HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2023-028 - Original - Cummins Inc. - 2023 Water and Utility Generator Load Testing - 01/23/2023Dani Hodgins for Dustin Phelan Public Works 01/13/2023 01/20/2023 N/A 41005550.64110.7410 N/A Cummins, Inc.Contract Original 2023 Water and Utility Generator Load Testing Contractor shall electrically load test to full capacity the City's generators for no less than two hours at the Water and Utility divisions. $32,829.18 Bid Okay to sign. C. Schuck 1/13/23 1/13/23 1/17/23 CAG2023-028 Agreement Number: DES Use Only MASTER CONTRACT USAGE AGREEMENT This Master Contract Usage Agreement (the "Agreement") is made pursuant to Chapter 39.34 of the Revised Code of Washington, and other applicable laws, by and between the state of Washington (the "State"), actin by an t rough the partment of Enterprise Services ("DES"), an agency of the State, and , Eu ty R'n�ue a state agency, or local or federal agency or ntity, or public benefit nonprofit corporation, or any tribe located in the State ("Buyer'). 1. Purpose: The purpose of die Agreement is to establish the terms and conditions for when Buyer purchases or acquires goods and services for its direct use under contracts entered into by DES that permit such use ("Master Contracts"). 2. Duration: This Agreement will become effective on date of execution, and will continue in full force and effect until thirty (30) clays following receipt of written notice from either party cancelling this Agreement. 3. Agreement Contact Information: Contact person to whom contract documents and related communications are to be mailed or faxed. Organization Name: Tax Identification Number: 1-0 I , I00 Unified Business Identifier Requiredfor No,► Pfrcro Contact Name: Title: f l� O 7 Address: �� City: l State: zip: Phone Number: Email Address: 0 n0-4* / AQIZ 4. Cancellation of A reement: This agreement`e'an be terminated by either party upon 30 days written notice provided to DES at: Email to: mcua@des.wa.gov OR Mail to: WA Dept of Enterprise Services Attn: ACCO P.O. Box 41409 Olympia, WA 98504-1401 5. Financial Responsibility: Buyer will deal directly with the Master Contract contractor, supplier, or service supplier ("Contractor") for any purchases Buyer makes pursuant to this Agreement and under a Master Contract. DES does not accept any responsibility, financial or otherwise, for any purchase Buyer makes under a Master Contract. Agreement Number: DES Use 0uh, 6. Compliance with Other Laws: Each of the parties will comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations governing its own purchases. 7. Master Contract Audits: Bayer agrees to cooperate with DES, the Office of the State Auditor, federal officials, or any third party authorized by law, rule, regulation or contract, in any audit conducted by such party related to any Master Contract(s) that Buyer has made purchases from pursuant to this Agreement, including providing records related to any purchase from a Master Contract. In addition, Buyer agrees to provide, upon request from DES, documentation to confirm its eligibility to use Master Contracts. 8. Dispute Resolution: If there are any disputes between Buyer and a Contractor, Buyer agrees to (a) provide DES written notice of the nature of the dispute; and (b) unless otherwise provided in the Master Contract or as set forth below, work in good faith with the Contractor to resolve the dispute without the involvement of DES. DES may, upon request, review and assist in the resolution of a dispute, and if DES chooses to do so, the Buyer will cooperate with DES in that resolution process. In its sole discretion, DES may, but is not obligated to, upon written notice to Buyer, resolve disputes with a Contractor on behalf of Buyer and all other state, local, and federal agencies, local governments, and public benefit nonprofit corporations with similar or related disputes with such Contractor. 9, No Separate Entity: No separate legal or administrative entity is intended to be creates by, or for the administrat'on of, this Agreement. 10. Hold Harmless: Each party agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold the ot.zer party harmless from any claim arising from such party's sole negligent, reckless, or willful misconduct. 11, Entire Agreement: This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between the parties, and supersedes any other prior written agreements between the parties, with respect to the subject matter hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties having read this Agreement, agree to A in each and every particular, and have executed A below. APPROVED WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENTERPRISE SERVICES Entity Name Signature Farrel; Presnell, Acting As4'stant Director Name/ -1tle el Date 2 Dat APPROVED           MASTER CONTRACT  NO. 02420    GENERATOR MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR      For Use by Eligible Purchasers          By and Between        STATE OF WASHINGTON  DEPARTMENT OF ENTERPRISE SERVICES      and      CUMMINS INC.  dba   CUMMINS SALES AND SERVICE    In All Categories and All Regions          Dated February 16 , 2021    MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02420  1        MASTER CONTRACT  NO. 02420  GENERATOR MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR      This  Master  Contract  (“Master  Contract”)  is  made  and  entered  into  by  and  between  the  State  of  Washington  acting  by  and  through  the  Department  of  Enterprise  Services,  a  Washington  State  governmental agency (“Enterprise Services”) and Cummins Inc., an Indiana corporation (“Contractor”) and  is dated and effective as of February 8, 2021.  R E C I T A L S  A. Pursuant to Legislative direction codified in RCW Chapter 39.26, Enterprise Services, on  behalf of the State of Washington, is authorized to develop, solicit, and establish master  contracts for goods and/or services for general use by Washington state agencies and  certain other entities (eligible purchasers).  B. On behalf of the State of Washington, Enterprise Services, as part of a competitive  governmental procurement, issued Competitive Solicitation No. 02420 dated November  4, 2020.  C. Enterprise Services evaluated all responses to the Competitive Solicitation and identified  Contractor as an apparent successful bidder for all regions and all categories.  D. Enterprise Services has determined that entering into this Master Contract will meet the  identified needs and be in the best interest of the State of Washington.  E. The  purpose  of  this  Master  Contract  is  to  enable  eligible  purchasers  to  purchase  Generator Maintenance and Repair as set forth herein.  A G R E E M E N T  NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and conditions set forth herein, the  parties hereto hereby agree as follows:  1. TERM. The term of this Master Contract is sixty (60) months, commen cing February 8, 2021, and ending  February 7, 2026.  2. ELIGIBLE PURCHASERS. This Master Contract may be utilized by any of the following types of entities  (“Purchaser”):  2.1. WASHINGTON STATE AGENCIES. All Washington state agencies, departments, offices, divisions,  boards, and commissions.  2.2. WASHINGTON STATE INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION (COLLEGES). Any the following institutions  of higher education in Washington:   State  universities  –  i.e.,  University  of  Washington  and  Washington  State  University;  MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02420  2         Regional universities – i.e., Central Washington University, Eastern Washington  University, and Western Washington University   The Evergreen State College;   Community colleges and technical colleges.  2.3. MCUA PARTIES. Any of the following types of entities that have executed a Master Contract  Usage Agreement with Enterprise Services:   Political subdivisions (e.g., counties, cities, school districts, public utility districts)  in the State of Washington;   Federal governmental agencies or entities;   Public‐benefit  nonprofit  corporations  (i.e.,  § 501(c)(3)  nonprofit  corporations  that receive federal, state, or local funding); and   Federally‐recognized Indian Tribes located in the State of Washington.  3. SCOPE – INCLUDED SERVICES AND PRICE.  3.1. CONTRACT SCOPE.  Pursuant  to  this  Master  Contract,  Contractor  shall  furnish  qualified  personnel,  replacement  parts,  tools  and  supplies  to  perform  generator  preventive  maintenance,  repairs  and  load  bank  testing  in  accordance  with  the  manufacturer  requirements and current industry standards (hereafter “Services”) for the prices set forth in  Exhibit A – Prices. Contractor shall not represent to any Purchaser under this Master Contract  that Contractor has contractual authority to sell any services beyond those set forth in this  Master Agreement.  3.2. STATE’S ABILITY TO MODIFY SCOPE OF MASTER CONTRACT. Subject to mutual agreement between the  parties, Enterprise Services reserves the right to modify the Services included in this Master  Contract; Provided, however, that any such modification shall be effective only upon thirty  (30) days advance written notice; and Provided further, that any such modification must be  within the scope of this Master Contract.  3.3. PRICE CEILING.  Although  Contractor  may  offer  lower  prices  to  Purchasers,  Contractor  guarantees to provide Services during the term of this Master Contract at no greater than the  prices (prevailing wage plus percentage markup) set forth in Exhibit A – Prices.  3.4. MASTER CONTRACT INFORMATION. Enterprise Services shall maintain and provide information  regarding this Master Contract, including scope and pricing, to eligible Purchasers.  4. CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIONS  AND WARRANTIES. Contractor makes each of the following  representations and warranties as of the effective date of this Master Contract and at the time any  order is placed pursuant to this Master Contract. If, at the time of any such order, Contractor cannot  make such representations and warranties, Contractor shall not process any orders and shall, within  three (3) business days notify Enterprise Services, in writing, of such breach.  4.1. QUALIFIED TO DO BUSINESS. Contractor represents and warrants that it is in good standing and  qualified to do business in the State of Washington, that it is registered with the Washington  State Department of Revenue and the Washington Secretary of State, that it possesses and  shall  keep  current  all  required  licenses  and/or  approvals,  and that  it  is  current,  in  full  compliance, and has paid all applicable taxes owed to the State of Washington.  MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02420  3        4.2. SUSPENSION  AND DEBARMENT.  Contractor  represents  and  warrants  that  neither  it  nor  its  principals or affiliates presently are debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared  ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in any governmental contract by any  governmental department or agency within the United States.  4.3. PERFORMANCE & DELIVERY OF SERVICES. Contractor represents and warrants that in performing  Services pursuant to this Master Contract, Contractor shall:  (a) Provide replacement parts and supplies that are merchantable, fit and safe for  the intended purposes, free from defects in materials and workmanship, free of  liens and encumbrances and are produced and delivered in full compliance with  applicable law;  (b) Perform  its  obligations  in  a  timely,  professional,  and  workmanlike  manner  consistent with standards in the profession;  (c) Meet or exceed the performance and operational standards and specifications  in this Master Contract;  (d) Not interfere with the State’s operations;  (e) Obtain and maintain all necessary licenses, permits, or other authorizations  necessary for the performance of the Master Contract;  (f) Cooperate with the State and any third party to achieve the objectives of the  Master Contract;  (g) Return to the Purchaser any Purchaser‐furnished equipment or other resources  in the same condition as when provided when no longer required for the Master  Contract;  (h) Comply with all Purchaser physical and IT security policies and standards which  will be made available upon request;  (i) Comply with all State fire, access, safety, and other security requirements while  on State premises; and  (j) Provide the State priority in performance of this Master Contract except as  mandated by federal disaster response requirements.  Upon breach of warranty, Contractor will repair or re‐perform (at no charge to Purchaser)  any Services whose nonconformance is discovered and made known to the Contractor. If,  in Purchaser’s judgment, repair or re‐performance is inadequate, or fails of its essential  purpose, Contractor will refund the full amount of any payments that have been made.  The rights and remedies of the parties under this warranty are in addition to any other  rights and remedies of the parties provided by law or equity, including, without limitation,  MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02420  4        actual damages, and, as applicable and awarded under the law, to a prevailing party,  reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, any  breach under this paragraph is considered a material breach.   4.4. WAGE VIOLATIONS. Contractor represents and warrants that, during the term of this Master  Contract and the three‐year period immediately preceding the award of the Master Contract,  it is not determined, by a final and binding citation and notice of assessment issued by the  Washington Department of Labor and Industries or through a civil judgment entered by a  court of limited or general jurisdiction, to be in willful violation of any provision of Washington  state wage laws set forth in RCW chapters 49.46, 49.48, or 49.52.  4.5. PAY EQUALITY. Contractor represents and warrants that, among its workers, similarly employed  individuals are compensated as equals. For purposes of this provision, employees are similarly  employed if the individuals work for the same employer, the performance of the job requires  comparable skill, effort, and responsibility, and the jobs are performed under similar working  conditions.  Job  titles  alone  are  not  determinative  of  whether  employees  are  similarly  employed. Contractor may allow differentials in compensation for its workers based in good  faith on any of the following: a seniority system; a merit system; a system that measures  earnings by quantity or quality of production; a bona fide job‐related factor or factors; or a  bona fide regional difference in compensation levels. A bona fide job‐related factor or factors  may include, but not be limited to, education, training, or experience that is: consistent with  business necessity; not based on or derived from a gender‐based differential; and accounts  for the entire differential. A bona fide regional difference in compensation level must be  consistent with business necessity; not based on or derived from a gender‐based differential;  and account for the entire differential. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, upon  breach of warranty and Contractor’s failure to provide satisfactory evidence of compliance  within 30 days, Enterprise Services may suspend or terminate this Master Contract and any  Purchaser hereunder similarly may suspend or terminate its use of the Master Contract  and/or any agreement entered into pursuant to this Master Contract.  4.6. EXECUTIVE ORDER 18‐03 – WORKERS’ RIGHTS. Contractor represents and warrants, as previously  certified  in  Contractor’s  Bidder’s  Certification,  that  Contractor  does  NOT  require  its  employees, as a condition of employment, to sign or agree to mandatory individual arbitration  clauses or class or collective action waivers. Contractor further represents and warrants that,  during the term of this Contract, Contractor will not, as a condition of employment, require  its employees to sign or agree to mandatory individual arbitration clauses or class or collective  action waivers.  4.7. PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS. Contractor represents and warrants that all Services performed  by Contractor shall be based upon the performance specifications of individual equipment as  published by the equipment manufacturer or as otherwise indicated in this Master Contract  or Purchaser’s ordering document.   4.8. INDUSTRY CODES AND STANDARDS. Contractor represents and warrants that Contractor’s Services  comply with the latest edition of applicable industry and government codes and standards.  4.9. LABOR FURNISHED. Contractor represents and warrants that any electrical work required for the  Services performed by Contractor shall be performed by a certified journey‐level electrician  as required by RCW 19.28.161 and WAC 296‐46B‐920.  MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02420  5        4.10. MANUFACTURER CERTIFICATION. Contractor represents  and warrants that it is an authorized  service provider for the following manufacturers ‐ Caterpillar, Kohler‐SDMO, Cummins, and  Generac ‐ and that it shall maintain its authorized service provider status for the Term of this  Master Contract. Upon request by Enterprise Services, Contractor shall provide evidence of  its status as an authorized service provider.  4.11. PROCUREMENT ETHICS  AND PROHIBITION  ON GIFTS. Contractor represents and warrants that it  complies fully with all applicable procurement ethics restrictions including, but not limited to,  restrictions against Contractor providing gifts or anything of economic value, directly or  indirectly, to Purchasers’ employees.  4.12. WASHINGTON’S ELECTRONIC BUSINESS SOLUTION (WEBS). Contractor represents and warrants that  it is registered in Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS), Washington’s contract  registration system and that, all of its information therein is current and accurate and that  throughout the term of this Master Contract, Contractor shall maintain an accurate profile in  WEBS.  4.13. STATEWIDE PAYEE DESK.  Contractor  represents  and  warrants  that  it  is  registered  with the  Statewide Payee Desk, which registration is a condition to payment.  4.14. MASTER CONTRACT PROMOTION, ADVERTISING  AND ENDORSEMENT.  Contractor  represents  and  warrants that it shall use commercially reasonable efforts both to promote and market the  use of this Master Contract with eligible Purchasers and to ensure that those entities that  utilize  this  Master  Contract  are  eligible  Purchasers.  Contractor  understands  and  acknowledges that neither Enterprise Services nor Purchasers are endorsing Contractor’s  services  or  suggesting  that  such  services  are  the  best  or  only solution  to  their  needs.  Accordingly, Contractor represents and warrants that it shall make no reference to Enterprise  Services, any Purchaser, or the State of Washington in any promotional material without the  prior written consent of Enterprise Services.  4.15. MASTER CONTRACT TRANSITION.  Contractor  represents  and  warrants  that,  in  the  event  this  Master Contract or a similar contract is transitioned to another contractor (e.g., Master  Contract expiration or termination), Contractor shall use commercially reasonable efforts to  assist Enterprise Services for a period of sixty days to effectuate a smooth transition to  another contractor to minimize disruption of service and/or costs to the State of Washington.  MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02420  6        5. USING THE MASTER CONTRACT – PURCHASES.   5.1. ORDERING REQUIREMENTS. Eligible Purchasers shall order Services from this Master Contract,  consistent with the terms hereof and by using any ordering mechanism agreeable both to  Contractor and Purchaser but, at a minimum, including the use of a purchase order. When  practicable, Contractor and Purchaser also shall use telephone orders, email orders, web‐ based orders, and similar procurement methods (collectively “Purchase Order”). All order  documents must reference the Master Contract number. The terms of this Master Contract  shall apply to any Purchase Order and, in the event of any conflict, the terms of this Master  Contract shall prevail. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, in no event shall any  ‘click‐agreement,’  software  or  web‐based  application  terms  and conditions,  or  other  agreement modify the terms and conditions of this Master Contract.  5.2. RECEIPT AND INSPECTION OF SERVICES. Services purchased under this Master Contract are subject  to  Purchaser’s  reasonable  inspection,  testing,  and  approval  at Purchaser’s  destination.  Purchaser reserves the right to reject and refuse acceptance of Services that are not in  accordance with this Master Contract and Purchase Order. If there are any apparent defects  in the Services at the time of delivery, Purchaser promptly will  notify  Contractor.  At  Purchaser’s option, and without limiting any other rights, Purchaser may require Contractor  to repair, replace or re‐perform, at Contractor’s expense, any or all of the Services within five  (5) business days of the notice or, at Purchaser’s option, Purchaser may note any issues with  the services on the receiving report, decline acceptance, and deduct the cost of rejected  Services from final payment. Payment for any Services under such Purchase Order shall not  be deemed acceptance of the Services.  5.3. ON SITE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS.  While  on  Purchaser’s  premises,  Contractor,  its  agents,  employees, or subcontractors shall comply, in all respects, with Purchaser’s physical, fire,  access, safety, and other security requirements. Contractor’s employees might have to pass  a  security  background  check  before  performing  Services  for  certain  Purchasers.  All  Contractor’s employees who provide services at Department of Corrections (DOC) facilities  must pass a security background check to be cleared for access to a DOC facility. Contractor  shall submit required personnel information with adequate time for completion of a security  background clearance, generally five (5) business days ahead of a scheduled site visit. For  emergency requests, the Contractor will maintain a ready pool of personnel who are cleared  for access. Some DOC facilities may require security clearance to be updated every 90 days.  Contractors' employees who provide service at a DOC facility may be required to attend a  security briefing before working inside a facility for the first time. The briefing will cover tool  control, key control, association with offenders, staff escorts, use of cell phones, pagers,  cameras, tobacco products, alcohol, and weapons.   5.4. CLEANING. Contractor shall insure that all areas are clean and salvaged materials or scraps are  removed before leaving jobsite. The cleaning must be to a minimum of industry standards,  and shall be to the full satisfaction of Purchaser. Contractor will be fully responsible for  removal  and  disposal  of  all  parts,  supplies,  oils,  greases,  solvents  and  soiled  cleaning  cloths/rags that are used in performing the Services. All material will be disposed of in  accordance with all applicable local, State and Federal laws and regulations.   5.5. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE.  Contractor  shall  perform  preventive  maintenance  to  prevent  malfunctions or shutdowns of generator systems due to normal wear and tear. Preventive  MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02420  7        maintenance includes scheduled, periodic, on‐site inspection, testing, adjustments and part  replacements of the generator system to keep a generator in proper working order consistent  with original manufacturer specifications and recommendations. Contractor and Purchaser  shall establish a preventive maintenance agreement to cover the specific tasks and frequency  of  preventive  maintenance  services  for  Purchaser’s  generator  system.  Services  shall  be  performed  during  normal  business  hours  and  charged  at  a  regular  hourly  rate,  unless  otherwise requested and approved by the Purchaser in advance. Normal business hours shall  mean 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, with the exception of state holidays.  5.6. LOAD BANK TESTING. Contractor shall perform load bank testing and provide Purchaser with the  load bank testing report that contains comprehensive test results. Load bank testing produces  artificial  loads  on  the  generators  by  bringing  the  engine  to  an  appropriate  operating  temperature and pressures to verify all primary components of the generator system are in  proper  working  condition  consistent  with  original  manufacturer specifications  and  recommendations.  Contractor  and  Purchaser  shall  establish  an  agreement  to  cover  the  specific tasks and frequency of load bank testing services for Purchaser’s generator system.  Services shall be performed during normal business hours and charged at a regular hourly  rate, unless otherwise requested and approved by the Purchaser in advance. Normal business  hours shall mean 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday with the exception of the state  holidays.  5.7. REPAIR SERVICES. Repair services include unscheduled maintenance of generator systems which  are not operating properly and require immediate repair or service to return them to proper  working order consistent with original manufacturer specifications and recommendations.  Contractor shall provide twenty‐four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week telephone  service for as‐needed repair requests. Prior to any repairs being made by the Contractor, the  Contractor shall submit a written proposal to the Purchaser to obtain formal approval to  proceed.  5.8. REPLACEMENT PARTS. In performing the services, Contractor shall provide only new replacement  parts that are approved by the serviced generator’s manufacturer. If Contractor wishes to  provide parts other than recommended by the original equipment manufacturer, Contractor  shall, in writing, state the type proposed and the specifications to the Purchaser for review  and  written  approval.  Contractor  shall  use  commercially  reasonable  efforts  to  procure  replacements parts in the most expeditious manner available.  5.9. RESPONSE TIMES. Contractor must arrive at Purchaser’s location within a four‐hour window for  a scheduled appointment; within six hours of the Purchaser’s request for emergency repair  services (as defined in Section 5.7); and 10 hours for emergency repair services in a rural  location, defined as two hours or more from a Contractor’s regional  office.  6. INVOICING AND PAYMENT.   6.1. CONTRACTOR INVOICE.  Contractor  shall  submit  to  Purchaser’s  designated  invoicing  contact  properly itemized invoices. Such invoices shall itemize the following:  (a) Master Contract No. 02420.  (b) Contractor name, address, telephone number, and email address for billing issues  (i.e., Contractor customer service representative).  MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02420  8        (c) Contractor’s Federal Tax Identification Number  (d) Date(s) of delivery  (e) Invoice amount; and  (f) Payment terms, including any available prompt payment discounts.  Contractor shall provide Purchaser with the estimates and invoices for the Services that  breakdown the total cost into the number of hours required to complete the Services, and  pricing for supplies and replacement parts in accordance with the rates and mark‐ups as set  forth in Exhibit A – Prices. Upon Purchaser’s request Contractor has to provide its supplier  invoices to verify cost paid for supplies and replacement parts. Documentation of hours is  required for Services payment due to Contractor. If less than the stated hours of Services are  performed, the prorated dollar value for the time short will be deducted from Contractor’s  invoice.  Contractor’s invoices for payment shall reflect accurate Master Contract prices. Invoices will  not be processed for payment until receipt of a complete invoice as specified herein.  6.2. PAYMENT. Payment is the sole responsibility of, and will be made by, the Purchaser. Payment  is due within thirty (30) days of invoice. If Purchaser fails to  make  timely  payment(s),  Contractor may invoice Purchaser in the amount of one percent (1%) per month on the  amount overdue or a minimum of $1. Payment will not be considered late if a check or  warrant is mailed within the time specified.  6.3. OVERPAYMENTS.  Contractor  promptly  shall  refund  to  Purchaser  the  full  amount of any  erroneous payment or overpayment. Such refunds shall occur within thirty (30) days of  written notice to Contractor; Provided, however, that Purchaser shall have the right to elect  to have either direct payments or written credit memos issued. If Contractor fails to make  timely payment(s) or issuance of such credit memos, Purchaser may impose one percent (1%)  per month on the amount overdue thirty days after notice to the Contractor.  6.4. NO ADVANCE PAYMENT. No advance payments shall be made for any products or services  furnished by Contractor pursuant to this Master Contract.  6.5. NO ADDITIONAL CHARGES. Unless otherwise specified herein, Contractor shall not include or  impose any additional charges including, but not limited to, charges for shipping, handling, or  payment processing.  6.6. TAXES/FEES. Contractor promptly shall pay all applicable taxes on its operations and activities  pertaining to this Master Contract. Failure to do so shall constitute breach of this Master  Contract. Unless otherwise agreed, Purchaser shall pay applicable sales tax imposed by the  State of Washington on purchased Services. Contractor, however, shall not make any charge  for  federal  excise  taxes  and  Purchaser  agrees  to  furnish  Contractor with an exemption  certificate where appropriate.  7. CONTRACT MANAGEMENT.   7.1. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION AND NOTICES. Except for legal notices, the parties hereby designate  the following contract administrators as the respective single points of contact for purposes  of this Master Contract. Enterprise Services’ contract administrator shall provide Master  Contract oversight. Contractor’s contract administrator shall be Contractor’s principal contact  MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02420  9        for  business  activities  under  this  Master  Contract.  The  parties may change contractor  administrators by written notice as set forth below.  Any notices required or desired shall be in writing and sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid, or  sent via email, and shall be sent to the respective addressee at the respective address or email  address set forth below or to such other address or email address as the parties may specify  in writing:  Enterprise Services  Contractor  Attn: Bart Potter  Washington Dept. of Enterprise Services  PO Box 41411  Olympia, WA 98504‐1411  Tel: (360) 407‐9431  Email: bart.potter@des.wa.gov   Attn: Mike Radford  1800 Fryar Ave Sumner, WA 98390  Tel: (206) 276‐7680  Email: michael.radford@cummins.com   Notices shall be deemed effective upon the earlier of receipt, if mailed, or, if emailed, upon  transmission to the designated email address of said addressee.  7.2. CONTRACTOR CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE. Contractor shall designate a customer service  representative (and inform Enterprise Services of the same) who shall be responsible for  addressing Purchaser issues pertaining to this Master Contract.  7.3. LEGAL NOTICES. Any legal notices required or desired shall be in writing and delivered by U.S.  certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, or sent via email, and shall be sent  to the respective addressee at the respective address or email address set forth below or to  such other address or email address as the parties may specify in writing:  Enterprise Services  Contractor  Attn: Legal Services Manager  Washington Dept. of Enterprise Services  PO Box 41411  Olympia, WA 98504‐1411  Email: greg.tolbert@des.wa.gov   Attn: Scott Beier  Assistant Counsel  Cummins, Inc.  301 E. Market Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204 Email: scott.beier@cummins.com   Notices shall be deemed effective upon the earlier of receipt when delivered, or, if mailed,  upon return receipt, or, if emailed, upon transmission to the designated email address of said  addressee.  8. CONTRACTOR SALES REPORTING; VENDOR MANAGEMENT FEE; AND CONTRACTOR REPORTS.  8.1. MASTER CONTRACT SALES REPORTING.  Contractor  shall  report  total  Master  Contract  sales  quarterly to Enterprise Services, as set forth below.  (a) Master Contract Sales Reporting System. Contractor shall report quarterly Master  Contract sales in Enterprise Services’ Master Contract Sales Reporting System.  Enterprise Services will provide Contractor with a login password and a vendor  number.  The  password  and  vendor  number  will  be  provided  to  the Sales  Reporting Representative(s) listed on Contractor’s Bidder Profile.  MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02420  10        (b) Data. Each sales report must identify every authorized Purchaser by name as it is  known to Enterprise Services and its total combined sales amoun t invoiced during  the reporting period (i.e., sales of an entire agency or political subdivision, not its  individual subsections). The “Miscellaneous” option may be used only with prior  approval by Enterprise Services. Upon request, Contractor shall provide contact  information for all authorized Purchasers specified herein during the term of the  Master Contract. If there are no Master Contract  sales during  the  reporting  period, Contractor must report zero sales.   (c) Due dates for Master Contract Sales Reporting. Quarterly Master Contract Sales  Reports must be submitted electronically by the following deadlines for all sales  invoiced during the applicable calendar quarter:  FOR CALENDAR QUARTER ENDING MASTER CONTRACT  SALES REPORT DUE  March 31:  April 30  June 30:  July 31  September 30:  October 31  December 31:  January 31  8.2. VENDOR MANAGEMENT FEE. Contractor shall pay to Enterprise Services a vendor management  fee (“VMF”) of 1.5 percent on the purchase price for all Master Contract sales (the purchase  price is the total invoice price less applicable sales tax).  (a) The sum owed by Contractor to Enterprise Services as a result of the VMF is  calculated as follows:  Amount owed to Enterprise Services = Total Master Contract  sales invoiced (not including sales tax) x .015.  (b) The VMF must be rolled into Contractor’s current pricing. The VMF must not be  shown as a separate line item on any invoice unless specifically requested and  approved by Enterprise Services.  (c) Enterprise Services will invoice Contractor quarterly based on Master Contract  sales reported by Contractor. Contractors are not to remit payment until they  receive  an  invoice  from  Enterprise  Services.  Contractor’s  VMF  payment  to  Enterprise Services must reference this Master Contract number (02420), work  request number (if applicable), the year and quarter for which the VMF is being  remitted, and the Contractor’s name as set forth in this Master Contract, if not  already included on the face of the check.  (d) Failure to accurately report total net sales, to submit a timely usage report, or  remit timely payment of the VMF, may be cause for Master Contract suspension  or  termination  or  the  exercise  of  other  remedies  provided  by  law.  Without  limiting any other available remedies, the Parties agree that Contractor’s failure  to  remit  to  Enterprise  Services  timely  payment  of  the  VMF  shall  obligate  Contractor to pay to Enterprise Services, to offset the administrative  and  MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02420  11        transaction costs incurred by the State to identify, process, and collect such sums,  the sum of $200.00 or twenty‐five percent (25%) of the outstanding amount,  whichever is greater, or the maximum allowed by law, if less.  (e) Enterprise Services reserves the right, upon thirty (30) days advance written  notice, to increase, reduce, or eliminate the VMF for subsequent purchases, and  reserves the right to renegotiate Master Contract pricing with Contractor when  any subsequent adjustment of the VMF might justify a change in pricing.  8.3. ANNUAL MASTER CONTRACT SALES REPORT.  Contractor  shall  provide  to  Enterprise  Services  a  detailed annual Master Contract sales report. Such report shall include, at a minimum:  Product description, part number or other Product identifier, per unit quantities sold, and  Master Contract price. This report must be provided in an electronic format that can be read  by Microsoft (MS) Excel.  9. RECORDS RETENTION AND AUDITS  9.1. RECORDS RETENTION. Contractor shall maintain books, records, documents, and other evidence  pertaining to this Master Contract and orders placed by Purchasers under it to the extent and  in such detail as shall adequately reflect performance and administration of payments and  fees. Contractor shall retain such records for a period of six (6) years following expiration or  termination of this Master Contract or final payment for any order placed by a Purchaser  against this Master Contract, whichever is later; Provided, however, that if any litigation,  claim, or audit is commenced prior to the expiration of this period, such period shall extend  until all such litigation, claims, or audits have been resolved.  9.2. AUDIT. Enterprise Services reserves the right to audit, or have a designated third party audit,  applicable records to ensure that Contractor has properly invoiced  Purchasers  and  that  Contractor has paid all applicable vendor management fees. Accordingly, Contractor shall  permit  Enterprise  Services,  any  Purchaser,  and  any  other  duly  authorized  agent  of  a  governmental agency, to audit, inspect, examine, copy and/or transcribe Contractor’s books,  documents, papers and records directly pertinent to this Master Contract or orders placed by  a  Purchaser  under  it  for  the  purpose  of  making  audits,  examinations,  excerpts,  and  transcriptions. This right shall survive for a period of six (6) years following expiration or  termination of this Master Contract or final payment for any order placed by a Purchaser  against this Master Contract, whichever is later; Provided, however, that if any litigation,  claim, or audit is commenced prior to the expiration of this period, such period shall extend  until all such litigation, claims, or audits have been resolved.  9.3. OVERPAYMENT  OF PURCHASES  OR UNDERPAYMENT  OF FEES.  Without  limiting  any  other  remedy  available to any Purchaser, Contractor shall (a) reimburse Purchasers for any overpayments  inconsistent with the terms of this Master Contract or orders, at a rate of 125% of such  overpayments,  found  as  a  result  of  the  examination  of  the  Contractor’s  records;  and  (b) reimburse Enterprise Services for any underpayment of fees, at a rate of 125% of such fees  found as a result of the examination of the Contractor’s records (e.g., if Contractor underpays  the Vendor Management Fee by $500, Contractor would be required to pay to Enterprise  Services $500 x 1.25 = $625).  10. INSURANCE.   MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02420  12        10.1. REQUIRED INSURANCE. During the Term of this Master Contract, Contractor, at its expense, shall  maintain in full force and effect the insurance coverages set forth in Exhibit B – Insurance  Requirements. All costs for insurance, including any payments of deductible amounts, shall be  considered incidental to and included in the prices for services and no additional payment  shall be made.  10.2. WORKERS COMPENSATION.  Contractor  shall  comply  with  applicable  workers  compensation  statutes and regulations (e.g., RCW Title 51, Industrial Insurance). If Contractor fails to provide  industrial insurance coverage or fails to pay premiums or penalties on behalf of its employees  as may be required by law, Enterprise Services may terminate this Master Contract. This  provision does not waive any of the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries  (L&I) rights to collect from Contractor. In addition, Contractor waives its immunity under RCW  Title 51 to the extent it is required to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the State of  Washington and its agencies, officials, agents, or employees.  11. CLAIMS.   11.1. ASSUMPTION OF RISKS; CLAIMS BETWEEN THE PARTIES. Contractor assumes sole responsibility and all  risks of personal injury or property damage to itself and its employees  and  agents  in  connection with its operations under this Master Contract. Enterprise Services has made no  representations regarding any factor affecting Contractor’s risks. Contractor shall pay for all  damage to any Purchaser’s property resulting directly or indirectly from its acts or omissions  under this Master Contract, even if not attributable to negligence by Contractor or its agents.  11.2. THIRD‐PARTY CLAIMS; INDEMNITY. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor shall defend,  indemnify, and hold harmless Enterprise Services and any Purchaser and their employees and  agents from and against all claims, demands, judgments, assessments, damages, penalties,  fines, costs, liabilities or losses including, without limitation, sums paid in settlement of claims,  attorneys’ fees, consultant fees, and expert fees (collectively “claims”) arising from any act or  omission  of  Contractor or  its  successors,  agents,  and  subcontractors  under  this  Master  Contract, except claims caused solely by Enterprise Services or any Purchasers’ negligence.  Contractor shall take all steps needed to keep Purchaser’s property free of liens arising from  Contractor’s activities, and promptly obtain or bond the release of any such liens that may be  filed.  12. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. The parties shall cooperate to resolve any dispute pertaining to this Master  Contract efficiently, as timely as practicable, and at the lowest possible level with authority to resolve  such dispute. If, however, a dispute persists and cannot be resolved, it may be escalated within each  organization. In such situation, upon notice by either party, each party, within five (5) business days  shall reduce its description of the dispute to writing and deliver it to the other party. The receiving  party then shall have three (3) business days to review and respond in writing. In the event that the  parties cannot then agree on a resolution of the dispute, the parties shall schedule a conference  between the respective senior managers of each organization to attempt to resolve the dispute. In  the event the parties cannot agree, either party may resort to court to resolve the dispute.  13. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION; REMEDIES.   13.1. SUSPENSION  AND TERMINATION  FOR DEFAULT.  Enterprise  Services  may  suspend  Contractor’s  operations under this Master Contract immediately by written cure notice of any default.  MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02420  13        Suspension shall continue until the default is remedied to Enterprise Services’ reasonable  satisfaction; Provided, however, that, if after thirty (30) days from such a suspension notice,  Contractor remains in default, Enterprise Services may terminate Contractor’s rights under  this Master Contract. All of Contractor’s obligations to Enterprise Services and Purchasers  survive termination of Contractor’s rights under this Master Contract, until such obligations  have been fulfilled.  13.2. DEFAULT. Each of the following events shall constitute default of this Master Contract by  Contractor:  (k) Contractor fails to perform or comply with any of the terms or conditions of this  Master Contract including, but not limited to, Contractor’s obligation to pay vendor  management fees when due;  (l) Contractor breaches any representation or warranty provided herein; or  (m) Contractor enters into proceedings relating to bankruptcy, whether voluntary or  involuntary.  13.3. REMEDIES FOR DEFAULT.   (a) Enterprise Services’ rights to suspend and terminate Contractor’s rights under this  Master Contract are in addition to all other available remedies.  (b) In the event of termination for default, Enterprise Services may exercise any remedy  provided by law including, without limitation, the right to procure for all Purchasers  replacement services. In such event, Contractor shall be liable to Enterprise Services  for damages as authorized by law including, but not limited to, any price difference  between the Master Contract price and the replacement or cover price as well as any  administrative  and/or  transaction  costs  directly  related  to  such  replacement  procurement – e.g., the cost of the competitive procurement.  13.4. LIMITATION ON DAMAGES. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the parties agree that  in no event shall any party or Purchaser be liable to the other for exemplary or punitive  damages.  13.5. GOVERNMENTAL TERMINATION.   (a) Termination  for  Withdrawal  of  Authority.  Enterprise  Services  may  suspend  or  terminate  this  Master  Contract  if,  during  the  term  hereof,  Enterprise  Services’  procurement  authority  is  withdrawn,  reduced,  or  limited  such  that  Enterprise  Services, in its judgment, would lack authority to enter into this Master Contract;  Provided, however, that such suspension or termination for withdrawal of authority  shall only be effective upon twenty (20) days prior written notice; and Provided  further, that such suspension or termination for withdrawal of authority shall not  relieve any Purchaser from payment for services already ordered as of the effective  date of such notice. Except as stated in this provision, in the event of such suspension  or  termination  for  withdrawal  of  authority,  neither  Enterprise Services nor any  Purchaser shall have any obligation or liability to Contractor.  (b) Termination for Public Convenience. Enterprise Services, for public convenience,  may terminate this Master Contract; Provided, however, that such termination for  public convenience must, in Enterprise Services’ judgment, be in the best interest of  MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02420  14        the State of Washington; and Provided further, that such termination for public  convenience shall only be effective upon sixty (60) days prior written notice; and  Provided further, that such termination for public convenience shall not relieve any  Purchaser from payment for services already ordered as of the effective date of such  notice. Except as stated in this provision, in the event of such termination for public  convenience, neither Enterprise Services nor any Purchaser shal l have any obligation  or liability to Contractor.  13.6. TERMINATION PROCEDURE. Regardless of basis, in the event of suspension or termination (in full  or in part), the parties shall cooperate to ensure an orderly and efficient suspension or  termination. Accordingly, Contractor shall deliver to Purchasers all services that are complete  (or with approval from Enterprise  Services, substantially  complete) and Purchasers shall  inspect, accept, and pay for the same in accordance with this Master Contract and the  applicable Purchase Order. Unless directed by Enterprise Services to the contrary, Contractor  shall not process any orders after notice of suspension or termination inconsistent therewith.  14. GENERAL PROVISIONS.   14.1. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Master  Contract.  14.2. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Contractor shall comply with all applicable law.  14.3. INTEGRATED AGREEMENT. This Master Contract constitutes the entire agreement and  understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter and supersedes all prior  negotiations,  representations,  and  understandings  between  them. There are no  representations or understandings of any kind not set forth herein.  14.4. AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION. Except as set forth herein, this Master Contract may not be  amended or modified except in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of each  party.  14.5. AUTHORITY. Each party to this Master Contract, and each individual signing on behalf of each  party, hereby represents and warrants to the other that it has full power and authority to  enter into this Master Contract and that its execution, delivery, and performance of this  Master Contract has been fully authorized and approved, and that no further approvals or  consents are required to bind such party.  14.6. NO AGENCY. The parties agree that no agency, partnership, or joint venture of any kind shall  be or is intended to be created by or under this Master Contract. Neither party is an agent of  the other party nor authorized to obligate it.  14.7. ASSIGNMENT.  Contractor  may  not  assign  its  rights  under  this  Master  Contract  without  Enterprise Services’ prior written consent and Enterprise Services  may  consider  any  attempted assignment without such consent to be void; Provided, however, that, if Contractor  provides written notice to Enterprise Services within thirty (30) days, Contractor may assign  its rights under this Master Contract in full to any parent, subsidiary, or affiliate of Contractor  that controls or is controlled by or under common control with Contractor, is merged or  consolidated with Contractor, or purchases a majority or contro lling interest in the ownership  or assets of Contractor. Unless otherwise agreed, Contractor guarantees prompt performance  MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02420  15        of all obligations under this Master Contract notwithstanding any prior assignment of its  rights.  14.8. BINDING EFFECT; SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Master Contract shall be binding upon and shall  inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns.  14.9. PUBLIC INFORMATION. This Master Contract and all related documents are subject to public  disclosure as required by Washington’s Public Records Act, RCW chapter 42.56.  14.10. ASSIGNMENT OF ANTITRUST RIGHTS REGARDING PURCHASED SERVICES. Contractor irrevocably assigns  to Enterprise Services, on behalf of the State of Washington, any claim for relief or cause of  action which the Contractor now has or which may accrue to the Contractor in the future by  reason of any violation of state or federal antitrust laws in connection with any services  provided in Washington for the purpose of carrying out the Contractor’s obligations under  this Master Contract, including, at Enterprise Services' option, the right to control any such  litigation on such claim for relief or cause of action.  14.11. FEDERAL FUNDS. To the extent that any Purchaser uses federal funds to purchase services  pursuant to this Master Contract, such Purchaser shall specify, with its order, any applicable  requirement or certification that must be satisfied by Contractor at the time the order is  placed or upon delivery.  14.12. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Master Contract is held to be invalid or unenforceable,  such provision shall not affect or invalidate the remainder of this Master Contract, and to this  end the provisions of this Master Contract are declared to be severable. If such invalidity  becomes known or apparent to the parties, the parties agree to negotiate promptly in good  faith in an attempt to amend such provision as nearly as possible to be consistent with the  intent of this Master Contract.  14.13. WAIVER. Failure of either party to insist upon the strict performance of any of the terms and  conditions hereof, or failure to exercise any rights or remedies provided herein or by law, or  to notify the other party in the event of breach, shall not release the other party of any of its  obligations under this Master Contract, nor shall any purported oral modification or rescission  of this Master Contract by either party operate as a waiver of any of the terms hereof. No  waiver  by  either  party  of  any  breach,  default,  or  violation  of any  term,  warranty,  representation,  contract,  covenant,  right,  condition,  or  provision  hereof  shall  constitute  waiver of any subsequent breach, default, or violation of the same or other term, warranty,  representation, contract, covenant, right, condition, or provision.  14.14. SURVIVAL. All representations, warranties, covenants, agreements, and indemnities set forth  in or otherwise made pursuant to this Master Contract shall survive and remain in effect  following the expiration or termination of this Master Contract, Provided, however, that  nothing herein is intended to extend the survival beyond any applicable statute of limitations  periods.  14.15. GOVERNING LAW. The validity, construction, performance, and enforcement of this Master  Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of  Washington, without regard to its choice of law rules.  14.16. JURISDICTION AND VENUE. In the event that any action is brought to enforce any provision of this  Master Contract, the parties agree to exclusive jurisdiction in Thurston County Superior Court  MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02420  16        for the State of Washington and agree that in any such action venue shall lie exclusively at  Olympia, Washington.  14.17. ATTORNEYS’ FEES. Should any legal action or proceeding be commenced by either party in order  to enforce this Master Contract or any provision hereof, or in connection with any alleged  dispute,  breach,  default,  or  misrepresentation  in  connection  with any provision herein  contained, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees and  costs incurred in connection with such action or proceeding, including costs of pursuing or  defending any legal action, including, without limitation, any appeal, discovery, or negotiation  and preparation of settlement arrangements, in addition to such other relief as may be  granted.  14.18. FAIR CONSTRUCTION  AND INTERPRETATION.  The  provisions  of  this  Master  Contract  shall  be  construed as a whole according to their common meaning and not strictly for or against any  party and consistent with the provisions contained herein in order to achieve the objectives  and purposes of this Master Contract. Each party hereto and its counsel has reviewed and  revised this Master Contract and agrees that the normal rules of construction to the effect  that any ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not be construed in  the interpretation of this Master Contract. Each term and provision of this Master Contract to  be performed by either party shall be construed to be both a covenant and a condition.  14.19. FURTHER ASSURANCES. In addition to the actions specifically mentioned in this Master Contract,  the  parties  shall  each  do  whatever  may  reasonably  be  necessary to  accomplish  the  transactions contemplated in this Master Contract including, without limitation, executing  any additional documents reasonably necessary to effectuate the provisions and purposes of  this Master Contract.  14.20. EXHIBITS. All exhibits referred to herein are deemed to be incorporated in this Master Contract  in their entirety.  14.21. CAPTIONS AND HEADINGS. The captions and headings in this Master Contract are for convenience  only and are not intended to, and shall not be construed to, limit, enlarge, or affect the scope  or intent of this Master Contract nor the meaning of any provisions hereof.  14.22. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES. A signed copy of this Master Contract or any other ancillary agreement  transmitted by facsimile, email, or other means of electronic transmission shall be deemed to  have the same legal effect as delivery of an original executed copy of this Master Contract or  such other ancillary agreement for all purposes.    MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02420  17        14.23. COUNTERPARTS. This Master Contract may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of  which shall be deemed an original and all of which counterparts together shall constitute the  same instrument which may be sufficiently evidenced by one counterpart. Execution of this  Master Contract at different times and places by the parties shall not affect the validity  thereof so long as all the parties hereto execute a counterpart of this Master Contract.      EXECUTED as of the date and year first above written.    STATE OF WASHINGTON  Department of Enterprise Services  CUMMINS INC., an Indiana corporation, dba  Cummins Sales and Service  By: Elena McGrew  Its: Chief Purchasing Officer    Signature: _____________________________  By: Fred Risse  Its: Dir. Power Generation PEM Solutions, Western U.S.   Signature: _____________________________     MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02420  18        Exhibit A    PRICES FOR SERVICES      Category 1: Preventive maintenance, repair services and load bank testing for generators up to 600 kW.       Region  Mechanic Electrician Truck driver  North Puget Sound PW  + 85% PW  + 65% PW  + 90%  Olympic PW  + 90% PW  + 68% PW  + 95%  Southwest PW  + 90% PW  + 68% PW  + 160%  North Central PW  + 115% PW  + 70% PW  + 150%  South Central PW  + 115% PW  + 80% PW  + 140%  Eastern PW  + 115% PW  + 100% PW  + 110%  Other markups              After‐hours/emergency work  (Overtime) PW + 155% Replacement Parts 20%        Category 2: Preventive maintenance, repair services and load bank testing for generators 601 kW to  3,000 kW (or larger)       Region  Mechanic Electrician Truck driver  North Puget Sound PW  + 85% PW  + 65% PW  + 90%  Olympic PW  + 90% PW  + 73% PW  + 93%  Southwest PW  + 90% PW  + 73% PW  + 166%  North Central PW  + 115% PW  + 70% PW  + 150%  South Central PW  + 115% PW  + 85% PW  + 140%  Eastern PW  + 115% PW  + 105% PW  + 110%  Other markups              After‐hours/emergency work PW + 155% Replacement parts 20%       MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02420  19        Permit fees    Cost of permit fees may be charged at cost as a separate line item on customer invoices. Labor costs  involved in obtaining permits may be charged at regular contract prices.    Travel charges    Mileage: $3 per mile   Hourly each way: Charged at the actual hours in transit for the actual technician for the county of the  job site at the markup rate (PW+%) for the region. Example: For an electrician traveling to King County,  hourly each way would be $137.03; in Spokane, it would be $115.54.  Per diem at actual State Administrative and Accounting Manual rates (based on federal GSA guidelines)  per location of job – no minimum charge; no charge for lodging if no overnight stay.  Minimum charge for service: $300. MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02420  20        Exhibit B    INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS    1. INSURANCE OBLIGATION. During the Term of this Master Contract, Contractor shall possess and  maintain in full force and effect, at Contractor’s sole expense, the following insurance coverages:  a. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE. Commercial general liability insurance (and, if  necessary,  commercial  umbrella  liability  insurance)  covering  bodily  injury,  property  damage, products/completed operations, personal injury, and advertising injury liability  on an ‘occurrence form’ that shall be no less comprehensive and no more restrictive than  the coverage provided by Insurance Services Office (ISO) under the most recent version  of  form  CG 00 01  in  the  amount  of  not  less  than  $2,000,000  per occurrence  and  $4,000,000 general aggregate. This coverage shall include blanket contractual liability  coverage. This coverage shall include a cross‐liability clause or separation of insured  condition.  b. COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE. Commercial  automobile  liability  insurance  covering the ownership, maintenance, and/or use of all owned/leased, non‐owned, and  hired vehicles used in the performance of the Master Contract, with limits of not less than  $1,000,000 per accident, combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage  liability. Coverage shall be provided on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form number  CA 0001 or an equivalent. The required limits can be satisfied by any combination of  primary, umbrella, or excess policy.  c. EMPLOYERS’ LIABILITY (STOP GAP) INSURANCE. Employers’ liability insurance (and, if necessary,  commercial  umbrella  liability  insurance)  with  limits  not  less  than  $1,000,000  each  accident for bodily injury by accident, $1,000,000 each employee for bodily injury by  disease, and $1,000,000 bodily injury by disease policy limit.  The insurance coverage limits set forth herein are the minimum. Contractor’s insurance coverage  shall be no less than the minimum amounts specified. Coverage in the amounts of these minimum  limits, however, shall not be construed to relieve Contractor from liability in excess of such limits.  Contractor waives all rights against the State of Washington for the recovery of damages to the  extent such damages are covered by any insurance required herein.  2. INSURANCE CARRIER RATING. Coverages provided by the Contractor must be underwritten by an  insurance company deemed acceptable to the State of Washington’s Office of Risk Management.  Insurance coverage shall be provided by companies authorized to do business within the State of  Washington and rated A‐ Class VII or better in the most recently published edition of Best’s  Insurance Rating. Enterprise Services reserves the right to reject all or any insurance carrier(s)  with an unacceptable financial rating.  3. ADDITIONAL INSURED. Commercial General Liability, Commercial Automobile Liability, and Pollution  Liability Insurance shall include the State of Washington and all authorized Purchasers (and their  agents, officers, and employees) as Additional Insureds evidenced by copy of the Additional  Insured Endorsement attached to the Certificate of Insurance on such insurance policies.  MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02420  21        4. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE. Prior to execution of the Master Contract, Contractor shall furnish to  Enterprise Services, as evidence of the insurance coverage required by this Master Contract, a  certificate of insurance satisfactory to Enterprise Services that insurance, in the above‐stated  kinds and minimum amounts, has been secured. In addition, no less than ten (10) days prior to  coverage  expiration,  Contractor  shall  furnish  to  Enterprise  Services  an  updated  or  renewed  certificate of insurance, satisfactory to Enterprise Services, that insurance, in the above‐stated  kinds and minimum amounts, has been secured. Failure to maintai n or provide proof of insurance,  as required, will result in contract cancellation. All policies and certificates of insurance shall  include the Master Contract number stated on the cover of this Master Contract.  5. PRIMARY COVERAGE. Contractor’s insurance shall apply as primary and shall not seek contribution  from any insurance or self‐insurance maintained by, or provided to, the additional insureds listed  above including, at a minimum, the State of Washington and/or any Purchaser. All insurance or  self‐insurance of the State of Washington and/or Purchasers shall be excess of any insurance  provided by Contractor or subcontractors.  6. SUBCONTRACTORS.  Contractor  shall  include  all  subcontractors  as  insureds  under  all  required  insurance policies. Alternatively, prior to utilizing any subcontractor, Contractor shall cause any  such subcontractor to provide insurance that complies will all applicable requirements of the  insurance set forth herein and shall furnish separate Certificates of Insurance and endorsements  for each subcontractor. Each subcontractor must comply fully with all insurance requirements  stated herein. Failure of any subcontractor to comply with insurance requirements does not limit  Contractor’s liability or responsibility.  7. WAIVER  OF SUBROGATION.  Contractor  waives  all  rights  of  subrogation  against  the  State of  Washington and any Purchaser for the recovery of damages to the extent such damages are or  would be covered by the insurance specified herein.  8. NOTICE OF CHANGE OR CANCELLATION. There shall be no cancellation, material change, exhaustion of  aggregate limits, or intent not to renew insurance coverage, either in whole or in part, without at  least sixty (60) days prior written Legal Notice by Contractor to Enterprise Services. Failure to  provide such notice, as required, shall constitute default by Contractor. Any such written notice  shall include the Master Contract number stated on the cover of this Master Contract.  9. EXTENDED REPORTING PERIOD. If any required insurance coverage is on a claims‐made basis (rather  than occurrence), Contractor shall maintain such coverage for a period of no less than three (3)  years following expiration or termination of the Master Contract.    Cummins Inc. 1800 Fryar Ave Sumner, WA 98390 Phone: (425) 235-3400 Fax: (425) 254-8964 PLANNED EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Customer Address Customer Contact Quote Information CITY OF KENT 220 4TH AVE S KENT, WA 98032 Customer #: 251149 Payment Type: Pay As You Go Name:Dustin Phelan Quote Date:1/5/2023 Phone:253-740-7105 Quote Expires:3/6/2023 Cell:Quote ID:QT-7458 Fax:(253) 8566255 Quoted By:Keith Maze E-mail:dphelan@kentwa.gov Quote Term:1 Year Site Name:3.5 TANK (28502 124TH AVE SE KENT WA 98030) Unit Name:H120380838 Make:Cummins Model:DSKAB S/N:H120380838 Size:15kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $1,027.80 $1,027.80 Year 1 Total:$1,027.80 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:640 Reservoir (12526 Se 248th KENT WA 98030) Unit Name:CAT00000PGBE00835 Make:Caterpillar Model:D20-6S S/N:CAT00000PGBE00835 Size:20kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $1,027.80 $1,027.80 Year 1 Total:$1,027.80 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:Armstrong Springs (17975 SE 275th Place KENT WA 98030) Unit Name:D160945145 Make:Cummins Model:DSGAC 1612854 S/N:D160945145 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $1,077.80 $1,077.80 Size:150kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year 1 Total:$1,077.80 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:East Hill Well (24525 104th Ave Se KENT WA 98030) Unit Name:G130537267 Make:Cummins Model:DFEJ-1332524 S/N:G130537267 Size:450kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $1,327.80 $1,327.80 Year 1 Total:$1,327.80 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:Guiberson Corrosion (515 Kennebeck Ave KENT WA 98030) Unit Name:CAT00000CGBE01150 Make:Caterpillar Model:D30-8S S/N:CAT00000CGBE01150 Size:25kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $1,027.80 $1,027.80 Year 1 Total:$1,027.80 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:Guiberson Reservoir (700 E. Guiberson KENT WA 98030) Unit Name:K180444430 Make:Cummins Model:C15 D6 S/N:K180444430 Size:15kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $1,027.80 $1,027.80 Year 1 Total:$1,027.80 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Site Name:Kent Springs Plateau (28600 216th Ave SE KENT WA 98030) Unit Name:L180466761 Make:Cummins Model:DSGAC-1512854 S/N:L180466761 Size:300kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $1,227.80 $1,227.80 Year 1 Total:$1,227.80 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:Pump Station 1 (11302 SE 236th Pl KENT WA 98030) Unit Name:H190628513 Make:Cummins Model:DQDAC-1955922 S/N:H190628513 Size:300kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $1,227.80 $1,227.80 Year 1 Total:$1,227.80 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:Pump Station 3 (25000 Lake Fenwick Road KENT WA 98030) Unit Name:J960620921 Make:Cummins Model:125DGEA S/N:J960620921 Size:125kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $1,077.80 $1,077.80 Year 1 Total:$1,077.80 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Site Name:Pump Station 4 "Portable" (25601 Reith Road KENT WA 98030) Unit Name:F990925934 Make:Cummins Model:350DQBB-360 S/N:F990925934 Size:350kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $1,227.80 $1,227.80 Year 1 Total:$1,227.80 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:Pump Station 5 (23825 98th Ave South Kent WA 98031) Unit Name:D040628102 Make:Cummins Model:DFEJ-5669646 S/N:D040628102 Size:450kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $1,327.80 $1,327.80 Year 1 Total:$1,327.80 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:Pump Station 5 MQ (23825 98th Ave South Kent WA 98031) Unit Name:4GNFU101X7B020466 Make:MQ Power Model:DCA25 S/N:4GNFU101X7B020466 Size:25kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $1,027.80 $1,027.80 Year 1 Total:$1,027.80 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:Pump Station 7 (3301 S 264th Kent WA 98032) Unit Name:H120380839 Make:Cummins Model:DSKAB-1211411 S/N:H120380839 Size:15kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $1,027.80 $1,027.80 Year 1 Total:$1,027.80 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:SSP POD #3 (12020 SE 288th St Kent WA 98032) Unit Name:00C22CNCB00538 Make:Caterpillar Model:D17-2S S/N:00C22CNCB00538 Size:17kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $1,027.80 $1,027.80 Year 1 Total:$1,027.80 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Year 1 Total:*$15,689.20 Total Agreement Amount:*$15,689.20 *Quote does not include applicable taxes 1/23/2023 Generator Planned Equipment Maintenance INSPECTION INTERVALS AVAILABLE: WEEKLY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, SEMI-ANNUALLY OR ANNUALLY BATTERIES AND BATTERY CHARGER •Visually inspect battery terminal connections •Verify electrolyte level, vent caps of all cells in the starting battery system •Visually inspect wiring, connections and insulation •Record battery charging functions •Record battery information •Record battery condition test FUEL SYSTEM •Visually inspect ignition system (Natural Gas and Propane Only) •Record primary tank fuel level •Inspect engine fuel system for leaks •Visually inspect all engine fuel hoses, clamps, pipes, components and fittings •Visually inspect rupture/ containment basin •Inspect day tank and controls (if applicable) •Optional - fuel sample for laboratory analysis* COOLING SYSTEM •Record coolant level •Visually inspect for coolant leaks •Visually inspect drive belts condition •Verify for proper coolant heater operation •Record jacket water temperature •Visually inspect fan, water pump, drives and pulleys •Visually inspect all coolant hoses, clamps and connections •Visually inspect radiator condition •Visually inspect louver for damage •Visually inspect fan hub and drive pulley for mechanical damage •Record freeze point of antifreeze protection •Record DCA level prior to changing coolant filter •Optional - Coolant sample for laboratory analysis* LUBRICATION SYSTEM •Visually inspect engine oil leaks •Visually inspect engine oil lines and connections •Record oil level •Optional - Oil sample for laboratory analysis* GENSET CONTROLS AND ACCESSORIES •Visually inspect all engine mounted wiring, senders and devices •Visually inspect all control mounted components and wiring •Verify all connecting plugs are tightened and in a good condition •Visually inspect all accessory components and wiring •Visually inspect and test lighting indicators INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEMS •Visually inspect air filter and housing •Visually inspect all engine piping and connections •Record air cleaner restriction •Visually inspect engine exhaust system for leaks •Visually inspect rain cap •Optional – Air filter replacement* •Optional - Clean crankcase breather or replace filters* GENERAL CONDITIONS •Visually inspect governor linkage and oil level •Visually inspect guards •Visually inspect enclosure •Visually inspect engine and generator mounts •Verify emergency stop operation TRANSFER SWITCH •Visually inspect controls and time delay settings •Verify function of exercise clock and record settings from controller •Verify remote start control operation •Record utility / source one voltage AFTERTREATMENT (Upon request) •Verify DEF level •Record DPF restriction •Visually inspect aftertreatment and controls SWITCHGEAR (Upon Request) •Inspection and Full Service quote available upon request. FULL SERVICE INCLUDES INSPECTION OPERATIONAL & FUNCTIONAL REVIEW OF GENERATOR CRITICAL COMPONENTS •Inspect engine cooling fan & fan drives for excessive wear or shaft wobble •Check all pulleys, belt tensioners, slack adjusters & idler pulleys for travel, wear & overall condition •Inspect / lubricate drive bearings, gear or belt drives, and other shaft connecting hardware LUBRICATION OIL & FILTRATION SERVICE •Change engine oil •Change oil, fuel and water filters •Post lube services operations of genset (unloaded) at rated temperature * Additional Charge Any additional repairs, parts, or service which are required will be brought to the attention of the owner. Repairs will only be made after proper authorization from the owner is given to Cummins. Any additional repairs, maintenance or service performed by Cummins or a Planned Equipment Maintenance Agreement holder will be at current Cummins labor rates. Arc flash boundary and available incident energy shall be identified and marked on equipment being serviced or maintained. Sc o p e o f Se r v i c e s Cummins Inc. 1800 Fryar Ave Sumner, WA 98390 Phone: (425) 235-3400 Fax: (425) 254-8964 PLANNED EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Customer Address Customer Contact Quote Information CITY OF KENT 220 4TH AVE S KENT, WA 98032 Customer #: 251149 Payment Type: Pay As You Go Name:Dwayne Oliver Quote Date:1/5/2023 Phone:253-740-8453 Quote Expires:3/6/2023 Cell:Quote ID:QT-7457 Fax:(253) 8566255 Quoted By:Keith Maze E-mail:DOliver@kerntwa.gov Quote Term:1 Year Site Name:Foster Park (25900 74th Ave S Kent WA 98032) Unit Name:CAT00C44CD01185 Make:Caterpillar Model:D40-6 S/N:CAT00C44CD01185 Size:40kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $980.60 $980.60 Year 1 Total:$980.60 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:Frager Road (21233 Frager Rd S Kent WA 98032) Unit Name:A070016310 Make:Cummins Model:DSHAE S/N:A070016310 Size:125kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $1,030.60 $1,030.60 Year 1 Total:$1,030.60 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:GRNRA South (64th Ave S Kent WA 98032) Unit Name:F200778004 Make:Cummins Model:DQDAC S/N:F200778004 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $1,180.60 $1,180.60 Size:300kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year 1 Total:$1,180.60 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:Horseshoe Sewer (7942 S 261st St Kent WA 98032) Unit Name:CAT00L44LGLE00741 Make:Caterpillar Model:XQ60 S/N:CAT00L44LGLE00741 Size:60kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $980.60 $980.60 Year 1 Total:$980.60 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:Horseshoe Storm (8425 S 259th St Kent WA 98032) Unit Name:J040707791 Make:Cummins Model:35DGBB S/N:J040707791 Size:35kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $980.60 $980.60 Year 1 Total:$980.60 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:James Street (704 Woodford Ave. N Kent WA 98032) Unit Name:F160967477 Make:Cummins Model:250DQDAA S/N:F160967477 Size:250kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $1,080.60 $1,080.60 Year 1 Total:$1,080.60 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Site Name:Kentview (22271 Frager Road Kent WA 98032) Unit Name:B000068847 Make:Cummins Model:40DGBC S/N:B000068847 Size:40kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $980.60 $980.60 Year 1 Total:$980.60 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:Linda Heights (3406 S 248th St Kent WA 98032) Unit Name:1025 Make:Other Model:H45DWH3R S/N:1025 Size:50kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $980.60 $980.60 Year 1 Total:$980.60 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:Lindental (26432 118th Pl SE Kent WA 98032) Unit Name:J000164491 Make:Cummins Model:150DGFA S/N:J000164491 Size:150kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $1,030.60 $1,030.60 Year 1 Total:$1,030.60 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:Mill Creek (26710 104th Ave SE Kent WA 98032) Unit Name:F070067541 Make:Cummins Model:80DSFAE S/N:F070067541 Size:80kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $980.60 $980.60 Year 1 Total:$980.60 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:Portable #5799 (26710 104th Ave SE Kent WA 98032) Unit Name:8102703 Make:MQ Power Model:DCA-25USI S/N:8102703 Size:25kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $980.60 $980.60 Year 1 Total:$980.60 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:Portable #8151 (1000 3rd Ave S Kent WA 98032) Unit Name:CAT00C44JGLE00720 Make:Caterpillar Model:XQ60-6 S/N:CAT00C44JGLE00720 Size:60kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $980.60 $980.60 Year 1 Total:$980.60 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:Portable #8154 (1000 3rd Ave S Kent WA 98032) Unit Name:CAT00C44CGLE00735 Make:Caterpillar Model:XQ60-6 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $980.60 $980.60 S/N:CAT00C44CGLE00735 Size:60kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year 1 Total:$980.60 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Site Name:Union Pacific (S 260th St and 74th Ave S Kent WA 98032) Unit Name:CAT00C44PGLE00701 Make:Caterpillar Model:XQ60-6 S/N:CAT00C44PGLE00701 Size:60kW ATS Qty:0 Notes: The terms and conditions related to the proposed work herein are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in Washington State DES Master Contract No: 02420 dated February 16, 2021 Year Month of 1st Service Service Type Qty Sell Price Extended Price 1 December Loadbank (2 Hrs)1 $980.60 $980.60 Year 1 Total:$980.60 The following riders are included for this unit on this quote: With Loadbank: Load Bank Permit Year 1 Total:*$14,128.40 Total Agreement Amount:*$14,128.40 *Quote does not include applicable taxes 1/23/2023 Generator Planned Equipment Maintenance INSPECTION INTERVALS AVAILABLE: WEEKLY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, SEMI-ANNUALLY OR ANNUALLY BATTERIES AND BATTERY CHARGER •Visually inspect battery terminal connections •Verify electrolyte level, vent caps of all cells in the starting battery system •Visually inspect wiring, connections and insulation •Record battery charging functions •Record battery information •Record battery condition test FUEL SYSTEM •Visually inspect ignition system (Natural Gas and Propane Only) •Record primary tank fuel level •Inspect engine fuel system for leaks •Visually inspect all engine fuel hoses, clamps, pipes, components and fittings •Visually inspect rupture/ containment basin •Inspect day tank and controls (if applicable) •Optional - fuel sample for laboratory analysis* COOLING SYSTEM •Record coolant level •Visually inspect for coolant leaks •Visually inspect drive belts condition •Verify for proper coolant heater operation •Record jacket water temperature •Visually inspect fan, water pump, drives and pulleys •Visually inspect all coolant hoses, clamps and connections •Visually inspect radiator condition •Visually inspect louver for damage •Visually inspect fan hub and drive pulley for mechanical damage •Record freeze point of antifreeze protection •Record DCA level prior to changing coolant filter •Optional - Coolant sample for laboratory analysis* LUBRICATION SYSTEM •Visually inspect engine oil leaks •Visually inspect engine oil lines and connections •Record oil level •Optional - Oil sample for laboratory analysis* GENSET CONTROLS AND ACCESSORIES •Visually inspect all engine mounted wiring, senders and devices •Visually inspect all control mounted components and wiring •Verify all connecting plugs are tightened and in a good condition •Visually inspect all accessory components and wiring •Visually inspect and test lighting indicators INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEMS •Visually inspect air filter and housing •Visually inspect all engine piping and connections •Record air cleaner restriction •Visually inspect engine exhaust system for leaks •Visually inspect rain cap •Optional – Air filter replacement* •Optional - Clean crankcase breather or replace filters* GENERAL CONDITIONS •Visually inspect governor linkage and oil level •Visually inspect guards •Visually inspect enclosure •Visually inspect engine and generator mounts •Verify emergency stop operation TRANSFER SWITCH •Visually inspect controls and time delay settings •Verify function of exercise clock and record settings from controller •Verify remote start control operation •Record utility / source one voltage AFTERTREATMENT (Upon request) •Verify DEF level •Record DPF restriction •Visually inspect aftertreatment and controls SWITCHGEAR (Upon Request) •Inspection and Full Service quote available upon request. FULL SERVICE INCLUDES INSPECTION OPERATIONAL & FUNCTIONAL REVIEW OF GENERATOR CRITICAL COMPONENTS •Inspect engine cooling fan & fan drives for excessive wear or shaft wobble •Check all pulleys, belt tensioners, slack adjusters & idler pulleys for travel, wear & overall condition •Inspect / lubricate drive bearings, gear or belt drives, and other shaft connecting hardware LUBRICATION OIL & FILTRATION SERVICE •Change engine oil •Change oil, fuel and water filters •Post lube services operations of genset (unloaded) at rated temperature * Additional Charge Any additional repairs, parts, or service which are required will be brought to the attention of the owner. Repairs will only be made after proper authorization from the owner is given to Cummins. Any additional repairs, maintenance or service performed by Cummins or a Planned Equipment Maintenance Agreement holder will be at current Cummins labor rates. Arc flash boundary and available incident energy shall be identified and marked on equipment being serviced or maintained. Sc o p e o f Se r v i c e s SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURER F : INSURER E : INSURER D : INSURER C : INSURER B : INSURER A : NAIC # NAME:CONTACT (A/C, No):FAX E-MAILADDRESS: PRODUCER (A/C, No, Ext):PHONE INSURED REVISION NUMBER:CERTIFICATE NUMBER:COVERAGES IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. OTHER: (Per accident) (Ea accident) $ $ N / A SUBR WVD ADDL INSD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. $ $ $ $PROPERTY DAMAGE BODILY INJURY (Per accident) BODILY INJURY (Per person) COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT AUTOS ONLY AUTOSAUTOS ONLY NON-OWNED SCHEDULEDOWNED ANY AUTO AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Y / N WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below If yes, describe under ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE $ $ $ E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT EROTH-STATUTEPER LIMITS(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EXP(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EFFPOLICY NUMBERTYPE OF INSURANCELTRINSR DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) EXCESS LIAB UMBRELLA LIAB $EACH OCCURRENCE $AGGREGATE $ OCCUR CLAIMS-MADE DED RETENTION $ $PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $GENERAL AGGREGATE $PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $MED EXP (Any one person) $EACH OCCURRENCE DAMAGE TO RENTED $PREMISES (Ea occurrence) COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY PRO-JECT LOC CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) CANCELLATION AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25 (2016/03) © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. CERTIFICATE HOLDER The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD HIRED AUTOS ONLY 1/13/2023 Aon Risk Services Central Inc. 200 E Randolph St. Chicago, IL 60601 317-841-6004 Swiss Re Corp Solutions Elite Ins Corp 29700 Old Republic Insurance Company 24147 North American Elite Ins Co/Swiss Re Corp Solution 29700 Allianz Global Risks US Insurance Co 35300 A 5,000,000CGP0000001-02 8/1/2022 8/1/2023 5,000,000 3 10,000 3 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 B MWTB 317015 22 8/1/2022 8/1/2023 2,000,000 3 MWTB 317015 22 8/1/2022 8/1/2023B SELF-INSUREDPHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE C CGU0000001-02 8/1/2022 8/1/2023 10,000,00033 10,000,000 B MWC 314311-22 12/1/2022 8/1/2023 3 2,000,000N 2,000,000 2,000,000 B Excess Auto Liability MWZX 317016 22 8/1/2022 8/1/2023 Limit $13,000,000 D Excess Liability USL02306022 8/1/2022 8/1/2023 Limit $10,000,000 Al King A. I. King Insurance Agency, Inc. cummins@aikinginsurance.com AOS 3 3 Cummins Inc. 500 Jackson Street Mail Code 91676 Columbus IN 47201-6258 72519730 3 3 3 3 City of Kent is included as an Additional Insured on a primary basis when required by written contract and per policy terms and conditions. $25,000,000 Occurrence/Aggregate. ($2,500,000 SIR). City of Kent 220 4th Avenue South Kent WA 98032 Washington State DES Contract No. 04240 CONTRACTORS POLLUTION LIABILITY: Illinois Union Ins. Co., #PPL G27303821 004; 12/1/2022 – 12/1/2025; Limit: Waiver of Subrogation applies to additional insured where required by written contract. 72519730 | 22-8/1/23 GL AU UMB WC (Custom Merged) | Shelly Pence | 1/13/2023 3:34:15 PM (EST) | Page 1 of 9 This certificate cancels and supersedes ALL previously issued certificates. CG 20 26 12 19 © Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2018 Page 1 of 1 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 20 26 12 19 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED – DESIGNATED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE A.Section II – Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" caused, in whole or in part, by your acts or omis- sions or the acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf: 1.In the performance of your ongoing operations; or 2.In connection with your premises owned by or rented to you. However: 1.The insurance afforded to such additional in- sured only applies to the extent permitted by law; and 2.If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the in- surance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to pro- vide for such additional insured. B.With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following is added to Sec- tion III – Limits Of Insurance: If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured is the amount of insurance: 1.Required by the contract or agreement; or 2.Available under the applicable limits of insurance; whichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable limits of insurance. Name Of Additional Insured Person(s) Or Organization(s): All persons or organizations as required by contract or agreement Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations. Cummins Inc. CGP0000001-02 08/01/2022 08/01/2023 72519730 | 22-8/1/23 GL AU UMB WC (Custom Merged) | Shelly Pence | 1/13/2023 3:34:15 PM (EST) | Page 2 of 9 This certificate cancels and supersedes ALL previously issued certificates. Cummins Inc. CGP0000001-02 08/01/2022 08/01/2023 72519730 | 22-8/1/23 GL AU UMB WC (Custom Merged) | Shelly Pence | 1/13/2023 3:34:15 PM (EST) | Page 3 of 9 This certificate cancels and supersedes ALL previously issued certificates. IL 10 �12/06) OLD REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY n-ns ENDORSEMENT CS-{ANGES TH= PCl.lCY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY .. ADDIT�ONAL INSURBD AND PRIMARY AND NON-CONllRIBUfTORY ENDORSEMENT This endorsement mocr es insurance provided under iale .. oOa,Ying: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE IFORM MOTOR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM SCHEDULE Designated Person ls) or Organizalion(s,: .AJI persOC",s or organiza:icns where required by wriiten oon,rao, A SECTIOJlil □ -COVERED AUTOS UABIUTY OOVERAG E, paragraph 1 .. Who Is An Insured is amended :o indude :he per'SO.n(s} or organiza:i!Jlj (s) sho-1. in the .al::ove Schedu[e .as an m:ltiition.3.1 "insured·. but on[y \vith rrespem to "accidents" arising out of your 'liOrK 11,hrle being per.onned for such person(-s) ororganiz.a:ion(s}. B.. The follo-1.mg is added to me other Insurance Condition in the Business Auto Coverage Form .and 1he otn"E!r Insurance -Primary And Ex�s Insur ance Provisions in 1he Mo:or Carner Cover.::;ge Form and supersedes Gn)' provision :o the coriir,::uy: This polfcy's Covered Au-�os Liabil y Co•.-erage is primary to and ,,.;11 not secek contribution from .any o:her insurance available �o me ·insr..llJ1edr per'SO.n(s} or organiza1io.n(s) shown in 1t.e ebave Sdhedule provided th.er 1.Suc'h ·insured1· is a Named Insured under such other insuranoe; and 2.Yoo have .agreed in ,Yriting c.n .a oomracl or 3greement chat this insriance would be pcimary and ,,.ould not seek oon:ributioo horn any ott-.er insurance .3.1,•.mable to s1Jdh "insured •. PCA 048, 09 1fl Page 1 • 1 ln.clu:des ooi:yr1�E<I l'Tli1tel1i1l rJ 11"1:'Sunn.ce ser.1ces Ci'llce. mnr.., WO! ltti p=-:mssm . Cummins Inc. MWTB 317015 22 08/01/2022 08/01/2023 72519730 | 22-8/1/23 GL AU UMB WC (Custom Merged) | Shelly Pence | 1/13/2023 3:34:15 PM (EST) | Page 4 of 9 This certificate cancels and supersedes ALL previously issued certificates. Cummins Inc. MWTB 317015 22 08/01/2022 08/01/2023 72519730 | 22-8/1/23 GL AU UMB WC (Custom Merged) | Shelly Pence | 1/13/2023 3:34:15 PM (EST) | Page 5 of 9 This certificate cancels and supersedes ALL previously issued certificates. Cummins Inc. MWTB 317015 22 08/01/2022 08/01/2023 72519730 | 22-8/1/23 GL AU UMB WC (Custom Merged) | Shelly Pence | 1/13/2023 3:34:15 PM (EST) | Page 6 of 9 This certificate cancels and supersedes ALL previously issued certificates. Cummins Inc. 08/01/2022 CGU0000001-02 08/01/2023 72519730 | 22-8/1/23 GL AU UMB WC (Custom Merged) | Shelly Pence | 1/13/2023 3:34:15 PM (EST) | Page 7 of 9 This certificate cancels and supersedes ALL previously issued certificates. Cummins Inc. CGU0000001-02 08/01/2022 72519730 | 22-8/1/23 GL AU UMB WC (Custom Merged) | Shelly Pence | 1/13/2023 3:34:15 PM (EST) | Page 8 of 9 This certificate cancels and supersedes ALL previously issued certificates. WC 00 03 13 (Ed. 4-84)  1983 National Council on Compensation Insurance. WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY WC 00 03 13 (Ed. 4-84) POLICY NUMBER: WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS ENDORSEMENT We have the right to recover our payments from anyone liable for an injury covered by this policy. We will not enforce our right against the person or organization named in the Schedule. (This agreement applies only to the extent that you perform work under a written contract that requires you to obtain this agreement from us.) This agreement shall not operate directly or indirectly to benefit anyone not named in the Schedule. Schedule ALL PERSONS OR ORGANIZATIONS WHERE REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT. NOT APPLICABLE IN CA, TX AND UT DATE OF ISSUE: MWC 314311-22 12/01/2022 72519730 | 22-8/1/23 GL AU UMB WC (Custom Merged) | Shelly Pence | 1/13/2023 3:34:15 PM (EST) | Page 9 of 9 This certificate cancels and supersedes ALL previously issued certificates.