the Census Address List. 6581 _ Total number of submitted address records accepted by the Census Bureau as requested. Participant Action(s) Not Accepted 3 __ Number of added (A) address records submitted, but not added to the Census Address List. 0 Number of corrected (C) address records submitted, but not corrected in the Census Address List. 1388 Number of deleted (D) address records submitted, but not deleted from the Census Address List. 2 Number of out of iurisdiction (J) address records submitted, but not removed from your jurisdiction's portion of the Census Address List. _2 Number of nonresidential (N) address records submitted, but not removed from the residential portion of the Census Address List. 1398 Total number of submitted address records not accepted by the Census Bureau as requested. C, OTHER ADDRESS RECORDS Number of address records without action taken during the LUCA Review Phase that were deleted from the Census Address List by another LUCA participant or a different census operation. This number corresponds to the number of X01 records on your Detailed Feedback Address List. ' Participant address records were not processed if they did not meet the minimum requirements. Some examples of records that were not processed include the following: addresses submitted with blank or invalid action codes, added records submitted without geospatial information, added records submitted with 9-digit numeric MAFIDs, action codes other than "A" used on records without MAFIDs, and non -city style addresses submitted without map spots or latitude and longitude coordinates. Home Share View Manage Cut -2 Copy path Pinto Quick Copj Paste Move Copy Delete Rename access ej Paste shortcut to - to.,. 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