HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-084 - Change Order - #31 - Scarsella Brothers, Inc. - LID 363: S 224th Street Project - 01/19/2023l Agreement Routing Form KENT For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor3 Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cheny colored paper)WasHtNGtoN E oLa.a Originator: S. Anderson Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 1t18t2023 Date Required 1t23t2023 Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee EI Mayor Date of Council Approval 2119t2019 Budget Account Number: R90094.641 10.'120 Budget? EYes ENo Grant? EYes ENo Type: N/A Eoa--G ELo5 € ]Pg o EooLIn Vendor Name: Scarsella Bros., lnc Category: Contract Vendor Number: 34547 Sub-Category: Change Order #31 ProjectName: LID 363: S 2241h St Project Project Details:Remove and replace the guardrail at218th. This work tracked on FA sheet #224. Agreement Amount: $5,369.84 Start Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: $ld Termination Date: 225 Working DayS Local Business? E Yes E No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? ElYes E No Contract Number: cAG2019-084 t'|c +,5\o .a -sagE,i Gtr .9UI Date Received by City Attorney: .lAN I 5 2023 DEPT.KENT LAW Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: ad((W223/l 1 20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements t KENT NAME OF CONTMCTOR CONTMCT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: ORIGINAL CONTMCT DATE: CHANGE ORDER NO. #31 Scarsella Bros. Inc. ("Contractor") Lid 363: S 224tn Street Project February 19. 2019 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the pafties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Remove and replace the guardrail at 218th. This work tracked on FA sheet #224. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and wssT) $8,423,307.67 Net Change by Previous Change Orders (incl. applicable WSST) $891,968.83 Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $9,315,276.50 Current Change Order $5,369.84 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $o.oo Revised Contract Sum $9,120,646.34 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion (insert date) 130 working days Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 225 working days Days Required (+) for this Change Order 0 calendar days Revised Time for Completion (insert date) 225 working days In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date' All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the pafties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: By , Q-./rd ff ' /slonature) Print Name:Qniez '/- '4ilean Its f$ear fita+ - (title) DATE: CITY OF KENT: By Print Name: (signature) Dana Raloh (title) DATE: CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 01/19/2023 ATTESTI Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (appticable if Mayor's signature required) Kent Law Department [In lhE neld. you may ente.tie et€ctFnE nlepath where the odtta.t has blen stved] CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 ?--------.="".""" KF.NI CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 31 Construction Engineering Division - Public Works Fife No. 2OO.2 Project: LID 363 224th St Improvements Project Engineer: Stephen Lincoln Capital Projects a^^^- D_..^^+Manaoer= Jason BrYant Project No: Fed-Aid No: Contractor: 14-3010 Scarsella Date: L/L2/2023 I. Pro osed Chan e Remove and replace the guardrail @ 218th. This work was tracked on FA sheet # 224 II. Reason and Back round for Chan e III. Method of Payment NEW PAY ITEMS I Not applicable Upon completion of the project the guardrail placed on 218th was damaged mutilple times. The decision was made to upgrade the guradrail to latest standards. The old guardrail was removed and replaced with longer posts and anchors per Revision #16. This work was tracked on force account sheet # 224. Sch. No Item Description Total Est. Otv Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of Item 1 Remove ancl replace guardrall Per Revision # 16 1 LS $5,369.84 $5,369.84 $ $ New Pay Items Total: $51369.84 DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-09.5 ! ruotappricabre Sch No.Bid Item No.Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ $ $ Delete Existing Pay ltems Total: $ Page L INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) [ Notappricabre Sch No.Bid Item No.Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ $ $ Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay Items Total: $ *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER:$5,369.84 x Total of the Cost of Item Columns IV. WORKING DAYS Original Contract:130 Due This Change Order:o Previous Total:L75 Explanation/Justification for Additional Working Days: *TOTAL WORKING DAYS:L75 * This Change Order + Previous Total Capital Projects Manager: Construction Engi neering Supervisor: Construction Manager: /,**J Brya J Barry Date: Date: Date: 13 L /3 3 Eric Connor Page2 KENT PUBLIC WORKS DESIGN ENGINEERING Carla Maloney, P.E, Design Engineering Manager 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6500 PHONE: 253-856-55OOWAsHrNcror Date: To: cc: April L4,202L Eric Connor, Construction Engineering Manager Paul Kuehne, Construction Supervisor Eric Knowles, City Surveyor lason Bryant, Capital Project Manager From Mark Madfai, P.E., Design Engineering Supervisor Craig Morris, Engineering Designer II CAl4 Carla Maloney, P.E., Design Engineering ManagerThrough: Regarding S.224th Street Improvements - BBth Ave S/S 218th St S 222nd St to 94th pl. S. Project No. 14-3010C Revision No, 16 Revise Guardrail as shown on attached drawing. Replace existing guardrail posts with B foot posts and rebuild shoulder section in front of guardrail face. Attachments: Sheet EXHIBIT "A" City of Kent Public Works Depadment Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director ov r€ (/', IJ -F @ o) 526700001 0 PELHANS THOMAS J EI 9320700400 FRELINGER J D+DIANE M CAMER i1 :l .,x) I =U e.o u lt 1l ii 1i i:1..1: t:.1.:a)iJ.i ..***- *.---.- S 21 6TH ST. r3 ll , '. 'I ! -/ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I,. ',."1' :::,-" j.ti:' I A i,:. . fxtsli:,- BUILDING 1. 95000200!' ND,.'' GORDON 88950001 80 PHAN STEVEN+HENG CHANNITA EXI ST BUILDING 88 50001 60I ALISON M 99TH AVE S 1:.. iA lr+,., CONCRETE DRiVEWAY 0722050934 NGUYEN GIAI VAN ':: .'.': . .. -. .-,. ':- U) Ll -F @ o) . .-88 1.. DECK BON 21 61 AC 1 VATE 1O"DEPIH BETWEEN EDGE OF ASPHALT AND FACE OF BARRIER. INSTALL 4"CSTC OVER 6"CSBC COMPACTED. AS SHOULDER TREAruENT AS SHOWN IN WSDOT DESIGN MANUAL EXHIBIT 1610-9 CASE 4 REPLACE ALL GUARDRAIL POSTS WITH 8 FOOT POSTS EXHIBIT "A" RIC +TRANG Chapter 1610 Traffic Barriers o For W-beam guardrail installed at or near the shoulder, 2 feet of widening behind the barrier is generally provided from the back of the post to the slope breakpoint of a fill slope (see Exhibit L610-9, Case 2). lf the slope is 2H:1V or flatter, this distance can be 2.5 feet measured from the face of the guardrail rather than the back of the post (see Exhibit 1.610-9, Case 1). o On projects where no roadway widening is proposed and site constraints prevent providing the 2-foot shoulder widening behind the barrier, long post installations are available as shown in Exhibit 1610-9, Cases 3, 4, 5, and 5. When installing guardrail where the roadway is to be widened or along new alignments, the use of Cases 5 and 6 requires a Design Analysis. Exhibit 1610-9 Beam Guardrail Post lnstallation I E .C @ .d E .E .o .E E d(o . 2sft : mln. : 10H:1V flatler CASE 1 10H:1V or 1ft m CASE 4 10H:1V llaller CASE 2 . 2ft I mrn. CASE 5 2.5 ft min. '10H;1V flatter CASE 3 CASE 6 i E rtr 6 10H:1V or flatter 1ft .d E .H o) 10H:1V or flaller 1fr mtn. c E E H Pavement H Pavement H Pavement Notes: o Use Cases 1 and 3 when 2.5-foot or greater shoulder widening exists or will be constructed from face of guardrail to the slope breakpoint. r Use Case 2 when 4.O-foot or greater shoulder widening exists or will be constructed from face of the guardrail to the slope breakpoint, r Use Cases 4, 5, and 6 when less than a 2,5-foot shoulder widening @from face of guardrail to the slope breakpoint_jseg 1510.04(2)). o Cases shown do not apply to terminals, transition sections. or anchors. lnstall terminals, transition sections. and anchors per the Stsndsrd Plans. r Cases shown onlv applv to standard euardrail run installations that are placed parallel to the roadwav. Applv Case 2 when installing guardrail on a flare (see Section 1610.03(4)). r See Exhibit 1239-4 for shoulder widenins/eradine details associated with suardrail. WSDOT Design Manual M 22-01.19 September 2020 Page 1610-17 Brvant, Jason From: Sent: To: Subject: Kuehne, Paul Wednesday, June 30, 2021 5:23 PM Bryant, Jason FW:Approval Needed for Revision #16 Guardrail,2l6th ST and 98th Ave - LID 363 2241h Phase 2 Again sorry for mistakenly not cc you on the email sent to Chad Chad says it's a go. Paul Kueh ne, Construction Engineering Supervisor Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253 856-5543 | Cell 206 549-23L4 PKuehne(irKenlWA,gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON From: Bieren, Chad <CBieren@kentwa.gov> Sent: Wednesday, June 30,2O2I5:01 PM To: Kuehne, Paul <PKuehne@kentwa.gov> Cc: Peterson, Kelly <KPeterson@kentwa.gov>; Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa.gov>; Maloney, Carla <CMaloney@kentwa.gov>; Araucto, Joseph <JAraucto@kentwa.gow; Brown, Rob <RBrown@kentwa.gov> Subject: RE: Approval Needed for Revision #15 Guardrail, 216th ST and 98th Ave - LID 363 224th Phase 2 Hi Paul, Please proceed with the installation. Thanksl Chad KENT !a^tFrrdt$x Chad Bieren, P.E. Public Works Director Engineering Administration I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5534 | Cell 253-74O-9139 qb-ie.i.en @ K ern tlv A. g o v www.KgnlY'tlAgov H :'-,:.W From: Kueh ne, Pa u I <PK-WXne-Rkentwa.gov> Sent: Wednesday, June 30,2O2t 3:0L PM To: Bieren, Chad <CBieren@kentwa.goy> Cc: Peterson, Kelly <(Pe!el:sqj-1-@l(en!i,yg.gq"J>; Connor, Eric <ECglllgt@kentlya.gov>; Maloney, Carla I <CMalonSrPkentwa.eov.>; Araucto, Joseph <lAtaqctoPkerytwq$ov>; Brown, Rob <RBro-wn@-lSgn-tgAHqy> Subject: Approval Needed for Revision #16 Guardrail, 216th ST and 98th Ave - LID 363 224th Phase 2 Hello Chad, Revision 16, has been vetted through Design, Traffic, Operations, and Construction. It involves removing; 50'of guardrail, 6'steel posts, and an end beam termination. Replacing with; guardrail, 8'steel posts and a 15'radius termination. The need for the change became apparent after traffic strikes on the existing guardrail in this area and internal expert review and outside collaboration with concurrence from the leading guardrail Contractor in the region. The Contractor's bid to perform this work is $5,361.L7 prior to prime contractor markup. This quote is competitive for work of this type and compares favorably when examined against similar work on other projects. To reduce risk to the City and to catch a window of availability to fit this into the Contractor's schedule an answer is necessary before noon tomorrow or preferably before the end of business today. €I*b BEATI CTJAI1DRAIL 73+f2.0,5, 74.S5'L ?S+$f.00, 6f,00'L INTALL J:J6. TAI.I ITI{IT LANE 0aJilEATORS (CAr.lDt-ESn g(S) 73+50.00. s3.so,L BSHN OMJBI€ \€LLOVI ffiI'IER UHE BEqT,I STOP EAR 7S+69.7d +S"S{t rrtlrl effit' llt4' 17 tc Paul Kuehner Construction Engineering Supervisor Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253 856-5543 | Cell 2O5 549-2314 PKuehne.@Kc$!ryA"gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON q HP} 2 Bryant, Jason From: Sent: To: Subject: Dan Rivera <dan.r@SCARSELLABROS.com> Thursday, luly 1, 2021 3:15 PM Bryant, Jason RE: 2'16th ST and 98th Ave G/R LID 363 2241h Phase 2- Revision # '16 Expect work to be completed on July 6th. THX! Dan A. Rivera I Project Manager Scarsella Bros, lnc. PO Box 68697 I Seattle, WA 98168 Cell (2s3) 26I-8432 From : Brya nt, Jason Imai lto J Brya nt@ kentwa.gov] Sent: Thursday, July t,2OZL 11:45 AM To: Dan Rivera <dan.r@SCARSELLABROS.com> Subject: RE: 216th ST and 98th Ave G/R LID 363 224th Phase 2- Revision # 16 Dan, Please have Peterson Brothers proceed with the work, If they happen to give you a date they will be there please let me know. Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-261-5663 JBryant(oKentWA.qov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentwA.gov Facebook YouTube -i-::-:i::!': -1.:L::j..i'j:.'l:* ?tll-: *i.i1...i.':t$irjit:..:='i::-i::,i.::-::l::::-:l:-!-=i::!i-: j:-jt: l:":"r:l.il- EXTERNAL EMAIL 8ns6- $rf L EXTERNAL EMAIL From: Dan Rivera <da n. r@SCARS_ELLABROS.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 30,20211:30 PM To: Bryant, Jason <JBrvant@ kentwq.goY> Subject: RE: 215th ST and 98th Ave G/R LID 363 224th Phase 2- Revision # 16 Does this look correct? THX!- Dan A. Rivera I Project Manager Scarsella Bros. lnc. PO Box 68697 I Seattle, WA 98168 Cell(253) 261-8432 From : B rya nt, J aso n I m_q i llg.: J B rva nt@ ke ntwa.gqy] Sent: Wednesday, June 30,2O2L 12:15 PM To: Dan Rivera <dan. r@SC{RSELLABROS.cqm> Subject: RE: 216th ST and 98th Ave G/R LID 363 224th Phase 2- Revision # 16 Dan, Do you happen to have a quote from Peterson Brothers? Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-261-5663 J Brv a nt6) Ke n tw-A.g-o*v CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook YouTube a-'i-;':r:::::1.:tltj:-:.:i:ii;i::r;-:i-i::::.:iii::::.::::;:j::;::.i.:!::-:::at.ii.lllia.;{.i'iiia:::-}:,:-:1, From : Da n Rivera <ela n. r@SCA.BIE Lt AERQS,a9$> Sent: Wednesday, June 30,2O2t 9:33 AM To: Bryant, Jason <i Srvant@l<entwa.qov> Subject: RE:216th ST and 98th Ave G/R LID 363224th Phase 2- Revision # L6 2 EXTERNAL EMAIL Jason - Do you have enough property behind the G-Rail? I thought we were up against the property line as it was. I think we would be encroaching on the neighbors property in order to fill it. I would say go w/Option 1, which is Petersen Brothers suggestion correct? Dan A. Rivera I Project Manager Scarsella Bros. lnc, PO Box 68697 I Seattle, WA 98168 Cell(2s3) 261.-8432 From : B rya nt, J aso n I m a i ltq-:lFg.g nt @ ke nlwa.sqV] Sent: Wednesday, June 30,2O2t9:27 AM To: Da n Rive ra <da ntRS-eARS *LABF05.co.ltr> Subject: FW: 216th ST and 98th Ave G/R LID 363 224th Phase 2- Revision # 1"6 Dan, Good morning sir. Sorry I was out of the office for the last few days. Below is an email from Carla with two options for the guardrail on the top of 21Bth. Please take a look and let me know what you think. Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-261-5663 JBryant@)KenLWA.qov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentwA.gov Facebook YouTube ili..i;!:i:::: i..::::':!.;i;i:::: -:-ttS f.-jt'li!i:t-::il:'ti::i"l- i.lii;:i-:ltr:::ir:-i-i-li:i.: :- ... .. .... From: Maloney, Carla <CMalonev@kentwa.gov> Sent: Thursday, June 24,202L 10:14 PM To: Bryant, Jason <J Bryant@ kentwa.gov> Cc: Con no r, Eric <ECon tgl@ kqntwa. gov>; Brown, Rob < R B_Iown @.ke nilva.&ov> Subject: RE: 216th ST and 98th Ave G/R LID 363 224th Phase 2- Revision # L6 3 Jason -you have two options that will serve our needs. Option 1 - Contractor proposal - The proposal they suggested appears to be an adequate solution/response to our request to install long posts. Option 2 - Backfill behind the guardrail, Without knowing the length of the posts in place, I'll assume it is a minimum 6' post. With that, Case 1 or Case 2 is what we need to revise to. Since we are filling behind the posts, I recommend Case 2 with the 2ft widening behind the barrier. I will also assume the grade difference between the road grade and the grade below to be 5ft. With a foreslope of 2:L, the total width from the back of the post to where we catch existing grade would be 12 ft (2ft widening and 1Oft width for slope). According to sheet 25A of 34, approximately 17 ft from the edge of pavement is available to the R/W line. If we include an additional 4ft(2 ft from edge of pavement to face of barrier and 2 ft for guardrail) we are still within R/W (12ft + 4ft - total 16ft), with one foot to spare. Stake R/W to ensure adequate width for fill material placement and work within R/W. Please let me know if you would like for Design to talk with the property owner to let them know about the work, Simplified Option 2 without narrative: Place fill material (Embankment, Method A compaction) behind guardrail to meet case 2 shown below with minimum 2:1 slope/slope NTE 1:1. Ensure grade from edge of pavement and beneath barrier are 10H:1V or flatter. Adjust guardrail height as needed to meet 10:1 grade in front/beneath guardrail. 4 StW:{er tf t0 Fsr W-bearn guardrail instel*ed a.t or fie+r the shou$der, , the barrier is generalEy previded fnom th.s back sf the po ef * ftll rlape [see Fxfrib,it 1510-S, fase 2J. lf thc rlape is I dlctance can be I,i feet ssteasured from the faae of the I birck of the post {ree Erl"ribit 1618-9, Case 11. ilrr gr*jeett lqfte{* r}0 t'{ad,*fl!,tvxdrunlrtg ll prnpcrtr.ur} lqt, pr,ov*ding thp Z.{unl sheu*der v,'iden*rlg hehind the ba,rri' are.ava{lsble *s shown in Erhihit 161fl-S, Cases,$, d, 5. *r gu.rrulira,ll wherr tlte rq,:dway rs t{r br uririe;retl or ahng r Cils{rs 5;tnej {i requires n E*.sif,ru Ana*?ti$, Enh*'bit 1S{tl"S Sqtftrx Gurrelr*il trs$t ln$tflllatiorr 1.$ ft mln, ! lti{ Ji.'!'lfl:11. 11*tnr GASE 1 CASE 2 t[}t.!u lrSH;lV fl *{ ifi a il .{ : I : : : .tr: Ei atf .q]l i : I t j l : *t E.E dtllrn j . -4r[., ;.rt:n.Stn--x+i;.;ffr I I : : : I : : : . i l : fu" It i[ffi !< .ll* | ,r'-:r.fJ- "'J.?i, - i1<r,t*rr-"' I i; -Yl',*r?.{}'.'l t cb 5 f ET-ID EENrt flJARDRIIL 73+se0J. 74,9S'L 7J+5€.O0, 66,00'L INTAII J-J6* TAI.I I+IIIE LANE DEUi.TEATORS (CAHDI.ESItrS) {?tl If From: Bryant, Jason <JBrvAnt@kentwa.gov> Sent: Monday, June 21.,20212:11PM To: M a loney, Ca rla <CM-denevP_kentwa. gov> Subject: FW: 215th ST and 98th Ave G/R LID 363 224th Phase 2- Revision # 15 Carla, Have you had a chance to look into this one yet? Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-261-5653 lBrvant@KejtWA.gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook YouTube ::l.i::..:.** ti")it:r:ii.-:!.i.t i:ii: .,laj:.J:;:i-:N:!;:-:::ij t i:::airlJ:-:la: $ii.ii.t , i ii,:: : :-: ai :..*i,i!j!1J". Fro m : J a ke K i m m e rly < i a kelQ pe_te rse n b.rot h e rs, cq rirl > Sent: Thursday, June t7, 2O2t 8:40 AM To: M a loney, Carla <QJV!a lo[ey@ kentwa.go_v> Cc: Bryant, Jason <JBrvant@kentwa.gov> Subject: RE: 216th ST and 98th Ave G/R LID 363224th Phase 2- Revision # 16 Please see attachment of King Co Project, We just completed which might give you a better visual of what I was trying to propose to you only difference is we would be installing a Type 1"0 anchor verse a Type 1" When I was on site Tuesday the radius I measured was a 15 degree as well 6 73+5{}.0C, S5"00'L BHGIN DOT'BI.E TAIOH C€I.IIER UNE BEOH STOF BAR '*i:'::":.::: EXTERNAL EMAIL I tl r From: Maloney, Carla <CMfl lgnev@kentwa.gov> Sent: Thursday, June 17 ,20218:27 AM To : J a ke Ki m me rly < i a ke @ pete rse n b.rqlhels. com > Cc: Bryant, Jason <JBrvqnt@kentwa.goy> Subject: 216th ST and 98th Ave G/R LID 363 224th Phase 2- Revision # L6 Jake - Nice talking with you. Looking forward to viewing the KC examples Carla Maloney 2s3-508-3593 7 r'lt FA Sheet No.:224 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED G Project Name: LID 363 224th St Phase 2 Proj ect No: 14-3010 Item No.: Chanqe Order # 31 Date: 711012021 Description of Work: Remove and reolace the quardrail per Revision # 16 Prime Contractor: Scarsella Work by Subcontractor?: No Sub-Contractor: T.ABOR NAME CODE OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate l-lrs OT Rate Rob E Foreman 80.56 107.94 $ Tvw Pipe Laver 68.84 99.58 $ Eddie D Operator 87.33 99.58 $ Blake R Laborer App 95%55.94 to.tz $ Tania L TCS 55.86 75.99 $ Dave J Foreman 93.16 107.94 $ SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $ LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 31% $ LABOR TOTAL $ EQUIPMET.IT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Description OPERATED STANDBY DOTLAR AMOUNTllrsHourly Rate Hrs Standby Rate 3-122 2016 F250 46.62 $ lcon Materials 181.63 $ 17-244 Cat 314 Excavator 73.84 $ 2-233 2010 F150 1S.76 $ 1 5-092 938G Loader 57.88 SUBTOTAL. EOUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ $ s MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT Peterson Elrothers lnvoice # 2107901 1 ea $ 4,794,50 $4,794.50 $ b c $ SUBTOTAL 0VERHEAD&PROFrr@12% TOTAL a 4,794.50 $575.34 s s,369.84 Verification of Hours Worked rorAl: $ 5,369.84 12% MARKUP (for prime when subcontract work)$ SHEETTOTAL: $5,369.84oate /k 23 0h Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: Daw 111112023 t, Petersen Brothers, lnc. 2008 East Valley Hwy Sumner, WA 98390 (253)863-8136 Scarsella Brothers, lnc. P.O. Box 68697 Seattle, WA 98168-0697 CONTRACT lD: 21-079 LID 363 - 224tn St Project LOCATION: 17'15 KenUUse Tax INVOICE lD: 2107901 DRAW lD: 2107901 DATE: Julv 10.2021 SALESPERSON CUSTOMER ID: SCARSELLAB PO #: 14-3010 Item Description Units Contracted Unit of measure Unit Price Total Units in Place Units in Place this Period Current Billing A1 RemoveMSKTTL3 A2 Remove Guardrail Type 31 A3 lnstall Type 31 GR, 8'SP A4 Type 10 Anchor (15' Radius) A5 Vac Holes (Utility Conflict) A6 3 Way Trafiic Control 1.00 EA 6.25 LF 50.00 LF 1.00 EA 11.00 EA 20.00 HR 252.68 17.36 35.64 1 ,181.43 66.56 65.22 1.00 6.25 43.25 1,00 11.00 15.00 1.00 6.25 43.25 1,00 11.00 15.00 252.68 108.50 't,541.43 1 .181.43 732.16 978.30 Total 4,794.5Q lnvoice Sub{otal Amount due this lnvoice 4,794.50 $4,794.50 Billed to date: Paid to date: Retainage Total amount due 4,794.50 0.00 $4,794.50 Current week quantities are estimated and subject to verification and adjustment at contract complelion. For questions regarding this billing please contact Jean Denison at 253-863-8136, ext. 126. ftrl 9320700404 FRELINGER J D+DIANE M CAMER tt{;-taac !rr"r.r,f Irtf ('eo*&^fr ir-.--r szoToodoto ll EXHB|T "A" FP& HANS THOMAS J I a EI I f >i ;l gi ; i t a c I I I I -.- Jl S 216TH ST. n ..-' d: EXIST dl .'--- nl BARRER. INSTALL 4-CSTC O\ER 6'CSBC COMPACIEo. AS SHOULDER 1REATilENT AS SHOWN IN WSDOT DESIGN MANUALt6to-9 cAsE 4 EXIST BUILDIN6 8895400 EDWARD I" I Lp EP t7?/77 V/77/ txrsf BUILDINC 6ORDON TRANG i icorcnsre rDRt!€rfAY, ..,',ffirm, r T4rrnr; s- .--.. d1 .-.-<:il1ll-l REPLACE ALL GUARORAIL POSTS WIH 8 FOOT POSTS il-.lf- ;. l I : I*f,4J,*tJ/ ;gAt 4F# * F.rt*"cr$ t*&a 7ltn, m \" 4,r4( v*,2L'ttauuZ 8895040180 STEVEN+HENG CHANNITA ! . : I BUrrolNc 0722'050934 NOUYEN GIAI VAN r-,2 fis,r, j t.rz.;uA ++ii. tr u1 LrJ :EF€(t, r* OECKA 'rt(): ! I I I 88950001 60 BONApT ALTSON M 21617leeTH AVE s t tr't'I*taYt { ! ) / o v *,{tt sa'!. l ?"I.t l r '*t;' , I $I tl ' r, tgt $ € : "." --* i:-----2,