HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2021-488 - Amendment - Washington State Military Department - Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) E22-142 - 08/02/2022Ap p r o v a l Originator:Department: Date Sent:Date Required: Authorized to Sign: o Director or Designee o Mayor Date of Council Approval: Budget? o Yes o No Grant? o Yes o No Type: Re v i e w / Si g n a t u r e s / R o u t i n g Date Received by City Attorney:Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor’s Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk’s Office: Ag r e e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n Vendor Name:Category: Vendor Number:Sub-Category: Project Name: Project Details: Agreement Amount: Start Date: Basis for Selection of Contractor: Termination Date: Local Business? o Yes o No* *If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete “Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions” form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? o Yes o No Contract Number: Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor’s Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreementsadccW22373_1_20 Budget Account Number: Washington State Military Department AMENDMENT 1.SUBRECIPIENT NAME/ADDRESS: Kent, City of 2.GRANT NUMBER: E22-142 3.AMENDMENT NUMBER: 1 Revised Emergency Management Division (EMO) 220 4th Ave S Kent, WA 98032-58384.SUBRECIPIENT CONTACT, PHONE/EMAIL: Robert A. Goehring, 253-856-5262 rc:ioeh rinc:i®kentwa.c:iov 5.DEPARTMENT CONTACT, PHONE/EMAIL: Michael Alston, 253-512-7083 michael.alston®mil.wa.c:iov6.EIN: 91-6001254 7.ASSISTANCE LISTINGS# & TITLE:I 8.FEDERAL AWARD ID# (FAIN): 97 .042 (21 EMPG)EMS-2021-EP-00007-S019.FUNDING AUTHORITY: The Washington State Military Department (Department) and the US Department of Homeland Security (OHS) 10.DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION OF AMENDMENT:Due to a change in funding priorities and cost savings from cancelled activities, the Subrecipient is revising the Work Plan,Attachment D.•Priority Area #1: Remove Activity #1 and add Activity #3 to enhance existing communication capabilities.•Priority Area #2: Revise Activity #1 to purchase a new trailer.•Priority Area #4: Remove Activity #1 due to cancelled CERT courses. The Budget, Attachment F, is revised to decrease funds under Organization and Training and to increase funds under Planning and Equipment in alignment with the activity changes. Chanqes are noted in red font, strikethrouqh, and qrev hiqhliqht. 11.AMENDMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1.The Grant Agreement Amount of $71,041 remains unchanged. 2.The Grant Agreement End Date of September 30, 2022, remains unchanged. 3.Change the original Work Plan, Attachment D, as described on Page 2 of this Amendment. 4.Change the original Budget, Attachment F, as described on Page 2 of this Amendment. This Amendment is incorporated in and made a part of the Grant Agreement. Except as amended herein, all other terms and conditions of the Grant Agreement remain in full force and effect. Any reference in the original Grant Agreement or an Amendment to the "Grant Agreement" shall mean "Grant Agreement as amended". The Department and Sub-Recipient acknowledge and accept the terms of this Amendment as identified above, effective on the final date of execution below. By signing this Amendment, the signatories warrant they have the authority to execute this Amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment: FOR THE DEPARTMENT: Signature Regan Anne Hesse, Chief Financial Officer Washington State Military Department BOILERPLATE APPROVED AS TO FORM: Date FOR THE SUBRECIPIENT: Q.,,{\D..., Signature /Signature on file/____________ I Ma�hew Morris, Fire Chief David B. Merchant, Assistant Attorney General 10/11/2021 City o: Kent 06/22/2022 Date Date FORM (if applicable): 6/22/22 Date DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FY21 Page 1 of 6 City of Kent EMO, E22-142 Amendment 1 Revised Acting CFO 8/2/2022 Washington State Military Department Amendments to Agreement E22-142 1.Change the original Work Plan, Attachment D. a.Original Work Plan, Attachment D, with Revision 1 Work Plan, Attachment D. 2.Change the original Budget, Attachment F. a.Original Budget, Attachment F, with Revision 1 Budget, Attachment F. DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FY21 Page 2 of 6 City of Kent EMO, E22-142 Amendment 1 Revised Attachment D Revision 1 WORK PLAN FY 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant Emergency Management Organization: City of Kent -Emergency Management Division The purpose of EMPG is to assist with the enhancement, sustainment and improvement of state, local, and tribal emergency management programs. Activities conducted using EMPG funding should relate directly to the five elements of emergency management: prevention, protection, response, recovery, and mitigation. Washington State does not require a specific number of activities to receive EMPG funding. However, there are required capabilities that must be sustained in order to remain eligible for EMPG funding, including but not limited to the ability to communicate and warn, educate the public, plan, train, exercise, and be NIMS compliant. The Work Plan delineates the Emergency Management Organization's emergency management program planning and priority focus for this grant cycle (to include EMPG grant and local funds). Meeting refreshments Ink Cartridges Primary Core Capability Secondary Core capabil�ty Build or Sustain WORK PLANNED l I Purchase Dual Band Radios for Cit·,« of Kent f:CC. 2 I Renew monthly contract for ECC Satellite Phones. 3 I Enhance the emergency communications capabilities for the Kent ECC. Expand existing VHF-only Win link RMS Gateway, Winlink clients, and 3 portable go-kits to add UHF capabilities. DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FY21 4.7 Communications and Warning Operational Communications Situational Assessment Building IDENTIFIED GAP/NEED Lack of raelios recogni2:ed as a gap during testing and acti>.•ations for redundant communication across city departments and the f:CC. (Police, Fire, IT, P1:1blic Works, etc.) During major communication outage Satellite phones needed to communicate with State or other local communities. The ECC currently has multiple radios installed that have no matching antenna installed, and it is missing a number of key communication capabilities such as HF (80m) and CEMNET that may be required to communicate with the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) and other agencies. ANTICIPATED PROJECT IMPACT Radios will provide redundant coFRFRunication bet>.,•een CiW Departments and f:CC for sit1:1ational a·Naren ess/mcssages eluri ng activations. Satellite Phones will provide redundant communication between City and State. The equipment will enhance emergency communication capabilities for the City of Kent and allow the ECC to communicate effectively with the State EOC and other agencies in the event of emergencies, which will significantly aid in response and recovery. Page 3 of 6 City of Kent EMO, E22-142 Amendment 1 Revised 4.6 Resource Management, Mutual Aid, and Logistics Primary Core Capability Operational Coordination Secondary Core Capability Critical Transportation Build or Sustain Sustaining/Maintaining WORK PLANNED I IDENTIFIED GAP/NEED 1 I Begin ouHitting an �mused CERT/EM trailer so that it can be transitioned mte-Purchase a new trailer that can be used as a mobile command post for Kent Emergency Management. Due to age and deterioration, the current CERT /EM trailer needs to be replaced. A mobile command post will provide the ability for ECC staff to be located as close to an incident as possible for better communications and on scene control of tactical operations. ANTICIPATED PROJECT IMPACT A mobile command post will provide a decrease in response time as the trailer will provide supplies needed to operate as an ECC as well as better communications with other departments/units. 4.10 Exercises, Evaluations, and Corrective Actions Primary Core Capability Operational Coordination Secondary Core Capability Planning Build or Sustain Sustaining/Maintaining WORK PLANNED 1 I Purchase IT equipment for enhancements in functionality and capability for situational awareness for the Kent ECC and Department Operating Centers (DOC's). Purchases may include WIFI hotspots, printers, Routers, etc. 2 I Participate in the design, conduct, and evaluation of a minimum of 1 exercise or real activation to test parts of the COOP/COG plans as well as the City's CEMP. Purchases may include sustenance for events/exercises and OT for EM staff IDENTIFIED GAP/NEED Drill, exercises, and activations have identified gaps in communications sharing and the need for updated ECC/DOC equipment and or supplies. The City's capabilities need to be tested through activation, exercise, and training. ANTICIPATED PROJECT IMPACT Greater communication and functionality will increase situational awareness between Kent ECC, DOC's and regional partners during ana activation/exercise. Successful participation, completed AAR's identifying areas for improvements, and for participants to be able to better respond to an incident/event. 4.11 Emergency Public Information and Education Primary Core Capability Community Resilience Secondary Core Capability Long-term Vulnerability Reduction Build or Sustain Sustaining/Maintaining WORK PLANNED 1 I De li·.•er in person FE.Ml\ Community Response Team (CERT) courses and/or onliAe trainiAg modules at least once a year to the City of Kent, Covington, Puget Sound Response Area. Major purchases may include manuals, supplies, sustenance for trainings and Overtime for instructors. IDENTIFIED GAP/NEED A known gap is that there are not eno1::1gl'l responders to help the community during a major iAcieleAt. Witf'I coAtinueel training, tl'le Cit1• i5 building the volunteer database and becoming a more resilient community. ANTICIPATED PROJECT IMPACT Larger number of CERT trained members in the community will lead to a better prepared City that is ready to respond to and become more resilient after a disaster. DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FY21 Page 4 of 6 City of Kent EMO, E22-142 Amendment 1 Revised 2 Participate in multiple community Focus is on building community events throughout the year such as safety and emergency preparedness Cornucopia days, National Night for both adults and youth. Out, Kids Safety Day and school / neighborhood events. Purchases are promotional items to spread Emergency Management messages. 4.9 Training Primary Core Capability I Operational Coordination Secondary Core Capability Community Resilience Build or Sustain Sustaining/Maintaining WORK PLANNED I IDENTIFIED GAP/NEED 1 I Conduct training and/or send EM / ECC staff and EM Volunteers to career development workshops, seminars, conferences and trainings for emergency r11anagement Continued training for emergency management personnel in accordance with EMPG Program requirements. The more youth and adults that are trained and have knowledge in emergency preparedness creates a engaged community who better understands their role in the event of a disaster and how to take care of themselves, their families and their neighbors. ANTICI PATED PROJECT IMPACT Fully trained staff and volunteers who are better able to respond to the Kent ECC/DOC's in an incident/event. 4.4 Operational Planning and Procedures Primary Core Capability Long-term Vulnerability Reduction Secondary Core Capability Operational Coordination Build or Sustain Sustaining/Maintaining WORK PLANNED IDENTIFIED GAP/NEED 1 I Purchase MRE's and emergency I To maintain sustenance for ECC drinking water. (Items are tracked staff in the event of a disaster. and updated per expiration date on a rotating basis) ANTICIPATED PROJECT IMPACT Provide all staff working during a major incident with sustainable food and water. DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FY21 Page 5 of 6 City of Kent EMO, E22-142 Amendment 1 Revised Revision 1 BUDGET FY 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant 21EMPG Award $ Modification $ 71,041.00 ------ Amended 21EMPG Award $ 71,041.00 Attachment F SOLUTION AMEND ED AREA BUDGET CAT EGORY EMPGAMOUNT Personnel & Fringe Benefits $ - � Travel/Per Diem $. z Supplies $ 17,500 S Consultants/Contracts $- c.Other $ - Subtotal ·$ 17,500 Z Personnel & Fringe Benefits s 10,000 0 $ j::: Travel/Per Diem -§Supplies s 36,741 :;! Consultants/Contracts $. � Other s - 0 Subtotal $46,741 Personnel & Fringe Benefits s - � Travel/Per Diem $-u Supplies $- � Cons u I ta nts/Contra cts s . w Other � Subtotal S Personnel & Fringe Benefits s - � Travel/Per Diem s 3,500 z Supplies $ - � Consultants/Contracts Other -Registrati ans s 3,300 $ Subtotal $ 6,800 Cl. $3 Equipment . a Subtotal S -w Personnel & Fringe Benefits $ - Travel/Per Di em $ - � Supplies $ - � Cons u I ta nts/Contra cts $ - Other $- Subtotal S . $ s s $ $ s $ $ s $ $ s s s $ s � $ $ s s s $ $ $ s $ $ $ $ s $ MODIFICATION EMPGAMOUNT MA TCH AMOUNT . $ . $ 4,500 $ -$. $ 4,500 '$ (10,000) $ . s {18,500) $ . $ . s (28,500) '$ - - - . - $ $ ,$ s $ ".$ $ (2,000,) $ -$ $ -$ (2,000) '$ 26,000 s 26,000 '$ -$-$-$. $-$ . $ . $- -$. 22,000 $ - -$--$ - 22,000 $ - . $ 71,041 -$- 18,241 $ . -$--$- 18,241 s 71,041 -$--$--s .• -s . . .. -u- TT-$- 1,500 $. -$- Is-. 3,300 s . 4,800 $. 26,000 s - 26,000 s - -$. . $. -$- -s - . $- -$- Indirect S -S -I S -···-······················· .................. _, .................. _, .............. _ .............................. _. .............................................. _.·· ............................. . Indirect Cost Rate on fi_le 0.00% TOTAL Grant A_greement AMOUNT: $ 71,041 $$ 71,041 $ 71,041 The Subrecipient will provide a match $71,041 of non-federal origin, 50% of the total project cost local budget plus EMPG award). Cumulative transfers to budget categories in excess of ten percent (10%) of the Grant Agreement Amount will not be reimbursed without prior written authorization from the Department. Funding Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security -Pl# 713PT -EMPG DHS-FEMA-EMPG-FY21 Page 6 of 6 City of Kent EMO, E22-142 Amendment 1 Revised