HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-467 - Original - City of Kent - 2.34 Remote Work Policy - 01/01/2023 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: Agreement Routing Form DirAsst: 40 •kkv For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Dir/Dep: KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover (optional) WASHINGTON Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: Teri Smith Human Resources Date Sent: Date Required: > 11/22/2022 12/1/2022 0 QMayor's Signature Required �✓ Approved by Law Date of Council Approval: Q Upload Interlocal Agreements to Website N/A Budget Account Number: Grant? Yes NO N/A Budget? Yes�✓ No Type: N/A Vendor Name: Category: N/A Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: Original 0 40 Project Name: City POIiCy 2.34 - Remote Work 1. Project Details: Policy revised for effective date 1/1/23. Policy includes the following attachments: Agreement, Remote Location Checklist, Position Eligibility Checklist 40 C (11.111 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Agreement Amount: N/A Other E *Memo to Mayor must be attached i Start Date: Termination Date: lm a Local Business? Yes F]No*If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions"form on Cityspace. Business License Verification: ❑YesF]In-Process F1 Exempt(KCC 5.01.045) Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Numb ❑Yes❑No CAG2022-467 Comments: 1A Okay to sign. T.White � C in 0 3 0 N a Date Received:City Attorney:11/22/202 ate Routed:Mayor's Office 12/12/2 City Clerk's Office 12/16/2 adccW22373_7_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20210513 Personnel Policy Department Title 2.34 Human Remote Work Resources Approved: Dana Ralph, Mayor 2.34.1 Purpose The purpose of this policy is to establish the parameters for working remotely, where appropriate, to improve productivity among employees while meeting the needs of the residents, to attract and retain a skilled, diverse, dedicated workforce, and to reduce business operation costs and encourage traffic mitigation. Any questions regarding this policy should be addressed with Human Resources. 2.34.2 Positions Eligible for Remote Work Department Directors, or designees, will determine classifications that qualify for a remote work option, such as those with essential functions that can effectively be accomplished away from the workplace. Remote work is not appropriate for all employees and/or positions. Classifications more suitable for remote work are often analytical, telephone-intensive, or computer-oriented in nature. Classifications generally not suitable for remote work often require the employee to have extensive face-to-face contact with the supervisor, other employees, clients, or the general public; require access to material which cannot be moved from the main office; require special facilities/equipment; require work in the field; or have costly security considerations. The Department Director, or designee, will assess the responsibilities of the position to determine if the position is appropriate for remote work. No position or employee is entitled to, has a right to, or is guaranteed the opportunity to remote work. 2.34.3 Employee Eligibility Not all employees occupying the same job classification are automatically approved for remote work. Employees must have a documented history of meeting or exceeding expectations on their performance evaluations or other performance documentation. A new employee may be eligible for remote work after sixty (60) days of employment with the City if they show a foundation of knowledge to work remotely with success, have met or exceeded expectations, and their position otherwise qualifies for remote work. 2.34.4 Remote Work Agreement Employees who are permitted to remote work shall sign and abide by a Remote Work Agreement as established pursuant to this policy. Personnel Policy 2.34 Remote Work Page 1 1 2.34.5 Types of Remote work Arrangements There are three types of remote work arrangements as follows: a. On-going: This arrangement occurs on a regular basis rather than an occasional basis. Except in emergencies, fourteen (14) days' written notice will be provided if the on-going remote work arrangement needs to be suspended or terminated. b. Temporary: This arrangement is temporary and typically short in duration, has a specified time period, and may be utilized when tasks require uninterrupted focus, or other factors exist that result in a clear benefit to both the City and the affected employee. c. Emergency Proclamation: This arrangement occurs when an emergency has been declared by the state of Washington, King County, or the Mayor, and the Mayor determines that remote work is necessary. Remote work pursuant to an emergency may be required notwithstanding an employee's inability to comply with the requirements of sections 2.34.3, 2.34.6, and 2.34.8 of this policy. 2.34.6 Expectations Except as provided below, an on-going remote work schedule shall be one in which an eligible employee is permitted to work up to two days remotely. A Department Director may provide for limited exceptions to this rule based on business needs. An employee's remote work schedule shall not burden fellow employees or the operations of the City. For each department or department division, Directors shall establish at least one day during the week when all employees within the department or department division will physically report to their City work location. On-going Remote Work Schedule. A remote worker shall work a traditional schedule of eight hours per day, five days per week; provided, at Director discretion, an employee may work an alternate or flex schedule as follows: a. An employee working a 4/10 schedule may work one day remotely each week. b. An employee working a 9/80 schedule may work remotely two days during their non-flex week, with one remote day occurring on their eight-hour day. During an employee's flex week, they may remote work one day. Temporary Remote Work. A Department Director may approve a temporary remote work schedule on a case-by-case basis. Hours of Work. A remote worker's hours of work will be approved by the Director, or designee, to ensure there is adequate staffing (both in-office workers and remote workers) during the City's core business hours of Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. In the case where a department or department division has established hours other than the City's core business hours, the Director, or designee, will approve Personnel Policy 2.34 Remote Work Page 1 2 work hours to ensure adequate staff coverage (both in-office workers and remote workers) to cover those hours. Response to City Worksite on Remote Work Days. Even on scheduled remote work days, employees may be required to attend meetings and meet other work obligations in-person at City offices or in the field. For example, an employee may be required by their supervisor to attend a meeting, training, or City function in person even if on a remote work day. Work Standards. Expectations for timely completion of work to established standards, attendance at meetings, responsiveness, and other performance and attendance criteria are the same for remote workers and non-remote workers. Departments shall apply the same performance and attendance criteria standards to employees regardless of work location. Location of Remote Work Worksite. Remote work employees may be called to report to their City workspace or other City facility on or during a regularly scheduled remote work workday. Therefore, all remote work employees must reside within a reasonable distance to their primary City worksite to respond to the workplace reporting requirements. The Department Director, or designee, shall have authority to approve the employee's remote work location (generally, the employee's home). Any alternate location for a temporary/limited duration must be requested in writing and shall be subject to the pre- approval of the Department Director, or designee. The employee and Department Director shall consult with the IT Director and/or the Security Operations Manager to ensure security concerns for the alternate location are addressed. The request for an alternate remote work location is not to take the place of utilizing accrued leave; however, a request may be reviewed for authorization if the intention is to assist the City in meeting its business needs. Use of Leave. Remote work is not a replacement for the use of leave. Remote workers are required to use leave as they would if they were in the office (for example: if an employee working at the City would take leave to attend a non-work appointment, they would take leave while attending the non-work appointment while working remotely). Personal leave time to be taken during a remote work arrangement must be requested in the same manner as if the employee was working on-site at the City. Dependent Care. A remote work arrangement will not be used as a substitute for dependent care; when necessary, remote workers must make arrangements for dependent care during agreed upon work hours as they would if working onsite at the City. 2.34.7 Work Hours, Pay and Benefits The remote worker's schedule shall be outlined in the Agreement and in compliance with wage and hour laws, City policies and any applicable bargaining agreement. The total number of hours an employee is permitted to work remotely will be expressed in the Agreement and will not change unless approved by the supervisor. Personnel Policy 2.34 Remote Work Page 1 3 The remote worker's pay and benefits will be the same as if the remote worker were working on-site at the City. 2.34.8 Employee Responsibilities Remote workers are expected to follow all Information Technology and City policies as if working on-site at the City. Remote workers are expected to provide, at their expense, appropriate workspace and office furniture at their remote work location. Remote workers are expected to provide and maintain reliable internet and phone service, at their expense, that meets expectations of the City as determined by the IT Department. Reliable internet service is defined to be that which supports teleconferencing and video-based meetings; generally, this requires speeds at a minimum of 10Mbps and Wi-Fi that does not have any interference (e.g., router/access point should be near enough to the workstation to provide the best connectivity). When a remote worker's internet connectivity is not functioning, the remote worker shall report to their office. Frequent lack of reliable service shall result in a loss of remote work privileges. Remote workers assume full responsibility of any loss, damage, or wear, for employee- owned equipment and furniture; the City accepts no responsibility for damage or repairs to employee-owned equipment. Remote workers acknowledge that City records located on personal equipment owned by the employee are subject to public records laws, and the City may require all remote workers to search for and produce those public records as may be necessary. Remote workers shall: a. Be available during the established work hours via the communication means as agreed upon. b. Respond and/or acknowledge communications (e.g., phone calls, emails, messages) as soon as possible within the workday they are received. c. Be engaged in meetings that they attend remotely as evidenced through participation such as coming prepared to discuss planned topics, asking questions, providing input, etc. c. Have their Outlook calendars up to date and reflect workdays without regard to whether the employee is working in-office or remotely (the work location should be seamless to others). d. Provide satisfactory work products of the same quality as if working in the office. e. Accurately report time. f. Maintain a safe remote work workspace. g. Take breaks and meal periods as authorized. h. Use remote work hours to conduct only City business; not to conduct personal Personnel Policy 2.34 Remote Work Page 1 4 business nor to perform work outside of official City business. i. Maintain reliable attendance and refrain from unexcused absences. Remote workers may not conduct in-person business meetings at their remote work location. Remote workers who are non-exempt (those eligible for overtime) will not be expected to communicate on work-related items during established non-work hours unless previously approved by the supervisor. Employees are required to accurately document all hours worked. Remote workers are required to notify their supervisor immediately and complete the necessary forms if injured while working remotely. Remote workers shall take appropriate safeguards to secure confidential data and information, including secure wi-fi connections and secure written and computerized data. Any City materials taken home should be kept in a designated work area not accessible to others and returned to the City as soon as it is no longer needed. 2.34.9 Supervisor Responsibilities The supervisor will verify the employee is using only IT-approved, City-issued computers, applications, and software necessary for the remote worker to effectively accomplish the work assignments. The City shall not provide equipment to an employee working remotely in excess of the equipment the employee would need to perform work at the worksite, nor shall the City be required to provide duplicate equipment such that the employee has the same equipment kept at home as compared to the equipment kept in a City office. The supervisor shall identify, discuss and provide expectations for the work assignments with the remote worker. The supervisor shall review the remote worker's work performance and attendance with timely feedback to the remote worker. Supervisors shall communicate with each other to address matters such as timeliness of responses, availability concerns, work product issues, or other matters that may not meet expectations. Supervisors shall address with their employee(s) concerns raised by others to inform and correct, if necessary. The ability to meet expectations while working remotely must be seamless, performed without delay, and must not create undue burdens on others. 2.34.10 City Responsibilities Employees shall be expected to use City assigned computers to facilitate remote work; provided, the City will not provide duplicate equipment solely to support remote work. City supplied equipment shall not be utilized for personal use. The City shall Personnel Policy 2.34 Remote Work Page 1 5 not provide office furniture or other equipment. The remote worker's remote workspace is considered an extension of the City workspace. To ensure safe working conditions exist, the City retains the right to make on- site inspections at mutually agreed upon times. The City may provide technical support via the Service Desk for City-owned technology equipment, City network connectivity issues and software programs. The Service Desk team may remotely connect to the remote worker's computer to troubleshoot and make repairs as necessary. If the repair can't occur remotely, the remote worker will bring the affected IT components to the City for repair (the City does not make "house calls"). 2.34.11 Collective Bargaining Agreements/Civil Service Laws Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements, Civil Service laws or rules, or covered by the Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters (LEOFF II) disability provisions, will be subject to the specific terms of those agreements, laws or rules applicable and may be excluded from the provisions of this policy. If said agreements, laws and regulations do not contain provisions relating to this policy, the employees shall be governed by this policy. 2.34.12 References • Remote Work Agreement • Remote Work Location Checklist • Position/Employee Remote work Review Checklist • 1.5 Public Records • 2.14 Code of Conduct • 6.1 Safety Policy • 7.01 Business Expense • 7.4 Wireless Telephones • 7.5 Network Use • 7.11 Text Messaging Effective Date January 1 2023 Revision History 4/1/21 Previous Policy Name Telecommute same Policy # Related SOP s None Author/Staff Contact Human Resources Manager Approved by Mayor Dana Ralph Confirm City-Wide Policy Yes/No Yes Personnel Policy 2.34 Remote Work Page 1 6 KE- T REMOTE WORK AGREEMENT The following constitutes an Agreement on the terms and conditions of remote work between: City of Kent ("City") & , henceforth referred to as "Employee". Term The Agreement is in effect beginning , 20 . This Agreement will continue in effect until , or if no date is stated, until the Agreement is revised or terminated by Employee's Department Director/designee. The City and Employee will periodically evaluate the Agreement to determine its effectiveness, and to review communications, workload, operational efficiency, and/or related issues. After such review, the Department Director/designee, will determine whether it should continue under the same terms, be modified, or end with Employee returning to Employee's previous schedule and City worksite. Policies Employee agrees to abide by all City rules and policies, including departmental policies, the intellectual property rights of City, and applicable collective bargaining agreements. The employee should be familiar with the following policies and guidelines: • 2.34 Remote Work Policy • 1.5 Public Records • 2.14 Code of Conduct • 6.1 Safety Policy • 7.01 Business Expense • 7.4 Wireless Telephones • 7.5 Network Use • 7.11 Text Messaging • Remote Work Location Checklist • Position & Employee Remote Work Review Checklist Requirements Employee must complete the Remote Work Location Checklist Form and return it with this Agreement. Employee agrees to participate in studies, inquiries, and evaluations related to remote work. The Supervisor has the right to suspend or terminate a Remote Work Agreement for business necessity with 14 days' written notification to the employee, or less time in the event of an emergency. Employee agrees to secure City-owned equipment, documents, files, etc. in a confidential and safe manner. Work Location & Hours Employee's remote work location is: 1. Employee is approved to remote work: ❑ On-going ❑ Temporary/Project Based Agreement Form Effective: 1/1/2023 ❑ Ad Hoc (occasionally, based on business requirements; must be pre-approved by supervisor and may not exceed 2 remote work days per week) ❑ Emergency Proclamation (the duration will be dependent on emergency event and business needs) 2. Employee is approved to work the following schedule: ❑ 5/8 with and off every week. Employee may work remotely up to two days during per week. Employee will REMOTE WORK as follows: ❑Monday ❑Tuesday ❑Wednesday ❑Thursday ❑Friday ❑Saturday ❑Sunday ❑ 9/80 with off every other week. Employee may work remotely two days during their non-flex week, with one remote day occurring on their eight-hour day. During an employee's flex week, they may remote work one day. Employee will REMOTE WORK as follows: WEEK 1 (non-flex week) ❑Monday ❑Tuesday ❑Wednesday ❑Thursday ❑Friday ❑Saturday ❑Sunday AND WEEK 2 (flex week) ❑Monday ❑Tuesday ❑Wednesday ❑Thursday ❑Friday ❑Saturday ❑Sunday ❑ 4/10 with off every week. Employee may work remotely one day per week. Employee will REMOTE WORK as follows: ❑Monday ❑Tuesday ❑Wednesday ❑Thursday ❑Friday ❑Saturday ❑Sunday ❑ Other schedule or ❑ Ad-Hoc; please describe: Employee will REMOTE WORK as follows: ❑Monday ❑Tuesday ❑Wednesday ❑Thursday ❑Friday ❑Saturday ❑Sunday Remote Work Agreement (Effect. 1/1/23) Page 1 2 of 5 3. Employee's REMOTE WORK core work hours (when they are available to their supervisor and co-workers, and other work-related stakeholders): to 4. When remote work is not authorized, Employee shall report to work at the City worksite, including on scheduled remote work days, if Employee's in-person attendance is required at a meeting, to perform in-person tasks that cannot be performed remotely, to cover the absence of other employees, or other department business needs as determined by the Employee's supervisor. 5. No change to an Employee's remote work schedule may be made without advance approval from the Employee's supervisor. In the event the main worksite is closed due to weather or other emergency, Employee may work from the remote work location as authorized by their supervisor. Compensation & Benefits Employee compensation and benefits, including vacation, sick leave, and other forms of leave shall not be affected by the remote work arrangement. Employee must seek advance approval from the supervisor to use sick leave, vacation, or other leave on remote work days. Overtime to be worked must be approved in advance. Remote work will not take the place of the use of leave; remote workers will utilize leave in the same manner they would if they were in the office (refer to Policy Communication In order to maintain close communication and standards of professionalism while working from a remote location, Employee shall: • Notify their work group of any change their supervisor authorized in their remote work schedule • Be available to their supervisor and coworkers by agreed upon means during core hours, such as Teams, Zoom, telephone, and email • Return and/or acknowledge calls and emails as soon as possible within the workday in which they are received. Employee will agree with their supervisor on a plan for receiving assignments, returning assignments, and reporting to the supervisor on remote work days. Employee will maintain contact with their work unit and colleagues, including attending and participating in meetings, either remotely or in person, on remote work days as they may be scheduled by their supervisor or other City staff. Employee will report to their City worksite immediately at the request of their supervisor. Equipment & Expenses Employee is to provide, at Employee's own expense, an appropriate workspace and office furniture at their remote work location. Only City-owned software may be installed in City-owned Remote Work Agreement (Effect. 1/1/23) Page 1 3 of 5 equipment. Employee may not install or download any other software without approval. Employee is required to return any City property upon request. The City will maintain all equipment owned by the organization. Employee is responsible for ongoing operating, maintenance and repair costs associated with the remote worksite location, such as telephone service fees, Internet fees, utility costs, and homeowner's or renter's insurance. Employee is expected to provide and maintain, at Employee's sole cost, reliable internet and phone service that meets expectations of the City as determined by the IT Department. Reliable internet service is defined to be that which supports teleconferencing and video-based meetings; generally, this requires speeds at a minimum of 10Mbps and Wi-Fi that does not have any interference (e.g., router/access point should be near enough to the workstation to provide the best connectivity). When a remote worker's internet connectivity is not functioning, the remote worker shall report to their office. Frequent lack of reliable service shall result in a loss of remote work privileges. Remote workers assume full responsibility of any loss, damage, or wear, for employee-owned equipment and furniture; the City accepts no responsibility for damage or repairs to employee- owned equipment. Information Security An Employee working from a remote work location will follow all procedures outlined in the City Policy 7.5 Network Use. In addition, Employee must ensure the following: • The protection of organization data on disk, hardcopy, or on portable devices from theft, loss, or unauthorized access during transit and at the alternate worksite. • That approved firewalls and anti-virus software are on all remote site computers and are updated daily with current definitions. • That flash drives or other portable drives are scanned for viruses before used for uploading or downloading data. • Sensitive information in hardcopy form is returned to the office or destroyed in accordance with the City's policy on public records. • The employee agrees to follow the City's guidelines pertaining to the handling of public records (Policy 1.5). Safety Employee confirms that they have a suitable place to work at the remote work location and that to the best of their knowledge the worksite is safe from conditions that could pose a hazard to health and safety or danger to equipment. Employee must report any injury to their supervisor immediately. Limitations Employee must observe the following limitations when working from the remote work site: • Cannot conduct in-person meetings at the remote work site. • Cannot operate a business or work for another employer during City work hours. • Cannot conduct unauthorized personal business during City work hours. • Cannot use City equipment for personal use. Remote Work Agreement (Effect. 1/1/23) Page 1 4 of 5 • Cannot allow others to use City equipment or access the City's network. • Must arrange for dependent care during work hours. Note: Contact Human Resources for considerations during emergency conditions. Termination of Agreement This Remote Work Agreement is not a guarantee of employment and can be terminated at any time by either the City or Employee. A remote work arrangement will not be allowed to continue if it is detrimental to work quality, customer service, the work unit, or the organization. In such situations, the supervisor has the responsibility to evaluate the Remote Work Agreement and determine if terminating the agreement is necessary. In the event of termination of the agreement, Employee will be notified and provided the reason(s) for the termination in writing. In the event this agreement is terminated, the supervisor will make every attempt to provide sufficient notice, generally 14 days' notice, to allow the employee to make appropriate arrangements. City will not be held responsible for costs, damages or losses to Employee resulting from termination of this agreement. Agreement This agreement may be amended at any time by the City. A copy of this Agreement, the application, and the checklist will be maintained in Human Resources. EMPLOYEE: By signing, Employee states they have read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement and City Policy 2.34, as well as any expectations required by their department. Employee Signature Date SUPERVISOR: By signing this agreement, Supervisor agrees to work with Employee to implement remote work as described in the policy and this Agreement. Supervisor/Manager Signature Date Department Director/Designee Signature Date Reviewed by: Human Resources Director/Designee Signature Date Remote Work Agreement (Effect. 1/1/23) Page 1 5 of 5 • KENT REMOTE WORK LOCATION SAFETY CHECKLIST WASH I N G T O N This checklist is used to assess the overall safety of your remote work location. This checklist should be completed and submitted with the Remote Work Agreement with all boxes checked. Any boxes that cannot be checked should be addressed prior to submitting the Agreement. ❑ Can all work materials be securely stored? ❑ Is the remote work workspace free from excessive noise? ❑ Is the remote work workspace private and free of intrusion? ❑ Is your computer and other office equipment plugged into a surge protector? ❑ Is the office furniture in the telecommute workspace ergonomically correct? (i.e. 29"desk, keyboard in line with wrist position, monitor 20-24"from eyes) ❑ Is all electrical equipment free of recognized hazards that could cause physical harm? (i.e. no frayed, loose or exposed wires; bare conductors) ❑ Is there a safe exit strategy in the event of an emergency? ❑ Is there a fire extinguisher nearby? ❑ Are working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors installed? I have completed the checklist as accurately and honestly to the best of my knowledge. I agree to inform my supervisor immediately of any changes to the remote work workspace that could impact the safety of myself or others. Employee Name (printed) Employee Signature Date • 4^4�� KENT WASHINGTON Position and Employee Remote Work Review Checklist Employee Name Position Reviewed By Date Reviewed Position Consideration Consider the purpose of the position and the nature of work to be performed as described in the job description. Is it primarily information or service-based? Do any of the essential duties included in the job description require that the work be performed on site? If yes, is that a reasonable requirement and approximately how much time is devoted to those responsibilities? How much time does the employee spend at the primary work site? Does any of the work require ongoing access to equipment, materials, and files that can only be accessed at the work site? If Yes, how much? How much time does the employee spend traveling, in meetings, or in the field? How much face-to-face contact with colleagues and customers is required? How much of the work is portable? Is the employee currently assigned a laptop or any other portable media? If yes, when and how often is it used? How reliant is this position on computer technology at the City campus to accomplish its objectives? Does this position require travel? If yes, consider the extent to which travel is required and if the employee is equipped with mobile media during these times. Does the nature of the work require that the employee work and resolve routine problems independently? Employee Considerations Has the employee satisfactorily completed the probationary period? Has the employee demonstrated the knowledge necessary to successfully work remotely? How often is the supervisor needed to troubleshoot problems, answer questions, or provide direction? Can this direction be provided over the phone or via email? Does the employee have the technology, including a computer and remote-access capability that is required to work at home? If no, is the City prepared to provide it? Does the employee have a complete understanding of his/her job and performance expectations? Is the employee expected to work in a self-directed manner in the management of his/her time and work? Does the employee regularly demonstrate that their approach to work is organized and dependable? Do they regularly meet established deadlines? Supervisory Considerations Are you and this employee assigned to the same physical location now? Would you describe yourself as a "hands-on" supervisor? If so, how much is your style influenced by the nature of the work? How is the employee's work normally monitored to ensure that tasks are being completed? Can this approach work at a distance or be modified for successful remote work? How do you normally intervene when the employee requests assistance or you think supervision will improve results? Does this always require face-to-face contact? Does anyone else monitor the employee's work activities if you are absent from the workplace for a day, a week, or longer? To what degree can your style of supervision/management of employees transition to an online scenario? DECISION Position is suited for full-time remote work assignment. Position is suited for part-time or occasional remote work assignment. Position is suited for remote work assignments during emergencies. Position is not eligible for remote work. Position/Employee Telecommute Review Checklist Page 12